#who gave me the sound advice of “exercise more” and refused to believe that type ii diabetes isnt caused solely by being fat
froggierboy · 4 months
next person to offer me unsolicited weight loss advice i fucking swear -
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staycalmandlovekpop · 6 years
Who You Are
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A/N: (Another old request) Sorry anon for super long wait! This was inspired by the K-drama “Kill Me, Heal Me”
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Date: March 7, 2018 Patient: Im Jaebum Diagnosis: Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality disorder 
Observations of the Personalities 1. Im Jaebum (The main original personality) A normal 24 year-old young man who is caring, warm-hearted, active, and emotional. He just wants to be a filial son, good friend, and live out his dreams. Interests: Music, hanging out with friends and family, composing, playing sports, and joking around Note: Due to the fact that the manager of GOT7 didn’t want Jaebum to know that he had hired a private personal nurse for his disorder, I haven’t met him yet. My contract clearly stated that I had to keep my distance from him whenever he returns to his normal state and to only approach him if one of his other personalities came out. He usually feels a sharp pain in his head like a migraine before the personalities come out.
2. JB (The bad boy) Makes himself known as the “charismatic leader of GOT7” but is actually quite stubborn, has a bad temper, is strong-minded, impatient, doesn’t listen to others, the MOST PROBLEMATIC ONE, and is quite selfish. HOW HE WAS CREATED: I suspect that “JB” was born when Jaebum hurt his ankle and couldn’t dance on stage with the other members. He was quite frustrated with himself as he felt that he was letting down his fans and the members. As a the leader and a dancer he wanted to always give it his all on stage, but his injury was preventing him from doing so. The stress had become too overwhelming for him to handle therefore JB was created to help him through tough situations and bear through the pain. INTERESTS: Getting what he wants, singing, dancing, flirting with girls, being in the spotlight, and going to nightclubs. NOTE: He wasn’t very thrilled at first when he found out that GOT7’s manager hired a personal nurse and refuses to listen to me AT ALL. CAN BE SUCH A PAIN IN THE BUTT sometimes. He’s always causing trouble and just does whatever he wishes to do. Sometimes the way he looks at me makes me feel very uncomfortable... He keeps on winking at me and saying “You’ll fall for me one day Muffin~.” He’s also been showing up a lot these days...I wonder why?
3. Seo Mijoon (The Actor) Possibly JB’s “older brother” but whenever I ask him or JB about it, they both deny it profusely. Thinks he’s a worldwide star and assumes that everybody is his fan. Very arrogant, snotty, rude, but is very serious when acting. HOW HE WAS CREATED: After receiving some recognition for his role in Dream High 2, Jaebum began to feel pressured when he got another offer for the drama “When a Man Falls in Love.” I suspect that he studied the script VERY VERY diligently and eventually the lack of sleep and stress got to him causing alter ego Mijoon to be born. It’s quite likely that’s what happened considering this personality adopted Jaebum’s character’s name from the drama. INTERESTS: Being the center of attention, acting, memorizing scripts, fashion, magazines, coffee, signing autographs, modeling, and taking selcas. NOTE: He didn’t care that GOT7’s manager hired a personal nurse at all. To him, I was someone he could order around to do stuff. He treats me like an intern by making me get him coffee, walking his cat(???), driving him to places, buying him magazines, dusting off lint from his clothes with a lint roller, and taking endless pictures of him. Since Jaebum isn’t focused on acting these days, whenever Mijoon comes out I would always catch him stealing Jinyoung’s scripts and practicing lines in his room.  
4. JYP A dorky fun loving ahjussi who is health conscience and is starting to feel his age but still wants to enjoy life to the fullest. Though he exercises and can move around quite well, his knees occasionally go weak and he experiences gastric problems often. HOW HE WAS CREATED: It’s pretty obvious that this personality is based off the CEO of Jaebum’s company. He must be really grateful to Mr. Park Jinyoung for all that he’s done and admire him as an artist as well. INTERESTS: Organic herbal drinks, working out, drinking, partying, dancing, giving people life advice, composing music, playing piano, and wearing glasses. NOTE: He’s a pretty nice ahjussi when he’s not drunk or giving me long lectures about how it’s better to sing with half air half sound and why it’s good to always be honest. Whenever music starts playing, JYP gets into a dancing groove.
You sighed as you finished typing the last note and shut your laptop. You still couldn’t believe that it’s been two weeks since you took this job. Who ever thought that your first official job would be to become a secret private nurse for GOT7’s Im Jaebum? 
It was just three weeks ago when GOT7’s manager came to your senior’s office, asking for someone who is plain, average, and could easily blend in a crowd. Of course your ‘oh so considerate’ senior (and mentor) suggested you, a first-year psychiatry resident who was eager to start working and was basically invisible to everyone in the office. You refused at first, begging your senior to help you find a position elsewhere in a local hospital. You knew how messy things could get in the entertainment field, and you didn’t want to be involved. Even if it was a private job. 
“Kang sunbaenim, please don’t make me do this! What if his fans find out and assume that we’re dating or something?” 
Your senior scoffed. “You? Dating a K-pop idol?” 
You rolled your eyes at him. “I’m serious!! If something happens, all the hard work that I’ve done to get to where I am now will go down the drain!”
He then sighed deeply before placing a hand on your shoulder and looking in you dead in the eye. “Listen. You’re one of my favorite pupils and I know that you can excel in anything you put your heart to. Mr. Im is not only our client, but our patient. A patient that needs to be treated and set free from his inner demons. I know very well that you understand what it’s like to have a disorder and how it can greatly impact someone’s life.” 
You looked away and sighed. Must he always be right?
“Did you ever consider how hard it probably is for him? Having to deal with dissociative identity disorder AND living as a K-pop idol??”
After a week of contemplating, you finally decided to take the job. GOT7’s manager explained to you about how they were hiring a private nurse behind Jaebum’s back, as he would never have approved of it. You also had to swear that you would never let anyone know about Jaebum’s psychological condition, even if it was already a given that every patient’s information is to remain confidential. Since then, you’ve been following GOT7 around. You went to every event, hiding somewhere in the distance like a sasaeng fan and making observations of Jaebum’s behavior. Today’s schedule was filming for the second episode of their reality show called “GOT7’s Showtime.”
“Cut! Good job everyone. We will commence a ten minute break and resume filming shortly.” The PD-nim announced through his megaphone. A moment later, you get a text from the manager:
“You take a break too. I can keep an eye on Jaebum for now.” 
