#why are they like.. throwing jabs at each other?
misfitgirlwrites · 2 days
Modern!Reader x Alastor Headcanons | Third Place Giveaway Winner
This is very funny to me. Alastor dating or befriending someone who's more similar to Vox to say the least than him when it comes to...technological advancements
CW: none, just some bickering between what could be seen as an old married couple
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It's a little hard for almost everyone to tell, but you and Alastor are close
I say it's hard to tell because you two are constantly throwing jabs at each other and honestly, it couldn't be helped
He was just so...old
Everything about his habits and interests were outdated and Alastor wasn't the type to do his own thing quietly 
There's always a comment, a sideways glance, a light scoff which leads to,
"Don't be upset because you don't know how to use a cellphone."
"Me? Upset over such a device? You confuse me with someone else, dear."
"I don't think I am. What'd you have again? Messenger birds?"
"Very funny."
You would simply chuckle at Alastor for the most part. You've heard it all before, your love and talent did lead to you VoxTech for a bit of your afterlife, but you didn't stay.
You found it more enjoy using what you know to help Charlie with her cause.
You were a helpful person in your own way. It was the only reason you kept trying to introduce Alastor to some form of modern tech. 
"I can make you the simplest most basic cellphone Hell has ever seen. Only phone calls and texting--"
"You lost me."
"--Only phone calls and we'll get to the rest eventually?"
You'd groan out, "even Lucifer has a cellphone! He's older than you!"
"Was that supposed to help you convince me?"
"...You're such a loser."
You have special nicknames for Alastor when you feel like picking with him. 
Old Allie
Old Man Red
Ye Old Alastor
Arthritis Strawberry
Alastor: Great Gatsby Edition
He hates all of them, of course, and that's why you love them
Alastor is completely uninterested in what you do. His focus is just more on your talent and passion than what you're making
You argue that what you're making is your passion so he should show a little interest
This would lead to a breakthrough!
"Only for phone calls."
"Don't add anything else."
"______. I mean it."
"Don't go using that scary tone with me, mister. I'm your friend, so trust me!"
It took all your willpower to not add anything extreme to the, in your opinion, useless cellphone. Phone calls only, just as promised. You knew Alastor agreed to shut you up, but you were still satisfied with your win
That's why you were very surprised when you got a call from him and you knew he wasn't in the hotel. You of course told everyone who would listen (AKA everyone in the hotel)
You yourself were always on the move and it made you happy that the chance to hear Alastor while you were both away was significantly higher (he lowkey hates the thing, so he doesn't always answer)
After a while, like a lot of elderly, Alastor would just straight up not take the phone with him.
"Yes, my dear?"
"The point of a cellphone. You get it, yeah?"
A roll of the eyes
"I still use the thing."
"You leave it in the hotel!"
"I forget it here and there."
"You can't tell me you're not someone's fuckin' grandfather with that lame excuse. At this rate, I'm gonna glue the phone to you."
Honestly, he kept it on him for almost two months. You expected to be having this conversation sooner.
After nagging him for a few days, Alastor made sure not to "forget" the cellphone anymore, much to his annoyance. He, of course, couldn't be seen with the thing, so it was just easier to leave it at the hotel
Two more weeks in, and Alastor would definitely be thinking of ways for this device to get in an unfortunate accident, if you will
While fiddling with the damned thing one night, Alastor finally found the one extra feature you decided to add. After a small click sounded, the small phone extended in his hands, making him let it go. The small screen was now larger; touchscreen.
Alastor's eye twitched. He could almost hear you cackling. 
He was going to end you.
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@theblueslytherin Here as promised! I really hope you like it!
Alastor Taglist: @alastorssimp @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @dasimp777
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radiantroope · 1 year
This post game show is fucking awkward.
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magneticflower · 1 year
Because I never tire of talking about Kanej---- I decided to make posts about my favorite Kanej scenes and why I like them so much. I was going to do multiple at once but my brain can only focus on one at a time at the moment so I'll just stick with one for now.
Starting off with one from early in Six of Crows---- the iconic 'Inej, darling' scene. Now, we all know it was done sarcastically but that's actually what makes it great? I think this scene does such a good job of showcasing their relationship to each other. It shows how close they are at this point, enough that Inej feels quite comfortable insisting on a please from Kaz Brekker of all people. It's not something that most people would dare to do, but she does.
And yes he sighs, because he is already dealing with the prospect of the stairs and now she's asking him to be something he's not--- polite --- but he concedes anyways--- though that doesn't mean he'll do it nicely or all that politely either. She probably expected as much even when she asked. That's why she doesn't miss a beat in giving a pointed look and a quick retort of her own before leaving without a second glance. It's a perfect showcase of how they banter. Both are clearly comfortable enough to throw pointed jabs and snippy little comments at each other because aside from being partners in crime, they're actually friends too.
And that's something I like about Kanej. They clearly were around each other enough that there was a level of comfort between them that they didn't really have with anyone else and we get to see that pretty early on. I mean, just before that Kaz felt completely comfortable washing in front of her, but more importantly he felt comfortable taking his gloves off in front of her--- something she noted he never did with anyone else.
There's clearly a bond there, and I think that the 'Inej darling, treasure of my heart,' 'have a nice trip down' bit is just a neat little moment of insight into their dynamic because they clearly banter like friends do.
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ceesimz · 2 months
the taste of victory
(blurb after golden key to the sweet life + pt2)
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"I knew you would be here."
Still in her Spain kit, this time with a gold European Championship medal around her neck, the effervescent captain came bounding over, understandably still on a glory high.
The Euros was a tournament that had plagued her ever since that injury, but now after coming out of international retirement, she'd done it. The trophy belonged to Spain for the next four years and Alexia had every right to relish in that fact like it was her first time winning a competitive title.
"How could we not come all this way?"
You, also in a Spain jersey, but who needed medals and trophies when there are two children on each side. Alexia had both achievements, one can only imagine her joy.
"You won, Mami!" Anaís squealed, her lanky limbs wrapping around her favourite champion just like a koala. Oriol was a bit more reserved, as he often was, definitely taking more of his Mami's introverted nature compared to Anaís who was the exact opposite of shy.
"Finally!" Alexia laughed, watching on as you rolled your eyes at her whilst she crouched down, Anaís still attached, so that Oriol could join. "Thank you both for coming. I'm sorry you had to miss your party."
Back in Spain, your neighbours were having a get-together for one of their four children they had that were all around the same age as Oriol and Anaís. The party they were due to host was the talk of the town, with a bouncy castle and a swimming pool and enough food to feed the whole of Spain, but ultimately Anaís and Oriol couldn't turn down the chance to fly to a new country to watch their Mami win yet another trophy. This was a pretty damn good excuse to not only miss the party, but throw one too when you all get back home.
You had flown on your own to watch two of the group games for Spain whilst your children stayed back at home for school until summer break, and the, albeit short and rare, time spent alone with Alexia was a welcome venture as it had been a while since that had happened. But being together as a four, celebrating the one title Alexia was missing from her vast list of accolades, well there wasn't much that could beat it.
"Felicitats, Mami." Oriol, the soon to be four year old, mumbled into Alexia's ear with his little arms clasped behind her neck.
"Grácies, amor meu." Alexia whispered, scooping him up with one arm as she holds Anaís' hand in the other and makes her way over to you.
There was a look in her eye, one you had never seen before. It frustrated you to no end that you couldn't quite place it, but that was something that would have to be unpacked another day.
"Family photo with the trophy? It is tradition." Alexia grinned at you, only for Anaís to groan beside her. "One photo, chiqui, then you can go play. Put Vicky in goal."
To no one's surprise, it looked like Anaís was swiftly following in Alexia's footsteps, whilst Oriol seemed to be a budding artist as he never went anywhere without his crayons. The two couldn't be more different, yet they got along better than most siblings, even with a larger age gap. Wait for the teenage years, Alexia would say anytime you brought it up, only for you to flick her ear and tell her to stop manifesting it.
"Mami, why do they call you a dinosaur?" Oriol asked innocently as the four of you headed over to the ceremony stage, oblivious to the painful jab he'd just sent his mother's way.
"Because she is old, Oreo." Anaís giggled to herself, sticking her tongue out at Alexia. The midfielder stopped in her tracks, turning to you with a displeased face.
"Amor, take him." She murmured, quickly handing over her son before lifting Anaís up by her armpits and sitting her on her shoulders. "Am I old if I can still do this? Pequeña mona, you are so cheeky. I just played two hours of football and won, yet you still call me old. What do I have to do?"
"Buy me some new football boots and we can forget this happened." You bursted out into loud laughter at that, because the only person Alexia had to blame for that sass was herself.
"Bien. You cannot call me old for a year yet, only when I am cuarenta. Mama is just one year younger than me, she's old too, no?"
"You just earnt yourself a night on the sofa when we get home, Ale. Another achievement, congratulations." With a sarcastic pat on her back, you march ahead of her as she's left scrambling to make up for her comment.
Ever since the word relationship was properly introduced to you as a teenager, you would worry that after being with the same person for so long, speaking to them everyday and sharing the same space, that it would get difficult and cracks would form. That never came to be true, in fact if anything, the foundations of your relationship only got stronger. There were days when things weren't easy, especially with two young children, but you couldn't have chosen a better route to go down.
It really had unlocked a life of bliss, just as the golden key had once promised.
"Oye, get back! It is our turn!" Mapi shooed away Anaís as the younger girl skipped over to the trophy.
The object was currently in the hands of Ingrid, with Mapi at her side and their two adopted children stood in front. Not so long after Alexia initially retired from the national team, Mapi had hung up her boots altogether. Ingrid was still playing, a senior figure for Barcelona and third in line of the captaincy role, whilst Mapi had flourished in the role of a stay at home mother. The Norwegian had taken a short break to make sure their children, a boy and a girl who were siblings, transitioned well into their home, and eventually their favourite weekend activity was going to watch their Mamma play.
"Hurry up, León! You didn't even play! And Ingrid isn't even Spanish!" Anaís bellowed, jumping head first into a teasing argument with the Spaniard at the outrageous claim she had made about Ingrid.
With that came a momentary quiet moment for just the two of you. Or, with Oriol too, but he was tired and more than content to slump against his Mama and take in the world around him. Alexia glanced over at her daughter and smiled seeing her bicker with her chosen family, before turning back to you where you were lightly rubbing your son's back to help him settle in the bustling environment.
"I cannot tell you how happy I am that you all came, cariño." Alexia told you quietly, moving to stand side-on so she could face you and also see Oriol's sleepy face. Her smile only brightened at both sights, and she raised an arm to rest around your waist whilst the other settled atop yours on the boy's back. "It is always the best surprise in the world, seeing you three in the stands."
"We would never have missed this, Ale. You must know that by now." You said to her, nudging her lightly.
"Well, I don't want to put pressure on any of you. It is a big ask from me to want you all to fly out here, but you did it anyway and I will always be thankful for that. You must know that by now." She reiterated the phrase back to you with a coy smile, one that deepened as you rolled your eyes affectionately.
"So, how do you feel? Eres campeóna de Europa." You grinned up at her, bumping your hip against her own as she chuckled and casted her eyes down to the medal hanging from her neck.
"It feels like completing the final chapter of a very long book, mi amor." She revealed after a moment. 
There it was again. That look in her eye.
“What's that?” You asked in confusion. She could only shrug and turn to look at her surroundings. Taking it all in. The moment feels very… final.
“I don't know. I just… I think this is it. What else is there for me to do?” 
You understand now. What she's hinting at is as gutting for you as it surely is for her, though it's probably at immeasurable heights for her. Definitely. The realisation steals your breath at first, solely because of the prospect of it, until it falls flat and the dust settles immediately. Because, really, who are you to argue with it.
“Are we on the same page?” You wondered quietly, and her eyes glistened with that familiar shine in the flood lights of the stadium.
“I think we are.” She smiled, one filled with an absurd amount of emotional complexity. It holds all stages of grief, yet peace can be found in it that tells you she's known this for some time. For a brief moment, you wish she could have shared this discreet burden, but it's a habit of hers you've never managed to break and at this point, you don't think you ever will.
“Qué, Mami?” Oriol suddenly lifted his head up, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
“Nada, mijo. Ven aquí.” Alexia gently pried him from you and cuddled him closely to her, her eyes closed as she rested her head against his. “Mami gets to spend more time with you now, mi tesoro, how good is that?”
“Sí, Mami. Tired.” Oriol muttered, turning to hide his face in her neck.
“Lo sé, Oriol. We can go rest soon, just a few photos, vale? Can you do that for me?” 
Almost four years with Oriol, a further seven with Anaís, and the sight of Alexia seamlessly slipping into caring parent mode was still a sight to behold. She had just won the one title that had evaded her for her whole career, yet the only thing she wanted to focus on was her family. And that was what made you want to have children with her in the first place. All these years, all the trophies and titles and achievements later, and she hadn't changed at all.
“Ale.” You hummed, catching her attention as she looked back at you with a soft smile and glossy eyes.
You paused, hesitating over the one phrase that had tumbled easily from your tongue since your fourth date with her. The hesitation wasn't a bad one, you were just stumped on how to express such an intense feeling. Three words didn't seem sufficient enough. 
“I love you.” Of all the times you had said it before, this one felt the strongest. This one felt like it held the most meaning.
“I love you too, amor.” Alexia replied simply, though the slight quiver in her voice and the bob of her throat revealed she understood the gravity of it too. 
“Te amo.” Oriol sighed, and you suspected the goosebumps on Alexia’s arms weren't from the chill of the evening nor from Oriol's breath on her neck.
“Te amo mucho!” Anaís hugged Alexia's leg after bounding over, placing an exaggerated kiss to her hip.
In one place, on the pitch of a stadium somewhere in Europe, Alexia had got it all. One of the most notable careers of all time in the world of football, and a family with enough love to keep each other afloat through any and all storms.
Her eyes were closed as she hugged both her children, and had you looked away a second earlier, you would have missed how she wiped a tear that slipped out. In an instant, you joined your family, with one arm around Oriol and Alexia and the other on Anaís’ back where she stood hugging her Mami.
“Come on, let's go get your final photo as a futbolista before you hang up your boots.” You said, kissing her temple where she hung her head to fully embed herself in the embrace of her loved ones. 
It seemed like now was the moment it all came to a head for her, where every loss and victory, injury and medal, every sacrifice and gain, it all subsided and she was left with this one last memory of the sport she had given her life to. Truly, there was no other accolade she could collect. She had made every second of her career worth it, the only thing she could do now was reap the benefits. 
There was no doubt in your mind that, in a few years, she’ll be back to the sport that’s in her DNA at this point, except as a coach with the same goal she had as a player. But that’s a future worry, because for now the only item on the agenda was to make sure the final photo of her career is one of carefree, unabashed joy with your children.
With one final wipe of her tears from you, she took Anaís’ hand again and kept Oriol in her hold whilst your hand lingered on her back, and led the four of you to where the trophy was calling her name.
“What does it mean to hang up your boots, Mami?” A quiet but slightly blubbery chuckle came from the woman you loved, before she sniffled and looked to her left at you.
“It means I am going to retire from football, mija.”
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strawb3rrystar · 3 months
Snogging on the couch.
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Pairing: Poly! Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Lily Evans x GN! Reader
Warnings: Peter is there but y'all are just friends, Mostly Sirius x reader and Remus x reader, Sirius' hair gets slandered, Snape slander (not from the reader), Lily is a queen - but she's not in this much
Word count: 1,635
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Sirius and James arguing again, while you, Remus, and Peter watch on in the Gryffindor common room. The pair went on insulting each other about whatever came to their minds until James said something about Sirius' hair. This roused an outraged gasp from Sirius who looked distraught.
"You take that back! That was too far! Right, love? Tell him to take it back."
Sirius huffs, looking to you for guidance, but you don't acknowledge him, continuing to read your book instead. James grins at this, crossing his arms proudly to make a snide remark. But, you beat him to it.
"You guys are both idiots."
Now they're both looking at you with a shocked expression. James rolls his eyes, complaining how that was 'not very nice', despite the fact he was just making jabs at every insecurity your boyfriend had two seconds ago. Meanwhile, Sirius is already sidling up to you, trying to read what you're reading.
"Whatcha reading, love?"
He inquires with a crooked smile, placing an arm over the back of the couch behind you. Your initial response was to sigh and ignore him, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire. But it was hard with Sirius breathing over your shoulder. So instead you answer him.
"A book on herbs and medicines."
Sirius groans, throwing his head back. Peter laughs a bit at the display, perched on the armchair beside the couch.
"Why can't you read something fun for a change? Like... a comic strip!"
He suggests, earning him a punch to the shoulder from Remus, who's settled on the arm of the couch beside him.
"Not everyone is as dumb as you, Pads."
Remus teases, making Peter laugh again, though he quickly stifles it with a cough. You chuckle, pressing your book up to your face.
"Good one, Moony."
Sirius gives you a mock-wounded look, then snatches the book right out of your hands to make a show of reading it.
"Hmm, oh wow. 'Common plants... and their medicinal uses.' Riveting material, love."
He scoffs, holding the book up to his face and turning it upside down. You huff, puffing your cheeks a little, then very politely ask him to give it back.
"Why don't you come take it instead, hm?"
He challenges with a raised eyebrow and that trademark smirk, leaning back leisurely and holding the book a little higher as you make a move for it. You try to grab it, but fail. You clench your fists and jump at Sirius to grab it. Surprised but amused, Sirius laughs as you clamber up onto his lap, still smirking as you grapple at the book. Remus and Peter watch on, clearly trying to hold their laughter in. You make a valiant effort, but just can't seem to get the book back, as Sirius uses a hand to help keep you from snatching it.
"Is our little partner trying to beat the mighty Sirius Black? How adorable."
Your eyebrows press together in frustration, and without thinking about it, you bite Sirius' neck. Caught in unawares, Sirius lets out a sharp hiss at the playful nip.
"Hey, hey, hey! Playing dirty now, are we?"
He chuckles, rubbing his tender neck.
"Two can play at that game, love."
He whispers, turning the book over in his hands as he sets it aside, before swiftly grabbing you and pinning you down on the couch. You yelp in surprise as you land on the couch. How embarrassing it must be to get pinned down in the common room while your other two boyfriends and one of your best friends watch. Sirius, paying no mind to your embarrassment, straddles you, his hands pinning your wrists on either side of your head.
"That's what you get for biting me, love."
He whispers, before leaning down and kissing you deeply, not allowing you to say a word before his lips claim yours. You desperately kick your feet, silently begging the other three to do something about Sirius. But.. James, Remus, and Peter watch on as Sirius continues to kiss you passionately, making no move to help. Remus lets out an amused huff, shaking his head, while James lets out a low whistle. It's clear they're not going to interfere as they get quite the entertaining show. So, you continue to kick and squirm against Sirius, worried that anyone could just walk into the common room and see you like this.
The kissing only gets more intense. Sirius is practically devouring you, and shows no signs of stopping, despite your squirming. Until finally, an authoritative voice cuts through the tension.
"Black, don't you think you should let them breathe?"
The voice barks, and Sirius pauses, hesitantly pulling away with a smirk. He looks up at the newcomer - Lily.
"Lily! Save me!"
You immediately yell when you see her come into view. Sirius chuckles at your cries for help, before finally letting go of your wrists and sitting back on his haunches, looking over at Lily with a taunting grin.
"What are you going to - "
Before he could finish his line, Lily had already taken out her wand and pointed it at him.
"Petrificus Totalus!"
She cried, and in a flash of light, Sirius was frozen in place.
"Thank you Lils." 
You stand up from the couch and grab your book. 
"No thanks to you lot." 
You glare at the other three boys. James shrugged nonchalantly. He responded with a crooked smile on his face.
"We were having too much fun watching, can't blame us."
"You have the weirdest idea of fun, Prongs."
Remus roll his eyes at James' comment. Peter piping up with a snicker. You sigh, shaking your head and smoothing down your uniform.
"Watching me get snogged on the couch is not fun, James!"
James lets out a chuckle, earning a glare from Remus.
"Oh, it was fun all right. At least for me."
"You're lucky they aren't hexing you as well."
Remus points out, but James rolls his eyes. Meanwhile, Lily looks at Sirius with a satisfied smirk, still frozen in place.
"Serves you right, you arse."
You press your book to your chest in a protective manner, your bottom lip jutting out.
"Lily, they're being so mean to me!"
Lily shakes her head at the antics of her partners.
"Don't worry, darling. I've had to deal with these idiots for years."
She then takes pity on Sirius' frozen state and lifts her wand. 'Finite.' Immediately, Sirius is unfrozen, though he remains on the couch. Lily smirks at his shocked expression.
"Next time, think twice before getting a little frisky in the common room, hm, Pads?"
You pinch your brow when Sirius gives you a suggestive look.
"Moony is the only one with any decency out of you lot."
"Hey!" James protests. "I have plenty of decency!"
Remus shakes his head in response.
"Please. Who was it that suggested pranking Snape with the Giant-Hogweed potion last week again?"
He asks mockingly, and James lets out a sigh.
"It was just a harmless prank..."
James grumbles, but Remus isn't buying it.
"Harmless? He spent a day spitting up petals and coughing."
Your eyes widen slightly hearing them talk. You shake your head with sympathy as you sit down beside Remus.
"Oh no! Poor Severus..."
The other boys chuckle, amused that you actually seem concerned.
"Did Sirius' excessive kissing take away your brain, love? Why in the world are you defending that slimy git?"
James teases with a chuckle, taking the seat on your other side, pushing Sirius out of the way.
"Are you just jealous because he fancys Lily?"
"Jealous? Of Snivellus? Ha! Never!" James protests, trying to defend his wounded pride, before sighing.
"He's good potions, I'll give him that. But he's far from the only one in this school crushing on Lily. Even Moony has a small little spot for her, yeah?"
James says with a smirk, glancing at Remus. Remus, in return, shakes his head.
"Oh no, don't bring me into this now."
"Yeah, Potter, leave him out of it."
You kiss Remus' cheek sweetly. James gives a dramatic sigh, watching the kiss.
"I'm third-wheeling, and I don't like it."
He says, though he's clearly teasing. Remus, meanwhile, is turning slightly pink in the cheeks.
He mumbles awkwardly, but Sirius lets out a scoff. He chimes in with a mischievous smirk.
"Now wait just a minute! You're allowed to be kissed, and I'm not? That's not very fair, is it, love?"
You glare at Sirius, pressing your book further into your chest and letting out a scoff back to him.
"Moony didn't steal my book from me, Siri."
Sirius rolls his eyes.
"That's beside the point."
He retorts, leaning across the couch to take your hand.
"I deserve a little love too, you know."
He whines, giving her a pathetic puppy-dog look. Remus pipes up immediately.
"Oh, don't be so dramatic. You're like a needy puppy, Sirius. Honestly."
He says and James shakes his head, letting out a chuckle. You cuddle into Remus' side, full heartedly agreeing with him.
Sirius mutters, glaring slightly at Remus and his lucky position, before leaning back with a nonchalant expression. As if reading Sirius' thoughts, James laughs.
"Looks like Rem is the winner tonight, Pads."
He points out, and Sirius lets out a huff. Remus, meanwhile, can't help feeling a little bit smug at having won your favor for the time being. You open your book again, an idea popping in your head.
"James was right by the way. Pads does have terrible hair."
James bursts out laughing, while Peter sniggers. Sirius' eyes widened with offense.
"Excuse me?!"
He protests, straightening up to run a hand through his hair.
"What's wrong with my hair?!"
"Everything." The four of you all say in unison.
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Star's notes -> Wow, that's a lot of dialogue :0
(Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @elmolovesw33d @helendeath @prettorett @aphrodite-xoxo @ellae-ngel
@monkeylaura627 | Join the taglist
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hoshigray · 5 months
Can you write a choso x reader, where the reader is a switch and choso is one as well? But the concept is they are both fighting for dominance, until someone yields? 😇😇😇
𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: pfft, this is lowkey funny but cool
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Choso x switch! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - implied relationship - prone bone + amazon positions - kissing - pet names (baby, darling, honey, sweetie) - multiple orgasms - .
⊹ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.1k
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What do you get when you put two switches in a room?
“—Ohooo, fuhuuck, Chosooo!”
“Hnnm! Yeah, you like that, baby?” 
Well, let’s look and find out shall we? 
You and your boyfriend are both switches — that’s a fact known to both of you. Whether either you or him are dom-leaning or sub-leaning depends on the day and mood. There have been days at the beginning of your relationship when you’d both lie on the bed, sitting naked and looking into each other and thinking…Well, who’s making the first move?
Not to say that you both being switches is a bad thing. Oh, no; quite the opposite. You both wouldn’t have it any other way, the dynamic keeps you both on your toes, and the sex is as amazing as ever! Don’t believe it? Observe.
You lay flat on your stomach, your legs caged between Choso’s as he drills his cock from behind. You moan with every thrust, his pelvis smacking your ass so that the skin makes a vulgar sound, and you chew your lips as the curve of his dick scrapes your walls to the point of unimaginable pleasure. 
“Hooohshiit, yesss, right thereee…!” Your brows furrow as he goes at a slow pace, the sensation of his length being pulled out and pushed into your entrance has you twitching onto him. Fuck, it felt so good! “Ohh yess, more…faster, go faster!”
He kisses your nape as his hips continue the slow cadence, and you squeeze at the sensual feel of his pillowy lips on your sweaty skin. He speaks to your ear, “What was that, sweetie? Tell me what you want?”
“Mmmm…Give me more, faster..!”
He chuckles. “Ask again.” Your smile grows broader.
“Pleaseee, go faster; I wanna cum…!”
“You gotta tell me why, princess,” The black-haired man nibbles on the helix of your ear, earning a sob leaving your puffy lips. “And who are you talking to.”
Oh, you loved it when his dominant side corrects you, unable to contain your devilish snicker; he sounds so hot. “Please, Chos—Ohhh!” He sneaks a harsh rut into your cunt, you shriek as he blows on your ear. “Fuck…Please go faster for me, honey; I’m so close, wanna wring you out...Nnaah!” 
“Good job,” you can hear the smirk on his lips, enough to throw you off when he suddenly pounds you with an erratic rhythm.
You howl out loud. The noises you make fly out with every thrust of his shaft, and your head pounds harder with every precise jab to your sensitive, velvety texture. Yes, yessss!! And he doesn’t stop when your climb comes crashing down with your crescendo having you grip the sheets.
Holy shit — the way your walls clamp onto his long member as he stirs your guts is utterly dangerous. Your eyes meet the roof of your head with his tip grazing your hyperacute walls and slurred “thank you”s leave your mouth in a haze when he removes himself from your messy wetness.
“There you go, princess,” he kisses your nape again, loving the way you shudder beneath him. “You feel like helping me out here?”
The fog in your brain clears on command, and you peer to him. “Thought you’d never ask.” 
You swiftly switch positions without Choso’s knowledge, surprising the man by maneuvering him onto his back. Wide brown eyes observe you pick his legs up and bend them towards him, his erect cock standing tall before you grasp onto it. Then, you lead the tip to your entrance, your boyfriend hitching his breath at the contact and purring with the insertion. 
