#why did that get the proper treatment šŸ˜­
flamingo-writes Ā· 1 year
What would you think if Hobie asks reader to cut the ends of his hair that bother him because of the mask and while she was doing it, she sang a nice song to him, meanwhile some little flowers began to bloom around them.
Really like the last post and this came to my mind immediately.
Listen, Iā€™ve been daydreaming of this the entire day. I think this idea was very cute!
Also, little disclaimer: I was born and raised in Mexico, so, Iā€™m very unfamiliar with how black peopleā€™s hair works. I know culturally it has a lot of importance, but other than that I knew very little of the different types of hair and ofc the insane variety of treatments and proper care as well as the different ways to give maintenance to different kinds of dreads. Also, as someone who has had very short hair for 2/3 of my life, as well as shaving my own head for the better part of the last 4 (5?) years, in general hair care and routines are something Iā€™m wildly unfamiliar with, the longest I had my hair in the latest years was a 6 inch or so Mohawk I grew two years ago. Hobie has been a very good opportunity for me to educate myself a lot in hair (especially black peopleā€™s hair) and I spent a good portion of my evening watching videos/TikTokā€™s and reading on dreadlocks and their maintenance. If I wrote something inaccurate or wrong, please let me know, help me see my mistake, and I will fix it as soon as I can.
This came from this other request, Iā€™m thinking of turning into a series.
Flower Bed ā€” Hobie x Reader
Also, you said little flowers, but my brain decided to go for a full flower bed šŸ˜­ I hope you like this!
Warnings: none.
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ā€œOĆ­, luvā€¦ā€ Hobie said walking out of the bedroom, looking around you.
ā€œBathroom!ā€ You shouted as he followed your voice, noticing the bathroom door opened and you kneeling by the shower.
Plants cramped in the shower as you watered them.
ā€œOh, never mind, youā€™re busyā€ He said.
ā€œIā€™m almost done. I just need to water the ones in the kitchen sink and the monsterasā€¦ā€ You said as youā€™d todo up and stretched your back. ā€œIā€™ll be done in ten minutes, whatā€™s up?ā€
ā€œI wanted to ask you if you could help me trim my hair, itā€™s starting to get long and gets stuck in the mask and, you knowā€¦ā€ He asked softly. ā€œBut I canā€™t see the back of my head,ā€
ā€œSure, Iā€™ll help you,ā€ You said giving Hobie a kind smile.
He smiled back, walking up to you and kissing your forehead.
ā€œNeed help with the plants?ā€
ā€œAs you wish,ā€ You replied happily. ā€œYou were asleep earlier and didnā€™t want to wake you, so I started watering them on my ownā€¦ā€
ā€œIā€™m awake now,ā€ He said. ā€œIā€™ll water the monsteras,ā€
ā€œThank you, babe,ā€ You purred.
By the time you were done with the plants, you went ahead and started helping Hobie out. You sat on the edge of your bed, as he sat on the floor. Since Hobie was tall, this was the most comfortable arrangement. It wasnā€™t also the first time you trimmed his wicks. He asked you to help him every few months.
As you put some soft music in the background, you got started, trimming dread by dread. Taking care to cut the hair while keeping the end of the dread rounded. Cutting just across each wick was already hard as they were thick, but you also wanted to keep them looking nice and rounded. Which was also a reason why Hobie asked you for help. You did a much better job at it than him.
Even when he didnā€™t admit it, or didnā€™t look like it, every single detail in his appearance was planned. Especially his hair. He liked taking care of it, and over all treated his hair like this very intimate thing, he hated having other people touching his hair. Except you. He actually loved it when you touched his hair, ran your hands through it, your fingers disappearing between the dreads. And the particular care and dedication which which you seemed to tend to every wick.
Deep in your concentration, watching over the little details, you were unconsciously singing. Something you also did quite a lot. When you were deeply focused on something, youā€™d start humming and eventually singing. Which only added to the relaxing time Hobie was having.
Between your gentle hands running through his hair, and now the soft sound of your voice singing in a low voice, going along with the music. Hobie lived for these little peaceful moments, making him feel absolutely contempt with his life. These little moments were everything to him.
As he had his eyes closed, focusing on every brought of your touch against him, he didnā€™t notice at first the plants growing around you.
It wasnā€™t plain on obvious. In fact, Hobie didnā€™t notice until he felt something tickling his elbows. He opened his eyes and saw flowers growing out of the floor, tiny plants growing buds and flowering. All in a matter of several seconds. And you continue to sing, concentrated. He blinked several times, wondering if you were aware of what you were doing, as he kept staring at the flowers growing and multiplying, coming out of the wooden floor tiles.
ā€œUh, luv?ā€ Hobie asked in a low deep voice.
ā€œHm?ā€ You hummed, answering Hobieā€™s question, sounding way too focused in your job as you were rounding one of the last wicks.
ā€œAre you aware of the fact that you pretty much brought spring into our bedroom?ā€
ā€œHuh?ā€ You asked confused, breaking your hyper focus and looked around, noticing the flowers covering almost the entirety of your floor. White, red, lilac, and pink flowers, extending across your small bedroom. ā€œFuck,ā€
Hobie laughed softly.
ā€œYou didnā€™t notice?ā€
ā€œN-noā€¦ā€ You whispered softly.
ā€œThatā€™s amazingā€¦ā€ Hobie sighed. ā€œItā€™s beautiful, by the wayā€¦ā€
ā€œThe thing is I donā€™t know how toā€¦un-grow themā€¦And theyā€™re a lotā€¦ā€ You said softly, the concern building in your voice, making Hobie chuckle. ā€œWhat are we going to do with all of them?ā€
ā€œWe can always collect them and sell them or whatever, you know?ā€ Hobie chuckled.
ā€œYeah, I guess youā€™re rightā€¦ā€
ā€œIn the meantime, we can always enjoy this beautiful scene, what do you say?ā€
ā€œYouā€™re way too calm for someone who has his bedroom full of flowersā€¦ā€
ā€œYou made them. Theyā€™re beautiful. I donā€™t see the issue, basically a work of art,ā€ He said looking at you over his shoulder, as you rolled your eyes playfully at him.
ā€œHobie, pollen give you allergies,ā€
ā€œSleeping on a flower bed one night isnā€™t going to kill me,ā€ He pointed out. ā€œBesides, ever since the spider thing, I get less allergies from flowers,ā€ He said lifting a finger up, making you chuckle.
ā€œFine! You win this argument!ā€ You chuckled.
ā€œYou know I love you, right?ā€
ā€œYeah, I love you tooā€
ā€œThatā€™s why I donā€™t mind the flowers. Because you made them,ā€
You leaned forward and pressed a kiss on Hobieā€™s cheek before you continued tending to the last two wicks.
ā€œThank you,ā€ You said.
ā€œFor what?ā€
ā€œBeing you,ā€ You sighed. ā€œIā€™m not precisely fascinated with all the flowers in the bedroom, but the fact that you are, makes me feel betterā€
ā€œWhy, youā€™re welcome, sweetā€™eart. Thank you for helping me with my hair,ā€ He said looking at you and giving you a cheeky smirk.
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novacorpsrecruit Ā· 4 months
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THEME: Steddie Fics that fucked me up (so you should read them too)
There Are No Incurable Ills by indigofudge (ao3)
T | wc 28,486 | cw depictions of wounds/blood, illnesses, infections, sepsis
Summary: /Eddie blinks rapidly. Tears gather in the corners of his eyes. His chest heaves in panting breaths. ā€œDustin,ā€ he says, jagged as it leaves his mouth.
ā€œDustinā€™s safe.ā€ Steveā€™s thumb swipes at his cheek, brushing away the tears as they start to fall. ā€œYou did what I explicitly told you not to do, but heā€™s safe.ā€
Eddie just stares, shiny eyes searching Steveā€™s face with pupils blown wide. Then he breaks out into a soft grin. Itā€™s tender, almost shy.
Fuzzy static pinches at Steveā€™s chest. He swallows distractedly, unable to pull his gaze away from Eddieā€™s. ā€œJust let me- let me finish patching you up, okay?ā€ /
Steve secretly harbors Eddie in his house while Eddie recovers. Unfortunately, battling blood poisoning and sepsis without antibiotics is not as easy as it seems - which is, granted, not that easy. And Steve, in the proper Harrington spirit, has decided to shoulder this burden all by himself.
