#who fucked a plant and died? We'll never know
pinkrangermemes · 4 months
EPIC: The Musical
lyrics that absolutely fuck me up, feel free to change pronouns and such as needed
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"A mission to kill someone's son, a foe who won't run, unlike anyone you have faced before."
"I'd rather bleed for you."
"This is the will of the gods."
"Don't make me do this."
"The blood on your hands is something you won't lose. All you can choose is whose."
"You're as old as he was when I left for war."
"How could I hurt you?"
"I'm just a man who's trying to go home."
"When does a man become a monster?"
"When does the reason become the blame?"
"Forgive me."
"We should try to find a way no one ends up dead."
"You can relax, my friend."
"Think of all that we have been through. We'll survive what we get into."
"This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms."
"I see in your face there is so much guilt inside your heart."
"Have you forgotten to turn off your heart? This is not you."
"Have you forgotten your purpose? Let me remind you."
"Don't forget that you're a warrior of a very special kind."
"Don't disappoint me."
"What gives you the right to deal a pain so deep?"
"Don't you know that pain you sow is pain you reap?"
"Your life now is in my hand."
"A trade, you see. Take from me like you took from me."
"You shall be the final man to die."
"It's just one life to take."
"When we kill him our journey's over."
"You've hurt me enough."
"When I kill you, my pain is over."
"Mark my words now. This is not the end."
"Remember them."
"Who hurts you?"
"If nobody hurt you, be silent."
"He's still a threat until he's dead."
"Finish it."
"What good would killing do, when mercy is a skill more of this world could learn to use?"
"The blood we shed, it never dries."
"I am your darkest moment."
"I am the infamous _______!"
"This way, you won't disappoint me."
"This way, you won't waste my time."
"Unlike you, every time someone dies, I'm left to deal with the strain."
"I'll remind you, I saw you as a friend, but now we're done."
"This way, you won't plague my life."
"This way, you'll close the door and have your damn goodbye."
"Since you claim you're so much wiser, why's your life spent all alone?"
"You're alone!"
"This day, you sever your own head."
"This day, you lost it all. Consider this as my goodbye."
"Don't forget how dangerous the gods are."
"How much longer 'til your luck runs out?"
"You rely on wit, and people die on it."
"I still believe in goodness."
"Lead from the heart, and see what starts."
"And what will we do when it tears us apart?"
"You're like the brother I could never do without."
"How much longer 'til your strength takes leave?"
"I can't have you planting seeds of doubt."
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
"Sometimes killing is a must."
"Friends turn into foes and rivalries."
"Never really know who you can trust."
"The end always justifies the means."
"So much has changed, but I'm the same."
"I'm left without a choice and without a doubt."
"Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves."
"You are the worst kind of good 'cause you're not even great."
"You are far too nice."
"Mercy has a price."
"Unlike you, I've got no mercy left to give."
"The line between naivete and hopefulness is almost invisible."
"What have you done?"
"I am your darkest moment, the monster that always draws near."
"Remember me."
"There's only so much left we can endure."
"Think of your past and your mistakes."
"No, I'm not a player. I'm a puppeteer."
"I can hardly sleep now, knowing everything we've done."
"It's a game of wits, but you don't have to play."
"A foe like ____ is not to be messed with."
"You could be hurt or you could beat her."
"I'll help you conquer her."
"Wouldn't you like your outcome preferred?"
"Don't thank me, friend, you very well may die."
"Did you do something to them?"
"I don't know who you are or why you're here, but let me make this one thing clear."
"I've got people to protect, friends I can't neglect, so now there is no turning back."
"Back at home my wife waits for me. She's my everything, my _____."
"Maybe showing one act of kindness leads to kinder souls down the road."
"This land confuses your mind."
"All I hear are screams every time I dare to close my eyes."
"I no longer dream, only nightmares of those who've died."
"Why would you let _____ live when ruthlessness is mercy?"
"I keep thinking of the infant from that night."
"____, when you come home, I'll be waiting."
"Even if you're the last thing I see, I'll be waiting."
"I took too long."
"I'll always love you."
"Your past is always close behind."
"I see a song of past romance."
"I see portrayals of betrayal and a brother's final stand."
"I see a man who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you."
"We've suffered and sailed through the toughest of Hells, now you tell us our efforts were nothing?"
"I see a wife with a man who is haunting. A man with a trail of bodies."
"How has everything been turned against us?"
"How did suffering become so endless?"
"Do I need to change?"
"What if I'm the monster?"
"What if I'm the problem that's been hiding all along?"
"If I became the monster, and threw that guilt away, would that make us stronger?"
"So what if I'm the monster lurking deep below?"
"If I gotta drop another infant from a wall in an instant so we all don't die, then I'll become the monster."
"I'll become the monster."
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Forget-me-not - Eddie Munson x Reader
Forget-me-not (Myosotis) - Meaning: Don't forget me, remembrance
Summary: Reader visits Eddie's grave. Little does she know what awaits her there.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 958
Warnings: Drug use (reader smokes weed), ANGST (with a happy-ish ending), dead!Eddie, Reader was part of ST4 events, cemetery setting, Vampire!Eddie, blood
Day 17 is another angsty one but I think it ends on a positive note. I love Eddie, and I fully believe the Cas storyline is what we'll see in season 5 cuz there's no freakin way I will just forget about this sweet metalhead, you hear me Duffers??
In Bloom Masterlist
Likes, Comments, Reblogs are SUPER appreciated! ❤️
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You held your breath for as long as you could, feeling the smoke invade your lungs before sputtering it loose. The smoke filled the inside of your shitty beater car. You knew you’d reek of it for the rest of the day but you didn’t care. 
You hadn’t cared about much for the last few months. Not since Eddie died. 
Taking another hit, you glanced over at your passenger seat. A bundle of fresh cut flowers — white daisies, the flowers Eddie had brought you on your first date because he heard they were your favorite. A pang of sadness hit you right in the gut, like a punch and you blew out the smoke, feeling the calming effect of the weed. 
You’d only been here a few times since the funeral. It was difficult to bring yourself here, to stand where his uncle had buried an empty coffin and pretend Eddie was down there instead of stuck in the hellish landscape that was the Upside-Down. 
God, everything was so fucked up. 
The whole town was convinced he was a bloodthirsty maniac who deserved what he got. Only you, Wayne, and Hellfire club knew him for what he’d been. A sweet, brave, incredible guy who lived in his imagination because reality was difficult. 
He’d called you ‘princess’ and ‘love’ and drove you to and from school every day in his van, holding your hand the whole way there. He planted kisses on your cheeks when you passed in the halls and wrote you little love notes that he snuck between the pages of your notebook or textbooks so you’d find them later. 
He’d been so gentle when he took your virginity (after having listened to your long-winded feminist rant about how virginity was a “bullshit patriarchal concept”). Every touch and sigh and moan etched on your memory forever. Afterward, he cleaned you up and wrapped you in his lanky arms and told you he loved you for the first time, his big doe eyes shining in the dim light of his room. 
You’d been so incredibly, irrevocably in love with him. And he was gone. 
If you didn’t get out of the car now, you never would, so you stubbed out your blunt and grabbed the flowers and got out. The cemetery was quiet, despite being next to a busy highway. It was early evening, the sun hanging low in the sky and casting everything in an orange glow. Walking through the rows and rows of headstones until you found the familiar name. 
‘Edward Munson’
‘Now at Peace’
Except that wasn’t the truth. His body was rotting in another dimension, probably torn to shreds and completely unrecognizable by now. 
“Hey, love,” you said to the chunk of granite. “I brought daisies.” You crouched, laying the bouquet in front of the headstone before plucking out a few longer blades of grass that threatened to obscure his name. 
You sat down in front of it, not really sure what to do. Talk to him? Cry? Another long feminist rant about how you hated the idea of marriage but how you would’ve married him in a heartbeat? 
Because you would’ve. 
“I’m sorry, baby,” you said, absentmindedly picking at the grass around you. “I should’ve gone with you and Dustin. I could have dragged you back so at least you’d be here and not there. If I’d been there, you’d be home. Or maybe you…” you trailed off with a long sigh. “It’s no use living in the past, is it? Except that’s where you are, it’s the only place you are right now and I can’t — how do I keep going on without you? I just want to hear you laugh again, Eddie. Feel your arms around me one more time…” 
Tears spilled down your cheeks. The gaping wound in your chest reopened and you doubled over, letting yourself sob. You cried until the sun disappeared, at some point laying down on your side in the fetal position. 
At some point you must’ve fallen asleep, because you woke up sometime later to a brush against your cheek. Your eyes fluttered open and you shivered in the chilly night air as you sat up, looking around. You had the strange feeling you weren’t alone. 
The sound of leaves rustling behind you made you turn, and you choked on your gasp. 
Sitting on top of his own headstone, looking a little worse for wear but still beautiful, was Eddie. His clothes were torn, but free of blood. His curls were frizzing out under his bandana, and his rings glinted in the moonlight. 
He looked up at you from under his brow and smiled wickedly, “Hello, princess.” 
You scrambled toward him, a fresh wave of tears falling down your cheeks. Eddie met you in the middle, kneeling in front of his headstone and welcoming you into his embrace which you dove into, clutching his leather jacket and burying your face in his neck. 
“Shh, princess, I’m here,” he muttered soothingly. Placing kisses from your cheek down to your neck, you barely registered a pinching pain from his teeth. He groaned. “Ohh, you taste so good. Missed you so much, so sweet for me…”
You sniffled and pulled back from him to look him in the eyes — his big brown eyes that you swore you could drown in — but your gaze was drawn down to his chin, covered in something that made it dark. With a shaking hand, you reached up and traced his lower lip, gathering some of the substance. 
You looked back at Eddie, who was still holding you and gazing down at you like he always had. Full of love, hope, all-encompassing joy. 
And then he smiled, revealing two long, razor-sharp fangs.
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mixelation · 8 months
reborn au plot.... stuff. has plasticity spoilers. also canon characters die!
i said this recently, but i don't have much in the way of an overarching story after tori's, like, 17. part of this is just that i haven't made some major decisions about the premise (like what orochimaru is up to) and part of it is that...... what problems would even challenge these characters. like we have a bunch of weird interpersonal shenanigans but like obviously one appeal of this au is giving tori opportunities for Feats.
so i decided on a Feat.
i think as an ongoing looming threat, i might have some petty proxy war stuff going on. no one wants to reignite a multi-nation shinobi war, but everyone is scrambling to grab things for themselves, especially since konoha just like.... stole from iwa??? ame burned down half of kusa? oto-nin are just? in the wind???? someone probably hires orochimaru. people are out trying to snatch jinchuriki left and right.
so i was thinking thusly: one of the bigger nations captures fuu for the seven tails. ame sends an akatsuki pair which includes tori. somehow, the situation goes completely to shit. multiple nations are involved. the seven tails is released, killing fuu. everyone wants this weapon and they don't care if they had to kill a young girl to get it.
akatsuki's solution is that they should simply control all weapons. tori knows this will fall apart. she also knows that, even if she wrestles the raging seven-tails into a container and gets around the multiple nation's people ALSO vying to capture it for themselves, and she takes it back to konoha, this also solves nothing. and so she thinks: if no one can resist the temptation of a weapon, then i will remove the weapon.
this is the part that's a pretty big plasticity spoiler, but also a few people guessed it so i don't mind sharing. basically, the shinigami doesn't like tori because he can't have her. she's a weird, foreign thing that shouldn't be there. functionally, she can't die. she can be irreparably maimed, so she still has a healthy fear of most life-and-death situations, but she technically can't die. (she's unsure if this still applies in this universe in the earlier parts, but we'll let her figure it out eventually.)
the side-effect of this is that she has more bullshitty leeway with summoning the shinigami than other people. it can't take her soul so it will take things around her more indiscriminately, so she's not going to use it if her allies are around. but if she's fed up and doesn't care if everyone dies? fuck it, we're going to kill the tailed beast itself.
i want how this to be accomplished to be kind of metal and/or gross. you know that scene in plasticity where tori is simultaneously herself AND the shinigami and she's confused? like that but they're eating the seven-tails.
tori comes to later and the whole battlefield is dead, from the shinobi to the plants and wildlife. whatever other akatsuki was with her is either some probationary schmuck, a canon character who got separated, or hidan-but-he's-not-revived-yet (i'm leaning towards this last one). at first i was like "how does she explain she killed a tailed beast" to other people but THEN i decided
tori realizes she's done something she should not have been able to do. she's just created another weapon people will want to use. so she gets up and goes home, and she lies.
the seven tails killed everyone and ran off. yes, even the forest. even the little bugs in the trees. the soil is irradiated. i guess it was pissed off. how did i live? aren't i a barrier specialist..........?
and then of course everyone goes out looking for the tailed beast. like, you can't just have a wild bijuu running around!! but they can't find it. it's nowhere. it will never be found because it no longer exists.
probably at some point she'll tell someone, most likely itachi and/or deidara. hidan might confront her about it. but i just love the idea of her getting a major feat and then immediately denying it.
also she may or may not decide to repeat the experiment
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schoenpepper · 1 month
Happier (Ed Sheeran)
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Intro: You were a mistake he'd made once upon a time.
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, not proofread, reader goes to therapy, bad bad thoughts like im sorry, kinda depressing
A/N: Last one of the stock. Pretty sure this is the shortest one I've made so far.
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Walking down 29th and Park
I saw you in another's arms
Only a month we've been apart
You look happier
It's years past your NRC days when you see Jack again. Slightly taller, more mature, and happier than you'd ever seen him before. With someone you'd never seen before. You shrink back into the booth of your table and watch as the wolf beastman takes a seat nearby, close enough that you can see them, but angled in a way that makes it harder for them to see you. You don't want to watch them, you don't want to trap yourself in the ever growing forest of misery you'd planted since the day you left him. You want to eat your dinner in peace, alone. But the way the corners of his eyes crinkle when he smiles shoots you with the same arrow you'd gotten hit by far too long ago.
And again, you see him.
The him who gave you flowers every other day and opened every door for you. The him who loved running with you and listening to you rant about whatever caught your eye. The him that loved you.
The him that was yours.
He's not anymore. But you still vividly recall when he was. The person you shattered in your clueless teenage years is pieced together into someone you don't know anymore but still recognize.
Saw you walk inside a bar
He said somethin' to make you laugh
I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours
Yeah, you look happier, you do
Jack looks at you with a shy smile, hands gently holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. "For you. I like you, Y/N."
You take the flowers with a soft giggle and push yourself on your tiptoes in order to kiss his cheek. You're sure you're blushing as hard as he is, if not harder. "Thank you, Jack. I like you too." Your words push the pressure off his shoulders and his smile widens. Neither of you have really had romantic relationships before, but you think you can work it out with him.
He offers to take you out on your very first date to the movies. You two choose a stupid romcom filled to the brim with misunderstandings that eventually led to the leads breaking up at the end.
If only you'd know then.
