#who i was before fencing? thank god i’ll never be that. and in a few months i’ll be an even better version of myself
thoughtfulseason · 6 months
when you realise you know that person for a year and a half and it is the kindest gift from the universe
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southern-gothic-comic · 8 months
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(Author Notes)
Panel 1: In the yard, Laudna and Imogen are sitting together on the swing. Relvin approaches, hands in his pockets, looking regretful.
Relvin: Well, girls. Now that Imogen’s on the mend and the quarantine’s been lifted, I think it’s time for our guest to return whence she came. I’ll see you home, miss.
Imogen: What? No! You’re just gonna turn her out, after everything she’s done for us? I could be dead if it wasn’t for Laudna!
Relvin: And I do appreciate her help.
His Thoughts: But it ain’t safe with her here.
Relvin: But it’s time she went on home.
Imogen: Safe from what? Laudna’s never harmed anyone.
Relvin: Dammit, Imogen. Don’t do that.
Laudna: No, he’s right. I--I apologize for overstaying my welcome. Thank you for your offer, Mr. Temult. I can -- I can find my own way.
Panel 2: On her way home, she passes the graveyard where she and Imogen like to spend time. Turned earth and new graves give evidence to the sorrows of the past few weeks. Most of the freshly-dug burial plots are small. A funeral service is being held in the distance.
Panel 3: Laudna approaches one of the gravestones, reaching out to trace the sharp, newly-carved edge with her fingers.
Panel 4: From the carved date on the stone we can see it’s the grave of a six-year-old. Crouching down, Laudna lays one of her little twig dolls as a memento.
Panel 5: A voice startles her.
Voice: What’re you doin’ here, ghoul?
Panel 6: The group of mourners approaches, led by Dolores Garrod, who addresses her with cold ferocity. The woman’s eyes are reddened with recent tears and her child is nowhere to be seen. Laudna shrinks back, horrified and sickened by her accusation.
Dolores: This here is holy ground. Your black magic will find no purchase here.
Laudna: I’m -- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude, I was just -- I’m so sorry for your loss.
Dolores: Come back to reap the harvest you sowed? Couldn’t even wait until these sweet li’l innocents were cold in the ground from your vile plague before you came back for your feast?
Laudna: What? No!
Panel 7: She flees the graveyard, leaving a scrap of her skirt behind on the fence in her haste.
Dolores: You can hide from the eyes of the gods, but not the eyes of the law!
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quizzicalwriter · 11 months
hi beautiful! can u do a fluff for dally, maybe him x a shy!reader?
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Pairing: Dallas Winston x Fem!Reader
Summary: You’d been friends with the guys for quite some time, so it wasn’t too much of a shock when Dallas showed up at your house needing patching up.
Warnings: Some mention of blood and fighting, nothing besides that.
A/N: Thank you for the request!
Word Counter: 2.2k
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Dallas had never been one to seek help after a rumble, he was a man for Christ’s sake - at least that’s what his brain yelled at him whenever he’d stumble his way onto the Curtis’s front porch for the umpteenth time, battered to shit and hardly coherent. Darry had always been an older brother figure to him, something he quietly appreciated, even more so in moments when he could hardly think from the pain.
What he hadn’t considered was Darry taking on another shift, a night shift at that. He vaguely remembered overhearing it from Ponyboy a month or so ago and it’d fleeted his memory until now. He turned toward the driveway, cursing under his breath as blood dripped into his eye for the fourth time that night. Darry was the only person he knew who could patch him up, besides himself and maybe Sodapop if the guy didn’t blanch from the blood.
There was only one other person he knew of who could handle the sight of blood, and that was you - the group's little nurse in training. You were practically an answer from God to Dallas as he wobbled down the front porch steps of the Curtis’s house and began his trek across the neighborhood to your house. You two hadn’t spoken much, hell, you were more friends with Johnny and Ponyboy than you were with anyone else, but you’d been friendly enough with Dallas for him to feel comfortable staggering toward your house.
It was only a ten or so minute walk by the time he reached your house, the chain link fence encircling the semi-rotted building creaking as he pushed against it before hopping it. There was a gate, but it was up a few steps and Dallas’d be damned before he walked up any more steps that night. He couldn’t bring himself to care when the neighbor across the street flicked their porch lights on, squinting over to your front lawn as he hobbled toward your bedroom window. He’d apologize on your behalf if he got you in trouble with your folks, maybe. Either that or he’d get you a pack of smokes as an apology.
A short series of knocks against the glass pane of your bedroom window shook you from your dreams, making your heart leap into your throat as you moved from your bed. If it hadn’t been for the full moon outside you’d likely have gotten your father, but luckily for Dallas, you recognized his features immediately - cut and busted as they were, it was still Dallas.
You crossed your floor, unlatching the locks atop your window before lifting it open for Dallas who promptly climbed in, the slight tilt forward he had to do to maneuver in through the window caused a few droplets of blood to splatter against the hardwood floor beneath him. Instinctually you grasped at his shoulders, eyes wide in shock as you took in his current state.
“I-“ You started, feeling your mouth dry as your eyes cast up to meet his, noticing the gash set just underneath his right eye. “Go sit on my bed, I’ll get the first-aid kit under the bathroom sink.”
With a wordless nod, he moved over to your bed, silently savoring the warmth your body had left against the sheets as you left the bedroom quietly. He’d never really seen the inside of your bedroom before, only whatever he could see from outside your window whenever he and Johnny would break you out to go meet up with the others for the night - it suited you, something that made him quirk a smile as you tiptoed back into your room, slowly closing and locking the door behind you.
“Nice room, kid.” He whispered, lifting his hips after to retrieve a pack of smokes from his back pocket, swiftly lighting one up before tossing the still-lit match into a mug on your bedside table. You’d’ve yelled at him if he hadn’t looked so beaten to shit, but you couldn’t help the involuntary eye roll at the sight of him lighting up a cigarette in your bedroom.
“Not a kid, Dallas.” You replied under your breath, pulling a chair that you’d had sitting near your dresser to sit in front of him. “We’re the same age.”
He snorted at that, taking a harsh drag from his cigarette as he watched you unlatch the first-aid box, deftly sorting through everything you’d need to clean him up. As he exhaled the lungful of smoke toward your still cracked window he took a moment to lean forward, bracing his elbows against his knees to make it a tad bit easier for you to clean him up.
“You don’t talk much.” He replied, smile around his cigarette quickly fading the moment you began to wipe at the cut along his cheekbone. If you’d been anyone else he’d have cursed, jerked away, or shoved you away, but you were you - so he stayed put. You noticed this, eyes flickering up to his for a brief moment before returning to your handiwork.
“I do.” You responded, tossing the dirtied gauze pad into a nearby trash can. “I talk to Johnny and Pony plenty.”
“Johnny’s no better.” Dallas laughed out, eyes squeezing shut for a moment as you waved your hand over the area, trying to dry the alcohol before it stung too much. “I mean you don’t talk to anyone but them.”
You chewed at the inside of your lip as you applied steri-strips to the gash, actually managing to close it up in the process. As you tossed the wrappers into the trash you sighed, not knowing how to respond to what he’d said. You knew it was true, even Johnny commented on how shy you were when you’d first become friends with him and Ponyboy - which coming from him said a lot.
“It doesn’t mean I don’t like you.” You assured him through a slight smile, the sight causing Dallas’s heart to skip a beat, something he’d likely chastise himself over later on. “You intimidate me, I guess. Not in a bad way, you’re just - you.”
“Me?” He asked through a laugh, brows furrowing in confusion as he lifted his hand to remove his cigarette from between his lips. “Intimidated by me?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his confusion, finding yourself somewhat amused by the idea that Dallas wasn’t aware of the persona he had. Or maybe he was and simply wanted you to clarify, you didn’t know for certain.
“I’m not scared of you.” You assured him, giving him another short-lived smile as you began wiping away dried blood along his forehead and jaw. “I just- you’re cool, the last thing I’d want to do is embarrass myself by stumbling over my words. So I guess my brain rationalized that it’d be better if I was silent.”
He studied you then, brown eyes affixed to your features as you cleaned him up. Instead of feeling burdened by his glare, you felt something different bloom in your chest and stomach. Your hand paused against his cheek, only dropping once your eyes locked with his.
“You’d know if I didn’t like you, kid.” He whispered, voice hoarse as though he were restraining himself from saying something further. You only shook your head, a stifled laugh falling past your lips as you responded. “Not a kid.”
“I like your voice.” He whispered, leaning closer to you. You felt yourself freeze, unable to do anything other than let your gaze flicker between his and his lips. “It’s a shame you don’t talk more.”
Before you’d been able to reply Dallas’s lips were upon yours, the scent of rubbing alcohol and cigarette smoke flooding your senses as his hand gently cradled the back of your head. You hadn’t expected it in the slightest, but it was far from unwelcome. You kissed him back, savoring the warmth of his lips against your own until he pulled back for a breath of air.
“You going to talk more now? Or did I ruin my chances?” He asked through a soft laugh, his words in a tone you weren’t used to coming from him, almost vulnerable. You nodded, wetting your lips to taste him again as you looked down at your lap.
“Yeah, I can talk more.”
“Good.” He stated, tone light as he straightened his posture. “C’mon, you haven’t put a band-aid on my cheek yet.”
With a laugh and shake of your head, you pulled a bandage from your first-aid kit, scooting forward in your chair to bring your knees flush with his. While there was still a bit of apprehension in your movements, it was certainly far less than it had been before. Your palm rested against his jaw as you delicately placed the bandage, whispering an apology whenever he’d wince.
“Why do you do this?” You asked as you smoothed the adhesive onto his skin. “Fighting, I mean. Seems like every time I see you, you’re sporting a new bruise or cut.”
“I like it.” He replied, shrugging with a tone so nonchalant you would’ve bought it if you hadn’t been patching him up for the last thirty or so minutes. “Done it all my life, ain’t no sense in changing now.”
“It’s reckless.” You stated, motioning to the pile of bandage wrappers in your trash can. “Reckless and stupid.”
He only cocked a smile in return, one that made you fight the urge to smile back. He’d gone through the same song and dance with every damn friend he’d ever had, the ones that cared anyhow - and with any woman he’d been with.
“You hopin’ to change me?” He asked with a slight tilt of his head, fingers intertwined between the space of his knees. “Wouldn’t have thought you’d be the type to lecture.”
“I’m not lecturing.” You replied, almost defensively. He couldn’t help but laugh at your tone as he shifted his legs, boots nudging the outside of your calves as he waited for you to continue. “And I don’t want to change you, I know the man you are - the men all of you are. I just- I don’t know, I figured you could benefit from knowing someone cared about your wellbeing.”
There was something so genuine in your tone that Dallas found himself unable to do anything other than smile warmly back at you. You were shy, but you were smart and held your own if it came to it, and he respected that. He tapped his boots once more against your calves, pulling your attention back to his waiting eyes.
“You care about me, huh?”
You could sense the teasing tone from a mile away, but instead of irritating you, you only let out a huff of laughter as you playfully rolled your eyes. “Yeah, I care.” You responded, giving him the smile he’d been waiting for before bending over to close up the first-aid kit.
He only nodded in response, lips pursed in thought as he looked toward the first-aid box, watching intently as your hands pushed it toward your nightstand. He could still feel the faint sting of the antiseptic against his wounds, but you’d done a damn good job, and you’d surely been kinder with him than Darry was on the best of days.
“Did you want to stay?” You asked, tone so quiet that Dallas had nearly missed it in favor of watching your body shift against the wooden chair. He looked up to you then, smug smile making itself known once more. You returned it with a laugh of your own, letting your head fall back in faux annoyance. “Not like that!”
“I know.” He laughed out, noise followed by a soft sigh as he rested his palms against the soft mattress underneath him, slowly rolling his shoulders back to stretch the tired muscles. “Only messin’. But no, I can’t.”
In truth he knew that if he’d stayed neither of you would’ve slept, and as much as he wanted that he didn’t want you to be another girl he fucked and walked out on. You deserved better than that, and he wanted to give you that. With a short grunt, he pushed himself off the bed, moving back over to the window with you following closely behind.
“You sure?” You asked, tone adorable enough to make his resolve waver for a moment. He turned to you, smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he raised his hands to cup your cheeks, thumbs brushing against your cheekbones as he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“You’ll see me tomorrow, kid.” He murmured against your warm skin, only pulling away to press a kiss to your lips before pulling away fully. He noticed the hint of disappointment lingering in your eyes, but he knew you’d thank him for his decision in the future.
“Not a kid.” You whispered as he moved to duck out your bedroom window, causing him to pause as he slung over his other leg. He smiled back toward you, a certain warmth in his eyes that made you want to follow after him.
“Not a kid.” He replied.
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A/N: Another Dallas fluff! I hope you guys enjoyed this one, I enjoyed writing it. I enjoy writing all of my fics, but still. I have about eight more fics I’m currently polishing up, so expect an influx of works this week. As always, thank you for any interactions you give my work as I appreciate them all and you can catch me over on AO3 under the user, “Unscriptural.”
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themculibrary · 5 months
Agatha Harkness (Wandavision) Masterlist
A Bit of Friendly Advice (ao3) - incrxibles wanda/agatha G, 2k
Summary: “Or maybe I could just be myself, more or less.” Agatha stared at Wanda, a seemingly dumbfounded look on her face, causing her to wonder what exactly she’d said wrong. And then, a familiar pale hand was on her cheek.
Set during WandaVision episode 2.
Agatha Meets Scratchy 9ao3) - aparticularbandit M, 1k
Summary: Agatha Harkness has never been one for pets.
Fortunately for her, Scratchy can't really be called a pet.
All Along (ao3) - frizz22 G, 821
Summary: It was the last place she wanted to go, it held no happy memories for her. Then again, few places did. And even fewer existed where those happy memories weren’t washed away by the bad.
But it was where she left her. It was where she could find the last person on this planet, perhaps in this universe, that could, and would, help her.
Exhaling slowly, Wanda strode into Westview.
All Your Curves (ao3) - nightside_of_siberia agatha/wanda N/R, 842
Summary: Friends-with-benefits aren't supposed to catch feelings for one another, are they?
a million mile fall from grace (thank god we missed the ground) (ao3) - Heather wanda/vision G, 12k
Summary: What if Wanda liked historical romance novels instead of sitcoms?
And keep on living (ao3) - judyannhale wanda/agatha T, 12k
Summary: “I’ll find you the whitest picket fence in all of New Jersey.”
Breaking the Fourth Wall (ao3) - QuothRaven T, 1k
Summary: Agatha didn’t hate kids.
No, really. She didn’t. In fact, she quite likes kids. Most of the time.
Then again, most kids aren’t the magical creations of a chaos witch.
Hiya, Neighbor (ao3) - Captain_Sparklefists G, 1k
Summary: Following the events of Wandavision, Agnes has settled into Westview. But something always feels wrong about the empty lot next door.
intentional hurts (ao3) - trickofthelights wanda/agatha, past wanda/vision E, 97k
Summary: "But if you want to continue bumbling your way towards the apocalypse, be my guest.”
Wanda, with agonizing slowness, inches toward awareness, absolution, and Agatha.
I Told You So (ao3) - Mr_Bilinski T, 2k
Summary: After destroying the Darkhold Castle in order to destroy the Darkhold in every universe, Wanda returns to Westview to have a chat with Agatha.
Kisses Through the Decades (ao3) - aparticularbandit M, 38k
Summary: The world is full of various shades of grey – charcoal, smoke, silver, ash, pewter, steel, iron, and so on. For all the black and white, there is relatively little of that. Agnes’s hair trends as dark a grey as the world allows, but even it isn’t a pure black. The closest to that is the ribbon tied tight around her waist, accenting the narrowness of it, the hourglass shape of her. Wanda’s hands have found that waist far many times to count at this point, if only to usher her out of the kitchen when she’s stayed – not past her welcome, because that sounds rude, but…well, past her welcome.
Problem being, of course, that the more Wanda guides her by the waist out of the kitchen and through the back door, the more her hands find a proper place there.