Honestly I think this is one of the first Steddie fics I ever read and I still think about it.
Post season 4, Dustin begs Steve to go and get Eddieā€™s body. Steve wants to say no, not wanting to go back to the Upside Down, but if it makes Dustin feel better, heā€™ll do it. By Lady Luck herself, Steve finds Eddie ā€” alive but barely breathing. He knows he canā€™t take him to the hospital, so he takes him to his house where he attempts to nurse Eddie back to health. Steve does his best to take care of Eddie while lying low from the law, Eddieā€™s still a wanted man.
But is the antibiotics heā€™s giving eddie good enough to heal Eddie back to health?
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Hands Where I Can See Them by Solarmorrigan (ao3) @solarmorrigan (tumblr)
T | wc 29,177 | no cw
Summary: Eddie thinks that he and Steve have a good thing going; being friends with benefits is honestly a pretty sweet deal. Steve is a great friend, the sex is great, everything is great. Except for the fact that Steve hadn't realized they were only friends with benefits
Except for the fact that Steve thought they were in a relationship
Except for the fact that Eddie doesn't realize how much he'd valued that relationship until it's gone (and he's trying his damnedest to get it back)
When I say crying, screaming, throwing up, I mean it. This fic hurts so fucking good šŸ˜­ Miscommunication to the fucking T. When this was being posted on tumblr in parts I almost couldnā€™t read it because of how much my heart ached. Eddie Munson is a fucking dumbass and he better be kissing the ground Steve walks on.
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Of Space and Time by Appledagger (Ao3) @appledaggerst (tumblr)
M | wc 56,372 | cw MCD, drinking to cope
Summary: In 2073, the world is still moving forward despite arid climates and the quick relay race between man and machine. Within the walls of the hospital center at Vecna Labs, Steve Harrington has just woken up after an accident inside the depths of the classified sections of the lab. Stricken with amnesia, he is brought to Edward Munsonā€™s home to recover and to be observed during his recovery after experimental treatments had brought him back from the brink of death.
In Edwardā€™s home, Steve finds question after question. Why does Eddie seem to hate him so much? What do all the observations have to do with his accident? What exactly is going on with his malfunctioning mind, and what does this all have to do with Creel and Vecnaā€™s tech monopoly? All the while, Steve struggles with the feeling that there was something more to his relationship with Eddie that he canā€™t quite understand.
What the fuck.
Okay for real, I fucking love this. I donā€™t read much sci-fi but this is so fucking good, Philip k dick is in shambles. Itā€™s hard not to hate Eddie in the first half of the fic, but slowly you understand why heā€™s so cold to Steve.
This also got Sleeping Sickness by City and Colour on my Spotify and I fucking cry every time it comes on shuffle. Thanks for that šŸ˜­šŸ–¤
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Tuesdayā€™s Gone With the Wind by thisapplepielife (ao3) @thisapplepielife (tumblr)
E | wc 184,150 | cw drug abuse, airplane crash
Summary: Corroded Coffin's leased plane went down on June 13th, 1995 in the woods of Louisiana.
Ten people on board died.
Eddie Munson survived.
Before he survived, he really lived.
First off: Iā€™m going to be 85 in a nursing home talking about this like it actually happened. My grandchildren will know about this fic and believe that corroded coffin was a real band.
This AU goes back and forth between the present (a documentary) and the past (1989-1990s). It follows Corroded Coffin as theyā€™re doing small Midwest tours and looking for a road manager. Steve Harrington happens to fall into Eddieā€™s lap, and after much persuasion, Steve joins the crew. As the story goes on, the band grows in popularity and their little crew grows larger and larger.
Please read the authorā€™s note before starting! This fic is dear to me but it aches so much. This is a love story, but itā€™s so fucking real with real struggles and itā€™s painful but so is life. I donā€™t know how many times Iā€™ve cried reading this fic.
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The Perfect Loving Nightmare by purpleweekend (ao3)
E | wc 95,344 | cw memory loss, internalized homophobia | spice šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ
Summary: He laid back first onto their couch, deciding he just needed to sleep it off. He had plenty of time before Eddie would be home. He could take a shower and hide the evidence of his own stupidity when he woke up.
He let his eyes slip closed, head throbbing all the while.
Everything would be fine.
Okay technically this is part 2 of an amnesia series, but somehow I found this one first and read it and cried. I read Living the Unknown Dream afterwards. I donā€™t think you have to read these in order, I kind of liked reading this one first then going to the second one and going ā€œOh! Thatā€™s what happened!ā€
By the title of the series, you guessed it, itā€™s an amnesia fic! Steve hits his head and lays down. When he wakes up, thereā€™s someone in his house, checking on him. Trying to manhandle him off the couch and ā€” oh, thereā€™s blood. Steve wants nothing to do with this stranger, he wants his parents. The stranger, nearly in tears, convinces Steve to go to the hospital. At the hospital, Steve finds out that the stranger is Eddie Munson. His supposed husband.
And the head injury he got is one of many, and with the previous brain damage (that he doesnā€™t remember receiving), theyā€™re unsure if he will ever get his memories back.
Smut is peppered in between the angst and itā€™s very good, and very hot. Youā€™ll cry then read smut and cry and read smut and ā€” you get it.
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Youā€™re Divine by Oonionchiver (ao3) @azrielgreen (tumblr)
E | wc 259,565 | cw suicidal ideation, read the tags | spice level: šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ again, read the tags!! Not gonna be everyoneā€™s cup of tea
Summary: ā€˜Blood?ā€™ Eddie says again.
Eyes black but for the slice of iridescent white in the centre. His teeth are sharp, his hands are weapons and Steve thinks maybe heā€™s made a mistake doing this without telling Eddie first. Eddieā€™s focus lowers, it moves to his left hand which isā€¦
Oh fuck.
Itā€™s dripping blood onto the floor.
ā€˜Shit,ā€™ Steve says, takes a single step back, swallows. ā€˜Eddie, Iā€™m so sorry, fuck.ā€™
Eddie canā€™t seem to look away, canā€™t bring his ethereal gaze back up where it belongs. Steve thinks he should run, he should flee. A tiny part of him knows Eddie will chase him. Eddie will catch him, outrun him easily.
It's more than a little fucked up how that thrills him.
Azrielā€™s bio on Twitter at one point read ā€œwrote that fic that fucked you up,ā€ and holy fuck they werenā€™t kidding. I think about this all the time.
After season 4, Eddieā€™s gone. Or, so they thought. Steve finds Eddie outside his house, covered in the grime of the Upside Down. He seems ā€¦ off. Wrong. But Steve is more than happy to have him back and will do anything to keep him. Steve comes to terms with Eddieā€™s other, willing to do anything to keep Eddie here. To keep Eddie with him. Eddie ā€¦ well, not so much.
Thereā€™s a lot of lovely scenes and scenes that I cherish fondly. Then thereā€™s the quarry scene that makes me want to cry my heart out. The smut is not even exempted to the angst, please be warned.
Azriel has a companion fic going on right now with Eddieā€™s point of view. It wonā€™t make sense unless you read Youā€™re Divine first.
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Please remember to leave kudos and comments on the fics you read/enjoyed! Support your writers šŸ–¤
Prev fic rec: my favorite fucking idiots
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lostbizkits Ā· 4 months
I will never get over the fact that the person who I considered one of my greatest friends actually Did Not In Fact Like Me for at least 4 years and during those 4 years deliberately tried excluding me from every conversation with others about my interests.
If a new anime came out and she wanted to talk about it she would specifically only talk about it when I wasnā€™t around.
When I started talking about said anime she would immediately lose interest and the cycle would continue
It happened likeā€¦ 5 times šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ like MHA, AOT, Undertale, Yuri on Ice, Tokyo Ghoul, DRAWING IN GENERAL itā€™s really funny now that I think about it.
I just straight up did not notice the entire time too my ass was so clueless I couldnā€™t fathom that she was doing this. I only found out because someone else told me 2 years after it started happening.
I will also never forget about how 3 of my highschool friends, 2 of them I knew for 13 years, got into relationships, didnā€™t tell me for a whole year, and laughed at me when I got confused when they were talking about how theyā€™d all been ā€œgoing strongā€ for a year.
