#whumper superhero
infinitymyth · 2 years
Heroxvillain x sidekick
Implied and referenced abuse/toture
Asking to be hurt/harmed & threats of harming for someone else
Nudity( no photos, this is a story)
Villain shoveled himself into hero’s base, his hands bleeding and covered in burns. He glanced towards the left, looking at his battered self in the mirror. Unsatisfied, he continued his trudging.
Hero paused down the hallway, watching as villain walked before him, his hands moving above his head in surrender before going out in-front of his face
Hero gulped, watching as villain bent down on his knees and folded his arms behind his back, bowing and breathing though the pain.
“ superhero was correct. Instead of trying to fight you…” villain glanced up, staring at hero’s tear filled eyes. “ I should be on my knees, begging you for forgiveness, for you to be merciful on me.”
Hero stepped backwards, stumbling on the rug and falling hastily on the ground.
Villain slumped, his knees bending at an akward angle as his forehead touched the carpet. “ he said that I should swallow my shame and ask for you to hurt me instead. I hurt you so I deserve it.”
“ villain. I don’t beat people while they’re already down. Yeah, you’ve done some… unforgivable shit but… clearly superhero’s already done the job…”
Hero gasped as he looked at villains blood droolen mouth. “ not implying that I would hurt you either way but… it seems as if you’ve learned your lesson mate.”
Sidekick barged through the doors, a snarl on his face. “ hero! Get up, don’t let this fool sit here and trick you!” He exclaimed, walking past hero to kick villain into his side. Villain only grunted, curling into a ball.
“ sidekick! He’s hurt already. Leave him be.” Sidekick stopped, eyes widening in sympathy as he took in villains form. “ no need to defend me hero. This is what I deserve, anything is better than superhero … anything…. Even, even death.”
Hero gasped, crawling towards villain and running a hand through his matted hair.
“ kill me if that’s what you want. Hurt me, torture me, anything… I deserve it. Use me as target practice, tie me up and starve me… superhero said all of those are good ideas and you should in fact use them all.” He coughed, ramblings exploding out of his mouth as hero and sidekick conversed about something he couldn’t hear.
“ villain… we’re not going to hurt you.” Hero said softly and cautiously, running a hand down his back. Villain only shook his head, tears streaming down his face. “ if you wont hurt me, then I will hurt myself for you. We can start now.” He suggested, not taking notice of the horror written in hero’s face.
“ how do we know that he’s not lying, hero?” Sidekick eventually asked, wary of the villain laying infront of them.
“ how do we know he’s not doing this to fool us or just to look pathetic so we have sympathy for him.” He continued, his hands on his sides. Villain hummed, slowly standing and undressing in front of the hero’s. He stood naked, every part of his body covered in bruises or blood, wounds deep enough to kill.
The hero’s stood in shock. “ a-aren’t you embarrassed to sit- stand in here j-naked?!” Sidekick nearly exclaimed in shock.
“Sometimes the embarrassment fades away.” Villain answered, sitting down and leaning against the wall, staring into nothingness.
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bamber344 · 6 months
ok so superhero whump scenario:
Villain is Hero's favourite 'bad guy' to fight. Villain never really hurts anyone with their actions, and anything they steal is usually anonymously returned within a few days. The worst crime they've really committed is property damage. Hero is convinced they're just doing it for fun, as evidenced by Villain's very melodramatic and performatively cheesy attitude during their confrontations
Eventually, Villain disappears. Hero assumes they just decided to put down their cape and mask, though is a little saddened that they now don't have any real 'comic relief' in their day-to-day villain fighting.
A few months later, Hero is in Superhero's HQ when they come across a locked door they hadn't noticed before. Overcome with curiosity, they figure out how to get it open and take a peek inside.
Even without their iconic costume or mask, Hero would recognise Villain anywhere. Villain looks awful. Emaciated, bruised, scarred, curled up in a shivering ball in the corner of what Hero now recognises as a cell. How long has Superhero kept them here? And why? Hero doesn't know, all they do know is that this is wrong, and that their old rival needs their help, Superhero be damned.
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chaotic-orphan · 1 month
Delirious Villain x Hero Caretaker (5)
Read part one here // Continued from here
Heed the TW (and mind yourselves please <3):
TW: emotional abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, vomiting, forced vomiting, violence, elements of psychosis, psychosis episode-like symptoms, vulnerable whumpee, intimate whumper, older brother whumper, young sibling whumpee, gaslighting, manipulation, sick whump, sickness whump, illness whump, reuniting with whumper, PTSD, facing whumper who gave PTSD, bad family relationships,
Villain eyed Superhero wearily. Despite all their training, all their progress, Superhero had a height and weight advantage over Villain. His broad shoulders stood proud, supporting his stupid head, with his smirk that made Villain’s stomach crawl. They needed to get out of here, to get help.
They wouldn’t make it to the door in the condition they were in, so that was out of the question. His eyes flicked to the couch where he was asleep not a few minutes ago, which felt like a lifetime now. He couldn’t see his phone. He needed to call Hero, but maybe it was tangled in the blankets?
“I can see the cogs turning, Vil,” Superhero said with a happy sigh. “If you’re hoping that your precious Hero comes to save you in time, don’t. They’re too busy saving someone worth saving.”
“Shut up!” Villain growled, pushing at Superhero’s chest with their free hand. “Get off of me!”
Superhero chuckled, tsking and shaking his head at Villain’s outburst. Villain’s heart didn’t forget to beat after that, the guilt at his Brother’s disappointment didn’t still affect him. It didn’t.
“Where are your manners, Vil? Jeez, does Hero just let you run wild? That must be so annoying for them.”
“Hero loves me.”
Superhero leaned in, dark eyes glittering with malice. “Oh yeah? Then why aren’t they here looking after you?”
Villain’s face scrunched up. “Because you sent them away!”
“Or are they just so tired with you that they had to get out of the house for a while. It seems like the latter to me. God, I remember how annoying you were. Nobody, not even Hero has enough patience to handle you.”
“Hero loves me,” Villain said again, this time a little quieter.
“No. They don’t. They probably just feel sorry for you and how pathetic you are. Like a wounded baby bird whose wings are too weak to make it fly.”
“My life doesn’t concern you anymore! You don’t have to interact with me on a daily basis! Please let me go. Please, Brother, please.”
Superhero pressed a finger to his lips. “Shush. No begging yet, Vil. It’s unbecoming.”
Without warning, Superhero yanked Villain off the wall and was about to throw him to the floor when the pair froze. Villain’s ringtone played mutely from the bedroom. Villain’s eyes widened.
Superhero recovered quicker than Villain, a cruel grin on his face as he started dragging Villain towards the bedroom. He got a hand on the back of Villain’s neck and shoved him down so Villain had to walk awkwardly bent over. Superhero opened the door to the bedroom and saw the phone lighting up on the bed.
He threw Villain to the ground beside the bed, laughing as Villain stumbled before he hit the floor with a groan, grabbing Villain’s phone off the bed.
“Aww, Vil. It’s Hero. Probably calling you to tell you that they’re leaving you.”
“Shut up,” Villain hissed, rubbing their hip that took the brunt of the impact.
Superhero turned Villain’s phone to Villain so they could see the picture of Hero laughing, ice-cream in hand, a dollop of mint chocolate chip on the tip of their nose.
“Cute,” Superhero said with a scoff, then put his finger in his mouth and mimed vomiting. Superhero waited for Hero to hang up before scrolling through Villain’s phone. Superhero raised their brows, glancing at Villain over the phone. “You seriously don’t have a passcode or something?”
“Don’t need it.”
Superhero scoffed, turning his attention back to the phone. Villain moved to get to their feet when Superhero’s stare snapped to them. “Don’t move or I’ll kill Hero.”
That froze Villain in their movements, their heart hitching at Superhero’s easy threat. Superhero didn’t seem too bothered by it and soon his face split into a wide smile.
“Aww, look Vil. Hero text: Superhero,” Superhero paused, grinning down at Villain pointing to himself. “That’s me.” Then went back to reading. “Superhero said that he was short staffed, and sent me to West-point so I will be home later than usual. Sorry for leaving you again, there’s soup in the freezer if you feel up to it. I love you. xx.”
Villain tightened their hands into fists by their sides, clenching their jaw against every word that Superhero read. Hero was going to be home later than normal? West-point, that was at least an hour by metro from here and who knows when they’d get home… especially because—
Villain raised their gaze to Superhero who was grinning above them. “You weren’t short-staffed, were you?”
“Of course not,” Superhero said with a smirk. “I just had to get Hero away from you for a while. Hell, even Other Hero and Sidekick should’ve gone to central hospital but I asked for them to be transferred to West-point so we could have some long overdue family time.”
Superhero tapped on Villain’s phone a little longer and grinned after locking the screen, pocketing the phone in his back-pocket. “Just in case you get any ideas.”
Villain glared at him from the ground, a sudden overwhelming helplessness returning to him that he hadn’t felt since he was a kid. Since he moved out of his family home. Now it came back with a viciousness that threatened to drown him and left him clawing against it just to keep his head above the water and his breathing even.
“Now,” Superhero said, inspecting Villain with his piercing gaze. “What to do with you.”
“Just leave,” Villain tried. “Please. I don’t— I’m not apart of your life anymore. You don’t— you don’t have to do this.”
“Vil, Vil, Vil,” Superhero sighed walking towards Villain. “Family doesn’t quit on each other. They never give up on you. I know I don’t have to try and fix you, the truth is I never did. I just wanted what was best for you.”
“Yeah right! You just wanted what was best for you! Can’t have your little brother embarrass you in public!”
Superhero, to Villain’s surprise, softened at that. Villain didn’t trust it for a second.
“You’re right,” Superhero said with a breath. “I was so worried about what kind of shame or embarrassment you would bring on me. I didn’t want people associating failure with us.”
Superhero crouched in front of Villain, tilting his head to the side. A strange smile on his lips, that Villain couldn’t quite discern. It looked whimsical and yet sad, wait— was that a genuine smile? No. It couldn’t be.
“It’s because I saw our potential, Villain,” Superhero said with a scoff. “Y’know, it’s stupid, but when I worked so hard to be Superhero, to become the best and bring prestige to our family name… well, I pushed you hard too because I always imagined that it would be something that we’d do together. Something we’d achieve together. The best brother Superhero duo in history.”
Villain’s heart cracked a little, a swarm of guilt spilling out like a leak in a dam, constricting his chest. Villain longed to reach out, to close the distance between them to apologise for not being able to live up to Superhero’s expectations.
To tell him that Villain tried. He really fucking tried, but Superhero was always stronger, faster, better than he was and he couldn’t be the same.
He didn’t though. He tightened his hands into fists and stared at Superhero who looked six feet deep in fond memories and regrets.
“I’m sorry, Vil.”
It felt as if time stopped. As if the Earth stopped turning, and the world stood frozen. The moment right before a car crash, or something inevitable happening; the cusp that hides between moments like a trapdoor spider, waiting until you lowered your guard before attacking and killing you.
Villain’s voice was a whisper: “what?”
Superhero swallowed, forcing himself to meet Villain’s gaze. “I’m sorry, Villain.”
There was no joke or humour in Superhero’s face as he said that, again. Apologised? Again! But— but— Villain’s brain was fried from their flu because this must be another trick? Another hallucination. Superhero being sorry for something? Feeling remorse?
“I’m sorry about what happened on the outside, how people perceived us, what you said and did outside the house that I didn’t even think about how it all must’ve effected you. I’m sorry that I wasted all that time trying to correct your behaviour outside the house when really,” Superhero’s hand shot out like a viper to grab Villain by the throat, slamming him back against the wall. “Really I should’ve focused more on your manners and knowing your fucking place.”
Superhero stood, bringing Villain with him and threw him across the room. Villain tried to catch themselves before their face hit the wall by throwing their hands out, but they landed awkwardly on their wrist and the pain ricocheted down their arm. Villain hissed, retracting their arm but they didn’t have time to react before a hand was in their hair and bashing their skull against the wall.
Once. Twice. Three times.
Villain went dumb from the impact, their brain struggling to comprehend what was happening, but the pain. They felt the pain spread like wildfire through their skull.
The hand in their hair tightened and Villain cried out as they were dragged across the bedroom, back towards the kitchen. They tried to gain purchase on the ground with their knees, but Superhero was moving too fast for them to keep up.
Superhero paused two feet from the doorway. Villain didn’t know why, they just slumped to the ground like a dog in shade during a heatwave. They just needed to catch their breath. Or pass out. Either was a good option.
Superhero didn’t seem to think so. He lifted his hand suddenly, dragging Villain’s head up to look Villain in the eye. Villain hissed, hands clawing at the strong grip on his hair. Superhero grabbed Villain by the throat, slamming his head back into the wall.
Villain groaned at the impact, moving his hands to try and dislodge Superhero’s hand from his throat. “God. You really are pathetic, aren’t you? Did I not teach you anything?”
Superhero stepped back, dropping all contact from Villain who struggled not to slump down the wall to the floor.
Superhero took two steps back, running a hand down his face, pinning Villain to the wall with a harsh glare. Villain’s entire body was trembling at them, struggling to keep themselves up in case they needed to bolt. But Superhero’s eyes caught every tremor, every flinch or wince.
“You’re still fucking ruining everything. It’s all you ever do, isn’t it?”
“Fuck off.”
“You really don’t know, do you? You make people weak, Villain.” Villain froze at the emotion colouring Superhero’s voice. “You make people weak, because they feel like they need to look after you, or take care of you. For fuck’s sake, you can barely stand by your-fucking-self! You needed Hero to take days off of work to mind you while you were sick, like some fucking child! Do you know how embarrassing that is!”
“My life doesn’t concern you anymore,” Villain spat, tears pinpricking their eyes.
Superhero scoffed. “Doesn’t concern me?”
Superhero studied Villain’s face, the wince after Superhero spoke. Then recognition flashed on his face, putting two and two together.
“You didn’t tell Hero that we’re related,” Superhero said, tilting his head to the side, a smile gracing his lips at Villain’s silence. “Oh that is… that is hilarious. The person you love the most? You’re keeping secrets from them?”
“We are not related,” Villain said, their voice coming out stronger than they felt in that moment. “You are nothing to me. I left you and Mom, and Dad. I left. I made a life for myself, a life where I’m loved by somebody. Why can’t you be happy for me?”
“What, you think Hero actually loves you?”
Villain flinched at the words. “Oh you do, don’t you?” Superhero cooed, walking towards Villain again and grabbing their face in his hands. “Oh. You poor fucking idiot. You have no idea how much Hero hates you, do you?”
Villain’s eyes glistened with tears. Superhero slammed Villain’s head back into the wall.
“Do you?”
“Just leave… leave me alone,” Villain begged, tears finally spilling over his eyes. “Please.”
Villain’s hand reached up and curled his fingers around Superhero’s wrist, weakly tugging at it.
“I can make them love you again,” Superhero whispered. “I know how. I can make you worth something in their eyes, isn’t that what you want?”
Villain sniffled, nodding. Superhero cooed, brushing the sweaty hair back from Villain’s face. “I know. I know you’re scared, but big bro’s here now, hmmm? Come on.”
