#who has most impact in fanfic that you’ve created or read?
1908jmd · 8 months
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BG3 Fanfic Writers Ask Game!
cooked up a little something bc I wanted us all to chat! pls reblog if you want to get asked stuff about your writing! 🩵
☁️Do you prefer writing canon x canon or canon x OC? Why?
🌈Is there a ship you wouldn’t write a whole fic for, but love in the background?
💧Is there a ship you wouldn’t write yourself, but love reading?
✨Which is your favourite platonic BG3 dynamic and why?
☄️Which Act of the game do you most like writing for? Why?
💥Which BG3 villain is your most/least favourite to write?
❄️Which BG3 companion is your most/least favourite to write?
🌤️How do you interpret the game mechanics in your fic?
☃️Does the “tadpole” storyline interest you? How does it affect your writing?
☔️Do you care about wider DnD lore in your fics?
🫧If you were to write a BG3 AU, what universe would you pick?
🌊What moment in the game had the strongest emotional impact on you?
🔥Is there an aspect of the game’s story that you think it could have done better?
🌪️Is there a nugget of game lore that fascinates you, but you haven’t written about yet?
⚡️Tav, Durge or Origin to write?
🌋Tav, Durge or Origin to play?
🏝️Do your gameplay and your writing “match”? Are the characters you write about the same ones you play as?
☀️Are any of the characters’ endings “canon” to you in your fics?
💫If you’ve written multiple stories, do any of them take place in the same “playthrough”?
🪐Who’s your favourite non-companion character, and why?
🌙Has writing for BG3 created any challenges for you?
🌸Rec one of your fics and tell us what you like about it!
🌿Rec someone else’s BG3 fic and tell us what you like about it!
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therentyoupay · 19 days
Hi Kris! I just wanted to say that after reading chapter 7 you and Callie have left me in utter SHAMBLES and AWE with how devastatingly gorgeous the pictures you can paint with literature are. I’m desperately excited to see how you two will be continuing the story although I do have a question that I’m unsure if you’ve answered before. After this broadway oscar winning fanfic has been completed are you and Callie thinking of possibly doing more collaborations or simply just yourself doing more collaborations with other artists and bringing more delicious stories to life?👀👀💞💞
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thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a lovely message in my askbox, for saying SUCH NICE AND LOVELY THINGS, and for sharing with us the impact this story has had on you!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 calli and i have been working so hard on this project for two months, and it really means a lot to hear how much you're enjoying it. 💕💕💕
future kriscallicollabs??? we haven't answered this question before, and it's a lovely question!! currently, calli and i are 1000% focused on finishing more than you know and getting part ii of the jelsa video ready to post (SO MANY GIFS), so we haven't actively started planning any other collabs! however, when this idea was first planted back in the summer of 2023 or whatever, we braindumped SEVERAL ideas into the original majestic KrisCalliCollab google doc... (more than you know was actually only one of several ideas! 🤣)
there's a jelsa!wildward collab that we really wanted to do but didn't have time to do fully, so we made a bunch of LORE, and i made a baby fic, and some edits: one of our other ideas that we really wanted to do was a jelsa!prequel to her wildward series and establish some lore for the first aegis users! we definitely did not have time to create a full-fledged fic, but LORE WAS HAD (pages and pages on the google doc), and in the end, i made two edits and wrote a little micro-fic for it! in the time of the first keeper... maybe one day we'll expand? 🤣
when?? oof, not anytime soon, because life is upon us 🤣🤣🤣 BUT, calli and i are creative counterparts for life (TWIN FLAMES), so who's to say??? maybe sometime within the next five years?? FIFTY YEARS?? to be determined, but i do not doubt that it shall happen eventually! calli has also been pushing for a zelda/link!jelsa AU for ages and i have not forgotten 🤣🤣 in the meantime, we'll just keep supporting and devouring each other's other projects!!
(also, not sure how many people know this, but i beta-read for wildward! i have been beta-ing the series since its early chapters!!)
other collabs? i've been super lucky to be able to collab with @knightsquall (my name twin) for our kris/xris edit+fic soulmate!AU creation, not in so many words! we made it for the prompt: “the first words your soulmate will say to you will appear as a tattoo on your body at a certain age.” that two-shot is still one of my favorites. 🥹🥹🥹🥹
i haven't done any other collabs, though!! i feel like both collabs just happened organically because i was already friends with both xris and calli before we actually started working on our projects! collabs definitely require a lot of trust, for me, and so while it's possible that other future collabs might happen, i'm not actively seeking any out. 💕💕💕 there are SO MANY TALENTED fanartists out here!! so it's definitely not for lack of good company, haha, but rather just that i'd already gotten to know both people really well, so doing a collab was just, like, the natural thing to do, once we had time for it. 🤣 fic fanart? i am, however, so so so fortunate that so many fanartists have been inspired by my stories 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 i am really lucky and grateful to have been gifted so many gorgeous fanarts, fanvideos/AMVs, gifs, and doujinshi comics across multiple fics and fandoms.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💕💕💕 you can find (most of) them here, or on my tumblr tag (therentyoupay fic fanart) but BE WARNED, there are massive spoilers. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 proceed with caution, haha! i also desperately need to update the fic fanart page with all the new mtyk art, too!
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏 thank you so much for this ask!!! we hope you enjoy the final installments of more than you know and part ii of the jelsa video!! 🥹🥹🥹 thank you!!! 😭💕💕
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caeli0306 · 4 months
For the writers’ ask game thing (please and thank you!):
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
🚀 Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
🏷 Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
⏰️ Do you like to post fics on a schedule or at random?
👓 What helps you focus when you write?
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
🐇 Do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
🧪 Do you research for your fics?
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
💎 Do you often write about a relationship or focus on an individual?
🔥 Have you included any sexy scenes in your fics? If yes, do you find them easy or difficult to write?
💘 Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
🔎 Does anyone beta read or edit your fics?
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
🤩 What led to your interest in the fandom?
🤖 Are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic?
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
👑 Do you like writing short fics or long fics?
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
🔮 Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Ooh thanks for asking!
❤️ - This is so hard. A few options b/c I can't choose!
from castles crumbling chapter 2
I want to scream, but I can’t get the air into my lungs. This isn’t fair. If Malek had to take anyone, he should have taken me. Not this innocent child. Not these people celebrating their gods. Me. A murderer. Someone who so long ago lost my humanity that I barely even remember what it felt like to be human.
This line from the present, the past, and you in between:
The war was long, but my life with her has been longer. I used to say that I've lived on borrowed time, and I accepted that my life was destined to be short. Then I began to pray to Malek, begging to borrow more, all to spend with her.
Combined with this line:
I begged Malek for more time, and he gave me too much.
From Did Someone Say Shots?:
Instead, I slept with her when I knew how horrible of an idea it was, and it fucking destroyed me when, in the morning light, she called it a mistake. Look at me, dealing with the consequences of my own actions.
Last but definitely not least, from chapter 6 of castles crumbling:
I laid my old self to rest a long time ago, but he is still there at the wake, trying to make sense of her demise.