You take him to your favorite place afterwards for dinner. He orders your favorite pasta dish and you try something new on the menu recommended by your waiter. You tease him to try that spaghetti scene from the movie, but the pasta breaks before you two can kiss. You laugh it off and finish dinner. It's raining really heavily when you two need to get back to campus, but Jack, ever the gentleman, gives you his coat to use as an umbrella and you run back to the castle soaking wet because of course his coat couldn't ward it all off. But you smile, and he smiles back, and you leave him with one final kiss before heading to your respective mirrors.
Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you
But ain't nobody love you like I do
Promise that I will not take it personal, baby
If you're movin' on with someone new
"You guys look great together!"
"Oh this is insane, why did you get someone before I di—ow Deuce, what the fuck?"
"Don't mind him, Y/N, we're all very happy for you guys."
"I've always known something was up with the both of you!"
You take your friends' words as congratulations, shyly holding onto Jack's hand while you blush. "Thanks, guys."
Jack nods with a grin, the same soft blush covering his cheeks. "Yeah, I think we'll be very happy together. I've liked them for a long time now, so I'm glad our friends think we fit well together."
"To Jack and Y/N!" Epel raises his glass of apple cider. The rest of the group follow suit.
"To Jack and Y/N!"
'Cause baby you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too
And until then I'll smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you
Inky black thoughts crawled through your skin and into your veins; your bloodstream is self-made venom that wants nothing but to end you in your own mind. You hear the words whispered about you in every corner, but when you look, there's no one there. There is no monster sulking in the darkness except for you.
It's all you.
It was always you.
You look at yourself in the mirror and think about every other person that attends this school. Who are you compared to them? When they're all so powerful and amazing, where does that leave you?
"Y/N, are you okay in there?"
You rinse your face with water, hoping it masks your tears. The water doesn't hide your reddened eyes and nose, so you keep the door locked. "Jack! I'm fine, just need a sec. Go ahead without me."
When you're spiraling down into the abyss, you shouldn't bring your lover with you.
But if he holds out his hand to you, can you trust yourself not to pull him down?
Sat in the corner of the room
Everything's reminding me of you
Nursing an empty bottle
And telling myself you're happier, aren't you?
"I don't know Jack, I'm tired! I'm done!" You sob, scream, right where he pulls you impossibly close against his chest. Your hands ball into fists that weakly hit him. Your tears soak through his shirt. He takes all of it in stride. He's always so calm, isn't he? Even as you're dying and eating yourself up from the inside, he's always there to help you.
Why are you such a burden?
"It's okay."
It's not okay. You know that. He knows that. Neither of you can accept it. He runs his fingers through your hair in an attempt to soothe you. It doesn't work.
"We'll get through this."
Why is he always putting himself aside for you? You know you're making him miserable, but you can't help it anymore. You're just so selfish, aren't you? It's always about your problems. Have you never stopped to think about his?
"We can make it together."
Will you? You feel him slipping through your fingers. You're just weighing him down, everybody else too. Maybe if you were actually competent, he wouldn't be hurting like this, wouldn't have to always comfort you and kiss you and hug you and make sure you're alright.
"I love you."
You love him too.
But what if it isn't enough anymore?
(Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah)
Oh, ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you (hey, yeah, hey, yeah)
But ain't nobody need you like I do (hey, yeah, hey, yeah)
I know that there's others that deserve you (hey, yeah, hey, yeah)
But my darlin', I am still in love with you
"I'm sorry, Jack."
You are.
"I love you."
You do.
So why is it that every word that comes from your lips feels like it cut through your throat and spilled blood? You're crying, why are you crying? You're the one hurting him. You're the one abandoning him. It's you, you're the problem. It was always your fault, never his. He's been nothing but kind and patient and understanding and you've always been such a chore. Jack Howl is a person who should end up with someone whole. Someone who had crystalline fractures at worst.
You. You've already cracked into shards. His hands bleed when they touch what you are now.
"Y/N, we can still fix this."
You shake your head.
You repeat your spiel.
You run away to avoid seeing his tears; the first ones you've ever seen him shed.
You love him too much to keep hurting him.
But I guess you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too
I could try to smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you
"What else do you feel?"
"You hate him?"
You laugh. You're comfortably laid down on the soft couch, fiddling with your fingers. You glance at the middle aged woman taking notes on a clipboard. "No. I hate myself."
"And why is that?"
"Because I hurt him."
"How did you hurt him?"
This woman is starting to get on your nerves. You take a deep breath and remember the thaumarks you used to secure this session. You remember the faces of your friends who pushed you here. You remember Jack saying he wished the best for you even after you broke his heart. You need to do this. If not for yourself, for the people that matter.
"I pushed him away." You say. "I screamed and I cried and I broke up with him."
"Do you regret it?"
The familiar feeling of tears streaming down your cheeks makes you laugh again.
"Why not?"
"I would have only hurt him more."
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah
You hide yourself behind the menu even when you know he doesn't see you. You don't think he'd even recognize you. But you hide, because even after all this time, you're ashamed of how you left him.
But you watch him, like in a hypnotic trance.
He and the person he's with finish dinner. You poke at your plate and think it's nice.
He's smiling.
He looks so happy.
Jack kneels on one knee next to the person he's with. Your heart hammers in your chest before swiftly dying, snuffed out like a candle. He pulls out a small box and a pretty ring and you're reminded of everything you could have been if you just knew how to take the hand he'd always offered.
Maybe now it would have been you with the ring and the fancy dinner instead of—
No. Don't think like this.
Jack couldn't have helped you the way you think he could have. You couldn't love someone when you despised yourself so much.
He couldn't have fixed you.
'Cause baby, you look happier, you do
I knew one day you'd fall for someone new
But if he breaks your heart like lovers do
Just know that I'll be waitin' here for you
You stand up and leave.
You think he catches your eye for one moment. You don't hesitate to keep walking. Tears blur your vision as you head back to your car. You sit there for a moment to collect yourself.
You shake every thought out of your head.
You loved him.
(You love him.)
You can't love him anymore. Not when he's moved on, and happy, and he no longer needs to pick up the pieces when you break every single time. You can't bloody his hands forever.
He's better off without you. 
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rpstartersinc · 1 year
feel free to change pronouns / wording!
“ don't be merciful, don't come back like snow white and the huntsman. ”
“ i've never been to a funeral, i wouldn't have come to this one if i'd known there'd be a dead person. ”
“ i know how emotional occasions like this can be. ”
“ i think we'll manage. ”
“ as soon as he clicks his fingers, you come running. ”
“ is this actually your car? ”
“ i don't make the rules. ”
“ what do you remember? ”
“ i really thought she was my soulmate. ”
“ he might've tied her up and now he's using us as bait. ”
“ we're hansel and fucking gretel. ”
“ i told you not to come in here. ”
“ i've been lied to all my life. ”
“ a jellyfish has no heart and no brain, yet it lives. what could be scarier than that? ”
“ i told you, you can't smoke it straight from the plants! ”
“ women seem to keep drifting away from me. ”
“ you look very cold. ”
“ driving slow in this kind of car is more suspicious. ”
“ who is sitting next to me right now? who, fucking... pablo escobar? ”
“ if you're going to do something ridiculous, i don't want to miss it. ”
“ you saw the blood on the laptop, right? ”
“ why do i have to wait in the car? ”
“ two types of people wear sunglasses in the dark, blind musicians, and cunts. ”
“ not who you were expecting? ”
“ if that sequence of events does not transpire exactly as described, i will murder you, slowly. ”
“ this is your fault. ”
“ if we stay here, we're fucked. ”
“ i can't leave him there, looks like... i killed him. ”
“ don't be sorry, just be helpful. ”
“ why did they do that? why did they shoot him? ”
“ i don't let personal matters get in the way of business. ”
“ did i say to stop? ”
“ can you just... can you stop disappointing me? ”
“ don't shoot anyone until i tell you to. ”
“ i just like it. what's that called? when you can't stop picturing bullets ripping through human flesh. ”
“ i don't wanna kill anyone. ”
“ none of that's secret, it's private. ”
“ what tracker? there's no tracker, this isn't james bond! ”
“ i'm keeping us alive. ”
“ you are the reason that we are running for our lives right now! ”
“ excuse me for taking an opportunity when i saw one. ”
“ no one's ever given me shit. ”
“ we're supposed to be keeping a low profile! ”
“ i used to have a terrible appetite for destruction on me. ”
“ do you think we're safe? ”
“ a great artist knows when to stop. ”
“ i should have known it was you. ”
“ you love a grand entrance. ”
“ your body count shouldn't define you. ”
“ can we just stop talking about death? ”
“ how is love going to make you strong? ”
“ i just fucking killed someone! ”
“ i hear nothing but empty words from everyone. please, i need you to say something real. ”
“ people have died. it just needs to stop, doesn't it? ”
“ breaking and entering is a crime, you know. ”
“ i know you're withholding information. ”
“ i bet they're fucking terrified of you. ”
“ there's no one who will help you out there. ”
“ people respect me, they listen to me. ”
“ you're ruthless, i like that. ”
“ what do you do on a day like this? ”
“ i don't think i can handle prison. ”
“ you shot my fucking phone! ”
“ you don't shoot friends! ”
“ you better not have broken my nose. ”
“ will you shut the fuck up! i'm trying to hear a bird. ”
“ i have a code. ”
“ bit of fun, never mind the consequences to yourself or anybody else. ”
“ you're gonna lecture me? you murder people for money! ”
“ i put up barriers between myself and the world, and there is, there's an isolation. ”
“ for the first time in my life, i'm making an actual choice. ”
“ i am not your friend. ”
“ could i come with you? ”
“ that wasn't part of the arrangement. ”
“ you have no idea what i'm capable of. ”
“ you shouldn't mess with friendship. ”
“ everywhere the awe-inspiring landscapes, i like to be the one inspiring awe. ”
“ you can be driven to do extraordinary things, things you didn't even know were inside of you, that no one understands.. ”
“ some of the things i've done... it's like i'm infected. ”
“ you can act tough all you want... ”
“ there's no reason for violence. ”
“ you're just making it worse. ”
“ i'm sorry i disappointed you, but you disappointed me too. ”
“ i'm sick of pretending i'm something i'm not. ”
“ get away from me, get back! ”
“ you tried to fucking kill me! ”
“ you said you wanted us to get to know each other. ”
“ it's me, i'm getting you out of here. ”
“ that's my fucking sore leg! ”
“ because i said to, now do it and shut up. ”
“ people like me don't get to be in that world. ”
“ my body, my do-whatever-the-fuck-i-feel-like. ”
“ friends for life? fucking bollocks. ”
“ you think i would join you? ”
“ do not sit there waiting for him to find you! ”
“ people get hallucinations, there's like treatment for that shit. ”
“ people see death, they all have the same thought. don't be next, be the survivor. ”
“ you don't just get something because you say you want it. ”
“ be someone people want to be around. ”
“ why is there dead bodies everywhere? ”
“ you came back. ”
“ we look out for each other, that's the rule. ”
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tia-amorosa · 3 months
Sunset Died - Bachelor/Clavell & Others
Overcomings (Part 1)
Important note at the beginning: I mostly use the German names of the game, i.e. Peter (Parker), Detlef (Dustin) and so on. Because not all names are the same in all languages/games. Just in case anyone is wondering why I sometimes have different names^^
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It's Sunday morning, just before 9:00 am. The town's teenagers are supposed to gather in front of Xander's house, or rather the bachelor's property. "Why did we have to get up so early again for this? We already did so much yesterday"/ "today we just have to do the rest, close up the remaining holes in the ground and plant a few flowers…Xander will be here soon".
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Of course, Michael was already awake too. And through the slightly leaky windows he could hear a bit of what was being said outside. "Doesn't Micha want to come with us?"/ "No, it's nothing for him, you know, because of his parents," said Peter in a calm tone. "Man, why is he such a wimp? I lost my father and my brother. Is that why I'm crying about it every day?"/ "Shut up, VJ!".
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("Oh man, they probably all think I'm a total loser and VJ always goes one better… He thinks it's all so easy. His mother ran away after Miraj was born and never took care of her children again… My mother always took care of us and others…hh, man").
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Michael went back into the kitchen. Xander was preparing something to eat. "Hi, you're here already, aren't you?"/ "Yeah, and what are you doing?"/ "Breakfast for everyone. "/ "You promised them breakfast? Now you want me to let them all in here? Hey, this is my house"/ "I know that. It's only supposed to be the exception today, Michael. We'll leave right after lunch. All right?". Michael was a little miffed. "It would still have been nice if you'd told me earlier."
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Xander knew, of course, that what he was doing wasn't entirely okay. "Hey, I'm sorry, okay? Maybe it was a bit selfish of me to go over your head. We just want everything done so you can your parents…", Xander couldn't finish his sentence."Yeah, yeah, so their headstones have a proper place etc. I'll let them in, but then I'll go to my room".
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It was not usual for the house to receive so many guests. Even during his mother's lifetime. She was very hospitable, but a full house often caused unrest. That's why they only ever invited a small handful of people. "Hi, um… you can all come in, breakfast will be ready soon"/ "oh, finally, I haven't had anything since last night"/ "hey". Peter tried to get a little of his attention, but Michael quickly disappeared back into the house.
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After inviting the others in, Michael immediately fled back upstairs to his room. It didn't take ten seconds, however, before he heard Peter's voice talking to Bella, who had just left the room. "hey, is your brother in there?"/ "yes, but he doesn't want to talk to anyone"/ "mhm, I know. But I think I can do it. Hey, there's something tasty downstairs, hurry up or it'll all be gone".
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After the girl had gone downstairs, Peter went into the children's room and closed the door behind him. Then he went to Michael, who was standing in front of the closet, looking a little upset. "Hey, you… Oh man, you just heard everything, didn't you?"/ "Yeah, right, man, or what did you think? He doesn't know how the fuck I feel. For me, it's still like it just happened. I want…I'd like to live normally again too, h-hh". Michael's nerves were very frayed. "hey…."
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Peter offered Michael a hug. Because he realized that this was something his friend desperately needed at the moment. "You know him he opens his mouth before he thinks. It's a bit his own fault that he had such a bad relationship with his old man"/ "but does he have at least a shred of compassion?"/ "apparently not".
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Michael released himself from the embrace and stayed for a moment with his hand on Peter's arm, looking at the little black hairs on it. "Man, I wish he was… At least half as nice as you are. At least you understand me". Peter smiled sympathetically. "I've got a messed-up home too, but yes, something good has stuck with me, hn"/ "yes, you're… a great friend, really. Is the camping still on?"/ "Sure, next week, it should still be reasonably warm"/ "o.k.…I'll pack a sleeping bag anyway, just to be on the safe side".
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Michael lay down in his bed again and tried to find some peace and quiet. The others really enjoyed the food - pizza for breakfast, that's something different. Even if some of the ingredients came out of a bag, at least the toppings and filling were fresh. "OK, now everyone, please just wash the plates and then we'll get started." Detlef and Xander were responsible for looking after the young people at the cemetery. Together they made sure that everything was put back in order.
