#who should i vote for next round. sway my vote. i'm all voted out this round sorry folks
tunastime · 2 years
good. since I've already voted for jimmy, how about a drawing of jimmy and/or tango for a vote for xisuma?
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i lay my campaign for bee-suma here. we're losing but it's going to be okay. xisuma gets no bitches anyway but i love that for him and it's part of his pathetic whimsy. i don't think this is helping but it might make me an xisuma watcher
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sinfulequity · 11 months
Thinking about how what the implications are if "(Not) A Devil" is Mikoto's third trial song.
Specifically, about these two lines and how they contextualized the song as a whole.
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It's preceded by these lines
My radiant halo is closing in around my neck It loosens when I lie, the “Mayday” I can’t call out Let’s cover-up in white paint, get lost in the part and play It gets easier when you lie go on, try it
And as we can see here, their lines are dyed in the others' colours, while brown/gold is them in unison.
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(Incidentally, I decided to look up what patrician means, and uh.
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That is certainly A Definition, when tied to Mikoto)
This implies that the angel's claim that they're dead and gone is part of the lies interwoven in the song. Isn't this a claim that sounds familiar~?
Mikoto: Please, forgive Boku. If you don’t… I’m sure he won’t be able to deal with this any longer. Es: “A sin committed by another personality isn’t a sin”... you’re telling me that’s how I should judge? Mikoto: Yeah. If you forgive Boku… I’ll disappear. Es: … Mikoto: That’s right. I’ll have to disappear eventually, anyway… Disappear, and take all of it with me. I… was born to protect Boku, after all. Es: You were… born for it… Mikoto: Yeah. If it’s for Boku, I’ll… do anything.
You see, I don't think that he will disappear?? We know that there's still a third trial. I doubt that Mikoto wouldn't be stressed by the prospect of being voted guilty for a second/third time. It would be one thing if it was a longer period of voting, or one vote equating to instant freedom. But the prisoners are fully aware of the fact that it's not one and done (and if they didn't before, I'm sure that Haruka's interrogation would give them that insight). As it stands, there's a very real possibility that the more guilty you get, the less likely you'll be allowed freedom. Furthermore, it's also a possibility that it's a two out of three system. Or, to draw on his relation to baseball, three strikes and you're out.
Mikoto would probably be able to piece that together, and even if he isn't outwardly stressed next trial, I'm sure the idea of that would linger subconsciously. You know, the thing that brought out "John" to begin with. This is regardless of the outcome of this trial.
A tangent, but the lines
this is just a silly joke song
(just kidding~)
(who cares~)
would also feed into the continued insistence that this is all just a dream/bad joke that needs to end. That, and this aspect of Mikoto's character that has been showcased repeatedly
Mikoto: It’s pretty tough, isn’t it? (laughs) Ever since I came here, so much has been happening that I don’t understand… Es: … You really… do laugh when you’re suffering, huh? Mikoto: Huh? Es: You don’t get angry. You don’t scream. You laugh, like it’s a minor inconvenience. Mikoto: Ah… I guess so. I might have that kind of trait. Es: … Mikoto: Usually, if you just laugh and pretend, things work out in the end, right? I’m pretty good at that. Making things work out to the best of my abilities. Es: Is that so… Mikoto: (laughs) …But… it’s not coming to an end. All of this. With things I’ve never even heard before, the whole ti—
His reaction to stress is to diminish it, or treat it as something ephemeral. Something that doesn't truly exist, just ignore it and keep going. Except as we've seen, it's not working in Milgram, and I'm pretty sure it didn't work in the circumstances before his murder too. And I don't think it will work as he wants, even if he's voted innocent this round.
I need to specify that this isn't a thing to sway the vote in any direction, just something I thought was interesting. And honestly, I may be interpreting it all wrong too! I'm not always great at looking at the evidence and drawing the right conclusions- sometimes I can convolute something that's really simple. Or to put it another way, miss the forest for the trees.
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Episode 5: "I'd rather die than grovel to a group of white people."—Raffy
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I simply couldn't do rocks like that
So unfortunately for everyone i am somehow still here 😎
tribal days are so stressful PLS i need some reprieve lol. i feel bad for the ellie vote out but! i don't like to be two timed. it also could be someone else doing the two-timing but that's the game. last time i played in an ORG there was the biggest rat of all in my alliance and i was sooo caught off guard sooo tryna not let that happen again. also just so y'all know i actually am great at spelling and grammar but this forum is legitimately a giant brain dump. i hope i didn't ruin my chances to work with colin or raffy but if so, so be it. chat soon!
okay but for real I can only play with who really wants to work with me at the present and I have the ability to readjust if something goes awry. tell me about alliances that exclude me and I'm tempted to work my way in and correct that. and I don't have the energy for last minute info. i do feel bad for not telling Colin Raffy and Ellie that I wasn't going to do rocks but Ellie was jinx target last go and even Colin said last go that they would vote Ellie but they were in alliances and wanted to go to rocks. Simply my plan became to remove options from Colin and Raffy but also still protect us three, though I also was mess bc I could have just told them whoopsies. They are mad and this could still easily flip onto me but I feel good in my group with jinx and JG and honestly I love other ppl doing the work for me while I sit back and wait. Though yeah I shouldn't have blindsided not going to rocks here 😬 and I do love rocks so it's a tough loss but I told Raffy and Colin from the start i wouldn't vote them but jinx really tried to switch the vote to Colin last minute so I had to stop that lol not happening even if they blindside me next 😅 tbh this vote didn't even need to happen and if raffy would have kept the vote on zo I probably would have voted with that side and got someone else to do so too bc girlie was living her best life when I was working for hours on that puzzle. Anyway I lost some info access but I want to keep the game interesting 🤠 (for me) and give myself space to move when I need to.