🎁 - a lil blurb from an unpublished one shot, if it pleases the court :)
Then Xaden walks into the conference room. He has the kind of presence that makes people shut up and pay attention, and I hate him for it. The chatter that permeated the air dies away instantly, replaced by the silence of worshippers waiting for words from their god on high. I guess Xaden fulfills that role here. Those golden eyes of his find me almost immediately, and I school my expression into a glare. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. That's the message I want him to receive. Instead, he only smirks, and then turns to retrieve a folder from Bodhi, who followed him in. Xaden takes a seat at the head of the long table, sitting as casually as one would in their own living room. He props his elbows on the table, the movement causing the muscles of his arms to bulge under the rolled up sleeves of his black button up shirt. I hate that he looks that good without even trying. I hate that I know what he looks like under that shirt even more. As if sensing that I was thinking about him, about That Night, he meets my eyes again, and his grin this time is downright filthy. "Shall we begin?" he asks. "Sorrengail, you're up. Tell us how you plan to save our asses, and try to make it quick." Oh, fuck him. I plaster on my most fake smile, and stand. Liam gives me a look from where he stands, that basically says Don't do something you'll regret. Luckily for me, I've about expended my regret reserves when it comes to Xaden Riorson. If he wants to be an ass, then fine. I'll be an ass in return. He needs me a whole lot more than I need him.
👻 - IDK if it's a headcanon, but I like to think Xaden sometimes needs assurances that she's not going to leave and that she loves him because he doesn't think he's worthy of her. Not in like, a toxic way, or in the "I need to know you'll be there" way that he brought up in IF, but more every day, like "Hey I'm feeling x right now, and need to hear that my brain is creating scenarios that aren't real." IDK if I'm making any sense.
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killerlookz · 1 month
I am a young adult. Born in a time where it was seen as cringey/insane to be obsessed with a singer. I remember going to school and my friends making fun of one direction fans/ Justin Beiber fans. I must admit I was in on that train at one age, but then it hit me.
What the fuck is wrong with people enjoying a person's music and showing their love?
Nobody is being harmed. Nobody is being discriminated. Nobody is being in anyway impacting the lives of others. Why do we as a society put down these people? (This excludes fans that were harassing/stalking)
And for years I respected those types of fans from a distance, never quite understanding their love but seeing how it brought them so much joy.
Then I discovered Joost.
My world has changed completely. I began listening on the day before TRAFIK came out and I was hooked.
I love everything about him. From his music, persona, fashion, friends, and even this fan base.
I am embarrassed sometimes of what a big fan I am, and that's not right. I wish nothing but the best for Joost and in my time of being a fan I have ensured I have done nothing that could make him uncomfortable.
Except maybe read RPF but I truly in my heart of hearts don't think he will mind, because the shit he wrote about himself was no better. And if he ever came forward saying it made him in anyway uncomfortable I'd never read it again.
Seeing how you and many other have explained RPF has really helped me get over my worries. Though I won't be putting it on display any time soon, I am a huge Joost fan.
Anyway, thank you so much for opening my eyes to the wonderfulness of Joost and reblogging so many different types of media.
You have helped me discover so many different blogs that have quickly made their way into my heart.
Sorry if this is all a lot. I just really needed to talk it through and I admire you a lot :)
hiiiii !!! thank you so much for your message :-)))))
i don’t know what it is in particular about the joost fandom that is so anti rpf hahaha but it’s kind of commonplace in most other fandoms so i’m not sure where the insane amount of outrage comes from when joost hasn’t said anything about it himself …
like i know there are obviously people who are anti-rpf in every fandom but its not usually such a big talking point??? like people keep it to themselves.
even I MYSELF used to not enjoy rpf for a time… (until i turned to the light) but even then i literally did not gaf if people wrote rpf??? like i literally did not give a single fuck? and i didn’t expect the people who it was about to share my stance either so i don’t really understand this fandom in particular
but whatever! don’t be ashamed of regular shmegular fandom activities! this shit is so normal and i think here it joost was ever to communicate anti-rpf boundaries we would all completely understand that :-) were just having fun here, and no harm is intended, just creating little stories with an artist we admire!
people feed into the stereotype too much that people who participate in fandom or fanfic are just all creepy stalkers who think about whatever celebrity 24/7 and try to invade all types of privacy. i just don’t think that’s true- but the stereotype has people literally gripped by the throat that so many people are turned off from fanfic / fandom without even trying to get to see what it’s actually like!
but i’m so glad you’ve found your space here!! i love the joost tumblr fandom so much <3 they’re so great!!! such a fun little community for real :-))
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pepperf · 2 years
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I posted 1,294 times in 2022
That's 325 more posts than 2021!
192 posts created (15%)
1,102 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,172 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#the umbrella academy - 262 posts
#tua - 259 posts
#diego hargreeves - 225 posts
#lila pitts - 162 posts
#dielila - 140 posts
#diego/lila - 138 posts
#david castañeda - 71 posts
#tua s3 - 59 posts
#tua s3 spoilers - 48 posts
#tua fanfic - 48 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#''and i listen to the sound / of the trucks as they move down / out on 95 / and pretend that it's the ocean / comin' down to wash me clean''
My Top Posts in 2022:
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283 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
Hey, parts of North London I know well! So the places they visited in today’s Dracula Daily entry are all still there, and relatively unchanged since Victorian times I think, aside from the first:
Jack Straw’s Castle:
This is a massive white-painted pub at the top of Hampstead hill, now closed. In Stoker’s time, the building looked like this:
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It was badly damaged during the Blitz, and rebuilt in the 60s. The current building looks like this:
See the full post
385 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
My dearest darlingest TUA fic writers and fan artists: let me start off by saying that I love you all, I do, without bias or judgement, and I appreciate all the hard work that you put into whatever it is that makes your little hearts go pitty-pat.
That said, I have noticed an alarming trend recently: Diego is shrinking! He is getting smaller and smaller, in every lineup and fic description, inch by inch he is getting more and more petite, and I begin to fear that, at this rate, by this time next year he will have vanished entirely.
So, for your edification, I have put together this handy-dandy height reference chart for the Hargreeves siblings:
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See how Diego (all 5′11¼ delicious inches of him) stands, taller than his sister Allison (5′8′‘), just slightly shorter than his sibling Klaus (an even 6′), and on a par with his brother Ben (5′11′‘)? See how he towers above his littlest siblings, Viktor (5′1′’) and Five (5′7′’ but still growing if he’ll only cut back on the caffeine)! See how he’s only a few inches shorter than his tallest brother, Luther (6′4′’)! Let us celebrate him, tall, proud, and erect (no, wait, wrong kind of fic...), and lofty!
I thank you for your consideration.
697 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
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See the full post
1,272 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A love letter to the co-conspiritors
They have many names—beta reader, friend, Oh Fuck You—but you know who they are: they're the person who is as rabid as you about a ship or a character, the one you DM with your most twisted headcanons, the one who agrees that YES, he SHOULD be tied to a chair and slapped in the face—that she SHOULD be allowed a little tragic backstory, as a treat—that they SHOULD be roommates who are secretly pining for one another...the one who hashes out with you, at past midnight, how soon is reasonable for people with superpowers to have sex after one of them has been shot in the leg.
