#why didn't i just fucking leave beforehand. i even thought about it
scorndotexe · 6 months
now that i'm home and in moderate pain that isn't helped by the painkillers i get to repeat my favorite joke!
ah yes my favorite kind of painkillers. the ones that don't work.
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writingthroughmyass · 1 month
Service Animal (Part one)
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My mans Logan Howlett X Reader (afab)
Part two here
WARNING: This is soooo self insert it's not even funny. I get weird migraines that present like absent seizures and thought it would be nice to get a warning beforehand by my favourite babygirl Logan (like my own personal service animal). This is gonna be in three parts, it's mostly finished and ends in smooshing so be ready for that ;)
The after effects of using your power was kicking your ass.
In a daze, you made it to your private room and went straight to your bathroom. You felt the nausea rising up in your throat and quickly opened the toilet lid to throw up. 
The multiple alternate realities of what could have happened tonight flashed before your eyes. Ororo, Jean, Scott, Logan, all collapsed on the floor, dead. Their screams played in a relentless loop in your head; you were dissociating badly. Your surroundings melted away until there was nothing but the countless ways they could have died if you hadn't bent reality to avoid it. 
Always. It's always like this. 
Gradually, you begin to return to your body, only to realise there was someone in the room with you, holding your hair back. 
Terrified, your body snapped up from its kneeling position to face the intruder. 
“Woah, hey, it's just me. Calm down.”
“L-Logan?” you slurred, suddenly feeling self conscious of the smell of your breath. 
“I knocked and called out but you didn't answer. So I came in to check on you.” 
You eyed him, feeling suspicious of how out of character this was for him. 
“Why are you looking at me like I'm lying? I'm not totally heartless,” he said defensively.
“Why'd you come in the first place to see me though? I thought you were pissed with me,” you grumble.
When you'd overdone it with your powers, Logan threw a hissy fit and yelled at you for going too far. While you knew it was out of care, it still rankled you that he was acting as if you were a child. You knew what you were doing. 
“I… just had a bad feeling,” he said quietly. “Y'know how I've got my heightened senses. I could tell something was off with you.”
“I'm fine. Just need to rest. This is normal for me.”
You turned around to the bathroom sink and grabbed your toothbrush. You gave your teeth and tongue a quick clean, wanting to just wash all the blood off your body so you could sleep. 
It felt like you had a raging hangover from drinking Everclear all night. 
When you turned from the sink you noticed Logan was still there. 
“Uh… need something? I wanna get ready for bed and pass out.”
“Yeah, I need to know you're okay,” he says.
“I told you, I'm fine. I'm going to shower so please leave.” 
Your patience was wearing thin. But you were also aware that some of it was nervousness coming out as aggression. You couldn't deny the attraction you felt towards him, although his attitude left much to be desired. His behaviour tonight was quite frankly really sweet and it was psyching you out. You were already in the midst of losing touch with reality and his actions were so contradictory to his usual self that it was causing you a psychotic break. 
“You're not listening to me,” he ground out, losing some of his own patience. “I'm telling you that something is wrong with you.” 
You stared silently at him, mouth slightly hanging open. 
“Okay, that came out the wrong way.” He was ruffling his hair in agitation. Cute. “What I'm saying is- I'm… ah…”
“Please, Logan, I just want a shower so I can go to bed…”
“Look, I'll just wait in your room and I'll leave once you're in bed safe, ‘kay,” he says, turning to the door and walking out, shutting it behind himself. 
You just wanted to be alone so you could have a good cry. You were incredibly confused about what in the world was going on but now you were really getting scared. And Logan's words were not helping. 
What if he's right and this time your connection with reality has been completely severed? But what else were you supposed to do? Let them all die? Even with your special training with Charles, your power was so unruly and chaotic that it was terrifying. You had to be careful or there would be no way back. 
You got undressed and turned on the shower, stepping inside. It was only once you were under the hot stream of water that you realised you'd left your pyjamas in your bedroom. You groaned aloud. Fuck, now you'd have to walk in front of Logan in nothing but a towel. Why the fuck was he here? You wished he'd just leave. 
You watched the dried blood wash away from your skin, turning the floor of your shower a bright red. 
You felt your stomach drop and your head turned fuzzy. The sound of your shower disappeared. The safety of your surroundings melted away. 
Scott, his eyes gouged out from his head. Ororo’s limbs crumpled every which way, her eyes clouded over not because of her powers but because she was lifeless. Jean, her neck holding on to her body by a thread, her cranium blasted open and her brain dripping down her face. 
Logan, on the ground, ripped to shreds, his Adamantium bones showing through his torn flesh. And the wounds weren't healing. 
It was always like this. As if you were being punished for playing god. It was as if all the horrible realities you prevented from happening still lived on but solely in your mind, driving you insane. It left scars of trauma on your psyche, Charles had told you. So you had to be careful in how you used your powers or you may become completely untethered from reality. A fate worse than death. 
Vaguely, you could hear yourself mumbling and gasping and swallowing loudly, trying to find some kind of equilibrium in the mess of your mind. 
You were trying desperately to connect back with your body but at the same time you didn't want to because it only meant having to fight this same battle over and over again. 
Seeing your friends die before your very eyes in hundreds of thousands of different ways, experiencing each traumatic story to its conclusion. Only to have it all unravel into a reality where none of it happened, but the whiplash makes you doubt this reality too. It's always too good to be true. You feel it in your bones that you don't deserve this. That the way you twist reality is wrong and one day it'll catch up to you in the worst possible way. 
You feel water running down your face and remember that you're in the shower. You try to ground yourself and come back to your body. You hear the water splashing, feel the ground beneath your feet, the solid embrace around you. 
You try to move but you can't. Finally, you snap fully to your body. Your mind is groggy, feeling like you'd been hit by a truck. But there's the unmistakable warmth surrounding you, dense and as unyielding as brick. 
Your face is roughly yanked upwards and you open your eyes.
“Fuck, finally! Are you alright?” 
You stare blearily, mouth open and dry from the adrenaline that had been pumping through your body just moments ago.
Bright hazel eyes. Huh. So pretty. You'd never noticed. 
You realise you're not supporting your own weight. You're finally aware that Logan has you in an embrace, holding your body up, one hand around your waist and the other on your jaw as he looks into your face. The water on your face isn't from the shower, you realise. It's your tears. 
“Bloody hell, please say something,” he says angrily. You feel some of your own anger flare up in response. What's his problem? 
“Fuck,” you croak. 
You feel his chest vibrate against yours as he laughs, suddenly aware that you're as naked as the day you were born and this man is fully clothed standing in your shower, getting his white singlet wet. Giving you a bear hug…
Your brain short circuits as you try to come up with words, feeling your whole body heat with embarrassment. 
“W-what are you doing in here?” you manage to slur.
“Helping your ass,” he says roughly. “Can you stand?”
Fuck, good question. Can I stand??
“C-close your eyes first,” you demand. 
“Bit late to be feeling shy now don't you think?” he teases with a wink. 
“Just close ‘em!” you yell at him. 
He laughs before complying. 
You extricate yourself from his arms, turning off the shower, then navigate carefully around him to exit the cubicle. You grab a towel and cover yourself, making a mental note to grab a clean one later since this one was definitely dirty now. 
“Okay, open your eyes and get out, please.”
He turns to look at you.
“Don't think that's a good idea, bub.”
“And why is that?” you huff impatiently.
“What if you collapse in the shower again?” he says matter of factly.
“I've been having these things for a long time. I've managed to survive so far so don't stress about it.”
“It's different now though, isn't it? You've been having these for a long time, you said so yourself, and they're only getting worse instead of better.”
You sigh heavily in frustration. You hated that he was right. 
“So what exactly are you suggesting?” 
Your heart was beating like crazy. He better not suggest what you think he was going to suggest.
“I'm sure old Chuckie boy wouldn't mind lending you his shower chair for the night,” he smirked. 
You laughed out loud despite the tension in the room. He always managed to make you laugh. 
“Yeah, I'm just going to wake up an old man in the middle of the night to ask if I can borrow his shower chair,” you joked, lightly slapping him on the shoulder. 
He laughed along with you then you both shared a few moments of comfortable silence. Only for him to break it with-
“My other suggestion is to shower with me so I can make sure you don't faint and hurt yourself.”
You stared at him distrustfully.
“Hey, look, I'm not being a pervert, it's just the only solution I can think of on the fly,” he placates, hands raised as if to say I'm innocent and unarmed. 
You stopped to think for a second, your muddled mind trying to make sense of the situation. 
It made you especially uncomfortable that you didn't exactly have your full mental faculties about you. 
But Logan was a good friend. You'd fought beside him many times before and you saw that you could trust him. But… he was still a man. A man much bigger and stronger than you. 
“Can I trust you?” you asked falteringly. What a stupid idea to ask the opinion of someone fully in power over you. 
“I promise I won't do anything without you wanting it. This is entirely your choice.” 
You looked him in the eyes, trying to find a trace of falsehood in them. But you only saw honeyed eyes, dripping with conviction. The same conviction you'd seen many times before when he was protecting those he loved. 
You felt yourself feel a little calmer. 
“Okay… but you better not break your promise. Or I'll sick Charles and his shower chair on you.” 
“I won't. I just want to keep you safe,” he said in a low, serious voice. 
You felt a fluttering behind your ribs. Fuck… I'm about to shower with this incredibly attractive asshole.
“Okay… you get in first,” you said. 
“Yes, ma'am,” he said a little too cheerily. 
You turned around to give him privacy to undress. You heard the rustle of his clothes then a thump as he dropped them on the floor of your bathroom. 
Should've known he'd be a slob…
You heard the shower turn on and you braced yourself for what was to come next. 
You turned towards the shower, keeping your head down and eyes averted. You removed your towel and stepped into the shower, still not looking at Logan and ignoring his presence, which was hard to do in your little shower. Thankfully he was turned away respectfully.
You stood behind him, turned away from his body. You took your soap and began to lather it over yourself as you usually did when you showered. 
“Would you like a hand with your back?” Logan spoke up. 
You paused as you weighed up the question in your mind. 
“Sure,” you said quietly, trying to keep yourself calm. 
This is totally normal. We're just friends having a shower. Together. 
You turned your back and heard him applying soap to his hands. Slowly, gently, as if you were made of glass, he began to rub your back, starting with your shoulders. You felt yourself give an involuntary shiver.
“Are you cold? Do you need the water a bit hotter?” he asked you. 
“No, it's fine. The temperature is okay with you?” 
“Yeah, bub, just perfect.” 
His hands felt massive against your back. He massaged your neck for a few seconds before moving down your shoulder blades towards your middle back. 
“Did-did you want me to do your back too?” you asked, trying to hide how nervous you were. 
“Since you're offering, sure,” he said gruffly. You turned towards him at the same moment he turned away from you, unfortunately catching a glimpse of his insane fucking abs, but thankfully managing not to make eye contact. 
You soaped up your hands and began with his neck, trying not to notice how thick and muscular his traps were. 
God… this is hell but also heaven. 
You ran your hands across his ridiculously broad shoulders and down his middle back, avoiding going too low lest you caress his stupid, tight ass. 
“I'm going to wash my hair, okay?” you told him, unsure of why you were asking permission. 
“Don't know why you're asking my permission.” Fuck. You were being weird. “But I can do the same right?” he responded, holding in laughter. 
You felt your face go hot.
“D-do what you want,” you said petulantly. 
You took the shampoo bottle, squeezing what you needed for yourself before handing it to him over his shoulder, which he thankfully kept turned to you in respect. 
You both washed your hair in silence. You already felt a bit better. You dreamily thought of your bed as you rinsed the shampoo from your hair. 
You then grabbed the conditioner and squeezed some into your hand. 
“Need the conditioner?” you asked Logan.
“What for?” he asked, confused. 
“For your hair, duh.”
“Nah, I'm good. Haven't had to use it so far in my life, won't start now. Need a hand with washing your hair?” 
You knew he was trying to be helpful. But it felt so, so wrong. Like overstepping your relationship as friends. But then again… would you ever get the chance again to have an incredibly sexy man wash your hair for you? 
“Sure,” you said stiffly.
Silence, then his hand moved around you to grab the bottle from you. 
“Ah-” you already had some conditioner in your hand. You were about to tell him but decided to keep quiet as he worked on your hair. 
His fingers… so thick and strong yet gentle through your hair, over your scalp. You couldn't help but to close your eyes and enjoy the sensation. 
It was over too soon and he stepped away from you again. You tipped your head to rinse your hair, giving your face a quick scrub with water while you were at it; fuck your skin routine, you were going straight to bed. 
“I'm going to step out first,” you informed him. 
He grunted in reply and you stepped from the shower, grabbing two clean towels from your bathroom cupboard. You covered yourself with one and half turned your body to Logan, gaze still averted from his direction. 
“Here ya go,” you tried to say cheerily, offering the towel to him.  
“Thanks,” he said and grabbed it from your hand. You quickly moved to the door. 
“Wait until I say you can come in,” you said before closing the door behind you. 
This was not helping you to relax at all.
You dried yourself quickly and threw your pyjamas on. 
“I'm done!” you called through the door. 
He stepped out with his towel wrapped around his stupid, slutty waist. You could see his happy trail adorning his abs. His enormous pecs, his dog tags resting in the dip of his gorgeous chest. 
“Hey, bub, my eyes are up here,” he teases. 
You swallow thickly and glare at his stupid, smirking face.
“Have I ever told you I hate you?” you retort, only succeeding in making him laugh. 
“How are you feeling now?” he says softly, suddenly serious. 
“I'm… exhausted. I usually sleep a lot after an episode.” 
He nods in understanding. 
“You'll be okay if I leave?”
This gives you pause. If you were being honest to yourself, you'd say, “Please stay. I don't want to be alone tonight.” 
But you weren't honest with yourself. 
“Thanks for looking out for me, Logan. I really appreciate it and sorry for putting you out. I'll be okay. You can go to bed now if you want.” 
He looked at you in silence. He stepped towards you, so close that you had to look up to keep eye contact. You could feel the warmth radiating from him. Fuck he runs hot. 
“You mean it, right? You're okay to be alone?” 