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End of this Part
@greenplumbboblover 🙂
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still not through ep 4 yet and i still have no idea where neverafter is gonna end up, im very excited
right now i think it's too early to really know who's who and where the bbeg will turn up from, but seeds are already being planted. i've seen some people saying it's gonna end up being a metaphor for disney and the sanitation of folklore which i... just don't really see from the set-up so far?
obviously there are the princesses and their war against the narrative, which would include the disney stories, but the world as it is isn't barreling towards squeaky-clean, uniform stories--the happy, untroubled versions of these tales have already died off. things are only getting more gritty and dark; in several cases the cast is clearly being put in their darker older tales when they die and move. some of them, like mother goose and pinocchio, clearly want to go back to their happier versions, whether it seems like they should or not. i think this is less a litany against disney and more approaching the formulaic nature of folklore and fairy tale from the perspective of the characters within them. as cinderella monologued, why, if the story can change, does it never change so the princesses and children start out happy? why must they make the same journeys over and over again?
also, side note, i Do Not trust the princesses yet. having a powerful, unilaterally Good group supporting one of the main characters in a horror story is... a bit odd. i don't think they'll be the villains or anything--the fairies and stepmother are right fucking there--but i do think their desire to wrench the narrative apart completely is going to clash badly with people who find real happiness in their narrative. nothing yet has convinced me that rosamund is out of the woods of character growth and personal decisions yet like having the other princesses to protect and guide her would suggest.
idk! we'll see!
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kuwdora · 9 months
January 6 - how are your plants doing? -bironic
Oh man. I used to post a lot about my plants on Twitter and then I stopped because of my burnout and my plants suffered. And then TweetDeck went kaput and I stopped posting on Twitter altogether. (I'm on bluesky now.)
So! Some updates:
A few of my plants have died - the ones that needed more water than others. So I'm very sad about the loss of my Tradescantia spathacea which I had managed to keep alive for 3 years. But at least my succulents are still alive, woo. My spider plants are doing well, too. Tessy is still doing population control and eating my spider pups, though I still have a few pups I need to transplant into a bigger pot and find someone to adopt them. Though I wonder how many spider plants could I reasonably fill the apartment with if I really tried? Hehe.
But yeah…my burnout and anxiety meant I didn't give enough time to my plants because I just lost the threads of everything while grinding in dozens of interviews. Quite a few need to be repotted and/or pruned. My peanut cactus gave me its first ever flower this past year which was cute and spectacular surprise (I hadn't gotten them to flower at all since I've had them). But I def need to split up the peanut cactus into some more pots because they just keep growing and getting root bound.
I did have a spot of trouble with some of my plants that was unexpected.
I have neighbors who are a queer couple and moved in sometime early last year I think. I came outside to get my mail and saw them crouched on the ground in front of their apartment. And then a squirrel hopped down from the railing and walked into the guy’s hand for a treat. I watched these guys with this squirrel for awhile and they were precious and enamored with the critter. The guys told me they felt like Disney princesses when she shows up for food. It was the cutest fucking thing to witness. Apparently the squirrel had started coming around and been reacting to the one guy’s voice. So they’ll have their window open and she’ll come and settle on a ledge and they come out and feed her.
A few weeks later the squirrel’s kids started showing up behind her. The kids are very messy eaters but they’ve all started getting habituated to people, far more than my liking. I grew up in a rural area where red squirrels destroyed sheds and doors and bird feeders. I did not want any of that to be my problem. Alas.
These kiddo squirrels are very cute and all and indeed they do like coming around and getting peanuts from their fanboys. One of these squirrels likes to use my stairs and my plant shelves as a shortcut to the roof to hop onto the branches of the nearby trees. He has knocked over a half dozen of my plants so far on his way up.
Thankfully none of the pots ever broke because they fell into my hibiscus bush, but it broke nearly all the branches of my meagerly flowering hibiscus. I really needed to prune the bush anyway, but my main concern was for the 8” and 6” terracotta pots the squirrel kept knocking over. A few of my succulents lost some pieces and I really should be propagating them but in the meantime I'm WTFing about this squirrel. Cause we'll open our door and just find him hanging out on the top shelf.
I've found peanut shells in my plants, lol.
This little squirrel has the gall to come and sit on the stairs and chatter at me and make other huffy noises. I’ve never fed him, never leave food out. But he gives me very bossy entitled vibes. I’ve relocated the heavier plants away from those shelves because I can’t seem to stop him from climbing.
My hibiscus bush has some new growth which is nice, so I’ll be trying to take better care of that. And taking better care of the rest of my plants. I lost track of so many things over the past year and a half. But I know focusing on my plants always makes me feel better so I just gotta keep on with it.
I also need to make some more acrylic pours for my terracotta! So much fun.
peanut plant photo:
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eehee thank you my little squirrel kiddo for leaving your peanut shells in my plants. It's been shells in like 4 different plants now.
January posting meme + claim a date - prompt me. Still open dates!
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shizuokadivision · 2 years
ARB Birthday Special: Reika Aichi
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~~ February 13th ~~
“It did not occur to them that a woman could be dangerous. How foolish they were.”
Login Lines:
“What’s this? A gift? Little early for Valentine’s Day, isn't it? My…birthday? I see.”
“I had forgotten all about it. Thank you for reminding me, but I wonder what you could've gotten for the woman who can buy anything with a snap of her fingers.”
Voice Lines: 
“I’m not surprised I almost forgot my birthday. I've been too busy planning the Valentine's Day Gala I throw every year. It is one of the biggest social events of the winter season here in Shizuoka.”
“Birthdays haven't been the same to me ever since Mama died. Mama could never afford to buy me any gifts, but every year, she would make me a red velvet cake. We would eat it while watching whatever movies we had on VHS. I would give up all my wealth just to have her back.”
“The kids at my charity foundation wished me a happy birthday when I walked in today. They even threw me a little party. I say ‘party’ loosely as they had just decorated a little corner with their drawings. It makes me feel…happy in a way I haven't been in years seeing them enjoying themselves”
“Also many members of Shizuoka's upper class have wished me a happy birthday along with sending me many gifts. I would say that I'm pleased to get them, but we both know that they’re just pitiful attempts to stay on my good side. As if I wouldn’t kill them if they cross me.”
“You actually got me a gift, Kanon? I'm surprised it's not exactly something you do. Well, look at that you do have some shred of emotion left in that black heart of yours. Now, then what did you get me?” 
“Did you just give me the plant from ‘Little Shop of Horrors’? Kanon, why is it rubbing its head against my arm? You know what? I'm not even surprised that you made me a sentient plant monster. I guess you need a name then? How about Rita Hayworth? Swallowing a man in one bite? Kanon, please tell me you're joking.” 
“Dang Sakura, I'm feeling the love here, but what can I say? I have expensive tastes. Please tell me whatever you got me isn't as *pauses* ‘unique’ as Kanon’s gift. *snickers* Is the big bad yakuza boss scared of a few plants? Hahaha! Alright, let's see it then.” 
“Wait a second….this is a ticket for a retreat for widows and widowers wanting to mingle!? “Concerned friend” my ass you fucking bitch. Oh, so this is how we're gonna play? Alright just wait till your birthday comes around Sakura. Then we'll see who has the last laugh.”
Kanon Lines:
“Congratulations on surviving another year of this wretched existence, Reika. As amusing as the look on your face is, do you have so little faith in me? Honestly, Reika, you're one of the few people I will even consider entertaining these notions of festivities for.” 
“As for my gift, let me introduce you to Pulcher Monstrum, a hybrid of various carnivorous plants amongst…other things. Ah yes, I was quite inspired when I saw that. Don't worry about that Reika, it's sentient to a degree and appears to like your presence. Oh, do be careful replanting. It's small now due to being in a pot, but I've estimated that when you place it in the ground, it'll grow big enough to swallow a man in one bite.” 
Sakura Lines:
“Happy birthday, Reika. Has anyone ever told you you're a fucking pain in the ass to get a gift for? Fuck no, I was there when she made it, and if I'm being honest, she gave you the least dangerous one of the bunch. The others ate a man alive. Shut it, Reika. Anyway, it isn't much, but hopefully, you appreciate what I got you.” 
“Pfft! The look on your face Reika! Hahaha! *mockingly* I'm just doing my part as a concerned friend and getting you back on the dating scene. Maybe you'll even find a husband that can last longer than a couple of months. Hahaha!” 
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willoftrees · 4 months
co landownder did a thing that mega pissed me off the other day
we'll call him T for now.
at the rv park we have a bunch of seeds we had sown in a bunch of little stuffs for starters, and since he hasn't been using his truck, he was fine with us setting all the starter containers up on his truck bed for most access to sun atm.
initially it's all fine and he doesnt care but then his battery dies from him running the AC while he sits in the cab and smokes cigs and never turning on the actual truck, and then he broke the hood by trying to PRY it open when it intially wouldn't- something snapped and now he can't get the hood open at all.
my husband tells T to let him know when he wants to call people for his truck, so HE (my husband) can move the plants off of T's truck.
it's been sitting there like this for a few weeks. fast forward to 2 nights ago, i come inside after a long and well deserved nap after busting my ass on the property (that T hasn't neen to in months so he hasn't lifted a fucking finger to help maintain the land HE ALSO OWNS-) to then be informed that my husband had to just tell T off, because my husband asked T why he hadn't called a tow truck or anything to get his truck to get fixed- and T tried to fucking throw me under the buss. T tried to tell my husband that T hadn't called anyone about his truck yet "because will hasn't moved his plants off of my truck".
my partner went off on him about how not only was I never a part of those conversations, but my husband had to reiterare to him that he told T to come to him abiut the plants.
am used to people trying to use me as a scapegoat- but this shit still severely irks me. it's fucking maddening that i have to live with people who hate me like this. that i have to pretend to get slong with them just to keep things smothing over. i really want to fucking go off, myself, but it would never get us anywhere.
i feel like a servile, castrated jackal.
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samxid · 5 years
A moment of silent for those honorable heros who realised that poisonous plants were not a good sexual lubricant
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vannybarber · 3 years
Let Me Teach You
Summary: Jake hasn't had any sexual experiences before, so you decide to take the next step in your relationship and start him off.
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Virgin¡Jake Jensen x Reader
Warnings: SMUT, virgin Mary Jake, oral (m to f & f to m), cum play, cursing, MAJOR fluff, Jake being so innocent 🥺, you corrupting him 😏.
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"If it gets too much or overwhelming, just tell me and we'll stop okay?" You turn to Jake, closing the bedroom door.
He looks at you and nods his head nervously.
It was obvious as soon as the subject was brought up the first time, he was uncomfortable about it until he finally told you he was a virgin.
You thought it was sweet and you even got a little cocky knowing you're the farthest he's gone in a relationship and would be his first. You constantly let him know that your relationship was based off of love and he didn't have to do this yet, but he insisted, also adding on that he didn't know how he resisted you this long anyway.
And here you guys were, about to do something so life changing for him. It was an honor that he trusted you with his body and you were gonna take care of him.
You walk to the bed and sit on it, him following your movements. His face is red and he's smiling so nervously. You giggle at his state and rub his ram tatted arm.
"You don't need to be nervous, honey. I'm gonna make this the best experience for you. I won't hurt you, I promise," you calm him, giggling at the last sentence.
"I know, it's just so weird that this is literally happening. I didn't think it would come honestly."
And he had a point. When he first asked you out, it was a complete mess. You were searching for a new keyboard for your PC and he was trying with much difficulty to get your number. He ended up knocking an entire row of keyboards on the floor. It was the most adorable thing ever. He ended up coming over and setting up your tech.
"Well you trust me, don't you?" You wiggle a little closer till your thighs are touching.
"Yes, I do." He wraps his arm around your waist and smiles at you. You cup his face and kiss the side of his mouth.
"Well then you don't have to worry." You plant your lips on his and move in sync with his. You pull him back to the headboard, mouths still connected.
You lie back on the bed and Jake climbs over on you. One thing he was really good at was kissing, which you also taught him as well. He almost enjoys it more than computers.
Your hands slide up his shirt and he disconnects to get it off. You admire his toned torso. He goes red again when he sees you staring.
"You're so perfect, sweetheart," you tell him, then continuing to kiss him again. He takes his own lead and trails his lips down your neck, concluding a soft moan from you.
"Can I take your shirt off, babe?" He looks at you for approval. Your heart jumps at his need for consent, although you've made it aware that he could do whatever he feels with you when he was ready. But he's such a gentleman and you loved it.
"Of course, baby", you get out, before he scrambles to remove your top. You sit up on your hands, completely bare on top and it legitimately took his breath away.
"Jake, breathe." You laugh, but cautiously wait for him to get himself together. He shakes his head before looking at you again.
"You wanna touch them? You can. Their just for you." You're getting really aroused by his shyness to seeing you in such a vulnerable state. He reaches his hands out and starts squeezing your boobs and playing with your nipples.
You bite your lip and give him a smirk with your eyes.
"Taste them if you want. Do whatever you like," you challenge him. He surprisingly, but quickly latched his mouth on them and starts flicking his tongue on the buds. You lean your head to the side and exhale. He switches over and does the same to the other one, biting it a tiny bit.
You squeal in shock and he pulls back fast.
"Did I hurt you? Was that too much? I'm sorry, I just got a little carried away! I didn't mean to-"
"Jake!" You cut him rambling, something he tends to do often. He stops and looks up at you hesitantly.
"It's alright, honey. It just caught me by suprise. I liked it, don't worry." You caress his cheek and kiss the corner of his mouth. He lets out a deep breathe.
"You wanna try something else?" you suggest.
"Yeah there is something- I well...I wanted to try. I...um saw it in a -a video?" He struggles to form a sentence.
"Jake, look at me. Just relax okay? This is safe place. Tell me whatever you need okay? Don't be nervous."
"Okay..well I wanted to try uh...or-al." He scrunched up his face, scared at your reaction. But you're overjoyed. You haven't received oral in you don't know how long. You grin at him, making his expression soften.
"You really want to?" He nods his head. "Well alright then!" You unbutton your pants and Jake yanks them down and off your feet. Heat is radiating off his body as he grabs the waistband of your panties.
"Go ahead, love." He drags them down effortlessly, with your help of lifting your lower half up. He chucks them behind him and runs his hands up and down his jean covered thighs.
You slowly open your legs and allow him to bathe in the glory that lies between your hips. He made a very audible gasp, which worried you for a second, but passed when you remembered the circumstances; he's never seen a pussy in real life.
"Its..so beautiful, oh gosh." You laugh and he chuckles with you.
"Thank you, but it would look so much better with your mouth on it." He meets your eyes, taken aback and you just wink at him. "Do you know how to do it?"
He gets all shy and looks down. "No, not exactly." You lift his chin up.
"Its super easy, Jakey. All you have to do it lick on my clit for a while and then I'll have my orgasm."