You looked up from your phone and made eye contact with him from afar. He gave you a thumbs up and you nodded in acknowledgment, secretly thanking him since it was an extremely hot day and you really needed a cold drink. You made sure to head the opposite way GOT7 were headed and decided to go to your favorite cafe around the corner. 
“One iced americano please.” You tell the cashier as you dig out your wallet from your bag.
“Okay, that will be ₩3,550 please.”
You opened your wallet to find only a couple bills inside. You had forgotten to get more cash from the bank this weekend. “Do you accept card?” You ask the cashier with a hopeful voice.
“Sorry, but we accept cash only.”
You felt your throat get dry, making your thirst for a cold drink even greater. You placed your two ₩1,000 bills on the counter and dumped all your coins out. After counting and calculating, you realized that you were ₩50 short. You were about to sadly collect your coins when suddenly a man behind you spoke up. 
“I can lend you ₩50.” He said, placing the coin on the counter. 
You were about to turn around to thank the man when suddenly realized that the voice sounded familiar to you. It was indeed HIM. You turned slightly and did a quick bow before walking to the far corner of the cafe with your receipt and buzzer in hand.
That was way too close. Why was he here? Where was the manager? As if on cue, you received a text from him: “I lost him.” You were about to text back, notifying him about Jaebum’s whereabouts, when someone tapped you on your shoulder.
“Hey aren’t you the girl that was in front of me in line?”
You dared to face him and looked into his eyes. A pair of soft brown eyes, and a closed smile which you never saw up-close. It indeed was the real Jaebum who was speaking to you. 
“Uhh sorry! I-I can’t speak Korean!” You stuttered in English. 
Jaebum tilted his head. “Didn’t you speak Korean to the cashier just now?” “Ahh. I know only little Korean…” You trailed off, hoping to confuse him with more English.
A playful smile formed on his face. “Oh, but you must know enough Korean to understand what I just said. I didn’t ask you in English.” 
You slumped your shoulders and sighed, reverting back to Korean. “Alright, you got me. I can speak Korean...Sorry, it’s just that I’m...I’m uncomfortable around strangers.”
Jaebum’s smile faltered. “Oh...I didn’t mean to creep you out or anything. I promise. I just found you...intriguing.” 
Jaebum rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah, that sounded creepy didn’t it?” He chuckled, feeling flustered by his choice of words. “You know what, let’s just start over. Hi, I’m Im Jaebum.” 
You looked at his outstretched hand, which was waiting for a handshake. Should you hide your identity? Or just tell him your real name? Maybe you could use a cool mysterious name like Midnight or something like Demetria. Yeah Demetria sounded nice.
You slipped your hand into his and shook it. “I’m Y/N.” Shoot. There goes your chance of having a mysterious sounding name. 
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. I really want to stay and chat, but I have something to attend to...Do you mind meeting me for a late night snack at midnight?” 
Your eyes widened in surprise of his sudden offer. Why would he want to meet up with you?
You felt conflicted. You knew that it was against your contract to interact with his main personality, but a part of you wanted to learn more about the real Jaebum. Suddenly you were filled with deep curiosity, wondering what he was like personally compared to his other personalities. Maybe getting to know him firsthand will help you with your research.
“Sure. Why not.” You replied with a friendly smile.
Jaebum grinned. “Great. Meet me at the ice cream shop nearby tonight.” After he left to continue filming, you stood there frozen, wondering if you did the right thing accepting his offer. You snapped out of it when your phone rang. It was GOT7’s manager.
“Y/N did you find him?”
“Yeah...about that….”
You explained to him about what happened and was pretty sure that you were gonna get fired...but surprisingly the manager thought that it would be a good opportunity to get to know Jaebum more. So that’s how you ended up waiting outside the ice cream shop past midnight while freezing cold. 
You were kicking pebbles with your shoe when you heard someone running towards you. 
“H-Hey….Sorry I’m late!” Jaebum said while breathing heavily. Once he caught his breath, he continued. “It was kinda hard for me to sneak out, but I made it. I didn’t keep you waiting too long did I...?”
“Nope. I just got here haha…” (You totally did not just wait over half an hour…) “But wait...why did you ask to meet at this ice cream shop? It’s closed now…” You said as you pointed at the sign and the dark empty room.
Jaebum gave you a knowingly smile. “That’s what most people think, but actually…”
He then starting walking towards the back of the shop and you followed after him. Jaebum eventually led you to the backdoor of the shop and knocked on the door 7 times. The door then opened slowly and a bright light peeped from inside. Jaebum opened the door wide and gestured for you to go in first. “After you~.” As you walked in, your eyes popped out in amazement. The secret backroom was filled with tables and basically everything that the front part of the shop had. You were also surprised to see so many celebrities, such as actors and idols, with their dates enjoying their ice cream together. (For their privacy, none shall be named in this story).
“Surprised?” Jaebum asked after making sure to close the door shut behind him. Since you were there for work, you shook off the starstruckness and tried to keep your cool. “Just a bit…”
“Yeah, the owner here is cousins with the TV personality/restaurateur Hong Seokcheon. He put in this whole separate back part of the ice cream shop when designing it just for celebrities to have a secret hideout.” 
“Wow that’s pretty cool~. What if the non-celebrity dates don’t end well though?” You asked.
“Well if anyone were to ever try to expose the secret, the password would change or they will just move to another location before Dispatch arrives. That hasn’t happened yet though, thankfully.”
You nodded in understanding. “So~. Have you been here often?” Although you didn’t really care, you were curious to see how he would react.
Jaebum looked taken aback by your sudden question.”What, me? Pfft no...I just heard about it a lot from my friends.” 
Just then, a large man came over and gave Jaebum a big hug. You assumed that he was the owner of the shop. “Ayee JB my man~. Good to see you again!!” 
You raised an eyebrow at Jaebum and gave him a look as a flustered Jaebum gave you a small forced smile. 
“You want the usual JB?” The man asked.   
Jaebum nodded and looked over at you. 
“Ahh..I’ll take a cookies n’ cream thank you.” You said. 
Once you and Jaebum got your orders, you both sat down at a table near the covered windows. You noticed that he got the mint choco ice cream and made a mental note of that for your report later. 
“Sooo you haven’t been here often huh?” You said, trying to poke fun at him. 
Jaebum raised his hands up. “I swear I only come here from the front for their ice cream.” 
