#white dental beauty
keanhubs · 10 months
Elevate your teeth-whitening game with Oral Care Pro, delivering professional results in a quick and efficient manner. Its potent formula conquers all types of stains, unveiling a visibly brighter smile after the initial application. Enjoy the freedom to undergo the procedure anywhere, anytime. Take charge of your oral health for the exclusive price of 45 Euro. Act now and order Oral Care Pro – the key to a radiant smile. Order Now!
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universalinfo · 11 months
5 Common Dental Emergencies in Austin You Need to Know About
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When you live in the beautiful city of Austin, the last thing on your mind is experiencing a dental emergency. Yet, as fate would have it, sometimes accidents happen. You're enjoying a plate of delicious Tex-Mex when you realize you may have just chipped a tooth. Or maybe you're out for a jog and take a sudden fall, knocking out your pearly white. 
Moments like these call for immediate action, and fortunately for you, emergency dentist Austin has some great emergency dental services available. Let's dive into some of the most common dental emergencies residents might face.
1. Chipped or Broken Tooth: It's Not the End of Your Smile
We've all had those moments. You're relishing a scrumptious taco or taking that first bite of a juicy apple, and then: an unexpected crunch. First thought: "That didn't feel right." Yup, you've chipped or broken a tooth. 
Before you panic, remember, this isn't a unique Austin tale. With the many festivities and adventurous lifestyles of Austinites, such accidents are more common than you'd think.
So, what's next? Firstly, take a deep breath. A chipped tooth, although alarming, isn't the end of the world. Or your smile, for that matter. Rinse your mouth gently with some warm water to clear any debris. If there's any swelling, a cold compress can help. And remember, it's essential to consult a dentist promptly, not just for aesthetics but to prevent any further complications.
A little tip from us? Avoid using the chipped tooth to bite until you get it fixed. It might feel strange initially, but it's just a temporary hiccup on your dental journey.
2. Knocked-Out Tooth: The Clock is Ticking, But Don't Lose Hope
Ah, the dreaded knocked-out tooth. Whether it's a wayward Frisbee at Zilker Park or an accidental bump during a friendly game, losing a tooth is a jolt to the system. Here's the silver lining, though: If you act fast, there's a good chance you can save that tooth.
First and foremost, locate the tooth. When you pick it up, handle it by the crown, avoiding the root. Your next mission? Try placing it back in its socket. If that sounds too challenging, keep it moist. A cup of milk works wonders. Why milk? It helps maintain the correct balance of necessary ligament cells.
Remember, every minute counts. So, dash your dentist. The sooner you get professional help, the higher the chance of replanting that tooth successfully. Imagine the stories you'll tell!
3. Severe Toothaches: When Your Mouth Sounds the Alarm
A mild twinge when sipping a cold drink is one thing. A sudden, unrelenting toothache is a whole different ball game. It's your mouth's way of saying, "Hey, something's up" From cavities to infections, or even an abscess, there are many reasons you could be feeling that throbbing pain.
While it's easy to dismiss or hope it goes away on its own, that's not always the best route. Rinse your mouth gently with some warm water to soothe the area. Ensure there's no food lodged in between the teeth; sometimes, it's just a sneaky popcorn kernel causing all that discomfort. Use dental floss to remove any potential culprits, but avoid using any sharp tools or objects.
Another word of advice? Steer clear of placing aspirin directly on the gums near the aching tooth. It's an old wives' tale and can cause more harm than good. When in doubt, trust the experts. Book an appointment and let the professionals guide you to a pain-free existence once more.
4. Lost Filling or Crown: More Than Just a Royal Problem
So, you're diving into a caramel-filled dessert, and suddenly, something feels amiss. That secure feeling you once had is now replaced with an odd, hollow sensation. Well, you may have just lost a filling or crown. It's not just royalty that deals with crown issues; it's a common dental hiccup among us commoners too.
First things first, don't stress. While it might seem daunting, especially if it's your first time, remember that fillings and crowns can sometimes come loose or fall out. When this happens, you might feel some sensitivity due to the exposed tooth. 
Here's a neat trick: chew a piece of sugar-free gum and place it over the exposed area as a temporary sealant (just remember not to chew with that tooth). Over-the-counter dental cement can also be a temporary lifesaver.
Although these fixes are handy in a pinch, they're not permanent solutions. So, make sure to contact your dentist and get that tooth back in royal condition.
