#who has just. they've moved in. they don't pay rent
bloomingbluebell · 5 months
no i don't have a favourite link ahahaha what makes you think that *pointedly not looking at the copious amounts of evidence that says it's botw/totk link*
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ffsg0jo · 5 months
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boynextdoor! choso who you've had a mini crush on ever since you saw him move in with his two brothers yuuji and sukuna. yuuji is the 5-year-old who is just the sweetest ray of sunshine, and sukuna (kuna) is the grumpy undergrad whose name you only know because of yuuji's incessant need for 'uppies'. you don't know much about choso, though, except that he's the eldest, is always working to pay for the bills/rent, and is scarcely home.
boynextdoor! choso, who invites you over for dinner a couple of days after moving in to get to know you a little better and introduce him and his family. you notice the lack of parents, but you don’t say anything or bring it to attention, seeing first-hand how hard choso works as you help him with all the dishes he cooked, and as sukuna sets the table. immediately, yuuji is smitten by you (and you, him) constantly trying to get your attention and talking to you about his new friend called gumi, your shared neighbour's son. choso watches you with yuuji in your arms while you're animatedly talking to his baby brother. the genuine interest you show in what yuuji says makes his heart pitter patter.
(sukuna is quiet throughout the whole affair, only speaking when spoken to and even then keeping it prompt, but he notices the way choso looks at you when you're not watching and vice versa. you’re kind, polite, and seemingly loving. you could be good for his older brother; he thinks to himself.)
boynextdoor! choso, who knocked on your door and asked if you wanted him to take the trash outside your door to the big bins since he's throwing out his own as well on the second week they moved in. your face heated up, and you swooned at his thoughtfulness as you shyly nodded, adding if it's not too much trouble for him. ever since then, he's assumed the role of taking out your trash, making sure to dispose of all the rubbish in the appropriate bins. does it make him a little late to work? yes. but the look on your face when he first asked was worth it.
boynextdoor! choso, who secretly tries to find excuses to see you more and more often in his busy schedule. he caught a glimpse of you through your window when first moving in, and he can't get enough of you ever since. whether it's bringing round some 'extra' cookies, he's baked for sukuna and yuuji or asking if you'd like to join them for dinner again. you've never really taken him up on that offer, though, worried about intruding, and he's almost on the verge of begging you, insisting you could never.
boynextdoor! choso who bakes the best cookies and muffins. you're half convinced he's lying to you, and he's just bought them from the local bakery. but you've seen the evidence through the window directly opposite yours, with little yuuji chasing both of his brothers round the kitchen with tiny fistfuls of flour. it's the first time you've seen choso smile so brightly, and something in your heart melts. even sukuna is tame and soft in the presence of his older brother, you've noted.
boynextdoor! choso whose brothers notice the badly hidden crush he has on the cutie next door. (yes, it's gotten so obvious that even little yuuji recognises the fact that big bro really wants to be your friend). he works so hard for them, and he deserves happiness, so it's in his best interest when both knuckleheads (mainly sukuna) put their heads together and start plotting and devising a plan to try and get you both together. they've seen the longing in both of your eyes and are sure it'll work.
boynextdoor! choso who knocks on your door at 4 something am in the morning whilst you're half asleep asking if you could babysit yuuji. his shift starts two hours, and he needs to leave in one, and sukuna is nowhere to be seen. he's so apologetic, and he promises to make it up to you however you want. you see the bags under his eyes and the heart-breaking frown on his face, and you immediately agree. yuuji's a delight anyway, and you'd be more than happy to.
(yuuji is gently woken up by his big bro before he leaves, who explains what's happened. he smiles a wide, sleepy smile and is excited to spend time with you, ready to set his and sukubros plan into motion. but first, he needs another nap and some cuddles.)
(choso is forever grateful for the angel of a brother yuuji is. it balances out sukuna for sure.)
boynextdoor! choso, who seems to talk about you a lot, and how beautiful you are. at least according to yuuji. yuuji says sometimes big bro sees you outside from the kitchen window whilst he's cooking and looks at you with a smile. a smile yuuji's only seen him give to two other people, but other big bro said that choso wants to crush you? he doesn't understand why because you're really lovely to yuuji and to everyone in general and you play with him and let him take pictures on your phone and secretly let him have his dessert with his meal. anyways if big bro tries to crush you, don't worry, you've got yuuji to protect you!
(his words make you blush at the implication as you realise what yuuji means.)
boynextdoor! choso who comes back from his long shift to you and yuuji napping on his couch. he’s exhausted, but the sight of you two together warms his heart, and he suddenly finds himself with bucketloads of energy. he gets started on making dinner for you all whilst you’re napping, and he hopes that you’ll stay this time. halfway through prepping, he hears a door open and a worse for wear sukuna stumbles in with a hard look on his face. quietly, sukuna joins his brother, muttering a small apology and washing his hands before taking over on chopping the onions. the two cook in silence, knowing that sukuna would open up when he’s ready.
boynextdoor! choso who gently nudges you awake when they’re finished cooking. at first, you think you’re dreaming with an angelic looking choso hovering above you. but then you cringe, feeling the drool on your cheek, wiping it away quickly, praying choso never noticed. (he most definitely did, but he found it incredibly endearing). he thanks you profusely and insists on you joining them for dinner. you’re glad you did because there’s just something so sweet about the three brothers interacting with each other. even sukuna lightly jokes around and teases little yuuji at the dinner table, trying to get him to eat all his veggies.
boynextdoor! choso, who keeps trying to pay you for looking after yuuji when you’re about to leave. you refuse knowing that his family needs it more, plus you’re more than happy to look after yuuji, he’s an angel. choso still insists, adamant on paying you and only shuts up when you tell choso to take you out on date instead, emboldened by everything yuuji’s told you. choso short circuits, blushing furiously. he nods, unable to form words, and stutters out an ‘i’ll text you’. you turn around and leave, and choso is still rooted to the spot, replaying your words in his head. it’s only when he’s giggling and kicking his legs in bed that he suddenly realises he doesn’t have your number. oh well, it’s just another excuse to see you then.
(sukuna witnesses the whole thing and is lowkey mad because he spent all that time planning and plotting for no reason. he hears choso’s giggles through the thin walls, though, and fights back a smile. to hell with his plans.)
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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2smolbeans · 2 months
I just realised how terrifying a yan ceo can potentially be.
Money, power, connections, it can be all used against you. For all you know, they could kidnap you in the most subtle way to the point that you won't even know when to be on your guard. They could hire men to come and grab you in a shabby van, alleyway, or even in your own home- in broad daylight too. They could disguise themselves as a regular Joe who happens to work in the same workplace as you as a way to get closer. They have all the time to do it, not like they need to work 24/7 unlike you.
And when they kidnap you, God knows where they can put you! For all you know, they could move you into a foreign country inside a locked up penthouse. Good luck getting back home, especially if you don't even speak the language! Or better yet, if you could even find your passport and any of your belongings.
Or if their feeling a little lazy, they could just trap you in a room with loads of security cameras and locks. They have money, and they can literally afford anything. A shock collar? Oh, don't mind if they do! Let's add an invisible gated fence while at it to keep you in place whenever their gone.
A rich person always has connections, and oh boy, can they abuse it with their wits and charm. You escaped (which will NEVER happen), and you accuse them of absolutely horrible crimes. Well, you're just a jealous ex with a history of drug use, fraud, and theft that just wants to collect their money. Better yet, where were you during the disappearance of a particular person? It's suspicious how your DNA is plastered all over the crime scene..
Or perhaps they have a 3rd party they work with. CEOs and rich people always gave different ways of earning money.. Sometimes, it can be tied to an illegal 3rd party. Man, what a shame if they were to just auction you off to the black market, sell one of your organs, or maybe try that new expiremental drug they've been curious about because you decided to lip off at them.
They could replace you anytime, but they choose not to.
Money can buy anything, and it probably bought your parents over. Sending money, gifts, and letters to your family, introducing them as your best friend or partner as a way to personally wiggle themselves into your life.
