#who wears nothing but Cardcaptor Sakura shirts
astaroth1357 · 8 months
How to Social:
*MC and the brothers are in the HoL dining room for breakfast. MC has only known the boys for two days now, so they're still a fly on the wall to most of their interactions. Incidentally, they're sat across from Leviathan today, watching him fiddle on his phone...*
*in its Ruri-chan case*
*with a Ruri-chan charm*
*wearing a Ruri-chan shirt*
*and watching a comfort episode of The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl*
MC [In Their Head]: Okay so. I need to break the ice.
MC: I read the plot summary of the Ruri Hana anime on the wiki last night so I understand the premise...
MC: I know the names of a few characters and the basic plot structure of the episodes...
MC: I should try to talk to him about it now.
MC: ... But what about that whole controversy over the dub and the sub versions? The forums said that they're practically different shows! How do I know which one he saw? What if I get it wrong??
MC: Maybe I should do more research...
MC: NO! I want him to introduce the show to me properly! I don’t want to come off like I know more than he does...
MC: But what if I say something wrong and it totally pisses him off?? He may never talk to me again!!
*and then, much to MC's dismay, Levi finishes his buffo eggs and juice then gets up to leave the table. Not a word exchanged between them all breakfast*
MC: ... *sigh*
MC: There’s always tomorrow....
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non-plutonian-druid · 3 years
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I have spent the last year slowly working my way through the coloring pages that @artsy-alice so kindly made of her line art. It’s been a rlly nice way to relieve stress, so I’m very thankful to her. Here are some of the ones that I think came out the best!
[ID: four pieces of Voltron: Legendary Defender fanart, drawn in a chibi style.
The first is a drawing of Romelle and Keith as human teenagers. Keith is standing with a blank expression on his face, while Romelle leans her elbow on his shoulder and grins. They are wearing each other’s clothes; Romelle is dressed in ripped jeans, a skull-print shirt, and a red hoodie, while Keith wears sneakers with bows on them, a blue skirt, a pink sweater, and is holding a plushie unicorn purse.
The second is a drawing of Romelle and Keith as human toddlers, sitting on skateboards and playing rock paper scissors. Romelle is winning with “rock”, and she has a delighted smile on her face.
The third is a drawing of Krolia, Romelle, Keith, and Kosmo in pajamas in a bedroom in the castle ship. Krolia is braiding Keith’s hair, who is braiding Romelle’s hair, who is braiding Kosmo’s fur, who is napping with his head in her lap.
The fourth is a drawing of a Cardcaptor Sakura Alice in Wonderland Au. Allura, as Alice, is in the front, grinning and winking. Just behind her is Romelle as the Queen of Hearts and Coran as the Dormouse. Behind them is Lance as the Cheshire Cat, smirking with his arms and legs folded. Then there is Shiro as the White Rabbit and Keith as the Mad Hatter. In the back are Pidge and Hunk as Tweedledum and Tweedledee. End ID.]
(please note that I know literally nothing about Cardcaptor Sakura so that ID is mostly a guess and please forgive me for any inaccuracies)
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A Heart Reassembled.
By DJ4K. 
This story contains themes of biphobia.
Emily had something important to tell her girlfriend Margery. But Margery didn’t seem to take it well. “What do you mean your bisexual? How could you be bi if your dating a girl? Are you breaking up with me?” 
“No, I just thought you should know.”
“But how can you be lesbien and bi at the same time?” 
“I’m not gay I’m bi.”
Margery patted Emily on the shoulder. “It’s ok we’ll get over this together.”
Emily was shocked. “There’s nothing to get over, I just wanted you to know.” 
Margery said in a dismissive tone. “Come on you know there’s no such thing as bisexual.”
Emily couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The girl, who she thought was so sweet, saying such hurtful things. “If you can’t accept who I am than… Than I can’t be your girlfriend anymore!” 
Emily ran out of the house sobbing all the way to her parent’s home. She hadn't officially moved out yet so most of her stuff was still there. 
She ran to her room and slammed the door behind her. In times of great stress there was something that often made her feel better, online shopping. It wasn’t healthy and she often spent more than she meant to but she told herself she deserved it. 