You laughed and took a bite out of your ice cream. “Sure you do…” 
Jaebum chuckled. “No, really! I don’t usually ask anyone out.” 
You looked at him questionably. “Then what makes me special? Why did you ask me out? I know for sure that it’s not because I owed you a mere ₩50. You even paid for our ice cream without me knowing!”
Jaebum licked his ice cream. “I told you already. It’s because I found you...intriguing.” 
“There you go again with that creepy-like word.” You joked. 
Jaebum chuckled. “Fine! How about ‘interesting’? Enthralling? Thought-provoking? Fascinating?”
“Oh my goodness. What are you? A walking thesaurus?” You said laughing. “That’s not usually how a guy would describe a girl.”
“It’s just hard to explain...Even though I’m sure we never met before, I feel like you seem very familiar...Like you seemed very approachable..?” 
Your eyes widened. Was it possible that your interactions with his other personalities gave him a sense of familiarity around you? “Ah, I see…”
“Also, you just treated me differently that how other people would.”
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“Well, you treated me like how you would treat any man you didn’t know. Haha. You probably thought that I was a creeper at first didn’t you? I just liked how you didn’t treat me like a celebrity. Even though it might just be because you didn’t know who I was...Do you know who I am?”
Although you knew that Jaebum was just asking you if you knew that he was from GOT7, you received the question differently as if he was asking you if you really knew who Jaebum was on the inside. If you knew about his secret disorder and internal struggles.
When you were about to reply, Jaebum grunted while putting his hands on his forehead. The oh so familiar piercing migraine has returned. No...NOT NOW. Jaebum thought to himself. 
“Are you feeling okay?” You asked.
“Huh? Yeah I’m fine. I think I..I’ll be right back.” He said as he quickly got up and started heading towards the direction of the restrooms. Why must this happen right now? Jaebum had left his pills back at the dorm and his personalities are trying to take over at the worst moments. As he headed towards the hallway that led to the restrooms, he was struck with sudden dizziness. Jaebum held his hand against his head as he stumbled, going back and forth from bumping into nearby chairs and against the wall. He stopped moving for a moment and tried to stabilize himself. However, once he took another step, Jaebum slipped and hit his ended up hitting his back onto a nearby countertop. 
Hearing all the commotion, you quickly ran over to him and found Jaebum slumping over in pain.
Your eyes widened. Did a personality take over already??  “OMG JYP is that you?? Is your back aching again ahjusshi?”
At your comment Jaebum’s pain momentarily went away as he looked at you speechless. “How did you know-”
You looked into Jaebum’s eyes and noticed that his gaze was not the same as JYP’s or any other of his personalities’. WAS HE STILL JAEBUM??
You turned to leave but Jaebum grabbed your wrist and looked at you suspiciously. “Who are you really?”
“Who are you?! A sasaeng fan trying to blackmail me?! ANSWER ME!” He said in a harsher tone. 
You looked around to make sure that no one else was looking over at you guys. “J-Jaebum...Listen, I-”
Before you could continue, he loosened his grasp on your arm as he felt another sharp pain in his head. “Ugh...not now...” Jaebum murmured under his breath as he pulled away from you and pressed his palm against his forehead. He groaned in agony.
“Hey, stay with me now. Where’s your medication?” You asked as you took a hold of his arm to stabilize him.
“Left....it...at...the...dorm.” With those last words, Jaebum lost consciousness and collapsed. 
You stumbled as you struggled to support Jaebum’s weight, preventing him from falling on the floor. With a loud grunt, you managed to lean him slouched against the wall with his head down. “Wow. Best first date ever.” You said sarcastically. 
When you were about to go call GOT7′s manager, Jaebum lifted his head and stared straight at you. You looked back at him with surprise and looked into his eyes with curiosity. 
He scoffed with a smug smile on his face. “Still can’t recognize me yet, Muffin?”
You rolled your eyes and sighed with frustration. “JB.”
JB stood up straight and put his hands into his pants pockets. “Whoa calm down. I know that you’re excited to see me again, but chill~.” 
“Just be quiet and let Jaebum come back out again. I need to talk to him right now.” You firmly said, not in the mood to deal with his bs. 
“Jaebum? That piece of trash? Why would-....Wait. Why are you even here next to me right now? Why were you with him?! Did you get caught? Haha wow, I knew that sooner or later you’d-.” 
“This is serious!!! There is a misunderstanding that I need to clear with him, so go back and let him come back out right now!” 
JB crossed his arms, leaning back against the wall. He smirked when an idea popped into his mind. “How about a kiss then?” 
You stared at him with an ‘are you freakin’ kidding me’ expression.
“I’m serious! I came out because you made him furious right? Maybe if you kissed me, it would shock my body so much to make me go back.”
 You didn’t believe him, but it seemed like you didn’t have a choice at this point. As well, this would probably break a bunch of rules on your contract...Even though you hated the idea of kissing the sleazeball, you knew that you had to do it for Jaebum. 
To JB’s surprise, you stepped closer to him and yanked him down to your height.
“Fxxk it.” You said before leaning in and pressing your lips against his.