You stared at him, a little bit dumbfounded. Was he able to read minds or something? 
“Yes, I'll be fine. I'll be in bed so I can't exactly fall,” you chuckled. 
He didn't laugh with you. Only watched you carefully. 
“Okay. I'll respect what you say you want,” he says carefully. 
Again, this is so out of character for him that you second guess yourself whether you're in reality or not. 
You watch as he turns to the bathroom and grabs his clothes from the floor then goes towards the door to the hall. 
“Hey-w-wait-y-you're not going out like that are you?” you stutter in disbelief.
He turns back to you. 
“What else am I going to do?” he asks incredulously. 
“Put your clothes back on,” you retort.
“Ew, you're a bit of a slob, aren't you? They're dirty and covered with blood and who knows what or who else.”
You deadpanned. 
“What if… what if you stayed here for the night?” you blurted out without thinking. You flinch at your own words.
Logan pauses with his hand on the door knob. 
“I don't exactly have my pyjamas here with me,” he says slowly. 
“I've already seen and touched you naked. What's the difference?” you hear yourself say.
What the fuck am I saying?
“I-I mean, surely I have something that can fit you,” you amend quickly. His face seems to go slack in surprise.
“Wow. You really want it, huh?” he smirks at you. 
You ignore the heat that overtakes your whole body. 
“N-never mind! Fuck off already,” you say sourly. 
“Hey, I'm just joking,” he laughs. “I can definitely stay if it helps you feel better.” He smiles at you and you feel yourself melt a little bit. 
“It… it would. Help me feel better, I mean.” 
Having him near you would help remind you that this is real, you justify. 
“Alright then,” he nods to you. “Some clothes would be great.” 
“Ah, sure, give me a second.” 
You quickly go to your wardrobe to locate the loosest pair of pants you own. He'll just have to sleep shirtless, there's no way you have a top that will fit over his broad shoulders. 
You find a dark grey pair of trackies and turn back to him. 
“Try these.”
“Thanks,” he says as he takes it from your hand.
As he moves back to the bathroom you jump into bed to wait. Your bed never felt so fucking good. 
You've barely settled under the covers when Logan reappears from the bathroom, his hair still wet and dripping down his neck. You do your best not to stare. 
He moves towards you and lifts the covers to slip into bed with you. 
This is just a sleepover, you tell yourself. Like when you have a friend over for the night.
Logan slots himself into your bed alongside you and you become suddenly aware of how small your double bed is. The frame creaks loudly from the weight of him and his Adamantium bones. 
“Comfy?” you ask.
He turns in the bed so he's facing you. A smile slowly makes its way to his face and you find you can't breathe for a second. 
“Yeah, definitely,” he murmurs. 
“Alright, sweet, g’night then,” you say quickly, turning away from him to still your beating heart. Fuck, I hope he can't hear my heart right now.
“Are you sure you're ready to sleep? Your heart is beating pretty fast,” he points out cooly. 
Mother fucker.
“So… you have heightened senses right? Kind of.. like a dog?” I'm not thinking straight, why am I trying to piss him off? 
“Thought you were going to sleep,” he grunted. The sound of his gravelly voice did something to you. But you ignored it. 
“It just kind of reminds me of those service dogs, y'know the ones that can sense when their owner is going to have a seizure? I mean, I know I don't have seizures exactly, but I guess it presents sort of like one.”
“What are you trying to say?” he asks gruffly. He doesn't like it when people compare him to dogs. You're just grateful you can't see the look on his face right now. 
“I'm just wondering how you can tell? What is it exactly that you're sensing? It's always interested me,” you say honestly. 
He grunts again and goes quiet before answering.
“I can smell it. Can't even explain what it actually smells like. But that's how I know, although it isn't always accurate.”
“That's really interesting.” And you mean it. It really is interesting… although the implications concerning his sense of smell have you a little bit paranoid… 
“So that's why I'm telling you to listen to me when I fucking tell you to stop with your powers. You could've killed yourself tonight,” he grinds out, anger in his voice. 
“Logan… you need to understand where I'm coming from. You all died tonight. Like literally, right before my very eyes, you were all dead. What do you expect me to do?” 
You feel tears pricking your eyes, the lump in your throat is choking you.
“I… I can't talk about this right now okay?” you tell him, trying to keep your voice steady. 
“Okay… okay, I'm sorry,” his voice softens. “Please, just get some sleep, okay? Guide dog’s orders.”
And just like that you're laughing again, feeling a tear running down your cheek to your pillow. You were so grateful to have him in your life. You were also grateful he couldn't see you crying right now. 
“Alright, g'night, puppy,” you tease.
“‘Night,” he says softly. 
A minute passes and you can already feel yourself starting to drift off. You smile to yourself, knowing that you have your own personal “service animal” to keep you safe tonight.
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hopesworlld · 7 months
౨ৎ he made my doll heart, light up with joy
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౨ৎ 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 — step!bro anakin x fem!reader
౨ৎ 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 — your stepbrother anakin found your diary and now he wants to make all your dirty fantasies come true
౨ৎ 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 — 4k
౨ৎ 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 — swearing, stepcest, mentions of weed and alcohol, mean!anakin, face slapping in a sexual context but not discussed beforehand, smut ( mentioned masturbation f and m, hickeys, unprotected sex, p in v, choking, hair pulling, praise, a little degradation, use of the term slut/little slut, titty fucking, squirting, oral sex m receiving ) i think that's everything !
౨ৎ 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝘀 ! — feeding the girlies 🫶🏻
part one part three masterlist
it had been a couple of days since anakin had found your diary and your mind had been stuck on him since then, each time you saw him your mind was filled with images of that night, the look on his face as he guided his cock into your mouth, the way he felt filling you up, spilling his cum onto your face and chest. you longed for him again, and he knew that and he fucking loved it. he would walk around the house shirtless, shorts hanging off of his hips with no boxers beneath leaving his cock print visible beneath. it took everything within you not to grab him there and then and tug his shorts down and choke on his cock.
you knew he was playing the long game, seeing how long he could make you wait before you came to him begging, tears staining your cheeks and core aching. so you waited, watching, longing but you had done this before, had been holding those dirty little fantasies inside of you for so long so this, you could hold on. sitting in your bedroom hands shoved down your panties toying with your clit until you came picturing anakin sitting in his bedroom, pumping his flushed cock wishing you would give in. so you decided you were going to play anakin at his own game, wearing short skirts and tight fitting tops, forgoing bras and underwear and purposefully bending over when you knew he was behind you giving him the perfect view of your cunt beneath the frilly fabric, grinning when you heard him hiss quietly beneath his breath.
it became a new sick obsession for you both, anakin brushing past you, hands trailing along your spine, grasping at your hips, playing with your skirt's waistband. while you would creep behind him and run your hands down his chest, or slip past him pressing your ass against his crotch. it lasted for a week before everything collapsed.
you were laying in your bedroom, both your father and shmi out on a date night, and anakin was out with friends so you had the house to yourself, though it was about as fun as to be expected, so you decided to write in your diary detailing the games you and anakin had been playing that day.
/ i really thought he was going to give in today, i wore the tiniest skirt i have, it’s hardly even a skirt, so short i haven't worn it since i bought it but god it’s hard, anakin promised this isn't over but i didn't realise i was going to have to beg for it and i don’t want too. he knows i want him, i creamed all over his fucking cock and still, he’s making me wait. i just want him to give in, grab me and fuck me senseless again, i haven’t been able to cum properly since last week, no matter how much i want to it’s like my body needs him, i fucking hate it. god, why won’t he just do something?
“writing more fantasies there, angel?” anakin’s voice cut through the peaceful silence of your bedroom, you titled your head to face him, taking in the skin-tight black jeans that clung to his legs and band t-shirt, the heavy black liner around his eyes, he looked utterly sinful.
“nothing to say,” you replied shortly, turning your face back to the diary, gaze scanning the page, you could feel him still staring at you but decided to remain silent, if he wanted to play this game you would play it.
“oh, baby’s got bite, huh,” anakin snickered, crossing the room and perching himself at the end of the bed, “feeling a bit worked up?” he asked and you scoffed, raising your eyes, watching the way his gaze trailed over your body suddenly aware that you were wearing only a white vest top and a pair of pink cotton panties, you hadn’t expected him home tonight. usually, he and his friends would be out for hours on end not returning until the sun rose, but it was hardly half past eight.
“you wish,” you said with a small smile rolling your eyes at him, watching as his eyes darkened.
“wanna play like that, baby? okay, why don’t you hand me that book and show me what you are writing,” he offered, hand held out expectantly and a shudder ran down your spine as you met his gaze, he was testing you, tempting you to give in.
“why? you gave me what i wanted. you want me fucking say it,” you bit out, but your facade was fading but anakin… anakin broke.
“think now you’ve had my cock you can talk to me like i’m a fucking idiot?” he seethed, reaching over and ripping the diary from your grip and dropping it on the bed before straddling your hips, using one hand to pin your hands above your head in a bruising grip, “acted like a fucking slut all week, flashing me that desperate pussy, practically begging for it and now you wanna act blase?” he was angry, enraged as he glared down at you and you had never felt so small.
“anakin i…” you began to say but he shook his head.
“shut up,” he sneered, “sluts don’t get to talk, they shut their mouths and listen,” and you knew you shouldn’t, your brain was screaming at you to not give in, but that other part of you, your needy cunt needed this, needed him so you nodded. “look at you, all brave until you think you are gonna get cock, embarrassing,”
“i’m sorry,” you spewed out, and before you could even process it his hand was coming up, slapping you harshly around the face leaving behind a burning sting, you gaped up at him, shocked at his action and he smirked.
“i told you to be quiet but you can’t fucking listen can you, so you know what i’m gonna do?” he asked you and all you could do was stare at him, “nothing,” he replied simply letting go of your hands and climbing down from atop of you off of the bed, “you want me you know where to find me,” he said, sending you a teasing wave leaving you alone with a stinging cheek and throbbing cunt. you couldn’t even bring yourself to get off that night, simply curling on your side and hoping, but anakin never came.
the following day you were unsure of what to do next, cheek-stained rosy and cunt still aching, what you weren’t expecting was to see anakin the second you entered the kitchen, his eyes widening when he saw your face.
“shit,” he gasped walking over to you and cradling your cheek, you blinked up at him stunned, “i didn’t realise i… angel, fuck” he looked horrified, “i was so fucked when i got home last night and i, god,” anakin didn’t know what to say, pretty blue eyes so heart-achingly pained.
“it’s okay,” you said softly but he shook his head frantically.
“it’s not okay, i didn’t ask i just did it, fuck, i was so cross faded, baby, you don’t have to forgive me,” anakin had never been so nice to you ever, maybe after he had fucked you within an inch of your life, but this anakin was so impossibly soft you felt something with you shift, lust melting into something more malleable, something warm and light and it terrified you.
“ani, it’s okay,” you repeated, leaning up and planting a kiss on his lips, it was confident but you had to try, and anakin wilted, arm slipping around your waist and pulling you in, your bodies pressed so close they were practically one. the kiss was soft, a sweet caress of lips on lips before anakin pulled back and planted a soft kiss on your cheek. “wanna know a secret?” you asked him and anakin looked into your eyes, only sincerity glowing in them.
“always, angel,” he whispered and a small smirk twisted itself on your lips.
“i liked it,” you say watching as anakin’s eyes widen before a grin stretches across his face, his hand still resting on your hips pinching down slightly and making you jump.
“cheeky slut,” he teased, leaning in and peppering kisses along the length of your neck making you shiver in delight, “i need you, angel,” he murmured against your neck, “you’ve taken over my entire brain, can’t think of anything but you,”
“take me,” you whispered, “you’ve haunted my thoughts for long enough, ani,” it was a mess of teeth and tongue as anakin pulled you in again, lifting you into his arms, you wrapped your legs around his waist letting him carry you from the kitchen up the stairs, only breaking the kiss to look where he was going every few seconds before suddenly you were being laid back onto your bed, anakin hovering atop of you.
“i’m not gonna be gentle this time,” anakin told you, hands resting on your hips, “i need to make you mine, ruin you for any other man that tries with you, you are fucking mine,” he groaned out, grinding his hips against yours, the delicious thrill of his half hard cock settled between your thighs enough to drive you wild.
“you’ve already ruined me,” you confess like a sinner would on their knees before the priest.
“fuck,” anakin hissed, he grasped the skin of your thighs hiking them up so that they sat around his waist, “want everything from you, don’t hold back,” he demanded, and you knew that you were gone, this sick story was coming to a close and a new book was already in the making as he reached between your bodied and cupped your aching sex.
“yes, yes,” you pleaded, grinding your hips against his hand, you needed to feel him, to have him explore every inch of you and make you his.
“let’s get you out of these clothes, pretty,” he cooed, hands slipping under your top and tugging it off revealing your perky tits beneath, nipples hardening against the cool air, he groaned, cupping them in his large hands and squeezing, “such gorgeous tits, will you let me fuck them a little, baby?” he asked you and you whined.
“fuck yes, want you to come all over them, ani please,” you said, hands falling to the waistband of your shorts, it was an awkward shuffle of bodied as you managed to push them down and kick them from your legs while anakin grinned, still looking at your tits in awe.
“wanna mark them up, let everyone know whose tits they are,” he said, not waiting for confirmation before sinking down and suckling the tops of your breasts, a jolt of pain shot through your body making you shiver in delight. he sucked until the marks were bright red and lay stark against your skin, running his tongue over them soothingly before moving to the next until your breasts were covered. “holy shit,” he gaped.
“s’ pretty,” you murmered looking at the marks he had created.
“so pretty,” anakin agreed, “the fucking prettiest, along with this cunt, been dreaming about having this again,” he told you, tracing his fingers through your aching folds, “always so wet for me, angel,”
“take your clothes off,” you huffed, hips jittering, “wanna see you,” you pleaded, hands clumsily coming up to his belt and tugging at the cuff trying to unloop the fabric.
“desperate girl,” he smirked but obliged, tearing his shirt over his head in a swooping motion before following suit with his jeans, tugging the belt free as you watched in fascination as his jeans and boxers finally came down and his cock sprang free from its confines, hard, flushed and aching.
