#whoops guess I'm a dad now
janetbrown711 · 2 years
The World is Not a Nice Place (to those of us who breathe)
Pigsy has a pretty good gig for himself: a nice little restaurant, a cute regular customer (who's name he keeps forgetting to ask), and a place to call his own. However, his life changes forever when two orphans hide out in his storage closet to hide from the police.
AKA Pigsy adopts MK and Mei as kids AU <333 This will be a whole series, so prepare for a lot of cute dadsy content and lil Mei and MK (as well as some divine intervention bc why not).
Part 1 Part 2
Ao3 Link
Pigsy was the proud owner of a little noodle shop his grandma helped him set up called “Pigsy’s Noodles'' and it was his pride and joy. He’d been running it alone for two years now after a teenage and young twenties-hood of running around, getting into fights, and getting severely traumatized with his best friend. It was his grandmother’s suggestion when Sandy threw in the towel leaving Pigsy aimless, and he couldn’t thank her enough for it.
It was different without her around, certainly not any easier, but being a local business in a city that was only being more commercialized by the second gave his place an identity and authenticity no chain restaurant could ever replicate, so business was stable.
Sure, he didn’t exactly live a life of luxury, but his studio apartment above the restaurant was all he needed. He was a pig of the simple life, according to his grandma anyways.
That didn’t mean he didn’t miss the chaos and Sandy, whom he hadn’t seen since… well.. a while, but that didn’t mean he was completely alone. He had this one regular who came in to work on his capstone for his masters and applications for doctorate programs who was kinda funny and cute and smart. Granted, he rarely ever paid his tab, but Pigsy liked listening to him ramble about the Legends of Sun Wukong, so that kind of made up for it.
If only Pigsy could ever remember to actually ask for his name.
Today was going to be a slow day, Pigsy knew that. Grey storm clouds covered the sky, giving the city an almost haunted feeling. It would probably rain soon enough too, so any hopes of foot traffic were dashed. His regular was still there, of course, but something was off with him too. He was quiet, reading something on his laptop with a worried brow, which worried Pigsy too.
“You– uh– readin’ the news?” Pigsy asked, drying a glass off with a towel to mask his concern.
“Yeah– there was a huge fire last night. You know that ancient ancestral home to the descendants of the White Horse Dragon?”
Pigsy nodded.
“It burned down, as well as an apartment complex nearby,” The regular turned his laptop around to show the chef. Pigsy got a good glance at it before cringing.
“Yeesh– is everyone okay?” He asked. The semi-stranger shook his head.
“The owners are both confirmed to have died, but no one can find their daughter, and there are at least ten dead from the apartment fire,” he turned his laptop back around.
“Dang, how old is she?” Pigsy asked, setting the glass down.
“Seven, I think.”
“Hope the kid’s okay,” Pigsy looked out the window, staring at the neon glow of his sign against the dull gray sky.
He should probably close.
“Hey um– you got any more dissertation writing to do today? I’m thinkin’ about closing early” Pigsy asked.
The man sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, lifting his glasses up as he did. “I don’t know if I can focus on that, but I know I can’t really go home– it reeks of smoke since I live a block down from all that.”
“O-oh, right, yeah– uhm… feel free to stay as long as you need then, I won’t close til you’re all good,” Pigsy blushed, thinking about how stupid that idea was.
The stranger gave him a soft smile. “Thanks.”
“Ah, no problem– so long as you actually make a dent in that tab of yours,” Pigsy tried to tease but got something in his throat halfway through that made him cough and therefore sound like a flustered idiot.
The stranger laughed a little and went back to his laptop, while Pigsy went to clean the grill, desperate to scrape away his embarrassment.
Almost twenty eight and he was out here blushing like a piglet.
The pair were silent again for a while, except for the occasional siren or two as police drove down the street, which was hardly an unusual sound for Megapolis. However, after a bit of this, Pigsy and the customer both jumped when they heard pots and pans crash to the floor in the back.
“Was that a rat?” The man asked.
“No-! That’s ridiculous-!” Pigsy defended, his face red as a tomato. “I’ll go check it out– I swear this place is sanitary,” Pigsy quickly turned off the grill, grabbed a broom and prayed he was right.
He went back to the back of the restaurant, frowning when he saw the back door was open, though only a crack. With a sigh, he went and shut it, sure to click the lock this time and now really really praying there wasn’t a rat or any other pests.
“Anyone in here?” He called out. He wasn’t exactly shocked when there wasn’t a response, but as he got closer to the storage closet, he could swear he heard something shuffling– probably an animal like he suspected (he was usually so vigilant about the door dammit– this was so stupid). Now holding the broom like a weapon, he approached the closet door carefully and quietly, listening to more shuffling before quickly grabbing the doorknob and flinging the door open, causing two shrieks of children to ring out.
“Pleasepleaseplease dont’t hurt us-!”A little boy cried out, shielding his friend– a girl– with his arms and trembling.
Kids??? What the fuck were kids doing here???
Quickly, Pigsy flicked on the lightswitch and set the broom down.
“What’re you two doing here? This is a private business and I don’t–” Pigsy was going to lecture more but noticed the girl who was crying a lot and looked oddly familiar.
“S-sorry, Mister, w-we didn’t know– we’re sorry about the pot i-it’s just–” The boy apologized but the girl interrupted.
“I-i didn’t mean to do it, I-i was just trying to c-clean a-and– a-a-and n-n-now m-mom n’ d-dad are– a-a-are– a-and so we just– and then the cops– a-a-and–” The girl couldn’t get through her sentence before choking on her tears.
Wait a minute…
Holy shit.
“You’re the missing dragon girl, aren’t you?” Pigsy knelt down. The girl nodded her head as she hugged her knees close to her chest.
“D-don’t tell anyone, please,” The boy pleaded. “ ‘specially the cops, they’re spooky.”
Pigsy snorted. “Yeah I know that, but you can’t just hide here kiddo, people are looking for you– maybe even your family.”
“MK’s my family, I don’t have anyone else,” The girl sniffled. “A-and those guys are scary, th-their eyes are all red.”
“Red eyes? Kid, I know cops are bastards, but they don’t have–” Pigsy stopped to think for five seconds before suddenly getting very, very worried.
“Look, I won’t tell anyone you’re here, but how’s about you move to the kitchen where I can keep a better eye on you two, okay?” He said, looking over his shoulder at the backdoor. As the kids nodded and slowly stood up, he grabbed the padlock on the high shelf and put it around the back door for extra security, before going back to the kids, who were watching nervously.
“Look uh– just keep your heads low and stay behind the bar, there should be some room for you two if I shift some boxes around,” Pigsy scratched his head and went out to the kitchen, but the kids didn’t follow him.
“Everything okay back there?” His regular asked, lowering the lid of his laptop.
“Y-yeah-! Yeah, just– um… keep studying,” He smiled nervously. The semi-stranger gave him a curious look before raising the lid and getting back to work. He quickly went back and found the kids still standing in the doorway of the storage closet looking down.
“Hey, what’s the matter with you two?” Pigsy asked softly. The girl pulled on her long black hair nervously and sniffled.
“I-i’m scared they’ll see us,” She confessed.
Pigsy immediately got on one knee and placed a hand on her and the boy– MK–’s shoulder. “I promise I won’t let anything happen to you two, okay? You have my word.”
The kids exchanged weary glances before nodding. Pigsy gave them a weak smile before standing, reminding them to stay low before leading them out to the kitchen where they remained creeping low, but not before the regular saw them.
“Um… hi,” His customer gave a wave to MK and the girl, who froze.
“It’s okay kiddos, he’s a–” Pigsy glanced at him.
“A friend,” The man finished his sentence for him, which made Pigsy blush a little.
“Oh– hi-!” MK waved a little before getting on his knees and hiding under the bar like Pigsy instructed, which the girl shortly followed.
“Mind telling me why you have kids hiding under your bar?” The scholar teased a little.
“Ah– well uh–” he glanced down at the pair, who were having a silent conversation with hand signals he didn’t know.
“There’s some trouble stirring up right now and they needed somewhere safe to stay so I figured why not keep ‘em in my line of sight, you know?” He shrugged at the half-truth.
“Oh, that’s really sweet of you,” The man said with a smile, going back to his laptop so he didn’t notice Pigsy’s face turning dark red once more before he turned around and got back to cleaning.
After a while of casual silence, Pigsy heard the bell ring and muttered to himself when he heard them say “Megapolis Police, we’re here looking for a little girl, Mei Dragon. She’s long black hair and was last seen in a green jacket with white shorts and sneakers.”
“You see any kids here?” Pigsy scoffed as he scraped off the fond from a pot.
“Look here, wise guy, we’re gonna search this place whether you like it or not,” One of them snarled, but Pigsy just rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah,” He said, setting the pot down to dry while picking up an iron skillet. One of the cops– a slightly smaller but still plenty muscular one– eyed him.
“This’ll be quick anyways,” The officer said.
“Better be, or else you’re gonna scare off my customers,” He crossed his arms and stood in front of the cupboard where the kids were hiding. He glanced at his regular, who seemed just as annoyed at the presence of police as he was.
The officers huffed and began snooping around, looking under tables and in the bathrooms, getting huffier the more and more they didn’t find the girl– Mei.
Man, Pigsy was really bad about asking for names.
When the cops went to the back, Pigsy heard the girl start crying again. Pigsy bit his cheek before crouching down again and asking what the matter was.
"S-sorry, Mr. Piggy, I-I don't know why– I-i just keep–"
"Hey, it's okay kid, you just gotta be quiet for a little bit longer and then the scary guys will leave and we can find you somewhere a lot safer to be, okay?"
The girl rubbed her eyes with her jacket sleeve and nodded, which was when Pigsy noticed her eyes were glowing emerald green.
So uh… that was interesting.
"Does she normally…?" He turned to MK who nodded.
Alrighty then.
“Hey– there’s the dragon brat-!” One of the cops shouted from the doorway to the back.
“Yeah well if you want her, you’re gonna have to go through me,” Pigsy huffed, gripping the pan and going into a fighting stance. Just like that, the cops shed their skins to reveal they were actually just a massive tiger and the larger one leapt towards Pigsy, who knocked him as hard as he could in the jaw with the skillet, sending him into the grill.
“Woah-!” The girl watched in awe, bringing Pigsy way back.
“Oh my stars– Are you okay-?!” The regular closed his laptop and shoved it into his bag frantically.
“You good at running?” Pigsy asked as the smaller one jumped to attack, but he whacked them away too.
“Can be under pressure-!” The man quickly slid his bag around his shoulder.
“Great– take the kids and run,” Pigsy said, taking MK’s arm and pulling him out of the hiding spot before placing him on top of the bar, then doing the same with Mei.
“Right uh– Let’s get going then-!” He said, helping the kids jump down as the bigger tiger demon got up and tried jumping towards Mei, but Pigsy got a hold of his neck and was able to hold him back and thankfully the kids and sexy customer were able to get out. However, he must not have hit the second guy hard enough because he was back and instantly tackled Pigsy to the ground and gave him a nasty gash in his shoulder with his claw, tearing through his chef’s shirt. Pigsy was able to kick the guy off of him, and when he saw the bigger guy was making a run for it, he grabbed the nearest bottle of rice vinegar and threw it at him, which shattered against his head on impact.
“Ha-! Take that ya bastard-!” Pigsy was pleasantly surprised his aim was still good, especially with his arm stinging severely from the previously mentioned gash.
“Alright, piggy, you wanna do this?” The tiger turned away from the entrance.
Ah, fuck– Where’s Sandy when you need him?
He hit the smaller in the face with the skillet again, before having to duck to avoid the bigger one leaping at him once again. Thankfully, his size and strength failed him when he overestimated how much power to put into that and he went crashing straight through the wall (which was not good for Pigsy’s bills, but priorities).
Jiangjun– we need the dragon, not the bacon,” The smaller tiger growled and stood.
“You were the ones pretending to be cops,” Pigsy growled and leaned against the bar, trying not to wince in pain.
“This is a mercy, Pig Man,” The big demon got up and snarled. “You can’t kill us, but we can kill you.”
Before Pigsy could protest again, the tigers bolted out of the restaurant, and Pigsy scrambled to keep up.
The street quickly turned into a mad panic as people bolted out of the way of the tiger demons, which was kind of good because there was a clear path for Pigsy to follow. Did he have a plan? No. Did his arm hurt with every attempt at running? Yes. Did he even know why he was sticking his neck this far out for these kids? Kind of– He wasn’t heartless– if kids are in danger he’ll protect them, that’s how normal people responded.
He also hoped his regular was okay– if they lived he was going to make sure he asked for his name.
When he caught sight of the trio, they were dashing around a corner, and the demons quickly followed. Pigsy was starting to fall behind and so said a quick prayer to whatever and picked up the pace, mortified when he turned that corner and found they got themselves backed into an alley.
“Nowhere to run, Little Dragon,” The bigger tiger licked his lips and got on all fours. Pigsy scrambled for something to grab, but the smaller tiger pounced on him and that quickly became a struggle of its own.
“Mr. Piggy!” Mei cried out, her eyes still glowing but flickering to a wine red. She balled her little hands into fists and stepped away from MK, who was forced to let go of her arm and so grabbed onto the man.
“Get away from him!” She shouted, and a rush of hot air flooded the alleyway, causing the tiger to stop fighting Pigsy, though he still had him pinned and with claws at his throat.
“B-boss, you said she was too young,” The small one said.
The bigger one growled, “She’s supposed to be, but something’s… different.”
“I saidget away!” She screamed, and Pigsy couldn’t believe his eyes– she was suddenly surrounded by an aura in the shape of a very, very large Jade Dragon, who’s eyes stared menacingly down at the two tiger demons. There was something else too– sparks of that red from before, but whatever that was it was clearly restrained, despite her anger.
“C-c’mon boss, let’s get out of here,” The small tiger let go of Pigsy and scrambled away. The larger remained, staring down the beast until it opened its massive jaws as if to spit fire or water, and then he ran.
“Wow-! That was so cool Mei-!” Her best friend cheered for her while Pigsy forced himself to stand.
“Yeah, not too bad– kid-!” In the middle of Pigsy’s compliment, all of the glow faded from Mei’s eyes and she passed out, thankfully caught by the regular.
“We should get you– you two– to a hospital,” The man said, his face going pale at Pigsy’s appearance.
“What? I’m not that roughed up,” Pigsy denied, despite feeling so dizzy from blood loss he had to rest a hand against the wall of the alley.
“C’mon, I’ll call a cab,” The man rolled his eyes playfully before calling the car and then they were off.
Once they were at the hospital, things quickly got awkward as it became more and more apparent to the staff that they had no relation to Mei and didn’t know any of her medical information. Thankfully her situation was a lot less serious and she was awake and had perfectly fine vitals in just a few minutes, whereas Pigsy had to get stitches and a blood transfusion, and was put under observation for a while.
The observation period was boring, of course, and it had him wondering just what the hell he was doing with his life. He didn’t know these kids– he didn’t even know that customer’s name– why was he out here destroying his very livelihood and fighting for them like they’re his own kids?
“Are you doing alright there? You're almost done” The nurse, “Ming-Hoa” according to his lotus-shaped name tag, suddenly spoke up. Pigsy blinked and shook his head.
“Yeah, yeah, just… thoughts,” He shrugged.
