#why are they so excited when the dog barks and barks and barks like crazy
soryualeksi · 1 year
The godforsaken neighbours, I just. Why.
When the fucking husband isn't either yelling because he's angry OR yelling because he's happy, they all engage in the great family activity of: egging the fucking dog on until it's barking its head off.
What is their problem.
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ms-demeanor · 8 months
Like, your MiL intentionally trained her dog to bark at helicopters?? why
She didn't intentionally train him to do this, she just reinforced it so much that it became a trained response and now the dog gets confused when she yells at him.
He would just get really excited when helicopters flew over and she'd get excited with him and say "Helicopter, Teddy, go get it! Go get it!" and run outside and laugh with him while he ran around the yard barking, like she'd say "yaaaay, good job, you chased it away" and play with him when she pretty much never plays with him otherwise so he goes fucking bonkers for helicopters because why wouldn't he?
So now when a helicopter flies over at two am, he freaks out and wants to run into the yard and she yells for him to shut up and stop being a crazy dog, she's trying to sleep (she also is afraid to go outside at night and there is a child proof lock on her front door so that when her grandkids came to visit bigfoot couldn't psychically convince them to unlock the door and disappear into the woods. She lives less than 100 yards away from a major freeway in LA County.)
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cindol · 8 months
can you do a connie x hyper fem reader, where connie comes to her condo for the first time and reader has a big ass dog with a name like tiny or peanut ?
(also sorry if this sounds weird i haven’t done an ask like ever 😭)
cw— fluff, reader’s dog’s name is princess,
a/n— I struggled with this a bit which is why it came so short, but I hope u enjoy anon.
When y/n told Connie she had a dog he expected it to be one of those small cute dogs girls like her usually did. Even when she said she had a mean dog he chuckled.”I can handle a mean little brownie dog baby.” She rolled her eyes, chuckling at how he didn’t take her seriously.”don’t say I didn’t warn you con.” Once she twisted the door open she was greeted with a large brown pitbull in a bright pink collar barking and going crazy at her owner finally being home. It made y/n giggle seeing how excited her dog was everytime she returned to her every night. She bent down giving her chin scratches and head rubs.”hiiii princess! I’ve been out all day, haven’t even been able to give my princess her belly rubs like she deserves.” she spoke in a high pitched baby voice at the grown pitbull.
Soon her pit noticed Connie behind her and growled huffing, making Connie gulp.”…when you described your dog I was imagining one of them barking loud chihuahua’s, not a damn whole grown ass dog, baby.” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head and making y/n giggle.”Never judge a book by its cover con, she may be a big ol pit but she’s still my princess, aren’t you princess? Yeahh you’re my baby!” Her attention immediately reverted back to her dog.
When Connie came into princess’s view, growls immediately came from her seeing a new male with her owner. Y/n just giggled at connie’s shocked face.”Guess she doesn’t like male company. She’ll get comfortable with you soon, don't worry.” Connie highly doubted that followed after her.
Connie couldn’t even relax and kick back without princess getting either an attitude at it or causing a ruckus at it. Even him tickling you or kissing you evoked loud huffs and moaning sounds from princess making the both of them pause and look at the floor. Y/n was the first to have a sympathetic look at her poor girl.”oh my poor baby! She probably wants to be included and cuddle with her new papa.”she cooed, resorting back to baby talk and rubbing the dog's cheeks making Connie groan at how easily princess could just steal her attention from him.
He soon came with the terms that he would be sharing his girlfriend with his new “daughter”. When y/n would change into a fluffy light pink robe and get comfortable laying in Connie's arms, princess would jump right onto the bed in between them.”I guess princess wants some love too huh con baby?”
It’s always gonna be a losing battle with this pit.
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lizzy019 · 1 month
YES FISH! (idk if you're a ma'am or a sir, but ik you're a fish 😅😅😅 <3)
Nikto had found himself sitting on your shared bed in discontentment.
20 weeks with a child you so graciously gave him wasn't what was bothering him, but it was just nerve-wracking. A child? With Nikto's disfigurement, his child would surely kick and scream and cry out of fear. He wasn't quite ready for it, but he knew you were so excited, so happy and thrilled to be awaiting a newborn baby.
You thought so confidently that he would be a good dad, and in a way, he could be. Nikto would protect his child, need be violently or with some simple actions like hugs or bringing snacks. Just don't expect him to be over the top dad.
Nikto had awaited your arrival, sitting in the dim room with a solemn expression as his calloused hands rubbed over his prominent belly. In there was your growing child, the baby you were so excited to have with him. He didn't understand.
Once your benevolent, serene tone rang through the halls of your apartment, Nikto straightened himself like a dog hearing their owner call out for them and he hobbled himself to where you were.
Call Nikto crazy, but he just found you all the more alluring and gorgeous when you were a bit ticked off after work. He just liked the way your brows furrowed, your eyes narrowed to make small creases, and the way all your actions were a bit exaggerated.
Hearing his footsteps, you turned to spot your dearest hobbling over, using the wall as support, and immediately everything had soothed. All the annoyance and irritation stemmed by work had melted away as you hurried over to offer some assistance.
Nikto didn't like help, he found your care for him to be pathetic and weak. But oh, he just adored you. Like how the moon has to be complimented by the stars, you made his life just a bit better.
"Ты пытаешься заставить меня чувствовать себя бесполезным?" He asked peculiarly, looking at you with a gaze that was nothing short of skeptical.
You looked at him incredulously, piecing together his sentence and translating it; "Are you trying to make me feel useless?"
You barked a sound of pure mirth and you shook your head in endearment. Sometimes Nikto was just too stubborn and hard-headed for his own good.
"What? No, I want you to be comfortable, Nik. You're raising our child, aren't you? I have to do my part." You hummed benevolently, your hand palming over the taut skin of his belly. "This precious child of ours is being formed in your womb, so why can't I make things easier for you?"
At first, Nikto just looked at the pregnant belly of his in a sweetish manner, caressing the bump and shrugging slowly.
"I just thought... I- I do not need your concern, I do not need help. I am fine." He muttered, sitting down on the sofa and unclasping the mask that kept his face covered.
Once the metallic material was chucked beside him and he finally had the chance to scratch the itch on his eyebrow, he found himself wincing when the child in his womb kicked just a bit too harshly. It made Nikto hiss in discomfort, his hand trying to hold the child still.
Your smile was nothing short of cherishing, and you put your hand on his baby bump as well before chuckling gleefully
"Our baby..." You were practically giddy.
Nikto found it a bit odd but sweet with how obsessed you were with his baby bump. He didn't quite care though, he just found it sweet.
"You do realize I am not going to have the same body I once had before once this child is out of me, да?" He asked you with a hint of a smile on his pretty, pink lips.
You nodded vigorously, smiling wide as you pressed a soft kiss to the plush of his baby bump, holding it gently before you stood up to go cook something for him.
"Would you like anything particular for dinner? I'll make whatever you want, no worry." You offered your darling, smiling wide as you saw him think.
"Pelmeni, please..." He murmured, gesturing for you to lower yourself.
Once you did, his cracked and scarred lips pressed the most gentle kiss to your cheek out of gratitude, and you felt your cheeks sting pink. Physical affection? Receiving it from Nikto? You were practically floating.
"Okay." You replied slowly, smiling all bright and wide as you hurried into the kitchen.
You had this newfound urge to make this pelmeni request of his the best dish he ever had, so you decided to mix a bit of your own culture into the food to enrich it. Give the food some love like how you were taught to do. It was short to make, and you found yourself humming contently when the food seemed about ready.
Nikto deserved to be pampered, did he not?
Sure enough, you were sitting in the hospital waiting for Nikto's vitals to pop back up and for him to heal properly. The child wrapped in blue to signify its birth sex was cradled in his arms as he napped.
What a sweet sight, you found yourself looking at him with hearts in your eyes and butterflies in your stomach. Something about him showing such care for his child, the one he was unsure about, was something you truly cherished.
His name was Dimitri.
And you would come to love him and Nikto endlessly.
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princessisfinethx · 5 months
Monster!König x Vet!Reader pt. 3
Did I hit 100 followers? I'm actually literally buzzing I'm so excited lol
A/n: I made a familiar character the bad guy, and I started color coding people except König. If I colored König he'll be green but for now he'll stay colorless.
Warnings!: Dog attack, rivalry, dog bite, violence(towards animal)
M!König: Who made another bundle of fish just for you. He made sure to catch more of the ones you stated you had liked. The lake he lives in was huge, and a river connected it to various other lakes so it was always stocked up. He knew he needed to stop this, so he promised himself that this would be the last gift. Then he'll have to leave, move to a different lake. Even though he didn't want to.
