#whoever directed that entire scene deserves an emmy
cowboybuckleys · 3 years
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whitewallwhispers · 5 years
Little Lies
Narcos - Javier Peña - Series
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine
A young writer moves to Colombia to perform research on the drug war for her latest novel. She’s willing to do anything for information, which leads her down a rabbit hole that begins to blur the line between pretending to be someone and becoming something she might not be ready for.
Her latest target is a D.E.A. Agent named Javier Peña. Now they’re both being pulled into something neither of them were expecting.
Warnings: Smut - unsatisfied partner, cum play, daddy kink. Extreme violence. Very explicit. (Guns, gunshot wounds, blood, brain matter, knives, stabbing, more blood. Very graphic.) Strong language (pretty much every expletive under the sun.) Nothing you haven’t seen in the show, but a lot for a fanfic.
My hope is that you can imagine this character as any race with any style of hair (as someone with short hair I get annoyed when every fic mentions long locks and ponytails). Also (super minor detail) as right or left handed.
Author’s Note: This starts out very lighthearted, I hope it can make you laugh. But then it gets very dark. If you feel like you can’t stomach that part, don’t worry. I’ll have a non-explicit summary in Part Eight to get you up to speed without the gory details.
Tag List (Open! Chat or Reply): @fanfiction-trashpile | @sophster1881​ | @theringostarfanclub | @thinemineours
“Cum on my tits,” she mewled, arching her back with faked pleasure and need.
Don’t you dare cum inside me, you bastard. There was only one person allowed to do that.
The paunchy old man began to grunt like some sort of farm animal, his hands hooked under her knees and holding them apart unceremoniously. Uselessly.
She wasn’t even remotely aroused - it was a miracle she wasn’t as dry as a desert, but thankfully at least her body knew how to cover the basics. She’d spent the past five minutes moaning half-heartedly while thinking about what she wanted for breakfast tomorrow.
It seemed to be working for him, though. His pace was already stuttering, his breathing ragged, sweat pouring down his forehead and chest like a pair of greasy waterfalls.
Okay, ew.
She needed to stop looking at him. So she closed her eyes and thought of England.
“Please, daddy, cum all over my tits,” she panted, clawing at the sheets beneath her as if she was unable to contain herself.
Finally, the fucker obliged, groaning like he was about to die. Painfully so. Unfortunately his aim was terrible and a stream landed square across her face.
Oh, God. She braced herself, blocking off her throat so as to minimize how much she’d taste. She wiped his sticky semen up with her thumb and stuck it in her mouth, sucking it clean while moaning as if it was as good as sex itself.
She hadn’t done enough. It tasted as rank as she’d expected and it was all she could do not to gag.
“That’s a good girl,” the man panted. “Lick up daddy’s cum, all of it, and daddy will treat you extra good.”
Fucking everloving fuckity fuck fuck.
She was too desperate for cash not to oblige. But not until she got paid.
“Put it on the table, daddy.”
He rolled off of her with yet another animalistic grunt and went for his wallet, pulling out an unexpectedly hefty stack of bills and putting it on her nightstand. He turned to face her, looking down at her with hungry, piggy eyes as he stroked his cock.
“Lick it up, princess.”
She deserved an Oscar, an Emmy, and a Tony Award for the show she put on cleaning her chest of his spew and swallowing it like it was five-star caviar. By the time she was finished he was half hard again, but she wasn’t about to let things develop into round two - she wasn’t that desperate.
“I have another client due in five minutes,” she lied, laying out on her side and grinning at him with eyes as wide and lustful as if he were a Greek god. “I always lose track of time when I’m with you.”
“I’ll be back tomorrow, then, princess,” he answered with a wink. “Same time?”
Oh, goody.
“Of course, daddy.”
He couldn’t have gotten dressed any slower if he’d tried, his eyes raking over her body the entire time, his sweat immediately pooling and sticking to his shirt as soon as he had it on. Her room would smell like his body odor for the rest of the night - if she was unlucky, until tomorrow morning.
It felt like a miracle when she finally got him out the door, but not before he gave her one last kiss, shoving his slimy tongue in her mouth and making it explore her like a drunken slug. She slid the locks into place and slumped against the door, feeling like she’d just rolled around in a gutter.
