#why are the phone designers at apple such size queens what happened to a phone you could put in your pocket
vykodlak · 2 years
got to get a look at the newest iphone model at work and its too big. you can't put it anywhere. why are we making phones so big this is just unnatural
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Lost one sibling, gained four more; Queen x teen reader pt.2
*Author’s note*
Okay so here we go w/pt.2 now here is where we get to majority of the angst towards the middle and the end of the story. So I hope you all got your handkerchiefs out cause you’ll need them for this part. I’m sorry in advance for any heartbreak that I’ll cause but it ends with fluff, don’t worry. Enjoy my lovelies
"(Y/n). (Y/n)~ wake up sleeping beauty." I moaned and groggily opened my eyes to see Deacy smiling down at me. I felt his hand stroking my hair and I let out a soft yawn.
"Are we there yet?"
"We're just about to turn into the driveway right now." I heard Roger say. I got off Deacy's shoulder and as we finally arrived up at the studio I was surprised to see it was more like a barn than a recording studio. "This is it?" Roger asked.
"This is it boys and girl. Welcome to your new home for the next several weeks." Our driver parked the car and we all got out. I raised my arms stretching them out trying to wake myself up and all around me I saw nothing but miles of greenery, some animals out and about like cattle and chickens.
"It's pleasant. I think it'll do good." I said to myself.
"Oi intern! Make yourself useful and grab some of these bags." I heard Paul's nastily voice snap at me.
"Watch it Prenter. Less you wanna be thrown over the barn." Roger threatened him.
We were then given our rooms. Freddie of course got the biggest one, Rog's was quite comfortable looking, Brian had the rickety old bed, poor John was shoved down the basement in probably the smallest room in the whole house, then just before Paul could stick me down in the middle of the living room, Roger came down and said.
"Hang on, there's a spare room jointed with Freddie's. I think (y/n) should take that room."
"That won't do any good Roger, I've already called that room." Paul said.
"You sure you want that room Prenter? Because I just went in it and I saw this big, nasty, hairy spider about the size of a dinner plate. Not to mention the rat burrows I found in the drawers." At hearing Roger's tale, Paul's eyes widened and he said.
"Better yet, why don't you take that room lass?"
"Thanks you for understanding Prenter." Said Rog as he came over and wrapped an arm around me and brought me back upstairs.
"Please tell me there's no spider or rats." I whispered to him.
"Of course there's not. I just said that to jerk him off. You didn't really think I'd let you sleep in a room like that, did you?" He then opened the door to my room and it was fairly big in itself.
A beautiful wooden wardrobe with carvings of horses designed along the frame, a Victorian style dresser, a pretty big bed maybe a queen sized mattress and a joint bathroom.
"Plus I figured you deserve your own bathroom than having to share it amongst us men. Leave the fighting to us, no need to drag you into our morning squabbles of who gets the first morning shower." I set my stuff down and said.
"Thanks Rog."
"No need to thank me at all love, just hope you can handle Fred as a roommate."
"I managed while we were in Japan, didn't I?"
"That you did, well I'll leave you to unpack your things. Breakfast will be made in about an hour. Deacy's cooking today." I moaned already thinking of the delicious meal Deacy was going to prep for us. After unpacking my stuff, I lay down on the bed to test it and already I felt like I was on a heavenly cloud.
"Oh my god this bed is so comfortable." I turned towards the window and looked out to the green paradise that reached our far beyond the horizon. "God Kay, you should really see this view." I then grabbed my journal and did a quick sketch of the outside. The sky, clouds and even rays of sunlight peeking out. As I kept working, I soon heard Deacy's voice proclaim.
"Breakfast is ready!" I smiled and set my journal down and raced downstairs. "Well first one down, first one to be served. And also given something a little extra."
"Thanks Deacy." I thanked as he gave me extra cheese on toast and eggs.
"How come she gets extras?" exclaimed Paul. Deacy and I turned towards him and he said.
"I only give extras to first arrivals. And (y/n) here deserves every ounce of extra food because she alone appreciates my cooking."
"What are you talking about I appreciate your cooking Deacy darling!" Freddie proclaimed.
"Just last week you said my toast was too crispy for your liking."
"I was recovering from a hangover and I needed flavor, not dried up ash."
"Exactly my point Fred. Now everyone else come make your plate." We all then gathered around the table with me sitting between Brian and Freddie and Roger sitting across from me.
As the day went on, the boys went immediately to work after breakfast and tested out the recording studio across from the main house. They were all scattered around currently trying to come up with song ideas.
I was walking along outside to get some fresh air when I saw Roger bothering some of the chickens.
"I thought you were supposed to be working? Not bothering the livestock." He jolted before turning towards me and he said.
"I am working. In fact I've poured my heart and soul into this song."
"Oh really? And what song have you poured your very being into?"
"Come into the studio with me and I'll show you." He then guided me to the studio and went over to his drumkit and began playing his song to which he named "I'm in love with my car."
After he played it, I'll admit I was intrigued. It definitely had a good drum feel to it, because this was a song where the drums really got to shine and I haven't heard a song do that yet.
"How was that?" he asked me.
"It's......" I tried to find the right words on how I really felt.
"Please tell me you don't hate it. Cause I swear if you do I'll lock you in here till you say you love it."
"No, no Rog I don't hate it. I love the fact that it has a good drum feel to it. They really shine more than anything I've ever heard of from any rock and roller. It's just the lyrics.....Please tell me you don't actually want to have—"
"No! It's a metaphor (n/n). In fact Johnathan is inspiration to this."
"Wait Johnathan Harris, one of the roadies?"
"Yeah. He says that the current love of his life is his Triumph F4. So as appreciate for what he's done for us on the road, this song is for him."
"Ahh I see."
"So you—do like the song?" he asked almost insecurely. He stared at me with nervous baby blue eyes that made him look like a nervous puppy about to go to the vet. How could one say no to his face?
"I like it." A proud smile spread wide across his face as he came up and picked me up and spun me around.
"Oh thank you lovie. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!"
The next morning I woke up to the sound of an argument downstairs. I stood up and walked down the stairs to see Roger throw a few strips of bacon right at Brian.
"Is that strong enough?!" he then cleared the entire counter. Food, plates, the vase with some flowers and water all slammed right on the ground and broke into a million pieces. "What about that!?" he then reached for the coffee machine and was ready to smash it when Brian and Deacy exclaimed.
"What is going on here!?" I snapped. The three of them turned towards me and that's when they all began talking over each other. I rubbed my fingers to my temples immediately regretting even saying anything. "SHUT IT!!!" at that point they all went quiet.
"(Y/n), please tell me you didn't actually agree to a song like 'I'm in love with my car'." Brian pleaded with me.
"I did. I think the song has some potential. I mean yeah the lyrics are a little iffy but it's catchy." At that point John and Brian groaned out while Roger gave me a wink and a thumbs up.
"And to think I was gonna make you Veronica's special apple pie. But now I take that back." Deacy said.
"I thought you had good taste in music (y/n)."
"And she does. At least it's better than calling someone sweet like they're cheese."
As the day went on, we were now recording Freddie's song to which he's titled "Bohemian Rhapsody." I'll admit the lyrics made absolutely no sense whatsoever, but Freddie had a vision for the song and just hearing him sing and play the piano of how he wanted this song to be, made me begin to really like this song.
Right now Brian who had just had an idea for a guitar solo for this song, was in the studio recording what he had in mind. I'll admit it this'll probably be the first time a guitar solo is sung, and when people finally get a taste of this song, they'll probably be singing this for decades to come.
Weeks continued to pass by and we were still focused on Fred's song. But what was really going through my mind was that I hadn't heard from my mum since the second day we came here. I know I've been busy with the guys but I would've thought Paul being the message keeper, he would've at least told me if my mum had called.
But then again you should never trust a snake with secrets.
It was currently 2:30am when I kept tossing and turning in my sleep. I kept whimpering out as my breathing went ragged and heavy.
"No. No.....no Kay don't.....don't leave me."
"(Y/n). (Y/n) dear. Darling wake up!" I suddenly opened my eyes someone reached for my lamp and when the light came on, Freddie stood hovering over me. "It's okay, it's okay darling, you're okay."
"Freddie wha—what time is it?"
"2:30 darling, I could hear you whimpering from my room."
"Ahh shit I'm so sorry Fred I—I didn't mean to wake you up."
"No, no it's fine dear. Are you okay? It sounded like a pretty bad dream." He said as he stroked some hair out of my face. I sighed heavily.
"It's been over 3 weeks since I've talked to my mum. And just the last few times that I have called I got no answer from the house phone. Freddie I'm—I'm worried something's happened to Kay. What if—what if she's....."
"Hey, hey, hey no don't think like that darling. Come here." He sat down beside me and pulled me close so that my ear was pressed over his heart. "Don't automatically assume the worst dear."
"Then why haven't I gotten word from my mum yet?"
"I'll sort it out with Paul in the morning. For now try to get back to sleep, yeah?" I sniffled and nodded. I lowered myself back into bed and Freddie helped tucked me back in. "There we go darling. Snug as a cute bug in a rug." I hummed a chuckle and he smiled at me. "Stay here for a minute."
He then left my room for half a second before finally coming back in with a candle in one hand and his lighter in another. He set the candle by the nightstand and flicked his lighter on before lighting it up. He turned my light off, letting the candle be my only source of light.
"What is this Fred?"
"Something I used to do with Kash when she was a little girl before I went off to boarding school. While this candle is a light, they are the eyes that a brother leaves behind to guard his sister while she dreams at night. No nightmares would dare enter while this candle is lite."
"You promise?"
"I swear it." He smiled and brushed my bangs out of the way before placing a gentle and loving kiss at the center of my forehead. "Goodnight my little kitten."
"Night Freddie." He smiled and gave me one final kiss to each of my cheeks before walking out smiling softly and shutting the door. I kept my eyes on the candle as it flickered on an invisible breeze. I soon felt my eyes grow heavy as I fell back asleep.
Early the next morning, we were starting the Operatic section of Bohemian Rhapsody. Roger being the high range singer that he is, recorded his bits for the Galileo parts.
"How was that?" he asked.
"Freddie?" Deacy spoke trying to get Fred's attention as he stared at the meters.
"Higher." Freddie said. Roy rewind the tape as Deacy said to Roger.
"Can you go a bit higher?"
"If I go any higher, only dogs will hear me."
"Try." Said Fred.
"Freddie's note, sorry." Said Deacy.
"Go on, roll the tape." Sighed Roger. Then on take 24 Rog tried the Galileo's again, this time they were higher as he did grand arm gestures to help make his voice go higher. "How was that? Better?"
"Higher." Freddie bluntly demanded. Brian pointed up to the sky with his pen and Roger growled out.
"Jesus, how many more Galileo's do you want?"
"Freddie wants to do a few more overdubs." Deacy stated.
"Do we even have any tape left?" asked Roger.
"I do have to say the tape is wearing out. It can't take much more."
"Yeah we can't afford much more. What are we three weeks overscheduled?" questioned Brian as he wrote down some notes while I was drawing Roger in the studio.
Soon enough one more take turned into 9-10 takes before Fred was finally satisfied. The operatic session continued with the next line, Freddie who was pacing around said with a grin.
"That's it." After Roger was done singing Freddie continued, "It's beautiful. Love it!" with a clap of his hands, they continued on.
Now all four of them were in the booth going back and forth from the low ranges to the high for the Bismillah section.
The guys got into it so much especially at the final vocalization that by the time the rock out section came on, they were all bouncing up and down so much that they actually made the flats collapse backwards, barely missing some of their stuff.
Freddie and John came falling to the ground, while Rog and Bri were the ones responsible for knocking the two flats behind them down. I couldn't help but laugh myself as I knew this song was gonna change Queen's life forever.
"How was it (y/n) darling?" asked Freddie.
"I love it guys. It's perfect! This is gonna change the world forever." I said into the microphone and the guys all cheered.
Whoo what a rush! I thought we'd never get the song done. Guess being a perfectionist finally paid off, because as I've said repeatedly I truly believe "Bohemian Rhapsody" is gonna change the way of music forever.
Now with the song finally done and the guys taking a break for a bit, I decided to try and call my mum again to see how Kaylee is doing.
I typed in my home phone number and I heard it ring three times before my mum's voice said.
"Hey mummy."
"Yeah who'd you think it was Debbie Reynolds? I've......"
'(Y/n) I've been trying to call you repeatedly for weeks hadn't you gotten any of my messages?' her voice was frantic and cracking with sorrow.
"Whoa, whoa mum slow down. What's happened?"
'I've been calling you repeatedly nonstop. This man who answered said he'd relay my messages to you. But you never called me back, why didn't you call me back?!' Paul. Goddamn you Prenter!
"Mum I didn't get any messages. What's happened?"
'(Y/n)......it's Kaylee.'
"What about Kaylee is she alright?!"
'Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry......it just happened so suddenly, the doctors tried so hard to revive her but she—she died a week ago.' At this point I just froze.
No she—she couldn't have. Not Kaylee, not my best friend. She can't be dead, she can't be!
"(Y/n) dear! Come on out and party with us! We—darling?" I saw all four of the guys come in from outside and they must've seen the horrified shock on my face.
I could hear the faint sounds of my mum trying to get my attention but all I did was drop the phone and race upstairs. I slammed the door shut and leaned up against it.
My chest felt like it was being squished by a car as I could barely get a breath of air out. Then I guess I must've blacked out because all I could faintly hear was the sound of crashing, the faint feeling of my fist beating against a wall and just screaming. I don't know how long I was doing this but it wasn't until I felt the familiar arms of Roger wrap around me trying to get me to stop.
I ended up crying and screaming as I just collapsed into Roger's lap and wept hard and long.
I was now back in London ready to bid a final farewell to my sister at her funeral. I only just wish I could've said goodbye to her before she passed away. Since it was an open casket, my mum and I stood side by side of each other as we stared down at Kaylee before we would bury her.
"She loved you (y/n). I hope you realize that." Said my mum.
"I wish I got to say goodbye to her though."
"I know." She wrapped an arm around me and kissed the top of my head and rubbed my arm and back. She then left me alone with my sister. I stared down at her and it was like she was asleep, like our favorite Disney Princess Aurora. However I knew that not even true love's kiss would wake her up, because unlike Aurora my sister is actually dead and no spell can reverse it to make it a sleeping curse.
I didn't even know what to say. My throat was choking up as it felt dry, my stomach was in tight knots, and I felt like crying but my tears were all spent. I felt sick and just wanted to curl up and disappear, maybe even die myself so that I could be reunited with my sister. I leaned down and pressed my forehead against hers and whispered.
"Goodbye Kay." I kissed her forehead and began to realize just how cold she was. I backed away from her casket and lowered my head as I felt sobs coming out of me once more. I felt a presence behind me and that's when I heard Roger's voice say.
"We're so sorry (y/n)." I whimpered and immediately nuzzled myself into his chest as my voice trembled.
"Thank you Queen." Roger wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on top of mine and kept hugging me.
It was surprising that the boys wanted to come to the funeral to pay their respects to Kaylee, and it was also surprising that from some of the profit they've already made from their previous records, as well as payment for this album to help pay for this whole funeral.
I soon was passed over to Brian who gave me a soft but assuring bear hug.
"We're truly sorry for your loss (y/n). Kaylee didn't deserve to be taken away so young. But she'll always watching over you from the stars."
"And we're always here for you precious darling." Freddie stated. He came over and cupped each side of my face and he said as he wiped away my tears, "Paul's out. After finding out he kept these messages from you, we fired him. We wish we had found out sooner, you know we'd stop the recording and drive you back home to say a final goodbye. You know that right?" I nodded and I felt him kiss a tear away.
Deacy soon came up and he held his arms out for me. I instantly went to him and clung onto him. And even when he refused to say a word, this was the best comfort I could ask for.
I didn't need all this sympathy talk, or the repetitive 'she's always watching over you' or 'she's never really gone. She's up in heaven with the Lord watching over you.' Or whatever religious BS people have to say.
He just held me and pet my hair, and that's all I needed.
After that I—I couldn't go back to work for the guys. I had no motivation anymore, just due to the fact that I needed to be with my mother now. She had just lost her first born child and I can't imagine what she's going through right now. I need to be there for her, no matter what to let her know I'm still her. Even if it means letting go of my dreams.
2 years later; I was working a 9-5 shift at a shopping center. I basically did what Mary used to do at Biba. Along with that, my mum's forced us to go to therapy sessions to try and talk about our feelings after Kaylee's death.
Since I was now done with work, I had to go to my independent weekly session. I was sitting on the couch with my therapist Dr. Lockwood sitting at his desk.
"So how have you been handling all this so far?"
"I mean—I get by day by day. Some days are hard, some are easy." I answered.
"Have you entered into Ealing art college yet? You said you wanted to be an artist."
"I decided not to go. So I just work at the shopping center a few miles away from here. Sorta near Biba."
"Why did you decide to give up your dream? I thought being an artist was your dream?"
"Yeah well dreams change." I sneered.
"Okay, okay I can understand that. So do you like this job better than your old one?" I remained silent. "Your mother said that you worked alongside Queen. They've got good music, my daughter's bought every one of their records."
"Yeah they're.....they're talented guys." I muttered.
"So about your previous job? Was it better than your current one?"
"I mean.....I don't have as much fun as I used to but....." I trailed off and couldn't bring myself to answer.
"Do you think your sister would've wanted you to give up your job with them?" I turned to look at him and I snapped.
"Why must you assume what my sister would want of me!? You're not her! You don't know what it's like to lose your best friend! You're just trying to make me feel guilty, that's all you've ever done!"
"I'm not making you feel guilty. Your mum told me that your sister was thrilled that you were working with both of yours favorite band. She knew you were special and just what Queen needed."
"I just......"
"(Y/n), I bet the boys of Queen miss you just as much as you miss them. I know why you had to leave, it was your way of handling your grief, and to be there for your mum. But the boys had helped you throughout your internship, as well as during the funeral. No rock band would do that willingly." I leaned back against the couch and sighed heavily. "I believe your sister wouldn't want you to push them away as you have been."
"They—well Roger mostly has tried to reach out a few times for the past couple months. I never did call him back though."
"I think you should go see them. Aren't they going to perform in Houston in a couple days?"
"What if they don't want to see me since I've been avoiding them?"
"If they truly loved you, I doubt they would turn you aside."
So I took Dr. Lockwood's advice and got a ticket and went on the next flight to Houston, Texas for their concert. As usual the boys performed magnificently on stage, especially with their new album News of the World out. I also took notice that Rog, Freddie and Deacy had shorter hair than I last remembered.
But they still were awesome up there, hell I thought they looked even better with the shorter hair. They continued to work the audience with each song and seeing the crowd react bigger and more energetic than ever before it made me happy to know the guys were finally reaching the popularity they always wanted to have.
When the show was over, I stayed behind and somehow managed to sneak backstage. I walked along the underground hallways that lead to the dressing rooms when I was stopped by a security guard.
"Excuse me do you have a backstage pass miss?"
"No but I know the band."
"Uh-huh you and every other young teenage girl that pulls this move." He stated as he gripped hold of my arms and began to take me outside.
"No, no let go I'm not kidding! I used to be their lawyer's assistant!"
"Young lady I gave you fair warning, now please leave or else I'll have you arrested."
"What is going on out—(y/n)?" I turned and gaped.
"Phoebe?" It was Freddie's assistant Peter or as Freddie like to call him, Phoebe.
"Oh my god you—you actually came." He said with a wide smile.
"Yeah I—I was hoping to also maybe......talk to the guys."
"Yes of course ohh you have no idea how happy they'll be to see you again."
"But....." the security guard tried to butt in and that's when Phoebe slammed him.
"Oi back off pal, this young lady here is Queen's personal assistant. She's just been on personal leave for a while. So if you don't let her through, you'll have to face the wrath of the four Queens." With no other words from the security guard, he let me go and Phoebe extended his arm out towards me and I followed behind him. As we walked along the corridors he asked me, "So how have things been for you (y/n)?"
"It's.....been rough."
"I know what you mean. When my mum died I didn't know what to do."
"Are—are they upset with me?" I asked nervously.