M!König: Who, when he arrives at your vet clinic, sees you speaking to an older gentleman who has a leashed dog at his side and a bundle of flowers in his other hand. You seemed frustrated and shook your head up at the man, who in response had shifted impatiently. Enter, Hunter!Simon, who was trying to convince you that one drink with him will be good for you.
M!König: Who walked up to the both of you, holding the bundle of fish and glaring down at the man. He has blonde hair, scars across his pale skin and grey cold eyes. But König's eyes could be colder. You looked between the two men, sensing some kind of conflict arising internally. Clearing your throat, you told Simon he should leave, and that you declined his offer.
Hunter!Simon: Who was staring up at König with a menacing look. Something was off about this guy. Was this the bloke that you were seeing? And why did he wear a hood over his face. He noticed the bundle of fish and snorted a little. "Tha' all you can catch? If you're tryin t' impress her, that ain't gonna do it." He stared up at König but the mans face never changed. Riley, his dog, growled lowly as König stood there and looked down at them.
M!König: Who glared down at the dog next. Then answered coldly, "What use would she have for flowers? At least I catch her food, while you lazily pluck her weeds." He nearly snarled. Simon threw the flowers down while his dog growled louder, crouching in an attack position. Simon was close to raising his voice, both in heated anger and because Riley was barking louder. You stepped in, pushing the both of them back which caused Riley to jump up to attack, but König was pulling you out of the way before it registered to either one of them.
M!König: Who took the full on harsh bite of the K-9, kicking the dog away while Simon angrily yelled at him. But you were telling at Simon to leave or else you'd call the police. König watched as you threatened the blonde man while using your body to shield the much larger man. It made his heart swell despite the bleeding bite wound.
Vet!Reader: Who watched Simon and Riley walk back to his truck and drive away. You were quick to help König inside and treat his wounds. You had some healing ointment and rabies shots lined up but König was quick to stop you, explaining this was nothing. You knew König was different, so... You trusted him on this. Then when König was standing up, you wrapped your arms around him in a hug. "You didn't have to do that...but thank you."
M!König: Who was blushing like crazy. His tentacles were more actively shifting beneath his hood but he hugged back stiffly. He cleared his throat. "I'm used to dog bites... And hunters." he shrugged. He watched you pull away and then your hand reached up to his tentacles, and some eagerly wrapped around your finger to which you smiled happily. He was a big blushing mess now but he wouldn't pull away.
M!König: Who was surprised when you offered to cook food for him. It's been a very long time since he ate cooked(human) food. But with you? He eagerly agreed. When you asked what he could eat, König proudly announced anything, except the funny tasting bottle drinks. You held back your giggles and he noticed.
A/n: Damn, this is sounding like a retelling of Beauty and the Beast🤦 Also ! If y'all don't want me to use Simon as bad guy I can change that. But I had a little background on Hunter!Simon.
Basically, after the war and he retired, he moved to this unnamed small town and took up hunting. Kind of a bad ending Simon cause it more or less makes him feel alive when he hunts. So instead of hunting for food, he hunts for fun. (Which, veterinarian you hates.) Hunting for fun and not food is a big no no where I live so I thought why not sprinkle conflict-
Like I said before, I can change his character so that it's not Simon but instead it's some random NPC with a shit name. Y'alls call.
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noxioussim · 7 months
Reigen arataka x smr (imagines!)
CW; 18+, height difference, overstim, Lowkey short, Dom male reader, penetration.
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- imagine being shigeo and ritsus older brother (I mean OLDER like mid-older 20's type old.)
- reigen gets invited to dinner at the kageyamas so he can meet the two younger boys parents! Oh my! It's the same weekend you happen to be in town.
- reigen arrives as they add in you'll be joining them, reigen doesn't mind, why should he? your just their older brother.
- he arrives before you, hes sitting down at the table, an empty seat right next to him for you when you arrive.
"He'll be here any minute."
- shigeo and ritsu are not only excited to have you meet their parents but they see their brother they haven't seen in a few years? Win win!
- once you step through that door and reigen sees you, he starts questioning himself in every single way possible.
- how the hell are you so tall? Non of the other kageyamas are as tall as you are..and that body.. damn. (Humble yourselves because we can only wish.)
- he may as well be barking like a damn dog at this point. You were wearing a suit and tie because you were in a hurry to get here from your work?
- he wants your tie to be wrapped around his wrists while you fuck him senseless. All of dinner he's shaking in his seat as you sit next to him, he can't help but glance at you ever so often as beads of sweat drip down his temple.
"Are you okay, Mr. Arataka?"
- a question Mrs kageyama would ask kindly as reigen would attempt to Regain his composure, he would grin and nod confidently even though we all know he's dying inside.
(18+ begins here.)
- imagine you took an interest in him aswell..I mean who wouldn't? You meet him in his office while dropping shigeo and ritsu off. He's stammering and flushed as he wildly gestures his hands around, trying to start a conversation with you.
- you both get alone time as the others are out doing a school project? Oh no? Serizawa is sick? Coincidence or did you use your psychic powers to change the day up just for this opportunity..?
- here you are, reigen in your lap as you sit in his office chair, he mindlessly bounces up and down on your cock, taking all of you inside him as he blabbles and murmurs incoherent words and sentences.
- he's gripping onto your shoulders before he would wrap his arms around your neck, pulling you closer as you grip his hips, forcing him to go faster with each movement, hitting a different angle each time.
- he squeals and gasps every time you reach new heights as his eyes roll back from the pure pleasure your bringing onto him.
- he cums as white ropes go onto your suit and a bit of his exposed abdomen, he's begging you too slow down but we all know if he wanted to stop he'd say the safe word.
"P-please!~ oh oh god! It's too much- please please ohhh~ohmyghh..I can't..I can't! Fuc-fucmmhmm! Faster!~ faster! More..gah-hah ha--oh faster please!"
-hes fucked stupid on your fat cock as it all goes inside him. Hes so messed up and it's a beautiful sight. Drool on his chin, face red and he's sweating like crazy, your cock twitching inside him.
Pls give him aftercare and praise him.
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Meet the Fockers Bishop-Belova’s
Natasha Romanoff x (Dr.Doolittle)F!R
Bishova 🥰
Liho to the Rescue (Part 1)
Natasha has a mission, entrusting you and Liho with Yelena, Kate, and their dogs that couldn’t be more different, and you (un)fortunately get to spend a week getting to know all of them intimately.
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"Lucky Bishop, you are embarrassing us in front of the guest, sit still."
"But Fanny! Look! No matter how fast I go, my tail never gets closer, it's crazy isn't it?!"
"They're so uncultured, this is why cats are the better option. Imagine being a dog person."
To the women before you exchanging familiar friendly greetings it is a normal occurrence, the dogs barking while the cat lazily meows atop of Natasha's shoulder. To you though, it's an interesting engagement that you almost feel bad for intruding on, but not enough to not laugh out loud, instantly drawing the attention of all the humans, and animals before you.
"Oh, let me introduce you all to my girlfriend," Natasha beams, gently tugging you forward and right into her side for a comforting hug, "This is Y/N." Yelena immediately gasps and steps forward, "The animal whisperer right?"
"Yes she is, I can no longer have my thoughts to myself," Liho groans, and you lean forward to glare at the feline, and he tilts his head back in challenge, "Yes, that's me, and if you're curious I offer interrogation services, it's how I found out that Liho ate Nat's hoop earrings."
"You promised!" Liho shimmies onto Nat's other shoulder and swats at you, "Yeah, and you just dissed me, served you right, jerk!"
"This is so cool! Tell me, what's Fanny thinking right now?" Yelena jumps in place, clapping her hands together in obvious excitement.
"Well, I don't invade their thoughts, so why don't you ask her, and I'll respond for her."
"Fanny, my truest love, what's on your mind?"
Your girlfriend and you bite back a laugh when seeing Kate's face scrunch up in offense as her aloof girlfriend drops to her knees and cups her pooches face, "Tell my new friend baby."
"Well, for starters, I wish for Lucky to stop breathing down my neck, it is bothersome," she barked curtly, "Then, I would like to go to the barn and chase the chickens to decompress."
"She's very, um, well," you paused, looking to your lover for help she simply couldn't offer you, "She'd like some personal space, and she wishes to chase the chickens to get it."
"Mention Lucky, she's too clingy!" she barked shortly in your direction, and you smiled sympathetically at the whimpering retriever, "She'd also like for me to mention that dear, sweet Lucky's a bit too clingy at times."
"Kate Bishop! I told you that Lucky was crowding her, didn't I?" she scolded, then gasped, "Oh my god, I'm a dog whisperer too!"