"(Y/n) they are so nice! Why didn't you tell us about them?"
"Oh, don't be like that! We need them. Please.. Don't be inconsiderate."
With all the gifts and life changing money they throw, they sometimes even win you over at some moments.. And that's what makes it even worse. You actually consider being with them the more you comply, the more they reward your submissiveness to their insanity, and well to simply put it- throw money at you.
I mean fuck it, why not? What's the harm in marrying them? Is what you would say if they weren't bat shit insane or cruel. The richest people don't become filthy rich from being good or kind after all..
Mistreating workers, black market connections, destroying peoples lives financially- fuck does it make you feel complicit. But you can't leave. Divorce them? Yeah, in your dreams. But okay, what if they humor you and let you leave?
Say goodbye to any property you have, your money, and your dignity. By the end of the court session, you'll have nothing, and I mean NOTHING. Try to get a job? It won't pay the debt you owe or restore your bank account after the legal divorce. I say legal because to them, they probably just see this as a minor inconvenience or couples quarrel. They could always just get another ring and throw another wedding, you're just being whiny and difficult.
You wanna buy a house, a car, or even pay rent? Yeah, no, you can't afford to divorce them.
They literally own you now.
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Precaratize bosses
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me SUNDAY (Apr 21) in TORINO, then Marin County (Apr 27), Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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Combine Angelou's "When someone shows you who they are, believe them" with the truism that in politics, "every accusation is a confession" and you get: "Every time someone accuses you of a vice, they're showing you who they are and you should believe them."
Let's talk about some of those accusations. Remember the moral panic over the CARES Act covid stimulus checks? Hyperventilating mouthpieces for the ruling class were on every cable network, complaining that "no one wants to work anymore." The barely-submerged subtext was their belief that the only reason people show up for work is that they're afraid of losing everything – their homes, their kids, the groceries in their fridge.
This isn't a new development. Back when Clinton destroyed welfare, his justification was that "handouts" make workers lazy. The way to goad workers off their sofas (and the welfare rolls) and into jobs was to instill fear in them:
This is also the firm belief of tech bosses: for them, mass tech layoffs are great news, because they terrorize the workers you don't fire, so that they'll be "extremely hardcore" and put in as many extra hours as the company demands, without even requiring any extra pay in return:
Now, there's an obvious answer to the problem of no one taking a job at the wage being offered: just increase the offer. Capitalists claim to understand this. Uber will tell you that surge pricing "incentivizes drivers" to take to the streets by offering them more money to drive during busy times:
(Note that while Uber once handed the lion's share of surge price premiums to drivers, these days, Uber just keeps the money, because they've entered the enshittification stage where drivers are so scared of being blacklisted that Uber can push them around instead of dangling carrots.)
(Also note that this logic completely fails when it comes to other businesses, like Wendy's, who briefly promised surge-priced hamburgers during busy times, but without even the pretense that the surge premium would be used to pay additional workers to rush to the restaurant and increase the capacity:)
So bosses knew how to address their worker shortage: higher wages. You know: supply and demand. For bosses, the issue wasn't supply, it was price. A worker who earns $10/hour but makes the company $20 profit every hour is splitting the surplus 50:50 with their employer. The employer has overheads (rent on the shop, inventory, advertising and administration) that they have to pay out of their end of that surplus. But workers also have overheads: commuting costs, child-care, a professional wardrobe, and other expenses the worker incurs just so they can make money for their boss.
There's no iron law of economics that says the worker/boss split should be 50/50. Depending on the bargaining power of workers and their bosses, that split can move around a lot. Think of McDonald's and Walmart workers who work for wildly profitable corporate empires, but are so badly paid that they have to rely on food stamps. The split there is more like 10/90, in the boss's favor.
The pandemic changed the bargaining power. Sure, workers got a small cushion from stimulus checks, but they also benefited from changes in the fundamentals of the labor market. For example, millions of boomers just noped out of their jobs, forever, unwilling to risk catching a fatal illness and furious to realize that their bosses viewed that as an acceptable risk.
Bosses' willingness to risk their workers' lives backfired in another way: killing hundreds of thousands of workers and permanently disabling millions more. Combine the boomer exodus with the workers who sickened or died, and there's just fewer workers to go around, and so now those workers enjoy more bargaining power. They can demand a better split: say, 75/25, in their favor.
Remember the 2015 American Airlines strike, where pilots and flight attendants got a raise? The eminently guillotineable Citibank analyst Kevin Crissey declared: "This is frustrating. Labor is being paid first again. Shareholders get leftovers":
Now, obviously, the corporation doesn't want to offer a greater share of its surplus to its workforce, but it certainly can do so. The more it pays its workers, the less profitable it will be, but that's capitalism, right? Corporations try to become as profitable as they can be, but they can't just decree that their workers must work for whatever pay they want to offer (that's serfdom).
Companies also don't get to dictate that we must buy their goods at whatever price they set (the would be a planned economy, not a market economy). There's no law that says that when the cost of making something goes up, its price should go up, too. A business that spends $10 to make a widget you pay $15 for has a $5 margin to play with. If the business's costs go up to $11, they can still charge $15 and take $1 less in profits. Or they can raise the price to $15.50 and split the difference.
But when businesses don't face competition, they can make you eat their increased costs. Take Verizon. They made $79b in profit last year, and also just imposed a $4/month service charge on their mobile customers due to "rising operational costs":
Now, Verizon is very possibly lying about these rising costs. Excuseflation is rampant and rising, as one CEO told his investors, when the news is full of inflation-talk, "it’s an opportunity to increase the prices without getting a whole bunch of complaining from the customers":
But even stipulating that Verizon is telling the truth about these "rising costs," why should we eat those costs? There's $79b worth of surplus between Verizon's operating costs and its gross revenue. Why not take it out of Verizon's bottom line?
For 40 years, neoliberal economists have emphasized our role as "consumers" (as though consumers weren't also workers!). This let them play us off against one-another: "Sure, you don't want the person who rings up your groceries to get evicted because they can't pay their rent, but do you care about it enough to pay an extra nickel for these eggs?"
But again, there's no obvious reason why you should pay that extra nickel. If you have the buying power to hold prices down, and workers have the labor power to keep wages up, then the business has to absorb that nickel. We can have a world where workers can pay their rent and you can afford your groceries.
So how do we get bosses to agree to take less so we can have more? They've told us how: for bosses, the thing that motivates workers to show up for shitty jobs is fear – fear of losing their homes, fear of going hungry.
When your boss says, "If you don't want to do this job for minimum wage, there's someone else who will," they're telling you that the way to get a raise out of them is to engineer things so that you can say, "If you don't want to pay me a living wage for this job, there's someone else who will."
Their accusation – that you only give someone else a fair shake when you're afraid of losing out – is a confession: to get them to give you a fair shake, we have to make them afraid. They're showing us who they are, and we should believe them.
In her Daily Show appearance, FTC chair Lina Khan quipped that monopolies are too big to care:
Philosophers of capitalism are forever praising its ability to transform greed into public benefit. As Adam Smith put it, "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest." The desire to make as much money as possible, on its own, doesn't produce our dinner, but when the butcher, the brewer and the baker are afraid that you will take your labor or your wallet elsewhere, they pay more and charge less.
Capitalists don't want market economies, where they have to compete with one another, eroding their margins and profits – they want a planned economy, like Amazon, where Party Secretary Bezos and his commissars tell merchants what they can sell and tell us what we must pay:
Capitalists don't want free labor, where they have to compete with rival capitalists to bid on their workers' labor – they want noncompetes, bondage fees, and "training repayment agreement provisions" (TRAPs) that force their workers to stay in dead-end jobs rather than shopping for a better wage:
Capitalists hate capitalism, because capitalism only works if the capitalists are in a constant state of terror inspired by the knowledge that tomorrow, someone smarter could come along and open a better business, poaching their customers and workers, and putting the capitalist on the breadline.
