#whump keith
librathefangirl · 1 month
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@whumpgifathon | Day 14| Exhaustion | Passing Out Voltron: Legendary Defender | S02E08 | Keith
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coffee-flavored-mochi · 2 months
best voltron fics i've found on ao3:
(in no particular order, just ones i like)
(also most of these are klance btw)
-"Fighting the Surface" by tommino
-(klance)hurt!lance and a little hurt!keith. tw near character death and also tw drowning. super good fic, pretty emotional, not too long of a read, less than 20k words.
-"nothing's quite as sweet" by dimple for your thoughts
-(klance) literally the cutest slow burn klance fic. it's only 50k words, but its literally just a cute barista!keith and cat shelter worker!lance fic and i love it. a little bit of hurt/comfort, but nothing too bad.
-"you never stood a chance" by kagshina
-(klance) cute little college fic where lance falls for keith. only 12k words, warning for a bit of second hand embarrassment lol.
-"The Marks We Make" by wittyy_name
-(klance) another college fic, also a soulmate au! kind of a long one (over 250k words) but such a cute slowburn. also has super cute artwork by sora linked into the fic. one of my absolute faves <3<3
-"Shut Up and Dance With Me" by wittyy_name
-(klance) another amazing fic by wittyy_name (an amazing author, pls check out all their fics) a cute little enemies-to-lovers dance!au, also around 250k words. need to give this one a re-read since it's been a while, but overall an amazing fic and i love it so much!
-"Nightmares" by Trashness
-(klance) amazing little one-chapter fic abt keith and lance sharing the same bed due to nightmares (as the title suggests). only around 15k words, so a short little read, but it's a very good read!
-"call me, beep me" by orphan_account
-(klance) cute little wrong number!au where lance accidentally texts a wrong number (keith) and then they fall in love 😈 its 85k words and a bit of a slow burn, and i'm pretty sure it's the voltron fic with the most kudos on ao3!
-"O Come Let Us Adore Him" by Bandity
-(no ships) this one isn't a klance fic, but is def a heavy hurt!lance fic. tw for manipulation, hallucinations, non-con, eating issues, and some other things. i like this one a bunch because it not only shows the bad shit lance goes through, but the aftermath as well. less than 35k words but a really great story overall.
-"Looking Death in the Eye" by IcyPanther
-(no ships) okay so this one isn't a klance fic either but it is honestly an amazing one and doesn't get the recognition it deserves. it doesn't have any ships or anything, but is about lance having to save the entire team during a sick game a random villain lures them into. i love fics about torturing my favorite characters (like lance) and this one does that so so so well. pls give it a read 🙏🙏 also its only 16k words so you can read it super fast!!
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binart · 2 years
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DTOK page 17!  (First)(Previous)(Next)
and now we learn about The Thing... the Reason why keith came back in the first place...
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grimreapersnuisance · 11 months
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“We Made A Good Team”
Sad Klance comic. I cry inside
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forgotten-daydreamer · 8 months
my ao3 has been so dry in the past couple of days, go read my shit you heathens.
edit: I didn't expect anyone to find this post but you did, so I'm dropping my ao3 link
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mosscreeper-ao3 · 22 days
Wow I love Keith so much. I can’t wait to spend October documenting his brutal torture at the hands of the druids.
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Some whump fanfics that have low-key (or high-key) traumatized me forever
(aka some of my fave whump fics I've read so far)
(will reblog with more fics the more I read!!)
You Monster
fandom: Wednesday
whumpee: Tyler Galpin
You have had nightmares for weeks, waking up covered in sweat. Tonight feels no different; but it is. There is something calling to you, deep within the woods.
By @ArchivedTrash! A second person body horror fic all about Tyler transforming into the Hyde. It's. It's just so good. Literally the first second person AND body horror fic I'd ever read and still one of my faves forever.
Who Deserves This?
fandom: The Phantom of the Opera
whumpee: the whole trio tbh, but mainly Raoul
Erik runs out of patience and lets his temper get the best of him, costing him the boy's life and Christine's pity.