"Go ahead, chase the chickens moya lyubov'," she pecked the pooches wet nose, then rose back up to face all of your stunned faces, "What? You expected me to say no to her?"
Natasha turned to you with an apologetic smile, "I'm so sorry detka," she nuzzled her nose with yours and softly pressed her lips to yours, "I'll only be be gone for a week."
"Don't worry Natasha! She will be fine!" Yelena boasted, then your girlfriend shook her head as you were torn from her, "Now, we have fun!!"
Natasha blew your shocked form a kiss from the car, then she sent up a prayer to whatever higher power listening that you don't breakup with her at the end of this sure to be long week.
"How's it going moya lyubov'?" Natasha asked through the phone, and you shot her a smile, but it didn't reach your eyes, "I miss you Nat. It's so cold without you to snuggle up to."
"Aww baby," she cooed as she lifted the phone closer to her face, as if that equated to comfort, and in a way it did as you giggled softly at the sight of her nostrils, "You can cuddle Liho."
"No, she can't!"
You rolled your eyes, and Natasha smirked in understanding as she heard the cat plop onto the ground after you gently nudged it with your foot, "Can't you two just get along, for once?"
"We once did, then she betrayed me, and never gave me my can of tuna after doing so!"
"Blame Natasha! I tried to, but she said no tuna for naughty cats, and you just keep acting up!"
"He broke my limited edition nunchucks!" Natasha shouted, reaffirming your stance, and it seemed to soften the black cat a smidge.
"Hmph," Liho meowed angrily while plopping onto your chest, giving Natasha a view of his butt instead of you, "I want my damn tuna."
Natasha gasped, "Did he just swear?"
"Uh, I'm not even going to ask how you know."
"Easy, when you bicker he meows like that."
You chuckled softly, "Goodnight Natty, be safe please," you smiled at your awkwardly tilted phone before blowing her a kiss that she caught, "Always am, I can't leave you two behind, you'll likely kill each other if I did."
After you set your phone down on the bedside table you whispered softly, "I love you Nat."
"Why don't you say it to her instead of the air?"
"Because, I don't think she's there yet Liho, and the last thing I want is to scare her away."
"You're being dumb then, she's totally in love."
"Be nice, or you can sleep with the dogs."
Liho's defiance instantly faded, he nuzzled into your chest, and began to purr so loudly you couldn't hear your insecure thoughts, making your trip into the realm of unconscious fast.
Natasha stared down at her phone with a sad smile, she'd accidentally pressed mute over end, and in turn she heard your confession.
It felt wrong, she knew she didn't mean to do it, but she has yet to hang up so she also didn't do the right thing. At this point you were snoring, an adorable sound she's grown used to. Honestly, it brought her comfort, and that was good because she was in a state of shock.
Natasha knew she loved you, it wasn't hard for her to breakdown the emotion, but she's never been on the receiving end of such a feeling. Romance hadn't even interested her until she first saw you, it was like everything she ever knew went right out the door the second your sweet voice broke through her steel walls.
With how easily she fell though, it was as if her walls were only made of paper for you. You cracked the code, and your reward was her battered heart, and you accepted it wholly. That much apparent now that you'd confessed in presumed secret that you loved her too.
Natasha whispered softly with a smile, "I love you too," before the line finally went dead.
"I knew it," Liho meowed tiredly atop of you, but fortunately you were too gone to hear.
The following morning you awoke when the sun peaked through the blinds, making Liho purr in thanks for the newfound warmth. It was a moment of total bliss, then the sounds of dogs excitedly barking led to you wincing once sharp claws penetrated through your thick sleep shirt and then the skin of your breasts.
"Stupid canines, do they not know how to keep their volume at a maximum of total silence?"
"Jesus, Liho are you sure you're three? You act like an elderly man with kids on his lawn."
"I do not get your inference, but I will say kids are annoying too, so I understand the man."
With a gentle touch you removed the cat from your chest, then you entered the bathroom to get your morning hygiene done, and while doing so you saw Natasha had texted you.
*Good morning krasivaya, I miss you, and I'm counting down the days until you're back in my arms. Have fun (if you can—again, I'm sorry), I will try to call you later, but I might end up being forced to go no contact.*
You frowned, but you understood that she had a job to do, but it wasn't long before you were smiling as she'd also sent you some photos. There was a selfie of her smiling, then you got to see the reason for her excitement as the next photo was of her with a stray calico kitten that you have an inkling you'll be meeting soon.
There was a final photo, and you audibly awed at the shot of you two on the couch, you were giggling and Natasha was holding onto you tightly from behind, with a par-visible grin as she pressed her face into your neck.
*Don't forget about me as you snuggle Liho*
When you finally ventured out of your room you made your way to the kitchen to find Kate alone while studying for some math course.
"You wouldn't happen to know how to find the x would you?" The raven haired girl asked you tiredly, and you chuckled softly, "Not really, I've always found it's best not to question them, but to instead leave them in the past."
Kate rolled her eyes playfully, then went to refocus on her paper but then her dog barked, catching her off guard, "What is it honey?"
"Well mama, you needs to get all like minded variables to the same side, then you'll get what she needs. Which would make x = 10 here."
Kate's eyes widened as you regurgitated Lucky's tip, she stared down at her dog in bewilderment, "Oh my gosh, my dogs a genius. We should call all the local news stations!"
"Kate, you guys live in the far away woods."
Kate deflated slightly, "You have a point."
After you collected your psyche, you moved about to get breakfast as well, then just as you were about to leave Kate stopped you with a hand in your face, "Wait! I just want you to know I knew how to do it, I'm smart too!"
“Don’t worry darling, I figured as much.”
A few days into your stay and you were feeling as if your only purpose was to service Yelena and her need to be in constant communication with Fanny, who was growing irritated by it.
"Ask her," you quietly groaned along with the poor dog who's head now burrowed beneath the pillow in her dog bed, a sign you'd think a well trained spy would catch, but she didn't.
"Tell her that she is worse than Lucky."
"You know, I think Fanny's tired."
"Y/N Y/L/N, I know my dog, she is not tired. We've not even taken our morning walk yet."
"I just want to know, does she prefer to take selfies with me or to live more in the moment."
"Tell her I'd actually like to live alone."
"She's very much all for living in the moment, now, if you'll excuse me I need to go pee."
As you passed the kitchen you saw Kate wearing a smile, "What did she really say?"
"Nothing the blonde’s heart can handle."
Kate nodded, "I figured as such, now go, hide in the study, Yelena hates books, she says they are just tiny, evil distractions, but actually, and don't tell her I told you, but she read Marley and Me and never went back in there again."
“That’s understandable… Welp, I’ll be going now, you’ll know exactly where to find me.”
The week you spent at the Bishop-Belova's was interesting to say the least, and unpleasant if you’re being honest. Finding yourself in the middle of an all out war sealed that in for you.
“Kate Bishop! Take your hand off of Y/N, she is mine!” Yelena yanked you away from her lover with all her might, and in doing so she nearly dislocated your shoulder, “My sisters girlfriend makes her mine before it makes her yours!”
“Yelena! She is her own person first, and you are making her miserable, it’s always: Fanny this, Fanny that, oh, what does Fanny think?” Kate shouted back, arms waving around like crazy, and you knew this was reaching way beyond yours and Fanny’s overall discomfort.
“What about me? What about my thoughts?”
Yelena’s brow’s scrunched, “I don’t need to hear them, I can read them on your face.”
“Oh, can you really now?” Kate arched a brow, and you watched as Yelena visibly froze up, and though this wasn’t your business you hated watching the poor girl struggle to understand.
“If I may,” Kate reluctantly nodded, so you gently touched Yelena’s arm, then leaned in to whisper, “She is feeling unappreciated, maybe you could take her out to a nice dinner.”
“Unappreciated? I appreciate her always!” Yelena shrieked in offense, “Who cleans her bow and arrows?” Kate frowned, “I do.”
“Yeah, the wrong way, so I go back and fix it,” Yelena boasted, and you saw a lightbulb of sort flicker behind the archers now widened eyes.
“Yelena, please tell me you’re not the reason I almost took Clint out on a mission last week.”
Yelena smirked, “I can neither confirm nor deny, but I can say it wasn’t my intention, more so a happy little accident in favor of my glee.”
“What did you use? Grease?” Kate shrieked in wonder and the blonde tentatively nodded.
“Welp, I’m going to chase the chickens again,” Fanny barked out of nowhere, you watched as the fluffy Akita stretched its entire body before making the great escape. Lucky whimpered as his ‘friend’ left, “I’m going to chase Fanny.”