"Of course not darling. Not once have they talked about you in anger or resentment. If anyone did, Roger and Fred were the first to pop those bastards in the face." I nodded. Soon we reached the dressing room and he said, "here we are love. They should be decent by now. Go on in."
"Thanks Peter." He smiled and patted my shoulder before leaving to check out to see if the roadies had finally cleared the stage and packed everything up. I stared at the door and took a deep breath in before exhaling softly and slowly opened up the door.
"He threw my best fucking pair of maracas away the first day. Great sounding maracas and I mean....it took me hours to steal them." I softly smiled as I heard Roger's voice for the first time in 2 years. I could hear the sounds of laughter before Freddie spoke up.
"Now they know I'm gonna throw those things...."
"And he just goes..."
"Actually they were wonderful I must say, I'm sorry."
"One in a million maracas and I'm never gonna get them back." Roger whined. I slowly stepped further in the dressing room to see Fred sitting down in his green and gold robe getting unwind from the performance while Roger continued to pace around muttering about his maracas while Brian and John were adjusting the sleeves on their normal clothes.
Freddie continued to talk about the maracas and that's when I picked up on Brian saying.
"You can throw me in the audience." Freddie stood up and he said.
"You don't...you don't rattle as good." That's when he looked over and he must've seen me because his eyes went wide briefly and his face turned solemn. Brian then turned around and he saw me as well hiding in the corner.
"(Y/n)?" everyone soon turned their attention towards me.
"Hey guys, long—time no see, ehh?". Knowing of my story, the assistants, makeup people and roadies all left the dressing room leaving me alone with Queen.
The four men stood before me and neither of us spoke until I finally broke the ice.
"I—I'm really sorry I just left guys I.....I was stupid, selfish, and you guys didn't deserve me at all. I just—I was lost and I know that's no excuse but—you guys didn't deserve to have a broken girl hanging off you just as you were finally about to rise to fame. And now look at you all, famous on pretty much every country, our own home country finally recognizing your talents. If I had stayed I would've just dragged you four down and—" I trailed off as Deacy was the first to stand before me.
Mr. King of the one liners, I've witnessed firsthand of him breaking people with just one phrase or sentence. I could only imagine what he was going to say to me after all this time. You get on John Deacon's bad side and he'll make you know it, for life.
But I was shocked when he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a comforting hug. I was frozen but it wasn't until I heard him say.
"You are anything but what you just called yourself poppet." I slowly began to relax as I buried my face into Deacy's chest and wrap my arms around him. I felt him pet down my head much like he did at the funeral and allowed me to let out a couple of tears.
"We understand you needed to process your grief (y/n). We're not mad at you for leaving us." Said Brian. I looked up towards the spaceman guitarist and that's when Roger spoke up.
"But we are disappointed of the way you shut us out for two years." His tone wasn't anger filled or upset, but it did have that disappointing tonality. I lowered my head in shame and I muttered.
"I know."
"We were willing to be there for you in any way you needed. Even if it was just to sit there in silence. We wouldn't have hounded you darling because you didn't need that. It would've been nice to hear your voice again, just to see that you were okay." Said Freddie.
"I'm really sorry guys. I—I came to ask if you'd forgive me." They remained silent and deliberated with each other just by looking at each other and that's when Brian came up and cupped each side of my face.
"There's nothing to forgive love." I felt my lip tremble and I choked out a sob. Soon enough I was once again for the first time in two years, in the middle of a Queen group hug.
I'm glad I chose to come here. I guess in a way it was my sister telling me that even though she was gone, she knew that I would be looked after by four amazing and loving big brothers to look after me for the rest of my days until the day comes when I pass on and be reunited with my best friend once again.
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Update: Links to Chapters Two and Three
Untitled Ben Hardy x Reader Chapter One
I don’t think y’all are ready for this. I’m not ready for this. 
Reader works for the costume designer for the Bohemian Rhapsody film, where she meets Ben Hardy and the rest of the BoRhap boys. I said that this would be a slow burn but I lied and there is already smut coming in the second chapter, which will be coming very soon bc I’ve already written most of it. What can I say? I’m a slut for some smut. 
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.3k 
You looked around at the costume area wondering how you had ended up here. You had been an American student studying abroad in England when a production team had reached out to the history department at the school you attended. They were looking for someone with an extensive knowledge of 20th century fashion and you were the only one who fit that qualification. It seemed odd to most people when you told them you studied the history of fashion, but something about the way people used clothing to express themselves had historical connotations that you desperately wanted to find. You had written your undergraduate thesis on the relationship between feminism and fashion in the mid- to late 20th century and it had earned you a spot in a master’s program in England.
The movie you had been hand-picked for was an upcoming biopic of Queen, one of your favorite bands, and its charismatic front man Freddie Mercury. You had already met the head costume designer, Julian Day, several times beforehand but none of the cast. This wasn’t your first day on set, but you were still nervous. Looking around, your eyes found Julian, who was busy adjusting the clothing of whom you assumed to be one of the main actors in the film. He looked up, and smiling said, “Ah, Y/N! Could you come over here and take a look at this?” You walked closer to get a better look, and the man he was working on turned to greet you. “Y/N, this is Ben Hardy. He is playing Roger Taylor in the film. Ben, this is my newest assistant, Y/N.” You were eyes locked with his, which were the clearest shade of green you’d ever seen. They perfectly resembled aventurine, you thought, recalling the stone from a geology class you’d been suckered into taking a few years ago. His heart-shaped face was framed by a shoulder-length, shaggy blonde fringe that you correctly assumed to be a wig.
Ben caught you staring, and he flashed a smile. “Hello there, Y/N.” He had a thick accent, but you hadn’t been in England long enough to know the origin. Looking at Julian and then back at you, he said, “another fashion student, I assume?”
You snorted. Not that you had anything against the fashion industry, especially given your studies, but his tone felt dismissive. “No actually,” you said. “I’m a historian.”
He looked a bit embarrassed, and Julian interjected, “She’s doing quite well, actually. Y/N has been helping me research fabrics and patterns. She’s even spent her free time trudging through every thrift store in the country trying to help me out.” You beamed.
Remembering why he had called you over, you positioned yourself to take in Ben’s outfit. Julian had dressed him in a black button-up shirt, a glossy gold and black jacket, and tight black pants. Cocking your head, you realized what needed to be changed. “Roger wouldn’t be wearing a shirt,” you said.
“Most girls let me take them on a date before they want to see me naked. How scandalous!” Ben said, wiggling his eyebrows. You laughed.
Julian rolled his eyes. “Just take it off, please.” Ben winked at you as he started unbuttoning his shirt.
After finalizing the last touches on the outfit, Julian turned to you. “I need you to make another trip to the shops today, try to find some more pieces for the boys. It also wouldn’t hurt to stock up on some things for the extras.”
You nodded. “Sure thing, Julian.” You walked over to wear you had left your bag, picked it up, and started fishing for your keys as you made your way for the door.
Ben had overheard and rushed to catch up with you. “Wait,” he shouted. “D’you mind if I come along? I mean, it would only make sense seeing as it is my wardrobe your shopping for.”
He didn’t know anything about you, but he didn’t care. Something about you drew him in, enticing him. Towering over you, his wide eyes bore into yours. You knew nothing of him apart from his role in the film, but he seemed decent and he at least had a good sense of humor. Not to mention you thought he was drop dead gorgeous. So you shrugged and said, “sure.”
Shortening his stride to match your own, he walked silently with you through the chaos of the production stage. “Hey Ben,” someone shouted. “Where are you going, dude?” You looked over to see a couple of other actors lounging about. You both stopped walking, and you hung back as he walked over to where they were sitting. Ben looked back at you and gestured for you to follow him. “Guys, this is Y/N. She’s helping Julian out with costuming. Y/N, this is Joe, Rami, and Gwil.”
A tall, gangly man with dark brown hair and flawless cheekbones reached his hand out to shake yours. “Gwilym, actually. Gwilym Lee. You may also call me Gwil, though. If you’d like.” You smiled and shook back. “I’m playing Brian.” The others introduced themselves as Joe Mazzello, who was playing John Deacon, and Rami Malek, who was playing the legendary Freddie Mercury. Where Joe was pale and redheaded, with a childlike gleam in his eye, Rami was more serious, with wide eyes and lovely olive skin. You recognized them both from Jurassic Park and Mr. Robot, respectively.
“So, what are you two doing?” Joe asked excitedly, clearly not wanting to miss out on any potential for fun.
“Y/N has to go to the shops to gather some pieces for us and the extras, I was just tagging along.” He looked down at his feet to hide his flushing cheeks, running a hand through his hair.
“Well obviously we’re coming with you, right guys?” Joe looked over at Rami and Gwilym, who shook their heads slightly and chuckled. Joe was the only one who couldn’t sense that Ben was trying to get to know you and might possibly want to be alone.
Luckily for Joe, you didn’t catch that either. “It might be a tight squeeze, but I think there should be enough room in my car.” Rami and Gwilym exchanged glances. Clearly you were a saint for entertaining Joe, they thought.
“SHOTGUN!” Joe shouted as he began jogging towards the parking lot.
           At the university, everything you’d needed was within walking distance. So when you were hired, Julian had been kind enough to rent a car for you, knowing you would have to drive for the job pretty regularly. The car wasn’t anything to lust over, just an older Volkswagen Golf. But it was easy to drive and had just enough room for you shove stacks of books and clothes into the cargo area. You silently thanked God that you had decided to clean it this morning. After you unlocked the car, Joe dove into the passenger seat, clicking the seatbelt before any of the other boys could wrestle him out. Ben reluctantly slid across the backseat, with Gwilym and Rami close behind. The three boys squished together in the back was quite a sight, and you laughed as they struggled to fit.
           One of your favorite stops wasn’t far from the studio. It was housed in a large warehouse and the inventory was constantly in flux. As you checked to make sure you had the studio’s card before getting out of the car, you didn’t notice Ben jump out of the car and walk over to open the door for you. “Oh my god, could you be any more obvious, Ben?” Rami rolled his eyes, warranting an elbow to the ribs from Gwilym. You didn’t hear them and smiled at Ben as you slid out of the driver’s seat.  
           The owner of the shop recognized you and gave you a nod as you walked in, Ben, Rami, Joe, and Gwilym trailing rowdily behind you. Ben admired you as you walked down one of the rows filled with clothes, gently tracing your hand along the full hangers. The way you could so quickly discern whether or not a garment was worth your time, without even pulling it from the rack, was impressive. He desperately wanted to know more about you.
           “So,” he broached. “what did you do before you started working for Julian?”
“What did you do before you were cast in the movie?” You quipped back. Seeing him taken aback, you quickly covered, “I was studying at a university. It was difficult to get my visa switched over, but Julian somehow made it happen. I hope to go back and finish up after the film wraps.”
           “He must have really thought you had potential. I can tell he’s quite thrilled with your work, though it’s not hard to see why.”
You blushed at Ben’s compliment. Before you could respond, Joe and Rami jumped out of a nearby rack nearly giving you a heart attack. The two boys, from what you could tell, had been up to no good. Joe was dressed in a vintage fur coat with a broach the size of an apple. Rami had on an outrageous hat with large feathers of some kind sprouting out of it. Suddenly, Gwilym appeared at the end of the row, wearing nothing but an old nightgown and a feather boa. You busted into a fit of laughter, tears springing to your eyes. God how you hated the sound of your own laugh, a snort followed by uncontrollable cackling, but to Ben it was utterly charming, and he let out a laugh of his own. Turning to Ben, you asked, “are they always like this?”
“Well, we haven’t started filming yet, but so far, yeah.”
“Oh hush, you love us,” Gwilym jibed. “Got to keep ourselves busy somehow, love.”
“It’s all Joe really,” Rami sarcastically replied.
“Hey, I can’t help it if I’m the only one with a sense of humor on this set.” The boys responded to Joe with a round of “whatever” and “yeah right.”  
You glimpsed closer at the nightgown Gwil had on. “Gwilym,” you said, “I think you’ve actually done me a huge favor.” You pulled out your phone and scrolled through until you found the right picture. The boys huddled around you trying to look at the screen. Absentmindedly, Ben placed his hand on the small of your back while he peered down at the photo, and you met his eyes with a shy smile. It was a still of Brian May from Queen’s “I Want to Break Free” music video.  
“It’s uncanny,” muttered Rami. Gwilym put his hands on his hips and made a superhero pose.
“Well, at least that’s one thing I can cross off.” You switched over to look at the daunting list Julian sent you on your phone. “Perhaps you boys could give me a hand with some of this?”
After giving Rami, Joe, Gwilym, and Ben detailed instructions on the types of pieces you were looking for, the five of you split up to tackle various sections of the store. By the time you had finished and loaded back into the car, the trunk was overflowing, and the boys all sat holding multiple bags of clothing, shoes, and accessories. While you knew there would still be plenty of thrifting trips left in store for you, the boys had done an excellent job. Arriving back at set, Rami immediately had to go work with Polly, his movement coach, and Gwilym, Joe, and Ben helped you carry everything back to the costume department.
“I had a lovely time, Y/N. I look forward to hanging out again, as I am sure we will,” Gwilym said before wrapping you into a warm hug.
Joe followed suit. “Yeah, I hope you realize we are going to harass you constantly now. So, uh, you’re welcome.” The two of them waved before heading back to rehearse their lines.
Ben lingered behind, helping you begin to put your finds onto hangers. You appreciated the company, especially the company of someone so beautiful. You blushed to yourself. He’s an actor, you thought. He probably has models dripping over him constantly, why would he ever be interested in someone like you. You were short and pale with voluminous curves, definitely not a model.  “You don’t have anywhere to run off too?” You asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
“Nothing too important. Besides, it’s quieter back here and the company’s much better.” He looked down at his feet. “Unless, I’m bothering you, then I can- “
You grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze, interrupting his self-doubt. “You’re not bothering me, Ben.” He looked down at your hand touching his and smiled at you. The two of you silently fell into a pattern: Ben pulled the clothing out of the bags and handed each item to you, which you in turn put on a hanger and placed on the rack. Julian watched the two of you knowingly and smirked to himself as he worked on pinning a costume. Once everything had been crammed onto two rolling racks, Ben helped you push them over to where a steaming area had been set up.
“Ben!” You looked up and saw a production assistant running towards Ben, almost fuming. “Where have you been? The rest of the cast is almost ready to start rehearsing Live Aid and we needed you twenty minutes ago!”
“Oi, I’m sorry mate! Just helping out some special crew members,” he said, giving you a wink. “I’ll be there in just a moment.”
Turning to you as the production assistant huffed off, he said, “I don’t really want to go, would you come watch?” He looked over at Julian. “If that’s alright, that is.”
Julian nodded at you. “Go. Have some fun.”
You shot Julian a grateful smile and smoothed down your shirt. “Why not?”
Chapter Two 
Chapter Three
Tag List (I tagged some of you guys who reblogged, I hope that’s ok! Also if I missed anybody, I’m so sorry and send me a message)
@onceuponathreetwoone @disasterdeacy @thetinyfiore @queenislife-1974 @derekxsammy @itsametaphorbriansblog @caborhapch
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King Sized Revelations - 10
Pairing: Liam x MC (Catherine) OC Constantine x Regina Introducing: Jeremy (A former beau of Catherine’s) Rating: NSFW (by requesting to be tagged, you acknowledge that you are at least 18+)  Disclaimer: Pixelberry owns all characters, except for the ones I created for the story. 
Tags: @umccall71 @3pawandme @indiacater @katurrade @lodberg @heatherfilliez @eadanga @missevabean @furiousherringoperatortoad @flowerpowell @cheeseedreams47 @tornbetween2loves @smalltalk88   @hopefulmoonobject @stopforamoment @blznbaby @ao719 @cocomaxley @perfectprofessorherokid @femmeshep @sarwin85  @wannabemc2 @gardeningourmet @krsnlove @mrsdrakewalkerblog @annekebbphotography
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While waiting for Liam you undress and slip on your robe, climb into bed and grab a book on the bedside table. After reading for a while, the door opens suddenly, and Liam enters. His expression is unreadable. “Liam? What’s wrong?” He walks over and sits beside you, taking your hand and stares intently into your eyes. “Regina told me what happened this afternoon. Is there something you forgot to mention?” 
You look at him confused, trying to think of what he’s talking about. Nothing major had happened while you and Regina were organizing for the upcoming Apple Festival, so what did she tell him exactly?
“I don’t think so.” He can see that you are baffled so he tries to calmly explain. “Regina mentioned that a friend of yours called this afternoon and it’s my understanding we’ll be having a guest in a few days.” 
That afternoon-- Your phone began to ring while you and Regina were sorting through the decorations, but before you could find it, the call ended. Apparently, you’d laid it down and it was inadvertently buried underneath the scattered debris. Within seconds it beeped indicating you had a voice mail, so after punching a few numbers, you listened. 
“Hey Cat, this is Jeremy. I got your message and I’m guessing you’re busy, so I’ll try back later.” 
After realizing who had left the message, you immediately press the redial button and before the second ring, he answers. 
J: “Cat?” C: “Hey Jeremy!” J: “How the hell are ya? It’s been a long time.” C: “Yeah it has.” J: “Wow! It’s good to hear from you.” C: “How have you been?” J: “Oh, you know me, same old same old… kicking ass and taking names, but what about you?” C: “Same as you, but with a little more hutzpah…” J: “Fearless as ever, huh?” C: “Yeah, I guess you could say that... Hey, I won’t keep you, but I did have a reason for calling. I hope it’s not asking too much, but I need a favor.” J: “I guess I do still owe you for keeping me out of trouble over all those unpaid parking tickets… So, what’s up?” C: “Well… I need your architectural advice.” J: “So… ready to draft that restaurant slash general store you always talked about?” C: “Heh. No, I think someone else beat me to it, but I do have another project I’m having some trouble with. Have you got a minute?”
Back to the present -- “Oh yeah… I’m sorry, it must have slipped my mind. You seem a bit edgy. Is everything okay?” Liam ignores your question and responds with one of his own. “Who is this friend anyway?” 
You are a little bothered by his tone, but figure this does warrant an explanation. “You remember me talking about Jeremy, and since he’s an architectural enginee--” Liam cuts you off mid-sentence. “Wait. THE Jeremy?” “Yes. I wanted his opinion about that problem with the structure of the school and I thought he might have some insight.” As Liam tries to hide his growing anxiety, he lifts your hand to his lips. “My queen, we have perfectly qualified architects in Cordonia, already working on the issue I might add.” 
“I know, but they haven’t been able to figure it out yet and I’m impatient.” There is something odd in his demeanor, but you just can’t put your finger on yet. “While I understand your desire to have this school in full operation sooner rather than later, I feel our best course of action would be to allow the experts more time to collaborate on the issue.” 
You protest. “More time? Why should those kids have to wait until your so-called ‘experts’ stop their pissing contest and get down to the business of finding a solution?!” Liam pays no mind to your upheaval because at the moment, he has his own agenda. Whatever that might be. “They are simply trying to work through the different angles and find the best possible result. Jeremy on the other hand, what’s in it for him? I have to wonder why he accepted your invitation on such short notice. Doesn’t that seem a little odd to you?” You think to yourself, ‘You seem a little odd to me at the moment.’
“No. Not in the least. And I didn’t invite him, he offered.” 
“He offered? Well that’s even more suspicious.” 
“Suspicious?” Liam nods his agreement. You take a deep breath trying to steady your nerves and then calmly explain. “He’s taking vacation next week and hadn’t made specific plans, so he thought it would be the perfect excuse to visit Europe. He wants to see the blueprints because it would be unethical to make an educated guess about a stability problem over the phone, especially since it involves the safety of children. And what was I supposed to do, tell him no?” 
Without flinching, Liam responds. “Yes. That would have been a perfectly acceptable response in my opinion.” By now you are more than a little annoyed with this line of questioning and his delivery of them. “Liam, what’s gotten into you? Why are you being so difficult about this?” 
Liam coolly adjusts himself and doesn’t make eye contact, but it’s clear to you that he is upset. “Liam why does this bother you?” He finally looks up and after a few seconds he sighs woefully. “Catherine, since Jeremy is a former lover… It raises questions as to what his motives are for coming here.” 