I will never forget being considered weird and strange and childish for my interests esp since I was interested in them for way longer than my peers. That I was weird for liking things like anime and donghua even though I grew up watching anime and donghua (I could never beat the Asian poser allegations even though I was the only Asian ) but then 2017 hit and liking anime was cool all of a sudden and multiple people suddenly forgot they called me abnormal for liking ugly cartoons at my big age and were asking me for recommendations
I remember saying things to people and they would laugh but Iā€™d never understand why itā€™s funny, to this day I donā€™t get it. I am very good at this now tho with my college friends so my SHS was probably just full of dry people.
The shit that keeps me up at night is also that all my teachers would tell my parents that I was highly distracted and always fidgeting or daydreaming, and that if I just worked on discipline and motivation Iā€™d be a better student even though I wasnā€™t doing bad by any means from class 1 to fucking 6th form and no one clocked that I had ADHD is WILD
My mom, who majored in child psychology didnā€™t clock that I had ADHD for 19 entire years and called me drug seeking when I got my diagnosis and started treatment, because I was nothing like the ADHD kids that she worked with who were all 4.
Also the fact that my childhood was lowkey a giant fluorescent sign of it all and no one clocked it is hilarious. I pulled the straps of my shoes so tight theyā€™d rip because I donā€™t like the feeling of shoes having air in them, I have dents from it like my feet would not get proper circulation because my shoes were so tight. I cut along the seems of all my school socks because if the seem touched my toe pads I would cry. My favourite thing to do second to playing Mario kart and watching 3 movies on rotation (ponyo, cindarella, Monster High: 13 Wishes) was to stack my collection of kid encyclopedias ( 14 at its peak), read them then put them into another stack. I had more kid encyclopedias but I didnā€™t like them because they had a different publisher so none of the stuff was in the same layout 0/10
The call was coming from inside the house but everyone had the phone on silent
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hidden-poet Ā· 5 months
Commander Snow - Chapter 7 LETā€™S GO!!!
Heā€™s such a cutie patootie for wanting to eat at least one meal with her šŸ„¹šŸ©· and I honestly canā€™t get enough of him constantly holding her hand when they walk out together šŸ˜­
Her getting so used to only him and talking to him only that she now canā€™t really even have a proper conversation with anyone other than him šŸ˜­ him isolating us was for our own good šŸ˜ˆ
I live for this man being so clingy šŸ˜‚ and being so hyper aware of her movements šŸ˜« I like em' psychotically highly intelligent and smart šŸ« and MY GOD the only way for him to fall asleep is if he knew she did too UGHHH šŸ©·šŸ˜«
Alright. *cracking knuckles to start typing* the dishwashing sequenceā€¦ HAD ME GOING FERAL šŸ± coming up behind her, taking her throat into his hand to keep her still from movingā€¦ biting, grazing and sucking on her neck and fucking FINGERING her and forcing telling her to do the freakinā€™ dishes šŸ„µšŸ˜« he really likes torturing her doesnā€™t he? šŸ˜ˆ
It was so funny when she picked up the knife to wash it and he just yanks it out of her grip and throws it back onto the counter šŸ˜‚ is our baby boy scared weā€™re going to stab him? šŸ„¹
So hot when she has her hands wrapped around his and then pulls her back with him and then back towards the sink with his fingers inside her and just her pulsing around them UGHHH GOOD GOD HELP ME šŸ˜«
Love how he just rests his head on her back after sheā€™s done šŸ« šŸ’¦
"I am going to take a shower." - Can I join you? Like, please? I am begging you šŸ™‡ā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļø
How thoughtful of him for not taking her virginity in District 12 and only back at the Capitol šŸ™„ we love the princess treatment šŸ‘ø
When he fucked you, he wanted you to have a sense of pride about who was above you. - Oh he doesnā€™t have to worry about that with me. He will always be above me šŸ™‡ā€ā™€ļø
You were stingy with your love. - Mmmmā€¦ I wonder why that is? šŸ¤”Ughh he is such a whore for her attention and nurture šŸ˜«
But he had pressing matters to deal with. He felt as if you teased him all day long. He went to sleep hard as a rock most nights. He offered you release anytime you wanted it, but you never gave him the same courtesy. - THE DELUSIONS šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‚
Aweee not him being self-conscious about his hard-on in public and trying not to look desperate for a bj in front of her šŸ˜‚ and when his heart flutters when she says ā€˜homeā€™ šŸ©· he is such a cutie šŸ„¹
Of course he would trade her the letter for a quick bj šŸ˜‚ my poor boy is so pent up right now šŸ˜«
Taking her hand and placing it on his belt šŸ„µ And when she takes some power by undoing his belt and demanding to write back to her brother and he just nods his head so quickly šŸ˜«
"On your knees,ā€ - šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļø LIKE. IMMEDIATELY.
ā€œGo slow,ā€™ā€™ - šŸ«” SO HOT! MY GOD šŸ« šŸ’¦
I love how annoyed he got when she couldn't fit his dick into her mouth šŸ˜‚ at least he took a different approach with her by not physically forcing her to perform and letting her do it on her own pace šŸ‘ And of course he came right away šŸ˜‚ Him slapping the countertop with his hand as he came šŸ„µ And girlā€¦ we DO NOT and I REPEAT. DO NOT. spit out. Coriolanus Snowā€™s cum around hereā€¦ we SWALLOW THAT RICH LIQUID ECSTASY šŸ’¦
Iā€™m actually very surprised he didnā€™t force her to drink it from the floor like how he did in Chapter 3 šŸ˜‚
I see why Archie and Edmund are best friendsā€¦ they are both impulsive men who are asking to get killed šŸ˜‚
Coryo introducing himself properly because he didnā€™t like the way she made it seem like he was just a friendly neighbor šŸ˜‚ HE IS COMMANDER SNOW. FUTURE PRESIDENT OF PANEM.
"His life or his death, I can't imagine which is worse." - DAMN šŸ˜³
YES OUR GIRL IS TAKING SOME ACTION šŸ‘ Wow. He really is getting better at not hitting her! that says a lot about hisā€¦ progress šŸ˜‚ And baby boy needs to work on not twisting the poor girls wrist damn heā€™s so crazy I love him so damn much šŸ˜«
He looks at you as you nurse your wrist and feels a pang of guilt. - Awe I wanna hug her šŸ˜¢
It wasnā€™t Archieā€™s fault he was born District, but to die District would be beyond pathetic. - This manā€¦ šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘
Him wanting to help her after he hurt her because it ā€˜wasnā€™t her faultā€™ has me down šŸ˜‚ and him thinking ā€˜what more did she wantā€™ after apologizingā€¦ ugh my man is so delulu šŸ˜‚
I honestly canā€™t with Edmund right nowā€¦ BOY JUST STAY PUT!
"He was short. Long dark hair. - idk why this made me laugh so much šŸ˜‚
"If you're ever in danger, you hide, okay?" - BAHAHAHAHA šŸ˜‚
"You're safe. We'll find him," he promises. - no sheā€™s not, not with you, but I donā€™t mind šŸ˜ˆ
Thereā€™s nothing more I want this man to do than to hold me tightly and press my face into his chest so I can cry šŸ˜­
When he said forensic crew, I was like ā€˜oh shit, they are both so fuckedā€™ !!
You feel his hand take yours in a possessive hold. - daddy šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ
I just love that he traps her head between his hands and just wants to kiss her and kiss her. But our girl keeps pulling back šŸ‘æ
ā€œOf all the places I thought you would have been safe, the Commander's apartment was my first choice.ā€ - BOY OUR GIRL IS NOT SAFE WITH YOU!
Not him bending down and unlacing her boots šŸ„¹ but this fucker is so smart for questioning her about wearing them in the apartment šŸ˜‚
ā€œIā€™ve lost many things in my life, I wonā€™t lose you.ā€ - now baby boyā€¦ youā€™re literally taking her away from her own mother and her people and her home šŸ‘æ
Awe our pookie bear feels emasculated for not being able to ā€˜protectā€™ her šŸ„¹ but trust me boy, she knows šŸ™„
Girly itā€™s time for you to say goodbye to District 12. Heā€™s taking you away to the Capitol foreverā€¦ and everā€¦
My god what I would do to get this man to fuck me with his dog tags just dangling down and hitting me šŸ„µšŸ˜«
ā€œI am going to make an example out of him. Make sure everyone in the Districts thinks about starving to death before entering the Compound.ā€ - DAMN.Ā 
ā€œYou treat me like an animal. Sit, eat, stay.ā€ - I am so glad to see that sheā€™s speaking out more šŸ˜­
ā€œYou are good. You are kind. The people around you were using you for their own benefit.ā€ - Excuse me? Beg pardon?