She got a Cardcaptor Sakura t-shirt, a princess themed water bottle, a princess Marco figure and many other things. But before she clicked purchase she stopped herself. She removed each item one by one and went looking for something more reasonable. 
On a whim she typed bi pride into the search bar. She found a plane black t shirt with the pink purple and blue flag. Below the flag in matching colors were the words “be yourself.” She absolutely loved the overpriced shirt and it would be here just in time for the pride parade. She bought it immediately. 
A month later Emily had her shirt and the parade was about to start. She put on her new shirt and peard it with a rainbow skirt. She also had purple eyeliner that matched the bi flag. Emily felt just like she had her own magical girl transformation. 
At the parade grounds the march was about to start. Emily was more hyped than she was for the next season of She-ra. But something wasn’t right, some people were nice to her but more saw her in a different light, they tried to avoid her.
This day was supposed to be about acceptance but Emily didn’t feel that way at all. She heard people say things like, “indecisive,” “privileged,” and “slut.” One person said right to her face. “I don’t think you belong here.” 
Emily couldn’t understand how a place with so many rainbows could make her so sad. She ran like she had done many times before. In a cold alleyway she sat hugging her knees  well mascara ran down her face. This was worse than the heartbreak from not too long ago. From two pieces to forty pieces her heart broke and it just kept shattering. There seemed to be no ware for people like her in this world. But even on the darkest nights the sun is still there, it just hasn’t risen yet. In Emily’s darkest moment that was when her sunshine came over the horizon. 
“Are you ok?” 
Emily looked up. The soft voice came from a handsome young person wearing an ally flag shirt. Emily stood up with her arms crossed over her shirt. “I'm sorry, I don’t want to ruin this day for anyone.” 
“Don’t be sorry. You know what cheers me up when I’m sad?” He took Emily to an ice cream shop, they were serving rainbow sherbet in celebration of pride. He bought some for her and it was sweet as honey on her tongue. 
Emily took the spoon from her mouth, she started to sniffle. “Why are you doing this? We don’t even know each others names.”
“Well will have to change that, I’m Jacob, what's your name?” 
“Now that you’ve got some ice cream in you can you tell me what was bothering you?”
“It’s just… I feel like I’ve done something that made everyone upset. I thought they would like it as much as I do but…” 
 “Oh, was it because of your shirt?” Asked Jacob. Emily crossed her arms in front of her shirt again and looked away in shame. “No don’t do that, it looks good on you. There’s no shame in being who you are. If they don’t like it then their the ones with the problem not you.”
Emily was starting to feel a lot better. “Do you always give iced cream to crying alley people?” 
“Don’t question the healing power of iced cream.” They both laughed. This was the beginning of their romance. 
They’re relationship progressed slowly. Most of their dates were walks in the park. They would talk about anime, movies and whatever else they wanted. They would hold hands the whole time and at the end of the day they would feed the ducks. Emily wore her pride shirt every chance she got. If ever someone gave her a dirty look Jacob would give her hand a little squeeze and the hate directed towards her seemed like nothing. 
One night, nearly a year since they met, the two lovers sat on the couch and watched Cute High Earth Defence Club Love. Jacob baked cookies for the two of them. Emily sighed, leaned Jacob and cuddled up to him. Her favorite genre, her favorite shirt, her favorite food and her favorite person Emily couldn’t ask for more. 
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landofanimes · 6 years
I got tagged by @real-life-senshi​! RULES: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 blogs you’d like to get to know better.
Me? getting tagged? XD Cool! :) Ok, here we go!
Nickname: I use “Arukas“ online because that’s how you write “Sakura“ backwards XD Yes, Sakura as in CardCaptor Sakura - my childhood fave :) There was this anime magazine I used to read where one of the editors used a character's name backwards as an alias so I tried that and it spelled something readable, so here we are. I’m a girl, by the way, in case people haven’t guessed XD Currently on my 20s.
Star Sign: I’m an Aries. I feel like half of the description of Aries fits me well, half has nothing to do with me. I don’t believe in Astrology but I find it a fun concept! Go, rams! XD I love the Aries Saints in Saint Seiya by the way, I love its unique neat legacy ^^ If Ophiuchus counted, though, apparently I would be a Pisces!  