By my lovely mutual @rumpletrumple. This fic messed me up good :)))
She loves a pretty face
fandom: The Phantom of the Opera
whumpee: Raoul de Chagny
Erik scars Raoul. Raoul tries to move past it, but Christine won't talk to him, and Erik won't leave him alone.
By @convenientalias! This is one of my fav POTO fics, ngl. This was just. UGH. It was so good oh my GOSH. I love me some good Raoul whump AND THIS WAS SOME GOOD RAOUL WHUMP RIGHT HERE. AUGH. Scarring, threats, manipulation, tying to a chair, sacrificial love, oh my!!
fandom: Batfam
whumpee: Tim Drake
Something is seriously wrong with Tim—Jason just knows it. Ever since the Mad Hatter incident, Tim has been acting completely different, and the worst part is that no one believes Jason when he tells them so. But when the truth is eventually revealed, the whole family comes to realize that the situation is far worse than anyone could have ever predicted.
By @sohotthateveryonedied! This left me disturbed and with low-key an existential crisis???? With one of my fave kinds of whump, forced obedience. This fic also gave me a newfound appreciation for "Perfection whump" (whump centered around being forced to be perfect). It's just so good and whumpy AND angsty and I'm. OUGH. *CHEF'S KISS*
all the king's horses
fandom: Voltron
whumpee: Keith
It wasn’t the blade sinking into the flesh of his palm, nor the smell of wood smoke and incense permeating the air that woke Keith. Nor was it the weight of iron-wrought shackles hanging heavy from his wrists and ankles. No, it was the sinister giggle in his ear and frigid fingers carding through his head that roused Keith from a dead slumber. He didn’t remember going to sleep at all—in fact, he wasn’t so sure he’d been asleep so much as knocked out. His head ached with a throbbing pulse and he couldn’t quite bring the world into focus. The room was dark, shadows dancing along the dingy wall certainly not helping things. A groan escaped him despite himself. "Don't worry, it'll only hurt for a bit."
By @glitteringconstellations! This fic actually. was the most traumatizing thing I'd ever read HAHAHAHA. Like, not even kidding, I still haven't recovered from it. It's. Like I highly recommend it but it's VERY much horror and VERY creepy and disturbing. AND I MEAN DISTURBING. It's SO GOOD but I was definitely traumatized and not okay after :))
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vcepsis · 7 days
17 and 50 with hurt Keith and Shiro (some broken bones pls?)
Hi so I received this ask in JULY. OF 2019. Dear anon, I am so, so sorry. If you're still out there, I hope you see this. I actually had this saved for a long time, but, well. Here it is.
This was a dialogue prompt. 17 and 50 were: “I’m going to take care of you, okay?” “Here, let me help you.”
Beta'd once again by @feverflushed who is perfect in every way <3
“That absolutely sucked,” Lance complained loudly, stretching an arm over his head. “Did anyone else feel like that sucked? Like, a lot more than normal?”
Keith could only roll his eyes at Lance’s dramatic complaining; they’d barely been back on the Castle for thirty seconds before Lance had started this up. Now, standing in the hangar, they were all taking a few minutes to have a quick debrief of that disaster of a battle.
Only it seemed quick was just a dream at this point. 
“Yeah, it really did,” Hunk chimed in. “I know we won and stuff, but didn’t it seem like a lucky fluke?”
Pidge took her helmet off, running an agitated hand through her hair. “I’m with you on this one. That solar flare hitting the Robeast was the only thing that kept us from getting our asses completely kicked.” She huffed in frustration. “So much for ‘strongest weapon in the universe’…”
Keith crossed his arms across his chest, only to drop them almost immediately as the pain spiked anew. He rubbed a hand across his chestplate, trying to subtly determine if it was broken anywhere. As far as he could tell, the armor was intact, despite the awful crack he’d heard when he’d slammed into the control panel in Red. 