5. Abscess or Infection: Small Bumps, Big Alerts
Ever noticed a pesky, painful swelling near your gum line? That tiny bump could be an abscess, a clear signal from your body shouting, "Alert! We've got an infection here" It's the dental version of a fire alarm, and you wouldn't ignore that, would you?
An abscess is not just a small inconvenience; it’s a siren for a potentially bigger issue. Left unchecked, the infection can spread, leading to more severe health complications. 
So, what's the game plan? Start by rinsing your mouth with a mild saltwater solution a couple of times a day. It helps soothe the area and can curb the spread of the infection.
However, while home remedies can offer temporary relief, it's vital to consult a dentist for a proper examination. They’ll provide the right treatment and ensure your mouth gets back to its happy, healthy self.
Enamel Dentistry: Your Dental Superhero in Austin
So, we've journeyed through chipped teeth, knocked-out crowns, and those bothersome abscesses. But here's the cherry on top: Austin dwellers, you're in luck. For every dental dilemma you face, Enamel Dentistry is ready to swoop in and save the day.
When you walk into our laid-back dental office, you're not just another appointment on the calendar; you're part of our family. With a team that radiates positivity and top-tier equipment at our disposal, we're geared up to tackle any dental emergency you throw our way. Emergency dentist in Austin? Look no further.
Beyond just the SOS scenarios, we at Enamel Dentistry are passionate about ensuring your overall dental health is top-notch. Whether you're looking for general check-ups, a cosmetic touch-up, or diving deep with restorative treatments, our mission is clear: your brightest smile is our ultimate goal.
In the city of live music and vibrant festivals, don't let dental woes play the wrong tune in your life. Let Enamel Dentistry be your first call. We promise to keep Austin smiling, one tooth at a time.
Life is unpredictable, and dental emergencies can happen when you least expect them. Whether it's a lost filling or a severe toothache, it's crucial to know the steps to take and where to seek help. For more details visit us at https://www.enameldentistry.com/.
For those in Austin, remember that Enamel Dentistry is always here to assist you. With our dedicated team and cutting-edge technology, we strive to make every dental experience pleasant and stress-free. 
If you ever find yourself in need of an emergency dentist in Austin, don't hesitate to reach out. We're passionate about ensuring the residents of Austin always have a reason to smile. Schedule an appointment today and experience the difference for yourself.
Read More:
Finding the Right Dentist in Austin: 5 Reasons to Opt for the Best
Your Dream Dentist in Austin Awaits: 7 Tips to Make the Right Choice
How to Find the Perfect Austin Dentist: 5 Key Aspects to Look For
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yashasvi-dental-care · 11 months
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healthguidenow · 1 year
🦷💫 Blog Title: Dental Care: How to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy 🦷💫
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Blog Introduction:
Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for the overall wellbeing of our body. But sadly, most people tend to overlook the importance of dental care and end up suffering from various dental problems. Poor dental health can lead to gum disease, cavities, and even tooth loss, which can affect the way you eat, speak, and live your life. However, with a little effort and a few healthy habits, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy for life.
In this blog post, we will discuss some essential tips to keep your teeth and gums healthy. 😁🪥
Brush and Floss Regularly:
Brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. Brushing helps remove plaque and bacteria from the surface of the teeth, while flossing helps remove any food particles that are stuck between the teeth. Make sure to use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging your gums. 🪥🚿
Limit Sugary Foods and Drinks:
Sugary foods and drinks can lead to tooth decay and cavities. When you consume sugary foods, the bacteria in your mouth convert them into acid, which can erode the enamel of your teeth. Hence, it's important to limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks and opt for healthier alternatives like fruits, vegetables, water, and milk. 🍎🥦🥤
Visit a Dentist Regularly:
Regular dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining good dental health. A dentist can detect any dental problems early on and provide the necessary treatment. It's recommended to visit your dentist at least twice a year for a routine check-up, cleaning, and polishing. 🦷👨‍⚕️
Use Mouthwash:
Using mouthwash can help kill bacteria in your mouth and freshen your breath. Mouthwash also helps reduce the amount of acid in your mouth, which can prevent tooth decay. However, it's essential to choose a mouthwash that's alcohol-free and has fluoride in it. 🌿🍃
Avoid Smoking and Drinking:
Smoking and drinking can have a negative impact on your dental health. Smoking can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath, while drinking can cause dry mouth, which can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. Hence, it's best to avoid smoking and drinking, or at least limit your intake to maintain good dental health. 🚭🍷
Good dental health is essential for maintaining overall wellbeing. By following these simple and easy tips, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy for life. Remember to brush and floss regularly, limit sugary foods and drinks, visit your dentist regularly, use mouthwash, and avoid smoking and drinking. With a little effort and a few healthy habits, you can have a beautiful smile and healthy dental hygiene. 😄🦷✨
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optimal-living-lab · 1 year
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Dental Care: How to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy
Dental care is the practice of maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. Dental care is important for your overall health, as poor oral health can affect your nutrition, self-esteem, and risk of infection. Here are some tips on how to take care of your teeth and gums:
Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride helps strengthen the enamel of your teeth and protects them from acid erosion and cavities. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently brush all surfaces of your teeth, including the chewing, inner, and outer sides. Don’t forget to brush your tongue, as it can harbor bacteria that cause bad breath. Replace your toothbrush every three to four months or when the bristles are frayed.