The shower was so hot she thought she might give herself a first degree burn, but it felt too good to turn the temperature down. She scrubbed herself three times over before stepping out and drying her body, too tired to do the same with her hair. She slipped into her pajamas and pulled her soiled topsheet from her bed, tossing it in the corner to be washed later. Grabbing a blanket from the couch, she wrapped herself up as she counted her cash.
He’d paid her time and a half, all for that stupid last-minute show. At least he made it worthwhile. She reluctantly got back on her feet to make her way back to the bathroom to roll up her wad of bills and stuff it into the tampon box in the cabinet under her sink.
When her head hit her pillows, she fell right asleep.
The sound of screeching tires jolted her awake.
Immediately, an innate and instinctual fear rippled through her, sending the hair on her arms and the back of her neck standing up straight. Car doors slammed - three of them. Feet shuffled loudly up to the doorway beneath her window, fervent murmurs dampened by the glass.
She was out of bed in a flash, ripping open her sock drawer, hands blindly feeling around in the dark until her fingers found the cold metal of her gun. She pulled it out and cocked it, keeping the safety on. For now.
A gunshot. Something shattering. Then the repeated thump, thump, slam of what she could only guess was someone busting open the front door of her apartment building.
Her blood became frigid but her skin felt like it was on fire.
Whoever it was, whatever was happening, it wasn’t good. She raced across her apartment to hide herself around the corner of her bathroom, closing her eyes and trying to steady her breathing. For a while, there was only deafening silence.
And then came the clamor of footsteps thundering up the staircase, the slam of fists on doors, voices shouting “Open up!”
Some hopelessly optimistic part of her hoped that it was the police coming to arrest someone. Someone who couldn’t possibly be her.
“Where is she? Where does she live? The foreign bitch. Which apartment is hers?” The voice was familiar and she nearly vomited on the spot.
He’d found her, and if he’d seen her walking around with her gun it hadn’t phased him.
She was about to make a break for it to get to her phone when there came a violent crash at her door.
“I know you’re in there, you filthy fucking cunt!” Manuel roared. “Police whore!”
The weak wood creaked loudly and she could hear the hinges rattle loosely in their sockets.
Three, then four, then five.
Wood splintered and metal clanged, followed by fierce, repeated kicks.
All at once, there was a great eruption of tearing and shattering. The lights flicked on.
“Come out, you stupid bitch.”
Several sets of footsteps entered her apartment, and she knew this was it.
Life or death.
She grit her teeth so hard she half expected her jaw to snap. She swallowed, her breathing so rapid it scared her and her heart pounding harder than it ever had before. Adrenaline was coursing through her like high voltage electricity, making her entire body feel like it was being pulled taut, held together by strings and wires stretched to their absolute limit.
One set of footsteps began to grow closer, and she could make out the sounds of her bed and couch being scraped across the floor.
She switched off the safety.
Something came over her.
Live or die.
Kill or be killed.
All of a sudden it was like she was standing outside of herself, watching the scene unfold. Everything slowed down, as if she were moving underwater.
Her hand went out around the corner first, already firing, before she pivoted the rest of her body around.
She’d gotten lucky - she’d shot the approaching man right in the stomach.
As he fell to his knees he fired a shot at her, then another bullet came from across the room.
She crouched and shot the man in front of her again. He was close enough that she got him right in the head, and before his body fell to the ground she launched herself across the floor so that he landed against her.
Three bullets sunk into his back, making the most sickening thuds, spraying blood everywhere. She was vaguely aware that blood and something else was dripping onto her from the gaping wound in his head, but couldn’t afford to care. She gripped his shirt and rammed her shoulder into his chest to keep him upright, the dead weight of his corpse threatening to knock her over.
She reached her hand out around him and began to shoot wildly in the general direction of where she thought the bullets might have been coming from. When another man cried out in agony, she knew she’d at least been somewhat successful.
More bullets flew past her, a few sinking into the back of her human shield again.
Then there were footsteps racing towards her.
“You fucking bitch!” Manuel screamed, firing shot after shot as he ran towards her.