“When is Natasha returning for us?” Liho questioned stoically while jumping atop the table before you out of nowhere, “I’m not sure I can handle their bickering for much longer.”
“Oh, because we’re so much better?”
Liho tilted his head, the cat’s equivalent of a shoulder shrug, “At least with those I win.”
“You do not!”
“Do too!”
Natasha watched from the doorway as the pairs of you were readily going at it, she found the sight rather amusing really. That was until Liho pounced onto your back when you tried to walk away, meanwhile Yelena was in a chokehold because she didn’t know when best to do that.
Natasha suddenly cleared her throat, spurring Liho to dart down the hallway as a tactic of self preservation, and for the couple hosting you to straighten up, and run away upon seeing the unamused glare of the one who trusted them.
Once they were all gone you ran into your lover, but pulled back from her embrace just as a soft hissing came from beneath her hoodie.
“Natty?” she smiled bashfully, “Don’t get mad.”
With a gentle movement the redhead pulled her hoodie forward, allowing the kitten you recognized from the photos to peak its little head out so that it could silently observe you.
“Ugroza,” Natasha smiles widely as she tells you the newest additions name, “It fits her, it means menace; we’ll call her Roza for short.”
“Liho isn’t going to appreciate this,” you teased while moving to hug your lover much slower this time, with the now sleeping cat snuggled between your bodies, “He’ll get over it,�� she shrugged her shoulders playfully, then she leaned in to kiss you with total tenderness.
“I missed you so much Natty,” you whispered as you nuzzled into the side of her neck that the cat wasn’t perched upon, “Don’t leave again.”
Natasha sighed, “I wish I never had to love, but the world needs saving, and you protecting.”
“I’m sorry you have to worry about me, I wish I wasn’t so helpless,” you lamented, and the redhead immediately moved to hug you tighter, “Helpless or not I’ll always worry Y/N, I never stop worrying about those that I love.”
Natasha smiled as you choked on air, the small breath released hitting her skin causing her to shiver lightly, “You love me?” you looked up at her with untrusting eyes, it hurt her, but she couldn’t blame you for being scared, because she herself was terrified, but you were worth it.
Worth facing the unfamiliar feelings, and for her to express them openly, “Of course I do.”
“I-I love you too,” you squealed, bringing her in for a kiss that hardly worked since the two of you couldn’t stop smiling long enough for your lips to really touch. “Like, I love you so much!”
“Yeah?” she chuckled softly as you nodded with a glee to rival her own, “I love you so much too detka, more than I’ve ever loved anything.”
“That’s rude! I’m so much better than her,” you harshly rolled your eyes, “Welcome back Liho.”
Liho climbed up your back, disregarding your many grunts of pain, and as he settled on your shoulder he zeroed in on the new feline.
“Who is this, and why is she cuddling with my mother?” he tensed on your shoulder, and you held back a giggle to avoid obtaining his wrath.
“Liho, meet Ugroza,” Natasha lifted her up, and the black cat lifted his nose upwards, “Fitting.”
Natasha looked to you for clarity, you simply shook your head with a smile and she mirrored your action before leaning in to kiss you softly.
“Since when do you understand Russian?” You mused while following your lover out to the car, “It is a common word mother uses, so I don’t know what it is, just that it’s not good.”
“At least you’re aware that you’re a menace.”
Natasha scooped Liho up from your chest to nuzzle him gently, “Don’t worry, mama loves you both, and you’re gonna love Roza too.”
After ensuring both felines were buckled in tight Natasha rounded the car to ensure the same for you. She tugged to test the belt’s security, causing a warmth to flood through you, it was such a simple thing, but the way she cared for your safety above all was telling. It worked wonders erasing any remaining doubt you had that she didn’t really love you.
“I love you Natty,” she smiled over at you from the drivers seat, her hand fell atop of yours on the gear shift, “I will never tire of hearing it,” she put the car in drive, then brought your now conjoined hands to her lips to lay a gentle kiss to your knuckles, “I love you most detka.”
“Thank you for kidnapping me a year ago,” you genuinely relayed, but you were also wearing a silly smirk that made Natasha cackle rather loudly, “Thank you for letting me darling.”
3,061 Words
I don’t normally ask, but someone somewhere mentioned a part to this R where she and Nat get trapped in a Jurassic Park crossover, and I’m curious if anyone would want that 👀
❤️ Kaitlyn 😂
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innerlandlight · 5 months
Okay so, I wrote another one @g-on-ef @pink-mask-06 @spotsandclawsthings
Maya- age 15
OH MY GOD!!!!! I'm so excited right now, I'm going on a datecwith this really cute guy at school. He got that James Dean daydream look in his eyes. Dad and Niko were not agreeingto this, but mom convinced them like a queen
"I can't believe that you're going on a date, I'm so happy for you!!!"
Mia signs. A deep feeling of guilt settled in me, its because of me, I know it. Mia sees my sad expression and signs
"What happened?Why are you sad?"
"It's....Nothing. Its just nervousness"
"Why is my confident diva bitch is nervous?"
"Oh please don't act like Anikka"
We both laughed and I hugged Mia and said
"I love you Mia, you are my hero"
"Aww, I love you too"
Mia left me alone in my room so that I could get ready. While doing my makeup, I got a call. Without checking the caller ID, I picked up the call
"Why the fuck are you going on a date when I told you not to?!"
I froze as I heard the poisonous voice of Pratt. But I won't let her control me, she is controlling me enough to make my life hell.
"You can't tell me what to do!!" I said angrily
"What did you just say to me?!"
She is angry, she usually gets angry like this when she is about to punish me. I hesitated a bit but I was determined.
"I said you can't control me anymore, are you fucking deaf!!"
I pulled my phone away from my ear, she's so fucking loud!
"Stop barking like a dog. Oh wait, calling you a dog is an insult to the species of dogs, you are much worse than that. You know what you can't control me. Show me your worst bitch!"
Before she can say anything I cut the call. Do I feel good? HELL YES!!. I won't let her control me. Just then Mia barged into my room
"Hurry up, he's here"
"What???It's too early"
"No dummy, its already 7 pm"
I flipped her off, took my belongings and went outside. There he was standing with a bouquet.
"Hey, are you ready?" he asked me.
"Yeah, let's go" I was blushing like crazy. The date went well and he also asked me out for a movie date!!!! When I reached home, my dad asked
"How are you? Do I need to kill somebody?" . I was annoyed, like I get it that dad is overprotective of Mia and me, but this is too much
"Dad no, come on, not all the boys are bad"
"I'm not sure about it" he said
Just then mom came in and said
"Kyle stop, leave that poor boy alone"
"Are you on my side or that guy's side"
"The guy's side, now come to the dinner table"
WOW, that was personal. My mom always kept my dad in check
"Honey do you want to eat dinner?" mom asked me
"Sure mom"
Even though I already ate dinner, I wanted to spend time with my family. I want to make many happy moments with them. before everything goes downhill, well I'm nit so sure about that. In next life, I don't want to live in guilt, I want to be free, I don't wabpnt to get abused. Suddenly, I got a text, it was from Pratt which said
"You're going to pay for this in the worst way"
I ignored the text and focused on my food. She's only going to beat me with a stick or worse with a belt.
After the dinner was over, I went to my room, did my skincare routine and went to sleep
My eyes snap open as I had a nightmare in which everyone found out about the truth of Mia's kidnapping and my family disowned me. I was covered in sweat and was thirsty. I tried to take my water bottle from the nightstand. I was not able to, I realized that my hands are tied to the bedpost. I tried to call for help but I realized that my mouth is taped. I was scared, I tried to loosen the ropes but failed.
"Stop struggling my rosie, its of no use" OH NO, it was Pratt.
I didn't listened to her and started trashing on the bed. But then she punched me hard on my stomach. Hard enough to make me scream. SLAP
"Stop making fucking noise!"
What she did next traumatized me for life. She started undressing me
"I'm so angry right now Maya, you shouldn't have disobeyed me"
I was struggling against the ropes but it was of not use. She started hitting my breasts with her stick. I let out a muffled cry, begging her to stop but she didn't. But then she spread my legs
After 2 painful hours she finally stopped. I was raped and I was not able to defend myself. I started crying again even though my eyes were puffy
"Shh....rosie don't cry, this was for your good only, you know I love you"
NO YOU FUCKING DONT!!! She then untied me and said
"Now, if you tell anyone, I'll kill your family in front of you in the most painful way" After saying this she disappeared from my window. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower to the highest temperature and stood there until my body was burning. How can I let this happen to me!!! I just want to die.
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nevvaraven · 1 year
At least I’ve got you
Regulus keeps getting surprise visits from a dog? 