“Getting into life threatening situations often does that to a person,” The nurse laughed a little, checking all of the monitors and writing something down on his clipboard. “What you did was very brave. That girl could very easily be dead, her family is indebted to you.”
Pigsy sighed and closed his eyes. “That’s the problem– the kid doesn’t have a family.”
The nurse nodded a little. “Well… I’m sure they’re happy wherever they are.”
“What’s– uh–” Pigsy looked down at his hands. “What’s going to happen to the kid now?”
The nurse had a small smile on his face. “Well, custody of her will be decided by her parent’s will and the boy will undergo a similar process, though if there’s no will, he’ll be placed into foster care.”
“Wait– him too?” Pigsy tried to sit up.
“Oh, you didn’t know? He was also orphaned in the fire the other night, though he was in the apartment buildings.”
“But they can’t split those two up, they’re practically siblings– joined at the hip and apparently all they have." An expression of sad realization washed over the chef's face.
"Yes, yes, but unfortunately that is how it goes unless the person taking in the girl was willing to take the boy too," Ming-Hoa explained.
"How could anyone not? I know I sure would," Pigsy huffed as the nurse checked the monitors once more and started unhooking all of the devices.
"Well that's what we like to hear," He said as he took off the heart monitor from Pigsy.
"Sure..?" Pigsy raised an eyebrow as he stretched. The nurse continued to type something into his computer as Pigsy stood and gathered his things, which was really just his torn up chef’s shirt.
“The Dragon Family Lawyer will meet you just outside to discuss a few things, Mr. Zhu,” He said. Why exactly the nurse knew about Mei’s lawyer when he wasn't even her nurse was something Pigsy didn’t have the energy to question.
“Uh… thanks,” He nodded, throwing on the torn shirt over his white tank top and bandages before heading out to the waiting area, which was strangely cleared out except for Mei, MK, his customer, and a woman wearing a white pantsuit and high heels with lotuses on them– the lawyer, most likely.
“Ah, Mr. Zhu, I’m Gatita, the lawyer for the Dragon Family Estate,” The woman stood, but before he could go to shake her hand, Mei jumped from her seat and gave Pigsy a hug.
“I’m sorry you got hurt, Mr. Piggy,” She apologized profusely.
“Hey, I’m just glad you’re okay kiddo,” Pigsy patted her back before she let go and joined MK back by the bead maze.
“I’m glad to see Miss Mei likes you already,” The woman smiled fondly before going once more to shake Pigsy’s hand, which he did before taking his seat next to the regular.
“So… what exactly do you need to talk to me about?” Pigsy asked.
The lawyer reached into her bag and pulled out a large manilla folder. “Well, there was a peculiarity in Mr. and Mrs. Dragon’s last will and testament, which says that if no one remains of her immediate family, then it would be up to The Dragon King of the East, and it appears he has chosen you,” she said, pulling out the document that stated just that.
Pigsy blinked.
“Mr. Zhu?”
“S-sorry there, i just– what???” Pigsy shook his head. “I-i’ve never met any Dragon King and I know damn– dang well that I am not better for her than any king in an actual castle would be.”
“Well, mystical beings often have their ways of looking around. Plus, Mei is merely a descendant of Ao Lie, she’s not as draconic as her great uncle and his family. It would be better for her to be raised in a more humanoid environment,” Gatita said, pointing to a specific paragraph of the paper Pigsy still couldn’t hope to read.
“You know I ain’t exactly human myself, right?” Pigsy snorted.
“I suppose you truly haven’t spent any time with dragons then,” The lawyer laughed to herself like Pigsy didn’t literally just say that.
“Well, either way, you wouldn’t be alone. You’d have my number for any emergencies, and plus your husband here will be of great help,” She smiled at the man next to Pigsy and both of their faces turned red.
“Woah– wait now– we’re– I’m not–” The man protested.
“Oh! My apologies, I just assumed because both of you were present– it doesn’t matter. Custody would primarily be given to Pigsy for both the boy and the girl–”
“Both of them? I didn’t think you were in charge of both of them,” Pigsy sat back in his seat, his head beginning to spin.
“Are you suggesting you’d want to split the two up?” The woman frowned a little, glancing back at the two seven-year-olds.
“N-no! I just–” Pigsy rubbed his forehead. “It’s… a lot. I’m not exactly rolling in money here and I just–”
“There is a sum of money set aside for Mei and the boy’s childcare, as well as Mei’s inheritance, but that won’t be available until she is eighteen for safekeeping, and as far the academy goes, her and the boys admission has been paid in full for the next eleven years already so that’s not a concern either,” She said, pulling out more documents and Pigsy was still not going to read any one of them– though it didn’t matter because it seemed like his customer was doing it for him (probably because he actually understood them because he was smart and stuff).
“I understand it’s a lot, Mr. Zhu, and if you truly feel uncomfortable, you can turn the offer down. However, if you do, they will without a doubt be separated and live very, very different lives,” The lawyer said with an earnestness the chef didn’t expect.
Pigsy glanced back at the kids, seeing how happy they were in each other's company, and then thinking back to how fiercely they protected each other and– hell, even him.
He’d have to be heartless to tear that apart.
“I… I’ll take them,” Pigsy said.
“Are you certain?” Gatita asked seriously. Pigsy nodded.
“I am.”
“That’s what we like to hear,” She smiled, taking out a pen from her bag and handing it over to the chef.
“Wait, that’s it? No evaluation, no checking bank accounts or backgrounds or anything?” Pigsy took the pen nervously.
Gatita laughed. “We did all of that beforehand; you’re all clear Mr. Zhu.”
Pigsy blinked again. He glanced at the man to his left.
“I’m no lawyer, but everything looks legit and–... and I can help a bit too, if you’d want that– like around the restaurant and stuff,” His customer said, his hands pulling on his scarf nervously.
Pigsy smiled a bit, probably like an idiot, before glancing at the lawyer and covering his mouth and mouthing “I don’t even know your name.”
His customer laughed a little before copying his motion and mouthing, “it’s Tang.”
It was perfect for him.
“Right,” He smiled more, lowering his hand and turning back to the documents.
He had no idea what it took to raise a kid– let alone two.
Then again, he’d have to be an idiot to turn down what was probably a small fortune.
But he shouldn’t just be doing this for money.
And he wasn’t– he cared about those kids and couldn’t imagine forgiving himself for separating them.
Plus it was technically her family’s wants, and who was he to say he knew better than literal celestial dragons?
With a breath, Pigsy gripped the pen tighter and signed his name across every dashed line Gatita pointed to, and then it was official.
Pigsy just adopted two kids he barely knew, one who was a descendant of a literal dragon.
He hoped he had even a clue of what he just got himself into.
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aberooski · 2 years
Okay I have enough fics and shit to write right now as it is, I currently have 4 in the works 🙃, but last night while I was trying to sleep I had a thought. I think I came up with a very baseline very bare bones idea for a possible OUAD 2.
A possible title for which I came up with was Once Upon A Kingdom OUAK if you will. And literally as I typed this out, Once Upon A Winter OUAW akskskskk and it would take place months after the events of OUAD, Chazz and Atticus are officially a couple now, and Atty takes him on a trip to see the Northern Kingdom or the Crystal Kingdom if ur in with the OUAD deep lore 👀 where he and Lexi are from and with Jay, Sy, and Hassleberry in tow, winter wonderland hijinks and capers ensue 👀
Now I have no idea what the actual greater plot would be but I really like the idea of visiting another kingdom since in the 'deep lore' there are 5 kingdoms that exist in the world, but since the Kingdom of the East was canonically destroyed by Slade and Jagger before the events of OUAD, there's still 3 other kingdoms outside the Golden Kingdom. The northern, western, and southern kingdoms if you will. The Golden Kingdom is the central kingdom. So we get to see more of the world, and open the door for more of the ensemble cast to get involved, I fully intend to include Jesse and Bastion at the very minimum if I wrote this I fully imagined a whole conversation with Jaden and Jesse last night, immortal magical fairy Jay gets to flirt with the cute human boy 👀 so I have thoughts happening ☺
Like I said I have no idea what an actual greater plot would look like yet and I have way too much to work on right now to put too much thought into it right now, but I promise babes. OUAD 2 may be on the back burner right now, but it is also very firmly on the table 😉
#why must all my best ideas come when I'm about to fall asleep like you couldn’t have given me more than that brain???#no but fr I have so much to work on but I'm actively in the early staged of planning here#obviously Crowler will be in there somewhere too I'm not about to exclude my favorite dad 😤 but i dunno what's going on in it at all yet#maybe we'll even see more fairy society shit too cuz I love thinkin about it and I mean Hassleberry did kill Jagger with mega ancient magic#that he's supposed to be too weak magically to be able to do and the other fairies are canonically kinda mean to him for that#and because of his whole animal side thing that he was just born with in OUAD which yknow isn't normal even for magical beings#so when they find out he did that I mean that's gonna shake things up in their society man#plus I did establish that Zane canonically exists in OUAD because he's briefly mentioned in chapter 11#and K think it's fucking hilarious that he of all people is a fairy 😂 but Sy is so he kinda has to be lol#I already have so many thoughts but they're incoherent and make no sense still so we'll see what happens when things start coming together#but that'll be a while still. I probably won't really mess with it at least until after Chazzerella#because that one honestly shouldn't be all that long once I get started actually writing it. not a lot happens in that movie akskks#but for now I'll leave y'all with this mess I guess akskks whoops 😅#abby's just rambling don't mind her#abby fully admits she's an idiot#Once Upon A Duelist#yugioh gx#yugioh gx fanfiction#chazz princeton#atticus rhodes#stormshipping#syrus truesdale#jaden yuki#tyranno hassleberry#alexis rhodes
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
'anla - part two
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Series Masterlist
Summary: Life on the reef has started to change the Sully kids for the better, while a storm looms overhead. Certain teenagers are in denial of each other.
Pairing: Ao'nung/Fem!Na'vi!Sully Reader
Warnings: Mature language, teenagers acting their age, time skips, strict parents, puppy love, canon compliance, slow burn, etc.
Word Count: 5k+
Tag: #'anla ao'nung fic
Na'vi Words: nivi - hammocks, marui - homes, ilu - dolphin like creatures, tulkun - whale like creatures, tsurak - skimwings, Sänrr Rong - the Glow Tunnel, spä - jump, olo'eyktan - clan leader, sa'sem - parents, Iknimaya - Rite of Passage, tsahik - spiritual leader, tsakarem - tsahik in training, tsmukan - brother, Utraya Moktri - Metkayina Spirit Tree, kuru - braid neural queue, fpxafaw - medusa
Taglist (red indicates "could not tag"): @timotheechalametishot @ghost-lantern @shadowmoonlight0604 @melsunshine @ocd-onut @purennn @themostegotisticalgirl124 @notsochillnerd @athenachu @yhern05 @amortencjja
A/N: I tagged everyone from the comment section of the first chapter who was excited or asking for part two. I couldn't respond to them in the comment section because this is a secondary account, so if you do or don't want to be on the taglist, please let me know via ask box or dm, thank you!
read it here on ao3
(I do not consent to my works being reposted or copied)
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Kiri had woken shortly after, crying, but was otherwise unharmed and showing no signs what happened had affected her. They gave her a day to recover in their home while the rest of the Sullys went about their day normally, sending Norm and Max away with heartfelt goodbyes and returning to the sea life they had started to grow accustomed to. 
Lo'ak and Y/n were put in charge of plucking barnacles off the bottom of canoes for the afternoon, and the young boy takes the time to avoid silence and boredom, "So what are you doing with Ao'nung?"
Y/n doesn't react or even bother looking up from her handiwork, "What do you mean?"
"I mean when did you guys become friends?"
She looked up then, puzzled as she stared at her younger brother, "I'm confused. Weren't we trying to all be friends?"
Lo'ak paused from working for a moment, shrugging, "Well, we were trying to just earn their respect and get along, but yeah, I guess we did come out as friends."
"I guess we're full of surprises."
"But the other night, you guys were being... weird."
Y/n huffed with mirth, "Look who's talking."
"Shut up." He snarled, "Have you guys been hanging out a lot?"
"Not really. Just a few times lately."
"Is that where you were the other night? This... Arch?"
"Yeah. Ao'nung said he had something to show me."
Lo'ak's expression goes blank, "Y/n. Dad taught us to literally never follow someone just because they said they have something to show you. He called it 'stranger danger' or something like that."
She tossed a barnacle at him, "Is this coming from the boy who willingly followed Ao'nung and his friends beyond the reef?"
"... Okay. Fine. You win."
"Besides, Ao'nung didn't phrase it like that. It was a lot less creepy."
"So why didn't he invite the rest of us to the Arch?"
"You guys had already gone for the day so he just took me." Y/n then reached over to mess with Lo'ak's hair, earning an annoyed hiss and she smiles, "Don't look too closely at it, alright? We're friends now."
A peaceful morning where the Sullys find themselves rolling up their nivi after a night's rest is interrupted by a horn, followed by whoops and hollers of celebration coming from outside. Confused and on edge, Jake and the kids emerge from the��marui, looking around as the Metkayina jump around and dive into the water, making the newcomers curious as to what was going on.
Their answer came in the form of Tsireya, astride an ilu as she waves down her people from the water below their homes, "The tulkun have returned! Everybody! Our brothers and sisters have returned!"
Y/n looked up toward the atoll walls protecting the village from less docile nature. Emerging from the tunnels and pathways were rolling waves indicating something large underneath the water. Spurts of seaspray spring out like geysers from beneath the ocean's surface. It was a large pod of whale-like creatures, massive and slow. Their descent onto the village was graceful and one that brought much joy to the Metkayina as they couldn't get in the water fast enough.
The Sully kids couldn't wait either, jumping from the walkway around their home and into the water below. They scatter, exploring the new creatures one way or another. Tsireya had grabbed Lo'ak when she spotted him and pulled him onto her ilu, swimming away to introduce him to her Spirit Sister. Jake summoned his tsurak and both he and Neytiri take off to observe the sacred animals themselves. Rotxo had come around and pulled Kiri and Tuk away too, leaving the twins to their own devices. Ao'nung was not far behind his friend, inviting Neteyam and Y/n to come along with him to find his own Spirit Brother. All three teenagers grab an ilu and take off, making a game of chase with Ao'nung in the lead.
They weave through and around the large bodies of tulkun, dodging other ilu and Na'vi while keeping close to Ao'nung the entire time. He leads them through the chaos expertly, the three teenagers swimming quickly around a particular tulkun. Kiri, Tuk, and Rotxo were hanging onto the bull's fin and gliding peacefully through the water, the tulkun likely the reef boy's Spirit Brother. Neteyam and Y/n are only able to catch a glimpse of this as they swim by, keeping close to Ao'nung's tail until he slows down in front of a particular bull. This tulkun didn't have tattoos yet, much like Ao'nung as he signed to the twins, "My Spirit Brother."
Neteyam drifts close to the creature's eye, signing, "Greetings, mighty tulkun."
"I See you, Forest Brother." The tulkun sang as his form of speaking, and luckily, having had enough lessons, Neteyam and Y/n were able to grasp the old language.
Y/n ditched her ilu and swam up next, signing effortlessly, "I See you, Great Spirit Brother of Ao'nung."
"Hello, Forest Sister. I See you."