“anakin,” you hummed in delight at the sight, desperate for him.
“never meet a girl so needy for cock, look like you’ve just won the lottery,” anakin snickered, dragging his cock through your folds, soaking the tip before slapping it against your clit, you hissed at the contact lifing your hips to meet his but anakin pressed his hand your your stomach holding you down. “not yet,” he told you, “get the diary, i promised you a fantasy,” he smirked.
“anakin,” you huffed, pouting, “you know what i want, you don’t need that,” you said but he shook his head.
“wanna read your dirty words first, angel, come on,” he prompted planting a soft slap to your ass cheek making you squeal, scrambling up the bed and grabbing the little diary from its place beneath your pillow and handing it to him. he flicked the pages open, scanning through some older entries along with some older ones, his smile widening as he read your desperate words. “god, you are fucking filithy,”
“stop it,” you cried ripping the book from his hand and reading the page.
/ anakin stood behind me in the kitchen today and i purposefully bent over so that my skirt would come up, i wasn't wearing any underwear so he saw everything, i’m pretty sure i heard him moan. it made me so wet i wonder if he noticed, i wanted him to grab me and ram his cock inside me. i’ve seen porn where girls get fucked from behind, pinned against a counter or on their hands and knees, hair threaded through their partner's hands, tugging them back. or sometimes the guy had his hands wrapped around their throat. i bet anakin is good at choking, his hands are so big, he could probably fit his hand around my neck easily and choke me out, i tried it myself, squeezed hard enough that it made my head spin, i think even without my vibrator i would have cum so fucking hard from that. i hope he gives in soon.
“wanna feel my hands around your throat, angel?” anakin asked you, “want me to pound you from behind, take you like a slut? should have known you would love that,” you moaned at his words, slamming the book shut and tossing it from the bed.
“yes, ani, you know what i want so please, please do something,” you begged, crawling over to him and straddling his hips, wet cunt dragging against his hard cock, he groaned, grasping your hips tightly and rocking against you, his cock head catching at the rim of your swollen hole.
“gotta let you ride me one day, baby,” he murmured into your ear, “but right now i want you on your hands and knees, ass up,” he prompted and who were you to ignore instructions? you quickly moved into place, trying to remember who the girls do it in porn, the position was a little uncomfortable, knees not used to holding your weight like this, anakin ran his hand along your back soothingly, unlocking the tensed muscles that rippled beneath his touch revealing a subtle arch as you dipped down against the bed, breasts brushing against the cotton sheets. “look at that,” anakin said, “fucking perfect,” not seeing him made your skin prickle, every touch seemed to set your nerves on fire, especially when he drew his hands to your rounded ass, grasping at the flesh with keen fingers.
“ani, stop teasing,” you complained earning a sharp slap on your ass, the pressure making you jolt.
“needy little slut,” anakin spat, “just trying to appreciate the view but you are so focused on getting something inside that desperate cunt, want it so bad then fucking take it,” and he was inside you, despite his harsh words anakin was gentle with you, only pushing the tip into your dripping hole and holding it there for a few seconds before pushing deeper, your walls greedily sucking him in, his cock a weclome introusion after weeks of needy fingers helplessly pressing at your gummy walls, clumsily chasing a phantom release.
“yes, yes, yes,” you chanted, head dropping down against the bed as anakin began to thrust, the burn was expected, you hadn’t had him in weeks and with no prep you were bound to be a little sore, but you wanted this, wanted it to hurt, wanted to remember the feeling of him inside of you for days to come. his thrusts were shallow at first, hardly sinking all the way in before pulling out again, he continued this for a few moments, hands grasping at your hips before you began to whine, “ani, it’s okay, i need you harder, deeper, wanna feel your cock in my fucking stomach,” you simpered, dirty words pouring from petal lips, but it worked, you felt anakin’s dick twitch inside of you.
“such a dirty mouth, angel,” he groaned, hand threading through your hair and yanking, the action jerking you backward so that anakin was fully sheathed inside of you and you fucking loved it, moaning loudly at the feeling of being so full, the pressure of his cock head against your cervix and the burn of your scalp would have been enough to make you cum, but then he began to jackhammer inside of you, hips thrusting at a brutal pace, filling every inch of you.
“oh my god,” you screeched, tears glossing your eyes, as you let anakin abuse your sopping cunt. tip pressing against the spongey spot inside of you that made your head spin.
“that’s it, baby, scream for me,” anakin hissed, hands bruising on your hips, as he sank deeper, and deeper, you swore you could feel him in your guts, this angle allowing him to go deeper than he had before, he was everywhere, you vaguely wondered what it would feel like if he spilled inside of you, cum coating your insides, it was disgusting, so, so wrong but you knew you would have to ask him for it one day, maybe leave it in your diary and hope he finds it, but you had little time to ponder as anakin’s hand untangled from your hair and began to creep its away around your throat, just holding it, waiting.
“ani,” you pleaded, his fingertips dancing along your pulse point, palm warm even against your fiery skin.
“you want it?” he asked, squeezing ever so slightly so that you could feel the pressure but not enough to cut off air flow.
“yes, want it so bad, anakin please,” he laughed, a dark mocking thing that made your pussy cleanch.
“come on, angel you can beg better than that,” anakin litled, you couldn’t see him but you knew he was smiling, amused by the pathetic girl wrapped around his cock, so desperate for him no matter what he could say or do, you would still trail after him cock hungry and begging.
“choke me, ani, please, want your hands around my throat, want you to fuck me like a slut, please, please, need it so bad, please, ani,” you didn’t had to wait to see if you begged well enough before anakin’s hand tightened, pressing in all the right places to cut off your wind pipe, a dull aching feeling lingering as the blood rushed from your head, it was hypnotic, something welling inside of you, loving the control he held over your entire body. you were his, whether he wanted it or not. the slick sound of your cunt taking his cock filled the room not that your moans were cut off, it made you shudder.
“baby, baby,” anakin panted, hips stuttering inside of you, “fuck, you are a dream, angel,” he said, voice shaky, “gonna need you to cum soon, you feel so fucking good wrapped around me, don’t think i can hold it much longer and i still need to feel those tits around me,”
“fuck,” you cried at the sound of his shakey voice, words garbled by anakin’s hand around your thoat, he loosened it for a moment allowing you to gulp in a large breath of air before it tightened once again, thumb pressing against your pule point, you whimpered, tears spilling down your cheeks as you let anakin rock against you.
“play with your clit for me, angel,” anakin told you, pace not slowing but you could feel his dick twitching, you did as he said, one hand sliding to the sticky mess between your thighs, you were tempted to feel at the place between the two of you, the connection of his cock deep inside of you but you worried that would set anakin off, so you began to circle your clit, the loss of one arm to balance with make you shaky, body jerking forward violently so anakin grabbed your other arm, wrenching it behind your back and holding it there, other hand still on your throat, his body supporting your entire weight. it was fucking heavenly, you were completely at his disposal, he could do anything he wanted to you and you would let him.
“mmh,” you stuttered out, voice lost beneath anakin’s vice grip, that coil in your stomach welling, you could feel it expanding, coiling down your spine and encasing your entire lower body. you needed it, that lust you had felt for weeks reaching closer to a crescendo, you wanted him to ruin you, to tear you in two a bury himself beneath your skin so you could feel him forever. your heart pounded against your chest, body aching with want.
“that’s it,” anakin cooed, “you can let go, come all over my cock, angel girl,” he whispered, squeezing your throat tighter, white spots danced in your vision, the feeling of his cock head bullying your cervix, the dizzying lack of air in your head and the way he held you, it was enough to send you spinning. everything went dark, you felt entirely weightless, the glow of your orgasm consuming your entire body and you were gone.
when you came too, anakin was hovering over you, your body now laid flat and he looked adoringly down on you, bottom lip pinched between his teeth.
“oh, baby,” he sounded awe struck, you blinked up at him, hazy from the force of the orgasm that had consumed you, “you squirted, angel,” he told you and you looked down, his entire cock and stomach was sodden as well as the sheets beneath you two, you gaped, stunned.
“i did that?” you whispered and anakin swopped in, peppering kisses along the curve of your lips.
“yes, yes you did, so fucking hot, never seen a girl squirt in person before, it was fucking insane,” anakin said, almost giddy, “such a good girl, angel, something out of a dream i swear to god,” he continued too kiss you, along your lips, trailing across your cheeks and you squirmed, hands shakily coming to his shoulders.
“ani,” you say, breathlessly, still taken aback by what you had done, like anakin you had only seen squirting in porn, you couldn’t even imagine that you yourself could do it.
“yes, baby, anything,” he sounded frantic, hips rutting against the wetness between your thighs, still chasing his relief as he praised you.
“my tits,” you gasped out through over sensitivity as he cock brushed your swollen clit, “fuck my tits, ani, please,” he pulled back, a dreamy smile painted on his lips as he shuffled up the bed, hips stradling your stomach.
“you really want this?” he asked gently, and you nodded, you needed this, needed him to come, you watched in bliss as he reached behind him, coating his palm in your wetness and smearing it between your tits until the skin glistened before guiding his cock along the silken channel, “push them together for me, angel, make it nice and tight like your pussy for me,” he instucted, your hands dragged up your sides and too your swollen breasts, pressing them together, your thumbs trailing along the marks anakin had left before.
“yes, just like that,” anakin whispered, rutting his hips, cock sliding between your tits with a squealch. his cock head bumped against your chin and impulsibely you dipped your head, capturing the weeping thing between your lips and suckling, it was a mess of spit, slick and cum and anakin moaned, louder than you had ever heard him moan before. you glanced at him through your lashes and almost lost it, anakin looked wrecked, lips parted and stained crimson, hair ruffled atop his head in messy waves, eyes wide as he looked down at you, and when you made eye contact he cried out, hips stuttering as he came in your mouth. you tried to swallow as much as you could, but some escaped and dripped onto your tits in a milky stream.
“angel,” anakin’s breathing raged as he pulled his spent cock from your mouth and you smiled up at him, body still weak but all you could feel was light, it burned bright within you and extended out like sunlight leaking through the clouds at dawn. “you… i… i have never come so hard in my life than i have with you,” he laughed breathlessly, you echoed the sound as he sank onto you, head pressed against your soiled chest but he didn’t care and neither did you. it was your mess that you had made together, and you loved that thought more than you should.
“same,” you managed to say, exhaustion consuming you as you curl your arms around anakin, relishing in the feeling of his warmth.
“i have no choice now,” anakin said, “you are my fucking girl, i don’t care about what our parents say, this is it for me, i need you,”
“anakin,” you gasped, taken aback by his confession, what was he saying? what did this mean now? how could you ever tell your parents how this sick obsession had bloomed into something more, it was wrong, twisted, and despicable, but you couldn’t ignore what you felt and you knew it was him, he was it for you.
“don’t worry, angel, i’ll work it out,” he murmured against your chest and you nodded, anakin knew what he was doing, or you could only hope he did as he finally came around again and scooped you into his arms to take you to clean up in the bathroom.
maybe another part…
tags : @prettypinkprincess15 @insomiacslut @johnbassplayercutie @espinathena-17 @srry-notsorry @vmpIover @dazednstars141
tagged people who asked for a part two !
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
Soooo, tell me, do you think Astarion would be jealous or possessive at times? Do you think he gets nervous about losing his partner?
Oh, he would definteley be possessive! I think it would come out of fear. Like, what if Tav dumps him for someone better?
Thanks @brabblesblog and @rachelle-on-the-run for beta-reading!
Synopsis: Astarion thinks you are going to leave him for someone better and accuses you of infidelity.
Tags: Hurt/comfort, a heated argument
Read on AO3
Astarion can't process what he feels.
Anger? Disgust? Disappointment? Betrayal?
You stand in the sunlight, bathing in the warm rays. You smile, sincere and happy, while he stands in the shadows like the monster he is.
A man, a handsome half-elf, with long and dark hair practically dances around you like a bird during mating season. He openly flirts with you and you giggle at his jokes.
You don't try to shut him down. You smile. You laugh.
Astarion can't hear the conversation, but he is sure you wouldn't talk like that if you knew he was near.
If it was night, he could easily grab your hand and threaten this man with the daggers.
But he can't.
He is useless.
The only thing he can do is to watch. He sees you taking the man's hand and then hugging him. Warm and tight.
It's too much even for him. 
He dissapears into the tunnels below the city. When he returns to the camp, it's already dark and you light a fire.
"Astarion,good news", you tell him. "We - What is wrong?"
He looks up at you. The anger is replaced with poison.
"If you wanted to fuck someone else, you should have just said so," he mutters through the teeth.
You dare to look surprised. Sure, why not. You aren't less manipulative than him. Learned from a professional.
"Oh, stop with this innocent smile! You know what I’m talking about! I've seen you flirting with that man. Tell me - is his body warm? Does his back look new and perfect?"
"You followed me."
"Answer the damn questions, Tav!"
You stand up.
"That was my friend. I knew him ages ago! I just didn't expect to meet him all of a sudden!"
"Come on, any common fool could see you were all over each other. You want to sleep with him? Fine. At least, you could be so kind as to tell me beforehand. I think I deserve it."
"Astarion, stop."
Your soft voice annoys him even more. 
He bursts. It's like a firestorm, unstoppable and cruel. He yells at you, spitting all the most disgusting insults as if it can numb at least some of his pain.
A whore. A slut. A bitch.
He yells at the top of his lungs. And then suddenly…
A slap.
Loud and painful. His cheek burns of how hard you've slapped him. It sobers him up and Astarion stares at you in shock. He wishes he could take all the words away. To go back in time and make himself stop before spitting all this poison.
He has never heard you screaming like that. You hate him. And he deserves it.
Tears stream down your face as you sit on the ground. Your body shudders.
And Astarion runs.
He disappears into the woods. In the darkness. In the cold.
The cheek still burns. You've never gotten physical with him - except for that first time when he almost drained you. Astarion sometimes remembers how you kicked him in the ribs.
But, maybe, it's all for the best? You can find a living person to spend your life with. Because what can he even offer? His nightmares? His pain? His tainted touches?
