#white people tw
system-of-a-feather · 2 years
A little secret I would like to suggest people is to unsubscribe to the white, western, capitalistic concept of identity and the demand to be a "unique person" and have "unique perspectives and experiences" and thus define yourself by specific words and concepts and hobbies and shit.
As a mixed person raised in a house where both individualism and collectivist culture, the white and western idea of identity is just so unproductive and unsustainable and is inherently tied in to benefit capitalism. You don't have to identify with specific terms and groups or be particularly passionate or good at anything to be you and have your identity. You don't need to be Martha the Geologist who sews as a hobby and whose favorite color is green and...
I feel a lot of people get caught up in "not knowing who they are" because they get so caught up in the minutia of trying to describe yourself when you just... literally don't need to. You don't have to stand out to be you. You don't have to offer anything to the table to be you. You don't have to be consistent or limited to a box or any of that shit to be you.
What defines you and "your identity" is the fact that you fucking exist, that you've been living, and that you are a person who does things and wants things. You don't need to specify what things you do, or what things you want, or what your history has been to "have an identity" you have that inherently just by being here.
Identity doesn't have to be that complex and I just really pity / have concern for a lot of people who scramble for labels to define who they are because honestly its really largely western individualism that is driving that need which inherently is capitalist bullshit and having a defined identity like that is so stifling to both growth and just being secure with your sense of self because contrary to what might be pushed, people are ever changing and defining yourself by limited boxes is just... not gonna work.
Like honestly, you can identify with the specific things, that isn't wrong and honestly its a lot of fun to "identify" with things, but that doesn't have to be the foundation of who you are. I identify with a lot of things I enjoy, but like.... at the core the foundation of who "I am" is literally just me.
I am me. My identity is that I exist in the way that I do and the way that I exist is ever changing and thats completely ok because in the end of the day my identity is never leaving until I fucking die. It's largely why in this system I have literally zero concern about "disappearing" or being engulfed through fusion because my man, my existence is not going anywhere. It might change form, but my sense of identity is not threatened by my parts having different values from me or said values "mixing" with my own because those values are not - at the core - the definition of who I am.
But anyways. I was rambling about this in the back cause I don't shut the fuck up. I just really dislike the inherent inefficiency, over complicated, and unsustainability that individualism has on shit and how it literally perpetuates and fuels capitalistic ideals.
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haleafine · 2 years
So according to three Caucasians I'm a big old racist because i said the w h i t e s are Karen's. They are that's what the term is usually for. Then said saying coloured people is fine even though I vehemently said it extensively offensive. Guess that makes me a bovine according to one of them.... whatever.
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Then two guys chimed in....
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Second guy....
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amelia-yap · 4 months
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internal screeching
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fangsnpaws · 4 months
fang moodboard ★
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div. ✩ reqs open!
🦷 ✩🩸✩ 🦷 | 🩸✩ 🦷 ✩🩸 | 🦷 ✩🩸✩ 🦷
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geneticdriftwood · 5 months
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persephone's in hell; a rooftop conversation
for @mysterycitrus
persephone's in hell, @mysterycitrus // white winter hymnal, fleet foxes // assorted dc comics
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miwtual · 1 month
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EWAN MITCHELL in the music video for In The Modern World by Fontaines D.C.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Quick tip: If a trans passing guide is focused on thinness, whiteness, or getting rid of anything about yourself that is "too clockable" (regardless of if that thing about yourself makes you happy), maybe it isn't worth fretting about, since it is clearly coming from a homogenized idea of what passing looks like
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nat-stimmy · 1 year
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Synth suit by Raptor's Den (SOURCE)
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saintjosie · 1 year
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i’m gonna cave and say one more thing about demilypyro because it irritates me to no end that people are accusing me of lacking reading comprehension when imo the actual issue is a tremendous lack of historical context and how out of touch people are with how absofuckinglutely devastating christianity has been to the modern world, especially for people of color.
But sure, some christians and weirdos online think trans people are icky so it's not real, probably. lol.
THIS is the part of her post i have tremendous issue with. it’s not her coping with humor. and i hope it’s obvious that i think transphobia is bad.
christians have done SO so much more harm than just thinking that queer people are icky. because before colonization happened, queerness was common and accepted, and in many cultures, even revered.
but then guess what, the roman empire happened. and then after the byzantine empire happened.
and then after that the still very much alive institutionalized catholic church rooted it’s cancer in the world.
and then after that, the british, french, spanish, portugese, german, italian, and yes, dutch (being particularly relevant, demilypyro supposedly being from the netherlands) empires happened.
and of course, we now have america.
and thus through conquest, bloodshed, and genocide, white people spread christianity to literally every corner of the world and with it, christian values of homophobia and transphobia.
as a second generation korean immigrant, first generation american, and the eldest child of a pastor, i am directly impacted and incredibly traumatized from white colonialism.
so yeah, it pissed me off more than a little bit how quick people are to accuse me of lacking reading comprehension and jumping to defend someone who made at best, a carelessly offensive and at worst, horrendously privileged comment.
if you don't have to think at least a little bit everyday how horrendously fucked up things are because of christianity, then that is an immense privilege.
i stand by what i said and i hope that more people seek to actively decolonize themselves instead of reveling in passive ignorance.
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The most infuriating thing about outrage grifters saying "you can't criticize anything nowadays" is that they're the reason it's so tough to criticize anything diverse. Every review of something that's being targeted has to be written very carefully so racists won't think you're one of them and even then you know your words are gonna be taken and used against you to fuel some bigoted agenda. A man wrote a negative but good faith review of Glass Onion and Ben Shapiro stole his points to clumsily camouflage the rest of his review which is just far-right rage about Elon Musk is above criticism and how much he hates female protagonists of color. You make a criticism that you would have made if the protagonist had been a white man and it gets quote mined for some Youtuber's video about how the movie would have been perfect if only the protagonist had been a white man. You mix in criticism and praise and they only hear the criticism, because they decided they hated it just for having marginalized people and are looking for excuses.
If you make your own opinions, you get swarmed by a mob of people who get told their opinions by outrage grifters. This happens regardless of whether your opinion is positive or negative. But there is something uniquely infuriating that genuine, good faith criticism that respects the creators is being drowned out by people who think bigotry is "criticism" and that if they slap the word "woke" on it that magically makes it not racist.
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usercelestial · 2 months
all of you were like "ill vote if it's not for Joe Biden!!" but now that you're voting for Person Who Is Not Joe Biden, you're all still like "yeah but she sucks too!!" im gonna hold your hand so gently and tell you that it's wonderful that you want better but you won't be able to get to the utopia you want by speed running it and skipping all the steps. you want a rebellion, you have to plan it, you have to be strategic, you have to vote for people who are closest to the future you want so that progress can happen. that's how change is made. not by letting the far right win.
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sethdomain · 6 days
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snowdin-stims · 5 months
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🌻 | source
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ricky-olson · 1 year
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What’s your update? (src.)
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lgbtqtext · 15 days
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Come for Pete White, stay for the crippling experience of seeing people change and be changed by others.
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