They’re the person who reads your fic before you send it to anyone else, and raves with you about that plot point that you COULDN’T WAIT for them to reach, or points out where you’ve forgotten that they were at the bar, not the library, so you need to remove the reference to book stacks, or pokes you to finish the goddamn next chapter because they want to read it, okay?
Fandom would not exist without them. They enable and encourage. Some of them are also fic writers, and you get to enable them right back. Some of them create fan art, or meta, or text post edits, or run prompt fests, or edit wikis...some of them are simply just as in love with the same thing that you are and want to feed the squee.
If you’re lucky enough to have someone like this in your life, you’ll know how much impact they have. It’s different to getting comments and kudos (wonderful though those are!), because they come in before the fic is finished, sometimes even before it’s started, and say ‘yes, do it!’. The fact that I've written so much for Community and The Umbrella Academy is completely down to @bethanyactually and @wheresmytowel respectively, and I count myself incredibly lucky to have them both in my life (and not just for all this, but also because they’re both incredibly lovely and smart and fun).
It was Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day yesterday (Aug 21st), and it made me think that we should also give a shoutout to the co-conspiritors, because without them, an awful lot more fic writers would be stress-scrolling through tumblr instead of working on their WIP, and there’d be so much less fic in the world.
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1,945 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lemonadesoda · 2 years
2, 4, 5, 13, 17, 19 30 33 37, 73
(Feel free to just choose a few of the questions if you don’t want to do all of them)
Ooh nice, lots! I did most of them (some I didn't have an interesting answer for, eg. playlists question, so i left those out)
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
in Catching Icarus 21, Lemel and Tev had a fight, but in the outline, Lemel says something really hurtful to Tevane, whereas in the final, they instead become upset and overwhelmed when he hits a vulnerable emotion for them and just runs away, so it's a much more intimate and emotional conflict that resolves within the same chapter in final vs the stinging one it would have been in outline version.
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
ghosts of altimera. elaborate on that? no.
13. talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you.
getting a comment from bany on ao3 unexpectedly, having not known who they were at the time, that said something like "great to see you again in the ahit archive!" and i was like "hmmm??? (<<perceived)"
[long post]
17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
i've written a lot of lines, it's pretty hard to sift through them to think of what i like. in terms of just straight prose, one contender: "Sleepless nights folded into one, flipping through her mind like a film shutter until red embers burned out the edges of her vision, leaving behind nothing but volcanic midnight beneath a vast smoke plume."
In terms of like emotional impact, another: "Maybe love is learning and relearning, again and again. And maybe home is not a place but a feeling. There was never a going back, not really. You’re never the same for loving something--someone. You’re never the same for them loving you. Gravity pulls both ways." << those are lines plural, but they work in tandem.
19. what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most?
N.K. Jemisin tends to influence my prose a lot, especially when I'm actively reading her books. Usually I'm an unintentional style sponge though, which is sometimes unfortunate.
33. do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
in fanfic, the characters. i think that's pretty typical.
37. when creating characters, what comes first: appearance, backstory, motivation, personality, something else?
a mix of personality and motivation. personality is itself derived from their role in the narrative, especially with supporting characters. lemel and tevane were both personality-first, for example. backstory is almost always last.
73. how do you visualize scenes? do you see it like a movie in your head, or do the words just flow?
like a movie! it's very clear to me, and i think it shows in how i lay out scenes and describe them. probably also why i've gotten comments on the consistency of motion and relative position of the characters within the scene. i'm literally watching them move through the space in my head and documenting it. i also pay attention to timing/pacing of the scene this way, though it's sometimes hard to convey in practice.
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firstelevens · 2 years
What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
He thinks of funnel cake, of Bucky holding the camera up so Sam’s arm wouldn’t get tired, of how fiercely he loves the boys, of longform cursive paperwork and company on the nights Sam screams himself awake and those smiles that always feel a little bit like being entrusted with something precious. All those quiet somethings that have become his touchstone, warm and steady and always there.
I'm terrible at picking favorites, but I do really like this bit from if you got the notion (i second that emotion). It feels like the thesis of how I write these two as a couple.
Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
Roughly 99% of the time, I create as I go! Basically the only exception to this rule has been fics with a real PointTM or structure that demands planning ahead, like the Cloak and Dagger crossover or the still-in-progress-but-eventually-gonna-be-finished-I-swear Bake Off AU. (Also the GGF fake dating AU that I wrote back in 2015!)
Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
from a fill for the Taylor Swift prompt fics:
Bucky snorts, and for whatever reason, it makes Sam grin a little. “I came so the princess could run some tests with the new arm. Thought I’d stop by before I went back.”
“I’m sure those goats are missing you something awful.”
“Yeah, they get real antsy if I don’t read them a bedtime story,” says Bucky.
How many WIPs do you currently have?
Oh, God. Uh. Four bigger fics (the Bake Off AU, the infamous DJ White Wolf fic, an epistolary fic set during Thunderbolts, and an AU that Emma gleefully encouraged me to write based on the most niche concept of all time), four prompt fills that are actively being worked on, and then just...so many other prompts languishing in my inbox. I am a disaster.
Are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic?
I don't think so? It's possible that the one or two who follow me on Tumblr know and they've just been polite enough not to bring it up, in which case shoutout to them.
What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
This year has been all about me leaning into "it's not perfect, but it's done" and being better at sending things out into the world even if I've stopped seeing everything but the places that need work. I'm not always good at it, but I've gotten better!
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orangepanic · 2 years
For the fanfic asks! 24, 31, 50
(I can't believe how much you write and whenever I check in it's incredibly high quality if not quite what I'm looking for right now - I hope this comes across as the compliment it is meant as. Do you have a long game or are you "just" [non pejorative] having fun?)
Ooh, tough ones. Neat. Here for it.
24. What’s the meanest review you’ve ever gotten? Do you think the reviewer intended it?
I once got a comment in the middle of a 100-chapter Irosami fic along the lines of "wow, you're such a homophobic piece of shit." Just that one line, right in the middle. Nothing homophobic had happened in that chapter (I think General Iroh made a sandwich?) or, hopefully needless to say, in the rest of the fic, other than that it was a S2 canon divergence where Asami wound up dating Iroh. I replied asking for context, then spent two weeks combing over what I was writing, questioning everything, wondering what I'd gotten so horribly wrong to warrant a comment like that from a reader. I was new to fandom. Now I know better. That person was just an asshole. And yes, they 100% meant it.
31. Who’s the one character you’ve just never managed to get perfectly right?
I thought really hard about this one. The glaring answer is, I think, Aang. In that for a show called Avatar: The Last Airbender I've never once written Aang as anything more than background, and very seldom at that. He appears once in a brief flashback where he has a snowball fight with little Iroh, and once in a short canon retelling of a scene from Appa's perspective. Now a lot of this is because I for the most part write in a time period after Aang is dead. But I've written 15 ATLA fics, too, and he's never there. I've given considerably more lines to Firelord Ozai's hairdresser. My conclusion is that I find Aang very difficult to write and so I think I avoid him on principle.
