#why am i typing this many hastags
rainee-da · 4 months
Hey I like your wroting, pls keep up the good work 🙌🏻 i was wondering why u use emoji for character sometimes tho
Heyy anon thank you so much! I'm glad you like the fics that I made 🍀
I'm not really sure about what you mean by that, but if you're talking about the emoji I put after each character's name, it is indeed intentional and there are interesting reason for it! (at least I think it's interesting lol)
It's gonna be unnecessarily long so read down below if you happen to be interested with this one! (for some reasons)
I'm used to indulge to my fantasy via X (Twitter) a lot, especially since there are many Character X Reader fanarts created by JP's artists being posted on twitter. But in japanese fandom's twitter culture, there are many unspoken rules as to how to tag/title your work for the sake of decluttering/censoring/gatekeeping (idk how to best phrase that lol) and it is especially important to learn it if you want your work to reach to their demographics as well.
As for emojis, many people often used the unofficial fandom's designated emojis to tag their work/tweet/ instead of typing the actual name of the character, this is so they'll not clutter the hastag itself with their artworks/fic. Especially since sometimes there are character with similar names to one character in another fandom / the character's name itself is similar with a certain slang/noun/place.
The best example for this is Epidem from Mashle, since if you put the katakana of his name on twitter search engine you will be directed to a news/threads/tweets that is talking about 'epidemic'. It will be troublesome if someone who doesn't know anything about Mashle ended up finding random fanart about Epidem when they tried to find news related to 'epidemic', right? that's why tagging it with the designated emoji/term for that character will be more preferrable in this case.
If you want to know the designated emoji for each character in Mashle, here are the list of some that I've known;
Mash Burnedead = 🍄
Finn Ames = 🐬
Lance Crown = 🪐
Dott Barret = 💥
Lemon Irvine = 🍋
Rayne Ames = ☔
Max Land = 🎈
Abel Walker = 🪆/🧸
Abyss Razor = 🎭
Wirth Madl = 🕶️
Love Cute = 💗
Milo Genius = 🎓
Olore Andrew = 🦈
Anser Shinri = ⚙️
Margarette Macaron = 🎼
Carpaccio Luo-Yang = 🍥
Tron Morceau = 🎺
Cello Morceau = 🎻
Ryoh Grantz = ✨
Orter Madl = ⏳
Kaldo Gehenna = 🍯
Renatus Revol = ✝️
Agito Tyrone = 🐉
Sophina Biblia = 📕
Tsurara Halestone = ❄️
Domina Blowelive = 💧/🌊
Levis Rosequartz = 🧲
Lovie Rosequartz = ⚡
Charles Contini = 📞
Galuf Gargaron = 👅
Kenny Clark = 🧊
Malcolm Curtis = 🪲
Innocent Zero = ⏰/🕰️
Cell War = 💎
Doom = 🪞/🥞
Famin = 🤡/🎪/🃏
Epidem = 🍮
Delisaster = 🍾
That is the reason I put certain emoji for certain character. It's just because I often do that when I talk to other ppl about Mashle & I thought it would be nice to apply that to my writing!
There are (obviously) many others that I didn't write here because I didn't know, and I can't say for certain that what I describe up below is the correct explanation for this. For that reason, feel free to leave comments if you wish to add more/correct my post!
Well, that is all. Thank you for reading all of that mumbo-jumbo I just wrote up there 🍀 sorry if it's messy.... i know it is....
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megarax-ponyo · 9 months
¡Hello everyone!🐺✨... A call out (?
You will find something surprising - that I make this type of publications, since I have never done it here
But I do this for a good cause and to avoid problems with other users, look. I don't know where to start with this topic but hey... I'll try to explain it the best way I can Lately, I have received some messages that are somewhat... hard for me since well I understand your anger and displeasure about it with my Au I understand that the subject that I touch on in my drawings or in general in this story that I am doing, is not entirely pleasant to the eye and even less so because of the very graphic parts that I get to illustrate.