“Oh for fucks sake- REG! Your stupid dog’s back.”  
“How many times do I have to remind you that he’s not mine?”  
“Well maybe try reminding him, this is the like the tenth time he’s wandered in here now!”
Regulus peeks his head out of the bathroom to see Barty angrily stuffing the contents of his desk into his book bag, whilst simultaneously sending irritated looks over to the familiar black dog now resting casually on Regulus’ bed.  
The dog bares his teeth and growls slightly towards Barty when Regulus finally steps out but the minute he does so, the dog’s head snaps towards him with an excited bark, and any previous aggression vanishes as his tail begins to wag.  
“I’m going to the library with Evan, I’ll see you later.” Barty huffs out, practically stomping out the room, “and that thing better be gone when I get back!”
The door slams on his way-out causing Regulus to roll his eyes, and if he didn’t know any better he’d say the dog lets out a little huff of laughter at Barty’s dramatic exit.  
“Back again, are we?” Regulus asks approaching the now clearly appeased animal with a soft smile. The familiar creature lets his tongue wag out and smiles widely as Regulus begins stroking his head.
He isn’t quite sure where exactly the dog always come from.  
The first time Regulus ever saw him was after one of the less fortunate quidditch games a few weeks ago, they had lost rather pathetically, and he had stayed behind in the changing rooms not wanting to deal with the aftermath of it all.  
He remembers it had been a particularly rough day, with not only his mother having sent him a humiliating howler at breakfast about not screwing up at his game but also since it had been Sirius’ birthday. Regulus had refused to even glance in his direction following the silence after the howler had ripped itself to shreds but he knew he was watching him, half the bloody hall was, he just couldn’t bring himself to look back. Too afraid of what would follow, what he would see.  
Afraid it would be a stranger.
He knew perfectly well the extent to which he was no longer a part of Sirius’ life, he didn’t need the reminders.  
Regulus had been sat in the changing rooms long after everyone else had already left, head in hands and still in his kit when the dog had wandered in, at first he had looked around in confusion wondering where the owner was, but no one had followed the animal in. And when the dog placed its head on his lap, Regulus felt no desire to really go looking.  
It was sort of ridiculous but in that moment, Regulus had needed someone, anyone really, to prove to him he wasn’t as alone in this world as he felt. The whole day had felt like one punch after another, and for whatever reason, when the dog looked up at him, it felt like he understood. Like he was telling him it was all going to be ok. He knows logically that can’t be true but, in the moment, he felt some odd form kinship with the dog. And call him crazy but he thinks the dog felt it too. Why else would he keep coming back?
Ever since that day whenever Regulus has had a bad enough day that he can’t hide it in his expression, the dog always somehow shows up and offers him that small amount of comfort that keeps him from feeling like he’s fallen over the edge. It didn’t make sense then and it doesn’t make sense now but for better or worse this dog has managed to keep finding his way back to Regulus when he needs him, and Regulus has undoubtedly grown very attached to him.  
He tried hard not to, but these days there aren’t a lot of people he feels comfortable talking to about the things that play on his mind, and something about the dog just makes him feel safe enough to open up in a way he just can’t seem to with anyone else.  
“How do you even get in here?” Regulus asks lying down next to him.  
The dog responds by placing its head softly on his shoulder.
“I feel like I should have a name for you by now.” Regulus says laying his head against the dog, “never really been quite good at names though,” Regulus murmurs stroking the dog’s head, “how do you feel about.....Noir?”  
The dog lets out a huff in response.  
“Ok clearly not,” Regulus laughs, the smile dying on his face when the next thought appears, “you know who’s great at names? Sirius.”
The dog’s ears perk up at that, they always seem to whenever he mentions his brother. He had been on Regulus’ mind all day, they had run into each other in the hallway earlier and Sirius had been holding hands with that friend he’s always staring at, Lupin. They looked at each other in a way that friends just don’t. It was so plainly obvious. To all of them it seemed since Sirius had ripped his hand away the second he had spotted Regulus. Regulus had immediately turned in the opposite and despite hearing his brother call for him, he had continued walking.  
He knew. Of course he knew. But he wasn’t going to be able to say the right things. He never has. So he’d rather say nothing at all now. It’s easier this way, spilling his heart out to an animal who doesn’t really comprehend anything he says.  
It’s not real.
“He used to play this game when we were younger,” Regulus starts as the dog perks up, “where he’d look out the window and make up stories for every person who walked by the street, he’d give them names and backstories and explain why they were out that day, it was all so ridiculous. He used to do it to cheer me up whenever mother got angry.” Regulus feels tears begin to prick in the corners of his eyes as the longing for a person who no longer thinks of him begins to build up in him, “I still do it sometimes, when I go home. I try to think of the kind of stories he’d make up for people but they’re never as good. One time this kid with long hair walked past and I nearly ran outside because I thought it was him,” Regulus laughs through his tears at the absurdity of it. “It wasn’t.”  
When he looks back at the dog he’s surprised to see there are tears in his eyes as well.  
“It’s ok,” Regulus whispers, stroking him again in what he hopes is a comforting motion, “I actually saw him today.”  
The dog raises his head from his shoulder to look down at him, eyes unblinking. 
“I think he’s happy. He looked happy.” Regulus admits, the dog looks away from him for the first time and gazes towards the window, “I didn’t know what to say to him, I know he must’ve been scared not knowing what I was thinking, but I’ve never known what to do with his fear. Which is a shame since he always knew exactly what to do with mine.”
The dog looks back at him then, he almost looks sad.  
“I don’t think I’ll ever get to tell him, but I’m glad he’s happy. Even if I don’t get to be a part of any of it.” Regulus whispers, “one of us should be.”  
The dog whines and for a moment Regulus thinks he’s crying. The sight of it for some reason is too much for Regulus to handle.  
“I think you should get going buddy,” Regulus says wiping at his own and sitting up, “Barty and Evan will be back soon, and I don’t think they’ll be as happy to see you as I am.”
The dog sniffles and crawls into his lap, his front paws come all the way up to Regulus’ shoulders and he leans his head against Regulus’ chest. There’s only one person Regulus has ever accepted a hug from and as he sits there in his room holding on to the small creature that can’t possibly understand the comfort he provides him, Regulus wishes not for the first time, that his brother was here. 
“It’s ok,” Regulus whispers into the dog’s fur, “at least I’ve got you.”  
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Okay. K - Diari Del Klondike has got to be one of the goofiest, dumbest, most illogical series yet with only 2 episodes. Barbieri is all like: yeah I'm going to make these stories to be consistent with Rosa and fill up the parts that he didn't write. So you expect that he's going to think about continuity. Then this episode he introduced Glomgold in the Klondike. You serious? That's not only going against Rosa, that's going against BARKS! BARKS?! You don't contradict Barks, that's sin in the Duck comics world. Scrooge doesn't know who Glomgold is until when they meet in the first ever Barks story. Rosa went around this by making sure that Scrooge never learns Glomgold his name in LaToS Chapter 6 The terror of the transvaal. Gervasio went around this by just avoiding these characters to directly interact in the past. They don't meet aside from that one Rosa appearance, so he makes sure that they don't meet. Glomgold can take over Duckburg and fake his curriculum vitae all he wants, but he doesn't interact with Scrooge. Meanwhile Barbieri is all like:
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Does he just not know or does he not care? 'I will be building upon Rosa' is a pretty big claim. But that's obviously not the case here so, like, huh, what, why,, i am confusw.
Then look at the random new 'lore' he creates that only rivals the bullshit Kari Korhonen pulled in the McDuck Diaries(funnily enough also a diary. It seems Scrooge has a lot of those together with the secret one that Donald finds). Korhonen had literally every single character be ancestor or family member of present day character. It was weird, but I don't mind it too much compared to what Barbieri did.
Cause for some reason we need Blackheart Beagle to also show up in the Klondike with a new name?????? Huh?? Where did that come from? Why? That's the goofiest thing ever.
Then we need to give Scrooge this treasure that he actually holds very dear even though we have never seen it before.
Then we need to give Scrooge a dog sidekick that he just has had through his Klondike period.
Then we establish that he was actually best friends with Goldie all the time even though she drugged him, he kidnapped her, she stole from him, they beat the shit out of each other, and Rosa shows that their relationship is very rocky and terrible which is what made their love story so good. But no now they're bffs. Sure.
And I don't get the whole diary thing either? What point does it serve? It only makes everything more annoying to read because it gets broken up by HDL talking. Is it just to fill up pages? Idk
Then Scrooge's glasses why does he need those why why why why why
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You get the chance to write about the Klondike, arguably one of the most exciting things in the donald duck universe and you decide to write the lamest stories ever. It's not like Barbieri can't write cool shit.
