#who tf would be armstrong then
shimbongulus · 2 years
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More Chapter 2. Pie-making and book-reading.
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tallymonster · 10 months
This last episode of The Gilded Age made me cry AGAIN. this show is perfection and I am so here for what's coming next. Spoilers under cut cuz I have mutuals who arent caught up to the most recent episode. I'm not talking about EVERYTHING tho cuz I only remember the big parts tbh.
HOLY SHIT okay so first off, Peggy and the reporter guy whose name I always forget KISSED last episode!!!!
So glad Marian was like GIRL HE'S MARRIED TF?!
Also the whole thing with the school closing, like I cannot believe they would just close it because it's a school for black kids wtf 1880's New York!! You're supposed to be more progressive, but yeah stark reminder of the times we're in during the show.
The whole thing with Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Winterton being all petty with each other now that Winterton has some pull with the old guard who are leaving the Academy for the Met??? 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌. HERE. FOR. IT. love the bargaining to get the center box. Like Winterton, girl, this is BERTHA RUSSELL.
oh and speaking of hbic Mrs. Russell, the Duke is coming to the Met omfg her whole world just ended right there!! The look on her face when Larry and Gladys were like " Hey, were off to the party, see ya!"
That fucking party too!!!! Omfg Dash, I cannot with you!!!!! To like invite everyone that you know to this solarium thing which, baller move btw I would love to have my own solarium in a garden like living the dream
Okay, so this party is popping off too like all the DRAMA
Gladys is getting hit on by ANOTHER bachelor, and Larry comes to the rescue like a protective older brother, we stan.
Oscar and Maud are hella cute together, like I know he's gay and kind of a fortune chaser, and I have a feeling she's got something going on with her...like idk there's just some slightly red tinged flags with her background...I guess we'll see...BUT they kissed too!!!!!! And it was so hot!!!! Like daaamn Oscar!!! I didn't know you could kiss a lady like that!!
So Dashiel puts the party together for the dedication of the solarium, but then as he's making a speech about it, he brings up Marian!!!
And then he starts going on this rant about moving back to NY to have his daughter grow up where he did and he didn't expect to fall in love
Y'all the look on Marian's FACE!!??? it was the same look I had too tbh
Omg and Aunt Ada and Forte were both like UH UH YOU DO NOT WANNA SAY YES WE CAN TELL!!!!
Like everyone was hella shocked and YALL THE SCREAM I SCREAMED WHEN THEY SHOWED LARRY'S FACE!!!! this poor man just got dumped by his boss/milfy widow just to come back to NY and see the other girl he liked get engaged. Big fat L for Larry.
Cut to Jack, he sent in for a patent for that clock piece he invented, and he gets denied because he's not part of a clockmakers guild or whatever.
Fucking Armstrong over here has to shit in his Cheerios and just talk mad shit like I cannot wait for her to say the wrong thing in front of Agnes. like you're on thin ice already because of all the racist shit you did and said to Peggy, Armstrong like what is your game plan???
So Mr. Russell goes to one of the union dudes houses. Like it's the same guy who came to his house but again, I forget their names
They talk for a min and it looks like Russell is having a small change of heart when he sees the man's family. The oldest son who doesn't look more than like 17 tells Russell that he's working in the mill too, to support his family.
Russell leaves and is greeted by a mob of people who work in the mills. Like they brought their families too so you see women with babies in their arms.
Rest of the episode is going back and forth between the smaller plots. Like Bannister and one of the other servants whose name I also forget seeing Church come back to the Russell home drunk, which ended up being that it was the 30th anniversary of the death of Church's wife who died so he got drunk.
Same small plot thing, Mrs. Astor, Mrs. Van Rhijn, and Mr. McAllister all come together to plot how to save the Academy since Winterton is taking a bunch of people and taking them to the Met.
Okay, now for the worst cry I had.
Forte and Ada come to visit Agnes after their honeymoon to Niagara Falls.He had been having some back pain and he went to some doctors
At first it was just like oh here's some pain meds to take care of it, let's go do some tests though.
Well....he goes to another specialist and he tells Forte that he has something more serious.
Cut to Marian coming to visit, she's thinking it's about her engagement to Dash, so she starts to talk about it with Ada
Ada was like "I didn't call for you?"
Forte comes out and says "I did. I need to talk to the both of you." And makes Ada and Marian sit.
Scene cuts to Marian rushing into the Van Rhijn house, Agnes, Oscar, and cousin Aurora are all there.
We find out that Uncle Forte as Marian calls him, has cancer. It's the kind that starts in the back and begins to spread. So it sounds like he has some sort of bone cancer?
Agnes immediately rushed over to Ada
Scene change and we go to Ada and Forte in his bed, she's cuddling him and telling him that they'll get through it. She starts to tear up which makes him cry.
The doorbell rings, and Ada goes downstairs
She sees Agnes there and she runs into her sister's arms.
The sobbing that Cynthia Nixon did here absolutely destroyed me.
Agnes saying to Ada, "I'm here. You've not to worry." Just reminded me of my brother doing that with me when our mom died and it broke me.
Agnes tried to get Ada and Forte to come to the Van Rhijn home but they said no
Props to Ada and Forte. Death with dignity will always be my stance and I think that's what is going to be implied here.
Mad props also go to Mr. Russell for not shooting the strikers. I think he's starting to have a change of heart with the robber baron tendencies.
All in all, GOOD EPISODE. MADE ME CRY. I LOVED IT. can't wait to see how the opening night will go lololol specially cuz Winterton doesn't know about Mr. Russell basically blackmailing the dude from the Met!! Ohohohohhooooo
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Dead City Ep 2 - Analysis
 Morning Everyone! I have so much to post! I'm really behind on posting about Dead City as well as our speculation about the sneak peek of the Daryl spinoff. I'm going to try and get caught up over the next few days. I've just been very busy at work and haven't had tons of time to finish the posts. Bear with me. This is mostly stuff about Dead City, episode 2. I'll get to more stuff from ep 3 tomorrow!
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Hey guys so I’m really loving catching up on all your thoughts. After watching the first two episodes of DC, beyond being just super stoked by the writing/acting/everything about it (it really feels like a very gritty, adult show, i love it), I have some stuff to add to your thoughts and tbh I still have some digging I want to do pertaining to certain of my observations, pertaining to DC and to the DD spin-off
First, I want to directly just address my thoughts on a couple of the notes above. First, the question about where New Hill Top is. I have zero proof, but there are aesthetic and architectural qualities of New Hill Top that remind me of Meridian. I wonder if they migrated there? It would make a lot of sense, and also, Meridian, which is near Bethesda, MD and north of DC, is not as from from NYC as the original Hill Top, which is in like, Western Virginia.
This is New Hill Top
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Here are some screen shots of Meridian:
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Like I said I have no proof, this is just my current speculation
I also observed Maggie's new fear of heights as something that I think they'll explore further. Surprisingly, Maggie has turned out to be a most mysterious character. The writers have done a great job of capitalizing on her mysterious hiatus and disappearance from TF
It's a rich opportunity to fill in the blanks with really interesting information that, I think, will tie together some of the seemingly disparate lore between the flagship, Fear, and World Beyond, as well as the current spin-offs.
I am also very interested in Hershel's coldness toward Maggie. I see it as a continuation of his brief but telling characterization in season 11, like when he tells the other kids about how he's eating weird animals before, like horse, to stay alive.