The very thought of you in someone else’s hands makes him sick. But at the same time, what did he expect after calling you all these awful names? 
He needs to disappear, forever.
But the further he goes, the worse he feels. The invisible leash tugs him back and his undead heart bleeds. 
The very idea of not seeing you, being alone, spending this condemned eternity on his own… He would prefer being flayed by a razor rather than living a day without you.
He needs to apologize. He needs to crawl back, begging for forgiveness. The same way he did when he was a slave.
Don't beat me. Don't torture me. I will do anything.
Don't leave me. Don't hurt me. I will do anything. 
As he returns to the camp, he sees you by the fire. You notice him and turn your head away.
"Please... I am sorry... I didn't mean it."
You look at him but instead of the softness he craves there is only cold. 
The only thing he desires is to hug you, to be pressed against your chest. To hear the words of love and comfort.
But there is an invisible wall between you two.
"Please… Don't leave me!" he begs. "I can't… I don't know how to live without you."
You sigh. "Astarion, I am not leaving you. But I am angry. I am angry like all the devils of Avernus."
"Then… I am sorry! I am sorry for calling you all these words, I am sorry for..."
"No, Astarion. It won't work like that. This relationship won’t work. "
Astarion is taken aback. "Then what do you want me to do?"
"I don't want you to do anything. But you need to understand that I have feelings, too."
Silence. Astarion is motionless.
"You are apologizing out of fear." you continue. "Because you’re used to expecting violence. I want you to apologize out of honesty. You hurt me. You accused me of infidelity. You called me all these slurs people used against you, perfectly knowing how much that hurts. You offended my friend, the person I grew up with, someone who I thought was dead. The person who gave me a very good contract just because I asked. For that, I need you to apologize."
You both are silent. Astarion looks somewhere in the distance. 
"Listen, Tav, you know I am like that. I can’t control it."
"You do! That's the thing. You were infantilized for two hundred years. But you are a man. You are not a boy, not a pet, not a slave. You don't need to be trained or taught. You are a man. And you must learn to be responsible for your actions. I understand why you are like that. But it doesn't mean I have to allow you to say anything you want."
The words hurt like daggers when he finally manages to say them out loud.
"I am sorry. I am sorry for thinking you could leave me. I am sorry for hurting you. My emotions took the best of me. I am afraid, I am constantly afraid. I am afraid you will leave me for what I am."
A touch. Soft and delicate. He feels like crying the moment your tender fingers caress his skin.
"And I am sorry for getting physical. I shouldn't have slapped you."
"I deserved it"
"No one deserves beatings. Especially, from their loved ones." 
You press your forehead against his. "You aren't an easy person to deal with, Astarion. But I knew it from the beginning. When you confessed to me, I had a chance to stop it. I didn't do it. Because I love you. But I am a living breathing person and if you hurt me, I bleed. "
He nods. "But if you ever want to end all this - "
"I won't"
He smiles and presses his finger against your lips. "If you ever decide it's too much, tell me. Just be honest. "
You wrap your hands around his neck and tug him close. "You know, when he hugged me, my first thought was "damn, his skin is so uncomfortably hot". And he told me we should stop it because his husband is jealous. I think they are having a very uncomfortable conversation right now."
You sit together in silence looking at the campfire. Soon, Astarion notices a stripe of light in the distance and his vampiric senses send a shiver down his spine.
You yawn.
"Let's get some rest. Astarion, I hate asking for reciprocation, but since you probably want to make amends…"
"What do you want, my sweet?"
"Can you please not leave my side while I sleep? Just be with me till I wake up."
He closes his eyes and lets out a short laugh. And this is your idea of making amends? A few hours ago he would beg you to let him touch you, let alone cuddle with you.
He cocks his head. "Only if you make amends for slapping me."
"And what do you want?"
"I want to be the little spoon."
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@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
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♡. WHEN CROWLEY DECIDES that the boy's need a dosage of learning to prepare for the 'future' and sets everyone up in pairs to take care of a fake baby that mimics a real one. @ ; Gender neutral reader / Crack (In some parts) / Fluff ## heartslabyul + pomefiore + octavinelle / scarabia + savanaclaw + diasomnia
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. ACE TRAPPOLA ; “Why does this gremlin look like us?” he asks nonchalantly, waving his hands towards the baby. The child looked way too real to be fake, though Crowley had informed everyone beforehand that the child was in fact fake, and was made to take after its caretakers.. They seemed real.. And you wouldn’t put it past Crowley to kidnap a couple thousand kids, I mean he technically did the same to you.. So it can’t be that uncommon.. Plus it would save him some cash if he actually did that. 
The baby was asleep when it first came into your possession. You swear you saw Ace lose his sanity a tad bit when it first cried, that should have been a red flag.. Alongside his literal meltdown when he was confused as to what he should do, you watched and humored his worries, by putting needless concern and teasing him. You swear you saw him take a breath of pure relief when the child stopped crying and began drinking its milk. 
The child indefinitely had insomnia because it just wouldn’t fucking let you two sleep.. At all.. Ace wanted to commit a crime, he thought it would be peaceful having a month off classes.. And since the child was fake it would all end well, Right? Wrong. The baby was artificially designed to look exactly like the two of you, which was bad because you couldn’t help but grow attached to it.. And that wasn’t the worst part, It acted like a real child.. and functioned like one too. You were now 99% sure Crowley kidnapped a bunch of orphaned newborns and put a sort of disguise spell on it.
The two of you even named the kid.. Well Ace just continued to call it a little gremlin, and you ended up joining him. It was much easier, and well.. The child was a gremlin.. The child was growing fast, and it was torture. It would pull your hair, tamper with Ace’s make-up. Fuck with your supplies and tools, and was genuine hell to work with. But that’s not to say the child was all bad, it was cute. And the three of you grew quite close together. 
When it was time for your Little gremlin to go, the two of you were completely heartbroken. Over the past month, the two of you grew closer together as a pair, hell Ace even confessed. It was sweet, and now you little gremlin had to leave you both. “WE’LL MISS YOU” you yelled as Crowley took the kid away from you both, sure Crowley was an excellent matchmaker for the two of you but what the fuck?!?
. DEUCE SPADE ; Deuce grew up with care and was surprisingly well trained in the art of taking care of a child, the moment the baby was given to you, it started crying. Yet Deice was fully prepared for this event in advance, it was actually a rather adorable sight. However, you didn't get to view the full scene, as Deuce ushered you away to get your supplies for the baby. 
You heard that the Child was supposedly supposed to take after the two of you, yet a part of you doubted the fact but when Deuce pointed out the similarities you began taking notice of it as well.
Was Deuce an expert child specialist, you weren’t quite sure… But he was exceptionally good at taking care of the little demon that was now in both of your possession. The first few hours went by pretty fine, since Deuce was quite skilled in taking care of children.. You were actually quite shocked when he asked you for help, but the scene was worth it. 
The three of you would play together, go on picnics, and do a bunch more fun stuff; which led to the three of you quickly growing attached together, he even gave the little demon with legs a name. Everything about this experience was fun and enjoyable, and you couldn’t help but grow used to it. Though it was quite odd, the little demon seemed to have quite a lot of patience for a child, you don’t think that was normal. You even asked Deuce about it; he then explained to you how throughout his earlier years, he had been a remarkably calm child to deal with..
When it came time for the two of you to give up your precious child, you swore you could see Deuce shed a tear. And you were quite sure that Crowley purposefully, meticulously planned this event; since he handled taking your demon away from you and turning the device off, much slowly, then the others. 
. RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS ; Riddle was not ready for this— One normal school day with peace dear heavens.. Mercy on his soul. (Something yuu should be saying but ok Riddle be dramatic mr mommy issues 🙄) Immediately hands the kid over to you, he does not trust himself. And that’s a lot coming out from Riddle the housewarden of Heartslabyul—Himself..
He’s trying.. He truly is.. He’s putting in his best effort.. But his mother didn’t raise him right and he sure as hell is worried that he’ll make a slight mistake in parenting.. Even if the ordeal is fake.. He is 100% inclined to pretend this is in fact real? Why because that monstrosity of a child looks like the both of you and takes after him mostly and that is creepily burdening, almost like Crowley planned this thoughtfully like a well planned, carefully coordinated villain but that cant be it because he slacks in every other fucking field there is. (And Riddle also wants an A) 
Ever had a nagging housewife of your own? No.. well be prepared to have one, because Riddle expects you to get off that high couch and get your fine ass down on the carpet, you both shall dedicate all your time to the baby that obviously took a lot out of him, like imagine waking up and getting handed your child first thing in the morning? Truly the gift of life is so unbearable. WHY ARE YOU STILL ON THE COUCH.
‘Y/n L/n if you do not come out of the goddamn bathroom and join us for this fucking playdate, I will destroy your fucking phone — sincerely Riddle’
Most definitely sends you paragraphs and paragraphs worth of texts and etc, starts acting like a nagging husband. You can’t even tell what's real or not anymore, bro you have to leave your friends with a “I gotta check on my wife” type of goodbye. (He’s not as controlling as he sounds I swear, you both are having fun but he can be.. extra.)
. TREY CLOVER ; Trey and you had actually recently started acting on both your feelings, not necessarily confessed but the two of you were definitely having this flirting session. Like edging into dating but you both haven’t really decided to make things official yet. And as of current times, Trey was giving you some freshly baked cookies catered to your tastes. He loves expressing his feelings through baked goods, giving you sweets, etc as a means to express himself.. And it was at this moment did Crowley end up announcing his stupid bogus plan and idea.. That he most definitely was serious about.
Trey had always given a responsible vibe to you, he just had this aura that radiated.. well.. you couldn't explain it. But you were quite sure that he'd be good with kids... and you were right. Though he did look kind of nervous and worried, he pulled through quite quickly though. He carried the child with shaky arms, and you could swear he was glaring daggers into Crowley. 
The entire class was filled with baby noises and a bunch load of struggling teenage men's voices. It was a funny sight to any normal civilian, and it would be to you too.. If you weren’t suffering the same fate as all the boys in the class. Trey thankfully got a clean pacifier and shut the thing up..
. CATER DIAMOND ; Cater was well.. Um shocked? Taken aback.. Conflicted.. It was hard to tell.. He seemed to have been going through what appears to be the five stages of literal grief in front of you as if it was normal. You were grateful Crowley handed the ‘thing’ to you and not Cater because you doubt in his state, he’d be able to carry the child let alone take care of it.
The three of you were in Cater’s room, and the child sucked on its pacifier as you sat on the edge of the bed; with the kid on your lap, witnessing Cater’s emotional breakdown live. 
“I’m not ready for kids.. I can’t even take care of myself.. nOw KiDs?!/1!/1/!?1//1//1/??!” he babbled on and on, with light curses, and more. 
You raised your hand and explained “Cater you do know.. That this is a project right?” 
. EPEL FELMIER ; Surprisingly skilled in taking care of the little girl you both were given to by the demon that is Crowley, having mainly female figures in his life has presented Epel with outstanding qualities in taking care of children. It was a shocker really, how he was so considerate and able to tell what the child needed. Contrary to his act and front of being manly and his need to prove himself at any given moment, Epel could be so utterly soft and adorable when it came to children. It also didn’t help that the kid looked exactly like a mixture of you both. 
Epel actually shared multiple stories about his time back home, how some of his grandmother's friends would come over and let him babysit their nephews, children, or even grandchildren. They claimed that he had excellent skills when it came to taking care of children, they also teased him alot, claiming that he’d make a great husband in the future. (But he’ll leave that part out in the stories) 
The stories truly explained why he seemed to be so great at taking care of kids. He even taught you some tricks and tricks on how to calm down a kid, some things that maybe you didn’t even know— which made everything all the more interesting. 
“I say we name her Applejack”
“We changed her diaper—gave her food, hell we even read stories and played with her.. Why isn’t she sleeping!” you exclaimed, exceptionally tired as your 5am alarm to check on the baby went off. You sighed, leaning into the armchair on your third cup of coffee that night, this experience is making you dread the idea of kids as a whole.. Why were they so difficult? “Did you give her her pacifier? Also stop drinking coffee dear, have water instead” Epel hands you a cup of water, as you let out a dramatic sigh and then you went on to explain how she keeps on spitting out her pacifier. 
“Let me try; you go and get some rest… you could use it.. !”
. VIL SCHOENHEIT ; Vil Schoenheit was the partner that Crowley had chosen for you, for what reason.. you do not want to know. All you know is that Crewel was yelling at him afterwards, and you only presume he was against the idea just as much as you.. Vil was smart.. But god forbid you work in a group project with the housewarden of Pomefiore.. And unlike before.. This time it was only the two of you.. With an unknown third party who is a literal child. 
I mean— you predicted this much.. Vil had flawless skills in almost everything you’ve so far seen him doing.. Well except that tiny winy (penis) small little conflict with Neige. Thankfully, no problems have so far appeared (in deez nuts) while the two of you were parenting.. And raising.. This.. ‘thing’... you both didn’t name it, and Vil kept calling it little potato. 
You swear Vil was being ultra sus with his lowkey perfect parenting but then he truly came undone (do you get it.. But like… do you get it?) and you for realzies found him tot’s bragging and flexing to a very tired Epel and Rook about his kid. Which is lowkey for realzies not his kid, but you know.
. ROOK HUNT ; It was your first time witnessing Rook actually grow nervous, and at Crowley's announcement no less… Were you expecting anything out of the ordinary today? Not really.. But where Crowley exists there can never be peace. But it was slightly worth it though, watching Rook have an internal meltdown as he held the ‘fake’ child with care. 
It was hilarious, he was stunned, his month hung open and his face was basically a reenactment of: ‘0’, except he was sweating a shit ton as well.. “Rook, do you need me to take the child for now?” Rook immediately snapped out of his trance on queue as he turned away from you. 
Rook, despite being beyond confused and struggling a shit ton to present himself as a normal parent, refused to let you take any of the major workload. It was sweet, but on the first day you vividly remember wearing a suit and greeting the literal baby as if it was a job interview, like “Yes I’ve come to addition for the role of your father little fake ‘child’”
To be honest you weren't quite sure if you could trust him to be in charge of the child..