Not everyone can see this type of content and it is understandable, but believe me when I tell you that nothing I draw, write or present in this story is done in a mocking way or that I am really romanticizing the topic From the beginning when I started drawing my Au. I made it clear that I would try to handle it as maturely as I could. So that no user would call me a bad or edgy person for making an extremely dark story and I would be making fun of all this in the background
Clarifying this point for the thousandth time, I want to apologize to those people who have felt identified with my Au, have made them uncomfortable or have disturbed them, but my true purpose is not that
But rather to talk about a topic that people are afraid to even mention in an era where everything is censored because it "harms" or "offends" others. I also wanted to get to this point.... This is why whenever I am going to publish something extremely harsh, I put warnings so that they are careful about what they see next and I always leave a link to the place where they can see it without any restriction or censorship
Maybe I made a mistake in putting the wrong hastags, but I can remedy it and put the appropriate ones so that my content does not clash with people who are sensitive to such topics. I also made some special ones for my Au (in case you are interested) those would be #hypnoticaddictionau and #hypnotic addiction au, in order to classify my Au a little better
I'm not done yet! What I'm going to say will already be very hackneyed by almost the entire internet... but really, if you don't like seeing my content, that's fine! Can you get past me, you know? They don't need to be rude or classify me in the worst ways, just for doing things they don't like, for my part I have always tried to be as understandable and friendly as I can, I have never wanted to fall into rudeness. something that many users do with me... I don't understand why, being a good person... the rest see me as trash... I know that at a certain point I thought that many people would despise me for what I do but I really didn't want to be like the rest... in the sense that they can't talk about serious or strong topics for fear of the public rejecting them I always stayed on the sidelines and I was firm in the face of everything that has happened to me in recent times and I will continue to be firm in my work, decisions and everything that my art entails
First of all, I also want to thank those wonderful people who support my work and art, who always give me very comforting words, who make great things like Bots or Fics of all this Au and know that all this is to reflect and entertain. Thank you for all your support🥰
¡HEY! I don't want you to be scared by this either... huge message... anyway, it's just a small statement for those people whose best way to refute things to me is to be rude and call me things that I'm not even close to being. I'm not going to stop making my Au, not at all! It is a job that both you and I enjoy. I just want it to be very clear that I am a person like you and just like you I have feelings, I have problems, I have occupations... I have principles and values
I'm tired of some people talking to me as if I were... I don't know! a damn lunatic or a criminal, I just wanted to tell my story and that's it! I'm not looking to harm anyone, okay? I would be very grateful if you could please understand that
I think... that for my part this would be all, I'm sorry to bother you with this enormous writing but I wanted to be honest with all of you and speak to you out of character Thank you for coming this far, soon I will bring more things that will make your head explode! see ya! 🐺❤✨
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thedumbestest · 4 years
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Ah yes, the correlation of life and panties
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sumire-bride · 3 years
sumire and shuus route (demo) ecstasy 10
READ HASTAGS!!!! it has the hastags before you proceed
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Crying is a strange thing.. it has always felt funny..
And wrong..
The twist in my stomach it gives me when I dare shed tears.. believing you’ll come after me and throw me away..
That twist in my stomach is twisting everyday.. even if there’s no tears coming out sometimes..
My insides twist and get tangled together tightly where I think they might break sometimes..
But I think they’ve already snapped a long time ago
To where I have no tears left.. nothing left.. I just a hollow women..
At least I was..
scene is in sumire's room
sumire- ... (..sleepy...)
(..after yesterday... I could not sleep… I could not stop this strange crying thing from stopping…)
(..and so all night… I cried… and that pain in my heart just wouldn’t stop… oh so ever painful…)
(..it hurts…. And now… I think shuu-sama hates me…)
(..it was all my fault… I should have never let him make me love him… then none of this would happen…)
*bounce bounce*
Sumire- ..pwah…. (..I still feel as though I need to feel sad… but… I feel so sick right now… and my hole body just… feels so sore…and father wouldn’t like this…)
(..I just feel so…)
Tried… Nn…
*sumire falls asleep*
*scene changes to hallway*
Sumire- ..Nn… hm…
(..where… where am I…? A dream… not again…)
(..this place though… it gives me a strange nostalgia… but… why…?)