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I think that Maggie left with Hershel thinking it's what was best for him, but really, it's what was best for her. She instilled in her a kind of PADRE-esque numbness and disposition toward family, friends, and living. He is aloof toward his training and seems to be rebelling against the idea that "living" is possible in this world. This is probably because of the really bad things he was exposed to while on the road with Maggie.
He is artistic, which seems to reflect some sensibility related to Beth, who writes songs and writes in her journal and likes aesthetic beauty.
Only he hides it because even as it is an instinct that lives deep inside of his DNA, he is ashamed, because it communicates that he is human with any sort of emotional vulnerability, which is something he has learned, via Maggie, to suppress at all costs.
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I will say I am saddened by Maggie's disposition and how she still seems not to have settled up with Glenn's death. She still has trauma dreams about what happened the night he died. It's been what, like 11-12 years? I really can't tell how old Hershel is supposed to be or how long the time jump is. He seems to be about 12 years old.
This communicates to me though that the writers are acknowledging how one single moment can change a person's entire personality, their entire life and outlook and even their DNA. It's what happened to Daryl after Beth, without a question.
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In terms of the scene with Marshal Armstrong in the apartment, I also felt WHAWGO throwbacks. The picture of the two men especially triggered that for me, and how he finds the body. I figured they were brothers, and that the Marshal had been meaning to check on him for a long time but had not had the courage nor the opportunity to do it before.
When he went looking for the gun, I thought it wasn't so much about the gun, but about what the absence of the gun would signal. This was before he found his brother's body. A missing gun would entail that his brother either escaped alive, or that he turned it on himself.
Mostly this scene communicated to me that Marshal is not a villain. They want us to sympathize with him in some way. I think he is doing things he doesn't want to do but thinks he has to in order to maintain order and survive. I think he will come around and help Maggie and Negan at some point, because he will learn what true cruelty is in the Croat.
(or else he'll fall pray to hubris and die in an unfortunate way, a la Wes in Fear, when he aligns with Strand)
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I did see the spoon(s), @wdway, and they reminded me of Negan's pointed reference to "Lady Liberty" in the first episode. He talks about how his dad brought him back a souvenir, and that made me think of the D.C. spoon that Beth finds in Still, which is also a souvenir. Also I'm sure we've discussed how "Lady Liberty" is herself a symbol of France.
I also see coffee and pancake mix.
Pancakes are a return ultimately to Lori and the idea of living vs. survival, re: Rick's story about her in Indifference. They're also a callback to Grady. There also seems to be a crack vial on the stove here.
Something i want to point out that I am not sure whether or not it means something is the weird inverse references to fire. Remember in "No Other Way," during Maggie's fight with Carver, Negan rings that fire bell and throws sand in his face?
In the first episode, I noticed, in the hotel room where Negan is staying, the smoke detector is ripped off the wall. Then, in the second episode, when they're in the city, they pass by a cabinet with a missing fire extinguisher.
This is interesting to me, though I really don't know why. It seems to be some sort of reference to Consumed. This whole premise feels like a riff on Consumed, in which two people with a complicated history track and go searching for a missing loved one in a big, apocalyptic metropolis.
Only in Dead City, it's not fire. It's insects, it's guts, it's wetness. It seems like everything is dank and soaked with blood and like it's just moldy and rotten. The lighting is dark and it's perpetually night. In Atlanta, meanwhile, the episode mainly takes place during the day in the hot Georgia sun, beating down on them, and they're all sweaty, on the concrete, everything dry and dusty and there is fire.
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The cockroaches felt like the fire in this episode. It's weird, too, because there are so many references to being "unclean." There's a protracted scene in a laundromat right after they're swarmed by roaches. Felt Biblical, then like this modern day reference to cleanliness, but ofc it's all corrupted.
The cockroaches also reminded me o 6.8 "Start to Finish," in which we see the ants marching in the window and swarming the cookie. It's a metaphor for walkers, but also just this idea of hidden dangers, and back to Morgan's instruction about how the dead aren't too dangerous one at a time, but when they all get together, they become very hard to escape.
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The pigeon woman was interesting as pigeons are like corrupted doves. She is speaking Hebrew, which is very odd. Was she a Hasidic Jew? Her name is Esther, which is a common Hebrew name. She could also simply be Israeli. Either way, she was Jewish. I don't know that we have any other Jewish characters aside from the Rabbi in Fear named Jacob, who has mysteriously just disappeared.
(I mean, i don't think there's anything to the rabbi disappearing, like he just wasn't very interesting and they just left him in the dust which is fine lol)
But the rabbi shows up with his name, Jacob, and shows Charlie the Ner Tamid, then in the following season, Rachel shows up and has Mo. Within the context of TWDU of shows, Rachel dies right around the same time that Leah is introduced. I think that Rachel's appearance especially is formative of Leah's and meant to highlight the Jacob/Leah reference in TWD as being actually Biblical.
References to Hebrew and Judaism should be looked at closely because Gimple is a practicing Jew and he uses the Old Testament in meaningful ways. Basically I'm saying like, the Jewish references are important, especially when we think about Daryl's story, because clearly the Jacob/Leah/Rachel thing is in play for him. I really can't see any doubt to that at this point.
So I don't really know the point of Esther. She is a little bit like a good luck charm. She leads them to allies, and then she dies. Sort of like the man in the red poncho at the end of season 5.
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I do not know what kind of animal is shown around the traps in NYC. It looks like some sort of wolf or fox, but its head reminds me of a Beaver or Otter
Ginny is a lot like Enid, right? Enid also didn't talk for a long time after arriving at ASZ.
We learn Enid's story in JSS, the episode in which the Wolves attack Alexandria. She eats a turtle. She uses the egg timer. There are a million ways in which Enid's story pans out to influence the world of TWD.
I wondered if maybe the story about Oceanside was a lie, though. Like, they just needed something to tell the Hilltop people that didn't sound so mysterious and suspicious.
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I am super intrigued by who she might be.
I am also obviously wondering wtf happened to Annie and the baby. I wonder if they're dead or were taken by PADRE people.
I get the feeling we'll learn what happened to them at the end of this first season. It will open into season 2, in which Maggie "owes" Negan and the two go in search of Annie together.
They wouldn't astroturf his relationship with Annie and her pregnancy in season 11 if they didn't have a long term plan.
If it's been a couple of years, and Annie was taken when the baby was small or even when she was still pregnant, that would line up with the PADRE timeline; however, we know now that PADRE has been dismantled, so Annie and her kid might be separated or lost. We may meet them as a function of Madison's storyline or whatever comes after Fear.
Something I also plan to ruminate on a bit is the "Peter Lombardi" poster in the Marshal's brother's apartment. Peter Lombardi isn't a real basketball player. That's an invention. So like, wtf does that reference, i have no idea.
the tagline at the bottom of the poster seems to say "Once a player, always a player." He's #24.
The last name Lombardi is very recognizable as the same last name of the famous football coach Vince Lombardi. Like I said, I'm looking into it lol.
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This was another "dead fire" reference, ie: the discarded mini blow torch on the table. I would assume it was used for smoking crack.
(re: the crack pipe on the stove)
I'm really enjoying reading your reviews of DC. There are a couple of comments that I want to make. On the stove in the apartment I noticed the spoon and the coffee can, but totally missed the pancake mix. Great catch. I want to add another pancake reference to the other two that you mentioned.
