#wholesome week 2
gt-daboss · 17 days
Nightmares (Part 6)
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"What am I going to do..."
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Fun Fact: The Neko's name is Maya, and the Neera's (mouse-folk) name is Misho, Maya and Misho!
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inoreuct · 11 months
i'm watching loki s2ep4 and it is so apparent that sylvie is everything loki used to be. the anger. the scorn. the righteous rage, the cynicism and the strong opinions and the sharp edges. she represents everything he’s matured out of. put up against how loki's so calm and level-headed in the pie room it just shows how much he's grown as a person; he's the god of mischief, yes, but he's chilled out. don't get me wrong— he still very much has his sharp edges. his knives are still tucked just beneath the surface. but he uses them strategically now, like with brad, and they're not just flying all over the place in explosions where he doesn't really care what damage he causes. he's not soft, but he's steady. he's centered and focused where sylvie's wound-up and almost erratic and it's so interesting because you can literally see how hanging around mobius and the things he’s been through have balanced him out, and now he's logical and composed and he's doing it all on his own. it's literally like watching him have a conversation with his past self and it makes his development that much more appreciatable. i love this show.
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miumiumanzo · 1 year
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I made an Effort
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princesskkfish · 1 year
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“You.. can’t just.. DO THAT”
@intotheelliwoods bro literally as soon as I saw the in your comic I was like “OOOO THATS GOOD” and also aaaaa my heart so this is here now :]
it’s a bit sketchy and I kinda forgot big Leo’s scarf Oop-
silly one I drew too cuz yes
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marymekpop · 7 months
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⟢ highlight of the hour: flex x cop [12/16] ⟣
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loathsomespider · 7 days
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liesmyth · 1 year
Jamie likes to make people feel good. Roy likes to make people feel pain. This is a love story.
9k words, rated E, no warnings apply
best summarised as:
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Also ft: Painplay, Fluff, Face-Slapping, date nights, lads on a stag weekend, and Jamie's Manic Pixie Dream Boyfriend era.
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the-deadlock-south · 4 months
IM DEVASTATED OW DIDNT SAVE A ZENNY POTG I GOT whatever im still sharin one of my teammates bein niceys to me
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000marie198 · 2 years
Happy Wholesome Wednesday!
The storms always terrified him from even the safety of his home.
But this... This was too close. This was flying smack dab in the middle of it. But no matter how terrified, Tails couldn't bring himself to leave.
Not while his brother was still lost in the dark clouds.
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my-current-obsession · 7 months
Dunno if it's a hot take, but I think the "platonic" path for Chihiro (as in making the "wrong" choices early on so she doesn't even confess, not just rejecting her when she does) was actually WAY better than her romantic rank 9.
Instead of getting insanely jealous of the thought of Mitsuru and MC spending time together (for the sake of HELPING HER), she's actually totally fine with that and begins to leave before stopping because she's upset AT HERSELF for continuing to rely on others. Her motivation to confront the teacher is entirely about taking action herself rather than it being centered on a desperate attempt to fix things quickly to keep the guy she likes away from another girl.
The way she celebrates with MC on the rooftop afterwards is really cute too. She acknowledges her growth in being able to confront an adult male by herself while also recognizing she still has a ways to go and this is kind of just the beginning. It's just really good character development and very wholesome, how her FRIENDSHIP with MC helped her become more confident and capable. Meanwhile her romance has that character "development" tied entirely to her being very jealous/possessive. She was only able to confront the teacher because she was terrified to let MC be alone with Mitsuru. That's not really growth, and it's certainly not a healthy foundation for romance.
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Episode 13 Thoughts
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
I very nearly spoiled myself for this episode because the clocks in America changed and it meant that this episode came out earlier than expected. Managed to scramble off Tumblr quickly enough this morning that I missed anything major. 😅
But let's get into my thoughts!
I forgot that Phee existed. How did I forget Phee existed??? 😭
Cute ceramic tree.
Love Phee teaching Omega how to bargain. 😂
Hunter grabbing the guys wrist when he tries to steal the credits. 🤣
Hunter's senses have had a little more attention this season and I love that. A lot of it is just for small moments but they're nice little additions that actually give us a chance to see how he uses his mutation.
Fun fact, centipedes can actually be venomous! Not so much to kill a person, but they can be carnivorous and use venom to catch prey. So these centipede-y things that they set after people are actually not too dissimilar from what we find on Earth! (Just more dangerous).
Where's Tech at? 🤔
Okay, Phee pushing herself off the table like that was very cool. 😄
OMEGA DROPPED A BELL (-shaped thing?) ON A GUY??? Well done. 🥰
Tech's just playing a game by himself???
