#wholesale fashion watches
famousjewelrytrends · 3 months
7 Hidden Advantages of Wearing Stainless Steel Jewelry Every Day
Jewelry has continuously been a timeless shape of self-expression and a way to heighten personal style. There are many alternatives to be had in the jewelry market, starting from the affluent charm of gold to the diffused elegance of silver. Stainless metallic, alternatively, might be the fabric that continuously gains enchantment due to its precise combination of price, durability, and fashion. These seven surprising blessings of wearing stainless steel jewelry each day, whether you’re a jewelry fanatic or simply making plans for your subsequent purchase, may additionally marvel at you.
Visit Now:
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giftwatchesboutique · 9 months
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We are the best professional Retailer of high quality brand watches, swiss watches, luxury watches and all kind of fashion watches for men women and luxury vertu mobile. Free shipping with All Over India Watches In India, low price and good service, welcome
Please check our website once every 2-3 days, you will get to see the collection of new watches, for that you should stay connected with us, you should see the men's watch category.
Website: https://giftwatchesboutique.in/product-category/men-replica-first-copy-watches-india/
Authentic Watch: https://giftwatchesboutique.in/product-category/original-watches/
Contact Us: [email protected] Call / Whatsapp: +91845411312
We take pride in giving you the best products with the best service. We serve clients all over states like delhi, mumbai, chennai , bangalore , kolkata, hyderabad, jaipur, rajasthan,etc.
Thank You
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quixoticanarchy · 4 months
my dad gave me a book to read about the Dust Bowl so that, in his words, i would stop missing oklahoma, and jfc is it grim. like i did know it was an environmental catastrophe of almost unimaginable magnitude but all the policies that led up to it are so strikingly and blatantly stupid and also just a blisteringly clear indictment of imperialist and capitalist views of land coming home to roost in spectacularly awful fashion. the way that grasslands were framed as empty desert needing to be civilized through farming - the last gasp of the frontier, and a "make the desert bloom" narrative par excellence - and the urgency of the federal government to get settlers into every conceivable area, and the eagerness of the railroads and land speculators to invent promises to lure people out there, and the delight in the wholesale destruction of an ecosystem and the absolute confidence that people could conquer and remake a landscape as they wished, and that land would forever be an inexhaustible resource... i remember watching the ken burns documentary and being struck by the horror of the dust bowl back then too, but it really needs to be put into context as fallout specifically generated by imperialism and by capitalist & extractivist & white supremacist views of land that were not at all unique to this one catastrophe, and while it was a perfect storm of several terrible courses colliding, it can't be seen as a one-off fluke horror. it's just the extreme end result of the same kinds of reckless rolls of the dice that we're still doing ecologically on a massive scale, with industrial agriculture and with extractivism as a whole
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my-deer-friend · 1 year
Jeanne du Barry: A review
I watched it, so you don’t have to!
There was a preview screening of Jeanne du Barry that coincided with a presentation on 18th century fashion and hygiene, so I figured that would make for a pleasant Sunday. The lecture by Marta Veil was splendid.
The movie was… not.
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I wasn't expecting greatness, really, but I also wasn't expecting it to fail in quite so many ways. Shall we count them?
First, it falls flat as a piece of cinema. The ponderous shots just scream second-year-film-student-auteur. The narration, usually a gimmick, is critical because the directorial vision seems to have been “tell, don’t show”. It’s all glamour with no heart, a faux-profound fashion parade that fails to let its consequential story beats resonate on any emotional or narrative level. Despite being told about the constant danger than Jeanne is in, we never feel it. Despite witnessing her tragedies, we don't empathise.
The lead actor-director gives du Barry none of the wit, charm or depth you would expect of the subject of a biography, and most characters are either outrageous caricatures (the evil, Alice in Wonderlandian step-daughters, complete with heart-shaped perms) or have the nuance and magnetism of an untoasted slice of white bread (the Dauphin, a key side character, shows not a single discernible character trait besides “aloof”).