Being in a constant precarious state makes people lose their minds, and capitalists know it. That's why they work so hard to precaratize the rest of us, saddling us with health debt, education debt, housing debt, stagnating wages and rising prices. It's not just because that makes them more money in the short term from our interest payments and penalties. It's because it de-risks their lives: monopolies and cartels can pass on any extra costs to consumers, who'll eat shit and take it:
A workforce that goes to bed every night worrying about making the rent is a workforce that put in unpaid overtime and thank you for it.
Capitalists hate capitalism. You know who didn't hate capitalism? Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels. The first chapter of The Communist Manifesto is just these two guys totally geeking out about how much cool stuff we get when capitalists are afraid and therefore productive:
But when capitalists escape their fears, the alchemical reaction that converts greed to prosperity fizzles, leaving nothing behind but greed and its handmaiden, enshittification. Google search is in the toilet, getting worse every year, but rather than taking reduced margins and spending more fighting spam, the company did a $80b stock-buyback and fired 12,000 skilled technologists, rather than using that 80 bil to pay their wages for the next twenty-seven years:
Monopoly apologists like to argue that monopolists can rake in the giant profits necessary to fund big, ambitious projects the produce better products at lower prices and make us all better off. But even if monopolists can spend their monopoly windfalls on big, ambitious projects, they don't. Why would they?
If you're Google, you can either spend tens of billions on R&D to keep up with spam and SEO scumbags, or you can spend less money buying the default search spot on every platform, so no one ever tries another search engine and switches:
Compared to its monopoly earnings, the tech sector's R&D spending is infinitesimal:
How do we get capitalists to work harder to make their workers and customers better off? Capitalists tell us how, every day. We need to make them afraid.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Vlad Lazarenko (modified) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wall_Street_Sign_%281-9%29.jpg CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
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mariacallous · 2 months
so every time I post about building of more housing through HUD or whatever, people will always pop into the tags or the notes and say something like "we don't need to build any more housing!" "there's more than enough houses for people!" etc from the left
and I have an idea what the issue is, ie there's enough housing collectively across all of America, but not enough where people actually live/want to live, what good does an empty house in Montana do someone paying too much in rent in NYC?
but you're a lot smarter than me, what are they talking about? are they right? is my guess correct?
Finding an affordable place to live in the U.S. can feel pretty impossible whether you're a renter or a buyer.
To begin with, there's a massive shortage of homes — somewhere between 4 and 7 million. And those who are able to find homes are spending a much bigger chunk of their paycheck than in recent years.
All Things Considered host Mary Louise Kelly spoke with Alex Horowitz, the director of Pew's Housing Policy Initiative, to help understand why affordable housing feels like a pipe dream, and what can be done about it.
She began by asking about the shortage of 4 to 7 million homes in the U.S., and whether that was a shortage of all homes or affordable ones.
Alex Horowitz: We're short on all homes. Full stop. There just aren't enough of them. And that means that existing homes are getting bid up because we see high income households competing with low income households for the same residences since just not enough are getting built.
Mary Louise Kelly: And what's driving this? Why?
Horowitz: So restrictive zoning is the primary culprit. It's made it hard to build homes in the areas where there are jobs. And so that has created an immense housing shortage. And each home is getting bid up, whether it's a rental or whether it's a home to buy.
Kelly: I want to ask if there are any cities getting this right. Can you give me an example of one that has looked at it's zoning laws and said we could actually make this more affordable if we change things?
Horowitz: There are definitely cities that are getting this right. And we've seen a lot of changes in recent years to allow more homes, especially the kinds of homes that are in short supply, namely apartments, townhouses, duplexes and homes that don't cost as much as a detached single family house. Minneapolis is a great example. Minneapolis updated their zoning to make it much easier to build apartments near commerce and near transit, in part by eliminating parking minimums and also by making permitting easy. And it worked. They're producing housing at triple the rate of the U.S. and the rest of Minnesota, and that has meant that they've kept their rents flat for about seven years.
Kelly: Okay, so let's drill down first on the renters side of this. We heard from Natalie French, the renter who had to move out of her apartment when her rent went way up. How typical is that? Is that happening to people all over the country?
Horowitz: That is happening. And rents have been rising rapidly, up about 30% in the U.S. since 2017, with median rents now hitting about 1400 dollars a month. And we've never been at a time before where half of renters were spending 30% or more of income on rent. But that's happening for the first time.
Kelly: And then on the homebuying side, we hear a lot about mortgage rates. They keep climbing. They don't look like they're coming down anytime soon. Are there other factors that make this a tough time to buy?
Horowitz: A lack of starter homes is really keeping it difficult for first time homebuyers to crack the market. And that is because traditionally starter homes are small homes. That means a home on a small lot, maybe a townhouse. And we're seeing far fewer of those come onto the market. Many jurisdictions require large minimum lot sizes, and that means that land costs end up being a big part of the equation. Houston is the place that has had the most success in bringing starter homes into the market. And it was by reducing their minimum lot size. And then 80,000 townhouses followed.
Kelly: So does it boil down to the double whammy of: there aren't enough homes full stop, and even if there were a home, it's really hard to afford a mortgage in an era where mortgage rates are sky high.
Horowitz: Mortgage rates are a piece of the puzzle, but at a fundamental level, even when mortgage rates were low, it was hard to buy a home for the first time because there simply aren't enough of them. And a lot of the ones that we have are bigger than what people need. U.S. household size is at an all time low of 2.50 people per household. And so we see homes that are bigger than what a lot of residents are looking for.
Kelly: What about financing and lending? Setting aside what mortgage rates are, is it more difficult than in generations past just to get a loan to buy a house?
Horowitz: Oh, it's gotten much more difficult to get a mortgage. The availability of mortgage credit tightened dramatically during the Great Recession, and it never bounced back. So for someone who gets a mortgage today, they're likely to have a higher credit score than someone who's gotten a mortgage in the past. And that means simply fewer people are eligible for homes. And the cost to originate a mortgage has roughly tripled since 2009. And that has meant that lenders don't offer many small mortgages because they tend not to make money on them unless the mortgage is for over about $150,000.
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venusmage · 4 months
Commission/Life update for 2024
EDIT 9/16/24
As of now I've resolved around 15 commissions since this post was made at the start of June! This is much faster than I was going the past year. They're going well and I thank everyone again who has been so patient and kind. I've gotten nothing but kindness as a response to the wait, even from those who have been waiting for over a year by now. Thank you.
I recently started two new jobs and school again, so I'm a little busy. BUT everyone is (albeit not at a super fast speed) moving up in queue! Once the owed "Full" commissions are done, I expect to get through Sketch Coms even faster and currently I'm at a good pace to be done by the end of the year.
The best days to reach me are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the moment. Otherwise it might take me a day or so to get back to you. I work on my own projects on the weekends to preserve my sanity, lol! Just know if I'm drawing something else, I haven't forgotten my queue!
Original post:
Just want everyone to know I AM okay now and life has gotten better recently. However the past year and a half have been extremely difficult and I'm only now getting back on my feet. I generally don't like sharing life details publicly, but as a freelancer with clients that have been waiting for a while I feel like transparency is key.
If you don't want an explanation for the delays and just want to know my completion timeline, that's totally okay. Here is all the info up front. I'm going to continue updating my commission queue as usual and will not be accepting any more orders until ALL of the queue is completed. I'm working on finishing the half and full bodies first since they've been the longest waiting in queue. Then the rest. I don't have a set date in mind for when they'll be all done for good but the goal is by the end of the year. I think that's more than doable for me now. If you're a client of mine and have questions/concerns, please message me either here or on Discord and I'll do my best to help you. My username on discord is the same as my Tumblr username. Twitter and Ko-Fi are also options but I don't check them as frequently. I usually work Monday-Thursday so that will be the best time to shoot me a message or expect an update to the queue.
Information on what's been going on is below.
CW for mentions of death, financial hardship and homophobia.