50. Has writing fanfic had a significant impact on your life? Would you say it’s entirely positive?
Boy howdy did I not want to answer this one. But here it goes.
Yes. And no.
I started writing fanfic in 2020. I'd never written much prior, and never fanfic. I didn't read fanfic. I'd never been part of a fandom. But life as I knew it pretty much ended at about the same time ATLA and TLOK popped up on Netflix and I think those things just coincided at the right time. I can't even begin to tell you how much joy fandom and fanfic writing and has brought me since. It's a super cathartic creative outlet for me in a way hobbies that take up physical space, like traditional art, never could be. More than anything I love that it's limitless, public, and completely private. I can create whatever deranged (or sappy) shit I want and people look at it, but not people who know me or judge me in real life. It's so freeing. I'm the kind of artist who usually burns her stuff, and now I don't have to. Plus of course the deranged, sappy people I've met along the way, many of whom I consider friends in any literal interpretation of the word despite having never seen their face. But I wanna talk about the downsides, too.
The downside is that I've always been imaginative. I've never felt so seen as when I read Calvin and Hobbes. That's me. I'm Calvin. And if I let it, the whole world could be nothing but rockets and dinosaurs and murderous snowmen. I'd go on fake adventures with my fake friends and not do my homework. Which, when you're an adult, is bad. I know since I've started writing I read a lot less, and have even less time than that for other creative content like television shows. I'm less on top of chores, and frankly abysmal at work. I weigh outings with friends against lost writing time. I'm far more likely to sit on the couch and write than go for a walk, let alone exercise, and because it's writing I tell myself that's not lazy, even if "writing" winds up being answering tumblr asks. Why do anything hard if you can imagine fun things instead? But what's crazy is I LOVE to read and watch shows and go for walks and see friends and play games with my partner - and doing those things isn't "taking away" from fandom. So as we emerge from the pandemic I'm working on reclaiming some balance in my life. I love fanfic and fandom and the friends I've made here, but I don't want it to be the only thing that I do, either.
As for your bonus question, no, no long game. Unless I win the lotto, that is. And I'm incredibly flattered you still check in on my works and think they're good, even if our specific interests diverge :-)
Ask me stuff about writing
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kenmagoesblep · 1 year
🔮 Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
good luck!! LKAGHSDGLKASD ok, i'm joking for the most part, but i guess it really depends how bad of a block ur in and how ur brain works? for me, i work thru my writers block by engaging with media i love. replaying my favorite games, reading fic, listening to music, talking to friends and community members about fandom stuff, and eventually something clicks and gets me creative and excited again. most of my writers block comes from tying myself up in knots with my own ideas or being overly critical about a plot point or characterization choice, and in those cases, talking it out with other writers helps me untangle! sometimes even talking out loud to myself is good for that.
whenever it escalates to burnout, tho, i know i have to take a step back and leave writing for a little. recharge by doing something else - i still own a bunch of coloring books (anyone remember johanna basfords coloring books that popped off a few years ago?) that i go fill out, go out of my way to spend more time with my pets, trying out new recipes in the kitchen, listening to some new music, and overall engaging with other unrelated creative sources. i personally believe that rest and not creating for a while is equally important to writing as the writing itself, so... rest!
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
in terms of practical advice, i always remember an old friend (a writer i admired a lot when i was 15-16 that i was lucky enough to get into contact with skype, who i unfortunately lost contact with many years ago) telling me that you can always skip scenes i'm struggling with to write whatever's on my mind, regardless if its the next thing to happen chronologically. it sounds very obvious, but i used to be stuck in projects for months bc i couldn't figure out the scene immediately after what i already had written, so that piece of advice really changed things for me - altho i still have to remind myself of that sometimes!
in broader terms, i'd say that writing what you're passionate about and invested in is vital to staying creative, even if its niche or specific, and that this'll show in ur work. i carved my own little corner on the internet and found a lot more joy in writing when i fully leaned into the things that make me happy, into the themes i like exploring and the characters i love, in entertaining the simplest to the silliest of ideas, leaving concepts of originality and worries about popularity in the backburner (or simply hitting the bricks on it entirely!). worrying too much about public perception stresses me out and i think writing more freely is something everyone can benefit from
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
it depends on the fandom i'm reading but overall i like canon compliant stuff more! exploring the nooks and crannies of plots, locations and character dynamics always pulls me in
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
i feel like i largely went over my biggest inspirations in the other asks but something that has always driven my fics is exploring/fleshing out relationships between the characters. like,, what do they mean to each other? what they bring out in each other? why is their relationship like this? is it positive, or a negative? things like that. especially in a romantic sense - as a demi person who was never romantically involved with anyone, and bc of how i experience attraction and all, its a topic that deeply fascinates me (and theres also a bit of... wanting to experience it vicariously thru fiction)
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
i've written for many many fandoms before, but currently i write persona 5 and demon slayer/kimetsu no yaiba fanfic!
my favorite persona 5 fic of mine is currently a WIP but i'm pretty proud of the first (and only) one i posted so far! you can read it here.
its hard to pick one demon slayer fic to link here tbh but my personal favorite is the one i wrote with a close friend of mine! you can read it here
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vampirelestatvevo · 2 years
For the book game: 9, 34, 39!
more books! 💖
9. A book that was better than you expected it to be
Less is Lost - Andrew Sean Greer. Even thought it won the Pulitzer Prize, I didn't love Less so my expectations for the sequel weren't very high. However! This one touched me in ways the first one didn't. Maybe it's because I'm a lifelong fanfic reader, so there's something about sequels where the worldbuilding has already established. I hope Greer writes more Arthur Less books.
34. What’s a book you’ve recommended the most this year?
I Was Better Last Night by Harvey Fierstein and I recommend it to EVERYONE reading this. I've loved him ever since I was a child and he made me laugh in Mrs Doubtfire (he plays Robin Williams' gay brother who creates the drag outfit). I believe he was if the not the first then one of the first out male celebrities in America and his cultural impact is extremely significant. Everything about it, man.
39. Five books you absolutely want to read next year?
Merrick - Anne Rice, Blood and Gold - Anne Rice, Blackwood Farm Anne Rice, Blood Can- (send help i s2g)
The First Three Minutes - Steven Weinberg. I'm back on my astrophysics bullshit so looking forward to one.
Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam - Nick Turse. Also back on my Vietnam War bullshit.
Heaven's Official Blessing - MXTX. I'm not taking questions.
A Scanner Darkly - Philip K Dick. Been putting this off for too long
Book Asks!!!
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cafffine · 3 years
Hey guys, I’ve decided to stop publishing Saltcoats for a number of reasons. I'm aware that many of you are going to initially be let down or confused, but hopefully once you’ve read through this post you’ll understand why this had to stop. I’ll try to hit all my points, but of course if you have any questions pls feel free to dm me or reply to this post.