“Such as?” “Well… why would he be willing to fly halfway across the continent, for no compensation I might add, just to share his architectural proficiency? Is he expecting something in return for this selfless act? Does he even know of your current marital status?” 
And there it is! How did you not see it before? “Why King Liam, I do believe you’re jealous.” You can’t help but puff out a faint laugh when you realize the reason behind Liam’s behavior, and needless to say he is less than pleased by your lack of sensitivity to the situation. “I’m glad this is so amusing to you Catherine. I didn’t realize my concern would translate so humorously.” Seeing the hurt on his face, tugs at your heart and you reach for his hand, looking at him lovingly.  
“I’m sorry Liam, I should have talked to you about this first. And, I don’t think your concerns are funny at all. I think it’s sweet.” He looks at you a little less annoyed as you begin to explain. And it doesn’t hurt that running a finger along his jawline causes him to shiver slightly. “It’s just… I’ve never seen you react that way before and… it was kind of adorable when I understood why.” Liam relaxes somewhat as you continue. “I love you. With all my heart. And I would never allow anyone to come between us.” After absorbing your words, a smile begins to form on his lips. With his arms wrapped around you, he brings you flush against him and kisses you tenderly. 
Realizing how ridiculous he must have sounded before, he smiles sheepishly. “I suppose I was being somewhat unreasonable about the whole thing, but… when I heard he was coming here… well, I didn’t know what to think.” “Liam...” He kisses you soundly and when he pulls back, he is wearing a loving smile. “Although, it would ease my mind if I knew a bit more about him… about the breakup, I mean.” 
You think for a minute and remember that your split from Jeremy happened just before you met Liam. Knowing it would only create more unnecessary questions and emotional trauma, you decide not to mention that part. 
“Well, as in most breakups we just drifted apart. He was busy with an important project and what time I wasn’t at the bar, I was volunteering at the children’s home.” Liam’s expression turns more serious. “Did you love him?” The answer is written on your face before you even speak it and it doesn’t escape Liam’s notice. “I thought I did, but…” 
You spend the next half hour highlighting the reasons why your relationship with Jeremy had failed. Liam is very attentive and is never judging. “In the beginning, it was both new and exciting, but as time passed it was obvious that he wasn’t ready for a commitment…” 
The final blow had been when you discovered the ‘project’ he was working on wasn’t entirely about architectural design. He was cheating. Which came as no real surprise, but that was ultimately the reason the relationship ended. “Liam, I have no lingering feelings for Jeremy, if that’s what you were thinking. And I can guarantee he’s not coming here to win me back,” “I never thought it was you Catherine, but how can you be so sure of his intentions?” “Well for one, he’s engaged, and… his fiancé will be joining him on this trip.” Liam’s relief is evident from the brilliant smile that flashes across his face and then his expression becomes more thoughtful. “Catherine, I hope you know that I would never be unfaithful to you.” 
You think back to the time when Liam was engaged to Madeleine and what he’d said about having a relationship outside of marriage and how it was acceptable behavior for the royal family, as long as both parties agreed. You hadn’t questioned it then, but suddenly you needed an answer. “You know, we never really discussed that arrangement you had with Madeleine. I mean, weren’t you willing to keep me as your mistress if you’d married her?” Liam sighs. “That is a valid question and yes, it’s true. However, I was only willing because it was you. I suppose it was selfish of me, but at the time that was the only way I knew to keep you in my life. It was never about just anyone Catherine…” 
“So you’ve never thought about having a lover on the side?” He looks at you, shocked that you would even think such a thing. “That’s not who I am at all. Our marriage is more important than that… you are what’s important to me.” Liam takes your hand and gently kisses the back of it and then looks deep into your eyes. “Catherine, I would never bring cause for you to doubt my love for you… you are all I’ll ever need. Nothing in this world could distract me from that.” Smiling, you kiss him as he lowers you back onto the pillow and you moan slightly when he leans into you. “Mmm…” With your hands running through his hair, you finally part and shoot him a playful grin. “In case you were wondering, I’d never agree to it anyway my king.” 
Liam smiles and you catch a twinkle in his eyes as he raises up, leaning on his elbow. His gaze falls toward the opening of your robe and with his free hand he lightly traces along the seam just inside it which causes you to quiver. When his eyes meet yours again he speaks in a low tone of voice. “I’ve never been one to share either... especially when it comes to you my queen.” Before you can say a word, his lips crash into yours with a passion so intense, that you feel the flow of electric corpuscles running through your veins and merging cohesive at your core. He breaks from your lips and trails kisses down your neck as his hand pulls your robe open and halfway down your arm, exposing one of your breasts. You gasp as he glides his tongue over your hard nipple and commands the curve of it in his hand. “Ohh…!” 
Within a few minutes, he’s managed to completely remove your robe and throws it to the side. He pauses, drinking in the sight of you as you lay bare before him. “I’m not sure how it’s possible, but you are even more beautiful each time I see you like this.” You sit up and kiss him while unbuttoning his shirt, feeling his muscled arms as you slide it down and then off. Liam draws in a sharp breath as you run both hands across his chest and down his abs, enjoying the feel of him. “Mmm, yeah. I’d say you’ve definitely developed more tone since we were married.” He smiles mischievously. “It must be those rigorous workout sessions…” He chuckles. “…multiple times each day.” 
You smile as your hand slips inside his trousers, between his skin and his underwear, earning a deep groan from Liam. “Oh, Catherine… You have no idea what that does to me.” Not waiting for a response, he leans in kissing you slow and deep. His breathing wavers as you gently stroke up and down his already hardened length. After a few moments, you slowly withdraw your hand and then reach for his belt. He gently grabs your hand. “Allow me.” Liam removes the remainder of his clothes where they end up in a pile on the floor next to the other discarded items. 
You gently guide him where he willingly lays back with his head against the pillows and then pulls you on top of him. He catches you in a lingering kiss as his hands wander to the small of your back, pressing you even closer. You remain that way for several minutes until Liam suddenly rolls you on your back and braces himself above you with a smile on his face. You playfully smirk. “What’s this my king?” Before answering, Liam scans your body with his eyes and his hands. “A little taste of you is never enough my queen.” He almost growls as his hand reaches between your legs and finds your wet folds. “God, you’re so wet.” 
You moan as he swirls his fingers in your juices and traces slowly around your sensitive bud. “It’s your fault…” He kisses you, then follows a line down your neck, your chest until he reaches your thigh where he slowly kisses his way inward and groans as he slips his tongue into your moist pink flesh. “Mmmm...” 
You moan, enraptured by his every touch. “Oh Liam…” While his mouth is positioned firmly over your entrance, his tongue plays copiously in and out of you. He takes his time, extracting every ounce of sweet nectar. You writhe and moan in the process, but he doesn’t relent… if anything, it just arouses him more. He clutches your hips securely so as not to betray his intentions, which only heightens your own desire. You close your eyes and let the waves of energy carry you to the height of ecstasy.  
When his fingers move slowly and deliberately over your swollen nub, you cry out as your body finally gives in to the overwhelming pleasure. “Liam… Liam… Ohhh…!” Liam moans when he feels you squeeze his tongue and relishes the taste of sweet victory as he grasps tighter trying to pull you even closer. “Mmmm…” He stays in that position for several minutes until the spasms stop and then slowly moves up to capture your lips in a passionate kiss. 
He aligns his body with yours and slowly slides his throbbing length inside you. You both inhale sharply at the moment of impact as Liam grips the headboard for leverage. He goes slow at first, keeping a steady pace until you’ve caught your breath. Soon you’re moving in perfect sync as an intense heat begins to build inside you again. With his arms resting at your head, he looks deep into your eyes and then kisses you tenderly. “I love you Catherine.” You run your hand through his hair while the other caresses his back, feeling his muscles stretch and expand as he pushes against you. “I love you too Liam.”  
You wrap your legs around Liam’s waist allowing him to go deeper. As he does, his breathing becomes labored and he groans while you move flawlessly together. “Oh Catherine…” You close your eyes as a surge of pleasure crests within you. “Mmmm…” Within minutes, you are riding the waves of ecstasy… for the second time. “Ohh! Liam!” When Liam feels you tighten around him, he follows soon after. “Oh God…! Yes!” 
Once the trembling subsides, Liam withdraws and collapses beside you. You snuggle against him with your head on his chest as he idly plays with your hair. You both sigh in unison as you each catch your breath. “Catherine, you are perfect for me in every way.” “I swear, I was just thinking the same thing about you.” You both laugh contentedly. 
After a few blissful moments of silence, Liam yawns and then turns to you. “We should probably clean up and then get some sleep.” You nod in agreement. “It has been an exhausting day.” 
Once you both return to bed, you nestle in his arms and smile. “I forgot to ask, but how was the afternoon with your father?” Without going into too much detail, Liam admits that with everything out in the open he finally found a peace over the whole incident and their relationship was on the mend. 
You lean over and kiss him. “Good night Liam.” He nudges you closer. “Good night Catherine.” He reaches to turn off the light and then settles in. With the only sounds being his steady breathing and the rhythm of his heartbeat, you drift into a deep and peaceful sleep.
 Next chapter: It’s your last day at Applewood before heading back to the palace. After spending a lazy day in the orchard with Liam, he has some important news to share with you. 
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toptaiga · 7 years
Trust Me
Not a request just wanted to write a series. Hope you like it.
Genre: Thriller AU
Word Count: 3127
Warnings: None for now
Pairing: None for now
Living every moment of your life in paranoia was the norm for Mingyu. He couldn’t help it. Maybe he was watching too many thriller movies with his roommate, Wonwoo. For as long as he can remember there was always a feeling of someone watching him. Brushing it off as much as possible, he continues his daily life as a sophomore in high school. Mingyu was quite a popular kid until he befriends a quiet, foreign student from Japan. Soshida Mayu was her name. She never really spoke much and she never needed to. With her petite, 5-foot frame; Mingyu towers over her like a bodyguard. Little did he know that he was the one being protected.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Mingyu’s PoV-
As I quietly shuffle my feet against the cold carpet; I stopped to take a few seconds to breathe. Nervous, I stood in front a single white door. Slowly turning the doorknob, I push the door open as quiet as possible. Hearing the familiar snore in the room immediately puts me at ease. My muscles relax slightly before I enter the cozy bedroom, and shut the door behind me. Careful not to make any noise, I tiptoe to the side of the bed and gently poke at the sleeping figure.
“Wonwoo.. C-Can I sleep here tonight?” My question was immediately answered with a groan.
“You know you can’t do this every night right? We’re boys. It’s weird.” Wonwoo states with a hint of annoyance in his groggy voice.
“I’m sorry. But I can’t sleep again. I’m scared.”
“Gyu, what if I get a girlfriend and she spends the night. But that night you can’t sleep again. What are you going to do?”
“... I can sleep on the floor in here.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Please! School starts in five hours and i want to get at least three hours of sleep in!”
“Fine. But this is the last time Gyu, I swear to god.”
Ignoring his comment, I squish myself into the queen sized bed ned to the other. As I close my eyes, my mind fills with contentment and security.
It’s not long until the feeling disintegrates as the sunlight peeps through the blinds, waking me from my dreamless sleep.
Bolting up from Wonwoo’s bed, I take a moment to look around only to realise the alarm from my phone was going off. After swiping the screen for the alarm to stop I looked up to find Wonwoo already awake and dressed for class as he sits on his arm chair, reading a love novel in silence. I slid out of his bed and we went on with our usual morning routine. Wonwoo would stay with me in the bathroom as I took a shower because I always feared someone would come after me when I’m the most vulnerable. Then, I’d drag Wonwoo back to my room so that I could get dressed. He would have his back facing me as he waits with his hands in his pockets. I knew he hated it, but would he still dread it if he really knew how terrified of being alone I was? The feeling of panic and anxiousness buries me under a 2-ton bag of fear and it wasn’t something that could be understood so easily. To Wonwoo i looked like a simple crazy kid with too much imagination. He always said these thoughts are messing with my mind and body and that I should see somebody for my mental health. Whether he believes it or not, if it wasn’t for Wonwoo’s help I feel like I’d be a goner in this world. I’m thankful to have a friend like him but at the same time I feel bad that he basically acts as my caretaker.
I took a minute to look at my complexion in the mirror. The three hours of sleep really shows on my face as I let out a soft sigh. After dusting my sleeves off, I slung my backpack over my shoulders and patted Wonwoo’s back.
“I’m ready.” The other turned at the sound of my voice and nodded, leading the way out of the shared apartment complex. After locking the door behind us, I followed right behind Wonwoo,  almost a little too close for his comfort. I gently held onto the little IU keychain hanging from Wonwoo’s backpack without him knowing as we continue our journey to school. As we inch our way down the busy streets of Seoul I start to feel more anxious with every step I take. I instinctively turn my head from side to side. Occasionally I would look behind me, but I never saw anything abnormal. Eventually, I hung my head low as I stayed inches apart from Wonwoo.
Was I really just crazy? I’ve lived up until now, why am I so scared? I never did anything wrong… Did I? All my thoughts were just choking me that I didn’t even realize that I was on the verge of crying.
“Stop thinking about it.” The sound of Wonwoo’s voice pulls me from my thoughts temporarily as I nod gently to the command. I suck up my tears, not wanting to embarrass myself in public.
“Sorry… Can you walk with me to my homeroom Woo? I don’t think I could go by myself today.”
“Keep this up and people will start to think that we’re dating. Which we’re not.”
“Please Woo?”
“Stop with the nicknames in public and just go. You’re safe here. It’s all in your head.”
“But just-”
“Bye Mingyu.” Wonwoo interrupted my plead for help as he slapped my arm gently. I watched as he entered the school’s corridors. This time I really feel like the tears will spill. I took a hesitant step into school and looked around. Other students were happy, laughing, joking with each other and I’m standing here looking like a fool.
“Mingyu!” A high pitched voice came from down the hall. Frozen in my place, the owner of the voice placed her hand on my shoulder. “Hey, what’s wrong?” She squatted slightly to get a better view of my face. For some reason I couldn’t mutter a word to her no matter how much I tried. “Where is Wonwoo?” Her facial expression turned into worry as I didn’t respond to her questions. My breathing was becoming uneven again as I tried to muster up some courage to talk.
“J-Jaein… I n-need to go.” She immediately understood what was happening and mentally cursed Wonwoo for not taking care of me.
“I’ll help you to class if you want Gyu.” Jaein held onto my arm as she tried her best to console me with subtle rubs on my back.
“It’s okay…” I said as I exhaled deeply. She nodded and gave me a brief but warm hug.
“Text me if you need anything, okay Gyu?” I nodded.
Once I was alone, not only did I feel embarrassed but I started to feel anxious again. I’m losing my mind. People around me were stealing glances at the crazy one-man show happening in the foyer. The hallways started to flood with students freshman year and up as it neared the beginning of class. I started to feel dizzy, but i knew I had to get to class quickly. I jet up the stairs, pushing students out of the way before sputtering a broken sorry to them afterwards. Rushing into my designated homeroom, I stopped again to breathe. My friends greeted me but I wasn’t in the right mind to greet them back. Slowly, I walked over to the desk in the corner, farthest from all the doors. Taking off my backpack and setting it on top of the desk, I plopped into the chair and slid down against my chair in a slouch position. I wiped the sweat off my forehead with my sleeve and let out deep exhales before scanning the entire classroom. My best friend sat in front of me and turned his body around to face me.
“You don’t look so good Mingyu.” He said as he handed me a water bottle and apple flavored hard candy from his backpack.
“Thanks Myungho.” I took the water and downed half of it before fist bumping him and returning my attention back to the front of the classroom. The homeroom teacher entered the classroom and the class leader called the room to attention. After standing to greet the teacher I yawned into the sleeve of my school uniform. I rested the side of my head against the palm of my hand as I fight the urge to fall asleep in the beginning of class. As soon as my eyes close for .01 seconds the class goes into a rowdy crowd of “OOHs” and “WHOAs”. My eyes shoot open for a moment to see what was going on.
“The new student will be here shortly, she moved here from Japan and says she’s eager to continue education here in Korea. Make sure to welcome her and make her feel at home.” Tch. A new student? Whatever.  I thought to myself as it’s not something to get rowdy over. I close my eyes again to see if I could sneak a couple more minutes of sleep in while the teacher and class waits for this new student.
With only three whole minutes of shut eye, I found myself looking at the opened door. Everybody went quiet as they turned their head in the direction to see a petite girl the size of a middle schooler shuffling her way inside. She kept her head slightly low as she stood next to the teacher. I guess she’s just shy.
“Please introduce yourself to the class miss.” The teacher said with a cheerful ring in her tone. The girl flinched slightly at the teacher’s enthusiasm. Hesitantly the girl sighed softly and lifted her head up to see her face. Damn. Insomnia hit her hard too.
“Soshida Mayu. Just call me Mayu.” She said loud enough for people in the back to hear before bowing. Mayu excused herself to sit in the only empty seat which is next to mine. As she walked closer to my direction, she stopped midway as I came in eye contact with her. Mayu blinked once before sitting in the seat next to mine without taking off her backpack. I couldn’t help but at this point feel a little curious. There were a lot of “why” questions linked to Mayu that I wanted to ask but didn’t really bother to. Throughout the day I snuck a few glances at Mayu who sat up straight, kept her eyes on the lesson and didn’t move an ince. Not even for lunch time. She didn’t move or talk even when the other classmates wanted to talk or have lunch with her. Mayu had medium length hair that she braided messily into pigtails with a strands of loose hair framing her face. Her eyebrows were filled in as you would see it on TV recently. The tired in her eyes were plastered on her face as if a whole year of sleep wasn’t going to get rid of them. She had a rosy red lip tint on that matched the rosy blush that trailed along her cheekbones and nose bridge. Maybe she’s trying to hide how tired she is with makeup? If so, it’s not working girly. She doesn’t even smile. I thought to myself, not noticing that she had been staring at me the whole time as well. I broke out of the trance and looked out the window, the glaze in the window showing the reflection of her still looking at me after I had looked away. Something about her creeped me out and I know I wasn’t the only one thinking the same thing. The rest of the class completely avoided Mayu as they deemed her weird looking with a creepy vibe.
Class for the day ended and I got up, dragging my backpack behind me as I head to the school’s library. Wonwoo always promises to meet me in the library after school before we head home.  I push the glass door to the library open, waving to the friendly librarian as I enter. I strut my way over to the fiction section of the library only to see that Mayu girl again. I watched as she struggled to reach a book on the highest shelf.
“Um. Do you need help?” I quietly asked. She looked up towards my towering figure. I was a whole foot taller than her yet she looks like she could rip me in half easily. Mayu pointed towards the book she wanted and I grabbed it off the shelf for her. “Here you go.” I cracked a fake smile to see if she would do the same. No luck. Mayu mumbles a quiet thank you as she hugs the book close to her chest. We stood there for an awkward second just staring at each other before I decided to break the silence. “I… have to go find my friend…” I said as I turn around to dismiss myself. Mayu quickly steps in front of me, stopping me from leaving.
“He’s not here.” She whispers enough for only me to hear. For some reason it sends a shiver down my spine.
“What do you mean? He always meets me in the library after school.” I started to sweat. Mayu avoided eye contact with me as she looked down towards her book.
“Your phone.” She says, almost inaudible. Confused and a bit frightened, I took out my phone from my pocket. My eyes widen as I got a text from Wonwoo short after. My body heated as I felt angry and upset at the thought of Wonwoo going to hang out with his friends after school without me. I’d rather sleep here in the library than walk home alone. I started nibbling at my fingernails anxiously.
“I can walk you home.” Mayu looks up at me, her facial expression not changing one bit.
“Stop. Stop this. Who are you?? Why are you reading my mind?? Get away from me!” I suddenly started to feel dizzy again. Embarrassment and shock was overwhelming as people shushed me in the library. I felt like breathing was the hardest thing for me right now. I needed to get out of here. Mayu stood still before reaching a single hand to mine. Once our hands came in contact it was as if Mayu had sucked all the ill feelings from my body. I regained my conscious and yanked my hand from hers. “I-I can’t walk home with a stranger. I know you don’t talk much but you’re going to make me trust you.” I crossed my arms demanding an answer. She stood there in pure silence as she continued to stare up at me. I realised it was only getting darker outside and there was no point into putting full trust on someone. Trust comes with time and time I do not have a lot of. I sighed in defeat as I held onto a loose strap from Mayu’s backpack, “just because I’m letting you walk me home doesn’t mean I trust you even a little bit. I just really don’t want to walk alone.” Mayu nodded as she went to check out her book.
