#why do I torture myself like this
netherregionblog · 1 year
Mfs be like: “They’re my comfort ships ☺️”
The ‘comfort’ ships in question:
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Okay hear me out for a second as I explain how hope or lack there of in Charles and Erik's childhoods impacted their adult lives and ultimately led to the heart wrenching "we want the same thing. -i'm sorry, but we do not"
They both grew up in terrible circumstances (we don't compare traumas here), but one of the main differences in how it affected who they grew up to become is that Charles had someone who tried to protect him, and, as such, hope of getting out, while Erik was utterly hopeless. As a result, Charles decided to help others by sharing that hope and taught his students to protect others, and Erik taught them to protect themselves, to stop hoping, to stop waiting to be saved, and to save themselves.
Charles views hope as a motivation to keep fighting
Erik views hope as a lie to delay the moment to start fighting
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alpha-centauriiae · 5 months
Thinking about how during the Void Nights, Khajiiti kittens may have either all stillborn or born with major disabilities since the moons directed their furstocks. Something so traumatic on such a large scale would have made them really susceptible to manipulation by the Altmer. Perhaps I'll go sob now, thank you.
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deadhermiteyes · 1 year
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he is so hard to draw but i love him
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conspicuous-clown-car · 5 months
deciding to animate a carousel was one of the worst decisions ive made in a while i think
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confoundedpangolin · 1 year
WHAT. WHAT IS HAPPENING. JÜRGEN LEITNER JUST FUCKING APPEARED, INFODUMPED ON JON, AND GOT MURDERED BY ELIAS. ELIAS IS A BITCH, WHAT IS HE DOING, DEFEATING PRIMORDIAL ENTITIES WITH FUCKING BUDGET CUTS? HOW IS JON ALIVE? TIM AND MARTIN WHAT? HOW DID THEY GET OUT OF THE HALLWAY DIMENSION THING? I just finished the finale, allow me to gather my thoughts. Jürgen Leitner's description of the destruction of his library, that sounded like a bunch of different entities all together, and how does he move walls with books? And Martin and Tim went to the hallway dimension thing but got out? What is happening with Micheal? The spiral? And Jon has a... patron entity? Fucking puppet master of the Archives? And Gertrude was going to burn the whole damn thing down before ELIAS the MOTHERFUCKER decide to MURDER HER and now all the knowledge is lost and Tim and Martin have no idea what's happening and think Jon killed Jürgen Leitner, Jon is presumably trapped on the tunnels and ELIAS is supernatural? My only solace is that I can watch the next one immediately, if I had to wait after that fucking cliffhanger I might've just given up living, also Jürgen Leitner can dispel entities and stuff but he's dead now like the table and holy shit those three don't have any ideas what's coming and neither do I. Imagine getting a fate worse than death to a fucking meat god. Ohhh season three I can't stop now I don't think I could even if I wanted to
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companion-showdown · 8 months
Who is your favourite companion?
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propaganda under the cut
Jo Grant
i love her so much, shes so incredibly kind and always wears the best outfits, also her relationship with the master is the best thing about classic who (anonymous)
Truly WHO is out here doing it like her? Finagled her way into a UNIT job (she said she TOOK an A-level in science, she didn’t say she PASSED it …) exactly as effectively and sneakily as she managed to finagle her way into BOTH the Doctor and Master’s hearts. Their shared custody daughter who is single-handedly parent trapping them back together. Does all of this while looking completely fabulous and wearing go-go boots. Casually a better escape artist than Houdini; teaches herself to overcome the Master’s brainwashing with a “what, like it’s hard?” attitude. Out there conscientiously filling in everyone’s horoscopes for them because SOMEONE needs to stay on top of these things. Adorable, hilarious, and kind. (anonymous)
The Brigadier
doctor who's most prolific companion and father of her darling child, the unit dating contorversy (the one about years, not what they were getting up to behind closed doors) (anonymous)
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alli!! bestie!!
I submit this to you on a silver platter: rooster + angst + picture frame + "just breathe"
This one hurt a little (a lot). I'm so not sorry.
warnings: angsty angst.