"Okay but where's the...um...clit?" You grab his right hand and hover it over your sopping pussy.
"You feel that little bud right there?" You take his index finger and plant it right on your clit. He nods his head.
"That's the clit, okay? Just keep licking there and don't stop."
"So right here?" He rubs a tiny bit on it and you throw your head back with a low "shit".
"Yes baby, exactly right there." He wastes no time laying on his stomach, face directly above your heat. You look at him once more.
"Whenever you're ready," you say, giving him the okay. He give you a smooth wink and licks a long strip to the top of your pussy. You suck in massive breath, completely thrown off. But he doesn't stop.
He maneuvers his tongue to find the bud that you helped him locate, which was now quicker to find. He flicks it 3 times and sucks on it, making a wet noise and a popping sound.
"Jake, what the actual FUUUCK!" You moan out, the top of your head literally in the mattress and he lifts his head in confusion. You jerk your head back up, with wide eyes.
"Did I do something wrong?"
"Nonononono! Baby, you're doing so good for me, just keep going. I love it. It's perfect."
He grins at your desperation before diving his head back in. This time his flicks his tongue faster and raisies his eyes up to you, just like he learned in the video.
You catch his eyes and arch your back in response. Out of nowhere, he sticks two of his fingers inside you, throwing you off once again. You sit up on your forearms trying to process everything.
He raises his head and bites his lips.
"Does that feel good, baby?" You nod your head and groan, words not coming so easily to you.
"Jake, oh my goodness, I'm gonna cum all over your face! Please don't stop baby, fuck!"
This motivates him ten times harder knowing he's going to make a girl come for the first time in his life. He picks up the speed of his tongue and moans, pumping his thick fingers quicker and even deeper.
Your abdomen heats up and prepares for the huge wave of an orgasm. You grip the sheets as it consumes your entire body, all the way to your toes.
"Jake, I'm cumming! I'm fucking cumming !" Your body slowly dies down from the intensity and your lower half starts feeling the sensitivity. Jake stops his movements and proceeds to lick up the mess he caused. You grab his face and force your lips on his, wanting to taste yourself, but mostly express how he just made you feel.
You moan in his mouth, chasing his tongue then pulling back after a few seconds.
"So I'm guessing I did pretty good, huh?" His face is absolutely tomato red and he's cheesing so hard.
"Pretty good ?! You did fucking amazing baby! And the fingers? I didn't expect that at all." You breathlessly laughed. "That was the best oral I've ever gotten. I am so damn serious. That was amazing for it to be your first time."
He can't even form words to express himself, but you can certainly feel it.
"You deserve something for that. Can I suck you, honey?" As you ask, you grab him through his shorts, palming him. He makes a tiny groan before nodding his head. You move from your position and he lies in your place.
Unbuttoning his khakis, you watch him and he watches you. Giving him a reassuring smile, you remove his shorts and rubs both hands on his hard on over his briefs. He balls his fists up and moans slightly.
You finally pull down his briefs to a suprise. His length hits his lower abdomen and you just freeze. One thing he also knew was that he was big. Especially in width.
You try to speak, but nothing comes out.
"Like the angle of the dangle?" You look up at him and he wiggles his eyebrows. You just shake your head laughing. For someone who has a small presence, he has an big present.
"I'm just hoping I can take all of it." And you were being completely straight up. He was really big. Not that you were complaining though.
"I guess we're gonna find out, aren't we?" He was getting really bold after his little performance on you and you were living for it.
"We sure are. Get comfy, baby." He wiggles his back and places his hands behind his head, waiting for your move.
You take the head of him and suck on it with a pop. It was your favorite part. Just swirling your tongue on it's surface got you off. You look up at him and he's already gone.
"Geez, Y/N." His head is thrown back and his toes are curled. You move down on him till his shaft is three quarters in your mouth. You gag on him, which makes you moan. This causes him to jerk his hips up, pushing himself further in you. You quickly bob your head and twist it around all while keeping eye contact.
"Baby, that feels wicked!" You almost laugh at his choice of words, even with tears forming in the bed of your eyelids. He grabs your hair and thrusts himself up in your mouth.
"I think I'm gonna come! Y/N, I'm gonna come! HELP ME!" You pull away from him and pump him while trying to calm him down.
"Jake, baby, it's okay. Just let go for me. Just let it happen. It'll feel so good, I promise." You go back down on him and move your head faster. Not a minture later, do you feel him twitch in your mouth. He let's out a long strain of what sounds like a groan/moan/scream. You feel his warm cum hit the back of your throat and slide down.
You release him from your mouth and get a good look at him, licking your fingers. He's completely disheveled and is clearly not in reality at the moment. You give him a second to come back down and straddle him.
"Oh my fucking goodness." You smile at his adorable reaction. "That," he jerks his head up at you, "was absolutely amazing! Did you swallow it?" He genuinely wonders and its so funny.
"Every last drop," you say, licking the palm of your hand.
"That is just so hot. What the actual shit." You lean down and devour him, desperate to have him inside you now. He grabs your ass and squeezes it, kissing you back.
"Want me to ride you, honey? I can ride you so good. You don't have to do anything. Just lay there and show me you like it, okay?" Again, he just nods, probably still shocked this all is even happening to him.
You rub your pussy, getting it wet all over and grab him, lining it up with your entrance. You slide down, wincing a bit as it stretches your pussy to adjust to his size. Once you're good you set your hands on his broad chest and start moving on him.
"Fuck, Y/N. You're literally squeezing me right now."
"You're so big, baby. I'm trying to take it as best as I can," you moan out, looking back and watch your ass jiggle on his pelvis. He grips your hips and slaps your right cheek, which encourages you to move faster.
"Oh my gosh, you're stretching me so good, Jake. Damn."
"I know that tight little pussy can take me. C'mon babe." You have no idea where he got this talk from, but he's doing it very well. You move so you're bouncing on his lap, skin slapping against his, making large echoes in the room.
"Shit, you're gonna make me cum, Daddy." You were so into it, you didn't realize you let it slip. But he didn't mind not one bit.
"Keep riding Daddy just like that. Want me to fill you up? Want Daddy to cum inside with pretty little pussy?" All you can do it let out a lengthy whine. You bounce harder at his words.
"Daddy, I'm gonna cumm" You let bliss take over you for a moment as you cum all over him. Just as you come down from your climax, Jake starts thrusting in you, chasing his own. You bend down and capture his lips, helping him out. You move down next to his ear, breathing into it.
"Cum for me, honey. I wanna feel you cum inside me. Take what you want." Holding on to his shoulders, Jake adds a few more hard thrusts at your 'encouraging' words.
"That's it, Daddy. Do it just like that for me. Fill my pussy up." And that does it for him. He squeezes your ass one more time before he shoots his load deep inside you. You moan at the feeling of his warm load filling you up. He goes limp, attempting to catch his breath.
You sit up and look at him, smiling proudly.
"Jakey, you did so amazing for me." You kiss his swollen cherry lips. He just sheepishly smiles. You can tell he's impressed with himself.
"I always knew you had it in you. Now it's inside me."
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Let's just give a round of applause for Jakey. He learned so fast and so good. 🥺 I love him so much.
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Romantic! Nina Zenik/Platonic! Kax Brekker x Brekker! fem! Reader - One's Path
A/n: Hey ya'll I did it! I answered a request! That wasn't at the bottom of my list... Well that sucks! Also this wasn't really proof-read because I'm tired so I'm sorry about that!
Warnings: Hints at suicide, reader prolly had anxiety and social anxiety, death, I think that's it? You have been warned!
Request: Can you do a nina zenik x fem! Reader who's Kaz's sister and just a lot of angst in genral plzz??? I love ur writing btw!
I do not own shadow and bone/six of crows or it's characters! I also do not own this gif!
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"You know I love sunsets as much as you do- but don't you think this is a bit excessive?"
You turn around to face her with a small smile on your face, the sun framed Nina's body making her look like an angel. Even if she was anything but that. A saint maybe, but not an angel.
"Sunsets are the only thing that isn't covered up by the Ketterdam smog, I don't know if I would have survived this far without them." Your voice quietly trails off near the end of your sentence.
The weight of your words dawn on Nina and she quickly takes your hand in hers squeezing it in hope that it's reassuring you. Somehow.
"We'll get out of here, I promise."
You look over at her with tears glistening in your eyes.
"That's a pretty heavy promise to keep."
Yet Nina just nods entirely seriously pulling your hands away from hers but then she hooks your pinky finger with hers.
"I promise. And I'll show you all of Ravka and you'll get to meet the king and queen. Then we'll travel the rest of the world."
Giggling you lean forward pressing your lips onto hers for a brief kiss before pulling away.
"I'll hold you to that Zenik."
"Another bad day?" Your girlfriend walks over to you as you continue to pick at your nails not meeting her eyes.
"Would going out make it better?"
You quickly shake your head thinking about all the people who would be there, and there were already tones of people in the slat. Just thinking about going outside was already giving you anxiety - all the people would be looking at you then you would fuck up somehow and they would think that you're a blithering idiot.
Besides, there were no good sunsets in this part of town today.
Then, it was as if your whole view on all that changed when your brother walked by.
You felt your chest tighten up, the palms of your hands started to get clammy, and your breathing was starting to stagger a bit.
The thing was, you were nothing like your older brother. Kaz was ruthless and would do anything for getting a job done. He was fearless. You wish you could say the same thing about yourself, yet you always thought everything through, again and again. And again... Probably more times than Kaz himself does, wasting a whole lot of time.
Kaz had changed after Jordie died - you both had. Even so, you hadn't changed in the same way. You had become ridden with worries, thoughts, and voices that weren't always quite your own. Or some days when they were all just your voice those were the worst days.
While Kaz had become cold and uncaring that was the opposite of what you needed, you needed someone who could be there for you. Perhaps not all the time but even every now and then would be nice. Because that's what family is for right?
"On second thought maybe that is a good idea."
You swiftly go to stand up and the world spins for a second making you nearly topple over. You feel Nina's hands grab onto your arms right before you face plant into the wood of the shitty floor of the Slat.
"Thanks." You mutter as she quickly leads you out of the criminal-ridden building to the outside.
You could barely think about anything else now. The only thing you could think about was Kaz, yet even if he wasn't there for you he needed you. And you knew you'd probably never leave Ketterdam, not for now at least.
Looking over to Nina you smile slightly.
"Have I ever told you what an amazing girlfriend you are?" You breathe out as the both of you start walking randomly, aimlessly.
A grin spreads across Nina's face as she takes your hands in hers bringing you close.
"No, but care to show me?"
Smiling up at her you nod and bring her into a kiss.
It's full of love along with passion and every now and then you'd bite on her lips gently to tease her.
Finally, you both pulling away because air is suddenly a necessity. Laughing you look up to her as she engulfs you with her fiery yet soft embrace.
Shots ran across the city as the enemy gang was getting closer and closer. Too close for comfort.
"Nina! Now!" Kaz yells at her to use her badass death powers.
Coming out from behind a building Nina lifts her hands and corpse's previously alive people from not very long ago rise from the ground doing whatever is the corpses witch's bidding.
The enemy gang yells and screams ring across the alleyways like church bells chiming. But you know they're not all dead not yet.
Pulling out your gun for its holster you take a breath steadying yourself before jumping into action.
Shoots rang out from all directions as the Crows kill every rival gang member insight. Their bodies either dropping to the ground unconscious or dead. Most likely the latter.
The excitement was starting to get to you, you had done jobs before but they had never given this... Rush. The adrenaline was pumping through your veins and you became for the first time in a long time careless.
That was your mistake.
A bullet was fired in your direction but you didn't give yourself enough time to dodge it and you could hear your name being pulled from Nina's lips screaming as if she was in pain.
But the bullet never hit you.
Being shoved to the side you topple on the ground leg bending in a unnatural way before nearly screaming out in pain. You wince instead and you glance to the side hoping - praying to find some rival gang member shot. Only to find your brother with a bullet to the head.
Your brother who was cold and uncaring, your brother who did everything calculating with careful steps that didn't take that long, had taken his own life to save yours.
This time all you do scream, but this time it's in rage.
You start to fight everyone who's in your way because why did it even matter? All your family is officially dead now and Nina could find someone else better if she really wanted to! There was no point. Not anymore.
"You look an awful lot like your brother. You even have the leg to prove it."
You still all your movements and right then is where you very nearly kill the king of Ravka yet you calm yourself listening to a voice in your head that tells you to do that later.
"I'm here for Nina Zenik, and if you don't tell me where she is then our deal is off."
Nikolai sighs before launching into a long very fake story about why she wasn't at the little palace, if even she was very much in fact at the little palace.
Oh, fuck it.
You throw a knife at his head and it leads in the middle of his right eyeball but if through far enough that it still kills him.
"Y/n! Seriously did you have to kill the king! I liked him!" A very annoyed female voice echos through out the room.
"He was annoying me." You say flatly as she walks over to you.
"You know all this revenge stuff is getting to you - I can tell. Do you really think it's necessary? Don't you think Kaz would want you to just finally be happy?"
At the mention of your older brother's name you nearly burst into tears for a brief second before building your wall up again. Your brother deserved vengeance, after everything he had gone through only to never obtain it? You owed him that much, at least.
"Kaz isn't here, though is he?"
And with those simple words you start walking out of the comprised little palace with Nina in tow and the ghosts of your family haunting your way. Your path for revenge.
Words 1347
Shadow and bone taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover @brekker-zenik @alohastitch0626
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 8
Request: Yes or No
Sam and y/n had more development than y/n and Wanda lmao
You crossed your arms as you entered the room, glancing at the older man. You shared a look with Sam and Wanda, taking a seat in between Sam and Vision. You licked your lips, leaning towards Sam.
"What's this about?" You asked quietly, gaze flickering to Tony who sat in a corner.
"If I had to guess.. Probably about what happened in Lagos." Sam replied, glancing at Steve and Natasha. You frowned, looking at the Secretary of State.
"The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt." He began, gaze sweeping over everyone in the room.
"You have.. Fought for us, protected us, risked your lives but while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some who would prefer the term 'vigilantes.'"
"And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?" Natasha asked, studying the older man. You looked back at Tony Stark, making brief eye contact with him. It felt like an intervention. Or a teacher scolding their class after they made the sub cry.
"How about dangerous?" You frowned, looking forward when you heard his words.
"What would you call a group of US based enhanced individuals who routinely ignore borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, quite frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?" Mr. Secretary asked, looking over the small group in disappointed. You'd hate to admit it, but he had a point. The citizens of Sokovia were left to find new homes and the people of Lagos had to fix what had been destroyed. Mr. Secretary stepped to the side, looking at the screen. Videos began playing of all the times the Avengers caused destruction and most likely death. Wanda looked away, growing uncomfortable as the aftermath of the Lagos incident played. She already felt guilty enough about it. She had told you many times how she wished it would've gone differently. Steve noticed, frown deepening.