Floss once a day. Flossing removes plaque and food particles that are stuck between your teeth and under your gum line, where your toothbrush can’t reach. Flossing also helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay by stimulating the gums and reducing inflammation. Use about 18 inches of floss and wrap it around your middle fingers. Gently slide the floss between your teeth and curve it around each tooth. Move the floss up and down, scraping the sides of each tooth. Use a clean section of floss for each tooth.
See a dentist regularly. A dentist can check your teeth and gums for signs of disease, cavities, or other problems. A dentist can also perform professional cleaning, which removes tartar (hardened plaque) that can’t be removed by brushing or flossing. A dentist can also provide treatments such as fillings, crowns, bridges, implants, or dentures to restore damaged or missing teeth. You should see a dentist at least once a year, even if you have no natural teeth or have dentures.
Do not smoke. Smoking can stain your teeth, damage your gums, and increase your risk of oral cancer. Smoking also reduces the blood flow to your gums, which can impair their ability to heal and fight infection. Smoking can also affect the success of dental implants and other restorative procedures. If you smoke, quit as soon as possible. There are many resources available to help you quit smoking, such as nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, or counseling.
Consider a mouthwash. Mouthwash can help rinse away food particles, bacteria, and acid from your mouth. It can also freshen your breath and provide extra fluoride protection for your teeth. However, mouthwash is not a substitute for brushing or flossing, as it can’t remove plaque or tartar from your teeth. You should use mouthwash after brushing or flossing, not before or instead of them. Choose a mouthwash that has the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of acceptance, which means it has been tested for safety and effectiveness.
Limit sugary foods and starches. Sugar and starches can feed the bacteria in your mouth, which produce acid that erodes your tooth enamel and causes cavities. Sugar and starches can also stick to your teeth and form plaque, which hardens into tartar if not removed by brushing or flossing. Limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks such as candy, cookies, cakes, soda, juice, or sports drinks. Instead, choose healthy snacks such as fruits, vegetables, cheese, nuts, or yogurt.
Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Water is the best drink for your oral health, as it helps wash away food particles, bacteria, and acid from your mouth. It also helps keep your mouth moist and prevent dry mouth, which can increase your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Water also contains fluoride in most areas, which helps strengthen your teeth and prevent cavities. Drink water throughout the day, especially after meals or snacks.
Practice good habits for healthy teeth and gums. Besides following the tips above, you should also avoid habits that can harm your oral health such as biting your nails, chewing ice or pencils, grinding your teeth, or using your teeth as tools to open bottles or packages. These habits can chip or crack your teeth or damage your enamel. You should also wear a mouthguard when playing sports or doing activities that could injure your mouth. If you have any problems with your teeth or gums such as pain, sensitivity, bleeding, swelling, or infection, see a dentist as soon as possible.
By following these tips, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy and enjoy a beautiful smile for life.
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bodyboxspain · 1 year
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#BeautyTutorial 🤍 ¡Blanqueamiento dental en casa! 🤍
1️⃣ Aplica una pequeña cantidad de polvo blanqueador con carbón activado Helly White en el cepillo húmedo y cepilla tus dientes durante 2 minutos al día.
Se recomienda utilizar el carbón vegetal todos los días durante 2 semanas y, a continuación, de 2 a 3 veces por semana para su mantenimiento.
Además de conseguir unos dientes más blancos de forma natural, el carbón vegetal ayuda a mantener la boca sana. Se acabaron la placa, el sarro, el mal aliento y las encías sensibles. Disfrutarás de la agradable sensación de unos dientes suaves y blancos.