As a few of you might remember, in 2019 I was disowned by my mother for being a lesbian. I made the choice to go no-contact. Since then, up until LAST YEAR, she's routinely harassed me or had other family harass me, stalked me on social media, tried to get to me through the website I take commission orders, and threatened me multiple times. I was forced to move across the country both because I felt unsafe and because my partner had family elsewhere that were more accepting. I've had to change my phone number twice.
It's been extremely difficult both financially and mentally to keep my head above water. In 2021 my grandfather died and I still haven't felt like I've been able to properly grieve. I wasn't able to see him due to her and I wasn't invited to his funeral. We were very close and he meant the world to me. In 2023 my grandmother passed away very suddenly as well, and my mother used it as an excuse to harass me over ko-fi/my professional email. It was such a horrific experience that I fell into a months long spiral that I only just now feel like I'm climbing out of. This is when commissions first stalled. I was also starting to get overwhelmed, as I had to take on more work than I could realistically handle in order to pay bills and rent. That's really it - I just had to take more orders so we weren't kicked out of our apartment, and as my mental state deteriorated I couldn't keep up.
The good news is that my wife and moved earlier this year we're living with supportive(!) family now and our financial burden is much lighter. This gives me time to work on my backlog without re-opening. I'm also going to school again, back in college starting this summer for a second degree. For my own health after commissions are finished I'm likely going to take a break on opening them for a good while, even though I really enjoy doing them.
In the past two months amazing and not-amazing things have happened. The amazing thing is I got an ADHD diagnosis, something I didn't even know had been ruining my life for years. I'm still getting used to the proper medications but I'm already seeing a big improvement. It's as much of a relief as it is frustrating. My mother also reared her head again (like she usually does at least once a year) - this time, though, I learned she'd had a stroke. While I'm not involved with her anymore, I think most people could understand how it would still be a very weird and upsetting situation. As of right now I'm free of her once again, she seems to be making a good recovery and will hopefully continue to live a happy life far away from me. Still, those two things back to back have been a LOT to deal with on top of just trying to get better in general. I stepped away from the internet for a while for my own sanity.
The downside to being a freelancer is that there's not always a safety net. That's what happened to me. Thank you all very much for being kind and patient, I genuinely have had nothing but polite interactions with all of you and I really appreciate it. I'm sorry my personal bullshit got in the way of getting my work done for you. This is the longest I've ever taken to complete commissions and it's something that I'm deeply ashamed of. I promise they will get done. Being medicated and starting to recover from the family drama has revitalized me a bit. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out.
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chillybuilt · 1 year
Please help a Black PhD student!
23.8.23 Edit: Thank you so much to everyone who helped out! I'm in the clear with regards to my rent! I still need some help in order to furnish my apartment (we're gonna see how long I can sleep on an air mattress, but it's not the best). Anything would be appreciated. Again thanking everyone so much for sharing this post and giving what they could. It means the world to me.
(18.8.23) Edit: Unfortunately I still need help. They do want the full payment and have emailed me to remind me of my outstanding charges. Please give anything you can! Sharing this would also help a lot.
EDIT: Thank you so much to everyone! I was able to pay off half and I'll be talking to the management company about the rest.
If you still want to help, because relocating countries and furnishing apartments and starting a PhD is so expensive, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you so much!!
Original Post:
I know some people put their identities and stuff in posts like these so I'm sorry if it comes off cringe but
ca$happ: $RCCRD
v€nmo: RCCRD
fuck, so, I'm moving from the Caribbean to the US to start my PhD and I'm so fortunate to be on assistantship but I don't and won't get a full paycheck until the the third week week of September, the first fortnight of work. But because I'm a new international student I need to be there almost an entire month before that, to set up and attend orientation etc. Things in America are so fucking expensive, especially when my local currency has a conversion rate of 7 to 1 USD. And there's so many hidden costs I feel like crying every day. My family is trying to help me but they really can't.
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Right now, while I already paid the security deposit for an apartment, they suddenly want over $1000 USD upfront, like by August 15th.. I've called and I've emailed saying I'm a new student, this must be an error or something but they've said nothing. and this is on top the $800 USD I'll need to ship my things. I'm so frustrated because I was so excited but things keep getting worse like yeah I do want to be the first person in my family to get a PhD and but my family is working their ass off to help me and I won't get any income at all from the school until September.
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that partial pay check won't help with anything and already comes too late so I would really appreciate it if anyone at all could help even a little it would be so appreciated.
so sorry for another post across your dash. I would appreciate it if you could just reblog this because even that would help.
ca$happ: $RCCRD
v€nmo: RCCRD
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copperbadge · 11 months
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
fira211's sister, the single mother of a 5-year-old, has Stage 3 breast cancer and is currently unsure what insurance will cover in terms of treatment; they know at least some of the testing will not be covered but the rest may be subject to change. They're raising funds to help with treatment and other expenses; you can read more and support the fundraiser here.
inkstainedchocolateeyes linked to Ellery, who is raising funds to cover his top surgery; it's being billed in-network but he still needs about $7K for what insurance won't cover, and in addition is moving to a new apartment with all its attendant expenses. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
inkstainedchocolateeyes linked to phrawger, who is in her fifth year of fundraising for the charity Extra Life, which supports children's hospitals via game streaming. Phrawger is behind on donations due to the ongoing issues with Twitter, where she received was most of her historical pre-game donations. If she reaches $1.5K during the stream it will put her at $10K lifetime raised for Extra Life; she's also offering incentives and "enhanced" stream features for various milestones. You can watch and give at noon eastern on Saturday 11/4, running for 24 hours; you can read more and reblog here, give via Extra Life here, and join the discord to get updates here. (I usually vet all the links I share and while I did vet the first two and I'm sure the third is fine, I don't use Discord so I haven't checked that last one.)
Buy Stuff, Help Out:
bisexualbaker is offering crochet patterns of cute cats in exchange for proof of relief donations to Palestine and/or Israel; you can read more, reblog, see photos, and find out more about how to get your pattern here. (The post includes links for recommended nonprofits to donate to.)
uncle_cool is fundraising to cover future care costs for their cat, Drogo; Drogo was hit with an infection and has had to see an emergency vet. They've already covered the majority of his care bills, but will need help with further treatment expenses. Any excess above costs will be paid forward to cover care costs for other animals brought in to the emergency veterinary office. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Recurring Needs:
just-juniper-joy is raising $390 to get through a lapse in emergency assistance; they are currently waiting for disability paperwork to go through and in the process of renewing the emergency aid in the meantime, but their county office is moving slowly, and they need to pay for medication, phone, and internet, as well as rent. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
rilee16 is raising funds after having to use rent money to pay their electric bill; their roommate, with whom they have had a number of issues, has been an ongoing issue and is also costing them money. They have caught up on October costs but now need to cover November; you can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
gwydion linked to a fundraiser for Squirrel, a good friend who has recently lost his job and needs to raise about $800 to cover bills and food this month. You can give via paypal here.
gwydion linked to a fundraiser for a friend, whose dog Rosie needs medical care, dental work, and special food; you can read more and give here at gofundme.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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ninjagirlstar5 · 26 days
I haven't read everything on the Hiro post yet but MAN i really really like the world building with all the different "creatures"/states of being, specially how the ghosts can turn into demons via tainting of their solds during the time they linger on earth, so so cool, tho it does make me wonder if there's some kind of force, be it human or otherworldly, that haunts the ghosts so that they don't turn it like that, i think those are the exorcistis you mentioned? But if you did go in-depth about them in the post i must have missed it ^^' either ways i would love to read a full world lore post of sorts that just goes in depth about all the different character types (Ghosts, angels, guardians, demons and whatever the grandfather and father actually were)
I'm also curious on how the world of this universe is? Like is it set in modern time? Past, future or is it a lot more fantasy-esc? Either ways, consider me a fan of sorts
WAS THAT THE BITE OF '87?!!! (reference)(joking)
Take your time reading it, it's quite long, I'll admit. ^^; And yes, the exorcists are the forces that keep ghosts from suffering from the Taint, and helping them move on. I thought I elaborated a little more on Exorcists/gave them their own paragraph but I only gave them, like, a sentence upon rereading the post, whoops. In my defense, I was working all day on that post so it's no surprise that I missed a few things.