Height: 1.70m (5′7′‘)
Last film I saw: I’ve recently watched How to Train Your Dragon 3! If we’re talking live-action, I finally watched Kingsman 2. I honestly can’t remember the last anime film I saw though ^^’ I gotta get back to those. Oh, I did watch Digimon Tri 6 XD Though it’s been months ahaha
Favorite musician: Oh, that’s hard. I do like some musicians/bands (Brazilian and English-speaking) but I don’t really follow their stuff. Like, I don’t actively search for new music, but if I like what I listen somewhere (radio, a party, etc) I take those specific songs I heard XD I like pop. Some rock songs. Idk. Ballet is also cool. I do listen to a lot of soundtracks though, instrumental or not (that includes musicals, movies, tv series, anime...also lots of disney). I occasionally sing soundtracks to myself when no one’s around
Song Stuck In My Head: Recently, for some reason, Beauty School Dropout from Grease and Glad You Came - or at least Glee’s versions of that XD. 
Other Blogs: @lands-of-fantasy​. Basically where I post everything I like that is not anime?? XD About movies and tv series, I mean. And books. Mostly live action, but it also features some Disney/Dreamworks and a bit of animated/comics superhero stuff. In fact it has quite a lot of superhero stuff lol why does Marvel and DC produce so much content at once?? I’m only one person!
Do I Get Asks: Sadly, almost never! 
Blogs following: Currently 16. Yeah, I don’t follow many blogs... Partially because I don’t want to overwhelm my dash and partially because I try to avoid spoilers. Though I do occasionally check on some I don’t follow! There are 2 or 3 I actually check frequently and regularly, but don’t follow them officially cause they post A LOT, including things I’m not interested in. 
What I’m Wearing: ? Shorts and a t-shirt.
Dream job: Hell if I know! If only God would send me a sign 
Dream Trip: I would love to go to England! And Italy. And Japan! Maybe Egypt? Also several Disneylands, lol. I did go to Disney once though, which was a Dream Trip of mine, so yay!!!
Play any instruments: Nope
Languages: Portuguese and English
Favorite foods: If we’re talking about real food, I love Feijoada (it’s a black beans meal). Also Cuscuz (which is corn based). And meat in general! We eat a lot of beef in Brazil. If we’re talking those caloric wonders, I can’t resist cheeseburgers nor french fries! Also pizza, of course. Snack wise, I’m weak for chocolate cookies.
Random facts:
Fantasy is my favorite genre in media. Give me magic. Mythical creatures and races. Also far away lands. And good old sword-fighting! Medieval settings are cool. Supernatural beings are also welcome.
If I’m watching something and it doesn’t feature anything fantastical or at least some sword-fighting at all, it’s probably a romance. Maybe a musical, though not as often. Then again musicals are kinda fantastic in their own way!
Since I was tagged by a fellow Moonie and I do post/reblog a lot of Sailor Moon here:
I grew up with the 90′s anime. In 2013 I read the manga and got into the old musicals. And then I watched PGSM! Then came the new musicals and crystal. I enjoy each and every iteration, though in varying degrees of course. I pick the things I like the most in each version and take those as canon XD
I usually watch the subbed versions of foreign live action movies/series. Animation wise, however, I always aim for the dubs XD As an anime fan, however, I obviously have to resort to subtitles cause sometimes there’s simply no dub version!
Favorite songs:
I don’t even know, dude
Some sera myu faves that come to mind, in no particular order:
La Soldier / FIRE / Can’t Be Soldiers of Love Forever / Chasing After You / See Me, It’s Our Era / Brand New World / Tuxedo Mission / Tuxedo Loyal /  Amazon Kara Circus Dan ga Yatte Kita / Choubi! Uranus to Neptune
Music of The Spheres / Line Up! 5 Ladies of the White Moon / Sky of Jewels / Also the last part of Light of Destruction (Decline and Rebirth) gives me chills!!