Second, it fails as a biography. Maïwenn, the woman responsible for this mess, has apparently been trying to bring this story to life for over a decade - and then manages to give us nothing more than the blow-for-blow you can get from the du Barry Wikipedia article - dryness and all.
(It’s also exceedingly clear that Maïwenn got more than a little 'inspired’ by Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette, and ironically - given their historical rivalry and the way Coppola's Antoinette was lifted wholesale from her film - the Dauphine outshines du Barry completely here.)
Despite being a biography, the movie devotes very little attention to Jeanne’s coming of age - and almost no time (literally, a 30-second narration) to the 12+ years of her life after Louis’ death, which include such dramatic things as her being betrayed by her servants, tried and executed in the wake of the French Revolution. Very little of her internal world is explored - so we don’t really understand what drives her, and even when she expresses her goals it comes across as insincere.
The bulk of the movie focuses on Jeanne’s time as Louis XV’s lover. That’s understandable, I guess - people want the sexy, sparkly intrigues, not the convent drudgery - but the movie doesn’t do any work to embrace the politics and scandal surrounding her on more than the meanest surface level. I mean - "this is Versailles!" (A line that’s cribbed verbatim from Coppola.) Where are the machinations, the manoeuvres? The only meaningful drama we get is domestic. Louis’ daughters don’t like his mistress. They’re mean to her. And… that’s it.
Most egregiously, the movie makes the unrecoverable error of losing grasp of its own point of view. We ostensibly follow Jeanne for most of the movie, in what is made out to be a limited first-person perspective. But when she’s banished from Versailles, we get to witness the unfolding events without her. After all, the death of Louis XV is surely more interesting than some woman bundled off to a convent (wait— who is this movie about…?) and so we stay with him - and miss the opportunity to follow Jeanne and empathise with her isolation, fear and grief.
If the goal of the movie was to humanise and rehabilitate du Barry, then maybe she shouldn’t have been made so vapid, boring and lacking in agency that her own biography lost interest in her.
Third, it fails as a historical piece. Not entirely - some of the men’s fashions are sumptuous and on point, Marie Antoinette is chef’s-kiss, and Versailles looks splendid on screen - but that makes the rest worse, somehow.
Again, we get Coppola plagiarism, in the form of Louis’ morning dressing routine (with the same comical play on the endless steps and bored attendants), as well as in many of du Barry’s fish-out-of-water moments.
But the movie forgets its own rules and context. For example, we’re told that “no one except the Dauphin is allowed to turn their back on the king” - a rule that’s respected until about midway in the movie, at which point, its plot purpose exhaused, it's forgotten entirely. Jeanne is also surprisingly enlightened about racial equality, showcased in painful scenes with Zamor, her black… servant? slave? Although it’s not really clarified on screen, the former is heavily implied, which would be gross revisionism.
Even Louis is treated with a strange sort of familiarity, left to mill around with his guests in the hall of mirrors or stroll the gardens with his hair undone.
As for the clothing… I can’t bear to deep-dive into the entirety of the mess, but here are a few examples of just how lazy the styling is.
Now, when he’s done up in his finery, Louis XV actually looks grand - and even (what a rarity) has very decent period men’s make-up. But then it’s clowns all the way down. Take this shot.
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Just behind him is his daughter, sporting a top-of-the-pops 1980s crimped blowout, and beside her is the Dauphin of France - though you could be mistaken for thinking he’s some fella getting to pose for a romance novel cover in the world's most ill-fitting suit. (I don’t recall this man tying his hair up one single time for the duration of the movie.)
Some of the critique is a little nitpicky, yes - for example, du Barry wears this outfit to be formally presented to the king:
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The big hair and ostrich feathers are a decade too early (stop trying to be Marie Antoinette: The Unauthorised Prequel already), the makeup is mid 2000s, and the necklace... the less said about it, the better. But at least an attempt was made!
But this?
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And this???