In Knotts Untie,, when everyone was in the RV headed back to Alexandra after their first visit to Hilltop Abraham made a comment to Glenn about, I can't remember if it was about Bisquick mixing or making the pancakes, same thing though. It was a typical strange comment from Abraham about Glenn impregnating Maggie. It was also where the sonogram picture of baby Herschel was passed around the group for everyone to see.
Daryl's reaction to the sonogram was so bittersweet. Happiness for Glenn and Maggie and heartbreak at how Beth had wanted Maggie and Glenn to have a child.
The other thing I want to say is that I also totally missed the missing fire extinguisher. Wow! I can't believe I didn't notice that. Fire extinguishersand and fire hydrants has always been a Beth symbol. We see them around her especially and also Daryl in Still. Beth is the one who lit the match and started the fire at the Still shack. She also used a mirror at the beginning of that episode to create fire, she is fire and water. The way I interpret the missing fire extinguisher is an obvious nod to Beth being missing.
Good call on the Bisquick! I think he says something like, “When you poured the batter, were you hoping to make pancakes?” or something like that.
Yeah, and the fact they are searching for the source of the smoke. It’s like, the whole thing is this absence of light, absence of fire.
Negan lights the match at one point and the pigeon lady blows it out.
In “Consumed,” I also remember that it begins with Carol seeing the pillar of smoke, which leads her to the girls and Tyreese.
I have a couple other screenshots I want to share as well.
Here's the missing fire extinguisher
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A "Dawn" reference. It says "Dawn Lincoln C Come Kill With Us."
Also a Lincoln reference in the same exact sentence
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You can see "Macon, GA" clearly in this directory. A reference back to season 4 and Terminus.
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It's on p. 270. Does that number ring a bell to anyone?
This shot is extremely dark, so sorry about that. It's the first shot we see of a mannequin at the laundromat. We will see several more after this. Maggie seems to run into mannequins a lot.
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Maggie and Negan scale an elevator shaft. Always a fun callback.
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One More reference
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These are all from the credits.
In the first one, I find it ironic that the city looks like it's on fire, despite what it feels like in the show.
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The second one features red gas canisters, and some sort of shopping cart reference.
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There's then a rooftop garden, and a small plane.
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I found a couple hidden things in the last two, I Spy style
If you look closely you can see that in the circled section it says, "Say Yes." ?
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Here in the barb wire at first I just noticed the "A"; however, it could also be a clearly "USA"
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These deer interested me
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The credits sequence was awesome. I think there's probably more hidden stuff.
I’m really loving this discussion! Just got all caught up. The idea that DC is just one big replay of Consumed (sort of) is really striking a cord for me. I loved everything you’ve said, and it’s got me thinking in a bunch of directions. It makes me wonder how this will turn out where Hershel is concerned.
As you said, it’s the opposite of Consumed in details—dark, wet vs dry, etc—so does that mean they WON’T find Hershel, because they actually did find Beth? Or will they find him, and he’ll remain alive and make it out in the audience’s minds, where Beth didn’t? I don’t know. But that smoking building is really intriguing when seen through the lens of Carol following various columns of smoke.
And I’ll have to think about this more because this is something they made a point about clear back in S4. Not only did Carol follow it to Tyreese and the girls (which suggests following the smoke leads to finding the people you’re looking for) but they did that whole thing where Mica taught Carol that black smoke meant it was still burning and white/gray smoke meant the fire was out.
And of course Daryl and Beth set that fire in S4, so Bethyl is ground zero for the pillar of smoke. Does that mean Maggie will literally find Beth in the smoking building? Or is Hershel just a stand-in/proxy for her? I also loved the insight that the cockroaches were like the ants on the cookie, representing walkers that will swarm them in the city. I hadn’t thought of that, though I should have.
I had to laugh at how Negan was just like, “Nope.” And they both noped right outta there. (Not that I wouldn’t have done the same. ;D) Anyway, great details about the Daryl clip as well. Great catch on the windows. I totally agree that this might not even be a chronological set of scenes. These may be taken from different parts and patched together. Nothing says a sneak peek has to be chronological. The other option is that they used different buildings for the interior and exterior shots, and they just don’t line up super well. Guess we’ll have to wait and see. Really great finds and insights, though. Loving it!
In reading your comments about the smoke, it reminded me of something I wanted to say earlier today and forgot. Talking of smoke, in Home Sweet Home, when Maggie, Daryl and company were initially going out to look for Maggie's group that had Herschel with them they saw smoke from the burning building going up into the sky through the trees. It immediately reminded me of Carol and the girls in, The Grove, seeing the smoke from the Still shack still burning. By the way Gimple verify that the smoke that Carol and the girls saw was from the Still shack. It was to show how very close all the survivors really were to each other and didn't know it.
Just read this and thought it was a bit of a coincidence since you were just talking about this earlier today. The location of hilltop.
This is pretty interesting. They speculate it’s somewhere in NY or New Jersey. The thing is we know that territories can be huge, and just because they touch a territory adjacent to NYC (New Babylon), that doesn’t mean it has to be right next to it. That said, Bethesda/DC (Meridian) is quite far from Manhattan, over 200 miles.
It’s not a lot considering how far the CW was from like, Alexandria, but idk, again that’s just speculation. Philadelphia IS squarely in the middle between DC and NYC. Maggie is really not far from Rick. But, the time jump is a bit confusing. Idk where Rick might be at this point. And idk what Philadelphia has to do with this. Lots of ppl have speculated the CR is in Philly but I’m not so sure I believe that yet.
Maggie is pretty distracted but you’d think if Rick were back, she’d mention it, or Negan would have maybe heard. They still seem really in the dark about the CRM. Maggie is also separate from the CW and ASZ. And yet, I also have to wonder why Maggie is alone. Why isn’t she with Daryl? Or Carol? Or both? I know Daryl doesn’t like Negan but he’d do anything to help Maggie find Hershel, and so would Carol. She knows this too.
I could see her in seasons past calling on them to help her with something like this. If she has the time to track down Negan then she has the time to call them on the radio and they’d be there in two seconds. That said, are Carol and Daryl in France in this moment? Are they missing? Will we get some mention of them and wtf is going on?
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ruinsofxerxes · 4 years
On the topic of Alex Louis Armstrong and dads, I wouldn't mind having him as a dad. An absolutely ripped, kind, sensitive guy with a fabulous moustache who would bring you get well soon gifts, give you hugs, and (according to some of the 2003 official art?) is a great artist? Yeah sign me tf up (on a similar note parental Alex is one of my fav things ever but I'm 90% sure it's barely a thing in fics)
Alex really is the elric’s most forgotten dad. He visited Ed in the hospital! He’s always so happy to see them both!! He brought them to resembool and learned all about them and listened to them!!
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the-invisible-queer · 4 years
So I'm working on my Bucky playlist and of course I gotta add some 30s/40s bops because that's what he would know. The playlist is a mix of songs that make me think of him AND songs I think he'd listen yo.
Imagine Leah asking him who his favorite artist is and he says like Cab Calloway and she's just like "who tf is that?" And he scrambles to remember a modern artist but all he can think about are old singers.
Possible scenarios:
"Billie Holiday" / "you mean Billie Eilish?" / "who?"
"Louis Armstrong" / "I know a Louis Tomlinson" / *confused stare*
"Frank Sinatra" / "my dad likes Sinatra. But isn't he like old?" /
"Dean Martin" / "is he related to Chris Martin from Coldplay?"
Bucky's gotta catch up on 80 years of music.