I need to win this tribal immunity or I am going to be a pre-merge flop. I guess I made too many mistakes these past two rounds. First mistake was trying to target JG during the Steven round. That made him not trust me and now I lost an ally. Second mistake, was then trying to work with JG on the Zo vote which gave him ammo against me so that he could throw me under the bus to Zo. Third mistake was even going along with the plan to flip the vote to save Steven as I should have just given Steven up the wolves and not reveal my position. Fourth mistake was actually voting JG instead of Ellie which cements him not working with me. Fifth mistake was not revealing all the info I had to JG about that woman's alliance so that JG would actually trust the info. There definitely could be more, but that's just what I can come up with.
Where do we go from here? I have no idea. I think Amy and Jinx are protecting me, but, at this point, does it really matter? Looking at whose on the tribe, even if they wanted to vote out Colin, Zo is definitely going to want to vote me out more since apparently Zo and Colin have a really tight relationship and JG doesn't trust me at all. So, that's like two people who would most likely push for me to go. Idk if Colin is even going to try to salvage this or throw me to the wolves since he must also be feeling it's either me or him. I think I'm just in a "wait and see" sort of phase since I don't have power, sway, or even a voice on this tribe. So, I have to wait till a tribe swap or merge to even re-establish myself on the social hierarchy.
I don't even really wanna talk to Zo or JG since I don't even know what to say. They obviously both know I came at them at some point and anything I say to them would just be twisted to take me out. I don't really wanna talk to anyone on this tribe either. Cause it's just too difficult. Feels like I'm groveling and I'd rather die than grovel to a group of white people.
Jay you’ll be hearing from my lawyer for that tribal because the literal cardiac arrest i am in still!!!!! But seriously what a rush the passion it was truly incredible I am so sad JG is gone tho :( Here’s hoping for no swap fuck today babes!!
Tonight was a LOT. What just happened?? Guess who with a disadvantage, then deciding on a live tribal??? I almost voted Colin out but when zo said she couldn't I said oh I guess I'm voting JG out then bc I just couldn't vote Colin. Sucks though the JG Jinx Amy alliance was iconic. Anyway a live tribal while I'm running around in public straight into a mutiny swap?? I just went for it bc I have never mutinied and it sounded fun and chaotic. In the end it's 3 olds to 2 news on 2 of the 3 tribes! Me raffy and jinx together (so jinx and Colin aren't fighting lol) like this is WILD???? Olds control 2 tribes and the other is all Youths. And I think I won Raffy and Colin back over from being mad at me.
But I gotta say the funniest thing of the night. Turns out I thought AJ and Adeline were the same person.
Sin Sazonar
Girlllll idk what's happening. I thought JG would be going, instead Els is gone. I *think* that Raffy and Colin and Jinx are working together? Maybe? And they were some of the votes on Els? But I also think I'll need to drop all my preconceived notions because past relationship does NOT equal current alliance. Anyway, bummed to see Els go, they seemed cool 😭
Wow Hairie really pulled through with the puzzle challenge. I was fully ready to go to sleep and wake up to defeat but goddamn. If that round wasn’t a rollercoaster I have no idea what is. But also, I have no clue what the voting sitch is on the other tribe, and that scares me with us potentially going into a swap. Jay turned off chat history today which is like, mmm not sus at all. But I digress. I feel both better and worse since I’ve got this idol in my pocket, but we’ll see how today goes. Trinica’s got a handy dandy spreadsheet but the other tribe has people who’ve been super fans much longer than I have. Wishing us all the luck because I have no idea what’ll happen if we lose. Pandemonium probably.
So I may have just made the biggest mistake of my entire game but…we shall see. I’ve told Trinica about the idol. This might bite me in the ass, but honestly I feel better having someone else who is informed who can help properly use this idol. But also, could bite me in the ass if there’s an attempt to flush it. So honestly who knows. This is either the biggest mistake of my game or a good move. I really hope it’s the latter.
Okay not only did AJ find the idol right before me, she also TOLD ME ABOUT IT. Sometimes when I play with AJ I feel like I have to talk to her about security precautions in the same way I had to talk to my old social work clients. Like no, you should not give your new hookup your social security number! No, you should not go buy an iTunes giftcard to send to the stranger texting you! No, you should not tell other players you have an idol until and unless absolutely necessary!
But hey, I'm glad she told me. It's a sign of trust, which is good. Now the question is... do I honor that trust? Or betray it?
In an ideal world, I'd have an F4 with me, Hairie, AJ, and Brandi. But Hairie and AJ are on a "I don't trust the other" spiel with me and Brandi in the middle. I could try to repair that, but idk if that's to my benefit at this point. And it feels irreparable tbh. I really want to tell Hairie about AJ's idol, but I don't think that's a helpful move right now. We will keep that in the back pocket.