ā€œWhat benefit would that be? A bruised eye? A fight every time I try to connect with you?ā€ - I love his delulu ass šŸ˜‚
So weā€™re back to hitting her again, okay šŸ˜‚ and now he knows that her loved ones are goneā€¦ I wonder... if heā€™ll let this go or hunt them down!
He can shout in my face and call me a filthy liar all day and all night šŸ˜«
I love how the only way to calm him down is to baby him šŸ˜‚ my man has so much mommy and abandonment issues šŸ˜«
I wonderā€¦ he obviously wasn't going to let her go and she was smart for not going. But, would he have just hunted her down with a head start or something?
That apple pie drink sounds BOMB!
I apologize for being so late, bestie šŸ©· But I will be back on track with the next one šŸ«”
I can't wait for both commander snow and s. lands on top!
hey bestie! appreciate you! been looking forward to your comments as soon as I posted!
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5eraphim Ā· 1 year
venting below abt work/ex-job
this is partially a vent + call for advice + inquiry into the thoughts of outsiders on this matter
boss from a job ive quit like three times (it's complicated) sent me this
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like- bitch, last time i worked for you i was complaining all the time and wasnt even that good at my job, i am not nearly hot enough to warrant this much chasing- whyyy is he doin all this?? šŸ˜­
hes never done anything physically inappropriate, but i feel like he sees me as way more than an employee and it greatly effects his behavior around me and its always made me super uncomfortable :/ esp bc other people notice how he gives me "special treatment " respond with resentment.
i remember this one time we were winding down after a night and i got this onetop guy and, i didnt really have anything better to do and i thought he was cute and i kinda-sorta started flirting with the guy who (not to go into detail) returned the attention, so to speak. which look i get it- not proper to do at work, but thing is, literally everyone does it at least once, and NO ONE actually cares. but the one time i do it this guy got PISSED and started yelling at me in front of the dining room (he didn't call me out for flirting, but he was like- "why are you wasting your time with this one table, youre slacking off/ forgot to do (x) thing/ you're doing this wrong" and im not lying- the one top guy asked for his check the second i returned to his table bc he was so disgusted hearing my boss act so rude to me. and wrote a little "im sorry he did that, you're doing great" message on the back of his receipt.
im the type to keep work and home life as separate as possible, but im from a super small town (population >2100) and everyone is always in everyone's business and i HATE it. im trying my hardest to get my shit together and leave this town, but i feel like he tries to guilt trip me a lot bc he knows im a push over and takes advantage of it :(
also of note, ive also walked in/by his office and found adult videos playing on fullscreen twice, which was super uncomfortable, but i didnt say anything bc i was very, very happy pretending it didnt happen. oh and, shout out to that one time i no called/no showed to a shift bc i wanted to be fired and he straight up showed up my house.
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n1cholaswang Ā· 2 years
i would like to request an atbo junseok smut and also an epex amin smut just anything pleasešŸ˜­
i just wanna throw this out there, and i'm not meaning to sound rude in any way at all but, i DO NOT write smut for anyone 19 or younger. by korean law, they are still minors so i will refrain from writing about them for now. see my jan 2 post for more information.
however, i am in LOVE with junseok so here's a very late christmas gift from me :)
Tumblr media
cw: smut, name calling, alcohol consumption, oral (m+f receiving), breeding kink if you squint
wc: 1.8k
a/n: i hope you enjoy! sorry it took a while, haven't wrote proper smut since all mine </3 this was a collab between me and my friend:)
RAKWON had decided to throw a small get together for new years but little did he know that won bin would invite over 60 people.
quickly the house was packed, bodies moving to the music as drinks were poured again and again.
you, being an introvert, fought your way into the kitchen where you found junseok and junmin.
"it's a bit much, isn't it?!", junmin yelled over the music
"no shit sherlock!", you responded, raising your cup to your lips to take a sip of your drink
but junseok stepped in, taking the cup from you, you giving him a confused look.
"if you set down your cup at all tonight, i wouldn't drink it, just in case someone had spiked it"
he got behind you, his hand tilting your head upwards to look at him as the bottle he had been drinking all night raised up. he began to drink before holding your neck and letting the strong alcohol spill out of his mouth into yours.
the scene was hot, clear liquor filling your mouth before junseok kisses your lips.
he lets go of your neck, walking back to his spot next to junmin and drinking more from the bottle. your eyes were wide as you stared at your friend.
the friend you never once thought of in a romantic or sexual way. i mean, sure you thought he was attractive but nothing could make you think about him in that way.
"can i help you, princess?", he smirked, drinking more before winning at you.
maybe it was the alcohol or the insane amount of body heat surrounding you, but you were beginning to get a little bothered.
your eyes scanned his frame, the white button up tight around his slightly defined muscles and the slick black bottoms hugging his thighs wonderfully.
you walk towards him, taking the bottle from his hand before chugging a good bit and walking to the dance floor with all the other people.
you go up to hyunjun, dancing with him with junseok's eyes carefully watching you.
he watched as his friend touched your waist. he watched as hyunjun grind against you. and he especially watched as you turned and pressed your ass against him.
junseok scoffs under his breath, taking one more huge drink of the bottle before putting it on the counter and walking out to the dance floor.
he was drunk, sure but not drunk enough to be okay with you and hyunjun groping at each other the way you two are.
his brain was telling him to stop moving towards you but his heart was yelling at him to punch hyunjun.
hyunjun held your hips as you rubbed your ass on his cock but your fun with him was quickly stopped as junseok grabbed your arm and pulled you away.
"what the fuck!"
he didn't respond, only taking you away to an empty room before slamming the door once you both are in the room.
he pushed you, backing you into a wall and stepping up to you, "what the fuck is your problem?"
"no, what's your problem?! it's new year's, let me have fun!"
"not with him"
"why not with him?"
he couldn't think of a logical reason as to why you couldn't be so close to hyunjun.
"he has a girlfriend"
you give him a look, "no he does not. why would you even try to lie to me?"
junseok sighed, not wanting to say the real reason why.
you scoff, "now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to hyunjun, who will let me get drunk and dance with him"
you try to walk away but he grabs your arm, pulling you into his chest.
"it's because i like you, [name]"
"i don't want you dancing with hyunjun because i want you to be dancing with me. i want you drinking with me. and i especially want you to kiss me"
he pulled you closer, his hand on the small of your back, "can you please kiss me [name]?"
junseok looks into your eyes, then your lips before he looks into your eyes again. he leans in slow, waiting for you to do the same.
and you do, tilting your head slightly before he places a gentle kiss on your lips.
his hand placed on your cheek as your lips moved together in perfect sync, his thumb stroking your jaw and his other hand making its way towards your waist, gently pushing you closer to his body.
his tongue wet your lips as he inserted it into your mouth and you could taste the drinks heā€™d had, bitter spirits with the slightest taste of sweet fruits in his mixed drink. you salivated at the taste of him.
you could feel his hardened cock against your throbbing pussy, your breath started to hitch as you fought with your tongues.
you grinded yourself onto him, you whimpered at the sensation and he bit your lips, grunting out curse words which made him even more attractive.
you pushed his body down onto the small bed in the room you had entered, wrapping your legs around him.
parting your lips and panting for breath, junseok roamed his hands around your body, staring into your eyes, which were almost still fixated on your lips.
his hands went to your clothes, ā€œmay i?ā€ he asked, teasing the hem of your bra with his middle finger, you nodded as you helped him strip you bare.
you ran your hands under his shirt, gliding over his toned stomach to his chest as you started to unbutton his white button up and then you made your way down to his pants, palming and teasing his member as you removed his boxers.
junseok looked at you properly, taking in every inch of your body as he pulled you closer to him, resting his nose in the crook of your neck and whispering the word ā€œgoddessā€ in your ear as he nibbled on the skin under it, you couldnā€™t help but blush at his words.
his lips roamed your body, starting by leaving pinkish marks on your collarbone and working his way down to your breasts and your waist, leaving his nascent marks all over your body and making you roll your head back with pleasure.
he sucked on your nipple and used his hand to massage the other. laying you down properly onto the bed he started making his way down to your stomach and making his way down to your heat, not leaving an inch of your body untouched.
his tongue glided over your folds, teasing your sensitive bud. he spread your legs wider and put his hand to your mouth. you took his middle and ring fingers into your mouth and coated them in your saliva.
he brought his fingers to your pussy and started teasing your entrance. he slowly inserted them into you and you squirmed. at the sensation is he started slowly moving in and out of you.
his pace increased and he started to tease your clit with his tongue once again and you almost couldnā€™t take it.. you needed him inside of you.