DISCLAIMER: Ending this fic was a decision I came to by myself! No one asked me to do this, though many did help, and if you have something to add please do not bring other tumblr or ao3 users into the conversation unless they’ve explicitly said they’re ok with that. It’s a draining and heavy topic (not to me, but for those affected) and I don’t want to cause anymore unneeded distress.
Also, I’m the only author, all the problems with this story were created by me, and were biases I should have recognized and acted on much sooner. I’m very thankful to all the people that have reached out to me about the negative impacts on this fic, but it really does come down to: I wrote and published a story that was fundamentally ignorant of its setting and racist. So now I have to do my part to apologize and educate myself/take accountability.
First off, this was a flawed concept to begin with because I was trying to do a low fantasy setting with aliens in period clothes and a work of historical fiction at the same time, and those are not things you can go halfway on.
Historical fiction that centers around people of color has a long history of simply going race-blind and faking diversity by giving poc the roles of white people in Eurocentric stories and erasing their identities. (This article about Bridgerton explains the problem better than I could.) And it was something I tried to avoid by still having the Fetts written as immigrants from Aotearoa (NZ), but completely missed the execution on because I didn’t commit to full historical accuracy in all characters and aspects of the story. Meaning, I might as well have gone race-blind because you can’t pick and choose what to include, it’s just as racist.
This creates situations like the Fetts being immigrants facing real life oppression while the Organas, also people of color, are unaffected by the social climate and living as members of the British upper class. That’s not accurate to any version of history and ends up wiping clean any point I was trying to make about race and oppression. That also extends beyond the Fetts, I was not addressing how the american characters come from a country that still allows for the ownership of slaves, the British oppression of Scottish people and their culture, or even an in-depth look at real Queer communities of that era. (and more)
Given the real life historical climate in the 1850s, a multi-racial story like this one is not successful, and is racist in its ignorance of the struggles of poc, immigrants, and the intersectionality that had with class and crime.
In addition, the Fetts being written as criminals, even if it is framed as a morally correct choice*, is still playing into negative racial stereotypes that shouldn’t have been ignored.
* I should add, I don’t mean to make it sound like i’m creating excuses for myself when I give explanations for some of these choices such as “but it was framed as morally correct”, that doesn’t lessen the damage being done, it’s still racist, I guess I'm just trying to show why so many of these things went overlooked for as long as they did, and how easy it is for white/privileged people to find mental loopholes around racism when you’re not being sufficiently critical of yourself.
On another note, the Fetts being indigenous immigrants to Britain in the 1800s is not something I should have tried to tackle in fanfiction - a medium that often lacks nuance and can easily end up romanticizing or glossing over most heavy topics. This goes for period typical homophobia, addiction, and class struggles as well.
That being said! I’m not implying that any of those things should be completely ignored in fanfiction. Addiction, for example, is something very close to me that I do still want to explore in fanfic for the purposes of education and normalization, I’m not telling anyone what not to write, just checking myself. Because in a story like this where literally everything is so heavily dramatized and also applied to characters of color by me, a white person? It’s only going to end up being out of place, lacking in historical accuracy, and wholly disrespectful.
Another major problem I wanted to address is the relationship between a rich white person and a poverty stricken poc. That's a bad stereotype to begin with, but then I tried and failed to frame Obi-Wan as ignorant and biased to a point where his social status plays into the theme of class critique. But, if he’s still being written as Cody’s love interest, all his negative characteristics are ultimately going to be ignored and excused by the narrative (by me).
I’m not trying to end this conversation, I’ll always be willing to talk about this to anyone who’d want to say/hear more, but I don’t want run the point into the ground with over-explanation.
So, in conclusion, this fic had to stop and be broken down into the problem that it was. All white authors who write for the clones need to be hyper-vigilant about the fact that we are creating narratives for poc, and that our inherent racism is always in threat of being baked into in the stories we publish and spread to an audience. I was in the wrong when I wrote this story, and it should never have gone on for this long. I apologize for both my actions, and to anyone I may have hurt along the way.
This is getting posted on ao3 in the fic, and then, for now anyway, the fic is going to be deleted after a week. I’ll leave this post up and answer everyone unless it's someone trying to change my mind. Also, if I ignore an ask please send it again, tumblr might just have deleted it. I don’t want to try and bury this or run from my mistakes, I just don’t think that leaving the fic up where it can still find an audience will do anyone any good. Thank you for reading
If you're interested here's some resources I've been using to educate myself further:
What caused the New Zealand Wars? - An excerpt of the book by Vincent O'Malley of the same title. It gives a good summary of the violent colonization and oppression of Māori people and their culture by the British empire.
NZ Wars: Stories of Waitara (video) - Very educational documentary about the NZ wars and British colonialism. There are some historical recreations that get violent so pls watch with caution.
Historical American Fiction without the Racism - Tumblr post by @/writingwithcolor that talks specifically about Black people in the 1920's, but makes a good point about race and historical fiction in general. I'd recommend any post from this blog, especially their navigation page just a lot of great resources
Who Gave You the Right to Tell That Story? - An article about writing outside of your race that includes a diverse series of testimonials
History of Scottish Independence - Details the colonization of Scotland by the British empire, sort of long, can cntrl + f to "The Acts of Union" for a more direct explanation.
The best books on Racism and How to Write History - A list of well written and diverse works of historical fiction and why they are good examples of representation
I have a lot more that I can share if you're interested (x x x x) but this post is getting a bit too long.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 4 years
I respectfully disagree with your last post (as an author). I’ve been in this fandom for 6 years and noticed it’s a little bit toxic when it comes to certain issues that should be normal and obvious to anyone.
I don’t get the “I choose the people I want to take criticism from” part. Ok, so why posting your work on a public page for independent writers where every subscriber will be able to read it and comment on it? Just send it to the people whose opinion matters to you and have a discussion about your work with them. If you post your work on a public page made specifically for independent writers, you are automatically posting it for everyone on that site. And every person has opinions on things and feels invited to express it if that particular thing is public and comments are open (I’m talking about respectful opinions, not slurs and offending someone).
If it was only for you and the people you actually want to get feedback from then wouldn’t it be easier to create an “élite” group where you read your work and then discuss it together? Because your post sends a very negative and exclusionary message to people that are reading your work for the first time or without knowing you as an author. It really seems like you are saying “dear readers, your opinion doesn’t matter to me so unless it’s positive I don’t want to hear it because this fanfic was written for me and this list of people.” Then don’t post it. But why making people feel excluded or bad because they did something normal just because they didn’t know it wasn’t written “for them” as you said in your post. And constructive criticism is just an opinion too as long as it doesn’t contain vulgarities, you don’t have to listen to it. Other’s opinion shouldn’t change the way you feel about your work but you also shouldn’t make them feel uncomfortable and bad for expressing it in a respectful way on a public page.
I know that authors on AO3 aren’t paid and that’s just for fun, but that’s what every page like AO3 is about: putting your work out there for other people to read with the possibility to express their personal opinion in a respectful way (I mean, you CAN disable the comments). Why making it public and then complaining and making other people feel bad for expressing their opinion on it? It’s not a diary or a personal Instagram profile.