Brandi has said she wants to work until the end with me, which honestly was a little unexpected but it's good news. And although I'm definitely working more CLOSELY with Hairie as far as strategy goes, he's not somebody I would necessarily want to sit with at the end.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. For now, surviving this round.
I'm really worried about my chances after this. If our tribe doesn't win the next challenge, I feel like my head could be on the chop. Im sitting out this next challenge because I genuinely don't know survivor that well, I liked it as a kid, I like this game. But Im so bad with names and I haven't watched it in years. I hope my tribe understands how badly I want to participate, but how I have NO knowledge. I hope our tribe wins again, and we don't have to go to tribal.
I have never known peace like getting to sit out of a challenge. I am just vibing. There are no responsibilities that I have to tend to. No stressing or freaking out. I am just chilling
I think I didn't contribute that much to the challenge because I was preparing to go to work. I took a bath during the challenge, so it's hard for me to keep up but yeah, we did it again. We won another challenge and so nervous for the swap. 3 tribe of 5 is a pretty small group and there's no hiding place. I hope I get into a strong tribe that can win challenges.
We are about to merge and all I can say is I hope I'm with Trinica I really like them here we go I'm scared !!!! I hope my shhhh! Team can stay together through this time of - oop you posted!
I have lots of feelings because my number one alliance member might’ve lied to me eek big feelings but ima keep my head up
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nilolol30 · 3 years
Sundrop (Moon) x Reader
New assistant pt: 2
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Me and Sun started handing out snacks mostly a small amount of fruits juice boxes and sandwiches.
"Make sure to eat all your snacks and clean up after yourselves then you get a moondrop!" Sun announced while the kids are distracted I moved over next to Sun.
"Doesn't Moondrops make them tired?" I whisperd.
"Yup it just makes Moony's job much easier" he giggled to himself.
Moony? Oh the other animatronic in the poster so he only comes out at naptime?
It was nearly time for naptime so I got a rubbish bag and let the kids put their garbage away while Sun set up the sleeping bags and pillows.
"Oh Y/n you have break time!"
"Right thanks I'll see you in a bit" I waved Sun goodbye as I went to the break room which was unoccupied.
I decided to use the vending machine to get some fizzy Faz and some meat bite's and chill out of the staff lounge.
Awhile ago I tried meat bite's for the first time and now I'm addicted I heard at some places they don't sell them because they're 'too unhealthy' yet at schools they sell nothing but crap.
After eating I tried to shoot the rubbish in the bin for awhile missing a few times but later I got it but it got boring so I hoped on my phone and scrolled through a few apps.
I heard a creepy laughter and quickly looked at the door...
No one was there.
But the door was open I definitely remember closing it so none of the kids wandered in.
"Hello?" I whisperd.
No answer.
I turned off my phone and got up to close it just as it was about to close I saw glowing red eyes peaking out from behind a pile of blocks.
But when I opened the door fully to get a better look I saw nothing all the kids were sill in their sleeping bags everything was the same I closed the door making sure it clicked and sat back down it's not too long until nap time is over.
"So next activity is playtime? Isn't free time and playtime the same thing or do we just pick a random game?" I asked myself trying to find a distraction.
After a few minutes I heard a click peaking out from the door I saw Sun gently waking the children up with the lights back on.
I walked over and helped wake some of the kids up most already up and out of their bags.
"Don't forget to roll your sleeping bags up and put them away" I announced I could hear some of kids whine about cleaning but Sun encourages them while assisting them.
After all the pillows and blankets are all packed away in the storage closet Sun rounded up everyone and sat in a circle.
"Okay friends what game should we play?" Sun asked holding his hands up in the air like he was on a roller coaster.
Everyone talked over each other most asked to play tag, hide and seek, heads down thumbs up and sleeping lions I think the last one was just an excuse to go back to sleep.
"Oh my so many ideas! Why don't we do a vote" Sun bounced up and listed all the games everyone asked for as everyone raised their hands to there preferred game.
"Aaaand the winner is...Tag!" Sun sequels as he swayed side to side dancing as the kids yelled excitedly.
"Now who wants to be it first?"
Suddenly all the kids looked at me I froze.
"You gotta be kidding me" I whisperd.
"Yay y/n why don't you sit over their and count to 10" Sun leads me over to a child sized chair and ran off I was barely able to sit down on it but surprisingly it didn't break.
"Okay 1, 2-" I decided to give everyone a extra chance and close my eyes as I counted I could hear some of the plastic balls move around in the ball pit behind me while a few kids laughed and a few shushing.
I couldn't help but giggle a bit as I opened my eyes I could already see some kids but surprisingly I didn't see Sun I thought he would be the first one I'd spot but I stood up and started chasing the kids.
I made it easy for them of course but I did tag a few they sat down and cheered on for their friends.
I decided to hop in the ball pit and look there suddenly Sun appeared with a few kids beside him.
"Quick run!" He says helping the them get out of the ball pit.
"No way I'm going to catch you" I say laughing a bit between my words as I stumbled over you'd think it would be easy running in a ball pit.
The kids grabbed Sun's fingers and lead him away laughing once I managed to get out the pit they disappeared so I decided to look around.
The kids sitting down laughed at me and refused to give me hints.
I looked at the small castle and snuck over I could hear the kids shushing Sun since the bells on his wrist was jingling a bit.
I jumped out at the mini entrance surprising Sun and the kids.
"No where traped!" One of the boys whined.