ā€œdo you like that princess?ā€ he smirked as he watched you roll your head back in pleasure and you could only moan and nod in response.
you felt your orgasm coming over you and before you could give any warning you released onto his fingers, he licked them clean while staring straight into your glassy eyes, and you swore you heard him mutter the word ā€œtastyā€ under his breath.
then your senses started coming back to you, even though you were quite drunk, you pushed him under you and then whispered straight into his ear; ā€œnow itā€™s your turn.ā€ nibbling on his ear. He smirked as you started to leave your bright love marks on his abs, leaving sloppy marks everywhere you touched.
both your hands dug into his thighs as you used them to support you and you made your way down to his member, which almost stood up straight. dripping with precum, you spat on your hands and wrapped them around his cock.
you moved your hands up and down as he sharply inhaled every time you stroked him. you teased his tip with your tongue and he rolled his head back. as you engulfed his length he let out little whimpers mixed with his low-pitched grunts.
you started bobbing up and down on him and his fingers entangled themselves between your hair. he used his hands to push you harder onto him. his excessive panting turning into groans. your tongue licks at the base of his cock, some at his balls and his cock twitches inside of your mouth.
junseok was so close and you didn't want him to come yet, though he had other plans.
his hips buck up as he begins to fuck your face. it didn't take long for warm ropes to shoot down your throat and fill your mouth.
you get off his cock, swallowing some of his cum before settling on his lap again and forcing his mouth open. you spit the rest of his cum into his mouth before placing a chastise kiss on his jaw.
he swallows and stares at you, his eyes dark with lust and desire. you stare back at him, fixing his cock in a way to sit on it. when your walls swallow him, his breath gets caught in his throat.
junseok's hands grab a hold of your hips, guiding you up and down his cock, bouncing on it slightly.
but you speed up, his groans and your s filling the room. when your ass hits his thighs, it echoes and pushes junseok to fuck you harder.
his hips rock upwards, slamming yours down on his pelvis. one of his hands sneak down to your puffy clit, rubbing it in circles as you continue to ride him.
his cock twitches inside of you, aching to cum but so were you. his slender fingers stroking you had you on the edge but you didn't wanna cum before him. not that you had a choice.
his fingers tweaked with your clit endlessly, pinching it both softly and harshly, switching between the two. and that pushed you over the edge.
you stopped bouncing on him as your walls tighten around him and your legs shake under his touch. he smirks, laying down and thrusting up into you at a rough pace to reach his own high. and it didn't take long for it to hit. as your soft walls convulsed around him, his cockhead shot warm ropes of cum into you and he kept thrusting, not wanting to stop until you were crying.
right when he was about to lay you down and fuck you again, he hears the doorknob jiggle.
"occupied!", he screamed, flipping your positions.
the jiggling stopped and he leaned down into your ear, whispering, "i'm not gonna stop until you get pregnant, got that princess?"
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kdsburneraccount Ā· 2 years
So the NFLPA released report cards for each team's working conditions that graded them based on polls from players, which I found pretty interesting but also a little depressing. You can read it here: NFL Player Team Report Cards | NFLPA
More thoughts under the cut since I was initially going to put my thoughts in the tags but I thought reading it was quite eye-opening.
The Bengals being graded an F- for nutrition... I'm not that surprised considering what former players have said about the cafeteria, but it's still pretty embarrassing. And those comments were from the 2000s. Not providing dinner, vitamins, or supplements to players is a little questionable, especially if players are going to be spending long days at practice. And the fact that theyā€™ve had breastfeeding mothers sit on the floor of public restrooms to take care of their kids isā€¦ concerning. (This is a Mike Brown moment. Unfortunately. The ā€œno indoor practice facilityā€ jokes looking more and more true by the moment. Like I get heā€™s pretty poor for an NFL owner but your team made the Super Bowl two seasons ago invest in the facilities more have an actual food service on hand cmon man why are you proving Carson Palmer right)
I wasn't surprised looking at the Falcons' grading of their strength coach (by and large, strength coaches were graded exceedingly positively by the players, except for the Falcons and the Ravens. In the case of the Ravens it appeared that they had a strength and conditioning coach who was pretty disliked by the players, and that coach did get fired, so at least the team's aware of it), mostly bc the Falcons aren't very good at tackling šŸ˜­ hopefully they make a change in that regard because man. At least they think Arthur Blank is ok.
Haven't watched mid-season Hard Knocks so didn't really have an idea of how the Cardinals' facilities were, but... wow. Overall second to last behind the Commanders (who are, y'know, dysfunctional), which kinda surprised me but at the same time the Cardinals are kind of low-key dysfunctional now I think about that. Making players pay for dinner out of their payroll... don't like that! Oh yeah and their training facilities are apparently a health and safety risk (fun).
It is interesting to note that the rankings of the facilities didn't necessarily correlate with team success: the top-ranked teams in this survey were the Vikings, Dolphins, Raiders, Texans, and Cowboys while the bottom-5 teams were the Commanders, Cardinals, Chargers, Chiefs, and Jaguars (Bengals dodging this phew). This is probably because a lot of stuff that's surveyed here can impact team performance, but only if it's egregiously bad (ie Cardinals or Commanders). Was surprised by how the Chiefs graded out on their training staff considering they just won a Super Bowl but I would wager that's to do with Andy Reid and his whole system; works but isn't the nicest about it.
I thought that the way some categories were weighted were a little questionable, ie travel and treatment of families being abt the same level. Personally having younger players room with each other is whatever, not having a proper space for families is a bigger issue. But maybe that's me being unsympathetic (and there is the whole difference between a star player and practice squad guy to consider because their treatment would be different).
Overall, pretty good survey, I do hope it's able to enact some awareness bc the NLFPA isn't that strong, but they do seem to be doing their best as a union (working in the interest of players).
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hell0kittyland Ā· 10 months
Anti vent???
Warning long as fuck:
So yā€™all, today I stood infront of a mirror and actually inspected my body and did a proper body check. And you know what I never realised how much body dysmorphia has ruined my lifešŸ˜­ because I donā€™t even look THAT bad. Granted the weightloss is a must and I need a flat stomach but as for the stretch marks and uneven skintone, itā€™s really not that fucking bad. Cause in my head I was so out of it I was at peace with dying alone and never getting a boyfriend or having a first kiss, and Iā€™m FUCKING 20? I turned 20 this years June.. and Iā€™m like the amount of guys Iā€™ve rejected is crazy all because Iā€™m so insecure with my body itā€™s insane, like Iā€™m going to have a mental meltdown if a man sees me unclothed because my brain will genuinely push itself to suicide or something insane because Iā€™ll demean myself ext and itā€™s just sad. But I looked in the mirror today with no makeup ext it was the morning and I was just wearing my bra and panties and I inspected myself and my tits are actually pretty there not saggy not perky, sit nice and are a nice shape and amount. Iā€™m very tall at 5ā€9 so I have a model look especially with my cheekbones on my face so Iā€™m genuinely a pretty girl however I never care enough because Iā€™m so obsessed with the mentality of ā€œmaybe in the next lifeā€ or ā€œmaybe if I reincarnate into a normal girl I wonā€™t have to deal with this shitā€ which why do I have to wait till I FUCKING DIE to be happy, wear the clothes I want and have a relationship. Now bitch Iā€™m not trying to sound conceited yeah Iā€™m a little crazy and Iā€™m diagnosed autism + adhd goes crazy and yeah I have BPD tendencies (not diagnosed) in close relationships where I self destruct because of self hate and abandonment issues that I ruin everything. Yeah Iā€™m socially fucking extremely awkward and Iā€™m corny as hell but you know what, I sat there and I was fuck, if I was a male, I would date me. Oh 100% like I WOULD unironically date me. And realising this had me abit shocked. You know I sat there and spread my legs and inspected my kitty and I was like hmmm itā€™s not bad tmi but you know I actually had a pretty conventionally tight cough cough. So I checked my ass and my thighs and yeah my legs are weirdly disproportionately skinny compared to my top half but my ass wasnā€™t that bad either. But I was like ā€¦ the fucking stretch marks got me, Iā€™m not talking 1 or 2 or a few. Iā€™m talking them bitches EVERYWHERE like In places you wouldnā€™t even expect.