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splendidshinobi · 4 years
well we're back after a short break from last episode's explosive discoveries
episode 16: that which is lost
lust plz fuery has never spoken to a hottie before
you know what i need an alcohol
ok im back
roy r u a masochist
bradley youre lying about marcoh
wait...why does bradley think the philosophers stone doesnt exist?? um
omg why is team mustang running their mouths rn
edward that was SNAPPPPPPPPPPYY
mustang please shut up
armstrong is top tier
always has been
alphonse is as precious as ever i see
yes tell him edward cause 2003 roy mustang cut off my big toe
nina flashbacks ope
scar be holding kids hostage now? aight....
damn marcoh whad did u do!!!!!! homie stabbed lust
it wont work but im proud of the effort!!!
alphonse is lost???? not my son!!!!
a farm boy hello farm boy
drawing passed down the armstrong line for generations
oooooh ed droppin the ishval bomb
how did he not feel the nerves coming apart from his body
also girl that wont work for your dad hes probably 85 times taller than ed
al getting deep with farm boy
whats going on here anyway
just to talk about ptsd and stuff ig??
why does ed just tell anyone now that al lost his body sir keep it to yourself
i love them
episode 17: house of the waiting family
"no family waiting" edward...pinako and winry are rolling over in their graves
awww light purple worksuit love the look win!!!
proud of u for growing ed
ed your heart eyes are showing
this episode is so far like the same as fmab 6 so i feel like theres not much to say
oh a weird cow and a girl
nelly or whoever has a big ASS FOREHEAD
oh the beginnings of al's identity crisis i see
hahaha armstrong
where did armstrong come from
sry i stopped paying attention for a sec
ed and winry are god tier ship no matter the medium
major spaz
oh winry is gonna open that watch
i guess they dont need to go to freaking rush valley and have paninya steal it if they already did the birth arc with gracia instead ugh
ed were you showering in your boxers
my son is so stupid
awwww theyre at the house
omg winry's got the light they were talking about
she loves them so much
dont forget 3 oct 10?????? nah 11 homie
episode 18: marcoh's notes
before we start ROSS AND BROSH MAYBE PLEASE???? wouldnt put it past them to take them out
huh???? lust looks like who now
side note my sister, who is watching brotherhood for the first time, had the idea to make gluttony shaped stress balls like HOW CUTE????
edward is an absolute nerd
"not as if the library is going anywhere" sure sure dont jinx it armstrong
hahahaha edward on the floor
oops bye bye library
guess we're off to see sheska again
sheska is definitely a lesbian
i mean shes like amestrian velma dinkley
sir r u really gonna transmute the ashes
i mean i think of this everytime i see sheska i think about how crazy having a photographic memory would be but how crazy would having a photographic memory be
s2g hughes' eyes are literally like highlighter green
why is alphonse such an angel!!!!!!!
whenever hughes goes off by himself i get nervous because 03 can do anything...like expect the unexpected when it comes to 03 honestly
so um is lust....scar's brother's gf or something?
oh i forgot i was reacting and now the episode is over hahaha okay
episode 19: the truth behind truths
the kids have it ROUGH
maria ross mom friend vibes rn
oh my god edward
the tea cup...al's face...my kids
03 ed is so depressed my god
both ed and al need a hug
ooooofffff 5th lab
i guess we're gonna see barry again since they decided to introduce alive human barry for shits and giggles
the boys are gonna SHIT. THEIR. PANTS. when homie shows up
hold on
I googled it and Brosh is also pronounced as "Bloch" which i guess makes sense
so thrown off but im dumb as heell so
hahahaha with the barbed wire 
hi scar ya too late pal
kinda vibin with these background tunes
ummm scar what r u DOIN
what the f alchemy is that
oh great scar is going to the 5th ig
envy i missed u!!!
oh imitating my son? rude
“the guards are idiots” well here we go slicer bros and barry
to be honest if i ran into a booby trap smorgasbord in  real life i would Die
there they are the armored palz
um was that
greed? lying down in a purplish aura thingy?
um sir?
*rewinds 10 seconds to check*
number 48 is kinda snatched though???
gasp! a blood seal!! what who knew!!
episode 20: soul of the guardian
im just impatiently waiting for the barry reveal at this point
but ed and 48 are just doing their thing ya know
for an episode with two fights, they sure do a looooottttt of talking 
yessssss here we go barry the chopper
ok i do prefer this in manga/fmab canon though
cause its so funny when barry is offended that al had never heard of him and he thinks he this prolific serial killer and al is like
well um im from the country sooo 
but anyways yeah i totally forgot he kidnapped winry in this what an odd choice fr
“no im not a crook” of course not alphonse
tbt to my first time watching fmab and being like “...kyo????” as soon as barry started talking
here comes lil slicer
there he is!!! bros just being bros
um where’d he go he was just here
seriously where tf did he go
gonna have to rewind in a second but maybe im just stupid
actually i am stupid thats a well established point
oh here we go al’s full fledged identity crisis subplot 
oh baby
ok now that ive got to the end lemme rewind and see if i actually saw scar or if i blacked out for a hot sec
yeah i truly am dumb
we’ve known for awhile now
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typicalhippiegirl · 5 years
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Let's talk about something.
First off, I'm not putting this messed up, peely, gross looking tattoo up for anyone to judge (I'm not happy with it either). I'm putting this out there to help others learn from my mistakes & hopefully prevent them from going thru what I've been dealing with.
There's a tattoo expo coming to town with featured artists from out of town. I find one thru IG whose work looks clean & I like her style so I DM her about setting an appt. Shes got time this weekend yay! no waiting for the expo. -Do you see the mistakes I made already? It's so obvious to me now😓
Saturday's here, I head to the shop (for the first time) for the appointment & the moment I walk in it's like Uh, wtf? Half the shop is taped off & in the middle of a remodel (no dust or active working, just shit all moved around). I brush it off, theyre getting things ready for an expo right? They need people tattooing there, not playing pool so ya, no wonder it's a bit messy.
Next she shows me the stencil and its fuckin huge. Like I specifically said between 6-8 inches max bc it's going on my forearm & i'm not Stretch Armstrong. Shes like Oh I kept it between 8 & 10. Well ya didn't fuckin listen bc what woman has arms that long? So it's resized & idk what we were casually talking about but she def rolled her eyes at me. Look man, I'm a pretty easy going person and depending on the situation I may take a slight without saying shit. Also like low self confidence helps with that right? So anyway, at the point I should have been like Alright dude, we're not really clickin & I'm not feelin this anymore & walked TF out. I didnt. Like an idiot. I'm not gonna lie, part of it was losing put on the deposit the other part was just me telling myself it would be fine despite in my heart of hearts I knew it wasn't.
So we start. Yo, she's a Fuckin. Bitch. I wanted a theme right, this chick is supposed to be a Texas pinup, I wanted certain colors in her clothes. I asked "What colors are we thinking for her?" She actually scoffed and says "These ones" while motioning at her cups. Wow. Ok, well, fuck I don't want to ask her anything anymore so I shutup & go with it.
This shit HURTS. I'm not a pussy when it comes to pain. I have several tattoos, including fingers, toes and a whale that was particularly painful because it goes directly over my very bony shin. I've been cut, I've had a baby without drugs. Mags remind me of getting a razor cut and I find pleasure in the feeling. I can tolerate some pain and this shit sucked. Yo, at the end she switched down to a single needle and that was KILLER. I felt like I was being carved into (which, if you'd ever seen my back you'd know, I know the feeling).