Younger sumire- …fufu… haha…
Sumire- ..huh… (..is… is that me…? Why am I being shown myself…? This is ever so confusing…)
Younger sumire- ..father is so nice… he makes me so happy…. He even gave me this doll…
..it makes me think of those tiny children… babies… does this mean I am a mother now…?
Sumire- … (..I’m not sure I remember this… it does not ring a bell… but of all things my dreams could show me…)
(..why does it need to be related to my experience now…)
Younger sumire- ..babies have names… but what type of name should this baby have…? Hm…
..it needs to be a good name… a great name…! Father was so nice to give me such a wonderful meaning of a name… so my baby needs a great name… what do you think your name should be baby…?
*rustle rustle*
Younger sumire- ..you have pretty hair… and your eyes remind me of… jades…! Those jade gems… my favourite ones…
..but… I want something better then what I am thinking of… the idea of having a baby when I am older makes me so happy… makes me feel like there’s a white light in my chest…
..pfft… that sounds so silly… haha…
Sumire- … (..I do not understand… what is all of this… uwah… it’s giving me a headache…)
*sumire follows younger sumire around different hallways*
Sumire- … (..I forgot how big my old house was… although… the manner I’m in now is no different… maybe a bit smaller….)
(..I wonder if chousoka-nii will bring my child here to stay or visit father… I wonder if my child will have trouble memorizing the halls and different places like I did as a child…)
(..fufu.. thinking about that makes me feel fuzzy and happy… I wish I could help them with the hallways… but I’m sure they’ll get better as they grow…)
Younger sumire- …oh goodness… I can’t find my room… mm… too many hallways…
Sumire- ..fufu… (..I bet they’ll react the way I did… pouty and all… such a fun thought…)
*scene changes to a different hallway*
Younger sumire- ..aha…! I found it…! Yay…! Look shiro we found it…!
Sumire- ..hm… (..who is shir…———)
Sumire- ..mmp… (..ow… ow… it hurts…)
(..what was I just speaking about just now…?)
*younger sumire opens the door, scene changes to a bloody room*
Sumire- ..!!… (..wha…)
*younger sumire drops the doll*
Younger sumire- …
..how come… how come nothing goes my way… now fair…. Not fair at all… Uu…
..ne ne… you…
Sumire- ..huh…!?
Younger sumire- ..did you make a mess…? In my room…
Sumire- ..what…? I… no i…-
Younger sumire- ..because your bleeding…. On your legs and stomach… see…
*the younger sumire points to the blood on sumire*
Younger sumire- ..there… look…
Sumire- ..huh…. Ah…!!
Sumire- ..hah… blood… blood…! (..am I dying…?! What is this…?!)
Sumire- ..uwahhh…..!!! (..more blood came out…!! It hurts… so much… so so much….!!!)
Sumire- …argh…!! (..why… why… why is this happening…?!)
..help…! Help me…!! Aha…!!
*scene changes to sumires present room, there’s blood all over it*
Sumire- ..the pain isn’t gone… it’s not gone…!!! What is happening…!!
???- you're fault.. you know that..
sumire- ..my... ah...! my fault...?
???- always having to explain things to you..
i gave you a choice.. you-------------
sumire- ...!!... cough cough...!
*sumire coughs up blood*
???- and now you want change your mind.. well no matter.. i'll just simply------------
sumire- ..UWahhhhhhh....!!
sumire- ..hah.. hah... cough cough...
???- i told you the consequences did i not..? but you didn't listen.
i'll be taking my leave.. you must always listen to my every word.. did i not make that clear..? sumire
sumire- sh...
???- hm..? for gods sake what is it now..?
sumire- his name... sh...--------
*a flash of colours shows*
*scene changes to sumires room*
sumire- ..hah...!!