Ao'nung's hand gestures were too fast, and the twins were unable to read them but they had no need. The signing was not for them as Ao'nung was trying to relay a season's worth of events to his Spirit Brother, more excited than either Omatikaya have ever seen him. Ao'nung was smiling softly, and brightly as he tried to tell a story only to stumble over his own way of telling it. The tulkun in front of him chimed in as his way of laughing, urging the Na'vi boy to slow down. Y/n managed to pick up some of the gestures after Ao'nung slowed, not missing the words 'Sky People', 'Forest People', and 'new friends'.
Neteyam took a break to swim up and get some air, but Y/n managed to stay underwater a little longer. She didn't want to miss a second of this adorable interaction, and somehow found herself roped in it when the tulkun turned its eye to her.
"Ao'nung tells me that you are a mighty warrior, Y/n te Suli Neytiri'ite."
"He's being nice in your presence," Y/n signed back with a grin, "I have seen war but not been a part of it. I am too young. I am a hunter at best."
Neteyam, still treading water at the surface, takes a deep breath and simply dunks his face underwater, looking back down to locate Y/n and Ao'nung. He found them below, right where he had left them with the bull tulkun. Y/n was signing to the creature, keeping herself swimming next to his eye while Ao'nung floated off to the side, watching them. Neteyam didn't miss the way Ao'nung was staring at her, yet again, when she was not looking. The reef boy's face was calm, his lips relaxing into a soft, carefree smile, never taking his eyes off the Na'vi girl.
That evening was full of celebration, music and dancing a central part of it. Bonfires lined up the beach where the village people could still be close to their ocean brothers and sisters. Late night dives through bioluminescent waves, sending scattered stars up to the sky whenever a splash was made or a tulkun jumped through the air, cascading back down into the water.
Ao'nung kept Neteyam and Y/n with him most of the evening, adamantly talking about his Spirit Brother and the stories exchanged between them. At one point, the three of them were sitting on the edge of a rock fixture, their toes in the water below as they watched the tulkun dancing around in the distance. Neteyam rolled his eyes lightheartedly at a certain part of Ao'nung's story where his mischief had got the best of him. The Omatikaya boy took a moment to glance at his sister, then looked away-- only to double-check when he saw something that intrigued him.
Y/n was watching Ao'nung with a tender expression, her smile sweet and fond as her eyes locked onto every hand gesture and every laugh Ao'nung made, who was clearly unaware of her stares throughout his story-telling. She laughed and nodded whenever she was supposed to in between tales, urging the boy on when he knew he had an avid listening audience. Neteyam smiled, too, though he was sure it wasn't for the same reasons his sister was smiling.
After that fateful day, Ao'nung invited Neteyam and Y/n to everything. They spent whole afternoons together, sometimes sitting around on the rocks, soaking up the sun while they exchanged stories. After hearing all of Ao'nung's tales between him and his Spirit Brother, either one or both twins would tell him stories from the forest growing up. They told him everything, from their childhood to recent events before they had left their home. Ao'nung was actually a good listener if one sat him down to do so. He nodded in acknowledgment and asked questions between appropriate breaks in the stories. Neteyam could tell how much Y/n appreciated this side of Ao'nung, the girl perking up and gladly answering whatever questions he had. At the end of the day, Neteyam couldn't recall if he ever answered any of Ao'nung's questions himself, but he didn't have the heart to care.
The three were also fond of hunting together and sometimes brought Rotxo and Lo'ak along, this time within the reef and with higher spirits. Some days they would mess around too much and wouldn't catch anything, other times they used their newfound friendship and teamwork to coordinate and bring home enough fish to feed all their families combined.
Ao'nung and Y/n decide to bring all the kids to Sänrr Rong. Tuk was the more ecstatic out of all of them, but everyone was delighted by this new place they could use as a hideout away from their parents. This time, they got a chance to cliff dive from the very top of the arch. The reef kids showed them the path up but were shocked to watch the Sully kids effortlessly climb up the rock as if they were born to do so. Even Tuk showed zero signs of exhaustion as she took a stable vine hand and scurried up it like a monkey. The Omatikaya children were clearly faster and more agile climbers than the Metkayina and therefore made it to the top before the locals even had a chance.
"We'll throw you down a vine so you can catch up," Y/n jeers as she pointedly climbed over Ao'nung.
The reef boy hissed, though it appeared to be playful as he makes a point to tug her tail as she passed him. Y/n hissed back and made sure to gently shove his big forehead with her toes as she climbed before leaping out of reach. They all eventually make it to the top of the cliff, hair whipping wildly in the unforgivable winds, then the reef kids stood over the edge, looking down at the ocean water below.
"Okay! Everyone ready?" Tsireya beamed with excitement.
"For what?" Lo'ak questioned.
"SPÄ!" Rotxo hoots to the clouds as he jumps off the ledge, straightening his legs and stiffening his posture as he falls-- falls-- falls--
"Who's next?" Ao'nung grinned.
Lo'ak was closest to the edge, peering over and even squinting when he couldn't spot Rotxo all the way down there, wadding in the sea, "Has anyone died doing this?"
The reef boy laughed, "If you wanna be the first, then don't stiffen your form as Rotxo did. Flail about like a screaming baby."
"Me next!" Tuk squealed.
"NO!" All four of her siblings, including Tsireya, shout in different ranges of emotion, such as fear, amusement, and seriousness.
The little girl stomps her foot, pouting as she crossed her arms, "Then why am I even here?"
"To keep me company," Y/n cut in, tugging her baby sister's arm until the shorter girl is pressed into her side. Y/n holds her tight while carefully watching the cliff, being sure to stay close to the middle and away from all edges.
"Aw, Forest Girl, you are scared," Ao'nung laughs, clapping his hands together once in amusement, "I thought you liked to fly?"
She glares at him, sticking her nose up in the direction of the cliff's edge, "That's not flying. It's falling."
Needless to say, Y/n and Tuk didn't do any cliff diving and left that to their other siblings. Kiri went first after Tsireya offered to go with her. Holding hands, the girls jump, screaming and laughing with both delight and horror. Neteyam paced along the edge of the cliff until he watched Kiri's head rise from the water, then relaxed. Once Ao'nung dared the Sully boys to race to the bottom, they were suddenly all for it, jumping off at the same time. Ao'nung took his time and teetered over the edge, grinning when he watched how nervous Y/n shuffled, keeping Tuk close to her side. The future olo'eyktan pretended to lose his balance, earning a laugh from Little Tuk and a scowl from Y/n before Ao'nung also jumped, hitting the water with practiced ease and a laugh still bubbling in his throat.
They climbed up and jumped back down several times, each time trying to persuade Y/n to jump. She put her foot down every time, even when her twin Neteyam offered to either go with her or stay with Tuk. Still, Y/n would not give into the peer pressure and Tuk was miserable by the time they returned home, squawking to her parents while stating that no one would let her cliff dive. Jake and Neytiri exchanged looks and appeared grateful when they nod to their older children with approval.
The Sully kids' lessons continue as usual, the older ones now granted permission to hunt in groups outside the reef if they pleased. Once they were fluent in signing, they learned to strengthen their knowledge in communicating with the tulkun for the next time. Their knowledge was tested when Tsireya, Ao'nung, and Rotxo refused to talk to them unless they used and perfected the language through signing. When Jake and Neytiri call their children home every night, they often find them sitting silently among each other, only using hand motions to communicate.
Many times, the group of friends return to the Glow Tunnel, to have fun or to enjoy the silence. Each time they all gathered at the center of the village, ready to go back to the Arch, everyone was so eager. All except one particular day, when Lo'ak was nowhere to be found once it was time to go. His absence did not go unnoticed. While Kiri decided to bring Tuk home, the others volunteered to go look for him, and hopefully, he wasn't in trouble like last time. With their newfound hunting party privileges, they go swimming beyond the reef in search of the Omatikaya boy.
They stumble upon Lo'ak by chance, and he wasn't alone. Swimming around him was an impressive tulkun, the left side of the bull scarred and missing a fin. Payakan. Neteyam and Y/n look at each other, worried, while the reef children watch curiously. Payakan and Lo'ak swam around each other like dancers, graceful and practiced. Then, the tulkun turned, fully facing Lo'ak, and opened his mouth, jaw unhinging to reveal the dark cave within. Lo'ak willingly swam in, and Payakan closed his mouth behind him. The twins went to scurry out of hiding as they watched this happen, but both Tsireya and Ao'nung stop them while Rotxo looked on, amazed.
Tsireya went on to further explain that Payakan had chosen Lo'ak to form tsaheylu, and while she appeared proud and excited at the idea, Ao'nung and Rotxo exchanged uncertain glances. Y/n had noticed this exchange, reaching out and grabbing Ao'nung's shoulder, forcing him to look back at her. When the reef boy met her curious gaze, she made movements in the water with her hands, "What is wrong?"
Ao'nung shakes his head and signs back, "Sa'sem will not be pleased."
They definitely were not. Once Lo'ak returned home with the other teenagers, word spread fast and reached Tonowari's ears. Together, he and Ronal round up the teens and brought them to their marui to have a stern lecture, berating the Metkayina children for allowing Lo'ak to bond with the tulkun outcast. It didn't go well as Lo'ak was adamant about Payakan being misunderstood and how he wasn't a killer, even by the Tulkun Way. Jake Sully refused to let his son explain and took him away to straighten him out, but the damage had already been done. Neytiri gathered the twins and followed the father and troubled son home.
They hadn't gone to the communal meal that night, instead, they ate together at home, as a family. Jake was certain that the Metkayina would only receive Lo'ak coldly should they turn up there now, so he suggested that they wait until things cooled down before returning to the village dinners. The Sullys' absence was missed that night, mostly by the children who had slowly become their friends.
Y/n was distressed when her family stayed close to their home the next morning, her father ordering the children to stay near and don't go further beyond the walkways of the village. It felt like a prison sentence to be stuck in one place when it was such a beautiful day out. Neytiri promised her children that they can move on with their lives tomorrow once Jake had calmed down and she spoke to him, but for now, "Listen to your father."
"I see that if one sibling gets punished, we all get punished now," Y/n snarled to Neteyam when she found a moment alone with her twin. Neytiri took Jake hunting with her so that they may talk, while the twins were ordered to look after their younger siblings for the night. Lo'ak and the girls went to sleep not long after their parents had gone, but the oldest son and daughter remained wide awake, talking quietly to one another just outside the marui.
Neteyam exhaled air through his nose, squinting at the dark ink of water in the distance, absently swinging one leg off the side of the walkway, "You don't mean that."
"You're just saying that because you've been stuck here with all of us today, unable to go anywhere."
He turned and clocked the snarl on her nearly identical face, her eyebrow hairs furrowing together while she looked away, rocking herself by her heels, "I hate it."
Neteyam smiled fondly, "I know you do. You always hated small spaces. I can see why you like this place better than home."
A pregnant pause hangs in the air over the twins, the only sounds around them being the water and the village, still stirring with life as things begin to settle down. Y/n doesn't look back at Neteyam, sitting on his words for a moment until she slowly turns back, expression blank and immovable, "I don't like this place better than home. I miss home."
"Of course you do. Doesn't change the fact that you're far more free here than you were back there. You've adjusted well here, even if Dad doesn't see it," Neteyam leans over and pats his sister's knee, "He doesn't see how fast you caught onto the Metkayina ways, he just sees all the times we screwed up."
Her ears flatten as she glares at him through her eyelids, unimpressed, "You mean how Lo'ak screwed up."
"We, Y/n. We."
She rolls her sharp, yellow eyes, "If anything, Dad should be proud of him. Bonding with a tulkun is a young Metkayina's first step to their Iknimaya."
"And only you would know that because you've gotten so accustomed here."
She winced, batting his hand from her knee, "You can't talk like this when one day we're just gonna be heading home again. Stop it now. Talk less about how much we like this place and it might hurt less when we eventually leave."
"Do you want to leave?" He cocks his head, eyes scanning her face for an answer.
"... I want to see the forest again."
"That's not what I asked."
"... Do you?"
Y/n's eyes squint, confused, "Why?"
"I have nothing here."
"You have us. You have our friends."
"Yes, but that's all," Neteyam looks around and Y/n follows his gaze, "You have the ocean, the plant life, the sea life. The ilu, the Sänrr Rong-- everything. You love everything about this place. I only love the people. Don't get me wrong. It's a beautiful paradise and I loved experiencing every part of it... but I want to go home. I felt more at peace there."
"At peace?" The twin girl scowled, "We were at war, 'Teyam."
"Yes." She doesn't miss the way his eyes darken a shade, expression hardening into stone as he glares back out to the sea, "But war is what I was trained for."
The silence is chilling this time, Y/n's heart dropping to her stomach as guilt runs through her veins. Even as twins, Neteyam was still the older brother. He and Y/n might have been conceived during a war, but Neteyam had been bred for it, whether or not their parents realized this. Before Kiri was in the picture and before either she or Y/n had their own voices, Y/n was the one expected to be the next tsahik. With Little Y/n learning the Will of Eywa from her grandmother, Neteyam was learning to be the next olo'eyktan. He had to learn to be strong quick, to hunt quick, to think quick. Even when Y/n finally put her foot down and passed the torch of tsakarem to Kiri, she couldn't catch up to all Neteyam had already learned. She wasn't able to share that burden with her twin, and that guilt hung heavy in her heart.
"... That's not a good thing, tsmukan." She spoke gently, even her whisper sounding like a drum in the silence, "There's more to life than fighting."
"I know," Neteyam's posture shrinks, defeated, his smile not quite reaching his eyes when he glances back to Y/n, "But I haven't found what that 'more' is yet. Not for me at least... You did."
"I did?" She tilts her head curiously.
A glint sparkles in Neteyam's eye, like he knew a secret that not even his twin knew. His tail swings behind him with interest, teasing when he nudged her leg with his shoulder, "Ao'nung is good for you. And you're good for him."
He caught the flash in her eye. The flash of understanding behind the meaning of his words. The flash is there one moment and then gone the next. Y/n shifts uncomfortably in her sitting posture and nods, "He's a good friend."
"He is." Neteyam chuckles, "For me. For Lo'ak, and Kiri, and Tuk. But not for you. For you, he's 'more.'"
Quiet surrounds them once again, Y/n glaring down at her feet as if she had been caught stealing treats from Norm. She looked ashamed and belittled, likely wishing her own brother didn't know everything about her even before she knew those things herself. She swallows down whatever emotion came to mind before she looked up, stubbornly staring Neteyam down,
"I don't need 'more'. I just need this. This family is all I need."
The Sully family had been tense ever since Lo'ak bonded with Payakan, speaking few and far in between words to one another if found in the same space. It wasn't much significance to them whether or not Lo'ak had bonded with the outcast, but to Jake, it was all about principle. Whether or not the family was proud or disappointed in Lo'ak's accomplishment had not been said, but something heavy was floating in the air, like the calm before the storm. The idea of war was still fresh at the very back of their minds, ever looming like a vulture, waiting to strike. Something had changed the other night, shifting into place, deciding the Sullys' fates. Although, no one knew what kind of fate, and that unsettled them.
Unlike the rest of her family, however, Y/n wanted to do something about it. She started by finding the one person she knew would help her, "Take me to the Cove of the Ancestors."
Ao'nung looked up from sharpening his spear, ears immediately rising to the sound of her voice. He tilts his head and forms a closed-mouth smile, though his eyes squint in confusion, trying to solve whatever puzzle he found on Y/n's face, "Why?"