Superhero pulled Villain away from the wall gently, taking Villain’s wrist in his hand. “Come on.”
“Where are we—” Villain asked, their voice hitching, wiping away their tears with the sleeve of their shirt. “Where’re we going?”
Villain’s mind only registered they were walking towards the bathroom when Superhero opened the door. Then they started pulling against Superhero’s hold.
“No! No, no, no, no, no!” Villain cried, going limp and yanking backwards. Superhero dropped Villain, cursing at them for the sudden weight. Villain took the opportunity to roll onto their stomach, pushing themselves to their hands and knees and rushing forwards. They threw themselves to their feet, stumbling slightly, almost rolling on their ankles but they were standing. They bolted for the door to the bedroom, slamming their shoulder into the doorframe as they propelled themselves out and towards the front door.
A hand caught the back of their shirt and Villain cried out. They were yanked backwards, their head slamming off the doorframe to the bedroom. Villain fell like a sack of bricks and Superhero let them.
Villain blinked up bleary-eyed at the ceiling, the world swimming in a whirlwind of colour. Two Superhero’s appeared above Villain, shaking their heads, as if they were disappointed parents looking down on an unruly child.
“Look at what you did,” Superhero said, the words coming in and out of focus like pulses. He leaned down, crouched above Villain. Then a hand passed over his face and Villain’s head whipped to the side. They whimpered. “Ah. There you are,” Superhero said, only one of him now. ���Still with me, Vil.”
Another slap and Villain whimpered, weakly pushing their hand against Superhero’s. Superhero easily batted it away, opting to instead pinch Villain’s cheeks between their thumb and forefinger and dig their fingers in until Villain’s mouth formed an O and they cried out.
“Listen runt, I didn’t want to hurt you! Don’t you see? I’m trying to help you. You’ve clearly let yourself go since the last time I saw you, and nobody, not even Saint Hero will love you if you’re fat and disgusting. You want to be worth Hero’s love, don’t you?”
Tears welled behind Villain’s eyes and they tried to turn their head away, not wanting to face Superhero and the truth in his words. Superhero didn’t even let Villain flinch in any direction before his grip tightened.
“Don’t you want to be someone worthy of love?” Superhero asked, his voice imperceptibly soft. Villain let out a pathetic yes, their voice muffled by Superhero’s hold on their face. Superhero’s features smoothed out and he nodded sympathetically. “I know. Come on, let’s get you up. I’m just trying to help you be worthy of Hero.”
Superhero helped Villain to sit up, openly crying now. Superhero nodded his head compassionately. “I know. I know. Shh. It’s okay. Big bro’s here now. He’s going to make everything better. Ssh. Don’t worry. Come on, runt.”
Superhero helped the wailing Villain to their feet, guiding them towards the bathroom again. Villain, resigned, followed along because they didn’t want to get hit again. They didn’t want to try and fight back and get beaten again. They didn’t want to be ugly for Hero, they wanted to be worthy of them. Hero was brilliant, perfect, why would they settle for anything less than that? God, Superhero was right.
Superhero gently pushes Villain to their knees, and tells them to: “open up.”
Villain felt the familiar fear creep back up their spine, making their hair stand on end. They shook their head, making to stand up but Superhero kept a hand on Villain’s shoulder, keeping them in place.
“Come on. You said you wanted to be worthy of Hero, right?”
Villain deflated. A part of them wanted to be perfect, to listen to Superhero and just give in, save themselves the pain. The other part was screaming at them, telling them they were worth more than this. That they hated this, and that Hero loved them no matter what. Strangely the voice telling them to fight sounded an awful lot like Hero’s.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to do anything. I’ll do it all, remember?” Superhero coaxed, his fingers tracing Villain’s jaw and resting at their bottom lip. “Come on, Villain.”
Villain didn’t protest, but they didn’t fight Superhero either, so when his fingers pushed past Villain’s lips, Villain didn’t move. Only when they went far, hitting Villain’s gag reflex did Villain start fighting him.
They shot up from their knees on instinct, but Superhero’s hold kept them down, his other hand going to the back or Villain’s hair and pulling it, yanking their head back so he could shove his fingers down further.
Villain whined, shaking their head. They didn’t want this, they didn’t want this! Villain felt bile climbing his throat and he jerked forward, but Superhero didn’t move his fingers and they hit the back of Villain’s tongue. Villain felt the warmth climbing his throat, gripping the toilet seat and ready to vomit.
Superhero pulled his fingers out at the last second, and Villain heaved. It was only bile that came out, green-hued see through slime, because Villain hadn’t eaten in days.
Superhero clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Hmm. That won’t do. We’ll go again.”
Before Villain could protest, Superhero’s fingers were in his mouth again, unmerciful as they shot to the back of Villain’s throat. Villain grabbed Superhero’s wrist, pulling his fingers out. “Don’t fight me, Vil. We agreed.”
Superhero’s fingers hit Villain’s throat again, and they felt the muscles in their neck contracting as another wave of nausea hit them. Panicking and wanting Superhero to just let them go, Villain clamped their jaw around Superhero’s hand.
Superhero yelped, then roared and yanked their hand out of Villain’s jaw. “I’m—” Villain gasped, but Superhero cut them off with a punch to the face. Villain’s head veered down, hitting off the edge of the ceramic toilet bowl with a dull thump.
A hand in their hair and their head was wrenched back. Superhero’s fist flashed in the corner of their eye, and struck the same place in their jaw, keeping them straight.
“I thought we agreed that I—” punch. “Know” punch. “Better.” A sharp slap deafened Villain as Superhero released them again, their head snapping to the side. “I don’t want to hurt you, but you force me to, Vil. I hate to see you like this, but as your older brother I’ll do what I have to do, to make you a better person.”
A sharp kick to the stomach, once, twice, three times and Villain lurched forward, crying out and swallowing hard to keep the rush of liquid crawling like a tidal wave up their throat. Superhero grabbed Villain by the throat. Leaning his face in closer to them.
“Come on, Vil,” Superhero said sweetly. “You want to look your best for Hero, don't you? You want to deserve them, right?”
“Pl—please,” Villain stammered, choking on Superhero’s tight grip. “Just lemme— go.”
“Stop fighting me, runt, I'm just trying to look out for you.”
Superhero pinched Villain’s jaw between his thumb and index finger, his nails digging into their cheeks, drawing blood, and forcing their mouth open. His fingers found the back of Villain’s throat, pressing down on Villain’s gag reflex.
Villain felt the muscles in his throat tighten, the bile burning acidic up their throat and they lunged forward, Superhero withdrew his hand from Villain’s mouth, but kept pinching their cheeks so Villain couldn’t swallow. Only when he was satisfied that Villain was about to hurl did he let go, grinning down as Villain spewed into the toilet.
A lot more than last time, their stomach ached as they vomited. A momentary pause and then another bout reared its head and tears streamed down their face, sobbing as they let the feeling run its course out of them.
Superhero patted Villain’s hair like a dog. “Good, see. You did so good.”
“What are you doing?”
Villain froze at the voice. Superhero’s hand stopped rubbing Villain’s hair, but he didn’t remove it from Villain’s head. Hero rushed in, going to Villain’s side and get grabbing their face in their hands, thumbing away the tears.
“Villain, shhh. Shhh, it’s okay.” Hero cooed. Villain sobbed against Hero’s hands, the gentle touches. They weren’t worthy of this kindness. They didn’t deserve Hero’s caring love. This was pity. They pitied Villain, that’s why they looked so caring in that moment. Not out of love. Why was Villain so weak to melt at the kindness, they should be worthy of them! Hero shouldn’t have to see Villain like this. “I’m here now. It’s okay.”
Hero glanced back at Superhero, eyes narrowed into a glare. “What are you doing here?!”
“I knew you would be away for a while today, Hero. And I knew you would be worried sick about your ill partner so I thought I would come and look after them for you.”
Hero’s eyes found Villain’s, searching, scanning for any sign that Superhero was lying. Villain was skittish and heaving, not meeting Hero’s eyes. There was something wrong, was it just vomiting? Being sick? No, this was different. Villain was incoherent and violent last time, now they were just… subdued and lifeless and terrified.
“You stepped over the line, Superhero,” Hero said firmly, eyes burning down at their lover. “Please wait in the living room while I help them to bed.”
Superhero’s eyes met Villain’s over Hero’s shoulder, a sadistic smile on his lips. He brought a finger to his lips and pointed down at Hero. Then drew a line across his throat and mimicked Hero being killed.
“Of course, Hero,” Superhero said easily, while Villain’s trembles intensified. Hero waited until Superhero had walked out the door before looking back at Villain.
“Vil, oh my god, I’m so sorry. Are you okay? I’m so sorry, I should have never left you.”
They’re just saying that because you’re weak, Villain thought.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t ask Superhero to come. I didn’t know they would do something as crazy as this!”
They’re tired of you. They don’t love you, if they did they would have never left. You’re exhausting, you wear people out.
“Come on, Vil. Talk to me.” Hero said, leaning forward and pressing their forehead against Villain’s. Villain could feel Hero’s warm breath fanning against their face. They weren’t even worthy of this. “Shhh. Vil, it’s okay. I’m here now and I’m not leaving.”
When Hero wrapped their arms around Villain, Villain couldn’t hold it together anymore and they broke down into sobs that wracked their entire body. Their fingers turned to claws in Hero’s shirt, bunching it and holding on and not wanting to let go.
They were weak, they were so weak that they made the people they loved weak for them. It bled through from Villain into them, and now they were breaking Hero’s heart. They didn’t deserve Hero’s heart. They didn’t deserve any of this comfort and warmth and love.
Hero held them tightly and kissed their hair and cheek and anything their lips could reach, whispering reassurances and telling them that they loved them.
When Villain’s sobs had calmed down to mere whimpers and sniffles, Hero moved them, putting one hand under their legs and the other under their shoulders and lifted them like they were a baby. Villain curled into Hero’s embrace, a deep red blush filling their face with warmth.
Hero shouldn’t have to do this, to be the strong one. Villain was the strong one! God what happened to them?! Why couldn’t they just be perfect for Hero?
Hero put them into bed, lying beside them under the covers. They tilted Villain’s head down to lie on top of Hero’s chest, hearing their heartbeat. They were a tangle of limbs.
“What about,” Villain sniffed, “Superhero?”
Hero’s eyes darkened. “Let him wait. You’re my priority, Villain. You always will be. Never forget that.”
Villain sniffed, fresh tears streaming down their cheeks. “I love you Hero.” They said even though it broke their heart to say that. Weak! So weak!
“I love you more than you’ll ever know,” Hero whispered into Villain’s hair, kissing the top of their head.
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whumppromptoftheday · 1 month
"there's nothing you can say to make me come back to you," hero snaps at superhero.
"please, I did what i had to to keep the city safe."
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seasonscourt · 6 months
Like a whirlwind of rage, Hero threw the door open, stomping forward to slam their hands down on the desk in Superhero’s office.
“Why do you have to tear Villain down like that, Superhero?”
Superhero looked up calmly from the papers they’d been reading and looked Hero in the eye
“Simple. They don’t have the temperament for this job—”
“—they’re not like you, Hero, not like us.” Superhero continued calmly, breezing over Hero’s interruption.
Hero just stared incredulously at Superhero for a moment before launching heatedly into a defense of their friend. “They’re the best trainee in the academy, more than that they’re the best person I know! Villain deserves more than anyone to graduate from the academy and go pro as a hero”
“Exactly. They’re too good, they won’t be able to to make the real decisions, seize the right opportunities. They’re simply not selfish enough. Not when it comes down to it, not like you” Superhero jerked the pen in their hand at Hero as they finished. Hero reached out in retaliation snapping it out of their hands and into the desk.
“I’m not like that.”
Superhero raised a doubtful eyebrow at Hero.
“You sure about that? Why don’t we test that little Hero?”
Hero took a step back.
“What do you mean?”
Superhero stood up and gestured at the door.
“I mean you’re formally dismissed, send Villain in”
Villain re-entered the training room dead quiet, eyes gazing into nothing. Hero took a step towards them concerned and slightly apprehensive.
“Villain, what happened?”
Villain slowly turned to look at them, and the moment Hero caught their gaze they burst into tears.
Hero ran forward, gathering Villain in their arms as their legs buckled slowly pulling the both of them down to sit on the floor
Hero’s voice was soft as they asked Villain again what happened, but Villain could only shake their head mutely before crawling into Hero’s lap and clutch desperately at them as they sobbed into their shoulder.
Hero hugged them back letting them stay together like that for a what seemed like hours
“Hero?” Villains finally voiced with their head still buried in Hero’s neck.
A whimper, “Hero, please.”
“Shhh, just calm down. You’re okay, just breath , it’s okay” Hero rubbed soothing circles on the sobbing Villains back as Villain sobbed into their shoulder.
Hero glanced up at the smirking Superhero watching them both through the door, and felt a flash of irritation run through them.
They clutched their arms a little harder around Villain’s waist. Villain was smart. Villain was talented. Villain was a little bit closed-off but still so impossibly, impossibly kind - Villain didn’t need them when they were so utterly wonderful by themself. But here, Villain crying and vulnerable and in their lap and clinging to them, didn’t feel like it could be anything else but complete perfection. Damn it. Superhero had been right, they weren’t a good enough person to give this feeling up. Not when this felt like everything Hero had ever wanted.
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 9 months
In march, you wrote a snippet of a love potion thingy with villain and hero. What happens to them next
(Oops I'm very late to respond to this. I didn't forget! I'm just slow and in college)
This is a sequel to THIS. It is recommended you read for context, but it can be summed up as "Superhero drugs Villain with a love potion, then offers them Hero in exchange for Villain not causing trouble."
Content warning: mutual noncon, non consensual touching (nonsexual), noncon drugging, maybe vaguely spicy but not at all NSFW.
Hero had never felt more helpless in their life.
The cuffs on their limbs were unyielding, keeping them locked into the metal chair beneath them. They were trapped in Villain’s hideout, no chances of reaching the outside world, no hope of reasoning with their captor. If anyone noticed their absence, they’d surely be too late to save them.
Villain remained perched on Hero’s lap, legs possessively straddling their waist. Their face was flush, eyes glassy and skin unnaturally warm. Their dazed, blissful grin was uncanny on their face. They looked sick.
The love potion was still clutched in their fingers. Hero knew that once they were forced to drink it, they’d end up with the same blissful, clueless smile painted on Villain’s face.
“Baby, don’t be stubborn,” Villain’s words were clear despite the haze in their eyes. They gave Hero a pleading look. “Just open your mouth for me. I don’t want to force you…”
“P-please, you don’t want this. Superhero drugged you; you’re not in your right mind,” they knew it was pointless, that Villain was far beyond reasoning. But they couldn’t stop themselves from trying.
Their pleas fell on deaf ears. Villain only chuckled, dragging a thumb over Hero’s lips. “Of course I want this. I want you, I always have. Superhero just helped me realize that.”