~To Be Continued...? Maybe, maybe not.~
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ourholly101love · 7 years
Chase the Lightning Inuyasha Chapter 3
The stew wasn't only good it was delicious. Inuyasha didn't tell her that though but he finished the bowl and didn't complain. she knew it was good he could tell by the triumphant look on her face. she had obviously forgiven him for teasing her because she smiled as she fed him. ignoring his protests that he was perfectly capable of feeding himself. it wasn't until the bowl was empty that he wondered if perhaps she had poisoned him......maybe that was her reason for her satisfied smile. Inuyasha gave her his best and coldest glare a look guaranteed to frighten young girls and to keep anyone at a distance. but she met his gaze fully and continued to smile, and he found he couldn't maintain the icy look.there was something about the way she was looking at him that melted his determination. She had the most beautiful eyes and the milkiest skin Inuyasha had to look away. She may be Sangos cousin but under the skin she was just like Kikyo. calculating, shallow daddies little girl, running away from a horrible fate of marring a man that cant dance. you might as well call me kagome,you know you can be of great help to me Inuyasha. *(Inuyasha raised an eyebrow) you know this area fairly well I would think?. are there many unattached ranchers near edo?Unattached as in unmarried Inuyasha asked coldly, kagome nodded. is that why you are here your looking for a husband? she nodded again, yes a rancher. why a rancher? have you seen the way miroku looks a sango? sure I live here most of the time or close by anyway." I want someone to look at me that way, scince miroku is a rancher i thought." you cant go by that Kagome, i myself am a rancher first off Miroku is a lousy rancher. getting married and having a family didn't cure his itchy feet, its just that now when he gets the urge to wander he packs up Sango and the twins and  takes them with him, Bankotsu dose all the work when it comes to the ranch and I guarantee Bankotsu is not your type. I’m certain there are others?. trust me kagome sango and miroku have a one in a million marriage your more likely to be struck by lightning then to find what your looking for in edo. As likely as my taking advice from a man who managed to alienate the entire village, from what Ive heard no one likes you and im begenning to see why.Nobody likes the truth Kagome, still set on a rancher? yes Kagome answered" perhaps you can introduce me to your father."Inuyasha didn't move and his look was impassive but he was certain she knew she had touched a nerve, my father is already married and although Inuyoukai often take more then one mate without marking them my father only allows one bitch to his household. Inuyasha  didn't give her a chance to respond the shocked look on her face was enough. but she deserved it. surely she knew, surely Sango had told her at least as much as she knew. nobody knew it all exceptInuyasha and his father and a few ghosts he tried to bury. I’m sorry I shouldnt have said that Inuyasha, Its fine but from now on just leave me alone...Inuyasha...I’m"..No! you dont know me, you have no clue what its like to be hated for what you are. Kagome certainly understood that he didn't see or speak to his Father or even acknowledge him in any way. Inuyasha slowly sank onto the bed and let his mind wander back through the years. Early'st memory was his mother Izayoi his human mother and the daughter of a wealthy lord she was beautiful with long black hair and twinkling brown eyes the family fell on hard times then she met the demon lord his father. but then they were sent away and his mother was killed.he was five when his mother was shot and killed he was almost killed as well. but was pulled away from his mothers body by his older half brother Sesshomaru. So he survived and was brought here to his dads ranch. when he was told of his mothers  death he had tears in his eyes Inuyasha thought they were tears of guilt for sending them away. Toga begged Inuyashato stay but he refused he always did, he didn't realize until much later that he was trying to protect him,he had almost forgotten the lessons in life when He met Kikyo He would never forget it again. Inuyasha lay in the soft bed caught between sleep and full awareness he'd slept far to much in the past two weeks.And now even though it was night and the cabin was quiet he couldn't ease into deep sleep. His side was healing slower then he thought it should, Kagome was finally letting him eat at the table and walk around the house. Allowing him that was what she said and god help him that is how it felt to  him. it was taking  much longer for him to get his strength back as well, he must have been closer to death then he thought for his body to be so slow at healing. Kagome fussed over him all day cleaning his wound. Her hands as soft and gentle as a breeze, her touch was fatherly never lingering against his skin he couldn't understand why he was so drawn to her.WHAT Are you doing out of bed?. Inuyasha turned to see her watching him from the doorway it was a question hes was becoming accustomed to. letting in some fresh air do you approve doctor?. She didn't answer hugging her night gown to herbody theres  Storm coming," Inuyasha moved away from the window there was another long low rumble of thunder and Kagome trembled with fear. I don't like storms she said softly befor my sister Yukari married I would sneak into her room when a storm came at night. After she left home I had to wait out the storms alone, I was much to old to run to Daddy to hide my face in his shoulder as I did when I was little, she looked him straight in the eyes. unsmiling Undaunting  I should have stayed in my room and buried my head under the covers but I thought I could sit with you for awhileI guess it was a silly notion. this is a good sturdy cabin a little wind and rain wont hurt it or blow it away.I know i’m not scared. your not a very good liar but you can stay with me.The Thunder was getting closer with each flash of lightning. Don’t get to close to the window, if you have to watch move the chair back. I don't want to watch. Then Thunder and lightning were closer and kagome jumped it's beautiful though. yes bright and beautiful but dangerous.she turned and looked at him this is highly improper you know?."she said with a smile sitting in here in the middle of the night. staying in the cabin without a chaperon very improper. but this is Colorado not Philadelphia Kagome.why are you afraid of storms? I don't know its not a rational fear. Its not like i’m afraid Ill be struck by lightning or the cabin. Its just I cant control my heart beats I shiver every time the thunder crashes a loud boom sounded above like that, what are you doing? I’m closing the window I could have done that now back in bed for you she turned to leave the room aren't you going to tuck me in Inuyasha said with a wry smile.I swear a twenty five year old baby is what I've got on my handsIt seems like Sango told you a lot about me didn't you two have anything better to talk about when she visited you?.I Assure you we had many conversations about more Interesting subjects then yourself Mr Takahashi you know why I came her and my plans they don't include a...a half civilized moody..Say it Kagome, Half breed was That The word on the tip of your tongue?"...Good Night Inuyasha she turned her back and walked out of the room.Inuyasha had hardly spoken to her since the night before. He believed she had rejected him because of his demon blood.He said That not her, Truth be told she liked him, maybe more then that but how could she tell him that?, she had allowed him to believe it simply by not denying it. That had been easier then trying to tell him the truth, But what is the truth?. the truth is she was attracted to him and why not? he's handsome and she knew enough about him to see through his scowls and frowns that she was falling in love with him.Not in her plans but true none the less she was in love with him.What are you doing chopping wood?", getting my strength back. His words were Harsh his eyes were fierce, That look doesn't scare me yasha and we already have enough wood, and your not getting your strength back your sapping what little you have". now get back into the house Inuyasha glared at her and she glared back at him. It was clear he was unaccustomed to allowing anyone tell him what to do. And he didn't like it not one bit. Im fine a little exercise will do me good. NO" Inuyasha raised an eyebrow No?"he took a step forward and she took a step back no" he took another step forward and she took another step back.stop that Inuyasha, stop what? you said yourself i’m nothing but a sick weak old man. Who should be confined to a bed or is there another reason you want me in bed?, you couldn't catch me if you tried, are you sure little girl she turned on her heels and ran as fast as she could which wasn't very fast. She could hear him behind her his feet landing on the grassy earth his breathing got closer and closer she expected him to stop at any moment. But he stayed with her until she felt his strong arm snake around her waist and they both fell to the ground the very breath knocked out of her as she hit the ground.  