jakebark · 2 years
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200 Follower Event!
I recently hit 200 followers and I wanted to thank you guys with a mini-event... Howl's rewarded Jake with some nice alcohol, and Jake's not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. If it bites him in the ass, well, at least he'll be drunk.
Of course, he's got enough to share... or use as a handy bargaining chip. And if you want to ask a tipsy Jake anything--well, now's your chance! Send an ask or let me know if you want a starter~
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fursuitpursuits · 5 years
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RT @WhiskeyBark: Gosh I miss the burning sun on my fur :T https://t.co/ZoUwumqGKR (Source)
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jakebark · 2 years
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It couldn’t have been very long, but after an uneventful trial Jake arrives back at the campground to find his stash—sadly—empty. Leftovers taken by the Entity, presumably.
Except for one, which jar definitely not been there before.
“Well… that’s suspicious.”
Jake was not, however, the kind to be swayed from his actions by a bit of suspicion and worry for the consequences of his actions. The peppermint liqueur was pretty good, anyway.
Maybe he should have been a little more cautious.
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jakebark · 2 years
dogs arent supposed to have alcohol right?
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No, they’re not. Anyway.
Has not supposed to be doing something ever stopped Jake? Ever?
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jakebark · 2 years
Other than the Dweets, have you made friends with any of the other survivors?
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They count? I’ve been here for a while—I’ve made plenty of friends. Like Quentin and—the cat Dwight, and, uh… uh… hm.
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jakebark · 2 years
" 'Ey you-" David realized the tone he used probably wasn't the friendliest sounding way to start the conversation, but it was kind of late for that. Not that Jake was usually all that friendly with him anyway. It was kind of a mutual. But he wanted to get in on that drinking.. He had one hand in his pocket and the other was scratching idly at his stubble. "Er.. I 'eard you got some booze. Were you plannin' on sharin' or..?"
Jake’s eyes were closed and he was nodding his head to what might have been the imagined beat of a song or just idle movements, but he hadn’t really noticed David walk up until the man spoke with a harsh tone that was met with a mildly startled but mostly just judgmental side-eye. David at least corrected himself into a tone that was less belligerent. Lucky for him, Jake was in a pretty forgiving mood.
“I dunno,” he responded. Jake had never really gotten along well with David, at all, but he didn’t have a pressing reason to be mad at him now. And he did have plenty to go around. Despite his uncertain response, he did lean over to reach for the bottle, having to steady himself with one hand on the log as he did so before he handed it over, holding it by the bottleneck like he was handing over a knife. “Here, if y’don’t mind drinking it straight from the bottle… don’t have anything for you to pour it in.” He huffed. “You owe me one, though.”
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jakebark · 2 years
What's drunk bark like?
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He’s definitely… more… relaxed, and generally social/open. He doesn’t just hang around the campfire and brood like he does most of the time, now he’s actually engaging in… Conversation! You’re also much more likely to see him genuinely smile/laugh because he’s a lot less reserved.
That being said don’t leave him alone because he does… not do well by himself when he is drunk. At all.
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jakebark · 2 years
How you holding up with that alcohol big man?
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With my hands, idiot. Want some? I’ve got plenty…
Whether or not Jake misheard you or is trying to make a bad joke is not very obvious. He’s pretty coherent still though… and still a little hard to read. Nothing new there.
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jakebark · 2 years
rp starter | @jed-the-newspaperguy
The first thing that Jake found out from his newly-opened rewards was that being a little tipsy did not go away when a trial started. He really hadn’t even thought of it but when he opened his eyes to the inside of a hospital, a little too dizzy for comfort, he thought, Ohhh. Shit. My bad. That last particular thought was directed towards the other survivors in this trial, because… well, Jake wasn’t really good at chases to begin with.
Jake found a generator to work on and promptly put all his focus into not blowing that generator up, which he didn’t, to be fair. He heard the sound of fabric moving a few feet away from him after about a minute or so on the generator. He registered it. Didn’t really think about it. Then, on a severe delay, jumped and turned his head towards the noise to see the Ghost Face staring directly at him. “Fuck!” he hissed, getting up—and the generator blew up and singed his fingertips because of course it did—and scrambling to run, clearly just slightly off balance. Ohh, this was going to be rough.