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0.5 out of 5 stars. It would have been zero on account of all the plagiarism, but a half-star is given for the cameo of Elizabeth Vigée Le Brun.
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icarus-n-flames · 4 months
So I’ve had this idea for a fanfic that 100% happened because I was scrolling on TikTok and the video I will link below popped up. At first I was very much “eh not the target audience because it’s not relevant to me” BUT THEN I REALIZED THAT CHARLES IS THOUGH. So I immediately scrolled back to watch it and take notes for his sake.
Anyway the fic would happen just the same; Charles is bored, possibly scrolling on a phone Crystal provided them using like a stylus or whatever. (Trust me when I tell you I doubt ghosts could touch an iPhone screen even if they focus really hard because I have seen alive people unable to touch on a touch screen) So then much like me he comes across that TikTok and for a moment he’s like swiping cuz eh not his thing, but it sticks in his brain all of a sudden. “I’m going to tell you the easiest way to tell if you have platonic or romantic feelings for someone” and, well, now he’s curious because hell is coming to mind and he hasn’t been able puzzle out exactly what Edwin is to him even in the last year or two.
He watches, attention rapt and potentially more studious than he has been his whole life. Charles has a moment where he considers how silly this is. They’re dead, it’s not like they’re able to get married. Right? Then he thinks about it and honestly, Edwin is old fashioned so maybe he’d want to and marriage isn’t always just a mortal thing he supposed…and there are other ghosts and beings that might steal Edwin’s heart. He does as she says, his overactive imagination sending him in a tailspin because he first imagines Edwin marrying Monty but it just doesn’t really feel right. Then he imagines cat king and the feeling that causes him makes him very quickly decided NO. One more try but honestly he’s in the bargaining stage of denial. He starts to wonder if maybe he just has a bit of internalized homophobia or something. Yeh totally…but then he thinks about it more and he thinks about Edwin confessing to someone at the alter with a blissful, happy expression and not one marred with fear. He sees his eyes shining with joyful, shed tears and when his voice catches it’s just not the same. He’s giving his heart to someone on the happiest day of his afterlife and promising them eternity in a safe, beautiful place and if Charles had any insides they’d be twisting themselves in knots.
….. and well that’s where I’ll stop for now. I’m still trying to find their voices so hey if anyone wants to wholesale yoink this idea pls just link me the fic cuz boy I need it now.
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sickly-sapphic · 8 months
15 Questions
tagged by @sapphic-lottienat :D
Were you named after anyone? Yes!! I have five names IRL and four of them were stolen :3 My online name Willa, comes from a combination of stealing Wednesday's nickname and it comes from my last name.
When was the last time you cried? Uhhhm last night!! I'm a pretty emotional person so-
Do you have kids? Not yet!! Planning on having 2, but it'll depend on whether I can or not :[
What sports do you play/have you played? what Haven't I played babe kajhdbkjhdsbf but the main things I did were touch football and figure skating.
Do you use sarcasm? Not as much as I used to but yeah :3
What is the first thing you notice about people? Hair!!
What's your eye colour? Grey/blue depending on the day and lighting :]
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings!! I often times can't watch horror movies due to some mental issues.
Any talents? Prollyyy crochet, I've been told I can sing quite well, I'm a speedy reader too!!
Where were you born? Queensland, Australia (stolen land)
What are your hobbies? Skating (all kinds), singing, crochet, reading, card games/puzzles/etc, fashion and content creation (insta and youtube) :P
Do you have any pets? Currently just the one cat, but I've had another cat, two dogs, cows, chickens and rooster, ducks, birds and guinea pigs.