Some animes that have amazing soundtracks:
Tsubasa Chronicles
Saint Seiya
Lost Canvas
Fullmetal Alchemist (both of them)
Also Digimon’s openings and Brave Heart. CardCaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z music will always hold a place in my heart too (man, it’s been eons ever since I watched any DBZ...) 
Tagging: As if I knew who to tag XD I also don’t interact much, I’m shy :P Oh wait @teresartwork​ tags me, so there you go! if you want to, of course. If not that’s cool too :)
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Zombieland Saga 7 - 8 | Merc Storia 6 | SSSS.Gridman 7 | Double Decker! 9 | Golden Kamuy 19
Zombieland Saga 7
As much as I worry about Junko…where’s Ai?
Parts of the OP have changed since I last paid attention to it, huh? Now there’s a segment where all the zombified (i.e. undead) versions of the girls appear. Then there’s a new bit where you see Romero looking at Kotaro, wagging his tail. Then there’s a bit with the zombie-idol girls together in an AKB48 sort of pose in a 70s-style room…I think that’s all the new stuff, really.
Come to think of it, last time the episode was Datte Sentimental Saga, this time the episode is Keredo Zombiemental Saga. Both somehow become “Because It’s [fill in blank with appropriate word] Saga”.
I’ve noticed a pattern – every idol show I watch causes me a considerable amount of stress as I worry about whether the characters will be able to deal with their problems. It’s nice that they develop their characters so much, but it’s bad for me…
I feel like hearing Miyano’s delivery over the lines “Kicky blammo!” kind of softenend the funniness factor of the line. (i.e. It was funnier when I had the volume off.) But his mouth-wide-open face is funny.
I wonder…as touching as it is to have Kotaro give this pep speech, it almost seems out of character for him. Maybe it might’ve been better to have Junko come to the realisation herself, rather than have something to grow mushrooms over? But that’s just the opinion of someone who thinks ranty Kotaro is how he is 100% of the time. I’m also fine with more sensitive Kotaro, I just wish I could’ve seen that side when he was dealing with just Sakura.
So Ai didn’t die at Saga Rock…hmm. I take my words from the previous episode back.
Truck-kun Strikes Back, this show should be called. Truck-kun Strikes Back.
I just noticed that’s the Cygames building…and Cygames is a sponsor of Zombieland Saga.
Well…we’re back with the CGI it seems. It’s not entirely bad, but could be a lot worse.
Merc Storia 6
Well…I think this Halloween special is a few weeks too late…
This stuff about carrying a rock…just make Bright Stone necklaces. That way you free up your hands!
Cosette? Like Les Miserables?!
Interestingly, in stories like this, parents always get pulled into the dreamland after their kids do (see Junkers Come Here for another example).
Tatsuhisa Suzuki? Takehito Koyasu? Man, I so didn’t pay attention to the voices this episode…
SSSS.Gridman 7
RIP Special Dog…round 2.
“I think nothing.” – See, Samurai Calibur is best boi!
Why does Alexis meeting Yuuta look like a Meeting with the Parents (y’know, one of those meeting you have with a girlfriend’s parents to see if the boyfriend is suitable for their little darling)?
This pointy thing in the air reminds me of Eva…like an Angel, y’know?
I think the pause for Vit’s reaction went a little too long…I thought my video was glitching, but reacted slightly too late to pause it.
The blood of Anti was way too orange…but I guess that’s better than having red blood which makes people puke…and gets the BPO to complain, to boot…
Update: The missile movements looked familiar…that’s because they were an Itano Circus (which is the same as the Macross Missile Massacre I believe I mentioned in a previous episode).
Update 2: I just watched the source short and there was a bit of animation copied from there! The bit where the bike rattles in its bindings!
Double Decker! 9
(something along the lines of “you’re just going to use the view hack to peep on us, right?”) - Owwch, I can feel the Apple Bieber burn from here!...But why does Sophie slur her words slightly so that they come out as “Twavis” etc….?
Randomly, Doug has a moustache! Wahaha…sorry, this isn’t very informative, huh? I only have two sets of reactions: the insightful ones which have all my knowledge behind them, or the reactive ones which don’t amount to much…
I find it interesting Kirill says “Ore ga idea ga aru”. Why? Because 1) Kirill uses “ore”, likely as a way to assert his masculinity even with his feminine-looking face and 2) there is a kanji for “idea” (teian), but he uses the katakana version, likely to indicate how young he is in comparison to (most of) the other investigators (he’s 20 remember). Or alternatively, he’s meant to be speaking English. Or both those reasons.