“Fuuck,” Choso bites his lip, watching and sensing you take in his shaft inch by inch, almost choking on his saliva when you grind your hips down his base. God, you knew how to drive him crazy. And the way you were looking at him with such a sweet yet sexy smile had the heat on his face flourish to his ears. 
“Oh, don’t look away, Chocho darling,” you use the nickname that makes the shade of his cheeks grow pinker. “How else will I know if I’m making you feel good or not, hmm?” 
He chortles, “You always know how to make me feel good…Ahhh!” Choso throws his head back once you start rocking your hips, your hands hold his ankles to keep his legs lifted, propelling your waist in an up-and-down motion that has you both moaning a storm. 
This position was always one of your favorites; as much as you enjoy being roughed and dominated over, you could never get tired of taking the reins once in a while, particularly when your boyfriend is groaning and wailing at your movement, riding his shaft as your ass smacks onto his balls; it makes the shiver crawl up your spine. And you can tell he’s enjoying it, too. 
“Oh, Chosoo~,” you draw out his name while you give him his legs to hold, bending further to have your face closer to his. “You’re moaning like crazy, why don’t you tell me how good you feel?”
“—Hnngh, gaah!” Oh, poor Choso, his raven brows screwed together with his mouth agape, and he hisses at the voluntary clench of the walls of your slit. “Hoolyshit, baby, you’re makin’ my mind go crazy…Keep rocking like th—Ahh!”
“Oh yeah? You like it when I go like this?” Quick bounces on his pelvis have Choso humming so cutely for your ears. “No? How about this?” Your hips then go slow yet harsh, slamming your ass down to his aching balls and grinding your hips that have him cry out your name.
“Ohh, fuck! Y/n, princess, sto—Mmmph!” Jesus Christ, you’re clamping onto him with such a grip as if you want him to lose his control. 
And that’s precisely what you want. “Gonna cum, honey?” You kiss his forehead, “Don’t hold back; I wanna hear you cry for me—Eeeee!!”
Before you could process it, Choso had flipped you to your back without your awareness. You shriek at your man putting his cock back inside you while placing your legs on his shoulders. And when his hips go at a sporadic beat, your eyes roll up with a head thrown back at the accurate jabs of his dick. 
“Ohhoo! Nngh!! W-Wait, this isn’t fair!” The snap of his hips instantly counters your complaints, the new position and Choso’s added weight caging you into submission.  “It was my turn…Mmm!” But your protests fall on deaf ears, the black-headed man pounding into you so rashly that you can barely keep your screams to yourself. Because, goddamn, it felt too fucking good!
You and Choso being switches isn’t a bad thing. Sure, it can be hard to pick which side to stay on. But, for the most part, it’s one hell of a fun ride!
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© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – reblogs and comments are appreciated wholeheartedly ✩ dividers by @/benkeibear.
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dodgeirs · 5 months
⊹ ᳝ ࣪ hotch helping to take off your makeup.
cw. bf!aaron, confirmed whiney!reader, established relationship, fluff, whipped aaron
wc. 622
a/n. just a little small, small snack while the poll finishes up 🫶 resonating a little hard with this one bc i was so sleepy taking off my makeup today. need me a hotchy rn 😞
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"you've gotta stay still f'me, honey." aaron urged.
"'m tired. let me sleep, please." you whined. resting your head onto aaron's abdomen, and wrapping your arms around his waist. finding comfort in his soft stomach.
"i know, but just let me finish this up. then you can sleep all you'd like." he proposed sweetly. you groaned at his words, and his actions as he holds your face in his hands so you'd look up at him. you instead concentrated on how his thumbs were rubbing you cheeks and the fact that he looked like an angel from the bright bathroom lights and his tall stature. maybe you really were that drunk.
"i don't even care." that was a lie and he knew it.
"you don't? the last time you went out and slept in your makeup you complained, and then went on to blame me for not performing boyfriend duties by taking your makeup off." he explains. giving your forehead one more swipe of the cotton pad drowned in micellar water before throwing it in the trash.
you reluctantly removed your arms from his waist so he could get a facial rag wet, he was going to wash your face for you too.
you feel bad now. and despite the pout displayed on your face he was right, as much as you'd hate to admit, those words were very much yours. looking down at your hands, now in your lap you pick at your fingernails. aaron is being nice by helping you out, and you're being whiney.
"what's going on in that head, hm?"
picking you head head up to look at him, to really take him in. he's in his pj pants and a grey shirt. he was no where near sleeping, but he had stayed up for you to return home, being dropped off by a friend. compared to when aaron had to come pick you up the last time you went out with friends and got drunk, that was fairly early in your relationship and you were thankful he wasn't still in his office or on a case.
"'m sorry." you're sure your pout looks more so looks like a frown now.
“what for?”
“i’m being inconsiderate.”
aaron instantly hangs the damp rag onto the rag bar, moving to stand in front of you.
“and why do you think that?” he questions. eye brows doing his signature hotchner furrow.
“because you’re so nice. and i did say i wanted you to do those things, yet i’m whining about it now.”
“oh, honey.” aaron begins. crouching down so he'd be on your level as he spoke to you, his knees cracking in the process. causing you to bite down on the smile that formed from the noise.
“y’know i don't mind doing any of this, right? and that i enjoy being able to take care of you. in any state that you're in, even when you get whiney.”
his words help reassure you. “yes. but, don't you ever get annoyed when i whine?”
“honey, i could never get annoyed by you. you're also drunk so it makes sense that you're more whinier than normal.”
“hey!” you gasped. hitting at his shoulder, pretending to be offending at aaron’s jab and the fact that he's finding it amusing.”
“okay, okay. not funny, noted.”
there's a moment of calm where the two of you look at each other smiling.
“y’know, i love you?” you question.
“you only tell me it a hundred times a day.” aaron responds with a wide smile. getting up from his spot and in the process giving you a quick peck on the lips.
“i love you more. let's wash your face so i can get you to bed.”
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rogueddie · 8 months
A Spot in My Life T | 953 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is keeping a spare sweater or blanket in the car because they always get cold
Steve Harrington is a bitch.
It's something that Eddie knew, all through high school, but he had thought that Steve had somehow became a new person- thanks to the Upside Down and constantly almost seeing the world end.
Steve isn't a bad guy, he can admit. He's still trying to keep an eye on everyone, make sure they're ok, even checking in with Eddie in his own way.
But he's very sly about it, hiding it being playful jabs, eye rolls and cocked hips.
It rubs him the wrong way. And it's only made worse by how much Eddie still likes him. It's as if the bitchiness only draws him in more, even as it makes his chest burn with irritation.
He tries to avoid Steve for as long as he can. He knows that finally befriending him like they both want will only end badly, but he knows he can't resist the temptation.
He enjoys the time before as much as he can, reveling in how often Steve will try to corner him so they can hang out, how much he whines and pleads and pushes. He enjoys the illusion that Steve could feel anything for him like he does for Steve.
And, when they finally do hang out, his fears are confirmed.
Steve is amazing. He's funnier than he comes across as at first too. He pays attention to what Eddie says and tries to get him anything he wants.
He's the type of friend that anyone would fight for, Eddie is sure. It explains how he ended up so popular in high school too.
If Eddie had known what Steve is truly like, he'd have been lining up for a scrap of his attention like everyone else.
"They're assholes," Steve explains, when Eddie finally asks about his old lackeys. "Tommy always took shit a step too far. I didn't need them. Probably shouldn't have befriended them in the first place."
"They were your friends," Eddie reminds him.
Steve sighs, leaning back. "Yeah, I guess. Just wish I'd realised sooner, how they were getting."
He never complains about the kids, not genuinely. In the quiet moments, when Steve is honest with an almost painful degree of vulnerability, he talks about how amazing the kids are. He talks about how honored he is to be friends with Dustin.
It only makes Eddies feelings inch ever closer to 'the L word'.
"You should talk to him," Robin suggests. "He really is amazing."
"I know, but... guys that are ok with lesbians still get weird about gay men, you know?"
"Yeah, but Steve isn't like that. Did he ever tell you the full story of how I came out to him?"
"It was after the Russian torture drugs, right?"
"We were in the bathroom, near the cinema. I thought we might have puked it all up, so we decided to test it, ask each other questions. So, I asked him if he was ever in love..."
"Oh... oh no."
"Oh yes. He liked me, told me so, and that's when I came out to him."
"Holy shit, Robin."
"But that's my point. He was a little surprised, sure, but he started making jokes, like, immediately. Didn't phase him at all. He got with it immediately. We're just friends, and that's not a problem for him."
Eddie groans, throwing his head back so it thumps into the wall behind him. "But that just makes him more hot!"
The story plagues his mind, to the point that it's the only thing he can think about when he picks Steve up for their next hang out.
In the dead of winter, Steve feels the cold worse than anyone else that Eddie knows. He runs hot, and the sudden temperature drops brings out the worse in him.
He's shivering when he climbs into Eddie's car.
"Fuck, why isn't your heating on?" He whines.
"It's broke," Eddie reminds him. "It's fine, don't worry."
"Don't worry? I'm gonna get hypothermia, Eddie! I don't want to turn into an ice sc- what is that?"
He takes the blanket that Eddie had reached back to grab, staring at it.
"It's a blanket."
"No shit, I mean... it's yellow."
"Yeah? You like yellow."
"You got this for me?"
"You see anyone else shivering in my van?"
"No, it..." Steve pauses, glancing at Eddie before slowly wrapping the blanket around himself. "Sorry, uh... thank you. This is, um, nice."
"it's nothing."
"It's not. Just- take the thanks, Ed."
"Alright, alright."
They're silent for the rest of the drive. It's so unusual for them that it has Eddie nervous, glancing at Steve every other moment.
When they finally pull to a stop, Eddie turns to Steve, who stays where he is. He stares out the front window for a moment, before turning to face Eddie.
"Are you alright?" Eddie asks.
"Yeah, I am. Enjoying the warmth."
"That all?"
"... yeah."
Eddie rolls his eyes. "You're a terrible liar."
"Wh- hey, I'm a good liar!" He tries to glare, but quickly backs down with a huff. "Alright, fine, but it's really sappy! Don't say I didn't warn you!"
"Oh, no, the horror."
"Shut up. I was just thinking about how, like... there's so many little things in your life that are for me. My tapes in your room, spare clothes in your closet, this blanket... I really appreciate it, man. You've made space for me in your life. It means a lot to me."
"Oh, right. That's... yeah. Of course, Steve. You're always welcome. I love- uh... spending time with you."
"Good. I love spending time with you too."
Steve's smile is wide and goofy. He's sure that his own is just as cheesy.
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bbunnyyy · 7 months
All The Stars~
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A/N: This idea has marinated in my head for wayyyy too many weeks, so here you go. There will be a part 2 to this.
P.S: Not proofread. Sorry for any mistakes.
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It was the second day of school after the summer break. You peeked out from behind the wall at the lockers- your crush's locker. Your stomach grumbled in pain- ah, the sacrifices you make for love. Maybe this was a stupid idea, why would Katsuki fucking Bakugou reciprocate the sickening feelings you harboured towards him? You were better off staying his secret admirer.
Bakugou was the last person you'd imagine a puppy dog romance with. He surely wasn't worth skipping lunch for. What were you thinking anyway, hoping his love for you would blossom? Well, that's all it would be. Hope. You told yourself. Not that it would matter, the gifts inside were unsigned anyway.
Sighing, you turned to walk away- maybe you could convince Lunch Rush to let you have a peck or two before class started. Walking into the hallway, you scratched the back of your head as you felt a headache come on. Looking up, you saw Bakugou, Kirishima and the others walking towards the lockers. Scrambling, you ducked behind the staircase- Holy fucking shit. This was it. They hadn't noticed you, luckily. Not yet, at least. Your knuckles were white from grabbing the wall as you stood on your tippy toes, trying to get a closer look at his expression.
That idiotic blonde was screaming at Denki for electrocuting his lemonade or whatever- at least he saw that coming; what he didn't see was the hellish amount of confetti falling onto him as he opened his locker. The rest of the Bakusquad looked with their mouth open as you cowered behind the wall, blushing. You were grateful no one had noticed you yet. "Ooh, looks like someone's got the fancies for Bakubro ;)" Kaminari said, almost emoting in surprise, along with Kiri.
"What the actual fuck is this?" Bakugou grimaced, stepping on the now confetti-covered floor. He rummaged around his locker, pushing the confetti around to uncover boxes stacked on top of each other next to his textbooks. Pretty pink boxes adorned with ribbons, must I add. A neon orange sticky note taped to the topmost box stood out in contrast with the monochrome textbooks and grey metal of the locker. Bakugou had half a mind to throw it all away or blow up the entire locker. It wasn't worth the hassle anyway.
Denki snickered, peeling off the note that read 'High protein chocolate~' "Woaahh, real thoughtful, ain't it?" Kirishima said, elbowing Bakugou in the stomach. "I wonder who it isss~~" Mina piped up, opening one of the heart-shaped boxes to reveal chocolate-covered strawberries. Popping one in her mouth, she sighed, placing a hand on her cheek while relishing the flavour. "I wonder how they got all that confetti into your locker."
You took a deep breath in, relaxing your shoulders. One step at a time- You walked towards Bakugou. "I wonder who's masochistic enough to have a crush on Bakugou, let alone express themselves, hahaa-" you laughed, interrupted by a sharp jab on your ribs. "Aahh that hurt, y'know?" You sulked, rubbing the sore spot. "What kinda coward leaves this unsigned?" Bakugou grumbled, tearing up the note and resuming rummaging through his locker for his textbooks for Present Mic's class.
Katsuki Bakugou was not a kind man. You more than most people, knew that well. But Bakugou didn't mean to push you out of the way as he made his way out the hall. He didn't mean to bruise your chest. He didn't mean to hurt you.
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nsharks · 9 months
bleeding blue | apocalypse au
part sixteen —other parts
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pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader words: 3.2k tags: death. blood. cannibalism mention. zombies of course. AFAB reader. single dad ghost. there will be sex but it isn't here yet. slow burn!!! enemies to lovers. summary: After losing your companions, you run into a skull-masked man and his daughter. They are your last hope for survival.
"I can't believe I woke up early for this."
You loosen your muscles, turning to dead weight in Ghost's arms, before using the awkward position to slip away. 
"No one said you had to be here," Ghost throws over his shoulder before his gaze fleets back to yours. "Good. Again."
Blue groans as you reposition yourself for the basic defense maneuver. You can see why she'd find this boring— Ghost started you off with a move so basic it was almost insulting when he explained it. But you quickly realized his reasoning. Each time you do it, your pulse tampers down less and less while in his arms. He's had to remind you a few times to "Breathe, Twix"— the order so quietly uttered into the shell of your ear that Blue likely didn't even notice. Perhaps you have grown used to taking orders from him, or maybe having Blue close by is helping, because you've been able to ward off the threat of panic so far.
"Fine, I'm out of here," Blue rolls her eyes the second you've finished the move again. "Let me know when you—" she jabs a finger at Ghost, "—decide to make things more interesting." As she leaps off the log she'd been perched upon, she adds: "Oh, and don't get too close, Ghost. She might bite."
"So I've heard."
Heat rises to your cheeks. And then— you're alone with him. You take a swig of water from the canister Blue lent you to ignore the awkward feeling in your chest. "Again?" You wipe your mouth. "Or have I passed your test?"
"Test?" he repeats, the gravel in his voice rolling over the word as his brow lifts in question.
"Well, I haven't... had a repeat of last time, and it's been an hour. I think I've proved that I'm ready for something a little more..."
"More what?" 
More interesting.
"Hand-to-hand, I guess. Something harder."
He rubs his jaw, as if to feign consideration. "Right, then. Let's try another one."
The next one he shows you is still simple, except you fail every other time. Basically, he gets behind you and you have to sidestep to avoid the trap of his arms. Somehow, Ghost's movements are light as a feather even though he's built like a rock. 
But then you get better at it. The next two days pass in much the same manner until you start to react a bit faster. He teaches you a few more basic tactics. How to wriggle your wrist out of someone's hold. How to avoid being grabbed from the front by rolling to the ground. All defense. After hours spent with him, he doesn't even have to remind you to breathe anymore. Chopping wood in the evenings helps, too. You go to bed exhausted and wake up ready to practice before Ghost even touches your shoulder.
On the third day, he gets you up even earlier. You cram your wool-covered toes into boots, confine your hair in a hasty bun, and follow him to the clearing that has become your makeshift training ground. It takes you a moment to register that some things are different: his boots have been replaced by sneakers, and his jeans by loose, black gym shorts. The exposed skin is strange, making your eyes widen. If Blue were awake, she'd certainly comment. 
His calves mirror the strength of the rest of him, and on the left leg, swirling ink catches your eye, reminiscent of the tattoos you discovered when tending to his wound. Skulls and a dagger; perhaps corny, but fitting for him.
"Have you tried it?" His voice cuts through your thoughts.
"Tried what?"
"The bow."
A white cloud forms around your mouth as you nod. "Needed some getting used to, like you said."
Yesterday you had a hard time shooting a chipmunk you wanted for lunch, so you spent the early afternoon firing arrows at oaks until the new bow started to feel like an extension of your limbs again.
"Let me know if I need to adjust the string."
"Will do," you say, almost mumbling.
When you reach the familiar circle of trees, you bounce once on your toes and crack your knuckles. Ghost retrieves something from his pocket. A roll of gauze. It is tossed at you without warning, and your hands fumble to grab it. 
"Wrap up," he commands. "Your hands will thank you for it."
You look up at him, brows raised, but begin covering your palms and knuckles. When you're done, you throw the roll back to him. Ghost stretches his arms above his head and splays his feet into a firm stance, jerking his chin at you in a go-ahead motion. Your brows furrow as you try to understand what the fuck he's doing.
"Go on. Get ready."
"Um. Ready for what?"
"A little hand-to-hand."
Your mouth falls open. "What?"
He shrugs. "That's what you wanted, right? I think you're ready for it."
"That's not what I meant," you almost laugh, shaking your head. "I didn't mean I want to— to fight you. I just meant we don't have to stick to the basics."
"We won't." There is the slightest trace of amusement in his voice, so faint you wonder if it's even there. "You have ten seconds to get ready, Twix."
"I don't even—" you sputter, eyes flying open. If you weren't awake before, you are now. He seems completely serious, his hands in fists and his shoulders squared.
"Oh, fuck me," you exhale, balling up your bandaged hands. Did he get you up at this hour so there was no chance of Blue joining? He didn't want her to watch him finally annihilate you? You don't think he would seriously hurt you, not after everything, but that doesn't mean your heart doesn't begin to thump wildly when the seconds are up. Neither of you makes the first move; you are focused on keeping yourself distant, and he is circling you like a predator, flicking his eyes along the length of you. 
"What the fuck is that stance? I could just tap you and you'd fall over." His amusement has faded. "Is that how I showed you to stand when chopping wood?"
You shake your head, teeth gritted, and fix it, spreading your boots against the soil. 
Then, he's lunging. You forget everything about your stance and prance to the side like a skittish deer. There is a moment of relief when you successfully dodge him, only for it to abruptly end when he darts around your back and hooks an arm around your neck. Your heart skips over a beat. Holy shit is he fast. 
"Be aware of your surroundings at all times," he chastises against the top of your hair. His hold is not aiming to fully restrain you, so when you claw your nails into his arm, it loosens and you slip away, staggering three strides before facing him with your fists up.
"What's the point of raising your fists if you're not going to hit me?" Ghost circles you again, and you have to shift your feet to keep up with him. "Come on, nurse. Where should you aim?"
"You're too tall." Your chest heaves. "I... I can't reach your face or neck without you blocking."
"Use the height difference to your advantage. Reach places that I can't."
You pause to think about it, studying him.
Ghost almost growls. "Stop hesitating. I could have killed you by now."
A mix of annoyance and determination makes you leap forward, jabbing your knuckles at the part of him where you know his liver would be. He captures you by the elbow before the blow can land, and sends you stumbling to the side, a few wisps of hair cascading over your face.
"Liver. Not bad. I might've let you have it if you moved quicker."
A hiss leaves your lips as you whirl around and punch directly into his core this time. He allows the hit, but your knuckles ram into solid muscle instead of the vulnerable stomach you hoped for, and you recoil with a wave of your hand, cussing under your breath.
"You hurt yourself more than you hurt me."
"Well, should I just kick you in the dick then?" you retort without thinking, flexing your fingers. Luckily, the gauze absorbed most of the damage. 
"That's always an option."
His tone is serious, to the point that you almost give it a try, but then he's closing in on you again, sending you back to the defensive. He doesn't hold back. You run in circles and duck frantically, earning a few hits to your ribs. He doesn't use enough force to send you down to the ground, but enough to knock the wind out of you. Rapid breaths fire through your lungs and beads of sweat percolate your hairline. Ghost, on the other hand, appears unaffected.
"Fight back," he says in a mild voice; almost bored.
You nearly throw your arms up. "I would if you'd give me a fucking chance."
"You said not to coddle you."
"I'm aware. That doesn't mean you have to—"
Your spine suddenly meets something hard. A tree. He's backed you into it without you even realizing. When Ghost takes another swipe, you dip your head down and then use his recovery time to grab onto a branch and hoist yourself up.
You're barely perched upon it when a hand grips your ankle and drags you back down, an audible gasp reverberating in your chest as you land flat on your back with Ghost on top. His hand quickly cradles the back of your skull before it can crack on a hard tree root, while his other hand captures both of your wrists.
"You good?" Although he is the one who has you effectively pinned, his tone seems sincere. He scans your face from your forehead to your parted lips. 
"Just... peachy." 
His brows furrow. "What was your plan once you got up there?"
Labored breathing splinters your voice. "I didn't have much of a plan, really."
He speaks flatly. "I can tell."
"You had me cornered," you point out.
"You should have been—"
"Aware of my surroundings," you finish for him, exhaling deep through your nose. "I know."
Your eyes shift around, from his covered face to where his chest just barely presses into yours. It's all so close. Uncomfortably close. You can feel the steady pace of his heart against your sternum, and make out the faintest flecks of green in his eyes.
An ounce of fear and something else you can't quite discern balls up in your stomach, making you swallow. You've been pinned like this before and nearly had your face eaten. Ghost simply stares at you, as if waiting for you to make a move, but when you tug on your wrists, his grip doesn't relent.
"Could you... could you maybe get off of me?"
He shifts some weight off you, if only by a little. "Relax and think," he murmurs. "What are your options here?" The curve of his lips tightens before he adds, "Besides biting my nose off. I'd like to keep that for now."
With a sigh, your eyes slide up to the awakening sky. Hues of violet and orange stare down at you. "Do I... do I even have any options? You must weigh like a ton." The words are past your lips before you can shut your mouth. 
"You always have options." 
"Doesn't mean any of them will be effective," you say.
His eyes darken, and the green disappears. "Why do you do that?" 
"Um... do what?"
"Doubt yourself. After all that you have survived." He sounds irritated. 
"As if you haven't doubted me?" You can't help it; you scoff. "You told her I wouldn't come back that time I went on my own. I mean, I'm still weak, remember? No amount of chopping wood will make me as strong as you or those men who almost killed us."
"It's not about strength," he replies.
"That's easy for you to say," you wiggle your wrists for emphasis. "You have nothing to be afraid of. You were cut out for this shit from the start."
"I have everything to be afraid of." His eyes narrow, but his voice softens. "And so were you."
"Me?" Your voice slightly elevates, and a lick of anger curls within you. "I should be in grad school right now, or maybe I would've quit nursing and gone into something useless and hate my life, but I was never meant to kill anyone, let alone fight them. I was meant to be young and stupid and make mistakes. Now, if I make a fucking mistake, it will cost me my life." Your nostrils flare as you huff, sending a piece of hair flying up into his face, and you writhe beneath him. "Get off of me, Ghost."
But he doesn't.
Beats of silence linger in the small gap between your bodies.
You should feel embarrassed for saying all those things, but instead, you think about what he said:
Don't hesitate.
The ball inside you is a fiery mix of emotions that you usually try your damn hardest to ignore and break and shove away.
But now you let it spread through your body like a sizzling tide, from the tips of your fingers down to your toes and... to your knee. Before you can change your mind, you slam it upward as hard as you can into the apex of his groin. 
"Fuck," Ghost mutters, the only sign of any pain aside from the brief moment that he closes his eyes.
His hold loosens only by a little, but it's enough for you to slip out from under him and find your way back to your feet, your chest rising and falling.
He clears his throat after a moment and rises.
"Good." The two of you share a stare-off for a few seconds before he shakes his head, saying again: "Good, Twix. More of that."
You rip your gaze away from him, cheeks hot, and say nothing as you snatch the canister and bring it to your lips, but the water does little to cool you down. 
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You shiver in the bitterness of twilight, your fingers red and numb, wishing for a pair of gloves. The fireflies are coming out, dots of luminescence darting around you. You swing the axe down again, throat raw as you grunt, and then you add the broken logs to the growing stack. Sudden light footsteps announce the end of your alone time. 
"It's me," Blue greets kindly. 
You drop the axe, hands feeling stiff, and turn to face her with a breathless smile. "Hey. What are you doing out here?"
"Checking on you. Ghost went hard on you this morning, huh?" she says with a sigh. "I could hear you guys. You were a bit... loud. Made it hard to sleep."
"Not too hard. I'm… I'm good." 
If she is unconvinced, she doesn't comment on it. Rather, she hugs you. A warm one. You return the embrace before she pulls away.
"I also came because I wanted to invite you to a bonfire."
"Well, with all your..." her eyes flicker to the pile of logs you've conjured over the past hour. "...special workouts, we have a lot of wood now. I told Ghost to make a big fire outside and we can cook dinner over it. It'll be fun, come on. Ghost is making tea, too."
Soon enough, your sore fingers are tingling, holding a warm, ceramic mug of tea. Ghost chucks another bundle of wood into the fire, spitting out smoke and embers, and sits on a tree stump while Blue takes the folding chair. Your hair is down, tucked behind your ears, and a patchwork quilt Blue grabbed from her room lays across your lap. The mug burns pleasantly against your lips when you take a sip, the herbal taste sliding down your throat. Whatever plants he used to make it work together perfectly. It reminds you of the tea your mom used to make when you were sick.
"Do you like it more well-done or is this okay?" Blue asks, meticulously spinning the skewered squirrel meat over the fire.
"That's good, thank you."
Ghost cooks their dinner, and the three of you eat and sip in a comforting silence. You avoid looking at him, opting for the starry sky above your head, where bold stars beam even brighter than the fireflies. It's quite nice. When you're done, you toss the bones into the fire and listen to them splinter.
Blue breaks the silence. "Would you rather be burned alive or be attacked by a bunch of squirrels with rabies?"
You take another sip of tea. "How many squirrels, exactly?"
She taps her chin. "One hundred."
"I think if it were fifty, I could handle them. One hundred, probably not. I'll choose being burned."
She makes a face. "That is a terrible death."