*sumire sits up*
sumire- ..ah... hah... oh... oh goodness... oh what a terrible confusing dream...
i... i need a walk... a drink... i am not sure...
*sumire gets up*
*scene changes to balcony*
sumire- ...
(..sometimes... death seems like a good solution... but my baby will die with me as well... so i can't... my darling child...)
(..i am cold... everything feels so cold... are you too cold... my child...)
*sumire hugs her stomach*
sumire- ..i promise you... my darling light... that i will never let you be cold... even if it means i have to freeze to death...
--to be continued--
ecstasy 9 -- ecstasy epilogue
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I am so glad that you guys want to do this!! Your messages are getting me even more hyped for it! Keep 'em coming!
💌Since the feedback was so awesome (!!) Here are some notes on decisions that I have made and I'm also answering some FAQ's💌:
I'm going to make a Masterlist for each day of your post submissions. Breaking it up into categories of style and//or book. You can submit more than one thing a day
This will start on December 1st and follow respectively down the line
In each day's Masterlist I have created a banner. (First 7 <a week's> worth of banners has been posted in the reblog of the first post-)
After these first 7 I think I'm going to continue it by dropping the banners into a post that I will link in my bio. I will also link the prompt list in my bio in case you ever want to refer to it. <But please be patient on that, I'll do it eventually>
If you would also like to add either of them to your post, then go for it!! I think it will look so cool to have those banners up there!!
If you dont want your post featured, no worries! Just let me know.
I honestly despise hashtags 😆 , so tagging me with this account or messaging me a link to your post is probably your best bet for each day so I dont miss it.. You can do both, I don't care. That's probably honestly better anyway.
I'm sorry if I miss you, it would be an honest mistake, I'm only human. So just be kind and send it to me a different way. As long as you keep things appropriate then I dont see why I wouldn't add yours to the Masterlist of the day.
((Speaking of appropriate-NSFW is fine especially for writing just tag it (as always) and I will tag it on my end as well.))
Again.. You can choose to do as many or as little as you want! You dont have to do every day ..just choose what inspires you!!! 🥰🥰✨✨
To elaborate on what i said in the beginning above, You DON'T have to just do one thing for each day. For example, if for Day 22's prompt "Holiday," you want to do an edit of The Royal Romance crew, but also felt inspired to write a piece about the Elementalists crew opening up Christmas presents, don't let anybody stop you from doing both!!!! The more the merrier! <I'm following this along with you guys and have been preparing what I am going to do and am having a hard time deciding for some days between a few ideas, so I'm sure you are too! Do both!! Do more than one book, do more than one type of edit..Just do it!! Pick both! I'd say a max of 5 things a day <if you're really feeling it for a few books or edit types 5 is a good number, so no more than that, don't send me like 20 for one day..hehe🙈>
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I dont know how often I am going to update the daily masterlist, I am playing it by ear
I'm gonna tag my posts as well in the masterlist for each day as " host @jlpplays1 " , that's me 😊😊
I'm doing this on my Instagram as well, so if youd like to join on there too. (jennifer.plays.choices) The set-up of it is a little different though of course. -I'm having the participants use the hashtags #41daysofcheerchallenge #41daysofcheer beccause that format is better for instagram, so if you'd like to check it out on there that's how I'm saving it 😊, you can see everybody's posts on there like that and I'd love for you to participate there too if you'd like. It's a different audience. If you do decide to do both, Introduce yourself if you are from here because I'm nosy and would love to know if you hop over to instagram 😂💕
Again, I encourage screenshotting the prompt list for safe keeping
Tag your friends! Spread the word! Because that's really how something like this gets pieced together so I can pull it off 😅
I might be a little bit delayed. But again, I'm only human so patience people, patience is key!!!!!🤪🤪
I dont know what I'm gonna do for the hashtags on these posts (because like I said hastags= bleh) so maybe just put on post notifications if you would like to see everything?