Exorcists are able to use the tools at their disposal, usually of religious value but some are able to use tools of magical value with the help of a Guardian or using their own soul to power the tool but at risk of themselves. They come in to help the ghosts come to terms with their death, appeasing their souls, and even helping them with their goals/final wish...if it's morally sound, anyways. If the ghost refuses to see reason or is corrupted with too much Taint, exorcists may have to use force through the tools at their disposal to force them to the AfterLife. Exorcists know they must save their souls before the Taint becomes worse, as once a ghost turns into a demon, that soul is lost forever.
But to answer your question on what type of world this is, it's set in the modern time where supernatural events happen a lot, kinda like an urban fantasy? I don't know what it's specifically called, but if I have to use an example, it's like Gravity Falls where weird and creepy supernatural shit happens all the time but no one believes it even though the very environment they live in can be dangerous. (It should be noted that I have not watched Gravity Falls, it's just the first example that popped into my head.) The town and city that most of the plot takes place in is especially a hotspot for supernatural events. But due to the development of science and such, skepticism of the supernatural and just trying to logic away strange happenings have become a huge norm in society. It doesn't help that there are people that uses exorcisms as an excuse to scam people, so the exorcist community they've built for centuries tends to have a bad rep these days that a lot of them have to take other jobs just to pay their bills. An OC that is an exorcist has to deal with this constantly to the point that she takes literally any job that comes her way for money. She's got bills to pay and rent due for her store/house, her charges are perfectly fair, please hire her, please, please please please please- (half-joking)
There is an otherworldly system called the Reapers, who are Lost Souls that are chosen to help ghosts move on into the AfterLife. It's sort of like a job for them, as many Lost Souls are people that didn't go out of their way to be good but aren't bad people either, just your average person. Some willingly take this job so that they can work towards going to Heaven while others simply do it to pass the time until it's time for them to go into Reincarnation. Those that don't simply just hang out and relax in the safe places in Purgatory. However, Reapers aren't always assigned to take care of ghosts. More often than not, they go down to the mortal realm to take the souls of the deceased, people who haven't become ghosts, and help transport them to the AfterLife from the river of death. Depending on what the soul's destined location is, a Reaper's job can range from relatively safe (the path to Heaven) to dangerous (the path to Hell). This is mostly cause Demons tend to escape Hell or even form outside of it due to any accumulated sin tainting the environment, and will go after the Reapers for the souls they are protecting and transferring. Even souls that are destined for Hell need to be protected as, again, Demons grow stronger through consumption of souls and any that are left behind will only turn them into a bigger problem later. Naturally, Demons are more common near Hell while they're very rare to spot near Heaven. Purgatory is pretty much smack dab in the middle, so it's a toss of a coin if you'll see a Demon on their way to the mortal realm or not. But yeah, Reapers will occasionally help a Ghost move on before they suffer from the Taint and will even work with an exorcist if they cross paths on the same jobs.
(Reincarnation is also a very natural part of life and death in this world, where every soul - with the exception of many souls in Hell, unless some were allowed to work on redemption as a Guardian and genuinely at that - will be reborn as a new person in the mortal realm. Most Lost Souls will reincarnate after some time they've spent there, while those in Heaven can choose how long they want to stay due to how peaceful and serene it is. Most souls in Heaven will go on to reincarnate with family or friends, whether it's those they made back in the mortal realm or people they met in Heaven. Everyone reincarnates, eventually, even those in Hell, whether they accomplish redemption as a Guardian or a Cleansing of their soul. Unless they're in the deepest levels of Hell. That level is reserved for the worst of the worst, and no one plans to let them out. Ever.)
Honestly, I should make an entire Google Doc on the world and it's lore. It'd be easier to keep track of rather than rambling off-the-cuff in a Tumblr post and then having to scroll down all the time to find the specific one I want. Especially since I need to think about the different character types a bit more and what I want to change.
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batboys-cumdumpster · 3 months
I literally don't see how she is an abuser? Could you explain why you think that? All I see is a hurt person, who was just hurting herself.
First, being on anon makes me believe that you know that Nesta abuses everyone around her.
Second, Nesta herself holds a lot of self hatred for the way she abuses others.
When Feyre is having PTSD, it's Nesta's voice she hears slut shaming her, making fun of her for being illiterate, belittiling herself, etc. Nesta's entire character is about being abusive to others bc she feels worthless. Nesta also told Elain that it was her fault their father is dead and only said it to hurt her (abuse).
Nesta moved her father's cane out of reach; abuse of a disabled man. Nesta refused to cooperate with household chores unless Feyre begged, and even then it was iffy. Nesta stole the money Feyre made as a child to spend it on frivolous shit. THEN, Nesta demanded money from Feyre in ACOFAS to pay her rent and self harming activities of fucking strangers and drinking (she manipulated Feyre into giving her money to do this by agreeing to go to Solstice).
Nesta may not have been physically abusive, but in every single book in this series Nesta has shown emotional and verbal abuse and manipulation.
Listen. I get it, I used to verbally and emotionally abuse people when I was a teenager because I didn't know how my mental health was affecting not only me but others. I have BPD and I headcanon that Nesta has it bc she displays 9/9 traits, just like I used to before therapy.
I think my biggest problem isn't with Nesta herself, it's her stans, because they refuse to see how she abuses others. Every Nesta stan I see thinks she's some "real girlboss queen" for the way she treats and view others when Nesta herself knows she is in the wrong for how she treats and views others. It's like they're afraid to admit she's done any wrong, and it just makes it all the worse. Nesta stans make me hate Nesta bc they refuse to admit she's hurt others, but then they try going on about how Feyre or Feysand/IC have hurt others and demonize them for mistakes they've made (and these mistakes are mistakes and not prolonged abuse). My other problem lies with how SJM handled ACOSF and the very cheap, empty, hollow way Nesta had her "redemption" of saving Feyre. Let them have a conversation. Make Nesta apologize for her years of abuse and refusal to help at the old house. Make Nesta actually face the consequences of her actions instead of taking a hike and making friendship bracelets with people who excuse her behavior without even knowing what the hell she even did.
I am going to include just a few screenshots that showcase her verbal/emotional abuse to others.
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16 notes · View notes
My ex is not well. We broke up 2 years ago, but because they have really severe mental health problems, including dissociative identity disorder and addiction issues, they've always relied on me to support them. When we lived together I payed their portion of the rent about 60% of the time, when I told them they had to move out on their own but they couldn't afford an apartment, I let them stay with me. I work in healthcare so I've gotten them resources for mental health services and health insurance to help cover it. I even paid out of pocket for 3 months of online therapy services at one point. As they've struggled with housing, I've found them resources to help pay rent or shelters to go to. They've never utilized these resources, not even the therapy.
We stayed friends, at least sort of, because there were alters that I did enjoy spending time with, even though I didn't get along with a few of them. But now that friendship has completely dissolved. I'm just their caretaker at this point, and I'm barely hanging on. I currently live in a studio apartment, but they were fired at the end of May for missing work. When stuff like that happens, it's either because they were in a severe depressive state or because they forgot with the dissociative identity disorder. They really need to be on disability, but because they can't keep a job, they've never had health insurance or the money to get this kind of protection, so all of their care has fallen on me. So I set up a cot for them under my lofted bed, and they've been staying here since.