Alright so finally we're finished & I roll into the next day. I'm a bit worried about the appearance and not just bc she looks like she broke her leg. It looks wet. I continue my aftercare as normal: antibac soap & aquaphor. Day 2 I'm researching infections bc it's super painful, red but mostly it's wet. I'm afraid of infection also bc this chick had the trash can right next to the station. I mean Right. Fuckin. Next to it. To the point that the trashcan lid fell onto the pad where my arm is. I want to ask her to move it but she's in such a bad mood I think it'll just make things worse & she'll be even rougher. By day 3 I've tried antibac goo & it seems to make my skin bubble where its been applied so I quickly quit using that. My arm hurts so badly at this point I cant put it down without getting shooting pains up my arm. I let it dry out so things are crusty but at least I don't find them medically disturbing. Regardless, I spend a lot of this day crying. Day 4 I'm still researching infection and come across overworked tattoos, scars & "hamburgering" My heart pretty much drops bc this is it, this is what's going on. What's even more fucked up is that I find this on forums for people learning to tattoo. Like apprentice's first few tattoos having this problem. Rookie shit, ya hear?😑
The pictures are from day 5. You can see splitting along the black lines, there's holes in the sun & near her belt. Oh and that's a thing. The hole is the sun is bc somehow a drop of green got in there so she went over it and over it and over it again with more red. Can you imagine my frustration at that point?
So look, I got this done Saturday, here it is Friday. My skin is very shiny and puckery where the peeling has come off. The scabs are thick af, I've only been moisturizing the places safe to so as of today almost everything but the cactus. Did I mention my arm still really hurts? I can't straighten it, there's pains that shoot out from the center, and why why why is my bicep sore?! I'm really worried about how the cactus is going to turn out. My skin looks bumpy between the cracks of scab. I think she used a crappy cheap green. I'm really left wondering about her experience as a tattoo artist. I'm just saying: My first tattoo was done by a scratcher in a dirty apartment bedroom. He did such a shitty job that I took the machine from him & finished it myself. Might I mention I was 16 and completely coked out of my mind? Also, I didn't hamburger myself and there was no scarring over that disaster of a tattoo (which thankfully no longer exists thanks to the aforementioned painful whale)
This whole thing has fuckin sucked. I don't want anybody else dealing with this. Let me outline some things I should have done differently so if you find yourself in the same situation you can make better decisions than I did.
1. If you're looking on IG for an artist make sure they also post healed pics not just fresh ones.
2. If you're not vibing with your artist it's ok so call it off. Look, a 60$ deposit aint shit to lose in the grand scheme of things, can you get a cover up for 60$? How about bad work or a bad experience lasered off? You can't get those deals, oh who knew? Sometimes losing money is saving it.
3. Don't get shit from travelling artists. Maybe they woke up a 3am & drove 8 hours & now they don't give a shit about anything but going home.
4. If the shop doesn't look great, walk out. Again, whats 60$ compared to your health and happiness?
This is a long post & it's not something I usually post about (lol who am I kidding? Personal tragedies are kinda my thing). It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed how she came out, I'm embarrassed I didn't speak up, I'm embarrassed I didn't just go to the person I knew could give me a good tattoo. It wasn't even about money, I didn't get a deal on this pinup mess. All I can do is move on. Thank goodness this wasn't my first piece or I may have been totally turned off from getting anymore ink. Now all I can do is continue my aftercare, hope for the best and when the time comes I'll go visit Vinny at American Tradition and get something else on the backside of my arm to distract from this mess.
Much love my inked up friends❤
Hey and if this speaks to you like you've been in this situation or are currently in it, feel free to DM me.
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eldunea · 5 years
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havin some thoughts for an HP AU discussed with @diamontha​
mom honerva is the world’s most famous alchemist, dad zander is an auror. honerva originally lived in the united states and her claim to fame is discovering the fifth element in alchemy--but she had her discovery stolen from her by an american wizard. that guy then turned around and accused her of trying to steal his idea, and the general american public believed him. dumbledore, however, believed that honerva had been wronged, and offered her a job teaching alchemy as an elective at hogwarts where she would be respected. that’s how the family ended up in the UK.
as an indigenous person he’s damn good at wandless magic because FUCK THAT BULLSHIT JKR CAME UP WITH WHEN SHE SAID INDIGENOUS WANDLESS MAGIC WAS “LESS PRECISE.” she already stated that wandless magic was more powerful than wanded magic, but then all of a sudden when poc use wandless magic the wand version is better? THE FUCK? anyway yeah, his parents would have trained him in it since he was a little kid and when he finally got his wand he was like “tf is this european bullshit?”
speaking of his wand, it’s yew and dragon heartstring, 11.5″, flexible. his original wand was cherry and dragon heartstring, 11″, flexible.
as an indigenous jewish woman honerva’s plan living in the united states was that she wanted to homeschool lotor--she didn’t want him to go to ilvermorny because she went there herself and she was always haunted by the fact she wasn’t allowed to use or learn her peoples’ magic. zander, an okinawan at mahoutokoro, agreed that the japanese wizarding school was no better. his parents were really nervous about sending him to hogwarts but since honerva was now a professor there she could make sure her son got the education that he needed.
he’s an unregistered animagus--a fox--and he doesn’t plan on getting registered anytime soon. his patronus also happens to be a fox.
he has an enchanted tallit (some reform jews have tallit) that’s basically his conscience. there was a legend of a prayer shawl that came to life and stopped a man from sleeping with an escort so lotor’s would be just like that--it would try to stop him from doing all the questionable, sometimes petty shit that he likes to do. 
he has kova at hogwarts with him.
he loves muggle science? so much? his mom wanted to be an astrophysicist on top of an alchemist and even tried going to muggle college for it but given her background and the time period she didn’t get far. she taught him all about science and he just has this childlike wonder for it. don’t take him to a muggle science fair, he’ll blow his cover blabbing about how much he wishes he had access to things like that.
he wants to be the first wizard in space. yes, really. when he saw a video of neil armstrong’s moon landing he broke down crying saying, “what’s the point of all this magic if it can’t take us to the great beyond?” that night when he lay in bed, he had an awakening and was like, well, it CAN take us to the great beyond, we just have to TRY! and that’s it, that’s how he formed his dream. god bless his soul
there’s nothing more he loves than muggle parents of wizard children/muggles married to wizards because they have knowledge of both science and magic just like him. when diantha first takes him home to meet her muggle parents he just? he just gets so excited?? he loses his shit in the best possible way like “oh my god, is that a real vacuum cleaner? can i see the inside of your TV? CAN YOU TEACH ME HOW TO GO TO SPACE” he’s like an excited puppy, losing his mind over all the muggle tech in their house. dia please keep your boyfriend under control
speaking of smartphones, he loves smartphones holy shit. the first time he held one it was like indiana jones holding the golden idol in raiders of the lost ark. he called it “magic in your pocket” and said as much to the confused muggle who first gave him their smartphone to look at. when he gets older he buys every single version of the iphone as soon as it comes out and has them all in a case on his fireplace.
he loves muggles so much despite being a pureblood……he’s fascinated with their world and sometimes wishes he could have a muggle parent or grandparent so that he would know more about them. unlike canon lotor who is biased against humans bc they don’t have (much) magic, HP lotor will fight anyone who says muggles are inferior to humans. he thinks it’s so incredible how much they’ve accomplished despite having no magic, and that if anything, they’re the ones who are better than wizards. 