Shoutout to my wonderful taglist!! : I dont plan on tagging in the comments on this. It's a lot of work, but I'm still on my posts though. So no worries 😊😊. -post notifications- for this account may be your best bet? Idk, sometimes I still dont know how to work this thing lol so please be patient with me 🤪🤪🤪
If you are a day or two late, dont even worry about it!!!! Still post it!!! We still want to see and I will still add it, for sure!!!
If you have any questions feel free to message me on this account ~~but I think I covered just about everything!! See ya in the comments!!
-Jennifer ((aka @JlpPlays1))x
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#vanlife - not just a hastag
Hi there,
I am EarthQuackSugarSkull and I am a Filmmaker born and bred in London, currently residing in the north of England and loving it. just luvvinit. I moved to South Africa when I was 18 with my mum, to explore the world, travel, grow and ended up studying my BA in filmmaking in Durban. After I completed my course I moved to The North and now... here I am.
So here is my life at the moment: I am a part-time Postgraduate Filmmaking student, meaning I have school and lectures one day a week, though the majority of my course is ‘self-motivated’...ugh... which translates to: Do it yourself. Good luck. SO I am currently working on 2 films, one which is on pause to make way for the other one, which I am making progress with and hope to screen it at an exhibition at the end of June 2018. I try to leave 2-3 days a week (including school) to dedicate completely to working on the film. I also work 4-5 shifts a week at a pub, most of which are night shifts.... which makes waking up early... challenging, especially after working several nights in a row... after the 4th night I do nothing but sleep the next day...I work to make money for the film - the props, paying actors and crew, any location payments, travel expenses and festival entries. While I have managed to scrounge a little extra here and there, the film’s main budget comes from my work at the pub. I enjoy the job, don't get me wrong, but it isn't what I want to be doing. the late nights, constantly being ill from picking up snotty tissues, smelling like an alcoholic, walking home alone at night... there are many things I dislike about the job which... at this point in my life and after 6 years in the industry, I am ready to move away from. 
I consider my other skills: videography, photography, sound mixing, editing and other filmy stuff and apply for those jobs in my area. I find a couple but most of them are for a month or two at the most, and are paid in exposure bucks which are all very cute but don't pay the bills... furthermore the majority of work that I can get at my level are in London, for sporadic amounts of time at sporadic times and are also paid in exposure bucks or not enough to cover travel expenses and staying somewhere etc... so I consider: what about a regular job, an office job? tried it. hated it. furthermore, because of the film all of my spare money is going into the film and I certainly canNOT afford to survive the dreaded first month of a new job whatever it may be... so I find myself in a predicament.
I am writing this rather long-winded post because I just wanted to get this out. I have always been in love the classic VW surfer duuuuuude camper van, in particular the red ones.... luvvem. just... luvvem. And now all these damn beautiful millennial vegan yuppies are all up in them...GADDAMN IT MAKES ME MAD. but you know, I'm completely one of them - except the vegan part... but I LIKED THEM BEFORE THEY WERE COOL OK???!
Anyway - I've always thought it would be cool to put a mattress in the back and go on little road trips in it. Not until a couple of years ago, once admittedly I had come across the #vanlife movement, did I consider moving into one full-time. And now... I. am. obsessed.
Here is why #vanlife ISN’T bullshit. for me.
Please note: if there is anything I have learned from hundreds, I say HUNDREDS of hours I have spent researching vans, interiors, batteries, types of insulation, watching videos, vlogs, reading articles, blogs and so on... it is this: van life and the reasons for or against it are entirely INDIVIDUAL to the person undertaking this lifestyle. It is also important to note that van life isn't just a hashtag, it is an entire lifestyle. and it is not simply moving your apartment into a van, it is an entire change of life style. We are talking about going from stationary to nomadic homie... omg I can't wait!