Villains’s touch felt like sandpaper against their skin. It wasn’t that they disliked Villain, nor that the criminal was unattractive. They were charming at times, quick witted and cunning. They were gorgeous. But Hero didn’t want this. Not when Villain didn’t have a choice, not when it was part of some sick scheme to remove Villain by stripping them of free will. It was sick, and Hero felt dirty for their unwilling part in it.
Their eyes stung. “I don’t want this.”
For a moment, Villain’s grin faltered. That didn’t stop them from popping the vial in their hand open. “I know. I didn’t want it either, until I learned better,” without hesitation, Villain brought the potion to their own mouth, swallowing a mouthful. Hero knew what was coming the moment Villain leaned forward, but they felt paralyzed when Villain’s lips touched their own. For a brief moment, they could only think of how soft Villain’s lips were.
They could taste the potion on Villain’s tongue. It was sickly sweet, like a cake that’d begun to sour. It was viscous, slimey. They tried to pull away on instinct, but Villain’s possessive grip on the back of their head didn’t allow for it. Hero shivered as they felt Villain's tongue brush against their own.
Distantly, Hero hoped that the tainted kiss wouldn’t be enough to affect them. A sudden wave of unnatural dizziness quickly proved them wrong. They squeezed their eyes shut against the disorientation, breathing deeply to steady themselves. They tried to ignore how their senses suddenly latched onto the smell of Villain’s hair.
Villain eventually released them. “There. Now was that so bad?” Villain cooed, breath brushing against Hero’s cheek. They shifted their position, moving themselves to rest their head against Hero’s shoulder. Hero had no room to pull away.
“Villain, please,” It felt like the potion was coating every surface of their mouth, making their teeth ache. They needed to get out. “You got what you wanted, so just let me–,” They paused as a sudden pain pulsed through their body, causing them to grimace. Felt like their every muscle had gone suddenly, painfully taught. Like every heartbeat was fueling a rising pain. Like every inch of skin was being rubbed raw.
They inhaled sharply, taken aback. They’d never heard about love potions hurting.
Villain seemed to read their mind. “It’s a little precaution from your…friend,” something hard entered Villain’s voice, something nearly recognizable as their normal self. “You can’t will it away, Hero. It’s agonizing, I can promise you that. And it’ll only get worse if you insist on being stubborn. So please,” and just like that, the sharpness of their tone dissolved back into a lovesick whine. “Just open your eyes. I can’t stand seeing you suffer.”
Hero didn’t respond, too focused on taking slow, deep breaths in hopes of abating the pain. It hurt, it hurt everywhere, building with each moment. They clenched tightly at the chair beneath them, flinching with each growing pulse of pain.
Their only comfort was the warm weight on their lap. Villain’s touch chased away the growing pain, a reprieve Hero found themselves increasingly desperate for. But every cell in Hero’s body knew that it wouldn’t be enough. It was like dipping a foot into cool water while the rest of their body burned.
They didn’t need Villain to tell them how to stop it. Relief was a blink away. Hero squeezed their eyes shut.
They could feel Villain’s eyes on them. “What point is there in this stubbornness? Darling, you’re only hurting yourself.”
“I have to!” Hero spat through gritted teeth. Their breath hitched, and Hero didn’t know if it was sweat or tears running down their face. “This is wrong, Superhero’s wrong,” They leaned into Villain’s touch, desperate for relief. It wasn’t nearly enough. “And I-, I need to help you. You have to let me go.”
Villain only laughed, and Hero’s heart soared at the melodic noise. “You truly are something. So earnest, all for someone like me…” Villain leaned forward once more, and Hero’s breath caught in their throat. Villain’s voice was little more than a whisper. “I’ll compromise then, yes? Kiss me, and I’ll let you go.”
They could feel Villain’s face near theirs, mere inches away. But Villain didn’t move closer. Hero shivered.
It was a bad idea, a horrible idea. Hero knew that. They were disgusted with how tempted they were to lean in regardless. Their heart pounded at the thought, quieting the morals screaming for them to stop.
They needed to get out. They could escape Villain, wait for the potion to leave their system, and try again. If saving Villain meant a single kiss, then that was alright, wasn’t it?
They desperately wanted it to be alright. The pain rose another octave, and Hero was leaning forward before they could reconsider.
Relief flowed through their body at the contact, quieting their mind. Villain gave a low, satisfied hum, and Hero swallowed the noise greedily. They felt a blush rising to their cheeks, their heart fluttering with joy. They tugged at their restraints, wishing they could wrap their arms around Villain and pull them in.
They felt like they were losing themselves, and it was becoming harder to understand why that was a bad thing. But it was fine. As long as they didn’t let things go too far. As long as they didn’t open their–
Villain pulled away suddenly, and it felt like the floor had fallen from underneath Hero. The loss of their touch hurt more than anything they’d ever felt.
“No!” Their body lurched forward on instinct, chasing after the contact. They didn’t realize they’d been freed until they’d unwittingly launched themselves from their chair. With a startled gasp, Hero tumbled forward, sending themselves and Villain to the ground. Villain yelped in pain underneath them.
Hero didn’t realize they’d opened their eyes until they’d already started diligently searching Villain’s body for injuries. They only found a beautiful, triumphant grin, and found that they couldn’t tear their eyes away. Pain drained away, replaced so swiftly with a pleasant, warm buzz that Hero could scarcely remember it. Their reservations were smothered by all consuming, contented joy.
“You’re too easy, darling,” Villain purred, a mischievous twinkle in their eye. Their hair laid like a halo around their head, framing their flushed face in an utterly hypnotic way. Hero couldn’t remember why they’d ever want to look away.
Hero couldn’t find the words to respond. They could only smile.
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sunnynwanda · 5 months
Hi, sorry to bother!
I’ve had this idea lately but I wondered if you would like to write it, feel free to ignore it if it doesn’t convince you btw
Pet hero whumpee but not the docile type of pet, more like superhero/supervillain has conditioned/deshumanized them to be like some sort of rabid, aggresive pet that attacks anyone who isn’t their “owner”
Maybe they’ve been missing for some time already and when villain (or any other character you want to) finds them, they worry about the fact that hero is attacking them and doesn’t seem to recognize them at all
I hope you’re having a nice day✨✨✨
Warning: dehumanisation, conditioning, pet whump and everything that comes with it, mentions of physical and psychological abuse, graphic injuries, suffocation, blood, gore, murder. I have no idea how I wrote this. Please do not interact if any of those might be triggering for you.
The door opens with a taunting creak, the sound reverberates off the empty walls. Villain takes a tentative step in, glancing around for any traps. The apartment looks perfect in its apparent abandonment - not a thing out of place, no sign of a fight or kidnapping. Hero had been gone for a little over three months. Just like that, no traces left behind, no warnings - nothing. It's like they vanished into thin air. Evaporated. Villain didn't know why or where they went. They had no idea who to contact or what to do about Hero's sudden disappearance. The only thing Villain did know was they missed their nemesis. 
Oh, they missed Hero like crazy. 
They still recalled the brawl they had the day before. Villain was attempting to cause a riot in the city stadium for the fun of it; Hero had been their ordinary cheeky self as well. Nothing new to the usual scheme of things. They took turns delivering the blows and tumbled around a bit; Villain ended up restrained against a wall and accepted temporary defeat despite being capable of obliterating the entire stadium - Hero included - with a flick of their wrist. Both were accustomed to the game plan and felt no need to deviate. The next day, Villain seized a bank and demanded Hero's presence - per standard procedure.
Except, Hero never came. 
They robbed the bank despite not needing the money and departed in a sour mood because nothing was supposed to be of more importance than their battles. Villain expected Hero to return the next day and intended to make them apologise relentlessly for such disrespect.
Needless to say, that wish never came true. 
After a week of waiting in vain, Villain started suspecting something was off. They spent the following weeks in search of any clues to decipher Hero's mysterious disappearance, any clues that could lead them to Hero's whereabouts - to no avail. 
That is, until today. Villain pulls the letter out of the envelope and unfolds it. An invitation to Superhero's estate. Villain hums, scrunching their nose. That's the last place they want to go to, but at this point, they'll resort to anything to find Hero.
Little did they know that finding Hero would be the least of their concerns.  
Villain exits the apartment, making their way outside the city right away. A deep-set sense of anxiety pushes them forward, a feeling of urgency and despair. They can't comprehend what it is yet, the idea building in their subconscious mind, but they can tell it's bad. They can tell it's entirely vile.
Villain doesn't bother announcing their arrival, instead sneaking over the high fences and past the numerous guards. They walk into the manor, darting past the hounds that roam the first floor, and climb to the second floor, where Superhero's study is. Their hands shake with dreadful anticipation. 
Villain pushes the door open, and in the same instant, something lunges at them. Their first guess is that it's another dog, but the assumption soon proves untrue. The creature withdraws at the sound of a whistle, skipping back to the leg of its master.  
"Good boy," Superhero smiles, brushing Hero's hair the wrong way. Villain watches in shock as Hero turns their head to the side, leaning into the touch and licking Superhero's palm like a dog. 
"What the-" Villain breathes out, too stunned to form a coherent thought. They stare with widening eyes at whatever is left of their Hero as they rub their head against their owner's leg, looking for praise. But when their gaze lands on Villain, Hero's expression shifts to pure rage. They snarl, aggressive and aggravated. Villain's voice is barely audible behind their growls. "What have you done?" 
"Me? Nothing much," Superhero grins, hooking their fingers into Hero's collar and pulling at it harshly until Hero starts to choke. "I've taught them what they really are. What they deserve to be."  
"But why?" Villain glances at them, seeing insanity in Superhero's eyes. They look back at Hero's dehumanised form on all fours. Their back is arched in what Villain assumes is a defensive stance. Their mind is reeling, running a hundred miles an hour. They cannot grasp the situation in full yet, refusing to believe that the creature in front of them is indeed Hero. Their Hero. "W-why?" 
"Why, you ask?" Superhero drawls, fisting Hero's hair and tugging with brute force. Hero falls onto their back, letting out a whimpering whine. Villain turns away, unable to take the sight of them in such a state. "You think I haven't noticed the little play you two have devised? Your little game of back and forth?"
"What are you..." Villain starts, getting up from the floor. Hero jumps up, preparing to attack. Superhero zaps them with a shocker, sending their body back down with another loud whimper. "Stop! Please... For the love of God, stop!" Villain yells, their lips and hands trembling in desperation. 
"Hero failed. Their purpose was to defeat you. They could have done it months ago," Superhero explains, using their foot to prompt Hero's chin up. "They chose not to. They betrayed their pack, so they needed to learn how to be a good dog." 
Villain shudders at the impassive tone of their voice. "You've conditioned them into submission. You've turned them into an animal, you monster!" They spit out, their eyes flaring up with newfound rage. Their fingers curl into fists as they look around the room, trying to find a solution. An escape.  
"No, I've made him my pet. I'm a patient master," Superhero caresses Hero's cheek and rubs their ear, their touch looking almost soothing until their fingers squeeze, digging into the skin on Hero's chin. "Now, attack."
Hero switches into a fight mode with a snarl, their teeth glimmering white in the dim-lit room. Villain dodges the attack by jumping to the side and reaching out to take hold of Hero's head, prompting them to meet their gaze. 
"Hero, it's me!" Hero's pupils are dilated and empty. They seem incomprehensive. "Please, Hero, it's me, me..." Villain pleads, tears brimming their eyes. For a short moment, something seems to flicker behind Hero's gaze. But, Superhero blows their whistle, and Hero loses all sense of self again, attacking Villain with renewed vigour.  
"No, no, no," Villain tries their best to hold Hero back without hurting them. Their voice is thick with emotion when they speak again, struggling to contain Hero.
"Look at me! Please, just look at me..." Their expression is nothing short of begging, but Hero remains unaffected. With no other choice left, Villain grasps Hero's collar, hooking their belt through it and securing it. 
Hero is rabid against their leash, thrashing on the ground as Villain stands, facing Superhero. 
"No matter how far you take them, they'll always be my pet," Superhero hisses, crossing their arms over their chest with an unmistakable sense of victory. They are so confident in their conviction that they don't bother to arm themself.
"You still don't get it, do you?" Villain lets out a dark chuckle, but there's no humour behind it. "It's not them that betrayed the pack by refusing to defeat me. They could never defeat me in the first place. It was me. I'm the variable you didn't take into account," Villain growls through gritted teeth, taking a step towards Superhero and wrapping a hand around their forearm. "And I will burn you to ashes." 
Before Superhero can register it, their skin starts melting off their body, the tangy smell of burnt flesh filling the room. In mere seconds, Superhero's body hits the floor, their moaning sounding like music to Villain's ears as fire washes over them. Hero howls, tagging at their impromptu leash, but Villain remains unyielding. They kneel next to them, ripping the whistle off Superhero's neck, then wrap the belt around their knuckles, forcing Hero to their feet. Villain cups their cheeks, their fingers tender on Hero's clammy skin, and looks into their eyes in hopes of finding recognition - all they see instead is fear.
Primal, animalistic fear.
They gulp down the lump in their throat and blow the whistle, watching Hero's eyes light up in recognition of their new master. 
Villain knows it's going to be one hell of a journey to get their Hero back. They know it will take weeks, if not months, of constant grind to heal what was so thoroughly broken and even then, Hero might never return to their former cheerful self. But they also know there is no one more worth fighting for. 
Villain misses Hero like crazy. And they will have them back. 
A/N: Hello, darling! Oh, it's not a bother in the slightest! I'm glad to have you here. I have to admit, for the longest time, I had no idea if I would be able to finish this story. It felt very raw, very painful and hit a little too deep. But at the same time, I felt the need to explore the theme, both as a writer and as a psychologist. So, thank you for this request. I hope it turned out how you imagined it. Love, xo Sunny
Taglist: @marvellousdaisy @alltimelowing@lateuplight @surplus-of-sarcasm@betwist@excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @enemies-to-idiots-to-lovers@miaowmelodie @thatonerandomauthor @hhabaddon@burningoutlikeicarus @daemonvatis @weepingcowboywolfbat @thelazywitchphotographer @kaiwewi @soul-of-a-local-bard @pigeonwhumps @aflyingsheepnamedrose @thatneptune @ohwellthatslifesstuff @worldsfromhoney@thiefofthecrowns @crow-with-a-typewriter @qualityrabbitsoup @stargeode@villain-life @villainsblood @whumpifi @glassthedumbass @silviathebard @misskowe @ayeshaturnedtoashes4444
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whumpsoda · 1 year
I really love this :D
Fixed Part 2 Fixed Part 3 
cw: kinda pet whumpish
He looked like Villain, but at the same time, he didn’t. 
The man on the floor looked wrong. 
Villain’s once slick, shiny hair was now greasy and matted, his fraim unhealthily skinny, and his eyes surrounded by dark rings. 
Not only Villain’s appearance, but the whole situation, was alarming for hero.
 He was in Superhero's home for the first time ever, even while being Superhero’s successor. Hero had been invited for a “special occasion”, which it definitely was, and nothing could have prepared him for it. 
Villain, the cunning, criminal genius, was on his knees, above the icy floor of Superhero’s apartment, staring upwards at Hero in awe.
“Hero, sir!” A wide, genuine smile spread across Villain’s face, squishing his sunken cheeks. 