How tall are you? Just over 5'3", im 160cm so fairly short haha
Favourite subject in school? I dropped out babygirl, none of them akajhdsbfshf
Dream job? Anything relating to marine life!! I'm currently a general hand at a marine life wholesaler which is pretty epic :D
tagging: @bandobsessed-welldressed-spork and @weirdassmusictaste cuz i forgor who my mutuals are
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ambiguouspuzuma · 2 years
In my own time
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I hate change. Not the coins, though they clutter up my wallet with the train tickets, receipts and everything else, but the other thing. Flux. Tumult. They're really only other words for death: the loss of what once was, and its wholesale replacement by what is. Time passing is one thing, but tolerable if it brings more of the same - not an ending, but a renewal. Change is the permanent closing of a chapter, in a book you'll never have the chance to read again.
Uncertainty is even worse. The most stressful times of my life - waiting for exam results, the follow up from an interview, an offer on a house - have all come when I couldn't see the future. When I couldn't even predict it, not even in the mundane way we chart the coming of the winter months, the way a dark cloud heralds rain. That feeling of blindness to the danger - like a wild animal in a box, unable to see the way out. My idea of happiness is knowing what tomorrow will bring.
That's why time travel suits me perfectly.
It's expensive, as coping mechanisms go, but I don't know what I'd do without it. I can barely remember those days, before the discovery - back when every day was a new beginning, when life was a long and winding road with any number of horrors lurking behind its corners. A living nightmare. Call me a time travel addict, but I'm never going back to all of that.
As you might imagine, the government were cagey about it at first - they supressed the discovery entirely, outside of official channels, and we only found out about it some time later. Even then, all private use had to be officially authorised. It was only after a few years that the floodgates opened, after they realised it wasn't the instant recipe for anarchy they'd feared.
They tried using it themselves, at first, to see how geopolitical issues would play out, and found it was largely useless. The other side had it too, you see... and so if our lot changed their behaviour because of what they saw, so would every other country in the world, and thus the outcome would change again.
They'd all spend days watching each other's shifting strategies, only to finally learn that they couldn't know the future for sure after all. It was only once they settled on a path, and their opponents likewise finalised their response, that anything was actually determined. The cat's fate would only be sealed if they opened the box and looked. You know, just like how it was before. The old-fashioned way.
It wasn't entirely useless for official purposes, though. Although there was no single future - just a complex web of potential outcomes - the government agencies could use time travel to test things, all decisions being fed into this iterative model, and arrive at the optimum outcome. It's game theory, right? Nothing is certain where other actors are at play, but there's still a right choice that you can make.
Time travel made things... better. The world became more rational, and policies improved across the board. That was especially true for the non-moving parts, external variable like climate change, which world governments could chart and mitigate as required. Anyone could see the counterfactuals, the impact of one policy versus another, and there could be no doubt about the necessity to act. Even smaller scale natural disasters could be anticipated and avoided.
Some industries struggled, like sports betting companies, but none whose loss was really mourned. They rebounded, anyway, once punters realised the same thing that the governments had: if they were looking ahead, so were the players and clubs, and that changed the result. If one team saw they were about to lose, they could change their tactics to avoid making the same mistakes, but then the other side could look into the new future and respond in turn.
In time, clubs set up whole future scouting departments to build them probability models, the likelihood of one strategy being chosen against its chances of success, and a bet on the result would all come down to those odds. Just like it used to. Again, we reverted to doing things the old-fashioned way, and the dust settled on a world that functioned more or less the same.
But that wasn't true for everyone. For me, and others in my position, the discovery changed everything: the end of uncertainty, my anxiety in the face of looming change. The advantages of time travel were pretty much restricted to personal use - with any strategy negated by its opponent, other people remained as unpredictable as ever - but that suited me just fine. I was a nobody, after all. I had no rivals, nobody who would try to shape my path against my will, and I could use it freely without fear of negation. I just wanted to see my own choices, one or two steps ahead.
That's what I do. I look forward, in my own time, to check that nothing really bad will happen. No relatives falling sick. No sudden tragedy. Things that won't change based on my viewing, meaning I can sleep more comfortably, knowing exactly what the morning brings. And, if something bad is written in the stars... well, I'm hoping that the knowledge will take some of the blow. Another day to mourn, at least. To say my goodbyes.