Lovely To Finally Meet You (ao3) - Robertdoc T, 10k
Summary: Though Agnes - Agatha Harkness - has revealed herself, she's not done messing with Wanda's mind yet. Not through mind control, but through more painful reminders of what Wanda allowed to happen in Westview, gaslighting her into believing she's exactly the kind of person who would let it happen, and offers to stay in Westview forever that Wanda can't convince herself she should turn down anymore.
Until a blast from a familiar, suddenly rebuilt object brings back a memory of what she really did right before the Hex formed, who she really tried to be even at the lowest point of her life - and who she's finally ready to introduce Agatha to now. But even that may not be enough.
Another attempt at a Wanda character study that doubles as a wish fulfillment/theory for future episodes, tries to explain the still unexplained trailer snippets left, and seeks to give Wanda a real chance to heal and remember she's not just another all powerful woman who went unstable from grief -
Out of reach (ao3) - Frehoir G, 1k
Summary: They both want something that seems impossible. Well, seems to be. Yet Wanda has managed to make a life she’s happy with, and Agatha swears she’s a moment away from grasping such great power.
If only things weren’t so complicated.
But in spite of Wanda’s fragile heart, Agatha can’t help the small gentleness that escapes her cold heart.
// Set during E08 “Previously On”. A small window between the end of Wanda’s memories and leaving Agatha’s basement.
The One Where Clint is Wanda's Weakness (ao3) - JinxQuickfoot T, 5k
Summary: Agatha dragged her hostage around in front of her, yanking the strings so he was forced up onto his knees. “Told you I had a very special surprise for you. Now—stand down, dear.”
Slowly, still not quite believing this was real, Wanda lowered her hands, trying to find her voice again. “Clint?” -------------------------------------- So that's where Clint was during WandaVision
the sun and her flowers (ao3) - wandaverse wanda/agatha T, 10k
Summary: Months after Wanda leaves Agatha in Westview, she finds herself coming right back and they agree to a magical partnership. Over the coming year, Agatha comes to slowly fall for the miracle that is Wanda Maximoff. And so, she expresses her truest desires through the only way she knows; the language of flowers.
The story of how two lonely witches find healing and home in each other, told through 5 flowers Agatha gives Wanda and 1 she gives in return.
Welcome to Westview (ao3) - KaleidoscopeEyez loki/sylvie, wanda/vision T, 161k
Summary: When Loki uses a TemPad to transport himself and Sylvie away from the TVA, they end up, not on Lamentis-1, but in Westview, New Jersey, during the events of WandaVision. Now, Loki and Sylvie must pose as a married couple as they navigate the craziness of the Westview Anomaly, all while trying to figure out how to escape.
Westview Holiday (ao3) - aparticularbandit wanda/agatha T, 3k
Summary: Wanda and Agatha exert a great deal of magic for a Westview celebration, and Wanda has an idea on how to cool down afterwards.
Who are you (ao3) - Whiplaaash123 T, 2k
Summary: Suddenly, Peter is having to face being trapped as somebody else (more than once), stuck in Westview and all this done by someone who seems way too much like his sister.
All the while hoping maybe his actual sister will show up here or someone, anyone, because sooner or later he thinks he'll go crazy.
AKA a WandaVision fix-it because I still believe that Ralph is Peter.
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okamirayne · 2 months
Hello lovely human whom I have loved for… 13 years? Damn. Silly question for you. Since I simply adore your writing, and that includes your answers to asks. I would love to see inside you brain regarding ships I have seen you re-blog about over the years. Like if you were to read a fic for that ship what would you want to see from it, from plot to dynamic etc. I’ve seen you post about Ricky’s, merthur, destiel, sterek—anyways that’s who I can’t think of at the top of my head… any secret ships?? :o anyways you’re amaaazzzinggg tha bessttttest. Patiently waiting for the day I get to finally throw money at you for whatever you publish. I’ll go feral for it. I owe you after 13 years ~ 🐝 (Oooh! Has the UK finally let you watch the new TWD content 😩)
Hello fellow Earthling (Little Bee 🐝) whom I deeply appreciate and am sending all the big love to for taking the time to write me this delightful message. 💖 So wildly happy to hear from you! Thanks for your patience as I get to messages. 💜
I would love to see inside you brain regarding ships I have seen you re-blog about over the years.
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Like if you were to read a fic for that ship what would you want to see from it, from plot to dynamic etc. I’ve seen you post about Rickyl’s, merthur, destiel, sterek—anyways that’s who I can’t think of at the top of my head… any secret ships??
Ah, Rickyl...absolutely my OTP of TWD.
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What would I want to see from a Rickyl fic? Plot/Dynamic etc? Well. It always depends where in the timeline, you know? I mean, for me TWD sadly lost it way plotwise (which can happen with long-running series) so I would love to just ERASE CHUNKS OF IT 🤦🏻‍♀️. There's what I'd write and then there's what I've read, you know? I tend not to read fanfiction when writing fanfiction, oddly enough. But with these two I'd love to see them navigate a slowburn connection through any given shitshow scenario depending on the timeline of the show (The Farm/The Prison/Govenor/Negan/TOWL)...it really depends on when and who is in the picture (at least regarding Rick, seeing as Daryl shys away from relationships) and what craptacular event the characters are having to survive...to say nothing of what struggle they might be going through mentally/emotionally. Daryl coming to terms that he's got feelings for a dude? Rick straddling the fence between crazy and stable and getting hit with a wave of "wait a second I'm feeling ten kinds of different about my ride or die best friend". 🫶🏼
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That season Rick exited held so much potential after that fight 😭���🏼
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For me the relationship aspect is usually set against some backdrop of big story (oh god, you see what I'm like? I can't even manage a one shot - WHY AM I LIKE THIS?) because that fleshes out tension and emotional intimacy. I have various little plot bunnies that hop around at random when I see these two pop up on my dash.
Outside of Rickyl: I have big love for Donnie (Daryl/Connie)
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…but that ship never left the harbour despite all the legit wind in its sails...so, so sad and waste of a beautiful character (Connie) 😭.
Oooh! Has the UK finally let you watch the new TWD content 😩
YEESSSS, my dear!!!! FINALLY! I literally just finished watching The Ones Who Live (sadly, i was never sold on the Richonne pairing, but I can appreciate the storyline, even if I don't feel the dynamic between those two at all - despite Andrew Lincoln's absolutely phenomenal acting, he's undoubtedly one of my fav actors). DARYL DIXON airs in a few days time (1st August), so I'm preparing myself and girding my damn loins for what might come bursting out of a burrow in my fangirl brain. If they don't have some kind of Rickyl reunion at some point in TWD-verse, I shall have to generate at least 10 different headcanons for myself. 😏
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Oh god...this one HURTS. It will never NOT hurt. Huge potential for pre-ENDING and post-ENDING (can't even say it). I've enjoyed reading some post-ENDING scenarios in fanfic as well as those that take place before the ...ENDING....either way, there's so much deliciousness surrounding prophecy, Arthur's ignorance of Merlin's magic, Gwen and all that jazz. There's a lot of canon to support the ship, which is great as I like to stay in the canon world as much as possible when writing fanfiction. I'm not a massive AU fan. Ideally I try to get it to read like 'this could legit have happened' - with a lot of creative license, sure. Would definitely enjoy exploring post and pre ENDING. Two whole different worlds, especially a modern era fic. Dynamic? Their banter is awesome. The loyalty. The social challenges standing in the way (to say nothing of the whole 'oh by the way I'm a warlock' issue). Then of course a modern day setting brings with it its own challenges and delights. It's a pairing full of wonderful temptation.
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Oh hell, it's a no-brainer with these two. From start to finish. Dynamic-wise? I cannot stand weak Castiel. So a strong, "I am the one who pulled you from hell and I can toss your ass back into it" Castiel rather than the fawning cas-trated Castiel is an absolute MUST for me personally. I can't stand the weak Castiel who takes shit from Dean...I lamented the death of his balls and self-respect. Dean...just a whole bag of angst and complicated homophobic issues. As with most ships I ship, certainly the m/m pairings, I personally need both males on an even keel. That's how I roll and that's what I look for in what I read on the occassions I'm reading fanfic. The Supernatural plot murdered my willingness to suspend my disbelief a few seasons in and totally lost me. But I would personally stick with the Lucifer threat and stay in that mythological playground if exploring a plot with these two. Cas would still be funny, he'd just not be a total wetwipe when it came to dealing with Dean's shit.
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Big caveat. Reading/writing these two requires me to look a few good years POST Teen Wolf series -- so basically when Stiles is older and working his big brain badassery in some bureau or the other (FBI or otherwise)...this is the whole 'even keel' coming into play. He has more power (or energy) in the dynamic; same banter, but levelled-up chemistry and a bit rawer. So...older Stiles teaming up with Derek and let's go wandering into that delightful forest of possibility. So many paths the plot bunnies could go bounding down.
Okay...I'm not even sure if any of that properly answered your question about the pairings you mentioned, luv??? 😅 I hope so?? Feel free to let me know if not. I could write essays on my thoughts with these pairings and all the other ones sitting in their respective little burrows, deep in my dastardly brain. So sweet that you'd be interested in my rabid plot bunnies. Just need to teach them how to produce ONE SHOTS.
Patiently waiting for the day I get to finally throw money at you for whatever you publish. I’ll go feral for it. I owe you after 13 years ~ 🐝
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I just...right in the heart. I can't formulate a proper response to this but I am prepared to teach an interpretive dance to someone who can masterfully perform it on ice. Because it deserves ice. There's too much nuclear-powered heat coming off my face. Thank you so much. You made my heart do some hardcore base drumming which counts as a cardio workout right now. THANK YOU for the love, fun ask, and support, sweetheart ❤️💜❤️
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter Five: The Flea and The Acrobat
story: Midnight Rain wc:2.4k jennifer, jonathan and nancy confront the force that took will.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ November 10, 1983 }
That morning sucked because Jennifer wasn’t sure if she should tell Nancy that she had a dream where she and Steve had sex or not. Jennifer decided to keep it a secret from her, but had to tell someone. Dressed, Jennifer grabs her bag from the chair in her room and throws her sneakers on before rushing out of the house. She arrives at the school and searches for Phoebe. Finally finding her, Jennifer drags her into the girls bathroom and in an empty stall. 
“I need to tell you something.” 
"I had a dream about Steve."
“Harrington?" She asks.
"Yes, who else would I be talking about."
"I don't know." Phoebe utters. "What kind of dream? I need details. The nitty gritty details.”
“Well, for starters, Steve took me in his BMW to Lover’s Lake. There, He kissed me. Our first kiss. Then we got into his backseat and had… sex.” 
“Yeah. Should I tell Nancy?”
“No, bad idea. I would tell her sometime later when she’s not in the mood currently. Maybe wait till you both are out of high school and married, and have separate lives.”
“Phoebe." Jennifer says sternly before continuing. "Things could change then. I’ll just keep it to myself and tell her when I’m ready."
"Okay, good luck with that."
Jennifer nods, rising before exiting the bathroom and heading home soon after first period began, so she's ready for Will's funeral. Besides the boy's funeral, the kiss between her and Steve lingers in Jennifer's mind. She was on the fence about telling Nancy, even though Phoebe stated it was a bad idea to tell her about it. Jennifer listened to her best friend, and went with that instinct. 
The funeral arrives quickly as Jennifer rides to the cemetery with her parents and brother before stepping out onto the grass. She walks over to the closed casket, flowers sit on top as she sees the three boys meet. Jennifer greets them along with Nancy and her parents. Stepping aside, she steps up to greet Jonathan and his mother. 
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Jennifer says.
“Thank you.” Joyce thanks, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Come here.” She says, saddened.
Jennifer offers a hug as she brings a frail Joyce into her arms. She hears the woman sniffle as it breaks her heart not being able to imagine herself as a mother and losing her own child. After a few seconds she pulls away from the hug before hugging Jonathan next. Jennifer knew Joyce lost her son and Jonathan lost his younger brother. It broke her. Once everyone was seated, Jennifer blocked out most of the beginning of the funeral due to other things such as other things clouded her mind until Dustin nudges his older sister with his elbow as she jumps back into reality and listened to the male carefully. 
“‘ ...Will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’ It’s times like these that our faith is challenged. How, if he truly benevolent… could God take from someone so young, so innocent? It would be easy to turn away from God… but we must remember that nothing, not even tragedy, can separate us from his love.” The pastor reads.
Jennifer stood there as everyone looks at one another until Dustin nudges Mike and Lucas as they, including Jennifer to look at a young girl sniffling as tears rolled down her cheeks. 
“Just wait till we tell Will that Jennifer Hayes was crying at his funeral."
Karen shushes Dustin and the other's as Jennifer lowered her head, knowing that something isn't right. Once the funeral was over, she watched as they sent their condolences to the grieving family. White roses are dropped on the boy’s casket as she walks away. Jennifer didn’t know what to do now since she's never attended a funeral, so she walks somewhere. Jennifer glances to the side and sees Jonathan and Nancy sitting side by side in front of a gate that surrounds the headstone of the deceased. She approaches them and stood above them shadowing the two teenagers from the sunshine peeking through the gloomy clouds. 
“Hey, you okay?” He asks.
“Kinda.” Jennifer responds.
They turn back to the paper of a layout of the small town of Hawkin, Indiana. Jennifer sits down next to Jonathan as she looks over the paper too. 
"This is where we know for sure it's been, right?" 
"So, that's..." 
"Steve's house," Jennifer says.
"That's the woods where they found Will's bike, and that's my house."
"It's all so close." 
"Yeah, exactly. It's all within a mile or something. Whatever this thing is, it's-- it's not traveling far."
"You want to go out there," 
"We might not find anything," 
"I found something," 
Jonathan and Jennifer nod at Nancy.
"And if we do see it, then what?"
"We kill it." Jennifer sternly says.
Following Nancy and Jonathan, they lead Jennifer to Lonnie’s car. Nancy looks around nervously. Jennifer stood there too, calmly keeping an eye on the surrounding participants at the funeral. Deep down, she felt wrong by stealing something from someone.
"What are you doing?" Nancy asks. 
"Just give me a second." 
Jonathan, who has a pocket knife, breaks open the glove compartment. He then proceeds to pull out a handgun as he looks at the bullets on the inside , grabbing three boxes of what Jennifer's guessing are bullets -- the male shoves it in his pocket as well as the caliber gun. 
"Are you serious?" Nancy asks again, afraid of getting in trouble.  
Jonathan closese the passenger door behind him and approaches Jennifer and Nancy. Jennifer's hands are in her pockets as Nancy has folded her arms to her chest. 
"This is a bad idea," Jennifer says, worried. "What if he sees that his caliber is gone?"
"He won't notice." Jonathan continues. "It's the best we've got. What? You can tell someone, but they won't believe either one of you. You know that."
"Your mom would." Nancy suggests. 
"She's been through enough." 
"She deserves to know, Jonathan." 
"Yeah, and I'll tell her when that thing is dead."
Later that day, Jennifer decides to take a walk to clear her mind and to figure out her feelings once more since she failed the last time. She starts and somehow manage to end up on Maple Street where she begins walking by Nancy's house, seeing her and Steve together talking. Jennifer stops in her tracks and watch them as they are clueless of her standing on the sidewalk. A feeling erupts in Jennifer's heart, something burning. She watches as he jokingly sings to her as the faint sound of singing makes the female grin. Steve walks away and continues singing a tune as Jennifer acts like she saw nothing before walking across to the house and watch the brunette swing the bat. She swings at Jennifer's head as she ducks just in time. Nancy notices and puts the bat and her guard down. 
"Jesus, I could have taken your head off." 
"Sorry about that. Maybe I should’ve announced my presence. What are you doing anyway?"
"Practicing for when you, me and Jonathan take down that thing." 
"Okay. I... was going to tell you something, but I don't think you want to hear my bullshit."
"Not at the moment. I'm gonna head to an empty field to practice shooting with Jonathan. You could join, since you believe me in what I saw."
"We. What we saw that day." Jennifer corrects.
"Yeah. Right."
Nancy holds the bat as they walk away from the two story house, making way towards the field as Nancy leads the way as Jennifer follows behind. When they arrive, she sees Jonathan shooting cans -- well, at least he thinks he is. 