2️⃣ El cepillado no llega al 35% de la superficie dental, así que es el turno de usar el hilo con carbón activado y aceite de menta. Coge un trozo entre los dedos y frótalo a cada lado de cada diente hasta la línea de las encías.
Su uso regular elimina la placa, los depósitos y las bacterias entre los dientes. Evita la caries y otras complicaciones en la boca. Combate el mal aliento, es calmante para las encías, mejora la respiración y ayuda a mantener los dientes sanos y blancos.
🎁 Consigue el Kit blanqueador de Helly White en formato venta con la Bodybox Junio #LoveIsLove🌈
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transmutationisms · 1 year
sometimes the way people talk about beauty standards makes it very clear that the only form of violent punishment for ugliness they can imagine is like, an afterschool special style hate crime with boogie men jumping out of the bushes as you walk down the street and not the much more common, much more mundane, and equally life threatening scenario of eg being denied a job because you don't pass or you have visible dental problems or you're fat &c &c. similar issues pop up in discussions of censorship that rely on the image of like pitchfork-wielding mob violence besieging a person's picturesque white picket fenced home, rather than what is again a much more common mechanism of speech control wherein your employer is the person who de facto enforces standards of socially allowable speech by simply firing you and also making you unhireable thru word of mouth, shitty references, &c. always worth interrogating the image & conception of 'violence' & the intersection of social death and economic mechanisms of ensuring actual death
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magnetothemagnificent · 8 months
So tired of the American culture around oral hygiene. You see it most in toothpaste or other similar dental products commercials. It's not "buy our toothpaste because it prevents painful infections", it's "be dentist ready" and ads showing people doing the "tissue test" to see how white their teeth are, as if the only reason you should practice good oral hygiene is because you're worried about the approval of others.
It's just...so harmful.
Oral hygiene is important, not because your teeth have to be perfectly white or because your dentist will judge you (they most likely won't), but because your mouth is part of your body and your health is important. The state of your mouth can impact the rest of your body, oral infections can become life-threating or impact your ability to properly eat or speak without pain. That's why you should care about oral hygiene- because it's your body and you deserve to live with as minimal pain and discomfort as possible- not because of some shallow beauty ideals.
I'm just so tired of the mainstream message of oral hygiene as being purely aesthetic. It's not. It's healthcare.
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hastyprovocateur · 7 months
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Ohaguro or teeth blackening was a common practice for aristocratic married women in Edo period, Japan and some men followed it too. There were a couple reasons for the trend, first being that richer women were able to afford regular makeup which comprised of a full white face as pale skin was considered beautiful.
With the absence of dental care, teeth were subject to appearing misshapen, discoloured so it was found prudent to blacken them. It was supposed to act as a cover for any dental imperfections that would otherwise stand out due to the white paint. It was also said to be a protective agent. Conversely, the look of rotten teeth were quite fashionable as it showed how many sweets wealthy women could afford to eat.
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Considering Akemi, she doesn't fit the aristocratic beauty standard either. The Shogun's representatives called her "too old" with "a few good uses left." Aristocratic women, especially aspired to be plumper as it represented wealth and Akemi is a lot leaner by that standard. So in the show's cultural context, Akemi should've been glad to have her teeth blackened as her title rose to "Lady", she became wife in the Shogun's family and attained her ultimate mark of womanhood. To be ideal enough to be chosen as a wife to the Shogun's son.
This is where Akemi's individuality and wisdom falls in, she doesn't mind presenting herself beautifully and being feminine, however there is fine line between being forced to perform as a woman and doing it out of her own volition. With Taigen, Goro, Watari, Mizu and eventually Takayoshi, Akemi uses her feminine charm willingly. Being demure, appearing harmless, sweet and sexually inviting to get something out of the interaction.
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She uses feminine talents like poetry, flattery and wit but not witty enough to make the man feel less than. However, at the time of arranging her marriage with the Shogun's son, Akemi was blindsided. She wanted to stay close to home, had apprehension against being raped/used/forcibly impregnated by the Shogun's son who was said to be a sadistic tyrant who likely killed his first wife for not being "wifely (read submissive) enough."
Of course Akemi was reluctant to blacken her teeth because it would be like being officially branded as a commodity. Thankfully, Takayoshi turned out to not be a brute and Akemi is more confident about her position in her new family.