California King
His bed felt too big. 
It had always been a source of comfort for him, before. It was where the two of you could escape the rest of the world. You’d spend your mornings burrowed under the blankets, legs tangled together as you woke, and your nights tangled in the sheets as your bodies came together. It was a place just for you together. No bad could touch you here. 
But you were gone now, and the empty space beside him that you always used to fill felt like an ocean with a rising tide.  
Sitting on the edge of the bed, his hands braced on the mattress at his sides, Bradley could feel the tightening starting in his chest, the anxiety creeping its way up his spine to wrap around his throat in the way that had become familiar in the last two weeks. 
“Just breathe,” he whispered to himself. His voice was raspy from disuse. He hadn’t had the energy to speak to anyone, despite their best efforts. Not when the only one he wanted to talk to was out of his reach now. “Just breathe, just breathe.” 
His coaching was helping, if even just a little bit. He thought maybe he’d get through this episode without slipping into a full blown panic attack. But then he looked up, and his red rimmed caught sight of the picture frame he still kept on his side of the bed. Your smiling face stared back at him. You looked so happy there, so carefree and so in love, and he was just the same with his arm wrapped around your shoulder like it belonged there. Because you were, and because it did. 
He picked up the 4x6 wooden frame, tracing a shaking finger over your face. As tears welled up and slipped down his cheeks, he wondered when things had changed, and how things could possibly ever be okay again. 
word count: 320
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josephquinnswhore · 2 years
We’re Done
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Pairing: Eddie Munson X Fem! Reader
Summary: All you and Eddie do is fight and you're sick of it, you make the heartbreaking choice to breakup.
Word Count: 1.5k
Content Warning: emotional/financial abuse, some bullying & degrading, overall toxic relationship, reader had shit childhood.
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You knew today would be shit. You were already in a sour mood from constant fights over the weekend with Eddie that left a foul taste in your mouth. All but apologies were spoken, empty threats and harsh words left hanging in the air had your body radiating heat like an overused furnace.
You’d forgotten to fold some laundry, getting distracted by the already multiple tasks you’d forgotten you’d stashed to the bottom of your bag from Math class, you had left it till the last minute as math was your Achilles heel so to speak. So, there you were from 4pm to 8pm struggling to complete the booklet through Eddie’s lecture.
“I work 10 hours a day y/n. You’re lucky we don’t have guests, look at the state of this house. What do you do all day?”
Eddie had dropped out of school, by the grace of God himself & then some he managed to land a job as a mechanics apprentice. It didn’t pay the biggest coin, nonetheless Eddie had managed to put down the deposit on a small 2-bedroom house just out of town. It came to be something you despised of him though, as it was a fundamental bullet, he liked to keep in his back pocket to shoot you with whenever he got the chance.
“You know I’m fucking studying Eddie! I’m actually trying to graduate so I can have a reliable career.”
You had a few stray weekends of babysitting and waitressing at a cafe, but you knew out of Hawkins employers were looking for permanent full time childcare workers. That had been your dream since you could remember. You had always gotten along with kids and the thought always warmed your heart, watching them grow, reach milestones, pick them up when they fall and encourage them to try again, praise them for their achievements and teach them how to manage their emotions. It was your lifelong and career goal, which you didn’t need to attend university, fortunately for you that course had been available for off course studying. It was truly your passion and something you’d dream of spending a lifetime doing.
“You’re lucky you even have a house to live in away from your parents y/n! You’re so ungrateful I’m tired of it.”
You had a hard time growing up, your parents were critical and not as supportive as you needed them to be, there was some emotional and verbal abuse which made you a very shut off person. Which is why you refused to let the anger you felt for Eddie go, you had trusted him with something traumatizing and he used it against you. You were never taught to regulate your emotions and it’s why you completely blew up when you were angry, just an overwhelming feeling of someone blowing you up and you popping like a balloon, overcome with rage and irrationality. You would say everything and anything just to hurt him, all the while it felt like someone else was in control of your body and mind entirely.