But it hasn't been easy, and I haven't always been nice. I've gotten more angry with them than I should have for things that probably allotted some frustration, but not to the level I seem to find myself giving them. Sometimes I raise my voice at them or will tell them they're behaving like a child for leaving their dishes for me to clean or their trash on the floor for me to clean up or trying to make me wash and fold their laundry for them or leaving their piss on the toilet seat and their blood in the sink when they cut themselves shaving. It's not fair, I know, and I feel like a dick about it. I can't handle having no privacy and no space to myself and I get really sensory overloaded by crowded spaces and messes. I don't want to use that as an excuse, but it just sort of happens to me. I've explained this to them, and I've written out rules they have to follow, I have a written and signed agreement stating these are the conditions for them to continue living here, but none of it matters. Their presence is turning me into a monster because I can't take care of an adult who won't help themselves and take care of my patients and be in school and care for a cat in a 200 square foot apartment.
I finally kicked them out a few days ago. They have no money, no job, no friends or family to turn to. I'm the only person in their life, even though I've tried to get them to make friends or contact their family for help. I've even reached out to their family to see if they would be willing to help, but none of them are willing to help them. They just can't care for themselves. It's been two days since I told them they had to leave, because we'd agreed they'd pay me a small amount of rent until they could move out and they haven't been, and also because, even though they try to clean up after themselves occasionally, they just generally don't seem to care that another person lives here, like theyll finish a roll of toilet paper and not replace it, even though the toilet paper is directly next to the toilet, or they'll fill the garbage can until it's overflowing while I'm at work and won't take it out, to the point the the cabinet my garbage can is in will also be filled with trash. And then because it's a studio, they just stare at me all the time. I wake up in the morning and can feel them watching me, when I sit and do homework they just stand behind me and stare, even when I tell them I'm uncomfortable and they have to find something else to do. When I tell them they need to leave the apartment for a while while I work, they slam doors and, when they're not in a nonverbal state, they'll yell at me for it. But if I tell them that they need to, at the very least, put their garbage in the trash instead of piling it under the cot or wash their dishes, they just sit with their head between their knees and won't move for hours.
But at the same time, it's been 2 days since I told them they had to leave, and both nights they've still slept here because they got scared and wouldn't try to get a bed in the nearby homeless shelter, or because they told me they tried to jump in front of a train and I told them to come home so I could watch them until we could get them to the emergency room for suicidal ideation. And of course, as soon as we agreed that was the plan, they said no, they're actually fine, they just have to keep trying and they'll be ok. I work in the ER as a tech, so I know I can't take them in if they refuse to go, and especially not if they'll get there and deny anything is wrong. They play a healthy person well because they've learned the game with social workers, so if I take them to the ER, they'll end up with a huge bill they can't pay, and they won't get any help either.
I can't live with them, and I can't seem to let them leave because of this misplaced sense of duty to them. But I also worry, as I'm telling them they can stay but still getting angry that they're here, am I just inviting them in to hurt them? Should I be kicking them out for their own sake? AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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ohanny · 3 days
change host club show
part 2/3
part one
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michael as the bartender
he started working at the club the same week as pavel and they've been a team from the start. while he's glad his menu and bartending flair are one of the few things benz deems acceptable, he shares every single concern pavel has about the future of this place. he lives with his grandmother and has been helping her raise his 5 year old half-sister ever since their deadbeat parents were sent to jail for drug dealing three years ago. before, pavel was always there step up and take his shift when he had to stay / rush home because of an emergency but he seriously doubts benz will be as understanding which terrifies him.
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garfield as the pillow princess
garfield is…. plain lazy. he ended up working at the club after searching the internet for “jobs that pay you money without you having to do anything.” sitting and looking pretty is about as much effort as he's willing to make in order to pay rent and really, he would much rather be on his couch with his cat. benz and him get off to a rough start when his new boss tries to force him to take a dance class - “sorry, i don't do cardio” - but after negotiating his way out of it by volunteering to wear cat ears and meow at clients, he figures it's not that bad. it’s pretty great, actually. benz and nut bring in clients who tip way more and soon he's a) negotiating less hours in exchange for wearing scandalous costumes and b) keeping an eye out for a potential sugar daddy.
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topten as the dancer
topten is the first hire benz makes in order to elevate the club’s image. he's the younger brother of one of benz’s friends and was recently kicked out his house for blowing a prestigious internship his father arranged for him in a major law firm in favor of joining a dance company. He was classically trained in ballet before moving to contemporary jazz and aerial work and frankly he thinks he is way too good for this gig. benz reminds him that his dad has given him until the end of the month to quit dance or he’ll be financially cut off and being an understudy doesn't pay that much. plus, this way? not only would he be the star, he'd get full(ish) creative control and could choreograph all the performances to his liking.
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ping as the bus boy
ping is a quiet introvert who was originally meant to be the bouncer because he is very buff and intimidating but they discovered very quickly that he can't handle any kind of confrontation and he was moved indoors to help out where needed. benz takes one look at him and decides it's time for a promotion because a host like that? ka-ching, baby! unfortunately for benz, capitalism and clients of all gender, ping’s shyness is no joke. he's unable make direct eye contact or string together two words to make a sentence even in a training scenario. he just blushes and becomes a stuttering mess which is a tragedy. does this stop benz from putting him in a size xs vest and making him do plenty of trips to across the floor and have him carry crates of booze and dirty glassware in full view of the club goers? no. it is a business after all.
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pop as the hostess
by day pop is a mild-mannered, math loving accountant in thick glasses and grandpa sweaters. by night he becomes miss poppy, the hostess with the mostest. miss poppy - mistress poppy on fridays for her spanks & shots special - is everything accountant pop isn't and the difference is so jarring it takes the new employees months to realize they are the same person. where pop carries himself with hunched shoulders, miss poppy commands attention with easy confidence, towering over the club goers on her platform boots. she is undoubtedly the club’s biggest draw and the second highest earner with sheer volume on her side - really, the only reason the top spot belongs to garfield is because garfield works exclusively in the vip booths with the high rollers and would wear a slutty teletubby costume for a bigger tip.
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thebunnycruise · 9 months
Less of a question and more of a comment, Im sorry if its in the wrong spot lol, I just had to say this. I promise it’s not a hate comment, and sorry for the length.
I have never in my life seen something that has made me feel so physically ill. I feel genuinely sick reading this, and mentally exhausted from it. I have never read anything that has ever made me want to do something about these topics so badly. I hate this comic, and feel every fiber of my body crumble that I can’t do anything to help these women. It’s such an uncomfortable and painful feeling to see such heinous acts being done to people who i know are just down on their luck and never deserved this. I hate to sound cliche, but this was the eye opener of the fucking century.
You should be proud of your work, you’re doing something that I haven’t ever seen work as effectively and as potently as this.
One question I guess; I unfortunately can’t donate, but what else could us readers do? This comic destroyed me and I’m genuinely desperate at this point to see some happy ending come out of this, and I don’t know what I can do.
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Thank you for this question! And sorry for ruining your mood, I think... TL/DR: Giving a shit is free. I recall this one lady being interviewed by a local news reporter regarding her views on the homeless problem in her neighbourhood, and she said something that stuck in my mind: "The more I have to [pick up] human feces, the less empathy I have." I think that one comment really hit home why we're at this point in society. People connect with the characters on the Bunny Cruise because we see their backstories, how they got to where they are, what they've lost along the way, what they dream of for the future, and how they've suffered in trying to reach for that dream. But, even though we know the guy OD'ing on the sidewalk passed out in his own sick must have had a life, have dreams, it's not something we think of in the moment. The difference between the Cruise and real life is that the girls have each other to support them through it, but we will walk over or side-step the heroin addict on the sidewalk without a second glance. That "mentally drained" and "physically ill" feeling is the cognitive dissonance talking. It's when we're forced to confront an perspective that challenges our way of thinking, or in this case, face a fear that perhaps the only difference between us and 67, 10, the twins, or that guy on the sidewalk, is just pure luck. For a lot of us, this is something very uncomfortable, and it's much easier to put it out of our heads and move on with our lives. And politicians take advantage of this fear and apathy far too often. Famously, Mark Sutcliffe (Calling you out, asshole), the recently elected Mayor of Ottawa, campaigned on zoning land for more large, single-family homes rather than more compact, affordable housing. He called it "preserving the community and keeping it safe", but we all know what that really means by now. Or they will call for increased police spending and promise to be tougher on crime (which Sutcliffe also did). Because having bad luck or being neglected and abused by capitalism is a crime now... I think the easiest thing to do, is to just think about it, and speak up when the issue comes up. All too often, things like homeless shelters, affordable housing projects, and safe injection sites, don't get built because people don't want to think about the people living on the fringe of society. But the thing is, people with nowhere to go have to go somewhere.
