#why do i always do this shit at fucking TWO O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING????
oswinsdolma · 4 months
something about how merlin and arthur both died the moment they became a story. how in becoming a legend, they sacrificed the versions of themselves that were real for the infinite potentiality of the versions that could have been. "the story that we have been a part of will live long in the minds of men" but at the cost of the lovers who wrote it, fragmented across space and time by a thousand new imaginations that keep them alive in all that they never were. when we read their story, they are broken and reborn anew, so does that make us murderers or gods? or maybe the whole point is that there never really was much of a difference between the two.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
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Summary: Dream a little dream…or shit…
Summary: CEO!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Trope: Secret crush
Warnings: angst, language, Bucky being an awful boss (mentioned), enemies to lovers, tension, daydreams, secret crush, fear of flying (implied)
Words: 1440+  
Square filled for @buckybarnesbingo: C5: Remote control 
Square filled for @sebastianstanbingo: Square 10: Sexual frustration
Square filled for @allcapsbingo: G 4: “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me.”
Square filled for @marvelfluffbingo (expired): Square 19: office au
Part 1
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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“Miss Y/N to my office,” Bucky barks. “I think we should talk about a few things…” 
“What can I do for you, Mr. Barnes?” You are still a little shaken from the naughty dream you woke from moments ago and struggle to look him in the eyes. You only pray you didn’t talk in your sleep.
“I need you to come with me,” he casually says. “Tomorrow. On a business trip.”
“Tomorrow?” You splutter. “But…I didn’t pack, and I don’t know where we are going. Why do you tell me about this so late?”
“It’s a case of emergency. Stark wants to do business with one of my business associates. I need you there to distract him so I can make the deal with Barton.”
“You want me to distract Tony Stark? How? Do you want me to give him a lap dance or more?” while you cross your arms over your chest, and glare at your boss, the man himself still looks proud of his idea.
“Ms. Y/L/N, you’re not too bad to look at and you are good at making conversation. I want you to go home, pack a few things, and meet me at the airport at 7 o'clock sharp,” he demands. “Don’t run late.”
“I never ran late in all the years I’m working for you. But… tomorrow is my day off! I had had plans, and you just tell me I must go on a business trip.”
“You can take a day off after any other day, Ms. Y/L/N. I need you and I won’t ask again.”
You huff. He didn’t ask but demanded your obedience. Mr. Barnes doesn’t understand your irritation or that you’re angry at him. In his opinion, he gives you the perfect opportunity to prove your worth as his assistant.
“7 o'clock sharp, no discussion,” he snaps at you. “You are my assistant and will do as told. I need you at the airport tomorrow morning.”
It’s situations like this leaving you helpless and struggling. You should tell him, no, and to fuck off. But this would mean losing your job. Mr. Barnes is not being reasonable, and he knows it.
You’re fuming but can’t do shit about it. So, once again, you give in to someone else’s demands and swallow the words you’ve got on the tip of your tongue.
“Fine.” You turn around to storm out of Mr. Barnes’ office. If you stay for longer, you’ll slap the smug grin off his handsome face.
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Morning came much too soon. You’re in the worst mood ever, and tired as fuck. On top of all, you dreamed of the smug fucker named James Buchanan Barnes again.
This time, he fucked you on top of the printer and plastered the copies of your ass all over the office. He was into degrading you in your dreams and it made you horny as hell. Sadly, you didn't have the time to take care of the problem. Now you are tired, cranky, and frustrated because you didn't get off.
“You made it in time, a progress,” Mr. Barnes dares to say. In the four years you’re working for him, you only once didn’t make it in time. 
“I’m always on time.” Your boss ignores you sassed back. “So, where are we going? I still need to get my ticket.”
“What are you wearing?” Mr. Barnes shoves his sunglasses down his nose, looking you up and down. He almost looks offended by your styling. “Are you wearing sweatpants and a Hello Kitty t-shirt? Where are your shoes?”
“It’s casual Friday, Mr. Barnes,” you feign ignorance. “I didn’t know we’ve got a dress code for a flight. I don’t think people in economy class will judge my choice of clothing. I want to be at least comfortable if I’m stuck in an airplane with two people for hours. And I got shoes on. Flip-lops.”
“Economy class?” He takes his sunglasses off. “I hate to disappoint you, by you are going to enjoy only my presence. I already got your ticket.” Mr. Barnes smirks. “I wonder if people in the first class will like your outfit.”
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“Stop fidgeting,” Mr. Barnes mutters. You’re always nervous before take-off and can't sit still. You are gripping your remote control tightly with your right hand and press it to your chest. “Why in the world did you bring a remote control?”