"Mr. Sun this was a bad hiding spot" a girl said bluntly I laughed a bit as I booped Sun on his nose.
"Noooo" Sun whined and acted like he was dying as he layed on the ground the boy started poking him in the face.
"If Mr. Sun is dead can we keep all the toys?" He asked seriously.
I couldn't help but sit down and laugh if I didn't I'd definitely fall over.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
"We are marble buddies." First, it's heart warming, then it's tear enducing and then it's heaping helping of 'Oh, you mother fucker.'. That episode of Squid Game hit me hard and got even harder with each episode after.
Right? And it gets even worse the more you think about it. Knowing of Il-nam's betrayal colors so much of the story for me.
Gi-hun greets him by making small talk about how he's the first one to arrive, 001, when in reality Il-nam never arrived at all. He was always there. He was never drugged, manhandled, undressed by a bunch of strangers. Il-nam took off his fancy suit upstairs and donned the sweats like a costume, playing the part of another frail, terrified kidnapee.
When the games start and the Red Light, Green Light massacre has just ended, II-nam is the only one who moves during the next round, grinning all the while.
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Because he already knows what's going on! And he knows he's not in any actual danger! This guy isn't going to risk getting shot during his "I'm poor and have to play death games to get by" make believe session. No way it's not rigged to ensure his safety, so off he pops, smiling at his own fun. (Which, you know, obliterates the Front Man's claim that this is all about fairness, how dare you learn the game ahead of your peers, Doctor, that's cheating. When, you know, there's a real cheater in their midst the whole while.) I suspect that's also why Mi-nyeo gets to sit out the marbles game: all the orchestrators likely assumed that Il-nam would be the odd one out, since no one wants to pair with an old man, so they built in an excuse for his survival, but instead end up giving that to Mi-nyeo when Gi-hun makes his unexpected offer. But at the time of Red Light, Green Light, the viewer brushes this behavior off with the assumption that, since he's terminally ill, he's just fearless.
Which generates the expectation that he'll continue the games because he has nothing left to lose, in turn creating a feeling of real love for him when he "saves" everyone by choosing the X. When in reality, he chose to be 001. He chose to have everyone vote in reverse order. Sure, it was always possible that there'd be a huge sway for or against the games, rendering his final vote useless, but with the 50/50 split things are as they "should" be, with him pulling the strings. Let's remind everyone of the hardships they're enduring outside so that they consciously want to come back and risk their lives.
And then he runs into Gi-hun! "Runs into" with, like, the biggest scare quotes imaginable. He was in the neighborhood, my ass. We know he doesn't need to bunk down with a friend. We know that this organization is stalking every player (keeping an eye on the 7% that didn't come back, Gi-hun's final phone call telling him to get on the plane, etc.) II-nam orchestrated this "run in" so he could build his relationship with Gi-hun, fucking with him all the while. Yeah, I'll have some of the alcohol you can barely afford. In turn you can have some of this uncooked ramen that meant nothing for me to buy. We're both just poor, struggling fellows, right?
(Compare all this to Sang-woo who, yeah, turns ruthless by the end, but before that was actually compassionate in everyday matters. He lets Ali borrow his phone, buys him food, and gives him bus fare, all without any expectation that he'll be paid back. It's only when the game pits them against each other that he tries to leverage that kindness to save himself.)
From then on, Gi-hun and II-nam have a number of heart-to-hearts that, upon reflection, just read as more manipulation. Gi-hun has a horrifying flashback and admits that he was involved in a deadly strike, which II-nam comforts him over. Yet not only is this another moment of the elite just playing at understanding, but he's playing at surprise too. There are detailed records of every player's life, including the past choices that helped lead them to this level of debt. Gi-hun's firing is absolutely a part of that and no way does II-nam not know. He's just taking advantage of Gi-hun's trust. What particularly fascinates me though is how he plays up his illness. I'm not sure whether he could have faked the fever (perhaps something in the food, if he really wanted to go that route?) and he is legitimately sick, but everything else carries the implication that he's playing the cancer up for his own use. It's too much of a coincidence that he forgets his name right when Gi-hun asks for it in front of a crowd, especially when this is an organization so obsessed with anonymity that you're shot the moment you lose your mask. No way that, for a man who's real game is torturing these people, he coincidentally loses his memory right when Gi-hun needs him to play, causing intense terror that they'll both be killed. He just happens to find one marble left, inducing more horror that Gi-hun could still lose. He just happens to regain his faculties long enough to accuse Gi-hun, then "sacrifice" himself, all while giving an emotional goodbye that will haunt him for the next year, only to then reveal his duplicity. It brings everything II-nam does into question. Did he actually wet himself? Or did he find some of the extra water and dump it on his pants? As someone whose father has a brain tumor and has seen every one of these symptoms, they're all depicted in a way that's very convincing... but Il-nam's true identity makes me suspicious of it all.
The real kicker for me though is that we have no reason to doubt Il-nam's claims about his past. Gi-hun makes a point of asking if that's really his name, if what he said was really true, and we're reassured that it was. Il-nam seems to have been truthful about everything he said... he just didn't say a lot. Which means that (if we trust the story's lack of proof that this isn't true) he really did grow up in a neighborhood just like Gi-hun's. He really did watch his son after a long day at work. At some point, prior to becoming the wealthy powerhouse determined to entertain himself and others, Il-nam was someone whose situation looked a lot like the players'... and that personal experience didn't create a shred of empathy in him. He got out and began exploiting his former community, not helping it, and since then he's actively encouraged others (like the detective's brother) to do the same. It's all so horrible.