Forewarned is forearmed, they say, and I do feel much happier for it. I'm glad to have a life without surprises - not avoiding spoilers, but welcoming them, because nothing spoils a life like living under a shadow. Not for me, the looming dread of what may come. I have made my peace with the devil I know, and all of that anxiety is gone: I am free to relax, to enjoy my time however I want, even if I already know how that may be. Call me boring, but I prefer that to the alternative.
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gaovotwholesale · 1 year
No MOQ Request
ODM/OEM Supported.
If you want to start your clothing business on your market, please feel free to let us know.
Website: www.gaovot.com/
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thethirdgenesisbooks · 10 months
5 Ways to Keep Writer’s Momentum Going
In our last blog, “How to Put Words in Your Book: 5 Tips to Actually Start Writing”, we discussed a common problem with writers and aspiring authors: the difficulty of actually getting words onto the page. All the methods mentioned in that blog are certainly helpful, but there’s another problem that writers often run into, and that’s losing momentum.
Stories operate on momentum. One event leads to another, which leads to another, and builds to a climax, followed by a resolution. Writing stories operates the same way. For the writer to keep interest in the story, the writer needs to keep up some momentum in its telling. Too often, writers will start off a story which has them excited, only to later run out of ideas or lose interest. Here are some ways to avoid that sort of burnout and keep the momentum going.
1 - Make Playlists:
In the previous blog I mentioned listening to music as a means to gain inspiration. While this is helpful, it can be more helpful if it’s music that you’re returning to repeatedly. Make playlists on Youtube, Spotify, or even on a burned CD, if you’re old-fashioned. There should be lists of songs for specific characters, specific kinds of scenes, and for specific settings. Going back to those songs can then bring you back into the mindset you were in when you wrote the previous scenes, and thus help you to come up with ideas for what comes next.
2 - Set a Minimum Word Count Average Per Day:
This one is not as easy as the first suggestion. It requires a great deal of self-discipline. What we need to understand is that Stephen King, one of the most successful authors of the last one-hundred years, writes an average of 2,000 words a day. While this may seem unattainable to some writers, please note that Ernest Hemingway wrote an average of 500 words a day. Sometimes when I’m having trouble with a novel, I’ll make that my minimum average word count. Granted, there are some days where we cannot write because life gets in the way, and that’s understandable, but on those days that we can write, we need to set minimums for ourselves. If 500 is too much for you right now, I would suggest making it at least 100, and seeing how you can build up to it. Alternatively, you can also set aside a specific amount of time each day to sit down and write.
3 - Reward Yourself for Writing:
Whether writing your book is your job or your hobby, there’s no denying that it’s work. It’s work to write a book. You must think hard about what happens next in the story, what words to use, and what dialogue makes sense for the characters. Then there’s all the research you need to do, often on the fly, to make it feel realistic. It’s important to reward yourself for a job well done. That reward may take any number of different forms. Maybe the reward will be food, like a sandwich or some ice cream. Maybe it will be playing a video game, watching a movie, or reading a book. Maybe it’s just spending time with loved ones for a while afterwards. The point is, create a reward for yourself, and keep in mind that you are working toward that.
4 - Outline Your Plot:
This one works best when you do it from the beginning. When you start your project, it’s good to map out what you want to happen through the course of the story. That way, you’re never left thinking, “What will happen next?” Now, this outline can be as specific or vague as it needs to be. I understand some writers are “gardeners,” who just sort of let the story take on a life of its own as they go, and other writers are “architects,” who have to plan out every little detail ahead of time. That’s fine. The former category benefits from vague plot outlines while the latter benefits from more specific ones. The point is to have a plan, and to know what steps you are trying to reach. The best news is you don’t need to come up with the structure of your outline wholesale. You can use the Hero’s Journey as a basic guide. The Maiden’s Method is also helpful in that regard.