"You're supposed to hit the cans, right?" Jennifer asks.
Jonathan looks toward her. He smiles when he sees Jennifer and Nancy.
"No, actually, you see the spaces in between the cans? I'm aiming for those." He jokes. 
Nancy sets down a duffle bag and the bat as Jennifer stands there, glancing down at the partially unzipped bag, and seeing weaponry sitting inside. She then proceeds to listen in on the conversation. Jonathan cocks the gun and hands it to Nancy. She takes her place and aims for the cans. She pulls the trigger as it hits the can dead on before craning her neck up at Jonathan and smiles. 
"Alright, Jen. Let's see what you've got." 
Jennifer walks over and grabs the gun from Nancy, taking her place like Nancy did. She cocks the gun before aiming at the can. Jennifer closes one eye and focuses, exhaling slowly. 
"Growing up, my mom taught me how to use a gun out of protection as well as putting one together. It's all about memory. And let me say, that shit sticks with you. We had a gun out of protection since me and my biological mother lived in her 1971 Range Rover. After a few years, I was taken by CPS, and held in a dark and dingy room before being placed in a foster care system. To this day, I still have no idea where my mom ended up, or if she's even dead. All I know is that I have a purpose, and I'm gonna continue on."
Jennifer pulls the trigger and shoots the three other cans before lowering the weapon, feeling proud of herself. She sets the gun in Jonathan's hand.
"Wow. Ok." Jonathan says, amazed.
She looks at the two other teenagers. "Thank you."
"Jennifer, I didn't know that."
"Yeah, well, there's a lot of things most people don't know about. Including my past."
Jennifer, Nancy, and Jonathan walk through the wooded area, conversating as Nancy then asks her a question that makes her panic.
"Earlier, you mentioned that you wanted to tell me something, but you didn't want me to hear your bullshit. What do you mean by that, if you don't mind me asking?”
"That," Jennifer fumbles over her words. "What I was saying is that I had a bad dream about that creature, nothing else."
"I am just saying if I did have any other type of dream I would tell you, especially if it was about Steve -- which it wasn't. Thank God."
Nancy raised a brow at Jennifer. She knew something was up but couldn’t focus on that at the moment as she is getting ready to hunt down the creature in the photo. As they all continue to walk, things get heated as Nancy and Jonathan begin to argue. Soon the argument ends as Jonathan stalks off as Nancy follows after him, and Jennifer follows after Nancy.
Once home, Jennifer decides to change since she were in a dress earlier and it's getting cold out. She steps in and close the door behind her. Jennifer makes her way towards her room and change into a long sleeve shirt with t-shirt on top and some comfortable jeans and a hoodie and sneakers. Jennifer smoothes her hair as she check yourself in the mirror one more time before exiting her bedroom and into the kitchen to fetch a snack for the road.
Jennifer exits the house, closing the door behind her as the wind blows through, catching in her jacket as a shiver runs down her spine, but she continues on and rushes toward Jonathan's car. Jennifer hops in the backseat as they all head to the same place they were at prior -- the woods where Will's bike was found. Night time approaches quickly as the three teenagers walk through the woods with flashlights and weaponry. Jennifer was also quiet, and she could see her breath every time she exhaled. Nancy stops abruptly when something catches her attention.
Jennifer and Jonathan stop too. 
"What, are you tired?” She asks. 
"Shut up." Nancy demands.
"What?" Jonathan questions. 
"I heard something," 
Soon Jennifer and Jonathan hear the indistinct whimpering too as the three of them follow it. The whining continues as Jennifer shines her flashlight on the uneven ground. They come up on a dying dear as it whimpers from the pain. Nancy kneels as Jonathan sighs. 
"It's been hit by a car." She says. "We can't just leave it."
Jonathan stares before looking down at the gun motioning Jennifer and Nancy to look down as well. The older Wheeler sibling holds the gun in her hand, not wanting to go through with killing the deer. It whimpers as Nancy begins sniffling. 
"Let me," Jennifer chimes in as Nancy hands the gun over.
Jennifer cocks the gun and takes aim, ready to shoot as she hesitates. Resting her finger on the trigger, she begins to pull it right when the deer gets pulled away causing her, Nancy and Jonathan to gasp and step away. Fear washes over Jennifer's body as she almost drops the loaded weapon. 
"What was that?" Jonathan asks, looking at Nancy.
Staring at the blood trail left by the deer, Nancy begins to follow it. Jennifer holds the gun before raising it, in case something comes after them. Jennifer as well as Nancy and Jonathan look around trying to find the deer when Nancy follows little puddles of blood. 
"Where'd it go?" 
"Don't know," 
"Do you see any more blood?" 
Jennifer stands closer to the two other teens, and continue to search for more evidence. Nancy steps further away from her and Jonathan who are searching for something, anything that seems out of the ordinary. Jennifer stops to look over at Nancy, seeing her stepping forward to a tree, shining her light on the open trunk. A strange substance drips from the top of the inside as Nancy gets closer to look at what it is. Jonathan continues trudging through the woods as Jennifer stays rigid. They look at the slimy substance. She turns away for a split second before turning back as the other brunette is nowhere in sight.
"Uh, Jonathan?" 
Realizing that she's gone, the two teenagers hear a twig snap as Jonathan calls out for Nancy and rushes up to Jennifer who finds her backpack and bat lying in front of the tree, but Nancy is nowhere in sight
"Nancy?" Jennifer calls. 
"Where'd she go?" 
"She crawled through a tree."
"She crawled through a tree?!" He asks, confused. His brows knit together. "No, she has to be here somewhere, we just need to find her, OK?"
And that is what they both did. They continue to look for Nancy Wheeler.
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sl-newsie · 1 year
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter)- Ch. 7: New Wardrobe
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After leaving the VKs to settle in, I decide to go give Fairy Godmother my report on their arrival.
A girl with blonde hair piled up into a beehive sticks her head out of the dorm across from Jane’s.
“You must be Magica! I just moved in last week!” She scurries out with a big grin on her face. “I’m Rosaline, daughter of Rapunzel! Like you can’t tell, right? Let me tell you it’s not easy to upkeep.”
I try to keep a friendly face, but in all honesty her energy is way too contagious and perky.
“Um, hi. I’m sorry but I have some errands to run-”
“Oh no worries I totally understand!” Rosaline quickly nods her head, but in doing so causes her beehive to come tumbling down. “Oh! Mind the hair! Mind the hair!”
I quickly rush down the hallway and am almost to FG’s office-
“Sparks! I need you a quick sec!”
I skid to a halt and turn to see Ben waving at me from down the hall.
“Real quick- I need you to help me with something.”
“What now?” I drone as I walk into his room. “I was just about to- oh God!”
Ben’s room looks like it was hit by a twister! Papers are scattered, the curtains are shredded, his bed is torn in half, and nearly every glass item is cracked and shattered.
“Ben, what in the name of Auradon happened in here?”
Ben sheepishly looks at the floor. “I, um… was trying out a new fencing move and things… got out of hand.”
“Got out of hand? Ben, it looks like you turned your room inside out! What do you expect me to do?”
“I donno- have you learned declutter spells yet?”
“Yes, but we’ve barely touched the basics. With my luck I’d probably burn the room down! But with the mess you’ve made that might be an improvement.”
Ben gives me a pleading look. “Please? Mom’s gonna kill me if she sees this.”
It’s true, she would. I’ve only seen Queen Belle angry a select few times, and it’s never pretty. I always pity the poor soul who faces her wrath. People say it’s King Beast who gave Ben his temper, but I say it’s his mom.
“Very well. But no more fencing indoors.” I point a scolding finger. Then I stand in the center of the room and take a deep breath.
One, two, three.
“Spick and span with the flick of my hand! Mess, stress, pests, be gone!” I swipe my fingers and the whole mess picks itself up with a pop! In less than a second the room looks like normal.
“Wow! Magica, that was amazing! You’re a lifesaver!” Ben thanks me as I rush back out to the hallway.
“No problem! Now I’ve got to-”
“Hey, Magica? There’s a leak in my dorm roof. You think maybe you could…?”
Ugh- it’s Chad.
“Chad, I fixed the leak last week. How in the name of Auradon is it leaking already?”
“I tried to mix some acids from chemistry with one of Fiona’s potions from her magic class. Nothing happened except that some got on the ceiling and ate away at the roof, so… it’s leaking again.”
I groan. “Chad, I swear if thou do one more dim-witted thing I am going to gut thy brain out!” I storm into his room, glaring at the gaping hole in the ceiling. “Make it swift and quick, get this mess fixed!” I snap my fingers.
Bang! The ceiling repairs itself, and as soon as it’s fixed I push past Chad before he can ask me to do any more chores.
“Freak! Find that flea bag of yours and get that filthy rodent out now!” 
It takes all my willpower not to strangle the drama queen right then and there.
“Audrey, you have another squirrel in your room?”
“Not a squirrel, a mouse! Make your cat get rid of it!”
I cross my arms and glare at her. “Why should I?” 
She lifts her chin at me. “Because if you don’t I’ll tell Fairy Godmother you failed to do a good deed, and you’ll fail your goodness 2.0 class!”
Ugh! It’s not enough I’ve got to worry about keeping my family tree a secret, but now I’m being blackmailed for grades?
“Just sit tight. I’ll go find Binx.” I head back to my dorm and begin searching. “Binx? Binx! Where are you?” I hastily look around the room.
“Here I am!” The black cat jumps up into the windowsill. “What’s wrong?’
“Everything, that’s what’s wrong! I’m trying to report to the headmistress, but everyone keeps asking me to do meaningless tasks! Speaking of which, could you run down to Audrey’s room and chase down a mouse?”
“Again? You didn’t hex her room again, did you?”
“No! She probably let it in on purpose just to nag at me! I don’t have time for this!”
Binx slips out the door. “Don’t worry, Magica. I’m on it.”
“Thanks, Binx.” I start heading towards FG’s office-
“Um, Magica?”
“WHAT?!” I screech, only to whip my head around and find Lonnie and Jane cowering in fear. Immediately my face shifts to surprise and apologetic, and I quickly cover my flaming hands. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to snap, it’s just that I’ve been under a lot of… pressure to carry out deeds for Ben.”
“Seems to me like you’re just doing other people’s chores,” Lonnie points out gently.
I look down, ashamed. “I know, but if I keep them happy then they won’t bother Ben, and he won’t be stressed. That and… I really want people to like me.”
Jane gives me a hug. “You don’t need to burn yourself out for people to like you, Magica. Just… don’t yell so much.”
“No promises,” I laugh nervously. “Actually I was just on my way to see your mom to tell her about how the VKs are doing. They’re actually not that bad. Sure, a little rude and rambunxious at times, but nobody’s perfect. I was also going to show them to the dining hall.”
Jane tenses up. “I still don’t know about them. I’m not sure if they’ll ever be able to fit in here.”
I did.
“These things take time, Jane. Maybe they’ll surprise us?” Lonnie says hopefully.
“I guess so. If you want Magica, I can go tell mom about the VKs while you go bring them to dinner. But… make sure they don’t act out or make a scene.”
I want to keep defending the new students, but I hold my tongue. Their minds are just as stubborn as the villains’.
“Thanks, Jane. I’ll see thou later.”
Carlos’ POV
When we get to our dorms, the first thing I notice is the door next to Mal and Evie’s. It’s got a weathered look with black thorns and cat eyes drawn on it, as well as pink flames. Is this Magica’s room? Is she our neighbor?
Our dorm has a basic layout: 2 beds, 2 dressers, a few tables, chairs, and couches, and-
“That’s a big TV!” Jay cheers as he sets his bag down on the bed closest to the window. “I claim this bed!”
“Why?” I whine. “Can’t I have first dibs?”
“You snooze, you lose, Carlos!”
Jay starts looking around for things to steal while I start to unpack. While I do I can’t help but not stop thinking about Magica. It’s like every time she smiles I get a blissful mushy feeling, like I just swallowed a bottle of happiness. Not only is she drop-dead pretty, but she’s actually smart! I don’t think she’s like the others here… There’s something different about her, but I can’t think of what sets her apart.
In 20 minutes Mal and Evie join us, with Mal scrolling through her spellbook and Evie wondering out loud about changing Magica’s ‘look.’
“Mal, do you think Magica would look better in corset heels or ankle pumps? I’ve also thought of maybe a new skirt or dress with a sweetheart neckline? And maybe some patterned tights!” 
“Evie, we have more important things to worry about. Try thinking about the wand and not replacing someone’s wardrobe!”
“Oh, but she looks so- so… good. I want her to look wicked!” Evie complains.
“But I like how she looks already,” I argue. “What's wrong with her now?” I mean, she has the same preppy look everyone else does, but her bright eyes and blonde hair are a refreshing change from the rugged looks on the Isle.
“She looks like she’s 6! It’s about time that girl actually wore something that showed her full potential.”
“I still don’t trust her, or anyone here for that matter.” Mal frowns. “I swear she looks familiar…”
Just then, we all hear a knock on the door. Mal scrambles to put her spellbook away and Jay hastily covers his stolen goods.
Evie opens the door, and I see a familiar blonde poke her head in.
“Hey guys! Art thou settled alright?”
In response to her strange question we all give her confused looks, then she seems a bit flustered and rephrases her sentence.
“How are you settling in?”
“Oh! We’ve gotten along well so far. Thanks for checking up.” I give her a smile and she flinches her eyes away from me. Do I make her nervous? Also why did she speak like that, as if in a different time period?
“Yup! Just about to head off for dinner!” Mal says a bit too perky.
Magica smiles again. “I hear there’s pot roast tonight! And stuffing, candy apples, chocolate pudding-”
“You had me at pot roast!” Jay declares. “C’mon guys, let’s eat while the eating’s good!”
Magica’s POV
Carlos and Jay start to follow me out the door with hungry looks, but Evie motions for us to stay a bit longer. 
“Mal and I have some tips for you!” She says with a secretive smile.
“You… want to help me? You’re not gonna ask for favors or want me to fix anything?”
“Why would we do that? It’s just a simple spell, no big deal.” Mal shrugs.
“Wait- you can do magic? Huh. Ben never mentioned that…” I’ll have to keep tabs on it. “It’s just, all day people have been expecting me to fix their problems with my magic. But now you’re just being nice and it’s… a nice change.”
“No problem. Now let me think…” 
I frown as I see Mal glance at a book half hidden under a blanket.
“Lose the innocent pretty-in-pink getup, maybe try… aha! Ok Magica, hold still one sec-” Mal points to me and recites from the book: “By the powers of this bewitching book, change the clothes to a wicked look!”
She snaps her fingers, and I can feel my clothes shift. Shorter, slimmer-
I look down. “Oh my God.”
“That’s so much better!” Evie grins happily.
“It’s… different,” I try to appear grateful. My light pink Victorian gown has now turned into a low-cut dark pink sleeved corset with pink flames embroidered on it, complete with an above-the-knee red velvet skirt, black tights, and brown Victorian heels. I look just like Mother.
God, what’s Ben going to say now?
Carlos’ POV
On the way to the dining hall I walk next to Jay and he keeps making fun of my ‘goofy’ smile.
“I mean, your face when Mal spelled Magica’s clothes? Priceless! You looked like you didn’t know which way was up!
It’s true, I did kinda blank out when I saw Magica’s gown change. Wow- just… wow. I thought Magica looked pretty before, but now- one would say she’s too beautiful to be real! 
“She deserves more than just being everyone’s go-to cleanup maid. I can’t understand how people think they can just use her for her magic like that, it- it’s not fair.”
“You feel sorry for an Auradon girl? Break out the ice packs ‘cause Carlos is hot with lovesickness!”
“Shut up! I don’t love her!”
“You’ve never shown this much attention to a girl before. What’s different?” Evie asks.
I shake my head. “I donno, she’s… Smart, witty, funny-”
“Smoking hot,” Jay inputs.
“She’s gorgeous! But it’s not just her looks, it’s all of her. I- I can’t really explain it.”
“You’re in love, Carlos. Whether you like it or not.” Evie smiles.
I- I am? I never thought villains were supposed to get the girl, let alone fall in love.
“But she’d never go for a guy like me. I’m a VK, remember? She’d want someone like that Ben guy.”