. AZUL ASHENGROTTO ; Crowley handed the little infant to Azul… Azul. He’s panicking, he’s nervous; his hands get sweaty and shaky, he’s not used to carrying children.. or more so babies.. even if they’re fake.. ‘It’ still behaves and acts like a child, and not to mention how it looks like the carbon copy of you two, is Crowley trying to traumatize the whole of NRC? ‘Well ‘it's’ quite adorable’. 
You quickly and carefully remove the child from Azuls arms, refusing to give it back to him till he’s completely calmed down, he seems rather… taken aback by the entire thing.. Which rightfully so, imagine your headmaster just randomly handing you a child which he claims is fake, that looks and behaves like your partner? It would’ve traumatized anyone really, you’ve just grown rather immune to Crowley’s bullshit. 
Azul was surprisingly good at taking care of the child when needed, he was well coordinated and thoughtful.. He was very responsible and quickly memorized the necessary rules and actions he must do as a child caretaker, you were quite weirded out by the sheer dedication he had.. But Azul is quite the overachiever so it came as no surprise to you. 
The three of you would huddle together and play games with the child in the evening and then read story books together at night, it was fun.. And you even enjoyed your time with the housewarden, his effort was well appreciated as he handled all your little sea shell’s temper tantrums and meltdowns well. You didn’t have to put much of an effort, really. But you did regardless, since.. Well, the child looked so like you it would be weird not too.. It just felt wrong. 
Before you knew it, you two started acting like a divorce couple (Who obviously are still in love) trying to impress their kids and gain more attention from the other. (Floyd wins this game, he keeps stealing you kid.)
. JADE LEECH ; Jade was amused by Crowley's assignment. Questions as to how Crowley had gotten his hands on so many con children that could perfectly impersonate two different students filled his head; while you remained purely horrified by the fact of partnering up with Jade… ‘Does he even know how to manage a child?.. probably…? I mean Floyd most definitely didn’t live on his own.. He would have probably been in jail if he was living alone’
Contrary to your worries Jade had presented himself as a great help to you, he offered to bring the materials you required and more. He even helped set up his dorm room to be more baby proof, and though Floyd’s visits did often bother you and kid… he worked out solutions and helped everything stay in order. 
Hell he even tried recommending a lot of family games and etc, though you had to most graciously decline his offer for a family hiking trip… for mushrooms… (You also had to decline his offer for mushroom flavored baby food)
. FLOYD LEECH ; Floyd surprisingly was very calm.. I mean the two of you were paired not because Crowley chose so, he just grabbed you and your poor fate was decided.. And then the process of manufacturing the realistic dolls went on for a week, you were 100% sure it wasn’t dolls but in fact real babies with dyed hair or a spell on them of sorts, and Crowley just spent the week planning a heist to kidnap the babies. 
Floyd was a surprisingly good parent, not perfect by any means but only Crowley would imagine that a fancy Schmancy college filled with (mostly) privileged wealthy boys would be able to take care of a bunch of kids (Newborn/infants at that).. Hell you heard some rumors that some people got twins and even quadruplets.. (Which added to your baby heist theory)  
Floyd held the bottle to the little eel’s mouth and watched the ‘thing’ drink (you two haven’t gotten a name for it, so you both just call it little eel or eely), while carefully listening to your baby heist theory; providing nods and a bunch of “uh huhs” and “mhms” in response, as you went in tremendous detail with your little white board. 
Also Floyd most definitely flexes his little demon to Jade and disturbs his time with his kid, “Look at my kid, it’s so incredible” energy.(Soccer mom but dad version vibes)
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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Something something something husband Nikto with boyfriend König who have a strained relationship cause they were fuck buddies years ago long before you.
Tags: Nikto/König/Reader, sub! König, reader doesn't fuck but they do. Possessive/obsessive Nikto,Reader. Very much bottom König getting railed by Nikto for like a paragraph. He's a slut officer. Established relationship. Also some perverted reader and König in here. Just a smidge.
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It was all messy and all ways fucked up and bloody before you came into the picture. Meeting and marrying you was one of nikto's only right decision in his all wrong life. Such a sweet precious thing, full of life and the irregularities of humanity in all the wonderful ways.
Sure dating one of your ex team/coworkers wasn't the best idea but eh. You were too good to pass up. König thought so too.
"Schatz, date at the 14th?"
"Hmm, sure, I'll ask my husband."
The poor man didn't even know the two of you were married before then because Nikto keeps his private life separate. Speaking of, the colonel finds himself thinking about the shorter brute more and more after their little...situation. Wonder why that may be?
And so he arrives at the house with two bouquets of flower. It would be rude if he only brought one right? His Oma always said if he was to find a partner he would get at least five flowers, she didn't mention what would happen if he was attracted to two people. That were married at that.
The door opening with a click as Nikto greets him first, a white tanktop and some shorts. It's all casual and all so much- He didn't even get to knock please have mercy-
He's leading him inside without any words. All silent outside yet loud inside as König internally cums over seeing some of Nikto's skin, all scarred and gott he just wants to run his tongue over those scars again please-
"So, you want my spouse too hm?", and it all comes to a pause. Hands purposefully hiding the flowers.
"Yes, sir.", Nikto used to love that, maybe he still does now, if not? even he's respectful in someone else's house.
"Prove to me you can be a good slut." Flowers turn forgotten on the kitchen table.
Their own lust reignited. Something domestic and new added in the mix of nostalgia as they find themselves another night together.
"ебать, just as tight as I remember."
"I hope our Liebling doesn't mind."
"ah, they are aware."
"Actually? Wait hold on shit- ngh- Schieß- right there-"
Hands and bodies he doesn't remember in the sunlight. Until he moves and a voice he remembers, every scene comes back to him like a train crash.
And he just takes it all. Every slap of hips against his sore, soft ass. Every spank Nikto delivers to his tight asshole and cheeks. Whining when a finger slips in, angled perfectly with the dick already splitting him open, moments before he comes with a loud grunt.
And he whimpers softly when Nikto overstimulates him, further milking and coating his prostate with teasing filling touches and their sin mixed throughout. The first to initiate and the first to pass out on the bed he doesn't recognize in the morning.
"You're awake, 'they' insisted you'd stay, you're welcome to."
And he's unused to the softness in nikto's tone. But he knows. He doesn't want to leave when you're in his arms and he's in yours. A man touch starved beforehand and now he's being held front and back its enough to make his heart nauseously full.
He's not allowed to leave either and he knows it too. The grip in Nikto's hands is unfamiliar but not unknown, something old he used to feel that only his muscle memorizes while he was asleep.
The sheets have been changed he's noticed, no longer the cum stained sheets he got ravaged on and passed out in. No doubt getting carried by the thicker man when he was out cold.
Surrounded front and back and a realization made. You're not theirs, he's yours and Nikto's. A realization that makes him whimper before he gets coddled by the two figures around him, hands already pawing at his tits and hips being shifted backwards. He's stuck with nowhere he'd rather be.
"So, how long have this been going on?"
"Three years." Some of Nikto's high quality coffee gets spiten out in pure surprise as said man gives off a loud breathy laugh.
"Am I intruding?"
"Not at all. We've been wanting a new pet."
××××××××××××××××××××××x x××××××××××××××××××××××
Ya boi did not proofread this have some fun looking at my grammatical mistakes.
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luvghostie · 2 years
{𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, + 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴}
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• Millie is all about cuddling, even bringing the action up beforehand
•She'd love to brush your hair if you felt comfortable with it as she puts your consent above all else
•After brushing your hair she'd whisper sweet things in your ear:: "Doll, remember you're absolutely amazing." and "I don't know what I'd do without you."
•Millie and you would take turns being big spoon and little spoon. Most times though Millie takes the bigger role
•If anyone interrupted your time together Millie would no doubt throw something at their head
•Most times it hits them
•Millie would fall asleep holding you in her arms. She's a very sweet S/O and puts you before the likes of herself. If you cry she's there with tissues, if you don't eat she won't either, and if you feel angry she'll give you the space you need
•When you wake up in the morning breakfast is already prepared and on the nightstand
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•Poor Moxxie wouldn't know what to do if you asked for cuddles
•He'd be more than happy to do so, however, the poor IMP would be shy
•Most times while cuddling you'll be a big spoon since I can't imagine Moxxie being that type
•"Y/N, do you think I'm useless?" he'd ask you while nuzzling into your neck. He constantly thought bad about himself and it made you upset
•"Of course not Mox," you'd say kissing his forehead. "I think you're far more than enough."
•Moxxie would eventually get used to the feeling of cuddling and embracing you. All his life he was constantly put down by others. Millie and you are the only two that cared enough to stand up for him.
•At times you might think he also likes Millie because of the bond they share. Regardless, that's not the case. Moxxie is very verbal about his attraction to you despite how others may see it.
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•More than likely Blitz has had a bad/long day at work. So if you asked him to cuddle 100% of the time the answer is, "I would love to!"
•Blitz would wrap his tail around you subconsciously. He wants you close, his mind finding ways to make sure you won't up and leave
•You like to touch the white spots on him, outlining the various shapes
•Eventually, you get sad, remembering all those white spots are from him getting hurt
•"Y/N, that tickles" he'd say laughing in between the embrace you two shared
•Big spoon, little spoon, no spoon. Fuck Blitz didn't care he just wanted you to be there for him and love him for the way he is. Just as he loved you for you.
•Yes, he can be an ass at times but he has problems just like everyone else
•And you adore them
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•"You want to cuddle... Me?" Loona would have a look of confusion on her face with red on her cheeks
•You may think she lost interest because of the way she acts but that's not the case my friend
•Definitely big spoon
•Loona would hold you against her fur not saying anything for a while. When she finally got the courage to speak she'd say, "ya know, you're the first person to make me feel like this."
•You must remember the remarks and insults she gives you most of the time are a form of love. Loona doesn't like to seem weak, especially in front of you
•More than likely if she catches you upset or down by something she said get ready for apologizes and love when you are alone
•"Hey, you know I didn't mean what I said right?" she whispered into your ear, never moving her position from beside you
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•This man is touch starved so when you bring the idea up there's no turning back
•"Oh, my dear! Why didn't you say so sooner?!"
•Big spoon when he's happy and little spoon when he's sad (Stella more than likely being a bitch)
•Stolas would hold you so close that he could feel your heartbeat. In exchange, you could feel his blush practically spreading.
•"I love you so much Y/N, please never leave me." he would say in a somber voice. "Stolas, I don't want anyone else besides you." you'd remind the owl.
•Some nights you guys would fall asleep while a romance movie played in the background.
•But there are other nights you two get a little freaky if you catch my drift;)
•Honestly, you know many people are against Stolas but to you, there's no one else like him
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•Verosika is painting her nails when you ask for cuddles. When she hears you say the final word, a smirk would form on her lips
•"Aww, does my baby want loves?" she'd tease
•Verosika is the most dominant in the relationship taking the form of big spoon. Although, if she had a bad day or was feeling self-conscious you'd step in
•When cuddling she'd play with your hair, twisting it around her slim fingers
•Verosika would most definitely take photos of you and post them on her social media. The captions would be things like, "better than my ex" and "no one comes close to my beauty as they do."
•Self-confidence is important in your relationship. If you're down because of someone, Verosika wouldn't hesitate to beat a hoe.
•The girl would probably claw the shit out of them ngl
•"You're the cutest thing to walk hell!" she'd tell you, going back to looking through her gallery while you drifted off to sleep.
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•"Fizz, can we cuddle?" you'd ask the male
•He looked at you very confused, you two were basically cuddling already. "Y/N, I'm literally sitting on your lap... How much closer could I get?"
•This bitch is lowkey a little baby but would make sexual remarks while cuddling
•Little spoon for sure and he would never disagree with that
•When you guys do cuddle (him not sitting in your lap) you'd listen to his puns and jokes
•Fizz finds your stomach to be soft and the perfect place to lay his head. When he's not there the next place he'll lay is on you. His legs tossed over you, head resting on a pillow, and his hands holding yours firmly
•There's a good chance he'd force you to fall off the bed when sleeping because of the amount of room he hogs
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Dream is ambivalent about A/B/O genders. He's seen enough shit in the universe in billion years, current human civilization doesn't even come close to his definition of 'strange.' Still, he tried on various genders like clothes (he feels most comfortable being an omega), and even hoped in secret that Calliope would be amenable to mating when they got married. He breached the subject very tentatively, found out she was not delighted by the prospect of being tied to an Endless at all, and they never touched upon it again. Their marriage crashed and burned soon anyway, so it must have been for the best. After their reunion with Hob post-fishbowl, Dream decides to take him up on his offer to meet more frequently and drops by. The timing is unfortunate (or fortunate, depends on the point of view!) as his human alpha friend turns out to be in the middle of his rut. And maybe Dream is not versed in human communication and rites, but even he understands that it's better to leave and return next week. Which he is about to do before Hob very enthusiastically jumps his bones. Dream is extremely confused and tries to talk Hob out of this endeavor - he believes Hob is not interested in him like THAT, but Hob is as single-minded as only an alpha in a rut can be and showers Dream with all the words of passion and praise his fevered brain can come with. When he drops the l-word, Dream melts and gives in. They spend Hob's rut together, and Dream is on cloud nine: he feels cherished, desired, and, above all, LOVED. So when Hob suddenly bites him, Dream is not opposed at all. Alright, it'd have been better etiquette if they had discussed it beforehand, but Dream currently is more occupied being happy because 1) his love is requited; 2) Hob wants him as his mate! The problem is, Hob'd have never dared to jump his Stranger like that, let alone do anything to him. He hoped that if he's lucky, maybe he can try to court him…in 500 years or so. To him, all that occurred was just a feverish rut dream. So when Hob comes to his senses once his rut is over, he finds a very fucked out Dream looking at him with heart eyes in his bed, sees a fresh mating bite on his neck…and panics. Dream immediately comes to the conclusion that Hob already regrets their mating and dissolves into sand, retreating to the Dreaming before he starts crying in the presence of this human - his mate - that humiliated him so. Chaos ensues!
Oh dear. These idiots! They're both as bad as each other, really.