Well, that’s (the rollerskate getaway) a getaway I thought I’d never see in a cop show…it looks almost as if it would work better in Cardcaptor Sakura than here! (I’m laughing, but also engrossed in the show, don’t worry.)
I still can’t tell what the lyrics are to Buntline Special…but if I’m not mistaken, some of the initial lyrics are “Don’t give a s*** now”. Or…I could’ve just misheard that. We won’t know until official lyrics are out, y’know?
Oh dear, they’re going into biology territory next time! Time for my biology contact to strut their stuff! (See WordPress for more on that...the info I’m talking about is in one of the roundups.)
Golden Kamuy 19
I find it interesting that only now Sugimoto is exploring the nature of greed…both the living and the dead’s meaning of it.
As much as I find it entertaining that Koito seems to be getting flustered (in what way? *raises eyebrows*) about Tsurumi praising him…why does the 7th always seem to opt for making the skins they get into shirts? I thought that stuff was over after Edogai died and the earless twin got his ear  made into a thing he wears on his head…
Once again…a character I thought was “pure” (in the context of this series anyway) turns out to have been a killer since he was young. For some reason, Ogata is popular with the ladies in Japan though…I don’t quite get it myself, but hey. What can I do for stats outside my control?
Apparently the ED visual, where Asirpa listens to Sugimoto’s heartbeat, was Noda-sensei’s idea.
Zombieland Saga 8
Ooh, I’ve read enough spoilers about Lily to only want to know the portrayal of how it goes down at this point…
I just realised the onsen was called Ureshino Onsen = ureshii no onsen (happy onsen, i.e. an onsen that brings/gives happiness).
Franchouchou ad for Drive-In Tori on the TV, I see…
Even if I don’t know the lyrics of the OP all that much, I definitely know when to join in with a SA-GAAAAAAAAAAA! at the end, right? That OP’s grown on me, but it’s nowhere near my favourite.
Kyoseki Park. It literally means “giant rock park”, so that’s where the boulders come from.
Have you noticed Kotaro isn’t actually blowing into the shell and he’s verbalising the noise he thinks will come out of the shell? That’s a silly touch, but one I appreciate.
A yak…? Oh right, a yakuza!
I love the rolling sobat so much, I found it again on Reddit!
Lily actually uses the word “Pappy”, which is uncommon for Japan…they tend to use “dad”, “father” or “papa” instead.
Tiny Kotaro really sells that first eyecatch.
Nyoki is the sound effect of something popping out of the earth. It’s the same for mushrooms, y’know. I love mushrooms. (Even Tae’s going nyoki…haha!)
When the SFX went “twang”, I thought that was the end of that, but Kotaro is actually holding an instrument to make his own SFX again! Genius, man, you’re an absolute genius!
I’m sorry for laughing during a dramatic moment, but if Takeo’s face can be covered by his hand like that…he has darned Yaoi Hands! Hahaha! Okay, I’m sorry. Carry on.
I remember reading on the official site Lily died in 2011, so…more recent than Sakura. So a TV-hating man like him would be pretty obvious in a day and age like that.
Aw…I shed a tear or two for Lily, too. Update: Or 10. I’m not crying. You’re crying…
Wait, does this mean Kotaro is also a lyricist? And/or a songwriter? That is a man of many talents!...Aaaaaaaaaaand now I need a tissue box. Brb.
Oh wow, that next episode title has a lotta words! I thought it was going to be about Yuugiri, but it could be about Saki…hmm…or anyone we haven’t seen in the spotlight yet. Who knows? Only those who watch it or make it! Oh, now that I’ve watched it through, it does seem to be about Saki!