I know what you’re thinking: damn millennial yuppy, living in a van is weird! well... stop right there, JUDGE JUDY! I hate yoga, I love meat, I eat pizza on the REG, I spend waaaaaay too much time on the couch, I’m slightly overweight but I make it WERK because SELF LOVE henny. I am pretty normal. though undiagnosed, I definitely suffer from depression, anxiety (you know, the usjj...), low-self esteem and all that LOVELY STUFF. But you know what? I’ve decided I don't give a shit. I’m doing it! I am buying a crappy van, empty. I am going to throw a mattress, a bucket, a storage container and a cooler in the back and FUCK THE FUCK OFF. And I can't bloody wait. But first... let me overthink this through....
I am doing this because it will help me career-wise because I’ll be able to travel TO where the work is and it will be fine if the work is sporadic because I'll be LIVING IN A VAN - a house on wheels WITH storage space?!?! perfect for being on a film set! I don't need to factor in commuting time especially when shooting runs late or starts early, I can just sleep in the parking area... easy! 
I can visit my friends and family more (they live eVERYWHERE - this makes it very expensive and time-consuming to visit them because it takes hours in the coach or train, and I can only travel at certain times because they don't run 24/7 and you can travel WHENEVER in a van. I'll also save money on food and coach/train tickets as well as trains and cabs in and around their areas. 
I have done plenty of TRAVELLING in my life and I think those experiences and lessons cannot be forgotten or lost, which is why I think this is a brilliant idea. I want to explore my weird little Island, I want to explore Europe (before BREXIT FFS), I want to drive from the North of England aaaaalllll the way down to Cape Town, South Africa because many of my uni friends live there and I NEED TO SEE THEM.
I can save so much MONEY man... seriously - in the long term, and I say after a matter of a few months, I could make back the money I have spent out for the van, and from there we are talking petrol, insurance, food and then expendable income. I can put that money towards equipment, films, festival entries, travel to festivals and other industry events or just savings.
The FREEDOM! I love being able to move about freely! I love having all of my possessions to hand - it makes me feel empowered, independent, strong and those cannot be bought or achieved with a big house, for me anyway..
comfort? no... insulation, blankets and cushions... ok
Safety? - fair point, sir... I imagine an alarm, a dog and a large knife can take care of that...
there don't seem to be many more...
I’m going to come clean now... at the END of the post ok I KNOW... bear with me ok
I do not have a driving licence.
I know... I KNOW OK?! calmit... I moved to SA when I was 18 and over there it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to apply for a driving test as a foreigner. In the year and a half I was trying to book one, I went back and forth from the driving authority MANY MANY times... each time there was a new document I needed which I didn't need last time...and then when I moved back to England I found out you have to live in England for a certain amount of time before you can book a test, plus I needed a new provisional licence. I have also had many many poor months in the past year, leaving little extra money for lessons and the test itself. I booked my driving test this morning as well as a lesson with an ALRIGHT instructor, but if we’re honest... which we always are - I've been driving for years. I am a safe driver but just need a little practice. so - assuming I pass pay test in June... I should be on the road by July 2018. I should get a larger pay check in June and hopefully the film’s expenses will be mostly complete so I'll have a bit extra to play with... hopefully. if not then I will spend another month or so working and then move in ASAP before winter comes!!!
so... that’s the plan... this PROBABLY won't work BUT I have to hope above hope that it will because honestly. I can't do this any more. I can't do being tied to one location any more. it isolates me from those I love, and me being the lazy poor motherfucker I never have spare income to buy tickets and book trains to go visit my friends and family. I feel constrained. I feel flattened... I feel the weight of all of it on my back and it kills me. I need to do this. this isn't some #vanlife bullshit. fuck all that. fuck all the fluff around it. Life on Wheels is the perfect way to minimise, mobilise and empower oneself. in the world we live in today? it seems like the only option for me, unless I fall into the machine taking a 9-5 and a lease/mortgage. I can't do that. I will literally be HORRIBLE to be around. I will feel FIlTHY and oppressed and that will send me down a mental journey that I have experienced before and simply won't survive again... but that is a post for another day.