Really, they all looked a little worse for wear. Hunk’s helmet was cracked across the top, Pidge’s undersuit was ripped along her side, exposing the skin there to a (thankfully mild) burn, and Lance kept stretching out the same arm, like it hurt.
“It was a tough battle,” came a voice next to Keith. Looking over, he saw Shiro take his helmet off gingerly, the visor almost completely shattered. Part of his white bangs were stained pink, sticking to a cut just above his eyebrow. “The important thing is we’re alright, more or less.”
Everyone nodded solemnly at that. The battle had been long and unforgiving, but they were all alive in the end.
“You should all get checked out by Coran before getting some rest,” Shiro continued. There was some more grumbling at this, but eventually the others turned in the direction of the med bay.
Keith sighed softly, but even that small movement made him wince. It was like embers in his chest, the fire licking up to burn his lungs. It came and went as he breathed, but never abated completely. He knew the impact he'd taken in Red would be a hell of a bruise, but it hurt like a bitch. Definitely one of the worst bruises he'd had.
A hand touched his shoulder, and even though it was gentle, it made Keith jolt in surprise. This time, he couldn’t hold back his sharp hiss of pain, and he felt the hand let go almost immediately. Looking over, he saw Shiro, brows furrowed in concern.
“Are you alright, Keith?” he asked softly. 
Something inside Keith melted at Shiro’s tone, and he turned. Thankfully, Shiro seemed fine, other than the cut on his forehead that was still leaking blood. 
“What about you?” Keith said, trying to ignore how talking made the pain spike anew. “Are you gonna get checked out by Coran too?”
“I’m fine,” Shiro said easily, like he was parroting the words rather than actually being sincere. 
“But what about—” Keith reached up to Shiro’s head, intending to inspect the wound there, when a flash of pain worse than all the others combined stopped him. A choked noise escaped him, and he stumbled forward as it threw him off balance.
“Whoa!” Strong hands gripped his shoulders, keeping him upright. Keith couldn’t help but groan; it felt like his chest was cracking open now. “Keith? What’s wrong?”
Keith blinked back tears, raising his arm again to try to find the source of the pain, only to be nearly blinded by it again. He let his arm fall to his side, but even that small movement felt like torture.
“Alright, you’re alright.” Shiro murmured soothing words as he gently guided Keith to sit on the floor. Keith went willingly, hoping that sitting down would somehow ease the pain that seemed to be coming from everywhere. 
Kneeling in front of him, Shiro cupped Keith’s cheeks softly, taking care not to apply too much pressure. Then he swept his bangs aside, turning Keith’s head this way and that. “I don’t see any head injuries,” he said, and Keith couldn’t help but snort at the irony as the gash on Shiro’s forehead continued to ooze blood. “Where does it hurt?”
Swallowing back the urge to cry, Keith again tried to raise a shaking arm, but barely made it past his stomach this time. “C-chest,” he managed to choke out.
Though he was barely able to focus, he saw how Shiro’s eyes immediately flicked down. “Let’s get that armor off, then.”
Keith could only offer a jerky nod, and he instinctively reached up to pull the chest plate over his head, but Shiro managed to stop him before he got too far. It was a good thing, too, as the burning hot embers inside him quickly turned into a raging fire in his lungs.
“That looks like it hurts,” Shiro said, clearly trying to sound calm for Keith’s benefit. “Here, let me help you.”
Shiro reached around Keith’s back, fumbling a bit before finding the latch that allowed the armor to pop open rather than having to pull it over his head. Shiro tugged it off, taking care not to jostle Keith too badly. Keith could hear how his own breathing had gone rough and ragged, but he couldn’t seem to stop.
“Do you want to lie down?” Shiro asked, starting to tear the top of Keith’s undersuit in quick, steady movements. “Or would that make it worse?”
There was a long pause while Keith tried to process what Shiro was saying, to the point where Shiro raised his eyebrows. Eventually, the signals managed to fire properly in Keith’s brain for him to answer with a weak “W-worse”.