"Because you said you would take me there," Y/n quipped back, taking the spear out of his hands and backing away, "I'm cashing in the offer."
"What is 'cashing?'" He stood up, following her with his arm out, only half-heartedly trying to take the spear back from the Omatikaya girl.
When she purposely kept the weapon out of his reach, Ao'nung smirked, taking a huge step forward so he could stare smugly down at her with their subtle height difference. They were close, close enough to share the same air, and despite Neteyam's words playing back in her head, despite the shame and guilt in her gut, Y/n stomped it down and stood strong.
"It means I want you to stand behind your word." She matches his grin with one of her own, ignoring the heat threatening to rise up to her face as she purposely kept eye contact, "You promised to take me to the Cove. I want you to keep your promise."
She stepped away then, never taking her eyes off him until she fully turned back in the direction she came, walking away with the spear still in hand. She could feel his eyes on her, a thrill running up her spine at the mental image of it. An even bigger thrill, the one led by a horn of victory in her head, went through her whole body when she heard Ao'nung dutifully following her without complaint and without question.
They summoned nearby ilu and fled without another word. They dive down deep into the water and only resurfaced when they had left the sea wall and village behind. Once Y/n inhaled the crisp air, she tosses the spear back to Ao'nung, who effortlessly caught it with a grin of excitement and promise, "Follow me."
A feeling of familiarity took hold of Y/n when she emerged from the water and looked up to find floating islands all around her. An instant smile graces her face, looking around at all the floating rocks, surrounding a wide circle of water at the center of spectacularly arched rocks easily identifying this sacred place. It wasn't entirely like the Hallelujah Mountains. These floating islands were smaller and floated horizontally, like large stepping stones leading up to the heavens above.
Ao'nung emerged and looked around, unimpressed, "This is it."
"It's beautiful."
He shrugged, "It's not much."
"To you, maybe," she grinned while pointing up at the floating rocks, "To me, I see the potential of kicking your ass climbing up those islands."
He laughed, "Careful what you wish for, Forest Girl."
"Is the Tree on one of those islands?"
"Nope." He smiles slyly, "I'll give you another guess though."
She flashed an odd look before looking around, finally staring down below, into the water. Ao'nung dismounted from his ilu and drifted over to Y/n, "Remember, I'm just acting as your diving partner today. We always have to pair up here. One has to watch over and monitor the other while they connect to our ancestors. Got it?" She nods. "Let's go."
The Na'vi girl sinks into the water with him and they submerge after she takes a deep breath. They swim down, side by side, as they approach the large, underwater Spirit Tree. Instead of limbs hanging down like Y/n was used to, this tree's arms reached up, flowing in the water like an overlarge, glowing anemone. Y/n reaches out and gently touches one of the luminous, graceful fronds, smiling to herself when it tickled her palm to greet her.
Ao'nung chirps low in his throat, like a baby crocodile, to grab Y/n's attention. When she turned her head in his direction, he moves his hands about, "The Tree is called Utraya Mokri. It gives breath when the kuru is connected."
Y/n nods in understanding, reaching behind and taking her braid in hand. She gently offers the tendrils to reach out and curl into the ones belonging to the Tree and closed her eyes.
Ao'nung dutifully keeps watch while Y/n connects with his ancestors. The Tree glows and looms beautifully over him, but he's not paying attention. He's seen the Tree hundreds of times and while it is beautiful, it's nothing new. Y/n, on the other hand, is new, and his attention would rather fixate on her than the Tree he's grown bored of over his young life. Her braided hair floats around her like fpxafaw, and her tail, usually dormant, twitches occasionally in response to the bond. Her fingers, all five of them, still delicately hold her braid to the Tree's fronds. Her hands weren't as strange as Ao'nung initially thought. In many ways, he reasoned the extra finger was good for some things-- like the punch Lo'ak fooled him into taking. If nothing else, an extra finger just means more to hold.
Y/n's body jolts and Ao'nung is torn from his traitorous thoughts. He swims forward and wraps his whole hand around her arm and then her kuru lets go of the Tree. Y/n's eyes flutter, still closed, a little dazed and overwhelmed from the whole experience as expected. With Ao'nung's support, she's brought back up to the surface and she slowly remembers to breathe again, now that she didn't have the Spirit Tree to aid her. The two young Na'vi stay there, treading water as Y/n catches her breath, and once her head is no longer foggy, her eyes appeared saddened, an expression that irritated Ao'nung for some reason.
"Not what you were expecting?" He asked light-heartedly.
"It's just..." she shook her head, bottom lip pouting with her eyes lowered, the water reaching up to kiss her chin, "I was hoping for answers."
He didn't ask, but maybe he should have. It's something that would continue to gnaw at him as the rain clouds float overhead. It would gnaw at him as he expressed on returning home before the storm, it would gnaw at him as their swim back resulted in silence and pouring rain. It would continue to gnaw at him as they approached the village, his ears rising to attention when the horn sounds, his blood cooling in fear and worry.
"Find your family."
"Why?" Y/n asked as her ears lowered in concern, loose hairs plastered to her forehead, "What's wrong?"
"It's a war cry. My father has called for a war meeting."
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A/N: Not sure when 'part three' will be out, but it'll likely be longer than normal. Thank you so much for all the support and love I have seen from my very first Avatar work! It motivates me to continue doing what I love!
part three
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ineffablesuffering · 1 year
Pub Quiz (Crowley X Reader)
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*not my gif!*
Warnings: use of alcohol, i think that's it? oh and crowley in a turtleneck - thats a major warning.
Pairing: Crowley x gn!reader.
Word Count: 2,355 (i got a bit carried away writing this whoops)
Note: to the lovely anon that sent me a request; i'm working on it! i see you!
“Oh, c’mon it will be fun, you never want to do anything fun,” you whine.
“I’m plenty fun,” Crowley said, sipping his whisky. You roll your eyes at him. The Drunken Donkey was hosting a music quiz and you were desperate to go.  You had grown up around all sorts of music and back when you were a young teenager discovering the world of ‘decent music’ as your dad had put it, he would test you on your knowledge and it was something you had become quite fond of.
“Please,” you beg, “I’ll buy you a new plant, wash the Bentley, and buy you a drink.”
Crowley let out a sigh and looked down as he swirled the whisky in his glass. It’s not as if he had anything better to do with his time and he was rather fond of spending time with you, not that he’d ever admit that. An uncomfortable, but not unwelcome, feeling pulled on his heart when he looked up at you to see you giving your best puppy dog eyes. “Fine! Fine,” he said exasperatedly, “but don’t complain when I beat you.”
“We’ll see about that,” you say with a cheeky grin.
A few hours later, you were waiting for Crowley to make an appearance outside The Drunken Donkey. You had returned home to get changed into something a bit more appropriate for an evening in the pub, and so it seems had Crowley. He rounded the corner and you had to try to stop your jaw from hanging open. He wore all black, which was nothing new but the turtleneck jumper? Yeah, that was new, and he looked downright sinful.
“Well don’t you scrub up nicely,” you say when he approaches you, butterflies erupting in your stomach.
“Not so bad yourself,” he comments with a smirk. Your cheeks flame. “Ready to lose?”
“Oh, you’re so on.”
You both head inside and Crowley heads to find a seat in the busy pub as you approach the bar.
“What can I get for you my lovely,” the woman behind the bar said. You order yourself your favourite drink and a large Talisker for Crowley, before tapping your card and heading off to find him.  
“For you,” you say placing down the whisky in front of him. He shoots you a small smile that’s enough to make you clutch your drink a little bit tighter before sitting down opposite him. “So basically, you need to have this app to take part in the quiz, you just put your name in it and then tap the right answer. Simple! Do you need help or are you old enough to do it by yourself?”
“Oh, very funny,” he huffs pulling his phone out and situating himself. “Now remember; no crying when you lose,” he smirks at you. You just look at him as you take a sip from your drink.
“We’ll see about that,” you put your own information into your phone. “Shall we make a bet?”
“A bet with a demon Y/N? That’s a bit risky, even for you.” He gives you a wicked grin and he leans in closer. You can smell his cologne at this proximity, and it makes your palms sweat a little bit. You really do need to sort yourself out.
“Well,” you lean in, not letting the proximity to him make you nervous. “I’m feeling rather confident tonight.”
“Okay then. If I win, you have to buy me a coffee every day for the next two weeks.”
“And if I win, you have to drive me around in the Bentley for two weeks, chauffeur hat and all.” You smile sweetly holding out your hand. He grins and shakes your hand.
Soon the quiz master is telling you the rules, and you feel a sense of nervousness in your stomach. Maybe this was a bad idea, he did have nearly 6,000 years of experience on you, which is an awful lot of time to listen to music. The quiz master explained that there was to be four rounds; the 1980s, the Naughties, Guess the Next Line and a round specifically dedicated to Queen. Crowley perked up when he heard the last round, he smiled smugly at his phone, thinking he had this in the bag. It would be nice to not have to pay for coffee for two weeks, he thought to himself. He takes a quick glance at you over the top of his sunglasses, seeing you slightly wiggle in your seat. Your nerves, weirdly, gave him a sense of confidence.
“Okay ladies and gents, Round One: The 1980s,” the quiz master starts. The first song plays and within the first second, you’re tapping the answer.
“What?” you say as you look up and see Crowley staring at you slightly open-mouthed.
“How did you know that so quickly? The song barely started!” he points out.
You feel your nerves start to disperse and that sense of confidence washes over you again as you shrug with a smug smile on your face getting ready for the next song. The opening notes to The Look by Roxette play as you tap again within the first few notes of the song. You start to sway along in your seat. You hear Crowley growl as you continue to get the questions right and get them right quickly.
Soon the round comes to an end and the quiz master puts the leaderboard up and you smile smugly at Crowley as you see your name at the top of the board and him close behind in second place.
“What was that about you beating me?” you grin cheekily.
“Shut up,” he grumbles “It’s only round one. Don’t get too cocky.”
You giggle at him; the host announces that they are starting round two. You shoot him a wink before looking back down at your phone getting ready to start. You miss the redness that dusts his cheeks.
After the end of the round, you find yourself at the top of the leaderboard again, but this time Crowley is only a few points behind you and getting closer.
“I’m catching up to you, Y/N,” he says smugly, “You seemed to miss a few songs there, are you slipping?”
“No,” you say confidently. “I just know the 80s better.”
“I see,” he finishes his drink. “Another?” He gestures to your now empty glass. You nod at him before he heads off to the bar. A small smile graces your lips. You rather enjoy spending time with the demon. You love spending time with Aziraphale too, but this was different. Crowley just seemed to get you and your sense of humour. He was kind, although he would never admit it. He once acquired a first edition copy of your favourite book for your birthday one year, but he brushed it off as something that anyone would do. That’s when your feelings towards him started. Something about the gesture was so heartfelt and thoughtful that you couldn’t help but fall just a little bit in love with him. You were so lost in your thoughts that you hadn’t noticed the drink being placed in front of you and Crowley retaking his seat.
“Penny for your thoughts?” he asked, startling you.
“Oh sorry,” your cheeks heat again, a common occurrence around Crowley, “I was just thinking about how I can’t wait to be driven around by you for the next two weeks,” you reply cooly, not letting your thoughts get the best of you. He takes a sip of his drink and leans back in his chair, not quite believing you.
“Hmm, I wouldn’t get too comfortable Y/N,” he smirked at you.
Before you could respond, the quiz master introduced the third round. The round went by smoothly, and you were now tied with Crowley in first place, who had been slowly creeping up behind you as the round went on. You felt yourself becoming more nervous as you went into the Queen round, knowing this is something that Crowley would do well in. It really was anybody's game. The round goes by quickly and before you know it the quiz was over. You look at Crowley and he looks back at you. He seems nervous. The quiz master is soon displaying the final results and you see your name at the top of the leaderboard, one point ahead of Crowley.
“Would you look at that,” you cheer smugly, sticking your tongue out at him.
“Don’t be so juvenile,” he groans at you.
“Don’t be so sour,” you grin at him “Oh I can’t wait to have a personal driver for the next two weeks.”
“You just got lucky.”
You lean over the table, “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he said giving your face a once over, ever so slightly lingering on your lips.
You lean back in your seat, feeling quite proud of yourself. “You know, I think I should demand one of those special apology dances you make Aziraphale do for you.”
“Absolutely not.” He said, finishing his drink, “I don’t do the dance.”
“That’s not what I’ve heard,” you bring the last of your drink to your lips with a smirk.
“Shut up,” he huffs, glancing around the still-busy pub, the quiz long forgotten by everyone else in the room. The night was still young and despite him losing to you, he was rather enjoying his evening and didn’t want it to end. His gaze lands back on you as you type out something on your phone. “Do you maybe want to come back to the bookshop for one more?” he asks. He sounded nervous, as if you might reject his offer. “Aziraphale’s in Edinburgh visiting a friend, and I know he’s got some lovely vintage wine hiding somewhere.”
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot,” you smile at him, and he smiles back. He stands up and offers you a hand which you take, and you walk down the street to the bookshop.
A few moments later, you were in Aziraphale’s bookshop lounging on his sofa with Crowley. You sat cross-legged facing him, and he had an arm stretched behind the back of the sofa, sunglasses placed on the table by the door. You suggest to Crowley that you should put some music on, he snaps his fingers, and the sounds of Duran Duran filled the air. You smile at him, of course, he knows how much you loved them. It’s just the kind of demon he was, thoughtful, kind, and caring. One glass turns into two as the music continues to play in the background and you talk about this that and everything in between. He tells you tales of Rome and Athens way back when and you watch him talk. He describes everything in such a way that draws you closer to him. His hands waving around as he talks, little drops of wine occasionally falling from the glass that he never thinks to put down. He truly was a sight to behold.
“You’re staring,” he said finally placing his glass down.
“Am I?” you say blinking, you turn your head to the side.
“Hey, I never said I minded,” he said, your attention suddenly back on him. Was he flirting with you? The butterflies returned to your stomach, and you couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol or the way he spoke to you. He stood suddenly; a hand stretched out towards you. “Care to dance?”
You look at his outstretched hand for a beat before a shy smile appears on your face as you gently place your hand onto his. He helps you stand and is quick to pull you close to him. You look at him and he looks at you with a small smile on his face as he snakes a hand around your waist. The music suddenly changes into the soft melody of Spandau Ballet’s True. You giggle and hide your head in his chest. Was this his doing? You look up and find him gazing at you.
“So…” you begin.
“This is different,” you smile.
“A good different or a bad different?” he asks twirling you.
“A good different.” You say before falling into a comfortable silence. You lean your head on his shoulder and he leans his on top of yours. The two of you swayed to the music as if you were the only two people on Earth.
“I’m glad you dragged me along tonight,” he says softly, the vibration of his words running over your body.
“I’m glad I convinced you to come, even if it means I need to buy you a plant and wash the Bentley.” You laugh. He chuckles.
“Don’t bother,” he says chuckling as he lifts his head. You move your own to look at him. He really did have the most beautiful eyes.
“I guess you’re right, I did win after all.” You grin at him, removing the hand that was once in his and placing it on his chest giving him a tap, “I’m just that good.” His now free hand now found its way to the side of your face. You tilt your head, confused at the movement. His face had an unreadable expression on it. “Crowley are yo-“
“Shut up,” he said almost breathlessly, as he pulled you close and kissed you. A beat passes before your eyes flutter closed and you kiss him back, the hand that was once on his chest now cupping his face bringing him even closer to you. He pulls away just enough for him to rest his forehead against yours. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” he whispers just loud enough for you to hear him.