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sawamuras · 7 years
thank you aleena @uchihasaskes for tagging me in this! 💕
1. name/nickname: teresa, my animal crossing villagers call me sweet-t
2. gender: female
3. star sign: scorpio
4. height: 5′0
5. hogwarts house: hufflepuff
6. favorite animal: dogs, pandas, cats, and pigs
7. hours of sleep: i’ve been living the dream life 7-8 hours a night amazing
8. dogs or cats: dogs
9. number of blankets: one
10. dream trip: definitely want to go back to japan with friends, and just spend two to three weeks going to different places and shopping and eating loads!
11. dream job: i’m super lucky and i’m currently in my dream job, but for like a far-out dream job probably like food tester for gordon ramsey who gets to yay or nay whether or not the dish is good enough to serve at his restaurants rip or the host of the amazing race pls
12. time: 9:47 pm
13. birthday: oct 30
14. favorite bands: barely listen to like any music tbh so i don’t have any favorite bands
15. favorite solo artists: my favorite artist is ariana grande, otherwise, i don’t like any other artists to say they’re a favorite
16. song stuck in my head: nothing rip
17. last movie i watched: doukyuusei !! super lovely and cute movie, it’s also really short, so i highly recommend it to everyone!
18. last show i watched: masterchef australia
19. when did i create my blog: made this blog august of this year! made my last blog around may/june of 2016 i think, started on tumblr on my first blog in 2013
20. what do i post/reblog: only anime, lots of sports, shoujo, and seasonal anime
21. last thing i googled: “fire emblem birthright recruitment”
22. other blogs: cuipid is my aesthetic/ya lit side, dailytoukenranbu, photoshopshit
23. do i get asks: yup! i actually have a few i need to answer, but i’m doing this instead rip
24. why i choose my URL: love my boys eijun and daichi so much i could cry
25. following: 95
26. followers: 1,400+
27. lucky number: 8
28. favorite instrument: piano
29. what am i wearing: big sleep shirt!
30. favorite food: love japanese food and chinese food !!!! i miss it so much ;u;
31. nationality: american
32. favorite song: none really, i don’t get that into songs or attached to music to really have an all time favorite
33. last book read: it’s been so long !!!! i honestly don’t remember, maybe crooked kingdom by leigh bardugo
34. top three fictional universes i’d like to join: HARRY POTTER, bnha, cardcaptor sakura
tagging @vampykeith @reizakis @atsushisnakajima @kagyamatobios @kaiyochins @krshima @akaashist @oikawae and anyone else that would like to do this, please say i tagged you !!
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chibi-apples · 8 years
Rules: Answer the question on a new post and then tag some peeps you wanna get to know better
Name: Shirin Nickname: Rin, Shiwin, fruity, sunshine, mom Star sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5'4″
Time right now: 10:34PM
Last thing I googled: “5''7 in cm” (.... I’ve always only remembered my height in cm ok)
Favorite Music artists: Westlife, Demi Lovato, Eric Nam
Stuck in your head: nothing at the moment tbh, but 爱我别走 by Henry Lau was my song of the week last week
Last movie watched: Train to Busan during New Year’s Day. It was really good omg. I cried :’(
Last TV show watched: Catfish, I think
What are you wearing: pink shirt w/ a cartoon dinosaur print, brown cardigan, colourful & comfy shorts (basically just casual clothes only worn at home)  
When did you create your blog: 2011 too LOL
What kind of stuff do you most post on your blog: I used to write more text posts but then I made a twitter about 3 years ago so I started dumping my thoughts there instead. I’m not too active anymore so I just reblog whatever looks nice on my dashboard when I feel like it.
Other blogs?: Just one other personal blog that I won’t link :^)
Gender: Female Hogwarts house: N/A Pokemon team: I’ve never played far enough to join a team oops (but I would’ve chosen Instinct cause cute leader AY) MBTI: ISFJ (The Defender) Moral alignment: 1000% lawful good
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite Characters: Uhh I guess off the top of my head, there’s Kinomoto Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura)and Nagase Iori (Kokoro Connect). Oh! And Nezumi (No. 6)
Dream job: Anything to do with not-for-profit and still earning a good amount
Who I’m tagging: holy crap I’ve hardly interacted with anyone on tumblr in so long. I’m tagging @faises! 
Thanks for tagging me @tsubaka-tofu! 