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It's ironic that out of all the "men," Akemi used her charms against, Mizu is the only one who saw through it. Likewise, Mizu couldn't uphold her ruse of tough masculinity with Akemi who told Mizu that "youre not the killer you pretend to be" and "your face isn't even so scary, you're just angry."
Which is a HUGE flip from how vicious the men get. Hachi with the gun, Taigen, Shindo, Hamata, the Four Fanged, the Thousand Clawed completely bought how manly she was, resorting to name calling and dirty tricks because they felt insecure. It means something to me that Akemi, pinpointed Mizu's disposition without seeing her naked, unlike Ringo. And Mizu found Akemi's weak spots without having her in a position of sexual engagement, like Taigen or Takayoshi
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onboardsorasora · 8 months
I went to the dentist today for my post op and there’s something about going to the dentist and having your praise kink stroked when they’re working on you.
So naturally Max is a new patient at the dentist in his new city. Everything is great and fine, the sign up was easy, they took his insurance (an important reason for why he chose them of course) and the wait to get in an exam room was negligible. 
Everything changes however, when his new hygienist walks in all sunshine and bright honey eyes. Max can’t see all of his face because he’s already wearing his mask but his eyes are beautiful and crinkly when he smiles. And Max knows he's smiling because the edges of his mask lifts with his cheeks. 
His name is Daniel and his voice is lovely, happy and his accent is taking Max for a ride. His dark hair is curly and a little messy, as if he runs his fingers through it often and Max could see a few tattoos peeking out from the sleeve of his bright blue scrubs.
It's lovely, he details everything he’ll be doing for Max today. It's just an intro appointment to get a lay of the land so they can plan his dental journey with them.
“We’re not gonna get into anything too intense today, just a few x-rays, and pictures of your pearly whites and then the doctor will be in to go through his recommendations. And then you’ll be outta here in no time.”
Max can’t help but smile because he can hear the smile in Daniel’s words. Daniel claps and does some finger guns before starting to set up. He puts the radiation vest on Max’s chest, Max does not catalogue the feeling of his gloved fingers when they cup the back of his neck to make sure the vest wasn't digging into his skin.
Daniel tells him how they're going to x-ray and he puts the little device in Max’s mouth. 
“You have beautiful teeth, Max.” Daniel says offhandedly, he was looking behind him at a screen. Max clenched his fingers underneath the heavy vest. 
“That's it, perfect. I’m gonna move this to your left upper…bite down for me? Beautiful love.” Daniel murmured under breath as he worked. Max dug his fingers in the meat of his thigh.
The torture continued, punctuated with the beep of the x-ray machine when it went off and the fresh smell of Daniel’s cologne mixed with his own natural scent. 
“There we go, I just need you to– good boy.” 
Max clenched his toes in his sneakers. 
“You’re doing so well for me Sweetheart.” 
Max wondered what the maximum pressure the little x-ray device could take before the stem snapped in half.
“Perfect baby, just perfect.” Daniel breathed, typing on the computer off to the side with one hand and stroking Max’s cheek unconsciously with the other. Max inhaled sharply.
Daniel looked back at him quickly, worriedly. 
“Let me get that out for you, your jaw must be a little sore.” Daniel sounded a little sheepish as he pulled the device away, Max watched the line of spit that still connected them thin away to nothing. He wondered if Daniel saw it too, if he maybe wanted to taste it. Taste what Max tasted like.
He was hard in his shorts.
Thankfully, Daniel took his time with putting back the x-ray extensions and taking off the radiation vest, Max was able to calm down a little. He was further able to refocus when his dentist came in, an older gentleman with shrewd eyes.
They discussed treatment plans and Max heard Daniel making notes whenever the doctor called out certain things. Daniel eventually left the room and his dentist continued to speak to Max about short term and long term goals. 
He was out front in the waiting room when he heard a loud honking laugh. While the office assistant scheduled his next appointment, Max’s eyes strayed to a lithe man in bright blue scrubs that turned the corner. He eyed him appreciatively, hearing his voice as he teased another hygienist and they laughed together.
“Alright Max, your next appointment is–” Max doesn’t know when his next appointment is because at that same moment Daniel turns around and sees him and smiles. Max has never really been bowled over by a smile before, by a face. But Daniel’s is gorgeous. Max wanted to kiss him, feel his nose bump his.
If Max was an artist then Daniel would be his muse. As it was, he was simply struck dumb by the man walking over to the desk.
“Georgie, are you treating Max here nicely?” Daniel teased, Max saw George roll his eyes fondly.