Hob is just horrified that he'd done that to his stranger - to Dream! It's totally taboo to bite someone without even talking about it, and they certainly didn't do that. Hob doesn't even know if Dream wanted it! Wait - what if he started crying and disappeared because he didn't want it!? Hob ends up running to the bathroom and throwing up at the mere idea. How could he do such a heinous thing to the man he loves?!
Meanwhile Dream is flooding the dreaming with his tears (yes, literally) because he thinks that his mate regrets everything and probably hates him. How can he face Hob ever again? He'll have to, because they're mated... if Dream goes into heat, he'll need Hob. Being without him simply won't be an option.
Desire, Despair and Death are all sitting in the threshold and collectively groaning because the idiots are idioting. And Matthew has had enough of trying not to drown in the dreaming, so he makes an executive raven decision and heads to the waking world.
He immediately confronts Hob (who is still panick stricken and white as a sheet) about why he rejected the boss?? And Hob just gapes at him like "rejected??? i thought i assaulted him!!!" Matthew face-palms. Face-wings. Whatever. He tells Hob to go the fuck to sleep and fix things.
Easier said than done. But Hob eventually gets to the dreaming, swims through the tears, and finds his poor miserable mate curled up on his throne. Dream doesn't look up at all until Hob nuzzles his mating bite. The flood recedes a little bit. And Hob tries to explain as tenderly as he can, why he freaked out when he woke up.
Dream falls even more in love with him, honestly.
And three weeks later, they spend Dream’s first heat with a mate together in Hob’s bed. It's everything he's ever wanted. And Dream gets to bite Hob, giving his alpha a perfect mating bite to match his own.
And yes, Matthew gets so many raven treats as a reward for his service to his King.
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can you do a jake x reader smut where we have a huge argument and hes js so mad that he js fucks the anger out of the both of us? idk what else to say that js sounds hot as shit
Sex as a solution to arguments? Yes please.
(irl it's not tho, babes. Keep that in mind 🙃)
He's never back this late. He's never this late. Something must've happened. Something's wrong...
You chew on your nails as you pace your tent, heart racing, your thoughts eating away at you.
Where is he?
This isn't the first time Jake has gone on patrol at night. And it's the first time he's not back when he's supposed to be. But he's over two hours late...what could have possibly happened?
You're aching to hop on your ikran and find him, but you know the rules. You can't go out, you have to wait for him to come back.
It feels like years have passed by the time he finally shows up.
“Jake!” you gasp as he walks into your tent. You look him over, ensuring he's unhurt, finding a few bruises and a few scratches, but nothing major. “What happened?”
He gives you a sheepish look. “I, uh...Tsu'tey and I kinda got caught up 'cause we were chasing these palulukan off, and it sorta led us astray so it took a while to get back.”
You exhale sharply. “Again? You know your job isn't to mess around with the forest creatures, Jake. You're supposed to just keep a lookout for the Sky People.”
He shrugs slightly. “Well, yeah, but it's also fun sometimes.”
You can feel anger spark within you. “Fun?” you echo, crossing your arms. “I've been sitting here worried for the past two hours! And you're out having fun?”
He sighs softly. “I didn't mean to make you worry, I just—”
You scoff, cutting him off. “You never mean to make me worry. You always say so, and yet you keep doing it over and over again!” you snap.
“Hey, I've the right to go out there and have some fun. There's nothing wrong with that,” he replies, raising his voice. His amber eyes flash with frustration, his tail swishing uneasily.
“Maybe you could keep in mind the fact that I'm here waiting for you!” you yell back. “You're so self-centered, only thinking about having fun while I'm here wondering whether you're even fucking alive!”
He sighs. “You think it's intentional? That I leave you here to scare you?”
“I'm not saying that. I'm just saying you could be a little more mindful about me and maybe at least tell me beforehand that you're going to be late because you're going to be messing around with the forest creatures.”
“So now I have to report my every move to you?” he scoffs. “You want me to inform you of everything I fucking do?”
You exclaim, “That's not what I fucking mean and you know it. I'm just saying that it's not fair for you to leave me here, waiting for you without you telling me you might be late.”
“Even if I fucking told you, you'd make a big deal about it,” he snaps. “If I'm back late, you're upset. If I got distracted during patrol, you get upset. And apparently, if I don't tell you everything I'm going to do, you get upset.”
You exhale sharply. “You make it sound like I'm controlling you when you damn well know I'm worried for you.”
“Maybe you shouldn't worry. I think I'm old enough to take care of myself.”
“I'm just trying to help you!” you yell.
“Maybe you're only a burden instead of help!” he yells back.
You laugh bitterly. “That's it, then. You don't need me for anything else than to cook and have dinner waiting when you come home.” You sneer, but tears of anger and pain are welling in your eyes. “I see how it is, then.”
He narrows his eyes at you. “Don't you dare get that way with me, you know you're more than that.”
“How should I fucking believe you?” you yell. “All you have to show for how you feel are your empty words!”
“Just my empty words?” he scoffs. “I'm making sure this village is safe—that you're safe, and you complain?”
“Complain?!” you snap. “I'm worrying about you and you're being the ungrateful ass that you are!”
“I am not ungrateful, I just don't understand why you're so upset about this! It's my life, I don't have to keep you updated about everything, you know. I can take care of myself.”
You throw him a deadly glare. “I guess you'll always be human in that way, then. Because us Na'vi actually take care of one another.”
And that's it. The final straw for him. He loses it, anger flashing in his eyes as he grabs you by the throat and pulls you to him, roughly pressing his lips to yours.
“You—!” you exclaim, pushing him off you. He doesn't get to treat you that way and kiss it all away.
But he's stronger than you. He grabs you tight, holding you close, his lips forcing yours open and sliding his tongue into your mouth.
You gasp softly, hating how much you're enjoying this, wishing you had the willpower to move away. But you don't.
One of his hands starts going south, tracing over your torso, down your abdomen, to your pussy. He touches you through your loincloth, fingers pressing against your clit through the thin fabric.
You feel what he's doing and a semblance of sense pops back into your head. He can't treat me like that and fuck me and expect me to forgive him.
You bite his lip, making him grunt softly, but he holds you close, kissing you even though the taste of his blood invades your tongue.
He tugs you to him, holding onto your hip, his other hand undoing your loincloth before caressing your cunt, spreading your folds and touching you just the way he knows will make you wet.
You try not to, hope it doesn't get to you, but you find yourself whining, nails digging into his skin. “Jake—”
He shuts you up with another kiss before leading you to the ground. You're pissed, you want to keep fucking yelling and crying and making him angry. Instead, you let him. You let him take you to the floor, let him undress you, and in turn, you tug his loincloth off.
He chuckles darkly when he realizes that you're as eager as he is.
He runs the thick head of his cock between your folds, gathering the wetness at your entrance before sliding into you.
You whine softly, pussy throbbing around his long, thick cock.
“There you go,” Jake groans when his hips meet yours. “Oh, fuck.”
You grab onto his shoulders and he gives no warning as he starts rutting into you, the tip of his cock bruising your delicate cervix, each thrust knocking the breath from your lungs.
“Asshole,” you seethe between heavy breaths and little whimpers. “You're an asshole.”
“Shut up,” Jake says, pressing his lips to yours, kissing you like he's starving, like he's trying to tell you everything without saying a word.
You wrap your legs around his waist, your eyes fluttering shut, your body trembling as he fucks you.
You kiss Jake back with everything you have, all the anger, all the fear, all the love—all of it. You pour it onto his lips, your sharp canines dragging over his tongue when it slides inside your mouth, and he shudders softly.
He groans lowly as he breaks the kiss, moving his mouth to your neck. You mewl as he increases his pace, making your legs jerk with each hard thrust.
He bites on the skin of your neck, sucking on it, and you gasp. You already know the hickey you're going to have in the morning.
“This what you fuckin' needed, hm?” he says, biting you again. “You just needed me to teach you some fucking manners.”
You sink your nails into his back, making him grunt. “Stop fucking talking,” you seethe, your voice a mere whine as he continues to rut into you.
The sound of your soaked pussy is loud in your tent, the slap of Jake's hips against yours making you blush with the obscenity of it all.
Jake bites down on your shoulder, hard, and you fold your ears back, hissing softly. But the pain only adds to the pleasure. It makes you gasp and tremble, a heat spreading in your womb as he keeps fucking you.
You want to complain. You want to bite him and punch him and kiss him and tell him you love him. He's so infuriating, so fucking annoying. You hate that you can never stay angry at him, hate that he always finds the way to get your heart to soften for him. You wish you were immune to his charms, but it's damn near impossible for you.
You tangle your hands in his hair and pull, drawing his face to yours so you can kiss his lips. You feel him grin slightly as you do, his soft lips smirking into the kiss as you moan.
The pleasure within you is spreading, reaching across your skin like vines, taking root and making you see stars behind your eyelids.
You begin bucking your hips up, gasping as you feel yourself closer to the edge. You try to match Jake's pace, but he's going too hard for you to keep up. Besides, he's already fucked you half dumb, there's not much you can do but take it.
Jake can tell when you're going to come. He can feel the way your pussy grows tight around him, sucking him in, making it harder for him to fuck you. Still, he keeps going, relishing in the sensation of your slick dropping down his balls. He grunts with each thrust, ensuring he fucks you as deep as he can and in return, he receives your little whimpers and moans. He watches your face as your eyes roll into the back of your head, and he knows you're right there.
And still, the stubborn little thing you are, you bite your lip, trying to keep quiet as you come, but Jake fucks you harder, forcing you to let out a gasp followed by a loud moan that has his own orgasm nearing.
He continues to rut into you, again and again, groaning and gasping until he comes. His load fills you, making you shiver, and he's left caging you under him, your body trembling.
He pulls out of you, leaning on his knees to see the way his cum drips out of your swollen, raw pussy.
His eyes scan up your body until he meets your gaze, and something within him softens.
He crawls beside you, laying down at your side and spooning you. You cross your arms, obviously still upset, and he presses a few soft kisses on your shoulder.
“I'm sorry,” he tells you, his voice quiet and gentle. “I'm sorry. You're right, you're only worrying about me, and I'm being an asshole. I didn't mean to scare you, baby. I never do. Sometimes I just get carried away by the excitement when we're out in the field. But I promise it won't happen again. Truly.” He kisses the side of your neck, one of his hands caressing your hip. “I'm sorry, baby. I'm truly sorry. I'll let you know beforehand when I plan on taking a little longer out during patrol.” He kisses your cheek gently. “I love you. So much. And I don't want you to think that all I need you for is to take care of the house. You know you're everything to me. You're my sun and my moon and my stars. You're everything. Without you, I'd be empty. You know that. Please, baby, don't ever think that you're nothing but an asset to me. Because you're not. You're my woman, my wife, my baby. You're everything to me, love. I don't know what I'd do without you.”
You turn around to face him, your eyes softened.
“Do you forgive me?” he asks softly.
You smile gently at him. “You're forgiven,” you say.
Relieved, Jake leans towards you and places a soft kiss to your lips. He doesn't know what he'd ever do without you.
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leresq · 11 months
Fnaf movie notes, spoilers ahead:
First off, fuck Scott Cawthon, let's just say I didn't watch the movie in theaters or on a streaming service.
What I liked:
Matthew Lillard actually looks like William Afton
The "Talking in Your Sleep" cameo was the best one of the movie, next to "I have a theory"
Cory was funny, as expected
I liked how they made the animatronics just kids, they want a friend.
The way the animatronics moved was great, I just wish we could have gotten a foxy running scene.
The cinematography and set design inside the pizzeria was great, and everywhere outside felt very real.
The animatronics were cute when I was supposed to like them and foreboding when I was supposed to be scared of them. I don't know if they physically changed the suits but it works.
Mike's actor was actually pretty good at looking distressed or upset.
I just want to hug the animatronics they are so cute 🥺🥺
The animatronics weren't sadistic, when they killed someone it was because they were trying to get them out or away. Just like if an actual little kid had that power, they wouldn't be cruel or even want to kill anyone, they just don't understand their own power
There actually were five nights!
Springtrap wiping the knife is a reference to Scream, where Matthew Lillard played Ghostface, who is known for wiping their knife after using it.
What I didn't like:
You're telling me they named their main character Mike and they didn't have Afton go "MIKE! MICHAEL!!! MICHAEL DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!!!!! *MICHAEL!*
Vanessa was a nothing burger, even when her motivation was revealed it wasn't that good. I think it would have been better if they set up that she was working with Afton
Golden Freddy was everywhere but they didn't namedrop the kid once, and it was so inconsistent. He's here, he's not here. I'm assuming it's a combination of Cassidy and the Crying Child.
Afton's connection to the story is flimsy. Why was he pretending to be Raglan? I'm assuming it's so he could get night guards to toy with, that's why the animatronics killed the intruders but not Mike.
It's kind of weird thinking about the logic of how Afton killed Mike's brother, and gave his daughter the plane. Just seems a little bit of a stretch.
Even though I hate excessive gore, I thought there wasn't half as much violence as there should have been. I guess the PG-13 rating constricted a lot.
It takes a broom to activate what I'm assuming is a Circus Baby reference springlock, but Afton can jump around in Spring Bonnie.
The only Purple Guy reference we got was a purple tie. They should have made the security vest purple.
How is the cupcake sentient?
How does Afton control the kids?
Who cleaned up the blood of the four intruders? I'm guessing Afton but I wish they'd made it more clear
Why didn't Afton send out the animatronics on the first night? Even if he wanted to kill Mike, he seems like the type to psychologically torture people beforehand.
Why was there an "it's me" note? I get the reference, but why? Is Mike's brother here?
What's the Freddy mask with the saws inside? I know Afton uses it to kill people but why does it exist?
Why does Balloon Boy exist? Do the toy animatronics exist in this universe??
Why doesn't foxy have a tail?????
Favourite character: Foxy
If we get a sequel I hope we only get one or two. I don't want a whole cinematic universe. Finding ways to watch 12 movies 'other ways' will get complicated.