She tried to shoot at him as he came down on her, but he knocked her gun out of her hand and it went skidding across the floor.
He pointed his barrel directly at her head, the scorching metal burning her forehead as he thrust the tip of it into her skin.
That was it.
She’d failed.
But at least she’d tried.
He pulled the trigger.
Either he was out of bullets or his gun had jammed, but it didn’t matter.
She stood and grabbed the barrel, pointing it up, trying to wrench it out of his grip, but she didn’t have the strength.
He fired a shot into the ceiling.
Fuck. So it wasn’t empty.
With her other hand she punched him as hard as she could in the balls.
He doubled over, collapsing over the corpse of the other cartel member and tumbling to the floor. She sprinted towards the kitchen, turning the corner just as another round was fired at her from across the room.
Whoever she’d shot, she hadn’t killed them.
She could try to run, but she’d never make it. Manuel had already gotten up and was firing at her again. She barely ducked in time, bullets shattering the tile backsplash above her stove. She ripped open the nearest drawer while staying as low as she could. Her hands fumbled for a moment before she found what she was looking for - thank God she barely had anything in there.
Two of those few things were a pair of large blades - one a cleaver, the other a sharp chef’s knife. Staying low she scooted to the far end of the counter. Waiting.
Manuel’s footsteps grew closer and his bullets more accurate, sending shards of the counter raining down on her. He probably could’ve killed her from there, but that wasn’t his style. He’d want to get her point blank in the head, looking her in the eyes as he ripped the life from her.
When he rounded the corner, his gun once again pointed right at her, she threw herself at his legs with all her might, one hand sinking the chef’s knife into his thigh and the other pulling at the back of his knee, trying to knock him over.
He fired another shot into the ceiling as he lost his balance, but by the time he hit the ground she was already swinging the cleaver at his inner thigh, biting through his jeans into the flesh as she yanked it outwards, hoping to lengthen the cut and maybe catch an artery. With her other hand she began stabbing at his stomach, her own turning each time her knife sunk into him with thick, wet sounds.
Manuel screamed, lifting his hand to fire at her again. He got one bullet out before she turned the cleaver in her grip and sliced out at his wrist, slamming the blade through his skin and tendons so hard the handle flew out of her grasp as he yanked his arm away.
He dropped the gun, but his other hand was reaching for her wrist that still stabbed at his stomach wildly. Manuel was able to wrench her hand back, and she thought he might be able to grab the knife from her, but then he coughed.
A cascade of blood flew from his mouth and he began to choke.
His hand slipped from her wrist as he tried to sit up, weakly reaching for the cleaver, but before he could get to it, his entire body went limp. He convulsed for a few moments, a horrible gurgling sound bubbling from his mouth as it overflowed with blood.
And then he was still.
But she didn’t have time to process it.
A bullet whizzed by only inches from her face and she launched herself backwards behind the safety of the counter. She scooted back so she could lie on her stomach and slid herself as far out as she dared to grab Manuel’s gun and yank it towards her. A bullet flew by her arm and sank into what remained of the door.
She had no idea where the last man was. Carefully, she sat up and rested her head against the corner of the counter, turning just enough that she could see a sliver of the room beyond.
He was propped up behind her bed, chest and arms laying across it, bleeding profusely from his right pectoral as he shakily pointed his gun in her direction. He must’ve sensed she was peeking out at him, because he fired right at her again.
Thankfully his aim was worsening, because it sank into the wall instead of her head.
She shuffled back again, trying to think of a plan.
He couldn’t see her when she was low.
There was no way for him to know where she was behind the counter.
So she slid about two thirds of the way across it, by the edge of the sink, and collected herself, dropping her knife and gripping the gun in both hands.
She might only get one chance.
If she fucked this up, she might die.
After what seemed like an eternity, she finally launched herself up, firing as soon as the gun cleared the counter, desperately hoping that she’d get close. He fired back, but only for a moment. As she caught him in the arm he dropped his gun and flopped backwards onto the floor.
But was he dead?
She could hear his ragged breathing, and after a moment he began to shout.
“Fucking police whore,” he bellowed. “You’ll fucking die. We’ll fucking kill you. Where this came from? There will be more. They’ll fucking get you. You’re dead. You’re already dead.”