“Don’t you remember? That Audrey chick’s all over him.” Jay rolls his eyes. 
“You could ask her out?” Evie tries to encourage me.
“No way! I just met her! Besides, I’d rather have her think I don’t like her than let her know I think a beautiful girl like her would ever fall for a deadbeat like me.”
“Carlos don’t beat yourself up. Any girl would be lucky to have you.”
I give Evie a pointed look. “Really? And what makes you say that?”
“‘Cause you’re not him.” Jay points across the room.
A blonde kid in a blue blazer keeps following Magica around, and she doesn’t look happy.
“Please? Just go on a date with me and then it’ll make Audrey jealous!” He pleads.
Magica turns and gets in his face. “Chad Charming, I have done multiple chores and favors for thou in the past week alone! I am not some pawn thou can use as a way to make Audrey jealous! How dare thou think thy can exploit me!”
That’s it, I’ve had enough!
“Hey!” I storm over and tap the guy on the shoulder. “Chad, is it?”
“Carlos, don’t make a scene!” Mal hisses. “We’ve got more important things to-”
“She wants to be left alone, so leave her alone.”
Chad turns around and gives me a grunt. “Huh. And who are you, tiny?”
“I’m Carlos de Vil, and if you keep harassing her like that I’m gonna make your life a living nightmare.”
Chad’s eyes widen and fear paints his face. “De Vil? As in Cruella de Vil? Ben, your villain freaks are threatening me!”
Magica’s POV
I can’t deny that Carlos sticking up for me is really sweet. At first I thought he was joking, but after Chad tried to shove him and Carlos socked him in the nose I knew it wasn’t fake. 
“Ben! He hit me!” Chad whines.
The man in question comes over and helps Chad blot the blood running down his face, followed by Jane and Audrey.
“Wait- Magica… Is that you?”
“I think he broke my nose!”
I roll my eyes. “Stop being a drama queen. That’s Audrey’s job. Just hold still-” I snap my fingers in his face and Chad’s nose returns to normal. “There. Now quit whining.”
“Magica- Oh my God, what happened to you?” Jane looks at me, horrified. “You look-  you look…”
I cringe. “Too much?”
“Gorgeous!” She finishes. “Where did you get those shoes? They’re wicked!”
“That’s what I was going for,” Mal shrugs like it’s nothing.
“Ah! What did you do?”
We turn around and see Audrey, who’s fuming.
“Why did you change your clothes? Now you look- you look-!” She looks around anxiously and hisses: “Almost better than me!”
“Well excuse me for actually wanting to look nice, Audrey.” I try not to look embarrassed by all the new attention I’m getting.
“You’re not the only pretty one here,” Mal says smugly. “Better get used to it. Evie’s talents could give you a run for your money.”
Audrey sniffs. “Just stay away from us, freak. And your little gang of villains too.”
With that she storms off to sit next to the other preppy populars while I’m left gawking next to Evie.
“Is she always this pleasant?”
I tilt my head. “When she wants to be. It’s a miracle I haven’t jinxed her hair orange yet.”
Mal ignores our complaints and confidently plops down onto the nearest table. “Forget her. Let’s eat.”
I turn to face Carlos, who’s nervously playing with his hands. “Carlos, thank you so much for that. Chad’s always been a real pain, and… no one’s ever actually cared enough to stand up for me like that. If there’s anything I can do for you, please let me know.”
Carlos nods his head. “No problem. I’ve dealt with worse back at the Isle. Besides, you’ve actually been nice to us and don’t deserve to have that jerk treat you like that. Um… Wanna join us?”
At first I want to accept their offer, but when I turn and see Jane sitting alone I remember my promise to her.
“I thank thou for thy kindness, but I have previous arrangements with Jane.” Before I can stop myself, I’ve already spoken in my Mother’s tongue.
Carlos’ POV
“Why do you talk like that?”
Magica seems thrown off by my question, and shakes her head as if to jerk herself out of a trance.
“I’m sorry, Carlos. I do it when I get nervous. It’s… a way my family speaks, so I’ve caught on a few phrases. If I do it again just point it out and I’ll rephrase.”
“I thought you were an orphan,” Mal says.
“I am, but my adopted family speaks like that. And I will not apologize for being proud of my family.”
At first I expect Mal to keep interrogating her, but she just nods her head. 
“I respect that. You want honor and glory for you and your family, same as us. Only you follow the rules.”
“Do ya still maybe wanna swing by later, trixie?”
Magica groans and rolls her eyes. “If I say yes, will you stop calling me that?”
“Thought so. But… I haven’t met many people here who know how to have fun. Eh, why not? Sure, I’ll be over later.”
After Magica leaves I give Jay a wide-eyed look, which he returns with a smirk and 2 thumbs up.
“There ya go, bro. I just got you a golden chance to meet the girl of your dreams.”
“Jay, I… I don’t know what to say…”
“Just sit down and eat.” Jay yanks my arm and pulls me to sit down next to him.
But why would Magica ever want to hang out with a VK?
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ashbrat488 · 1 year
State of Grace - Chapter 20 - Final
***1 year later***
"Are you sure this is the way you wanted it Gracie?"
Grace nodded at Ransom as he carried her into their house, "oh yes. Better just the two of us. Neither of our families got any say in any of it."
He smiled, setting her feet on the ground as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "You know my mother is going to kill me for getting married and not inviting her."
Grace laughed, "I know. But I'll talk to her. She likes me more than you."
Ransom laughed, "that's definitely true."
She went to kiss him but heard something in the backyard. She looked back at him, "what was that?"
He shrugged, "your wedding gift."
She ran to the backyard to find a golden labradoodle running around inside the fence. He came plodding up to her as she knelt on the ground, "oh my god. Ransom! He's so cute!" She picked him up as he licked her face. She looked up at Ransom who just smiled at her, "what's his name?"
He shrugged, "whatever you want."
She giggled, standing up with the puppy, "whatever I want?"
He nodded, "why?"
She smiled, "Hughie. His name is Hughie." She laughed as Ransom's smile faded. She kissed him, "either I call him Hughie or you Hughie."
He sighed, grabbing the puppy, "Hughie it is."
She laughed as she followed him back into the house. "I have something for you too actually. Wait here."
Ransom watched her run up the stairs as he sat on the floor in the living room with Hughie. He watched her come back, handing him a small box. He handed her the puppy as he opened it. Inside he found a pregnancy test and sonogram photos. He looked up at her, grinning, "really?"
Grace nodded as she sat on the floor next to him. She grabbed his hand, placing it on her stomach, "10 weeks." She set Hughie down with just enough time for Ransom to pin her under him on the ground as she squealed.
***10 years later***
Grace jumped onto Ransom on the bed, "happy birthday old man!"
He grunted, gripping her waist as he tossed her onto the bed next to him. "I'm not old. Besides, I'm only a few months older than you."
She laughed, "yeah. But that still means that you reach 40 before me."
He smiled, rolling on top of her to tickle her sides, making her squeal loudly. He laughed, pulling away to look at her, "yeah, yeah. Thank you Gracie."
She nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck, "the boys made you breakfast. So if it's bad, blame them."
He laughed, "were you not supervising?"
She giggled, "they outnumber me. What am I supposed to do?"
Before he could say anything, their 3 year old daughter came running into the room, "get up daddy! It's your birthday!"
He laughed, "lovely little Lucy. Good morning love." He heard her giggle as he picked her up, tossing her onto the bed between him and Grace. "Have your brothers made a mess downstairs?"
She giggled and nodded, "yes daddy. It wasn’t me."
He smirked, "I'm sure my little angel would never do anything." He smiled at Grace as she laughed.
Grace stood up from the bed, grabbing Lucy as she did, "you spoil this girl."
He shrugged as he stood up too, "you should have given me another daughter."
Grace scoffed, "as if I had any say in the three boys running around the kitchen downstairs."
Ransom laughed as he followed her down to the dining room to see the boys had set the table. He patted Hughie on the head as he sat at the table, watching their boys, Andrew, Michael and Peter rushing around the kitchen. They came into the dining room, setting eggs and pancakes and orange juice on the table.
The oldest, Andrew, who was 9 sat next to Ransom. "Happy birthday, dad."
Ransom ruffled his hair, "thanks bud. Thank you for making breakfast." He watched Michael, 7 and Peter, 5 take their seats as Grace sat with Lucy, looking at Ransom. He winked at her as she smiled before looking around at their family.
***The end***
State of Grace
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strangerficsx · 8 months
Chapter Five | The Flea and The Acrobat
story: Midnight Rain wc: 2.4k jennifer, jonathan and nancy confront the force that took will.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ November 10, 1983 }
That morning sucked because Jennifer wasn’t sure if she should tell Nancy that she had a dream where she and Steve had sex or not. Jennifer decided to keep it a secret from her, but had to tell someone. Dressed, Jennifer grabs her bag from the chair in her room and throws her sneakers on before rushing out of the house. She arrives at the school and searches for Phoebe. Finally finding her, Jennifer drags her into the girls bathroom and in an empty stall. 
“I need to tell you something.” 
"I had a dream about Steve."
“Harrington?" She asks.
"Yes, who else would I be talking about."
"I don't know." Phoebe utters. "What kind of dream? I need details. The nitty gritty details.”
“Well, for starters, Steve took me in his BMW to Lover’s Lake. There, He kissed me. Our first kiss. Then we got into his backseat and had… sex.” 
“Yeah. Should I tell Nancy?”
“No, bad idea. I would tell her sometime later when she’s not in the mood currently. Maybe wait till you both are out of high school and married, and have separate lives.”
“Phoebe." Jennifer says sternly before continuing. "Things could change then. I’ll just keep it to myself and tell her when I’m ready."
"Okay, good luck with that."
Jennifer nods, rising before exiting the bathroom and heading home soon after first period began, so she's ready for Will's funeral. Besides the boy's funeral, the kiss between her and Steve lingers in Jennifer's mind. She was on the fence about telling Nancy, even though Phoebe stated it was a bad idea to tell her about it. Jennifer listened to her best friend, and went with that instinct. 
The funeral arrives quickly as Jennifer rides to the cemetery with her parents and brother before stepping out onto the grass. She walks over to the closed casket, flowers sit on top as she sees the three boys meet. Jennifer greets them along with Nancy and her parents. Stepping aside, she steps up to greet Jonathan and his mother. 
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Jennifer says.
“Thank you.” Joyce thanks, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Come here.” She says, saddened.
Jennifer offers a hug as she brings a frail Joyce into her arms. She hears the woman sniffle as it breaks her heart not being able to imagine herself as a mother and losing her own child. After a few seconds she pulls away from the hug before hugging Jonathan next. Jennifer knew Joyce lost her son and Jonathan lost his younger brother. It broke her. Once everyone was seated, Jennifer blocked out most of the beginning of the funeral due to other things such as other things clouded her mind until Dustin nudges his older sister with his elbow as she jumps back into reality and listened to the male carefully. 
“‘ ...Will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’ It’s times like these that our faith is challenged. How, if he truly benevolent… could God take from someone so young, so innocent? It would be easy to turn away from God… but we must remember that nothing, not even tragedy, can separate us from his love.” The pastor reads.
Jennifer stood there as everyone looks at one another until Dustin nudges Mike and Lucas as they, including Jennifer to look at a young girl sniffling as tears rolled down her cheeks. 
“Just wait till we tell Will that Jennifer Hayes was crying at his funeral."
Karen shushes Dustin and the other's as Jennifer lowered her head, knowing that something isn't right. Once the funeral was over, she watched as they sent their condolences to the grieving family. White roses are dropped on the boy’s casket as she walks away. Jennifer didn’t know what to do now since she's never attended a funeral, so she walks somewhere. Jennifer glances to the side and sees Jonathan and Nancy sitting side by side in front of a gate that surrounds the headstone of the deceased. She approaches them and stood above them shadowing the two teenagers from the sunshine peeking through the gloomy clouds. 
“Hey, you okay?” He asks.
“Kinda.” Jennifer responds.
They turn back to the paper of a layout of the small town of Hawkin, Indiana. Jennifer sits down next to Jonathan as she looks over the paper too. 
"This is where we know for sure it's been, right?" 
"So, that's..." 
"Steve's house," Jennifer says.
"That's the woods where they found Will's bike, and that's my house."
"It's all so close." 
"Yeah, exactly. It's all within a mile or something. Whatever this thing is, it's-- it's not traveling far."
"You want to go out there," 
"We might not find anything," 
"I found something," 
Jonathan and Jennifer nod at Nancy.
"And if we do see it, then what?"
"We kill it." Jennifer sternly says.
Following Nancy and Jonathan, they lead Jennifer to Lonnie’s car. Nancy looks around nervously. Jennifer stood there too, calmly keeping an eye on the surrounding participants at the funeral. Deep down, she felt wrong by stealing something from someone.
"What are you doing?" Nancy asks. 
"Just give me a second." 
Jonathan, who has a pocket knife, breaks open the glove compartment. He then proceeds to pull out a handgun as he looks at the bullets on the inside , grabbing three boxes of what Jennifer's guessing are bullets -- the male shoves it in his pocket as well as the caliber gun. 
"Are you serious?" Nancy asks again, afraid of getting in trouble.  
Jonathan closese the passenger door behind him and approaches Jennifer and Nancy. Jennifer's hands are in her pockets as Nancy has folded her arms to her chest. 
"This is a bad idea," Jennifer says, worried. "What if he sees that his caliber is gone?"
"He won't notice." Jonathan continues. "It's the best we've got. What? You can tell someone, but they won't believe either one of you. You know that."
"Your mom would." Nancy suggests. 
"She's been through enough." 
"She deserves to know, Jonathan." 
"Yeah, and I'll tell her when that thing is dead."
Later that day, Jennifer decides to take a walk to clear her mind and to figure out her feelings once more since she failed the last time. She starts and somehow manage to end up on Maple Street where she begins walking by Nancy's house, seeing her and Steve together talking. Jennifer stops in her tracks and watch them as they are clueless of her standing on the sidewalk. A feeling erupts in Jennifer's heart, something burning. She watches as he jokingly sings to her as the faint sound of singing makes the female grin. Steve walks away and continues singing a tune as Jennifer acts like she saw nothing before walking across to the house and watch the brunette swing the bat. She swings at Jennifer's head as she ducks just in time. Nancy notices and puts the bat and her guard down. 
"Jesus, I could have taken your head off." 
"Sorry about that. Maybe I should’ve announced my presence. What are you doing anyway?"
"Practicing for when you, me and Jonathan take down that thing." 
"Okay. I... was going to tell you something, but I don't think you want to hear my bullshit."
"Not at the moment. I'm gonna head to an empty field to practice shooting with Jonathan. You could join, since you believe me in what I saw."
"We. What we saw that day." Jennifer corrects.
"Yeah. Right."
Nancy holds the bat as they walk away from the two story house, making way towards the field as Nancy leads the way as Jennifer follows behind. When they arrive, she sees Jonathan shooting cans -- well, at least he thinks he is. 
"You're supposed to hit the cans, right?" Jennifer asks.
Jonathan looks toward her. He smiles when he sees Jennifer and Nancy.
"No, actually, you see the spaces in between the cans? I'm aiming for those." He jokes. 
Nancy sets down a duffle bag and the bat as Jennifer stands there, glancing down at the partially unzipped bag, and seeing weaponry sitting inside. She then proceeds to listen in on the conversation. Jonathan cocks the gun and hands it to Nancy. She takes her place and aims for the cans. She pulls the trigger as it hits the can dead on before craning her neck up at Jonathan and smiles. 
"Alright, Jen. Let's see what you've got." 
Jennifer walks over and grabs the gun from Nancy, taking her place like Nancy did. She cocks the gun before aiming at the can. Jennifer closes one eye and focuses, exhaling slowly. 
"Growing up, my mom taught me how to use a gun out of protection as well as putting one together. It's all about memory. And let me say, that shit sticks with you. We had a gun out of protection since me and my biological mother lived in her 1971 Range Rover. After a few years, I was taken by CPS, and held in a dark and dingy room before being placed in a foster care system. To this day, I still have no idea where my mom ended up, or if she's even dead. All I know is that I have a purpose, and I'm gonna continue on."