Inuyasha covered her body with his for a moment he didn't move, Inuyasha are you alright?, I’m fine, Then your right your all better.. No you were right I cant move, I told you so you can gloat later. can you move at all are you bleeding again?. Try to take a deep breath she pressed against him and They rolled together slowly till his weight was off of her.  she was on top of him Inuyasha was strong but he still need'ed her.she could feel his heart beating against her, Sango told her that one day Inuyasha would find a girl that wasn't frightened half to death of him and heaven help them both when that happened. he didn't scare her in the least she kissed him and pulled away before he had a chance to react,she didn't know why she did it Inuyasha’s eyes flew open what in the hell did you do that for?"sorry you just looked like you needed to be kissed. They might have stayed there awhile if they hadn't heard the sound of someone clearing their throat, suikotsu was standing near the porch. I brought you some groceries miss  Higarashi I'll just leave them in the kitchen, thank you Suikotsu its very kind of you. he turned and looked at her I warned you about inuyasha he said in a low voice. I know you did but...Suikotsus eyes widened as he looked over her shoulder she turned her head to see Inuyasha approaching them very slowly, I see you can move again?, yes babe he answered to her mortification i finallygot my strength back. His words seemed to have a double meaning he reached out and plucked a long blade of grass from her hair dropping it to the ground, as he placed his arm around her. Kagome saw the buckboard disappear with a sinking heart he didn't know why he did it, why he made certain suikotsu left with the wrong impression, actually he did know why he didn't want her to marry a rancher he knew it was foolish he didn't want to see her... watch her grow fat with another mans child that thought stopped  him completely it was time for him to get away from the ranch away from edo. what did it matter who she married?, it didn't not at all but some how he already felt like she was his. you know before the sunsets on edo everybody will think you and I, I don't give a damn what they think,"During the next few days the women of edo came to the cabin alone or with guests. bringing cakes,bread and smoked meats, As well as fresh vegetables. they arrived each and everyone of them hoping to find Kagome rolling in the grass like Suikotsu had told had kagome known that is why they came was to gather gossip yes she did did she care no not really, but she charmed them all. pouring cup after cup of tea, praising every sweet pastry and loaf of bread that past under her nose, sheasked for recipes for the vegetables. Inuyasha always made brief and memorable appearances whats for dinner babe? he came through shirtless of course. sorry I Didn't know you had company Kagome had to bite her lip to keep from shouting the devil you didn't! I m leaving tomorrow he said Solemnly still refusing to step aside, his arms were crossed over his chest as he blocked her path.Tomorrow really? really Inuyasha said Stepping aside for her to brush past him, as soon as I put you on the stage.I’m not going anywhere, yes you are your going home, I most certainly am not they could stand there all day and not finish this argument. If I have to tie you up and throw you on the back of the buckboard with your bags I will he turned away from her Kagome stood in the middle of the room speechless For the first time in her life. She couldn't go home not yet.Then Inuyasha stalked into the room scowling, pulled her against him with a low curse and kissed her. This was not a kiss on the cheek, This was a kiss that locked lips to hers and held her tight to his chest she could barely breath. His mouth was strong and demanding and then something changed. He still held her but not so tightly, his lips still pressed against hers she wrapped her arms around Inuyasha’s waist then he pulled away. He had the strangest look in his amber eyes unsure of what just happened. Bankotsu stood in the doorway I brought over the buckboard as you asked you sure you don't need me to drive?, Ill do it Inuyasha said coldly. sure will hate to see you leave Miss Higarashi...Kagome stared at Inuyash, he could smell the tears getting ready to fall but she held them back. Another one of your performances you saw him coming and that is why you kissed me?" you must be proud of yourself for making me think you cared, I’m not going anywhere bankotsu she said softly if you  want to leave then leave.Ill stay in town till Sango comes back.you will be on that stage, I’m not Kagome snapped and you cant make me your not my keeper,my Father or my Husband. as Kagome stormed out of the cabin she finally let the tears fall, what ever  had driven him to go back in the cabin  and kiss her? where had the uncontrollable urge come from? he knew she believed the kiss to be another one of his plots to ruin her reputation an embrace to startle Bankotsu nothing more, he would allow her to believe that was grateful in fact that she did even if his heart was breaking this was for the best,he had no explanation for the act otherwise none at all.but he couldn't shake the memory of the kiss it was like being caught in a storm of lightning coursing through his body,the thunder in his heart he had never experienced anything like it before. The feeling of losing control his past experience with women left him void of emotion but Kagome was all emotion he only to look at her face to know what she was feeling right now.She was angry, hurt but there was a twinkle in her eyes he didn't like it not at all, she was up to something. she hadn't begged him to stay since they left the cabin, what are you up to, I don't know what your talking about what makes you think I’m up to something." your going home." I suppose eventually Ill go home but not now,thats not what i said Kagome. well what will you do ride with me the whole way? you put me on the stage Ill just get off at the first stop, will you ride all the way there with me? will you carry me to my house hand me to my father like i was some sort of criminal, what business is it of yours where I go like I said you are not my keeper.I will go where I choose, you really should go home. Thats not your concern is it,? I was a fool to think you really cared but it was all a game to you and I thought Inu had honor I guess I was wrong,  I've decided to wait at the hotel Till sango returns do you have a problem with that? they road the rest of the way to town in silence.will the stage be on time? last week it was an hour late Jakotsu answered, I wont be on it Inuyasha so give up." If you put me on it Ill kick and scream and Ill be back on the street before it can move ten feet, she was smiling when she delivered her threat. Inuyasha looked at her a ticket for the stage and a length of rope Inuyasha turned and walked away. jakotsu was concerned about what was happening are you alright? as he placed his hand on kagomes shoulder, as well as can be expected, I guess Inuyashais determined to get rid of me . why I thought Yuka replayed I mean I would just die if a man talked to me that way."why is he making you leave? because he's a pig headed bully...who’s to say why men do what they do?.outside Inuyasha was surrounded by a half a dozen men Kagome knew something was wrong as she ran towards them stop it!"she yelled as she pushed her way through, what do you think your doing?!" Kagome grabbed the rifle from the front of the buckboard let him go she screamed, now four men looked at her back off Lady one of them said this doesn't concern you, i said let him go!"come on sweetheart you know you cant use that thing, your gonna hurt someone if you not careful, yeah you if