“Of course I am Daniel. He’s your favourite patient after all.” George grinned teasingly and Max saw Daniel’s eyes widen a fraction before he settled into a grin of his own.
“That’s right.” Daniel murmured and Max watched the way his lips formed his words. He wished he hadn’t worn his mask earlier so he could have seen how beautiful, sweetheart, and good boy had looked coming from those lips.
Max couldn’t help it. He blushed.
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How to be attractive to men and my goals
Hey babes,
like I said – I want to incorporate RPT (Red Pill Theories) into my daily life immediately.
A few things that every women within the community seemed to be content with were:
1. You are never finished with glowing or leveling up. Never stop learning. Never stop trying to better yourself.
2. Pretty privilege is real.
I agree that pretty privilege is very real. I mean, I get affected by pretty people like everybody else, even if I don’t do it on purpose. It’s just something that is ingrained in our brains and I need to learn how to take this to my advantage.
I think I have a decent starting base, because I’m a skinny white woman in her twenties with long blonde hair. I am not really tall – even short men are at least 5-7cms taller than me – but I’m also not extremely short.
I have a petite frame but my body-shape is something between an hourglass and a peach. My face is average – I don’t really have striking features or am a natural beauty model – but my features also aren’t hideous. It’s really just something you can look at without thinking too much.
On a scale, I would rate myself a 5,5-6/10 on an average day and I guess that’s great!
But how can I make myself look better on a daily basis? I really took hours to research how I could make myself more attractive to wealthy and high value men.
Obviously, no man is like the other and every man prefers something different. One man might like tattoos and piercings while another man with the same social status thinks they are hideous. I don’t want to completely change who I am and I don’t want to spend thousands of dollars for it.
However, I really like this whole clean girl and old money aesthetic that is going viral on Tiktok right now – and I think those two aesthetics could fit me and my personality really well.
Most wealthy men seem to like this traits in women:
1. great skin without obvious pimples or enlarged pores
2. long and healthy hair in a natural color
3. straight white teeth
4. clean nails on both hands and feet
5. hairless legs, armpits and at least trimmed pubic hair
6. wearing clean and wrinkle free clothes without any holes
7. wearing a nice smell that is fitting to your overall appearance
I think those are the basics and they can be achieved by almost anyone. If you can’t afford braces make sure that your teeth are always perfectly brushed and that you’re keeping up with your dental hygiene in general.
In fact – if you have problems affording certain beauty procedures, research how to get as close as possible to them with DIYs.
For years, I always wanted to be the mysterious woman in the room. The woman with a dark aura, the woman that doesn’t speak much and remains most of her life a secret.
Well, I am not this woman even if I’m trying very hard. It would be an act that I would put on and I am sure that everyone in the room would notice.
I am naturally very bubbly and I love having conversations with people in general. I would also say that I have a broad knowledge on different topics and that I’m able to talk to almost everyone.
I am also very welcoming and I enjoy making people laugh and have fun in my presence. I tend to have strong opinions and I’m not afraid to take on a discussion.
With everything that I know about myself now, I made some points that I need to tackle in order to level up:
1. stop oversharing. Being bubbly is great but not everyone needs to know everything about my business. Sometimes it’s just better to be silent and to listen.
2. start with exercise again. I am happy with my weight but I am extremely weak and I have almost zero muscle mass. My breath is getting heavy if I have to take the stairs and my legs start to hurt after roughly 15 minutes of walking. I plan on going for a walk every day and doing pilates 3x a week.
3. start doing my hair and makeup again. My hair is long and blonde – so it is an eyecatcher. It’s also very healthy but I usually just throw it up in a bun or in a clawclip, so no one is really seeing it. I have multiple styling tools at home and I need to start using them. The same applies to makeup. I have so much great stuff that looks really beautiful and natural but I am just too lazy to use it. I plan on taking 20 minutes every day to do my makeup and to suck it up – because I usually always do a double cleanse at night, so it’s not really a struggle to take it off in the evening. It’s just inconvenient in the morning.
4. taking better care of my skin and of my dental health. I have high quality skincare and I love doing my skincare but sometimes I’m just too lazy. Let me just say that it doesn’t happen often – but still too much for my liking. Also my dental health – I need to make a dentist appointment asap. I think the last time I went was around 3 years ago!
5. buying better fitting clothes. I don’t like shopping for clothes but it is what it is. Right now I only have cute lounge sets for being at home but when I go out I usually only wear jeans with a basic top and sneakers. I want to look more polished and feminine. I want to stop wearing jeans and focus more on pants, skirts and dresses. Also literally any other shoes than sneakers.
