#whomuses: thirteen
indiemusee · 3 years
//continued from here with @whomuses//
“Can you just talk to Ms. Yaz? Please?” Bill asked, giving The Doctor his famous puppy dog eyes as he placed the pancakes in the fridge.
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yowzariversong · 3 years
@whomuses continue from here
   She’s not usually so poetic, or despondent - not to the Doctor’s face anyway; that kind of thing is normally reserved for the privacy of her thoughts, and occasionally her diary. Today, though, it somehow just… slipped out. River supposes that’s what comes of dwelling on her previous lives, her unexpected incarceration in the ‘afterlife’ and her miraculous resurrection.
   A soft smile as she reaches for her wife’s hand, regretting the pain she knows the Time Lady is hiding behind her smile. They know each other far too well to truly hide now.
   “There are always ghosts,” she agrees, thinking of her parents, her colleagues, floppy hair and a bowtie, grey curls and a frown. Thinking of herself. Is she really anything more than a ghost now, to the Doctor? “But they are always worth it.”
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@whomuses​ liked here for a starter
“How did that happen?” 
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The Doctor is at a loss. And that doesn’t often happen. She hopes everything’s okay and that there isn’t anything bad going on. 
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wwxnka · 4 years
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To think that I’ve been sitting on this over a week and I haven’t done anything with it, I am so sorry. 
Anyway, the wonderful @whomuses has managed to sort out this ABSOLUTE GEM of a commission piece for me, after I had a thought about Wonka and Thirteen that I really couldn’t shift from my mind and thus indulged in many 2:00am conversations with them.
I love it to pieces, and I will definitely make plans to get it printed at some point. Honestly, if you want quality commissions then Jay is the place to go. Thank you so much for this, my lovely!
Also tagging @rainbcwhearts because this is essentially based on the ship plans I have with their Thirteen. I hope you like it.
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hcvefcith · 4 years
@whomuses from here x
The days the police sirens found her and the handcuffs were attached to her wrist had been the worst day of Faye’s life. A nightmare become reality, she really wasn’t coping well with prison. There weren’t many positives, but she found she was fond of Yaz. She was the only person Faye felt she could talk to.
“Yeah, because thirteen years is no time at all, it’ll fly by.” She scoffed, rolling her eyes and wrapping her arms around herself. She was still feeling the affects withdrawal and still felt very shaky. “You can’t imagine how difficult this is.”
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bearyunfita · 5 years
“dead? only legally speaking, and only for about thirteen seconds.”  zhi remarked, giving a laugh. “ah -- it’s a joke.” she assured the other, pressing her lips together. “Right, you were here for... what was it again, doctor?”
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indiemusee · 3 years
//@whomuses liked for a starter - Bill Davies//
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At this point, Bill wasn’t sure what to call the group that spent most of their free time in The TARDIS. Friends? Family? A rock band?
To be honest, Bill knew that he collectively trusted them all on the same level that he would with his aunt, which was really saying something.
But he couldn’t admit it.
How would they react if the kid that they brought along suddenly dropped a bombshell of ‘Oh yeah, I see you guys as family because my mommy issues is so bad that the moment an adult shows me a shred of respect I immediately see them as a parent’??
Honestly, the dilemma, combined with having taken three tests in a single day, was enough to make him exhausted. He had time to kill, it was a few hours before they’d do anything, so a small nap wouldn’t hurt.
He let out a small yawn, leaning back and closing his eyes. Man, the chairs were comfy as hell. Bill was gonna find out what type of chairs The TARDIS had, so that he could get some for himself.
Unfortunately for him, it wasn’t a chair he was dozing off on, but a Timelord.
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indiemusee · 3 years
//continued from here @whomuses//
“Yes, but how?” The figure questioned, “You gotta think big, you don’t have much time!” He promptly stood to his feet, “C’mon, we’ve done it before!” He encouraged.
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“ i think god is cruel. “ colton for 13
“Don’t think so, personally.” She says with a shrug. “Then again, not sure I exactly believe in ‘God.’ But what I do believe in is love. That and hope. And neither is easy to get rid of.” She smiles kindly at the young man. 
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“The universe can be cruel, certainly. But that’s all the more reason to be kind yourself.” 
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never trust people on their looks. you can see scary people a mile away. it’s the good people you have to worry about. - Graham for 13
“Hmmm, suppose so. Though if you have to worry about them, they aren’t really good are they?” 
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indiemusee · 3 years
//continuing from here @whomuses//
Charlie raised an eyebrow at The Doctor, the Timelord’s joy slowly becoming infectious. Her lips were cracking into a smile as he sang along, mostly trying her best to cover up The Doctor’s voice for the sake of all the strangers.
“Summer days, driftin’ away~”
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indiemusee · 3 years
continuing from here @whomuses
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“Weeeeelllll~” Bill trailed off, going a few pitches higher, “You could start talking, and then I’ll let you pick where we go...”