Letting out a breath, Shiro nodded, tearing the undersuit as gently as he could around Keith’s chest. Unfortunately, he managed to brush the epicenter of the pain, and Keith couldn’t contain his cry.
Shiro cursed, but didn’t stop. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he said desperately, before finally ripping away the last of the material. Keith didn’t have the energy to be embarrassed, even though it was Shiro and he was looking at Keith half naked and vulnerable weak disgusting worthless---
“Keith,” Shiro exclaimed, and though it was more of a breath than a word, it managed to break Keith out of his downward spiral. “You should have said something.”
Finally looking down, Keith saw.
The skin all around his upper body was bruised, as he expected, but he was unprepared for the red, swollen skin that wrapped around his chest. If he looked carefully, he imagined he could see the outline of Red’s control panel, though that didn’t make any sense at all.
“M’sorry,” Keith mumbled, trying to suppress the urge to cover himself. Lifting his arms hurt, and for some reason he kept forgetting. But he couldn’t help the awful feeling stirring again in his stomach, the awful mix of anger and bitter disappointment at letting Shiro down. Again. Tears gathered in his eyes again, and even though he knew it was irrational, he couldn’t make it stop.
“No, Keith, don’t be sorry,” Shiro said, and he sounded sad this time. Keith looked up, meeting Shiro’s eyes, and only saw tender concern there. “We need to get you to a pod, though, ok? This is…” He reached out a tentative hand, not quite making contact. “This is serious. I think you might have broken something.”
Oh. That made more sense than just a bruise, if the pain was any indication.
Shiro quickly scrambled to his feet, only to bend down again. “Can you stand? We need to get you to a pod right away.”
Keith nodded without actually believing it, but Shiro was right: this wasn’t something that would be fixing itself anytime soon. Putting a hand on the floor, he tried to use it to push himself up, only to have the pain spike through his chest again, this time so bad that he nearly blacked out.
Just then, there were arms behind his back and under his legs, slowly lifting him up. Keith knocked his head against something hard, turning a bit to see Shiro’s white and black chest plate.
“I’m going to take care of you, okay?” Shiro said softly, keeping his hold gentle, but still secure. 
Keith let his eyes flutter closed as Shiro began to move, and Keith could feel how Shiro tried to keep Keith as steady as possible.
At that moment, it didn’t matter how bad the pain might have been. In Shiro’s arms, Keith would always feel safe.
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callaeidae3 · 10 months
A Month of Whump Winter Whumperland 2023 - Day 5: Time Loop
The universe gives, and the universe takes, and Keith is thrown back - time and time again - into an existence without Shiro.
Never meeting may have been a kinder fate.
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mygirlmm501 · 1 month
Just finished a Voltron: Legendary Defenders Fan-Fiction. A take on S2 x EP10, where Keith was raised by the BoM (Blade of Marmora) but was kidnapped at a young age and has been forced to serve the empire since, with little to no memory of the BoM and his pack..but there are a couple things.. the warmth of his mother's embrace, he was told she was a traitor to the empire...the love of his pack, all traitors to the empire... That's what he'd been told, but he wasn't sure he believed it. Uh, heads up! There's a lot of weird head-canons in this, canon went out the airlock, and yeah. There's some weird stuff, but it's overall a good story, in my opinion.
Here it is.
"Show Me The Way"
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icypantherwrites · 3 months
Fic Update: Reaching For Your Hand, Chapter Three
Chapter Snippet:
“Oh G-God,” Hunk’s whimper sounded from up above and Shiro jerked his head up to see Hunk — his rope cutting off a few feet above Shiro — staring down with tears starting to form in already red-rimmed eyes. “L-Lance.”
Lance didn’t react. 
The cavern did though.
Another groan reverberated through it and there was the skittering sound indicating loose shale that always preceded a larger piece of rock breaking off.
But the worst of the sound was across the cavern.
This time.