“Fair enough.” Is all she said back.
Once we exited the library, the wind of the night blew making me tense up uncomfortably. It was a silent walk between the two of us though the night life of Seoul was roaring around us. Halfway towards the shared apartment complex, Mayu stops in her tracks. Confused, I tug on her backpack strap.
“Hey, why did you stop? We’re almost there.” I asked. Mayu looked up at me with a frightened glint in her eyes. I couldn’t help but copy and paste her expression onto my on face.
“Let’s run,” she whimpered as she grabbed a hold onto my wrist, “now!” Without a question in the air my body moved on it’s own. I sprinted wherever the latter lead us to. I don’t know if I was being crazy or if the footsteps of someone chasing behind us was real. I ran with Mayu as if my life depended on it. Soon the footsteps behind us faded as we continued running. Mayu’s steps slowed down as she encountered a mustard-yellow door. She unlocked the door and dragged me inside, shutting and locking the door behind her. She closed the blinds and turned off any main light source, only to leave a small lamp on. Mayu turned to Mingyu and sighed, a slight hint of sadness in her eyes. “Make yourself at home..” She whispered as she poured two glasses with peach juice from the fridge, handing a glass to me. I quietly thanked her as I downed the whole glass in one.
“Where am I?” I asked as I look around the small space furnished with only small kitchen that could only fit two people at a time, a red-tattered couch, a small 24-inch TV, a nintendo-64, a tower of different animes, the lamp, and a small picture hung next to an old calendar from 2016.
“My home…” Mayu sips on the peach juice casually as she strolls to the couch.
“Cozy.. I guess.” I sit next to Mayu.
“Hey! Mayu! You’re back! How’s school!” A man who was three times bigger than Mayu comes from the bathroom and waves eagerly with a smile. Mayu replies with nothing but a simple, “good.”
The man fixes his glasses and looks at Mingyu curiously. He was tall but really bulky at the same time. He wore red basketball shorts and a blue sailor moon themed shirt. “Oh uh.. Hello! I’m Sam! Short for Samgyeopsal. HAHAHA. People just call me Sam for short. Nice to meet you.. Uh … What’s your name?”
“Mingyu. My name is Kim Mingyu… Is your name really Samgyeopsal??”
“Probably not. I don’t know my actual name to be honest. So what brings you here? Are you hungry?”
I raise my eyebrows, fascinated at how somebody doesn’t know their real name. “I actually don’t know why I’m here to be honest and no I’m not hungry. I was walking home with Mayu when all of a sudden we just started running away from something or someone or…. I don’t know. Mayu! What was that even about?? When can I go home??”
“Home isn’t safe.”
“I don’t feel safe anywhere I am so what’s the point!”
“Mayu! I need answers! Can’t you tell me what we were running from?!”
I close my eyes and groan in defeat. I might as well rest here and go to school with Mayu instead tomorrow morning.
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cophoenixseo · 4 years
Best SEO Queen Creek
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Each year Google puts out greater than 500 algorithmic adjustments to its search engine, and with more than 200 SEO conditions, tracking what is working for search engine optimization is an important task every marketing manager and business manager should do.Following is an overview of the ranking factors to keep a close eye on if you desire to be at the top of Google in Queen Creek Arizona. But first, check out what search engine optimization can do for your online traffic.Video: See what a Queen Creek top rated search engine optimization company can do for your business. SEO ranking company in Queen Creek partners with Arizona local business owners who want to increase their search engine traffic from Google.
Grab a FREE SEO analysis.
In our experience, an integrated search technique that uses both organic search and pay-per click (PPC) is a highly reliable method for growing your presence online. Outcomes will be improved in every channel by making use of paid and natural marketing techniques. For high-growth, aggressive companies you will want to develop a holistic search engine method rather than look at SEO or Pay Per Click as stand-alone options. To assist even more educate entrepreneur, executives and marketing directors on the virtues of PPC and SEO, continue reading for more valuable details as it connects to paid advertising and search engine optimization. To begin, PPC provides laser focused presence.
Top SEO conditions:
# 1 – Optimizing for mobile search is essential.More than 50% of standard searches are now happening on a phone. Isn’t it time that you made your website mobile responsive? Do this work, and there is a guaranteed search engine optimization and conversion benefit.Video: Why how your site ranks on mobile, matters.# 2 – The importance of AMP pages is growing.Accelerated mobile web pages (AMP) enables a site on mobile devices to load more quickly than standard HTML rendered in a mobile browser. Google has been suggesting that AMP compatible websites may perform better in search. Don’t wait, get your site mobile ready with AMP.# 3 – Better design leads to enriched UI/UX and deeper engagement.Google likes sites that supply users with a favorable experience, and those which make finding the information the user is requesting easy. If you are looking to rank higher in the SERPs, the design of your website is a growing ranking element, and attention should be paid to it. To learn more about the role of video in marketing, watch this video.# 4 – Page load time needs to be optimized.In addition to making sure that all your photos are properly labeled, and metadata fields such as the ALT tag are used properly, the extra few minutes to scale your photos and reduce their size, is worth the expense. Google is now taking into consideration website load times, as a factor for ranking. In addition to using a photo optimization product like JPEGmini, a fast and effective way to reduce photo sizes is to make sure that all your photos are scaled to the optimum size needed. Don’t upload images that are larger than the web design requires. E.g. you do not need to use a 1000px tall image if the window in your design only displays 300px.# 5 – Rank Brain by Google and artificial intelligence now control search.With artificial intelligence behind everything Google does, whether developing self-driving cars or a next gen search engine, AI, beginning with Rank Brain is the power behind the search engine results pages (SERPs) served by Google. Local Queen Creek SEO consultants must now invest even more R&D budget to discover the most effective ways to tune websites for ranking performance and discoverability.# 6 – Fresh content dominates Google.If you wish to rank your website in your local niche, you must craft engaging, innovative content. Google is able to track nearly every site, and this means that content which is not unique or doesn’t add value to a topic will have a difficult time getting discovered.# 7 – Longer content ranks higher.If you are still authoring short form posts you must reconsider your tactics. Research is showing that Google is now rewarding posts of 1,500 words or more, with higher rankings. However, in the area of SEO, it’s difficult to make a hard and fast rule on the optimum length of an article that is needed to rank.# 8 – Search results are now factoring in rich snippets, schema, FAQs and pre-populated information fields.Searches where Google can identify common questions, FAQs, or other identifying information, they are beginning to fill more and more of the home page with data lists, including FAQ blocks so that the consumer can get their question answered without needing to click on a listing. You must use schema in order to improve the odds of being included in Google’s rich data lists such as FAQ’s.# 9 – Social variables carry lots of weight when it comes to website ranking results.At SEO Ranker Company our team believes that social shares from the referring page are now one of the leading 100 ranking signals. This idea is backed by the more than one thousand first page rankings that SEO Ranker Agency has delivered where social traffic, backlinks, and shares, were proven to be a significant ranking factor.# 10 – Voice search and IoT gadgets may remove SERP ranking order at some point.As voice user interfaces are expanding on smart phones, vehicle infomercial systems with devices like the apple iphone, Amazon.com Echo, Google Home and others, more individuals will be receiving answers to a search query expressed by voice. Not just will remaining in the leading issue a lot more now, if you are not in the first or possibly 2nd position, you are not mosting likely to obtain any one of the search inquiry results.# 11 – HTTPS will certainly end up being vital for rating.Internet protection specialists see Google pressing HTTPS ever before harder as cybercrime as well as hacking proceed to offer an actual danger to the world. Google as well has actually spoken regarding the prioritization of HTTPS in such a way that it might be a ranking factor not to overlook.# 12 – The Facebook online search engine will certainly obtain more and more individuals.All Facebook customers are making use of the FB online search engine. Expect this fad to increase as users do not desire to leave the Facebook app simply to search for something on Google.# 13 – Titles as well as Summaries with far better click thru prices will certainly rank higher.Google will continue rewarding authors that’ve gone the additional mile to generate memorable titles that obtain clicked. Google is currently tracking engagement, click thru rates (CTR) and also time on web page.# 14 – More users are looking for video clip, infographics, photos and multimedia content.If you’re not producing various kinds of aesthetic web content to boost your brand name online, you must seriously think about taking the campaign on. Users are now familiarizing the indexing capacities of Google, Bing, and Yahoo! – and they are doing searches for videos and even scenes within video clips. To stand apart from your rivals, initially, start creating even more visual material. After that, don’t forget to publish it with as full metadata and markup message as feasible.Video: See the value of search engine optimization compared to PPC.If you are wondering, “how do you make a website appear on the first page of Google?” then you need to keep reading.Queen Creek SEO – free Google website traffic, is the most inexpensive promotion technique for any business that supplies their items as well as services to regional customers. So just what is much better, SEO or PPC? Truthfully, we cannot answer this concern without analyzing the business’s goals and objectives.A firmly niched down business with little competition in a very small solution location and also a demand for only a few leads weekly might create solid visibility in the regional and natural search results with a standard Search Engine Optimization consulting plan.An e-commerce shop competing with initial page SERPs from Amazon.com, eBay.com and also other significant online stores, is likely going to struggle in natural search.Does your company requirement leads currently? Just what is the paid search (PPC) cost per click for your targeted keyword phrases? Exactly how hard is your natural search competition?CTR and trust are in favor of natural search, so why would an organisation think about paid search? Here are a few PPC advantages:PPC dominates the content are above the fold. Simply put, on a smaller sized screen, you will not have to scroll to see the ads, however you will need to scroll to see all of the natural search listings. Remember that Pay Per Click ads are simply that: ads, which means as a marketer you will have more control and area available for delivering your marketing messages.Google supplies the choice of a visual shopping advertisement that can help a user envision exactly what they are selecting/clicking. This advertisement type enhances significantly the advertisements CTR by offering a feature (visual carousel) that is not readily available in organic search.In addition, Pay Per Click allows for a much tighter control of the spending plan. Pay Per Click likewise provides the little business owner a highly targeted way to get in front of potential consumers or customers.Establishing a strong organic search exposure can take some time, making SEO a medium to long variety play. On the other hand, a PPC campaign can be ramped and return positive lead to weeks. Since there is no faster method to get in front of your audience than with PPC, many business employ Pay Per Click while the authority of their site is being developed and SEO tactics take a firmer hold.Where natural search obscures keyword information, there is no constraint with paid search (Pay Per Click). Speed provides agility and enables quick feedback on new mottos, messages, product statements, with the use of short PPC advertisement campaigns.If you are an organisation targeting a regional service area with a restricted set of keywords, you will find that PPC can produce more than sufficient leads without going over budget plan. Mindful use of match types and analysis of the search term reports enable for the elimination of junk search and a boost in return on financial investment.The benefits of Pay Per Click as well as Search Engine Optimization could not be so noticeable, yet they consist of the following factors of factor to consider.1. Conversion information from Pay Per Click keywords can be practical to figure out the most effective organic search (SEO) technique.2. Pay Per Click can ramp site traffic by targeting clicks in paid and organic for high-performing keywords. If you are winning the Google AdWords auction and rank in the top 3 SERPs for the same keyword, you can expect up to 50% or more of the total search volume.3. A/B screening of Pay Per Click landing page and marketing copy can be fed into your organic listing and landing pages.4. Use Pay Per Click to test your keyword strategy prior to committing to seo job efforts.5. Talk to users in all stages of the customer journey from initial product research to the competitive contrast, through to the purchase choice phase, with industrial intent keywords.6. Look huge online and increase the confidence and awareness in your brand name and company with a robust organic and paid existence.7. Retarget your website visitors on other residential or commercial properties by using the Facebook and Google pixel on your website. This is a highly effective strategy that enables you to stay in front of visitors to your site even after they have actually left.There are many advantages to paid search advertising, however there are also risks advertisers should be cognizant of.1. Pay Per Click is relatively simple to copy which means your rivals can quickly imitate your ad copy, images and call to actions. Effective PPC campaign management needs keeping track of quotes, Quality Scores, keyword positions and click-through rates (CTRs).2. Paid search marketing (PPC) requires an in advance and continuous financial investment. There are many options available for PPC that can influence your results. If product listings control the screen for the keywords you are targeting; then text based advertisements might not convert.For this factor, it’s essential to do some research prior to you release your Pay Per Click campaign. Make sure to Google the keywords that you are targeting and be particularly mindful to view what type is being revealed.Improve search traffic to your company website with SEO.A major need to purchase SEO is due to the power of online search engine to improve your awareness. If you have visibility in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for the keywords that you are targeting, this will put your service in front of a significantly high variety of possible customers. The very best way to consider SEO is that SEO drives brand name awareness and is complimentary Google marketing.Branding is another advantage of local SEO in that search terms and informational questions connected to your company can have a favorable branding benefit. As your brand is returned in the search results page, it can (and normally will) become more associated with and trusted by searchers, and this will cause a purchase choice. Material marketing is the cornerstone and structure of SEO. The more that your content, thus brand, is associated as a professional in your field, place or market, you will become a reliable voice which will lead more Web searchers to find you and work with your business.Studies have shown that online search engine users trust organic outcomes as being more credible than paid advertising. Many users avoid over the advertisements and go straight to the natural outcomes as they presume that Google likewise ranks the organic websites more extremely. Showing up on the first page of Google will provide your company a stamp of approval that can be the difference between somebody clicking on your listing (ranking) or your rivals.Don’t forget the function that positive reviews play in getting your target customer to call you. It’s a truth that even if you rank higher than your competitor if they have more stars showing outstanding reviews, this can make all the difference in your conversions. For many service based companies, reviews are important.SEO increases site traffic as the higher you rank, the more visitors you will have to your website and the more chance to own awareness of your business. Traffic from organic search is complimentary, establishing presence takes time and effort, as Google has slowed down ranking results significantly over the last couple of years.As an outcome of the points above, natural online search engine traffic by way of search engine optimization can supply an enhanced ROI over conventional forms of paid media including Pay Per Click. While SEO is at first not inexpensive or easy, it is in the long term far more affordable than most other marketing tactics and delivers stronger brand awareness and traffic to your company website. Unlike paid search marketing or Pay Per Click, complimentary traffic from Google does moist up the minute you stop paying.This indicates that SEO will generate more clicks from an organic search listing than from a highly positioned paid ad. Keyword-level experimentation is required to make sure that you are not paying for clicks that you might get for complimentary, but to take full advantage of results and that is certified leads, some services discover that presence in both paid and organic listings are needed.Due to the fact that of the constantly changing and dynamic nature of the web, lots of business owners and marketing executives find that working with a professional digital marketing and SEO expert is the best method for them to ensure the best outcomes. Organic traffic can require time, and the expertise needed to beat those above you in the SERPs is considerable. Which is why, if you are simply beginning, and the keywords you are targeting are already “owned” by high authority sites, you might have to reassess your technique.A competent SEO professional should have the ability to help your team in establishing content assets to search engine ranking supremacy. A top rated seo business will show their worth by helping you construct safe, sustainable links so you can attain the site rankings that will propel your business to the next level.Click here to receive a 100% FREE SEO AUDIT and discover how search engine optimization can impact your business.Discover what local SEO in Queen Creek Arizona can do for your business site. Watch this video:
Best SEO Queen Creek
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Comparison of the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 and 20 Ultra vs. iPhone 11 Pro Max, Huawei P40 Pro + and more:
We have brought you the comparison of the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 and 20 Ultra vs. iPhone 11 Pro Max, Huawei P40 Pro + and more. Last year Samsung presented two Note 10s and the trail has been maintained in 2020 with the new Samsung Galaxy Note 20 and 20 Ultra . Slight change in the nomenclature but not in the formula: two flagships armed to the teeth to compete with those at home and abroad, hence it is especially interesting to make a comparison of the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 against its main rivals .
We have made a selection taking into account the competing phones of the main manufacturers that are closer to the profile of the Note 20, both in size and in specifications. As usual, we will treat the you to you by sections and in the end we will put them before their rivals in two tables so that it is something more distributed and enjoyable to visualize. The mobiles that we have selected for this comparison are the following:
Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra iPhone 11 Pro Max Huawei P40 Pro + Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro OnePlus 8 Pro Sony Xperia X II Google Pixel 4 XL Realme X50 Pro 5G
Design and display
Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra.  The style of the front is traced to that of the previous manufacturer range stops.
The Galaxy Note 10 and 10+ ended up settling those holes in the front that we would end up seeing centered on all their flagship searches. We saw it in the Galaxy S20 and that Infinity-O screen is also the model chosen for the new Note 20.
It is therefore a different option to the already hackneyed notch , which is still Apple’s choice for its front-line mobiles, although it also collides with what we see in the Xperia 1 II and Pixel 4, with conventional frames. The rest has gone into the hole, although Samsung’s approach is somewhat more different than Huawei’s, more similar to what we have seen in OnePlus or the Mi 10 Pro so that the taskbar ends up taking up less.
In the resolutions we see almost the shallowest evolution with respect to the Note 10, although what stands out is that the base Note 20 is in FullHD + and in 60 Hz. The manufacturer thus differentiates its mobiles more, but unlike with the S20 it loses the opportunity to get on the same car with its last two flagships and take the opportunity to standardize a minimum of QHD + in the high range that many others also do not reach, as we see here with the Mi 10 Pro, the Realme X50 or the P40 Pro +. In resolution and density, Sony is still the queen with the 4K of the Xperia 1 II and some predecessor. These, however, do reach the 90 Hz refresh rate , surpassed by Samsung’s Ultra but not by the base Note 20 or the iPhone 11 Pro Max. That is why the screen of the Ultra promises to be up to par and be one of the best both in the Samsung showcase and outside, but there will be differences in the experience with the small one beyond the diagonal.
Speaking of dimensions, the Note 20 are large phones, so much so that the Note 20 Ultra is the bulkiest of this selection . Despite maintaining the diagonal of the S20 Ultra it is less tall and thicker, although it weighs considerably less and is not so far from 200 grams. Of course, both the Note 20 Ultra and the S20 Ultra weigh less than the champions of this selection with 226 grams: the Huawei P40 Pro + and the iPhone 11 Pro Max. In the absence of a contact, the grip of the base Note 20 must be very close in sensations to that of the Pixel 4 XL , whose weight is just 2 grams less and its volume is similar, in addition to the “small” screen of the Note 20 is flat.
SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 20SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 20 ULTRAONEPLUS 8 PROSONY XPERIA 1 IIGOOGLE PIXEL 4 XLREALME X50 PRO 5GSCREENSuper AMOLED Plus 6.7 ” 2,400 x 1,080 px FullHD + 393 dpi, 60 Hz, 20: 9Dynamic AMOLED 6.9 ” 3,088 x 1,440px WQHD + 496 dpi, 120 Hz, 19.3: 9, HDR10 +Fluid AMOLED 6.78 ” 3,168 x 1,440 px QHD + 90/120 Hz, 19.8: 96.5 ”OLED 4K resolution, 21: 96.3 ”OLED 3,040 x 1,440 px QHD + 90 Hz dynamicSuper AMOLED 6.44 ” 2.400 x 1.800px FullHD + 90 Hz, HDR10 +, Corning Gorilla Glass 5DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT75.2 x 161.6 x 8.3mm 192g (4G) / 194g (5G)77.2 x 164.8 x 8.1 mm165.3 x 74.35 x 8.5 mm 199 g166 x 72 x 7.9 mm 181 g160.42 x 75.13 x 8.2 mm 193 g159 x 74.2 x 8.9 mm 205 gVOLUME (CC)111.62100.86104.4689.2198.78105BATTERY4,300 mAh4,500 mAh 25W4,510 mAh4,000 mAh3,700 mAh4,200 mAh
Of course, the S20 Ultra seems to take advantage of the volume much more despite integrating a large camera module and 5G like its cousin Note. The battery that fits the S20 Ultra is 5,000 mAh, which is also the one with the highest capacity of all these mobiles , a magnitude that although it is not decisive in the experience is usually fulfilled that the greater the capacity, the greater the autonomy.