Hero was frozen still, the sight in front of him seeping into every inch of his brain. He almost didn’t notice Villain’s next move. Hero jerked his entire body backwards, almost ramming into the wall. 
Villain should’ve been fighting, screaming, throwing insults, just like he had when he had been arrested months prior. When Hero arrested him. 
Instead, Villain had been bent down kissing his shoes. 
It couldn’t be Villain. Villain would have never done anything remotely similar, not ever, and he definitely wouldn’t have done it of his own free will. 
“N-no!” Hero exclaimed, an expression of shock and disdain on his face. In return, Villain's face fell.
“I’m sorry sir! Please, I-I didn’t mean to upset you!” Villain looked frantic, Hero had never seen him so unkempt before.
“Villain what’s- don’t call me- are you in danger? What’s going-”
“Sir,” Villain met his eyes, a smile returning to his distressed expression. “I’m finally better for you. I’m good. Superhero sir says so.” His hands clinged onto one another, as if begging to Hero. 
The slender man swiftly crawled closer to Hero, and clasped with weak hands onto Hero’s pant legs. 
“I’m a good boy, sir. I promise. I worked so hard.
For you.”
Before Hero could react, a rough hand clutched to his shoulder. 
“You like your gift? I worked pretty hard on it.” Superhero bent down, ruffling a large hand through Villain’s shaggy hair. Villain visibly leaned into the touch, his wide smile returning fully. 
“What… what happened, Superhero?” Hero managed, eager to shove the rising bile back down to his stomach.
“You’re pretty surprised, aren’t’cha? I guess I would be too if my nemesis was groveling at my feet.” A deep laugh echoed throughout the room. Superhero walked leisurely toward the kitchen area. “Let’s sit down first, I’ll have the pet make us some tea.”
“Superhero.” The footsteps ceased.
“Tell me what happened.”
A moment passed filled with silence. Hero’s gaze burning a hole through Superhero’s head.
“Damn kid, okay. Didn’t realize you’d be so excited to find out.” Hero’s fists tightened. “You remember when you captured him, yeah? Ah, he was so different then, so fiesty.” His fingers twisted through Villain’s hair.
“Well he didn’t go to prison like you thought he did. He was instead, the first patient in a program set to reprogram villains. To fix them.
And that’s exactly what I did to him.”
Villain nodded excitedly. “Yes sir, yes! I’m fixed now, I’m good!” Superhero’s mouth curled upwards. 
“And now that you’re fixed, pet, what are you?” A bead of sweat trickled down Hero’s face.
“Hero sir’s, I’m his.” 
“Like I said Hero,
A gift.”
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patchworkorphan · 4 months
Heroic betrayal: part seven
“You must let me show you where you’ll be staying, Hero,” said Supervillain, releasing the chains on Hero’s cuffs and stepping back away from them. Hero narrowed their eyes into a glare, keeping their hands close to their chest as they blinked at Supervillain.
“What do you mean, where I’ll be staying?” They snapped. Supervillain tilted his head as he regarded Hero, a small smile on his lips.
He shrugged. A gesture that should have conveyed a casual thing, but Hero saw right through it. “You can stay in the cellar if you like, though I’d say a bed would be far more comfortable.”
“I’d rather you let me go, or keep our contact to a minimum,” Hero told him. What the hell was he talking about, keeping Hero here? Forcing them to stay? They couldn’t… their brain wouldn’t let them comprehend exactly what this meant. The words just kept repeating in their mind drowning out all sense and reason:
Where you’ll be staying…
Supervillain had planned this, every detail, and Hero didn’t notice. They didn’t know, they didn’t see. Supervillain didn’t let a hint slip about this! Taking Hero captive and not letting them go, and it – though Hero would never admit it – it terrified them.
What if they weren’t as good as a detective as they thought they were? What if… Hero’s eyes studied Supervillain’s face. What if they had only seen what Supervillain wanted them to see?
Supervillain hummed thoughtfully, hands going behind his back. “I’ll show you the room anyways. Give you the tour while we’re at it. We’ll see if you have a change of heart.”
Hero’s nostrils flared as Supervillain turned his back and opened the door Hero initially came through. Supervillain’s knowing smirk remained on his face as he glanced back at Hero. “Come along now, I’m not a patient man.”
“I’d rather stay right here,” Hero told him, voice low. A pathetic attempt at stubbornness. Supervillain inclined his head.
“You can walk out the door, Hero, or be dragged out. Either way, you won’t be staying here. Would you like to keep your dignity intact?” He asked, his tone light and charismatic, his words anything but. Hero hated the way he spoke as if everything was certain. As if he could control everything and it would all work out his way.
Though what Hero hated more was the fact that they knew it was better to comply than to rile him up, so they stood and walked through the door Supervillain held open. They turned their head, looking down the long hallway to their right, where Flynn and Villain were. The door at the end of the hall must be where the kitchen is, but beyond that Hero didn’t know.
Maybe it would be better to know the layout of the house, Hero mused, they could plan their escape more effectively if Supervillain was stupid enough to offer a tour.  Supervillain, instead of turning towards the kitchen, went left, back the way Hero and Flynn came, back towards the cellar.
Hero followed Supervillain cautiously, one eye tracking his figure, the other careful to take note of the layout and the route back to the kitchen if they needed to flee on short notice.
Flee to who? To Flynn? A nasty voice mocked in their head.
At least I know what to expect with Flynn, Hero argued back.
Oh yeah… like how you knew he was a lying, backstabbing villain all this time right?
Hero bit the inside of their cheek instead of fighting with their smug, know-it-all side of their brain. At least when they tasted blood in their mouth, they could justify the pain. They could take their mind off of Flynn and the ache in their chest that they fought so hard to ignore.
Hero’s eyes zeroed in on the door to the basement as they stepped into another hallway. They were half expecting Supervillain to open it and shove them down the stairs before laughing like a cartoon villain and slamming the cellar door closed.
Instead, Supervillain walked past it, and Hero followed mutely, swallowing as they passed the cellar door. Now that it was so close, Hero really didn’t feel like going back there. Back to the cold and defenceless cot in a cell where any of them could come down and gloat.
Where Villain could come back and hurt them again and nobody would stop them.
Maybe a room would be better. At least Hero could barricade the door and break the window or something. They could have a better defensive position. Not be subject to their hosts moods when it takes them. Their nose throbbed at the thought of Villain coming down to their cell again and they shuddered.
Supervillain continued down the hall to another heavy door that looked solid and stiff. There was something strange about it, something Hero only noticed after Supervillain stopped in front of it and raised his hand to a keypad on the wall.
Hero stopped in their tracks. They didn’t want to swap one cell for another, and this one didn’t look as escapable as the cell in the basement. At least there Hero could see out all around them, except for the back wall, but a heavy metal door with an electronic lock would prove far more difficult.
There was a small beep ahead and Supervillain glanced back at Hero over his shoulder. A sly smirk graced his face when he noticed that Hero had stopped following altogether, probably standing six feet back.
“Oh Hero, that’s adorable. Are you frightened?”
“No,” Hero said a little too quickly. A denial. They both knew it. While Supervillain chuckled lightly, Hero wanted to punch themselves. “Where are we going?”
Supervillain’s smile was friendly and carnivorous all at once. “I told you; I’m giving you the tour of the house. Here,” Supervillain said, holding the door open for Hero and gesturing for Hero to walk in first. Hero’s throat went impossibly dry, as if Hero inhaled a pound of sawdust. They swallowed to try and restore some moisture in their mouth because what else could they do?
If they refused to comply, Supervillain would just drag them along anyway and there was no way they could fight back with their powers dampened and their hands cuffed in front of them. The weight of their blades on their back felt heavy in a way they never were before. They were right there… if only they could reach them.
Hero jutted their chin up, steeling their expression as they stormed forward and passed Supervillain, vowing that the moment they got free they would commission thigh braces for their daggers instead. That way they could never be in a humiliating situation like this again.
The room coming into focus drowned out Hero’s plans for new sheaths. Once inside the keypad locked room they stopped short and just stared. It was like the meeting room in the Hero headquarters, except, well… bigger. It was shaped like a hexagon with a domed ceiling that came to a point to let in some light through three skylight windows. The wall in front of Hero had two screens imbedded into it. One played the news on mute that was reporting some local event.
The two walls beside the back one had doors that led off to God knows where, but Hero’s gaze skimmed over them, and went instead to the corkboard on the wall to the left. Pictures of all the top ranked Heroes faces were pinned to the board; Superhero’s, Other Hero’s, and Hero’s were pinned to it. Tears pricked the back of Hero’s eyes when they saw Sidekick’s photo pinned to the wall too, a big red X painted over their face. Hero’s hands shook slightly at the sight… they should have never left Sidekick’s side. They should be at the hospital right now.
Instead, they were knee deep in enemy territory, on a tour of Supervillain’s house. Hero had to pull their gaze away from Sidekick’s face, to study the rest of the room, screwing their lips up tight to try and stop them from trembling.
Hero’s gaze dropped to a desk below the corkboard, where a hero scanner and comms sat, both of them were switched off for now. One Flynn must have stolen… been given. Hero’s hands tightened into fists at the sight. All this time… all this time Flynn was betraying them, betraying the Heroes and he had the nerve to be upset that Hero hated him?
Hero’s gaze flicked back up to Sidekick’s face again and they quickly turned away, looking instead to the giant circular table that dominated the middle of the room. A map of the city was printed on top of it. Hero recognised some of the marks that divided some of the city up. Territories that were occupied or controlled by different groups. Some good, some bad.
Hero stepped closer to the map table, noticing the chess pieces that were spread across it. There was a cluster of white on Hero HQ; the King, two knights, a bishop, a rook, but some other white pieces were dotted throughout the map. There were no black pieces, something Supervillain removed no doubt before Hero walked in. They couldn’t give away all their secrets.
Hero searched the table, making note of the pieces, trying to figure out who they were. A pawn was placed on top of central hospital which made Hero feel sick. They felt Supervillain step up beside them, but Hero didn’t bother to look at him.
“Should I take your silence as a good thing?”
“You can take my silence however you want,” Hero replied. Supervillain hummed beside them. He reached forward and plucked the pawn from the hospital and ran it between his fingers.
“Mmmm, does it have something to do with this?” Hero looked away from the map, lifting their head to stare at the news instead. Supervillain continued undeterred. “It is unfortunate what happened to Sidekick.”
“Don’t talk about them,” Hero snapped.
“What had to happen to them. They were interfering. Hot on Flynn’s scent, we had to dispose of—”
“Shut up,” Hero snarled, whipping their head to Supervillain, and stepping back away from him. “Stop fucking explaining everything you’re doing, or have done, to me like I want to hear your excuses!”
Supervillain cocked a brow at Hero’s outburst. He put the pawn back on top of the hospital, not taking his eyes off of Hero as he did. Hero searched Supervillain’s face, reading it for what he was thinking, and they didn’t like what they found. Realising their mistake too late they took a step back, trying to put some more space between them. Once they could put their weight on their back foot they could kick at Supervillain if he came at them.
Instead, Supervillain clasped his hands behind his back, chewing on words, looking for the best ones before he spoke. Everything was so measured. So controlled. It put Hero off, as if Supervillain was more machine than human.
His gaze wandered to the map, eyes running over everything with a critical eye. “Did you notice anything about the map?”
Hero frowned at the question, their attention turning back to the map as Supervillain walked around the table, stopping directly opposite Hero. They did a quick scan of it, their eyebrows knitting together. Did they miss something? No, they didn’t. The heroes know about the different territories. Maybe Supervillain giving away what heroes they thought were important with the chess pieces but other than that…
Hero’s eyes were drawn to the chess pieces, to the Hero HQ. King, two knights, a bishop, a rook. They saw the other rook and bishop somewhere else, but when they scanned the map again Hero realised what Supervillain was alluding to.
Hero hardened their gaze. “There’s no queen.”
“Very good,” Supervillain praised, and it felt like cockroaches crawled down the back of Hero’s neck. “The queen was far too meddlesome for my liking. Your perfect Sidekick you’ll note is still on the board, that was intentional.”
Hero raised their eyebrows at Supervillain in silent question and froze at his expression. There was no hint of anything human left in him, it was as Hero had imagined Supervillain to look like. Devoid of emotion and yet alive with a vibrant authority that made Hero want to hide away, to cower from — as if Hero was looking directly into the sun, eyes burning but they couldn’t look away.
“An incentive for you, Hero,” he said, his lips twitching up into a cold mockery of a smile. “A gift while you’re here, to make sure you follow the rules.”
Hero recoiled back a step, horror painting their features, as if Supervillain had killed a puppy in front of them and punched them at the same time instead of spoke.
“As long as you behave, well,” Supervillain continued, sea-green eyes drifting down to the pawn over central hospital. Hero’s heart thrummed in their chest and seemed to stop at Supervillain’s next words. “Let’s just say, Sidekick can remain on the board.”
Hero let out a shaky breath that was trapped in their chest, shaking their head. The chain between their cuffs rattled as their hands shook, tears pricking the back of their eyes as their gaze turned accusing and filled with a helpless-fuelled hatred.
“You— you’re threatening Sidekick’s life if I don’t do as you say?!” Hero demanded, voice teetering on the edge of hysterical.
Supervillain tilted his head, as if trying to understand Hero’s emotional response.
“I told you, Hero,” Supervillain began, walking around the table back towards Hero who was too focused on the pawn over the hospital. “We can be civil, this can be a beneficial relationship for us both. I can have you far away from the city, where I know you can’t interfere in the next stage of my plans, and you can rest easy knowing you’re saving Sidekick’s life.”
It was as if the world crumbled underneath Hero’s feet. They wanted nothing more than to collapse there and then, their body flooding with adrenaline as the weight of Supervillain’s words hit them.
It was all too much.
It all felt like too much.
Hero wanted to scream and cry, and punch something— no they wanted to punch Supervillain and Flynn because…
Hero flinched as a comforting hand came down on their shoulder, eyes widening slightly because when did Supervillain get that close.
“It’s a win-win, Hero.” Hero shrugged his hand off their shoulder and stepped back. Wet eyes filled with unshed tears met Supervillain’s sea-green eyes with a helpless kind of hatred. He smiled politely. “You’ll see,” he promised, “in time.”
Hero half expected Supervillain to gloat further, or press Hero on why they were nearly crying, maybe even be cruel and make fun of them. Supervillain walked passed Hero to the door that opened with a beep. Hero followed him with their eyes, biting the inside of their cheek and re-opening the wound.
“Let’s continue the tour, now that we have the unpleasantries out of the way.”
Hero stared at Supervillain, blinked and took a breath and started walking out the door without being prompted this time. They could feel Supervillain’s hungry gaze following them as they submitted compliantly, but what else was there to do? Now that he had threatened Sidekick, who was already in critical condition.
They wanted to be sick. After everything, Sidekick was only in hospital because Supervillain wanted to get to them. They wanted Flynn and Villain to capture Hero and bring them back here, where they— Hero swallowed the sob that threatened to climb their throat — where they would be… staying. Until Supervillain says otherwise.