"Most deaths are terrible."
"Fair enough. Ghost?"
For the first time since this morning, you steal a glance. His elbows rest upon his splayed knees, and the orange flames reflect in his eyes as if they were twin black, mirrors. "I could handle the squirrels."
She snorts a laugh. "Even you can't survive rabies, though."
He shrugs. "Takes some time to kill you."
"Let's play a different game," you interject. "Maybe something a little less... morbid tonight."
"Like what?" Blue chimes. 
You shrug indifferently. "What other ones do you know?"
"Not that many. You tell us one, Twix."
"Well, I know one good one. You have to act something out and then we'll guess what it is. But you can't talk."
"Oh, that's easy."
"Try it, then," you nod at her.
She leaps up from the chair, nearly spilling her tea in the process. Without hesitation, she puts on a stoic expression and begins shooting finger guns. Quiet laughter shakes your shoulders.
"Are you, um... Ghost?" you guess, making her throw her arms up.
"How did you guess so quickly?"
"It was a bit obvious."
"Not to me," Ghost murmurs. "Terrible impression, kid."
Across the fire, you glance at him again, and his eyes meet yours, reminding you of the events that took place and the words that you spat. Emotions pulse against your ribs, like a swarm of flickering fireflies, but you fail to catch and examine any of them. 
A tug on your arm ends the shared look. Tea splatters around the rim of your mug as Blue ushers you up. "Your turn now."
"Alright, alright."
You decide not to feel humiliated with both pairs of eyes on you. They've both seen much stranger things than you act out a squirrel, which must be a good impression because Ghost guesses it right away.
A sudden crack of lightning in the distance puts an end to the game before Ghost can have a turn, which you suspect he is pleased about. He puts out the fire just before clouds roll in, blocking out the stars, and a drizzle of rain begins. Back inside, you kick off your boots and sink to the sofa as Blue says goodnight. Once she’s in her room, Ghost pauses in the threshold of the hall and speaks over his shoulder.
"Get some sleep. You'll need it for tomorrow, even if it's raining.”
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promise-you-doie · 2 months
Best Friend Ever | S. Eunseok
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Eunseok x (f) Reader | Fake dating to lovers
Word count: 20k
Warnings: Cursing, suggestive
Genre: Fluff, Suggestive
A college student rejecting attention is taken aback when a famous athlete asks them out. Confused and suspicious, they confront their past experiences and insecurities as they navigate a newfound curiosity about the athlete's intentions. The story explores personal growth, unexpected connections, and the courage to leave one's comfort zone.
The college classroom buzzed with the low murmur of students chatting and the occasional squeak of chairs being pulled out. Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room. In the middle of it all sat You, Your eyes drifting lazily around the room as you waited for class to end, your mind already elsewhere, disinterested in the present. 
A sigh, heavy with restlessness, escapes your lips as you rest your chin in the palm of your hand. Your other hand is used to tap the head of your pen against your laptop, a rhythmic echo of your impatience. You try to divert your eyes from reading the time, but you can't help but glance at it here and there, each glance a testament to your mounting anticipation. 
You startle when a small note lands on your desk, seemingly out of nowhere. Intrigued, you open it, ignoring the sensation of someone's gaze on the back of your head. 
The note simply reads "Hey," followed by a smiley face, but you know exactly who it's from. 
You whip your head around to face your best friend three rows behind you. Sohee's wearing a wide grin on his face when he waves at you. But you only glare in return, a mix of annoyance and amusement in your eyes, before turning back around to face your boredom. Once again just waiting for- 
"That's all for today. Class is dismissed." Your professor's voice echoes through the room, and you can almost feel the collective sigh of relief. It's all you need to slam your laptop shut and jump out of your seat, joining the rush of students eager to leave. 
Sohee is already standing at the door waiting for you, mainly because he saved a lot of time by not having to pack up. You always thought he only attended lectures to distract you, but he would always argue differently. 
As soon as you meet him by the door, he throws his arm around you and pulls you along with him, guiding you out of the classroom before the rest of the students come trampling over you. 
"I'm starving," Sohee mumbles, his voice barely audible over the bustling noise of the hallway, a cacophony of footsteps, chatter, and the occasional laughter. He winces when you push him away from you. 
"People already think we're dating," you say, your eyes scanning the passing students, each of them engrossed in their own world.
"You say that like it's a bad thing."
"That's because it is. I don't like people getting the wrong idea," you say, your voice tinged with a hint of unease. 
"I know what it is?" Sohee taunts, his finger jabbing the air. "You're afraid you'll fall for me if I stand too close." 
You roll your eyes, trying to dismiss the thought. "I can guarantee you that's not the case." Sohee hums in disagreement and continues walking ahead of you until you have to follow up with him. 
This was the nature of your relationship. Sohee often liked to hint that maybe you were into him as more than just friends, and you'd be there to shoot it down every time. 
It was annoying sometimes, but Sohee was like a brother to you. You expected him to be annoying. 
"What should we eat? Burgers? Pasta? Pizza?" Your best friend begins to list off. He waved his finger around in the air as if he were actually flipping through the options. 
"We should go for-" "Y/n." A somewhat familiar voice stops you mid-sentence. 
You didn't have to turn around to know that Eunseok was calling for you. You were only confused as to why. After all, you and Eunseok existed in starkly different worlds. 
He was the star of the school. D-1 athlete, attending on a full scholarship. It's impossible to live in the same city as him and not know who he was. The same didn't apply to you.
No one knew who you were. Not because you were super shy and avoided attention, but because you just preferred to hang out with your two friends, Sohee and Ningning, and binge on card games and pizza on Friday nights, a quiet and content life that you cherished. 
So why would Song Eunseok, a well-known college basketball player, be calling out for you?
"Hey," He says when he finally meets up with you, his voice a mix of nervousness and determination.  
"Hello?" You say, confused. Sohee, obviously just as puzzled as you are, bunches his eyebrows together and sticks his lips out into a subtle pout. 
"Will you go on a date with me?" Eunseok's unexpected question hangs in the air, shrouding the scene in a thick layer of suspense. 
Things were just getting weirder and weirder. Him picking you out in a crowd of people was odd enough, but now he was asking you out on a date. 
There's only one logical explanation for this. 
He was pranking you. You had your fair share of brutal jokes, especially among ruthless high school boys who always made it clear that no one would ever seriously be into you. 
You thought things like that only happened in grade school, but old habits do die hard. 
You snark. "No, thank you." The words come out harsher than you intended, a clear sign of your internal conflict. You attempt to walk away, assuming he'll accept the rejection and leave you alone. You should've known better. 
"Please," he pleads, halting you in your tracks. You pivot and stride back toward him.
"I'm not falling for any of your tricks." 
"One date." He holds each of his hands up in the air. "No tricks, I promise." The look on his face tells you that he's being genuine. Yet, you still look to your best friend for an answer. 
Except he only shrugs. You don't know what you were expecting from him anyway. He was never helpful before, and he won't be beneficial now. 
"When?" You ask, turning back to Eunseok. 
"Are you busy right now?" He shoots. 
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Eunseok pulls out the chair so you can sit down first. You accept his offer and place your bag on the floor beside you. You notice how empty the lunchroom is. 
"If you wanna get into my pants, you're gonna have to do a lot better than this." You comment, your voice echoing in the empty school cafeteria. 
"I'm not trying to get in your pants." Eunseok's voice cuts through the silence, and his glare makes you feel small and insignificant. You shift in your seat at the sudden discomfort. 
"Well then... What do you want?" You hesitated, trying to read his true intentions. 
"I need you to be my girlfriend," he replied casually as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
 "You need me to?" Leaning in closer, you were intrigued, eager to understand his unconventional request.
"My family is starting to think I'm gay." He admits, and it makes you jump back. Who would've thought that star athlete Song Eunseok was battling with his sexuality? 
"I'm not," he says with a knowing look as if he could hear every thought racing through your mind.
 "Huh?" You blink in astonishment, your eyes widening, and shift in your chair, the leather creaking beneath you as you settle back in.
"Look, I just need you to meet my family here and there. Nothing serious."  
"Are you asking me to fake a relationship with you?"
"Yes, exactly." He nods with a severe expression, showing no sign of amusement. It was as if he had done this before.
"I'm not interested," you declare firmly, rising from your seat and gathering your belongings. 
Eunseok's voice quivers with desperation as he says, "I'll pay you," attempting to entice you to stay.
You express your disdain by poking your tongue through your cheek. The sound of your bag dropping to the floor fills the room as you turn to face him. "Money doesn't sway me. You can't just dangle it over my head and expect me to jump when you tell me to," you assert, pressing your palms onto the table.
To your surprise, Eunseok smirks. "You're a smart, independent woman," he says, and you nod. 
"I am." 
"I admire that about you." He stands up so that now you have to look up at him. "Which is why I chose you of all people."
"That's flattering. How much are you paying."
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"Wait, you're dating him?" Sohee exclaims, yanking his head out of your empty fridge.
You nod, "Yeah." Your lips pressed together, a silent testament to the weight of the secret you were carrying. It wasn't easy to lie to your best friend, but you knew you had to. He had a terrible habit of just talking, talking to any and everyone about any and everything. One time, in fifth grade, you told him about a crush you had on some guy in your class. You don't remember how word got around to the entire school, but you remember that the tracks led right back to your loose-lipped best friend. The potential consequences of this secret being revealed were too significant to risk. 
"So he asked, and you just said 'yes'? No questions asked?" Sohee asks, his voice filled with disbelief. 
"Pretty much." You shrug. 
Sohee ponders, his body plopping down on the couch in front of you. You could always tell when he was thinking because his bottom lip would poke out, and he scratched the back of his head. It was rather cute, but you'd never admit that aloud. "This doesn't make any sense." He finally mutters through a pout, his brows furrowing in confusion. 
"What's not making sense?" You ask calmly, crossing your arms and leaning back against the sofa. 
"Did he cast a spell on you or something?" He sits up. "You hate ball players." 
"I do." You nod. "but he's different." You don't have to convince yourself you knew Eunseok very differently from the other sports players you were previously acquainted with. For starters, none of them would ever consider you to be their girlfriend, real or not. 
"How would you know that after just one date?" Sohee almost shouts. 
"Look, will you just trust me? I know what I'm doing." You said, your voice filled with a determination that Sohee had rarely heard before. He takes a deep breath and throws his head back against your small orange sofa. All the thinking was draining him. 
"Do you trust me?" 
"I guess I have no choice." Your best friend reassures you. Tiredly, rubbing his hands against his face. 
"Good," you exclaimed with a smile, jumping up from your seat to stand in front of him with your hand held out. "Now, let's go get some food. I know you're hungry."
"You're not gonna start ditching me to hang out with your new boyfriend, right?" Sohee sits across from you in the diner that you frequented too often. Usually, you'd visit with Ningning, but she was pretty busy these days. 
"He'll never get in between us." 
"Promise?" He asks, peering up through his eyelashes. 
You never made promises unless you knew for a fact you could keep them, which is why you wrapped your pinky finger around your best friends without a shadow of hesitation. You were certain you would never break this promise.
"It's so strange now that you have a boyfriend." Sohee breaths just as your phone begins to vibrate.
Eunseok: Hey, I need you.
You: First off, that sounds weird. And secondly, I can't. I'm busy
Eunseok: You need to be busy with me.
You: why are you so weird?
"I'm gonna ask for refills," Sohee announces, his voice cutting through the buzz of conversation in the air and causing you to pull your eyes away, momentarily captivated. "Alright," you reply with a smile, and as Sohee walks off, you feel the familiar buzz of your phone vibrating in your pocket, drawing your attention once again.
Eunseok: My family wants to meet you.
You: Hard pass; I'm hanging out with my best friend. Maybe next time :)
Eunseok: $100
You: I can't just leave him.
Eunseok: $250.
You: Deal.
Eunseok: Perfect, I'll meet you at your place.
"Are you leaving?" Sohee asks, his disappointment palpable in his voice."Sorry, Hee. I'll make it up to you, I promise." You rush, reaching into your wallet to leave a twenty-dollar bill on the table. While Sohee plops down in disbelief, his mouth slightly agape. 
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"What are you wearing?" Eunseok asks, leaning against his sleek silver 2021 Jeep Wrangler. 
"I tried to be normal," you frown, looking down at your chosen outfit.
"Normal looks weird on you," he advises. "Go change."
"But your parents-" "Will like you, no matter what. Just be yourself," he cuts you off and grabs your shoulder to turn you back towards your apartment complex.
“And be fast.” He says last. 
You ask, "How is this?" while standing in front of him, extending your arms so that he can take in your entire outfit. "Much better," he nods in approval and courteously opens the car door for you to get in. His car is immaculately clean and impressively modern. Nothing like you’d see any other college student drive, athlete or not. Maybe Eunseok was an exception because he wasn’t just any athlete but one of the best. 
You can’t say you cared enough to know. You were more worried about other things. 
“You don’t have any exes I need to know about, right?” You ask, “You know… anyone who still has unresolved feelings and isn’t really good at talking things out.” 
“No one is going to show up at your door,” Eunseok reassures, his eyes focused on the road ahead, offering you a sense of security. 
“And do you have STDs or anything?” 
‘Why is that important?” He breaks his concentration to look at you.
“You’re right.” You nod, twirling your fingers and looking around until you see something outside of the window that catches your attention. 
“Any other questions?” He asks through his smirk, one that you were already beginning to hate. 
“Why me?” Eunseok opens his mouth to begin to speak, but you stop him before he can, “And don’t try that fake feminist bullshit on me. I know how you men are.” You add. 
To which he lets out a small laugh, “You were the first person to come to mind because I knew I’d never fall for you, so I don’t have to worry about things getting complicated.” 
It sounded harsh, but you were used to it. No guys ever looked in your direction. The ones that did only wanted one thing, and it wasn’t a cool, loving, caring girlfriend. The problem wasn’t that you were ugly. You were just too different. The way you talked, the things you liked, the way you dressed. You were far too strange for anyone to love you. Well, except for Sohee, of course, but that was only because he was a little strange himself. 
“Likewise.” You hum and continue gazing out of the window. 
When Eunseok reaches the driveway of his family home, he parks and turns almost his whole body around to face you. “Okay, first, I need your phone,” he demands with his hand out. 
You ask, “What do you need my phone for?” Yet you still hold your phone in the palm of his hand and patiently wait for him to reveal his plan. 
“Here you go.” He passes your phone back with his contact on display. 
“My everything?” You read aloud, your eyebrows instinctively furrowing. You thought that was the worst of it, but when your phone closes, you catch a glimpse of his face on your lock screen. “No offense, but I don’t wanna see your face every time I open my phone.” 
“You can change it back later.” He says unamused. 
“Okay but who’s gonna believe that we're so in love after two days?” You ask, folding your arms. 
“That reminds me, if they ask, we've been dating for three months.” 
“Don’t you think they’ll find it strange that we’ve been dating for three months, and you haven’t mentioned having a girlfriend?” You question. 
“Will you just trust me on this?” He asks, reminding you of when you asked Sohee the same question. You give him a half nod and breathe, “You’re the one paying me, so I guess I have to.” 
Eunseok’s little brother greets him as soon as he gets out of his truck. Wrapping his small arms around Eunseok’s legs. “Hey, critter, where’s mom?”
The little boy you assume is around six years old, seeing as you could hear his lisp when he says, “She’s in the kitchen talking to dad. I don’t think they know you’re here yet.” And suddenly, the kid turns to you. His smile, no longer evident, was replaced with a look of concern. You mirror his expression as the boy asks, “Who’s this?”
“This is my girlfriend.” Eunseok introduces you, moving to rest his arm around your waist. Your initial instinct is to push him off of you and slap him, but you do your best to try and muster up a smile instead. The only problem is that you don’t know how to fake a smile, and you think you might’ve scared the boy while trying to.
“You couldn’t just say hi to my little brother?” Eunseok scolds you the second the small boy disappears into the house. 
“Kids make me nervous.” You defend yourself as you pull his arm off of you. “This is gonna be an extra ten bucks, by the way.” You add, referring to his hand placements. 
“Maybe I should’ve gone with someone else.” 
“It’s not too late!” Your suggestion falls on deaf ears when he grabs your hand and guides you into his family home. Which you didn’t realize was so big until you got inside. Everything looked so expensive. “Woah, I didn’t know you were-”
“You’re here early. I haven’t even started prepping yet.” Eunseok's mother unintentionally cuts you off to welcome him into a hug. “And I’m assuming this is your girlfriend.” She adds, looking at you. 
“Yeah, this is Y/n,” Eunseok speaks for you. 
“Aren’t you just the prettiest thing.” You were never good with compliments, mainly because you weren’t used to getting them. So, while you should’ve smiled and replied with a humble “thank you.” You say, “I know.” Instead. 
Eunseok's head swiftly turns in your direction, and his mom's smile drops. "I mean, Eunseok tells me that all the time. It's become a habit of his." Nice save, you think to yourself, noticing how Eunseok's shoulders relax. 
"You're a very lucky girl. You know there's no one like my son." 
"You're right; never in my life have I met anyone like Eunseok." You grin, knowing that you don't mean it the same way she does. 
"I'd say I'm the lucky one. Y/n's top of her class and she just started her internship for a space program. Plus, she's funny and gorgeous, and she supports me. Not to mention, I've also never met anyone like her." Eunseok wraps his arm around you to pull you closer to him. 
Strangely enough, you didn't feel the need to rip his arm off and punch him in the face like you wanted to the last time. Instead, you're more impressed that he even knew about your internship and thought you were funny. Although you were sure, he was just saying that to feed that facade you two had going on. 
"I would just say we make a good match." You add. 
As the older woman beams and compliments the both of you on how good you look together, you exhale in relief. But when Eunseok's father strides into the room, his gaze sweeping over you from head to toe, you realize his mom was just a warm-up act.
"You into fashion?" The older man's voice is so deep it echoes through your eardrums. Your knees buckled, and if it weren't for the hand that Eunseok kept firm around your waist, you would've run out of the door screaming. 
"Uh, um, yeah. Well, no, actually. I mean, it's… cool… sometimes."  You stumble over your words. Your heart races the more he looks at you; you feel like he knows everything. He knows you're lying to him; he knows you're accepting payment from his son to keep up this act, and he probably knows about that pen you stole from Sohee last week. 
“I like it, it’s different.” His father says, referring to your outfit. “Good choice, you better treat her right.” He turns to the tall, younger male beside you. 
“I intend to,” Eunseok responds. 
“Why don’t you give her a tour of the house? I’ll call you down when dinner is ready.” His dad suggests and leaves you and Eunseok alone for a moment. 
Rather than allowing Eunseok to guide you, you grab his wrist and pull him up the stairs to the first room you find, which, luckily for you, happens to be his room. You rush to lock the door and stomp back towards him. Your voice still shaky from the interaction with his father, you say, “I don’t wanna do this anymore.” 
“What you have to.” Eunseok pleads. 
“No, tell them I died in a tragic accident and that you can’t ever move on from me. That'll solve both of our problems.” You argue. 
“It’s not that bad.” He says incredulously, holding his arms over his chest. 
“It's not bad. It’s horrible.” 
“My parents like you already, I can tell.” Eunseok pleads, attempting to convince you. 
“That’s worse, you idiot.” You catch yourself from yelling too loud. “I’d rather they hate me so they won’t wanna see me again.” 
Both of you take a break from arguing to respond to his mom when she asks. “How are you guys doing up there.” 
“We’re fine.” You say in unison as you stare at him with the look of death. 
“I can see why it’s so hard for you to get a girlfriend.” You insult. “After today, we’re done.”
“What? Are you breaking up with me?”
“I am.” You assure him as you walk away. Opening the door to find his brother on the opposite side. You pause for a moment, unsure of what to say or do. He blinks at you and you awkwardly coo, “Hey, little boy.”
“Are you really dating my brother?” The kid inquires, staring up at you with a puzzled expression.
“Umm, yeah.” You wanna roll your eyes. You couldn’t believe you were still going with this bit after arguing that you were done.
“That makes me happy because you’re really pretty. Do you wanna see my room?”
“Sure, why not.” You think aloud.
“Yay! Come on, it's this way.” The child cheers, tugging on your wrist to lead you to his room. 
If possible, your body entered a whole other dimension. The model solar system scattered around the ceiling was the first thing that caught your attention. The life-sized astronaut standing in the corner of the room made your heart leap out of your chest. Hands down this was the coolest room you had ever seen in your life. 
“What the fu-“ You stammer, catching yourself before you can finish your sentence. 
“Don’t worry.” The boy sings, “I won’t tell anyone.” 
Your joy came to a harsh halt, when Mr Song announced that dinner was ready. The small boy remained by your side while you glared at his older brother. You roll your eyes when Eunseok pulls a chair out for you and gestures for you to take a seat. 
You accept the seat reluctantly, but refuse to thank him. The room is quiet, exactly how you prefer to keep it. 
"How long have you been dating Eunseok?" His father abruptly interjects, shattering the fragile silence you had painstakingly maintained. 
"Um." You gulp, your voice betraying the effort to conceal your discomfort, "Like three months… an- and a half?" 
"Three months?" Mr Song repeats, turning to Eunseok. For a small moment all of the attention is off of you, which allows you to release the breath you've been holding for over five minutes. "How come we're just now finding out about her?" 
The question makes you tap Eunseok's leg because you already warned him about this. "Just trust me." He said, but now he's stuttering and tripping over his words. "I- well, she-" 
"It's my fault." You interrupt, "I wanted to make sure we were compatible before I just sprung myself on his family." 
"Let me just say we are absolutely delighted to finally meet you. You are such a charming young lady," his mom gushes. "Did you know you're the first girl he's ever introduced to us?" 
“Really?” You ask, unsurprised. "You know, it's actually really funny that you say that because sometimes I find myself questioning if he's-" and as you're about to finish the sentence, a sharp pain shoots through your abdomen. To his parents, he was just being affectionate, innocently wrapping his arm around you to demonstrate his love for your personal space. None of them would've guessed what was honestly going on.
"What were you saying, honey?" Mrs. Song smiles, anticipating ‌ hearing the rest of your thoughts. 
"Sometimes I wonder if he’s even real." You force a grin, your words laced with a hint of bitterness that you hope goes unnoticed.
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“It was lovely having you.” Mrs. Song beams happily, standing by the doorway of their family home. 
You reply, “It was nice being here.” While subtly removing Eunseok's arm from around your waist, or at least trying to. But his hold just got tighter with each attempt you made to push him off.
“I don’t want you to go.” The small boy pouts in front of you. 
“Don’t worry, she’ll be back,” Eunseok responds to the boy for you.
“Promise?” The little boy looks up at you with glossy eyes and one of the sweetest smiles you’ve ever seen in your entire life. How could you say no to such a sweet face?
“I promise.” You reassure looking everywhere but the boy in front of you. 
“I can’t wait to see you again.” His mother claps. “Drive safe.” She cheers as Eunseok guides you to his car. You wait until the front door is shut, and no one can hear you before you push him away from you and hold your hand up as if you’re about to slap him.
“I should kill you.”  You growl. 
"At least let me drive you home first.” He suggests holding his truck door open for you. You wanna slap him, choke him, kick him in his knees, and make him beg for mercy. But you roll your eyes instead and take your spot in his passenger seat. 
“Your family is kinda cool, even though your dad scares the shit out of me.” You mutter, staring out the window at the passing cars on the road. 
“You know you’re welcome anytime.” 
“I think it’s best we keep this professional. I don’t want you to ease up on payments because you think we’re friends.” 
“That’s fair.” Eunseok nods. 
“You and I could never be friends. We’re too different.” You add, resting your head against the back of your seat. 
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“I’m starving.” Sohee whines, throwing his head against the back of your couch. 
You laugh, “you always are.” Squishing his cheeks together. 
“This isn’t funny Y/n. I could die if I don’t eat something in the next 2 seconds.” 
“You’re not going to die. I ordered pizza 20 minutes ago; it should be here any minute.” As if on cue, there’s a knock at your door, and before you can say or do anything, Sohee is shooting up to retrieve it. 
“Oh, it’s you…” Sohee squints at the tall ball player in front of him as soon as he opens the door.
“Who is it?” You ask, jumping up from your couch to stand next to Sohee. “Oh… Eunseok. What- umm. What are you doing here?” 
“My mom saw how much you liked the food yesterday, so she asked me to bring you some leftovers.’ Euseok pushes the bag full of containers in your direction. 
“Did she really? Are the green beans in here too?” You ask, snatching the bag from his hand. 
“Yeah, I think she packed everything.” Eunseok scratches the back of his neck.
“I feel like I just abducted and woke up on Venus.” You squeal, rushing towards your table to dig through the bag.
“She’s thankful,” Sohee explains for you. 
“Well, tell your mom I said thank you. Bye, love you.” You rush, pushing him out of the way and slamming the door in his face. 
When you turn back on your heels you’re surprised to see Sohee staring at you with an equally surprised expression on his face. “Are you guys saying that already?” Sohee asks 
“Well, we’re moving kinda Fast because… You know… We just never know when we’re gonna … die.” You laugh awkwardly.
“You know you’re really unpredictable,” Sohee continues to stare.
“What do you mean?” You plop down at your table, half waiting for his explanation but mostly interested in the food in front of you.
“You guys have nothing in common. He’s well known and attractive, but you never cared about that kind of stuff.” Your best friend watches as you unpack the leftovers your “boyfriend” just bought you. ‘You say you love him, but can you name just one thing you like about him?” 
If you were in a serious relationship you might’ve cared about what it was that Sohee had to say, but nothing about this was real. So you couldn’t care. You couldn’t care even if you tried. 
“I like him because his mom knows how to cook.” You answer with your mouth full.
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"What did you guys think about that movie I told you to watch?" Ningning asks, walking between you and Sohee. The hallways are full of students and teachers as the three of you walk through the somewhat heavy crowd. 
"I didn't watch it." Sohee shrugs while eating the burrito he begged you to buy because he was "so hungry, he could pass out."
You answer, "It was horrible," ready to give a detailed description of why you hated it and everything that was wrong with it.
"Wasn't it," Ningning replies. 
"I can't believe I let you talk me into watching it." You gasp.
"I had to make sure it wasn't just me." She says, but you don't fully process it because you feel the ghost of someone's hand about to grab yours. On instinct, you attack; what else were you supposed to do? Unfortunately, right after you turn around to punch the stranger in the face, you freeze. The stranger isn't a stranger but your (fake) boyfriend, standing there with a shocked expression and blood dripping from his lip.
"Oh my god." You shriek, "I didn't mean to -"
"It's okay; don't worry about it," Eunseok mutters, but the growing puddle of crimson red liquid tells you that it definitely isn't okay.
"You're bleeding!" You acknowledge reaching for his bottom lip. 
"It's fine, I'll be fine. Let me just take you to class." 
"Well, let me clean you up." You continue, staring at his busted bloody lip. 
"It doesn't even hurt." He cheers, shaking his head. 
"I won't be long; I have my first aid kit right here." 