5 - When Stuck, Talk to a Friend:
Most writers have artistic or creative friends of some sort. If you don’t have any friends like that, I recommend finding some friends who are fellow storytellers. Iron sharpens iron. When you get to a place where you’re not sure what the very next step in a story is, talk to your friends about it. Bear in mind that the more this friend knows about your story the better, but they don’t necessarily need to be skilled in your particular genre. If you’re writing a fantasy novel, sometimes it helps to get the perspective of someone who writes murder mysteries or romance novels, just to get an outsider’s perspective. This can help the ideas feel fresh and new, as all too often writers feel like they’re just repeating what everyone else has done.
These are just a few things that can keep the creative juices flowing. All of them have certainly worked for me, and you can check out just how many novels I’ve written via this link.
Good luck, and happy writing!
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Highsnobiety: Is Rihanna's $1M Toe Ring Actually Her Engagement Ring?
click the link to go to the story and then look at the video yes it does show this big ass ring on her toe
Leave it to Rihanna to leave the internet in disarray (and spark engagement murmurs) over a TikTok of her feet.
The Barbadian billionaire made her second TikTok, joining last year's adorable reveal of baby RZA. In the latest, Rihanna struts in a pair of Amina Muaddi x AWGE heels while wearing a 9-Karat toe ring by XIV Karats.
The caption? "Quiet luxury."
While I'm still trying to figure out if this was shade towards the quiet luxury trend (which is quite loud, if we're being honest), let's focus on the things that matter: the fact Rihanna is just casually flexing a diamond on her toe which is reportedly worth $1 million.
Rihanna doesn't even wear it on her Morton's toe, or second toe. Nah, she saves her $1M flex for the middle toe — a subtle reminder of her savage ways of giving zero f*%ks. In case you didn't get the memo with her Y-Project earrings.
In the Tiktok, which now holds over a million views (like the price of her toe jewelry), you'll also notice a few flashes of white fluff from Rihanna's outfit — it's the same iconic Chanel outfit worn ahead of the Met Gala.
While we were hung up on how Rih nailed the theme before the red carpet even opened, gemstone wholesaler Julia Hackman Chafé made a Tiktok, dedicated solely to the Barbadian billionaire's XIV Karat toe ring (the same jeweler made her bespoke "Mom" diamond ring, by the way).
"When someone asks me what success means, I'm gonna tell them success is not about money, it's not about health, it's not about happiness. Success means wearing a 9-karat diamond on your toe and not even caring enough to post about it," Chafé stated in her video shared on May 1.
25 days later, it appears Rihanna does care enough to post about it. The rumors of celebs (and their teams) watching our videos and reading our tweets just might be true.
A few comments seem to believe the bad gal just quietly announced her engagement to A$AP Rocky by way of her whopping diamond ring icing out her toe.
If true, I can't say I'd be surprised by this move from the stylish couple who once fictionally (or was it?) said "I do" with custom grills. Not to mention, Rocky's already got a ring made in Rih's honor.
If we've learned anything from the two's mic-drop baby announcements (like this year's Super-Bowl-turned-baby-reveal), it's that the pair is full of surprises.
At the same time, does this mean Rihanna made toe rings fetch again just in time for summer? I mean, it's no secret she's an influential fashion icon (she undoubtedly revolutionized maternity style).
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giftwatchesboutique · 9 months
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We are the best professional Retailer of high quality brand watches, swiss watches, luxury watches and all kind of fashion watches for men women and luxury vertu mobile. Free shipping with All Over India Watches In India, low price and good service, welcome
Please check our website once every 2-3 days, you will get to see the collection of new watches, for that you should stay connected with us, you should see the men's watch category.
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Authentic Watch: https://giftwatchesboutique.in/product-category/original-watches/
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We take pride in giving you the best products with the best service. We serve clients all over states like delhi, mumbai, chennai , bangalore , kolkata, hyderabad, jaipur, rajasthan,etc.