“Me too,” you whisper back, “Me too.”
He grins at you before kissing you again, his lips warm and soft against yours. He pulls back, a hand still cupping the side of your face, his thumb rubbing up and down against your jaw. “Would you maybe like to go out on a date sometime?” he asks softly. You nod, a smile wide on your face.
“Yeah, I would.”
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llamaisllama777 · 1 month
Yesterday's episode were great I wonder what today's episodes will bring...
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HE'S HERE!!! TAURUS IS HERE! EVERYONE PANIC! let's see how badly this ends....
Surprisingly well actually.
The music in this episode was also really good. I usually don't pay attention to the background music, but the music in this episode was really good it kinda reminded me of Walking Dead mixed with Last of Us. I'm not sure if that was the intent, but it works really well I feel for this situation.
Taurus is obviously menacing, but he's also oddly calm. Not what I expected from a destroyer of worlds. He says he's just here to observe Lunar and the others and decided if Lunar and probably the whole world should live.
I ain't gonna lie, I don't have hope for this world.
Taurus is gonna take one look at the whole place and decided everyone is better off dead. Which will probably lead to some kinda of Astrals civil war or Nexus showing up and whooping Taurus and the others Astrals behinds and Lunar having to step in and save the Astrals. But that's a pipe dream I guess. We'll have to wait and see.
I can. Nebula isn't a big fan of Taurus, and he clearly isn't a big fan of her. The way he talks to her, I get she's just the messager, but she's still a person. Taurus is gonna be observing everyone and his next stop his Sun and Moon, and I don't have high hopes for what he'll say or think of them. Him and the other Astrals know about Nexus and his little stunt with star power. Sun, Moon, you guys better have a good space lawyer. I know Earth plans to befriend Taurus and make things easier on Lunar, but I have a feeling Taurus isn't the friend making type.
Gemini did say Taurus would threaten Lunar's family to get a reaction out of him. Taurus, I swear to gosh! If you hurt any of them.
Also, I think it's a matter of time until Earth runs into Nebula again, and if she does, I hope she can convince Nebula to help them with EVERYTHING going on.
We'll have to wait and see.
Now, let's see what Sun and Moon are up to maybe they'll have a calmer episode today...
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Nope. Just trauma and sadness.
Solar and New Moon reunite.
Probably not the way either of them wanted but here they are.
Okay, Nexus has just completely gone off the rocker!
"All it takes is one bad day" -Joker
Guess that saying was right for Nexus (Not really but still)
Solar tries to reason with Nexus and even says he can help him come back to the family, and Nexus just laughs! He starts spouting off all these lies about the family, like how Lunar never cared about him. He did! That Earth was just trying to fill the void cause her dad didn't love her. Earth still believed the creator loved her at that time, so that's a lie! And that Sun never cared and just took pity on Nexus. Nexus, you dense mother.... Nexus, you are just a terrible person. Knock off the oc act and get a life! Seeing as how you lost the one you had. I mean, you'll probably get yourself killed soon anyways so what's the point. But we probably should worry. Someone pointed out to me that Nexus could be a part of Rez's plan, and it's definitely looking like it. Maybe Dark Sun is Rez's master or at least is in league with Rez and his boss. I feel so bad for everyone here. (And I kinda feel bad for Nexus.... but not by a lot.) I more pity Nexus cause one day I hope he'll realize that he lost the BEST thing that ever happened to him and will never get it back and I hope he dies knowing that.
I more so feel bad for Sun and Solar.
Solar already had to kill his Moon once... and now he has to do it again. And Sun sounded so shocked and saddened when Solar suggested they kill Nexus. Nexus/New Moon was the Moon who actually showed he cared for sun. And he did at one point, but now he can't even say Sun's name without wanting to gag! Oof.
This is just sad all around.
And now they have Nexus, Taurus, and Creator after them.... LOVELY!
This is all going to boiling over and culminate in some crazy Infinity war level poo I hope.
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And now, it's a less sad one but still equally as worrying.
Puppet and Solar reunite! Yay! At least one of his reunions went well today.
Puppet filled in Solar to everything that has happened. Gosh, that must have been fun. This is like the second time someone has had to explain to him what's been happening since he's been dead.
Solar gave Puppet some advice on what to do about Eclipse, and Sun gave her some advice on what to do about the other Sun and Moon. I hope their advice works. Puppet expressed at the very end of the episode her wish to leave this new dimension and return to the old one.... Puppet...
Puppet, you left that universe to protect everyone from Puppeteer. Now, I'm not sure what the deal with Puppeteer is now. He's been weakened cause Puppet herself has been weakened, but there is still the risk of him coming back. Are you really gonna take that chance, Puppet?
Also, Puppet, you uprooted your entire family's life to go here. You don't have that apartment anymore! You can't just decide to move to a whole other universe and bond to said universe only to decide to leave it after what 3 weeks?
Yes, I know Foxy chose to go with her, and he could have chosen not to but did, but still, you can't just decide to ditch when the going gets tough Puppet, you stick it out and ride the waves till it all calms. I hope everything works out for Puppet and Eclipse and hope Sun and Solar's advice to her works. Also, sorry if it seems like I hate Puppet's character, I don't. I love her character and this flaw of hers. I'm just being critical.
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homestylehughes · 4 months
But Daddy I Love Him
instagram au.
♥︎ luke hughes x zegras! sister
♥︎ face claim: marsai martin
"Now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned, Screaming "But Daddy I love him!"
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes and 100,567 others
yn.zegras screaming but daddy i love him!
tagged lhughes_06
lhughes_06 my pretty girlllll
↳ yn.zegras my pretty boy :)
lhughes_06 I love so you much
↳ yn.zegras i love you more.
lhughes_06 my babyyy my babyyyyyy
↳ yn.zegras MY BABYYY
↳ yn.zegras I KNOW BE PROUD OF MEEE.
your.bsf favorite couple ever.
↳ yn.zegras you're our adopted child:)
jackhughes oh.
↳ yn.zegras shut up and be happy for us.
↳ jackhughes okay fine. i'm happy for you guys.
trevorzegras i guess they're kinda cute. i still hate this though.
↳ yn.zegras KINDA? hm ok.
↳ yn.zegras QUINNYYYYYYY. we finally got it together
elbue_06 you guys are so cute, thank you for taking care of my boy!
↳ yn.zegras always mama el!! we love you <3
adamfantilli hard launch!
↳ yn.zegras YUPPPPPPPPPP
nick_moldenhauer HARD. LAUNCH.
↳ yn.zegras the best one too.
seamsuscasey26 mom and dad fr.
↳ yn.zegras YES!!!!!
devilforhughes oh I'm so for this. LOVE.
↳ yn.zegras me too bsf :0
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liked by yn.zegras, _quinnhughes and 156,789 others
lhughes_06 my girl <3
tagged yn.zegras
↳ lhughes_06 learned from the best.
yn.zegras I love you so much
↳ lhughes_06 I love you moreeeee.
yn.zegras my boy<3
↳ lhughes_06 my girl<3
_quinnhughes two hard launches in one day? I LOVE
↳ lhughes_06 our biggest supporter fs
jackhughes ok maybe this is kinda cute.
↳ lhughes_06 we know!
trevorzegras Luke if you never hurt her, I will kill you! much love!
↳ lhughes_06 sir yes sir! it'll never happen.
↳ yn.zegras TREVOR LMFAO
elblue_06 my babies!!! so cute!!!
↳ lhughes_06 love you mama!!!
seamsuscasey26 OKAY LUKEY BOY
rutgermcgroarty MY PARENTS!
↳lhughes_06 my son.
nick_moldenhauer my boy finally did it. thank God.
↳ lhughes_06 FINALLY.
devilforhughes I'm actually in love with them.
liked by lhughes_06 and yn.zegras
an: HIIIIII!!! I MISSED YOU GUYS!!! GUESS WHOS BACKKKK!!! MEEE! okay enough caps LMFAO (me then doing it again.. whoops) anyways!! hard launch chapter!!! I'm such a fan, I'm kinda sad that this is almost over, i've had the most fun making this series. I do plan on writing blurbs for this series as well, so this won't be the end of Luke and yn's story!! i hope you all enjoy, like and reblog if you do!!. much love as always<3
tags🎀: @lukey-pookie-hughes43 @bruinsfan234 @bunbunbl0gs
115 notes · View notes
silverameco · 5 months
Angel/Demon AU - @wolfstarmicrofic - 834 words
Remus was sitting on a bench just outside of the school, watching Harry talk with his friends, when a beautiful creature approched him. They were wearing something completely inappropriate for the middle of the afternoon, black miniskirt, fishnet tights and platform boots. Long black hair, porcelain skin, smudged eyeliner and fiery grey eyes. But most of all, they had that unmistakable charm and aura that could only belong to dark beings. Remus himself felt drawn to them.
He had to admit, he was surprised. And curious. He didn't encounter a lot of demons these days, most of them got bored of tormenting humans when they already did it better themselves. So they tended to stick to souls and their appearance on earth became rarer over the centuries.
This one though, sat gracefully next to him, charming smile on their face.
"Hi handsome, what's your pretty name ?"
The tone was obviously flirtatious, something that, Remus suspected, was working miracles with humans. Not that he wasn't affected, but still it sounded a bit superficial.
"I'm Remus. And yours ?" he smiled anyway. "What are you doing here ?"
The fire in the demon's eyes seemed to grow, as well as their smile, that turned a bit hungry. "Name's Sirius. And, well, i guess that's for you to decide, Remus." They said his name with a syrupy sweet voice.
"No. I meant what are you doing on earth, demon ?" Remus smirked.
Their fake smile dropped and their eyes widened, but otherwise they just laughed. You could count on demons to not be deterred by anything.
"I thought you were human !"
"Yeah, I could tell."
"Well, what are you ? I've never seen you before." Their gaze seemed to scrutinize him.
"I'm an angel."
The demon - Sirius - visibly recoiled at that. They were properly suprised now. "One of the big bosses ? What are you doing on earth ?!"
Remus laughed. "I'm not that kind of angel. I'm a guardian angel. It's my job to be on earth.".
They seemed to relax at that. "Your job." They repeated in a mocking tone. "Angels, always so well-behaved." they sighed, an amused smile on their face. "So, who's your lucky human then ?"
Remus glanced back towards Harry. He hadn't even noticed that he stopped looking at him. That could not be good.
"That kid over there. Unruly hair, crooked glasses."
"No way !" Sirius seemed delighted. "That's James' son !"
Remus was confused now. How could this demon know Harry's dad ? "You- what ? How do you know that ?"
"James is my human friend." they said like it was nothing. "I find him every few lifetimes."
"Well, I fear you might be a bit late in this one." Remus answered in an apologetic voice. "He died already."
"Oh. Well he does have the tendency to die stupidly young." Sirius seemed lost in thoughts now.
That's when Remus remarked the parents waiting for their kids outside of the school, and their wary looks towards them. Or towards Sirius more specifically, seeing as they could not see him.
"Hey, Sirius. If you're staying, do you mind making yourself invisible before a worried mother calls the cops on you ?"
"Whoops." then they proceeded to do just that. "So when do we start ?"
Remus whirled around, taken aback. "What ?"
Sirius put their head on his shoulder with a genuine smile. "Well, I thought maybe I could help you, since I'm here."
Remus couldn't help it, he laughed. It was a ridiculous idea. "Demons don't help guardian angels ! They rather make our jobs harder." he said with a pointed look.
"Nah, you must know better than me that the humans' biggest ennemies are themselves. We're just having a little fun."
Well, he couldn't argue with that logic. Before he could find any answer, Sirius all but crawled on his lap, fluttering their eyelashes at him.
"Please Remus. Promise I'll be helpful. I'm just a bored eternal being. And I'd never harm James' kid."
There was only so much one could endure before they caved in, right ? Even as an angel. Remus agreed before he could think this through. "Yeah, ok."
"Great ! Let's go, he's leaving !"
Harry was indeed finally going home. As he stood up to follow him, Sirius climbed him to settle on his shoulders. He sighed.
"What are you doing ?"
"Making sure you don't forget me."
Remus hadn't planned on starting his mission with a beautiful and clingy demon on his shoulders, but he figured he didn't mind that much.
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stayandot8 · 8 months
Heart and Seoul
Genre: tooth-aching fluff
Relationship type: married nonidol!Chan x fem reader
Important Contents: thank you the request friend :) I immediately got an idea when you sent this to me and I'm sorry it took so long to write. I hope you like it.
request can be seen here.
WC: 1.8k
Hubby: Guess what I got???
A picture arrived a second later of three plane tickets, all with the same destination: Seoul, South Korea. A flash of shock hit me and my fingers worked faster than my brain could process. 
“Isn’t it awesome?! My parents helped pay for them so don’t worry, I didn’t spend too much money. Well, not yet anyways. I’m going to buy a snow suit for Celeste because she’s never seen snow before and she’ll want to play in it because if she’s anything like me but that’s beside the point!” Chris was so excited and when he was excited, he rambled about everything and anything. A change that occurred after he became a dad, but a welcome one at that. Getting him to share his feelings wasn’t too too hard when I came along, but ever since his daughter was born, he was a babbling mess. A good change, really. After five years, he’d really mellowed out with her safety. She had too many clothes to begin with with the overexcitement of her arrival from her uncles, but now she was down to only a few new outfits a week, and now he at least acted like he was thinking about it when he changed his mind from a ‘no’ to a ‘yes’. He couldn’t deny his little girl anything. 
“Chris, she has snow clothes. Her grandmother bought some for her the last time we went to Korea in the winter just in case it snowed, which she’s still upset about.”
“I know, the weather app is stupid, they never know anything.”
“Chris! She has enough clothes! We’re going to have to give her our master closet if you keep buying her more things!” He was quiet to this, like he was actually thinking about the logistics of it. “Babe, she’s not getting our closet.”
“I know!”
“You were thinking about it though.”
“...Maybe. Then I was thinking about everything else I could buy her with all that room.”
“Chris…” I said warningly. 
“I’m done, I’m done. She’s not getting our closet.”
“But she is getting a snow suit. Okay, love you, bye!” I clutched my phone as he hung up, shaking my head and wondering where in the world he was going to put one more thing she didn’t need. It wasn’t like he was buying nonsense, it was just that he couldn’t tell her no if she really wanted something. He was a good dad like that. 
Me: Christmas with the uncles sounds good :) 
Hubby: Start packing. We leave in three days :) 
Me: Won’t mom be upset we won’t be in Sydney for the holiday?
Hubby: My mom will be fine, she’s used to holidays without me. 
Me: Don’t remind me 
Hubby: It’s yours we have to worry about. 
It was true, I was worried that my mother would be upset about a holiday without her grandchild. She loved them more than anything, cherished her truly. The more I thought about it, the worse I felt about it. 
Hubby: We’ll tell her together. We’re adults now, we can choose to spend the holidays wherever we like. 
Always reading my mind, my husband. 
The front door opened and shut, letting in the Sydney breeze along with it and a head of dark hair waltzed right in. Heading straight for the fridge, she reached for a small bag of apple slices just out of her reach. 