Slowly, she knelt down to pick up the knife again, holding her gun in one hand and it in the other.
With measured steps she made her way from behind the counter across the room to the end of her bed.
She could see him, then, laying on the ground, bleeding.
Not enough to die.
Upon seeing her, he launched himself up again, making for his gun.
She raised hers and shot at him.
Now it was out of bullets.
He was desperately trying to reach his firearm.
Maybe he couldn’t have grabbed it.
Maybe she was already in the clear.
But she was still outside of herself, watching her body go through motions of violence and chaos.
So she dropped her gun and closed the distance between them, standing behind him and gripping his hair in a fist. She yanked his head back.
He looked at her.
His eyes were a soft, light brown. He had thick black brows and full lips and a bit of stubble on his chin.
He was a human being.
He was probably younger than she was.
He was afraid.
But she was outside of herself. Her mind registered these things, but her body did not.
So she ran her knife along his throat all the same, slicing it deep and even.
Blood began to gush from the wound so fiercely it scared her and she released him as if he were on fire.
He flopped forward, crashing onto her bed, his hands clawing desperately at his neck as blood poured between his fingers. His body slid to the ground and he looked up at her with his beautiful eyes until they clouded over with the unflinching stillness of death.
Only then did her mind and body became one again.
The first thing she did was throw up.
Right onto his torso.
Out of all the emotions she could be experiencing in that moment, the only thing she felt was guilt. Guilt for defiling his body like that. For some reason it didn’t matter that he’d been trying to kill her. Somehow the crime of puking on his corpse felt like the worse of the two. The concept of death was still sacred to her, and she had just defilied someone in what should be their final state of dignity.
Once her vomit faded to bile, then dry heaves, she was able to straighten herself up. She dropped the knife and ran a shaking hand through her hair. The clatter of the metal hitting the floor was deafening. She winced. There was an unbearable weight on her, something coating much of her body and pushing her down. Mostly her arms, her face.
She looked at her hands.
They were completely crimson, soaked and dripping in a thick coat of blood.
She gagged again, but nothing came up.
Desperate not to look at herself, she surveyed the room.
They’d broken through her door through the hinges, shooting them off and forcing their way in, kicking in much of the half-rotted wood on that side.
All of her locks remained intact.
Something flew out of her then, something that may have been a laugh but was accompanied by a flood of tears. By sound, it continued to be a laugh. A roaring giggle that made her shoulders shake and stomach hurt. But she was crying - hard. Harder than she ever had before.
Then, she was on autopilot. Still laughing and sobbing over the state of her door, the state of her apartment, the state of herself, she somehow made her way to her phone.
She’d memorized Javier’s numbers in case she ever felt unsafe.
Even though her attackers were dead, she’d never felt more unsafe in her life.
Never had a ring sounded so long, so loud, so grating and awful.
One, two, three, four. Again and again.
Then nothing.
His cell phone was a bust.
So she tried his office.
One, two.
“Peña.” He sounded tired. Annoyed.
“Javi.” Her voice was so strange, so strained, so weak and foggy. “It’s me. Something happened. I - I don’t know what to do.”
“Something happened? What happened?” His voice was laced with concern and impatience.
“They came, and then I -”
And then I what?
Murdered three people? Shot and stabbed three men to death?
Covered my apartment in blood and bullets and brain matter?
“Holy fuck, Javi, I think I -”
“Who came?”
“Manuel. The friend who beat me. And other cartel members.”
“Are they still there?”
In the technical sense, sure. But did a corpse count as the self?
“I’ll round up a team. I’m on my way.”
“No!” she yelled. “No, don’t, don’t bring anyone, you can’t. Just you. Just you, please, Javi, please don’t bring anyone else. They can’t see, no one can see, I can’t…Javi, I can’t. No one can see, no one can -”
“What happened?” Now he sounded concerned. Maybe even scared.
“Javi, please. Just you. Just come. I don’t know, I - I don’t know.”
She hung up then, unable to stand any more questions.
Suddenly exhausted, she leaned up against the wall and sunk down to the floor, latching her hands onto the hair on the sides of her head and curling herself up as small as she possibly could.
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