"It is the only time this game is a challenge" TECH 😭
Phee's right, Omega needs more friends her own age.
Tech pointing out that they didn't have any. 😭 Tech, honey, I can't say clones are the most socially adept group of people and there's a reason for that.
I'm definitely concerned that she's gonna dob them in to the Empire. 😬
Pabu's pretty!!!
Looks like we were right about it being a safe place for the Batch to camp out.
Wrecker has my heart this entire episode. 😭
"You've got some competition" WRECKER OMG 😭🤣
After everything that happened last week, I needed this episode. It's so wholesome. 🥰
"I have not heard her laugh like that in some time" IT'S STILL GONNA MAKE ME CRY THOUGH 😭
Hunter's dad vibes are strong this episode.
Wrecker being appreciative of different cultures is so sweet
Wrecker being full and Tech making a note of it. 🤣 Ffs, I love them all so much.
They weren't kidding. This episode is so pretty! 🩷
I'm not one for unnecessary romance but I gotta say that the whole thing going on between Phee and Tech is so wholesome. 😊
Is there some island monster that we don't know about???
Oh great. It's a tsunami. 😨
Avalanche last episode, tsunami this episode. WHAT'S WITH ALL THE NATURAL DISASTERS??? 😭
I love moments where we get to see the Batch help people without the need to shoot a place up.
Wrecker carrying Mr Eenta! 🤣
I was very concerned that something was going to happen to Shep for a second. 😭
All the lights from earlier compared to all the dark rubble...
These poor people are all refugees. They've already lost their home and now their safe place has been destroyed too.
And to be taken out by an uncontrollable force as well. It brings up the question of whether or not there is a place anywhere that is truly safe.
But I love how Sheb says that they are resilient. These people can keep on fighting, even after they've been through so much.
(Reminds me of a very specific cyborg, who I am missing very much at the moment 😭).
But after the defeats we've seen this season, I love that we have an episode that is so strongly grounded in hope. That even in the face of tragedy, they can keep on fighting.
And hope is a key concept in Star Wars which is why this episode works so well thematically.
Aaaaahhhh!!! So I really liked this episode. After the absolute misery that was The Outpost, I really enjoyed having a much more wholesome episode. Even though the middle wasn't particularly action heavy, there was some nice exploration of themes in Star Wars. It was super sweet and I loved it. 🥰
No doubt that there's gonna be "it's filler" comments but it really isn't! It's a deeper look into the Batch and stuff that's happening in parts of the galaxy that people don't think about. I love it for that.
And while I'm really not a fan of unnecessary romances, this thing going on between Tech and Phee is adorable. Even if it doesn't go anywhere, she's still helping him open up a bit and appreciate things in life from a slightly less analytical perspective. It's cute and I can't be mad about it. 🥰 (Although I will start having an issue if it starts getting in the way of the story but I think we're good for now).
Saying all of that, it's been another week without Echo. 😭 That man would've been in top form this episode as well. We know how he is when it comes to helping people. AND WE COULD'VE HAD WHOLESOME MOMENTS OF THAT MAN ACTUALLY GETTING TO RELAX FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE! Hopefully they get to come back here and bring Echo along because he really needs a vacation.
But overall, solid episode! The animation was beautiful and the soundtrack was great as always. 🥰
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hana-bobo-finch · 2 months
shoutout 2 my brain for giving me a wholesome birthday related dream and not the vivid confusing pre-birthday-depression induced ones that I have been having. Thank you very cool
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arlo-venn · 3 months
i'm not sad about the break up bc i was also planning on suggesting we break up and i knew i did not love her but i am sad bc i think i just really wanted someone to just... be nice to me? it was nice to have a buddy around. i hope i find a kinder buddy who does not say cruel things when i try asking for basic human respect. she scared me :( how quickly her face and eyes went dark and cold. i didn't do anything wrong. and then she blamed me for flinching. i know im not being entirely coherent. i was going to be so kind and gentle to her about breaking up. and i was going to make sure she was ok. she was cruel? again. and said things about me that were not true at all. i didn't even get to defend myself. i had to tattle on her to her mom, about paying me back. it worked though, she started sending money within 15 minutes of me reaching out to her mom. a month late. lol. i refuse to be anybody's first girlfriend ever again in my life.
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caluupin · 8 months
I'm finally AR60,, nice
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Season 3 I want muriel and crowley to be besties, crowley goes through the whole over the top break up but then finds something in helping teach muriel about the world and their worth and aziraphel returns and is just like wtf as the two are sitting drinking tea together and gossiping
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avoiltaire · 1 year
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