“Yes, baby, do you need some help?” I was already off my stool at the kitchen island and heading towards her. 
“Yes please!” She turned her shining eyes towards me, just as warm and comforting as her father’s. Her smile pushed her round cheeks upwards toward her eyes, just like his. Chan said she had my nose and he was more thankful for that than anything. He hated his nose. 
She was still reaching for the bag, knocking a bottle of water to the floor. “Whoops! I’ll get it Mommy.”
“Oh thank you Cece, that was very helpful of you.” She loved hearing these things, loved hearing how she helped someone. Anyone. More of her father’s features shining through, she just loved to help in any way she could. I opened the bag and handed it to her. “There you go, baby .Do you want to watch some TV before your grandmas and grandpas come over for dinner?” 
Once in a while, all the grandparents came over for dinner to spend time with the three of us. They wanted to see their Cece before all the holiday craziness came and they had to get busy with everything else that came with the holidays. 
With the house smelling like grilled meat and rice, the doorbell rang like chimes in the wind, a touch from Chris when we bought the house. Cece ran to the door, yelling “I got it, I got it!” She opened the door to both sets of grandparents flinging their arms wide open at the sight of her at the door, her red sparkly dress swinging as she lept for them. They hugged her, bags swinging from their arms as all four of them came around her. 
I was luckier than most with my in-laws. They had welcomed me with the most open of arms into their family and made me feel like a part of the family, like they had always been there just waiting for me. My parents got along with them, his mother bonding with mine over their love of plants and house decor. Our fathers got along with sports, the only issue ever being who was paying for the wedding (they both wanted to pay for it). They loved me and I loved them. I knew this situation wasn’t common, so I cherished it whenever they all came together. 
“Cece, are you going to let them come in?” I laughed while they hugged her, knowing they wouldn't let go until she did. 
“Oh, it’s fine, she’s fine.” Chris’s mom said while the others were putting their belongings in the hall closet. She picked up her favorite grandchild and held her until she arrived in the living room with all her toys neatly stacked. Celeste had a habit that she picked up from her father of finding joy in organization. It had to come from him because it definitely did not come from me.
As the other grandparents gathered around Cece on the floor, my dad followed me out the back door to find Chris hard at work grilling. They hugged and we watched Chris grill. 
“How’s the producing business, Chris?” Neither took their eyes off the meat.
“It’s good! Keeps me busy, but I get to meet celebrities so it has it’s perks. And the company is still good with letting me off for time with Cece. So I can’t complain.”
“That’s because you still work on your days off. I still haven’t been able to stop him.”
I sighed and gave Chan’s back a reproachful look. My dad chuckled. 
“Honey, you haven’t been able to stop him from working since you started dating. Remember Valentine’s Day a couple years ago?”
“Hey!” Chan finally turned around, mouth open in mock shock. “You said you were okay! You know how hard it was to get Tiger JK to actually sit down and work with me.”
“I do! And I’m still proud you managed to get it done in time.” I smiled and took his free hand that wasn’t holding a giant pair of tongs. “That doesn’t mean I can’t be a little salty that you had to miss our second Valentines together.” His eyes squinted. 
“And have I made it up to you every year since?” He cocked his eyebrow. 
“I need a beer! Anybody else?” My dad quickly jumped up to head back inside for said refreshment. I shot Chan a smirk. 
“Was that necessary?”
“Hey, he could’ve done the math. Cece was born in November.” I rolled my eyes. His tone suddenly got serious. “Do you want to tell them now or after we eat?”
“After. Let them enjoy their time with her now.”
“You what?!”
The plates were cleared, Cece was passed out on the couch watching her favorite show, and the news had just come out. My mother, ever the drama queen, was fanning herself from the news. My father was helping her, if only to save himself the pain of a scolding from her later. 
“Well, they’re adults now, honey. They can do what they like.”
“But they’re taking her for the holidays too, Richard. Did you think about that?”
“Yes I did. They’ll be fine, they’ll be back afterwards.”
“And besides,” Chan’s mom interjected. “You can spend it with us! We can get wine-drunk and celebrate Christmas ourselves without the kids.”
Chris grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. My mother just watched us smile at each other. 
“We miss Korea, mom. And Christmas is such a wonderful time of year, I just think this year we want to spend it differently. We’ll pick you up some of your favorite face cream while we’re there, too.”
“So the trip won’t be a total waste for you!” Chris tried to placate her, but her face remained unchanged. “Alright Mom, what about this: when we get back, you guys can have Celeste for a whole weekend, just her and you.” She perked up at that.
“Friday to Monday?”
“You can even bring her back Monday night.” Chris, ever the diplomat. A rush of pride went through me. My mom thought about it for a moment. 
Chris’s dad piped in.
“What about us?!”
Celeste did really well for her first plane ride. We arrived at the Incheon Airport around noon, but we didn’t know what awaited us outside until we stepped outside to our car waiting to take us to our hotel. Driven by Hyunjin with a passenger seat occupied by Felix, they waved us over before climbing out of the car to fling their arms open for Celeste, who stopped halfway to them, noticing the white fluff all around. 
“Daddy, what’s that?” she asked, her voice dripping in wonder. Her eyes shining with pure curiosity, she ignored her uncle’s waiting arms to hold her arms out to catch the falling flakes. They disappeared as quickly as they had landed in her hand, but that didn’t stop her from trying to catch all of the snowflakes in her immediate vicinity. She jumped and reached, trying to reach the clouds they were falling from. This insanely cute action was met with laughter from all angles, and before she knew it, she was hoisted into the air by her uncle to get a closer look. 
Chris and I stood by and let them catch up and enjoy the cold.
“She’s so cute. She takes after you, you know.” I placed a hand on my stomach. 
“I dunno. Maybe this one will be just as cute.”
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allwormdiet · 16 days
Hive 5.2
Oh god who let the fucking Nazis talk
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*sigh* Okay I guess Hookwolf is here now, great
Also oh hey a reflection of how Grue's efforts at restricting his outward emotions doesn't actually erase them
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Oh so she never actually told them about her extra-curriculars. Whoops.
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Interesting that Grue's the one who acts as a front-man when the situation calls for it. Like I can guess why it's not Bitch or Regent, neither of them would be good leaders and neither of them want to lead anyhow, but I guess Tattletale acts a little more behind the scenes while Grue takes front and center? Idk
Also, Christ, "you don't tell your guys to stop being homophobic, we don't tell our girl to stop busting up dog abusers," miserable that we even have to call those equivalents
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Fucking Nazis. Least this is done with for now.
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Still feels random that this group just, like, sprang from the ether, and now they're just there to be a kinda grimy shitty contrast to everybody else, including the fucking Nazis
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This is not going to be a pleasant conversation
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Knowing now how much Grue's dad fucking sucks about violence and coldness puts these moments in perspective. He hates the idea of acting like his father for even a single moment but it's the only way he's figured out to get Bitch to fall in line
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And the conversation doesn't get any easier
I'm almost curious why Bitch never talked about this. Did she just figure they wouldn't care? That it was none of their business?
Also thank God Tattletale intervenes here
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Oh no Tattletale is intervening here
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Yeah, that's kind of it, isn't it. I hope she takes this into consideration moving forward, for everyone's sake.
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And look at this, Taylor cares! About the team! And even about Bitch!
And yeah, y'know what, if Taylor was a turncoat at a low point for them, it'd probably fracture the group in an awful way. Almost as if. She shouldn't turn against them?
...God, it's so sad that Emma really was her only friend. What a shitshow.
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Feel empathy! Form bonds! I know you can do it Taylor!
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Let's fucking go, this is how we do things in this house! Loft, whatever.
Current Thoughts
I love these kids, please Mister Wildbow sir stop making them fight each other and also maniac villains.
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howlingday · 9 months
Years Later...
Blake: (Writing)
Kid: Mommy, what are you writing?
Blake: These are memoirs. It's the story of my life.
Kid: What's the story of your life?
Blake: I dunno. I might do another draft...
Kid: Mommy, is fuck a bad word?
Blake: ...
Blake: Yes. (Doorbell rings) Come in!
Weiss: (Enters) Hello, Blake, and hello,kid~! Guess what Auntie Weiss brought for you~!
Blake: Weiss, she already has enough toys-
Weiss: (Pulls out gift) Oh, it's fine, Blake.
Blake: Seriously, I live in the biggest house in Menagerie and I'm still running out of space for them!
Weiss: You're exaggerating. Besides, I know for a fact that she doesn't have this toy~! (Hands over gift) I have a list, you know.
Blake: Is that the Wild Queen playset? Her grandma bought it.
Weiss: Why doesn't your mom ever coordinate with me?
Blake: (Window shatters) OH MY GOD!
Ruby: (Giggling) Whoops!
Blake: Ruby Rose!
Ruby: Hey, Blake!
Blake: I thought I told you to stop doing that! You could have hit my kid!
Ruby: Wait, you have a kid?
Blake: Yes! You met her!
Ruby: Oh yeah~!
Blake: Why are you here, smashing through my windows?
Ruby: Well, Ozpin and Maria said my eyes might be going, because I thought that window was wide open.
Weiss: I invited her.
Blake: Why?
Weiss: It's been too long since we've had a soiree with the old gang.
Blake: I hate soirees!
Weiss: I know. That's why I'M setting it up!
Ruby: Is Team RWBY getting back together? Let's grab Jaune and Ren and Nora do a big old adventure with them!
Blake: I already told you she's not invited anymore, and besides, didn't you throw your back out on the last adventure?
Ruby: Ah, that was three years ago! I'm all good now!
Blake: (Knocking heard) What?! Come in!
Yang: (Enters) You! Ruby Rose!
Ruby: Hi, Yang!
Yang: For the past three years, I've been seeing you going on dates with every boy you can get your hands on in the tabloids, and I want the truth!
Weiss: Can you even handle the truth?
Yang: Care to explain?!
Weiss: I don't think you can.
Yang: Because I introduced you to some guys, and you told the press, "Oh, yeah, my sister just loves hooking me up with her guy friends!"
Ruby: You do, though! Why else would you help me make more friends?
Yang: Then why didn't you phrase it like that?!
Blake: Hi, Yang.
Yang: Hi, Blake. (Back on Ruby) I've been getting messages and letters and everything else from all my guy friends and guys I've never even met, and every morning, Dad gives me this side-eye of sheer disappointment! Like it's my fault, or something!
Weiss: You know, you could use those guy friends, too.
Yang: Oh, please, Weiss, like you know anything about being a good sibling! Winter has pretty much banned you from Atlas, and your brother probably doesn't even know if you're alive or dead at this point!
Weiss: Nice try, but I call my siblings every month.
Yang: Yeah? I talk to Ruby every week, because I know for a fact that I'm not too busy to talk to her! And what exactly are you too busy to talk to them for these days? Killing Grimm- nope, they're all dead. Running the SDC- nope, your brother is in charge. Having a family- nope, you're just inserting yourself into everyone else's lives!
Weiss: Well, at least I have options of men and women to choose from. You don't see me getting asked for a hook up with my siblings.
Kid: Auntie Weiss, is fuck a bad word?
Weiss: Oh gods, did I just drop an f-bomb?
Weiss: No, sweetie~! I said flop!
Kid: Is flop a bad word?
Blake: She learned it from a kid at school.
Weiss: Oh.
Blake: (Lights flicker) Oh no...
Nora: (Rises from nothing) BEHOLD, THE ALMIGHTY NO'RA! YES!
Blake: No!
Nora: NO'RA HAS BECOME THE ONE TRUE ELDRITCH CREATURE OF THE WORLD OF REMNANT! Now you have to say yes to a date with me! Our destiny is written in the fading lights of the stars!
Blake: You're already married to Ren AND I have a restraining order against you! You're not allowed to be here!
Nora: FOOOOL! YES! NO'RA has infinite time to study law! NO'RA will crush your restraining order!
Blake: Vrbr Ktah.
Nora: Huh? "Go away-" (On fire) AGH! AAAAAAAGH!
Weiss: But Blake, we haven't ordered drinks yet!
Blake: I don't drink anymore!
Weiss: But I thought that was for the pregnancy!
Yang: Thank you for having us, Blake. (Everyone leaves)
Blake: (Hears knocking) WHAT?!
Pyrrha: (Sheepishly enters) Uh, I'm here because-
Blake: The sign says no solicitors!
Pyrrha: (Leaves)
Kid: Mommy? Is fuck a bad word?
Blake: Yes.
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 months
3.130 Whoop that trick
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At dawn, Sophia got up to pee, so I pulled myself out of bed to make breakfast because I knew she'd be hungry and head for the kitchen next. I felt like trying my French toast recipe again, as I hadn't perfected it yet. Cooking for Sophia had proven to be even more frustrating than cooking for Dad, because nearly everything contained dairy in some form. Scouring the internet every day for something new to try had gotten really old, so I started buying plant-based milk for my sanity. I think she appreciated it too because sometimes the temptation to eat dairy was so strong she gave in, damning the discomfort of bubble guts. How anyone could live life without cheese, I didn't know.
"Mmmmm, that smells so good," Sophia cooed.
"Thanks. I think I got it right this time."
The plant-based milk worked well for most things, but I needed to make adjustments to my custard. In my initial trials, either the bread came out too soggy, or it developed an eggy crust while it cooked. Everything looked perfect this time, so I hoped to remember what I did for next time.
"Okay, so hear me out," she started.
I had no idea what she was about to suggest, but I knew it would involve her not resting at home.
"It's Night Out on the Town tonight! We should go."
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"Is that a good idea? You're due literally at any moment now."
"Okay, yeah, but this might be our last night as a child-free couple! We should spend some time together before we have to start scheduling it."
I wanted to come up with an irrefutable rebuttal, but I had none. Her logic was sound, as always. She'd been cooped up inside a lot lately, anyway. It wouldn't hurt to leave the house for a little while. It's not like we were going jogging around the lake or anything.
"Okay. But we're going to stay in town. There's a nice restaurant in Anchorpoint Wharf I've been wanting to take you to."
She clapped and did a little happy jig in her chair. I loved that woman.
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Kooper and Rosie were getting old. Their coats turned gray, they slept a lot, and they walked a little slower. None of that seemed to stop them from running around the house like a pair of puppies, though. Rosie still demanded that Kooper play with her and dashed around the house and yard like she was training for a marathon. I loved that their age didn't stop them from having a good time. I was playing with Kooper when I realized something that stopped me dead in my tracks.
"Oh my Watcher," I shouted.
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Sophia was behind me, asking what was the matter. I didn't mean to startle her, but it just occurred to me that Alessia might have her babies today!
"We need to get to Mama's house!"
She started to ask why, but I had already dialed Dad's number to see if he would come. Once she overheard my end of the conversation, she went upstairs immediately and got dressed. Dad said he was already on his way and would meet us there.
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When we arrived, Mama wasted no time checking up on Sophia and loving on her youngest grandchild. She hammered her with a bunch of questions, like if she was getting enough rest and if she had experienced early contractions. All moms were lay doctors, I guess. Just as I had begun to think it was nice to have the whole family together again, loud forbidden words and angry screams rang out from upstairs, followed by rapid stomps heading in our direction.
"I'M GOING TO MURDER HIM," Alessia yelled.
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"Whoa, Less," I said. "What in the world happened?"