The front of the iPhone also seems from another era compared to its rivals, which the Note 20 have helped.
Of course, there is some improvement over last year’s Note as they integrate larger batteries (at the cost of greater weight and volume). They are more or less in the average capacity of this selection , surpassing those that fall below the 4,000 mAh border: the Pixel and the iPhone. Even the Xperia, the most compact by far (at least in grip sensation), reaches 4,000 mAh, although the consumption in iOS is somewhat different and that of milliamps / hour is not usually a fair comparison.
Power, performance and connectivity
The Note 20 keep the Exynos 990 , the processor that the Galaxy S20 released and that came to compete with the Snapdragon 865 , the A13 Bionic and the Kirin 990 until the latter are renewed this year. Tie in this sense between the twins but not in the RAM, since in the versions that arrive in Spain the Note 20 arrives with 8 GB and the Ultra with 12 GB .
The fingerprint reader on the screen is almost a constant in the high range, although we see exceptions in this selection.  The OnePlus 8 Pro (in the image) has kept the fast charge at 30W, but although it is higher than that of the Note 20 it does not exceed that of Realme.
In such powerful processors it is difficult to notice a difference in the experience . The numbers in benchmarks are not an exact science either, taking into account that we are talking about two or three different apps (Play Store, App Store and App Gallery), so it is not entirely extrapolated, in addition to the fact that tests from different are usually reflected components that are not the same in all, such as RAM. In this type of memory, we could notice some difference in handling and fluency, especially without activating high refresh rates and taking into account how demanding apps and multitasking are opened. However, from 8 GB of RAM the difference can be much smaller , and perhaps this does not mark any abyss between one Note and another, nor between the mobiles of this selection that remain in that range.
There are, on the other hand, the iPhone 11 Pro Max with its 4 GB and the Google Pixel 4 XL with 6 GB , but just as it happens with the mAhs in the RAM there is also no you to you just with numbers between Android and iOS. The 6 GB of the Pixel 4 XL seemed more than enough in our analysis, to which we add that there is no layer of customization. Something that does affect the experience more clearly, but that in the case of the Note we do not believe that there is much change compared to the previous Galaxy S.
SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 20SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 20 ULTRASAMSUNG GALAXY S20 ULTRAAPPLE IPHONE 11 PRO MAXHUAWEI P40 PRO +XIAOMI MI 10 PROPROCESSORExynos 990Exynos 990Exynos 990A13 Bionic chip with 64-bit 7nm + architecture, Neural Engine (3rd gen)Kirin 990 GPU Mali-G76Snapdragon 865RAM8 GB RAM LPDDR512 GB RAM LPDDR512/16 GB RAM4GB8 GB RAM8 GB RAM LPDDR5STORAGE256 GB256/512 GB (with MicroSD)128/512 GB (+ microSD 1 TB) UFS 3.064/256/512 GB (not expandable with microSD)512 GB UFS 3.0 expandable with NM Card256 GB UFS 3.0CONNECTIVITY5G (NSA and SA), Sub6 / mmWave Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac / ax 2.4G + 5GHz, HE80, MIMO, 1024-QAM Bluetooth 5.0, ANT +, NFC GPS, Galileo, Glonass, BeiDou5G (NSA and SA), Sub6 / mmWave Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac / ax 2.4G + 5GHz, HE80, MIMO, 1024-QAM Bluetooth 5.0, ANT +, NFC GPS, Galileo, Glonass, BeiDou5G, SA / NSA, sub-6, LTE Cat20 up to 2 Gbps, WiFi ac 4×4 MIMO, NFCLTE with 4×4 MIMO, Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), Bluetooth 5.0, NFC with read modeWiFi 6 Plus 5G NFC Bluetooth GPS Dual SIM5G, WiFi 802.11a / b / g / n / ac / ax, Bluetooth 5.1, WiFi Direct, GPS BATTERY4,300 mAh 25W Wireless charging 15 W Reverse charging 4.5 W4,500 mAh 25W Wireless charging 15 W Reverse charging 4.5 W5,000 mAh3,969 mAh4,200 mAh 40W Wireless charging 40W Reverse wireless charging4,500 mAh 65WSOFTWAREAndroid 10 + One UIAndroid 10 + One UIAndroid 10 + OneUIiOS 13Android 10 with EMUI 10.1Android 10 with MIUI 11OTHERSUltrasonic fingerprint reader, stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos decoding, IP68, S PenUltrasonic fingerprint reader, stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos decoding, IP68, S PenFingerprint sensor under screen, IP68FaceID, IP68 water resistance (30 min at 4 m depth), GLONASS, Galileo, fast charging (18 W adapter included)Fingerprint reader on screen IP68On-screen fingerprint reader
SPECI/MobileSAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 20SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 20 ULTRAONEPLUS 8 PROSONY XPERIA 1 IIGOOGLE PIXEL 4 XLREALME X50 PRO 5GPROCESSORExynos 990Exynos 990Snapdragon 865Snapdragon 865Snapdragon 855Snapdragon 865RAM8 GB RAM12 GB RAM8/12 GB RAM LPDDR58 GB RAM6 GB LPDDR4X8/12 GB RAM LPDDR5STORAGE256 GB256/512 GB (with MicroSD)128/256 GB UFS 3.0256 GB UFS 3.064/128 GB UFS 2.1128/256 GB UFS 3.0CONNECTIVITY5G (NSA and SA), Sub6 / mmWave Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac / ax 2.4G + 5GHz, HE80, MIMO, 1024-QAM Bluetooth 5.0, ANT +, NFC GPS, Galileo, Glonass, BeiDou5G (NSA and SA), Sub6 / mmWave Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac / ax 2.4G + 5GHz, HE80, MIMO, 1024-QAM Bluetooth 5.0, ANT +, NFC GPS, Galileo, Glonass, BeiDou5G SA (n41, n78, n79), MIMO, LTE (B1, 3, 41), NR (n41, n78, n79) 2×2 MIMO, WiFi 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac / ax, 2.4G / 5G , WiFI 6 LE / LTE-A 4×4 MIMO, Cat 13 (1.2 Gbps / 150 Gpbs) Bluetooth 5.1, aptX support, aptX HD, LDAC, AAC, NFC GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou, SBAS, A-GPSWi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac / 6, dual-band, Wi-Fi Direct, DLNA, Bluetooth 5.1, aptX HD, LE, GLONASS, GPS, Galileo, NFCLTE Cat.18, WiFi ac, Bluetooth 5.0, NFC5G, LTE, WiFi ac, Bluetooth 5.1, Dual GPSBATTERY4,300 mAh 25W Wireless charging 15 W Reverse charging 4.5 W4,500 mAh 25W Wireless charging 15 W Reverse charging 4.5 W4,510 mAh Warp Charge 30T (5V / 6A) 30W Wireless charging Warp Charge 30 Wireless4,000 mAh 21W 11W Wireless Charging3,700 mAh 18W Wireless charging4,200 mAh 65WSOFTWAREAndroid 10 + One UIAndroid 10 + One UIAndroid 10 with OxygenOSAndroid 10Android 10Android 10 + Realme UIOTHERSUltrasonic fingerprint reader, stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos decoding, IP68, S PenUltrasonic fingerprint reader, stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos decoding, IP68, S PenOn-screen fingerprint reader, USB 3.1 type-C, dual SIM, physical button for sound, stereo sound, support for noise cancellationIP65 / 68, 360 Reality Audio stereo sound, 3.5 mm jack, stereo speakersMotion Sense, Now Playing, IP68, stereo speakersFingerprint reader under the screen, 3.5 mm jack
Those of Samsung also get on the 5G train, a car in which neither the Xperia 1 II, nor the iPhone, nor the Pixel are. In fast charging it is where they are in those that do not reach 30W that are almost a minimum for brands like OnePlus, although there the Realme wins in this case and its 65W of fast charging with cable. Of course, wireless charging and the reverse are an incentive that as we see they do not have enough of their rivals. The S Pen is obviously an added value with respect to a large majority of mobiles, although this year we have seen Motorola and LG’s proposals with a pointer. Of course, on paper the Samsung stylus seems much more versatile and useful, it will be necessary to see if it convinces us as much as last year with that new gesture function.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 20 has three cameras, something that is almost part of the past with the abundance of four cameras as we see in this comparison.
One of the key differences between the two new Samsung phones is the number of cameras, as we saw in the previous Note. But we have also seen that only the Ultra has the 108 megapixel sensor and a 5x optical zoom , although both have double optical stabilization. Of course, although on paper (as seen in the S20) it is a hardware that probably gives good results, the rivals come especially armed to the teeth in this regard , seeing the 10x optical zoom of the P40 Pro + (which even integrates two telephoto lenses) or the treatment of colors achieved by the Pixel software. A mobile that is not yet close to competing in terms of versatility and zoom, yes, since it is the only one in this selection that does not have a wide-angle lens. Samsung has spoken at its event about the low light potential of the Note 20 cameras. There, you will also have to deal with some Huawei that already automatically achieve high-level results in night photography, and astrophotography seems to be making a name for itself. mobile photography beyond the Pixels, seeing very good results in the Realme X3 SuperZoom . Of course, they are those that have a lens with a maximum maximum aperture of this selection with f / 1.8, the same value as the main one of the S20 Ultra, although the Sony wins with an aperture of f / 1.7 in its main lens. If you are among those who opt for higher resolution sensors, in all probability integrating the same sensor as the Mi 10 Pro and that we have tested both in this mobile and in the S20 Ultra, although something to note is that the main sensors are among the larger at 1 / 1.33 inches. They do not break records and the largest of these is carried by the P40 Pro + (1 / 1.28 inches), but the correct evolution is to achieve larger sensors and here they are not bad.
SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 20SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 20 ULTRAONEPLUS 8 PROSONY XPERIA 1 IIGOOGLE PIXEL 4 XLREALME X50 PRO 5GFRONTAL CAMERA10 MP (1 / 3.24 ”, 1.22 µm), AF, f / 2.210 MP (1 / 3.24 ”, 1.22 µm), AF, f / 2.216 MP (1 µm), EIS, f / 2.458 MP8 MP32 MP f / 2.5 + ultra-wide 8 MP, f / 2.2REAR CAMERASTriple camera: Main: 12 MP (1 / 1.76 ”, 1.8 µm), f / 1.8, OIS Wide angle: 12 MP (1 / 2.55”, 1.4 µm), f / 2.2 Telephoto: 64 MP (1 / 1.72 ”0.8 µm), f / 2.0, OISFour cameras: Main: 108 MP (1 / 1.33 “, 1.8 µm), f / 1.8, OIS Wide: 12 MP (1 / 2.55″, 1.4 µm), f / 2.2 Telephoto: 12 MP (1 / 3.6 ”, 1 µm), f / 3.0, OIS Depth sensor: Laser AF48 MP (1.12 µm, 2.24 µm at 12 MP), OIS, EIS, f / 1.78 48 MP ultra wide angle 119.7º, f / 2.2 Telephoto 8 MP (1 µm), OIS, f / 2.44 5 MP color filter, f / 2.412 MP f / 1.7 Main, 24mm 12 MP f / 2.2 Wide Angle, 16mm 12 MP f / 2.4 Telephoto, 70mm ToF Sensor16 + 12.2 MP Optical zoom x1.8 Double OISMain: 64 MP, f / 1.8, 20x hybrid zoom Ultra-wide: 8 MP, f / 2.3 Telephoto: 12 MP, f / 2.5 B / W lens for portraits, f / 2.4
As for the front camera , we see that they have been more conservative and less ambitious than with the S20 Ultra, integrating the 10-megapixel sensor camera of the Galaxy S20 + . Therefore, we expect similar results and above all a good video since the 4K recording is maintained, which is not usual in the subjective camera. We see that neither in the S20 nor in the new Note 20 there is a double front camera as we saw in the Samsung Galaxy S10 + . We have tested many phones with a subjective dual camera and different approaches, especially for greater angles and trying to improve the bokeh in portraits, but for now there is no clear superiority with a dual front lens . However, in this case it is the P40 Pro + and the Realme X50 Pro that do have two front panels (an IR sensor and a wide angle respectively), which are also the ones that have a higher resolution sensor (there the Note are more or less on average with his 10 megapixel).
Samsung Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra, comparison tables
SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 20SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 20 ULTRAONEPLUS 8 PROSONY XPERIA 1 IIGOOGLE PIXEL 4 XLREALME X50 PRO 5GSCREENSuper AMOLED Plus 6.7 ” 2,400 x 1,080 px FullHD + 393 dpi, 60 Hz, 20: 9Dynamic AMOLED 6.9 ” 3.088 x 1.440px WQHD + 496 dpi, 120 Hz, 19.3: 9Fluid AMOLED 6.78 ” 3,168 x 1,440 px QHD + 90/120 Hz, 19.8: 96.5 ”OLED 4K resolution, 21: 96.3 ”OLED 3,040 x 1,440 px QHD + 90 Hz dynamicSuper AMOLED 6.44 ” 2.400 x 1.800px FullHD + 90 Hz, HDR10 +, Corning Gorilla Glass 5PROCESSORExynos 990Exynos 990Snapdragon 865Snapdragon 865Snapdragon 855Snapdragon 865RAM8 GB RAM LPDDR512 GB RAM LPDDR58/12 GB RAM LPDDR58 GB RAM6 GB LPDDR4X8/12 GB RAM LPDDR5STORAGE256 GB256/512 GB (with MicroSD)128/256 GB UFS 3.0256 GB UFS 3.064/128 GB UFS 2.1128/256 GB UFS 3.0FRONTAL CAMERA10 MP (1 / 3.24 ”, 1.22 µm), AF, f / 2.210 MP (1 / 3.24 ”, 1.22 µm), AF, f / 2.216 MP (1 µm), EIS, f / 2.458 MP8 MP32 MP f / 2.5 + ultra-wide 8 MP, f / 2.2REAR CAMERASTriple camera: Main: 12 MP (1 / 1.76 ”, 1.8 µm), f / 1.8, OIS Wide angle: 12 MP (1 / 2.55”, 1.4 µm), f / 2.2 Telephoto: 64 MP (1 / 1.72 ”0.8 µm), f / 2.0, OISFour cameras: Main: 108 MP (1 / 1.33 “, 1.8 µm), f / 1.8, OIS Wide: 12 MP (1 / 2.55″, 1.4 µm), f / 2.2 Telephoto: 12 MP (1 / 3.6 ”, 1 µm), f / 3.0, OIS Depth sensor: Laser AF48 MP (1.12 µm, 2.24 µm at 12 MP), OIS, EIS, f / 1.78 48 MP ultra wide angle 119.7º, f / 2.2 Telephoto 8 MP (1 µm), OIS, f / 2.44 5 MP color filter, f / 2.416 + 12.2 MP Optical zoom x1.8 Double OISMain: 64 MP, f / 1.8, 20x hybrid zoom Ultra-wide: 8 MP, f / 2.3 Telephoto: 12 MP, f / 2.5 B / W lens for portraits, f / 2.4CONNECTIVITY5G (NSA and SA), Sub6 / mmWave Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac / ax 2.4G + 5GHz, HE80, MIMO, 1024-QAM Bluetooth 5.0, ANT +, NFC GPS, Galileo, Glonass, BeiDou5G (NSA and SA), Sub6 / mmWave Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac / ax 2.4G + 5GHz, HE80, MIMO, 1024-QAM Bluetooth 5.0, ANT +, NFC GPS, Galileo, Glonass, BeiDou5G SA (n41, n78, n79), MIMO, LTE (B1, 3, 41), NR (n41, n78, n79) 2×2 MIMO, WiFi 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac / ax, 2.4G / 5G , WiFI 6 LE / LTE-A 4×4 MIMO, Cat 13 (1.2 Gbps / 150 Gpbs) Bluetooth 5.1, aptX support, aptX HD, LDAC, AAC, NFC GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou, SBAS, A-GPSWi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac / 6, dual-band, Wi-Fi Direct, DLNA, Bluetooth 5.1, aptX HD, LE, GLONASS, GPS, Galileo, NFCLTE Cat.18, WiFi ac, Bluetooth 5.0, NFC5G, LTE, WiFi ac, Bluetooth 5.1, Dual GPSBATTERY4,300 mAh 25W Wireless charging 15 W Reverse charging 4.5 W4,500 mAh 25W Wireless charging 15 W Reverse charging 4.5 W4,510 mAh Warp Charge 30T (5V / 6A) 30W Wireless charging Warp Charge 30 Wireless4,000 mAh 21W 11W Wireless Charging3,700 mAh 18W Wireless charging4,200 mAh 65WSOFTWAREAndroid 10 + One UIAndroid 10 + One UIAndroid 10 with OxygenOSAndroid 10Android 10Android 10 + Realme UIDIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT75.2 x 161.6 x 8.3mm 192g (4G) / 194g (5G)77.2 x 164.8 x 8.1 mm165.3 x 74.35 x 8.5 mm 199 g166 x 72 x 7.9 mm 181 g160.42 x 75.13 x 8.2 mm 193 g159 x 74.2 x 8.9 mm 205 gOTHERSUltrasonic fingerprint reader, stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos, IP68, S PenUltrasonic fingerprint reader, stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos, IP68, S PenOn-screen fingerprint reader, USB 3.1 type-C, dual SIM, physical button for sound, stereo sound, support for noise cancellationIP65 / 68, 360 Reality Audio stereo sound, 3.5 mm jack, stereo speakersMotion Sense, Now Playing, IP68, stereo speakersFingerprint reader under the screen, 3.5 mm jackPRICEFrom 959 eurosFrom 1,309 eurosFrom 934 euros1,119 eurosFrom 799 eurosFrom 596 euros
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apexart-journal · 6 years
Radha Gomaty in NYC Day 16
Enroute Washington
Had a particularly rough morning as my India phone suddenly dithered into deep coma just as i was readying to leave to catch the 9 am Bus to Washington .
Quite distraught I sat bent over the phone compulsively pressing the three buttons that i could see in various  permutations and combinations and with varying finger pressures till time on the clock approached danger mark and i had to run from  the room .
I find my way through the subways carrying a heavy shoulder bag besides my usual awfully ethnic glittery (and now rather dirty)cloth tote with its stitches coming undone that somehow gells well with this crazy city .
Of course, then there is my friend’s  handy little leather multi pocket cross sling that carries  everything from my proof of identity , all my various complimentary entry cards and metro /subway cards  .In fact she  hung it on my shoulder with emphasis genuinely afraid that I might lose my papers otherwise and end up in prison or something !
A gift notepad from my god daughter that i had cherished on my table without finding fit reason for using it fits in perfectly and had scrawled in its first page with a waterproof marker all important numbers of immediate near & dear  that proves really useful now that my phoned conked out!
I thanked the stroke of intuition that had me do that just a coulee of ours before i left home for Kochi Airport.
Yet another friend lent  me her veteran leather jacket advising me that i should wear this as soon as i disembark from the flight at JFK so that I look like a true blue New Yorker and not like some babe in the woods.
In short I had made my trip on some old clothes donated to me (category:Something OLD;status-check!)
Some new clothes , shoes and socks (first purchase since I passed school say , some 35 odd years ago and a pair of brand new spectacles  (category :something NEW-check!)
Mostly borrowed stuff right from money for my food to all of my woolens and even two pieces of luggage of the three I had.(category: something BORROWED-Check!)
And something blue?Well ,Besides a pair of rather horrendous blue jeans hurriedly brought and in memory of an older body size that i once inhabited .It was now so large that I have to find ingenious ways every moment to keeping it from slipping  down to the ground.
But then there were some events too just as I leaving home that for a few moments dyed Time to the deepest ultramarine possible.But thankfully only for a few moments ,as off late like a practiced boxer I duck on raw instinct  rather than from rather deadly blows. designed to kill my sustaining spirit .
(category:Something BLUE-Check!)
BTW for readers rom my part of the Globe this business of having something OLD /NEW /BORROWED /BLUE is what a Bride is supposed to ensure she has on her person at the ceremony to ensure some things as follows:
Something old represents continuity; something new offers optimism for the future; something borrowed symbolizes borrowed happiness; something blue stands for purity, love, and fidelity.
A 1940’s song from my childhood that was part of dad’s vinyl record collection .the one i heard was by Vera Lynn but i can’t find it anywhere now trawling the net.