"That's enough." He called, watching the screen turn off.
"For the last few years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's a decision the governments of the world can no longer tolerate." Mr. Secretary told them, hands clasped behind his back. You frowned, brows furrowing slightly.
"But we have a solution." Mr. Secretary took a book from his bodyguard, stepping forward and handing it to Wanda. Wanda picked it up, looking it over.
"The Sokovia Accords.. Approved by a hundred and seventeen countries." Wanda slid the book over to Rhodes so he could take a proper look at it. You looked at Mr. Secretary as he walked around the table.
"It states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of The United Nations Panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary."
"That's such bullshit." You whispered. Mr. Secretary turned towards you, cocking a brow. Natasha let an amused smile slip while Sam covered up his snicker with a cough.
"The Avengers were created to make the world a safer place." Steve spoke up before he could address you.
"This is the middle ground." Mr. Secretary said, walking to the front again and facing everyone.
"The Accords will be ratified in a couple days." Steve turned towards Tony, earning a silent response.
"I'll leave you to discuss."
"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" Leave it to Natasha to say what was on everyones' minds. Mr. Secretary paused as he approached the door.
"Then you retire." He answered plainly. You watched him leave, picking up the cup of water infront of You You went to take a sip but it turned to ice before you could drink from it. With a small huff, you placed it down.
"That's new." Natasha called with a small smile, hoping to ease the tension in the room. You stood up, leaving the meeting room and heading to the lounge. The others followed, taking more comfortable seats on the couch. A debate quickly started between Rhodes and Sam while Steve looked through the Accords.
"Have you two thought about starting a debate club?" You asked, tapping the frozen water a few times before it finally turned back to normal water. Natasha let out a small snort, chuckling as she shook her head.
"I have an equation." Vision announced, stopping Rhodes and Sam. They turned towards him.
"In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of enhanced people has grown and during the same period, the number of world ending events has risen."
"So, it's Starks' fault?" You asked, leaning back in your seat with a tilted head. Tony scoffed from his spot on the couch, rolling his eyes.
"I'm saying, there might be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge, challenge insights conflict, and conflict... Breeds catastrophe. Oversight is not an idea that should be dismissed."
"I wish I understood half of what you said." You muttered softly, running your finger the leaf of a plant beside the seat. Natasha turned towards Tony, watching him.
"You're being uncharacteristic non-hyper verbal." Natasha pointed out softly as he looked at her with a deep sigh. Steve looked up from the Accords.
"It's cause he already made up his mind." Steve said, earning a small eye roll. Tony slowly sat up, rubbing the back of his head.
"Actually, I'm nursing a headache." He muttered as he stood up, walking towards the coffee machine. He poured himself some coffee and grabbed a bottle of pills before sighing and placing down a device. He showed an image of a young man.
"Oh, that's Charles Spencer, by the way. A great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA, had a floor level gig for the fall. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the people in Sokovia." Tony said, obviously agitated as he looked over everyone. You wondered why he now cared for the people who were injured during attacks.
"He wanted to make a difference although we'll never know cause we dropped a building on him while kicking ass." Everyone stayed silent as he spoke. You watched him take a pill, drinking it with the coffee.
"There's no decision making here. We need to be put in check. Whatever form that takes, I'm game. If we can't accept limitations, we're no better than the bad guys."
"Tony, when someone dies on your watch, you don't give up." Steve closed the Accords, looking at Tony with a frown.
"Who says we're giving up?"
"We are by not taking responsibilities for our actions. This document shifts the blame." Steve voiced his opinion, shrugging lightly.
"Steve, that is dangerously arrogant." Rhodes spoke up, shaking his head. Steve turned towards him.
"This is the United Nations we're talking about. It's not the world security counsel, it's not S.H.I.E.L.D, it's not HYDRA-"
"But it's run by people with agendas and agendas change." Steve pointed out as you rubbed your forehead, sighing softly. Both sides had good points but you sided with Steve. The team was obviously divided.
"What do you think, (Y/N)?" Vision asked, looking at you curiously. You licked your lips, gaze focusing on Tony.
"I'm curious as to why you care so much about this Charles guy. You've had, what was it? Eight years as Iron Man to care about the people who get hurt? Why now? Cause you realized one of those people could become the new you? Would you care this much about Charles if he had been a typical guy? No degree, no plans for the future, just a normal guy working a normal 9 to 5 job and just trying to make it through the week. I agree with Steve. What if something happens and they don't send us to help because it doesn't go with their agenda? People get hurt cause you've never set up a system to help after these things happen. You're a fucking billionaire, Tony. Make a company that's designed to help people get back on their feet after the Avengers bulldoze through cities." You said, legs crossing as you looked over everyone else. Steve gave a small nod, glad you were seeing his side. He checked his phone, abruptly standing and announcing he had to leave. You and the others watched him go in confusion.
"To answer your questions, I do care about normal people." Tony said, arms crossing. You let out a soft groan, leaning back in the couch.
"I'm sorry, what are you? Twelve? Didn't you turn twenty this year?" Tony cocked a brow, watching as you rolled your eyes and stood.
"Yeah, I did turn twenty. Surprised you knew considering you've never particularly liked me."
"Well, first impressions are everything and you did try impaling me with a branch."
"Maybe I should've."
"Alright, boys, let's calm down." Natasha called, placing a hand on your shoulder. You turned and walked towards the steps, heading down to your room at the facility. You entered and plopped down on the bed, running a hand through your hair. You tapped your foot on the ground, fingers going to the root bracelets in an attempt to relax. Wanda opened the door, closing it behind her and sitting beside you.
"What's wrong?" She asked softly, staring at you in concern. You weren't one to snap at others so quickly.
"There's so much going on. The Accords, my fucking powers, the sudden change in Nat and Tony, you possibly getting into trouble cause of the Lagos incident.. That could've been me." You breathed out. Wanda frowned, brows furrowing.
"No, it wouldn't have."
"I shot fire out of my hands and turned water to ice without meaning to. They're getting unpredictable." You looked at her, grip on the roots tightening. Wanda's gaze flickered to the window, making you turn. Part of the window was covered in a thin layer of ice.
"And that just proved my point."
"You're an incredible person, (N/N). Have faith in yourself. You'll gain control of them sooner or later. You have beautiful powers that could change and heal the world." Wanda pointed out gently, having you rest your head on her shoulder. She softly began to hum a lullaby. You didn't understand the words but her soft voice proved to be soothing.
"Thank you."
"Why'd you call me again?" You asked, toying with the strings of your hoodie as you looked around the cafe. You had planned on taking a nap and watching a new show on Netflix but it seemed like Steve had other plans for you.
"Because I trust you and need your help." Steve replied, fixing his baseball cap as he tried avoiding eye contact with civilians.
"Really?" You asked softly. Steve nodded, offering a smile. He licked his lips, nodding to the tv. You turned, looking at the news. You really didn't have to considering what they were showing was right down the street.
"Your friend?" You looked back at Steve with a tilted head.
"We gotta find him before anyone else does." Steve said. You nodded, watching him. Steve had been desperately trying to find his friend, Bucky, since the attempt on Furys' life.
"I'll go in alone. We don't want to seem threatening or set him off by going in as a trio."
"(Y/N)? Being threatening? He can't even scare a baby!" Sam said in amusement, shooting you a playful grin.
"Right back at you, bird boy."
"I'm sorry, who here is named after the top bird of prey?" Sam asked, leaning forward slightly as Steve let out an amused sigh.
"Oh, I didn't know you were named after eagles." You responded, smiling in triumph when Sam huffed lightly.
"Come on, you two." Steve chuckled, leaving the cafe and heading down the sidewalk.
"I don't trust Stark." You told them, arms crossing. Sam glanced at you as Steve turned into an alleyway.
"Not surprised considering the little fight you two had."
"I think he had Vis keep an eye on me and Wanda. I snuck out while he was with Wanda in the kitchen." You told him, frowning.
"Firstly, I'm an adult-"
"That's questionable."
"-And secondly, he's not my dad." You took off the hoodie as Steve unlocked a car parked in the alleyway, giving Sam the duffle bag with his outfit. You looked at your phone when it buzzed, seeing texts from Clint.
Heard you had a fight with Stark
You're officially an Avenger now
You smiled softly, chuckling softly at the texts. You waited for the guys to finish changing before taking the earpiece from Steve. The apartment building had been nearby so you and Sam headed onto the roof while Steve entered.
"How well do you think this will go?" You asked Sam, looking for any sign of law enforcement.
"Wanna bet?"
"How much?" You looked at him, giving a small grin. Sam looked up at the sky for a moment, thinking it over.
"30 bucks. I bet this will go to shit and this dude will escape."
"I bet we'll get into serious shit but this dude will either come with us or get caught." You replied. Sam stuck out his hand, nodding. You shook it, chuckling softly. You turned your head, noticing movement.
"We've got company, Cap."
"They're approaching from the south." Sam added, attention focused on them. You heard Steve begin to talk to someone, watching the cars pull in and get ready. You turned your head, hearing the door to the roof open.
"Shit." You whispered, letting Sam pick you up and lift you into the air. You could hear the fight going on inside through the earpiece.
"Should we help?" You asked, glancing up at Sam.
"No clue." Sam replied, watching Bucky jump from the apartment onto the roof of another building. You noticed someone running at a high speed, jumping up onto the roof and knocking Bucky down.
"They have cat ears." You mumbled, pushing Sam's arms away.
"Deal with them." You motioned to the German police force on the roof, hoping down onto the roof. You raised your hand, a root shooting out and grabbing the strangers arm, refraining them from clawing at Bucky. Bucky turned his head, making eye contact with you. Your eyes widened when the man grabbed the root, using what felt like super strength to toss you off the roof. You quickly used a root to grab onto the side, breathing out a sigh of relief. Sam took care of a helicopter before flying by to grab you.
"Thanks." You breathed out, holding onto him as he followed the chase. Steve, Bucky, and the cat guy went into one of the tunnels. Sam flew in once there was an opening, trying to help Steve with the cat guy. You huffed when the cat guy grabbed Sam's ankle, pointing your hand at him and shooting a strong gust of air. The cat guy lost his grip monetarily but quickly grabbed on again. Bucky threw up an explosive so Sam quickly stopped, flinging the guy off him. Sam landed, walking past the rubble. You sighed, raising your hands as you and Sam were quickly surrounded by cops.
"Mom's gonna kill me." You whispered.
"That's what you're concerned about?" Sam asked, glancing at you in disbelief.
"We're getting arrested, (Y/N)!"
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Must be this tall to Hunt| Boba Fett (tcw age so like 13/14)
Couldnt find a good teen boba gif, so heres bosk instead
Warnings: fake blame,
Reader: female
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"You are expelled from the order-"
"What!?" Y/n shouted looking up at the council, "I did nothing! Master Plo! Reason with them!"
"I am sorry little one, I-"
Y/n was heart broken, looking up at the surrounding Jedi, this couldn't be true.
"Master Obi-Wan!" Y/n pleaded.
"Your attachments grow," Windu spoke, "and with them your anger."
"My anger?! My anger?!" Y/n shouted at him.
"Little one please." Plo pleaded, "I have brought a witness."
"You!?" Y/n argued, "Master I demand an answer! Why! Why would you- You out of all People!-"
She watched Anakin walk in guilt ridden on his face, "You!? Anakin! You!?"
He kept quiet as Fives walked in, her world stopping.
"Y-Your lieing!" She shouted, "Fives?! Not you! I trust you and you do this!?"
"Arc Trooper Fives." Windu spoke, " what have you seen Padawan Y/n do?"
Fives looked at her, "I. Saw Genral Y/n with a clone trooper,"
"Im with troopers everyday!" Y/n defended.
"What was Padawan Y/n doing with this clone trooper."
"...intercourse sir." Fives responded.
"Thats Obsurded Fives! And you know it!" Y/n argued, "You're my brothers- Why in gods name would I fuck any of you!"
"Y/n! That is enough!" Plo argued.
"You believe this crap!? You're suppose to have MY back!" Y/n demanded, "I'd have your back no matter what! And you turn on me!"
"Are there any other witnesses?" Fisto spoke.
"Yes." Windu spoke, "bring them in."
Y/n watched, her brothers, the wolf pack, Commandos and even some from the Corosaunt Gaurd walk in, and they strung there string of lies and they strung them high and low, entagled the lies beyond untanglement.
"Padawan L/n is to be expelled from the Order and that is our final verdict."
The platform she was on went downward, the clone troopers who had made there testimonies were gathered at the bottom, a path for her to go through.
"Y/n-" Wolfee spoke reaching out a hand.
"Don't you dare touch me!" She shouted in anger pushing past the clones.
"It had to be done." Commander Thron spoke quietly.
The others nodded.
"Damn it!" Fives shouted running out the room and rushing down the halls, after the light echoing of Y/n's angered footsteps.
She pushed the doors open and just walking out them she stopped, hearing Five's steps behind her.
"General. It had to be done-"
"What!? The lies! The string of lies you built! Why!? Why would you do this to me?!" Y/n argued looking back at the clone.
"We wanted to protect you-"
"Bullshit Fives! Bullshit! I love all of you! All of you!" Y/n shouted, screaming so loud it was sure to be heard all the way down to the lower level.
"Y/n listen!-' he grabbed her shoulders trying to plead with her but she pushed him away ingiting one side of her double sided saber as Fives quickly backed up.
"Touch me again and I'll kill you." She spoke.
"I don't even deserve death. I know- I-" Fives tried to explained, "We wanted to protect you-"
"Then you should of had my back!"
The bright blade turned off and she turned around leaving without a second thought.
"Hey! Wake up!" Boba argued.
Y/n turned her self around as she opened her eyes, "what do you want Fett."
"Rations idiot." He spoke as Y/n sat up, the girl only a year older than Bobba.
She was thrown a rations bar by the boy as they were in a hotel room, she had been sleeping on the couch.
"How much longer we waitin?" She asked taking a crunch out of the bar.
"An hour, I told you that the how much longer last time you woke up." He argued looking through the window.
Y/n kept quiet as she ate her food, it bland and bleak in both tast and color.
Bobba took an arm chair by the window as he ate his own rations. It was silent for a long mintue.
"Did. You have that nightmare again?" He asked.
Y/n looked over at him, "when do I not?"
Boba ate a peice of his own ration bar, he never knew what the nightmare was about, but knew it was the same one, on repeat.
He had the same.
"You, uh. Wanna talk about it?"
She looked his way, then looked away quickly, only able to see the faces of her brothers.
"No." She replied coldy tossing the barely eaten ration bar on the table, her appetite gone, "I'm gonna go scope the roof, don't wait up for me."
She walked towards the door, grabbing the sniper on the way out.
"I'll come with you. Incase someone tries to get you from behind."
"I don't need someone to have my back." Y/n argued.
"Well then Im coming because I want to!"