he’s also really against the whole “hiding magic from muggles” thing because 1) it’s a white thing; many POC cultures around the world openly tolerated magic before white colonizers forced their witches and wizards underground and 2) he’s firmly resolved that there’s nothing wizards can do that muggles won’t be able to figure out eventually. in the immortal words of the muggle author arthur c. clarke, magic is just science that they don’t understand yet.
for all his knowledge about muggle science though, he is comically bad at blending in with muggles. like……this level bad. he just--he just doesn’t understand them at all. poor boy. hopefully he’ll learn.
and some biographical notes in a more chronological order--
when he first went to hogwarts he was the spirited, somewhat mischievous kid on the train who wanted to get to know everybody, share his sweets and talk about all of the things he’d already read in the textbooks. everyone pegged him for a ravenclaw or maybe even a hufflepuff, but literally as soon as the sorting hat touched his head it screamed “SLYTHERIN,” shocking everyone who got to know him.
being in slytherin might have been the best match for his personality (intelligence mixed with ambition) but oh boy it was not a fun time. fun fact i hc “mudblood” is referred to mixed race people as well as half-muggles and muggleborns so he was definitely called that a lot. being the only indigenous, the only jewish and one of the few POC in the house was also really difficult--he felt isolated and alone a lot of the time because even among the people who fervently defended him he felt like they didn’t understand him.
at some point (haven’t decided what) he went back to the united states to visit some relatives and was caught up in an attack on a synagogue. 
he was shot in his right arm (not his wand arm), so he drew his wand and killed the gunman using the killing curse--in front of a room full of muggles. he managed to get himself to an american wizarding hospital, but was dragged out of his hospital bed by american police while still recovering from the gunshot wound and extradited to the UK, where he was immediately flung into azkaban. 
though he had acted in self-defense during a hate crime, he was expelled from hogwarts and given a life sentence; he was told he was lucky that he didn’t get the dementor’s kiss. he managed to escape during one of the numerous mass azkaban breakouts that subsequently happened canonically, and was in hiding before being one of the slytherins who participated on the side of good in the battle of hogwarts.
i think i read somewhere that canonically, all students who participated in the battle of hogwarts were pardoned for any crimes committed in the past but i can’t find that source. but what i can find is that lucius malfoy was 100% pardoned for defecting from the death eaters to protect his family so like……if an old white fantasy fascist can get pardoned for all of his murders by defecting last minute to the right side, a teenage brown jew can also be pardoned for killing to defend himself. fight me 
he and diantha hated each other at first--he thought she was stupid and she thought he was a total prick. but before the battle of hogwarts the two of them made up and she kissed him, knowing it might be her last chance to do so before either one or both of them were killed.
originally he wanted to be an auror like his dad, because all he wanted was to go beat up bad guys. but after the trauma of the war against voldemort he decided it would be better for him to not fight people or put himself in traumatic situations anymore, and wanted to focus on being the first wizard who went to space. though most wizards thought he was crazy, slytherins are amazing with the art of persuasion--he managed to talk a good number of people into getting behind his project, which is now pretty much crowdfunded. 
oh, and one more note about honerva: she finally managed to achieve her dream of being an astrophysicist, so now she’s well-known in both the wizarding and muggle communities as a prominent scientist and she is 100% behind lotor’s project to put wizards in space. happy endings for everyone.
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thecastingcircle · 5 years
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Remember this?  Unit-E was a single issue giveaway comic from New York Comic Con in 2011.  It was a crossover between almost all the Hasbro-verse properties.  At the time it was one and done, but now we know what was going to happen next.
Last weekend at TFCon Charlotte, Hasbro writer Rik Alvarez hosted a panel where he talked about his experiences working on the Binder of Revelation, which was supposed to be the guiding production bible that made all of Transformers fiction into a single unified continuity. yo go re has talked about this project before, when Hasbro was trying to align the (quite obviously G1) War for Cybertron continuity with the (quite obviously not G1) Prime continuity.
Despite Hasbro's best efforts, the all-in-one continuity was, for various reasons, not a success (the cartoon creators didn't want to follow it, the comics would have had to basically nuke their entire line and start over [think "New 52"], the planned MMOchanged into a MOBA then never made it out of beta, Hasbro stopped making tie-in toys in favor of the movie, no one had The Hub channel anyway, etc. etc. etc.), and the Binder of Revelation, meant to be a 10-year plan, turned into a quarter-million custerfluck that is now shoved in a drawer somewhere, dead.
At any rate, TF: Prime was supposed to be the Iron Man 1 to UNITE:E's Avengers: it would have led into the massive crossover team-up, designed to help reinvigorate all the brands. Here's a little of what it would have entailed:
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Beast Wars Dinobot
Prime Ratchet
Duke (unknown which continuity)
Matt Trakker
New Primordia character
Acroyer and Biotron from Micronauts
Stretch Armstrong
Prime's Agent Fowler would have been injured and rebuilt as C.O.P.S.' Bulletproof Vess
Synergy, the computer from Jem, would have been the team's Jarvis
Action Man - rogue GI Joe
Princess Lollipop would become a badass princess with a dark back story, with Candyland destroyed by monsters
Rom's appearance on Earth would have been the event that brought the team together
Leoric from the Visionaries
destroyed Autobot base would have become M.A.S.K.'s Boulder Hill
Primordia was considered an update of Inhumanoids
Biotron was to be reprogrammed with Destro's mind
Popular Micronauts character Bug is owned by Marvel, so the Sectaurs would have taken his place
And now none of it will ever come to pass, because of the failure of the Aligned continuity.
We don’t even know where to begin with this.  Yay, Synergy would’ve been the boss.  But Booo, there were no other plans for the rest of the cast of JEM. 
Hasbro went on and made a new show for Stretch Armstrong- that apparently has no buzz.
No mention of Battleship which had a major motion picture around this time.
Primordia was nothing more than Inhumanoids with a new name.  No mention of Earth Corps returning to fight them.  Our idea was that the Inhumanoids couldn’t talk to humans, but for the crossover we’d get Blythe Baxter (from Blythe Loves The Littlest Pet Shop) who has the ability to talk to animals and thus is the ONLY one who can help.  
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The comic had Acroyer as the main character and he turned his nose up to the Candyland fairies and it was alluded to that Primordia and Candyland had beef.  
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So apparently, Primordia destroyed Candyland (where King Kandy, Queen Frostine, and everyone else are ??????).  We love the fact that Hasbro said “Candyland?!?!  What the heck, why not?  Those bronies love girly stuff.” However, since the writing of this comic, the Candyland characters are in limbo because of a lawsuit over who actually created them.  
Hasbro clearly has no clue what to do with M.A.S.K., they don’t want to follow the cartoon’s continuity; okay, but they’re trying too hard and making it too convoluted.  
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Hasbro/IDW hasn’t given up yet.  They’ve tried to make two mini series based off this premise.
REVOLUTION is coming! TRANSFORMERS, ROM, MICRONAUTS, G.I. JOE, ACTION MAN, and M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand will all cross paths in an epic 5-part bi-weekly comic book series this September!
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daniel1972777 · 3 years
Buy coinbase number Here's what Coinbase is and how to use it to buy and sell cryptocurrencies Katie Haun on saying yes to Coinbase and where a16z’s crypto fund is placing its bets now
OnBase, the newly public cryptocurrency exchange, has had it share of ups and downs. Still, the nearly nine-year-old, San Francisco-based Buy coinbase number ahead of its highly successful direct listing this week, including, seemingly, inviting in former federal prosecutor Katie Haun to join its board in 2017.