Thank You
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standspro1 · 10 days
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Inhorgenta Munich 2025
Event Details: INHORGENTA 2025
Name of the Show: INHORGENTA
Dates: February 21st to February 24th, 2025
Location: Munich, Germany
Organiser: INHORGENTA is organized by Messe München GmbH, a leading trade fair organizer with a focus on the jewelry, timepieces, and gemstone industries.
Exhibitor Profile: INHORGENTA attracts exhibitors from various sectors of the jewelry, timepieces, and gemstone industries, including:
Jewelry Manufacturers and Designers: Leading jewelry manufacturers, designers, and brands showcasing their latest collections of fine jewelry, fashion jewelry, bridal jewelry, and luxury accessories.
Watchmakers and Timepiece Brands: Watchmakers, watch brands, and horological companies presenting their latest watch designs, luxury timepieces, smartwatches, and watch accessories.
Gemstone Dealers and Suppliers: Gemstone dealers, miners, cutters, and wholesalers offering a wide selection of gemstones, diamonds, pearls, and precious metals for jewelry making and design.
Jewelry Machinery and Technology Providers: Suppliers of jewelry manufacturing machinery, equipment, tools, and technology solutions for jewelry production, casting, engraving, and finishing.
Retailers and Distributors: Jewelry retailers, wholesalers, and distributors showcasing their collections, services, and business solutions for the jewelry industry.
Why Attend the Show:
Product Showcase: Explore a diverse range of jewelry, timepieces, and gemstones from leading industry suppliers, gaining insights into the latest trends and innovations in the jewelry and watchmaking industry.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry professionals, designers, manufacturers, retailers, and buyers from around the world, fostering collaborations, partnerships, and business opportunities.
Trends and Innovations: Discover the latest trends, designs, and innovations shaping the jewelry and watchmaking industry, including new materials, technologies, and manufacturing techniques.
Educational Seminars and Workshops: Attend educational seminars, workshops, and panel discussions featuring industry experts and thought leaders discussing topics such as design trends, gemstone sourcing, retail strategies, and sustainability in jewelry.
International Platform: INHORGENTA provides an international platform for companies to showcase their products and services, attracting visitors and exhibitors from diverse geographic regions, and facilitating global business connections.
Organiser Website Link for More Info: For more information about INHORGENTA 2025, including registration details, exhibitor information, and the event program, please visit the official website: INHORGENTA
In summary, INHORGENTA 2025 is a premier event for professionals and businesses in the jewelry, timepieces, and gemstone industries, offering valuable networking opportunities, product showcases, trends insights, and business connections on an international platform.
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freelancerpalash · 10 days
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alistashirts · 13 days
Alista Shirts: Premium Quality Shirts Starting at Just ₹299/-, Perfect for Wholesalers!
Alista Shirts is proud to offer high-quality shirts at a wholesale starting price of just ₹299/-. For 25 years, we’ve been providing premium shirts that combine style, durability, and affordability, making us a trusted name in the industry. Now, with this unbeatable pricing, you can stock up on stylish shirts at competitive rates and maximize your profit margins.
Starting at ₹299/-: Affordable Without Compromise
Our shirts, starting from ₹299/-, are crafted with the same high standards of quality that Alista Shirts is known for. Despite the competitive pricing, we never compromise on fabric quality, stitching, or design. This allows you to offer your customers premium shirts at prices they’ll love, while you benefit from better margins.
A Collection for Every Market
Our wholesale shirt collection, starting from ₹299/-, features a wide range of styles, from casual shirts to formal wear. Each shirt is designed to meet the latest fashion trends, offering your customers both style and comfort. With this variety, you can cater to different customer preferences while keeping your inventory fresh and in demand.
Why Choose Alista Shirts at ₹299/-?
Affordable premium quality: High-quality fabrics and craftsmanship at unbeatable prices.
Diverse styles: A wide selection of casual and formal shirts to suit all markets.
Better margins: With prices starting at ₹299/-, you can increase your profits without compromising on quality.