“You carry around a first aid kit?” He questions, his eyebrows raising in surprise, as you push him into a random empty classroom. “Do you just punch people often?”
“It was an accident.” You answer, your voice softening, as you rip a sanitary wipe open and tap it against his lip. “Why would you even be grabbing my hand in public anyway?” You ask, while continuing to repair his busted lip. 
“You’re my girlfriend; I’m supposed to treat you as such.” He mumbles.
"Fake girlfriend." You respond, your voice tinged with a hint of bitterness, as you sit up with a tube of ointment on display. "Apply this again before you go to sleep tonight, and it should be healed in no time. And don't lick your lips. This stuff tastes disgusting."  
"I don't imagine it would taste like strawberries." He remarks. 
You back away from him with your hands on your hips. "Whatever, you still didn't answer. Why were you sneaking up on me?"  He doesn't say anything for a short few moments, and you can tell that he's thinking about how to say what he's going to say. 
"So my dad is good friends with my coach, and word got around." He mumbles the last part, but it’s intentional this time.
"Word got around?" Your eyes widen at the thought, "So I'm stuck with you?" You ask, raising your hand to push your hair out of your face, and rolling your eyes when you see Eunseok flinch at your sudden movements. 
'You say that like it's a bad thing." 
"It's certainly not a good thing." You shout again. Which only makes Eunseok lean away from you, arms shielding his face. 
"Relax, I'm not gonna hit you." You breathe, "Although I should." 
"Are you mad?" Eunseok says after a long silence. 
You respond sarcastically, "No, of course not." You tilt your head to stare at the basketball player in front of you, wondering how you managed to get yourself into this situation. "In fact I couldn't be happier." 
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"Since when were you and Eunseok a thing?" Ningning asks, emphasizing Eunseok's name. 
Ever since the interaction between you and him in the hallway, all you heard was his name. 
"A month," Sohee answers on your behalf,
"You knew?" Ningning whips her head around to the boy. "How come I'm just finding out about this?" 
"I tried to keep it as private as possible." You answer. 
"What, so you told Mr. Blabber mouth over here?" Ningning’s accusatory finger points at Sohee, who's innocently munching on his sandwich. "You know, you guys really make me feel left out." 
"That's what happens when you choose other people over us?" You shrug. 
"It would still be nice to know about what's going on in my best friend's life." Ningning debates.  "And what about you? Are you datin—never mind?" Ningning stops herself. Both of you know ‌that Sohee was never private about anything. The entire planet would know if he got a girlfriend. Considering he couldn't keep a secret even if his life was at stake.
"How did you even start dating? You two are so… different." The girl rests her chin in her open palm. 
"That's what I said! What could you possibly like about him? He's just some dumb ball player."  Sohee adds. 
“Dumb ball player? You might have a crush on Y/n, but that does not give you the right to down-talk the Song Eunseok.” Ningning jumps up, swinging her finger around.
All you can do is facepalm. This is why you never tell them anything; it always causes an argument. Too immersed in your friends in front of you, you don’t notice when Eusneok appears next to you until he says, “Do you mind if I sit here.” 
“Don’t you wanna sit with your other friends?” You look around the area for all the possible seats he could take besides right next to you. You were starting to think he didn’t understand what personal space was. 
"You're here." He says, occupying the seat without your permission. 
"The more I look at it, it kinda makes sense," Ningning interjects, tilting her head. 
Sohee soon does the same, only to mumble, "I still don't get it." 
"Okay, what are you guys thinking for tonight?" You try to change the subject. You feared that if you talked too much, you'd accidentally reveal how you felt about Eunseok and that this entire bit was fake.
"Why don't we just do Pizza?" Ningning suggests, but Sohee is quick to knock down the idea. 
"We always do pizza. Why don't we do tacos." 
"Mm yeah, tacos sounds good." You nod, "Let's do tacos." 
"I don't want tacos." Ningning frowns, "How about sushi?" 
"I'm good with sushi." Sohee agrees. 
"Perfect, we're going with sushi." You clap, but your joy is short-lived as Eunseok's sudden grip on your wrist startles you, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. 
'What are you guys planning?" He asks.
"Every Friday, the three of us do a game night. It's... it's kinda boring." You say, your voice trailing off, hoping he won't ask to come along. But he doesn't seem to catch the hint.
"Oh really? I'll bring the drinks then." He volunteers
"Oh no, you don't have to." You wave your palms around and shake your head. 
"I don't wanna come empty-handed."
"You don't have to come at all; it's okay." You smile sarcastically. "I'm sure you have better things to do."
"What's better than hanging out with my girlfriend?" He asks, smiling sweetly at you while Ningning squeaks about how cute the two of you are. 
"Since I'm such an awesome girlfriend, I'll let you hang out with your friends tonight." You say through gritted teeth. Squinting as you push his hands away from you.
 "And since I'm an even better boyfriend, I'll hang out with you instead." He grins, overpowering you and pulling in closer to him by your waist.
Sohee grimaces at the sight, "You guys aren't gonna be doing that the whole night, right?" He asks.
Despite all of your attempts to change his mind, Eunseok still finds himself in your living room arguing with Sohee about who knows you better. And leave it up to Ningning to encourage their foolishness. 
“Okay, this one’s easy; what’s her favorite color?” Ningning stands in front of the two boys with flashcards. 
“Blue!” Sohee calls out first. 
“Blue, purple, and green,” Eunseok calls out almost exactly at the same time as Sohee. They both look at you in sync for the answer as your smile grows.
“My favorite color is blue.” You confirm, “and purple and green.” 
You watch Sohee, your melodramatic friend, drop to his knees, his hands gripping his hair in mock despair. “You’re so dramatic,” Ningning chuckles, her laughter filling the room before shuffling the cards to ask another question. 
“Alright, what’s her go-to movie for movie nights.” 
“Umm,” You laugh when Eunseok looks straight at you for the answer. 
“E.T.,” Sohee calls out, jumping and pointing his index finger. He doesn’t have to look at you to find out if he’s right because he knows he is. That’s been your favorite movie since the both of you were kids; you kind of grew out of it since then, but you never missed an opportunity to watch E.T. 
“And the winner is-.” Ningning pauses, eyeing the two boys down for suspicion. “It’s a tie.” She beams. 
Sohee nods and holds his hand out for Eunseok to shake, “You’re cool, I guess.” 
“Thank you.” Eunseok smiles. 
“I still think you don’t deserve her, but you’re not as bad as I thought.” Your best friend explains, looking off to the side. 
“It’s getting late, I’m heading out.” Ningning breaks through the handshake to walk towards your front door. “Let’s go, Sohee.” She calls out behind her. 
“But I wanna finish hanging out with Y/n.” The boy cries but follows after her when she shoots him a deadly look. 
As the door closes behind Sohee, it's just you and Eunseok, the silence amplifying the sense of isolation. 
“I see your lip got better.” You acknowledge it when he sits down on the floor next to you. 
Eunseok taps his bottom lip, “It still hurts, though.” He says. 
You laugh and cup his cheeks with both hands, gently wriggling his face around. “You poor baby, do you want me to kiss it better?” You ask, but he stares at you blankly, his eyes filled with a mix of confusion and amusement. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You lean back from him, but his eyes never leave you. 
“Thanks for inviting me.” He finally says, leaning back against his palms.
“You invited yourself.” 
“Well, thank you for accepting me; I had fun,” Eunseok replies.” You said you do this every Friday?”
“Do not show up at my door every week, Eunseok; my neighbors are gonna think-” We’re dating.” He adds, finishing your sentence. 
“Just don’t show up here every weekend, okay,” 
“Why are you so mean to me?” 
“I have to make sure you understand that we aren’t friends,” You assert. “And when this deal ends, I’ll probably never talk to you again. So don’t get too comfortable.” 
The next afternoon, you're walking through ‌semi-crowded hallways. Sohee and Ningning, being who knows where you mentally plan what you're going to do once you get home. The plans include changing into sweatpants and watching Netflix until you fall asleep on your couch. 
The thought almost brings a smile to your face; there's nothing you love more than the soft touch of your couch, the familiar scent of your home, and the comforting silence that surrounds you when you're doing nothing in the comfort of your own home. 
Amid your blissful thoughts, you feel a hand wrap around your wrist, breaking your reverie. Instinctively, you roll your eyes before you check to confirm that it's Eunseok. "Come watch me practice." He grins when you turn to face him. 
You ask, "Why would I do that?" Pulling your wrist away from him. 
"So you can meet my friends." He says. 
"Why would I do that?" You repeat. 
"Because I met your friends." 
You say, "I'll pass," but Eunseok quickly grabs your wrist again. 
"Come on, it'll be fun." He doesn't wait for you to agree or disagree before he pulls you towards the gym. 
You were quickly learning about Eunseok. He didn't understand physical boundaries, or any boundaries for that matter, and he loved to ignore everything that came out of your mouth. You could say this was your fault. You let him dangle money over your head, and now you're stuck with him for the next few months. 
Eunseok shifts his hand from your wrist to intertwine his fingers with yours. And before you know it, you're surrounded by sweaty basketball players in the gym. You hear their shoes squeak against the gym floor, along with the bouncing of basketballs. This was the first time you'd ever entered the school gym, considering you never had a reason to. Sports aren't your thing, and before now, you never imagined that you'd end up with a sports player. 
"Yeah, no, I don't want to do this." You mutter, your voice barely audible as you try to walk away. But with your hand still firmly held by Eunseok, a simple tug is all it takes to bring you back into the uncomfortable setting. 
He pleads, "Just this one time.' 
"What am I supposed to do here?" You frown, looking around the dimly lit gym, the sound of sneakers squeaking on the polished floor echoing in your ears.
"Relax and watch your boyfriend play basketball." He smirks down at you. 
You whine, "You're not even my boyfriend." You use your other fist to punch his chest weakly, but as always, your words fall on deaf ears. 
"You're late." A stranger calls out from a few feet away from you. His tone seems harsh, a clear sign of tension, but you ignore it by clinging onto Eunseok. As the unnamed man gets closer, his eyes find yours, and he begins glaring at you, his silent threat hanging in the air. 
“Y/n this is Sungchan.” Eunseok gestures towards the boy in front of you, "And Sungchan, this is." You notice his breath hitch when he pauses. “Y/n.” 
Sungchan looks at you again, but he doesn't do anything else to acknowledge you. "Don't show off because your girlfriend’s  here." He says last before walking away. Allowing you the chance to finally breathe.
"I don't think this was a good idea." 
“Don’t worry he’s not always like that.” Eunseok explains to help make you feel better but it does the direct opposite. 
“Great so it’s just me.” You frown. 
He turns you around so that your facing him, as he takes each of your hands into his own. “Don’t think too much about it okay.” 
“I won’t.” You nod. 
“I’ll go get changed, you can wait over there.” He points with your hand still connected to his. “When were done I’ll treat you to lunch.” 
“If I have to sit here for an hour I’m leaving.” 
An hour quickly turned into two, but you remained planted on the bleachers. You would never say it to him, or even aloud, but you actually enjoyed watching him play. It was entertaining to see how much he enjoyed basketball and how broad his smile was when he turned to you every time he scored. 
You never thought you’d be this into sports, or maybe it was the boy playing the sport.
As practice comes to an end, Eunseok approaches you. “I want to introduce you to my friends.” He says. You look behind his shoulder to see Sungchan already looking at you and shake your head. 
“No, I’ll pass.” You stand up in front ‌of him and grab your bag to leave. 
“It’ll be quick.” He says,
“I have things to do, Eunseok.” You say, Attempting to walk away. Eunseok lets you take two steps before he reaches for your wrist to pull you into his arms and picks you up, barely enough for your feet to hang above the floor. 
“Eunseok.” You slam your fist around his arms, “Put me down.” You continue, but he only laughs, finally landing you on your feet when you’re in front of his friends. 
“Y/n this is Shotaro.” He points to the smiley boy standing beside Sungchan, “That’s Seunghan. That’s Anton, and you’ve met Sungchan already.” 
“How long have you guys been dating?” Shotaro asks before finishing the rest of his water bottle. 
Eunseok answers, “Four months.” 
"Four months, and you haven't told us," Seunghan asks. 
"I wasn't ready to meet anyone yet," You say, your voice dripping with sarcasm. Eunseok chuckles nervously, attempting to diffuse the tension. Your gaze meets Sungchan's, a silent exchange of unspoken words, before he finally breaks the silence.
"Well, if we're finally meeting you, that must mean you're serious, huh?" He says, looking at you.
"You never know what could happen. We might break up tomorrow." You look up at Eunseok, hoping he'll get the message.
Eunseok responds, "But we're not breaking up anytime soon." Wrapping his arm around you. 
Though you're mildly upset with Eunseok, you're even more uncomfortable with the way his basketball mate is eyeing you down. And while you'd usually push your (fake) boyfriend away, you feel the need to hold him closer, mainly because he was the only person in the room who felt somewhat familiar to you.
"Anything could happen," you say while simultaneously resting your head against him, hoping to ease that anxious feeling you're getting. 
Eunseok notices something's wrong when you begin to get unusually touchy—turning in his arms to rest your head against his chest. Their voices become nothing but distant sounds as you disassociate into your thoughts. 
"Are you ready to go?" He whispers into your ear. 
You mutter, "I've been ready to go since we got here." You feel the vibrations in his chest when he laughs. 
"Let's go." He says, reaching for your hand.
"Wait, you don't —""Aren't you hungry?" He interrupts, and you nod, allowing him to guide you out of the gym.
"Didn't know you could be so clingy." Eunseok comments as he reaches to open your drink since you were struggling with opening it yourself. 
He grins, "Here," when passing your drink back and watching you get flustered.
"I don't think we should keep meeting each other's friends." You blurt after thanking him. "It'll just make things more awkward after we break up. They'll want to comfort us and all that weird stuff." 
The way Eunseok looks at you makes your heart skip a beat. Out of nervousness, you take a bite of your sandwich to distract yourself from his gaze. "You're thinking about breaking up already?" He asks.
"How long did you plan on doing this?" You respond, "You know we'll have to stop eventually." 
Eunseok sits back in his seat, "I like introducing you as my girlfriend." he says 
"I think you need a real relationship instead of paying me to pretend with you. It's embarrassing, actually." 
"Maybe I like pretending with you," You look up to see that he isn't even looking at you. He has your heart skipping beats, and he couldn't even give you the decency to look at you.
"Enjoy it while it lasts, 'cause it won't be long." You assert to hide the way you're feeling. 
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"I'm thinking about buying a skateboard," Sohee reveals. The clinking of plates and forks around you fades into nothing when you look at your friend wide-eyed. You were used to spontaneous, crazy ideas from him, but they didn't usually include potential suicide.
 "A skateboard?" You repeat
"Do you even know how to skate?" Ningning asked, playfully teasing as she took a bite of her salad.
Sohee looks away. "No, but I have free will and think it could help land me a girlfriend."  
"I think it just would make you look like an idiot with a skateboard." You shrug, "But to each their own." As you wrap your sentence up, you check your phone for the notification that just came in. 
My everything: I miss you
My everything: Let's hang out.
"You know what? I think a skateboard might actually suit you, suit you," you say, trying to dismiss the message you just received.
You observe Sohee's face lighting up. "I knew you'd agree with me," he beams. Then, he turns to Ningning and asks, "Why can't you be more supportive?"
"I can't wait to watch you fall on your face." You add, and Sohee's smile gradually fades. Your phone vibrates a few more times, drawing skeptical glares from both Sohee and Ningning.
"Aren't you gonna answer that?" Ninging speaks up first, her voice tinged with concern. You feel a familiar pang of anxiety as you glance down at your phone, quickly dismissing the call with a hesitant shake of your head. "No, um, it's just spam or something, no one really important," you mumble, hoping to convince both yourself and your friends. Sohee leans in, his brow furrowed in thought. "Have you tried blocking them?" he asks, his tone suggesting a practical solution to what seems like a trivial problem.
"It's no point. They're just going to keep coming back. I'll tell him we aren't friends, and he'll keep bothering me because he doesn't understand anything I say." You vent, the tension in the room thickening as you mindlessly stab the chicken on your tray. 
Sohee readjusts himself in his seat, feeling visibly uncomfortable now since the vibe in the room has changed. "I think blocking him might help with that."
You reach for your phone and press the power button, watching as the screen goes dark. "That should take care of it," you mutter, placing the phone face up on the table. With your attention no longer occupied by the phone, Sohee visibly relaxes, and Ninging seizes the opportunity to steer the conversation in a new direction.
"So, how's everything going with Eunseok?" she asks, a cautious grin spreading across her face.
“Why are you always bringing him up?” You whine. 
“I just wanna know the details. How come you never share the details?” She persists.
You shake your head, “There’s no details to share.” 
“I find it hard to believe that you two are actually dating,” she argues, her top lip turning up. You have nothing to say to that; you’ve been trying your best to sell your act, but you're no actor, and you were never really good at pretending to like people that you didn't.
“We're dating. It’s real.” You nod, using your drink to avoid eye contact. 
“Well, why does it seem like you don’t like him?” Ningning rests her elbows on the table, which makes you nervous for some reason.
"Like him? Please, I like him so much you could even say I love him," you reply with a forced laugh. "Can we change the subject?"
“There’s a basketball game tomorrow; I know we don’t usually go to the games, but I think it could be fu-” Ninging trails off when you throw your head back and groan. 
“I’m not doing this.” 
“Why don’t you wanna go support your boyfriend.” Ningning doesn’t back down. You always told her she could be a lawyer since she had the knack of always getting the truth out of someone. You just hated that she always used her talents on you.
"Sohee, what kind of skateboard are you thinking about getting?" You ask, ignoring the way NIngning looks at you. 
"You know you make it hard for me to believe that two of you are actually dating." She challenges, her tone laced with skepticism.
"I don't know what to tell you. Go ask him yourself, I guess." You shrug
"Name five things you like about Sohee." Ningning spurs randomly. 
"Easy, Umm, he's a good listener; he's fun to be around. He knows the best food places and has a good sense of humor. I like his smile and his fluffy hair."
"Okay, that's six things." 
"I can make it seven. He's fun-sized," you add with a chuckle, the humor in your voice lightening the mood. 
"Okay, great, that's seven. Now, name one thing you like about your boyfriend." 
"He's… Well, he's good at basketball." 
"You know, Ningning is right. I'm more convinced you have a crush on me than you do your boyfriend," Sohee interjects. 
"Whatever, think whatever you want. I don't care." You throw your hands up in defense.
"Yeah, you're not very convincing." Ningning laughs, and Sohee joins her. 
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The gymnasium is filled to the brim. You just hope that it's full enough for you to go unnoticed by your boyfriend or any of his teammates. You lost Sohee and Ningning to the concession stand and the group of girls who stopped to ask Sohee if he knew how to skate.
"I'm going to go find seats," you call out, but with all the commotion happening around you, neither of them hears you. 
So you roamed the busy gym by yourself, hiding at the sight of any jersey you saw, especially any jersey with the number thirty nine. Unfortunately for you, there were hundreds of jerseys, with thirty nine going around.
"Hey." A somewhat familiar voice appeared behind you, causing you to stop right in your tracks. You think you'd rather have run into Eunseok, but Sungchan finds you instead. 
You slowly turn to see the tall boy hovering over you, already dressed in his basketball attire. "Hey." You say, sucking in a breath. His gaze is much different than the one he had a week ago; it's softer now, and you think you even see a smile. Still, you hold your breath, scared he might yell at you at any second now that Eunseok isn't around. 
"Umm," he shakes his head, "He's down there." Sungchan points to the very boy you've been avoiding. Thankfully, he's turned away from you, seemingly preoccupied with another conversation. 
"Oh, thanks." You nod.
"I can walk you down if you want." He insists, and you shake your head. 
"No- I think I'm gonna go to the restroom." You point. "I might've drank a little too much." 
"Yeah," he stands, lingering around like he wants to say something else, and you continue holding your breath. "Do you know where the restrooms are? or do you want me to walk you?" 
"I think I can handle finding them on my own." 
"Yeah, yeah, of course." 
"Yeah," you laugh. Shortly after, he laughs along with you. "Good luck with the game, Sungchan." 
"Thanks." He says just before you run off to hide in the restroom. The idea seems great at first, but you begin to have your doubts when you see rolls of toilet paper stringed along the floor, and each stall has evidence of someone else's previous activities. 
You're sure you can find somewhere else to hide out until the game starts, no big deal. 
However, when you see Eunseok leaning against the wall outside, waiting for you, you aren't so certain.
"Damnit, Sungchan," you think to yourself as you look the other way and attempt to pass your boyfriend. 
You thought you had almost slipped away when you felt his hand wrap around your wrist. "You really are here," He grinned as you turned to face him.
"Not because I want to be." You huff, "My friends forced me to come." 
"But if you tell them that you're better without me here, I bet they'll leave me alone," you think aloud. Eunseok smiles to match yours; based on that alone, you get a peak of hope. 
"Yeah, of course." He nods. 
"Okay, umm, just go wait over there. I'll find them, and then you can just say something like, 'Why are you here? I told you not to come. You're going to make me nervous and go home seriously.' And they'll buy it." You grin.
"Oh, you're the best, thank you. I'll be right back!" you yell, drifting farther away to find your friends. 
"Guys," you panted, holding onto your knees as you caught your breath. “The game is about to start. We need to-" You snatched the water bottle from Sohees's grip and finished the rest of it, which just happened to be the entire thing. 
"We should go sit down, don't wanna miss the game." You pop up.
"But-"Ningning frowns, gesturing to the one person in line in front of her. "I've been waiting here for thirty minutes. I want my hotdog." 
“No time. Let’s go.” You rush, pulling her along with you to the spot you and Eunseok agreed to meet up at. 
Just as promised, Eunseok looks surprised to see you. “Hey, what are you doing here?” He asks, pulling you into a bear hug. 
“I came to watch you play obviously.” You mumbled into his chest. 
“I thought you told me you wouldn’t come.” He says loud enough for your two friends to hear. “I guess you wanted to surprise me.” 
Your eyes go wide and you attempt to push him off of you but that only makes him cling onto you tighter. “Eunseok.” 
He coos, "I'm so glad I have a girlfriend that supports me." Easing up on his hold. "I know I'm gonna do much better now that you're here." He grins despite the way you're glaring at him. 
"You two are so cute. We're going to give you some space." Ningning calls from behind you while Sohee continues to glower at the entire thing. 
"What the hell was that?" You ask as soon as they leave.
"I'm kind of busy right now, but we can talk afterward, right?" He smirks and leans down to kiss your cheek. "Wish me luck." 
"Break a leg." You shout as he backs away from you. "Or both of them." 
The game starts while you're still stomping your way through the gym, your lips turn down into a mean frown, and your arms crossed over your chest. Ningning spots you first and waves her hand around for you to sit between her and Sohee.
"You look mad." Sohee acknowledges.
"Mad? Why would I be mad?" You laugh sarcastically. "I'm not mad."
"He looked at me." The girl behind you squeaks. "Eunseok looked at me." 
"Because of that." Your best friend mutters.
"Y/n isn't a jealous person. it's going to take a lot more than some freshman to tick her off." Ningning speaks up, but she's proved wrong when you turn around and glare at the younger girl. 
"Where'd you get that?" You ask, referring to her jersey.
 "I made it." She beams, "Eunseok is my favorite player."
"Give it to me." 
"No, it's mine." She pouts, possessively holding her garment.
You breathe and reach into your back pocket for your wallet. She looks at you confused when you pull out a hundred-dollar bill. "What's your name?" You ask.
"Lea." She says barely.
"Alright, Lea. I'm going to give you this." You wave around the money, "and you're going to give me that jersey. Okay?"
She nods hesitantly.
"Good girl." You coo, passing her the money and waiting patiently as she pulls the shirt over her head and passes it to you. 
It takes less than a second to slide it over your clothes and marvel at how good it looks. "Perfect fit?"  You smile, and she smiles back, holding a thumbs up. 
"That went a lot better than I thought it would," Ningning comments, her voice filled with relief and amusement, while Sohee picks at the material of your newly acquired jersey.
"Wow, did you actually make this?" He turns to ask, and Lea nods. "This is so good." He continues playing with your shirt until you push his hand away. 
"Do you skate?" She asks. Sohee looks down at the useless skateboard and then up at you, who's giving him a knowing look, anticipating his lie.
"Umm, no, I just thought it would be cool to walk around with." He utters, "But I'm learning."
"That is so cool." She giggles. 
"You think so?" 
You look at Ningning, eyes furrowed, and Ningning looks back at you with the same expression. Neither of you thought that his plan would actually work. 
"Do you wanna come sit by me?" Lea taps the empty spot next to her. He looks to both of his friends for permission, and you nod. 
The game goes on pretty well for the next 30 minutes, or so you assume. You weren't really sure; you just cheered when everyone else cheered and booed when everyone else booed. "Woo." You jump out of your seat, fist in the air. "That's my boyfriend." 
"You're cheering for the wrong team." Ningning informs you. 
"Oh." You pause. "Boo, you suck." Your best friend laughs as you lower back in your seat and continue to watch Eunseok play quietly for the rest of the game. Occasionally locking eyes with Sungchan.
Once everything is over, Eunseok finds you first. "Hey," he announces, interrupting your conversation with Ningning. 
"Hey," You gasp, feeling his warm breath on your neck. He wraps his arms around your waist and draws your back to his chest.
"Do you mind if I walk her home?" Eunseok asks Ningning, his chin resting on your shoulder.
"You can't; we have to look for Sohee." You explain but Ningning shakes her head.
"I don't mind; she was talking about you too much anyway. It was starting to get annoying." Your best friend beams when you scowl at her. "I'll see you tomorrow. Have fun. Bye." 
And when she skips away, Eunseok only pulls you closer to tug on the hem of your shirt. "What's this?" He questions. 
"Someone gave it to me. I figured it'd be rude if I didn't wear it." You lie. "I'm not wearing it for you."
You're scared you'll spill everything if he looks at you any longer. Luckily for you, he just nods and changes the subject. "Sungchan told me you wished him good luck." He says, taking your hand in his.
"I did."
"You told me to break a leg." He responds, sticking his bottom lip out unintentionally. 
"Isn't that a phrase of encouragement? You know, like when people say 'break a leg' before an audition because they want them to get the part." You start rambling even though you know exactly what you meant.
"They don't tell them to break both legs." He says.
You bite back a laugh. "Well, I just wanted you to do really good." 
The sky is pitch dark, not even the stars shine on the warm night. The only light comes from the dimly lit street lamps, casting long shadows on the deserted streets. But you're not gazing at the heavens. You're too busy navigating the path, trying to avoid colliding with Eunseok every few steps.
"Oh, how come you haven't responded to my texts? Is your phone broken?" he asks, breaking the silence you were slowly getting used to.
"No, my phone is fine; I just didn't wanna talk to you." 
He raises an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Ouch," He teases, a smirk playing on his lips.
"I have an idea." You stop and jump in front of him. "Why don't I help you find a real girlfriend? Then we can stop this." 
He looks up and pretends to think, giving you a few seconds of silence before he smiles down at you. "Nope."