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Some of his Wizards of Mickey chapters are the only wizards of mickey stories ever that are in the inducks top 10000. If you somehow manage to write good wizards of mickey stories you're a goddamn wizard (pun not intended).
So why is K so incredibly dull? I don't get it. I only have questions it's so weirddd
Why does it have references to life and times even though it directly contradicts it? You don't have to adhere to the Rosa Canon but then why do you say that you do? I don't get it.
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Why is Flintheart Glomgold just chilling with Soapy Slick? This feels like a fever dream. You were somehow allowed to do this, this is crazy, so why is the result so boring? How? How can Soapy slick and Flintheart Glomgold be boring? *insert Tumblr blabbering*
There's so much goofy stuff. Scrooge as hulpsinterklaas is canon.
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Only the Dutch will understand that this is a big deal.
Why would panini want a new series taking place in the past? Why did they ask Barbieri to write this? Or was it his own initiative? Even then, why would Bertani give the green light? The Klondike is a holy part of the duckverse. Or can people just do this if they want to? I can't imagine that. Rosa and Korhonen couldn't just write about Scrooge's past. They needed to have a reason (the reason usually being demand from the publisher). But if panini wanted it, then why don't they promote it? They have only placed these stories in issues where the cover could be something else.
A big new part of Scrooge's past is revealed!! That will sell well! How do we let the people know? BY MAKING THIS
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THE COVER OF COURSE! (tbf they probably wanted a last chance to use it before it fell in the public domain. A last time they show everyone lmao look we can use this and you can't)
It's just such a strange series. And all the random OC's that pop up as well, but those are the least weird thing.
Anyway what I said was mostly ranting because that's funny. If you want to see people actually discussing this weird thing then you should read the papersera thread (use Google translate if you don't speak Italian it works fine)
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cubscoutemporio · 4 months
futurama s5e2 jurassic bark - a review
Okay genuinely every day i am reminded why futurama has been so important to me in my life for so long. the writing is incredible, billy west does a phenomenal job as always. truly one of the foundational reasons why i love fry so much as a character. he’s charming in every sense. truly one of my favorite characters in all of media. (up there with kyo, also orange haired coincidentally) this episode was a testament to matt groening as a creator. this episode does a huge amount of development in fry’s background. the dialogue in this episode is something i really appreciate because it demonstrates fry’s genuine love and earnestness in his heart. he’s just a guy who loves his dog. and on top of all of this, very well written jokes. many a laughs in this one, which is needed because of the serious tone. additionally, benders development in human emotions like empathy and jealousy. all leading up to bender being unforgivably horrible to fry, and then showing the aftermath of his actions on both of their emotions. all of this in the end showing how bender and fry truly care about each other as friends. crazy good writing.
how the fuck ever, i need to mention the “fanservice”. leela and amy were used as the overtly sexual women joke as a form of comic relief in this episode, which is especially weird because they aren’t usually written to be that way. this kind of shit infuriates me. it completely takes me out of it. it’s cheap comedy. there’s no point in adding it into the episode (or in the show at all). i just hate to see well written female characters in media being used in this kind of way when it doesn’t add anything to the show. it’s just gross to me. one thing i enjoyed though is when fry walked in, and ignored the obvious sexual implications of the scene because of his excitement and love for his dog. i know the whole joke was “haha funny fry didn’t gawk at tits this time when he normally would isn’t that so funny” but i still appreciated it because it once again shows us the well roundedness of fry as a character that makes him so charming.
overall an incredible episode. it’s number 1 highest rated episode title is well deserved.
quotes i appreciate
“or he thinks your pants is too short or something, which is crazy because frankly you look fabulous”
“indeed, you see that fossil was made of dolomite, the tough black mineral that won’t cop out when there’s heat all about”
the subsequent gag about the ice sculpture
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mandiemegatron · 8 months
(This is @laidenbreecatchall I wish Tumblr would let us use side blogs for asks 😔)
Oh my goodness congratulations on 900 followers!!!! I'm so happy for you that's so sick!!!! 💕💕
I got real excited about the give away too I went back and read my fav fics of yours to see which was #1 to me and my goodness 😤😤. I know I love the way you write but forget the details why until I'm reading your work again and just 😖💕 you write them so human and your dialogue is so natural and smooth, it's so so good. I do love Law, my lovely brooding bias, so my thoughts are mainly how you write him and gUAH!! Sometimes I feel like some authors condense him down to his tropes where you make him feel like a person and keep his intentions and motivations in mind. It's believable and I think in character of how your write him, at least in my mind it lines up perfectly with how I see him acting.
But my faaaaaav!! Was ✨Breathless✨!! cause OOAAAHGGGGGUHHH!!!! I love hands. I will not lie. Love em. Love his. And like it's so simple but such a tender intimate moment you wrote with the hand massage and mmmshdifudbhdufhf AND YOU WRITE HIM SO SNARKY AND CUTE!!!! AND WHEN HE LAUGHS!?!?!?!? ARRAAAGGG I WANNA HEAR IT I WANNA SEEEEE IT.... I should draw it 👁️👁️. Many fics make me all giddy and warm but this one gave me butterflies. Uhg. I adore it. I adore you. Your voice also comes through in your writing it makes it so fun and sweet and personable. It gives the writing this lovely charm I adore in your work.
Congrats again on 900 that's so incredible!!!! ✨💕✨💕✨💕
( PUNK HAZARD SPOILERS FYI. I'm gonna go read your Doflamingo fics now cause I haven't yet and I'm so curious. Cause I've just started dressrosa and... I won't lie I'm kinda loving him. I know he's crazy, and he walks stupid, and he dresses silly but when he kicked smokers ass I was like 😳🫡 *tucks hair behind ear* Sir do you need anything. That's neither here nor there or on topic. That's all byyyyyyye 💕💕)
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RYEEE 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖 my dearest rye you are such a fuckin wicked sick, awesome human and I'm honestly so like honored and like starstruck that you're not only mutuals with me but you also enjoy my work ?!?!?!? Like dude I could actually cry, I am obsessed with your work and I just literally go !!!!!!! whenever I see you post something 😭😭😭😭😭 STOOOPP I'm actually gunna cry, this is SO sweet of you my dude 😭😭😭😭💖
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SMOOCHING YOU BC I FUCKIN LOVED WRITING BREATHLESS!!! I'm pretty sure that was either my first or second time writing him and I just see him as this snarky, silly but serious dude like I just want to see him happy and content you know 😭😭😭😭😭 THE MANS HAD IT HARD ENOUGH 😭😭😭😭😭 god the HANDS.... 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 I too love them, if you couldn't tell 😭😭😂😂😂😂
Ooooo ~ 👀 hehehheheh I really hope you enjoy the Doffy pieces, I have it so bad for that man 😭😭😭😭 like sir you do you need a DOG ?! BARK BARK 🤪🤪🤪 f in the group chat for you reaching dressrosa, good luck forgetting about the crazy flamingo man 😈😈😈😈😈
Thank you SO much Rye for everything, I'm so happy and truly blessed to have your support and friendship 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖 thank you thank you !!! Your star has been added to your name!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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remisummerglow · 8 months
A Night on the Train - Prologue
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A beggar asking for change, a thug insulting him for having looked at his girlfriend, a crazy-looking old man shouting at him. “Killer! You killed my wife and son!”
A woman rudely bumping into him and cursing at him, a coffee too bitter, a dog barking at him and startling him.
These were only some of the occurrences he had run into that morning.
Gabriel hated train stations. That’s why he had been skeptical when the fortune teller predicted he would have an exciting encounter that night.
“Push your luck! Dive into the darkness! Don’t be afraid of the unknown!” the middle-aged woman advised in an overdramatic tone as she grabbed his hand. She had taken twenty dollars to give advice on his love life and that’s what he had gotten on the exchange.
“Push your luck, don’t be afraid of the unknown!” Gabriel repeated in his mind as he finally got on the train. “So far, the only thing I’ve been pushing has been my ridiculously heavy luggage.”
The young man walked through the train corridor, looking for the room indicated on his ticket. Looking at the other passengers, he recognized a few faces from his university. That made sense: the previous day had been the last official day of lessons before Christmas break, and plenty of students, Gabriel included, were returning home.
At least, he figured, he would soon get to taste his mother’s cooking again. As much as he tried, his attempts at replicating her recipes were never up to par.
“Maybe that’s the exciting encounter the fortune teller was talking about,” Gabriel chuckled to himself. “I could go for a slice of cherry pie right now.”
Dragging his luggage through a sea of legs, Gabriel finally arrived in front of his room. He opened the door without thinking and was flabbergasted to check the scene inside.