Slamming the car door as you threw your bag onto the passenger's seat and practically threw yourself into the drivers, shaking the car violently from the motion. Tears threatened to fall from your lash line as they collected from the overwhelming amount of stress you were experiencing, you’d gotten a C- on your math test today, although it was a well enough grade to pass the class and graduate, you felt the frustration in yourself overcome you.
Tyres screeched along the pavement of the carpark as you drove off, towards yours and Eddie’s house. Your foot to the floor on the accelerator turned your usual route home of 15 minutes into an incredible 7 minutes and 35 seconds. You were amazed at the fact that you didn’t end up in a ditch somewhere or completely mangled on the road as you had dissociated while driving, not remembering leaving the school carpark at all. The gravel rocks on the driveway flew in every direction as you skid to a halt, swiftly exiting the car and abandoning your bag with that garbage fucking excuse of a test grade.
You turned the metal knob to your front door to see Eddie standing on the other side, his work clothes tossed to the side just centimeters from the dirty clothes hamper, mud-stained boots subbing off on the carpet, and wearing a face so furious you’d be scared of you weren’t so infuriated yourself. Confusion crept through you as you realized you hadn’t seen Eddie’s van as you pulled up.
“Where the fuck have you been y/n? I’ve been worried sick waiting for you to fucking come home!” He slammed the door behind you as you fall into the comfort of your couch, over this conversation already. You look to your watch as it read;
5:26pm. What the fuck.
“I’m home now so don’t start this Eddie, I’ve had a long day I don’t want to argue with you.”
You swear Eddie’s eyes had turned black at your comment, his iris and pupil becoming one black mass.
“YOU’VE HAD A LONG DAY? I had some fucking morons cut my brake lines because he didn’t want to pay for a service. I had to find a ride home after 10 hours of working my ass off, to come home to find you missing, dinner not ready and the house is a fucking mess!”
You swore you could almost feel the walls shaking and the floor vibrating as he yelled at you, his body towering over you as he stood but two feet from your position on the lounge, he was obviously bothered by the fact that you seemed so unbothered, which was the complete opposite of what you were feeling. Absolute rage. That part of you inside was begging and clawing to be released, that coping mechanism to hurt them before they hurt you.
“I don’t know what to say to you anymore y/n! I’m so done with it.”
Flick, just like that a switch inside you was turned on and there was no going back. Your chest heaving from the anger you’d pent up. You stood up from the lounge, only a foot away from Eddie looking up directly to his eyes, “you’re done? YOU??” A maniacal laugh left your lips which left Eddie confused.
“All you had to do was fucking graduate Eddie, you could’ve had a decent job instead of working 10 hours like absolute shit to rent a fucking house that has a leak in the roof from rain damage. But now we’re stuck in this stupid fucking town because of YOU. Because you’re to fucking stupid graduate,” you poke his chest angrily and take a step forward now you’re nose to nose with him. “All you do is fucking criticise everything I do, I’m the only girl in this town and probably within a 100mile radius that would even look in your direction, let alone try to start a fucking life with you. But not anymore Eddie, I’m fucking done. We’re done.”
Eddie’s face had fallen and turned a pale white, you could practically hear his heart shatter at your confession, but you were to overcome with negative emotion to care. You stormed out of your shared house, not caring that all of your belongings were still inside with your now ex-boyfriend.
You were about to pull your car door open when you were jerked backwards by what turned out to be Eddie’s hand around your wrist. You face him and your heart trembles, his eyes are already puffed and red, tears stained his face while fresh ones still ran, his bottom lip quivering.
“Please don’t go baby, I promise I’ll be better. I’ll do anything, you can’t go baby. I want to marry you,” his hand caressed your own that held you there and the other held the side of your face. “Sweetheart please, you’re my everything, I’ve lost everyone... my mum, I can’t lose you too.”
Your heart suddenly felt like it was made of concrete, your chest restricting making your heart race, you began to panic.
You shook his hands off, so you were free of his touch, he had lost all hope he hid in his eyes once you’d done so. “I can’t Eddie... I can’t just take all of the things I said back. It won’t be the same. I’m sorry. I love you Eds, but this won’t work.”