Jennifer pulls the trigger and shoots the three other cans before lowering the weapon, feeling proud of herself. She sets the gun in Jonathan's hand.
"Wow. Ok." Jonathan says, amazed.
She looks at the two other teenagers. "Thank you."
"Jennifer, I didn't know that."
"Yeah, well, there's a lot of things most people don't know about. Including my past."
Jennifer, Nancy, and Jonathan walk through the wooded area, conversating as Nancy then asks her a question that makes her panic.
"Earlier, you mentioned that you wanted to tell me something, but you didn't want me to hear your bullshit. What do you mean by that, if you don't mind me asking?”
"That," Jennifer fumbles over her words. "What I was saying is that I had a bad dream about that creature, nothing else."
"I am just saying if I did have any other type of dream I would tell you, especially if it was about Steve -- which it wasn't. Thank God."
Nancy raised a brow at Jennifer. She knew something was up but couldn’t focus on that at the moment as she is getting ready to hunt down the creature in the photo. As they all continue to walk, things get heated as Nancy and Jonathan begin to argue. Soon the argument ends as Jonathan stalks off as Nancy follows after him, and Jennifer follows after Nancy.
Once home, Jennifer decides to change since she were in a dress earlier and it's getting cold out. She steps in and close the door behind her. Jennifer makes her way towards her room and change into a long sleeve shirt with t-shirt on top and some comfortable jeans and a hoodie and sneakers. Jennifer smoothes her hair as she check yourself in the mirror one more time before exiting her bedroom and into the kitchen to fetch a snack for the road.
Jennifer exits the house, closing the door behind her as the wind blows through, catching in her jacket as a shiver runs down her spine, but she continues on and rushes toward Jonathan's car. Jennifer hops in the backseat as they all head to the same place they were at prior -- the woods where Will's bike was found. Night time approaches quickly as the three teenagers walk through the woods with flashlights and weaponry. Jennifer was also quiet, and she could see her breath every time she exhaled. Nancy stops abruptly when something catches her attention.
Jennifer and Jonathan stop too. 
"What, are you tired?” She asks. 
"Shut up." Nancy demands.
"What?" Jonathan questions. 
"I heard something," 
Soon Jennifer and Jonathan hear the indistinct whimpering too as the three of them follow it. The whining continues as Jennifer shines her flashlight on the uneven ground. They come up on a dying dear as it whimpers from the pain. Nancy kneels as Jonathan sighs. 
"It's been hit by a car." She says. "We can't just leave it."
Jonathan stares before looking down at the gun motioning Jennifer and Nancy to look down as well. The older Wheeler sibling holds the gun in her hand, not wanting to go through with killing the deer. It whimpers as Nancy begins sniffling. 
"Let me," Jennifer chimes in as Nancy hands the gun over.
Jennifer cocks the gun and takes aim, ready to shoot as she hesitates. Resting her finger on the trigger, she begins to pull it right when the deer gets pulled away causing her, Nancy and Jonathan to gasp and step away. Fear washes over Jennifer's body as she almost drops the loaded weapon. 
"What was that?" Jonathan asks, looking at Nancy.
Staring at the blood trail left by the deer, Nancy begins to follow it. Jennifer holds the gun before raising it, in case something comes after them. Jennifer as well as Nancy and Jonathan look around trying to find the deer when Nancy follows little puddles of blood. 
"Where'd it go?" 
"Don't know," 
"Do you see any more blood?" 
Jennifer stands closer to the two other teens, and continue to search for more evidence. Nancy steps further away from her and Jonathan who are searching for something, anything that seems out of the ordinary. Jennifer stops to look over at Nancy, seeing her stepping forward to a tree, shining her light on the open trunk. A strange substance drips from the top of the inside as Nancy gets closer to look at what it is. Jonathan continues trudging through the woods as Jennifer stays rigid. They look at the slimy substance. She turns away for a split second before turning back as the other brunette is nowhere in sight.
"Uh, Jonathan?" 
Realizing that she's gone, the two teenagers hear a twig snap as Jonathan calls out for Nancy and rushes up to Jennifer who finds her backpack and bat lying in front of the tree, but Nancy is nowhere in sight
"Nancy?" Jennifer calls. 
"Where'd she go?" 
"She crawled through a tree."
"She crawled through a tree?!" He asks, confused. His brows knit together. "No, she has to be here somewhere, we just need to find her, OK?"
And that is what they both did. They continue to look for Nancy Wheeler.
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eunoia-writes · 2 years
Strawberry chapstick • Conrad fisher
Warnings: Underage drinking, smoking, Conrad being a bit of a douchebag
Summery: y/n meets Conrad at a party she didn’t want to be at and never expected things to end the way they did
A/n - i listened to Stawberries and cigarettes while writing this so I would recommend listening to it
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Y/n was never one for partys. It wasn’t that’s she didn’t like them it was that she couldn’t seem to fully enjoy herself. Maybe it was the watchful eyes of her sister constantly on her that made it rather difficult. In the odd few minutes that she got alone because he sister was too busy making out on the couch with a boy she’d know for a matter of hours.
She admired her sister for that. For not caring so much about the feeling that came with making out with people. Y/n however the second her lips touched another she was attached. She hated herself for that. She wished she could be as Care free as Amelia but she was a hopeless romantic.
Y/n pushed her way through the multiple bodys all doing there own thing in god knows who’s house this was, kicking the discard red solo cups that laid on the floor out of her way until she found herself on the back porch. Usually at these party’s the back garden would be filled with people running riot but tonight was a particularly cold night in Cousins so other than a few stragglers everyone was Inside.
Y/n found herself at the bottom of the garden leaning against the fence that separated the house from the beach finally letting the cold air engulf her. Usually she would have complained about being cold but tonight she felt comfort in it. It reminded her of home.
Y/n fished around her leather jacket pocket pulling out a crumpled pack of cigarettes and a lighter. She open the pack realising she only had one left making a mental note to convince her older brother to get her a new pack when he went to the gas station tomorrow. With a sigh she shoved the now empty packet back into placing the cigarettes between her lips before bringing the lighter to the tip of the cigarette and inhaling lightly before taking a few drags.
When she was a kid y/n had always hated the smell of cigarettes swearing she’d never smoke on in her life but as she grew older she found a sense if comfort in it. While yes it didn’t taste the greatest but who was really fond of the way nicotine tastes the feelings it brought up outweighed everything. It was like the second she brought that cigarette to her lips everything else around her melted away.
She has barely noticed the presence a few feet away from her she tried not to watch as he tried to light his own cigarette but was proving to have difficulties with his lighter “fuck!” He said to himself shaking the lighter a few times. Y/n took another drag of her cigarette going back to minding her own business when the person beside her finally spoke up
“Light my cigarette for me would ya?” He asked moving closer y/n normally would have ignored the stranger but it wasn’t like he had anyone else around them to ask. She didn’t say anything she just held her lighter out letting him light his cigarette before he handed it back to her mumbling a thank you.
“Nice night, huh?” The boy said in attempts to make small talk. Y/n nodded slightly as he sighed “not one for conversation, alright alright I’ll leave you too it.” He said as she turned to him Finally seeing his face in the soft glow from the garden lights.
He was a decent amount taller than her but not too tall. His hair was long ish curling at the ends slightly. and his eyes. They were the prettiest shade of blue she thought she’d ever seen.
“Sorry, long night.” She said softly watching as he smiled looking down at her. He had a pretty smile. The kind of smile that would have girls falling at his feet y/n included.
“And she speaks!” He said turning fully to face her pushing his hair out of his face slightly “so what are you doing out here on your own?” He asked almost sounding like one of those boys in movies with the same cliché one liners
“Just needed some air I guess.” She shrugged flicking the ash off her cigarette before taking her last few drags and discarding the butt. She should of gone back inside but something about the boy beside her intrigued her
“I get you…Cousin summer parties are really something.” He said he hadn’t taken his eyes off her since they first locked eyes “I’m Conrad by the way.” He said
“Y/n.” She said back
“I wouldn’t normally do this and you can say no but could I maybe get your number … you can totally say no I mean we’ve only known each other a matter of 20 minutes.” Y/n smiled before nodding fishing her phone out of her pocket handing it to him as he gave his to her.
“Y/n!” She heard looking up to see her sister and brother stood at the top of the garden. Y/n let out a sigh as Conrad gave her phone back to her
“I guess i better get going.” She said pushing herself off the fence
“I’ll text you.” Was all he said before watching her walk away
“We’re leaving!” Tyler said as she got to the door giving her a look. Y/n looked over at her sister who just smiled as the three walked out of the party.
It has been three days since the party and y/n hadn’t revived a text off Conrad. It wasn’t like she was waiting for him to text her but she had made sure her phone was on loud at all times so she wouldn’t miss it. In case he did.
“You’ve been staring at your phone since we left that party… has mystery boy really not text yet?” Amelia asked as she and y/n laid on the sun loungers in the backyard while there parents made Dinner. Y/n rolled her eyes at her sister putting her phone down
“No he hasn’t and his name is Conrad.” Y/n stated matter of factly. The truth was she had hoped he’d text her but as days went by the likely hood of that happening was slim to none.
That night just as she was going to bed a text came through and she felt her heart jump out of her chest.
Conrad: Hey, do you maybe wanna go for a drive?
Y/n stared at the notifications for a few minutes deliberating on if she should even reply but then again she was just a simple minded teenage girl at the end of the day. Of course she was going to reply.
Y/n: I’d love to
After figuring out where Conrad was going to pick her up from all she had to work out now was what she would tell her parents who where just down the hall from her and would no doubt catch her leaving.
Y/n searched her closest for something that wasn’t her fuzzy pyjamas pulling out her favourite sundress that had small daisies dotted all over it and grabbed her converse. She made her way downstairs quietly as possible scribbling an note down to her parents as quickly as she could before rushing out of the front door
Sarah called, something happened going to make sure she’s okay. back shorty
Y/n practically sprinted to the gas station a few streets from her house already running slightly later than she said she’d be. When she arrived she found him stood leaning against his car with two slurpies in hand
“Hi.” She said softly Conrad flashed her a smile before handing her one of the two slurpies
“You seem like a blue raspberry kinda girl, am I right?” He asked as she took a sip before nodding
“My favourite.” She said softly before looking up at him “so do we have a destination in mind or are we just driving around?” She asked
Conrad brought his hand to his forehead sighing slightly “about that, I may or may not have locked my keys in my car.” He said y/n gasped slightly trying to stifle a laugh as she looked through the window seeing the keys sat on the passenger seat
“Wow that’s really something.” She said giggling slightly
“I promise im not this stupid all the time I think this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever done.” He insisted which only made her laugh more
“So what’s the plan, Einstein?” She asked watching as he rolled his eyes before walking round the the hood of his car
“I thought while we wait for roadside assistance to come and help me unlock my car we could I don’t know just talk?” He said helping her onto the hood of his car before jumping on himself
“Sounds like you’ve got this all figured out.” She said taking another sip of her drink
The pair spent the next few hours laying on the hood of his car talking about anything and everything from what there favourite colour is too if they were in a room with anyone they’d ever met dead or alone who would they look for first.
“Okay one more before I break my car window in because Im freezing my ass off here.” Conrad said as they both sat up he’d given her his jacket a while ago now which she’d decide he wasn’t getting back
“Who is the one person you couldn’t live without?” He asked y/n sat for a minute trying to think of an answer
“I mean the obvious answer would be my mom but I feel like that’s a cop out so I think I’ll have to go with my brother.” She said softly. Conrad nodded at her answering before pressing for more information
“Why your bother?” He asked
“Tyler is probably my favourite person ever. He’s my big brother and I guess siblings always idolise there older siblings but Tyler is everything to me. He’s the only person who’s actually been there for me through everything. His opinion is probably the only one other than mine that I actually care about. He’s the one person I can truly count on.” She told him
Just as she was about to ask him the same question the roadside assistance van pulled into the gas station parking lot. After the man helped get Conrad’s keys out of his car while also making fun of him for locking them in his car in the first place the pair sat in his car the radio on low.
“Y/n.” He whispered she hadn’t realised how close they were until she noticed they way he was staring at her lips as she spoke
“Yeah?” She whispered back the space between them getting smaller she could practically already feel his kiss
“Can I kiss you?” He asked y/n nodded a small smile on her face as he leaned in kissing her softly pulling away shorty after before going back in for a second one this time it was much longer the taste of cigarettes and his strawberry chapstick flooded her sense. She hardly noticed that he’d pulled her over the Center console and into his lap.
After what felt like forever they both pulled away smiling like idiots “that was definitely worth the wait.” She said softly
“Yup I guess that makes up for taking 3 days to message me.”
“Oh y/n.”
After dropping her home that night Conrad text her as soon as he got home telling her how much he enjoyed his night as well as asking her to hang out the next day.
And that’s how the next few days went. Conrad would text and she’d be in his car driving around within the next 30 minutes until he just stopped messaging.
A week went by and nothing. She’d text him once asking if he was okay but didn’t want to look desperate so she left it at that. She was disappointed to say the least she thought things had been going well but he was a teenage boy at the end of the day. The most confusing creatures on the planet.
Two weeks.
Two weeks until he called. He called and gave a dumb excuse that she knew was a lie but she didn’t know him well enough to call him out yet. He hadn’t let her her to know him well enough. She knew what he wanted her to know about him and that was enough.
“Again I am really sorry for disappearing.” He told her. It was the truth. That was one thing she did know. He came across as difficult to read but to y/n it was simple. He was going through something alone and didn’t have the strength to ask for help so he pushed everyone out. He wasn’t moody or brooding. He was just struggling.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologise.” He knew it didn’t but he did. Over and over. Every few minutes expressing how sorry he was it was almost like he was overcompensating for something. But y/n thought he was just scared she would tell him to fuck off.
“I want to though and I think you should let me make it up to you by letting me take you out tonight.” He said. She could hear his smile though his words. His gorgeous smile.
“Okay Mr fisher, where too?” He let out as sigh of relief as she agreed not that he’d tell anyone but in the little time he’d know her he’d grown attached which terrified him and most definitely played a part in why he’d disappeared for two weeks. It was scary. Feeling like this.
“My brother knows someone the town over who’s having a party and I thought we could go or we can just hang out alone somewhere we don’t have to go to a party.” He rushed the last few words worried she think he was just trying to find an excuse to get her drunk. She didn’t see it like that.
“A party sounds fun.” She said hopping out of her her with more urgency than she wanted rushing to her closet to pick out an outfit.
“Great ill pick you up at 8?” He told her she hummed a yes to busy looking for an outfit to argue about times not realising that it was already 7 o’clock. Conrad laughed slightly “I’ll text you, I promise this time.” They both laughed before saying a goodbye and hanging up. It was only then that y/n realised the time. She spent the next hour screaming to get ready while also making an excuse as to why she couldn’t join tonight’s family outing.
Two minutes until he arrived and she was stood looking at herself in the mirror. She felt stupid putting all this effort in for a boy who clearly would never put as much effort in for here but there she was wearing a short purple stain slip dress with matching converse.
Conrad sent her a message to say he’d arrived unsure of if her parents were in and didn’t want to create and issue for her Which she appreciated.
“You look pretty.” Was all he said when she got in the car before leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to her bare shoulder. Y/n just smiled letting him take her hand in his as he drove away from her house. The pair talked about anything that came to mind almost as if it hadn’t been two weeks of radio silence. It felt normal.
When they got to the party they knew it was going to be a long night so instead of participating in any of the usual party antics Conrad grabbed a bottle of tequila and y/n’s hand before dragging her to a quit room.
“So the party may be crappy but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.” He said handing her the bottle letting her take the first sip smiling as she pulled a face slightly “not a fan of tequila?” He teased. Y/n rolled her eyes nudging him slightly as he took the bottle from her
“Neat tequila is not my friend we’ve had some bad nights together.” Y/n told him making him laugh slightly the pair were laying on the bed in the middle of the room talking about whatever came to mind become increasing more drunk as the night went on
“Oh no.” Conrad pouted as y/n polished off the bottle of tequila somewhere in the night he’d noticed that she was cold and yet again insisted she took his jacket. She didn’t need the jacket but something about the jester made her heart swell
“We should go home.” Y/n whispered as he leaned his forehead against hers letting out a soft sight his hand intertwining with hers before nodding.