I donate to a women's shelter because I've worked with women fleeing violence in the past, and it's an important cause for me. I also realize that I am in a very fortunate position to be able to pay rent and have a little left over to put toward charity work. But speaking up and spreading the word is free. The next time someone wants to veto a safe injection site project, speak up against them, ask them what millionaire real estate firm is lining their pockets. Vote for that city councilor campaigning to build shelters and affordable homes. Have a relative who says "the homeless deserve what's happening to them"? Shut them down, ruin that christmas dinner. They sound like a dick anyway.
It's not much, but I think if we can all treat our fellow humans a little better instead of kicking them to the curb, we can make a bit of a difference in the world.
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bfwonho · 28 days
AITA but i dont wanna use reddit
ok you know what here is the situation. my (only recently) 20 yr old friend (i met them four years ago when we both worked at mcd) lived with their strict, emotionally abusive, overprotective parents until recently. their parents would confiscate tech for yrs at a time, wouldn't let them get vaccinated (i had to help them do that), guilt and shame them, etc. also obviously homophobic and my friend is transfem nb and queer. theyre also the eldest sibling of quite a few and had to handle the pressure of that responsibility and their parents never wanted them to do normal things like getting a car and moving out. i was always there encouraging them even when we stopped working together bc i was like fuck this naive gullible homeschooled kid has no one and they remind me of my younger sibling and im gonna be there for them as much as i can. the only reason they even got a car eventually is cus i kept telling them to so they cld move out
cut back to barely a year ago, they're still so naive and gullible they've lent like 1k+ to ppl who won't pay them back, but they still have like 10-20k in savings and now their own car. they also get into digital art with my help and get into furry porn or whatever. im like ok i guess ur an adult now do what u want. and then theyre like "ive got an online partner from CANADA!!! (we r australian) don't freak out i know it's bad but he's 30." i'm like oh god. they've been together 3 months ish and my friend RLY wants to visit their fuckass boyfriend and i'm like please be careful, please wait at least a year, i know u wont wanna listen to how i rly feel about this but at least just take these precautions. i'm also like when you do meet irl he should come here ur barely 19 and he's 30 like it only makes sense. and theyre like "thank u i promise i will do that"
and then maybe 10 or 11 months into their relationship i find out my friend is in canada with their bf, and has been for like a month, and i only know this bc they're asking if i can pick them up from sydney airport. im like errr that's pretty far away but take the train and i'll pick you up from the station and they're like ok sure! and i ask a bit more about it and find out they believe their parents have been hacking into their laptop because why else would they be suspicious that this canadian guy is their boyfriend, i'm like actually no offense but it's really fucking obvious i don't think they did that... and they're like "yeah anyway my parents are no longer picking me up which is why i need a lift, i admitted i have a boyfriend and they're calling him a pedo (and i almost agree but i just smile and nod) and so i'm not going back and taking their bs anymore, i'm gonna sleep in my car if i have to" so i offer for them to stay at my place for a few weeks.
they go get their stuff from their place, i buy them a pizza cus they havent had dinner, i help them get their stuff inside, set up a temporary bed. they tell me they plan to be out within a few days, i tell them they can stay longer if they need to, but currently their only job is doordash and they should focus on getting a real job so they can find a place and i'm more than happy to help them find somewhere. theyre the type of person to say sorry for everything and not let themselves ever feel comfortable, so i make sure they know they can use the kitchen and bathroom and everything while they're here and to not feel like a huge burden, im gonna be charging them a tiny bit of rent anyway so yeah.
now tell me why it's been over a month, they've applied to only a few places, i specifically put in a good word with them at my job and told them to call back and ask about the application and they just haven't, they've just been doordashing and filling my entire fridge and cupboard with their food, i tell them to use the laundromat cus we don't have enough space for their washing too and they end up asking if they can use our washing machine anyway (i reluctantly say yes), they destroy all my kitchen sponges on washing this one shitty pan i have cus they have to cook an entire grand meal from scratch for breakfast lunch and dinner, they wash up but i'm the only person who cleans the floors and the bathroom so now i'm feeling cramped and stressed out...
i ask my mum about what to do, she says give them 2 weeks to move out, my mum is a guarantor on my lease so in the group chat i explain the situation and say they have 2 weeks, they NEVER RESPOND and start not coming home until late at night... i'm considering moving into another place with a friend atp so i'm like yo maybe you can get on this lease and THEN they respond and start showing up again... and today i called and updated mum on the situation and her partner got on the phone, me and my sibling only got this place cus he apparently called in a favour cus we were rly struggling to find any fucking housing, and so he says "tell him i mean THEMMM if theyre not out tomorrow i will forcibly remove them" and so my sibling makes sure to tell them this face to face so they cant avoid actually responding. i also find out today that this whole time they've been flat broke (to the point they had to borrow my money just to get petrol despite doordashing like 40 hours a week) because they HAVE BEEN HELPING. PAY. THEIR GROWN ASS. SHITTY FUCKING USELESS. PARTNERS. RENT. THIS GROWN ASS MAN NOT ONLY HAD THEM PAY TO GO SEE HIM AND SUCK HIM OFF AND COOK FOR HIM. NOT ONLY WAS LETTING THEM GO BACK TO AUSTRALIA AND JUST BE HOMELESS. BUT HE IS ACTIVELY TAKING THEIR FUCKING MONEY. despite all of this i am deep down INCREDIBLY GLAD that my mum's partner put his foot down to get them out of my house and i feel guilty about it despite risking eviction cus im breaking my lease agreement by having them here loooll
tldr my 20 yr old friend has been living in my house illegally for over a month bc they refuse to go back to their shitty parents, they are however broke and don't have a stable job and their 30 yr old boyfriend is leeching off of them, and now i'm essentially kicking them out of my place within 2 days because my own housing security is at risk
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ursaspecter · 2 months
If you've ever gone to a Walmart or a Home Depot, and you see a table and a tent kind of fundraiser for a non-profit, chances are the people working that booth are roped into working for an MLM. It's likely that they aren't volunteers for the non-profit or even directly employed by them but rather are working for a third-party marketing firm.
Their tent to protect them from the sun is paid out of the team lead's pocket. Sunscreen, water, coolers, and gas money are not provided or compensated for by the company. All of it has to be provided by a team lead or the client associates.
They talk to you because they're told to talk to EVERYONE in order to maximize the amount raised. Because that's how they're getting paid. If they're honest, 30% of your charitable donation goes to their weekly pay. In fact, they're working on commission and commission alone. If they're dishonest, they can just pocket your cash donation and get 100% rather than just a plain 30%. They hit everyone with the same script that they've been forced to memorize word for word with no room for variation. All to manipulate you into donating. You'd be better off directly donating online and cutting out the middle man, and they'd be better off finding a job that won't withhold their wages for missing a day of work.
The company they're working for likely told them that to work here they have to pass a background check and be a morally upright citizen with a good code of ethics, yet the same company uses misleading and manipulative tactics to prey on those that are desperate and vulnerable. The team lead who interviewed them knows that building up their own team of client associates and getting them to leadership is the only way they can move up the ladder, or more appropriately, the pyramid.
The people working those booths likely had a morning meeting in a nice polished office where they stand in a room full of whiteboards while their team lead regurgitated information that they had to memorize word for word with no variation. All so they could take word for word notes on the "class" to later relay to their own team one day. If they last that long, that is.
They're promised that within 12-18 months they can go from a lowly client associate to being an owner of their own firm somewhere else where the cycle continues. Another shiny office space with an "atmo" room full of whiteboards and no chairs to hold "classes" that teach endless acronyms and breed toxic positivity.