You quickly retreated into your car and drove off so he wouldn’t see your own tears, you felt your heart breaking as you saw him drop to the ground onto the gravel driveway as you drove off, his sobs could be heard along with your own as your whole body racked with guilt and heartache.
You drive mindlessly as you had nowhere to go and no possessions, Eddie was your home and without him you had nothing, you were nothing.
Maybe you should just disappear, you were done after all.
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pinkiegiu · 5 months
me: wow i have a lot of demon slayer ocs, i should stop making them since i already have a pretty big story with all of them
my brain: FUCK YOU *makes another kny oc*
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osaemu · 1 year
breakups ft. the bsd men ☁︎
osamu dazai, nakahara chuuya
a/n — i listen to too many breakup songs... anyways i personally hc that dazai has severe commitment issues and nothing anyone says will change my mind
also send me requests / thoughts! i'll take (almost) anything !! :)
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dazai probably initiates the breakup.
you don't see it coming. one second, everything was fine. the next, he sends you a text saying nothing but "we have to talk". and when you meet him, all he says is "we should break up."
your eyes widen and it takes a second for his words to sink in. surely this was a joke - everything seemed normal between you two. but you knew that even dazai, an incessant tease, would never make a joke as cruel as this.
"...is something wrong?" you try to reach out to dazai, hoping he'll give you some sort of explanation for this. but he doesn't reply. and you know better than to press him for an answer.
dazai was never easy to read, and attempting to judge his emotions is next to impossible if his guard is up, like it is now. he won't even meet your eyes...
all he does is stand and rest a cold, steady hand on your shoulder. he quietly says "i'm sorry", and leaves.
you never do find out why he decided to break up with you out of the blue. maybe it was his ever demanding work. maybe he had another lover. who knows?
life goes on and dazai never contacts you again, and you don't try to either. but his sudden departure from your life is a mystery you would do anything to solve...
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chuuya takes it well.
chances are you're ending things with him for some reason related to his job in the port mafia, and he understands that dating a mafioso isn't for everyone.
you look up and see that chuuya's eyes are sad, but he's doing his best not to show too much of it. "i understand," he says quietly.
he was a wonderful boyfriend and always treated you perfectly but you knew that his job always came first. the port mafia was his life, and you and him both knew that if it came down to you or his job, he'd have to choose the mafia.
chuuya smiles sadly and shakes his head. "maybe one day..." is all he says before you two go your separate ways.
right person, wrong time. maybe in another life, if chuuya never got into the darker side of yokohama, you two could've stayed together. but in this universe, it just couldn't work out.
after you're gone, chuuya goes home and drinks every night for two weeks. he misses you a lot, but he's not the type of person to stay hooked on an ex for too long. so as time goes on, he gradually stops thinking about you.
but there are a couple nights long after the breakup that he can't sleep, and he spends every one wondering if he should have begged you to stay.
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dejatiny · 7 months
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If anyone needs me.....I'll be building a thing from temu......
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adeledrinkscoffee · 1 year
JJK shibuya arc / volume 0 spoilers:
i believe gojo did curse geto in the end like he asked, and that’s the reason suguru was able to prevent kenjaku from using his body to harm satoru. some part of suguru is trapped in his own body as a curse, maybe not even a sentient special-grade curse, and decided to use all of the strength it had to protect satoru.
and now the thought of a first or second grade curse husk of suguru mindlessly repeating something to the effect of needing to protect satoru is making me want to scream into a pile of dirt.
if gojo has to kill this man’s body again AND exorcise what little of geto remains, i will not be recovering.
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rocketboots564 · 8 months
GUYS GUYS… so long story short I’ve been watching 9-1-1 for the first time, and I’m on season six.
In fact, I’m on EPISODE 10 OF SEASON SIX
That’s where that fucking gif came from I knew the MOMENT I saw it something bad was gonna happen this season
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beauty-proof · 10 months
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corazon01 · 1 year
They say a mothers love is unconditional, but I must hold my tongue
and do as you say
and hide my flaws
and hate everything I am to be accepted by the one who gave me life.
“I love you daughter.”
“Do you?”
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