It all felt so final, so formal, so decided when Hero didn’t make a decision. Supervillain was in control, that’s why he wanted to give Hero the “tour.” Not to show Hero around and let them see all the exits and escape routes, no. He wanted Hero to know that even if Hero knew the way out, even if they knew what doors would be locked and where the keys were, even if escape was within their reach — it didn’t matter.
They couldn’t leave.
If they left, Sidekick would be killed and it would be all their fault.
“Ah, Flynn,” Supervillain said behind Hero. Hero pulled themselves from their thoughts, raising their eyes to see Flynn standing at the corner between the cellar hall and hall that led to the dining room. He looked worried, his eyes not leaving Hero, who couldn’t quite meet his gaze. “Perhaps you’d like to show Hero to their room?”
Hero felt Flynn’s eyes on them, searching their face, imploring them to look at Flynn but they couldn’t. Their stomach was flopping like a fish out of water, threatening to throw their dinner up any moment.
“Uh, yes. I will, thanks.”
“No problem,” Supervillain replied, mirthful as he strode past Hero and down the hall towards Flynn. He clapped a hand on Flynn’s shoulder as he passed and shot one last look over his shoulder at Hero. Hero met his gaze once, fleetingly, then turned their head away again.
Flynn was the first to move, walking closer to Hero who stood like a kicked puppy in the middle of the hall. When Supervillain turned the corner he smiled a satisfied smile to himself.
It was so easy to get Hero’s defence to crumble, and now that Hero wasn’t a threat to his plans, well… the city was about to change.
Whether it wanted to or not.
Orphanage roll-call: @princess-bubble-blossom @morning-star-whump @revrevrew-personal @altvaggie
51 notes · View notes
The Things We Do For Love- Part 2
Part 1
Hero yawned and stretched in bed. They remembered their situation and their face fell. They got up and started to get dressed. They tried not to think about how this would be the last time they suited up.
Superhero and Villain watched over the weapon’s final preparations.
“We’re ready for them,” General said, coming up to Superhero.
Superhero nodded. They called over two league members.
“Escort Hero to the courtyard,” Superhero instructed, “…and if Hero has any last requests…”
Superhero swallowed a lump in their throat before continuing.
“Make sure they get what they want,” Superhero finished.
The league members nodded, leaving to go get Hero.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Superhero said, noting Villain’s blank expression.
“Can you blame me?” Villain asked, “you’re sending the only person I’ve ever cared about to their grave.”
There was a knock on Hero’s door.
“Come in,” Hero said quietly.
The door opened, but instead of two league members in the doorway, a tall, dark figure stood in their place.
“Hero,” Supervillain greeted.
Hero’s eyes went wide. They immediately charged their power.
“How did you get in here!? This place is off the grid!”
Supervillain chuckled. They closed the distance between them and Hero in a few confident strides. Before Hero could release their energy, Supervillain jammed a needle into their skin. Hero’s glowing eyes flickered, and the balls of energy in their hands fizzled out into nothing.
“Poor innocent thing,” Supervillain cooed, “so simple-minded. You couldn’t see you had a traitor in your midst.”
Hero blinked rapidly, trying to clear their vision. They stood on wobbly legs, trying to summon their power again. Supervillain took hold of Hero’s wrists in a death-like grip, squeezing just enough that Hero was forced to stop.
“That’s enough of that,” Supervillain’s voice echoed- why did it sound so distant?
Hero’s world tilted on its axis as they were swept up into a bridal carry. They felt a gentle rocking sensation as they were carried out of their room.
“H-help-” Hero pleaded, but their voice was so weak that they barely spoke above a whisper.
Hero’s eyes fluttered shut as they finally lost the battle to stay conscious. Supervillain flew out of the compound just as the agents arrived to escort Hero to the courtyard.
Tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @written-by-jayy
121 notes · View notes
Used for Bait
cw: death threat, knife cut, implies future torture
Hero stares. Their heart is in their throat— threatening to rip a gaping, bleeding hole through it.
“Supervillain?” It’s less of a question, more of a panic-dripping breath.
Superhero ignores Hero. He holds a knife— silver-streaked—to Villain’s throat.
Hero watches as Superhero traces that knife up over Villain’s jawline. And Villain?
Villain begs. A stream of blood flows out with their words. “Run! Run! Get out of here—”
The knife digs into their throat, cutting them off.
Hero lunges forward.
Superhero’s voice is like the drop of an axe. “Take another step and they’ll take their last breath.”
Eyes locked on Villain, Hero comes to a trembling stop.
I’m sorry, says Villain. The apology is in their eyes. They don’t need to voice it aloud.
Superhero tilts Villain’s head up with the knife. “I knew you’d come running for them,” he smiles down at Villain. “Some hero you are.” The words are a whiplash.
Hero flinches.
“Don’t worry. I’m determined to use you for something yet. For now, I want you on your knees.”
“Let Villain go,” Hero snarls.
“Wrong answer.” Superhero’s knife flashes as it catches in the light.
Villain cries out. Blood carves a line down their face, from temple to throat.
Hero drops to their knees, the concrete stained scarlet.
“Good, good, you’ll both be still be useful for something,” says Superhero.
370 notes · View notes
chaotic-orphan · 2 months
Delirious Villain x Hero Caretaker (4)
TW: family abuse, abusive older brother, sick fic, sick whumpee, weak whumpee, PTSD, whumpee afraid of being sick, neglect, vomit mentions, flu-like symptoms, violence, rough beating, callous whumper, sadistic whumper
Read part one here // continued from here
This part is dedicated to @sausages-things!!! Thank you for your comments, I hope you enjoy!!
Hero woke up in the same position they went to sleep in, Villain in their arms cuddling into their chest. They smiled at Villain who was still sleeping soundly for the first time in days. No late-night vomit trips to the toilet, or night terrors, or throwing the blankets off and stripping to fight the cold sweats. Hero let out a soft sigh. They could stay like this forever.
They pressed the back of their fingers against Villain’s forehead. No fever. He wasn't terribly hot or cold, just warm — a normal, human temperature. Hero let out a breath of relief. Then started carding their fingers through Villain’s hair, pushing the damp strands off their lover’s face. Villain even looked less pale, raising Hero’s spirits that hopefully Villain would be on the mend after all the heartache of the last few days.
Hero’s phone rang from somewhere in the house and Hero stifled a groan. They really didn’t want to move or disturb Villain in their arms. Maybe if they ignored it, the caller would give up on their endeavour and Hero could stay in bed with Villain. Besides, it wasn’t anyone important. Hero booked time off in work so they could wait on Villain hand and foot, look after everything Villain couldn’t. It’s what partners were for, to be there for each other.
The ringtone stopped and Hero smiled, glancing down at Villain again. Their peace only lasted a fraction of a second, before their phone started ringing again. Hero seriously contemplated waiting it out, but what if it was something important? What if some new villain was decimating an entire city block? Villain would understand if Hero had to go and stop them.
Well, understand, yes, but Villain wouldn't let Hero go alone. Hero blushed as they remembered the last time they tried to leave to stop a new villain fresh in the city.
“I really have to go, Vil.”
Villain slammed his hand out on the opposing wall, stopping Hero from leaving Villain's room, back when they were initially dating. Hero rolled their eyes at Villain, crossing their arms across their chest.
“What if I say no?”
“What if,” Villain continued, stepping in front of Hero and crowding them so Hero was pushed back a step. “There is another villain who wants your complete attention?"
“Is this same villain acting like a complete child right now?”
Villain chuckled in reply. The deep chuckle that wound a knot in Hero’s stomach and set their heart aflutter. He forced Hero back a step, then another until Hero was backed against the wall.
Villain reached a hand up to cup Hero’s chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting their head up to look Villain in the eyes. “Do I have to threaten an orphanage, or kidnap the mayor to get an ounce of your attention?”
“I’ve given you attention all night.”
“I don’t like sharing,” Villain said, stepping forward and closing all remaining distance between them. “What if you chat with this new villain and he sweeps you off your feet?”
“You’re being ridiculous,” Hero said, ignoring the sudden, breathless quality of their voice.
“Am I? That’s what happened with you and me.”
Hero grabbed Villain’s wrist, not trying to dislodge his hold on Hero, but instead rubbing soothing circles over it, their other hand reaching to Villain’s cheek.
“This new villain isn’t you.”
“Damn right he isn’t.” Villain all but growled, smashing his lips to Hero’s, melting any words that still lingered on Hero’s tongue. The kiss was hungry, Villain deepening it quickly, forcing Hero’s head back against the wall when Hero tried to return the passion. This wasn’t a loving kiss, it was passionate, possessory. Villain showing Hero exactly who they belonged to; drawing a distinct line between Villain and all other villains that Hero had to fight.
Villain pulled back, pecking Hero once more before he nodded and stepped back. Hero blinked dazed up at Villain. Villain smiled wolfishly down at Hero, a flash of white and smouldering eyes.
“Come on, Hero. We have a villain to get rid of.”
Hero nodded stupidly, then shook their head, eyes narrowing as clarity hit them like a smack in the face. “Wait! What? You’re coming?! What if someone sees?! What if they—”
“What if they somehow think we’re dating? Darling, I’m not suggesting we arrive at the same time. You can swoop in, save the day, be the Hero I adore,” Villain said, brushing a stray hair from Hero’s eyes. “And I will dispose of this new villain once you rescue the hostages, hmm?”
“I do love it when you say my name.”
“I don’t want you to kill—”
“Who said anything about killing, my dear? I’ll simply share my experiences and push them down the path of the righteous. To use their powers for good.”
Hero agreed at the time, but the other villain from that night never showed up again, and Hero didn’t think it was from Villain’s persuasive argument.
Hero cursed under their breath before slowly disentangling themselves from Villain and slipping out of bed unnoticed. Villain stirred briefly, but just snuggled into the pillow Hero was leaning on and settled again. Hero held back a groan as they opened the door to their bedroom and quickly shut it again so the noise wouldn’t disturb Villain.
Hero marched towards the counter, grabbing their phone and yanking it off charge, not even bothering to look at the caller ID when they barked: “what?”
“Hero! I’ve been trying to reach you for the last twenty minutes.”
“Yeah, Superhero,” Hero said with a sigh, pinching the bridge of their nose, leaning heavily against the counter. “Listen, I have the rest of this week booked off.”
“I know, but Hero I need you.”
“Get Other Hero.”
“Have you not watched the news?” Superhero asked, almost heartbroken down the line. Hero’s heart seized in their chest. “Hero… Supervillain struck again last night. Other Hero and Sidekick were out on patrol when—” Superhero’s voice caught, and Hero lurched forward. “They… uh… they don’t think Sidekick’s gonna make it, Hero.”
“What?” Hero whispered.
“Please,” Superhero pleaded. “There’s not enough— I need you here, Hero. Or even to protect —”
“Of… of course, Superhero. I’m, I’ll be twenty minutes, but I’ll be there, I promise.”
“I’m so sorry. I know that your partner—”
“It’s okay,” Hero cut in. “Honestly, Superhero. Twenty minutes.”
“Okay. Okay. I’ll see you then.”
Hero cursed checking the time. They had to get ready. They had to leave Villain a note or something, shit they had to get ready. They paused at the door to their bedroom, not wanting to wake Villain up. They pivoted on their heel, turning to the laundry room and praying that — yes! Clean clothes! Perfect. They wouldn’t have to disturb Villain at all, and Villain could get the rest he needed.
Hero was pulling on their runner, half hopping around the living room, eyes scouring every inch of the place for the other one. Their eyes drifted back to their bedroom door and cursed under their breath. They didn’t have time to worry about it, it would be fine. Just in and out, and oh fuck they needed their keys to get back in.
“Hero?” Villain asked the moment Hero stepped into the room. Bleary eyes raised above the duvet to Hero who was frozen mid-air reaching for their runner. Hero smiled bashfully at Villain and straightened, apologising as they walked over to the bed.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know I said that I had booked time off but something big happened and Superhero called, and he needs—”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Villain said softly, putting his hand on Hero’s arm. “Don’t worry about me, I’m feeling loads better.”
Hero almost let out a sigh of relief. “Are you? Or are you just saying that, so I’ll go like yesterday?”
As if to make his point, Villain sat up in the bed and leaned over to kiss Hero’s knuckles. “Hey, crimefighter. Look, I’m fine. I feel great.” Hero tilted their head, and Villain pressed on, “you are going to miss a lot of sexy sleeping while you’re gone, though.”
Hero laughed.
“I’m serious,” Villain told them. “Oh, I’m gonna have a day in bed, full of sexy snots in tissues and shitty daytime TV, oh, how will I survive without you?”
“You’re such an idiot,” Hero told them smiling. Villain’s hand tightened in Hero’s.
“I’m your idiot.” Villain replied. “I’ll order soup or food or whatever, I’ll be fine until your home.”
“But if it’s a new Supervillain—” that meant long hours and possibly working multiple shifts to—
Villain’s gaze hardened as he cut in, “I’ll be fine. Go. You saved me yesterday; I can’t hog the city’s Hero twice in a week.”
“What about that time you held me captive in that warehouse?”
Villain’s cocky smile made an appearance on his tired face. It didn’t make as much as an impression as it usually did, with the bags under Villain’s red rimmed eyes and his pale, lacklustre skin. “Darling, that was a weekend getaway for the two of us.”
Hero leaned in and kissed Villain’s forehead. “If you need me, call.”
“I will.”
“Okay, I love you,” Hero said, gathering everything they needed as they left.
Villain reclined back into the pillows on their bed. “I love you too.”
Hero went straight to the Hero tower, rushing in and bolting to the lift, heading straight for Superhero’s office. When they got to the floor, Hero speed walked the corridor until they found Superhero in his office. His desk was in disarray, holding his head in his hands as Hero opened the door.
“Superhero.” Superhero looked up.
“Hero,” Superhero said, getting to his feet and walking around his desk. “Thank God you’re here. I’m so sorry about your partner. I just—”
“Nevermind that now,” Hero said with a wave. “What can I do? How can I help? You’re not usually this stressed. Tell me everything.”
“It was just — there was no rumours or hints at anything yesterday, or in the past month. It wasn’t disturbingly quiet or unusual, so we thought that it would just be a regular patrol, but Other Hero and Sidekick were hurt bad and they’re in the hospital getting treated…”
“Do you know what villain did this?”
Superhero’s eyes hardened. “I don’t know for sure. It could be a new Supervillain for all we know, but it reminded me a bit of Villain’s MO as well.”
Hero stiffened, a furrow forming between their brows. No way could it have been Villain, they’re home, sick in bed and Hero spent the entire night with them.
“Oh?” Hero asked. “Have you been to the hospital?”
Superhero shook his head. “I’ve been too caught up here. All I know is scraps from other heroes reports but I need someone I can trust to guard them.”
Hero’s frown deepened. “You don’t think a hero had anything to do with it, do you?”
Superhero’s eyes were desperate as he shrugged helplessly, turning to scan the papers on his desk. “I don’t know, Hero. I don’t want to rule out the possibility that a villain may have charmed one of us and somehow manipulated us to give up sensitive information like patrols or something.”