So, first off, thank you for saying you respectfully disagree with me. I appreciate that you’re trying to be polite. 
There are many different ways I can answer this ask, because there’s a lot to discuss here, however, I’m exhausted by this conversation and have tackled it many times before, so I’ll link things when I see fit and get straight to the point.
My question for you is this: What is the purpose of you posting negative  (even though well-worded, polite, and tactful) unsolicited comments on a person’s fanfic? Why do you do it?
That’s not a rhetorical question, I really want you to think about the answer, because, for something to be called “constructive criticism” (which is specifically what we’re discussing here, versus the opposite “destructive” criticism) there has to be a point beyond just the fact that “it’s a public forum” and therefore, you feel entitled to express your opinion, whatever it may be. (That reasoning, btw, is called entitlement. No one said you weren’t allowed to have an opinion, but if you’re saying it to the author with no constructive, bettering purpose behind it, then at worst, your intent is to hurt them, which is just mean, no matter how politely you word it, and at best, you’re saying your opinions and preference take precedent over the author’s own.)
There are three reasons that I assume one can have when posting constructive criticism on work/art:
1. You want to help make them be a better writer, both now and in the future. 
I, and other fellow authors, explain why this doesn’t work here and here, and there are more posts about it like this one, if you need to hear it from voices that are not from the Larry fandom (which I assume you do, since you said this is a little bit toxic here particularly.) 
I encourage you to read all those posts, to get a better explanation in context, but the gist of them is this: for something to be truly constructive (synonym: helpful), the source, the timing, and the tact is key. Let me demonstrate: There is a difference between telling a friend while shopping, “I wouldn’t buy that dress, it’s not the most flattering on you,” and saying, while you’re out at a club, “Oh, that dress isn’t the most flattering on you, I wouldn’t wear it again.” -- Both are honest, worded politely, and both will achieve the same outcome: she will not wear the dress again -- but only one of them will cause undue stress, embarrassment, and self-consciousness (under the guise of being helpful), and that is all due to tact and timing. At the store, she can change into something else, and won’t assume you think she looks awful the entire day while you’re out. At the club, the damage is done, there is nothing she can do to change it, and you’ve just ruined her night.
The same goes for writing. I have seen people gracefully and willingly rewrite their entire first drafts based on astute and even harsh comments on their work, by their betas. I have never seen someone take down a fic and edit it based on a piece of constructive criticism given by a stranger on AO3. What I have seen based on that scenario, is people taking that criticism to heart and reflecting on whether or not they ever want to write again, because when they made themselves vulnerable, some people looked at it as an opportunity to ask for what would cater best to their own tastes, instead of appreciating the work as a true product of the author’s personal feelings and experiences. That results in less writers for the fandom, less content, and a whole lot of undue discouragement which is not something we want (nor is it actually constructive).
2. You want to engage the author in a deeper discussion of their work.
This is in direct answer to this part of your ask:
It really seems like you are saying “dear readers, your opinion doesn’t matter to me so unless it’s positive I don’t want to hear it because this fanfic was written for me and this list of people.”
You feel passionate (both positively and negatively) about my work? That’s lovely. I say, start a discussion with me. Ask me questions. Learn why I made those decisions. A discussion starts with an invitation to have a conversation (two ways, you say something, I say something, rinse repeat). It doesn’t start with “I didn’t like” or “This could have been better if”, and it certainly doesn’t start in a public forum, like the comments on AO3, where the writer runs the risk of looking like a defensive asshole. 
But India, you say, what if I don’t have the means to have a private conversation/the writer doesn’t have tumblr/they’ve long since been inactive in the fandom? The answers are, respectively: leave a polite comment asking if they’re willing to discuss, if they are willing to discuss, leave a polite comment asking how to contact them, and if they’re no longer active, find other friends with which to discuss your feelings in private.
But India, that seems like so much work. It is, flat out. But if you really felt that strongly about something I wrote, you would make that effort to understand it. Otherwise, why not just walk away?
3. You don’t know better.
I found this part of your ask extremely interesting:
“But why making people feel excluded or bad because they did something normal just because they didn’t know it wasn’t written “for them” as you said in your post.”
The reason I found it interesting is because it means that there are people who assume that all work that is public was made for them, to suit their tastes, which is, frankly, a bizarre way to consume art. I do not go into The Louvre, look at the Mona Lisa and say “I don’t see the hype, it’s not something I would hang in my living room.” I look at it and think “What does this piece say about Da Vinci and his life? What has this brought to the world? How has this helped people/art/culture?”
(No, I am in no way comparing my talents to Da Vinci, I am not delusional. But, I don’t think my work deserves any less thought than that of a professional artist, simply because I’m an amateur and it’s on the internet and not in a gallery, and you have the superpower of anonymity.) You asked me what the point was in posting my work publicly if I didn’t want to hear every single person’s personal (negative) take on it, and the answer is this: I post what I write publicly, because I hope it helps someone. I hope my thoughts, feelings, experiences, loneliness validate someone, entertain them, help them through a tough time, bring them comfort. I post because I want to invite people to lose themselves alongside me, heal alongside me, dream alongside me. 
(Notice how I said “someone” and not “everyone”. How I said “someone” and not “an élite group that discusses my work”, because yes, I do hope that my work positively impacts someone outside of my betas, my friend group. Does that mean someone can leave negative comments on my work? Yes. But should they? That’s a different question.)
I know my work won’t be a positive experience for every single person, but my goal was never to be relevant to every single person. So, my question is, if I’m not relevant to you personally -- if my work doesn’t touch you personally, heal you personally, entertain you personally, why not just walk away and find something that does? Who does your negative opinion really help? How is it constructive? What is its purpose? Why do you do it?
I will apologize for this, though: I spoke on behalf of all writers, and maybe I shouldn’t have. Maybe I should have been clear that though many writers feel this way, not all do. There are some, such as, I assume, yourself, who do view negative comments on AO3 as constructive, whether or not they are solicited, and I’m sorry to have spoken on behalf of you. However, I do still stand by this, though: it is much better to be kind than be right, and that definitely goes for comments on fic.
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brinconvenient · 3 years
Green Egg and Fam
You know what? I'm just gonna go ahead and do this...
So a few years back, I was talking to another trans woman who is very familiar with the DC Universe and we were trying to figure out who is Actually An Egg, and after a few suggestions back and forth, I galaxy-brained the answer. She heartily agreed and we talked about it a bit: 1. Artsy 2. Serial Monogamist who is a Relationship Disaster (Big "Do I want to Be With Her, or Be Her?" energy) 3. Becomes best friends with every ex-girlfriend 4. Noted Respecter of Women in Very Terrible and Awkward Ways 5. Chronically allergic to self-reflection and introspection, but also addicted to it in much the same way lactose intolerant people talk about how they can't give up cheese. 6. Just a complete and Utter Messy Agent of Chaos. 7. All too willing to adopt Other People's Expectations and internalize them as a Sacred Duty. 8. Just constantly Marked By Tragedy - both external and self-created.