Proven experience: 25 years of expertise in delivering top-quality shirts to wholesalers across India.
Pan-India Presence, Ready for Delivery
With a pan-India presence, Alista Shirts makes it easy for wholesalers across the country to stock up on premium shirts at competitive prices. Our efficient delivery system ensures that you get your products on time, wherever you’re located.
Secure Your Inventory at ₹299/- Today!
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to offer premium shirts at the unbeatable wholesale price of ₹299/-. Alista Shirts’ combination of quality, style, and affordability is perfect for wholesalers looking to attract customers and boost their business. Stock up now and watch your margins grow!
Visit us: www.alistashirts.com
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dressdayusa · 22 days
By understanding the wholesale market, selecting the right suppliers, and curating a diverse and trend-conscious collection, you can position your business for success. Embrace the potential of wholesale fashion and watch your boutique flourish with the best in women’s dresses.
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jolinjoestar · 1 month
Exploring Unique Variations of Keychains
Keychains are more than just practical tools; they also make thoughtful gifts for your partner or anyone special in your life. With a variety of styles available, it’s easy to find the perfect keychain to match different tastes and preferences. Here are some of the most popular types:
Designer Keychains
Designer keychains are synonymous with luxury and style, often associated with popular brands. These high-quality units are usually sold as part of a set, perhaps bundled with wallets or small purses. Brands like Brighton, Dooney Bourke, Prada, Versace, Christian Dior, and Louis Vuitton are renowned for their designer keychains. These units are not only functional but also serve as fashion statements, showcasing your affinity for premium brands.
Accessory Keychains
Accessory keychains are designed to enhance your personal style or to express your interests, beliefs, or passions. Whether you’re into animals, sports, music, or religion, there’s a keychain to match your enthusiasm. Made from various materials such as silver, gemstones, or acrylic charms, these keychains offer a wide range of choices. For a more eye-catching option, you might consider custom acrylic keychains or ones adorned with a watch, diamond ring, or crystal elements. On the other hand, if you prefer something more understated, a leather, beaded, or lanyard keychain might be more your style.
Personalized Keychains
Personalized keychains are custom-made to reflect a special connection with someone. These can be crafted from sterling silver, leather, or even as custom acrylic keychains. Personalization options include engraving a love message, a monogram, or a special date that holds significance for the recipient. For instance, you could create a custom keychain with a meaningful symbol or phrase that resonates with your partner, making it a deeply personal gift.
Car Keychains
Car keychains are designed to showcase your love for a particular car brand. These keychains typically feature emblems of popular car manufacturers such as Porsche, Mustang, Corvette, or BMW. Owning one of these keychains not only reflects your taste in automobiles but also serves as a subtle brag about the car you drive. These can also be great gifts for car enthusiasts, adding a personalized touch to their keyring.
Novelty Keychains
Novelty keychains cater to fans of games, toys, and cartoon characters. These keychains are often whimsical and fun, making them ideal for adding a playful element to your accessories. Whether it's a keychain featuring classic games like chess, Candy Land, or Cranium, or one with beloved cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, or Minnie Mouse, novelty keychains bring a touch of nostalgia and joy to your daily routine.
Custom and Wholesale Keychains
If you’re looking to make a bigger impact or need keychains in large quantities, consider custom keychains in bulk. Customization allows you to design keychains that are unique and tailored to your specific needs, whether for a corporate event, a wedding, or as promotional items. Wholesale custom keychains offer an economical way to purchase a large number of personalized keychains without compromising on quality. Options like custom acrylic keychains are particularly popular due to their durability and the clarity of the designs that can be printed on them.
Keychains come in a wide array of styles and designs, making them versatile gifts that can suit anyone’s taste. From luxury designer keychains to personalized and novelty options, there’s something for everyone. When choosing a keychain, whether for yourself or as a gift, always ensure you purchase from a reputable store to guarantee quality. Customization options, such as custom keychains or acrylic charms, further enhance the personal touch, making these small accessories even more special.
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