Conrad called a taxi as they both stumbled there way out of the party. Little words had been exchanged when they got into the taxi until he grabbed her hand “I’m sorry I disappeared.” Y/n looked up at him with a soft smile
“It’s okay.”
It wasn’t okay. It was a dick move and she was beyond pissed off at him for it but being with him right now made her forget how shitty it was of him. To y/n it was like ecstasy when he was next to her. He was euphoric. Everything about him made her want to know more. She wished she could crawl inside his brain and know every detail about him. He was addictive.
And he knew that.
“No it’s not okay, it was awful of me to do that.” He told her as she rested her head on his shoulder “I was just terrified, I still am. I’ve never felt like this about anyone.” She couldn’t tell it was was him or the tequila talking but she didn’t really mind.
“You’re intoxicating y/n. I don’t think you know the effect you have on people, id known you two weeks and I was obsessed.” He continued to ramble about everything on his mind in that instant y/n just listened focusing on the way his fingers walked in her hand
“You’re the most beautiful person I think I’ve ever met and I like you, more than I’ve ever liked anyone and it scares me.”
“Conrad.” She whispered knowing that he was about to say something he couldn’t take back.
“I know.”
When y/n got into bed that night without bothering to take her makeup off or get changed she just kicked her shoes off and crawled into bed with nothing but his words lingering on her mind.
The next morning she work up she looked at her phone hoping he’d of text but he hadn’t. The only evidence of him was his scent heavy on her clothes. She sat by her phone the whole day not taking his jumper off once.
Sulking so much even her brother noticed and brought her a slushie to cheer her up stating that ‘whoever he is, he’s a jackass for not seeing how great she was’. It wasn’t until then that she grew from being upset to pissed off. Y/n got up from her bed throwing his jumper off and grabbing her phone
The phone rang a whole three times before he answered “y/n… I’m s-“ before he could even continue she interrupted him
“No I talk and you listen you got that?”
“Yes mama.”
“I’m not doing this bullshit conrad.” She started her hands running through her hair as she heard him let out a soft sigh “I’m not playing your games anymore, you’re either in my life or your not. If you wanna do this whole spending a day with a girl making her feel like the only girl in the world and then ghosting her for the next week go find someone else because I don’t do that shit anymore. You either give 100% or nothing.” She said not letting him get a single word in
“You done?” He asked she scoffed slightly offering feeling like he’d hardly listened to what she said. He took her silence as a yes
“Open your window.”
And there he was. Stood outside the doors that lead our to her balcony flowers and a slushy in hand. Y/n unlocked the door not letting him in just yet
“Did you listen to what I said?” She asked her arms folding across her chest trying to seek stern but she was to kind to ever really be stern. Conrad nodded taking a step closer to her but she didn’t move a muscle. “No more games, Conrad.”
“No more games.” He got closer by the second
“You promise me?”
“We’re going official, Doll.” He said and she couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she leant up kissing him softly
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Loki x reader - smitten
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Oh hey 😊. Would you plz write one where the team are staying at one of Starks vacation spots? Reader is his neighbor and Loki thinks she’s adorable so he keeps waving to her trying to be friendly but she never acknowledges him. He thinks she’s being rude and asks Tony about her attitude. Tony explains that she can’t see 5 feet in front of her and must’ve lost her glasses again. Reader is known to be a little clumsy and partially blind. Loki decides to go over and introduce himself anyway and they hit it off well. - Anon💜
The moment Tony was at his holiday home you knew, the laughter and music was a giveaway so you took this as a chance to get the billionaire to help you with your garden.
Making your way to his door, you knocked and waited for someone to open it.
“(Y/N)!” Tony beamed.
He wrapped you up in a hug before letting you go, taking a step back to allow you into his home.
“Nah I’m good. Can you help me with my garden? It’s a mess and well I can’t handle it alone.”
Tony chuckled and nodded his head.
“Yeah, I’ll be over soon.”
“Thanks T! You’re the best!”
Making your way back to your home you focused on getting everything out and ready so you could start tending to the garden.
While you got started, you could hear the avengers joking and laughing.
Hearing a noise from your fence you looked over and smiled as Tony came into view.
“I’ve brought company! You know Cap, and Clint.”
“Hey guys, thank you so much.”
“Our pleasure.” Clint smiled.
You went to go make them drinks and something to eat and brought it out to you.
Setting it down, you tripped as you walked away from the table and Steve was quick to catch you.
Giving him a sheepish grin you stood up and smiled at him.
“Not a problem.” He smiled.
Steve went back to tending to the garden while you walked over to the fence and called for Wanda and Natasha and Pepper to come over.
At the sound of you shouting, Loki looked up and he stared at you.
He watched as the three women walked over to the fence but Loki had his eyes glued on you.
He seemed to lock eyes with you and he tried to wave at you but you didn’t wave back which made him frown.
“Why so down brother?” Thor smiled.
“Nothing you oaf.”
With that Loki stormed back inside.
He didn’t understand why you were ignoring him.
No matter how hard he waved and tried to get your attention over the next few days but you still paid no mind to him.
Finally having enough he stormed over to Tony.
“Why does she ignore me?!” He huffed.
Tony rose a brow and took a sip of his drink, looking around the garden as he tried to figure out who Loki was talking about.
There was no one else out here so it couldn’t have been one of the other avengers.
“The women next door! I wave and she ignores me!”
Tony blinked before he laughed.
“Don’t laugh.” Loki grumbled.
“I’m sorry it’s just hilarious you’re getting all worked up over nothing.”
“Forget I ask.” Loki snapped.
He went to walk away but Tony quickly stopped him, nodding for him to follow.
Loki followed Tony to the fence in confusion trying to figure out why he was being led in that direction.
Tony pointed to you on the other side of your garden.
“Yes, her. She ignores me.”
“Loki, she can barely see 5 feet in front of her, she’s partially blind. She must have lost her glasses again, I’ll have to order her a new pair.”
Loki nodded his head in understanding before turning to watch you with a soft smile on his face.
It made him feel better to know that you weren’t purposely ignoring him.
“Hey (Y/N) come here!” Tony yelled.
You looked in their direction and got up, making your way over.
Tony and Loki hopped over the fence, and Loki smiled as he watched you come closer and closer.
You tried over and Loki caught you, gently helping you back on your feet.
“Also extremely clumsy. (Y/N) where’d your glasses?” Tony asked.
You shrugged slightly, giving him a sheepish grin as you stepped away from Loki before turning to face the god, holding out your hand.
“Hi! We haven’t met, I’m (Y/N).”
“Pleasure, I’m Loki.”
You and Loki talking and Tony smiled as he left to go order your glasses.
Loki and you sat in the chairs by your pool, simply chatting away and he wore the biggest grin on his face as you guys spoke.
He was glad he was finally able to talk to you, because he was sure you were different from other humans and he was right.
You were happy, bubbly, and overall smiling all the time and he admired that and wanted to know more
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redorich · 4 years
What if Tommy and a few other Hermits went to the Dream SMP to take care of some business (aka Dreamon + small family reunion for Tommy) and they see Tommy hug these two PvP gods as a ghost floats around them saying, “oh Tommy! You’ve been gone so long! Where did you go?” And seeming quite happy as well. The hermits get to see just how fucked this place is. Tommy told them Techno is by far the richest person on the server yet he only has one stack of diamond blocks. Not a single shulker box to be seen. Phil tells them The End is Off Limits. They get to see the main hub of this world is less impressive than a single of their big builds. They see fighting in the streets. From the other side of walls they hear people threatening eachother. They get to see and experience the comparative hell that Tommy cane from -🐍
Scar’s the one that gets to go first. He and Grian jockey for the privilege, but in the end Scar is the mayor of Hermitcraft, which means he gets to visit the Dream SMP first. (Grian pouts for days.)
Scar wears his very nice mayor sash, and irons his trousers, and keeps his armor in his inventory so that everyone can see his nice apparel. He smiles, and opens his eyes to what is basically a pit. The ground is more creeper-hole than actual ground, and there are mishmash walls all around him. His smile falters.
<Dream> Oh shit hes at spawn
<Technoblade> dream forgot to change visitor spawn, worst admin ever
<Dream> Shut up
Tubbo hit the ground too hard
<ItsFundy> canon death
<Tubbo> NO
“Hey there,” Tubbo says from behind Scar. The mayor yelps, whirling around and nearly falling on his face.
“Sorry to scare you,” Tubbo laughs, “but how about I show you around? After I get my stuff back, that is.”
“Y-yeah,” Scar says, visibly perturbed. Tubbo leads him through a hole in the wall just large enough for them to go through one at a time, then through a small patch of forest. (Do these people seriously not even have a way out of spawn, or a path from spawn to the important locations?)
Dream catches up to Tubbo and Scar right as the town comes into view. They meet up at a patch of ruined land, on which two identical Nether portals are sat.
“Welcome to the Dream SMP,” Dream says with a gesture toward the slightly-broken oak slab path stretching out from the portal. “Sorry I’m late, I had to take care of some business.”
“Business?” Scar asks despite himself.
Dream fidgets with the handle of his axe sheepishly. “Yeah. I sent some of the troublemakers on a wild goose chase several thousand blocks away from here. Hopefully, they shouldn’t bother you.”
“That’s great and all, but I kind of need to get my stuff back,” Tubbo cuts in before Scar has a chance to question Dream.
“Sure, it was near Tommy’s old house, right? Why not show Scar the Prime Path while you’re at it?”
Tubbo smiles, and takes Scar’s hand in his. “Great idea. Come on, Scar!”
Scar allows himself to be pulled along, dodging holes in the “Prime Path” as he does so.
“That way’s Eret’s Gay Castle-- you can’t grief it, it’s homophobic,” Tubbo explains, “and up ahead’s Church Prime.”
It’s not much of a church, Scar thinks, given the giant floating poster that’s been left to peel away. Bits of the poster have even been torn off and stolen, leaving only the item frame behind. Still, he knows better than to say rude things about someone else’s religion, even if the state of disrepair... No. He won’t say anything.
Various depictions of anti-Technoblade propaganda still up. They’re so, so ugly. Further along the path there’s a tower that actually isn’t hideous, so it was probably made by-- Eret, was it? The same guy who made the Gay Castle? A stray chicken clucks while Scar tears his eyes away from the Walmart which has magma for floors, and the Targay, and the cobblestone framework of what Tubbo claims is a Denny’s which was used once for roleplay and then promptly abandoned.
Tommy’s old house can best be described as “open air”, to put it politely. At least there’s a fence..? But as Tubbo picks up his items and the two set off for L’Manberg, politely ignoring the giant Gogy posters, they hear a scuffle up ahead.
“Let go of my fucking hair!” George shrieks.
“Not until you give me back my potato,” Sapnap responds. The two grown men are fighting like children in the middle of the Prime Path in broad daylight, pulling each other’s hair and slap-fighting but at least-- no, never mind, they’ve got their weapons out now.
George shrieks at the top of his lungs when one of Sapnap’s swings gets too close. “It’s rotted anyway, why the hell do you want it?!”
“Because it’s mine,” Sapnap insists. He finally bonks George on the head hard enough to kill him, then scoops the rotten potato out of George’s belongings. His hand toys with a flint and steel, but he eventually seems to decide not to burn George’s items for the offense of stealing his potato.
“Oh, hi there!” Sapnap says once he spots them. He waves.
Scar hesitantly waves back. He’s beginning to think that perhaps he should have worn his armor after all. He watches in morbid fascination as Sapnap takes a bite of his rotten potato. Sapnap’s face drains of all color; he immediately leaps off a cliff to go be sick in a valley away from prying eyes. George’s things are left on the ground.
“Y’know, I think I left the oven on,” Scar says slowly. Tubbo looks at him with sad, pitiful eyes, as if to say, do you see what I have to deal with?
“Would you like to go back to Hermitcraft and try again another day?”
Attempting to affect nonchalance and failing miserably at it, Scar waves his hand rapidly. “Actually, Grian really wanted to come see your server, so-- maybe I’ll send him. I’m real busy with, uh, mayor stuff.”
Tubbo nods, pretending to buy the excuse. “I’ll have Dream send you back.”
“Thank you,” Scar says fervently.
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ashleysmessyjourney · 2 years
Six Months
In my last post, I had mentioned using a hypnosis track to help me start messing at night. That one time when I woke up needing to poop immediately scared me, making me stop using the hypnosis track for a while. I thought it’d be fun to just wake up already messy and to go about my morning as usual because getting the act out of the way would help save some time, and while I’m certain that it would, learning to poop at night while I’m sleeping is still something I’m on the fence about. What do you think? Should I keep using it? I need someone to really convince me to do it.
Messing has become so normal that it’s something I do without giving it much thought until I need to change. I think my body is just so used to using my diapers since I wear them literally all the time. Because of that, as soon as I feel that familiar pressure in my bowels, I get to keep doing what I’m doing until I feel it pressing against my hole, telling me that it’s going to come out no matter what; it’s only a matter of time. At that point, I let go and never clench. Sometimes I’ll give it a little push to get things started, but usually I don’t have to. I don’t want to deal with that uncomfortable pressure that I feel when I need to go poo poo. It’s just better to give in and push it all out into my diaper. Would you rather deal with holding onto all that pressure and let yourself feel uncomfortable? Nah, of course you wouldn’t. That’s what diapers are designed for: to give us relief and a safe space for our body’s wastes.
I really love messing while walking like that one person suggested a while ago. I know my diapers keep me protected so I just have nothing to worry about. The leak guards stand tall, there’s room for my poo, and I’ve had so much practice messing my diapers that it’s something that just happens, like breathing or blinking. Letting my poo slide out into my warm, welcoming diaper while walking just feels so incredibly and devilishly kinky that it’s quickly becoming my favorite way of doing the deed, even if it does create a larger mess to deal with. I do still enjoy squatting and changing then and there when I really don’t want to deal with the mess, but when I have some time, I prefer walking while messing. Sometimes I pretend like I’m too busy to deal with pooping, letting myself stay busy while I’m pooping while I pay it literally no mind at all. Then I’m usually like, “Oh my god, who just used my diaper? Cuz I sure as shit just didn’t!” I like making poo jokes hehe. Keeps life fresh and different from the norm, ya know?
To this day, I have not once used the potty for pooping for this challenge, not even in public or at a friend’s house. I’ve gotten so good at making sure I’m empty before I go anywhere that I don’t really have anything to fear. Sure, there have been those times that I’ve talked about where the urge just comes out of nowhere, even if I’ve already made my morning mess, but those are happening less and less, thankfully. I have a routine that works for me if I do happen to have an urge in public. Part of me wants to hold it in, but that’s always been a losing battle, one that I lose faster and faster as time goes on. The other part of me wants to stop what I’m doing no matter what, squat down, and push it all out into my diaper just to get it over with, even if I’m not at home. I’ve done that a few times when I was in a kinky headspace when out in public, but never ever ever around people. I don’t want anyone smelling me like that. All it takes is a few seconds when your poo is ready to go. All I need to do is squat down and push, letting all that pressure disappear into my diaper.
Thanks to the contributions of those who have sent me diapers, I’ve been able to live out this experiment of mine without too much of a financial burden. Sometimes it feels surreal that I’m doing this, but it’s been something I’ve fantasized about for a while. Just like me wanting to be dependent on diapers and making it happen, so too am I now giving messing full time more than a chance. I’ve made it my reality, one that I’m sure a lot of you want to live as well. At the end of the day, the only person that’s making you stop is yourself. You’re in your own way to happiness. Even if you just want to become dependent on diapers for loss of bladder control, you can do it if you just try! If you’re in a good spot in life, maybe giving messing your diapers a solid shot wouldn’t be a bad idea, either. I know it’s not for everyone, but it’s what diapers were designed for: holding everything your body makes. They’re strong, soft, and more than capable of handling your needs for a while until it needs changing.
Stop holding yourself back and let yourself be happy.