Aaaaaaanyway, if you've made it down here - thank you. thank you for listening,  thank you for the shit that you have given me today. Here, have one in return. <<SHIT>>
One love,
EarthQuackSugarSkull x
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topicprinter · 7 years
I am back with one more updated guide, additional info included and also can be a great read anyone of you missed it last time. If Instagram is one of your marketing channel then growing it in the right way is very important, there are tons of services offering so called 'organic growth' solutions which I highly suspect to be the case. So, I will share with you some methodology/tips/tricks using which any Instagram account can be grown.I have divided the guide into phases corresponding to which I have explained the strategies you can try. This is from my experience of growing accounts for almost 2 years now. I am not saying this is the only way to grow accounts but this has worked for me time and again, so without further ado let's get started!Before I get Started with the guide some things which is a must know for anyone who looking to grow an accountPost quality content : there is no substitute for quality content no matter how you plan to grow your account. In fact posting top notch content will aid the growth of your account in case it manages to hit the charts which is difficult when you just start but quite possible when you have a considerable amount of following.Instagram Algorithm : After facebook took over instagram a lot has changes, many users have reported a drop in the overall reach and even I have experienced that. However there is small positive, there is increased chance for a small time account to go viral because of the recent algo change. Instagram now will show your post to a small subset of people, if the engagement is very good then the chances of your post exploding is very high. This is why the recent algo change can be beneficial for some but it is also true the reach has reduced, however instagram still has a very high reach compared to other social media platforms.Now, Let us get stared with the process to follow!INITIAL PHASE (0-10K Followers)So the baby is just born and it is time to nurture it,Find a neat profile image and an awesome description is very important because that is all you have to show off when you begin. Then also post 4-6 images and you are good to go.Growing the BabyMake a list of 5-10 huge accounts in your niche(100k+ Ideally)1.Follow them and keep notifications on so that you get notified when they make a post.2.Since they are big accounts they tend to get tons of likes in first few minutes.3.Go to the list of people who have liked their recent picture and follow them!4.These people get a notification, they tend to come to your profile and check it out(this why having a neat bio is imp) and if they like it they follow you back, Voila!5.Rinse and repeat the process to get the first big push.Do this until you reach 10k Followers, Depending on your niche this may take anywhere between 4-10 months. Now, Congratulate yourself because your baby is a teenager now!Tips1)Many of them asked which app do I use for scheduling posts, I know hootsuite is considered to be the best but my problem with them is they do not post it for us but only remind us. So, I use Gramblr as all I have to do is schedule posts and make sure the PC is on during the posting times. The disadvantages are that we have to login to Instagram and also there is no app version for this.2) Myth : Use Hastags to grow! Please do not use hashtags when your account is so small. The whole point of using hashtags is that your post will make it to the top of those hashtags which is highly unlikely since your account is so small, in return you end up getting fake likes and followers because most of the bots will be configured to follow users who use 'x' hashtags. This will degrade the Quality of your account.TEENAGER PHASE(10-20K)Now the baby is a Teenager and you can try more things.1.Continue Follow/Unfollow but you can reduce the number of follows you do at once. May be instead of following 6k people reduce it to 3K and do it in two cycles.2.Start Looking for accounts in your niche with the same following as you and frorm a group. This is called as engagement groups, but I advice you to only like each others pictures just to give it a push. Do not start commenting yet because it will start looking spammy. Do it at a later stage, for now this group must only focus on liking each others pictures.3.Start using hashtags now because now atleast you have considerable amount of following and the probability of your post getting into explore page is high (Because of the engagement activity)ADULT PHASE (20-30K)By now I am sure you would have formed a good network of like minded accounts. Continue the Group engagement activity and also start occasional comments activity (Allot random days for commenting), Please do not do it everyday because it will look spammy.You can also start contacting pages with 100k+ followings and ask them to like your picture as soon as you post them. This will give you boost and there have been instances where I have got 200-300 followers in hours because of this. But finding accounts who would do it for free is the though task. This concept is called as power likes.CONCLUSIONThis pretty much sums up the complete guide, I know you will have many questions about this which is why this thread can be AMA types. Feel free get all your doubts cleared before building your accounts! I would love to add more content and make it more structured, if I see a good response again I may consider making a very detailed blog post on this! Waiting to hear from all the entrepreneurs! Lets keep crushing ! :)I want everyone to ask as many questions as possible because I would want to share more info, with more questions I can add more content the next time I post.