At the time, Haun had just spent 11 years working for the Justice Department, handling cases relating to violent murders and organized crime and, later, the fast-growing world of cryptocurrencies. In fact, as part of her job, Haun had gotten to know Coinbase and other up-and-coming startups to better understand digital currencies and decentralized systems. Because Haun, who won every case she argued, was ready for a change, when Brian Armstrong reached out about a formal role, she said yes. (A year later, Andreessen Horowitz, which wrote its first check to Coinbase in 2013, separately brought her aboard as the venture firm’s first woman general partner.)
The combination has proved powerful, and lucrative. As an independent board member at the outset, Haun was given shares for her service that are reportedly now worth roughly $150 million (a16z’s stake is valued at more than $11 billion). Meanwhile, Haun — who recently renewed her board term — says the company’s most impactful days are still ahead.
We talked yesterday with Haun about Coinbase’s valuation, its evolution from here and her work with a16z’s crypto fund, which she co-leads with longtime general partner and fellow Coinbase board member Chris Dixon, Buy coinbase code has likely “seen and done more deals in the last couple months than in the last couple years,” she said. She also noted that a16z has been pouring the majority of its money into tokens. Our chat has been edited lightly for length and clarity.
TC: You were working on these intense cases, including murder trials and at some point, your superiors at the Justice Department offer you the chance to figure out what Bitcoin is all about. How did that lead you to Coinbase?
KH: I actually came to know Coinbase through some of the work I was doing on crypto cases in the government in the early days. I founded the U.S. government’s first cryptocurrency task force out of the Justice Department and part of our job was to go meet with companies or entrepreneurs in the space and get to know what they were up to and how we could work with them. Of course, as with any industry, the government’s objectives didn’t always align with the crypto industry’s. But sometimes there were synergies [and] sometimes they might need to reach someone in the government at one of these companies. Coinbase was not the only crypto company that I was interfacing with in those government days. There were many others. But that’s how I first came to know it.
TC: Because not everyone is going to know the specifics of your career, you played a role in prosecuting Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht and also discovering two corrupt federal agents involved in that case. Is that right?
KH: I actually did not prosecute Ross Ulbricht, I did not prosecute the Silk Road case. What I did prosecute is what we’ll call the twist to the Silk Road case, and that was that a couple of the agents on one of the task forces that was investigating Ross Ulbricht and the Silk Road actually turned out to be double agents working both against the government while being federal agents. When I [first received] a tip that we had a rogue federal agent, I thought it was a conspiracy theory. So I thought I would go look into that, mostly to just clear this individual’s name.
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Web: SMSPinCode
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queenwinry · 7 years
what would be so bad about roy not becoming fuhrer
well, a few reasons. (though i will say there’s nothing inherently BAD about roy being like ‘you know what, i shouldn’t’ this is more addressing people who think he doesn’t deserve to be fuhrer and/or has bad motives)
1. who tf else would be? grumman is obviously very old (pretty damn old when you think about the fact that he has a granddaughter almost in her 30′s) and won’t be fuhrer forever. the majority of the high-ranked generals in the bradley era were a ok with murdering hundreds of innocent people to obtain immortality so they’re out. general armstrong, while definitively on the ‘good’ side is also a ok with murder (especially if it’s justified) and tbh as much as i like her character i think she would be quite ill suited to rule the country (and is clearly comfortable in briggs). plus, in what world would grumman choose armstrong over roy for fuhrer?
2. he has good motives. this is the point that was called into question by the post i was referring to. mainly op said that they doubted brohood roy would choose doing the right thing over the fuhrership like his 03 counterpart did. except......he DID choose the right thing. he literally formed a military coup to stop a god from destroying their country and to upseat the homunculus behind allll the shitty things amestris as a country did (namely to ishval). like, you people realize the fact that mustang literally staged a coup against the amestrian military isn’t just going to go away right? he has grumman’s support sure, but that doesn’t mean other high ranked officials not involved in the promised day (and not part of bradley’s group of sicko’s) aren’t going to raise an eyebrow or two. so, yeah, i’d say he put his ability to become fuhrer in the future into question when he know.....overthrew the military
3. what part of the narrative says that even though this thing roy has been dreaming of doing since literally day 1 (i.e. make the world a better place by being the leader of amestris) is wrong for him to do? yes, he has a horrible past, so does half the cast. so does the majority of the military. but if roy doesn’t come in and make amestris a democracy, who will? and, even then, he isn’t making amestris a democracy so he can be head honcho for life (at least in his mind, i have a whole separate opinion on the way most people think this deserves to end up), he’s doing it literally so the country never has to have another ishval and justice can be brought to life. in his mind, he fully plans on being tried as a war criminal the minute a full democratic system is put into place. what part of wanting to literally go to his death to atone for his sins him just ‘selfishly’ wanting to rule the country with an iron fist?
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today-isnot-real · 7 years
All the numbers with a 3 in it
Hey thanks for the ask!
3.Do you smoke?
-I used to smoke a lot of cigarettes in TX bc I had someone to buy them for me but now that I’ve moved back to CA, no, I don’t smoke.
13. Biggest turn ons
-Good sense of humor, tattoos, good taste in music, movies, tv shows, if they make me feel protected and safe, if they’re taller than me, and we have to be able to actually have a discussion.
23. My relationship with my sibling(s)
-My older sister is 25 and we aren’t on speaking terms anymore. My younger sister is a pain in my ass and for the most part, we stay away from each other, sooooo our relationships aren’t great lol
30:What I hate the most about work/school
- I hate not having people to talk to in class, I just started classes yesterday at a new campus and I feel very isolated even tho it’s literally been 2 days and there’s still a lot of time for that to change.
31:What your last text message says
“it wasn’t as good as atla but it was 100% better than I thought it would be” -me talking to a friend about LOK because I just finished it yesterday!!!
32:What words upset me the most
-I hate the words faggot (fag) and bitch, saying either of those to me is a sure fire way to make me super uncomfortable talking to you.33:What words make me feel the best about myself
-I love being called adorable and princess, as least by a SO, and I enjoy people complimenting me on my hair because I tried a lot of colors before finally finding one that I really like and feel confident with.
34:What I find attractive in women
-Strong, passionate, and empowering women? sign me tf up35:What I find attractive in men
-being knowledgeable and “woke” about social issues, not being one of those fuckboys who think feminist are “bitches” and rape, racism and abuse are justifiable in some cases. basically the bar is pretty frickin low, just be respectful and not ignorant!
36:Where I would like to live
Finland.37:One of my insecurities
-I’m chubby so I have a lot of stretch marks, definitely my #1 insecurity.
38:My childhood career choice
-I wanted to be a rock star for like ever until I learned that I can’t sing and apart from the clarinet, I can’t play an instrument.39:My favorite ice cream flavor
-Wild ‘n’ Reckless from Baskin Robins: blue raspberry, green apple, fruit punch sherbet.
43. Sexist person that comes to my mind immediately.
-Billie Joe Armstrong, lead singer of Green Day.
0 notes
samanthasroberts · 7 years
Betches Love This College: The University Of Georgia
College is the best four years (five if you play your cards right) of any betchs life. No no. That wasnt a question. So in honor of college admissions season being like now, were bringing back Betches Love This College. That way, you can pick where to go to school based on important shit like parties and drinking rather than grades and what you want to be when you grow up. Youre welcome in advance.