So please listen to  this version by the Velours.
I’ve deliberately chosen the one with the excessively frothy pulp romance visuals to rub it in and have people of understated refined tastes to run for cover.
Well !Me , a bride ,huh?
That’s a good one !
I’m sure reading this will have many folks i know in sniggers to downright splits at the prospect of a hat trick (Me too actually …!!! :D :D) , a grossly anomalous event for a woman ,at least in the cultural context I happen to be in !
But jokes aside ,in a way that is true about all trips like this, you know.
It is like one’s self (spelt with small case )and one Self (spelt with upper case)that ,ejected by some hidden cosmic plan across a huge distance from familiar physical coordinates and the habits of time zones ,embark upon on a unique honeymoon together within one …
Like in this  lovely Hindi movie back home called ‘QUEEN’ after  the mild mannered typically middle class protagonist called Rani (meaning Queen in English &played with finesse by Kangna Raut) who is stood up at the altar ,so to speak ,by her recently  ‘settled abroad’ NRI fiancé because suddenly she is not smart & trendy enough to be part of his new life style abroad.
Though utterly shattered she embarks upon a radical decision encouraged by her feisty paternal grandmother -To use her honeymoon ticket and go to Paris & Amsterdam on a honeymoon all by herself as planned like commemorating a wedding that never happened .
The results are unexpected and totally exhilarating  for Rani after some initial shocks  which completely jolts her out of the narrow confines of her comfort zones that were based on role based  conformity and not centred on the realities of her feeling-self.
The film traces how Rani , the average middle class Indian girl,begins to find herself finally in new locales through new & diverse friendships and challenging experiences  restoring her to an unassailable fresh new sense of wholeness.
Distance has a way of conferring perspective as little else can as also the cosmopolitan multi cultural bustle that, throwing off-gear one’s sense of context ,challenges one to reexamine , feel ,assimilate and eventually generate anew every moment a new and enlivening context for being.
Just this evening on a watsapp call , my brother was telling me of a new book he was reading on the realities of a Dalit Life called ‘Ants amongst Elephants’ noted for its freshness by Sujata Gudia , based on the locales of her own life written only after she migrated to the US and became a subway conductor.
Even the cold , the wind , the need to layer over skin for a person from more hospitable or warmer climes where one may as well comfortably walk next to naked with just  one multipurpose piece of cloth that works interchangeably  as garment , mat or drape by night changes things in a way that is not easy to describe.But change it does ,from the fundamental level of the nebulous cusp of Body & Being.
The same reasons ,also dictated by a different culture of valuing Tme ,may necessitate similar changes in dressing -from wearing flowing clothes to closely fitted ones that facilitate free movement of limbs while keeping the cold out.
Simply put ,just the simple act of wearing pants  , say even for a woman like me, changes things and facilitates entry  from languid self containment to dynamism & extroverted action .
The giddying verticality of Metropolises also has a similar effect upon those who  like me from not such a heavy metropolitanised( a new word I suspect but let it be!) living backdrop.
In short the stage is set for a strange wilderness to sudden burgeon forth almost overnight overrunning  the complacence of  Familiarity altogether . From within this wilderness strange new animals ,whose presence was only  gleaned hitherto from an occasional track mark of sensation or  from the sharp smell of droppings begin to show themselves better with a new found fearlessness.
Weird flowers blossom of strange hues and heady scents that disorient the head  as in open eyed dreams .Voices unheard hitherto begin to make themselves audible .
I am convinced now that Traveling far makes one more amenable to accept the fact that perhaps the very nature of Life is a virtual reality .I stumbled on that secret long ago but frankly speaking ,its  the darned diciest thing to get used to though with the years and the abrasions of experience ,I think I’ve made much better peace with it .
“…so why did i come so far,my love ? to catch a glimpse of an Amerindian lifetime that still courses through our blood ?The time when the horses brought in by the Spaniards escaped and came in first from Peru through Mexico through the Oklahoma plains to multiply and run beautifully wild and you were part of those who lassoed and made peace with  them to become our steadfast friends ?”
Did i actually doze off for a split second in the Metro Bus headed to Washington  DC that everyone seemed to called by its euphemism ,’the Blue Bus’?
My fellow passenger , a man from Honduras who has worked in the US for 16years now and longs to return home is happy to let me have his window seat .
He gladly accepts a piece of Kappalandi Mittai or Peanut Candy from back home as agonizing over my phone left me no time to prep or eat anything for breakfast. i make do with gnawing at an apple afterwards thinking I shall eat in Washington.
Washington !
Can two cities be so totally different?
The Metro station has this glam front of cafes et al and suddenly with one turn the whole atmosphere changes into a grey drab one.i have trouble with topping my Metro Card and a family from Kerala reach there just in time as if to help me.The gate won’t open and I enter through an emergency door.
Everything is strange ,bleak,dark and interminably gray even the lifeless mechanical announcements .I feel it takes an eternity to find my way walking too to the Beacon hotel .
The young lady at the desk checks out ‘Margaret Ewing’ under whose name my room has been booked .While she is examining my passport for a second time with apologies for the inconvenience caused ,Trump is delivering voice mime thunderbolts on illegal immigrants on a silenced TV Set in the tastefully decorated lobby.
Standing there i  find myself worrying about one of James’ students, I think one who is on our show at Apex, whose dad is on the receiving end of this with the aftershocks landing on the prospects of the entire family.
James ,whom I met at Apex is a wonderful teacher of Art at a Public or city funded school in the Bronx where the poorest people live ,many of them precariously.
i get my room keys finally and enter a business class room with two huge single beds ,a TV set , a coffee maker and something that I think is a microwave oven .
For the first time since i came ,I'm feeling a bit lost.
I miss my home@1Irving street, the cute white Mac on the table by the window that helps me type my thoughts, the narrow crowded streets outside full of really interesting looking people , the crazy subways abuzz with chaos &music...
Yeah, my phone from India on which I refused to change the time in India to keep in touch withy beloved ones there abruptly dying with all my contacts in it and remembering that it's my father's birthday and my younger son not realizing perhaps that I haven't called not because I don't care but I can't, adds to it.
My packed lunch of Rice and Mung sprouts suddenly turns tasteless in my mouth.
I hurriedly get up.
Schedule beckons …. (to be contd.)
0 notes
seanmeverett · 7 years
Why These 100 Mission-Driven Companies Will Win [Part 2 of 2]
Discover something new that might improve your own life
I. Setting the Stage
In Part 1, we covered a small selection of mission-driven companies across beverages, food, shelter, apparel, and services, including business, banking, money, insurance and the real-world.
Their teams and their products take a different approach to the world which results in not just differentiation for their brands in consumer’s minds, but also in what we believe is bigger financial upside.
Big things have small beginnings, indeed.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
~Winston Churchill
VII. Hardware
Samsung: What started as a focus in TVs and appliances has moved onto the cutting edge of consumer tech with novel VR experiences. They’ve been on a tear lately. I live near their flagship experential store in the Meatpacking area of Manhattan, which had a line around the block over the weekend with a matte black truck out front. Say what you will about the industrial design battle with Apple, but one thing they definitely do better is experiential. Apple doesn’t do a lick of it and it’s where the consumer branding world is headed.
Awair: You know that invisible thing you can’t live without? The thing you don’t ever notice until it’s gone? Yah, we’re talking about the air we breath. It’s kind of important and stuff. This team built a cool wooden box that analyzes the quality of the air across 5 dimensions, gives you a score and recommendations for fixing it. Bonus points for working in tandem with Nest, Awair.
Remarkable: It’s a tablet that’s meant to feel like paper. Whether you’re reading, sketching or taking notes, the point is paper. And yes, it does come with a hardware pencil. That’s why they, and we, call it reMarkable.
Google Hardware: They spend the most marketing effort with their hardware products, as you might expect, since the search engine markets itself at this point. If you’re looking for VR, Nest, and inexpensive Chromebooks, this is where Google really shines, as well as with their scalable services.
Mevo: A beautifully done hardware product, Mevo by Livestream gives you a full production studio in your pocket. It works in tandem with your mobile phone so you can pan, zoom, and record live events straight to your website and, get this, Facebook Live. Nice work, y’all.
Insta 360: If you want to record 360-degree video so people can put themselves in your Virtual Reality shoes, then you’re going to need a camera. Insta360 is a leader in the space, with a Nano version that descretely slips into your pocket and clips onto the top of your iPhone or an Air version for your Android phone. Whatever you phone you choose, this might be the right choice when it’s Go Time.
Mayfield Robotics: Humanizing Tech is something we can get behind, especially when it means adding positive human behaviors to a little friendly home robot called Kuri. Mayfield Robotics made this little guy to be your home videographer, capturing your favorite moments you would have lost otherwise, and even has a touch sensor on its head to respond to human touch as well as your voice.
VIII. Software
Mailchimp: Likely one of the best known email marketing platforms in the world, used by everyone from startups to large companies alike. MailChimp, is where we always start when we’re thinking of creating a new email list and sending out easy, mobile responsive campaigns. They’ve been around a long time and continue to grow like crazy.
Wordpress: Did you know that 25% of all websites on the internet are built on top of the WordPress CMS? Twenty…five…percent. That’s insane. There are billions of websites in the world. That means at least a billion are built on this thing. That’s an install base the size of all iPhones ever sold. If that isn’t enough of a recommendation, I don’t know what is. Strike that. I just went to their site. It’s right on the homepage. Twenty…eight…percent.
Slack: Ah, the good ole email killer. If you’re not careful you might end up being a part of a hundred different Slack channels just like most of us. The pings might drive you crazy if you’re on a dev team, but by now you’ve turned those off. Just clearing the unreads can become a full-time job. But they solved a big problem of what to use for chatting at work when most of us were still scraping by with Campfire. It feels much more personal than email and have to say I love and use the product regularly. Go get you some.
Evernote: It’s been a heck of a product for years. It’s been my notebook of choice across many life moments and businesses, both successful and failed. I counted recently and have thousands of notes. I write down everything, nearly word for word in conference calls so I understand the subtleties from meetings years ago. Evernote’s been the single most valuable tool for my brain, aside from my MacBook, over the course of my career. 18 thumbs. Way up.
Livestream: As mentioned in the Mevo blurb above, Livestream is a killer product with a killer team located in Brooklyn NY. I’ve been to their offices. Video is hard. Real hard. I know, I fixed and rebuilt a VOD and Live streaming platform over 4 years. But these guys and girls make it look easy. From production equipment to live landing pages, to syndication to the social networks. It’s free to start, and easy to scale. Awe inspiring.
FreshBooks: This roundup wouldn’t be complete without some accounting software. And boy if FreshBooks isn’t one of the longtime leaders. Invoices, expenses, time tracking, payments, projects, and the list goes on. Why hire an accountant when you’ve got something this great? Just don’t call them an auditor ;)
Virtual Assistants
X.ai: There’s a few different ways to start an AI startup. But they all have one thing in common: they need lots of examples in order to be as accurate as possible. In this case, the folks at x.ai are using the pervasive meeting-scheduling-over-email problem as a way to teach it human language. Secretary is one of the first jobs AI will replace. I’ve used the product multiple times, it’s pretty great and works like a charm. Give it the ole college try, if you fancy.
Clara: It’s another virtual assistant, only this one was founded by a Forbes 30 Under 30 female. The tech world doesn’t have to be completely filled with dudes. My favorite part of Clara’s website? That they use the movie Contact’s Ellie Arroway to explain how their email scheduling assistant works.
PitchBook: If you’re in the business of startups, M&A, VC or Private Equity long enough, you’ll come across PitchBook’s data. They send out a newsletter about the happenings of recent deals as well as quarterly trends updates on how much deal flow is happening. Their social teams are excellent as well, as I find I’m often conversing with their accounts across Twitter and Medium.
CBInsights: Focused mostly on the startup and tech worlds, CB Insights has one of the greatest newsletters of all time. It comes standard with snark, epic fails, and relevant news to keep our industry humming along. And with a daily sign off of “I love you”, it should keep you happy whilst reading through their great fundamental industry analyses.
Mattermark: They’re all about building target customer lists. Founded by one of the great ones who gets a lot of respect in the industry, Mattermark wants you to focus on the companies and employees who matter most. If coffee’s for closers, then you need the good Glengarry leads to use your BD and sales time wisely. This team can help you out.
8i.com: Probably my most favorite opening homepage lines of all time, 8i “mixes realities with holograms”. I mean, c’mon guys if that doesn’t get you excited, then you’re already asleep. Check out their homepage to see a demo video or download their mobile app to add holograms to your everyday life. Totally tubular, dood.
Magic Leap: No AR list would be complete without this 800-pound gorilla. They’ve raised a boat load of money from the who’s who of Valley VCs and are working to get the first consumer headset that throws holograms into your real-world environment. If they can execute against the vision, this puppy will be big.
IX. Transportation
Uber: If you’re reading this, it’s highly likely that you know of Uber. Though, there are still some people who haven’t. So for the king (or queen, if you’re feeling nasty) of ridesharing, Uber started the on demand trend and has been growing like a weed, making it one of the most valuable and fastest-growing startups in history. If you can find them a consistent source of drivers, you will be in their good graces forever. They have a supply problem, not a demand one. They’ll get it.
Lyft: If you’d like a little more personality whilst you ride than the black and white, why not try a little hot magenta on for size? Lyft, which used to be characterized by the pink mustache on the front of their cars, has since toned it down a bit and is having a bit of a resurgence after a few recent leadership stumbles at Uber. Kudos for the big branding.
Waze: Wouldn’t it be nice if your maps app told you where cops were catching people for speeding so you could slow down, or how to reroute yourself to get around traffic jams, all while it’s happening in real time? Waze is the first and pretty much only social mapping app out there. My former colleagues in an entire office in Atlanta used this app to deal with the horrendous traffic there. Hard to argue with that kind of pervasive benefit.
Toyota: They invented the Toyota Production System (TPS), which increased the quality of car manufacturing to an unprecendented level decades ago. It was so good, in fact, that they now teach it in business schools everywhere about using a constant improvement culture. You see the same thing happening in software businesses today. But don’t forget, Toyota invented it, not tech.
Tesla: The vision of an all-electric car, a giant touch screen to control everything (no other buttons), that drives itself to your exact location and picks you up. Only Elon Musk has the type of entrepreneurial grit to take on the auto manufacturing industry and actually pull it off. Besides, naming your series of cars, S 3 X means that Tesla Motors comes with a little marketing magic as well.
Boosted Boards: An electric skateboard that I see all over the place on the streets of NYC. Going 12 miles on a single charge means you can do your daily commute in Manhattan without running out of battery. It can take you up a 25% grade hill, goes up to 22mph (dear lord!), and has a little hand-held remote control. This thing is just plain rad.
OneWheel: Maybe two wheels are too archaic for you. If so, why not reduce your “footprint” to a single wheel. Wait…what? A single wheel? Yes, a single wheel with a board on either side for you to ride in futuristic style. Just don’t call it a hoverboard. The wheel looks like a small car tire, which means you can go far off the concrete streets. Because where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
X. Travel
AirBnb: Want to live like a local, or hotels all full, or maybe you just need a place for a few weeks or a month? Airbnb is the new friend you’ve been waiting for. You might be a little scared if you’ve never rented or subletted to someone else before, but I can tell you from experience that most people are incredibly genuine and trustworthy. We have yet to have any sort of trust issue or problem.
Hyatt: Here’s what we love about Hyatt. At the top of their homepage right now is a message calling for donations to the Red Cross to help Hurricane Harvey victims. It’s not just about a hotel with them. It’s about a home. Their brand feels safe and comforting. A hard thing to pull off, but kudos to the team.
Starwood: They own almost every major hotel brand you’ve heard of, which is pretty crazy to wrap your mind around. Here’s a few: Ritz-Carlton, Marriot, Townplace, Fairfield, Residence Inn, Courtyard, Aloft, The W Hotel, St Regis, SPG, and Sheraton. If you’ve ever stayed in a hotel, it’s highly likely you’ve stayed with Starwood Hotels & Resorts.
Movement & Booking
Upside Travel: A cool approach to getting from here to there, Upside Travel lets you book your work travel in a package deal to save some coin. Flight + Hotel + Uber.
Hawaiian Airlines: A vacation of dreams, of windy roads, beaches to mountaintops and ten different climates in between, Hawaii is one of those trips on many of our bucket lists. And if you want to really live the life, make sure you travel the official airline of the island. Right now, a roundtrip from North America starts at only $357. We’ll give that a “wow”.
Ride Share Air
Surf Air: Pay a monthly fee and get unlimited flights around the west coast of America from San Diego, Palm Springs, Monterrey, Carlsbad, Lake Tahoe, Napa Valley, LA, SF, etc. From what we can tell, the price starts at around $1000 per month. If you’re paying more than that, you might end up saving both time and money. Just open the app and book.
Jet Smarter: This is one of the bigger on demand flight services. Their instagram marketing is pretty killer. It is a bit more expensive than others but it also goes more places. If you’re spending $25K per year doing business travel, you might actually save your company money if you choose to fly this kind of private airline. Jay-Z is an investor, so if you want to live like HOV, throw your diamonds in the sky.
Net Jets: This group extends the private jet model to fractional ownership, 15/30/60 hour jet cards, and a global destination base across the US and Europe.
Away: It’s a luggage brand with a personality. They come with stickers, even a Despicable Me Minions version. Described as thoughtful luggage for modern travel, it even comes with simple naming like “Carry-on” and “The Bigger Carry-on” — you know exactly what you’re going to get.
Yeti: What some people may consider a boring business, the founders at Yeti decided they needed a more durable cooler for their fishing and camping trips. It then extended into branded team coolers for tailgates and now into other products like duffel bags. Sturdy enough to sit on, it really does the job.
XI. Entertainment
HBO: The content king for decades, HBO is synonymous with the highest quality entertainment on TV. With their recent introduction of streaming services like HBO Go and HBO Now, you can get your favorite Game of Thrones-style shows on the go or on your mobile apps for a small monthly fee. For that, we say, already subscribed. Just keep those Vice News a-coming!
Netflix: All the movies and TV shows you can watch for less than $10 per month? The original DVD movie service and leader in the online video wars, what can you say about Netflix that hasn’t already been said. We’re faithful subscribers and will continue to be. 100 million other people can’t be wrong.
Amazon Prime: For a small monthly fee you get unlimited free shipping, all the movies, TV shows, music, and books you can consume. Add in photo saving and podcasts, and you’ve got one of the best designed and most valuable subscription products in the technology universe. Their originals are coming too, which means they’ve got a few more tricks up their sleeve than the recent purchase of Whole Foods. Amazon is taking over the whole technological world, it seems.
Holtzbrinck Publishing Group/Macmillan: It’s a publishing institution whose core values center on sharing knowledge and wisdom. With brands like Scientific American and Nature, their dedication to science is hard to understate. We love this organization.
Hachette Book Group: One of the biggest global book publishers, Hachette Book Group pushes out 900 adult books (including 50 to 100 digital only titles), 250 for young readers, and 400 audio books in one single year.
HarperCollins: They’ve been around for over 200 years with operations in 18 countries. In books, a strong foundational history counts for something. In fact, it’s almost everything. Their fiction authors are legendary: Mark Twain, Martin Luther King, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, H.G. Wells, Agatha Christie, amongst many others.
Penguin Books: What started in 1939 as the vision of a book that cost as little as a pack of cigarettes has now grown into a vast collection of both fiction and non-fiction books across a variety of topics.
Random House: 70,000 digital and 15,000 print books published every year makes Penguin Random House one of the most prolific publishers in all of writing.
Simon & Schuster: From Stephen Colbert and Enemy of the State to Stephen King’s It and Anna Kendrick’s personal actress biography, the range of books published by Simon & Schuster is vast and varied.
XII. Work & Home Tech
AltWork: A standing, sitting, lounging desk contraption that maintains correct posture in four different positions, this company’s product is aimed at helping keep your body healthy while you work at a computer screen all day.
Eero: A tiny home Wi-Fi system that just works. You plug it in and forget about it. Put a few around your home to boost the signal to different rooms. It’s a simple router, so you don’t need a degree from DeVry to understand how it works.