6. go out more. I’m your typical homebody. Movie night? Reading a book? Ordering food? Count me in! I always have fun when I go out but I’m still mostly at home and I want to change that. I want to have a group of like minded friends that want to hang out with me. Maybe even at home. Lol.
I really thought hard about those six points but I think those are the first things that I need to tackle down.
In the end – I was asking myself: what could I do to feel the most comfortable with spontaneous outgoings and meeting new people?
It came down to wanting to look my best. Obviously. I want to make a good first impression and maybe even profit off of pretty privilege.
I’m sure we all know those times when we’re dressed like slobs and suddenly an opportunity to go out arises and we decline because it would take hours to get ready.
That’s the reason why I want to get ready in the morning – so I would only need to touch up if anything came up.
see you soon!
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Magnificent 1922 Spanish Colonial Revival Chiles Estate looks ancient, doesn’t it? It’s in Asheville, North Carolina, has 5bd 4ba $2.495M.
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Isn’t this open entrance fabulous? Look at how the walls appear to be crumbling. This was the vision of  prominent Asheville architect Ronald Greene and is known as Asheville’s *second* most famous home.
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I’ve never seen columns set right into stairs. Isn’t that unusual? And, I also like the shelving in the stairs- good use of space. 
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Very large sitting room- look how nice the windows open. Love that tile fireplace.
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Beautiful library. Look at the up-lighting in the dental molding around the room and the way the ceiling curves.
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Details like this cool original door knob.
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Isn’t the dining room beautiful? Love the blue ceiling and how it opens to the 
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Love the kitchen remodel. I don’t know why, but I really like dark cabinets. This kitchen has an updated Spanish Colonial look. Very nice.
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Striking blue subway tile bath.
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Spacious main bd. 
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This is a stunning en-suite- black tile and white fixtures. Look at the vintage sunken tub.
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Beautiful walk-in closet/dressing room.
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This is set up as a sitting room, but it’s really a bd b/c it has an en-suite.
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Loving the rose tile and vintage tub.
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And, this is one of the other bedrooms set up as a home office.
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Lovely big terraces- one open an one covered.
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Patio behind the house.
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Look at the dining room from the patio, and notice the covered outdoor walkway above.
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Looking down into the courtyard from above.
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What a cute building.
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And, look what’s inside- a bar and entertaining space.
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This is so cool.
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And, check out the gardens. What an amazing place to get away and be alone.
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A stunning .37 acre property.
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And look at this, it even has a park.
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bodyboxspain · 1 year
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En junio te proponemos conseguir tu mejor sonrisa de una forma natural, volviendo a técnicas ancestrales, con un kit de polvo blanqueador + hilo dental que te va a sorprender 🤩
No solo conseguirás una limpieza increíble y una boca más sana en general, sino que también lucirás unos dientes más blancos, brillantes y sin manchas 🤍 ¡Y todo de forma natural y gradual, desde la comodidad de casa!
Este kit blanqueador está en la Bodybox Junio 🌈 y es de Helly White, especialistas en productos con carbón activado para el cuidado de la salud dental ¿te atreves a probarlo?
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#bodybox #carbonactivado #bocasana #dientesblancos
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senshis-tenshi · 3 months
Hey! Hallo!! Your F/Os wanted me to let you know that they love you even when your teeth aren’t perfectly straight and white. They love you with receding gums or a gummy smile. They love you with spotty teeth, crooked teeth, missing teeth, buck teeth. They love you with dental problems. They love you with lots of fillings and root canals. All they want for you is to be pain free, the appearance of your teeth comes after that. Never be ashamed to smile around them, because to your F/Os, it’s the most beautiful thing in the world 🍀
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bigdumbbambieyes · 10 months
dental hygienist smut based on this post for @wickedlydevious jfnfkfnf 🤍🦷
Steve wouldn’t call it a kink, or even a fetish, because he’s never had an erection while cleaning anyone’s teeth.
So, it was maybe a sort of twisted conditioning that his boyfriend has put upon him.
Because Steve’s had weird sex before. He once fucked a girl who needed to have all of her teddy bears watching, which had been eerily strange and he’d not called her afterwards, but Billy was weird in a sexy kinda way.
Like, whenever his boyfriend felt particularly lazy or even drunk, he’d pepper a kiss to Steve’s neck and cheek and ask in a mumble: “Can you brush my teeth?”