It's Kyle Rayner, kids.
Honor Lantern,
Erstwhile Ion/avatar of the power of will
Kyle "I will be the Last of the Green Lanterns and yet keep trying to ressurect this entire Corps of Space Cops that I didn't even know existed until some Blue Dude showed up to give me jewelry and I guess marry me into the Corps? Because I guess that's just my job now and that will become my whole personality" Rayner.
After the conversation, this - the only fanfic I have literally ever written popped out of my head fully formed. It's intended to really be Chapter 1 of Several which are basically conversations between Kyle and one Ex-Girlfriend per chapter as Kyle finally accepts herself and transitions.
Eventually she reveals that the name "Ion" comes from her real name "ImOgeN" because she read Nevada and Was Impacted and she's just that extra.
But, honestly, despite getting started on the Alex chapter ages ago, I never have drawn the energy to go back and finish and/or write more, so I'm just gonna share the first chapter of what I am calling:
"Green Egg and Fam"
Putting the actual content behind the Read More because I've already rambled too long.
“It’s just exhausting, you know? Every few years it seems like I have to pick up the pieces of my life, my memory, my self and figure out who the hell I am! Every time I get a handle on things, someone or something comes along and shakes up the snow globe,y’know? I’ve tried to talk to Diana about it and, like, she’s compassionate and cares and offers sympathy, but most of the time, my whole relationship with her is just one more flake in the globe and I never know who we’re going to be to each other. Somehow, though, you’re always my favorite ex-boyfriend. It’s weird, right?”
Kyle patted Donna’s arm reassuringly. He glanced from Donna’s face to the view over Lake Michigan. There was no more beautiful view of the lakeshore than the roof of the John Hancock Building. He could just about make out the lights of the small shore towns across the lake in Michigan, and he could see the industrial Indiana towns along the round tip of the lake.
“I’m not positive I like that descriptor of our relationship, but I am happy to be some kind of constant for you,” he said with a rueful smile. “Donna, you are one of my dearest friends and I always want to be here for you. I know you didn’t need my help with Dr. Psycho here, but I’m glad I was Earthside to help you out anyway.”
They’d taken the diminutive psychic menace to the Chicago Special Crimes Unit, who had training and facilities for telepaths and telekinetics. They found this perch when Donna said she just needed a little bit to settle down before heading back to the Titans Tower in New York.
“No, I had him just about handled - a Lasso of Persuasion is pretty useful, after all - but I’m glad you swung through, all the same,” Donna said. “I’m glad to have a friend here. Psycho was really messing with my head this time. He kept dredging through my memory, pulling out bits and pieces of lives lived and people lost. He made me relive the loss of Terry and Robert and Jenny, over and over, replayed the tortures of Dark Angel, dragged me through that whole mess with the Titans of Myth, and I’m actually not sure which of any of those actually happened in this reality anymore.”
Donna’s breath was getting ragged and tears were falling down her face, twinkling in the moonlight.
“You told me about Terry and the kids when we were dating, so since I still remember them, they must still have existed and they still loved you and you still got to love them. I’m a little fuzzy on the Titans of Myth, so I can’t be sure about that stuff. But you’re here now and that’s what’s important right now. Just take a sec to enjoy this moment, this view, this night and see how you feel, ok?” he said.
They sat in the quiet, next to each other, watching the waves reflect and distort the moonbeams. Donna’s breathing calmed down and she straightened her back, half a head taller than Kyle even while sitting.
“Thank you, Kyle. I’ll be ok now, I think. I appreciate you listening. You have a good heart. If you’d only learn to actually fight without that ring, you’d make a pretty decent Amazon. Well … if you weren’t a man, of course.”
Kyle coughed and thanked the stars that Donna couldn’t see him blush. Suddenly Kyle felt like there was lava beneath his skin and he couldn’t sit comfortably.
He didn’t want Donna to catch on, so he stifled his squirming and whipped up a quick construct of a miniature green Kyle in an Amazonian uniform, breastplate, Spartan skirt and calf boots. For added effect he made sure to widen his shoulders and used Hal Jordan as a reference for a jaw far more square than Kyle’s real life chin.
“I’m not sure I can pull off the uniform. Guess I’ll stick with green and black for now. Ha!” he said. He hoped it didn't sound as forced as it felt.
“Oh I don’t know. You’ve got great legs, Kyle! Maybe you should start wearing shorts when in uniform. Besides, you had those over-the-knee boots for the longest time. I think you’d be just fine!” Donna said, laughing.
“Give me a hug, Dick just texted me to meet him in Blüdhaven. Take care and fly safe back to Oa!” she said.
After a quick, warm embrace, she turned eastward and flew off over the lake. Kyle watched her fly out of sight. He looked down and saw little Amazon Kyle, slowly spinning in the air. He drew the construct up to eye level and returned the shoulders and jaw back to his more slender and softer reality. It didn’t look that bad actually.
He’d been trying to make Donna smile, and deflect from … something before, so he exaggerated those features to highlight the incongruence, but he didn’t hate this more realistic image.
He continue to finesse the construct’s features. Like most artists, he never really considered a piece finished, he just stopped working on it. He smoothed the musculature, narrowed the shoulders a little further, pulled the hips out just a bit more, and left the waist alone. The ersatz Kyle’s face got softer still, the brow less pronounced, the nose narrower, the chin just a bit more rounded. He watched the chest muscles soften and breasts form to fill out the breastplate better.
Finally, he lengthened the construct’s hair to shoulder length, adding some wave and curls like Donna’s somehow-always-perfect hair.
And there she was. The woman who’d been haunting Kyle’s dreams as long as he could remember. Slowly spinning in the air was a woman who could easily have been Kyle’s sister, wearing Amazonian garb (or at least what he remembered from seeing Donna’s while they were dating so many years ago).
He didn’t know how much time had passed since he started fiddling with the image, and he didn’t know how long he’d spent staring at the final form. Sister. Yeah, right.
With an angry wave he flashed his hand through the construct, dissolving and dispersing the light particles that he’d given form. He hastily looked around the roof to make sure no one had seen him or, specifically, seen the construct. The burning sensation of shame returned instantly and he immediately flew into the sky until the buildings looked like so many light-speckled building blocks.
He took himself through a calming exercise he learned from Kilowog to help him center himself and sling his ring “like he wasn’t a complete Poozer and deserved to wear it.” Kilowog had no appreciation for just how hard it was for other people to feel calm when he was around. Still, Kyle found it helped when the pink giant wasn’t breathing down his neck.
“My will is strong enough to carry the torch for the entire Green Lantern Corps, I can stop these feelings. I can make all of these thoughts go away. I can stop this. I’ve got too much responsibility to keep indulging this … this nonsense” he thought, trying to ignore the sting of the tears fighting their way free to fall down his face, ignore the pain in his heart.
“I don’t want to lose my friends - what would Donna say? Would she think I was a pervert, or making fun of her somehow? I definitely don’t want to lose Hal’s and the guys’ respect. I don’t want to lose my whole life just because I’m some kind of freak. Get it together, Rayner. No one else is feeling sorry for themselves because they don’t fit in.”