you don't let him go this is the winchester 73 a most effective center fire repeating rifle its also called the 44-40 or 44 caliber kagome dropped the lever and pulled it back up my cousin sango taught me to shoot do you feel lucky asshole. everyone paled He burned Toga Takahashis barn," I’m certain you mistaken, Inuyasha didn't burn anything. he was seen riding away on that damn black stallion of his another man yelled. it was during the storm, then I know your man is mistaken Inuyasha was with meall that night he didn't go anywhere.so your claiming Inuyasha didn't leave the cabin that night even as you slept? naraku spoke up.we weren't sleeping at all that night and i can tell you he didn't go anywhere, they didn't care if Inuyasha was Innocent or not they wanted to get rid of him, and would do so with no more regret then they might squash a bug. so your willing to swearin front of the whole town that you and Inuyasha have been living there in sin." I never said that but you believe what you want If thats what you want to believe but the only way your going to hurt him is to kill me first and how will that look for your village a heartless village that hangs innocent men on a whim and young mothers are shot down in the street you may try to keepit secret but Sango will know and it will spread like wild fire, soon she had the crowd in the palm of her hand there was only one person not swayed Naraku walked to the front and prepared to slap the horse's, what about my baby Naraku stopped the Mob stared at herthere was shock in the crowd, even Inuyasha looked down at her with an unreadable fire in his eyes if you hang him what will happen to our baby, what will Sango say,Suikotsu spoke up lets think about this now keep are wits about us if she swears Inuyasha was home that night, I have to tell you to cut him down, Naraku stepped into the wagon just cant keep your hands off the human women can you?knocked up sangos Cousin now were going to have to watch you marry the pretty little thing don't seem fair.Your crazy Kagome I'd rather hang, you know Naraku said we would be doing Sango and Miroku a real disservice if we didnt take care of this pronto preacher? you available this afternoon? the minister nodded, that really not necessary theres no hury, nonsense theres no reason to delay this" five guns were trained on Inuyasha only this time they were leading him to a much different fate Kagome paced the small room, Id much rather wait for Sango she said to no one in particular...And give Inuyasha Takahashi a chance to disappear Yuka spoke up that wouldn’t be right Kagome, it would have been right to wait for Miroku and Sango they would have known what to do but it wasn't going to be allowed might as well make the best of it. It appears the whole village will be present for my wedding she said with more then a trace of amusement" wouldn't a reception Afterward be Appropriate"?She turned questioning eyes to the women around her, Yeah something outside in the field behind the church surly we could put something together some kind of party punch and sandwiches maybe some music we'll see what we can do.THE Church was full and every man in the room was armed the front pew was filled with men their six shooters and rifles trained on her groom a shot gun wedding with the entire town in attendance shops closed down the stage was quickly hurried through even the black smith was silent was this a wedding or funeral even though she felt like a princess Inuyasha looked very little like prince charming at the moment, she could feel anger radiating from him like the heat from a fire, Inuyasha leaned over and whispered, Ill get you for this little girl the minister faltered a bit but continued, this Is your fault mr Takahashi, now be quiet and pay attention to the ceremony, Ill strangle you with my bare hands if its the last thing i do, no you wont Kagome answered him. Inuyasha? the minister Interrupted I do?...Do I have a choise? he looked at the men with the guns, I guess i do the minister repeated the oath to the bride and kagome was more responsive then her groom and then the minister pronounced them man and wife. you may kiss the bride, your supposed to lift the veil and kiss me she whispered, Ive done all i’m going to do Inuyasha stated , the room was silent as everyone waited a little kiss on the cheek will suffice and so he did he gave Kagome what she obviously didn't expect he wrapped his arms around her lowered his lips to hers and gave her a searing kiss that rocked her very soul and his as well and then her words came to him its much more Interesting to give them what they least expect and so he did the guns in the front pew lowered and still he kissed her, the minister cleared his throat and still he kissed her men in the back rose to get a better look and were jerked back into their seats by their wives and still Inuyasha kissed her when he finally released her Kagome took a breath and Inuyasha gave her a Devilish grin. Inuyasha decided his wife was right it really was more fun to give people what they least expected but he knew it wasn't the only reason he kissed her, he kissed her because he wanted to, he kissed her because he needed to, In one quick motion Inuyasha picked her up and walked with long strides away from the minister, this comes later Yasha your supposed to walk me...shut up woman you are my wife now, and you will do as i say and if i want to carry you out of the church then...I haven’t had a chance to explain my plan. plan? this is all part of a plan?Inuyasha asked  well in a way,then Naraku walked up at least let me kiss the bride he spoke up with a grin.the man lowered his face to kagome even as she tried to move away from him but it wasn't necessary before he could touch her with his lips Naraku went flying backwards and landed on his ass in the dirt he barely had time to catch his breath when Inuyasha was lifting him by the throat, touch my mate again Ill kill you he had the attention of everyone there but no one came forward, Inuyasha heard whispers Naraku tried to kiss Lady Kagome, that Naraku never had any Manners, Inuyasha took care of him good and then Kagome was by his side as she glared at his terrified face trying to decide weather to hit him herself, you can let him go Yasha he didn't mean any harm he's just an Ill  mannered oaf.
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erinxsmusings-blog · 4 years
My personal response to COVID-19
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2019. Once I got over the initial shock, I knew I had to come to terms with the diagnosis or fear would consume me at a greater speed than the multiplying cancer cells. When the C-word is pinned to you, a massive mindfuck ensues. You cycle through a range of emotions, not dissimilar to the stages of grief. For me personally, it wasn’t long before a fight or flight response kicked in, and I resolved to do everything in my power to combat the disease. I overhauled my diet, increased my exercise regimen, and promptly evicted the fearful and racing thoughts that would creep into my mind from time to time. I saw the appropriate doctors, got second opinions, and followed the advice of medical professionals. But, I simply refused to dwell on the diagnosis I had just been given. It felt empowering and gave me some semblance of control over my life. It is a stance I maintain to this day. 
Throughout most of March 2020 I was making daily trips to the hospital for radiation treatments, right as the COVID-19 pandemic started spreading across the USA. At my first several radiation appointments in early March, I could walk right into the medical facility, the receptionists barely looking up from their computers as they checked me in. By the end of the month, I had to wait in my car for the radiation techs to text me that it was safe to enter the building, and I had to pass through 3 checkpoints along the way where my temperature was taken, and I was asked a series of COVID-19 related questions. 
During the course of my treatment, I had to meet with my radiation oncologist once a week for a routine check-up. Around mid to late March, before homemade masks were commonplace, I asked my doctor if I could possibly get a mask since I still had 2 weeks left of radiation. He responded that a mask wasn’t necessary, as it wouldn’t effectively protect me from COVID-19 pathogens. I recalled seeing a clip of Dr. Fauci on the news making a similar statement a few days prior, so I trusted that I was being given sound medical advice and accepted his answer.