Her face was as red as a strawberry, and her eyebrows scowled, just like an angry cartoon character. The lasers shooting from her eyes made me want to stay out of her way, but I needed to know what and who upset her so.
"JACE happened!! He's a PUNK!! Ol' llama-faced liar!!! I'M GONNA KILL HIM!"
"What did he do, Less?"
"He went back to his ex! IN MT. KOMOREBI!! And he married her!! He f#@$ing MARRIED her!!! HE SAID HE LOVED ME!! Ever since we found out it was triplets he's been weird!! HE IS DEAD TO ME!!!"
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Mama had previously gone to the kitchen, no doubt to be near Dad when she noticed him taking out the trash, leaving only me to diffuse the situation. Alessia's anger was palpable, like an electric current coursing through the room. I had never seen her like that before, and it both scared and fueled me. I tried balling my fists and breathing extra slow and deep to keep myself from going off, but thoughts of confronting that piece of shit and laying hands on him stirred a fire inside me. There was no kind, gentle way to deal with this, and if I ever saw that cowplant turd in the street, it would be on sight! Nobody betrayed my sister and got away with it. I should have known something was up when he bailed at the baby shower. I saw him when we arrived, but after that, he was nowhere to be found. How could he weasel his way into my sister's fortified heart, knock her up, and leave her with THREE babies??? Did he really think running away to the mountain would absolve him of fatherhood? Like, did he not know child support was a thing? And he had THREE to support?? What an idiot! COWARD!! I hoped his wife had a real job because I knew Alessia would try to milk him dry. He'll be sorry he even met her! The sheer audacity of it all made my blood boil.
I was concerned about my niece and nephews and finally got Less to sit down. She didn't exactly calm down, because how could she? But she and I had a great time plotting and scheming against ol' Jace, planning what we'd do to him the next time we saw him. True, that wasn't healthy either, but it sure was fun. Revenge wasn't really Sophia's style, and she remained quiet. She also didn't have a sibling she would take up for at any moment, so she didn't understand why I acted like that and occasionally tried to talk sense into us.
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But just like when she was a kid, Less found it hard to sit still and be calm, so she jumped up and paced the room, fuming like a teakettle. Even though he would eventually find out, I hoped Dad was still outside during Alessia's initial rant. Her situation was way too close to home, and I feared it might trigger him, especially being in Mama's house with all of us. But like I said, he would eventually find out. He and Mama came out from wherever they were, asking what all the yelling was about. I guess Mama had enough of Less' pregnant mood swings to come find out immediately. Less filled them in, and I saw a quiet rage growing within my dad. He looked just like how I felt. Maybe we could take another family trip to Mt. Komorebi and murder him together, heh.
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I saw Mama eyeing me, as if to silently ask what we should do as the expert on all things mind, body, and soul. But I had no answers for her. My mind was set on destroying Jace, and my body was ready for it. I felt that in my soul, ha!
"I think we all need a dip in the pool," she said. "That should relax these tense mommies, right buddy?"
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I sensed both sincerity and sarcasm in her tone, as she seemed disappointed that I provoked instead of diffusing the situation. Either way, she was right. Less definitely needed to calm down, but the rest of us did too, so we got changed and hopped into the pool.
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phightingconfessions · 5 months
here you go lmao
GOD banhammer is so fucking perfect, i've been staring at a picture of him in some way shape or form for probably like fifteen hours out of the last three days. he is just so very mwah i wanna bite his armor it looks so fucking cool bro. and his teeth, good LIRD his fucking teeth those chompers are driving me insane. i wanna put my hand in his mouth and i don't think i'd even be upset if he bit me for that, hell i want him to bite me. he could step on me too and pick me up and throw me down the stairs and i wouldn't even be mad. did i mention how fucking tall he is? mans is like 6 foot 11 inches, thats bonkers, he could punt me into the sun and i'd let him. his hands are probably huge as fuck too. i want him to hold me but i'd settle for being manhandled into a jail cell. he probably patrols the cells on occasion since he's just built different and i'd stand in my 'pathetic homosexual loser' cage and give him a gay little wave as he walks past. blow him a kiss and all that. he might not even notice because he's blindfolded which would be saddening but hey maybe i'll get to feel his touch when he drags me off to be executed or whatever. does he even execute his prisoners at all? if he doesn't i guess i will just rot in that cell until he sees fit to release me. bummer. or perhaps i could seduce him into letting me work as an assistant/maid/etc for him instead. he seems like he'd get off on having someone to order around directly, and i wouldn't mind obeying his every command. anyways as much as i'd enjoy letting him order me around it would probably get boring eventually. he'd probably melt immediately if i gave off even a whiff of dominance. mans still listens to his mom for fucks sake, he'll fold like a wet napkin if i yank him down to his knees and grab his chin. that might be tough with the size difference though. i could back him into a corner and grab his horns and pull his face down to mine and then kiss him or whisper to him or whatever. fuck yeah. not to mention he's blindfolded too, so i could mess around with that. he'd probably be kinda mouthy about it, especially if we have a significant strength difference, but he'd like it. putting a hand in his mouth would probably shut him up. god the thought of running my hand along his teeth is just so fucking enthralling. they look kinda similar to shark teeth. built to maul people and yet here i am touching them like the most foolish creature upon god's green earth. cough this is getting a little too immersive whoops fuck uhhh right! his armor. the gems everywhere is attractive. shiny objects are so cool and banhammer has a gem on like every section of his armor. they probably make cuddling a tiny bit uncomfortable but that's par for the course with armor. i'd put up with it. his weapon looks sick as hell too but i am not a weapons connoisseur, i am a men connoisseur. and this one is delicious cough right his armor. his boots look pretty tough. they probably have treads that'd leave a good mark if he stepped on my back. that'd be cool. i'd let him dig his heel into me with great force. god at this point i dont even wanna fuck him i just want to either destroy or be destroyed by this man. good fucking god why did i write so much. *checks wiki* right he has four eyes. assuming they look like his mom's do it'd probably be pretty cute. two little extra ones beside his normal eyes. he probably winks by closing half his eyes. and now i'm thinking of various seductive faces he could make. i am down so bad i can't even. i wanna kiss him choke him slam him into a wall. or have him do that to me. i'm not picky. one of us is gonna be pathetic, obedient, and submissive and i frankly do not give a fuck which one it ends up being. i'd let him put a collar on me. the thought of banhammer wearing a collar is making my brain do terrible horrible things so i will leave it at that. i do draw the line at like 'daddy' shit tho that's not for me at all & he probably has daddy issues anyway
I've read this like 5 times and I have determined. I will post it.
behold: the banhammer manifesto. I don't think it gets crazier than this I think we've reached craziest post about ban on this blog. well done everyone! I'm going to go cry now bye forever /j
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infoglitch · 1 year
My very bad takes on rwby ships (the well known ones atleast. And yes most are jaune)
(i do not represent anyone except myself so do not judge others based on me because if you do. That's YOUR problem. Not the peoples you think I represent)
Hoi! I think its time I get crucified. Kidding obviously. This community isn't completely toxic, that much is obvious. Now let's get the obvious ones out the way
Ok... time for the one I don't wanna touch because I don't have nice things to say.
Ok first. I don't mind this ship. Wanna get that out of the way because unlike most would assume. I don't hate or love this ship.
BUT. I got problems with how it was made fucking cannon. First off, fuck you rt and your "from the beeginning". I don't fuckin care how much you try to cover your incompetent asses. If the pants don't fuckin fit. Don't fuckin wear them!
Second. There was no real build up (you can argue there was. But it wasn't good. Anyone could have done a better job than rt). The only real thing that could "prove" this was planned was that yang "flirted" with Blake. Now you might be saying-
"oh but she explained her trauma to Blake that clearly means shes interested in her" in which. NO. Yes this moment is VERY good basis to build off these twos dynamic. And if rt kept building onto this by having yang slowly break down Blake's wall before eventually getting her to open up, I would be applauding rt for it, hell I would be a fan of it probably because for these two, it fuckin works! Blake clearly is alot more reserved and is rather prickly meanwhile yang is the rambunctious, ass-whooping, badass, and overall awesome ball of joy (sounds weird saying especially since yang is my favorite character). yet rt dropped the fuckin ball the moment sun showed up. Now I love sun and i enjoy black sun. But for the love of GOD if this shit is from the beginning than this clearly proves it was fucking not!
After volume three who did blake spend most of the time with in menagerie and rt was clearly trying to push? Not bmblb! BLACK-FUCKING-SUN. Let's give a round of applause to RT for making the dumbest decision of saying bmblb was planned from the start because bitch it was not.
And what did we get for yang. Oh only her trauma from one losing an arm and the fact she has PTSD from it. Oh yeah let's not forget the fact yang had ABANDONMENT ISSUES. Yet the moment her and Blake meet back up suddenly it doesn't fuckin matter because Weiss managed to somehow fix it by telling yang that Blake had suffered as well (i know that's not exactly what happened but point is I fuckin HATE the scene where Blake rejoins the team and yang is just "OK! I totally still don't have problems with the fact you left me and the team at both my and our teams lowest moment." Personally fuck you rt)
.....where was I again? Oh yeah rwby ships. So before I fuckin lose it at rt's incompetence at story telling, developing a romance and character building- let's move on to..... whiterose.... SON OF A BIT-
Look does the fact I don't care for BB and the fact I hate white rose with such a burning passion make me look like a misogynistic homophobic asshole a bad thing? Yes. But I just can't enjoy this damn ship because I just find it so FUCKING BORING!
I get it, it's "opposites attract". But I just don't care because this is so boring and basic that I can't even be glad a gay ship is actually popular instead of the same boring straight pairings.
I don't care if ruby could help Weiss be less of a bitch. Because that troop has been done to fucking DEATH.
There's not even the fact that it be a middle finger to Weisses dad because guess what he's already got his comupance and is also you know, FUCKIN DEAD. There's no satisfaction from any of this ship for me. Is it a bad ship? Fuck no we aren't even going to cover THAT!
But do I like this ship and hope it'll be cannon? No. And if it is? I won't care and I'm not even gonna celebrate it. You can take a fat piss on my grave before I say whiterose becoming cannon is the only option.
Now what ship is next- oh. Oh no. It's the ship everyone enjoys.
Look I'm already gonna get fuckin crucified for my opinion of WR and BB. I don't feel like pissing off even MORE people!
... ok fine I'm saying my opinion.
I don't care for this ship. I don't care for pyrrha and I'm actively glad she is dead.
I won't even elaborate because this ship is dead and will gladly piss on its grave.
Rest in piss arkos. Overrated as fuck!
Next up is... rose garden. Finally a ship I dont mind supporting... but also... one thats gonna be hard to say
Rose garden
Look... their just fuckin cinnamon rolls and I love it!
"but you hated arkos yet both jaune and pyrrha were cinna-"
Uhp! No! None of your bullshit. But I will explain.
I don't care for arkos because I don't care for the fact pyrrha has no development. Not even a personality. She was always "the one girl that has feelings for jaune" which don't get me wrong, jaunes one of my favorite characters but I prefer the character he would be shipped with are actually characters and not... cardboard.
Now thankfully Oscar does not suffer the same fate. He's not infatuated with ruby, he is just a "kid" who just found a wizard stuck in his head and now he's off into a war he never knew about. He was timid (batshit terrified even) and yet when he sees the courage shown by the cast he slowly tries to be like them. with the moment between ruby and Oscar being a moment I fuckin love. Oscar is being honest and asking ruby why, why does she keep fighting? Keep marching into a unknown war that could very well kill her. And ruby simply answers by admitting she Is aware she might die, she even lost good people during the fall of beacon but she kept going because she wanted to be a huntress, she wanted to HELP people.
One of the many reasons I love rose garden is because these two fuckin dorks grow WITH each other instead of the simple "oh I'm the love interest of the main character I'm gonna be a cardboard cutout of the character I should be!".
I can't put it into proper words but I just love rose garden.
Wait... are we actually talking about white knight and not another ship that I probably don't care about and get crucified because of them?
Gentlemen and ladies. I am proud to say I am whiteknight trash because damnit I love this ship.
I will say it now this ship is the shit that gives my Tumblr account LIFE. And like rose garden I can't even find words to describe how this ship makes me my brain go up with dopamine. This ship is just my favorite ship. Weiss and jaune have had so much buildup. Starting with jaune being a idiot and trying to flirt with a very much more cold Weiss (HA) To Weiss laughing at jaunes reaction to his voice after the high of depression that was V9! The little smile jaune had as he heard Weiss giggle. To the mother fuckin mature scene that has skyrocketed to memehood! I just love this ship because it is just everything I want out of a romance subplot!
Oh... oh we already at some.... unpopular ships.
Now this isn't exactly ship related as pyrrha was to arkos but I just don't like Blake, so you might be thinking "oh then you must hate knightshade". Well..
I don't know why I like it I just like knightshade. It's cute, it's got enough crack to make it a crack ship, and the memes! The. Fuckin. MEMES.
God I love knightshade.
So... how do I say this?
I love this ship. Not joking I love this. I'd be peeved if this became cannon but as syndrome once said
"OH COME ON! YOU GOTTA ADMIT THIS IS COOL!" (Man was a salty man and died like a BITCH)
As to why?
I could write an entire fanfic of jaune and cinder fighting each other for days on end until jaune fucking loses but instead of killing him cinder just lets him live. To continue to fight as she gets some sick enjoyment from the attention.
That's all. (Also cinder please choke me with your thighs-)
Alright I'll behave. No thirsting, now onto.... Lancaster.... you know I can't tell if I want to be killed or be celebrated as a fuckin gift because this list is bizarre as fu-
.... where do I begin?
Ok I should probably state this now. I love this fuckin ship despite how... cliche it really is. I want these two dorks to be fuckin happy but I just can't say whole hearted this is my otp. It's just not for me, I'm sorry. But as you all know I have written.. some.. Lancaster fanfics (I am absolute jaune shipper trash, you can Bury me before I say any jaune ship is terrible except THAT! Even arkos ain't bad just overrated!)
But... yes I like this ship that why I'm writing fanfics in the first place I like alot of jaune ships (despite how much I hate THAT!) Because we'll most female characters that I pair with jaune have atleast some form of interaction. (Except silent knight. I just like that one because I like the "small murderous and tall gentle" dynamic. But we aren't covering silent knight.)
Now thats all I could say for Lancaster but there's one more sister that I wanna talk about but first.
For runner up on this list. Drum roll please.
Thank you-
Huh I guess that drummer wasn't as dumb-
Ok fuck you, your fired!
Now for runner up on this list (mainly because I like it but I don't have much to say-)
Martial arcs
(ha bet y'all rat bastards weren't expecting me to list a gay ship that I liked.)
Now all I have to say is.
🎶let them be fucking gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!~
Now onto... my favorite one thats not white knight. The one, the only, the truest form of "what the fuck is glitch snorting"-
Dragon slayer
This is the one ship that has continued to be a ship I love dearly.
To me yang and jaune feel like they would be each other's wing(wo)man and would just be an ride to watch.
There wasn't even any evidence in why this ship could happen. But I still love it. Y'all can call it "just a write inserting themselves as jaune" but let me say this.
Dragon slayer is the Pinnacle of the most wholesome moments! Not even Lancaster can compare to the intimacy of this ship and yes! I AM TALKING OUT OF MY ASS BECAUSE I LOVE THIS STUPID SHIP AND AINT NO ONE TELLING ME I SHOULD BE ASHAMED!