Two pretty girls he knew, two of the prettiest at his university in fact, were sitting inside the room and eyed him with curiosity.
“Sorry!” he immediately said as he turned back and closed the door behind him.
When he regained his straight thinking, he went to check his ticket, then he checked the room number again. That was his room indeed. Was it possible that he was going to share it with those two?
"Damn, what a mess," he thought. "Well, not much else that I can do. I need to sleep in there. I'll go back inside and act like nothing happened."
The girls looked at him again, this time with a rather sarcastic smile. He nodded at them. “Hello,” he said. “Hello,” the one closest to him replied. Gabriel recognized her as they shared a couple of classes, but he only knew her by sight.
He smiled. “You’re in contemporary history, Hendricks’s class, right?”
She nodded. “Yes,” she said. “I thought you looked familiar.”
“Love that guy,” he said, chuckling. “He’s never boring.”
“Yeah, his lessons are pretty wild,” the girl agreed.
“I’m Gabriel,” he said, holding out his hand.
“I’m Maria,” the girl said. “And my friend there is Wendy.”
“Hello Wendy,” Gabriel said as he nodded at the beautiful girl with sun-kissed hair, but she didn’t seem to acknowledge him.
“Sorry about that. She’s a bit shy,” said Maria.
“No problem. Sorry to bother you,” he said to Wendy.
“She’s really sweet once you get to know her,” Maria explained. “She’s spending her semester abroad, and for the holidays, she’ll be my guest.”
Gabriel nodded. “Sounds great,” he said.
Satisfied with how his second interaction with the girls had gone, Gabriel tried to act nonchalantly. He pushed his luggage under the bed and picked out a book to read. Truth be told, he was nervous, his mind screaming at him: "Don't act like a creep, don't act like a creep!"
He hit his head on the bunk bed as he entered his berth. Once he climbed the stairs and got on his bed, he started reading his book and tried to focus on the chapter, but he found that difficult, as his mind kept focusing on the girls on the bed under his own.
They were sitting next to each other, whispering in a low voice. He found that somehow rude, but it couldn’t be helped. He was a stranger, after all. It was understandable that they would want to speak about something without him overhearing.
He started wondering about the blonde girl. He had barely seen her–they probably didn't share any classes, but he had seen her a few times around campus. She had the kind of appearance that wouldn't be forgotten easily, after all, with dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slender, elegant figure. Since he had entered the room, she hadn't spoken to him and barely looked at him at all.
He tried to not get distracted by their whispering and focused on his book. As he started being immersed in the story, however, he heard Maria calling to him.
“Um, Gabriel, excuse me? Me and my friend were wondering about something.”
“Yes?” Gabriel said, intrigued and excited that one of the girls was speaking to him.
The brunette leaned closer to him, letting Gabriel catch a glimpse of her ample cleavage. “You know,” she said. “We weren’t really expecting a guy to share our room. We were really hoping for another woman. I guess it’s not a big deal for me, but my friend Wendy is rather shy. She said she could never sleep with a man around.”
Gabriel looked a bit disappointed. “I see, but what can I do?” he said. “This room’s number is printed on my ticket. I can’t just go and occupy another room.”
“No, no, I realize,” Maria said. “But listen, I have this shrink ray here, and we were wondering if we could use it to change your size a little. Just shrink you a little bit, to make my friend more comfortable.”
Gabriel laughed awkwardly. “Change my size? I mean, that sounds a bit wild, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah but it’s getting popular these days, you know?” Maria said. “Lots of couples do it just to have fun.”
“Right,” Gabriel said, wondering if he was going to ‘have fun’ with Maria and Wendy as well. “But I don’t even know you. How can I trust you with this?”
“Come on, I’m Maria Websterr. You can ask anyone at our school. They’ll tell you I would never hurt a fly.”
“I don’t doubt it, but...”
“Wendy?” Maria interjected. “Do you want to say something to our friend?”
“Please,” the girl said to him with a rather sensual foreign accent. “I really need a good night’s sleep.” That was the first time she addressed him that evening so far.
The blonde girl was looking at him with pleading eyes. He sighed. He knew it would have been difficult to refuse a request from that adorable face. Then he remembered the fortuneteller’s words. “Push your luck, dive into the darkness, don’t be afraid of the unknown...”
“Alright, alright,” he sighed. “But how much do you want me to shrink?”
“Wendy?” Maria said, directing the question to her friend.
“The smaller the better,” the girl dryly said.
Gabriel felt startled. Those words did scare him out, but he felt like it was too late to back down at that moment.
“You’ll need to download the shrinker app,” Maria said. “Then you can accept our shrink request.”
“Alright,” he meekly said.
“Just give me your phone and I’ll set everything up for you,” Maria said. Gabriel handed her the phone with regret starting to surface in his mind.
“So how much, Wendy?” asked Maria, fumbling with the boy’s phone. “Four inches?”
“No. Four inches is too big,” the foreign girl said.
“How about two inches then?”
“Two inches is good. For now.”
“For now? What does she mean by that?” Jake thought as he saw the girls fumbling through the app settings.
“Alright. Now we just have to click yes aaand...”
Gabriel began to feel a strange tingling all over his body. He watched the pretty girls in front of him becoming larger than buildings while the cramped train bedroom became more and more spacious.
Maria giggled. “Don’t be scared,” she said, noticing his panicked face.
Wendy was much more fascinated. Unlike Maria, the foreign student didn’t own a shrink ray and hadn’t seen anyone shrinking yet. She got up from the bed to take a good look at Gabriel dwindling down.
One moment later, the young man found himself in the darkness, buried under a pile of his own clothes.
"Oops!" Maria said as she watched the tiny figure struggle under the mass of fabric. "I forgot to check the shrink-with-clothes option."
“Look, he’s naked,” Wendy giggled as she picked him up between her index and thumb. Gabriel immediately noticed that she had seemed to lose her shyness immediately once he shrank.
“Huh,” Maria said, as she eyed the little man’s naked form with a newfound appreciation. “Not too bad, little guy. Maybe I was underestimating you.”
Wendy giggled as she dangled Gabriel in front of Maria’s face. “You want to take him to your berth, then?”
“Who knows?” the brunette smiled. “Maybe later… well, how are you anyway?” Maria asked the little man. “Are you okay?”
Gabriel gave her a thumbs up. In truth, he was still shaken from the shrinking and the carefree handling from the girls, but surprisingly, he had otherwise adapted quite well to the massive body size change.
“I know it’s a bit weird the first time, but you get used to it quickly. And, you know, thanks for doing this for me and my friend.”
“Yeah,” Wendy interjected. “I appreciate it.”
“No problem, girls,” Gabriel said.
“What? You’ll have to speak louder, tiny man,” Wendy said.
“I SAID NO PROBLEM,” he shouted.
“I still can’t understand your squeaks,” Wendy laughed. “I guess it’s a lost cause,” she added as she turned to Maria.
The brunette smirked, looking at the tiny guy with a malicious face. “Generally speaking, when you shrink a guy, it’s not for making conversation...”
full story: https://books2read.com/u/bOjVjA
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eclipshift · 2 years
Thoughts about Hamilton Hamburg (in no specific order)
Alright bitches, bros, and non-binary hoes
I saw Hamilton in Hamburg and I have SO MANY THOUGHTS
First of all if you aren’t aware, The Hamburg performance is in German, and the show opened this Thursday (the first week of October)
my German level is very low… so if you’ve seen it or have thoughts about the lyrics I want to HEAR
But there were some things that I noticed with this cast that have me vibrating at a frequency that could shatter glass:
First off the cast was incredible and now I need a cast recording or I will explode I need it NOW they are my new favorite cast I’m screaming and crying and throwing up
Hamiltons actor (Benet) is very goofy and young and makes for a GREAT act 1 Hamilton. (Act 2 as well, but his personality, look, and voice were particularly amazing for younger Alex)
He was also very sweet, I told him I was from the US and he got super excited, even asked ME for a picture on HIS phone before proceeding to introduce me to Lafayette/Jefferson’s actor and telling him I’m American
Laf/Jefferson's actor was also very enthusiastic and wanted to give me a hug :3
Lyrical stuff
Put a pencil to his brain, connected it to his heart
fucking lyrical genius
"Talk less, smile more" stayed in english :3
Instead of "you can't be serious" when Burr says "talk less, smile more", Ham say "in german please?" because it was in english
heehee fnunny
"And if you don't know, now you know, Mr. President"
"George Washington's going home" was kept in English. very special.