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
Are you an anime uninitiate finding yourself in need of a perfect present for your anime loving niece or nephew? Maybe you’re trying to impress a special classmate with the perfect anime gift but have no idea where to start cause those Japanese cartoons are scary?
I’m amusing myself terribly with this intro! Of course no one who isn’t already an anime fan will make it to this blog, I know that. Just humour me a bit longer.
You came to the right place my friend. All your questions and worries are answered. I bring you not one, not two but five perfect anime themed gifts to give your loved ones this holiday season. I guarantee they will love them…as long as they are exactly like me. In fact maybe you should play it safe and just give them to me.
  This is really adorable
5) Anime jewellery/accessories
Sure we all love to display our love for our favourite fandoms but that doesn’t mean we want to become walking billboards. Besides, you can’t wear nothing but t-shirts all year round… apparently… So it’s nice to have a more subtle touch.
Sure there are pins or jewellery with the names and logos of favourite shows but even better than that are the ones that mimic elements of that show. For an even more subtle approach. These are fairly easy to find on sites like Amazon or AliExpress and double as cosplay fodder for a gift that keeps on giving.
Some of my current favourites are my Cardcaptor Sakura pendant, my Black Butler pocket watch and my Demon Slayer earrings. I regularly receive compliments on these from random people. It’s nice!
another season of Konosuba would also be an amazing gift!
4) Personal maid/Butler cafe
Depending on your relationship to the gift giver this may get a little weird but just roll with it. You don’t need to go all out on the costume (although it’s a nice touch if you can) a simple apron or a tie is enough to get the point across. The important thing here is the experience!
Arm yourself with an assortment of delicate sweets maybe some pre-made omurice and a ketchup bottle with a thin manoeuvrable nozzle for decorating and give the gift of fawning attention and servitude to your special someone. My description may have tricked you into thinking there’s something naughty involved here but perish the thought! You should be aiming for your gift receiver to feel relaxed, full and maybe just a little awkward. You can learn some common Japanese service phrases to make it extra special!
beautiful wallpapers are also a cool if slightly cheap gift
3) Plane Tickets to Japan
Hey, I said last minute, I didn’t say “cheap”! Actually you should probably throw in hotel accommodations, Tokyo can get pricey!
O.k. o.k., fine, as a Fallback position, how about some Duolingo Japanese courses. Those start at *free* and you can do them at your own pace from the comfort of your own home. Cause gifts shouldn’t come with responsibilities! And what gives more Otaku cred than being able to watch anime without subtitles! In the original language that is. Nothing! It makes you king of the nerds.
Easiest gift ever!
Told you you would love it
2. Watch anime with them
I’m not kidding. A lot of us Anime fans don’t have that many people we can share our hobby with so this is a great gift. Sure it’s a bit more of a time investment than most people put in their presents but it’s an experience that will be meaningful and who knows, you might enjoy it more than you think.
Look at me still pretending I’m writing for people who don’t already watch tons of anime. Ok let’s turn it around. Make your friends and family watch anime with you! Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it. Still find a cool Christmas anime or episode (look at that, I have a list) and share it with someone. Who knows, they might like it!
see, it looks great!
1) Shonen jump subscription
I’ve spoken of this a lot lately. I always thought Shonen Jump was a great deal but when I read that 70% of the profit are given back to the Mangaka to try to make up a bit for the astronomical possess due to piracy, I really wanted to support viz.
For a mere 2$ a month, you get new chapters of the latest Shonen Manga every single week plus full access to their entire archive library. There are some amazing titles there! Do I sound like I’m being sponsored or something. I’m not at all. I just really love both the cause and the product. I’m actually getting these for a bunch of people myself.
See, even though there’s just a handful of days left, you now have your pick of awesome presents to give your anime loving friends, family and/or me!
Remember, even though it sounds super cheesy, it really is the thought that counts. If you try your best to give someone something they would actually enjoy, that sentiment will mean more than anything you can buy. Except possibly those tickets to Japan. I mean ‘cmon!
celebration Rini!
5 Last Minute Anime Themed Christmas Gifts I would Like to Receive Are you an anime uninitiate finding yourself in need of a perfect present for your anime loving niece or nephew?
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