And I sat there like okay Iā€™m really not that bad I just need to work on myself abit, fix my life, get a proper job and make enough money cause Iā€™m broke ass bitch currently with no life so once Iā€™m economically up I can get treatment for the stretchmarks and save up. Move out of home stuff like this AND THEN I can try dating which is a huge thing since I was actually so convinced I would die alone, but now Iā€™m like wtf Iā€™m kinda not ugly. Like mentally I was hell bent that I was a science experiment, if yā€™all saw what I looked like ext you would thinkā€¦ bitch you look fine. Which itā€™s those things where you see yourself in a completely different way than others and itā€™s like a mental disease. Consuming too much media since I was child fucked up the way I saw bodies and shit, but like I was on the app flo and reading womens stories about there relationship wnd insecurities I realised how NORMAL my issues whereā€¦ like all this time my autistic ass brain made it seem like Iā€™m a monster with a lisp and a fucked up body and woahhh nobody will ever love me but then I read stuff about women where Iā€™m likeā€¦ hold on this is kindaā€¦ normal?
Fucking ED and my messed up culture and family have Ruined my body image forever, diet culture in my home is so normal my mom has a undiagnosed ED itā€™s so obvious, my sister does fucking everybody fasts like itā€™s normal and thereā€™s all types of Ana related shit at home šŸ˜­ I asked my mom but me a 1 cal oil spray to cook so it doesnā€™t stick to the skillet since olive oil is fucking ridiculously high in cals
And she bought me not ONE but TWO. Obviously she told me to stop and cried when I did a 30 day water fast and said I looked like those starved kids in poorer countries šŸ˜­ cause of my cheeks hollowed out but in general dieting is encouraged and rewarded in my extremely dysfunctional home.
Anyways TLDR: learned Iā€™m not a complete ugly pig monster oink oink šŸ· today and Iā€™m not even that bad, just some adjustments and improvements so uh donā€™t worry Iā€™m still stuck with my fucking life sucking ED but I donā€™t really give a fuck and Iā€™m kinda content with life today hehe
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viovio Ā· 1 year
PLEASE i need your thoughts on the re8 shadows of rose dlc...
HOLYYY SHIT THANK YOU FOR ASKING ME THISSSSS (real rambly and nonsensical below)
god the expansion on rose's life was nice but it felt so. idk how to say it! it's certainly weird that chris would let her attend a public school and knowing capcom it's either an oversight or more telling of their relationship. i found it really sweet but so dismissive because of her case as a bioweapon and still having snipers trained on her at all timesšŸ˜­ (as seen in the epilogue)
there's so much that's left to be desired because as a triple a game the graphics are on POINT but most of the story just falls flat to me!! why was mia forced out of her life?! (because capcom could not care to develop her any more) why did no one tell her about ethan?? was there no one left to teach her how to develop her powers before this?
I'll be honest i could answer that last one on my own bc the context feels to me that they've learned from the connections' harsh treatment of eveline (and i don't think mia would let them) that dehumanizing an all-powerful weapon is basically asking to be blown up, so they decide to treat her with a modicum of respect. Which still isn't a lot given how much her life sucks under them. God she's lonely
And Eveline being bought back here to still be treated like that just pisses me the fuck off. What the FUCK DO YOU MEAN Rose sees a little girl who was in her exact position but deprived of love and proper family figures and instead writes that off with "yes she's evil don't EVER compare me to her!!!" Damnit that just regresses her development through this journey even more. she's a kid too but c'mon. Ethan you're in trauma hell too and i get that but so's Evie. I'm gonna scream forever.
This is getting way too much of complaining but it's deserved. Proper character studies aren't capcoms suit but manšŸ˜­ I'll be a bit more light and say i still fucking love Rose, the parts with Ethan promising to be with her all her life just fucking obliterates me. She's an amalgamation of different people to others and it broke her self image a lot methinks.
I also like how it didn't go the "oh it was so simple all along i need my powers because they make me who I am!!" like Ethan wholeheartedly supported her decision to get rid of them because her happiness and choice will always be his first priority. They chose each other theyšŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„
UGH and her comments make her character stand on her own sm. Literally my bestfriend. In my ideal world she asks why he called Evie a bitch. Her clones and Miranda's efforts to bring someone back and unsatisfied with her attempts and work is not lost on Rose. I really love the main game's storybook tale thing already and this was just adding so much to it Rose Evie I'm getting you outta there
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spellcasterlight Ā· 2 years
For the WIP word game: Hand(s)?
Hi, there lovely @nightingaleflow! šŸ˜Š
I totally thought I replied to this. I'm so sorry! šŸ˜­ Hands I have! This is a snippet of something I plan to finish by the month's end!
Warnings: Under the cut because of length and one naughty word.
Thanks for the ask!Ā āœØ
Send in a word for the WIP game! šŸ“„
Ao3 āœØĀ |Ā WIP Game Always Open āœ’ļø|Ā Ko-Fi ā˜•
I Will Bite You - Chapter 2 - [Kiba x Hinata]
The marks on her wrists should have healed long before then. Was that why she was avoiding him? Had he really hurt her, and was he just too dumb to see it?
Hair secured, Hinata placed her arms behind her back as if trying to hide what he already saw. The thought made him grit his teeth and kick up a few blades of grass as he shoved his hands in his pockets, a huff coming out of his nose.
If Kiba were someone elegant like Shikamaru or Neji, he would have created a beautiful, sleek speech about how he was feeling, but he wasnā€™t. He was just an idiot that let the woman of his dreams not talk to him after a week of foggy cum and moan-filled bliss, so she was going to be stuck with whatever garbage fell out of his mouth. Hinata was usually quite good at translating his half-thought-out words into something proper anyway.
ā€œHinata, I canā€™t handle this silent treatment stuff. Canā€™t you just hit me or yell at me or dammit something?ā€ His voice was already increasing, his hands rising and balling up as if he could punch the problem. ā€œI canā€™t take this anymore.ā€
How did she manage to still not look at him?
ā€œIā€™m not going to hi-hit you, Kiba.ā€
At any other time in their lives, that would have sounded sweet, but the crushed way she said it felt like she slapped him anyway.
ā€œAre you mad at me? Just tell me that much, at least.ā€
Hinata shook her head, turning a half step away from him, her hair and knee-length dress of the same lilac shade swaying with the movement. Well, at least that was something. Didnā€™t help him much, either.
ā€œDid I get you in trouble with your clan or your dad or, hell, someone else important?ā€
When all she gave was an indecipherable slouch of her shoulders, he took steps to be right in front of her. Kiba had to shove down his want to inhale deeply when her smell flooded his system again because of their proximity.
ā€œCause Hinata, Iā€™ll fight your dad if thatā€™s what it takes.ā€
That made her head snap up the wide eyes panicking look she gave him was one of both amazement and terror. Kiba growled openly, his hand sliding down his face. He really didnā€™t think before talking, did he?