Felix Gray: Staring at our computer and phone screens all day can hurt our eyes. There’s an old 20/20/20 rule where every 20 minutes you’re supposed to look at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. To help with eye strain and fatigue, the folks at Felix Gray have special lenses worn by employees at some of the biggest, baddest tech companies in the world.
Pilot Pens: Finding the right writing instrument can be tricky. You want one with good ink flow that doesn’t stain the page or break and get on your hands or clothes. You want one that doesn’t cost a lot so it doesn’t matter that Bob from accounting stole it. That’s where Pilot comes in. Inexpensive, good, consistent.
Sonic Internet: Want blazing fast speeds with a better internet/phone bundle and a more human customer service? This team has what you need for gigabit fiber internet and unlimited calling.
Casper: A mattress startup that’s growing like absolutely crazy. People love their product, posting unboxing videos to YouTube because of the creative packaging. They’ve got deals to sell their mattresses in big box retailers now but got their start going Direct to Consumer over the internet. It’s a trend that will continue and this large founding team executed beautifully.
— Sean Everett
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Why These 100 Mission-Driven Companies Will Win [Part 2 of 2] was originally published in The Mission on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
from Stories by Sean Everett on Medium http://ift.tt/2f4xHPs
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King Sized Revelations - 10
Pairing: Liam x MC (Catherine) OC Constantine x Regina Introducing: Jeremy (A former beau of Catherine’s) Rating: NSFW (by requesting to be tagged, you acknowledge that you are at least 18+)  Disclaimer: Pixelberry owns all characters, except for the ones I created for the story. 
Tags: @umccall71 @3pawandme @indiacater @katurrade @lodberg @heatherfilliez @eadanga @missevabean @furiousherringoperatortoad @flowerpowell @cheeseedreams47 @tornbetween2loves @smalltalk88   @hopefulmoonobject @stopforamoment @blznbaby @ao719 @cocomaxley @perfectprofessorherokid @femmeshep @sarwin85  @wannabemc2 @gardeningourmet @krsnlove @mrsdrakewalkerblog @annekebbphotography 
Master List --
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While waiting for Liam you undress and slip on your robe, climb into bed and grab a book on the bedside table. After reading for a while, the door opens suddenly, and Liam enters. His expression is unreadable. “Liam? What’s wrong?” He walks over and sits beside you, taking your hand and stares intently into your eyes. “Regina told me what happened this afternoon. Is there something you forgot to mention?” 
You look at him confused, trying to think of what he’s talking about. Nothing major had happened while you and Regina were organizing for the upcoming Apple Festival, so what did she tell him exactly?
“I don’t think so.” He can see that you are baffled so he tries to calmly explain. “Regina mentioned that a friend of yours called this afternoon and it’s my understanding we’ll be having a guest in a few days.” 
That afternoon-- Your phone began to ring while you and Regina were sorting through the decorations, but before you could find it, the call ended. Apparently, you’d laid it down and it was inadvertently buried underneath the scattered debris. Within seconds it beeped indicating you had a voice mail, so after punching a few numbers, you listened. 
“Hey Cat, this is Jeremy. I got your message and I’m guessing you’re busy, so I’ll try back later.” 
After realizing who had left the message, you immediately press the redial button and before the second ring, he answers. 
J: “Cat?” C: “Hey Jeremy!” J: “How the hell are ya? It’s been a long time.” C: “Yeah it has.” J: “Wow! It’s good to hear from you.” C: “How have you been?” J: “Oh, you know me, same old same old… kicking ass and taking names, but what about you?” C: “Same as you, but with a little more hutzpah…” J: “Fearless as ever, huh?” C: “Yeah, I guess you could say that... Hey, I won’t keep you, but I did have a reason for calling. I hope it’s not asking too much, but I need a favor.” J: “I guess I do still owe you for keeping me out of trouble over all those unpaid parking tickets… So, what’s up?” C: “Well… I need your architectural advice.” J: “So… ready to draft that restaurant slash general store you always talked about?” C: “Heh. No, I think someone else beat me to it, but I do have another project I’m having some trouble with. Have you got a minute?”
Back to the present -- “Oh yeah… I’m sorry, it must have slipped my mind. You seem a bit edgy. Is everything okay?” Liam ignores your question and responds with one of his own. “Who is this friend anyway?” 
You are a little bothered by his tone, but figure this does warrant an explanation. “You remember me talking about Jeremy, and since he’s an architectural enginee--” Liam cuts you off mid-sentence. “Wait. THE Jeremy?” “Yes. I wanted his opinion about that problem with the structure of the school and I thought he might have some insight.” As Liam tries to hide his growing anxiety, he lifts your hand to his lips. “My queen, we have perfectly qualified architects in Cordonia, already working on the issue I might add.” 
“I know, but they haven’t been able to figure it out yet and I’m impatient.” There is something odd in his demeanor, but you just can’t put your finger on yet. “While I understand your desire to have this school in full operation sooner rather than later, I feel our best course of action would be to allow the experts more time to collaborate on the issue.” 
You protest. “More time? Why should those kids have to wait until your so-called ‘experts’ stop their pissing contest and get down to the business of finding a solution?!” Liam pays no mind to your upheaval because at the moment, he has his own agenda. Whatever that might be. “They are simply trying to work through the different angles and find the best possible result. Jeremy on the other hand, what’s in it for him? I have to wonder why he accepted your invitation on such short notice. Doesn’t that seem a little odd to you?” You think to yourself, ‘You seem a little odd to me at the moment.’
“No. Not in the least. And I didn’t invite him, he offered.” 
“He offered? Well that’s even more suspicious.” 
“Suspicious?” Liam nods his agreement. You take a deep breath trying to steady your nerves and then calmly explain. “He’s taking vacation next week and hadn’t made specific plans, so he thought it would be the perfect excuse to visit Europe. He wants to see the blueprints because it would be unethical to make an educated guess about a stability problem over the phone, especially since it involves the safety of children. And what was I supposed to do, tell him no?” 
Without flinching, Liam responds. “Yes. That would have been a perfectly acceptable response in my opinion.” By now you are more than a little annoyed with this line of questioning and his delivery of them. “Liam, what’s gotten into you? Why are you being so difficult about this?” 
Liam coolly adjusts himself and doesn’t make eye contact, but it’s clear to you that he is upset. “Liam why does this bother you?” He finally looks up and after a few seconds he sighs woefully. “Catherine, since Jeremy is a former lover… It raises questions as to what his motives are for coming here.” 
“Such as?” “Well… why would he be willing to fly halfway across the continent, for no compensation I might add, just to share his architectural proficiency? Is he expecting something in return for this selfless act? Does he even know of your current marital status?” 
And there it is! How did you not see it before? “Why King Liam, I do believe you’re jealous.” You can’t help but puff out a faint laugh when you realize the reason behind Liam’s behavior, and needless to say he is less than pleased by your lack of sensitivity to the situation. “I’m glad this is so amusing to you Catherine. I didn’t realize my concern would translate so humorously.” Seeing the hurt on his face, tugs at your heart and you reach for his hand, looking at him lovingly.  
“I’m sorry Liam, I should have talked to you about this first. And, I don’t think your concerns are funny at all. I think it’s sweet.” He looks at you a little less annoyed as you begin to explain. And it doesn’t hurt that running a finger along his jawline causes him to shiver slightly. “It’s just… I’ve never seen you react that way before and… it was kind of adorable when I understood why.” Liam relaxes somewhat as you continue. “I love you. With all my heart. And I would never allow anyone to come between us.” After absorbing your words, a smile begins to form on his lips. With his arms wrapped around you, he brings you flush against him and kisses you tenderly. 
Realizing how ridiculous he must have sounded before, he smiles sheepishly. “I suppose I was being somewhat unreasonable about the whole thing, but… when I heard he was coming here… well, I didn’t know what to think.” “Liam...” He kisses you soundly and when he pulls back, he is wearing a loving smile. “Although, it would ease my mind if I knew a bit more about him… about the breakup, I mean.” 
You think for a minute and remember that your split from Jeremy happened just before you met Liam. Knowing it would only create more unnecessary questions and emotional trauma, you decide not to mention that part. 
“Well, as in most breakups we just drifted apart. He was busy with an important project and what time I wasn’t at the bar, I was volunteering at the children’s home.” Liam’s expression turns more serious. “Did you love him?” The answer is written on your face before you even speak it and it doesn’t escape Liam’s notice. “I thought I did, but…” 
You spend the next half hour highlighting the reasons why your relationship with Jeremy had failed. Liam is very attentive and is never judging. “In the beginning, it was both new and exciting, but as time passed it was obvious that he wasn’t ready for a commitment…” 
The final blow had been when you discovered the ‘project’ he was working on wasn’t entirely about architectural design. He was cheating. Which came as no real surprise, but that was ultimately the reason the relationship ended. “Liam, I have no lingering feelings for Jeremy, if that’s what you were thinking. And I can guarantee he’s not coming here to win me back,” “I never thought it was you Catherine, but how can you be so sure of his intentions?” “Well for one, he’s engaged, and… his fiancé will be joining him on this trip.” Liam’s relief is evident from the brilliant smile that flashes across his face and then his expression becomes more thoughtful. “Catherine, I hope you know that I would never be unfaithful to you.” 
You think back to the time when Liam was engaged to Madeleine and what he’d said about having a relationship outside of marriage and how it was acceptable behavior for the royal family, as long as both parties agreed. You hadn’t questioned it then, but suddenly you needed an answer. “You know, we never really discussed that arrangement you had with Madeleine. I mean, weren’t you willing to keep me as your mistress if you’d married her?” Liam sighs. “That is a valid question and yes, it’s true. However, I was only willing because it was you. I suppose it was selfish of me, but at the time that was the only way I knew to keep you in my life. It was never about just anyone Catherine…” 
“So you’ve never thought about having a lover on the side?” He looks at you, shocked that you would even think such a thing. “That’s not who I am at all. Our marriage is more important than that… you are what’s important to me.” Liam takes your hand and gently kisses the back of it and then looks deep into your eyes. “Catherine, I would never bring cause for you to doubt my love for you… you are all I’ll ever need. Nothing in this world could distract me from that.” Smiling, you kiss him as he lowers you back onto the pillow and you moan slightly when he leans into you. “Mmm…” With your hands running through his hair, you finally part and shoot him a playful grin. “In case you were wondering, I’d never agree to it anyway my king.” 
Liam smiles and you catch a twinkle in his eyes as he raises up, leaning on his elbow. His gaze falls toward the opening of your robe and with his free hand he lightly traces along the seam just inside it which causes you to quiver. When his eyes meet yours again he speaks in a low tone of voice. “I’ve never been one to share either... especially when it comes to you my queen.” Before you can say a word, his lips crash into yours with a passion so intense, that you feel the flow of electric corpuscles running through your veins and merging cohesive at your core. He breaks from your lips and trails kisses down your neck as his hand pulls your robe open and halfway down your arm, exposing one of your breasts. You gasp as he glides his tongue over your hard nipple and commands the curve of it in his hand. “Ohh…!” 
Within a few minutes, he’s managed to completely remove your robe and throws it to the side. He pauses, drinking in the sight of you as you lay bare before him. “I’m not sure how it’s possible, but you are even more beautiful each time I see you like this.” You sit up and kiss him while unbuttoning his shirt, feeling his muscled arms as you slide it down and then off. Liam draws in a sharp breath as you run both hands across his chest and down his abs, enjoying the feel of him. “Mmm, yeah. I’d say you’ve definitely developed more tone since we were married.” He smiles mischievously. “It must be those rigorous workout sessions…” He chuckles. “…multiple times each day.” 
You smile as your hand slips inside his trousers, between his skin and his underwear, earning a deep groan from Liam. “Oh, Catherine… You have no idea what that does to me.” Not waiting for a response, he leans in kissing you slow and deep. His breathing wavers as you gently stroke up and down his already hardened length. After a few moments, you slowly withdraw your hand and then reach for his belt. He gently grabs your hand. “Allow me.” Liam removes the remainder of his clothes where they end up in a pile on the floor next to the other discarded items. 
You gently guide him where he willingly lays back with his head against the pillows and then pulls you on top of him. He catches you in a lingering kiss as his hands wander to the small of your back, pressing you even closer. You remain that way for several minutes until Liam suddenly rolls you on your back and braces himself above you with a smile on his face. You playfully smirk. “What’s this my king?” Before answering, Liam scans your body with his eyes and his hands. “A little taste of you is never enough my queen.” He almost growls as his hand reaches between your legs and finds your wet folds. “God, you’re so wet.” 
You moan as he swirls his fingers in your juices and traces slowly around your sensitive bud. “It’s your fault…” He kisses you, then follows a line down your neck, your chest until he reaches your thigh where he slowly kisses his way inward and groans as he slips his tongue into your moist pink flesh. “Mmmm...” 
You moan, enraptured by his every touch. “Oh Liam…” While his mouth is positioned firmly over your entrance, his tongue plays copiously in and out of you. He takes his time, extracting every ounce of sweet nectar. You writhe and moan in the process, but he doesn’t relent… if anything, it just arouses him more. He clutches your hips securely so as not to betray his intentions, which only heightens your own desire. You close your eyes and let the waves of energy carry you to the height of ecstasy.  
When his fingers move slowly and deliberately over your swollen nub, you cry out as your body finally gives in to the overwhelming pleasure. “Liam… Liam… Ohhh…!” Liam moans when he feels you squeeze his tongue and relishes the taste of sweet victory as he grasps tighter trying to pull you even closer. “Mmmm…” He stays in that position for several minutes until the spasms stop and then slowly moves up to capture your lips in a passionate kiss. 
He aligns his body with yours and slowly slides his throbbing length inside you. You both inhale sharply at the moment of impact as Liam grips the headboard for leverage. He goes slow at first, keeping a steady pace until you’ve caught your breath. Soon you’re moving in perfect sync as an intense heat begins to build inside you again. With his arms resting at your head, he looks deep into your eyes and then kisses you tenderly. “I love you Catherine.” You run your hand through his hair while the other caresses his back, feeling his muscles stretch and expand as he pushes against you. “I love you too Liam.”  
You wrap your legs around Liam’s waist allowing him to go deeper. As he does, his breathing becomes labored and he groans while you move flawlessly together. “Oh Catherine…” You close your eyes as a surge of pleasure crests within you. “Mmmm…” Within minutes, you are riding the waves of ecstasy… for the second time. “Ohh! Liam!” When Liam feels you tighten around him, he follows soon after. “Oh God…! Yes!” 
Once the trembling subsides, Liam withdraws and collapses beside you. You snuggle against him with your head on his chest as he idly plays with your hair. You both sigh in unison as you each catch your breath. “Catherine, you are perfect for me in every way.” “I swear, I was just thinking the same thing about you.” You both laugh contentedly. 
After a few blissful moments of silence, Liam yawns and then turns to you. “We should probably clean up and then get some sleep.” You nod in agreement. “It has been an exhausting day.” 
Once you both return to bed, you nestle in his arms and smile. “I forgot to ask, but how was the afternoon with your father?” Without going into too much detail, Liam admits that with everything out in the open he finally found a peace over the whole incident and their relationship was on the mend. 
You lean over and kiss him. “Good night Liam.” He nudges you closer. “Good night Catherine.” He reaches to turn off the light and then settles in. With the only sounds being his steady breathing and the rhythm of his heartbeat, you drift into a deep and peaceful sleep.
 Next chapter: It’s your last day at Applewood before heading back to the palace. After spending a lazy day in the orchard with Liam, he has some important news to share with you. 
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In our experience, an integrated search method that utilizes both search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per click (Pay Per Click) is a highly effective technique. To help further inform organisation owners, executives and marketing directors on the virtues of Pay Per Click and SEO, continue checking out for more extremely valuable details as it relates to paid advertising and search engine optimization. To begin, Pay Per Click uses laser focused presence.
Top SEO factors:
# 1 – Optimizing for mobile discovery is everything.Over half of common searches are now happening on a phone. So isn’t it time that you made your business website mobile responsive? If you build a mobile optimized site there is a guaranteed search engine optimization and conversion advantage.Video: Why ranking your site for mobile search is critically important.
# 2 – The importance of AMP optimization is increasing.Accelerated mobile web pages (AMP) ensures that a website on mobile platforms to load more quickly than standard HTML rendered in a mobile browser. Google has been saying that AMP compatible websites will perform better in search. Don’t wait, you need to have your site mobile ready with AMP.# 3 – Better design leads to enriched UI/UX and deeper engagement.Google likes websites that supply users with the best experience, and those which make finding the information the user is requesting easy. If you wish to rank high in the SERPs, the design of your site is a growing ranking element, and attention should be paid to it. To learn more about the role of video in marketing, watch this video.# 4 – Page load time must be reduced.Be certain that all your images are properly tagged, and metadata fields such as the ALT tag are used properly, the extra few minutes to scale your photos and reduce their size, is worth the investment. Google is now taking into account site load times, as a ranking factor. In addition to using a photo optimization solution like JPEGmini, a fast and simple way to reduce image sizes is to ensure that all your photos are scaled appropriately. Don’t upload images that are larger than the web design requires. Example- you do not need to use a 1000px wide image if the window in your design just displays 300px.# 5 – Google RankBrain and AI now control search.AI drives everything Google is doing, whether developing self-driving cars or a next gen search engine, AI, starting with Rank Brain is the power behind the search engine results pages (SERPs) served by Google. Local Queen Creek SEO agencies must now invest more R&D budget to discover the most effective ways to tune websites for ranking performance and discoverability.# 6 – Fresh content dominates Google.If you wish to rank your website in your specialty niche, you must craft dynamic, original content. Google can track nearly every website, and this means that content which is not unique or doesn’t add value to a subject will have a difficult time being discovered.# 7 – Longer content ranks better.If you are still authoring short form posts you must reconsider your tactics. Research is showing that Google is now rewarding posts of 1,500 words or more, with improved SERPED position. As with all things, search engine optimization, it can be difficult to make a rigid rule on the preferred length of an article that is required to rank.# 8 – Search results are now factoring in rich snippets, schema, FAQs and pre-populated information fields.Searches where Google can identify common questions, FAQs, or other identifying information, they are beginning to fill a larger area of the home page with data lists, including FAQ blocks so that the consumer can get their question answered without needing to select a search result. For this reason, the correct application of schema on your site should not be overlooked.# 9 – Social variables carry a ton of weight when it comes to website ranking performance.At SEO Ranker Agency our team has found that social shares from the referring page are now one of the leading 100 ranking signals. This idea is backed by the more than one thousand first page rankings that SEO Ranker Agency has delivered where traffic from social media networks, backlinks, and social shares, were demonstrated to be a significant ranking factor.# 10 – Voice search as well as IoT gadgets will likely get rid of SERP ranking order at some point.As voice interfaces are expanding on mobile phones, automobile infomercial systems with gadgets like the apple iphone, Amazon.com Echo, Google Home and others, even more people will be obtaining answers to a search query expressed by voice. Not just will remaining in the top issue even more now, if you are not in the first or probably second position, you are not mosting likely to get any one of the search query results.# 11 – HTTPS will end up being essential for placing.Net safety experts see Google pressing HTTPS ever before harder as cybercrime and hacking remain to offer an actual risk to the world. Google too has discussed the prioritization of HTTPS as if maybe a ranking variable not to disregard. Does this mean that if your site is not an HTTPS website, that it will stop rating? No. If you want every edge feasible, do not overlook HTTPS.# 12 – The Facebook internet search engine will gain increasingly more customers.All Facebook users are using the FB online search engine. Expect this trend to speed up as individuals do not desire to leave the Facebook app simply to search for something on Google.com# 13 – Titles as well as Descriptions with far better click thru prices will rate greater.Google will certainly proceed rewarding authors that have actually gone the extra mile to create appealing titles that obtain clicked. You can expect to see messages that bring in a lot more clicks to rise in the SERPs while links with average titles are pushed down. There is no question that Google not provides concern to websites simply for the sheer number of incoming web links that they have. Google is now tracking interaction, click thru prices (CTR) and also time on web page. This is practical as the longer somebody stays on a site, as well as the even more they interact with it, the much more involved they will certainly be.# 14 – More users are looking for video clip, infographics, photos and multimedia content.Customers are currently becoming mindful of the indexing capacities of Google, Bing, and Yahoo! – and also they are doing searches for video clips as well as even scenes inside of videos.Video: Discover the value of search engine optimization compared to paid advertising.