Hero was glad Superhero had his back to them, otherwise he would have seen the pain that crossed Hero’s expression. Villain… Villain would never do that to Hero, would he? He wouldn’t— I mean, Hero knew Villain wasn’t— he wasn’t friendly with other villains, so Villain wouldn’t betray Hero like that. Never.
“I’ll go to the hospital,” Hero said, voice firm. “I’ll get some of the heroes I trust most and recruit them as well. I won’t let anything happen to Other Hero or sidekick; I promise.”
Superhero turned and smiled. He placed a hand on Hero’s shoulder and squeezed gently. “Thank you, Hero. You are one of the only heroes I trust would never converse with a villain. That will help everything run smoother here.”
“Of course, Superhero.” Hero forced out, guilt threatening to clog their words. They left as quickly as they had come, leaving Superhero’s office in a flash, back down the corridor to the lift. It was empty when it arrived, something Hero was grateful for. The moment the doors closed they pressed their back flush against the wall, taking in deep breaths. Unaware of who was watching them through the camera in the corner.
Superhero straightened once he heard the lift doors close at the end of the hall. He walked around his desk and looked at the Hero in the lift through the cameras. Eyes hard as Hero leaned back against the wall, hands braced on their knees. How had he not seen this before? Why had he trusted Hero of all people?! And somehow Villain wormed his way into Hero’s life?! He waited until Hero stepped out of the lift before he switched his computer screen from the cameras and stood from his desk.
He schooled his expression and stepped out of his office. He said to Number Two Hero: “I need to head out, will you hold down the fort while I’m gone?”
“Of course, Sir.”
Superhero thanked them and walked down the corridor to the lift. He needed to pay Villain a little, friendly visit.
Villain peeled themselves out of bed, skin sticky with sweat. His nose turned up as he caught a whiff of himself and he almost gagged. A shower before anything else was necessary.
He could almost hear Hero telling him that he shouldn’t take a shower, that he’s too weak and what if he slipped or passed out and the water was too hot — and a whole host of other problems that Hero could foresee. Villain smiled softly to himself as he locked the bathroom door.
He was lucky to have them.
Superhero told Hero that Other Hero and Sidekick were being treated at West-Point General Hospital, which was a pain to get to. It was on the edge of the city and took a forty-minute train to get there and back to the Hero tower, nevermind Hero’s apartment.
They shot Villain a text, informing him that they’d be late home. They hesitated to say the reason: the words: ‘Other Hero and Sidekick were attacked’ stared up at them on the screen. Hatefully, suspicion curled viciously like a snake in Hero’s chest, Superhero’s words of warning.
Villain would never betray me, Hero told themselves. Work and their relationship were completely different for them both.
If that’s true, a nasty voice piped up, why did you delete the explanation?
Hero swallowed thickly and shoved their phone into their pocket.
Villain let out a sigh of relief once the hot water hit his aching muscles, it felt so good. As if the sickness was being rinsed from his body. He glanced around the bathroom, half-expecting the apparition of his brother to appear again.
No, Villain reminded himself, shaking his head as if he could shake the memory from his head. He’s not here. He’s not real. That was just a hallucination or something. Still, Villain crossed his arms across himself in a self-hug under the warm water.
He pressed his forehead against the cool tile, hoping Hero came home sooner rather than later.
Hero walked to the reception desk, putting on their best charming smile. “Hi, I’m looking for Other Hero and Sidekick.”
Receptionist nodded and tapped on his keyboard. “Third floor. Room 316.”
“Thank you.”
Hero kept their eyes peeled as they ascended the stairs, looking out for any suspicious characters lurking around. When Hero got to the third floor, they followed the signs towards room 316. The room was left unguarded, and Hero’s heart started to run a little faster in their chest as they approached.
They half expected a massacre in the room, but it was worse than Hero imagined. Only Other Hero lay in the bed, the other was vacant, the door opened. Hero rushed inside, looking for any clues or hints or something that would lead to the missing Sidekick.
Other Hero looked was hooked up to a bunch of monitors, half of her face was swollen with deep purple and black bruises. Some of the cuts had been stitched and a tube was inserted in her mouth.
A gun cocked behind Hero, and they froze. “Come to finish us off, have you?”
Hero frowned, looking over their shoulder to see Sidekick wobbling in the doorway. They didn’t look much better than Other Hero, leaning heavily on the doorframe to keep themselves up.
“Sidekick it’s Hero,” Hero said. At the sound of Hero’s voice, Sidekick thumbed the hammer forward and clicked the safety on, lowering their gun.
“Good, I don’t think I can make it back to the bed.”
Hero immediately went to them and threw an arm over their neck, supporting Sidekick’s weight as they guided them back to bed. “What happened? Why did you leave the bed?”
“I needed the loo,” Sidekick grumbled and hissed as they settled back onto the bed. Hero’s panicked eyes went to Sidekick’s side that was red with bloodstains.
“Who did this to you?” Hero asked as they straightened to further observe Sidekick.
Sidekick shook their head then winced. “We didn’t see them, or at least…” Sidekick glanced at Other Hero, “I don’t think we did,” they said quieter. “I know I didn’t, but I don’t know about Other Hero.”
Hero nodded sympathetically. “Did you get an idea of their abilities? Were they powered?”
“Whatever they were they were strong, Hero. Really fucking strong, and— and I couldn’t fight them. Every time I got close to them, they’d weave out of the way and punch me and send me reeling. Other Hero she at least got a couple of good hits in before he turned all his attention on her.”
Hero frowned, eyes going to Other Hero’s broken body. If what Sidekick was saying was true, then — “how did you survive?”
“I don’t mean to be insensitive,” said Hero quickly. “I just — if your opponent was a beast of a thing, how did you both end up in hospital?”
Sidekick scoffed. “Halfway through the fight I radioed for Superhero to help us. He must’ve arrived after I passed out because the next thing, I know I’m here and Other Hero is strapped to machines to keep her fucking breathing.”
Sidekick dissolved into quiet sobs that shook their body, not willing to let any sound out. “I should’ve— I should’ve been stronger. I should’ve been able to— to—”
“It’s okay, Sidekick,” Hero told them gently.
Furious eyes flashed to Hero’s face. “You can’t say that! You don’t know what it’s like to be weak! To be beaten so badly that you can’t even move! I should have been able to protect her!”
Hero stood still, lips drawn down tight, not knowing what to say to comfort Sidekick. A voice at the door took their attention.
“Hero. A word.”
Hero turned, frown deepening at the owner of the voice. It was the number three Hero, Ajax. What the hell was he doing here? Hero followed him out, closing the door as they left the room. “What’re you doing here?” Hero asked before Ajax could speak.
“I’m here to watch over them. Make sure the villain they faced doesn’t come back to finish them off,” Ajax said like it was the most normal thing in the world.
“But… Superhero sent me to do that.”
“Superhero? He already posted me; I told him I could do it alone. I’ve been itching to get away from the office to tell you the truth.”
Hero’s brows drew together, deep in thought. Why would Superhero send me all this way for no reason? Maybe Ajax needed some support?
“Ah, Hero!” Hero looked up and saw Briar’s smiling face meet theirs. “Paying a visit? How is your partner? I heard he was sick.”
Hero let a smile slide across their features. “Yeah, yeah. It looks like you two got it all covered though. My partner… I actually got to get back to him.”
“Of course,” Briar said, slapping Ajax on the back. “Me and the big guy got everything covered here.”
Ajax shot questioning eyes at Hero, but Hero couldn’t answer any themselves, so they didn’t. Hero nodded and said their goodbyes, before heading back for the train, trying to make sense of Superhero’s emergency call.
Maybe Superhero just forgot he posted other heroes to the hospital? Maybe he was just stressed out… whatever it was it didn’t really matter. It meant Hero could get home to Villain quicker than anticipated. Maybe Villain could help them make sense of this wild goose chase.
Hero glanced at their phone when they got on the train, smiling at Villain’s reply they hadn’t seen until now. At least they were going home earlier and could relax with Villain at home, snuggled up under the blankets, maybe watch a movie or something.
Villain couldn’t keep the grin off his face after his shower as he towelled his hair dry. His body still ached; his limbs moved with a rust-like creaking, but he felt so much lighter after his shower. So much clearer and fresh.
He smiled as he glanced at their phone, Hero telling him that there was some soup in the fridge, and they might be longer than they initially thought. Villain stared at the words at the end of the text, I love you.
Such simple words that made more warmth bloom in his chest than the shower did. Villain text a quick reply before tossing his phone on the bed. He didn’t really want food right now, maybe some water or tea. He brushed his teeth before the shower to get the taste of vomit out of his mouth. He shuddered to think of it, happy it was over.
Villain ignored the idea of food or drink altogether and opted instead to take some painkillers and watch some TV on the sofa, cuddled up under the cow pattern blanket that smelled like Hero.
Hero stepped out of the lift of the Hero tower, walking towards Superhero’s office. They stopped outside it, but there was no Superhero. Hero frowned and turned, walking onto the map room floor. Second met their eye across the room, frowning as Hero made their way over.
“Hero? Aren’t you on leave?”
Hero frowned. “Yeah, but Superhero called me in. Have you seen them?”
“They went out,” Second told Hero.
“About half an hour ago.”
“Do you know where?”
“No, but I didn’t ask.”
Hero nodded. “Right.”
Villain woke to the sound of the door being opened. He hadn’t realised that he had fallen asleep.
“Hero?” He mumbled, not opening his eyes yet as the door closed. Judge Judy played softly in the background until it was turned off. He felt Hero’s stare on him, sitting down on the coffee table in front of the couch.
Villain cracked an eye open, vision blurry with sleep, but he immediately knew that that wasn’t Hero. Villain jerked back on the couch, blinking themselves awake.
No, no, no, no, no, no…. Why was he having hallucinations again? He felt so much better. Villain shook his head.
“You’re not real, you’re not real,” Villain said to himself.
“Oh, I think you’ll find I’m very real, Villain.”
Villain kicked out on instinct, his feet catching in the blanket he was tangled up in. Superhero chuckled. “You’re still so pathetic,” Superhero said leaning forward. Villain pushed at Superhero’s outstretched hand, eyes widening as it made contact.
“Wh— what?” Villain asked, his entire body shaking with a mixture of adrenaline and fear and groaning muscles. Superhero didn’t answer, instead he batted Villain’s hand away and grabbed Villain by the throat. Villain’s hands went to Superhero’s wrist, trying to pull it off, but Superhero pressed him back into the couch.
“When I heard that Hero was dating a villain, I was concerned, but to realise that that villain was you. Well, I can kill two birds with one stone.”
Villain tried to untangle himself from the blanket, but he was well and truly cocooned no matter how much he kicked.
“I’ve missed you, Villain. And to think you were here, in my city. Hiding under my nose for the longest time, in bed with my best Hero, you’re like a cockroach.”
Villain’s eyes widened in terror. “If you laid a hand on them—”
Superhero tilted his head. “You’ll what? Kick me?”
Before Villain could think to reply, Superhero punched him right in the solar plexus. Villain lurched forward, breath stolen, straight into Superhero’s palm who squeezed, cutting off his air supply.
“Let’s get a proper look at you, hmm?”
Villain barely had time to process the words when Superhero yanked him off the couch by their shirt and tossed him to the ground. Villain barely felt the impact as they rolled, gasping in air as he went, hands protectively curled around his stomach.
“I would’ve thought that Villain, the Villain would have more to offer me. Something formidable, but look at you,” Superhero said, following Villain’s retreat with heavy, deliberate footsteps. “Still as weak as ever. I could kill you right now and let Hero find your mangled corpse, and y’know what?”
Superhero sent a swift kick to Villain’s cheek, whipping Villain’s head to the side. Villain turned over onto his stomach, getting one hand under himself before there was a hand in his hair, yanking thim back.
Villain cried out, grabbing the hand, trying to alleviate the pressure, but Superhero didn’t let up. He pulled Villain back and up to his feet, shoving him forward. Villain’s hands shot out to catch himself on the wall before he fell again.
“There you go, let me get a good look at you,” Superhero said. Villain’s whole-body shook, his legs trembling, struggling to keep himself upright. His limbs ached, screaming at him to rest and relax, but Villain’s terror left him frozen. “Turn around.”
This couldn’t be real. This couldn’t be real, this isn’t real. This is just another hallucination, Superhero can’t be here, he can’t be… he can’t be…
Superhero’s voice dropped low, chilling Villain to the core. “Do I have to ask twice, or do you remember who’s in charge?”
Villain used the wall to turn themselves, facing Supervillain and staring him in the eyes. He refused to cower anymore.
“Hmm, so Hero’s been slumming it with you, have they?”
“Why?” Villain snapped. “Jealous?”
Superhero laughed, shaking their head slowly. “No,” he replied, tilting his head. “Though I’m sure my advances wouldn’t be refused.”
Villain grit their teeth. “You’re lying.” He was, but to see that flash of fear cross Villain’s face after so long was worth it.
“I just always pictured Hero with someone strong. Y’know, someone who could stand on their own two feet. Someone with a Hero’s physique, you? What, have you completely disregarded your training, or do you want to look like a complete failure?”
Villain shook his head, sweat clinging to the back of his neck as he stepped off the wall. He immediately regretted the decision and stumbled back, gritting his teeth as the world spun and tilted.
“We’re not kids anymore,” Villain said instead or rising to Superhero’s bait. “You don’t have any effect on me.”
“Is that so?”
Villain swallowed hard, humming his reply as Superhero started towards him, taking slow, deliberate steps that sent Villain’s heart racing.
“Because that’s not what I heard. I heard you begging your brother to leave you alone,” Superhero said, relishing the way all colour seemed to leave Villain’s face. “To stop, to beat you instead today, please, please, please.”
“Y—you h-heard that?” Villain asked with a timid voice as Superhero stopped in front of him.
“Oh yes, and I thought it was strange, because well, I wasn’t there, Vil. But don’t worry. Big bro’s here now, and we’re going to make you better.”
“No—” Villain protested, shooting his hand out. Superhero caught it by the wrist and twisted his arm before slamming it back against the wall. “No, no, no, no!”
“Don’t you want to be worthy of Hero? Don’t you love them enough to be perfect?”
“Hero loves me!” Villain cried, tears springing to his eyes as he struggled to get out of Superhero’s grip. But Superhero was too strong. Superhero was always stronger than Villain, and no matter how much Villain trained or wanted to forget it, he was right back where he ran away from. He was back as a kid, Brother overpowering him and staring back into his brother’s callous, dispassionate eyes. “Brother, please.”
Superhero brushed Villain’s hair from his forehead, gently hushing Villain. “Oh, Villain. We haven’t even started yet.” His eyes darkening. “But don’t worry. There’ll be plenty of time for begging later.”
Continued here
59 notes · View notes
whumppromptoftheday · 3 months
hero gets away from an abusive superhero and hides in villain's hideout, how does villain react?
86 notes · View notes
bamber344 · 23 days
The Cost Of Negligence
this chapter is a little over 4k words long and almost 3k of it is pure whump :3 I know y'all have been starved of some solid whumper-whumpee goodness for the sake of story progression but dw, here it is!