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riverstardis Ā· 2 years
night of the loving dead:
halloween episode?
oh this ep was directed by amanda mealing!
i love dylan <333
lmaoo jez saying if he ever comes back as a zombie to put a bullet in his head and iainā€™s like ā€œhappy to obligeā€
aww connie sent a mass text round saying grace is awake
SKDKFKKF ethan and alicia talking about how busy it is because itā€™s halloween and ethan goes ā€œor trick or treatment as i like to call itā€ and she looks at him with actual AWE oh sheā€™s got it so badšŸ˜­šŸ˜­
elleā€™s in the background watching them with a knowing smile and then immediately goes to speak to ethan and gives him two tickets to the holby trust awards night (the edā€™s up for best hospital department lmao) and tells him to find someone to invite and looks directly at alicia skdkfkfk
jez is proper freaked out in the haunted house lmao
ethanā€™s patient says he felt better when the girl he was with held his hand and asks ethan to hold his hand so he does and heā€™s just stood there holding his hand in a really awkward position not able to carry on treating him but the patient seems satisfiedšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
cal comes in and firstly wonders what ethanā€™s doing and then asks about the tickets saying he wants to take alicia and ethan says he was under the impression that he wasnā€™t that bothered and calā€™s like ā€œwell yknow she gave me a 6! out of 10! and thatā€™s been hanging over me like the sword of damascusā€ ā€œdamoclesā€ ā€œwhateverā€ the patientā€™s just lying there looking between them, ethan still stood holding his hand, and jacobā€™s absolutely PISSING HIMSELF LAUGHING IN THE BACKGROUND LISTENING TO CAL EXPLAIN HOW HE NEEDS TO BE AT LEAST AN 8 BEFORE HE CAN BREATHE AGAIN SKSKDKFK
ā€œno. iā€™m sorry caleb, youā€™re perfectly welcome to come with me but youā€™re not having both of them.ā€ YEAH GO ON ETHAN TELL HIM!! cal shakes his head like ā€œyeah a 6 doesnā€™t even go with a 4ā€ idk cal i think alicia might disagree with you on one of those numbers. also i think he forgot in the last ten seconds that the numbers were specifically about sex bc cal that is your brother what are you on about??? the patient goes ā€œthanks for trying that, itā€™s just not the sameā€ and extracts his handšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
these sisters actually look somewhat alike i wonder if the actors are actually sisters?
lmaoo elle telling alicia about the awards night saying ā€œthereā€™s a spare ticket around somewhereā€ and aliciaā€™s excited and asks who has the other ticket and elleā€™s like ā€œerrrr ethan i thinkā€ as if sheā€™s not the one who gave it to him sjskdkfk i love her playing cupid
cal walks past and tries to greet alicia and she doesnā€™t even acknowledge him SJDJFJ
robyn tells dylan she wants an abortion :(
aww ethan psyching himself up to ask alicia to the awardsšŸ„ŗ
oh yeah this was georgeā€™s first ep back after paternity leave!
cal sees them and looks annoyed. bro why are you acting like ethanā€™s the one stepping on your toes here???
ā€œyou can probably tell iā€™ve had lessonsā€ ā€œhave you?!ā€ ā€œi have actuallyā€ šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ so he did go to more than one salsa class then?
aww elle comes in, notices them, and leaves again, shutting the door. and they didnā€™t even notice heršŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
dylanā€™s trying to be there for robynšŸ„ŗ heā€™s also being very autistic about it ofc
do they really need to call an ambulance from the pub?? i mean theyā€™re closer to the ed than the ambulance station?? unless iain and jez just happened to be by the entrance when they went to get someone i suppose
aww ethan and alicia manage a difficult intubation and sheā€™s like ā€œthat was amazingā€ ā€œwell doneā€ ā€œwell done youā€ ā€œhardlyā€ ā€œhardly hardy. the modest heroā€ šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
oh that reminds me of a post on here from like late s33 when ethan had just kinda disappeared, they got an ask something like ā€œwhy is ethan hardly in any of the episodes?ā€ and their response was just ā€œi think his name is hardyā€ SJDKFKFKšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
noooo this patient whoā€™s the younger sister talking to ethan ā€œdoc, youā€™re not seeing all the angles. junoā€™s lovely, boys love her, and why not, but they also love her enough to do whatever she asks, even dating her undateable sister. i know who i am, i know how my story goes. i donā€™t get the boy. the end.ā€
nooo he talks to her again outside and sheā€™s like ā€œyouā€™re not me. but youā€™re close.ā€ ā€œthatā€™s what you think is it?ā€ ā€œgot to know our place, right?ā€ NOOO ETHAN DONT YOU DARE YOU WERE DOING SO WELL FOR FUCKS SAKE I HATE WHEN THEY LEARN THE WRONG LESSONS FROM PATIENTS
aw robyn thinks sheā€™s having a miscarriage and that makes her rethink the abortion
LMAOO lily saying to her patient ā€œjust so you know, itā€™s not your scar or your missing nipple thatā€™s holding you back, itā€™s your personalityā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
aww alicia looks so good in her dress!! elleā€™s like ā€œwow! the good doctor is not going to believe his eyes!ā€ and aliciaā€™s like ā€œthatā€™s the plan!ā€ ohh itā€™s not who you think it is in that taxi iā€™m afraid
elle opens the taxi door for alicia and when they see cal they both just stare at him and heā€™s like ā€œhey, so, ethan cried it off at the last minute.ā€ and aliciaā€™s like ā€œare you kidding me? what he binned me off? some mate he is.ā€ calā€™s brought some fancy bottle of alcohol and sheā€™s like ā€œget that open, party girlā€™s in town whoop whoop!ā€
i can definitely understand alicia being mad like ethan DOES keep flaking out on her
ethan walks up with a coffee as the taxi leaves and elleā€™s like ā€œi donā€™t get itā€ and walks off and he just quietly says to himself ā€œgot to know your placeā€ :(((
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xanthippe74 Ā· 3 years
Drarry Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me @caroll-in! šŸ’– I had to put in a "keep reading" cut cause I got a bit... wordy. (Please read itā€”this literally took me hours. šŸ˜£)
When did you get into Drarry and why?
The year was 2013 and I felt a āœØyearningāœØ for some romantic stories. I must have come across a reference to fanfiction somewhere, because I started checking out a few different fandoms for books and shows I liked, starting with The X-Files. It didn't take long before I got to Harry Potterā€”a few Dramione fics first, then Drarry. And then it was all over for me, friends. OTP forever. Put it on my tombstone. (Just kidding. Don't do that.)
Which Drarry fic hooked you?
I can't remember exactly, but I believe it was either Eclipse by Mijan or Bond by AnnaFugazzi. I also read a lot of sara_holmes' fics early in my Drarry days, so it might have been Number Seven, which made a deep impression on me. (I just realized that I didn't have any of these in my AO3 bookmarks, so that's fixed now! šŸ˜…)
Top three favorite Drarry fics:
Oh, this is hard! I'll pick three that resonated deeply with me, emotionally:
Turn by Saras_Girl: The classic that needs no introduction. I put off reading this one for a while because I wasn't sold on older Drarry (37 years old! Positively ancient! šŸ˜‚) or epilogue-compliant fics. But I needed more of this author after devouring her Foundations series, so I dove in. This is one of those stories that will never, ever leave me. (There's a light at the top of the stairs... You put me here, you left me here, and now I'm in love with him... Take the unknown road now... Maura and Boris and Frank and Misu... and šŸ”„ballroom sexšŸ”„) Ugh, now I'm getting teary just thinking about it.
Wild (orphaned): This was one of the first fics I read that took place completely outside the canon settings, and I was utterly captivated by the shabby (but well-loved) house in rural Ireland. This author's writing is actual magicā€”so immersive that reading it feels like being teleported right into their stories. My most recent re-read was done in the middle of the night to distract myself from some bad anxiety. I felt a profound sense of gratitude to the author for getting me through that night (and for leaving the fic up on AO3 when they left fandom).
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them by nerakrose: The asexual representation in this fic meant everything to me. I was so overwhelmed when I finished reading it that I couldn't even find the words for a comment. (Don't worryā€”when I commented on their next fic, I tacked on something about Little Deaths to the tune of BY THE WAY...šŸ˜‚) I adore Dustmouth's illustrations just as much as the story. The way they progress from grayscale images of Draco alone and facing away from the viewer, to vivid colors showing his happiness with Harry by the end? *chef's kiss*
Why can't you quit them?
God, their canon relationship and experiences provide such fertile ground for a million possible stories, characterizations, dynamics, and ways for them to fall in love. And I can't think of a single trope that couldn't be worked into a Drarry story in a convincing way.
Who breaks your heart more often?