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topicprinter · 7 years
So, A week back I made a post about Growing Instagram account in any niche. The response was amazing and also got a lot of queries, So I taught I I'll make an extended post with more information. This will surely help any business/social media manager/individual etc who is looking to grow their Instagram account. If Instagram is one of your marketing channel then growing it in the right way is very important, there are tons of services offering so called 'organic growth' solutions which I highly suspect to be the case. So, I will share with you some methodology/tips/tricks using which any Instagram account can be grown.I have divided the guide into phases corresponding to which I have explained the strategies you can try. This is from my experience of growing accounts for almost 2 years now. I am not saying this is the only way to grow accounts but this has worked for me time and again, so without further ado let's get started!INITIAL PHASE (0-10K Followers)So the baby is just born and it is time to nurture it,Find a neat profile image and an awesome description is very important because that is all you have to show off when you begin. Then also post 4-6 images and you are good to go.Growing the BabyMake a list of 5-10 huge accounts in your niche(100k+ Ideally)1.Follow them and keep notifications on so that you get notified when they make a post.2.Since they are big accounts they tend to get tons of likes in first few minutes.3.Go to the list of people who have liked their recent picture and follow them!4.These people get a notification, they tend to come to your profile and check it out(this why having a neat bio is imp) and if they like it they follow you back, Voila!5.Rinse and repeat the process to get the first big push.Do this until you reach 10k Followers, Depending on your niche this may take anywhere between 4-10 months. Now, Congratulate yourself because your baby is a teenager now!Tips1)Many of them asked which app do I use for scheduling posts, I know hootsuite is considered to be the best but my problem with them is they do not post it for us but only remind us. So, I use Gramblr as all I have to do is schedule posts and make sure the PC is on during the posting times. The disadvantages are that we have to login to Instagram and also there is no app version for this.2) Myth : Use Hastags to grow! Please do not use hashtags when your account is so small. The whole point of using hashtags is that your post will make it to the top of those hashtags which is highly unlikely since your account is so small, in return you end up getting fake likes and followers because most of the bots will be configured to follow users who use 'x' hashtags. This will degrade the Quality of your account.TEENAGER PHASE(10-20K)Now the baby is a Teenager and you can try more things.1.Continue Follow/Unfollow but you can reduce the number of follows you do at once. May be instead of following 6k people reduce it to 3K and do it in two cycles.2.Start Looking for accounts in your niche with the same following as you and frorm a group. This is called as engagement groups, but I advice you to only like each others pictures just to give it a push. Do not start commenting yet because it will start looking spammy. Do it at a later stage, for now this group must only focus on liking each others pictures.3.Start using hashtags now because now atleast you have considerable amount of following and the probability of your post getting into explore page is high (Because of the engagement activity)ADULT PHASE (20-30K)By now I am sure you would have formed a good network of like minded accounts. Continue the Group engagement activity and also start occasional comments activity (Allot random days for commenting), Please do not do it everyday because it will look spammy.You can also start contacting pages with 100k+ followings and ask them to like your picture as soon as you post them. This will give you boost and there have been instances where I have got 200-300 followers in hours because of this. But finding accounts who would do it for free is the though task. This concept is called as power likes.CONCLUSION This pretty much sums up the complete guide, I know you will have many questions about this which is why this thread can be AMA types. Feel free get all your doubts cleared before building your accounts! I would love to add more content and make it more structured, if I see a good response again I may consider making a very detailed blog post on this! Waiting to hear from all the entrepreneurs! Lets keep crushing ! :)
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