He pushed past Y/n as she scoffed, following him close behind as they walked towards the steps, somewhere along the way Y/n hacked into a vending Machine, Boba going up the stairs himself, stealing whatever she pleased putting it in her sling bag, enough for her only.
"Sharing is what?" Y/n questioned Woflee
"An opportunity for someoen to get there arm chopped off, it's my food." Wolfee told her.
Y/n sighed, how she hated her own little life lessons to her brothers, and stole more food, enough for both Boba and her, and a little extra.
Walking up the rest of the steps she made it to the door she kicked open with the bottom of her foot.
"Could you try and be quiet?" He seethed.
"I mean. I could. But no." Y/n responded walking towards the edge where Boba sat on a near by utiliy unit.
She sat down setting her back infront of her as she laid herself on her side her back to Boba the lights of the bright city below barely reaching the top of the tall hotel they sat on.
"You want one?"
Boba looked over seeing Y/n holding up a soda.
"Where did you get that?"
"Stole it."
Rolling his eyes he walked over to her snatching the bottle and sitting himself by her head.
"Hey hey. Fives calm your tits." Y/n laughed.
Boba stayed silent as he looked at her, she too busy looking out and onward, but feeling the stare she looked besides her.
"Oh." Y/n realized, "My bad Fett."
Boba stayed silent, as Y/n took a drink of her own soda, he had realized she had become more sympathetic with her apology.
"You wanna talk about it now?" Boba questioned.
Y/n sighed, answering in silence for a mintue, "My only family betrayed me. Strung a String of lies to supposedly keep me safe. I think about it all the time. We use to find these abaonded places and sit up on the roofs like this, we'd sing, start a bonfire, get drunk."
"Your as old as me." Fett argued.
Y/n shrugged, "war does that, you only live once Fett."
"Then why are you still worrying about it?" Boba defended.
"Why do you still worry about the things you worry about?" Y/n questioned, "but I was kicked out of my group, my name stripped of me, and instead of having my back, they had me cast out. Happy Now?"
It was silent again, the hearing of honking and swearving down below could be heard.
"I lost my dad to the Jedi."
Y/n stopped mid way lifting her drink to her lips but then contuined to drink then pull away.
"They tend to do that..." Y/n responded, "they expect you to follow every rule every word, there no better than the sith."
"You know alot of jedi and sith."
Y/n looked at him once, "It was when you father died did I stop really believing in the Jedi-"
"You knew my father?! You're a jedi-"
"Shut your trap and listen before you get rowdy you damn idiot!' Y/n argued Boba gritting his teeth, "I met Jango Fett when I went on a small assignment, my first one, with Master Shakk Ti- it was basically playing paper boy. I remember delivering work to your father...alot of people were mean to me, he. He never was, always said thank you, always asked me if I had eaten. He even watched me leave on the ship back to Master Plo Koon. So when I went througy reports and found him dead I was in shock, later to find out a Jedi did it. I started to loose faith. Why kill a man lookin out for him and his child, sure capture him- but taking family...I know how that feels and no one should go through it."
Y/n took a drink finishing her bottle and tossing it over edge, "so. I fought. And I fought and I fought. If i couldnt save Jango, I'd save what was left of him- the clones- my brothers. They share the same face but are diffrent than any could imagine. I spoke, I wrote, I pleaded, I trainned. It never was enough, and it was my 'emotion' that got the better of me. Pssh. Yeah right the Jedi can piss off because if they want to see emotion? I'll give it to them."
Boba listened, he had nevee seen Y/n before hand, maybe he had and just didnt remember, he never knew someone could share his pain. Neverless with the same person.
"Windu will pay." Boba seethed, "and your a jedi! You can help me."
"I will go head to head to him, I don't plant bombs." Y/n defended.
"We can take him! Two on one!" Boba tried to persuade, "you know his fighting style! I know guns! You know sabers! We take his head and anyone else that stands in our way!"
Y/n looked at him dully.
"Come on! How many bounty hunters have you single handedly taken on! And killed! How many sith have you injured! Jedi that chase after us! Without your laser swords! We can kill him! Together!" Boba explained standing up, Y/n move to sit up, "We're the left behind! We are the strongest! Because we were left behind! We round up a few others! Bane! Sing! Bosk! And there's always someone paying for a Jedi's head!"
Y/n stood up grabbing hee sniper rifle as she did and looked at her watch.
"It can be a sniper shot! A saber battle! Whatever you want! As long as he die and Im involed I don't care how!" Bobba argued.
Y/n looked down below aiming her sniper adjusting the scope.
"My father would do the same for you-"
He was cut off by a bullet shot and soon the sounds of crying folks who see a man just drop dead on the street, the target they had been waiting for dead. She pulled away from her weapon slowly, turning her head towards him.
"I'll do it.-" Y/n agreed
"No." Boba spoke, "We'll do it. Together. For everything the jedi took from us!"
Y/n looked at the outreached hand as she took it.
"As One Unit."
"As One Unit." Y/n responded, "well one and a half"
"Im not that short." Boba argued.
"Shorter than me." Y/n chuckled.
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misfit-fics · 3 years
Demon Rehab For Dummies
Summary: (Y/N) started seeing seven demons when she was 10. Through the years they all disappeared, all but one. Namjoon. A demon who has not so creepily, creepily, very creepily been in love with her for years.
Genre: fluff, crack, extremely minimal angst, idiots to lovers, romantic-comedy
Word count: 7384
Rating: Teen
Warnings: mentions of suggestive & kinky themes, a handful of cursing, a story with a plot but not doesn’t exactly have a plot, a stubborn (Y/N) who dismisses love confessions & genuine flirting, an unspoken confession
A/N: Hey! we're back, it's been a while. We're starting school in a while but it will be gamble if we'll be more active or not. Well... we ARE active but just not posting? Yeah, you know what I mean. This has been sitting in our drafts for a while now and we're posting it now... although it's pretty unedited, feel free to address any oopsies. Hope who ever finds this enjoys reading!
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At the ripe young age of ten (Y/N) began seeing seven men. Which- would’ve (should’ve) freaked any kid out but you know (Y/N) is just kinda quirky like that so she didn't really mind much. The men were nice and played with her anyway, and the only weird thing was that sometimes they would bring her dead birds.
At age eleven (Y/N) noticed that one of the men was missing.It didn’t affect her much except for the fact that this particular one would help her find things and she’d lost almost all of her socks since he disappeared. Not to mention the increase of bug bites after he left. The darn things seemed like they multiplied exponentially after a month.
By twelve only two of the men had disappeared, at this point (Y/N) not only lived in sandals (she still couldn’t find her socks) but she also couldn’t explain why her hair was burning off every time she tried to straighten it (her lil demon friends didn’t want her to, you’d think after almost 3 years of having men following her around and telling her what to do she’d get with the program already.) Her dog her parents had given her when she was 9 started disappearing quite often after he left. He always came back with a single sock that would disappear the next morning.
By thirteen (Y/N) had developed a crush (more like unhealthy obsession) on one of the men, Namjoon. The third year was also the year when Jimin disappeared, taking all of her favorite shoes with him. That year she had prayed to whoever was listening because her parents really couldn’t afford to keep buying her socks and shoes, and because she definitely couldn’t afford to shave her head.
By fourteen, Hoseok, the man who had cheered her up whenever she needed it, had gone, leaving a tidal wave of bad luck in his wake. He had a great deal in keeping (Y/N) happy, although some of his antics made her want to punch him, it never turned out that way.
When she was fifteen no one left… except for the dog. Aside from that, the only thing that left was her social life (It wasn’t like she had one before but you know it was still a little rough). (Y/N) began to depend more and more on her demons. She had become great friends with the oldest, Seokjin, who cooked for her when her parents went on trips.
At sixteen Yoongi left and the nightmares began. And with the nightmares came the growth of (Y/N)’s relationship with Namjoon. Namjoon became her protector, along with sometimes Seokjin, who still cooked for her and cared for her altogether when she couldn’t.
At seventeen, (Y/N) was informed that when she turned eighteen Seokjin would be leaving, on account that they didn’t need each other anymore. (Y/N) had been torn up when he told her and even more when he left. He didn’t take anything when he left other than a piece of (Y/N)’s heart.
At eighteen, (Y/N) moved away from her parents house with Namjoon trailing behind her (He even had lil demon suitcases and everything,) following her every move.
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“I really don’t understand why you had to follow me out of my parents house. I thought spirits are supposed to be attached to a general area…” (Y/N) took to unpacking a box in the small apartment she now lived in.
“(Y/N) how many times do we have to go over this, I'm a demon, DE-MON.” Namjoon clapped his hands with each syllable. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and flicked her wrist at the self-proclaimed demon.
“Demon, ghost, same thing.” She shrugged her shoulders, “same thing as to-may-to, to-mah-to.”
“It is not the same thing!” Namjoon looked at (Y/N) like it was obvious.
(Y/N) snorted, “Okay Casper.” She continued pulling out the items in the box.
Namjoon looked flabbergasted, “CASPER!?” Namjoon put a hand over his chest and widened his eyes. (Y/N) looked up at the demon with a raised brow,
“Geez Casper, why are you so offended? I’ve called you Casper before, Casper.” (Y/N) struggled to keep in her laughter, trying to keep a straight face as she looked at Namjoon.
Namjoon looked at (Y/N), “I think I shall simply cease to exist in your realm.”
(Y/N) looked back down at the almost empty box, “You wouldn’t do that, you love me too much, my dearest Casper.” She said in a singsong voice, “Oh hey I found a sock.” She pulled out said sock from the box, it had yellow stripes. :]
“I think Jungkook took the mate to that when he left.” (Y/N) threw the sock at Namjoon with a loud ‘FUCK!’
“I mean we could try and summon him to see if he’ll return your socks.” Namjoon shrugged.
“I wouldn’t even try.” She started putting the random items in their new places.
“You should put Juno on the window sill rather than the coffee table, I mean cacti do need sun.” Namjoon looked at the little green prickle plant.
“I’m sure if i didn’t tell you how to parent your child, it would’ve been confiscated by child protective services.” Namjoon crossed his arms and looked at Juno who had been (rightfully so) moved to the window sill.
“Casper- Juno is a cactus. There is no CPS (Cactus Protective Services).” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon with her own arms crossed over her chest and an eyebrow raised, “Now if you could- Can you please go unpack a few boxes?” (Y/N) shooed Namjoon away before her eyes widened and she added in, “NOTHING LABELED FRAGILE!”
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“You know if we painted a wall or two in here, it would liven up the place so much…” Namjoon looked around the bland apartment, “Maybe an accent wall over here. A floor lamp over there. A new plant in the kitchen. It wouldn’t hurt you to give Juno some siblings.”
(Y/N) looked flabbergasted, “You want me to pop out another child?!”
“No I mean-” Namjoon’s eyes widened.
“-OUT OF MY WALLET?!? MY BARELY 21 DOLLARS!?” (Y/N) got her wallet out and zipped it open. She shook it in the demon’s face, about 26 pennies, 2 nickels, 1 dime, and a quarter fell out. It was followed by a single, folded, 5 dollar bill.
“I don’t think that’s 21 dollars, (Y/N)” Namjoon looked down at the floor, where one or more of the coins had caught onto his feet.
“I have a gift card.” She pulled out the cheap plastic, silver, $25 visa gift card (that didn’t have 25 dollars) with a bit of a struggle.
“How much exactly is on that gift card (Y/N)?” Namjoon eyed the flimsy silver object.
“You expect me to know- I mean probably more than 10 dollars!” Namjoon raised a brow at the statement. “Okay, maybe about 3.69.” Namjoon sighed, massaging his temples. (Y/N) bent down to put the money back into her wallet like a pigeon eating bread crumbs the old lady on the bench threw onto the floor.
Namjoon walked away from the pigeon-girl and grabbed a notepad and pen that was left on the kitchen counter. “We’re making you a to-do list.” He stated, clicking the pen.
“WE haven’t even unpacked all the boxes yet.” (Y/N) whined, pointing at the last large box in the middle of the hallway. Namjoon looked to where she pointed and shrugged.
“It says Christmas decorations.”
“EXACTLY! VERY. IMPORTANT.” she clapped her hands in between each word.
“It’s February.” He said.
“It’s still winter.” (Y/N) reasoned, finally done picking up the money. She plopped herself down onto the small brown couch.
“Okay so first off you need a job.” He wrote it down onto the notepad, the pen scratching being overlapped by a loud gasp from the human in the room.
“You dare ignore me?!” She yelled offendedly at the demon who glanced at her before looking back down at what he was writing.
“You also need to go to the supermarket.”
“I told you I barely have any money.”
“Your parents gave you some money.”
“Oh, you’re right.”
“And also, you should walk to the school and find a short route to get there.” Namjoon pulled out a literal map.
(Y/N) pouted, “I thought you were gonna walk me to all my classes to deter all the frat boys from coming my way…”
“I did say that,” he confirmed before continuing. “But I mean to get to the actual school grounds.”
“But we have a car.” She had drawnout the ‘but,’ trying to make her point that she didn’t need to walk.
“But you need exercise.” He reasoned, mimicking the way she had said her words.
“Are you calling me fat?”
“Yes you are.”
“(Y/N) i’m not.”
“Yeah you ARE, Casper.”
“Would you PLEASE call me by my actual name for once?”
“Sure thing. Rap Monster.” She teased, the ground started shaking. (Y/N) let out a loud screech looking up at the demon who’s eyes were rolled back. “OH FUCK YOU!”
The shaking died down, Namjoon staring down at the girl who was now underneath the coffee table. “This is why you’re still here!” she cried.
“You want me gone?” Namjoon questioned, offendedly. (Y/N) army crawled her way from her ‘safe spot.’
“I DIDN’T SAY THAT!” She yelled, returning the offended tone.
“I’m out,” Namjoon pivoted on his heel, walking to the front door robotically.
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“Will I ever see my socks again?” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon with hope, “I mean having shoes would be great too though.”
“What’s wrong with living in sandals? Birkenstocks are very comfortable.” Namjoon pivoted around with a candle in his hand.
“It’s winter.” (Y/N) frowned.
“You could always use mine?” He gestured to the shoes at the shoe rack at the front door. The ones that were closed toed…
“Your feet are too big.” (Y/N) looked over at the shoes, then looked down at her own feet, then at the demon.
“Size didn’t matter Last night with your sweaters?”
“That’s different, Namjoon.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
“Size.” Namjoon smirked.
“Different.” (Y/N) stood confidently.
“You know, you could always just go buy new socks?” Namjoon looked at her oddly.
“I usually wait to get them for Christmas, you should know this by now.”
“Independence.” He stated.
“You’re a hypocrite.” Namjoon let out a ‘huh?’ and (Y/N) continued, “You said independence when you’re dependent on me.”
“That isn’t my fault.” Namjoon raised his hands in defense.
“It kind of is though…” (Y/N) shrugged, Namjoon opened his mouth to retort but was quickly cut off, “I’m literally a rehab center for you.”
“Apparently you’re not a nicely rated one.” Namjoon shook his head.