Also when the casting was revealed, I didn't know who Matthew Lillard was and someone told me he played live action Shaggy, so I didn't know he played fuckin STU FROM SCREAM until I watched the movie, so another cameo technically, just only for me
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procyonloser · 4 months
Adamsapple mini ~space~ au that maybe I'll adapt into an actual fic after I'm done with eve of Adam.
Read more below the cut
Klaxons were blaring and the ship was painted in flashes of red and blue. His soldiers were running around like headless fucking chickens, trying to contain the fires and the leaks before they got out of hand, but bodies lay on the ground and they were drifting on no life support.
"Sir!?" His first officer screamed, holding her bleeding arm. Her eyes were wide in fear, fury, and a resolution that was quickly leaving him. But, they still shared a similar need for revenge.
They were outgunned. The traitors and outcasts had won, the scum of the fucking galaxy. Disgusting hybrids and freaks.
And the worst of all of them...
Adam stumbled to the front of his ship, stepping over the body of his navigator. He'd not live much longer, a piece of metal had gone straight through him in the last barrage. Lucifer's lead ship, the Morning Star, stayed locked onto them. He'd gotten a few good hits in on Charlie's ship, she'd not be able to warp out of here.
Adam stared out the window, and decided he had one song left in him.
"Attention, this is your fucking Captain speaking. Abandon ship. Get to your escape pods and get your asses back to Peter's Gate space station." Adam barked out, feeling a sharp pain digging through him with every word. Lute started to protest behind him, but he carried on. "I'm not leaving the ship, I wouldn't survive the trip anyway. Lute is your new acting Captain. Now - fucking go already!"
There was chaos as his soldiers realized all hope was lost and the fight was over for them. Lute had tears running down her face, but Adam just shook his head.
"I gave you an order. Get out of here unless you want to die too." Adam said, without looking back up at her. Instead, he focused on yanking the chuck of metal out of his stomach. His white and gold suit had been stained a deep red. The only spot of human blood on the ship.
"Sir-" Lute moved closer, but Adam just flopped down into what was left of the Captain's chair.
"I'm not going down without one last trick up my sleeve. Get out of here before I bleed out. I'm giving you one minute to get to warp." Adam finally met her gaze with a weary grin. She knew what it meant, and it took her a moment to find the courage to do what she knew she had to.
By the time he saw her escape pod launch from the port, and eventually flash away in a beam of light, Adam's vision had grown hazy. His entire body felt cold from blood loss, or maybe it was just the systems of the ship failing in the depths of space.
Either way, he had enough in him to punch in the self destruct codes.
Hopefully, he'd damaged enough of their ships warp cores that one wouldn't be able to flee, maybe even Charlie's ship. He doubted Lucifer's ship was damaged enough, but he could always dream. That's about all he'd be doing soon.
Adam sighed and looked out the window, wondering what Lucifer was thinking right now. It didn't need to be like this, if he hadn't rebelled, hadn't fucked Lilith and made that revolting hybrid. Lucifer could have been King of more than just the trash of the Galaxy. Lucifer had been more than that to Adam, once upon a time.
"I'll see you in hell, Lucifer." Adam said to himself, closing his eyes, as the countdown neared zero.
But explosion followed, none that Adam remembered. Which meant, he thought, that he'd died beforehand. Or maybe the nuclear blast was enough so that he died instantly before his brain or body had the chance to catch up with the feeling.
So, then, why was he thinking?
Adam opened his eyes to a bright white light, which he remembered from ancient human history as the description of an afterlife, before they'd mostly given up on religions. Two pairs of eyes seemed to appear above him, floating there in the brightness.
"God?" Adam mumbled in confusion.
"No, but you can call me that if you'd like, sweetheart." Lucifer said mockingly, and Adam's vision became more clear. "I saved your sorry ass before your ship went kablooey. You're now a prison of my Kingdom and my ring of coalition planets, Adam. We'll be seeing a lot of each other from now on. How's mercy taste?" Lucifer's grin was sharp, pointed, predatory.
Adam remembered that ancient humans used to have another name for the devil.
Maybe he was in hell.
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pupyuj · 1 year
What do you think of g!p Kazuha?
hehe cutie pie who panics whenever she gets a hard on bcs of u 🤤 baby doesn't even know why she's getting hard, you literally just said hi to her?? she's so smitten fr... every time your hands linger on her for like, half a milisecond she's practically coming in her pants 😭 no im kidding but she does have to run to the nearest restroom and relieve herself :((( poor zuha having to suffice with the thought of you as she pumped in and out of her hand,, coming all over the restroom's walls and making a mess out of her hand,,
sjsbdkfnd her head is kind of woozy from jerking herself off so she forgets that she was in a public restroom and goes ahead and leaves the stall to wash her hands,, but to her luck, you just entered the restroom in that darn skirt that kazuha has been daydreaming about ripping off of you... pausing in your tracks when you noticed the tall hot mess just standing there with something on her hand and.. and her cock just poking out of her unzipped jeans????? 😭😭
wanting to ask kazuha what the fuck she was doing beforehand or if she was drunk or something when you heard footsteps nearing the restroom,, so you push her inside a stall bcs her dick was literally out in the opem 😭 but oh wow! how convenient that the stalls were designed to be occupied by one person only! now you were forced to be close to kazuha :(((
"zuha... what is that thing on your hand??" you were asking as if you didn't take glances at her hard cock every second 🙄
"uh.. u-umm.. t-that's... that's my... cum..." bcs what else was kazuha going to say???
then you got to thinking... kazuha is really cute, and what kind of a friend are you if you didn't offer her your.. services? 😭 so you took her hand and her heart nearly leapt out of her throat when you started licking her cum off,,, "obviously you can't go out with cum on your hands..." you said before you took in two of her fingers inside your mouth and started sucking them dry of her seed,,,
"mm. you taste good, zuha."
kazuha was convinced you were insane 😭 you laughed softly at her wide eyes before lifting your skirt up a little and showing her that wet spot on your cute panties... "got any more of that...? i think i might need some..." she really didn't think you were some kind of whore, so this was a huge fucking turn on for her 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 and there was no way kazuha was going to say no to her crush.. so then by the next second, you were getting railed against the stall door 😍 your cunt in full display for kazuha as she held you up against the door, pounding into you so desperately.. so happy that she finally got what she wanted 😵‍💫💞
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slickfordain · 2 years
Your work is awesome!!
I'll read everything else rq, but first-
Hello, how was your day? How are you feeling?
If it's okay, may I share a bit of my game and ask how will characters react on it?
So uhh
I always say out loud how adorable Nahida is and how she is my "adopted child"
Also during the archon quest I was litteraly chanting "someone help, love and protect her please"
Also when I didn't get Nahida on her banner, I was like "Sages, if it was You, I'm about to destroy you"
I also always greet my team and say "bye" if I'm leaving.
I switch to every character and tell them it. Even how THEY did while I was gone
Maybe I'm going insane Idk?
If you don't want to do it, it's okay!^^
Bye-bye! And again- your work(s) are awesome! Gotta read some more
I may sound insane but I as well say “Hello / hi” to Genshin characters one time because I wanted them to feel welcomed??? I’m kind of new to this shit so I stole my friend’s phone to say hi to them 💀💀 this is such a cute request overall, Nahida is such a baby 💔💔
Also I’m doing just well hon, thank you for asking me. <3 I hope you’re feeling well yourself.
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Teyvat is protective of their creator no matter what gender they’re specified with;; however, it seems that you favor Nahida more than others— Most likely as if you made her to actually be your related child. Nahida was hesitant and shy at first, but over the time when she thought about it, she couldn’t help but feel so free and blessed with such a humble God mother/father figure like you.
You’re protective, even if it’s the traveller and Paimon… You still warned them to make sure that Nahida stays secured and safe. Everyone in different nations although takes this request far too seriously- that at this point, Nahida feels rather isolated. Though she knew you never meant any harm, how could she ever assume you would? She’s a wise sweet little girl, humble as you even, she honestly could see the connection of being your child. Literally.
But, that of course makes other children jealous… NPC children would most likely have different voice lines when it comes to Nahida too— which is basically in Sumeru city, and, I guess the Archons has to be checked 24/7 all of the sudden? Confused as you are, you weren’t displeased with it, you felt… Happy actually. Happy that people are acknowledging Nahida. (Although they’re fighting over who gets to be Nahida’s other parent)
Alhaitham especially would have some rooms prepared for Nahida, like, y’know, if she’s tired in a middle of nowhere— there’ll always be a house nearby her area, her spot. The followers of you would be cooking food nonstop for the little child, hoping that she’s willing to test their taste. After all, only she knows what you love in a guy/girl ~!
Oh oh, and since you did say you want someone to also protect Nahida during a quest— Nahida will be bawling her eyes out and ugly cry. (Pretty cry actually) People will be freaking out of why the fuck is shE EVEN CRYING— The NPCs will all baby her and, treasure hoarders? They won’t even get the chance to lay a finger on her because of the Archons killing them off. (Not like you know 😻)
Nahida would be an absolute troll however. Yes, she is sweet and always devoted to drop the entire lore to help people out— (For example she dropped the entire shit lore to Aether / Lumine) But she is heavily LOYAL to her mother/father figure.
Imagine Dottore especially trying to talk it out with her since they did sort of have a conversation beforehand. So he thought it’s only fair he becomes her dad, by marrying you right? HAHAHA, wrong. Nahida is truly worried and overprotective of you, despite being just a kid version of her Archon self. She will lie, telling things to the Fatui doctor what you did not like.
And this has gone on for so long, it’s absolutely hilarious. Especially for Sumeru as they see this as an attempt to bring their divine being closer to them.
But the thing is, you’re not that expressive— you’re just existing and trying to live on while babying Nahida who just sobs into your affection. Girlie never got so much, so it was truly a blessing to have herself in your care.
And talking about Sages, just imagine Enjou overall having troubles with trying to get to you. All because of Sages 💀 look, if mans wanna get your forgiveness, better as well protect Nahida from the half monster hybrid looking ass hot man. Enjou is in so much misery… (Cue CPR)
Also, can we just appreciate how caring you are? No, it’s not only for Nahida you’re just caring for— it’s not even the reason she’s so loyal to you. (Well, it is but still) The true reason is, is because you keep saying “Hello” and “Bye” to them everyday, no matter how tiring it might get.
I think Diluc would especially love this since uhm, well, his dad ain’t here y’know y’know. (Or any traumatized character really)
Imagine Archon Timmie flying up to the heavens above just to replace Nahida and be your son— (Archon Timmie /srs) But then fails because Nahida is too logical and wise that his brain couldn’t take it anymore either.
Okay I’m stopping there 💀💀💀
Also have a sneak peak of my fanfic because I know some people will assume I’m not working on it 💔
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It looks shitty but whatever
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shrimpalbuspotter · 2 months
ahhhhhh I simply MUST ask! Whats scorbus like in the dark au? I like to think scorpius is still kind at heart in that world, but how would he and albus even meet?
Also, aren't delphi and scorpius cousins?
OK using this as an excuse to make a Scorbus cc dark world au post... this got longer than I expected but I really had to tell you all EVERYTHING about them. (From until they are 15 atleast.
So let's tackle 2 questions at once. Aren't Delphi and Scorpius cousins and How did Scorpius and Albus meet, as they link together
So originally I was going to make it so Scorpius and Albus met whilst Scorpius was in his first year of Hogwarts, and Albus was sent by Delphi to give a message to Headmaster Umbridge. But then I thought... why wouldn't they meet beforehand? The Malfoys are incredibly close to the Dark Lord, and now their family's are interlinked! (Just processed that Voldemort is Scorpius Uncle. Holy fuck)
So I changed it up a bit...
For quick context, during the first few months of Albus being taken by Delphi, he was very stubborn on not doing what she wanted, but eventually he gave up and began to become much more pliant out of fear. At this point. He was never allowed to be alone in the Manor or leave the Manor without Delphi being there with him. In this au, we will conclude that although Lucius is extremely unhappy with the marriage of Draco and Astoria, he will not kick them out of the family as Scorpius could still be an amazing Wizard and useful asset to the Dark Lord when he grows older.
SO! Then comes the day where Delphi goes to the Malfoy Manor with her mother to visit her Aunt Narcissa. Albus comes in tow. Delphi is extremely excited to show off her new pet to her relatives and hopefully get dowsed in praise of being so good at training the little thing. With an added Bonus of rubbing it in her little cousins face, who she likes to tease for being soft. Now she has her own halfblood pet, and he doesn't! (What a spoiled and terrifying 15 year old girl)
We cut to the introduction. Delphi is hyping Albus up to high heavens and Lucius Is just gently asking her to PLEASE keep the mangy thing off his furniture. Her protests would be silenced by Bellatrix, and she'd storm off to finally find her cousin so she could have some fun.
Scorpius, 8 years of age (he turned 8 just last month, Albus still has until August), would be in his room, ofcourse, tearing up some book pages and crumpling them into balls so he can play a game of "No broom quidditch". In the universe, Scorpius is indeed vindictive and cruel and would find pleasure in watching others suffer... But he has something in there. Much like Draco, who was a terrible boy, but still clearly had doubts on joining the darkside, a reluctance to kill anyone, and slithers of empathy. This was thanks to his mother, who would always treat him so much sweetly than anyone else would. She was soft and kind and encouraging, but she wasn't able to turn him away from the real world for long. Draco shaped Scorpius into the villainous Bully he is in Hogwarts, because he knew it was the only way he could survive. He didn't want Astoria turning him soft, he knew what would happen then. Despite this, Scorpius was hardly physically punished unless by Lucius. ANYWHO. Delphi bursts into his room and shakes Albus about infront of him, laughing to herself and talking about how she's so much better than Scorpius now, because SHE has a pet and HE doesn't! Scorpius does feel some jealousy but mostly he doesn't care, and just tells Delphi to not let him touch his things, else to leave any halfblood grime on it.
Albus thought the boy was rude, but he'd experienced worse and was just glad they didn't start taking turns hexing him. His eyes lingered on the boys platinum hair, which is messy infront of his eyes, before getting quickly pulled out the roon by a still angry Delphi.
After this they only meet a handful of times, as Albus gets trusted to be kept locked in a room by himself when he finally turns 8 in August. Never speaking besides a small nod from Albus and a scowl from Scorpius. When Albus begins his training at 9, they don't see eachother again until they are both 11 and the first part I mentioned happens.