He watches you stare down at your feet. “It calms me. When I got scared at night, I grabbed something to hold tight onto. If it happens now, I use the remote control from the TV in my bedroom.”
“Hmm…interesting,” oddly, his features soften, and he grabs your left hand. “If you are scared, squeeze my hand. It’s better than the remote control.”
“I didn’t know you can be nice too.” You glance at your boss. “Thank you.”
“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me,” he replies sharply as if you offended him with your words. “In my world, you must be hard and strict. I can’t attend a business trip in flip-flops and a Hello Kitty shirt.”
You feel insecure out of a sudden. At the airport, you felt self-confident, but now, you feel like a fool. “I wanted to be comfortable. I didn’t know I’d end up in the first class.”
Mr. Barnes doesn’t reply. He waits for the take-off and thinks of the deal he wants to seal with Barton. “You should try to get some sleep after the take-off and redress at the hotel. We don’t have much time until the first meeting.”
“Okay,” you focus on breathing, and the warm hand holding yours. Your boss can be an ass, but right now he grounds you and helps you not to be scared anymore.
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“Mr. Barton,” you politely shake Clint Barton’s hand. He smiles in return and asks you about your flight. “A pleasure to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” he holds your hand a little too long for Mr. Barnes’ liking. Your boss sneers, and he squares his jaw when you giggle at something Clint said.  
“Clint, we should get going. I have a few more meetings this afternoon. Can we talk about the deal now, or not?” You quirk a brow at your boss. 
“Shall we, Ms. Y/L/N,” Clint smirks at your boss. “We don’t want Bucky to get impatient, right?”
“Right,” you nod. “We should talk about the deal and the upcoming contract. I checked on the numbers, and you’ll see that Barnes Inc. is the perfect partner.”
Mr. Barnes dips his head to look at you. He looks impressed and nods his head in approval. 
“Well said, Ms. Y/L/N.”
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The meeting dragged on. Your boss and Clint talked about every single detail while you tried to keep up with them and take notes. Or at least look interested when they started talking about cars, and investments.
While they sealed the deal of the century, their words not yours, you wondered why Tony Stark didn’t show.
Now that you think about it, neither your boss nor Mr. Barton mentioned Tony Stark.  
“Perfect,” your boss exclaims. He and Mr. Barton shake hands, as you are still thinking about the things Mr. Barnes told you. “Ms. Y/L/N, are you ready to leave?”
“We earned dinner, didn’t we?” Mr. Barnes asks, taking you by surprise. He furrows his brows as you don’t answer immediately. “Italian, Indian, or Asian. What do you want to eat?”
“Okay,” your heart flutters when he holds out his hand to take the iPad and folder out of your hands. “I don’t know. Surprise me.”
He grins. “Remember, you asked for this…”
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“A hot dog,” you giggle. “I thought you wanted to dine tonight, boss.” You don’t mind your boss’s choice. You love a good hotdog.
“Y/N, that’s the best hotdog in the world. And for tonight, call me Bucky. We are officially off duty and got the deal done,” he grins before taking a huge bite of the hotdog. He smears mustard all over his face, but Bucky doesn’t seem to mind.
“You’ve got something…wait,” you use the napkin to clean his face, making things worse as you smear the mustard all over his cheek. “Sorry…let me get a tissue.”
“Not bad, but there are better ways to clean my lips…” Your heart beats out of your chest when he lowers himself to whisper in your ear. “You didn’t think I brought you here to flirt with Stark, right?”
“What? I-“You pinch your arm to check if you are dreaming again. “What?”
“Doll, I think we should talk about a few things after we finished the hot dog…”
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natashaslittlegirl · 1 year
The contract - Romanoff's Assistant
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Summary: It's your first day working in Romanoff's Company
Boss ! Natasha Romanoff x Assistant ! Reader
Warnings: none
Natasha Romanoff's Masterlist RA Masterlist RA Account Chapter II aesthetic
This morning hits different, you got up earlier than usual. You start dressing yourself up with your choosen outfit from the night before, well, from friday when you got back from the interview actually. Dress pants and black shirt, leather boots and as always your beige coat, it's your lucky charm, but don't say anything because otherwise it won't work.
You leave your apartment but not before feeding and giving Lena lots of kisses, this cat is going to be the death of you because of so much cuteness. So little and cuddly. You love when she comes and sits on your lap purring for you to caress her, so delicate, you love her.
You're walking along the avenues, luckily you're not that far from the coffee shop or work now. You make a quick stop, look at your applewatch, 7:45am, you still have time. Kate smiles at you when she sees you arrive. "Morning, girl! The usual?"
"Yes, please, and a coffee with almond milk, extra hot without sugar and the cup 70% full, please."