Literally just Hercules Mulligan
Farmer refuted???? My dog speaks more eloquently than thee??? THE MAN FUCJIGN BARKED
like full on bark bark grrr
Mans was off the shits
Also he had a tendency to stare wide-eyed at others and at the audience and it was very unsettling and very in-character and now that is just how I expect Hercules Mulligan to be
the switch to Madison was silly goofy because He went from crazy tailor to Quiet Sick Man and my brain could not comprehend why he was suddenly Normal™ and not barking at me
Just generally the Alex/John/Laf/Herc group had GREAT chemistry and it was very evident in their performance
Laurens did a lil "got your nose" thing with Ham in story of tonight
I can't pick up on accents in german but my expert sources (german friend) told me that Laf indeed spoke with a french accent
he was so bouncy and sassy he could have done a bend and snap and I would agree
The girls <3
Opted up at the end of satisfied, I nearly fell out of my seat and died
Eliza has a very gentle voice and it goes very well with the Angelica.
Peggyyyyy was so prettyyyyyyyyy
she had pigtailsssss
very sassy gurl
also her wig for Maria? I need it in the Louvre it was so nice
Mamma mia
He had a voice
so good so nice
OPTED UP AT THE END OF WAIT FOR IT, I nearly fell out of my seat Pt. 2
Dear theodosia orz
My mother cried
so good, very genuine
my father had very high expectations because he loves Tamar Greene with a burning passion
his expectations were exceeded
holy butts
One last time?? Again the fact that they kept the "George Washigton's going home" lyric in english??? It made it very emotional as an anglophone
I cried a little
All in all 11/10 I will fight god to see it again
OK THIS GOT VERY LONG I will probably think of more thoughts bout Blease i am Begging if you have thoughts please tell them to me my life will never be the same
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
DA. Mirabel, Antonio, and Luisa
"heeeey Dolores" Mirabel said as she ran up to her cousin with a strained smile "you know, out of all my older cousins, you're my favorite and I feel like I can talk to you about anything, like the problem with the magic last night that no one seems to worry about but you must have heard something about that maybe might be important..."
"Mirabel! I found Dolores!" Antonio called as he walked out into the outdoor eating area... Holding the hand of the exact same cousin that was ALSO standing right next to her.
"Camilo!" Felix said, walking up to the 'Dolores' that Mirabel was talking to, "stop pretending you're Dolores so you can have seconds!" Camilo shifted back to his usual self with a shrug, "worth a shot" tossing an arepa to his dog, Nico, who was hiding under the table, before getting smacked by one of Casita's window shutters. Mirabel sighed in exasperation at her cousin's antics.
"the only ones worried about the magic are you two" Dolores said in her usual quiet tone, Antonio squeezed her hand tighter, "but we know something happened with the magic, something bad, and you hear everything so you must have heard something" Dolores thought back to the night before, "there was a lot of noise last night Antonio. Oh, Luisa, I heard her eye twitching like crazy all night, and her heart was racing, I'm not sure how much she actually slept last night"
Antonio and Mirabel looked at each other while Dolores wandered off to continue her morning, "do you think Luisa knows something?" Antonio asked, Mirabel nodded "she must have if she was that worked up"
Abuela called the family to the table and everyone sat down, Mirabel managing to catch a seat next to Luisa while Abuela led Antonio to sit at the end of the table near her, the dogs also gathered nearby as Casita brought out their food and water. "Familia, I'm sure we are all thankful for Antonio's wonderful new gift, especially one that helps us connect more with our dear perros, truly a wonderful blessing, I'm sure today we'll find a way to put your gift to good use"
Antonio furrowed his brow, he couldn't get sent off to do chores, he needed to help Mirabel! Antonio looked over at where the dogs were eating, he could hear them talking to each other, and that gave him the perfect idea, "I already know how I can use my gift to help Abuela!" He said, Abuela smiled, "wonderful Tonito, what do you have in mind?" Antonio jumped out of his chair and ran to their dogs in excitement, "our dogs always help the family around town, I bet they'll be even more helpful if everyone knew what they were saying, I can go around town and translate for them, it'll make things easier for everyone"
Abuela's eyes widened, "that's perfect Tonito, our precious perros are always such a big help, knowing what they have to say will be such a great thing for the Encanto. Now, I have an announcement" as Abuela spoke about Isabella's proposal, Antonio sat back down and locked eyes with Mirabel from across the table, he smiled and nodded, assuring Mirabel he had a plan, and Mirabel nodded back. "Okay, our community is counting on us" Abuela said, "la familia Madrigal!" "La familia Madrigal!" The family echoed back, before getting up to start their chores, with Mirabel realizing Luisa was already gone.
"what? Where did she go?" Mirabel asked, and Antonio pointed to Luisa's dog, Atlas, who just finished eating with the other dogs, "I'm sure he knows where she is, and maybe he knows why Luisa was so stressed last night".
Antonio and Mirabel approached the big Saint Bernard, who was just as much a gentle giant as his owner, "Hello Atlas" Antonio greeted, "how's Luisa been doing?" The dog began barking in a way only Antonio could understand, "really?" Antonio asks, receiving a bark of affirmation, "what's he saying?" Mirabel asks, Antonio keeps his eyes on Atlas, "he says Luisa is stressed, she felt weak when you saw the cracks and now she's scared" Antonio continues to listen to Atlas, as he barks "he says she overworks herself because she's worried she'll let everyone down if she isn't constantly working."
Mirabel sighed, "it sounds like Luisa is under a lot of pressure, we should go find her" Antonio nodded, "do you know where Luisa is?" He asked, Atlas jumped up and began running into town, "he says to follow him" Antonio said, racing after Atlas with Mirabel close behind. Atlas led them to the center of town, where Luisa had just moved the church and was now beginning to round up a herd of loose donkeys. "Luisa!" Mirabel called, out of breath as she caught up with Atlas and Antonio, "we were looking for you, are you alright?" Luisa looked up in concern and nodded, "yeah, I'm fine, what's wrong?" Atlas barked up in annoyance at her and Antonio gave a stern look, "well Atlas says you aren't fine, he says you need to take a break" Luisa gave a shocked and almost betrayed look to her dog before attempting to walk away, "well, I AM fine, I just got a lot of chores to do" Mirabel groaned in frustration, "Luisa, Atlas is really worried about you, and he knows you better then anyone, he says your worried about the magic too, that you felt weak when the cracks appeared and your scared of disappointing everyone so you constantly work yourself to death."
Luisa completely froze, as if having been caught in a lie or an embarrassing secret, Mirabel came up and put a hand on her shoulder, "Luisa, I think you're carrying way too much, you should take a break, you shouldn't have to carry so much." With that, Luisa finally broke down, she let go of the donkeys she was carrying and pulled Mirabel into a tight hug, which Antonio and Atlas joined. "You're right, and maybe I do overdo it" she said, Mirabel and Antonio nodding in agreement, she took a deep breath before putting the sister and cousin down, "there is something you should know, I heard the grown-ups once talk about how before Tio Bruno left, he had some sort of terrible vision about the magic"
"Tio Bruno?" Antonio asked, Mirabel shrugged, "he left before you were born, what was in his vision?" Luisa shook her head, "I don't know, they never found it, but if something is wrong with the magic, then the best place to start would be Bruno's tower" Mirabel and Antonio looked at each other and nodded, "but be careful you two, that place is off-limits for a reason."
The owner of the donkeys shouted for Luisa, and she hurried to gather the donkeys, "I gotta go, thanks you two, c'mon Atlas, vámonos" Atlas followed behind Luisa dutifully, but not before barking out his thanks to Mirabel and Antonio, Antonio waved goodbye as they made their way back to Casita.
Not feeling too confident about this one, but I hope you like it
No but. Mirabel, Antonio, their dogs and Atlas. Give them a round of applause. They're so cool for that. Luisa definitely needed it, and Atlas could only do so much let's be real 😭😭 ALSO???? How would them going to Bruno's room work? I mean technically I guess the dogs would be fine but then again they are different breeds and whateva
And would Pepa be as adamant about not talking about Bruno??? I mean as far as I know, she and Julieta know where he is and I assume they talk to him so. Would wdtab go any diff???
I love this so much...Mirabel Antonio and their dogs...the dream team...
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crumblekitty · 15 days
You: I’m coming over!!
Me, planning everything down to the smallest details like a crazy person, as if I’m the one who’s travelling:
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I’m so so so so so SO excited 😭 the way my family will go “why are they barking like dogs??” when we watch rots together, like SORRY mom you just don’t get it 😩
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let me tell you girl when i watch rots i start screaming the second that man appears on the screen and don't stop until the end of the movie 😭
(it gradually goes from a happy-gigglish screech to a violent sob though)
your family will think i'm not right in the head ANYWAYYYYSSSSSS-
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