I actually ended up calling the twist ahead of time. I knew for sure once we saw the Host reaching for his mask and I recognized Il-nam's hands. But I wasn't sure when I reassured my mom that, despite the clearly horrific nature of this show, there was so much good and hope too. Don't worry! It may be depressing in many respects, but it's so heartwarming to see these bonds forming; people helping one another get through such tragedy. There's one relationship in particular that's just the sweetest. You'll love watching that!
An episode later when everything marbles happens and I'm sure of Il-nam's duplicity:
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sapphire-strikes · 2 years
<Previous -First- Next>
Small intermission chapter! So feel free to continue to vote on the last one if you haven't yet.
"Heh.." Kamal snickered to himself, glancing back at you one more time before he shut the door behind him, shoving his hands into his pockets as he made his way around the corner and out of Jimothan's backroom into the main area of the lounge.
As soon as he rounded the corner, Randy was quick to jump him, clearly having been waiting for his return.
"Is it my turn? May I go in now?" Randy asked a small stack of papers gripped eagerly in his hands as he rocked back and forth on his heels awaiting an answer. "I've a sonnet I'm sure will sway them!" He beamed proudly but Kamal raised a hand, gesturing for him to slow down.
"Sorry, Randy, might have to hold off on that for now." Kamal turned his attention to the rest of the lounge. "Kid says they want a lawyer!" He hollered to the others sitting around the room, amusement in his voice.
"Guess I'm up then." Parsley, who had been sitting at the bar jumped to his feet, stretching briefly and then cracking his neck back and forth as he strode over to Kamal, tagging in with a fist bump before making his way to the back room. "Wish me luck!"
"Nah, you probably won't need it." Kamal joked then turned to back Randy. "Yeah, it's probably best you sit it out for now, but if things take a turn for the worse you're up next." He patted him on the shoulder. Randy looked mildly disappointed at having been skipped over but he nodded dutifully, returning to his seat in a booth across the room as Kamal took a seat at the bar. "How's it going, Jimbo?"
"Everything's coming together on our end. They're still getting things ready, but Gillis has been sending me updates and everything's looking good!" The bartender nodded. "I guess I should be asking you that though, the kid won't squeal, huh?"
Kamal smiled to himself with a small air of knowing. "Eh, no big deal, once the big guy's recovered we'll take another crack at it. He can be prrretty persuasive when he wants to be." He explained, winking to Jimothan. "Thanks for letting us use your backroom though. Makes things more interesting than just doing it at the house. "
"Hey, no problem, and between you and I, this isn't the first time I've had somebody tied up back there." The two of them laughed as Jimothan reached under the bar pulling out a small glass.
"I'm gonna choose to believe that's a joke!"
"Good call. Can I get you anything while you wait?"
"Hmmm, gimmie a ginger ale if it's not too much trouble."
"No trouble at all," Jimothan assured, pouring him a glass and sliding it across the counter. "Want anything for the kid?"
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea, just a water for now." Jimothan nodded, reaching to the cooler behind him and pulling out a bottle of water that he slid over to Kamal as well.
"On the house." They were both interrupted by a large thump as Boris appeared, eagerly jumping onto the stool next to Kamal to catch his attention.
"Hey, bud! How are you doing? Shake yourself off good?"
"Yes! I am okay now!" Boris nodded with a smile.
"Should have expected them to pull a trick like that, you're such a softie." Kamal took a sip of his soda .
"Mmm, perhaps!" Boris hummed. "But I intend to get them back tenfold!" He exclaimed, pounding a fist into his hand, a small blush still on his cheeks. "Sooo, did they tell you anything?"
"Nah, I just stepped out for a few. Parsley's talkin' to em now."
"Oh, that is good! Perhaps he will have some luck!"
"And if not it's up to you and me! Plus, we've always got Randy too." He thumbed over his shoulder at the poet currently practicing some kind of speech in a booth across the room. "We throw him in now though and it'll probably have the opposite effect. That or it'll just put em to sleep..."
"Okee! I was also wondering something..."
"What's up, bud?"
"Could I be thee good cop now?" Boris asked bashfully.
Kamal just laughed. "Aww, but you were so excited to be bad cop? You were doing good too, even if you'd didn't get to do a whole lot yet."
"I Knoooow....but I am not very good at being intimidating...It is harder than I thought."
"Okay, we can switch. I'll be bad cop now. Haha,  kid's gonna be thrown for such a loop."
"You can still do the 'persuading' though if we need it, right? I know I can't dish it out like you can."
"Oh, of course." In an act that forbode something far more intimidating than it probably was, Boris cracked his knuckles, a mischievous smile stretching ear to ear. "I am looking forward to it."
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omegangrins · 5 years
I had an interesting night for my 3rd time caucusing.
I'm Bernie or bust, so we walked in and immediately sat down at the Sanders table. The caucus started and they asked each table if they wanted to send forth someone to speak on behalf of their candidate. When they got to our table, everyone turned towards me and Kaitlin urged me to get up. But I was too afraid. As I sat there though, listening to the next person speak with my head increasingly pounding, I realized that I had to. If no one else could, I should. It came to the last candidate to speak and no one from the Steyer table wanted to give a speech either.