I started this challenge 190 days ago. That’s just over six whole freaking months! At the time of this posting, March 18th of 2023 will be the end date for this challenge. Do you think I won’t have any control by then? I think I’ll definitely have a lesser amount of control by then, but that’s still well over a full year away. Six months has made it so easy to mess my diapers; I can’t wait to see how I’ll be feeling after another six months.
As I’m sure you might know by this point, messing my diapers all the time adds more of a financial load on my back and I wouldn’t have been able to get this far without your donations of diapers and other related supplies. I’m truly grateful for those of you who have kept me padded and I hope to keep making content like these journals often. The more diapers I receive, the more updates I can write!
There is one thing that I’d love to have; it’s that electric enema device that’s at the top of my wishlist. Sometimes when I go out with friends or run some errands and I haven’t made any messes that day, I feel uncertain about going out because I might have to mess. It’s happened before. Since I can’t use any potty for the next year or so, I can’t use any public bathrooms meaning that I have to use my diaper for messing in public. When I want to do it, it’s fun, but when I’m forced to do it against my will, it’s not fun, and having an electric enema would allow me to clean myself out quickly and ensure that I will have nothing to put in my diaper in public for those situations where I literally cannot afford to let that happen. And yes, all the enema water and all it carries out with it will go right into my diaper. Have you ever tried letting an enema out into your diaper? It’s really quite pleasurable.
PS. Don't buy the electric enema. Mine broke after five uses. Just stick with a regular one you hang from the shower rod.
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griffintail · 3 years
The First Day
Summary: Your first day on the server.
Pairing: Wilbur Soot x F! Reader
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: This is a story I was working on in my free time for like the longest time and it's still not finished and it's so long. God knows how many parts this will be. I need a title for this story too. I'll think of one separately and it will have it's own masterlist if people like it. 
SO! Without further ado, here you are because I was bored!
Oh and (Y/U/N) means YOUR USERNAME.
        Wilbur logged on to the Dream SMP. He didn’t have anything to do there, it was just a place to run around and build for him at the moment.
        He had built his “ball” not far from Tommy’s base, maybe he could build something else…He wasn’t quite sure yet. Just as before, Tommy begged for his attention and chuckled at the boy’s antics quietly. As he was going to find a space to build a new name joined the server.
        (Y/U/N) joined the game
        He frowned. He’s never heard that name before. Someone must have though because Dream didn’t let just anyone on the server. He’d look into them later.
        He was once more about to go to work when there was a new message in chat.
        <(Y/U/N)> There are new people on today. \o/ Hello, Mr. Soot and Mr. Innit.
        He chuckled as he read the message deciding to give them a response, smirking at Tommy’s probably rage.
        <WilburSoot> Hello there! :)
        <(Y/U/N)> May I know your coords?
        <WilburSoot> You may
        He gave the newcomer he coordinates, deciding to stick around the ball as he had as Tommy messaged him with renewed hope. A figure that wasn’t Tommy climbed up to Wilbur. The character was a female skin in a plaid jacket that was open with a plaid shirt and blue jeans to match, wearing a gray beanie on blonde hair.
        <(Y/U/N)> Hi! I’m new and wanted to give you a gift.
        She threw a flower, a poppy specifically, at him and when he picked it up, he noticed it was named.
        From (Y/U/N) to WilburSoot
        <WilburSoot> Why thank you Ms. (Y/U/N).
        <Tommyinnit> WOMAN!?
        <(Y/U/N)> No problem good day!
        <(Y/U/N)> Mr. Innit! May I have your coords?
        <Tommyinnit> No I will not give a woman my coordinates!!
        <(Y/U/N)> :(
        And now was the time to respond to Tommy. Wilbur logged onto the discord and joined Tommy in his call.
        “Now Tommy, that’s not how you talk to a lady.” Wilbur jokingly scolded him. “Apologize to her.”
        “I am not going to apologize to a woman!”
        “Tommy,” Wilbur warned. “Don’t make me block you.”
        He heard Tommy sigh exasperated and typed in chat.
        <Tommyinnit> I’m sorry
        <(Y/U/N)> :) It’s ok. I wish to give you a gift! Coords pls?
        <WilburSoot> He lives in those fences right across from here
        “Good, thank you, Tommy.”
        “Will you talk to me now?” Tommy asked with a huff.
        He first went into his ball as the girl sprinted over to Tommy’s place. He put the flower in a chest before following after her as he listened to Tommy talk.
        “Why the hell did she give me a flower?” Tommy questioned as Wilbur was halfway to Tommy’s.
        <Tommyinnit> Why the hell did you give me a flower?
        <(Y/U/N)> I’m new and I just want to give you a welcome gift!
        <(Y/U/N)> I need to work on my house. Good day, Mr. Soot and Mr. Innit!
        She sprinted away towards the community house. Wilbur stopped next to Tommy as he was holding a red tulip.
        “Wha…What was that?” Tommy asked Wilbur.
        “She told you, now what do you want to do?”
        The new girl had left before Tommy’s stream ended and after Tommy’s stream and he left, Wilbur decided to look up who the new person was. Looking up the name, he got a Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch account. On her Twitch there was a new video streamed today titled “Let’s not be homeless! (DreamSMP)”. She had a decent amount of followers on her Twitch and her YouTube channel, she had half a million subscribers. On her Twitter, there was a picture of a dog with its face pressed against the camera that had taken it. There was a tweet from not long ago with a full picture of the same dog next to a desk.
        (Y/U/N) @(Y/U/N)
        He wouldn’t leave me alone all stream! I love my good boy but a girl needs her space!
        Wilbur gave a quiet chuckle before liking the post and giving her a follow. Maybe he’d meet more of her…
        Wilbur logged into the server once more to work on his project to come with Tommy. There were a few people online, Tubbo, Ponk, and Fundy. He didn’t bother them though, giving greetings back when given before getting to work. As he did, he got a notification from his phone that someone was live and glanced over. (Y/U/N) was live.
        Curious, he pulled up her stream and decided to leave it on in the background.
        “Hello, magical people! We’re going to be jumping back onto the SMP! My house looks so dull and I wanna find wolves.”
        Wilbur caught her accent immediately, American, definitely.
        “What do you mean there’s three people I haven’t met! I don’t have experience chat! Don’t say that!”
        (Y/U/N) joined the game
        “Fudge there’s three people I haven’t met. Firetrucks, uhhhh, I need to give them their flowers but I can’t name them!”
        <(Y/U/N)> Hello new fellows! \o/
        <Tubbo_> Hello! o/
        “I like that one.” She laughed. “He definitely deserves a flower. Oh, Mr. Soot’s online. Maybe he can help…”
        Wilbur looked over to see her typing a message in chat to him and as he looked over, he realized there was no webcam. She must not like to show her face.
        (Y/U/N) whispers to WilburSoot: Hi Mr. Soot! I’m in a predicament. May I ask for some of your EXP levels to name three flowers?
        He chuckled as he typed back to her.
        WilburSoot whispers to (Y/U/N): I have a few I can spare. I’ll be heading over to the ball to meet you. Just bring the anvil and flowers.
        “He’s a lifesaver chat!” She cheered. “We found a good one!”
        He laughed as he made his way over to his ball.
        (Y/U/N) whispers to WilburSoot: You’re a lifesaver! I and the chat thank you!
        She came sprinting over a few moments after he got there and she placed the anvil down and threw to him a dandelion, an orange tulip, and an allium.
        (Y/U/N) whispers to WilburSoot: The dandelion for Tubbo, the tulip for Fundy, and allium for Ponk.
        WilburSoot whispers to (Y/U/N): Ok :)
        He named the flowers the same as she had named his as she took the chance of waiting to read out her subs and donations. As he named the last flower, he saw he had a spare daisy in his inventory. She was giving them flowers; he should give one back.
        To (Y/U/N) From WilburSoot
        He threw all the flowers back over as she was reading a donation.
        “Ah! Flowers! Time to hunt down the people!”
        (Y/U/N) whispers to WilburSoot: Thank you! I owe you one!
        WilburSoot whispers to (Y/U/N): Any time!
        She picked up the anvil before sprinting off into the distance and he went back towards his build.
        <(Y/U/N)> Mr. Tubbo! Hello! I’m new and wish to give you a present!
        <Tubbo_> Thank you!!
        It was a moment before a new message popped up in chat.
        <(Y/U/N)> Hello Mr. Fundy! I have a gift for you!
        <ItsFundy> Ah thank you very much!
        Wilbur found it rather interesting as he watched the chat about how she used titles to talk to others. It was rather formal.
        “What do you mean there’s an extra flower? I only gave Mr. Soot three. Ok, ok, I’ll look.” She told her chat. “I thought I taught you guys better.” He looked over as she looked through her inventory, hovering over the extra flower he had given her. “Oh! He gave me a flower back! No one’s ever given me a flower back! Two years of giving flowers to people on servers and Mr. Soot beats them all!”
        So, this was a regular bit she did. He was surprised though to hear that he was the only one to give her a flower back, blushing lightly at her off-hand compliment.
        <(Y/U/N)> Mr. Soot! Thank you for MY gift! :)
        <WilburSoot> It was no problem. :)
        “Now back on track! To Ponk’s!”
        Wilbur tuned out the in-game chat as he worked, looking towards his phone though when he heard his name.
        “Do I watch Mr. Soot? Well yes, I’ve watched a few of his videos with Jschlatt and I’ve listened to his music video, uh…The Internet Ruined Me! That’s the one.”
        Wilbur blushed lightly once more. She had watched some of his videos and his music?
        “Do you watch anyone else on the server? Yeah, I watch a few of the guys like Sir Dream, George, and Sapnap. I watched one or two videos of Mr. Innit’s and Tubbo’s creation. But I have to be here with you too chat! I don’t have time to watch everyone!”
        Wilbur finished building, about to log off for the day but stopped and opened in-game chat.
        <WilburSoot> Good bye Ms. (Y/U/N)!
        “And he’s saying bye to me! Why didn’t we meet him sooner chat?!”
        <(Y/U/N)> Goodbye Mr. Soot! :)
        “I am not simping chat! I thought I taught all of you better!”
        Wilbur laughed as he turned off the stream. She was certainly a character.
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feelin-woozy · 3 years
Title: Stoke The Fire
Word Count: 1984
Pairing: Bo Sinclair x female!reader
Warnings: Daddy kink, breeding, degradation, dumbification
Thanks @slasherrabbitmadness for the inspiration and the absolute brain rot that she has given me with the idea of dilf!Bo :) go check out her dilf Bo stuff because it's,,, chefs kiss.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to spend time over at Bo’s house; it became almost like a second home over the years. Your father and Bo have a relationship that bloomed from the moment they entered business together a few years back. It wasn’t easy to imagine what life was like before Bo became so close to your family.
A warm summer breeze blows past you, ruffling the soft saffron colored cotton of your dress against your thighs. Of course, you don’t miss the way Bo’s blue eyes dart to the newly exposed flesh of your thigh, but beyond that, he doesn’t make a move, just sips the beer in his hand and takes another easy drag off the cigarette.
Your dad is prattling on about this and that, talking about some jackoff who tried to rip him off the other day at work claiming that his rate was ludacris and that there were a dozen other mechanics that could do it for cheaper. And sure, that may have been true, but the quality wasn’t there. It wasn’t biased, perhaps a little, but it was still a well known fact that your dad and Bo ran the best mechanic shop in town; it’s why they got away with the rates they charged. And there was always a sense of taking care of the community, their community, that had the townsfolk whipped and willing to shell out the money.
The lively strumming of guitars swirled around you, and you bounced your leg to the steady beat of the Seether song that played over the speakers. It was heavier than the usual stuff that your dad played around the house, but then there were many things about Bo that were heavier. Perhaps that’s why they worked so well together.
Your attention is drawn away from the melodic beat and easy going conversation between Bo and your dad when a small hand tugs at the hem of your dress. You turn your head to look down at the young girl, blue eyes staring up at you with a smile that lacked a few teeth. You return the smile to her, waiting for her to speak and voice whatever thoughts swirled around in that head of hers.
You had nearly forgotten that Oliva was here with the three of you. Bo’s time with her split with his ex-girlfriend, who he had some choice words about every time she was brought up. The young girl was undeniably Bo’s child through unruly brown hair bouncing with every shift she made and blue eyes that were carbon copies of her father’s. You couldn’t help but wonder what she got from her mother; Bo didn’t have any photos of her around the house.
“Will you come play with me?” She reaches for your hands, her skin slightly sticky from God knows what, but you don’t pull away; you just give her hand a small squeeze in return.
“Olive, sweetie, don’t bug her. Go play by yourself okay?” Bo says softly, a sort of sternness shining through his words. You lift your gaze to look at Bo, and you catch a glimpse of fondness that softens the lines of his face. Olivia whines, eyebrows furrowing as if she’s about to pitch a fit at Bo’s words.
“It’s okay Bo,” You smile at him, wide and radiant as you get to your feet without letting go of Olivia’s hand. “I don’t mind.”
Bo just nods his head with a bit of a shrug before turning his attention to your dad again. However, you don’t miss the way his eyes surveil you as Olivia drags you to the small backyard park that Bo and your dad had built together the previous summer.
It’s almost two weeks later when you find yourself bent over the laminate countertop, hands scrambling for purchase as you’re pushed forward again and again. You hadn’t even been here for five minutes, coming by only to grab some tools for your dad to borrow, wearing that same saffron dyed dress you had worn last time that you were over here. Bo’s worn trucker hat lost to the linoleum, jeans pushed only half way down his thighs, leaving his belt to jangle incessantly with every movement. The edge of the countertop digs into your hip bones saved only for the dress that’s bunched up over the curve of your ass. It does little to pad and protect you against the vicious rocking of Bo’s hips, but it’s better than nothing.
“Been thinkin’ about this sweet pussy every fuckin’ day,” Bo groans, grimey fingers curling into your hips and dragging you back against himself. He stays put for a moment, keeping your bodies pressed flushed together. “Been thinkin’ about knocking you up.”
The way your pussy flutters around his length is indecorous, the whimper you let out even more so. But it can’t be helped; hearing the filth that dripped from Bo’s lips always had that effect on you, but there was something about the way he said it that made your insides churn. The serious edge to his words that wasn’t there the times you had fucked prior, the way his words turned from a pipe dream to something that could be a reality.
“Does my baby like that idea?” Bo titters, the noise breathless and broken. A testament to the effect that this was having on him as well. “Like the thought of me fuckin’ a baby into you?”
“Fuck, Bo.” Your head drops, cheeks pressing into the chilled countertop. You don’t even pretend like this wasn’t doing it for you, hips rocking back against his to tempt him into staying true to your word. “Yeah, yeah fuck.”
He leans over you, the thin cotton t-shirt dragging along your sweat-slicked back as he pressed his lips to your neck, teeth catching the rosy skin. For a moment, you think that he was about to leave a mark to bloom against your skin, a small sign over ownership that would have you avoiding your parents’ home till the skin healed, and you could look them in the eyes once more.
“Gunna have to get you off that birth control of yours,” Bo murmurs, pressing a wet kiss to your cheek before he pulls away again, looming over you and admiring the way he has you splayed out like a wrecked mess in his kitchen. The windows open, and the back sliding door cracked so neighbors would be able to hear every little indecent noise that passed your lips like a mantra. You were glad for the arborvitae that lined the fence. It gave you some privacy, even if it wasn’t much, and it did ease your nerves considerably. “After that, maybe I’ll just keep you on my cock day ‘n night till I know it took.”
Your hands curl into fists at the thought, knuckles blanching under the force. The idea has your mind melting; nothing has ever sounded so perfect to you. It was almost insane how easily Bo got you cockdrunk, how easily he bent you to every whim that crossed his mind. But there was something about his smile, his scent, the way he could play you as if the two of you were made for each other that left you a strung out fanatic.
“Tell me how badly you want it,” Bo growls, nails cutting crescent shaped moons into your hips. If he wasn’t dragging you so perfectly through the trenches of pleasures, the pain might have brought you from the lust addled fog, but instead, it only shoves you down further. It made you feel like you were drowning, drowning in his words, the scent of sex that hung headily around you, the obscene noises that sounded like your own but were so far away, the way skin slapped against each other and the wet noises of your pussy dripping around his thick cock. It was all too much, and you knew it would only be a matter of time before your orgasm swept you pitilessly under the current. “Come on baby, if you wanna cum you gotta tell Daddy how badly you want it.”