Feels good to actually have shit to put in the CWs lol
CWs: living weapon whump, controlling whumper, gun violence, knife whump, drowning whump, beatings, dehumanisation, belittling, conditioned whumpee, references to past torture (whipping), the inherent irrationality of abuse
poor jordyn :3
enjoy the chapter!
The Cost Of Negligence
The sound of my heartbeat echoed through my head. According to my visor, my BPM was sitting at around 110. Anticipation ate at my gut and sweat prickled along my skin. I could see my nerves reflected in the men around me; their hunched backs, twitchy fingers, and heavy breathing. In comparison, I must have looked totally stone-cold calm. I wasn’t, of course, but I knew better than to let my anxiety show. I was their rock; the one these men would be relying on above all else. To show any form of weakness would be tantamount to sabotaging the mission.
“Are you ready, Seven?” the team commander’s voice pierced in my ear, sharp and electronic over the comms.
“Yes, sir,” I replied. The men around me all tensed in response. It was time.
The command to breach sounded like a bomb going off in my head, and everything started moving at once. The man with the battering ram smashed the door open while another threw a flash grenade in through the doorway, giving the criminals inside no time to react before they were blinded.
They were scum. The worst of the worst; manufacturers of the sorts of drugs that have ruined countless lives on the streets of Tombguard. I’ve seen the result of their greed time and time again over my past month of patrolling; in the crumpled bodies on the sides of the road; in the people twitching, scratching themselves, making scenes over nothing but the narcotic-induced hallucinations and hurting themselves in the process. The source of all that pain could be traced straight back to this building, where a tip-off confirmed that a manufacturing plant of one of the city’s largest drug trafficking rings was located. They would get no mercy from me.
I charged forward into the fray, shadows lashing from my body as I took the lead in disabling the criminals. Most of them were completely stunned by the flashbang, so it was a cinch to run up and crack each of them with a well placed hit to the skull, sending them crumpling to the ground and leaving them for the SWAT officers to apprehend.
The door in front of me slammed open and a man ran out, pistol in hand. He zeroed in on me as the biggest threat and took aim. For a split second, I froze as adrenaline shot through me, but then my training kicked in and I threw my arm up, turning the darkness inside the barrel of the gun solid. He pulled the trigger and the whole thing exploded, mangling his hand.
I ran up as he screamed, slamming the palm of my hand into his nose and jabbing at his throat in quick succession before cracking my elbow against his temple. His knees buckled and he collapsed like a sheet of broken glass.
The clamour in the main room had become significantly quieter. I turned and surveyed the situation, pleased to find almost all of the criminals in handcuffs already, the officers sweeping the last few rooms of the house that held the source of all this pain.
“Is that all of them?” I asked.
One of the SWAT officers - Eyre, I thought his name was - did a head count of the apprehended criminals. “According to the tip we got, there should be one-”
The door next to him opened - the last door we had yet to check - and all I saw was the barrel of a shotgun before my legs were powering forward and I was shoving Eyre down.
The gunshot went off and the force of the impact against my armour sent me rolling across the room, the wind rushing from my lungs. Several more gunshots echoed through the small space as the other officers drew their weapons and returned fire, putting down the culprit like the dog he was.
“Anyone hit?” one of the officers called.
“N-no, no, I’m okay,” Eyre said, picking himself up off the floor. I did the same, wincing at the pain in my back. My armour was more than enough to prevent any real injury from such small bullets, but the shock of the bullets’ collision with the metal still transferred to my body, right into the scars that Father had left with his whip. Just my luck. It was definitely going to bruise, and those things gave me enough grief already.
“Seven? Are you good?”
I nodded, grateful for my visor to hide my grimace. “Yes.”
The officer turned away, seemingly satisfied. “Alright, let’s get these suspects rounded up so the evidence team can clear this place out.”
Relief flooded my system at the notion that we were finished. No more fighting for today; I could just go back to the facility and relax. Or, more likely, shadow Father after giving my report until he dismissed me. Still, that would be leagues better than the nauseating heat of battle. At least with Father there was a certain guarantee that I wouldn’t be suddenly inflicted with a head wound. I couldn’t say the same about joining SWAT raids, that was for sure.
The earpiece in my helmet crackled to life with the commander’s voice. “Lookout team C isn’t responding. Seven, could you go check it out?”
“Roger,” I replied, rushing out the door. The brightness of the midday sun glared in my visor as I ran, heading for the tall building across the street that housed Lookout Team C. There were several sniper teams set up around the area, keeping an eye on things in case any suspects made a run for it. They hadn’t been needed, thankfully, but it was still worrying that this team wasn’t responding. Hopefully, it was just a radio malfunction, but something in my gut was telling me otherwise.
The shadows in my armour wrapped themselves around my legs like springs, fortifying them and giving me the strength to fling myself and clear several storeys in one jump. I flew up through the air until I reached the apex of my flight, sending out a whip of darkness from my wrist which wrapped itself around the railing of the fire escape, keeping me suspended. The whip shrank, and I was pulled up along with it, slingshotting myself over the edge of the building and onto the roof, where I landed in a safety roll before turning to where the lookout team was supposed to be posted.
Two people in SWAT uniforms laid sprawled against the lip of the roof, blood pooling beneath them. Their sniper rifle was nowhere to be seen. My heart lurched.
“Team C is down!” I shouted into the comms, rushing over. Maybe they could still be saved.
“What happened?! What’s their status?” The commander asked.
I reached the bodies, turning one over onto his back. His entire front was stained red, and his throat hung open and bloody like a gaping maw of flesh. I dropped him and stumbled back, looking around in case the one who’d done this was still nearby. All was still and silent.
“Th-they’re dead,” I replied. “Their throats are cut, a-and their gun is missing.” 
What followed was a scramble of orders too fast for me to process. I was too busy staring at the bodies of the two men who had been assigned to look out for us. When did this happen? How long have they been lying there, growing cold? From the looks of things, they didn’t even get a chance to react to whatever attacked them. One moment they were alive, diligently doing their duty for the raid, and the next, they were bleeding out on the concrete. I just… couldn’t understand. This sort of thing wasn’t supposed to happen to the good guys.
The comms crackled and Father’s voice suddenly appeared in my ears.
“Pick up that feather, Seven.”
His words kicked my mind back into gear. Sure enough, there were several black feathers scattered around the scene. I hadn’t noticed them before, and honestly, why would I? There were plenty of birds in the city, and plenty of birds meant plenty of feathers. They weren’t usually something to bat an eye at. That being said, if Father wanted a better look at the feather, he must have had a good reason for it. Following his order, I picked one up, examining it. It shimmered in the sunlight, long and full. I didn’t know much about birds, but this feather seemed healthy to me. 
“Bring it back to the facility with you. I will be awaiting your report in your quarters. That is all.”
The comms crackled again, and Father’s voice disappeared, replaced once again with the Commander’s frantic yelling, trying to coordinate a search for the suspect who did this to his men. I looked back at the feather, considering it again. I remembered the words Father said to me on the day I was deployed, just after meeting Madeline for the first time. If the puzzle pieces connected the way I thought they did, the search wasn’t going to be successful, especially if they only looked on the ground.
“Kill the black-winged one on sight should you see it.”
I turned my gaze up towards the sky. That magnificent blue stretched onwards to infinity, dotted with clouds of varying shapes and sizes. There was no ‘black-winged one’; no crazed, knife-wielding killers darting through the air, silhouetted in the light. Just an endless expanse of blue. There was nothing. Nothing but a feather clutched between my fingers, two dead men, and a missing sniper rifle.
Why, then, did I still feel like I was being watched?
I sighed, sitting down on the end of my bed having finally stripped my armour off at the end of the day. I’d already given Father my report of the raid, and handed over the feather he’d been so interested in. He was silent the entire time, just listening, not even saying a word when he left my quarters. It worried me a little. Today was far from usual in terms of my activities, and adding in the huge loss of two SWAT officers, I could imagine that Father wasn’t very happy. I’d been doing good for him lately, but I knew well how easily his displeasure could turn around onto me. My bruised back throbbed in memory of the whipping I got all those months ago for failing at the obstacle course. I’d have to be on my guard.
Sure enough, the door opened again and I jumped back to my feet, standing at the ready. Father glowered as he walked over, the door shutting automatically behind him. Usually, he would've given me the command to be at ease by now. Something was very wrong. I didn't have my armour on anymore; totally stripped down to my underwear. The knowledge of how defenceless I was in the face of his anger was terrifying.  
He stopped inches away from my face, towering over me. I averted my gaze nervously.
“Could you tell me, Seven…” he began, voice low and rumbling like thunder. “Why exactly two men under your protection were killed, and you have nothing to show for it?”
“I- I don’t know, sir. I was busy with the raid; I don’t know what happened to the lookout team. I… I didn’t think they would be in any danger.”
He struck me across the face with the back of his hand, and my head rang like a bell. My entire body tensed up so that I wouldn’t move from my position and anger him further.
“Two men are dead because of your negligence, do you understand that? Two good men, with families that we will need to notify. What am I supposed to tell John Benovich’s wife when she asks why her husband isn’t coming home? That we don’t know why? That the only reason her husband is dead is because you weren’t doing your job? Can you even comprehend the gravity of your failure today?”
As a matter of fact, I didn’t understand it. How could what happened have been my fault? Was there really anything I could have done differently to prevent it? I knew Father was right of course, but the thought of the blame falling on me when I couldn’t make sense of it rankled, and I felt the uncharacteristic urge to defend myself bubble up inside me. Deep down I knew I would regret it; I knew Father would punish me for my insubordination - and rightfully so - but some part of me just couldn’t concede until I really understood what he was trying to tell me. I looked up and met Father’s piercing glare.
“Sir, I’m sorry, but I don’t see how it was my failure. I had no way of knowing what would happen, and the lookout teams were far outside of the range in which I could reasonably protect them. I… I just don’t understand how it’s my fault. I- I’m sorry.”
The silence in the room boiled and I felt the regret wash over me like a humid wave; sweat beading across my body. Father’s face contorted, his pale skin growing splotchy and red. I saw the hit coming from a mile away as the world seemed to move in slow-motion, but my body refused to move out of the way; painfully aware of how much I deserved this punishment for what I just did.
His fist collided with my nose and I felt the cartilage crack under his knuckles. My head snapped backwards and I stumbled, the pain and shock filling my eyes with tears. My back hit the sink and my knees buckled, dropping me to the floor and leaving me half supporting myself against the cold porcelain as warm, coppery liquid dripped over my lips and into my open mouth.
Father shook his hand out, his face a mask of rage. He stalked over and grabbed one of the straps of my sports bra, forcefully pulling me back to my feet. Icy terror stabbed through my chest. I really shouldn’t have done that.
“W-wait! I’m sor-”
He struck me again with his free hand, still holding me in place. My head spun, and my mouth tasted like blood from where I’d accidentally bitten the inside of my cheek.
“How dare you talk back to me, you mangy little attack dog?! How many times am I going to have to beat this lesson into you? I own you. You are mine. If I say that you failed, you have failed, and the first thing you should be doing is getting on your knees and begging me for forgiveness, not giving me backtalk! You know nothing about how the world works. You are nothing. Without me, you wouldn’t be here; you wouldn’t get this freedom that I’m allowing you. You would be buried six feet in the dirt where you belong! And you’re telling me you don’t understand? Of course you don’t; you’re barely one degree above an animal. You’re lucky I’m even gracing you with my presence. Do you at least understand that?” 
Through the hot tears on my face and the paralysing fear in my gut, I could tell he was looking for an answer. I nodded frantically.
“Say it!” he screamed, aggressively shaking me.
“I- I understand, s-sir!”
He leaned in close until our noses were almost touching. I tried to shy away, but my back was against the wall. There was nowhere to go.
“What do you understand?” he asked, his voice low and dangerous.
“I- I understand that I’m lucky to h-have you, F-Father.”
His eyes narrowed. “...And?”
I swallowed, trying to remember his exact words. “A-and… that I’m b-barely one degree above an animal…”
He tapped my cheek with his thumb. It was gentle, but it still made me flinch.
“That’s right, Jordyn. You’re barely even a person, and the only reason you get to be that much is because of me. You only matter if you’re useful to me. Remember that.”
He finally leaned away and I had to resist letting out a sigh of relief at getting my personal space back. My heart was still pounding in my ears and my nose throbbed painfully along with every beat.
“Now,” he said. “Would you like me to help you understand your failure today, as well?”
I froze. I wasn’t sure how I should answer that. With no words coming to mind, my mouth supplied the default before I could stop it.
“Yes, please.”
Father cracked his knuckles. “Good.”
He was coming at me again before I knew what was happening. His fist sunk into my solar plexus and I gagged, slamming back against the wall as the air rushed out of me. Father didn’t slow down, following up with an elbow cracking across my cheekbone. One left jab split my bottom lip, and a right hook blackened my eye. His fingers tightened around my head as he grabbed my face and drove my skull against the wall behind me. I felt the skin split and warm blood drip down my neck, but there was no time to focus on that as Father pulled me down into a knee that crushed my already broken nose.
The pain was too much, and for a split second, everything turned white. I felt my body go limp and the world seemed to slip out of focus as Father began kicking me in the gut over and over, not allowing me a second to suck in the breath that had been lost when this beating began. A sharp, stabbing pain that was definitely a broken rib shot through my chest, and black swarmed my vision. It all became too much, and my eyelids started to fall shut, unconsciousness taking hold.
Just as quickly as it had started, Father backed off, storming out of the room and leaving me in a heap on the floor, slowly coming back to myself. My chest finally untightened and I sucked in as much air as I could, panting and coughing and sobbing at how much breathing hurt. I still didn’t understand. What was the point of all that? All… All he did was hurt me, and I still didn’t know what he meant when he said that I failed. Was it even possible for me to understand? Maybe… Maybe I was just too stupid. That was why Father was always there to tell me what to do. Without him, maybe I would just be too dumb to understand anything. Maybe I really was just a dumb, stupid, barely-a-person animal, just like he said. 
I clenched my teeth, trying to stop crying. Every sob was like another kick in the chest, and it was excruciating. I really should’ve tried to get up and treat my wounds, but the thought of moving right now made panic claw up my throat. At least there was the reassurance that I had nothing else to do today, so I had all the time in the world to just lie here and feel sorry for myself. There was no need to force myself up just yet.
I heard the door slide back open; heard Father’s footsteps across the tile floor, and cold dread washed over me like ice water.
My vision was still blurry, so I couldn’t quite make out his face as he approached, but I could see what he was holding. In one hand: a knife. In the other: a bucket, sloshing with liquid.
“Oh good,” he said, voice lilting with menace. “You’re still conscious.”
“Wh… Wha…?” I tried to speak through my busted mouth, but it wasn’t quite following my instructions. Everything felt too thick and heavy.
“Your lesson isn’t over yet, Jordyn. We don’t stop until you understand.”
Panic shot through me like a bullet, and I started hyperventilating. “P-please… N-no more…”
Father shook his head. “You need to know the cost of your negligence. You need to know what you put those two men through by failing them today.”