And at that moment, I jumped up and stopped the proceedings to give my few words. It was the most terrifying thing I've done (which is no small feat). Yet, with my heart jumping out of my mouth, I told my story. In 2016, I caucased for Bernie Sanders for the same reason I was there tonight, he's been fighting for ALL of us for his entire life (like that photo of him laughing while being dragged by cops for protesting segregation). And when Hilary won the Democratic nomination, I wrote in Bernie for President in the general election. Because my principles couldn't allow me to vote for either people in good conscience (and because I was naive enough to believe Trump couldn't do that much harm). Which is why I was there deciding to speak in front of all of them tonight. If he can fight for us, I can do it too. I even inspired Ralph Saunders from the Steyer table to speak up too after I had finished. And in turn, he inspired me with his efforts. Stand and deliver.
So it came time for the 1st viability round and our Sanders table only had 11 people when we needed 12. But none of us could bring ourselves to go over and solicit others to join us. It seemed it wasn't in any of our personalities (for me it's a matter of talking to people. Despite what you might think, I'm crippling autistic and it's one of the hardest things in the world for me. So to go over and try to sway someone is waaaaaay outside my wheelhouse. The speech was hard enough.) And as I watched the other Bernie folks spread off to other candidates and had people from the other candidates come over to talk to me, I knew what I had to do.
"I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. An elephant is faithful, 100%"
I planted myself like a flag of solidarity and laughed to myself as even Kaitlin changed candidates (she's an American too. We don't have to vote the same 😉). It was even funnier seeing that Ralph had done the same too. We both sat their with our principles and beliefs, standing solid in the face of peer pressure and adversity. And by George, it felt like the most American thing I've ever done. I even give props to Heather Ann Moore on the Warren side for understanding what I was doing and choosing not to sell me on anything. Also, a huge high five to the Joe Biden speaker who came over just to tell me how cool he thought it was that I decided to get up and speak without knowing what to do.
Not to mention that I got to do the coin toss for the extra delegate at the end because of my chaotic neutrality. Though I did drop it on the first try. But hey, at least it made everyone laugh.
Now though, as I sit here and see the numbers come in from all over the state, I smile. There's a part of me that knows that Bernie Sanders will take Iowa tonight. And if he does, every single person in that gym is going to think back at what we did. They'll remember Ralph and I, sitting there alone, scared yet strong and saying something anyway. Even when we had no words to say it. As I sat there, smiling at Ralph alone at his table too across the room, I felt like we were the most powerful Americans in the country. I can't wait for everyone else from that gymnasium tonight to realize it too. All it takes is one person to start change in this world.
And they say democracy is dead.
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survivoremathia · 7 years
Ep. 9 - "I'm the Only Pure Angel in a Game of RATS and Sloths" - Owen
I hope Isaac is okay but like.... tribal cancelled? NUT. Isaac did nothing for me in this game. We didn't talk. We didn't vote together. As far as I'm concerned, he was a chess piece in someone else's hands. So I'm glad that's a variable that was removed :~) rip. Honestly though I do hope that whatever happened works out okay :( ANyways, I'm pretty sure Scott would've gone just as an easy vote. Now, I'm not sure what's going to happen next! Maybe Scott will still go? Idk. There are still powers out there. Especially Logan's merge fuckery prize!! Maybe immunity will be something I can actually win this time. I hope it's fun.
Isaac? I hope youre okay, but you stole two things from me. 1. You stole my extra vote. I could have shown who my allies are this round, but I never got a chance. 2. YOU STOLE MY FIRST INDIVIDUAL IMMUNITY? I've never done that before, and the fact I would have stolen it from TREVOR makes me so much angrier.
So I still can't choose who to align myself with - Duncan, or Matt? If I'm with Duncan, I'm with Trevor, and I don't trust Trevor. If I'm with Matt, I'm probably in the bottom of the numbers, but I can pull a Sarah Mosey and hide behind his personality... same with any of the newbies, but I doubt they're worth hiding behind. 