But you're just trying to get your groceries or some bolts and screws. You hear out their little pitch and tell them you're not interested. They don't take your no for an answer because they're told to do that or else they don't get rent money. But you don't know that just by looking at them. You see a charity booth and two people wearing lanyards with the name of the charity all over them. Why shouldn't you think they're just volunteers doing this out of the kindness of their hearts?
The higher ups claim that everyone is in it to help the community and make a real difference in the world, but really it's to fill the pockets of the owners and crush the ones doing the most work except in even scummier ways than a regular crappy job in retail. At least with hourly wages you know you're getting paid for your labor even if you have to call in sick.
They tell you that you just need to have a student mentality, a strong work ethic, and a positive attitude. Always a positive attitude. If you have a good day, that means the systems they're teaching you are working. If you have a bad day, then it's always your fault for not trying hard enough.
Obviously, don't harrass or be a dick to those soliciting for charities outside shops. It's likely that they're the ones at the very bottom of the pyramid that are just trying to eat and pay their bills.
I lasted a day and a half at one of these firms. That was a day and a half too long. Unfortunately, these firms always have weird nothing burger names and they don't show on their website their connection to their parent company: Universal Events (no relation to the movie studio). I know the economy and job market are utter garbage right now, but if it sounds too good to be true, it likely is. I doubt any legitimate entry level marketing job will only require a GED/Diploma and a positive attitude. If the first "interview" is a group webinar over zoom, don't waste your time.
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katy-l-wood · 2 years
You know, I talk about my family Cabin on here a lot, but I don't think I've ever actually explained what the Cabin IS. So. Story time. We haven't had a story time in awhile.
This story starts sometime in the early 1900s with my great grandfather losing half his right hand in some sort of logging/mill/mining accident. The stories vary depending who in the family you ask. (He also ran mule trains over the mountains at some point.) But however he lost it, he ended up in the local hotel (which was a facade building, I believe, so just a glorified tent) because there was no hospital. There was also no doctor. Somehow somebody tracked down a nurse somewhere and brought her to the hotel.
It was improper for this young woman to be alone with a man, even if she was trying to make him not be dead. The scandal!!!
So that nurse became my great-grandmother. No idea what their actual wedding was like, but I imagine it was rather interesting given they'd only known one another two days and he was still half delirious because of major injury.
Now we'll skip forward a bit. They decide to buy a few acres over in Middle Park/Grand County, and they're gonna start a little ranch up there. They pay some dude for the land and pack up the wagon (yes, wagon, the Colorado mountains didn't get the message that the century had changed until about 30-40 years after it happened). But then they arrived and, on no, they've been lied to! No land is waiting! They managed to get themselves a few acres anyway and went about starting their ranch and having 10+ children, all but one of whom lived to adulthood which was damn impressive. (Also worthwhile to note here that, until sometime in the 1950s, there was only one doctor in the whole county and she was a grumpy old lady who didn't believe in pain meds.)
Their youngest daughter died at 4, I believe from whooping cough, and less than a week later my great-grandfather came in from the fields, said he wasn't feeling well, laid down, and died. So now here's my great-grandmother in the middle of the Rockies in the 1920s with 10+ kids, some of them still under 10. And let me tell you, she kicked ass.
But what does all of this have to do with the Cabin you say? Well, see, those 10+ kids spread out all over the county, buying their own lands and marrying into the other families up there. Then along came the state saying "hey, we want to build a reservoir where your house is, get out." To which my great-grandmother said "fuck you." She said fuck you enough times that the family eventually ended up with 1000+ acres in exchange for moving off their little plot. They literally just picked up the house and moved it about 1/4 mile up the hill, and that original house is still there today.
Now, ever since then the family has sold off some of the land, but we still have a lot of it. The family cattle ranch is still operational as well, now run by one of my second cousins. A couple of my great-uncles also built houses on various parts of the property over the years, which is how we get to the Cabin.
My grandfather, the youngest living child of his parents, eventually moved down to Denver. But he still loved his home in the mountains, and wanted his 10 kids to experience that as well. One of the houses on the family property had fallen into disuse, to the point cows were living in it and having a grand old time. My grandfather decided to fix it up so that he and his kids could have a place to go up there. This was the first Cabin, referred to as Camp Grub. Until his sister-in-law, who technically owned the house with his brother, realized he'd fixed the house and went "oh, how nice of you! Get out, it's mine now."
Thus, the second Cabin came into being. Not wanting to give up on having a place up there, my grandfather found another cabin a few miles away and rented that. It was called the White House because it was. Well. White. This is where my dad and his 9 siblings grew up going all the time. Lots of fond memories of hunting, fishing, and general shenanigans. But then, early in the 90s, the owner of the property didn't renew my grandparent's lease.
This time, my grandparents wanted to get something they OWNED and couldn't be taken from them. They settled on the Cabin, which was again several miles away in a different spot. This third Cabin is the one we still have today, the little A-frame. It was named Moose Camp.
None of his children wanted him to buy an A-frame. Because A-frames are terrible. It could only sleep six people and, at this point, there were a good 20+ family members that wanted to use it. But my grandfather did not care. So we ended up with an A-frame that sits on 60ish acres and, at the time, was on the only tiny little flat spot of the entire 60ish acres.
My dad and his siblings, mostly in their 20s and early 30s at the time, took one look at this and decided nope. Must fix. So they promptly set about hand-digging a basement to add four more bedrooms, and they dug out a huge chunk of the hillside to create a flat spot for the garage and parking. Half the garage is a garage, the other half (separated by a wall) is an outdoor livingroom/dining area. There has been some other odds and ends projects done over the years such as cutting a couple RV parking spots out of the woods, but nothing else major.
Now, this is the Cabin I grew up in and the one we still have. I have spent nearly 30 years of my life going up there almost every weekend. After my parents divorced they started moving at least once a year each so from a very young age I never had a stable home except for the Cabin.
The whole family used it, and you never knew who was coming. It could be just a few people, or twenty. Sometimes people brought friends. Sometimes distant cousins showed up. My cousins and I had the run of the place, and the whole 60 acres. It was a grand old time, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. We all learned to shoot, to hunt, to be safe in the woods. We heard all the family stories, and visited the family that still lived up there. There were always at least two fridges full of food and it was just sort of a free for all of who ate what, didn't really matter who brought it. There were campfires out behind the garage. There were lazy days in the gazebo my dad and his siblings built for their mother from scrap wood.
After my grandparents died, the Cabin was put into a trust so that now all of their kids have an equal share in it. (Except for one, who we do not speak of, because she is not welcome in the family anymore, and another who has died.) Over the years, most of the family has used it less and less. My dad and I are now the ones who use it the most, and do most of the upkeep. I've got an uncle and an aunt (my dad's brother and sister) who come up a fair amount as well, but the uncle is getting a bit too old to really help out with the heavy projects and the aunt...well...she tries.
Other family does still come up, though. Some a handful of times every year, others only once a year or so. They usually find something to complain about (specifically one aunt who is a very my-way-or-the-highway person) or some project they think needs done, and they'll moan about it not getting taken care of, but never do anything about it. They leave and my dad and I continue to tinker with the plumbing, cut firewood for everyone else to use, clean out the fridges, restain the siding, fix the basement when it floods in the spring, plow the road, and everything else that needs done, never really bringing up the fact that we're the only real caretakers left of the place. If the rest of the family does manage to decide to do some sort of project my dad and I usually end up putting it back in order once they're gone, and they never notice.
We still visit the surrounding family, we still hunt, we still explore. But it's quieter now. It'll always be home, though. The only real home I've ever had. According to the rules of the trust, the property has to stay in the Wood family unless every member of the trust agrees to sell, which they'll never do. So it'll be there, in some form, for quite awhile.
(Putting the words Long Post in here so the tumblr filters can hide it even if other people don't tag it as such.)
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