 "I don't want to." He shakes his head.
"Have you ever thought about how this is affecting my life?" You whine when he grabs your hand and pulls you back next to him.
"I have, actually. You get a weekly stipend, free game tickets, and an amazing boyfriend. Could things get any better for you?" 
"I have two friends who keep poking their noses into my romantic life and a weirdo who doesn't listen to anything I say." You mutter. 
"I guess there's that too." He grins. "You still have an amazing boyfriend, though, so I think that evens it out." 
"You're not my boyfriend." As suspected, your words go into one ear and straight through the other. He keeps his same stupid grin on his face and your hand wrapped in his until he walks you to your apartment.
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“I wonder what my girlfriend is doing.” Sohee pouts, tucking his chin into the palm of his hand. 
“Probably thinking of all the ways to break up with you.” Ningning laughs, and you start to laugh with her, but it quickly turns into a coughing fit. 
“Sorry, guys.” You sniff.
“Don’t worry, girl. It’s fine.” Ningning reassured but continued to back away. 
Sohee passes you a napkin. “Are you getting sick?” 
“I hope not; I don’t wanna cancel our game night.” 
“We might have to,” Ningning speaks. “Don’t worry, we always have next week.”
“But we’ve never missed a week.” You cry, “We’re going so strong I don’t wanna ruin it.” 
Ningning shakes her head. “My health is-“ She stops when she notices how you and Sohee look at her. “Your health is far more important than game nights.” She corrects herself. “So just get some rest. We’ll try again next week.”
You sniff, “Okay.” 
And just as planned, you took Friday off, as your cold just got worse. Your head was banging, your throat was dry, and your nose was so stuffed you could only breathe through your mouth. 
You rotted in your bed, your body temperature far too warm for you to relax, but the room far too cold for you to leave your covers, which was very ironic to you because you set the temperature to seventy-five degrees before you got into bed the night before.
Just as you were about to drift into a peaceful slumber, a sudden knock at the door shattered the tranquility. Frustrated, you reluctantly left the warmth of your bed and trudged through your apartment, emitting groans reminiscent of a zombie. 
"Game nights canceled." You sneeze into your elbow. 
"I heard." Eunseok sneaks his way past you and into your apartment.
"Why are you here then?" You question. 
"To check on you." He responds, "You weren't answering my phone calls."
"I'm sick; I don't really feel like talking right now." You sneeze again. "We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" You rush, pushing him towards and out of the door. He tries to get a few words in, but he's not able to say anything before you yell, "Bye." And slam the door in his face. 
Exhausted, you made your way back to the couch, too weary to even consider returning to your bed.
Around twenty minutes later, there's another knock at the door, and you want to cry out of anger. The more you get up, the more your head hurts. Once again, you're met with Song Eunseok. "Do you listen to anything I say?" You ask, but he only smiles fondly at you.
"I brought medicine." Eunseok covers his face with the hefty medical supply he bought for you. 
“I didn’t ask for it.”
He presses a kiss on your warm cheek. “You’re welcome.” He says before squeezing in past you and closing the door. You fold your arms and watch him find his way to your kitchen. He sits the bag on the table, slides his hoodie off, and folds it over your chair.
“I have a headache, Eunseok; I don’t have time for your games today.”
“Perfect, I bought Tylenol.” He shakes the bottle of supplements.
“Your coach is gonna hate me if I get you sick too.” You plead.
Eunseok finally pauses his movements to say, “I’ll be fine,” nonchalantly as if you weren’t losing your mind at the thought of him missing any of his practices of games because of you—all of the girls who’d line up at your door because their favorite player isn’t playing. You were just sorta getting on good terms with Sungchan; imagine how he’d react if you got his teammate sick.  
“I can hear the death threats now.” You whine, “I’ll take all the medicine, Eunseok. Just go home, please.”
Despite your cries and pleas, he only sighs. “I have to make sure you eat. You can’t take medicine on an empty stomach,” Eunseok informs ever so calmly.
Tilting your head back, you throw your arms down. Your lips naturally fall into a frown. “Why are you making this so hard?” 
“Why are you being so dramatic?” He leaves the kitchen to stand in front of you. Each of his hands lands on your shoulders. The warmth of his touch seeps through your clothes, calming your nerves. “It’s just a small cold. You’re not going to die, and neither am I.” He adds, guiding you to sit on your trim, cozy sofa. “Just relax.”
Something about the way he says it actually makes you want to relax. You inhale and let your shoulders fully rest. “See, that feels nice, doesn’t it?” He coos, his voice soothing and comforting.
“But if you get sick-“ ”I’ll be fine because you’ll be here to take care of me.” He finishes.
He’s not going anywhere; you’ve come to that conclusion when he begins pulling out pots and pans and chopping vegetables in your kitchen. However, you can’t say that it bothers you. With each passing day, your feelings towards him were shifting. You were learning more about him as a person. He was someone that his little brother looked up to, someone that his friends admired and respected. And slowly, he was becoming someone you adored, someone you were starting to have deep feelings for.
You were becoming more comfortable with his presence, so much so you could even say you craved it at times. 
“Drink this.” He mutters, holding a bottle of electrolytes to your lips. This time, you don’t fight him; you don’t have the energy. He taps a napkin under your chin to clean and sits the empty bottle on the coffee table.
“I don’t want to eat; I want to sleep.” You mumble, eyes half closed, when he picks up the homemade soup. 
“Just eat a little, then you can sleep.” 
You open your mouth to say something else but Eunsoek uses that as an opportunity to start spoon feeding you. The soup is warm, and delicious it almost distracts you from the fact that he was feeding you. 
“I can feed myself.” You grumble. Voice hoarse as you attempt to get the spoon from his hand. He’s quicker to pull it away from you.
“Would you just let me be a good boyfriend?” Eunseok asks, dipping the spoon and bringing it back up to the tip of your lips.
“You’re not-“ You huff and roll your eyes, accepting defeat. “Fine.” You breathe reluctantly  allowing him to continue spoon feeding you. The pattern continues until the bowl is empty, your stomach is full and your eyelids are heavy. 
“See that wasn’t so bad was it?” He asks but the only response he gets is a hum from while you shift on the couch and rest your head in his lap. 
“Can I go to sleep now?” You respond sluggishly against his thigh. 
Eunseok croons, “I won’t stop you.” As he slides the polyester blanket up to your shoulder. Pushing your hair out of your face when you curl up against him. 
As soon as he gives you permission, you let yourself drift off to sleep. Maybe it was the warmth of the soup, the soothing effects of the medicine, or perhaps it was the gentle way he strokes your head. You find yourself much more at ease with his presence compared to two hours ago when you were tossing and turning in bed, struggling to find a comfortable sleeping position.
As you awaken, you find yourself nestled in your bed, cocooned within the worn, soft pink comforter. The morning sunlight streams through the curtains, gently warming your face as you slowly open your eyes. A deep yawn breaks the silence as you slowly stretch your arms and arch your back. You notice that your breathing feels clearer, and the scratchiness in your throat has significantly decreased since yesterday. 
Knowing you have only one person to thank for that, you skip to your living room. Smiling internally when you see Eunseok asleep on your couch, his legs hanging off the sofa because of how tall he was. You kneel in front of him and lay your hand on his chest just barely, but it's enough to wake him up. 
As his eyes slowly flutter open, you hear Eunseok's gentle voice inquire, "How do you feel?" His warm hand reaches out to brush your forehead, checking for any signs of a fever. 
A soft smile spreads across your face as he then caresses your cheek. "I feel better," you murmur, savoring the tender touch.
"Are you hungry?" You ask eagerly, infused with warmth toward him. "I'm really not a good cook but I could order something."
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Fake dating was starting to get easier. Once you realized you were getting paid to hold some basketball player's hand and call yourself his girlfriend, everything else just fell into place.
Mostly everything.
You weren't as comfortable around Eunseok's friends as He was around yours. Avoiding them seemed to be the best option, but Sungchan was making that so much harder for you.
"Catch," Shotaro calls right before a basketball comes flying straight toward your head. You should've moved or even attempted to dodge it, but you go into shock, your feet planted firmly on the ground, and your eyes squeezed shut as the ball gets closer. You wait for the ball to come into contact with your face, but it never does. 
"Careful." Sungchan sounds, throwing the ball back to his teammate. Slowly, your eyes flutter open, turning to see Sungchan standing behind you. On instinct, you shuffle away from him but nearly trip over your own two feet, and he quickly reaches to grab you by your arm and steady you. 
"Sorry, I- umm- I didn't mean to interrupt you guys I was just looking for-" You weren't usually nervous like this, and it wasn't a lot of people who could get this reaction out of you but much like Euneseok's father, Sungchan scared the life out of you.
"He isn't here." He states. 
"Okay, thanks."  You scramble towards the exit without saying another word, your heart racing and your palms sweaty. 
Your second encounter with him was when you were walking down the busy hallway. Preoccupied by your phone, you weren't paying attention to where you were going. It was a habit of yours that Sohee was trying to help you break since you were in high school. But like you always say, old habits die hard.
Sohee: Quick, Lea is demanding I take her on a date. What do girls like?
Ningning: Teach her how to skateboard. I'm sure she'd love that. 🤭
Sohee: this is serious 
 You: I already told you all girls aren't the same. Ask her what she wants.
Sohee: I tried that, she told me to figure it out.
Ningning: 😭😭
You: dude. buy her flowers or something, she’d probably enjoy a cute picnic.
Sohee: She's allergic to bees. What if I take her on a picnic and she gets stung and dies like in that one movie.
You're still typing when you run face-first into the soft flesh of someone's palm. You blink once, twice before following the trail of their arm back to Sungchan's face. "Watch where you're going." He glares down at you, his stern gaze making you feel small and vulnerable.
You can tell he's trying to be endearing, but it sounds harsh and doesn't help your racing heart or the hundred thoughts swirling in your mind. Most of them conclude with you breaking into tears right there on the spot.
"I'm sorry." you spur and run the opposite way, knowing that it's going to take longer to get to your next class. 
Another time, you're wandering around the student library searching for a specific book. It was closing soon, and you knew you had to hurry, but the book was nowhere to be found. You had already asked the librarian three times, so you weren't really eager to ask her again for the fourth time, but you did anyway. Tiptoeing back to the main desk as if it would decrease your embarrassment in any way. 
"Hey, umm, are you sure the book is in section C? I checked a few times and couldn't find it," you ask.
"You can't find it?" The older woman repeats, and you nod. 
"That's too bad." She snickers almost like a witch, which would've intrigued you any other time, but right now, you were desperate. 
"Okay." You pull your lips into a tight-lipped smile and turn away from the desk. Treading back towards the section she advised you earlier and running your fingers through each book. You make it to the bottom of the shelf before you throw your head back and huff in sheer frustration. That's when your eyes land on the very book you've spent fifty minutes looking for, all the way at the top of the shelf. 
Quickly, you push yourself up on your feet and stick your arm over your head, except the book is out of your reach. You stand on your tippy toes and try again; this time, just as you're about to grab it, another hand comes into view and pulls it right over you.
"Hey." You call, spinning around to confront the book thief. But your arms nearly get weak when you catch sight of Sungchan, holding your book. 
It happens again: Your stomach is twirling, your heartbeat is unsteady, and your palms are so sweaty that if you wiped them against your shirt, you would probably leave handprints. 
"I kinda need that." Your voice, tinged with vulnerability, comes out a lot smaller than you had planned for it to.
"This?" He asks, showing off the book.
You nod, your eyes trained to the object in his large hands.
A faint smirk played at the corner of Sungchan's lips. "Why should I give it to you?" he teases.
"Because I'm your friend's girlfriend." You blink bashfully, hoping that would be enough for him. 
Suddenly, his lips straighten out into a thin line, and you think you might've even seen him straighten up. "Right," he mutters, handing the book over. 
Just like that?  You think to yourself, your relief palpable as you hesitantly accept the book, half-expecting him to pull it back right when you get the tips of your fingertips on it. 
"Thanks- uh, Thank you." You stutter. 
He utters, "Yeah." And walks away, leaving you even more confused than before. 
You figured things were probably never going to get easier with his friends, but that wasn't a permanent problem since you and Eunseok weren't going to be "dating" for much longer anyway. 
It's pitch dark when your eyes flutter open. From the lack of light, you knew it still had to be midnight. You throw your hand around and blindly search for your vibrating phone, not without wondering who could be calling you so late at night. 
“Hello?” You utter breathlessly into your phone speaker, eyelids half open and not knowing who’s voice you’re going to hear on the other line.
“I didn’t think you’d answer.” Eunseok sounds directly in your ear. The base of his voice causes your eyes to fully open. You can hear that he’s been up for a while, or maybe he hasn’t gotten any sleep at all. 
“What do you want?” You groan, “I’m not leaving my bed.”
“I just wanna talk to you, I can’t sleep.” His confession has you rolling over to face the ceiling. Suddenly you’re no longer tired and you wonder why that is. 
“You have friends to talk to.”
“We’re not as close as you think.” You can hear him shuffle in his bed, presumably to get more comfortable.
“Neither are we.” You debate but he knows that isn’t entirely true. If you really disliked him as much as you say you do you would’ve hung up on him the second you heard his voice. Yet you chose to sacrifice your sleep to keep him entertained and that told him everything he needed to know. 
“Fair, but I don’t like them as much as I like you.” Eunseok responds after a long period of silence. 
“You’re always saying weird stuff.” You try but fail to contain your smile. 
“I’m just being honest.” He says.
Choosing to ignore his indirect confession, you turn on your side and you can hear that he turns in his bed too. There’s another moment of isolated silence but it isn’t awkward. Hearing his slow breaths on the other line is quite calming.
You whisper, “Eunseok.” 
“Can I ask you a question?” You ask
“How come you can’t find a real girlfriend?” 
For the next ten seconds he doesn’t say anything and you check the phone a few times to make sure he hasn’t hung up. “I haven’t found anyone that caught my eye.” Eunseok finally answers, but that’s far from the answer you were expecting.
“No one?” You ask. “I don’t believe that.” 
He laughs breathlessly against your ear, “Well how come you aren’t dating anyone?” He flips the question around.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed. But you’re the only weirdo willing to date me.” You giggle and expect him to do the same but it’s quiet on his end, except for the ruffling of sheets when he sits up on his elbows.
“You and I both know that’s not true.” He nearly scolds. “Sungchans been interested in you for a long time.” 
“Really?” You jump up. Somehow it makes sense when you think about it. The distant stares, the nonchalant attitude. You just wondered if Sungchan knew how scary he was when he was trying to flirt.
"Yeah," Eunseok sighs, "He was pretty pissed when he found out about us, but aside from him, I'm sure there were other guys who've asked you out."
You play with the closest thing to you, which happened to be the fluffy pink bunny Ningning brought you for your birthday a few years back. Humming as you think about the handful of boys that have asked you out on dates, you twirl the bunny's long ears absentmindedly, "No one that I was interested in." 
"So you're interested in me?" You can practically hear his smile when he speaks. 
"You're paying me. Plus, I wanted to see what was so great about the Song Eunseok." You tease. 
"And what have you learned?" He asks
"You're annoying, but you're not as bad as I thought you'd be." It goes silent again. Only the sounds of your wobbly ceiling fan and the noises from his background fill the room. After so much silence, you begin to bite your cheek in anticipation. Had he fallen asleep? You think to yourself.
"I'm glad you agreed to do this with me." He finally speaks, and you jerk your head towards the phone. "I like having you as my fake girlfriend." 
"You're always saying weird stuff." 
"You'll get used to it," Eunseok responds. The tone of his voice tells you he's most likely fighting to keep his eyes open, that is if he hasn't already given up trying and just let himself sink fully into the comfort of his bed. 
"You should get some sleep; we have class in the morning." You say just above a whisper, half afraid to disturb his sleep.
He mumbles, "Don't hang up." Which causes your lips to turn up against your pillow. 
"Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark." You say sarcastically. 
"I'm just not ready to end the call," He murmurs, his voice rough and drawn out. You wish you could succumb to sleep as easily as he does, but you're left with your face buried in the soft cotton pillow, eyes wide open, mind racing.
 If this was fake, why did it feel so real?
You utter, "We still aren't friends, Eunseok." But the only thing you get in response is a soft snore. 
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Muffled coughs, dim lights, anxious tapping. There’s no place in the world you hate more than the library, yet here you were, head buried in your notebook, bouncing your leg up and down. 
“Mind if I sit here.” Eunseok appears out of nowhere, sliding into the seat right next to you before you can grant him permission.
“What are you doing, Eunseok?” You sigh, pushing your hair back. 
“You looked like you could use some company.” He whispers back, a smile spread upon his lips. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay quiet.” 
You suck in a deep breath and go back to focusing on your notes. Eunseok follows your lead, keeping as quiet as he promised he would. He stays so quiet you almost forget he’s there. 
His presence becomes known again when you feel stares coming your way. You can practically feel the heat of the gazes burning into the side of your face, occasionally looking up to lock eyes with a stranger or two. 
You ignored it at first. It's just a few sets of eyes on you, no big deal. Soon, it becomes too many eyes for you to bear. Mainly because you know why they're looking. You sit up in your seat and glare at the cause of your distraction.
"This isn't gonna work." You breathe. 
Cluelessly, he lifts his head from his laptop. "I didn't do anything." He frowns. 
"You didn't have to." You gesture your head towards the wandering eyes and hushed whispers. "They're not looking at me." 
"I can't help that." 
"I know you can't, but I really need to finish this essay, and I'd rather do it without people staring," you explain. Judging by the look on his face and the way he nods, you think he understands.
"I guess I'll just see you tonight then." 
"I told you not to show up at my apartment." You scold as he packs his stuff up. He doesn't say anything, and you know he's ignoring you on purpose. "Hey." You call out and catch when a smirk plays on the corner of his lips. 
“I’m serious, Eunseok, don’t stop by.” You half whisper, but it counts for nothing when he leans in to press a kiss to your cheek.
He’s gone before you could yell at him any further. You slouch in your seat and sigh as you check the notifications on your buzzing voice phone.
Sohee: Can’t make it tonight. Lea wants me to help her dog sit 
Ningning: You know, I’m starting to not like this new girlfriend of yours.
You: No worries, ningning and I will have enough fun for you. 
Ningning: We won’t?? I’m not third wheeling you and Eunseok.
You: Noo please, this is the one thing I look forward to every week. He won’t be there I promise. Don’t do this to me please. 
Ningning: Lie to me again. 
You: Fine, Eunseok and I will have enough fun for the both of you. 
You breathe in frustration right before you bury your head into your arms, biting your lip to stop from crying. Tears swelling up against your waterline as you sniffle. Two weeks without your weekly hangouts you were just inches away from losing it.
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You sit contently in your apartment, alone. Lights from the television flash on the wall behind you. “I taught him how to talk now. He can talk now.” You quote along with the movie, followed by a laugh. 
You pause the movie and throw your legs over the couch when you hear a knock at the door. Assuming it’s the pizza you ordered, you open the door, but the man behind the door isn’t wearing a pizza delivery uniform, and he certainly doesn’t have your medium two-topping pizza in the palm of his hand.
“Eunseok.” You frown with disappointment. 
“Don’t be too excited to see me.” He sneaks in past you, taking notice of your empty apartment and the miscellaneous pieces of popcorn thrown around the front of your couch.
“Everyone canceled.” You mutter. 
"Perfect, so it's just us." 
"What are you doing here, Eunseok?" You turn to face him, arms crossed. "I'm sure there are better things for you to do right now."
"Maybe, but I'm already here, so I might as well stay." He pats your head. 
Just then, there's a knock at the door, and this time, you're certain it's the pizza you ordered half an hour ago. "I'll get it," Eunseok says before you get the chance to, and you save your breath because you know he's going to do what he wants no matter what you say. You watch as he strides to the door, his long legs eating up the distance. 
"I have a medium pepperoni and mushroom pizza for-" The delivery guy stops when he looks up to see who he's speaking to. "Song Eunseok?" He babbles, "No way, I'm a huge fan." 
"Are you?" Eunseok laughs, and you roll your eyes when you know he can't see you. "How much do I owe you?"
"Don't worry about it, man." The delivery pushes the pizza box into the palm of Eunseok's hand. "Enjoy it." He runs off, not giving Eunseok the opportunity to say anything else. 
The tall basketball player turns to you with an annoying grin budded on his lips. "We got free pizza." He holds up the box.
"I saw." You murmur nonchalantly, grabbing the box from his hands and striding towards your couch. You can practically feel Eunseok's breath on the back of your neck from how close he treads behind you. 
"Pepperoni and mushroom?" He questions, plopping down on the sofa right next to you. 
"I didn't expect any guests." You utter, with your mouth full. 
As the night continues, you end up with your head in Eunseok's lap, gazing up at him while he mindlessly dances his fingers around your skin. 
"How long have you been playing basketball?" You murmur, intertwining your hand with his. 
"Since middle school," he answers, "My dad wanted me to get out of the house more often, so he put me in basketball camp. From there, I just fell in love with it."
"Did you ever think you'd love it for so long?" You ask another question just to hear him talk.
"No, but I never imagined I'd fall out of love with it." 
"Do you ever get tired of playing? Or just lose motivation sometimes?" 
Eunseok nods, "I do sometimes, but then I feel guilty." He glances down at you, "It's become a part of me, and rejecting basketball feels like I'm rejecting myself."
"Wow?" You gasp in awe. "This is serious for you." 
"Yeah." He breathes, "very." You sit up halfway as he readjusts himself in the chair, and he gently pulls you back down once he feels comfortable again, clamping his hand around yours. "So what about you?" He utters.
"What about me?" 
"Tell me about yourself."
"There's nothing to tell." You murmur bashfully, "I'm just a nerd who loves the idea of outer space."
"Why?" Eunseok asks, watching you fondly as you think about how you're going to answer. 
"I like the idea of how big and vast it is, how much life it holds." You sigh, "It reminds me of how small I am. That's a comforting thought for me because I know that nothing really matters." You look back up towards him and catch the way he's looking down at you. Suddenly, you become hyper-aware of the position you're in. Ripping away from his lap, you rush to the opposite side of the couch and clear your throat. 
"But that's why I love Astronomy." You laugh nervously. "Are you thirsty by chance?" You ask, jumping up and running towards your kitchen. 
"Not really." Eunseok stands up on his feet to follow you. He leans against the wall while you slide back on your counter, sipping your soda and staring into thin air so you don't have to look at him. He's the first to break the thick layer of awkward silence you've single-handedly created in the room. "My brother's birthday is coming up in two weeks. He really wants you there." He treads closer to you.
"Does he really?" 
"My family likes you." He murmurs, "Everyone likes you." 
"Because they think I'm your girlfriend." You retort, and he slides closer.
"Because you're you." The compliment causes your breath to hitch, "There's no one like you." He adds, in a hushed tone. 
Looking down at the floor to avoid looking in his direction, You respond, "You're being weird again.". 
Eunseok couldn't explain his feelings about you because he knew you wouldn't listen. He thought if he showed you, you'd finally understand. He lifts your chin and dips his head down to press a chaste kiss against your lips. When you don't push him away like he half thought you would, he does again to test the waters. Yet you still don't do anything, so he tries it one more time; this time, it's more than just a simple peck. 
It starts off small and gradually grows deeper and feverish. You slide your arms around his neck and pull him down towards you. His lips are gentle against yours, just as you imagined they would. It feels so right to have his body pressed against yours, his large hands tugging at your waist, but it feels too good. It feels so good that you begin to feel guilty.
It only takes a slight push on his chest for him to break the kiss and look down on you through hooded eyelids.
“We shouldn’t do this. “ You breathe heavily. You’re so sure this isn’t what he wants. He’s just lost in the heat of the moment. You both are. But the way he looks at you makes you doubt yourself. You rest your head against his chest, sighing, “We can’t do this.” 
In the end, you were only trying to save your feelings.
“We don’t have to.” He sounds patting your back gently, and you hate it. You hate that he makes it so hard for you to hate him. He’s so tender and patient with you; you hate that you love it. 
“I think you need to go home before we end up doing something we both regret.” You mumble against his chest. 
“Why would I regret it?” he asks. You can feel the vibrations from his voice through his skin.
You lift your head to look at him, stuck on how to answer. “We-“ you open your mouth to speak, but you’re instantly cut off with a kiss.
“I’m exactly where I want to be.” He kisses you again.
Sooner than later, he has you caged in his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist while he carries you with ease. Maybe that was the perks of "dating" a basketball player. 
Slowly, he lays you on your bed. His lips only leave yours to pepper more kisses around your collarbone, trailing all the way down to below your waistline.
Your eyes shoot to the ceiling above you. You're far too shy to watch the other things he does to your body. He's gradually undressing you piece by piece until you are completely naked in front of him. While he remained fully clothed, this made you feel vulnerable and completely open to him. Not many other men could say they've seen you like this, but Eunseok could see all of you. The thought caused your entire body to shudder. Fortunately, he was there to ground you, his larger hands roaming the sheets to find yours as he made your skin heat up.
"Oh goodness, Eunseok." You mutter, biting on your lip.
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"How was the dog sitting?" Ningning asks Sohee. You sense a bit of annoyance in her question, but you don't speak about it. 
"I don't wanna talk about it." Sohee deadpans.
Ningning shrugs, "Okay." and turns to you. "How was your weekend?" 
Instantly, you shake your head and look down at your food. "I don't wanna talk about it." Except Ningning doesn't let up on you as quickly as she did Sohee. 
"What happened?" She prods, and thankfully, Sohee steps in. 
"I'll tell you what happened!" He huffs. "Lea asks me to dog sit with her. I do, and then she gets mad at me for paying too much attention to the dog. It's called dog sit, not Lea sit." 
"Have you thought about just breaking up?" Ningning suggests. 
"Yeah, you guys seem to argue a lot." You join in, "which is understandable because you're an idiot, but not even Eunseok and I argue as much as you do. And I ha-"
You trail off when both of your friends stop to look at you. "Hate being away from him. It breaks my soul." You save yourself. 
"Exactly." Sohee pipes up, "The thought of breaking up with her kills me. I love her too much; she's crazy, but she's the only one for me. I'm certain."
"You've been dating for two weeks." Ningning grimaces, and you scoff at the conversation. 
"When you know. You know."
"Right…" The girl nods, shifting her attention towards you. "So, how about you?"
"Me?" You ask for confirmation. "I'm okay. In fact, I couldn't be better. I'm so okay that okay wants to be me."
"Did you and Eunseok get into a fight?" Ningning asks, reading right through your anxious demeanor.
"You didn't break up, did you?" Sohee asks. Almost as if he summoned him, Eunseok slides into the seat next to you. 
"Who's breaking up?" He asks before pressing a soft kiss on your cheek. 
Ningnings eyes remain on you, her eyes squinting as she reads your body language. How you jolt away from him, the awkward smile, the lack of physical touch.  Something's definitely up, and she wants to find out.
"How was your weekend?" She aims her question towards your boyfriend, resting her chin in her palm. 