A few days later, as I entered the medical building (through a door that was about 50 feet from the ER entrance), there was a woman in the lobby coughing incessantly. My stomach dropped, and I ran back outside and rifled through my car looking for any piece of cloth that I could use to cover my face. As I did so, I thought maybe I should just cancel my appointment and go home. Was it worth the potential exposure to COVID-19? Finally I found an old winter scarf in my trunk, and I ventured back to the building. As I walked back through the parking lot, I recognized a woman with whom I had chatted briefly in the waiting area the previous week. She  was also a radiation patient. I warned her that there was a woman in the lobby having a coughing fit and advised her that she may want to wait a few minutes before going in. She hesitated and said she didn’t think she had anything to tie around her face. She added that she had also been told that a face covering wouldn’t do much to help anyway. I told her I had been told that as well, but that I wasn’t taking any chances. She agreed and went back to her car to look for some sort of covering. For the remainder of my radiation appointments, I wore a scarf around the lower half of my face and counted down the days to my last treatment. By the end of April, face masks were ubiquitous and more readily available. Also, later that Spring, Dr. Fauci had changed his advice on the issue of masks and was now advocating for their widespread use. In fact, Fauci admitted that he had only advised people against masks to ensure that there would be enough of a supply of PPE for medical personnel. As someone who was undergoing cancer treatments during the time Fauci was advising against masks, I have a real problem with the fact that he intentionally misled people. In fact, never mind the euphemism I just used...Fauci straight up lied. He could have been forthright about the need to preserve PPE. He could have suggested people use any type of face covering, such as a bandana or scarf. But instead, he downplayed masks’ effectiveness. How many people were infected with COVID-19 based on his deliberate deception? And why aren’t more people upset that they were misled? Fauci continues to be propped up by many on the left as some sort of hero. These same folks are the first to castigate non-mask wearers, and they claim this stems from their deep and abiding concern for the collective well-being of humanity. Yet, they fail to hold Fauci accountable for the potential deaths that occurred on his watch, based on his ill advice. 
Fast forward to late July 2020. Dr. Stella Imnanuel, a doctor being promoted by Trump, makes headlines for suggesting that hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19. Dr. Immanuel is immediately written off as a quack by mainstream media mostly due to comments she has made in the past, showing her unconventional African-based religious views. The Fauci sycophants flock to social media, poking fun at Dr. Immanuel’s religious beliefs through memes and other pejorative statements. Around the same time, a video called “America’s Frontline Doctors” (that I haven’t seen) is scrubbed from major social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Many on the left, who have even less medical training than the doctors featured on the video, cheer its removal. They know best, after all. They are, for some reason, absolutely certain that corporate media reporting about COVID-19 would never lead them astray. The ways in which Big Pharma might be shaping the narrative are not considered. Their short-term memories fail to recall that Fauci irresponsibly lied to them a few short months ago. Who is the quack doctor again?
It seems that the modern-day American liberal has no problem with xenophobia as long as it’s been pushed in a manner that “resists” Trump. Also, they are completely ok with and even champions of censorship, while simultaneously screeching about fascism being on the rise because “Trump is literally Hitler.” Well, actually, I agree with them there...fascism is on the rise, and they are the embodiment of it. 
So, back to my battle with breast cancer. Here is the deal: I had to muster up a lot of strength to overcome the distress I faced when learning of my diagnosis. You don’t get to demand that I submit to living in fear just because you are allowing state-sponsored media to scare you shitless about COVID-19. Of course, I believe coronavirus is real. I believe that masks do reduce transmission, and that large clusters of people are not a good idea right now. I also happen to think Trump is a buffoon. But I also don’t judge anyone who questions that sentiment and believes that the lockdown measures are draconian. They have a right to that line of thinking, and you are not entitled to their opinion. The exchange of ideas and free thought is the cornerstone of democracy. You also do not get to decide what I or others watch or read on the internet. And by the way, I’m not taking news media advice from people who spent 4 years pushing Russiagate, and who continue to deny that it was a giant FLOP. Talk about false conspiracy theories, sheesh! 
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The Standing Stone
Standing in the center of a field no farmer ever attempted to plow, the stone thrust upward from the earth like a grey and pitted finger pointing accusingly at the sky. The field was bordered by a great, gnarled hedge of twisted bull thistle, normally the preferred nesting site of countless birds, but no birds nested in the hedge surrounding the standing stone, no streaks of spattered white stained the ancient granite. The soft earth surrounding the stone was smooth, unmarked by animals or insects. When Lydia Jacobs first saw the stone, she was startled by the almost palpably grim aura that flowed from it;how could a simple shaft of rock project such an intensity of feeling, she wondered. That night she mentioned it to her brother, William. “It gave me the strangest feeling,” she tried to explain, as she arranged the cups and saucers on the checkered cloth. “I actually wanted to turn and run away, and I don’t even know why.” “I do,” William Jacobs snapped. He was becoming increasingly tired of his sister’s constant emotional outbursts. “You never wanted to move to Baton Rouge in the first place and you’re looking for things to dislike about this town.” Lydia’s thin lips whitened. The accusation stung, because there was more than a grain of truth in it. “That isn’t true! You know I appreciate all that you’ve done for me…including the move here.” “Would you rather have stayed in West Virginia and let everyone know you was gonna have a baby, and with no husband?” Lydia’s face flamed red. “Of course not. I wouldn’t have been able to live with the shame of it. The move was the best thing to do, I know that. At least we’re strangers here and if I say I’m widowed, people will believe me.” “I hope so,” her brother told her. He tugged his pocket watch and flipped open the top, squinting in the dim lamplight to read the time. Lydia took the hint and disappeared into the tiny kitchen. William relaxed when she left the room. In truth, he was glad to leave West Virginia himself. The store had been fading fast, it had maybe a month or six weeks left in it before it collapsed beneath the weight of debts. This wasn't the first time he had lost a business, but he had always been able to use the money their late father had left Lydia and himself to pay off the debts. But that money was gone now. He owed far too many people money, and some of them were not too particular about how they collected it. This move to the deep South to a new state and a new life with a new surname would mean a fresh start for them both. Unfortunately, as he knew all too well, the South was small and everyone knew everyone, or knew someone who did. There was always a chance that their past might catch up with them, but people would be looking for a bankrupt store owner and his spinster sister. By that time he hoped