“I’ve helped 6 other demons, Namjoon. You’re just being difficult.” (Y/N) poked his chest really hard before retracting her hand.
“Ouch,” he put his hand over his heart where she had poked him, “You shouldn’t be saying these things to your client.”
“I didn’t ask to get a client or even BE a rehab center.”
“The reason why you became a rehab center was because you decided that humans were ugly and disgusting.”
“The reason why you ended up with me was because you did something bad and you just now decided to be a good person and it’s not turning out well for you.”
“For your information, I could have left a long time ago.” Namjoon crossed his arms, with an audible exhale from his nose. He stared down at the rehab center.
“And why didn’t you, hm?” (Y/N) crossed her arms also with a raised brow. Namjoon kept quiet, debating how to answer, keeping eye contact as if it was an olympic staring contest.
“You.” He said. (Y/N) snorted, ready to insult the patient. “-would’ve starved to death by now if I hadn’t stayed with you until now.” He finished, (Y/N) gasped, reaching up and hitting Namjoon on the shoulder.
“You. Jerk. Get. Away. From. Me.” She hit him harder every word before waddling away into the hallway from the chuckling demon.
“No problem,” Namjoon disappeared with a veil of sparkles out of view.
(Y/N) thrusted open the door to her new bedroom. Continuing her waddle to the end of the full size bed. Facing the head board, she plopped the top half of her body onto the bed front first. Namjoon reappeared about 6 feet away from her with a loud poof and a burst of sparkles scattering around the room.
“Go away.” (Y/N)’s face was still shoved into the mattress, “Seriously shoo.” (Y/N) lifted her arm off the bed to wave him off.
“I won’t go. You can’t make me.” Namjoon walked towards the bed hesitantly, scared to get fucking murdered by his prison warden, “Move over. Give me some room.”
“Go sleep in my closet.” (Y/N) flipped the demon off.
“You’d prefer nightmares over your dearest Casper?”
“Yes.” Namjoon sat down on the bed, his knee almost hitting the girl’s head. “I thought I said in the closet.”
“And I prefer the bed.” Namjoon leaned forward and took (Y/N) by her hands and pulled her closer to himself with an annoyed groan from her. She was pulled until her head was laid on his chest, wrapping his arms around her.
“I hate you.” (Y/N) grumbled into her demon-pillow.
“I know.”
“You live because I allow it, and that is it to be my flesh pillow.”
“Okay, now sleep.”
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“But why do you have to leave?” (Y/N) looked up at her bunk buddy, her chin was impaling the person’s chest.
“I have to. I'm ready to go.” Yoongi looked crestfallen, “They said I could have one more night. But then, when I leave, I can pass on my role.”
“Could you maybe not steal my socks?” (Y/N) pouted at Yoongi who chuckled in response. “This is a genuine request.” She said with slight seriousness in her tone.
“You don’t have any to steal anyways,” he rolled his eyes with an endearing smirk that replaced his dispirited look just seconds before.
“Ok just- don’t go stealing any of my clothing, I need it.” (Y/N) clicked her tongue, not denying the fact that she was sockless.
“I won’t. I don’t need your clothing.” Yoongi shrugged, “I might take your guinea pig though. Meatloaf is cute.”
“YOU wouldn’t DARE take Meatloaf from me.” She glared
“I can and I will.” Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest and looked towards the cage that housed Meatloaf. (Y/N) groaned, unlatching an arm that was sandwiched between the bed and Yoongi’s back. She planted her palm smack in the middle of the demon’s face, covering his view of the poor guinea pig.
“No.” She patted his face, Yoongi’s eyes now squeezed shut.
“I can lick your hand.” he threatened, his voice muffled and jumpy from the wacky hand.
“You’re gross,” she moved her hand up, now only covering his eyes and revealing a gummy smile from Yoongi.
“It’s sleep time,” he declared. (Y/N) whined in response, “I’ll be here in the morning to say goodbye one more time okay?”
“Never said that,” he hummed.
“You jerk,” she groaned, laying her head sideways. Her ear over his heart, engraving the sound into her mind.
Like a cliche love story, (Y/N) woke up to no one but herself on the bed. Through groggy eyes, she could see that poor Meatloaf was gone too.
“I tried to stop him from taking Meatloaf I swear.” Namjoon uncrossed his arms from over his chest when he noticed that (Y/N) was awake.
“Did you really?” (Y/N) sat up in bed.
“I did, I swear,” he said immediately, “I have proof.”
“By proof, do you mean you broke something?” Namjoon took a deep breath figuring out whether or not to say yes or no.
“I… never said that.” He decided on dying, his words drifting off in nervousness.
“So… you did?” She concluded, Namjoon nodded slowly, his eyes down on the floor.
“Yea…” (Y/N) sighed, trying to find anger to cover up a tsunami of sadness that was approaching.
“It’ll be okay. We can summon him every once in a while. Maybe while we’re at it we can try to get your socks back.” Namjoon smiled and hoped it would make her feel better while the reality of things had begun to set in for him. All of the boys loved (Y/N) with all of their hearts but he was the only one willing to stay for the long run.
“I don’t think people want to go back to a rehab center, Namjoon.” (Y/N) let the tears begin to pour.
“(Y/N) it’ll be okay…” Namjoon went over to sit on the bed next to (Y/N), “Seriously we’ll get through this.” Namjoon put a hesitant hand onto (Y/N)’s shoulder and began trying to comfort her.
“I know- I know but-” (Y/N) sniffled, “Hold on, my mascara will run.”
“You’re not wearing any?-” Namjoon raised a brow and looked at (Y/N) like ‘bih-’
“Shush.” (Y/N) shushed Namjoon before shaking off his hand and placing her head on his shoulder.
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“You know you can’t prevent me from getting a boyfriend forever.” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon before continuing to pack her bag for school.
“I can and I will.” Namjoon slung his own bag over his shoulder. He was definitely a professor.
“You can’t make me be single forever.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes and slung her backpack onto her shoulders.
“Your preferences in men are horrible (Y/N), I'm not trying to prevent you from getting a man.” Namjoon said in a matter of fact voice, moving and opening the front door, letting (Y/N) pass through before he walked out behind her.
She scoffed, “maybe you should hook me up with someone, maybe then you can leave rehab.”
“I miss Meatloaf,” Namjoon said solemnly, changing the subject.
“Why do you always change the subject when I bring up my love life?” (Y/N) complained, stomping her foot as they walked down the hallway of the apartment building toward the elevator.
“Do you think Yoongi will respond if we try to summon him?” He ignored the question.
“Hey Joon? Is your dick ribbed? I heard all the demon dicks were ribbed.”
Namjoon stopped in his tracks, putting his feet together and staring down at the human with a face screaming ‘what-the-fuck?’ (Y/N) had a boxy smile on her face, waiting for a response. “Who the fuck did you hear that from?”
“A fanfic I read, it was a group called DTS,” she shrugged. “Is it right though?” she leaned forward slightly in high expectations.
“Well-” Namjoon paused, “uhhh…” his eyes darted around. “Mine… isn’t.”
“Damn- that’s really disappointing,” (Y/N) frowned, throwing down an imaginary hat onto the ground and continuing walking with Namjoon following behind her.
“Why is it disappointing? You’re a virgin.” Namjoon raised an eyebrow.
“Why would you think I’m a virgin?” (Y/N) looked offended. They stopped in front of the closed silver elevator doors, Namjoon hit the down button before responding.
“You literally had no social life in middle and high school and depended on demons who were attached to you by force in order to not lose your ability to speak in English.” Namjoon raised a finger, “Plus I’ve known you since you were ten and unless it was before that… I would know.” He slipped into the elevator, turning around and walking backwards. A know-it-all smirk plastered on his face while (Y/N) had an annoyed look on her own.
“Can we just- stop before we start arguing about my sex life?” She marched forward into the elevator like a preteen going into their room after an argument with their parents.
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“How did you even become a professor?” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon confused. “Couldn’t you have just you know… poofed yourself from people’s view when I go to school?”
“I need something to do while you’re in class. I might as well teach asshole frat boys how to do business math amiright.” Namjoon chuckled.
“I mean… you can just be the ghost you are and haunt me n’ stuff?” (Y/N) suggested, “I mean you already do that, Casper.”
“That’s Professor Casper to you.” Namjoon laughed too hard at his own joke.
“Ew,” (Y/N) cringed. “I’d rather call you Daddy Casper.”
“Only in the bedroom.” Namjoon looked at the human.
“Sex doesn’t always have to be private.” (Y/N) stared back at the demon, flipping her hair back. “Wait- are YOU a virgin then?” She asked, bringing back the topic from earlier, but this time about Namjoon.
“Classified.” Namjoon glared.
“So you ARE a virgin?” (Y/N) snorted a laugh, “And you call yourself a demon.”
“Not all demons are incubi or succubi, your demon-racist.” Namjoon accused.
“I am not demon-racist.” (Y/N) looked up at the tall demon, “I’m human.”
“You’re not a human, you’re the personification of the word ‘dumbass.’” He said, poking the proclaimed dumbass on the forehead.
“Rude of you to assume what I am, Casper.” (Y/N) smacked away his hand and pushed Namjoon not so gently on the shoulder.
“Now you’re the hypocrite,” Namjoon glared, “Professor Casper.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes, “Daddy Casper.”
Namjoon frowned, “If you’re so persistent on not calling me Professor, then just Daddy works fine.”
The girl shrugged, “I’d prefer to just call you Daddy Casper, but without the Daddy part.”
“But what if I want to be called Daddy Casper.” Namjoon wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as they walked through the gates of the school, the walk soon enough would be coming to an end.
“Woahhhh down bessie.” (Y/N) lifted her hands and moved them in a downward motion, “Save it for the student who’s gonna try to fuck you for their grade.”
Namjoon laughed again, “You say it as if it won’t be you trying to fuck for an A.”
“I don’t get how an idiot like you got a job as a professor.” (Y/N) punched Professor Namjoon on the shoulder who was still laughing at the insult he pulled out his ass against the girl.
“I don’t know how an idiot like you got into college.” Namjoon rubbed his shoulder and then pushed (Y/N) back with a grin on his face. The bell conveniently rang, ending the conversation and forcing the pair to speed their way over to the classrooms.
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“You know I saw one of the sorority girls eyeing you, I think we’ve found our fuck-for-a-grade person.” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon, “You wouldn’t fuck her right?”
“I would never fuck one of my students.” Namjoon looked at (Y/N), “Plus I don’t like cheerleaders, I like depressed freshmen who can see demons and that double time as rehab facilities.”
“I am not a rehab facility. I am a struggling freshman.” (Y/N) clapped at Namjoon.
“No you’re not a rehab facility, you’re my rehab facility.” Namjoon smiled cheekily, “And the way I see it you are not a struggling freshman, you live with a professor that helps you with most of your homework.”
“Eh- The one thing you don’t help with is stress relief.” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon, “The least you could do is let me go out and find a boyfriend.”
“You HAVE a boyfriend.” Namjoon looked at (Y/N) seriously.
“WHERE? WHO?” (Y/N)’s eyes frantically searched the room.
“HERE! ME!” Namjoon pointed at himself and then widened his eyes.(Y/N) looked at Namjoon with a raised brow, her frantic eyes stopping and looking the demon up and down.
“I didn’t know you had a rental-boyfriend service?” (Y/N) said in genuine shock, “I don’t have any money though so-“
“You don’t have to rent me.” Namjoon scoffed, “I’m right here and I cost no money.”
“I don’t take charity work, sorry.” Namjoon groaned and covered his face with a hand.
“You’re literally the most stubborn person I know.”
“I’m trying to keep my single streak here, thank you very much.”
“Wait so we aren’t dating?”
“You thought we were dating?”
“You didn’t think that?”
“You like me?”
“You didn’t know?”
“I mean- you never said it-”
“I literally said it seconds ago, (Y/N).”
“Well yeah, seconds ago I guess but I mean before?”
“I literally confessed to you when we were looking for apartments to move out of your parents house.”
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“What about this place then?”
“I like it.”
“More than you like me?”
“Are you questioning my love for you?”
“Bitch, maybe I am.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“Why shouldn’t I be questioning it then, hmm?”
“I’m literally helping you look for a home that we both will move into.”
“That proves nothing.”
“Bitch- If that doesn’t say ‘I LOVE YOU’ I don’t know what does.”
“Oh, I don't know. Maybe saying ‘I love you’ straight up?”
“I love you.”
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“Ohhhhhh.” (Y/N) smiled, “You meant that?”
Namjoon looked at her with a blank face. She stared back waiting for an answer that didn’t come.
“So… you do mean it?” She confirmed it herself. The demon nodded slowly, waiting for her to process it.
“(Y/N)? You good?” Namjoon waved a hand in front of her face.
“You know,” she started, finally having rebooted her system. “There’s a lot of things wrong with this relationship. First of all, you’re a demon and I'm a human.”
“Not the first time I've heard of that type of relationship.”
“Secondly, you’re supposed to leave soon considering you’ve delayed it enough. Even using my personified dreamcatcher as compensation to stay longer.”
“I’m pretty sure at this point, they’ve given up on trying to get me back.”
“Third of all, it’s weird that you’ve literally known me since I was ten.” She held up ten fingers, “How old are you again?”
“Not that old for a demon,” he shrugged.
“Exactly. For a demon, thank you for proving my point.” Namjoon went to retort but (Y/N) continued. “Fourth, teacher and student relationships are weird.”
“People roleplay it in the bedroom?” Namjoon shrugged once again.
“Exactly,” she said again.
“It’s technically not weird since you’re not my student though. You’re definitely not a business major so…” Namjoon weighed the pros and cons of being caught with a student even if said student isn’t even one of his.
“I’m an English Major- BUT that’s besides the point. You’ve still known me since I was ten.” (Y/N) poked Namjoon’s chest.
“Hey it’s not like I was creeping on you when you were a kid…” Namjoon raised his hands in defense.
“No you just started creeping on me when I was around sixteen.”
“It’s more acceptable than pedophiles!”
“You’re like three hundred!” She exclaimed, she threw her hands above her head to
“Add about seven-hundred years to that.” Namjoon added with slight hesitation.
(Y/N) stood there, mouth agape, trying to do the mental math.
“You’re one-thousand?!”
“Give or take some.”
“I- I’m going to remove myself from this situation.” (Y/N) walked away.
[:] I ran out of image things, so we get text from now on. [:]
“Maybe I should start sleeping in the closet.” Namjoon voiced his thoughts as he was grading papers one night.
“You don’t have to sleep in the closet.” (Y/N) looked at the demon from across the kitchen table.
“The closet is comfortable.” Namjoon shrugged before voicing his concerns about the student’s work, “I’m pretty sure this student is gonna try to suck my dick for an A. This work sucks ass. How did she even get x=34? The answer is x=0!”
“I’m bad at math, don't look at me.” (Y/N) jotted a note down on her work before closing her notebook.