He picked up another dvd, “Oh! Season of The Witch! Classic, too underrated.” He tsked, setting it to the side.
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yowzariversong · 4 years
╰⊱♥⊱╮ღ꧁  𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎  ꧂ღ╭⊱♥≺
so I’ve been feeling the muse for River a bit more and have finally sorted through the drafts I owe and whether i want to keep those threads or not in preparation for coming back on here a bit more - details of which threads I intend to keep/drop are below the cut. I’ve only done this on the basis of working through what I have in my drafts, so if I don’t mention a thread we have it’s either because it’s not my turn to reply or tumblr ate it (if it’s the latter please let me know and I can add it to this post)
if I’ve dropped a thread we have then it’s not intended personally - I have tried to decide what I’ll keep purely on the basis of what I have muse for and have attempted to lay aside my usual ‘I’m obliged/they want me to/I really should’ attitude in doing so. That said, just because I’ve dropped a thread it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to start another one with you (however, I’m intending to limit the number of threads per person for my own sanity). If I’ve dropped a thread with you and you a. had plans for that thread and wanted to continue it or b. want to start a new thread instead, then please just drop me a message and we can work something out
if I’ve kept a thread with you then that is also not intended personally - I love all my partners but I have tried my best not to play favourites here and only base the decision on what I have muse for. If I’ve kept a thread with you and you a. aren’t feeling it and would rather drop it or b. want to start a new thread as well (bearing in mind I’m limiting thread numbers), then please drop me a message and we can work something out 
threads I intend to keep:
@brvesouls ​ - family reunion with Amy
brvesouls - trigger happy with Andy
@incogniiita ​ - tea in the moonlight with Carver
@likeacharacterinamusical ​ - reunited with Twelve
@manaborn ​ - being a smart arse to Gwen
@mxndwitch ​ - strawberry scones with Wanda
@rainbcwhearts ​ - honeymoon discussion with Thirteen
@savedsomelittlepeople ​ - River resurrected by the Timelord Victorious
@sensesdialed ​ - a little victimless crime with Peter
@thedoctornumber11 ​ - Christmas gift from Eleven
thedoctornumber11 ​ - ‘First meeting’ between River & TARDIS with Eleven
@theresastargirl ​ - family catch up with Ophelia
@time-qxeen ​ - art gallery meeting with Thirteen
@timewarn ​ - first meeting with Eight
timewarn - idiot River admits her feelings to Eight
@wcrriorhearts ​ - alien object with Daisy
@whomuses ​ - chat with Yaz
@winterbranded ​ - morning after with Bucky
winterbranded​ - post-accident angst with Bucky
threads I intend to drop:
@becomewolf ​ - first meeting with Rose
@dxctxrii ​ - weird alien sludge with Two 
@londonx1965 ​ - mysterious object with Ian
@pepperpxtts ​ - bookstore meeting with Pepper
thedoctornumber11​ - sword fight with Eleven
thedoctornumber11​ - making out with Eleven
time-qxeen - Kisses for Thirteen (late addition - tumblr ate it)
timewarn​ - a massage for Eight
@valorxus-a ​ / @valorxus - champagne opulence with Ten (moved from keep list)
valorxus-a​ / valorxus​ - flirting with Jim
winterbranded​ - visit to Bucky in the 1940s
(looking at this i have dropped far fewer threads than I intended to when I started on this, but I guess I thought I owed more than I actually do and returning muse has reignited interest in some threads)
I’m gonna delete dropped threads from my drafts in the next few days, but since I’m putting all the links in here if I do un-drop any after talking to anyone they should be easy enough to find
please remember you’re all awesome and i love you ❤️
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wwxnka · 4 years
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“I’ve got it, Theta - I’ve actually got it!”
HAD THE MAN STUMBLED ACROSS A GOLD MINE, GREATER JOY WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN VISIBLE ON HIS FACE AS HE SCARPERED OVER TO HIS FRIEND - THE BESTEST, BESTEST FRIEND HE HAD IN ALL THE UNIVERSE - WITH A PURPLE THERMOS FLASK TUCKED NEATLY UNDER HIS ARM. Of course, this all succeeded in digging up faint memories - Zorana and Theta, children of the Time Lord Academy, huddled together in a far corner of a corridor or garden, the former attempting tirelessly to impress and entertain the latter with his ever-wilder experiments. 
SUCH THOUGHTS ALWAYS BROUGHT WITH THEM SADNESS, HOWEVER. After all, all that had happened a very long time ago; so much had changed since then - not to mention the decades upon decades spent in which he had been on his own, Theta making their own mark on the universe, and rightly so - but, regardless, it had been a different life. Fortunately, he possessed a far better, far more colourful, far tastier one now.
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“Haha! You’re really going to love this one, Theta, I just know it! I can feel it in my bones! A truly wonderful feeling it is, too! In fact, if I was sure it wouldn’t cause a mess, I would just combust on this very spot! Come here! Quickly now!”
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@whomuses​ gets a starter for Thirteen.
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