It wasn’t weird to Steve because he did this for a living — he cleaned teeth!! He flossed and scraped and swished people’s mouths in order to afford a living. Seeing as it was how he’d met Billy, the ask wasn’t too weird or out of left field.
So, he complied. He watched Billy sit himself on the counter and close his eyes, almost zone out, as Steve carefully brushed those pearly whites (which Steve was still angry about because Billy was perfect in all ways, which of course included his naturally straight teeth, the bastard).
But, there wasn’t anything sexual about it. He’d tell Billy to spit and his boyfriend would lean to the side to do that into the sink, and Steve would brush again. He’d even get Billy to swish with mouthwash after.
It was like that for the next few occurrences, until one night, when Billy was particularly touchy.
Wrapping his legs around Steve’s waist and pulling him in, keeping him close. Playing with Steve’s hair at the nape of his neck, staring into his dark eyes, half-lidded.
And no matter how far Steve put the toothbrush, Billy never gagged.
Steve, as usual, had reached for the mouthwash when Billy stopped him and looked into his eyes, leaned in, until their lips were almost touching, and he’d whispered, “You wanna make a mess outta my mouth now that you’ve cleaned it?”
Dubiously, and maybe dumbly, Steve had asked, “How?”
And Billy, in that low timbre, had replied, “Want you to spit in my mouth before I go down on you," he wet his lips with a little swipe of his tongue, "Want you to cum in my mouth and watch me swallow it…”
And, well.
Cool, minty kisses peppered Steve's lips and neck in the next moment, a hot palm at the front of his sweats, getting him harder and harder as Billy sucked and bit love bites onto his skin. Steve sighed out a moan, pulling Billy off of the counter and watching him kneel, his blue eyes so dark as they peered up at him. It's beautiful how Billy's cheeks flush whenever he's aroused, hot all over as he pulls Steve's sweats down and still staring up at him even as the slick tip prods at his chin and mouth.
Billy's mouth opens, tongue sticking out; expectant.
Steve leans down and does as his boyfriend wants, spitting right onto his tongue and murmuring, "Good boy."
As always, Billy moans and takes Steve into his mouth, his mouth hot and wet and clean as he sucks and licks around the tip of Steve's cock, his eyes fluttering closed as he takes him deeper and deeper, until Steve can feel the flutter of his throat.
"Fuck," he sighs, grabbing onto the counter with both hands as he slowly pushes deeper, watching his boyfriend carefully and feeling warm hands on his hips.
Slowly, together, they fuck Billy's mouth and throat; the soft hums and wet clicks of his boyfriend's throat making his balls draw up tight, stuttering out Billy's name in warning.
He pulls back, just enough for the tip to stay in Billy's mouth, resting against his tongue as he cums, his jaw dropping with a long groan as he watches Billy pull back even further, suckling at the tip of his oversensitive cock until Steve breathes out a laugh and pulls away fully.
"Let me see," he murmurs, staring down at the blond.
Billy opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue, covered in white, and Steve spits on it again.
And with a moan, Billy brings his tongue back into his mouth and swallows it, pupils blown wide as he shows Steve it again, pink and clean once more.
With a desperate huff, Steve pulls his boyfriend to his feet and shoves him towards the bedroom.
The next time Billy comes in for a cleaning at the office, Steve has to will away his erection with thoughts of cavities and gingivitis.
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transmutationisms · 6 months
Lmao yeah not rly discourse but tons of ppl being like ‘I hate when celebrities get veneers’ and ‘we never see natural teeth anymore’ which is funny bc like … do celebrities have what they are referring to as ‘natural’ teeth? Unclear
zjskskxjs ok what's annoying about this type of shit is first of all, yeah, define 'natural' and explain what makes it intrinsically better. and second, people will act like they're performing some kind of vital social service by bemoaning celebrity aesthetic interventions, as though hollywood cosmetic dentistry is the sole and unidirectional cause of dental beauty standards writ large. like as though celebrities just randomly started doing this for shits and giggles and there was not possibly any preexisting pressure to have even white teeth that was enforced by things like pay discrepancy and extreme social stigma. like you will not find me crying for millionaires but why does every conversation about beauty turn into a referendum on what they look like. they're ghouls i don't care what they do and even if they all started walking the red carpet au naturale tomorrow, the rest of us would still be subjected to the regime of beauty as currency. none of these people matter <3
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