"My weekend was amazing." He glances back at her. Mentally, you thank him for not making things too obvious, and Ningning curses him for that exact thing. 
"What made it so amazing?" She questions further.
"Um-" "He was able to knock some really important stuff off of his to-do list." You jump in to answer for him. 
Interesting. She thinks. "What was on your to-do list?" She asks.
"Wow, you're asking a lot of questions," He laughs awkwardly, oblivious to the way you're bouncing in anticipation, biting down on your lips until you think you taste blood.
"Yeah, what's with all the questions?" Sohee seconds. 
"I just wanna know the details." Ningning defends, "Unless you have something to hide." 
"We had sex." You blurt shamefully, tucking your head into the crook of Eunseoks neck to shield you from embarrassment. The pressure became too much for you to bear. 
She knew something was up, but she didn't expect to drag that information out of you. "Oh?" she gasps. 
"Me too." Sohee joins, burying his face in his hands. "And we did it in front of the dog." He confesses. You pull your head from Eunseoks shoulder to glare at your best friend. 
"In front of the dog?" You ask and he nods, his bottom lip poked out. 
"I'm not proud of it." 
"You're disgusting." Retorts Ningning, “All of you.” She points to Sohee, "but especially you."
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If anyone asked, you'd tell them you were more than confident you could live without caffeine. But realistically, you knew that was a lie. Because you often had days like these where you'd spend all night cramming for a test and wake up a zombie the next day. 
Usually, you'd be responsible enough to make sure you had your credit card on you, but this particular time, you were running on forty minutes of sleep and a dream. 
"Oh, please." You beg the barista, with long copper blonde hair and a weak excuse for a goatee. "I'll do anything. Just this one time, no one has to know." 
The man shrugs carelessly, "There's nothing I can do." 
"Except there is," you whine. "Just this one time." You beg, but your efforts count for nothing as the employee begins to work on other tasks, ignoring you as if you weren't even there. You throw your head back and groan, stomping towards one of the seats and throwing your bag down. 
Not even ten seconds later, you hear someone else enter the cafe, but you don't care enough to lift your head from the palms of your hands. "Hey,' you hear a painfully familiar voice, and you imagine yourself vanishing in thin air.  
"Sorry, I can't talk right now, kinda busy." You mumble into your hands. 
"Doing what?" He chuckles, sliding into the chair in front of you.
"Contemplating suicide." 
"Woah." Sungchan pulls your hands from your face, forcing you to look at him. Close contact usually makes you freeze up, but you're preoccupied at the moment. "Don't talk like that."
"It's a joke." You roll your eyes. "I'm just super exhausted and have a super important test today. I left my wallet at home, and the barista won't give me one free pass, and I haven't had my weekly hang-out with my friends in three weeks." You throw your head down. "I'm gonna lose it, Sungchan, I'm gonna lose it."
"Would it make you feel better if I got you a coffee?" He asks, his hands still hooked around your wrists. 
You lift your chin to face him, eyes lighting up when you ask, "You'd do that? really?"
"It's just a coffee, it's nothing serious." His lips quirk into a bashful smile.
"It's very serious," You murmur, "My future career is on the line."
"Okay, just wait here. I'll be right back." He slips away for just a few minutes before he finds himself back where he started, right in front of you, this time with an iced coffee and a croissant.
"I figured you'd feel better if you had breakfast as well." 
"You're amazing, Sungchan. I owe you one."
"Consider it a favor. You're my teammate's girlfriend. It'd be wrong for me to just leave you here." He murmurs. You both stare at each other for a while. Each wanting to say something but not knowing how to say it or where to start.
Sungchan seems to find the words faster than you do. "I don't want things to be awkward between us." 
"We wouldn't be so awkward if you didn't scare me so much." You scold him, and he laughs. 
"I don't mean to. You just-" He pauses mid sentence.
"I what?" 
"You have to get to class Y/n." Sungchan stands up and places his palm on the center of your head. "You're going to be late." 
"What?" You ask, but he doesn't say anything else before he leaves the cafe, and you're left to try and figure out what just happened.
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"Wow, this is a lot of children." You gasp at all six- and seven-year-olds running around Eunseok's family home. 
"It is a children's party." Eunseok remarks.
“Y/n.” Eunseoks little brother runs up to you, wrapping his arms around you when you squat down to meet him at eye level. "You're here."
"Of course." You smile to match his, unaware of the hurdle of children surrounding you until the young boy turns away from you. 
"This is my brother's girlfriend. Look how pretty she is." The boy gloats, and the others take turns showering you with compliments. 
"You have really cool hair." One kid shouts.
"You look like a rockstar." Says another.
"I wanna be like you when I grow up." The last kid speaks, and by now, your cheeks are red. Overwhelmed with compliments, you look up at Eunseok, expecting him to help you. 
He doesn't. He laughs with his arms crossed, amused to see how much the children look up to you. 
They remained huddled around you for a bit longer, each asking you questions and sharing pieces of information about themselves. However, once Mrs. Song called out that the piñata was ready, the kids disappeared from in front of you. 
Eunseok reaches out to help you, and you accept it. Tightening your lips into a line when you're grounded in front of him. 
"I told you everyone likes you." He smiles, interlocking his hands with yours. 
"I should've believed you." You say.
You didn't expect so much to change when you took Eunseok up on his offer. You didn't expect that the gym would be like your second home or that you'd care about basketball all of a sudden. You didn't expect to be standing here at a child's birthday party, being randomly showered with compliments ever so often. Or having one child after another tug on your wrist to join them in yet another activity. 
By the end of the party, you're exhausted, your feet hurt, and your cheeks are numb from smiling too much. Yet your lips remain turned up into a slight permanent smile.
"Looks like you had fun." Eunseok comments once you've reached your apartment door. You nod, and your smile grows.
"I did." You giggle. "Your parents really know how to throw a party."
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He says, swinging one of your arms back and forth. While you use the other to unlock your door.
"I'll see you tomorrow." You hum when the door is open, standing on your tippy toes to press a kiss to his cheek. "Goodnight Eunseok."
He tightens his hold on your hand before you can get too far from him, pulling you right back. You frown before you speak. 
"My feet hurt, I need to get to bed." You complain, looking down to your shoes. 
"I have a game coming up saturday." He says, fidgety. "I think I'll play better if I had my girlfriend there." 
You roll your eyes, a faint smirk tugging at your lips. You do a weak job of trying to contain the butterflies in your stomach. "I'm not your girlfriend." You laugh, but he's looking at you like he's still waiting for an answer. "If I'm not busy that day, I might stop by." 
You watch his smile grow, and his hand wraps tighter around yours. "Can I go to bed now?" 
"Yeah, of course." He leans down to press his lips against yours. "I'll see you on Saturday then."
"I said I'll think about it, Eunseok." You respond, but you know he isn't listening.
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Saturday rolls around, and you find yourself back in the gym. Just as always, it's pretty filled, and you have to push through crowds of people to get to your seat. Ningning trails not too far behind you, both of her hands occupied with the hotdogs she couldn't get the last time. "These are pretty good seats." She says once she takes her seat beside you, both of you leave just enough space for Sohee. 
"Do you see him?" You ask, leaning against Ningning as you scan the area for Eunseok. She shakes her head, mumbling something with her mouth full, but you don't spend too much time trying to figure out what she's saying as your eyes land on the very boy you've been searching for. His back is turned towards you, but you know it's him because of the number thirty-nine that's displayed along the back of his jersey. You can't help the giddiness you feel when you see him. The best you can do is bite your lip, but it doesn't do much to contain your emotions. 
You watch him for a bit longer. Your eyes are trained on him as if he is the only person in the room, And when he turns around to face you, your heart skips a beat, "Oh, there he goes," Ningning nudges you with her elbow. Yet you're too focused on the basketball player in front of you to even register what she's saying. 
'Why didn't you tell me you were here?" Eunseok asks, already pressing a kiss on your lips,
"You seemed busy." You reply, "I didn't wanna interrupt you."
You look away when his coach yells for him, but Eunseoks eyes remain on you. "You're not gonna leave, right?" He asks, and you shake your head. 
"Wish me luck," Eunseok says last as he pulls you into another kiss. 
"Good luck." You hum loud enough for him to hear. You catch his smile before he backs away from you, swiftly making his way towards the floor before the game starts. You're left with a big grin on your face, oblivious to the way your friends watch you.
"What did I just watch?" Sohee asks, breaking you out of your trance.
"When did you get here?" You change the subject unintentionally.
"He got here a while ago." Ningning answers, "You were just too occupied to notice." 
You turn away in embarrassment, searching for anything to distract you. That's when your eyes land on another couple, "Is Lea coming?" You ask
"No, she said since she's not into Eunseok anymore, sports don't really entertain her." Sohee shrugs.
You and Ningning gasp, "Oh?" at the same time. 
"But it's been a while since the three of us hung out, so that's why I'm here." He continues, "Do you think she misses me?"
"Doesn't matter." Ningning shakes her head, "If she missed you that much, she'd be here with you." And just as she wraps up her sentence, Lea plops down right on Sohee's lap. 
"Great." Your friend sucks her teeth, glaring at you.
You watch Sohee's smile grow and see as they break off into their own conversation. Both of them forget that you and Ningning were even there. That's how it stays throughout the entire evening; the two of them remain wrapped up in eachother while you watch Eunseok on the floor.
Your eyes are stuck on his every move. It's almost magnetic. Every so often, his head would shoot up in your direction, and he'd lock eyes with you. 
When the game ends, you're the first person he looks for. A wide grin is evident on his face as he effortlessly lifts you in his arms and collapses his lips onto yours. For a second, it feels like it's just you and him, but you're harshly reminded of the crowd surrounding you when you hear his dad's voice. You scream and slide off of Eunseok, shielding your face in his chest. They proceed to have a short conversation, but you're too busy burying yourself in your own embarrassment to hear anything they're saying. 
You know the conversation is over when Mr Song squeezes your shoulder and wishes you a farewell. "He's gone," Eunseok whispers against your ear, but you only shake your head. 
"I want to die." You mutter against him, to which he simply laughs and wraps you into a bear hug. 
Eunseok quickly changes his clothes after telling your friends that he wants to be the one to take you home. Neither of them found an issue with it since Sohee wanted to stay with Lea, and Ningning had her Netflix series to catch up on. 
It's almost pitch dark. The wind blows through your hair as you walk towards your apartment, presumably. If it weren't for the fact that Eunseok was holding your hand, you would've already wrapped your arms around yourself to preserve your warmth. 
Without asking, Eunseok slips his hand from yours to wrap his jacket around. You let out a sigh of relief at the newfound warmth, but that's when you realize this isn't the way to your apartment.
"Where are we going?" You ask, halting as you look around.
"There's a party-"Eunseok begins to explain.
"I don't want to go to a party. I wanna go home." You whine. He pulls you closer when you attempt to pull away from him.
"I'll pay you." He bribes you, but you shake your head. 
"That's not gonna work this time." You try once again to back away, and just as before, he pulls you right back. Only this time, he wraps his arms around you.
"Then do it for me. I just made it through the finals, and as my girlfriend, I think you should reward me."
"Pretend, girlfriend." You correct him, "I don't owe you anything."
"Actually, you do; it's your duty to appear as my real girlfriend." His growing smile sends shivers down your spine, "What will people think if I show up alone?"
"Whatever they want." You shrug, "It's not my reputation at stake." 
"You're so stubborn." He laughs, pulling you along with him. 
The "party" could be classified as a hangout. Most of Eunseoks' teammates are there, including Seunghan, Shotaro, Anton, and a few other people you've seen around campus. Despite the low crowd, you still cling to Eunseok. He doesn't seem to mind it as he wraps his arm around your shoulder, holding you closer than you already were. 
The music was just a few notches below what you'd consider too loud, and surprisingly, it didn't smell like sweat and alcohol. On the contrary, the scent of the room was quite pleasant. As Eunseok converses with some of his friends, your eyes wander around the space. You notice the seventies-inspired decor, the record player tucked in the corner, and a life-sized sculpture of the school mascot standing beside it. But It's the pool table that catches your eye. 
You turn away from Eunseok as you watch the crowd surrounding the table. Each of them places a twenty dollar bill on the stool beside the table before they start the game, and you can't help but watch, knowing that you'd win if you were given the opportunity.
The players are in their element, the cue sticks gliding like silk in their hands as they aim for the vibrant balls on the table. The sharp crack of the cue ball against the others reverberates through the room as precise shots are made, and the players exchange confident smiles and spirited banter. 
The anticipation in the air is palpable as the game reaches a crucial point. The onlookers lean in their expressions, reflecting the tension of the game. As you watch, you feel the excitement building, imagining yourself stepping up to the table, calculating angles, and planning your shots with precision. 
As the game draws to a close, the victorious player triumphantly pockets the final ball, claiming the prize money. The room erupts to cheers and applause. "Do you wanna play?" Eunseoks voice breaks you out of your trance. You blink up at him and shake your head, but he can see right through you.
Swiftly he pulls you along to the table, and sits a twenty dollar bill on the stool. "You'll do great" he says followed by a kiss to your temple. Eunseok slides his hand out of yours, and backs away from you.
You gingerly picked up the cue stick, feeling the smooth wooden surface in your hand, and carefully applied chalk to its tip. Your eyes surveyed the arrangement of colorful balls, already visualizing each shot in your mind. With a sense of determination, you leaned over the table, your gaze fixed on the target. The world around you seemed to slow down as you prepared to take your shot, your mind calculating the angles and forces needed for a successful strike.
Taking a deep breath, you executed your shot with precision and finesse. The cue ball glided across the felt, expertly striking the others in a harmonious dance as the balls ricocheted off one another, following the calculated path you had envisioned. 
The game progressed with a steady rhythm, the players engaging in friendly banter and playful teasing as they vied for dominance. Every successful shot garnered a mix of applause and good natured ribbing, enhancing the camaraderie and a sense of shared enjoyment. The room was filled with warmth of shared fun and spirit of healthy competition. 
You step up when it becomes your turn again, lifting your stick and sliding down the table just centimeters before the cue ball. You take your shot. The satisfying thud as it made contact with the colored balls echoed through your ears. Your hands flew up when the last ball found its pocket. 
The first person you look for is Eunseok. You throw your arms around him, and he wraps his around your waist, hoisting you into the air. When you slide off of him, he holds your hand open to place the prize money in the center of your palm. "It's all yours." He murmurs. 
You scoff playfully, trying your best to suppress a smile. "You're so cute." 
"We're still not friends." You blurt. 
Eunseok grins, "I thought that was obvious," he says. "I mean, friends don't do what we did." 
He's amused with how your cheeks flush red and how speechless you've become. You don't even bother trying to come up with some snarky remark. Instead, you mutter, "Shut up." and Eunseok laughs. 
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The sound of basketballs bouncing against the waxed floor meets your ears the second you walk into the gym. You smile softly when you catch sight of Eunseok. You throw your bag off to the side and take a seat, watching as he bounces the ball around before he takes his shot. That pattern continues a few more times before you make a noise to let him know you're there. 
Eunseok turns around immediately, an involuntary smile approaching his face. He runs over to you with the basketball in his hand. He's sweaty, and his hair is stuck to his forehead, but none of it bothers you. You still grin when he approaches you.
"Why did you call me here?" you ask teasingly.
He doesn't answer your question at first; he just kisses you, and you kiss him back. "If I make this, you have to let me be your boyfriend." He says, and you can't help but smile.
You don't get to say anything before he's running away from you and towards the court. He bounces the ball longer than he should, and just when he goes to shoot, he misses. You giggle to yourself but bite your lip when he turns to look at you. You get up, walk towards him, and wrap your arms around his abdomen, "You don't need to shoot a basketball to ask me to be your girlfriend, weirdo."
"I thought it'd be less embarrassing to miss than it would be for you to reject me." He says, defeated.
"Who said I would reject you?" 
You watch his eyes light up right before he leans down to kiss you, wrapping his arms around your waist and sweeping you off your feet. 
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335 notes · View notes
bro-atz · 2 months
starboy [bro's 1k — mingi]
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in which: mingi is the one guy you absolutely do not want to work on a school project with.
pair: college student!mingi/college student!fem!reader
word count: 1.5k
content: enemies to lovers, fluff, stargazing, mingi and reader are both astrophysics majors, kissing, hugging, generally just very cute
rated: PG/PG-13 | safe for work!
author's note: apologies for the indigo text— the indigo is very indigo (and i lowkey blinded myself in the process)
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You stared at the board in complete shock and horror. You were already pissed enough to be in the same astronomy class as him, but to have to partner with him on a school project? Partner with the literal bane of your existence? Incomprehensible. Insane. Impossible.
“Professor, I was wondering… Would it be possible for me to get a new partner?” you asked softly after class as other students filed out of the lecture hall.
“Kid, you see how big this class is, right?” your professor sighed deeply. “I can’t switch pairings like that. Besides, I don’t even know your name.”
You were stunned. Damn, your professor was frank. “Okay, but if I were to switch with someone myself—”
“Sure, if you find someone, go for it. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
With that, the professor left the lecture hall, leaving you stunned once more. At least he was willing to let you switch. You turned around to ask someone— anyone— to switch, but when you looked, you saw that the hall was completely deserted.
Yeah, you were fucked.
You were determined to change your fate, but fate screwed you instead because you were met with that bane of your existence the second you exited the room.
“No, Mingi. I refuse,” you immediately told him while avoiding eye contact with him and walking away from him.
“Hey, I’m not thrilled about this either, but suck it up buttercup,” Mingi sighed deeply and with heavy annoyance as he caught up to you.
“Why would I want to work with you on the project? You’d just slow me down.”
“Hold on,” Mingi grabbed your arm and stopped you, the man immediately letting you go the second you glanced at his audacity. “Let’s just get our shit done and get a passing grade—” 
“A passing grade?! You really think I’m going to settle for a passing grade?!”
At that point, your voice was shrilling, and you gained the attention of everyone around you in the hall. Mingi glared at you and pulled you aside, his hand on your arm once again. He only let go after he dragged you down the hall and around the corner.
“Fine, we’ll get an A. Whatever. We’ll meet up—”
“No thanks. I’ll just do all the work, and you can piggyback off my grade so you can go frolic and be a dumbass at whatever frat party you’re at.”
“Y/N, stop. I’m an astrophysics major, too. I can help.”
You eyed Mingi suspiciously. He had a serious look on his face, and he seemed to be genuine. With a resolved sigh, you nodded. Mingi let out a relieved sigh of his own and held his hand out for you to shake, and you shook on it.
The reason Mingi was the bane of your existence was because he always made fun of you. From freshman year, he would make fun of the things you were sensitive about, so you would fight back, and so on and so forth until you somehow became sworn enemies your second year of college. From that point on, you and Mingi resented each other, so you were extremely weirded out that he actually was working with you on the project and working well. It was insanely unsettling, but then he’d throw in a few jabs whenever you did something stupid or wrong, and everything would feel right.
Then, you were weirded out again.
You and Mingi were outside on the roof of one of the buildings on your campus charting stars for class. You were actually doing the work— as you expected— while Mingi seemed to be in a completely different universe. He was staring at the sky, but he was of no help.
“And you had the audacity to say you could help,” you scoffed as you grabbed his notebook from him.
Mingi, once he realized his notebook was no longer in his hands, snapped out of it and looked at you with mild confusion and… Another expression— one you had never seen on his face before. His face was pink, and he looked like he was about to burst with the way his lips were pursed.
“What’s with you?” you asked him while slapping him with his notebook. “Why do you keep spacing out?”
Mingi’s lips were moving, but there wasn’t a single sound coming from him. You looked at him expectantly— usually, he had a lot to say, but now he was silent?
“Alright then,” you said with slight annoyance before turning to finish up with your notes for the day. You pushed his notebook back into his chest while saying, “Let’s just finish up and head out. I’m sure you’d rather be anywhere else than with me right now, anyway.”
Again, you could see Mingi start to say something, but this time, instead of gaping like an idiot, he clamped his mouth shut. He lowered his head and finished up with his set of notes before closing his notebook. You were so ready to just get up and leave, but before you could even take a single step away from him, he grabbed your arm. You didn’t even get the chance to glare at his hand on your arm before he let go of you.
“Wait, I… I have something to say.”
You eyed him— why was he being so awkward with you?
“I, uh… I’m sorry for all the teasing and bothering I’ve done over the years…” Mingi sheepishly apologized while scratching the back of his head aimlessly.
“…Why are you apologizing? What’s going on?” you asked him slowly while getting even more weirded out by his behavior.
“What? Can’t a guy just owe up to his past mistakes?”
“With you? No. What are you hiding?” you demanded answers.
Mingi sighed. You would’ve gotten frustrated with him, but you actually laid off for two reasons: one: you did want him to tell you what his intentions were, and two: he looked like he was actually struggling to tell you. There was a huge moment of silence that lingered between the two of you as Mingi fidgeted. He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, and he took several deep breaths before turning to you and looking at you earnestly.
“Y/N, do you really hate me?” Mingi asked in a small voice.
“W-What?” you stuttered— how the hell were you supposed to answer that question? There was no way you were even going to be able to when he was looking at you with the most intense puppy dog eyes ever.
“Do you seriously hate me?”
He stepped forward, and you immediately stepped backwards. You avoided eye contact because, oh dear God, you were so not equipped to answer that question. When you looked to the sky, you saw something sparkle. A star crossed the sky, and you tried to direct his attention to that.
“Oh, wow, would you look at that?” you deflected awkwardly. “It’s a shooting star.”
“Make a wish,” Mingi whispered.
You truly didn’t know what to wish for, nor did Mingi even give you time to wish. He quickly cupped your face and pressed his lips tenderly against yours. Your eyes widened as the realization that Mingi was kissing you slowly sunk into your brain. While your first instinct was to push him away, your heart acted before your brain could, and you let him kiss you.
It was only one kiss, but it was magical. You never thought Mingi would ever be so tender with anyone, especially you of all people. When he pulled away to gaze at your face, you saw more stars in his eyes than in the sky, and your heart skipped a beat. Maybe it wasn’t hate— maybe it was frustration because you liked him so much.
“I like you, Y/N,” Mingi whispered. “So please don’t hate me…”
“…I never said I hated you, Mingi.”
Mingi grinning ear to ear made your heart throb in your chest. You had never seen this side of him, and knowing that it was because of you that evoked this side of him, you desperately wanted to see more of it. You were actually planning on making him flustered, but when you felt his arms wrap around your waist so he could pull you in close, you felt your face get way hotter. You couldn’t help but avoid eye contact, but Mingi didn’t allow that for a second. He held your chin and turned your face so that you were looking at him, making your heart beat erratically.
“Mingi, be honest with me,” you said in a hushed voice. “Is this why you were so adamant on us working together?”
“Of course,” Mingi replied while pouting. “I’ve always liked you, dummy…”
“…See, I don’t know if I believe you given that you literally just insulted me,” you said with a snort.
Mingi’s jaw dropped briefly when you pointed out his unintentional insult, his ears burning red. He gaped for a second before saying, “I’ve always liked you, babe.”
“Ew, no, call me dummy!” you nearly gagged as you heard the words leave his lips.
“What about cutie?”
“Mingi, stop!”
Mingi continued to test cute pet names on you while you rejected one after the other while laughing, and the stars twinkled in the background as you realized that you, too, have always liked him.
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bro's 1k event masterlist
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the-writer-arrived · 9 months
Disciplinary Method
Synopsis: you cannot stand veritas ratio, just the sight of him (or his stupid statues) makes your blood boil and causes you to argue with him everytime. sick of your attitude towards him, dr ratio believes you deserve to be taught some discipline.
Character: dr ratio.
Warnings: afab!gn!reader; explicit smut; reader is a member of the intelligentsia guild; kind of brat taming; semi-public sex (you two fuck in an empty classroom); fingering; use of a bullet vibrator; rivals to lovers but not really?? more like fuck buddies? rivals that fuck each other?
A/N: don't look at me, i lost the battle against my demons and was forced to write this!!!
<<This work has sexual themes and is not suitable for minors. If you click on read more, I am not responsable for any discomfort you may feel reading this. You have been warned.>>
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The Intelligentsia Guild is a place that welcomes people from all walks of life that have the desire to learn. You are fortunate enough to be one of their scholars and you love teaching, love seeing the spark of passion for knowledge in your students' eyes.
But it seems like not everyone in the Guild thinks the same as you.
"Fail. Get out of my sight!"
Those words are frequently said by Veritas Ratio, or Dr Ratio, your insufferable colleague.
The first time you met, he barely spared a glance at your direction and complained about the arrival of another 'simpleton'. Suffice to say that that was a declaration of war.
From that day onwards, whenever you two would cross paths in the hallways, one would throw a snarky comment which would prompt a jab from the other until it becomes a full out argument (you'd call it 'academic debate' but whatever).
What other people don't know is that most of those arguments between you two end up in a way that was quite unprofessional...
"I can barely hear you. 0 points."
"Stop grading me, I'm not one of your stude- fuck!"
The harsh pull of your poor nipple interrupts your complaint.
You don't know how long you've been in this empty classroom, your pants and underwear hanging on your ankle while Veritas keeps you on his lap, your legs spread open as he tortures your chest from under your shirt with one hand and keeps teasing your folds with the other.
"You kept running that annoying mouth of yours the whole day to get on my nerves, but now you want to keep quiet?"
He makes another attempt to make you moan louder, this time pinching your sensitive clit, and he would have succeeded, if you hadn't bitten down your lip to stop the sound from escaping. The scholar clicks his tongue in annoyance at your stubborness.
"If that's how you want to play, be my guest. Let's see how far you can hold on with this."
Veritas' hand leaves your chest to grab something that makes your eyes go wide: a small, silver bullet vibrator.
"W-When did you get that? And why do you have it with you?!"
"Recently. I thought it would be a useful tool to teach a certain brat a lesson, but who knew the opportunity would present itself so soon." He presses down the button and the bullet starts to vibrate with a low hum.
He starts dragging it from your neck, the cool object feeling nice on your heated skin. Then, he goes to your inner thighs, tracing it ever so close to your needy pussy, but never touching it like you wanted.
"Will you stop playing around alre--Ah!"
Your words are once again interrupted, this time by your own gasp of surprise and the way your whole body shivered when the vibrator is suddenly on your clit. However, as quickly as it came, the stimulation is taken away a second later.
The anticipation and the desire to be touched properly are getting on your nerves, so you grab the hand holding the wretched toy to push it to where it should be, but the man simply turns it off.
"You're not getting what you want so easily. You either do as I say and be as loud as I want or you go back to teaching your next class unsatisfied. Surely even an idiot like you know what choice to make here?"
The look on his eyes tells you he's not bluffing. You've been a fool to doubt him once before and paid the price. Between letting the quality of your teaching drop because of sexual frustration and having your pride get hurt by obeying Veritas' words like some obedient dog, of course you'll choose the latter.
"Good, it seems like you do have a working brain after all."
The insufferable man smirks, satisfied with your decision. He turns the toy back on and rubs languid circles around your clit, your essence helping the movements feel smoother. You grasp onto your shirt and his arm, doing your best to not muffle your shy sounds and lose this feeling.