He put the bucket down and grabbed the back of my neck, dragging me painfully to my feet. I could barely keep my balance, but Father’s hand remained in place and held me steady as the world spun around me.
Something cold and sharp poked my belly a split second before a line of fire parted my skin; Father’s knife cutting a shallow slice into my abdomen. I screamed as the agony struck through my nerves like lightning, thrashing and trying to escape. Father’s hand maintained its iron grip.
“Because you couldn’t maintain protective vigilance over all members of the raid team today, both of those men had to suffer through the excruciating experience of having their throats slit.” 
The knife came again in time with his last word, cutting perpendicularly through the previous wound. I dry-heaved. My hands remained at my sides, refusing to move and defend me no matter how badly I needed it. Father wanted to teach me a lesson, and I’d already failed once today. I could not disobey him again.
He let go of my neck and I dropped to my knees, clutching at the wound with blood-slicked hands. The knife clattered to the ground and Father dragged the bucket over until it was right in front of me. He got to his knees at my side and his hand returned to its place at my nape.
I had no strength left, and as such Father had no issues shoving my face down into the cold water filling the bucket. The shock made me suck in a breath, sending water shooting up my sinuses and into my lungs. I instinctively coughed and tried to get any air at all, but that only made it worse. Forcing back against Father’s hand did nothing. My hands still refused to do anything to help me, as if something was holding them back, keeping them from acting against Father’s will. It wasn’t a conscious choice anymore; I needed to get out of this water, but they just wouldn’t listen. Shadows wouldn’t amass and do my bidding. I couldn’t go against him. I couldn’t fight back. I was helpless, and it was going to kill me.
Finally, Father pulled my head out of the bucket. I coughed and sputtered, wheezing any air I could through my water-logged throat. Please, god, let it be over.
“Because their throats were slit, they died in agony, drowning slowly in their own blood,” Father said. “It’s not a good experience, is it?”
I shook my head as best I could with his hand holding me in place.
“Do you understand yet, Jordyn? Do you know how you failed, and what your failure put those men through?”
“Y-yes, yes, I u-understand, sir.” It was the truth. I understood.
He pursed his lips. “See, I don’t think you do. Until you’ve experienced both of their pain, I really don’t think you can understand. You’ve already been cut twice, sure, but the drowning? I just don’t think you get it yet.”
My eyes went wide. Father dunked me under the water again.
It was too much. I just couldn’t take it anymore. Every single part of my body was in pain. My face throbbed relentlessly. My lungs burned from the lack of oxygen and my abs burned from the effort of trying to fight back. Every movement still sent a spike of anguish shooting through my chest. My back ached from bending over. The cuts on my belly stung endlessly. I just wanted it to end. 
Father’s hand wasn’t moving. This was it; I was going to die. After everything I’d survived, I was going to die while getting taught a lesson because I was too stupid to understand a simple concept. Maybe I just wasn’t cut out for this life. Blackness swarmed around my vision, closing in. I accepted it.
Once again, right as I was teased with some sort of release from this agonising consciousness, Father ripped it away at the last moment. My head was pulled out of the water and Father finally released his grip. My body went slack without his support and I collapsed to the floor, knocking the bucket over as oxygen and feeling slowly returned to my tingling, dying body.
“Now, you understand,” Father said.
I didn’t reply. I couldn’t. I was too busy trying to figure out how to breathe again.
“What do you say, Jordyn?”
Despite my overall lethargy, my brain kicked into overdrive trying to parse that question. Getting it wrong would mean this lesson wouldn’t be over yet. Father would still have to teach me more. He would have to take more time out of his day to discipline me for my stupidity. I needed to get this right; I needed to prove that I could be good for him in all the ways he deserved. I was lucky to get to even be in his presence.
“Th… thank you…” I rasped. “F-for… For helping me… u-understand…”
“Good girl.”
In the distance, I heard the door slide open. Mr. Sadler’s voice echoed around my head.
“Sir, we've finished- Oh. Sorry, am I interrupting something?”
Father stood up. “Just dolling out some discipline. Don't worry, we just finished. What were you saying?”
“We've finished analysing that feather from the scene. You were right, it came from G-5’s wings.”
“Thought so. Seems that girl is dedicated to being a thorn in my side. No matter, we'll find out where she's hiding eventually. Then, Seven will take care of her. Won't you, Jordyn?”
I was too stupid to know what they were talking about, but it seemed prudent to reply with an affirmative. Unfortunately, I seemed to finally have lost control of my body, and all I could manage was a moan that sounded vaguely like a yes.
“Very good,” Father replied. “Now, patch yourself up and take a shower. You stink.” With that, Father and Mr. Sadler left my room, and I finally, finally, passed out.
Taglist: @steelandblood @sapphicwhump @urnumber1star @alsolucakairomi @idkwhattodowiththisaltiamsorry
@iamheretohurt @anoyedartist @dontyoubleedoutonme
Hope all those work correctly this time! post creator is ass at telling you if your tags are actually functional. Anyone who has any advice I could really use it!
Huuuuuge shoutout to @anoyedartist who did some awesome fanart of Jordyn that you can check out here. Go and give them some love!
Thanks sm for reading :) Don't be afraid to leave a comment and let me know what you thought! It sustains me. Reblogs also very appreciated :)
gonna do another chapter of my book before the next one so it'll be a bit of a wait again. Stay tuned!
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 1 year
Whumptember day 30
“You were in my way” Stabbed in the back | Whimpering | Chained to a wall
Content warning: choking
"You know, you really are pathetic. I don't know what Hero sees in you," Superhero mused to their captive. Villain’s limbs were engulfed in metal, leaving them chained to the wall like a pinned butterfly. They were limp, showing no signs of having heard Superhero. “You’re more annoying than you are dangerous, you’re stupid as all hell…You’re like some yappy little dog that doesn’t know when to shut it,” Superhero smirked at that. “Well, I was able to solve at least one of those problems.”
Villain, of course, didn't respond outwardly. They couldn’t, not with Superhero’s powers flowing through them. Superhero had a vice grip on their mind, keeping them thoroughly separated from their own body. They were conscious–Superhero could feel the anger and terror pouring out of Villain in waves–but they were utterly unable to act. To the outside world, they looked comatose.
"You’re a nuisance, and I honestly think that’s the worst crime you’ve ever committed. I’d be doing everyone a favor by getting rid of you,” Superhero made a show of approaching Villain’s limp body, gently wrapping a hand around their neck. They felt Villain’s heartbeat, steady and calm even as Superhero could feel Villain’s mind jolt at the sudden contact.
Superhero squeezed, causing Villain’s body to twitch on instinct as their airflow was cut off. They didn’t wake. Superhero tightened their grip, smiling at the wheeze they forced out. They could feel Villain panicking, blind panic overwhelming any anger they’d felt. It didn’t do them any good. Villain could scream and cry all they wanted, but they still hung limp on the wall.
It was only when Villain’s face had begun going pale, when the waves of fear began to slow with their fading consciousness, that Superhero let go. Villain’s body gasped, and Superhero could feel Villain nearly sob in relief.
Superhero laughed, watching the red marks already forming around Villain’s throat. “I won’t though. Like I said, Hero seems to be fond of you. If nothing else, you’re good for keeping them in line,” Superhero gave a slow clap, grin sharp. “Congratulations, you’re just barely more useful to me alive than dead.”
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echo-goes-mmm · 11 months
Old Friends (Oneshot) #1
Warnings: briefly implied non-con, off-screen torture
Ugh. What happened? The team… the warehouse… the explosion…
Oh god, the explosion!
Hero bolted upright, his head throbbing. He groaned, screwing his eyes shut. He fumbled for his lamp. But there was no lamp.
He opened his eyes.
He wasn’t in his bedroom at home base.
He was in a dim cell.
Hero was in a dim cell, stripped of all his equipment and chained to a stone wall. In Supervillain’s base.
Steps echoed down the hall. 
But instead of Supervillain, a small-framed man limped down the hall with a tray. He looked… vaguely familiar. Or maybe it was a concussion talking.
The man turned to unlock his cell. It was a hand scan opener, which was interesting. Very classy.
He definitely had a concussion. 
The man had dark eyebags and even darker hair. He looked like shit, a bruise on his face and his eyes dull. They were purple, so he must be Powered. Still, somewhat familiar.
“Hey,” said Hero, as the man sat down the tray, “Do I know you?”
The man shrugged. He shook two pills from a bottle, and offered them to Hero.
He eyed them. “What are they?” 
“Painkillers,” he said, voice hoarse. “Master wants you to take them.”
“Master? You mean Supervillain.”
“Mhm.” He jostled the painkillers in his palm. What the hell? Supervillain was involved, he didn’t have a choice.
He took the pills, and the man handed him a bottle of water. Thank god.
“Are you two enjoying your reunion?” Hero jumped at the voice. He looked up, and Supervillain was just inside the cell, smirking that horrible grin at them.
The man stood up with the tray, eyes downcast. He moved to stand next to Supervillain, who placed a hand on the back of his neck.
“Aw, you don’t remember? Little Laith? Of course, he’s just my dog now. Speak, pup.”
“Woof,” said the man, staring at the floor.
Laith was a snarky, arrogant thief, Hero’s first Powered arrest nearly a decade ago. He could literally disappear into shadows, and occasionally teleport through them. What did Supervillain do to make him so… lifeless?
“I- I thought he was in prison.”
“Anything’s possible when you grease a few palms, sweetheart.” Laith flinched.
“You two have fun.” Supervillain pushed off the wall, waving them off. Hero watched him go.
“I’m sorry.” 
“If- If I knew you’d end up here- I wouldn’t have arrested you.”
“It’s okay.” Laith turned and left, sealing the door behind him.
“My team will come for me,” he panted. His entire body was an open wound, pain searing into his nerves.
“No they won’t, sweetheart.”
“Of course they will, there’s a tracker in my equipment, genius,” he spat.
Supervillain laughed. “You mean the one I had my pup plant on the body in your place? You’re dead, my dear, and all those gadgets are in my hands to study.”
“What- that’s not-” his head spun. Supervillain lit up a cigarette, as if he was enjoying a smoke after getting laid instead of after a torture session.
“Including your comlink. Congratulations on helping me take down your team, Hero. I’m sure you’ll see them soon. You’ll be cell neighbors! How fun.”
There was a commotion down the hall. Hero peered out past the bars. There was a yelp and a firm voice, but he couldn’t make out the words. Eventually the figures came into view.
Supervillain was dragging Laith by the hair, his heeled boots stomping across the stone floor. Hero shrank away from the sight.
Supervillain tossed Laith into the cell across from him, which had to be on purpose. But he didn’t stop there, pulling out a remote and a cattle prod. Supervillain pressed a button, and the hallway and cells lit up with floodlights.
They drowned out any possible shadows Laith could disappear into. Hero had used the same technique to catch Laith all those years ago. He felt sick watching his own strategy used for torture.
Supervillain pocketed the remote, and the cattle prod sparked.
Oh god.
“My dear pup,” he sighed, “you were doing so well.”
“Please, Master,” begged Laith, “I’m sorry!” 
It was the most energetic he had heard Laith in the week he spent in this hell hole. And it was spent begging Supervillain for mercy.
Hero screwed his eyes shut and covered his ears. It didn’t help cover up the screaming.
Laith brought him lunch, after. Just like usual. As if nothing had happened. Laith trembled, the cup of water rattling on the tray.
“Remember when you disappeared just to taunt me when I chased you? You’d make some comment about how I was an idiot or looked like crap.”
Laith sat the tray down in front of him.
“I remember.”
“What did he do to you? You used to be stealing diamonds and Rembrandts and now you're helping that monster.”
Laith glanced behind him. He sat down next to Hero. He tapped at the black choker around his neck, but on inspection it wasn’t a choker at all.
It was a slim metal power-dampener, a model he’d never seen before. A red light blinked at him. The only bulky part was a small box on the side, and Hero knew what it was on sight. A shock component.
“You can’t leave, can you?” Laith shook his head. 
“He hasn’t let me teleport for so long… I don’t know if I can anymore.” Laith was thin and ragged, bruises and burns up and down his face and arms. He shouldn’t be doing anything, much less using his abilities.
Hero didn’t have powers, he relied on his tech. Tech that Supervillain now had. He examined the collar. The lock was obviously in the shock component, and was a clear design flaw.
“I could get it off,” he said, “I’m sure of it. A minute with a piece of wire, and we could get out of here.”
Laith jerked away from him.
“It shocked me when I tired,” he said, despair in his voice. “I can’t take it off.”
“No I- we- could do it. C’mon Laith. You never hurt anyone back then, even when you could. Even when it was easier to than not. Don’t let Supervillain use you to murder innocent people.”
“I can't.”
“Please Laith,” be begged. “People are going to die.”
“He’ll kill me if I fail. Or worse.”
“How much worse can it get?”
Laith came to him a few days later, outside of the normal meal time.
He opened his palm to reveal a paperclip.
“We don’t have much time,” he said, tilting his neck. “He’ll know I opened your door, and he’ll know once it’s off.” Hero set to work.
“What made you change your mind?”
“I- he- he made me have sex with him again.”
“What?” Hero paused.
“Just work!” he snapped.
“What about my com?”
“What about it?” hissed Laith.
“Supervillain can’t have it.”
“It’s in the office, but-” the collar sparked, and he gasped in pain.
“-I don’t know if I have two teleports in me,” finished Laith.
“Okay, fine, we’ll just tell the team when we get back.”
“Wha- ‘we’?!”
The collar popped off, but they didn’t have time to celebrate before the hall lit up in floodlights.
“Uh oh,” came a voice over the loudspeakers, “did my little doggy forget his collar?”
Laith whimpered.
“Laith! Focus!” said Hero, grabbing his arm.
“There’s- there’s nowhere to go! I can’t-” Laith gasped for air, hyperventilating.
Hero searched around. Surely there was something the floodlights couldn’t reach. But the whole place must have been designed around it, because- 
The collar lay on the floor, casting a tiny shadow.
“Laith, look!” His face lit up, as if he was seeing water in the desert. Laith grabbed Hero’s hand and reached into the sliver of shade.
A coldness overcame them both, and Hero immediately felt nauseous.
They landed in an office, clearly Supervillain’s. Laith snatched something small and white off the desk, and they were off again.
They wound up in the middle of an empty lot of overgrown grass.
“I thought,” panted Hero, doubling over. “You didn’t have two. Guess you’re still an adrenaline junkie.” he joked.
It was right up his alley, but Laith didn’t laugh.
Hero glanced over. Laith lay sprawled out, face down on the dry grass.
“Oh god,” Hero turned him over, and checked his pulse.
He was alive, barely, and still clutching the com.
Hero pulled Laith towards him, cradling him close. He put the com back in his ear. Thank god for secondary trackers.
“I need medical!” he shouted into the com.
“Hero?! You’re alive? Wha-” God, he’d never been so happy to hear that voice.
“Just get here, fast!”
Laith whimpered in his lap, twitching. His head lolled, and Hero shifted to support his neck.
“It’s gonna be okay, buddy. I promise, it’s gonna be okay.”
taglist: @paintedpigeon1
Bonus: Laith, because I can't stop thinking about him
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