Scorpius thinks the halfblood looks fairly different now. His hair is still slightly greasy, lanky where it looks like there should be volume, coils loose where they look like they should be tight. His face is just barely visibly sallow, which is still too sallow for his age, but his skin looks clean enough and he doesn't carry a unwashed stench like the rest of the servants he's seen while in the Dark Lords Manor. But the part he notices most is the fact the vibrant green eyes from before, the only thing he truly took notice of when they met at age 7, are now a deeper, murkier colour, and seem to be sunken from lack of sleep or stress. (Okay Scorpius kinda weird you remember that much about the guy you claim to not care about.)
For Albus? Well... Scorpius looked more or less the same. He still had that platinum blonde hair and fair skin, a single mole blemishing it underneath his eye. He tried not to look alot as he passed the hall, as he was sure he felt the familiar sensation of someone staring at him, and didn't want to possibly make eyecontact with the boy. But... Well Albus was a little curious about him, and decided he'd try talk to him at some point.
Even so, they never actually talked, Scorpius just looked at Albus alot more whenever he could, and Albus did the same. He was alot better at hiding it ofcourse, Scorpius seemed to have no care for the people around him and just did what he wanted, but Albus knew he could get in trouble if he looked too hard at a Malfoy.
Delphi... Well she took notice. See, she was 19 now, and took pride in being the so called "Augurey". Her little Munin though... he had been off. Asking her questions about her cousin and if the Malfoys were coming over to visit anytime soon. Delphi, never one to get in the path of love (wow, she's so romantic), decided she'd give her pet a new gift! A playdate in the summer with Scorpius!
It went.. uphill??? From there??? See, Lucius was really not a fan of leaving his grandchild alone with Harry Potters child, but Draco seemed to have limited qualms, and Astoria was rather supportive. Bellatrix and Voldemort... Well they didn't care what their daughter did with her pet, as long as she cleaned up whatever mess he made afterwards. The actual playdate seemed to be a hit, as a few days afterwards she caught Munin reading a letter from her cousin. Delphi was such a good pet owner!
In reality, Scorpius had spent the whole time talking about Hogwarts and making off handed remarks about Albus' blood and his father, before going on a long rant about the Mudblood one of his older friends allowed him to take a swing at ("I broke its jaw see, a Muggle way of fighting, but Nott made the winning blow by stomping on its head! There was blood all over my robes, and all my friend were jealous."). Albus, well he didn't mind. He was used to being around purebloods talking about him that way, and was even more used to seeing the murder of mudbloods up close. When Scorpius took a breath midway through another speech, Albus decided to throw that fact in, and Scorpius was INTERESTED. He kept asking Albus for details and then going off on a ramble about how HE would've done it if he was there. In the end, Scorpius finally let Albus touch him for a small handshake, and he swore he'd owl Albus at some point with more questions and story's.
As time progressed, they got closer! Albus would find himself taking a few hours longer on messages through Hogwarts to visit Scorpius. Sometimes he'd just leave the Manor without an excuse to go see him. In Summers, he was sneaking into Malfoy Manor or they'd both meet up at Hogsmeade. Their topics of conversation went from being purely about blood status and murder, to being Albus helping Scorpius study so he doesn't have to keep asking for people to do his homework, and them talking about the funny things they see Delphi do, or spilling secrets ("I've never actually killed somebody before" Scorpius would mutter, as if embarrassed. "It's okay. It isn't really all that fun" Albus would reply). There was even a time where Narcissa REQUESTED Albus' presence in Malfoy Manor to try calm down their grandchild, who was having a panic attack upon receiving the news of his Mother's death. He never actually confirmed it, but he's pretty sure Draco might have whispered a "Thank you." whilst he was passing the dining room Albus and Scorpius were gorging all sorts of deserts in.
So yes! Thats the answer to that... um. A bit long. My apologies. But onto the MAIN part where I just jabber about their feelings.
Scorpius doesn't actually understand that he has a crush on Albus. He knows he feels differently around him from other people, and especially different from when he's around other halfbloods, but he figures it's just him being grateful of the fact he has a real friend. And so what if most people don't get unbearably jealous upon seeing their bestfriend blushing around their unbearable cousin? Scorpius is a Malfoy, they don't have to explain themselves! But even then... He just can't stand it. Sometimes he thinks maybe he wants to hurt Albus, as he's used to getting butterflies in his stomach when he is out hunting Mudblood with his schoolmates. But these butterflies seem different. Like they are all on fire and that's why he finds himself turning an embarrassing red when Albus bumps his shoulder whilst laughing or rubs his arm in encouragement. And hey, don't say you wouldn't also feel some way about the guy who comforted you when your dear mother died, and taught you that useful trick for breathing. But Albus is just a pet, Scorpius knows that, and he knows that he can't let anyone besides his own family see him around the halfblood. It's shameful and he knew if well... there was a universe where he DID harbour feelings for Albus (which he doesn't, thie ie hypothetical he swears), he would never be able to pursue it. He'd be a blood traitor, doing more than meerily fraternising with Potters son, he'd end the Malfoy line, get kicked out from his family home. It simply wouldn't be worth it.
Albus on the other hand knows he has a crush on Scorpius, but is unwilling to do anything about it. He is solely dedicated to Delphi, and holds silent resentment for Scorpius despite his feelings. Scorpius, although grown calmer and shown Albus how vulnerable he can be, is still a bad person. And he has grown from the 11 year old boy who told him he was scared of killing anybody. Albus had saw Scorpius in his cruelest state firsthand, saw him laughing as he dodges the squirt of blood that came from whatever wixen that had been rumored to be a muggleborn sympathiser. But still, he's in love, and he curses himself for always falling for people he knows he really can't have. Delphi... Well she was his master. He knew she only viewed him as a pet to spoil and do her bidding. Scorpius is different that way. Maybe Albus is just imagining things but there a way Scorpius looks at him which is different than how he looks at others. It's like he actually sees him, and you can't blame him if that makes Albus' heart flutter. Albus, much like Scorpius, knows a real relationship between the two wouldn't be possible. Delphi wouldn't allow it, Voldemort wouldn't allow it, god knows the Malfoys wouldn't allow it. But still. Its... Well, Albus doesn't think he'll lose feelings anytime soon, even if he trys .
OK YEAH THATS IT. THEY DOOO END UP TOGETHER BUT JUST WHEN THEY ARE OLDER, LIKE 18. They elope. Scorpius pulls an Andromeda and they both run away with the help of the remaining order and they elope. Um... speaking of, the remaining order don't actually enjoy this whole marriage thing but they are just happy Albus is out of The Augureys grip (after a whole lotta shit happens inbetween). I'll make another post about when they actually confess at age 16 and the actual main stuff that happens from when they are 15-18.
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youveseenfrancine · 6 days
thoughts on the daemyra sex scene of episode 6 . . .
i think it's best to just get my thoughts about this out now since this has driven me crazy ever since this episode came out .
number one, what the fuck is that lighting doing ???? i can barely see these characters and you want me to believe this is some sort of romantic climactic moment ?? daemon never gets good lighting imo, but that's a topic for another day. (why was the lighting better in that scene where he choked rhaenyra compared to this one ???)
number two, the music. just why ???
number three, and this kinda goes along with number one but like okay, correct me if i'm wrong but i believe daemon hadn't seen rhaenyra for about twenty years. TWENTY FUCKING YEARS AND UR NOT EVEN MAKING EYE CONTACT WITH THE GIRL ??? COME ON. and i thought we were done with boring ass missionary sex scenes on tv like,,,, i was expecting something like cersei and jaime's first sex scene in got but instead i got . . . whatever that was. the feeling i get watching that is the same feeling i get when my toilet won't flush.
number four, these characters are two that rarely ever get sex scenes. i realize that may seem like an unfair thing to say since hotd only has two seasons, but i really don't feel like it is. i mean, daemyra is supposed to give very much mutual pining, they've been cockblocked for years, etc ykwim. like, as a daemon lover i was excited to see him and rhaenyra (the woman he's supposed to be deeply in love with btw) go at it on screen for at least ten seconds longer than they actually did.
five, that awkward ass conversation they have beforehand. i'm talking about the whole "why'd you leave me behind before" "oh you were just a kid back then" thing. it's so master of the universe coded and it seriously bothers my soul. it's that whole fake nice guy "saving her from myself" attitude that makes me wanna rip my eyelashes off. the reason is that like okay, she was just a kid back then sure, but when have you ever believed that daemon "rhaenyra is a woman grown" targaryen ??? are we just gonna forget that you said that ??? apparently so. i get that he was drunk when he said that, and not everything characters say forever is true all the time but we, or at least i have no reason to believe he didn't think she was a woman. and even if he did, why would he see that as a reason to stay away from her ? daemon, in the same episode that he calls rhaenyra a woman in, says that it'd be better for her to be with him than anyone else (something i agree with) because he can take care of her or some shit. soooo did he have a change of heart right before she married laenor ?? that's inconvenient. then, to make it worse, rhaenyra says something along the lines of "i'm not a child anymore". rhaenyra are you fucking serious. LITERALLY MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE CODED IN THE WORST POSSIBLE WAY. when bella gets upset at edward for having a folder (which includes her) of all his past submissives and then forgets about it in like 2 seconds. it's so annoying because when rhaenyra asked why he left her i was staring at the tv like "yeah i remember that it was weird i wonder what the real reason is cause there's gotta be one" just for them to start having mediocre sex that makes her forget about the pain of her soulmate being so far away for so long.
ryan when i catch you.
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konigsblog · 1 year
is there an origin story for toxic!dadbod!price??? like the honeymoon phase where he’s not toxic or has he always been like that?
the origin story for toxic!dadbod!price.. 🥃🚬
warnings: narcissism, misogyny, BDSM, talk of toxic masculinity, price being an asshole, hints of him being an alcoholic, mentions of DUB-CON (COERCION AND PERSUASION) EVERYTHING IS CONSENSUAL BEFOREHAND.
a/n; i want to mention that not everyone who follows a traditional lifestyle or has npd acts like this. this is just my concept, toxic!dadbod!price and how his guilt led to what he became !!! also, this is 10000% not my belief on feminism. i don't think feminism is an excuse and i do think it's a great thing when it comes to fighting for equality, ect...
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price was a total sweetheart for you; taking you out on dinners and dates, enjoying his time with you and loving on you. at the time, he was still enlisted in the military, meaning that he was away longer than he was home. eventually, he got engaged to you, before marrying you, and that's when his more traditional lifestyle that he'd talked about came into play, on the lighter side.
retiring from the military, you decided to do some housework to help around while he was recovering from back pain. he enjoyed and believed a woman should always be a housewife, never work. and since he was the bread winner and made the money, he believed it was your duty to be obedient and do as you're told. getting him his beers and doing his washing.
though, it only got more toxic as he continued. a fan of watching the television and hearing other people's opinions on feminism, truly believing that feminism was wrong and an excuse for women to laze around the house all day when a man is working. he let you know his opinions, which then spiraled into more arguments and deep conversations that were more judgement and with yelling and groaning about who does what.
obviously, after leaving the military, he gained a gut. he already drank alcohol, but he drank it heavier and thought about all those lost in the war and missions, those buried six feet under which sent him into a depression you desperately helped him out of. he took advantage of your kindness and eagerness to help him get better, enjoying being taken care of and having a woman around.
yet — again —, it got worse and more toxic as he continued. spending more time watching porn that he was before, his lovey-dovey attitude now replaced with snark and backlash for not doing something well enough. he enjoyed the rougher side of sex and decided to try it with you, finding that he appreciated it way more than gentle love making. your concerns were dismissed as he continued to groan, smoke heavier and drink more.
he didn't like how you would talk to him, that since he's providing for you, you should be a good girl and do as you're told; sitting on his lap and giving him a handy, sloppy and messy, just how he enjoys it. or, sucking him off while he records you and humilates you. you felt bad — almost feeling spoiled — so you gave into his demands so he wouldn't get it anywhere else or from another woman, like he'd threatened to do.
also, videos of toxic masculinity that he even agreed with back in the day became more prominent on social media and he found himself agreeing with downright horrible misogynistic comments and opinions. i believe if he was given a daughter when you gave birth, he wouldn't give two fucks about her — on the other hand, his son was his pride, yet he wanted nothing to do with taking physical care of him, just bonding as he claimed taking care of children and cooking was a ‘woman's job’.
loves whenever he can watch football with his 1 year old son, although he doesn't understand anything and seems more confused on why his dad is yelling so much. he hates when you argue or tell him you're tired, as he thinks you're looking for excuses not to be a perfect housewife for him — should he take your son and get another wife, or will you be obedient and serve him? he also has a superior context and is a bit narcissistic, he thinks his demands and needs are more important than yours and isn't afraid to say bluntly what he doesn't like about you.
lost interest in cuddling after multiple arguments — not because he fell out of love, because he'd pass out on the couch after drinking too much, stinking of BO and smoke, and far too heavy to carry. you spent more nights alone than with him, despite being in the same house. your son is a total sweetheart; giggly, funny, ect... and john would definitely get annoyed if his first word was ‘mum’ or if he wasn't a daddies boy.
grew interested in the BDSM part of porn, and loved treating you and making you feel like a dirty, filthy whore for bouncing yourself back on him. enjoys seeing you gag and choke, spitting out spit in a desperate attempt to breathe as he chokes you, leaning his full bodyweight onto your neck before freeing you and plowing into you relentlessly. seeing your hips laced with bruises gave him a sense of superiority over you and enjoyed when you giggled whenever he ran his fingertips over them, and being a captain meant he also enjoyed being called ‘sir’ and your sweet begging voice all raspy from a rough blowjob.
so, that's how toxic!dadbod!price went from loving and traditional to a misogynistic, disgusting, greedy asshole who began caring more about himself rather than others.
REMEMBER: this isn't my belief on feminism at all. i don't think feminism is a bad thing, this is how i view my concept and how he'd act, along with his thoughts and feelings on important topics. EVERYTHING is consensual. this is fiction and fiction only.
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