Harry. I strongly head-canon him struggling with his mental health after the war and being overwhelmed by the anger and grief that he had to quash down in order to get through it all. I think he would also be much more profoundly affected by the Dursleys' treatment than canon portrays. The poor kid probably had to learn how any sort of positive relationship works... and how to ask for help without expecting to be punished... and how to show/accept physical affection. He probably didn't get a proper hug for 10 years! šŸ˜­
(Draco can break my heart, too, especially when his guilt and remorse slip into self-loathing. Also, give me all the down-and-out!Draco stories, please.)
Ideal career for Harry? For Draco?
I see Harry choosing a job where he can enjoy the tangible results of his work: a wand- or broom-maker, cursebreaker, or doing some kind of building/repair work. I can also see him as a dueling or flying instructor, since teaching those subjects would be satisfying without the all tedious parts of classroom instruction.
Draco gets a brainy careerā€”something academic or requiring a lot of education. I think law and medicine are fields that would interest him because he could find redemption there by helping people.
Harry and Draco are being sent to a desert island for a week with plenty of food and water. Each is allowed to bring three additional items (no wands). What do they bring?
Harry: A Snitch, a broom, and the largest box of sweets he can buy.
Draco: A broom, one of those expanding magical tents with all the amenities inside (because Slytherin), and the longest book he can find.
Favorite non-Drarry HP character?
Luna, my angel.
If you had to pick one, enemies to lovers or (enemies to) friends to lovers?
See, sometimes you want the sexy fast burn of enemies-to-lovers, and sometimes you want the italicized OH moment of friends-to-lovers. Don't make me pick between them!
Would you rather read a fic that made you laugh or one that made you cry?
Cry, if I had to choose, but my favorite fics are the ones that move me to tears and have funny moments, too. Like Turn, which makes me weep when Harry returns from the glimpse, and then makes my cry-laugh a few scenes later when he tries to shrink the trousers he's wearing to make them more fashionable.
Three songs that scream Drarry to you (feel free to include the Drarry-est lyrics!):
Cold Little Heart by Michael Kiwanuka (see head canon above about Draco's remorse and feeling unworthy of Harry)
Maybe this time I can be strong But since I know who I am I'm probably wrong Maybe this time I can go far But thinking about where I've been Ain't helping me start
Roads by Portishead (postwar Drarry, still struggling with... everything and figuring out how to have a relationship/future together)
Oh, can't anybody see We've got a war to fight Never found our way Regardless of what they say How can it feel this wrong
Eight by Sleeping At Last (this song is SO Harry, it hurts. But there are also lines about being rejected/trusting that sound like things Draco would say to Harry)
I'm standing guard I'm falling apart And all I want is to trust you Show me how to lay my sword down For long enough to let you through
Favorite authors outside of fic?
Donna Tartt, Annie Proulx, Michael Chabon, Diana Wynn Jones, Jane Austen
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trashexplorer Ā· 4 years
BLCD Review: Koisuru Ryuu no Shima
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Title: Koisuru Ryuu no Shima
Release Date: 2020/07/31
Author/Artist: Chishanomi
Shingaki Tarusuke x Saitou Souma
Matsumoto Yasunori
Synopsis:Ā In front of Nishino, who had graduated from high school and was spending his days with part-time jobs to pay for his sister's treatment, ā€œDestinyā€ appeared. After being abducted by a tall, white-haired man with overwhelming pressure named Byakuya (seems like heā€™s a legendary dragon that has been living since ancient times), in no time, he was stripped off his clothes and had sex that blew his mind. With his sisterā€™s medical expenses as the condition, Nishino was being kept by Byakuya, which made his repulsion growing. However, seeing the usually cold Byakuya who become lustful and engrossed toward him during sex, Nishinoā€™s heart starts flutteringā€¦?!
Review Proper
Dang, what is with Chishanomi with the shady prequels and the bomb-ass sequels?! šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve actually listened to this way back in 2020 right after I listened to Tasogare Outfocus, but I wasnā€™t myself back then, so I planned to listen to it again once things have calmed down. Yes, I admit that I did cry the first time after getting to know their backstory, but I canā€™t remember why and I also chucked it off to me having my period then. Boy, was I wrong. As soon as Nishino hit the water, everything came back to me just like how it did Nishino. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Poor Byakuya and his doragon. šŸ˜ž Anyway, at least theyā€™re both happy now and Nishino ainā€™t be dying anytime soon. But I do ship Nishino with Shigematsu which is sad.Ā 
I loved the plot. I thought Chishanomi was going the full smutty fluff route like how they did in Shinkon-san, so Byakuyaā€™s ass-chasing tale came as a complete shock to me. I definitely wasnā€™t prepared for that feels trip even on my second listen. Donā€™t you just love it when your smutty boys hit you with drama and then they turn out to be idiot-sons??? #BLESS
Now for the voice work,
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Hara Kazunori who??? I gotta admit, I did hear his Hara-san and Yashiro in the first few minutes, but when he shouted;Ā ā€œOSOI!ā€, I shut my mouth. Mans went two to three pitches lower than his Hara-san and he did it flawlessly and consistently! I believe that his Kite Eishirou is still even deeper than this, but itā€™s been a goddamn long time since Iā€™ve heard him this deep in a BLCD. I guess Shingaki canā€™t sustain that low of a pitch when his speed is slower since Hara-sanā€™s was slower and Byakuyaā€™s was faster. Kiteā€™s was also faster, so I guess he has more chances of getting good breaths of air. Iā€™m already set on naming this as his best role of 2020, but we still have Eto Irokoi Zoushi in this log~ If I had to choose between his Shizuma-kun and Byakuya, though, Byakuya would be the obvious winner. šŸ¤­
Saitou Souma, on the other hand, did what he always did which was fucking slay everything duh. Iā€™m going to run out of praises for him at this point. If heā€™s not winning best seiyuu this year, someoneā€™s gonna catch theseĀ  šŸ”ŖšŸ”ŖšŸ”Ŗ. Also, was he cast in this because he did Theo??? You lie if you say that KoisuRyuu didnā€™t remind you of Theo because the dynamic is a little similar and the character designs are more so. šŸ˜‚ Like this one better, though, because it was funny and šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„.Ā 
Yā€™all thought that our main pair is the main course of this review?
Well, yā€™all thought wrong!
I didnā€™t bother to look at the full cast-list even after listening to it once, so I had no idea who was playing Shigematsu. I had always assumed that it was Tadokoro Hinata, but when I heard his voice the second timeā€”
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YOUS DONā€™T UNDERSTAND. MATSUMOTO YASUNORI IS A PIONEER OF THE BL INDUSTRY. HEā€™S A GEN 0 FOR GODSAKES! HEā€™S THE OG WHALE UKE!!! If yā€™all havenā€™t watched Joker, Mirage of Blaze, Seikamatsuā˜…Darling, and Gravitation, we canā€™t be friends.Ā šŸ˜¤ If it wasnā€™t for him and a few others, the BL anime scene might not even exist! Also, this legend was the one who voiced Mochizuki-kun in the Boku no Sexual Harassment BLCDs! He actually also has a very wide range speaking of Boku no SekuHara. Imagine his upper range is Sasanuma Akira and his lower range is Yasumoto Hiroki! #BLESSĀ 
The last BLCD heā€™s starred in was in 2003 in Muteki and he was last cast as a supporting character in 2011 in Flesh and Bloodā€”heā€™s been away for a whole ten years!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Damn, Iā€™d be shaking in my boots if I was Saitou Souma. *ahem* Veteran fan-girling aside, of course Matsumoto Yasunori delivered! He may just be a supporting character in this BLCD, but that doesnā€™t discount the fact that heā€™s a veteran of the general voice acting industry! I thought that I couldnā€™t love this BLCD more, but then they came in with Matsumoto-san. šŸ˜© Now this is how you use budget for casting, Movic!
This BLCD had stellar plot and phenomenal casting choice and voice work! However, I have to say that the organization of the events/dialogue are quite different from the manga. There were also a lot of added dialogue, and I would be lying if I said that I wasnā€™t stumbling to catch up with the BLCD especially since there were some words that they were using that I wasnā€™t familiar about. Donā€™t let this stop you, though. The addends werenā€™t really major, so as long as you know the story, listening to this would be okay. More like, please listen to it! This definitely has a good chance in winning chil-chilā€™s 2021 awards and for good reason!Ā 
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guideaus Ā· 2 years
Damn fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
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