"Better, but still not good enough."
"Ngh just... Just shut up, ah..."
Since you've been edged and teased for so long, it doesn't take long for your gasps and whines to become louder. You get closer to the edge, but there's still something missing.
"M-More... Need more..."
Dr Ratio doesn't miss your hole clenching pathetically over the tip of his fingers, your body showing what you truly desire. The asshole chuckles, reveling in the sight of you so pliable and obedient in his arms like that. If you didn't constantly get on his nerves, he'd consider you almost cute.
It's almost embarrassing how your cunt basically engulfs his two fingers with ease, your head thrown back to rest on his shoulder as you moan with abandon. You don't even care about your surroundings anymore, the intoxicating sensation of his long fingers pumping in and out of your drooling hole paired with the small vibrator rubbing on your clit making your brain melt.
You singing so beautifully right into Veritas' ear and the hypnotizing sight of your pussy leaking on his knuckles are both things he wants to engrave in his memories, to be able to recall them time and time again until the next time he has to discipline you.
"Please, please I want cum, please let me cum!"
Your sweet pleas go straight to his twitching dick and he hides his blushing cheeks on the crook of your neck, his voice coming out as a groan.
"Very well, you earned it. Come for me now."
Like an automatic response to his permission, your body convulses in his hold, tears running down the sides of your face and mouth hanged open with a hoarse chant of his name.
Veritas turns off the toy and slowly retreats his fingers, your legs still shaking a bit.
"See? That wasn't very hard, was it? If you had behaved yourself from the start, you would have had this much earlier."
"Oh fuck off... You made me cum using a vibrator, that's nothing to be cocky of. I do that all the time."
"And you call my name as well when you're alone?"
You blame your lack of a comeback at your foggy brain, choosing to whack his stupid face with the back of your hand.
Suddenly, you both hear a melody coming from below you. It's your phone, which had fallen out of your pants' pocket, the screen showing the alarm you set up: 10 minutes until your next class, which is on the opposite side of where you are.
"Oh shit, I'm going to be late- woah!"
If it weren't for Veritas holding you by the waist, you'd surely fall down, betrayed by your own weak legs. You've never climaxed so hard like you just did, but you'll never admit that to him, his ego is already too big without that knowledge.
After making sure you're stable enough to stand on your own, the scholar lets go of your waist and watches you quickly dress up and fix your appearance.
His eyes rest on your neck, wondering how would you react if he to left a mark there, in a place for everyone to see... But he knows he shouldn't indulge in such fantasies, that would cross the boundaries of your... dynamic and he'd hate to cause you this kind of distress.
Dr Ratio is brought back from his thoughts when you go to the door of the classroom and point an accusatory finger at him.
"This is the last time we're doing this, you hear me?!"
You leave before he could respond, but he just chuckles. You always say that after you two get frisky and it has never held any meaning, considering that it's never ended up being the last time for real. He secretly hopes it continues that way.
Now, he needs to deal with his own 'little' problem before he can leave and act as if nothing scandalous happened in this empty classroom...
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thanks for reading <3 likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated <3
heart divider made by @/cafekitsune
red dr ratio banner (smut) made by @/the-writer-arrived aka yours truly ;)
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lucidlivi · 1 year
Fuck A Friendship
Warnings: Strong Language, Mature Theme (rough sex), Mentions of Alcohol
Requested: @suckitands33
Anything Jensen/Dean Tags: @jc-winchester @mrsjenniferwinchester
this will switch point of views, it will be indicated with italics
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“what the fuck is wrong with you Dean? I had that!” I seethed.
Once again Dean had got in the way.
“yeah okay, you’re lucky I was there to save your ass…again!” He huffed throwing his bag down.
“hate to break it to you Dean but acting like a dick won’t make yours any bigger.”
I could see his eyes cloud over in rage.
“at least I’m not acting like an ungrateful bitch.” He jabbed.
“a bitch wow really? well then in that case I guess that means you’re not the only dog in the room.” I said rolling my eyes.
“maybe with all that eye rolling you’ll actually find a brain in that pretty little head of yours.” He smirked his words laced with anger.
“awe Dean I think you’re pretty too… pretty damn annoying.”
It was no secret Dean and I butted heads. I was sick of him treating me like a child. It was bad enough he treated Sam that way but now he was constantly looming over me too. I walked in to the study but of course he followed me. He always had to get the last word in any argument.
“how about we just skip right to the makeup sex.” Dean sneered.
“I’d rather set myself on fire.”
“oh please I know you think about me naked.” Dean said.
“why can’t you just drop things Dean?” I asked pulling a book out to research some lore.
I always calmed down faster when my mind was distracted.
“you didn’t deny it.” He smirked.
“please Dean feed your own ego, I’m busy”
“Oh come on just admit it, you want to have sex with me.”
“please, if anyone is having wet dreams it’s you about me.” I huffed flipping a page.
Dean smirked before ripping his shirt off.
“so then this doesn’t bother you at all?” He asked looking at me.
I huffed closing the book. I turned to Dean, he had a shit eating grin on his face that made me want to punch him.
I couldn’t deny though, his toned chest was gorgeous, especially the way it glistened with sweat after our rough hunt. My eyes traveled down to his abs, god they looked good too and… wait what am I saying?
“nope doesn’t bother me at all.” I said maybe a little too quickly.
“really cause it took you a minute.”
I quickly pulled my shirt over my head leaving me in just my bra. Dean looked shocked by my action.
“so this doesn’t bother you at all then?” I smirked.
I watched Dean’s pupils dilate as his eyes raked over my chest. He cleared his throat, forcing his eyes to meet mine again.
“nope doesn’t bother me at all.” He spoke.
“so it wouldn’t bother you if I did this?”
I quickly grabbed the waistband of my pants sliding them down my legs painfully slow. Dean watched me with a lustful stare. I could see his jeans getting tighter around the crotch area. I didn’t know what had gotten in to me. I just wanted Dean to see I wasn’t this helpless child he had to look after.
Dean looked at me before taking his own pants down. We were now both stood in the study in just our under garments. There was a pause of silence as our eyes devoured each others body.
Dean crossed the room in two quick strides, crashing his lips to mine. I immediately kissed him back my hands going to his toned chest starting to explore. His hands made their way to my ass, picking me up and forcing me to wrap my legs around him.
He backed us up so my back was pressed up against the bookshelf. His lips left mine and traveled to my neck and down my collarbone. I could feel him throbbing against my leg. In one swift action Dean unclasped my bra letting it fall to the floor.
“Fuck.” He whispered mouth traveling further down to my uncovered breasts.
I let out a moan as Dean took one of my nipples in his mouth, sucking gently. My hands ran across his broad shoulders and down his muscular arms.
“you want this?” Dean growled, his hands squeezing my ass.
Of course I thought about having sex with Dean. He was undeniably gorgeous, even after a hunt.
“Please Dean.”
His hands left my ass, pulling his boxers down. I gasped as his full length sprung out. I had seen Dean in his boxers once before but now he looked much bigger. Without warning he pulled my panties to the side slamming himself in to me. I choked back a loud moan as I stretched around him.
He started to thrust, pressing my back harder against the bookshelf. He brought his lips back to mine taking my bottom lip between his teeth. I whimpered as he bit down lightly, his thrusts getting more rough as he went.
“Fuck Dean.” I moaned.
I gripped the bookshelf trying to steady myself.
Dean growls thrusting harder. It was rough but tender at the same time.
“maybe next time you’ll listen to me.” He groans, thrusts becoming sloppy.
“not likely.” I pant.
Dean groaned as his legs started to shake. He was close, as was I.
“Dean I’m gonna.” I started but he cut me off.
“Fuck, let go for me sweetheart.” He groaned.
I came undone, his words mixed with the pleasure being too much to bare. As I clenched around him, it brought his release too. I could feel the bruising already forming as my back was slammed against the bookshelf repeatedly. Once we rode out our high, Dean gently placed me on my feet again.
I took me a second to get my footing, my legs feeling stiff.
“you’re fucking stubborn, you know that? He growled, cleaning himself off.
“and you’re an overprotective asshole so it kind of evens out.” I smirked.
I quickly grabbed my clothes throwing my shirt back on and pulling on my pants.
“I’m going to clean up .” I said walking out of the room.
“wait..” Dean said making me pause.
“this..” he pointed between me and him “we shouldn’t tell Sam.”
“there’s nothing to tell Dean, we fucked, that’s it.” I said walking out of the study.
I watched her walk away, quickly throwing on my clothes. I’ve had sex with a lot of women, but something about it this time felt different. I shook it off, hearing the door opening signifying Sam had made his way back to the bunker.
“why do you look all sweaty?” He asked giving me an awkward look.
“I uh was, I mean it was uh a rough hunt.”
What the fuck? Why was I fumbling over my words? I never do that?
“wow what happened to the bookshelf? Sam asked pushing past me.
The books from where I had her pushed up against the shelf were in complete disarray, falling out on to the floor.
“I was looking for something.” Her voice spoke up from the doorway.
“I’ll fix them.” She added walking over and picking a book off the floor.
“I’ll help.” I offered leaning down next to her.
I studied her face as she focused on putting some loose leaf pages back in a book.
Did she always have light freckles over her nose? Were her eyes always that color?
“Why are you staring at me?” She whisper yelled so Sam couldn’t hear.
I cleared my throat tearing my eyes away from her.
“I’m not.” I defended even though I totally was.
I picked up another book putting it in its place. I gulped as I stared at the bookshelf.
The sounds of her heavenly moans filled my head. I could still see her naked body pressed up against it. I could feel myself getting harder just thinking about it. I quickly walked out of the study not wanting to get caught by Sam.
What the hell was wrong with me?
“Dean where are you going, I have more information about a case?” Sam asked annoyed.
“Uh I’m starving I’m getting us some dinner and then I’ll be back.” I said hurrying away from her.
I stopped by my room, trying to control my breathing. I ran in to my bathroom, splashing some cold water on my face.
“get it together Dean.” I said to my image in the mirror.
Normally when I had sex with a girl, it was forgotten after I came. Why couldn’t I stop thinking about it now? I decided I needed to go for a drive, get some food and then maybe I’d be able to face her again.
“what’s his problem?” Sam asked as we watched Dean hurry out of the room.
I bit my lip shrugging my shoulders.
“did something happen on the hunt?” He asked scratching his head.
something definitely happened, but it wasn’t on the hunt.
“nope, hunt went perfect.” I lied as I finished arranging the books back to their original positions.
“I’m confused Dean said it was rough?”
“oh yeah, just a little, but nothing we couldn’t handle.”
It was amazing how easily I could lie to Sam.
“well are you okay?” Sam asked placing a hand on my back.
I flinched at the contact, my back sore from being slammed against the bookshelf by Dean. I bit my lip as the memory replayed in my head. I never realized how strong Dean truly was.
“I’m great.” I said giving him a thumbs up.
He looked like he didn’t believe me but thankfully he didn’t push any farther. I sat in the study looking over a book. My eyes were reading the words but my mind was too preoccupied.
Why did Dean leave so quickly? Why did I care?
It was around an hour later before Dean came strolling back in, food for all of us in his hand. He swallowed hard as he came closer to me handing me some food. He turned away from me quickly, taking the farthest seat away from me.
Sam started to tell us the information but I wasn’t really listening. My eyes traveled to Dean. His hands gripped the arms of the chair he sat on.
God have his hands always looked that nice? I imagined them wrapping around my throat making me bite back a moan.
Why am I thinking of Dean in this way?
I felt my cheeks flush as I tried to focus on what Sam was saying. I glanced at Dean as he spoke, I noticed the way his adams apple bobbed up and down with his deep voice. I could feel the heat pool between my legs. I needed to get away from Dean, I needed a drink.
“Is that all?” I asked, noticing both men had stopped talking.
“uh yeah I’m finished if that’s what you mean.” Sam said slightly offended by my outburst.
“Sorry Sammy rough day, I’m going to the bar for a drink.” I said standing up.
“I’ll go with you.” Dean spoke.
“NO” I spoke too quickly.
“I mean uh maybe I’m trying to meet someone.” I said mentally facepalming.
Why did I say that?
I could see Dean’s eyebrows lower as he stared me down. I quickly walked out of the room, throwing on my leather jacket. I couldn’t control my thoughts around Dean, I had to get away from him. I walked to the local bar having a seat and ordering a straight shot.
Why was Dean suddenly controlling my thoughts?
“excuse me, this seat taken?”
I turned around to see a handsome stranger staring down at me. He wasn’t Dean but, maybe a distraction would be nice.
“it is now.” I said pulling it out for him.
“I mean uh, maybe I’m trying to meet someone.” she spoke.
Meet someone?
I couldn’t help but feel the anger boiling up to the surface. It wasn’t even twenty four hours ago that she was wrapped around me and now she wants to meet someone?
Wait why did I even care if she met someone else. She said it herself, we fucked and that’s it.
“okay what the hell is up with you two?” Sam asked as she left the room.
“nothing, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I grumbled.
“you’re both being extra weird today, leaving in a haste, she’s flinching when I put my hand on her back..” he says but I cut him off.
“she flinched?” I asked in concern.
I knew I went rough, but I didn’t think I’d actually hurt her.
“did something happen to her?” Sam asked.
oh something definitely happened to her.
“nah, she’s tough.” I said standing up.
I don’t know why, but I needed to get to the bar. If she really was meeting someone, I had to make sure they weren’t some type of creature who was going to hurt her.
“come on Sammy, let’s go.” I said grabbing my jacket.
“where are we going?”
“to the bar.” I simply said.
“but she didn’t want you there.” He spoke crossing his arms across his chest and looking at me suspiciously.
“we’re going for you, you need to get laid, you’re way too uptight.” I said slapping a hand on his shoulder.
He shrugged following me to baby. It was a quick drive to the bar. Once inside my eyes scanned the room for her. She sat at the far end of the bar, a man sitting beside her. I glared at him as she laughed at whatever bullshit joke he was telling. I could feel my blood boil as he placed a hand on her knee traveling up to her thigh.
“yeah we’re definitely here for me.” Sam joked.
I flicked my eyes to his but instead he was looking down at my hands. I didn’t notice but they were clenched into fists as I watched her flirt with him.
What am I feeling?
“it’s called jealousy.” Sam spoke beside me.
How did he read my mind?
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I scowled ordering a beer.
I tried my best but I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her at the end of the bar. I noticed she removed his hand from her leg instead holding it with her own. He leaned down whispering something in to her ear making her laugh again.
“what do you think he’s saying?” I asked looking over to where I thought Sam sat.
Sam was instead sat a few feet away from me, a cute brunette all over him.
“I’ll be damned Sammy.” I laughed watching her kiss over his neck.
I looked down at my beer chugging the rest of it down. I felt a hand slide across my shoulders, I flinched looking up to see a blonde in barely any clothing.
“what’s a handsome guy like you doing all by himself?” she asked, her fingers grazing my neck.
I pulled away gently.
“I guess I was waiting for someone like you.” I flirted.
This was the type of girl I usually picked up at the bar. She was more than willing to throw herself at me. She put her hands around my shoulders, wasting no time in kissing my jaw line.
I glanced back over to the end of the bar but I didn’t see her anymore. My eyes furiously looked around the room, finally catching a glimpse of (y/n) leading him out of the door by his hand. I quickly stood up causing the blonde to fall on the floor.
“what the hell is your problem.” she whined fixing her skirt.
“sorry I gotta go.” I said rushing out the door.
I didn’t want her to go home with him. She couldn’t.
I ran outside whipping my head around to see where she went. My heart sunk as she was nowhere in sight.
Fuck I was too late. She was gone.
“Fuck.” I growled running a hand through my hair.
“are you looking for me?”
I laughed at another joke he told. It wasn’t actually that funny but I didn’t want to bruise his ego. Too quickly his hand was placed on my knee traveling up to my thigh. I glanced up, my eyes catching sight of Sam first due to his height. Dean stood right beside him glaring in my direction.
you’ve got to be kidding me.
“did you hear me?”
James asked, or was his name Jake, I couldn’t remember now.
“sorry no I missed that.” I admitted.
James/Jake started to tell his story again but my eyes were on Dean who now took a seat at the bar. James/Jake’s hand was still rubbing my thigh making me slightly uncomfortable now. I grabbed it off, holding it in my own hand.
“so yeah I’m kind of a big deal now.” He whispered in my ear.
I laughed at him again. I didn’t know if it was an appropriate reaction to what he said but it usually worked for these types of situations. I glanced up at the other side of the bar, seeing a brunette ferociously attacking Sam’s neck with her lips. I laughed to myself. I noticed a blonde with minimal clothing making her way over to Dean. I felt the jealousy creeping up as she ran a hand across his shoulders.
“you’re not in to this are you?”
I flicked my eyes back to James/Jake. He was staring at me with a slight smile.
“i’m sorry Jake.” I said guessing on his name.
“it’s uh James.” He laughed.
“fuck right, sorry again.” I muttered.
“it’s that guy isn’t it?” James asked nodding his head towards Dean.
I didn’t know what it was about Dean though. It’s as if I was starting to see him in a whole new light.
“something about him yeah.” I replied biting my lip.
“I should go then, and you should talk to him.” James said offering me a smile.
I glanced back over seeing Dean giving his attention to the blonde girl all over him.
“I’ll walk you out.” I offered.
James smiled gratefully and walked with me out of the bar.
“uh I’m really sorry again.” I said dropping his hand finally.
“it’s okay, really. I hope you can sort out whatever it is.” he said offering me a small wave before getting in his car and driving off.
I sighed moving to lean against the side of the building. I sighed running a hand through my hair.
Why was I feeling this way?
Suddenly the door flew open, Dean came running out. He was furiously looking around, his eyes widening as he looked around the parking lot.
Was he looking for me?
“Fuck.” He growled running a hand through his hair.
“are you looking for me?” I hesitantly asked coming off the wall.
relief flooded Dean’s features as he spotted me.
“you didn’t go home with him?” he asked unsure if he was actually seeing me now.
“he’s not really my type, plus I don’t have sex twice with two different people in the same day.” I joked taking a step towards Dean.
“oh yeah, what about twice with the same person? Dean asked.
I could feel my cheeks heat up as he stood in front of me, cupping my cheek with his hand. He looked down at my lips before meeting my eyes again.
“It depends on the person.” I smirked.
“I think I could make an exception for you.”
At my consent Dean attached his lips to mine. I didn’t realize just how much I missed this sensation. Dean picked me up bridal style not breaking the kiss. He walked over to his car, depositing me in the back seat before climbing on top of me.
I reconnected our lips, tugging at his shirt. He pulled it over his head, dipping down to kiss my neck.
“Dean, wait.” I said pushing him off.
I could see the hurt flash in his eyes.
“I don’t know if I can do this.” I said biting my lip.
He gave me a confused look.
“I don’t know if I can have sex with you and still maintain a friendship afterwards.” I explained biting my lip.
“fuck a friendship.” Dean said.
It was my turn to give him a confused glance.
“I don’t want a friendship, I want so much more than that, I want to be the one you laugh at, I want to be the only guy who gets to touch you. I want so much more.” He confesses.
I felt my heart burst at his words. As a hunter, love and relationships weren’t a luxury we were afforded.
“if I’m being honest, it scares me to death and I tried to stop it, I tried my best, but I can’t stop thinking about you.” Dean added looking in my eyes.
He was saying everything I was thinking.
“fuck a friendship.” I said pulling him down for a kiss.
love and relationships were a luxury, but so was Dean, and this was one luxury I’d let myself afford.
Author Note:
Ooh I hope you liked it! I appreciate the request! Sorry it took me so long I wanted to make it perfect for you! If you have some crazy ideas send them my way! xoxo
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a-hazbin-reader · 2 months
Vox X Alastor's Marriage Headcanons
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TW: Vox being a dick? Alastor sometimes being a dummy
Description: Different ways Vox involves himself in Alastor's marriage
Due to his constant surveillance, Vox knows just about everything he can about your marriage with Alastor
Once Alastor had forgotten your wedding anniversary and who ended up letting him know before the day was over? Vox.
When Alastor saw him coming he was sure Vox was there to pick a fight when suddenly flowers/chocolates/jewelry were being shoved into his arms
"You fucker! I can't believe you forgot your own anniversary! Do you know what your wife is doing to make today special for you!?"
Alastor was too stunned to even register the flick on the forehead Vox gives him before he leaves, still ranting about how Alastor is a careless husband
Or another time you were being moody for an entire week and Alastor couldn't figure out why but Vox knew the exact reason
He was all too happy to rub it in Alastor's face whenever he could, which was a lot considering how busy Alastor was with overlord meetings and such
Popping up on a nearby TV to give a news prompt about how Alastor's marriage was on the rocks and the clueless overlord didn't even know why
Smugly sipping a drink and smirking at Alastor from across the room while making jabs about his wife
Or stopping by the hotel to give you small gifts and his condolences because your husband is such an idiot
Or just making the reason for your moodiness worse by poking the bear and reminding you what he did
"Poor, poor Y/N...~ I'm sure you've been feeling so neglected by your husband lately~ He hasn't been making any time for you at all~"
Only to end up with the door slammed in his face and a cracked screen
Thinks it's hilarious when you two are fighting until it's not, which is usually when you two are too angry to react to his prodding anymore
It gets to a point where he's sick of it and it's no fun so then he's trying to get you guys to make amends
Sending you flowers pretending they're from Alastor, setting you two up on surprise dates and trying to subtly make you two miss each other
Plays a lot more romantic shows on the TV, putting in ads for jewelry/clothes that you might like whenever Alastor walks by a shop
He's weirdly excited too when it works but that's only because now he can go back to messing with Alastor
Will actually chase away anybody else who tries to come in between you two because that's HIS JOB
"Valentino! She's a married woman!!"
"AH! MIERDA!! That hurts!"
"Oh! Y/N, just the woman I was looking to see. Just a quick heads up but there's some bright eye'd thing who-"
"Say no more, Vox."
It kills him if he doesn't know what's going on in your marriage and he'll eventually show up at your door
Usually holding tea or coffee, pretending it's some sort of important business until you two are sitting together in silence
"So...how are things between you and Alastor?"
Immediately cracks and throws himself at your feet-
"We're not divorcing, we've just been taking time away from the public eye to spend together. Alone."
Vox is simultaneously rooting for your marriage while also plotting the end of it, yes it's confusing, yes it makes his head hurt
No, he won't stop
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I couldn't get these ideas out of my head, I'll go back and fix mistakes later. Maybe add more, if you guys want to add more leave a comment and I'll add it with credit!!
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pedrospatch · 1 year
a safe haven | three
Jackson! Joel Miller x Female Reader
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series masterlist
summary: You and Joel get to know each other better and the two of you share a private moment out behind the barn under the stars; an unexpected guest shows up to the party; Tommy gives Joel a second and final warning about you.
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI. (TW) MENTIONS AND IMPLICATIONS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/ABUSE. PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS. alcohol consumption, mutual pining and yearning, Joel sings to reader a bit (that is its own warning), soft Joel, overprotective Joel, and a slight hint of jealous Joel. Tommy seems like kind of an asshole but he’s just trying to look out for his brother, okay?
word count 6.6k
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About an hour later, after tossing back about three or four bottles of Seth’s crappy beer, you’d started feeling a lot livelier and a lot more like yourself. It was a glass of his delicious, oak-barrel aged whiskey that you had wanted more than anything, but with Esther over at the bar openly flirting up a storm with Joel Miller, you pushed down the desire for scotch and settled for the bitter lager instead.
It tasted awful, but it did the job well enough. The best part was that the bottles of beer were all readily available in coolers all around the barn, and you didn’t need to go up to the bar to get one. 
The last thing you’d wanted was to find out what was going on between Esther and Joel.
“And the next thing you know, poor John is being chased all around the chicken coop by a bunch of broody hens!” Martha finishes her story, throwing her hands up in the air. “God, I wish I would’ve had a camcorder in hand. It was the funniest thing I ever did see in almost two damn decades.”
Everyone sitting around the table bursts into a fit of loud, hearty laughter.
“Oh okay, so then that would probably explain why there weren’t many eggs in stock at the market the other morning,” you tease, only fueling the commotion.
John glares at you, and you shrug innocently, fighting back another laugh. Six foot two with big, broad shoulders and arms, you found it both very difficult and very amusing to picture the bulky blond man being chased around by a flock of pissed off chickens.
“I’d really like to see any of you guys try and take a broody hen’s eggs away from her with ease!” John huffs out before taking a gulp of his beer. He’s red in the face, and it’s hard to tell if it’s from the alcohol or the embarrassment. “Assholes.”
Martha leans over, whispering, “See? I told you it would make him mad.”
You giggle, lightly shaking your head at her. “Talk about ruffling some feathers, huh?”
She snorts into her plate of potatoes, jabbing her elbow into your side. “Let’s stop before he really gets all riled up, or else we’re going to get an earful.”
“Oh come on, John. Lighten up,” you grin over at him from across the table. “I know what’ll make you feel better. You guys want to hear a really, and I mean really embarrassing story?” You pause for a second or two, just long enough for everyone to nod eagerly. “Let me tell you about what Stella did to me the other day in her stall when I tried to take her temperature, it was absolutely awful. Okay, so there I am about to—”
“Sorry to interrupt you folks, but do you all mind if we steal this sweet little lady here for just a minute or two?” The sound of Tommy Miller’s smooth, deep voice causes you to stop abruptly mid-sentence. You glance over your shoulder only to see him approaching the table. He’s closely followed by Maria, who had traded her usual patrol duty attire for a light blue denim dress that sat off of her shoulders, the flowing skirt falling just above knees. Her white cowboy hat matches her husband’s.
“Aw c’mon, Miller! She was just about to tell us a story!” Peter, Martha’s husband, exclaims as he drapes his arm around his wife’s shoulders
Tommy chuckles, shaking his head. “I promise we won’t keep her too long, alright?”
You immediately notice that he’s holding a drink in each hand, each glass filled almost to the rim with a bold, rich amber liquor over ice. The only reason that you’d immediately known one of the two drinks was meant for you was because Maria had just discovered that she was pregnant. It was still a secret that very few people knew about, but the minute she confirmed it with a pregnancy test earlier that month, she’d come running to your door to tell you. It’s the reason she’s been avoiding booze all evening—she’s been sipping on lemonade all night instead. 
“Excuse me,” you nod politely to the group of friends you’d been sitting with and stand up from the table. You follow Tommy and Maria over to a far corner of the barn where the three of you could talk somewhat privately. Accepting the glass from Tommy, you offer him a grateful smile, pleased that you’d gotten the drink you had wanted after all. “Thank you.”
“‘Course.” He nods and tips the brim of his cowboy hat to you in his typical, gentleman-like manner. He’d never lost an ounce of those Texas manners.
Maria loops her arm through his. “Well, it looks like tonight was a real success,” she states as she glances around the room, her pride written clearly across her face. “Wouldn’t you say so?”
“Absolutely,” you agree, enthusiastically. You smile again and lift your glass to the couple as you toast, “Another year and another success. Here’s to many, many more to come.”
