#who gave the rat hole a rat trap. always love this silly guy
dailylaurajane · 8 months
“we visited the rat hole!”
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overwatchshotz · 5 years
Mccree x F!reader 1
~☆my first sorta song fic but not really, So reader is known as "Song bird" in the deadlock gang and Jesse's lover, takes place when he is recruited into Blackwatch☆~
Song is Desire by the assassins.
Mccree found himself in his usual spot in the deadlock bar on route 66. He had a long day, lady boss Ashe was having her usual fits about a job gone wrong and how this was a close call, whatever, he stopped listening after a while. He needed a breather, space, a moment to put himself back together. A few drinks always helped. He sat in a corner table, with acouple of open bottles, he was planning on drinking them all and after going back to his little apartment for a good snooze.
But he had to hear Her sing first. Yes in the deadlock crew there was one person he could listen to for hours. She went by the name Song Bird, known for her free spirit and lovely song voice, he never understood why she wasn't famous, away from this hell hole they called home. He could see her making a real name for herself, but she just smile and say she didnt want to sing for no body else but her family, which was the deadlock gang.
"Hey Song Bird, sing for us!" A random member said from the bar as she came down the stairs. "Hold on to your horses Johnny" she chuckled as her eyes caught Jesse's looking at her. She gave a wink in his direction as she made her way to the little stage they made for her. Song bird waited for her band to get ready, taking a deep breath as the band started to play.
"Anything you want, whatever's on your mind
I will seek out any treasure to satisfy your pleasure, baby
But don't ask for any guarantees
Standing on the edge, is what attracted me
The damage that we do, belongs to me and you, baby"
Jesse was immediately drawn into her voice, like he always was. It was no secret he had a thing for the girl. Who wouldn't? She was beautiful and had hips that could sway any mans wallet out their pockets.
"So don't love me, and don't lie
Don't let me see that look in your eyes
You promised from the start
We'd both keep love apart from desire"
In this life, you couldnt afford love, no happy endings, outside of the deadlock gang you were nothing, Ashe made sure of that when she recruited anyone into her screwed up family. Song bird knew this, so did Jesse, which was why their feelings for eachother were so hidden. It was playful smiles and winks but underneath was two people who wanted more, they wanted the world to know they were more than Ashe's puppets.
"I don't wanna talk about tomorrow
What we have today is all I'm ready for
It's a complicated game
But it's the reason that we came together
Cause if I took the stars out of the sky
A galaxy to give you to somehow testify
Would change us, rearrange us forever?"
Her eyes were on him, He was willing to throw all his cards in for a chance to become more than a secret but she was scared. She wasnt hesitant to get on Ashe's bad side, especially since Song bird knew about Jesse's "talks" with a certain Commander. He wanted to take her away from all of this, they could start a new life away from the deadlocks, away from Ashe. Jesse had promised, swore to her that this Reyes guy could protect them both.
"So don't love me, and don't lie
Don't let me see that look in your eyes
I promised from the start
I'd keep my love apart from desire"
Jesse watched as his lady love sing with all her passion, this song was everything opposite of how they felt for eachother, they tried that, and it failed. He was so tired of sneaking around. Reyes told him to have an answer by tomorrow night, if Jesse couldnt convince her to come with him, she would be going down with the rest of the gang and the only song she'll sing would be the jail house blues. He didnt want that for her, he didnt want his song bird to be trapped in a cage for the rest of her life.
"This is not about love, this is not about love
This is all about, all about my desire!"
Song bird closed her eyes as she sang the last part, a decision in her mind already.
"This is not about love, this is not about love
This is all about, all about my desire
My desire
Oh yeah my desire
Oh my desire!"
The song ended as she did a silly curtsey as the rest of the bar shouted and cheered for her. "Thank yall so much, I'll be back in a few minutes, need some water." She said as she hopped down from the stage and walked over to Jesse's table, someone putting the jukebox on while she was away.
"May I sit with you?" She asked him. A smirk was on his face as he dipped his hat a little "I would never say no to you." His charming voice always had her heart skipping beats. She took a seat next to him. "So I thought about what you said." She said low enough for him to hear. "And? What will it be?" He asked, his hand sneaking under the table and holding hers.
"If this Commander guy really means what he says, then I'll go with you. I'm just...really scared Jesse..." she was honest. "Dont be, I'm with you Y/N" he used her real name, she smiled as her eyes watered a little bit, no one calls her by her real name anymore and hearing it from him just brought so many emotions. "So when do we go?" She asked.
"I'm supposed to meet our friend tomorrow night, come with me, travel light he said." Jesse said looking around to see if anyone was paying attention to them, he lifted her hand and kissed it quickly. "I'll see you then." He said getting up and heading out, leaving her to watch him go. She sighed "A new life..." it didnt sound real to her.
Jesse waited for her at the back of the gas station. She was a little late, which worried him. Commander Reyes was to be there any moment, and if she wasn't there by the time he was, Jesse would be forced to leave her behind. He didnt want that at all. "Psst Jesse..." someone called to him, he turned around to see Song bird behind the trash bin. He chuckled "What are you doing?" "Making sure I wasn't followed..." she pouted not liking to be laughed at. She looked so cute looking around griping onto her back pack as she stepped out of her hiding spot.
"Come here darlin..." he said, she walked to him and he cupped her face. "Reyes should be here so-" Jesse was cut off by a car honk. The two looked and saw an overwatch vehicle, Song bird was immediately nervous and his behind Jesse. "Come on you two we have to get moving before the squad moves in." A man Song bird assumed was the commander said. "The squad moves in?" She asked herself. It did bother her that Jesse sold the deadlock gang out for their freedom, they would be branded as rats for the rest of their lives but Jesse didn't care, as long as she was safe, call him mickey mouse for all he cares.
They got into the car, in the back seat, she held Jesse's hand tightly as Reyes pulled away from the gas station and the opposite direction of the deadlock hideout, Song bird looked back and saw the very silent drop ships flying toward what she used to call home.
"So your name is Y/N correct?" Reyes asked from the front seat. She looked at him. "Yes sir." "Call me Gabriel, I'm Jesse's new boss, you did a good thing, dont let anyone tell you different." He said probably reading her mind. "We are starting a new life." Jesse said, kissing her cheek. Y/N nodded and leaned her head on his shoulder. "So what am I going to do?" She asked. "Strike Commander Morrison will be taking you under his wing." Reyes said. "I wont be with Jesse?" She asked. "Work wise no, but I set you two up in the same living space so you'll be with your cowboy." Gabe looked in the rearview mirror at her, she looked so relieved. He chuckled.
Y/N looked at Jesse and pressed a kiss to his lips, Jesse leaned in for more, and soon they were kissing in the back seat making Gabe clear his throat "Please no baby making in the company car...or infront of me most importantly..." Y/N blushed and chuckled while Jesse rolled his eyes pressing one more kiss to her lips. "I hope our living quarters can handle us." Jesse said making the Commander shake his head and Y/N more red. Jesse was going to take advantage of this new freedom to make his song bird sing in a whole new way.
Yeah sorry if this is bleh, I'm not as confident in my writing as I used to be. But hope you enjoyed. As always the gif doesnt belong to me.
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