The entire cave still shook as the rock smashed through the intertwined path, dust and smaller rocks breaking off around them and a few pinging off of Lance who still didn’t react and Shiro was starting to fear he wouldn’t.
He shoved the thought away.
Lance was right there. 
Despite the odds, literally at the end of their rope, they’d found him. 
That had to mean something.
The universe couldn’t be that cruel.
Read it here
(not currently posted on AO3)
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rotten-whispers · 1 year
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Absolutely adore this amazing commission by @ciervobizarro of Keith and Baxley from Boxes! Thank you so much, you really brought my characters to life :)
Boxes is a surreal horror novel, you can find out more through my p1nned post! (Please see warnings)
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I am a SUCKER for barely conscious, so if you wrote that BTHB square for Keith, I would owe you my life. I'm thinking there's a BOM mission involved, but I'm not picky at all if you're not feeling that!
This took a while but here you are XD
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Prompt: Barely Conscious
Summary: “Fuck you,” Keith growled.
The Druid tilted their head, unperturbed. “I was hoping you’d be a feisty one. The quick jobs are so very boring.”
Written for the @badthingshappenbingo!
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hood-ex · 9 months
Keith might have just taken hold of the blorbo seat. S2E8 was a great episode for him. And when he was hurt, his lion started raging and fucking shit up. Hell yeah! That's the type of devotion I liiive for! Let's go team red! Plus then Shiro intervened and was also about to throw down on Keith's behalf.
Shiro's dad behavior is raising him in the blorbo ranks as well because now I just want to read protective Shiro fics.
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comfortlesshurt · 3 months
Smiling 'cause you're used to it (a house that's always haunted)
TWs: Mentions of alcohol use/abuse by a background character, not directly shown. Injury. Referenced child abuse not directly shown. Referenced self-harm and eating disorder that do not actually occur. Emeto/vomiting.
Some of these tags are for future chapters, so you won't see them come up in chapter 1. There's a spoiler dropdown with more explanation of TWs in the start note if you follow the link.
The unexpected pain catches Keith off-guard, and rather than landing safely on the other side, he tumbles down the hill, instinctively bringing his arms up to guard his head. On the plus side, he’s made it down the hill in record time with no head injury, and he can no longer hear the footfalls trailing after him. …but he’s paid for that win with the gouges he can now confirm are thoroughly marring his right hand and the sting along most of his left forearm. After he pauses for a shaky breath and brings himself to look at it, he sees how fast it’s leaking blood, staining the dirt beneath him. It’s most definitely not a “slap a band-aid on it and move on” kind of wound.
Pseuds: occasionalvoltronfiction & sickficlurker
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Main character: Keith
Side character: Shiro (Chapters 2 through 4)
Relationship: Keith & Shiro (Chapters 2 through 4)
Timeline: Pre-series, shortly after Keith starts at the garrison
Challenges: (@whumperless-whump-event) Whumperless Whump 2024 Day 1: self-done stitches and alcohol as sanitizer (chapter 1), Day 10: forced to work while ill (chapter 2, slightly modified because this is school not work, but it's in the SPIRIT), and Day 16: half-conscious (chapter 3) & bingo board shared by @builder051: self-surgery (chapter 1).
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wench-on-a-bench · 22 days
"Lance summoned his Bayard.
Aim. Breathe. Shoot.
The resounding shot echoed in his ears. Except it wasn’t from his gun.
Lance’s legs gave out before he even realized what’d happened. He’d been shot. Square in his right ass cheek."
Lance McClain, Blue Paladin and Red Lion Pilot, has survived many trials out in space: Strenuous battles, relentless pining over Keith Kogane, being shot in truly embarrassing places ... but when he ends up on a solo mission it may prove to be his hardest challenge yet. Especially since he's stuck on a planet that doesn't even like Voltron. But it can't be any harder than trying to reconnect with Keith (who's been extra closed off since his returned from the Quantum Abyss), can it?
What results is many laughs ... and many tears.
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