In terms of where to apply, everyone knows Manhattanites go Ivy League (and Emory), while West Coasters love the Arizona schools. But what about Southern betches? Where tf do they go? The University of Georgia, thats where. UGA has all the cool shit Southern schools are known for like gorgeous people, insane Greek life, an awesome-ish football team, etc., but its also really hard to get into these days so you cant be a total hillbilly and go there. Sorry Alabama, maybe next year. So heres what you need to know.
The People
Greeks: Given that UGA is a massive Southern university, its not exactly groundbreaking that Greek life is no fucking joke. In terms of whos who, you can put them into two categories: old row and new row. Your old row sororities (ADPi, KKG, Theta, XO and Phi Mu) pretty much have the Atlanta private schools on lock, plus rich Texas and North Carolina girls. So unless youre one of those or the worlds hottest legacy, youre not getting in. But dont fret, public school betches. There are a handful of new row sororities that are just as good if not better. KD, ZTA and AOPi are definitely the best.
For the fraternities, theyre exactly what youd expect. Super fratty and douchey. Look out for pledges the first few weeks of school. Theyll be the guys walking around campus in suits who look like they want to fucking kill themselves. Poor kids. Before your 4-5 years are up, youll definitely want to be asked on Old South because who doesnt want to get wasted in an antebellum dress? So make nice with the KAs.
Orientation Leaders: You know the girl in high school who was the head cheerleader, volleyball captain, class president, valedictorian and still managed to volunteer at the local nursing home on the weekends? Yeah, this is what she becomes in college. There are guy OLs too, but that didnt work with my analogy. Every year, 12 people are picked from the entire 30,000+ person student body to help the freshman figure shit out before move-in day. If Taylor Swift had gone to UGA, she probs would have been an OL. Seems like the type.
Hipsters: Besides that Travelocity commercial and being the worlds greatest college town, Athens is a pretty artsy place. Most importantly, it has a kick-ass music scene, so what does that mean? Hipsters be flocking so they can see musicians before they go mainstream. They leave town during home games, hate the Greeks and smoke a lot. Theyre probs photojournalism or lit majors and arent involved in anything on campus because thats for the stereotypical norm. Fucking duh.
Athletes: If youre not one of first three, youre most likely a student athlete. Football players are easy to spot because theyre the massive, Nike-clad guys who ride around campus on red vespas. Have you ever seen a linebacker on a scooter? Its a sight. But tbh, no one really gives a shit about seeing football players. Too common. The athletes to be on the lookout for are the Gymdogs, UGAs badass gymnasts, and Olympians. UGA had like 30 people compete in Rio and they won 10 medals. Thats more than most countries. Pretty fucking impressive. If you see any of the gold medalists, be sure to get that shit on your Snapchat story.
Where To Live
Freshmen: All UGA freshman are required to live in the dorms. Just a heads up, these arent the dorms of Buckingham fucking Palace you see on Pinterest. The box my Tori Burch riding boots came in is bigger than these. But suck it up. Its just a year. In terms of the best dorms to live in, the high-rises are the only way to go. There are a shit ton of other dorms around campus that are nicer, but only weirdos live in those and they arent as fun. Youre here to get shitfaced and meet people, not for the Ritz Carlton-esque amenities.
Sophomores: Assuming you go Greek, and I feel like most of yall reading this will, you move into the sorority house your second year. UGA sorority houses are mansions and can house about 60 girls so hopefully you dont need much alone time. The upsides? You have a chef who cooks all your meals, maids and maintenance people to fix things, and theres always something fun going on. The downsides? No alcohol in the house, no boys upstairs and if you eat all three meals everyday youll get fat.
Upperclassmen: If freshman and sophomore year wasnt enough to get the batshit crazy out of your system, you move to Georgia Heights. This place isnt disgusting like a frat house or anything, its just in the middle of downtown where all the bars and restaurants are so if you live here, youll end up going out every single night. Rent is high because the location is fire and the apartments are super nice. If youre more of a chill upperclassman, you and your friends should rent house in Five Points. Theyre close to Milledge (Greek row) and the stadium so theyre perfect for hosting tailgates and wine nights.
Pauleys: Every night out starts at Pauleys, a crepe bar that serves a billion different beers on tap and insanely cheap bottles of wine. Tbh, no one really goes there to eat, although at least one person at the table will order the chips and Terrapin beer cheese dip or a Nutella banana crepe. The real gem is the Manmosa, which is just a mimosa plus vodka. Aka a regular betch mimosa.
Bourbon: Its technical name is Bourbon Street, but dont call it that or youll look like a newb. This is the closest thing to a freshman bar Athens has. Why no real freshman bar? Because the only places that are 18+ are sketchy af and no one goes there. Im not going to go into the deets about what you need to have in your wallet to get into these 21 and up bars before youre actually of age because I dont want to be liable for your law-breaking ass, but I think youre picking up what Im putting down. If not, talk to your big. Shell hook you up. Back to Bourbon. Its a total shit show because freshman who cant handle their liquor take over the place. But its a rite of passage and its always rated one of the top college bars in the U.S. so if youre in Athens because youre a student or just in town for a game, you have to go there.
College Ave: Along this stretch of downtown are three bars you need to know: Sandbar, City and Silver Dollar. These used to be considered upperclassmen spots, but now you can find pretty much anyone there. Because there are so many bars in Athens (80 in one square mile for all you mathematicians), no one just stays put in one place the whole night because that would be boring. Since these are literally all right next door to each other, theyre super easy to bounce in between when you need a change of pace. These are the places to see and be seen.
Creature Comforts: Besides being one of the best breweries in the whole damn country, Creature Comforts downtown address makes it the perfect spot to pregame a night out or day drink instead of going to class.
Big Events
Shower Cap: In the spring, all the fraternities host huge parties so everyone can cope with the fact that football season is over. Literally every frat has one, but SAEs Shower Cap is the biggest and best of them all. Tbh, I have no idea why were all so obsessed with it. Its just like hundreds, maybe thousands, of blackout people on a fraternity house lawn, but its amazing. Theres always a band and the people watching will give you life.
Twilight: Every year, Athens hosts this crazy bike race called Twilight in the middle of downtown. Three reasons why everyone loves it: 1) This isnt like you and your first grade bestie seeing who can get to the bottom of the hill first. This race is some Lance Armstrong level shit. 2) Its always right before finals week so everyone gets drunk af because theyre actually gonna have to study soon. 3) Open. Container.
Georgia-Florida: All of football season at UGA is a big event, but theres nothing bigger than GAFLA. The school literally plans fall break around it because they know everyone would still bail on class if they didnt. Every year, the game is played in Jacksonville, Fla., but instead of staying close to the stadium, UGA students stay a few hours away in St. Simons. Why? Because its bullshit that its in Florida every year, and Georgians want to keep their tax dollars in state. Im not even kidding. Thats the real reason. The Friday before the game, the entire student body takes over a stretch of beach aka Frat Beach and has a massive cluster fuck of a party. The residents of SSI hate it. The university hates it. But despite their many attempts, theres nothing they can do to stop it.
Every August, youll think its UGAs year for football and that this team will go all the way. Every October, your hopes and dreams will be shattered. Just go ahead and prepare yourself for football heartbreak.
Parking is a fucking nightmare, the bus drivers are absolute savages, and regardless of which direction youre walking, its miraculously always uphill. So getting around campus is a bitch. But if you take the walking route, youll have a killer ass.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/05/30/betches-love-this-college-the-university-of-georgia/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/05/30/betches-love-this-college-the-university-of-georgia/
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