#who I frequently call the neurodivergent ying to my neurodivergent yang
agendercryptidlev · 5 months
haha wait sory follow up to the last two asks . i finally remember what the term for it is. Like, double standards. My issue with how some ppl interpret The Laios and Toshiro argument is how they kind of hold them to a diff standard of like tha fault is mostly with Toshiro for not speaking up instead of Laios because ppl see him as more oblivious in general even tho yea i mean that's fair i can also be like that sometimes!!! but its unfair that ppl say Toshiro isn't some flavour of neurodivergent too and is just like. an allistic asshole. lmao
either way i think theyre both interestingly flawed. and i enjoyed their fight and what it like meant for both of them (a big growth moment because laios like has a more understanding perspective of others' now and how like some ppl are going to be annoyed with him / how he should be more careful going forward with boundaries. and he also like . can see other ppls perspectives more in particular how toshiros sleep deprivation and lack of eating contributed to him lashing out suddenly at Laios.
and then how for Toshiro he kinda like? becomes more assertive and like doesnt just repress whatever it is he wants to say. Like the fight is super well written and interesting for both of their characters' growth so i want more ppl to kind of like /get/ that its less of a NT vs ND typa situation and more of a yeah these guys are both autistic, goin at it, and learning from their past mistakes. Getting worse before they get better at communication, that kind of stuff :]
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I think this is all very valid and true and honestly this sorta fandom mini-ecosystem is really reflective of how people view neurodivergence as a whole, like there's some sorta monolith and one size fits all solution.
IDK how many people have this experience but at my elementary school they had a special daily class for the kids with "social difficulties" which basically meant they threw all the neurodiverse kids in a room and treated their different symptoms as exactly the same and were surprised when most of us HATED each other by the end. I have little to no volume control and was put next to a kid with severe noise sensitivity and yet they thought we'd get along because we both deviated from the norm. People expect there to be one true neurodivergent experience and it just doesn't work like that.
I definitely get what you mean about relating to both Laios and Toshiro and being annoyed at the mentality that you need to pick a side too, even if there is a million percent more Laios in me than Toshiro. A lot of people don't realize that people's symptoms don't follow an archetype and can have symptoms that seem to conflict with each other (I for example am a selective mute who also talks impulsively). People keep making false dichotomies with this stuff which is also where the temptation to make it into an autistic vs allistic right vs wrong thing comes in and it's a whole mess.
At the end of the day I just wish people were comfortable viewing this moment of conflict between Laios and Toshiro as a moment both of them needed to have to learn and grow, that's why they were both all bruised up at the end, neither came out as someone perfect but it's what they need to move past their differences and stuff.
That's also why I think it's so cool that there's a whole community online full of other neurodivergent folks who can all throw their own perspectives in and all that! I really enjoy hearing your perspective on Toshiro's character and I'm glad you help me think about him in ways I wouldn't have been able to on my own! :3
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