Ok I think that's enough talking about Rwby ships for one Day because I've caused three things.
1) probably pissed off arkos, BB, and WR shipers.
2) weirded out quite literally everyone with my batshit insanity.
3) probably started a debate on what I mean when I say "THAT!"
Anyway have a great day/night/or what other time it is bitches, bros, and non-binary rat bastards
I'm off to get crucified because OH BOY did I probably poke the bear.
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itsbaconbits · 17 days
Turtles of a Different Kind
For TMNT Write Fight! Yaaaaaaayyy!
@tmnt-write-fight @crack-fic-casey
For Kai, and their Prompt #4 which was: (Any iteration) Give swap one or more of the Turtles jobs! For instance, make Mikey an inventor, but in a totally radical, laid back way. Leo could be the one that takes care of everyone's feelings, Raph could be an action-driven leader, and Donnie can be a logical, aggressive bruiser.
Word Count: 1,290
I had a lot of fun writing this! This prompt had me going back and forth and thinking and re-thinking things but... I'm really happy with what I landed on.
As a disclaimer beforehand, I didn't necessarily pick a specific iteration... Because that was really hard for me to do. But I went with the basics of most/all TMNT kind. Namely:
Leo: Stoic and Brave Leader
Raph: Passionate and Aggressive Tank
Donnie: Logical and Nerdy Inventor
Mikey: Radical and Chill Artist
So those are the bounds upon which I mixed things up and twisted this little tale... Anyways, pretty short, but please enjoy!
We… are teenage, mutant turtles. And sometimes we dabble in Ninjitsu but…
Not much.
I’m already wincing at the pitched screeching of the rocket, unprepared to dive to the side before a solid mass topples me to the ground. Sparks and metal zip over our heads. Accompanied by the victorious whoops and hollers of my other brothers, I watch with wide eyes as the device turns on a dime and lifts into the air. With one last heaving breath, the rocket sputters, stalls, then explodes in an array of shrapnel and dust.
“Holy shell! That was awesome! Did you see that guys, did you see that!?” Raph boisterously exclaims.
Raphael. The inventor of our little group. The one with bright ideas and even brighter explosions following him in his wake. His energy is a bit much to keep up with sometimes.
“Oh sh- uh… you guys okay?” Raph asks as he pounces over the balcony and lands by my side. Moving my limp arms about to assess any damage.
“Oi! Dad said no more explosions in the lair!” Leo says from where he’s tumbled onto the ground next to me.
Leonardo. The bruiser of the group- the tank. Large and imposing and always prepared to step in and take a hit, should his brothers need it.
“It wasn’t supposed to explode!” Raph laments.
“Hey, hey! Chill dudes, it’s alright.” Our heads turn collectively to observe Mikey as he slides down the rail of the stairs. “Ain’t nobody hurt, so we’re chill!”
Michelangelo. Our self-proclaimed ‘team leader’. Always on the look-out for adventures and ‘family bonding experiences’. I personally think he just likes to torment us.
“That isn’t the point.” Leo’s eyes grow sharp and narrow. “Donatello could have been seriously hurt! Plus, Master Splinter should be home any minute now. What are we supposed to say about this mess?”
“No worries- we’ll have it spic-and-span, lickety split. Ain’t that right team?” Mikey throws a look over his shoulder, confident and calm as ever.
When our eyes meet, I know that I- an innocent bystander in all this- have already been roped into another one of his schemes. “Yeah, sure…”
The last in our quartet is… me. Just me. I don’t know that I have much of a title like the others do… Raph calls me a visionary, Mikey says I’m the glue of the group. And Leo… Leo just calls me ‘cool’. So I guess that’s my place in all this.
A heavy, familiar sigh. Leo’s fire of indignation is snuffed out with a slow, practiced breath. “Alright then… Let’s just be quick about it.”
So we dive into the task of cleaning up the lair. Although I find my mind on other things as we work. Namely, that time months ago when I asked Leo that seemingly innocuous question.
“Why aren’t you the leader?”
“I said-”
“N-No, sorry. I heard what you said I just…” Leo’s voice trailed off as he smoothed off the scales on his head. “... What do you mean by that? Do you think I should be a leader?”
I could sense that his question came simply from a place of wanting to understand, instead of hesitation. So I gave it some thought. “Yeah. I think you should be.” I eventually said. “I think you’re more focused than Mikey. Plus, you actually know how to fight, instead of just twirling around in the air.”
“It’s called ‘dodging’, Donnie. It’s an important part of fighting too. Mikey’s good at what he does.”
“And you’re good at what you do.” I counter. “I see the way you always think before jumping into a situation. Cutting out all the debris before making a final decision, and finishing opponents with ease. It’s impressive. And I think we should all learn to be more like you- I think it would make us a better team. An actual team.”
Leo was silent for a moment. Analyzing the situation as he always does before preparing for a fight. It was always a little bit intimidating to be under the scrutiny of such a focused gaze.
“Alright DonTron,” He eventually pipes up with a smirk, “let’s play a little game of hypotheticals.”
I was a bit taken off-guard by his seemingly mischievous demeanor but… “Alright, I’ll bite.”
“So, let’s say that I talked to dad and then tomorrow we all woke up and I was the leader.” Leo’s eyes were trained on me the entire time he spoke. “I come out of my room and I say ‘Alright bros! I’m in charge now, and we’re gonna do some training today!’ How would you feel about that?”
Another moment of thought. “Well, honestly I’d be kind of excited. Because of what I said before- I think we could learn a lot from you. I think it would be a good exercise.”
“So you’d be okay with it.” Leo confirms, his smile growing a little more mischievous. Then the dour tone comes in once again. “What about Mikey? How do you think he would feel about it…?”
His question brings me pause, even though I’m immediately sure I know how Mikey would feel about it. “I think he would feel… stepped on. Overlooked. I think he’d be sad…”
Leo nods along in agreement. “Then let’s say I bring this up with Raph. I say ‘Hey, Raph-a-Roonie! You can only make useful stuff from now on! Things that will make us a better team. Weapons and tools and shields.’ How do you think Raph will feel about that?”
“Well, Raph doesn’t really like being told what projects to work on.” I reason out loud. “So I think he would be pretty angry and unmotivated. But-”
“And what about you?” Leo charged on. “Let’s say I go to you the next day, and say ‘Hey, Dee. Let’s meet in the dojo. We’re going to train with your Bo staff until you get it right- until you’re a great warrior like me.’ And then we don’t stop training, day in and day out, until you become that great warrior. How would that make you feel?”
I’m practically glowering up at him at this point. I understand the point of the exercise, but he’s taking the hyperbole too far. “It would make me tired, and upset. But you’re not being fair! This hypothetical you’ve set up is too extreme! You wouldn’t do things like that- you’d be much more kind about it.”
Leo only sits back and stares at me with that same calculating gaze. Rolling over the words in his head, no doubt. As I do the same. 
“Maybe, maybe not,” he finally concedes. “But the point still stands- we’ve got a status quo going for ourselves. Changing up the rhythm will only upset others.”
“But change can be good at times.” 
“At times… But this just isn’t one of those times. Trust me, little brother.” Leo’s head rolled to the side, taking me in with sharpened pupils. An almost haunted gaze. “This routine we’ve got here… It’s for the best. We should keep it this way.”
And that was the end of the conversation. One that left a sour taste in my mouth. But… I tried not to focus on it too much. It’s only in quiet, escapable moments like these that I’m able to remember the look on Leo’s face as he spoke…
Okay, ‘quiet’ isn’t exactly the right word but… you get the point.
It’s better to just be in the moment. To focus on us. Brothers. Raph the passionate Mcguyvre. Leo the stoic soldier. Mikey the radical leader. And me, the logical heart. 
Just as it always is, just as it always should be… 
… Right?
Hi hello. Would you like an explanation? Sure, I would too! Lol, too bad though. This is mostly just train of thought, although it has inspired a bit of an AU idea in my head that I'm interested in exploring later!
Like, in this universe, I think Casey would be a journalist who is friend's with the turtles. Then April would be the vigilante power-house they meet later day the road. Just thoughts.
Thank you for the read! Hope you enjoyed <3
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amethystfairy1 · 6 months
Hi there, new anon here bc I don’t use tumblr like, almost ever. apologies for the rambling about how I love ur AU’s that’s incoming. Or if I did this wrong. Idk how to use tumblr.
Ok SO, I’ve been following your AUs on AO3 for the past few months and first of all, love it, I love your continuity with metaphors or specific descriptors that span across works, like Grian’s banded wings, glamor as heat haze on tarmac, scott having hair like spun sugar, just AUGHHHH so good I love. Little details like that make me as a writer and ofc fanfic enjoyed foam at the mouth. It’s so vivid I can picture it in my mind, I love the eclectic feel of the undercity, the mechanical lore things like wagons in Traveling thieves or rail carts and labs in TTSBC! Don’t even get me started on the peice about Doc and Etho in the depths, that one is so so good.
And your phenomenal foreshadowing? Like first read through never guessed that avian at Fremeere’s was skizz, but I went back after your recent upload and wow it totally is! Or how first read of TTSBC I never thought the two directors were the same because I hopped around in the reading order, but now it’s wayyy too similar! And now I get why a past and long dead antagonist would have such a specific and recognizable speech pattern… eerie. I love it. Can’t wait to learn more about that storyline!! I wonder how much Tango knows about Doc’s history with the labs and if he realizes the connection after talking with Zedaph. Zedango my beloved! Or just tango content/lore in general hehe. (Also, I find it humorous that Grian and Tango’s boyfriends have almost the same trauma as their dad, lol) Also, love how close the characters are to being reunited in Traveling Thieves!! They’re so close!
Anywhoo, just stopped by to say that Cub is litterally providing scar/Hot Guy with weapons in Scar’s new episode, only to see that you already saw that ofc. I was litterally kicking my feet and squeaking about it bc it’s just like TTSBC and your AU makes me so genuinely happy to read and has me in a chokehold. But the rocket arrows?? That are Hot Guy brand color coded! And expensive and I can see character!Cub being exasperated about scar’s trigger happy use of the rockets in the same way he doesn’t call the lab the Hot Cave, hehe. Or Scar showing off to Grian that he’s not the only one who can shoot sparkly projectiles!
so yeah, ik you already saw that, but i wanted to share that it’s so perfect for TTSBC or else my brain would not leave me alone lmao
I'm so glad you love my little tells for the characters! Heat haze on tarmac, hair like spun sugar, stuff like that just feels like it helps make a certain trait pop and so I try to make sure every character has at least one of them! I'm so glad you enjoy the mechanical ascept of the AUs! Both TTSBC and TT have their own little things, moving parts that keep the worlds going!
I love trying to layer in foreshadowing when I can! Skizz appearing, but I purposefully didn't tag him as a character because, thanks to avian culture, he doesn't use his name, and so it's not until we get to see from his POV that we actually get confirmation that's him!
I have no idea what you're talking about with the director, tho, because she's totally dead! She died 24 years ago during the Anarchy! Any odd vocal ticks and specific dislikes for hypothesis is completely coincidental and should be, should be, should be disregarded. 😑
They do, don't they? Whoops. I guess Doc has a lot to relate to when it comes to his future sons-in-law, huh?
Thank you so much for your rambles I absolutely loved reading them!!!! 💖
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phr0gg13 · 6 months
A Manticore Crashed my 14th Birthday Party
(Part 1)
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Luke Castellan x Daughter Of Hecate!
(Series Masterlist)
Heres part one of the chapter! I didnt realize that it was too long for tumblr… Whoops! (Part Two)
I hated school with a passion. My father had me sent away to a private school at the age of 12. He said I would academically excel there as well as not feel so isolated, that there would be more kids like me. Well… He was wrong. Completely and utterly so. In my two years at this school, I have been nothing but an outcast. My father has made it a tradition to write to me as often as possible and try to visit whenever his work allows him. He has even made sure to visit me on my birthday. Today was the day, November 16th, I finally turned 14, meaning I also began my freshman year. Whooo!! My father will be here sometime in the afternoon, and we will get milkshakes and catch up. He will also give me a gift, which is usually not all that expensive. We discussed it throughout letters, and I always thoroughly enjoy the presents. Though this year, I secretly wish for an MP3 player. I had told my dad that I yearn for my own music, and he told me that he would see what he could do.
I had gotten through the utterly boring classes today, and now it was later in the afternoon. My father would be here soon, and I was getting dressed in some comfy clothes. There was a knock at my door, and a voice came through it: “Ms. Cain, your father has arrived and is downstairs in the lobby waiting for you.” It was the headmistress of the girls' dormitory. I let out a small sigh as I ran my hands over my outfit; I was nervous for some reason. I didn't know why; I never am nervous to see my dad. I went to the door and opened it. “There you are! Come on, you do not want to leave your father waiting,” Ms. Lucia ushered me downstairs, and I saw my father. He was as cleaned up as he could be. He worked hard, long days at construction sites, but he was looking quite cleaned up. I quickly went up and hugged him. “Hey kiddo.” His gruff voice came out, and he held me tight. “Happy birthday, are you ready to go get a milkshake?” He smiled at me as he squatted down to my height a bit. I nodded my head, not being able to find my voice for some reason; this was weird. I was acting weird, and I didn't know why. He gave me a small smile, and we went to his beat-up truck. I rested my head against the window and closed my eyes. I focused on the vibrations of the truck window against my head as a way to ease my anxiety.
“You okay, Kiddo?” I heard my father ask with worry in his voice. “Yeah… I'm okay,” I responded quietly, meaning to be louder. My body seemed not to want to raise my voice. As we entered the old-fashioned diner, which seemed to be one of the more popular spots in this small town, the odd feeling I had before came back in full force. My father and I made our way to the booth; I sat down on one side while he sat on the other. He smiled at me and grabbed the menu. “Let me guess what you want.” He had a playful tone to his words as he dramatically rubbed his chin. “A hot sauce and mayo milkshake?” He said with a grin on his face. I giggled and shook my head. “I want a strawberry one! You should know this; I get it every time.” I rolled my eyes at his antics; I was starting to feel a bit better now that we were sitting. Eventually, a waitress came over and started to ask about our orders. My dad ordered for me, though I tuned out their conversation as the waitress started to flirt with him. Gross.
I turned my attention to the window and saw that the sky had changed drastically; it was dark and gloomy. I had even seen some lightning in the distance. I closed my eyes as I felt the feeling come back. Every cell in my body was telling me to run and hide. I didn’t understand; I was completely fine! That was until I heard screaming from outside. I whipped my head and looked to see a giant lion with wings? It had a scorpion tail too, and it had landed on someone's car. I looked over to my father, seeing the look on his face made me feel even worse. He was mortified; I had never seen him like this before. “Honey, we have to go. Now!” He shouted as he got out of the booth. He grabbed onto my arm and pulled me out of the booth. We started to run out of the diner to the truck. I was so confused. “Dad? What's going on? What is that?” He shook his head as he fiddled with his keys; the truck was giving him trouble starting. I thought he was gonna break his key with how hard he was turning it. I looked out the window and saw the lion was coming towards us. Eventually, my dad got the truck to start; he stepped on the gas as hard as he could, and we were off. I hugged myself tight as I tried to calm myself. “It's okay, kiddo… We are okay!” My dad's tone almost seemed like he was pleading with someone. He continued to speed away from the diner…
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