A sob tears through your chest, thighs shaking as you’re forced onto the points of your toes with each thrust. Bo laughs above you cruelly, not once slowing down and allowing you a moment of reprieve to find your words. There was a satisfaction in seeing the way he strung you along, bringing you so close to the edge, and you knew that if you didn’t give in, give him what he wanted, he would pull away.
It wouldn’t have been the first time. There had been many times he’d pull out only to jerk himself off to completion and paint your pussy, or your panties, only to force you to wear his cum as a reminder. So you try with a renewed desperation, to try and formulate anything of sense before Bo had the chance to pull out of you.
“I-I fuck,” You stutter, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Every time the words were cocked and loaded on your tongue, the way he brushed against that spot within you had them rolling off your tongue in the form of drool. If it didn’t feel so fucking good, it would’ve been beyond humiliating.
“You look fuckin’ pathetic like this,” Bo sneers, hips stuttering. You knew he was close, his words coming out a sharp rasp as each thrust was punctuated with a guttural growl. “Just an empty headed slut made to be knocked up. S’okay baby, Daddy will take care of you.”
That’s what sends you over the edge, cunt clenching down like a vice around the cock plowing into you. It must have been good because you’re distantly aware of the sound of Bo choking on a noise within his throat. And God, do you wish that you were more aware and not floating listlessly through the waves of pleasure so you could see just how wrecked Bo was. You wanted to acknowledge the way graying brown hair clung to his forehead, cheeks flushed as he gritted his teeth. It was always one of your favorite sights. A low moan tumbles from the two of you at the feeling of warmth filling you, the gentle pulsing of his cock as he empties himself within you.
The two of you remained like that for a moment, and you silently wished it would never end as you tried to quell your racing heart and the rapid movement of your chest. Then, when Bo begins to pull out, you whine, but he only snickers, fingers moving from your hips to dance along your folds, running through the slick and cum that dripped out.
“Ya mean it?” You whine softly, pressing back as he pushes cum back inside of you.
“Mean what, baby?” Bo muses, fingers moving at a taunting pace. You crane your neck a bit to stare up at Bo, catching the post sex bliss that overlays his face, the smug look that only makes your stomach twist, thighs clenching.
“Are you going to knock me up?” Your tongue flicks out over your lower lip, eyes fluttering at the feeling of his thick fingers stretching you open once more. Bo groans low in his throat at the thought, and you peek your eye open to catch sight of the twisted grin on his face and the dark intent that swirled within blue eyes.
“Course I am,” Bo says matter of factly as he pulls his fingers out of you, reaching down to grab the lace panties you wore and pull them back up over you. With a pat on your ass, he begins to tuck himself back into his pants, walking over to the fridge. “Would be a shame to let that pretty pussy a’ yours to go to waste.”
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stetervault · 3 years
Hiii! Been delving into Steter now, in the year of our lord 2021, even though I never really did when I was active in the fandom years ago and I was wondering if you'd have some longfic recs for the ship? Like, fics that are Classics(TM)? But happy endings! And I'm not super into those in which Stiles is still underage 😬 do u have any recs? Thanks!
Welcome to the Steter fandom! I definitely have some long fics to rec, some of them are super old lol, and I'll stick to ones around 20k or over, and most of them are finished. And hmm, considering the ship, and a lot of fics like to start off in season 1 where Stiles is still technically a teenager, I'll try to limit these to ones with Stiles being at least 16/17 before anything starts happening, and only 18+ if there's explicit content. I hope that's okay.
drowning in the sea of you by Corpium
Beacon Hills was perfect for Stiles growing up, but now, with werewolves, hunters, and an anxious best friend running around, it's turning into a place too chaotic for an empath like Stiles to handle alone. And pain killers can only go so far.
Wake Me Up by ToAStranger
Stiles has been in a coma for six years. Now he's awake.
Tremors by Corpium
(Stiles has a taste for him now. All Peter needs to do is wait.)
Surviving Peter and the Zombie Apocalypse by Nopennamesleft
Its the end of the world and Stiles has run out of luck. He saves a werewolf from certain death. Will they begin to rely on each other to survive or will the wolf just eat Stiles for a midnight snack?
Bite Down by EclipseWing
In which Stiles is forced to survive the zombie apocalypse with a sociopathic murdering werewolf for company.
as you are by veterization
Stiles runs straight into a tree and suddenly, things are... different. Namely, he's in a world where Peter Hale is his boyfriend.
Call My Name by KouriArashi
After moving to Beacon Hills, Stiles starts having recurring dreams of a man in some kind of prison, who needs his help. Things get so bad that he ends up in Eichen House, where he finds out that the man is real.
Devil of Mercy by KouriArashi
Peter's heard people talk about what it felt like when they saw their mate for the first time, from those who actually believe in the mystical bullshit. Like a magnet, like gravity. Peter just feels... sharply curious.
Whiskey is My Kind of Lullaby by taylorpotato
Peter is a simple saloon owner on one of the outer planets between the Aaru Belt and the Olympus Galaxy. He’s done with trouble. Done with adventure. So fucking done with rustlers. That is, until a cute young outlaw named Stiles wanders into his bar. Peter has this problem where he can’t seem to resist charming narcissists (perhaps because they remind him of himself). And when said narcissists turn his life upside-down, the worst part is he’s not even that upset about it.
Proposing To Strangers by moonstalker24
At the end of a strained relationship, crime novelist Stiles chooses to hide from the world inside a bar with far too many motorcycles outside it for comfort. Here he'll meet the man of his dreams, eat food and propose marriage, all within the first five minutes.
Peter doesn't know who this kid is, but he's cute and looks like he could use a break. So he feeds him. He's not expecting a marriage proposal, but with what comes after, he doesn't really mind.
Stiles Stilinski, Disaster Chef by Guede
The zombie apocalypse forces Stiles to learn how to cook.
The Will by Guede
We are gathered here today for the reading of Gerard Argent’s will.
On the Importance of Lunar Influences in Gardening by Guede
“Oh, it’s you again,” Stiles sighs. He puts down his basket and drops the bunch of onions into it, and then dusts off his hands. “Can’t you get your own strawberries? I mean, I have it on good authority that wild strawberries? They’re a thing. They exist. They’re out there.”
“But Stiles,” says the werewolf dangling by one foot from the tree, sticky red smears around his mouth and all over his fingers. “Your berries are so juicy, so ripe. Those ones in the woods are mere passing indulgences compared to the royal feast you have in your garden.”
Genii loci Stiles and his father run a community garden, and it’s all good, except for the werewolf who keeps sneaking over the fence to raid Stiles’ strawberry patch (and the hunter who’s constantly hanging around his father).
Runes and all kinds of things by FeelingsDusk (WIP)
Enough is enough. Stiles is tired of being always a last choice when he always tries to do his best for his precious people, so they better get their act together or face being left behind.
The things in the Argent's basement get nearly fatal, the Sheriff finds about the supernatural, Allison can have a wicked, wicked mind and Peter Hale appears to be everywhere.
Oh, and Stiles can't seem to stop breaking the laws of physics with his magic.
Sanctuary by DiscontentedWinter
The Hale Wolf Sanctuary isn’t just for wolves.
It turns out it’s for Stilinskis as well.
Out Of The East, Never See The Sun Rise by neglectedtuesday
In the beginning, there are three absolutes.
One. Stiles is a god, forged of starlight and collapsing galaxies and he is eternal.
Two. Peter is human, fragile bone and viscous blood and he is temporary.
Three. Stiles and Peter are in love; love that claws its way inside one’s heart like fish hooks; all encompassing love that is beautiful but dangerous.
Stiles is a god. Peter is human. They love each other.
Three absolutes.
You Had Me at Canapes by LadyArinn
Stiles doesn't mean to sneak into the Hale wedding, and he certainly doesn't mean to have cliche coat-room sex with the bride's uncle, but what had happened, happened, and it wasn't like he could just leave. At least, not until he got to have some of that cake.
Infinite Space by DiscontentedWinter
Stiles needs Peter's expertise to help stop the latest threat to Beacon Hills. And, as the pack falls apart around him, he might even need Peter for more than that.
Hook, Yarn, Sinker by pprfaith
Stiles is happy with his store, his hobbies, his friends. Peter's just trying to figure out how to raise his nieces and nephew without fucking them up too badly.
Paths cross.
Open Wounds by Guede
Talia got out of the fire with Peter, but everyone else died. Years later, they’re still struggling with injuries, but they’ve at least settled in with oddball werewolf Stiles. And then other werewolves start showing up. Familiar ones.
Bittersweet Creek by Guede
When Stiles finally steps off the westward trail to California, he’s the last of his pack. He starts building a den, but then he finds a dying man next to a burnt-down house and it turns out he’s not really much of a settler, after all.
For Great Justice! by Green
Stiles is a vengeance demon, drawn to Peter just as he's waking from his catatonia.
"Whoever did this? We will make those fuckers suffer. I promise you."
Bone Deep by ShippersList
A body in the woods, a mate, and a long-awaited revenge.
Peter had no idea how his life would change when he followed the strange pull in his chest.
Love What is Behind You by KouriArashi
Basically what it says on the label. Hunger Games type fusion. Stiles doing way better than anyone anticipates. Peter finds him intriguing. Ruthless, devious assholes working together to ruin bad guys, as the Steter ship is meant to be.
Soothing the Burn by Therapeutic_Steter (WIP)
Peter is burnt out and breaking down. Stiles notices and offers him solace, along with the one thing he wants most: Pack.
Til Death by Bunnywest
“How long do we have to find him someone?” Stiles asks. “Two weeks,” says Derek, eyebrows pulling down even further. The fierceness of his expression tells Stiles just how concerned he is. “He marries, or he goes to the camps. And you know what your father told us,” Scott reminds her. The camps……aren’t camps. Peter either finds a wife, or he dies.
Ink Blossoms by Triangulum
"So, you're going to ruin your niece's baby shower with flowers in the wrong color?" the florist, Stiles, asks when they reach the counter. He pulls out a binder and starts flipping through it.
"Not ruin. Mildly inconvenience," Peter says.
"Right, messing with a hormonal pregnant woman seems like a great plan."
"To be fair, her fiance and the father of her baby is my ex-boyfriend," Peter says. "And we weren't broken up when they started 'dating'."
Stiles looks up at him in surprise. "And you're still getting her flowers?" he asks.
"It's under duress, I assure you," Peter says. He absolutely wouldn't be here if his alpha hadn't ordered it.
"Well, shit, yeah, let's get you some purple revenge flowers," Stiles says.
After You by FlyAwayMeow (rjaejoo)
It’s true that sometimes what you want the most, you can’t have and that you’ll miss what you once had all along when it’s finally gone.
After breaking his engagement to Chris, Peter heads to New York to start over. He meets Stiles, a young author at his publishing house who helps him piece his confidence back together. When tragedy strikes, he discovers how to finally let go of his past and have the family and future he's always wanted with the pieces already in his life.
love me lights out by veterization
Stiles and Peter get snowed in together. (Or: what happens when you accept phone calls from people you haven't spoken to in over five years.)
Uncle Peter Doesn't Date by Mellow (SweetCandy) (WIP)
“Oh don’t lie, you love it.” Peter purred and winked at his newest arm candy, who spluttered for a few seconds, before blushing like a 16 year old virgin. Considering how young he looked Laura wouldn’t be surprised if he was actually 16. “Shut up Peter!” Bambi squeaked, still flushing and averting Laura’s eyes. “Well, anyways, I’m,” ‘Bambi’. “Stiles. Stiles Stilinski, pleasure to meet you- again.” Stiles smiled sheepishly, obviously nervous. Stiles Stilinski. Definitely a stripper then.
Or: Laura was prepared for whatever piece of armcandy her uncle had decided to show up with, what she hadn't been prepared for was Stiles Stilinski...her uncle's boyfriend.
Under the Songbird’s Wing by mia6363
Captivity easily destroys the will of escape. It can break the fiercest of animal. It can strip the most regal man and woman down to nothing but animal needs.
Captivity can, if met with unwavering determination, shape a person into something unimaginable.
Stiles is sixteen when he's captured. Stiles's first thought is, "I won't die here."
Baby Whisperer by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
“What. Is that.”
Scott looked up at him, apprehensive.
“Her name’s Lily.”
Stiles stared at the fuzzy head peeking out of the papoose.
“Her. Her name. That is a real live human baby. Oh my God-”
“Actually I don’t know if she’s human?” Scott said with a confused frown. “Becca didn’t say.”
“Who the fuck is Becca?!”
Sacrificial Lamb by Bunnywest
The Alpha has a scruffy beard, unkempt hair and dazzling blue eyes. The scar on his face is raised, running down his cheek like a twisting, gnarled rope. Stiles knows that it came from the blade of Kate Argent herself, and that the Alpha got it fighting in the battle where Kate killed his lover, cutting his head clean from his neck, if the stories are to be believed.
The Alpha lets Stiles look his fill, before indicating that Stiles should take the other couch, and Stiles does so, his father’s words echoing in his ears. He can do this, can be pleasant and amenable. The lives of his people may depend on it. The Alpha spends long moments surveying him, before saying, “I like you, Stiles.”
You don’t know me, Stiles wants to blurt out, but he bites his tongue.
The Various Triumphs of Mischief Bilinski by Whispering_Sumire (WIP)
"Hello, Chris," sings a honeyed voice from behind.
Chris' attention snaps toward the intruder, his gun already out of its' holster and aimed at whoever it is — a boy, apparently, with braided russet hair, a red jacket, and wise eyes. He's wearing a gas mask, but Chris can tell by the way his eyes crinkle around the edges, the way sun-burnt sand swirls in his irises, that he's smiling.
Chris cocks his gun.
"You killed my father," he says.
"No offence, but he totally deserved it," the stranger agrees with cheerful solemnity.
"What the hell are you doing in my home?" Chris demands. The kid is perched on a windowsill in Chris' office, as nonchalantly as if this were something he did every day, as if they were familiar.
"I was just wondering," the kid speaks softly, fond amusement sewn through with a peculiar resignation, "how you'd feel about putting down some nazis?"
[Or: The one where Stiles goes back in time and subsequently fucks with everything.]
A Curious Magic by Triangulum
Overall, Stiles is very well-known in the supernatural community. It’d be hard not to be, not with how his reputation has grown like wildfire. He knows and is on good terms with nearly all the fae that reside in the preserve, the asrai that live deep in the lake, the Ito pack, the vampire couple that lives over in Beacon Valley (they buy an ethically-sourced food supply from Stiles), as well as almost every other supernatural entity in the area. But Talia Hale doesn’t like him, and a werewolf pack tends to do what their alpha tells them to.
So it’s a definite surprise when the wards at the edge of his property trip, the tingling down his spine telling him it’s a werewolf, the lack of burning sensation letting him know there’s no hostile intent. Stiles, in his office in the second floor turret, sets down the amulet he’s packing up for Marin and moves to the large window overlooking the front of his property. He’s expecting to see an Ito packmember, even though they nearly always call in advance, and is surprised to see a man that he recognizes as Talia’s brother, Peter.
Light in the Dark by cywscross
It still surprises Stiles sometimes, how easily he’s adapted. Seven months in a world filled with train tracks and soul-sucking fae, and it feels like he’s never known anything else.
Or, the one where diverting the Ghost Riders from Beacon Hills to prey on a different town only succeeded in setting them free.
Vengeance Looks Good On You, Sweetheart by cywscross
Just because Scott refuses to see the Argents for what they truly are - prejudiced serial killers sitting proudly on a mountain of innocent corpses - doesn't mean Stiles will. It's about time someone did something about the Argent Empire anyway, and what a coincidence - summer vacation is just around the corner.
Or, the one where Gerard Argent kidnapped the wrong fucking person to torture. Stiles has never subscribed to the policy of forgiving and forgetting anyway, not when razing the problem to the ground and salting the earth for good measure has always been a far better solution in the long run.
He doesn't expect to have company.
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