“Cheers to that, little lady,” Tommy grins and lifts up his glass, clinking the rim of it to yours before taking a generous drink, nearly draining it in one single gulp. “Thanks for stoppin’ by earlier and helpin’ set the place up, by the way. We really appreciate it.”
You wave your free hand at him. “Oh, no need to thank me at all. You already know that I was more than happy to help out,” you tell him as you take a careful sip of whiskey. The hard liquor burns its way down your throat in the sweetest way. Taking another sip, you turn to look at Maria, unable to help yourself from admiring her gorgeous, natural glow. “How are you feeling?”
“Not too bad,” Maria replies with a smile, placing her free hand over her flat stomach. At only a few weeks along, she still had quite a long way to go before she began to show. “Just a little bit of morning sickness here and there, but so far, so good.” She pauses and leans her body into Tommy’s side. “I never thought I’d be having a baby in my forties,” she muses with a laugh. “I thought that train had left the station a long time ago. But I guess life had something else planned for me.”
“For us,” Tommy corrects, playfully nudging her.
“For us,” Maria echoes, giving him a loving kiss on his cheek. “Luke calls it a geriatric pregnancy. He told me I’m automatically considered high risk, due to my age and all. But we’re hoping it’ll go smoothly.”
You detect the genuine concern behind her optimistic smile and reach out, gently touching her arm. “I’m sure it will all turn out fine. You just have to make sure that you’re taking good care of yourself and getting plenty of rest.” You point a finger at her, wagging it back and forth. “So, that means no more patrol duties for you, Mrs. Miller.”
“Oh I know,” she laughs again. “I’m on light work duties starting next week and in a few months, it’ll be strict bed rest for me. At least, that’s what Luke recommended, but I’m hoping to stay on my feet for a little bit longer than that.” She tilts her head curiously to the side as she looks at you. “Speaking of Luke, is he around? We haven’t seen him at all tonight.”
Throat bobbing, you grip your glass tightly in your hand. The corners of your mouth threaten to turn downward, but you manage to hold your smile well enough.
At this point, you had pretty much lost track of the number times you’d been asked about Luke.
Where is he? Why isn’t he here with you? Do you think there’s a chance he’ll show up tonight? Can’t you go home and convince him to join us? 
You just about loathed the way he was considered to be a hero in Jackson. The way that every single person in the community adored the man to pieces made you sick to your stomach—Luke was anything but a hero, but nobody knew that. Not a single soul knew the real him, the monster that emerged behind closed doors, the terrible things he did when no one was around.
There had been an occasion or two where you had considered going to Tommy and Maria about it, to tell them all about the horrors that went on within the walls of your home. But even when they’d point out a bruise on your arm or a scrape on your cheek, you would lose the courage and chalk it up to a clumsy accident or injuries sustained while on the job—hell, just a few months ago, you’d blamed an injured shoulder on Ranger, telling Tommy that his beloved stallion had accidentally kicked you during one of your routine examinations. You wanted nothing more than to tell him that it hadn’t been his horse who put you in a sling for three weeks, it had been Luke. But how the hell could you do that?
Luke is the commune’s physician. The commune’s only physician. 
Besides the two older nurses who worked in the clinic along with him, he was the only medically trained professional who knew how to treat severe injuries, perform minor surgeries, and diagnose illnesses—as much as you hated to admit it, Jackson needed him. If you told Tommy and Maria about everything that he’d done to you over the last two years, then you’d risk getting Luke locked up in the town jail, or possibly even thrown out and exiled from the settlement. What would that mean for the people in the community who fell ill or became injured and needed a doctor?
Maybe he wasn’t a hero to you, but to everybody else, he was. People could die without him and his medical knowledge. Hell, Maria would need Luke now more than ever now that she was pregnant.
For as much as you wanted to tell them the truth about him, you just couldn’t find the guts to do it, not when the decision would impact every single person in Jackson.It would be too selfish.
So, you kept quiet and continued to let it happen because what else could you do? 
There wasn’t a goddamn thing you could do about it.
Tommy says your name, snapping you back out of your thoughts. “Hey, you alright?” he asks you as he gingerly touches your shoulder. “You zoned out on us for a minute there.”
You blink. “Yeah sorry, I’m alright. Um, Luke decided to stay at home and get some rest,” you reply as you shift awkwardly from boot to boot, feeling a sudden heat flood your face. “He’s been working a lot of hours at the clinic and making house calls as well, so he’s just been really tired, you know?”
“Oh, well that’s too bad,” Maria frowns. “Tommy and I were hoping we could say this to the both of you together, but I suppose you’ll have to give him the message on our behalf when you get home to him later tonight.”
You shoot her a puzzled look. “What is it?”
“We know we don’t say this as often as we should, but you and Luke do so much for us. So much for Jackson,” Tommy says, sincere gratitude dripping from his tone. “We’re damn lucky to have the two of you here. Me and Maria, and everyone in this community, we’re all deeply indebted to both of you for all you do.”
You stare at him. “Everyone here works very hard, Tommy—”
“Now, I ain’t saying they don’t,” he interrupts you by holding up his hand. “But let’s be honest here. Luke, he takes good care of all of our people, you take good care of all of our horses—people and horses, that’s what keeps this place runnin’ like a well oiled machine and you know it just as well as we do. Without the both of you lookin’ after our two most important resources, I ain’t all too sure where the hell this place would be.”
Maria nods in agreement with her husband and squeezes his arm. “Oh, don’t be so modest,” she remarks upon seeing the bewildered expression on your face. “He’s right. And we need you to know how much we appreciate everything the two of you do for this community.”
Tommy grins, raising his glass in a toast. “To you and Luke.”
Stomach churning, you flash them your very best smile and lift your own glass, clinking it against his and then to Maria’s bottle of lemonade. “Well, I will certainly give him the kind message when I get home tonight. Thank you.” You take a quick sip of your drink, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. The room feels hot, like it had been lit on fire and you were standing too close to the flames. “It’s starting to feel a bit warm in here. I’m going to go outside for a minute to get some fresh air. Excuse me.”
Before either of them can utter another word, you spin around on your heel and hastily make your way across the barn towards the exit, being careful not to bump into the dancing couples on the dance floor along the way. Even as you hurried out, you’d caught sight of Ellie sitting with Dina at one of the tables, digging into her plate full of barbecue. Dina had leaned over and whispered something into Ellie’s ear and Ellie let out a loud, obnoxious cackle through a mouthful of food.
Despite the circumstances, you can’t help but smile—an actual, genuine smile this time around.
At least Ellie seemed to be having a good time.
That’s more than enough for you.
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Joel glimpses over Esther’s shoulder. 
His eyebrows pull together in a mixture of confusion and concern as he watches you practically run out of the barn alone with a drink clutched in your hand and a strange expression on your face—you appear to be upset over something.
The blonde in front of him had been going on and on about where she was from, although he hadn’t quite been listening to her the entire time she had been talking—or at all. 
Had Esther said Vermont? Or maybe it had been Virginia?
Joel wasn’t all too sure, but he didn’t care enough to ask her to clarify. Besides, his thoughts were far too busy preoccupied with someone else. Someone he needed to make sure was alright.
“Listen Esther, s’been real nice talkin’ to you,” he states as he offers the woman the most polite smile he can possibly muster up for her. He tries to ignore the awkward way she’d pouted her lips at him, a sad, disappointed look flashing in her eyes. “But I’ve gotta go and take care of somethin’ for a minute. Will you excuse me?”
He doesn’t even give Esther the chance to respond. Setting his drink down on the counter, he gives her a quick nod goodbye and steps around her. He starts towards the barn’s exit, but before leaving, he tosses a quick glance in Ellie’s direction just to make sure she’s still doing okay without him. He had been keeping a close and watchful eye on her from the bar the entire time. After a while, it soon became apparent to Joel that Ellie had been doing just fine. She’s scarfing down another heaping helping of bison and potatoes, grinning from ear to ear as she talks with Dina, who seems to be enjoying her company despite her poor table manners.
Joel steps outside into the night and he takes a look around, searching for you among the small, scattered groups of people who stood mingling with one another. Gossiping women, drunk and rowdy patrolmen, children running around—he jumps slightly as a giggling little redheaded girl who can’t be older than five circles around his legs with a curly haired boy who is about the same age chasing after her. He lightly shoos them away from him and they take off running in another direction.
He scans his surroundings once more.
You’re nowhere to be found.
Humming, Joel glances down.
He notices a long trail of footprints left behind by what had to be a pair of cowboy boots, similar to the ones you’d been wearing. The strange way in which they veered off in a random direction away from the rest of the crowd tips him off almost a bit too easily—he knows they belong to you. Without giving it a second thought, he starts to follow your tracks and they lead him all the way around to the back of the barn.
That’s where Joel finds you, leaning against the wooden paddock fence. You’re back is to him, your head tilted upwards. Your gaze seems to be lost somewhere up in the velvet, purple night sky and you’re swaying along to the pretty country melody that, even outside, can still be heard coming from inside the barn.
Turn around, a sound voice in the back of his mind tries to reason with him. Go go back inside.
He ignores it, his legs moving forward, eager to close the distance between the two of you.
The sound of his heavy boots crunching on the rocks in the dirt as he draws closer to you causes you to jump. Whirling around, you gasp and your free hand flies to your chest.
“M’sorry,” Joel quickly apologizes, holding up both his hands to show you he’s not a threat. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Joel?” You’re surprised to see him.  “What are you doing out here?”
The area out behind the barn is just as dark as it is secluded, however, the moon is full, big, and bright, its silvery glow illuminating each and every single one of your features in such a beautiful way that it makes his throat go dry, just like it had earlier that evening when he’d first seen you in that dress.
“Well ain’t that funny. I was actually just ‘bout to ask you the same exact question, darlin’.” He falls into step beside you, leaning back against the fence. “What are you doin’ out here all by your lonesome?”
“Oh, I just needed some fresh air, that’s all,” you reply with a small, light shrug of your shoulders. You turn back around, leaning your forearms on top of the wooden fence, both hands wrapped firmly around your glass of whiskey. You’re standing so close to Joel that your shoulder touches his, though neither of you make a move to put space in between your bodies. “What’s your excuse?”
“Needed a breather from Esther,” he confesses. 
It was partially the truth. 
He couldn’t tell you he’d really come outside to check on you.
“What do you mean? Didn’t you like her?”
“Don’t get me wrong, she’s nice and all,” Joel says, letting out a chuckle. He shakes his head. “She just ain’t the kind of company I’m lookin’ for tonight, y’know?” He pauses for just a brief second and crosses his arms over his chest, his sudden change in position causing his shoulder to press even closer against your own. “Tommy mentioned her to me when we were havin’ lunch together yesterday. Said he’d be willin’ to set us up, but I didn’t think his dumbass would actually follow through with it.”
Confused, you shoot him a strange look.
“I’d told him I wasn’t interested in meetin’ her, but Tommy’s always had a real habit of not listenin’ to me,” he remarks, shaking his head once again.
The question falls from your lips before you can even think about trying to stop it. “Why aren’t you interested in her?” you blurt. Awkwardly, you clear your throat and add in a nonchalant tone, “Esther’s gorgeous, Joel. Most guys around here would jump at the chance to be with her.”
“S’like I told you. She just ain’t the kind of company I’m lookin’ for tonight.”
“So then, what kind of company are you looking for?”
Joel hesitates, then answers honestly. “Yours.”
“Oh,” you breathe out, your heart skipping a nervous beat.
He tests the waters. “That alright to say?”
“Mhm,” is all you’re able to utter.
Fighting to take a steady, even breath, you clutch at your glass even harder. 
“Y’know, when I was on my way out here, I saw Ellie and Dina still sittin’ together,” Joel finally says after a minute or two, breaking the silence. “She honestly seems to be havin’ a real good time with her.” He nudges your shoulder with his own, a hint of amusement in his voice as he turns to you and asks, “Now tell me why I’ve got this strange little feelin’ that you had somethin’ to do with that?”
Your immediate expression of guilt prompts his grin. 
You’d been caught red handed.
“Okay, so I may or may not have talked to Dina earlier today while we were setting up the barn for the party. I asked if she could do me a favor and at least try and talk to Ellie tonight,” you admit, sheepishly. “I told her about how much Ellie reminds me of her, and how I thought they would get along.” You feel his dark eyes fix themselves intently on you and the heat creeps to your cheeks as you continue to explain yourself to him. It’s only just now occurred to you that perhaps you should have ran the idea by Joel—he’s her guardian and the last thing you want to do is cross his boundaries. “It took a little convincing, but she agreed. Dina can still be quite shy sometimes, but she’s a really good girl, Joel. I promise.”
Joel raises an eyebrow at you, letting his arms fall down to his sides. “Really? You did that?”
“Yeah. I did.” Anxiously, you take a long sip of liquor before adding, “I hope that’s okay.”
“‘Course it is, darlin’. I really appreciate you doin’ that for Ellie.” Joel’s gaze softens and meets yours with genuine sincerity. “I appreciate everythin’ that you’ve done for her. It means a lot to me. More than I can probably even explain.”
“I can tell how important she is to you.”
Joel nods. “Ellie’s the most important thing in the world to me.” He stops, exhaling a long, heavy sigh. “She’s been through a whole lot—a hell of a lot more than anyone her age should have to go through.” Once again, he pauses momentarily, trying to keep his emotions in check. He swallows harshly and subconsciously leans closer towards you without realizing it. “Ellie, she ain’t my blood, but she’s my daughter. For a long time, I thought I couldn’t take care of her. I thought that I didn’t have what it takes to protect her.”
“And what about now?”
“Now that we’re here, I feel real different ‘bout it all. I finally feel like I can keep Ellie safe, y’know? Give her the life she deserves,” Joel states, sounding a bit relieved, almost like he’s only just now made the realization that things are different now—it’s not like it was while they’d been out on the road. Each day isn’t a fight for survival, a game of trying to stay alive long enough just to see the next. Sleeping in the dirt, watching her go hungry, seeing her have to wear the same dirty clothes for weeks at a time, those were all now things of the past.
Pulling yourself back from the fence, you glance up at him with a curious expression. 
“Ellie hasn’t told me all that much about what she’s gone through—about what either of you have gone through.” You catch sight of the worry that flashes in his eyes and reassure him, “And I don’t plan on asking because it isn’t any of my business. But in the short time I’ve gotten to know Ellie, I’ve already seen it in her eyes, Joel. It’s all there.”
“What’s there?”
“Every bad thing that’s ever happened to her.”
Joel hangs his head. “Jesus.”
And just like that, he somehow feels like a fucking failure all over again.
“I know that you’re worried about her, Joel. I don’t blame you, but you’re doing all that you can do,” you remind him, the kindness in your voice bringing him the warmth and comfort he’s been needing for far too long. “You’re here in the community now and she’s safe. That’s what matters—all the rest is going to fall right into place soon enough. Just give her a bit of time and don’t put so much pressure on yourself.”
Joel sighs. “I just want what’s best for her, y’know? Just like any normal parent would want for their kid.”
“And you are doing the best that you can, just like any normal parent would.” You reach out, gently placing your hand on his bare forearm, your thumb brushing his warm skin. Your mere touch sends a tingle up his spine, and he can’t help but wonder if the connection had done the same for you. “It’s easy to see how much you care about her. How much you love her.”
“I do love her,” he murmurs. It feels odd, almost foreign for him to say it out loud. Of course he loves Ellie, and although he’s fairly certain she knew that and she loved him too, those three specific words had never been exchanged between them, and he had a hunch they never would be. “All I want is to do right by her. After everythin’ she’s been through—I just want her to finally be happy.”
“That says a lot about the kind of man you are.”
Biting back a scoff, Joel shakes his head. He doesn’t want you thinking he’s a good person—you’d be horrified if you knew about all the blood that stained his hands, about all of the things he’d done in the last two decades to survive. He’d stolen, he’d destroyed, he’d murdered. He’d lied.
He was not a good man. 
Your hand drops away from his arm, a lot sooner than either of you would have liked.
“So, what’s your story?” he asks, deciding to switch the focus of the conversation onto you. “How’d you end up in good ol’ Jackson, Wyoming?” 
“You take another sip of your drink, which is now completely watered down by the melted ice in your glass. “Well, like I told you, I grew up in New Mexico on a horse ranch. It was me, my parents, and my little brother,” you start to explain. “After the outbreak happened, me and my family ended up in the Albuquerque QZ. We were there for quite some time, until there was a breach at one of the gates and the zone was overrun with infected.” You pause briefly as the memories of that night come flooding back. By now, you’ve repressed them enough that they don’t bring you to your knees the way they used to when you had been younger. “Me and my dad made it out alive, but my mom and my brother didn’t.”
Joel frowns. “Shit. M’real sorry, darlin’. I shouldn’t have asked—”
“It’s okay,” you assure him with a tiny nod. “After me and my dad made it out of the zone, we found this group of people who were heading east, trying to get to Boston. It wasn’t long before everyone started to get picked off one by one—by infected, raiders, and even slavers. Somehow, me and my dad survived all that, but we found ourselves alone again. We were starving, had no shelter, and winter was just around the corner. We honestly didn’t know what we were going to do, and even though neither of us ever said it to each other, we were both so sure we were going to die. But then Tommy and his patrol group came across us one night. Once we proved that neither of us were infected, he brought us in.”
“You’ve been through a lot,” Joel states. He never would have even guessed.
You just seemed so well put together.
“Haven’t we all?” You let out a humorless laugh.
A silence falls like a curtain over both of you, but it’s comfortable.
Although it had been a warmer night, it was now much later into the evening, and a chilly breeze whips its way through the settlement, whisking its cool and crisp fingers through your hair. It causes the white daisy you’d been wearing to fall, and the flower flutters to the ground, landing right in between Joel’s boots. Without giving it a second thought, he reaches down and picks it up, being careful as he gingerly dusts the dirt off of the delicate petals. He turns to you, tucking the flower back behind your ear. As his hand falls away from you, his index finger accidentally grazes the soft skin of your cheek, and every part of him floods with the burning desire to feel more of you.
“M’sorry ‘bout that,” he mumbles sheepishly.
“It’s quite alright,” you say—and you mean it. You can’t even remember the last time someone’s touch set you on fire like this. You’d been feeling cold and empty and numb for so long, and while all of the things that Joel’s making you feel had become almost foreign to you, they’re starting to reignite that spark of life inside of you that you thought you’d lost a long time ago.
From the inside of the barn, you and Joel hear the band begin to play their cover of Can’t Help Falling in Love. 
“Elvis, huh?” Joel muses with a hum. He sounds impressed.
You’re not sure if all the alcohol you’d been consuming throughout the evening has only now just decided to kick into full gear in your system or whether you really do just lack any kind of common sense, but you find yourself looking up at him shyly through your eyelashes. “How about another dance?”
His lips part slightly in surprise. “To this song?”
Every inch of your skin burns hot with embarrassment and your fingers curl tighter around your glass. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. It’s just that I really love to dance,” you sputter out nervously, wishing you had kept your mouth shut. You only dig yourself further into the hole as you continue to ramble. “Luke doesn’t like to dance. He never wants to dance with me—”
That’s all Joel had needed to hear.
He reaches for your glass, prying it out of your grasp. He sets it down on top of the fence and holds his hand out to you. “I’ll dance with you, darlin’.”
Looking up at him in surprise, you accept and place your hand in his. His other hand finds your waist and the two of you begin swaying along to the music—a smile that could light up the entire town breaks out across your face. 
Joel didn’t know Luke, but he couldn’t fathom how the man you were married to wouldn’t do just about anything to see that smile.
“Wait, I thought you couldn’t dance,” you tease, noticing that he’s leading you.
Flashing you a cocky grin, he shrugs. “Guess the kid was right. I ain’t so bad for fifty six with creakin’ knees.”
Remembering Ellie’s words from earlier, you throw your head back and laugh.
His stomach turns, twisting in a tangle of desire and nerves.
You’re married.
But that does nothing to stop the want, the need. 
For either of you.
Being in his arms, it’s wrong.
It’s more than an innocent dance—it’s the beginning of something that’s bound to lead to nothing but trouble and you both know it.
Joel continues to lead you and begins singing along to the familiar lyrics, quietly, but just loud enough for you to hear the sultry richness of his voice. “Like a river flows, surely to the sea,” he sings, subconsciously giving your hand a gentle squeeze. “Darlin’ so it goes, some things are meant to be.”
Impressed, you raise an eyebrow at him. “You’ve got a nice voice, Joel.”
“Y’think so?”
You nod. “I do. What, were you a singer in your first life or something?”
“Really? What did you do?”
“I was a contractor,” Joel replies, grinning as he elicits another sweet laugh from you. “Owned my own construction business with Tommy. I did enjoy singin’ though—and playin’ the guitar too. But it was a hobby more than anythin’ since I don’t think music would’ve paid the bills.”
You smile up at him. “Oh, well now you’re going to have to play the guitar for me sometime. Maybe even treat me to a whole song?”
“I still owe Ellie a song,” he remembers, shaking his head. “But I don’t have a guitar, so it gets me out of it.”
“Well then, we’re going to have to find you one and when we do, you’ll have to play something for us,” you tell him. “Deal?”
“Deal.” Joel agrees without thinking. He starts singing along to the lyrics again. “Take my hand, take my whole life too—” 
“But I can’t help falling in love with you.” You try not to laugh again at the shock on his face as you finished the lyric for him.
“Hey now, you’ve got a real nice voice yourself, darlin’.”
You shouldn’t let him call you that.
Out of respect for your husband, you should tell him it’s not okay. None of this is okay.
But it is okay. 
“Oh, now you’re just trying to flatter me, Miller,” you accuse him, playfully. 
The song ends and neither of you make a move to let go of one another.
Joel’s eyes fall to your pretty, plush lips and it takes every ounce of strength he has inside of him not to lean down and press his own lips against them.
Finally, he forces himself to let you go and takes a step backward, clearing his throat. “I should, uh—I should go and find Ellie so I can get her home. S’gettin’ kinda late.”
You nod, your heart slamming painfully against your sternum. “Of course,” you say, slightly breathless. “I’ll come along with you so I can say goodnight to her.”
As the two of you make your way around the barn and back towards the entrance, Joel sees a tall, slender man with short dark hair approaching. He’d called out your name and something inside Joel’s mind just clicks together—he knows exactly who the man is before you’ve even had a chance to open your mouth and say his name.
“Luke?” Stopping abruptly in your tracks, you stiffen and squeak out his name. “What—what are you doing here?”
“There you are, honey.” He comes up to you and immediately takes your arm, pulling you from Joel’s side and over to his. “Tommy told me you might be out here. I was just coming to look for you.”
It takes thirty seconds for Joel to size him up. Luke’s younger than himself, definitely closer in age to Tommy—somewhere around his mid to late forties. He’s a lot more clean cut than most of the other rugged men in the commune with his short, neatly kept dark hair and a clean shaven face. Though he’s on the thinner side, he’s in decent shape, but Joel’s wider, broader and far, far more intimidating.
“What are you doing here?” you ask again.
“Now, is that really how a loving wife should greet her husband?” Luke laughs, pulling you even closer into his side. 
Joel isn’t all too fond of the way he’s holding you. 
He’s rough, harsh.
“I decided to come and check it out. See what all the fuss is about,” Luke says. He glances at Joel, his green eyes giving him a once over—sizing him up, just like Joel had done to him. “Don’t be rude, honey. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your new friend here?”
You speak softly, almost too softly.
“Luke, this is Joel Miller.”
“Ah. You’re Tommy’s brother, right?”
Joel tries not to sound too curt, but fails. “That’s right.”
“Joel, this is Luke.” You can’t even look him in the eye as you introduce your spouse. “He’s my husband.”
Luke extends a courteous hand. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Joel.” His other hand finds and takes yours. “I do hope that my wife here hasn’t been bothering you tonight. She can be quite the little chatterbox. Makes me wish she came with a mute button sometimes.”
Joel’s dark eyes briefly flit to Luke’s hand holding yours, taking note of the way he’s gripping it so tightly that his knuckles had gone white. Between that and the comment he’d just made about you, Joel had every fucking desire to connect his fist to the side of Luke’s face.
“Luke, please,” you whisper, throwing him a tiny glare. 
“Oh come on now, honey. Where did your sense of humor go? You know I’m only joking,” Luke states, squeezing your hand a little harder, causing you to squirm.
Something tells Joel he’s not kidding around.
He’d meant what he had said.
“She hasn’t been a bother at all,” Joel speaks in your defense. “Actually, I came out here to talk to her and to thank her for bein’ so kind to my kid, Ellie. Your wife here, she’s been nothin’ but good to her since we arrived.”
“Well, as long as she wasn’t being a bother.” Luke glances down at you. “If you’ll excuse us, there’s a few people that I still need to see and say hello to inside. Come along, honey.” He glances at Joel, a strange glint in his eye as he tells him, “Welcome to Jackson, Joel.”
His jaw clenches as he watches him drag you into the barn.
Nothing about Luke sat right with him.
The way he’d spoken to you, touched you, treated you.
And then there was you.
The light had instantly left your eyes the second he’d come around. 
Something wasn’t right.
A rough hand on his shoulder startles him out of his thoughts.
“Really, Joel? Really? Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Tommy hisses, yanking him over to the side of the barn where nobody would overhear him. “What the fuck did I tell you yesterday in the mess hall?”
“The hell are you fuckin’ talkin’ ‘bout?”
His brother glares at him. “I know that you ain’t as fuckin’ dumb as you look, Joel. What the fuck were you doin’ out here alone with her? Huh?”
Joel purses his lips together tightly in silence.
What had he seen?
Having read his mind, Tommy shoves his shoulder. “You were dancin’ with her you fuckin’ asshole? Did you fuckin’ forget that she’s a married woman?”
Joel rolls his eyes at him and aggressively shoves his hand off of his shoulder. “We were just dancin’ together, alright? Ain’t like we were makin’ out, Tommy. Can you fuckin’ relax?”
“I don’t give a fuck, Joel! If I saw any man that wasn’t me dancin’ with Maria like that, I’d be fuckin’ pissed. I’d kick his fuckin’ ass,” he spits. “Her husband just showed up to the goddamn party. You’re fuckin’ lucky that it was me who saw you out there with her and not him. What if he’d seen you two? Then what?”
“Christ, Tommy. Relax,” Joel tries again to calm him. “It was just a dance, alright? It was nothin’ more than that. Okay?”
“You listen to me and you listen to me good, ‘cause I ain’t fuckin’ gonna say it again, big brother. Don’t go gettin’ any ideas ‘bout her. I don’t need you to go around stirrin’ up any kind of trouble,” Tommy says, his voice firm. “We can’t have that kinda shit here. Maria won’t tolerate it, and y’know what, I won’t either. Don’t fuckin’ cause problems. Got it?”
“Didn’t plan on it,” Joel mutters, bitterly.
Tommy narrows his eyes at him.
“Just fuckin’ watch yourself, Joel,” he warns. “I fuckin’ mean it.”
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