If you are wondering, “what is search engine optimization?” then you need to keep reading.Queen Creek SEO – totally free Google website traffic, is the most economical promotion technique for any organisation that provides their items and solutions to neighborhood consumers. What is better, SEO or PPC? Frankly, we can not address this concern without checking out the business’s goals and purposes.A snugly niched down service with little competitors in a very little solution location and a requirement for just a couple of leads each week can establish solid presence in the neighborhood and organic search results with a basic SEO consulting bundle.On the other hand, an e-commerce store taking on initial page SERPs from Amazon, eBay.com and various other significant online sellers, is most likely mosting likely to battle in natural search.Does your service need leads currently? Just what is the paid search (Pay Per Click) price each click for your targeted keyword phrases? How tough is your natural search competition?CTR and trust are in favor of organic search, so why would a company consider paid search? Here are a few Pay Per Click advantages:Paid search dominates the material are above the fold. In short, on a smaller sized screen, you will not have to scroll to see the ads, however you will need to scroll to see all of the organic search listings. Remember that Pay Per Click ads are simply that: advertisements, which means as an advertiser you will have more control and space readily available for providing your marketing messages.Google offers the alternative of a visual shopping advertisement that can assist a user imagine exactly what they are selecting/clicking. This advertisement type improves considerably the ads CTR by offering a feature (visual carousel) that is not offered in organic search.By running paid search advertisements, you will be seen by the ideal people and guarantee brand name exposure. Furthermore, Pay Per Click permits a much tighter control of the budget. Determine what does it cost? you are willing to spend per day and this is all you will be charged. Pay Per Click likewise provides the small business owner an extremely targeted way to obtain in front of possible clients or customers. Organic traffic is a bit more scattershot while ads could be targeted by search keywords, time of day they will be served, the day of the week, location/geography, language, device and customized audiences based on previous check outs to your site.Establishing a strong natural search exposure can take time, making SEO a medium to long variety play. On the other hand, a Pay Per Click project can be ramped and return favorable lead to weeks. Given that there is no faster way to obtain in front of your audience than with Pay Per Click, many business utilize PPC while the authority of their site is being built up and SEO methods take a firmer hold.Where natural search obscures keyword data, there is no limitation with paid search (Pay Per Click). Speed offers agility and enables quick feedback on new mottos, messages, item statements, with the usage of brief Pay Per Click ad campaigns.If you are a service targeting a regional service area with a limited set of keywords, you will find that Pay Per Click can create more than sufficient leads without going over budget plan. Mindful use of match types and analysis of the search term reports enable for the removal of scrap search and an increase in return on financial investment.The advantages of PPC and also SEO could not be so noticeable, however they include the adhering to points of factor to consider.1. Conversion data from Pay Per Click keywords can be useful to determine the most effective organic search (SEO) method.2. PPC can ramp site traffic by targeting clicks in paid and organic for high-performing keywords. E.g. If you are winning the Google AdWords auction and rank in the top 3 SERPs for the same keyword, you can expect as much as 50% or more of the total search volume.3. A/B screening of PPC landing page and advertising copy can be fed into your natural listing and landing pages.4. Use PPC to evaluate your keyword technique before committing to seo project initiatives.5. Speak to users in all phases of the customer journey from preliminary item research to the competitive comparison, through to the purchase choice stage, with commercial intent keywords.6. Look huge online and increase the confidence and awareness in your brand and company with a robust natural and paid existence.7. Retarget your site visitors on other residential or commercial properties using the Facebook and Google pixel on your website. This is an extremely reliable strategy that permits you to stay in front of visitors to your website after they have actually left.There are lots of benefits to paid search marketing, however there are also risks marketers should be cognizant of.1. Pay Per Click is relatively simple to copy which indicates your rivals can quickly imitate your ad copy, images and call to actions. Successful PPC project management needs keeping an eye on bids, Quality Scores, keyword positions and click-through rates (CTRs).2. Paid search marketing (Pay Per Click) needs an in advance and continuous financial investment. There are various choices offered for PPC that can affect your results. If product listings control the screen for the keywords you are targeting; then text based advertisements may not convert.For this reason, it is necessary to do some research study before you introduce your PPC project. Make sure to Google the keywords that you are targeting and be especially cautious to enjoy what type is being revealed. Be sure to look at the words they are utilizing. Do not copy the ads, but you would do good to replicate them.Improve search traffic to your organisation site with search engine optimization of your business website.A significant need to buy SEO is due to the power of search engines to improve your awareness. If you have presence in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for the keywords that you are targeting, this will put your business in front of a tremendously high number of prospective consumers. The best method to think of SEO is that SEO drives brand name awareness and is complimentary Google marketing.Branding is another benefit of local search engine optimization in that search terms and informative questions associated with your service can have a positive branding benefit. As your brand name is returned in the search engine result, it can (and usually will) become more connected with and trusted by searchers, and this will result in a purchase decision. Content marketing is the foundation and structure of SEO. The more that your content, for this reason brand name, is associated as a specialist in your field, place or industry, you will end up being an authoritative voice which will lead more Web searchers to discover you and work with your company.Research studies have actually shown that search engine users trust natural results as being more reputable than paid advertising. Lots of users avoid over the advertisements and go straight to the organic outcomes as they assume that Google also rates the organic sites more extremely. Showing up on the first page of Google will provide your service a stamp of approval that can be the distinction between someone clicking on your listing (ranking) or your competitors.Finally, do not forget the role that positive evaluations play in getting your target customer to call you. It’s a fact that even if you rank greater than your rival if they have more stars revealing excellent evaluations, this can make all the difference in your conversions. For lots of service based services, reviews are important.Search engine optimization increases website traffic as the greater you rank, the more visitors you will need to your website and the more opportunity to own awareness of your organisation. Though traffic from organic search is complimentary, developing visibility takes some time and effort, as Google has decreased ranking outcomes substantially over the last couple of years. However, the advantage of SEO is that unlike Pay Per Click, once you stop investing, there is a slow decay to the rankings. This does not imply that you shouldn’t continue purchasing keeping your rankings, but it implies that you do not have to invest the exact same quantity.As a result of the points above, organic online search engine traffic by way of search engine optimization can provide an enhanced ROI over standard kinds of paid media consisting of Pay Per Click. While search engine optimization is at first not cheap or easy, it is in the long term far more affordable than a lot of other marketing techniques and delivers stronger brand awareness and traffic to your company site. Unlike paid search marketing or Pay Per Click, complimentary traffic from Google does moist up the moment you stop paying.This implies that SEO will create more clicks from an organic search listing than from an extremely put paid advertisement. Keyword-level experimentation is required to make sure that you are not paying for clicks that you might get for totally free, but to take full advantage of outcomes and that is qualified leads, some businesses discover that visibility in both paid and organic listings are needed.Due to the fact that of the always changing and dynamic nature of the web, lots of company owner and marketing executives find that dealing with a professional digital marketing and SEO consultant is the best way for them to make sure the very best results. Organic traffic can take time, and the proficiency needed to beat those above you in the SERPs is considerable. Which is why, if you are just starting, and the keywords you are targeting are currently “owned” by high authority sites, you might have to reconsider your method.A qualified search marketing professional should have the ability to help your team in establishing content assets to search engine ranking dominance. A top rated search engine optimization company will prove their worth by helping you build safe, sustainable links so you can accomplish the site rankings that will move your organisation to the next level.Click here to receive a no cost SEO audit and see how SEO can benefit your business.See what local SEO in Queen Creek Arizona can do for your business online presence. Watch this video:
Small business website SEO service in Mesa
The post Small business website SEO service in Queen Creek appeared first on Get your website on the first page of Google with SEO.
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cophoenixseo · 6 years
Best SEO Queen Creek
Each year Google puts out greater than 500 algorithmic adjustments to its search engine, and with more than 200 SEO conditions, tracking what is working for search engine optimization is an important task every marketing manager and business manager should do.Following is an overview of the ranking factors to keep a close eye on if you desire to be at the top of Google in Queen Creek Arizona. But first, check out what search engine optimization can do for your online traffic.Video: See what a Queen Creek top rated search engine optimization company can do for your business. SEO ranking company in Queen Creek partners with Arizona local business owners who want to increase their search engine traffic from Google.
Grab a FREE SEO analysis.
In our experience, an integrated search technique that uses both organic search and pay-per click (PPC) is a highly reliable method for growing your presence online. Outcomes will be improved in every channel by making use of paid and natural marketing techniques. For high-growth, aggressive companies you will want to develop a holistic search engine method rather than look at SEO or Pay Per Click as stand-alone options. To assist even more educate entrepreneur, executives and marketing directors on the virtues of PPC and SEO, continue reading for more valuable details as it connects to paid advertising and search engine optimization. To begin, PPC provides laser focused presence.
Top SEO conditions:
# 1 – Optimizing for mobile search is essential.More than 50% of standard searches are now happening on a phone. Isn’t it time that you made your website mobile responsive? Do this work, and there is a guaranteed search engine optimization and conversion benefit.Video: Why how your site ranks on mobile, matters.
# 2 – The importance of AMP pages is growing.Accelerated mobile web pages (AMP) enables a site on mobile devices to load more quickly than standard HTML rendered in a mobile browser. Google has been suggesting that AMP compatible websites may perform better in search. Don’t wait, get your site mobile ready with AMP.# 3 – Better design leads to enriched UI/UX and deeper engagement.Google likes sites that supply users with a favorable experience, and those which make finding the information the user is requesting easy. If you are looking to rank higher in the SERPs, the design of your website is a growing ranking element, and attention should be paid to it. To learn more about the role of video in marketing, watch this video.# 4 – Page load time needs to be optimized.In addition to making sure that all your photos are properly labeled, and metadata fields such as the ALT tag are used properly, the extra few minutes to scale your photos and reduce their size, is worth the expense. Google is now taking into consideration website load times, as a factor for ranking. In addition to using a photo optimization product like JPEGmini, a fast and effective way to reduce photo sizes is to make sure that all your photos are scaled to the optimum size needed. Don’t upload images that are larger than the web design requires. E.g. you do not need to use a 1000px tall image if the window in your design only displays 300px.# 5 – Rank Brain by Google and artificial intelligence now control search.With artificial intelligence behind everything Google does, whether developing self-driving cars or a next gen search engine, AI, beginning with Rank Brain is the power behind the search engine results pages (SERPs) served by Google. Local Queen Creek SEO consultants must now invest even more R&D budget to discover the most effective ways to tune websites for ranking performance and discoverability.# 6 – Fresh content dominates Google.If you wish to rank your website in your local niche, you must craft engaging, innovative content. Google is able to track nearly every site, and this means that content which is not unique or doesn’t add value to a topic will have a difficult time getting discovered.# 7 – Longer content ranks higher.If you are still authoring short form posts you must reconsider your tactics. Research is showing that Google is now rewarding posts of 1,500 words or more, with higher rankings. However, in the area of SEO, it’s difficult to make a hard and fast rule on the optimum length of an article that is needed to rank.# 8 – Search results are now factoring in rich snippets, schema, FAQs and pre-populated information fields.Searches where Google can identify common questions, FAQs, or other identifying information, they are beginning to fill more and more of the home page with data lists, including FAQ blocks so that the consumer can get their question answered without needing to click on a listing. You must use schema in order to improve the odds of being included in Google’s rich data lists such as FAQ’s.# 9 – Social variables carry lots of weight when it comes to website ranking results.At SEO Ranker Company our team believes that social shares from the referring page are now one of the leading 100 ranking signals. This idea is backed by the more than one thousand first page rankings that SEO Ranker Agency has delivered where social traffic, backlinks, and shares, were proven to be a significant ranking factor.# 10 – Voice search and IoT gadgets may remove SERP ranking order at some point.As voice user interfaces are expanding on smart phones, vehicle infomercial systems with devices like the apple iphone, Amazon.com Echo, Google Home and others, more individuals will be receiving answers to a search query expressed by voice. Not just will remaining in the leading issue a lot more now, if you are not in the first or possibly 2nd position, you are not mosting likely to obtain any one of the search inquiry results.# 11 – HTTPS will certainly end up being vital for rating.Internet protection specialists see Google pressing HTTPS ever before harder as cybercrime as well as hacking proceed to offer an actual danger to the world. Google as well has actually spoken regarding the prioritization of HTTPS in such a way that it might be a ranking factor not to overlook.# 12 – The Facebook online search engine will certainly obtain more and more individuals.All Facebook customers are making use of the FB online search engine. Expect this fad to increase as users do not desire to leave the Facebook app simply to search for something on Google.# 13 – Titles as well as Summaries with far better click thru prices will certainly rank higher.Google will continue rewarding authors that’ve gone the additional mile to generate memorable titles that obtain clicked. Google is currently tracking engagement, click thru rates (CTR) and also time on web page.# 14 – More users are looking for video clip, infographics, photos and multimedia content.If you’re not producing various kinds of aesthetic web content to boost your brand name online, you must seriously think about taking the campaign on. Users are now familiarizing the indexing capacities of Google, Bing, and Yahoo! – and they are doing searches for videos and even scenes within video clips. To stand apart from your rivals, initially, start creating even more visual material. After that, don’t forget to publish it with as full metadata and markup message as feasible.Video: See the value of search engine optimization compared to PPC.
If you are wondering, “how do you make a website appear on the first page of Google?” then you need to keep reading.Queen Creek SEO – free Google website traffic, is the most inexpensive promotion technique for any business that supplies their items as well as services to regional customers. So just what is much better, SEO or PPC? Truthfully, we cannot answer this concern without analyzing the business’s goals and objectives.A firmly niched down business with little competition in a very small solution location and also a demand for only a few leads weekly might create solid visibility in the regional and natural search results with a standard Search Engine Optimization consulting plan.An e-commerce shop competing with initial page SERPs from Amazon.com, eBay.com and also other significant online stores, is likely going to struggle in natural search.Does your company requirement leads currently? Just what is the paid search (PPC) cost per click for your targeted keyword phrases? Exactly how hard is your natural search competition?CTR and trust are in favor of natural search, so why would an organisation think about paid search? Here are a few PPC advantages:PPC dominates the content are above the fold. Simply put, on a smaller sized screen, you will not have to scroll to see the ads, however you will need to scroll to see all of the natural search listings. Remember that Pay Per Click ads are simply that: ads, which means as a marketer you will have more control and area available for delivering your marketing messages.Google supplies the choice of a visual shopping advertisement that can help a user envision exactly what they are selecting/clicking. This advertisement type enhances significantly the advertisements CTR by offering a feature (visual carousel) that is not readily available in organic search.In addition, Pay Per Click allows for a much tighter control of the spending plan. Pay Per Click likewise provides the little business owner a highly targeted way to get in front of potential consumers or customers.Establishing a strong organic search exposure can take some time, making SEO a medium to long variety play. On the other hand, a PPC campaign can be ramped and return positive lead to weeks. Since there is no faster method to get in front of your audience than with PPC, many business employ Pay Per Click while the authority of their site is being developed and SEO tactics take a firmer hold.Where natural search obscures keyword information, there is no constraint with paid search (Pay Per Click). Speed provides agility and enables quick feedback on new mottos, messages, product statements, with the use of short PPC advertisement campaigns.If you are an organisation targeting a regional service area with a restricted set of keywords, you will find that PPC can produce more than sufficient leads without going over budget plan. Mindful use of match types and analysis of the search term reports enable for the elimination of junk search and a boost in return on financial investment.The benefits of Pay Per Click as well as Search Engine Optimization could not be so noticeable, yet they consist of the following factors of factor to consider.1. Conversion information from Pay Per Click keywords can be practical to figure out the most effective organic search (SEO) technique.2. Pay Per Click can ramp site traffic by targeting clicks in paid and organic for high-performing keywords. If you are winning the Google AdWords auction and rank in the top 3 SERPs for the same keyword, you can expect up to 50% or more of the total search volume.3. A/B screening of Pay Per Click landing page and marketing copy can be fed into your organic listing and landing pages.4. Use Pay Per Click to test your keyword strategy prior to committing to seo job efforts.5. Talk to users in all stages of the customer journey from initial product research to the competitive contrast, through to the purchase choice phase, with industrial intent keywords.6. Look huge online and increase the confidence and awareness in your brand name and company with a robust organic and paid existence.7. Retarget your website visitors on other residential or commercial properties by using the Facebook and Google pixel on your website. This is a highly effective strategy that enables you to stay in front of visitors to your site even after they have actually left.There are many advantages to paid search advertising, however there are also risks advertisers should be cognizant of.1. Pay Per Click is relatively simple to copy which means your rivals can quickly imitate your ad copy, images and call to actions. Effective PPC campaign management needs keeping track of quotes, Quality Scores, keyword positions and click-through rates (CTRs).2. Paid search marketing (PPC) requires an in advance and continuous financial investment. There are many options available for PPC that can influence your results. If product listings control the screen for the keywords you are targeting; then text based advertisements might not convert.For this factor, it’s essential to do some research prior to you release your Pay Per Click campaign. Make sure to Google the keywords that you are targeting and be particularly mindful to view what type is being revealed.Improve search traffic to your company website with SEO.A major need to purchase SEO is due to the power of online search engine to improve your awareness. If you have visibility in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for the keywords that you are targeting, this will put your service in front of a significantly high variety of possible customers. The very best way to consider SEO is that SEO drives brand name awareness and is complimentary Google marketing.Branding is another advantage of local SEO in that search terms and informational questions connected to your company can have a favorable branding benefit. As your brand is returned in the search results page, it can (and normally will) become more associated with and trusted by searchers, and this will cause a purchase choice. Material marketing is the cornerstone and structure of SEO. The more that your content, thus brand, is associated as a professional in your field, place or market, you will become a reliable voice which will lead more Web searchers to find you and work with your business.Studies have shown that online search engine users trust organic outcomes as being more credible than paid advertising. Many users avoid over the advertisements and go straight to the natural outcomes as they presume that Google likewise ranks the organic websites more extremely. Showing up on the first page of Google will provide your company a stamp of approval that can be the difference between somebody clicking on your listing (ranking) or your rivals.Don’t forget the function that positive reviews play in getting your target customer to call you. It’s a truth that even if you rank higher than your competitor if they have more stars showing outstanding reviews, this can make all the difference in your conversions. For many service based companies, reviews are important.SEO increases site traffic as the higher you rank, the more visitors you will have to your website and the more chance to own awareness of your business. Traffic from organic search is complimentary, establishing presence takes time and effort, as Google has slowed down ranking results significantly over the last couple of years.As an outcome of the points above, natural online search engine traffic by way of search engine optimization can supply an enhanced ROI over conventional forms of paid media including Pay Per Click. While SEO is at first not inexpensive or easy, it is in the long term far more affordable than most other marketing tactics and delivers stronger brand awareness and traffic to your company website. Unlike paid search marketing or Pay Per Click, complimentary traffic from Google does moist up the minute you stop paying.This indicates that SEO will generate more clicks from an organic search listing than from a highly positioned paid ad. Keyword-level experimentation is required to make sure that you are not paying for clicks that you might get for complimentary, but to take full advantage of results and that is certified leads, some services discover that presence in both paid and organic listings are needed.Due to the fact that of the constantly changing and dynamic nature of the web, lots of business owners and marketing executives find that working with a professional digital marketing and SEO expert is the best method for them to ensure the best outcomes. Organic traffic can require time, and the expertise needed to beat those above you in the SERPs is considerable. Which is why, if you are simply beginning, and the keywords you are targeting are already “owned” by high authority sites, you might have to reassess your technique.A competent SEO professional should have the ability to help your team in establishing content assets to search engine ranking supremacy. A top rated seo business will show their worth by helping you construct safe, sustainable links so you can attain the site rankings that will propel your business to the next level.Click here to receive a 100% FREE SEO AUDIT and discover how search engine optimization can impact your business.Discover what local SEO in Queen Creek Arizona can do for your business site. Watch this video:
Best SEO Queen Creek
The post Best SEO Queen Creek appeared first on Get your website on the first page of Google with SEO.
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