He pulled a hand down his face and pointed his right fist with it’s gaudy, shining green ring on the middle finger toward the Milky Way and flew into space. He hoped the cold solitude of the transluminal conduits would help him regain his composure before he faced Guy, Hal, John and Kilowog for the Honor Lantern meeting. For the millionth time, he wished he could just be more like them, have just a sliver of their easy and effortless masculinity. They made it look so simple.
“Bet they don’t spend half their life trying to figure out what is wrong with them,” he thought. He tried so hard not to envy them, but it was really hard sometimes.
Especially nights like tonight where his resolve had failed him yet again and he gave in to his most hidden thoughts. He entered the transluminal conduit between Saturn and Jupiter and closed his eyes.
He traveled faster than light, but it still took time to reach Oa, so he tried to sleep and hoped that his dreams wouldn’t betray him again.
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pepperf · 2 years
A love letter to the co-conspiritors
They have many names—beta reader, friend, Oh Fuck You—but you know who they are: they're the person who is as rabid as you about a ship or a character, the one you DM with your most twisted headcanons, the one who agrees that YES, he SHOULD be tied to a chair and slapped in the face—that she SHOULD be allowed a little tragic backstory, as a treat—that they SHOULD be roommates who are secretly pining for one another...the one who hashes out with you, at past midnight, how soon is reasonable for people with superpowers to have sex after one of them has been shot in the leg.
They’re the person who reads your fic before you send it to anyone else, and raves with you about that plot point that you COULDN’T WAIT for them to reach, or points out where you’ve forgotten that they were at the bar, not the library, so you need to remove the reference to book stacks, or pokes you to finish the goddamn next chapter because they want to read it, okay?
Fandom would not exist without them. They enable and encourage. Some of them are also fic writers, and you get to enable them right back. Some of them create fan art, or meta, or text post edits, or run prompt fests, or edit wikis...some of them are simply just as in love with the same thing that you are and want to feed the squee.
If you’re lucky enough to have someone like this in your life, you’ll know how much impact they have. It’s different to getting comments and kudos (wonderful though those are!), because they come in before the fic is finished, sometimes even before it’s started, and say ‘yes, do it!’. The fact that I've written so much for Community and The Umbrella Academy is completely down to @bethanyactually and @wheresmytowel respectively, and I count myself incredibly lucky to have them both in my life (and not just for all this, but also because they’re both incredibly lovely and smart and fun).
It was Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day yesterday (Aug 21st), and it made me think that we should also give a shoutout to the co-conspiritors, because without them, an awful lot more fic writers would be stress-scrolling through tumblr instead of working on their WIP, and there’d be so much less fic in the world.
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350 Followers: Meet The Writer
Welcome to 350 Followers Meet The Writer! Like we mentioned last week, the number of followers increased really fast because many of you joined us during our first event, which is why we’re having two Q&A in such short period of time. Again, we’re truly grateful for you all joined us. 
Anyway, this fanfic author is part of the fandom for quite some time and we’re proud to introduce her to the newbies of Choices fandom:
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Blog: @darley1101​ Name (and/or petname): Coll Birthday: December 11 Nationality: German/Syrian/with some Scottish and a dash of Russian Current residency: the US Languages you speak: English Masterlist: Coll's Fanfiction Masterlist 
1. Is there a meaning behind your url name? 
I wish I had some creative story behind my url name but alas it is just part of my actual name. I tend to panic when it comes to creating url names.
2. When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
I was an avid player of High School Story and Hollwood U so when Pixelberry announced their new app I decided to check it out. I guess you could say I've been there since the start. The Crown and The Flame, followed by The Freshman.
3. When did you decide to join Choices fandom? 
Now this does have a funny/cute story attached to it! You can blame @queen-of-effing-everything​​ for that! I ran across her stories on fanfiction.net and when she announced she would be posting on tumblr I sort of followed her over.
4. Go back to your archive and tell us what was your first post on your Choices blog was about. 
I feel weird saying this but it was my first Choices fic, which was a cringy little drabble about Liam staring at burnt apple trees. 
5. How long have you been writing fanfiction? 
If we're talking about Choices it has been around 3 years, give or take. If we are talking about fanfiction in general I started writing for Grey's Anatomy back in Season 1.
6. Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it? 
I am going to go with my first Choices fanfic, which is the burnt apple tree one I mentioned above. I don't know that I feel one way or the other about it but I do know that I wouldn't change anything about it. When I look at it I can see where I started from and compare it to where I am now. There has been definite growth in my confidence with the characters so for me that's more important than trying to perfect it.
7. What are your favorite Choices books to write about? 
I have to be honest, questions like this give me major anxiety! I'm very indecisive when it comes to choosing favorites but if I absolutely have to I would go with The Royal Romance. There is just so much you can do with the characters!
8. Imagine this scenario: you’ve posted a fic anonymously for a contest/writing challenge. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it? 
This is a tough one. A lot of my readers comment on my ability to portray a vast array of emotion with a small amount of words so I guess find a short emotional piece that is probably mine.
9. Which part of writing do you struggle with most? 
All of it. 9 times out of 10 I've spent hours staring at a blank document with a little voice in my head saying 'why bother, you know it's not going to be as good as what others write.' Crazy, I know. I'm working on not comparing myself to others but it's definitely something I struggle with and it has played a huge factor in my writing.
10. Have you ever purposefully written one fandom/fic idea over another because you knew it’d be more popular? 
To the best of my knowledge, no. If anything I try to write stories that are outside the box. There's just something about taking an idea and going in a completely out there direction that appeals to me.
11. Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? 
Absolutely. Author PC Cast was my creative writing teacher; of course back then she was just a creative writing teacher with dreams of being a published author. If you like vampire stories I strongly recommend checking out her House of Night Series. As far as fandom members who have influenced my writing I would have to say the biggest influence has been blackcatkitta. From the start, we have been honest with one another when it comes to our writing. If something isn't working we're both comfortable enough with each other to say 'that doesn't work,'
12. If someone you know in real life who isn’t involved in fandoms asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
My husband has read most of my stories or been involved in some capacity. Does that count? If not, I'm not sure I would let others besides him. I'm very self concious when it comes to my writing.
13. Has writing fanfic had a significant impact on your life? Would you say it’s entirely positive? 
It has had a significant impact on my life. Without going into details it has opened doors that led me to people who have experienced similar traumas. I used to feel very alone, like there was something wrong with me, and now I have a support network that is there to remind I didn't deserve what happened to me, that there was something wrong with the person who hurt me...in return I've been able to do the same for others.
14. You’re applying for the fanfic writer of the year award. What five fanfics do you put in your portfolio?
Maxwell Beaumont's Terrible Day
Bittersweet Symphony
I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas
A Bit of Normal
15. Do you write original stories? 
I want to but I am forever talking myself out of it.
Do you want to contribute with questions/ideas for the next Meet The Writer Q&A? Send us a message.
Thanks for reading! Reblog to share your appreciation for @darley1101​ ❤��
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