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jakebark · 2 years
[<prev] | @ask-the-scrapper
“Nobody’s my preferred company,” Jake said without looking at David. “You ain’t special.” Despite the harshness of the words, his expression was still neutral—maybe even relaxed. It might have been a joke, what with the way his lips had upturned slightly at the jab.
It wasn’t even entirely true, either. David was sort of special. See, he was one of those survivors that Jake was much less neutral about. Jake got into arguments with him, fights, much more than most people. Their personalities clashed and if he weren’t tired and maybe a little more than tipsy he would have probably been up in arms just about David coming to his campfire in the first place.
He was tired and just a little more than tipsy, though, so he was content enough to just side-eye David and relax. “Hm. Yeah,” Jake mumbled. “I don’t need your… permission to know I c’n tell’y to fuck off if I want you to fuck off. Is whatever.”
Rather than remaining on the log seated next to—or near to, at least—David, he slipped down to sit on the ground and lean back on the log, arms coming up to fold behind his head. His eyes closed. “You c’n have the rest of that. I got plenty more,” he said, and then his brow furrowed slightly, like something else had finally dawned on him. “Wait—you came to my camp ’cause you were bored? Hell did you come here to do? Get in a fight?” That wouldn’t surprise him, and it was not like he could say very much, considering his whole… everything ever. “I hate t’ dis… disappoint.”
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jakebark · 2 years
"Oh hey.." James says as he notices Jake drinking.... "Oh wow! Lucky! you got yourself some booze!" "Have we met? There are so many copies I don't think your my campfires Jake but I'm not 100% sure. " James sits down nearish Jake but not too close cause he knows that most of the Jakes dislike people in general. @silent-daylight-james
It took a second to put a name to the face. James, right. Jake hadn’t interacted with many before, or really ever; there were some survivors he just saw every now and again and barely learned the name to and this guy was one of them. He seemed friendly enough, though. Jake offered a crooked grin in return. “Yeah it’s lucky,” he said. “I dunno what I did but the Entity popped a whole little crate down of ’em.” He poured a bit into a cup—a slightly more moderate amount than he usually drank himself because he didn’t want to make assumptions about someone else’s problems—and offered it to James. “More’n I could drink on my own. Want some?”
He didn’t recognize this specific survivor either, and James didn’t seem sure either. He shrugged. “Don’t think so,” he said. “Or not for long enough that it’s mattered.” Jake was pretty sure if this guy knew him, anyway, he would recognize him. Jake was… considerably different than other… Jakes, both in appearance and action. Damn, he didn’t like thinking about that. It was always weird imagining multiple of himself running around, and he was lucky enough that he never really met any of the others, because he did not know what he’d do at all if he ever did meet one.
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fursuitpursuits · 5 years
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RT @WarmikYeen: They are even in Prague... Those goddamn German tourists... >_> Luckily one of them were my friendo @WhiskeyBark , so I've decided to catch him for this #FursuitFriday :P https://t.co/xKFdwu3GAX (Source)
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fursuitpursuits · 6 years
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RT @WhiskeyBark: "You can try to take that from me but I won't make it easy" How the Jedi-wars started https://t.co/r19QKdBnEi (Source)
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fursuitpursuits · 6 years
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RT @WhiskeyBark: "Sorry Whiskey. Can I have a question?" *Turns around* "Huh? ... whoops" https://t.co/2hI0JKLbcY (Source)
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fursuitpursuits · 6 years
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RT @WhiskeyBark: I've learnt important things this weekend: - You can easily win a snowballfight with a bigger snowball - I'm perfect at hiding - Everything looks the same in snow - Lemon-snow does NOT taste like Lemon :T https://t.co/FXVGVcfI8z (Source)
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fursuitpursuits · 6 years
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RT @WhiskeyBark: I heard quite some people have to fight with's lots of cold and snow. But on #WhiskeyWednesday Whiskey came from the sky and opened the clouds for some shiny, warm rays of sun XD https://t.co/NyIR6aaNdH (Source)
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