Guess whose back, back again! Its ME! Welp, Isaac quitting made my exile stay somewhat underwhelming, importance wise, but him quitting and going to jury might be in my benefit. I was one of the few people he said who talked to him, and thus him going to jury without me having voted him out, might mean I'm still in his good graces, come F2/F3. Also, I love where I'm at in the merge tribe at the moment! I'm of course allied with J.D (still my number one), in the 'The Leal Jousewives of Atlanta' with Lydia and Trevor, and in 'The Hydra' with Matt and Sam. However, I'm also now close with Owen, and I have rebuilt a connection with Logan (even thought their lying to me about them going to room 9, which I am still kinda miffed about). Of those left, I like Ryan a lot too, and Scott trust me, so I don't think there are any issues there. Thus, the people 'on the outs' with me personally, are Duncan and David. Duncan, because I'm still super sketched out by that Rob idol play lie, and David, who I've barely spoken to. It seems like the general consensus for the next tribal is Scott, but then, I was talking to Owen about this yesterday, we feel like after that, this game will come alive and everyone is going to pounce. I finished the challenge, I went past 483, then went back to it, but I highly doubt I'll be first (I fell asleep ten mins before the challenge was posted, and completed it about 12 hours after it was set yikes)... I know concretely that I beat Scott however, so if he is the general consensus, he hasn't won immunity. What else is there... Hmmm, oh yeah, I'm somewhat conflicted, for my game's future. I feel like at some point soon-ish, me and JD will have to pick a side between our two four person alliances. If I had to pick now, I feel like we'll end up siding with 'TLJoA' alliance, as JD is definitely swaying towards them, and Sam is also close to Trevor, so we'd only be 'abandoning' one person (Matt). Ideally, I'd love to make F5 with TLJoA + Owen, because then, it'd almost be 'obvious' that me, Lydia and JD should vote out Trevor/Owen, as a duo. That's the goal at the moment! :)
Tonight has been amazing for me game-wise. I've FINALLY made headway with repairing my relationship with Duncan and forming one by David! Admittedly, the latter only really happened when I messaged him 'what rhymes with four hundred and eighty knee' :). Anywho, I won't complain- if it brings us together, I love it! :)
yeah so...it's final 11 now which means game time in my mind. With Isaac and Scott leaving the game, we're really left with a group that has a lot of big threats and nowhere to hide. A few rounds ago I led Logan to door #9 in an effort to keep whatever goodie it held out of Trevor's hands but that immediately backfired when a) it was apparently only an extra vote that is already expired and b) Sam told Trevor that I let Logan know what it was! I'd love to have faith in my alliance, but I'd be a fool not to expect Sam and Trevor to be working together after they both mutinied from the same tribe. However, at this point, I don't think it's within my best interest to just keep quiet and not make a big move because Trevor is probably paranoid as hell that Logan has an idol and according to Ryan, he said that I "need to go" after Sam exposed me so I could very well be a target this round. The thing is, Trevor has Owen and Lydia absolutely on lock, so I need at least one member of the Hydra to be on my side or else I'd have absolutely no chance at getting the numbers. Out of the three, I think I can convince Ali to side with me, so I'm really going to work on buttering him up and enticing him with the idea of a "big move" in the event that Sam and JD were onboard with a plan to blindside me. 
Isaac quit and Scott got Med Evacd meaning i made final 11 sluts!!!! And Rob is on the jury!!! I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say Isaac quit bc Solomon Islands is coming up so he'll need to dedicate his time to hosting that, which I totally understand. On the not so bright side, I'm never getting his vote, oops. I had a meltdown in PI johto like a week ago and swung at a lot of people, Isaac included, and I think it left a bitter taste in his mouth. OOPS!! Apparently I'm not bound to have good social game in Athena games anymore. *abbey shrug* 
im gay but i won immunity so that is cute
I can't say I'm completely comfortable with this vote.  I've done my best talking to people but no one has really reached out to talk game with me besides my original crew of Ali and JD, and then the new crew of Ryan, Trevor, and Owen.  JD and Ali have been working with Sam and Matt, and I'm really not sure if me and Matt can play nice together rn so I need them to break away from that combo.  Also I like Sam and all but I get strange vibes about him, I know he doesn't have much interest in playing with me, he's a nice kid tho.   Trevor is causing some drama.  Ryan thinks he's doing too much and making himself a threat, which I agree with.  Ryan is okay letting him self destruct and I'm really not, but I'm also not willing to throw Ryan under the bus.  So I wanted to tell Trevor to calm down without making it obvious that Ryan is the one who was talking about it, but I don't think I did that very well.  I probably just made him annoyed.   In other news, I'm nervous about this vote because I feel like Scott should be the obvious choice but honestly people might not want to do that.  I'm scared this will get flipped on myself because Matt might be mad and I'm unlikable, or Trevor because he's allegedly doing too much. 
When did Scott get medevaced??? God fuck shit now I actually have to talk to people. Son of a gun.....
Scott leaving has really made this next tribal super complex. My dream merged alliance of 'Me, Matt, JD, Sam, Trevor, Owen and Lydia'? Isn't happening. Why can't my dreams just come true ugh? What's worse, is that I MIGHT BE A GOSH DARN SWING VOTE. As it stands, Matt is amassing an army against Trevor, of Logan, Duncan, David, Ryan and himself with me as the sixth, and Trevor's alliance is himself, Lydia, Owen, Sam, JD and me AGAIN as the sixth. Well, I am trying to think it through, as to which side to go to. I am far better connected on the Trevor side of things (am close to JD and Sam, am in a four person alliance with Trevor and Lydia, really like Owen), but I am super concerned about a Trevor , Owen and Lydia power trio. Like really really concerned. On the other side, I'm not especially close with David, nor am I with Ryan. Logan and Duncan I've rebuilt relationships with, but we still have that Eddie vote that's preventing a solid alliance for being formed. I really like Matt though and want to stick with him. I have some plans. Plan A) This is the dream plan. If I can somehow dismantle this split vote, and make it a large majority, then I'm not pissing off like half the tribe and can keep working with Matt, alongside 'TLJoA people'. If we can pick off an easy target, like David (can't believe I just described a 10+ times player as an 'easy target' but anywho) and then delay this inevitable bloodbath, I can try and quash people's differences. Plan B) PANIC AND WORRY AND CRY AND STUFF Plan C) Just pick a side and pray For my first game, this is quite the trial by fire. I've been thrown way into the deep end.
if trevor blindsides me for the second time in org career together i will b one PO'd cookie
Hi Jay! It's me again! I just wanted to say hey and also you're great. Cami and Abbey too, since they will read this at some point. Love you all!