“But anyway- Back on track. Why do you want to start sleeping in the closet?” (Y/N) raised a questioning brow.
“Because the bed is awkward now.” Namjoon sighed before writing a bold ‘10/35’ down on the paper and circling it. (Y/N) glanced over at the paper that was marked red at every inch of it.
“You should put ‘see me after class’ on it. Maybe she’ll suck your non-ribbed demon dick.” (Y/N) suggests as she puts away her notebook. Namjoon’s fist hit the table in annoyance with a loud sigh that definitely said ‘i’m not getting some dumb bitch to suck my dick.’ The girl snorted, “Geez, no need to be so rough on the table.”
“Stop bringing up my non-ribbed demon dick.” Namjoon glared across the table.
“You admit that it’s not ribbed? That’s rough, man.” (Y/N) sighed sympathetically. “Some people are into that, you know.” Namjoon facepalmed, a bit too harshly, a loud smack echoing in the cramped apartment. “No need to be so rough, Casper.”
“You’d probably like it rough, and why the hell are you so bent on the fact that my dick isn’t ribbed?” Namjoon glared, moving onto the next student’s paper.
“We’ve taken the god damn BDSM test together, Casper. You KNOW I'd like it rough.” (Y/N) said in a smart-ass tone, knowing for a fact that they’ve done the test before.
“That shit lies,” Namjoon declared, “I’m not a bottom.”
“We know sweetie, we know. The test did you dirty.” (Y/N) weighed her options before ultimately deciding not to cross the room to comfort her demon. “But you know, the test DID have some direct questions-”
“You mean like the golden showers?”
“Ew, why would you even bring that up.”
“You said ‘direct questions.'” Namjoon shrugged.
“That question was traumatic.” (Y/N) shuddered, “But anyway, You can keep sleeping in the bed. It’s only awkward for you. Plus you can’t even be a demon dreamcatcher from a closet.”
“I can and I will. Now go get ready for bed. I'll join you in a bit. I have to email the kids' advisor.”
[:] Oh wow, another spliter [:]
“What’s awkward about this?” (Y/N) asked, ignorant to the fact that it was very awkward. Her legs were wrapped around the demon’s waist, who was laying down as straight as a log uncomfortably.
“Everything is uncomfortable.” Namjoon tried to push (Y/N) off of him.
“This is where you’re wrong,” (Y/N) states. “Your chesticles are very comfortable.” She furthered her point, by moving her head and weirdly nuzzling her cheek into his chest.
“(Y/N) get off of me.” Namjoon was now really uncomfortable.
“No.” (Y/N) pulled Namjoon’s log-body closer.
“Please?” Namjoon wiggled some more, “Seriously (Y/N) get off.”
“No…” (Y/N) held Namjoon tighter, “Imma go sleep now.”
“Ok (Y/N).” With that Namjoon pushed (Y/N) up and off of him and climbed out of bed and into the closet.
(Y/N) whined, “Nooooooo!” She looked at the closet through her eyebrows. “Are you hiding something from me?” She accused the demon.
“Excuse me?” Namjoon opened the closet door a bit.
“Oh my god- are you a closet gay?” She gasped loudly.
“WHAT?” Namjoon looked at (Y/N) from the crack in the doorway.
“It’s okay! You don’t need to use a fake confession to hide it from me.” She comforted the demon, “I will support you 1000 percent.”
“I’M NOT GAY!” Namjoon wiggled around in the closet before emerging from the space.
“Okay okay- but just so you know, there’s nothing wrong with being gay, Casper. Closeted or not.” She hummed, her words being muffled as she slowly put her face into the mattress.
“It’s been awkward since you basically called me a cradle robber, you stubborn piece of shit.” Namjoon blushed at his confession.
“I thought you didn’t care about that earlier.” (Y/N) looked back up, taking a deep breath of air after almost suffocating herself.
“Well I did.” Namjoon huffed out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding.
“Well that sucks,” (Y/N) said blandly, “I was thinking of saying I love you.”
“The fuck- wait,” Namjoon’s eyes widened.
“Night night.”
[:] Cockadoodle-Doo it's morning [:]
The next morning came around quickly for (Y/N), though I wouldn’t say the same for Namjoon. Having him overthinking the “postponed” love confession from (Y/N). Meanwhile, though the night was quick, the morning dragged the girl by the toilet paper stuck at the bottom of her shoe.
Frown plastered on her face, seemingly deep in thought. She was unmoving in her seat aside from her wrist moving to stir the half eaten cereal in front of her. Namjoon sat across from her, “You can stop thinking, you’re going to hurt your head.”
The insult snapped the girl out of her concentration, she looked up and clicked her tongue. “I was just thinking about you. You want me to stop doing that?”
Namjoon raised a brow, “Depends on what you were thinking about.”
“I was wondering if we could summon the boys,” (Y/N) smiled before continuing, “Maybe get my socks back…”
“Are you saying you’d enjoy the company of your socks more than you with me?” Namjoon asked rhetorically with a shocked expression. (Y/N) gagged and rolled her eyes.
“Namjoon…” she said with a honey coated tone. “Are you saying you don’t know that I know you’ve used MY socks before?” The accused had a shocked look on his face that looked like he was on the verge of throwing up.
(Y/N) started snickering, amused by the demon’s expression. “As if I'd use your cheap ass yellow striped socks,” Namjoon aimed his nose at the ceiling. The girl laughed harder, finding the insult to her socks a bit too amusing.
“Okay, back on topic,” she said in between giggles, “We’ll get back to this later.” Namjoon shook his head, unamused unlike the person across from him.
The offended sock insulter cleared his throat, “We should have enough time before we need to go to the school to summon one of them.” He said in a factual voice, (Y/N) nodded as she took a glance at the time that read 7:23 am.
“What did we need again?” She got up from the stool she sat on, abandoning the poor soggy cereal. Namjoon got up also with a hum of thought.
“Candles and a lighter are the main things, obviously,” He says. (Y/N) nodded going into one of the kitchen cabinets for the items. “And if we’re summoning all of them, we’d need offerings…” Namjoon drifted off.
(Y/N) put down the candles onto the marble counter and looked at Namjoon questionably, “So… we need another hamster and dog?” This made the demon pause before nodding slowly, the situation becoming a bit more difficult than it needed to be now.
“And then what about Hobi? What he took wasn’t exactly… a physical object?” She also put it into consideration and clicked her tongue. “I’m still mad at you for sacrificing my literal source of happiness and good luck for yourself.” Namjoon’s jaw dropped.
“I thought we were past this!” He threw his hands up in the air, (Y/N) flipping him off simultaneously.
“Maybe you were,” she sassed, pointing fingers with a half assed glare.
“Technically, it wasn’t a sacrifice, (Y/N).” He said, crossing his arms.
“Well-” She was cut off by the demon.
“Nuh uh, It was just him choosing to leave and wanting to stay,” he snapped, not in a harsh way though.
“You know what, let’s just try and summon them another day. I don’t think it’d work anyways.” Namjoon said, dismissing the topic by waving his hand, taking a glance at the tree outside.
[:] Wooshy flash back time I guess [:]
“Why are you still here?” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon, “I mean weren’t you supposed to leave this year?”
“I was supposed to leave instead of Hobi last year. I asked to stay.” Namjoon was sitting nonchalantly in one of the lounge chairs in her parents' living room reading the book she was supposed to be reading for school.
“Why didn’t you leave when you were supposed to?” (Y/N) looked at the demon, a look of confusion evident on her features.
“Who else is supposed to write your book reports for school?” Namjoon smirked while holding up the book before going back to reading said book.
“Then why did Hobi leave? Did he not want to be attached anymore?” (Y/N) began to tear up.
“It’s not that. I asked to stay because I felt I wasn’t ready to leave yet and Hoseok felt he was ready to leave. Most of the time, we leave when our time comes (Y/N). Hobi and mine were at the same time and I wanted to stay so I stayed.” Namjoon smiled at (Y/N).
“But why didn’t Hobi want to stay?” (Y/N)’s tears were flowing freely at this point.
“(Y/N)! Are you crying?” (Y/N)’s mom came rushing downstairs to investigate why her only child was crying.
“I’m fine.” Even (Y/N) wasn’t convincing herself, “Really Mom, I’m just over exhausted. I’m gonna go up to my room.”
[:] And back to the present :) [:]
“Are you almost ready to go?” Namjoon popped his head into the bedroom, “We have to leave soon if you want to be on time for school.”
“I’m almost ready, relax. And don’t you have a class to teach and a non-ribbed dick to get sucked by that one bitch for an A?” (Y/N) scoffed from where she was printing an essay that Namjoon had written the night before.
Namjoon started counting down from five, “Five- You better fucking get your ass in gear or you’re gonna be late. Four- Seriously (Y/N). Three- Professor Howard can’t give you another pass just because he likes you. Two-” Namjoon got cut off by (Y/N).
“I’m ready, asshole.” (Y/N) looked at him, “You better not let that bitch Brianna suck your dick.”
“I won’t let her suck my dick!” Namjoon raised his hands in defense, “What about my toes though?” (Y/N) looked at the demon with a face of disgust and looked at him from head to toe.
“Are you Namjoon or Taehyung?” She squinted, looking at his face.
“It was a joke!” Namjoon smirked, “But I'm sure she’ll do it for an A anyway.”
“I’m done with this conversation Casper.” With that (Y/N) slung her bag over her shoulder and left.
“Hey wait!” Namjoon grabbed his own bag before speed walking after (Y/N).
[:] Professor Casper or Daddy Casper? [:]
“SO.” (Y/N) sat down across from Namjoon in his office, “Rumour has it that you’re dating a cute english-lit major and are up for evaluation. What say you in your defense?”
“I mean I am dating a cute english-lit major. But I’m not up for evaluation, I used my demon charms to get out the punishment.”
Namjoon looked at (Y/N) seriously.
“Did you actually?” (Y/N) gaped at Namjoon.
“No. I explained that dating you is punishment enough.” Namjoon smiled, his dimples popping.
“Bastard.” (Y/N)looked at Namjoon.
“Bitch.” Namjoon smirked at (Y/N) before leaning over the desk and kissing her on the forehead, “I love you.”
“Good.” (Y/N) blushed.
There, through the window of the office, there were 6 peeping toms watching the couple.
“Adadada-uda,” Taehyung stuttered, “THEY’RE SO CUTE!”
“This looks like it’d turn out like a straight porn video on the hub,” Yoongi says bluntly.
Jungkook looked at Yoongi, “Ew straight.”
“Moving on,” Seokjin cleared his throat, “Does anyone remember when (Y/N) said I love you back?”
A series of “No’s” could be heard.
“Maybe we weren’t watching!” Jimin raised his hands, “But when were we not watching?”
“Oh I know!” Hoseok interrupted, “When they split up because of classes earlier. We left Yoongi hyung in charge just in case something happened.”
“I took a nap and must've missed it.” The guilty demon shrugged.
“No, (Y/N) definitely isn’t someone who confesses straight up.” Seokjin said, stroking his chin. The rest nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, that's why she didn’t have a man when we were still there.” Jungkook snorted.
“No JK, we all know the reason why (Y/N) was always single. Was because she was pining after Namjoon.” Jimin stated the obvious.
[:] Damn. Imagine having someone to kiss in public. Or at all. [:]
“So how do you reckon the staff caught onto us… I mean PDA really isn’t our thing.” Namjoon looked at (Y/N), “Who have you told?”
“I haven’t told anyone!” (Y/N) frowned, “Maybe someone saw us go home together? I bet it was that bitch Brianna. She gives off the stalker vibes.”
“I’m not gonna let her suck my dick.” Namjoon looked at (Y/N), “And she’s already failing my class so even if I did let her suck my non-ribbed punisher, she still would probably only have a D-.”
“Hey- I thought we stopped referring to your dick as non-ribbed.” Namjoon raised a brow, making a face that said ‘you’re-the-one-who-started-it.’
Reading his expression (Y/N) glared at the demon, “Technically you’re the one who started it because you freely admitted it freely.”
“What makes you find out the hard way that my dick isn’t ribbed?” Namjoon looked at (Y/N) suggestively before flopping namtiddie first into the couch.
“I think I would've preferred finding out the hard way.” (Y/N) flopping onto Namjoon’s hard back.
“So I can’t even have the couch to myself?” Namjoon groaned before realizing what (Y/N) meant by ‘finding out the hard way,’ “Are you saying you rather had found out in the heat of the moment after having prepared yourself for a ribbed demon dick?” Namjoon leaned his head up to bump (Y/N) who still had her fat ass on his back, “I can’t breathe, get off.”
(Y/N) rolled off of Namjoon before plopping herself down in front of Namjoon, “That’s exactly what I am saying.”
[:] Smh stalkers at every moment [:]
“And I got a big fat ass!” (Y/N) shook her ass while singing off-key.
“Your ass is everything but big, baby.” Namjoon passed (Y/N) to reach for the garlic from the spice cabinet.
The girl turned and looked at Namjoon with an offended look, “You know. As my rental boyfriend, you’re supposed to be nice.”
Garlic forgot, Namjoon turned to (Y/n) and grabbed her waist, “I’m not your rental boyfriend and you know that.”
(Y/N) laughed, “Okay go off I guess, not my rental boyfriend.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes before pushing Namjoon away.
“Woman,” Namjoon placed a hand over his heart, “You wound me.”
(Y/N) turned around and smiled at her demon, “I could argue that you’re the one that wounds me.”
“I do not wound you.” Namjoon scoffs, “But I could very well wound you if you keep saying i’m a rental boyfriend, love.”
“Well we wouldn’t want you to wound me now would we,” (Y/N) smiled up at Namjoon before leaning in and placing a quick peck to his lips, “I love you.”
Namjoon smiled before returning (Y/N)’s peck with a chaste kiss, “I love you too, baby.”
*Meanwhile from the dining room 6 men were watching from not so afar*
“Hyung! Hyung! Did you see that!” Jungkook excitedly pointed towards the couple in the kitchen.
Yoongi groaned, “See what?”
“Le gasp! How could you have missed that!” Taehyung held a hand over his heart, “(Y/N) initiated affection for once!”
Jin smiled, “It really was adorable.”
[:] Oh look, you're at the end. [:]
“Every kiss begins with consent.” Namjoon wiggled his shoulders while grading papers at the table.
(Y/N) smirked before leaning over the table and planting a large whet kiss on Namjoon’s cheek.
“Rude.” Namjoon scoffed before pulling (Y/N) in for a proper kiss.
“You know that kiss didn’t have much of my consent in it.” (Y/N) smiled before leaning in for another kiss.
“I don’t think I consented to that either though.” Namjoon smiled.
“Get back to work baby.” (Y/N) nudged Namjoon towards his pile of papers.
“Yeah yeah.” Namjoon smiled before looking down and putting a big red ‘F’ on a paper clearly marked Brianna Simms.
“When will she just drop the class?” (Y/N) chuckled, “Dumbass.”
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