they'd have established themselves as a successful general store owner who was supporting his widowed sister and her child. Although they had talked about adoption and she had tentatively agreed, he knew that once Lydia held the baby in her arms she would never give it up for adoption. There were times when William found it very easy to dislike his sister, times when he actively hated her. He never thought she'd be the type of woman who would become pregnant by a stranger at thirty-three. But she had always been foolish and willful. And now here she was with a story about a stone in a field that frightened her! A pregnant woman's fears. "Don't go near it again, ya hear?" "I'm listening," Lydia sighed. Lydia meant to follow his advice, but when William set off in his bicycle into town to open the tiny shop he'd purchased with the last of their money, she found herself alone in an empty house with the day stretching before her. Walking was a relief and the doctor had told her that she needed plenty of exercise. And on the winding country roads of Baton Rouge, it seemed that her feet brought her, again and again, to that one particular field where the standing stone waited. Since she could not avoid the stone, she finally got up the courage to enter the field by way of a sagging iron gate in the hedge. Lydia walked cautiously across the uneven ground. She was six months pregnant now, becoming heavy and clumsy. It had not yet begun to move in her, and she occasionally woke from nightmares in which she believed it was dead. Then she would pray for the baby to be born healthy, a strong, dark-haired, dark-eyed boy, the image of his father. No, not a male then, a lying, cheating conniving man, who preyed on lonely women and then abandoned them. Maybe the child would be a girl. Lydia stopped in front of the stone. From a distance, its surface seemed smooth, almost polished, but now she was close, she saw it was pitted and scored. As she was walking around the stone, she realized what she was seeing. Faces. Eyes and foreheads, noses and mouths, open, gaping mouths. And as the clouds crawled across the sun, she watched the faces take on an expression of extreme malevolence. She stepped backwards... and then, she thought she heard a sound like a baby's soft cooing. "What did you do today?" William asked when he returned late in the evening, a hint of scotch on his breath. "Walked," she said briskly. His dinner had congealed to a greasy mess hours ago. She was tempted to dish it up to him, but he was capable of violence when he had a few drinks in him. When she first told him she was pregnant, he had beaten her so badly she hadn't been able to leave the house for a week. "I'm tired, I'm going to bed." "Must be all that walking," he grinned drunkenly. Next day it was cloudy. Lydia waited impatiently until her brother had left for the shop, then immediately set out for her walk. She hurried along the country road as if she had somewhere important to go. There was now a briskness in her step that had not been there before, a sense if purpose she had lost when she discovered she was pregnant. When she reached the field she pushed open the rusting gate without hesitation and strode across the rough ground to the stone. Once there, however, she was suddenly uncertain as to why she gad come. Twice she reached out to touch the stone with her fingers, but drew back before her flesh brushed the cold granite. The third time she allowed her fingers to rest on the roughened rick. At once she heard the sound again, the infantile cooing. For a long time the woman stood beside the stone, touching it with her fingers, her eyes closed, listening...listening...listening. Thereafter, every day for the remaining three months of her pregnancy, Lydia visited the stone, no latter what the weather. She never told her brother. With the passage of days, she heard more voices at the stone. Resting her hands on her bloated stomach she listened and imagined there were hundreds if ghost babies somehow trapped in the stone, waiting to get out as her baby was trapped in her, waiting for its freedom. William Jacobs was unaware of the change in his sister's behavior, her long silences, her dreamy state, although he did remark that she seemed happy and content. He was happy for her...happy, too, that business in the shop began to improve noticeably. Every day Lydia visited the stone, touched its rough surface, listened to the sounds she heard, dreamt increasingly vivid dreams where the line between fantasy and reality blurred so much she was occasionally unsure which was the dream; this world, this petty life or her role as mother to the shadow-children. Every day before she left the stone, she embraced it, hugging it close. And every day brought more and more people to her brother's shop. The pain, the sudden clutching spasms shattered her dreams and brought her awake. They caught her again, deep in the pit of her stomach, lancing down into her thigh, the agony clamped an iron band around her chest , forcing air from her lungs, so that she couldn't even call out to her brother in the next room. When the pain passed and she could breathe again, she opened her mouth to call out... And then stopped. "If it happens again, I'll call him," she said aloud into the darkened room. Five minutes later she was asleep. In the morning she waved her brother goodbye, and stood in the doorway and waited until he had disappeared from sight around the bend in the road, She was in hr ninth month now and her swollen belly meant she could move only slowly, as she made her way to the field she felt the pain again in the pit of her stomach, but she never thought about turning back. She had to get to the stone, to the children, The pain caught her again. "Is it the baby?" she said aloud, her voice flat on the morning air. She turned to look back at the gate, she was going to go back, she didn't want to be so far from home if the child was coming. Then she heard the sounds from the stone. Loud wails, the crying of a multitude of infants, lost and frightened, crying for their mother. Lydia straightened and hurried across the field to the stone. "Hello? Hello?" William pushed open the door and stopped when he realized the house was empty. "Lydia?" where was she? The baby. The baby must have arrived. He was smiling as he pedaled his bicycle the 5 miles down the road to the hospital. She'd probably had the baby hours ago. But Lydia wasn't at the hospital, nor had she been to the local midwife's. When the police arrived, they did a thorough search of he fields surrounding their house. She'd probably gone out for a walk and was simply too tired to return, the sergeant consoled William. He suggested William get some sleep, but William refused to rest and continued searching through the night, bullseye lamp bobbing over the fields, his voice becoming hoarse and ragged as he called out her name. At dawn, exhausted, almost asleep on his feet, though still determined, he was leading a small group of neighbors down a narrow country lane, when he noticed a rusty gate leading into field was standing ajar. He was just reaching over to pull it closed when he noticed the stone, rising out of the mist. Hadn't Lydia spoken of a standing stone...? As he stepped into the field, he noticed the figure lying at its foot like a pile of discarded clothing. He was screaming as he ran across the field, a mixture of triumph and fear. Lydia was alive; that is, her body was alive. Her mind was gone. For the rest of her days, there would be only one image in her brain, and she would never be able to communicate it to anyone, though she tried in a constant, maddening, incomprehensible babble until her death at 55 in 1977. And no one discovered what had happened to the baby in her womb. It was gone as if it had never existed. And the terrified local townspeople never gave William any believable explanation as to why the fissures of the stone were running red with blood.
Credit to: armaneaux
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