Amanda is my favorite mom today tho bc it's Sunday and she deserves it.
Being under the radar is easy when you have immunity. Apparently Ryan told Lydia that Trevor was controlling so like.... that's good for me!! Everyone would target him before me, I think. But they can't forget the other trio in the game, Sam, Ali and JD. Sam in particular has been extra stupid to talk to because he won't bring up any names to me or talk game and it's almost as transparent as me trying to force him to lol. He never mentioned the idol to me even though Duncan claims that he knows I know anyway. Isn't that even more of a reason to bring it up...? Yeah it's... just not good!!! I don't wanna be too pushy but I think the best move for me is if David stays and Matt goes. I'm just worried that they'll try to flip it on Trevor or something. But I do have a plan for the rest of this game!! Here's the order I wanna get shit done :~) Matt Sam Ali Ryan Logan Duncan David JD That would be the ideal boot order... Assuming I want to be in the end with Trevor. It would be more ideal to me if Trevor were to leave at five or four because I think he would beat me. The problem is I don't want to write his name down and I know Lydia won't want to either? Which means something else would have to happen for him to go - like an idol play. I want Sam gone before he plays the damn cursed idol. But idk how I'll get that done next round. If Matt goes, I would need Ryan and his extra vote, Lydia, Trevor, myself, and David. Which sounds hard. Maybe I'll talk to David and tell him he's on the chopping block... but if that gets back to the others then they'll be sketched out by me and wanna vote out Trevor. God I would rather just go back to sleep than deal with this. The only thing Scott ever did to make the game harder was get his ass booted. Fuck that
Everyone was set on David but that's not good enough for me so! I tried bringing up voting Matt to Sam and he continues to avoid talking actual game with me so I brought it up to Ali and Ali clearly didn't wanna vote Matt out. Alright Ali!!! Interesting! Ali said that he's close with Matt and can keep an eye on him and so :) I went to duncan and was like Ali is close with Matt and so is Logan we need to do something. And then sometime during this I guess Matt brought up trevor's name and Sam told trevor and then duncan asked sam about voting matt and I just.... am screaming!!!! Hopefully Matt doesn't catch wind of this and hopefully Sam and Duncan decide it's better to vote for Matt than for David. Then we would just need Lydia and Ryan on board... and Idk what would happen with Ali and JD if they weren't told about the vote?? Either way if this works, and all I had to do was be the match that sparked the flame, I'll cry
ok so chaos ryan is here yall! lets see if we can get trevor out tonight. if this works i fucking win. i dont care if i get voted out. it will be the most amazing move created in a half an hour on no sleep ever! LETS GET THIS GAME GOING! IM NOT HERE TO PLAY TREVORS GAME!
Well well well!!! Looks like I'm the only pure angel in a game of RATS and sloths!! The Matt thing got rolling and the votes shifted away from David but then.... Matt pulled together a group to vote Trevor!!! Which Duncan may or may not be a part of. So theoretically they believe David, Logan, Matt, Ryan, Duncan, and JD are voting Trevor, Trevor Lydia and myself are voting Matt, and Ali and Sam are voting David?? But Sam and Ali know all about the Matt plan and JD told them all about the Trevor plan. So I guess it'll come down to both Duncan and the idols left. Trevor for some reason thinks Sam is gonna play an idol on him which I think is BS but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This whole Matt thing really let shit hit the fan huh!!! And I'm just sitting pretty :) Got my idol round my neck, my popcorn in my lap, and my 3D glasses on. I wanna see fireworks after tribal.
Literally, this vote is madness. Its turned into an all out war between Trevor and Matt. Its just too much for me :(. Like, I need sleep. Why can't everyone just get along lmao?!?
Also can we talk about how Trevor still wanted to trust Ryan even after Ryan told Lydia that Trevor was a threat???? Sketch. Not on my watch, Ryan!
lmao me trying to convince Trevor to give me his idol and he won't!!!! sketch!!!!!
Please Sam! Play the gosh darn idol! :)
So, I've been fishing around to see if anybody would be even willing to target Trevor and then Trevor does what Trevor does and causes chaos an hour before tribal so I have limited time to scramble. What started out as an "easy" David vote has now turned into a massive power struggle between myself and Trevor. There's really not a lot of people I trust at the moment, but Ryan Teddy Palmer is thankfully working his magic and helping me by trying to get numbers and using his extra vote advantage. It all comes down to where Ali and Sam lie. They're gonna decide my fate tonight. I want to trust in them because of our alliance but I know they were both kinda close to Trevor on their original tribes and I've had reason to believe they're both still kinda working with him, so this round is really gonna test where their loyalties lie. Unfortunately for me, if they don't choose me, I'm out of the game. I also can't stand Duncan's fakeness lol, he still holds a vendetta against me for retaliating against his move that was intended to screw me over. Like...4 of us voted your man out, not just me. But now he's besties with Trevor and wants me to go and it's just a hot mess. If I go out this round, I at least went down fighting, but I'm hoping that nothing crazy happens and Trevor is sent home once and for all.
Five minutes before the vote, and I'm having serious heart palpitations. Lord save me. This is sooooo scary.
http://survivoremathia.tumblr.com/post/158609555526/tribal-council-uh8-8 0
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