"So you remembered Romanoff's request, huh?" she looks at you with mischief in her eyes, oh, you certainly forgot to mention, that she already knows you have a little, not so little, crush on Miss Romanoff, that's why the look. You remember your call from friday evening.
While you waited for your lasagna to heat up, you grabbed your phone and dial Kate. "I got the job!" she screamead and you had to move the device away, otherwise it would make you deaf.
"No way, you little lucky ass!"
"Yes, I don't even know how, what if it goes wrong?" you start to doubt, "Miss Romanoff said one mistake and I'm screwed, help."
"Don't be stupid, Y/N, you'll do fine, relax." Well yeah, you don't even started yet. "I imagine you've had your eye on her." 
"I mean, could you blame me? She's beautiful." Miss Romanoff is beautiful indeed.
"She's hot," so hot "you already have a crush on her, don't you?"
"I can't lie to you."
You two talked a little more until a line of customers formed and Kate can't make six coffees at the same time, you doubt it.
"Kate," you let out a sigh, "I'm her assistant, the first thing I have to do in the morning is get her coffee, also, so do you."
"Okay, okay, whatever you say." she says as she prepares the coffees. You hand her the money and look at you watch again before she pass them to you, 7:53 am, shit, you need to hurry.
"Thank you Kate!" she waves back and you walk out as fast as possible, god these boots are not for rushing. But you got into the building and reached the elevator on time, 7:58am.
Fuck, hurry up, please. You mentally said to yourself, cursing the machine. You got to the twenty-seventh floor at 8 o'clock, ugh on time. You leave the coffees on your desk and wait for Miss Romanoff to show up.
You turn on the computer and go through the agenda, it's already organized so you don't have to do much. Not even five minutes pass and Miss Romanoff makes her entrance, how can this woman look like this at eight in the morning?
"Good morning, Miss Romanoff," You get up from your chair and grab her coffee, "I brought you coffee." she looks at you up and down as she takes the cup, taking a sip of coffee with a smirk on her face.
"So, coffee the way I like, you're on time and you're presentable."
"Yes, Miss Romanoff."
She goes on her way to her office and you go yours to the desk. You continue making appointments in the agenda and suddenly it's already 10am, how fast. You see that Miss Romanoff has a charity event offered by the Stark family and needs confirmation, you write the event in the agenda, the computer and on a post it in front of her, to much, huh? Interrupting your thoughts, you get a call saying Miss Romanoff is needed on the 5th floor.
You head to her door office, you can't see inside but you know she can sees you. knock twice waiting for her to let you in. "Come in" you hear her say and you walk into her office closing the door behind you.
"Miss Romanoff?" she looks up from her and scans you.
"Yes, Y/N, what's up?"
"I wanted to inform you that this Friday you've a charity event offered by the Stark family, it requires confirmation and they need you now on the 5th floor" You say and wait for her response.
"Thank you, confirm my invitation and yours too and call the 5th floor, tell them I'm coming, look for me in fifteen minutes, I'm busy and I don't want to waste time." She stops and takes some papers with her, you step aside and open the door for her to leave, you see her go to the elevator and disappear once it closes the doors. You send the confirmations to the event, but you didn't know that you'll have to go. 
When trirteen minutes pass you call the elevator and play the 5th floor to get Miss Romanoff back, you arrived and started to looking for her in the hallways. She didn't said where you were suposed to look for her. Passing the cubicles separated by glass panels, a woman comes out and you take the opportunity to ask her about Miss Romanoff.
"Hi, I'm Y/N, Miss Romanoff's new assistant, can you tell me where she is? She needs to attend to an important call."
"Hi, I'm Debbie, nice to meet you. Yes, she's down the hall with Lou, the accountant."
"Thank you very much, it's a pleasure for me too" you walk to the end until you find the accountant's office, knock twice and wait for the order to enter. You hear gasps and don't want to imagine what they are doing inside. You hear a 'come in' and take a deep breath before going inside, for your surprise, Miss Romanoff is sitting in front of the accountant's desk and the other woman is standing serving two glasses of water.
"Y/N, what's up?" She turns her head around to look at you.
"Miss Romanoff, you have an important call, they said it can't wait." She rolls her eyes, is she kidding?
"Y/N, this is Lou, our accountant" She points the other woman and then you, "Lou, she's Y/N, my new assistant." 
"Nice to meet you, Miss" 
"The pleasure is mine, darling." She smiles at you, making you gulp, Miss Romanoff therefore, looks at the other woman and rolls her eyes again. She gets up from her chair and walks out with you. You both reach the elevator and go to your respectives offices.
You spent the rest of the day reviewing plans, events, and trips. Schedule and rearrange appointments for tomorrow and when you look at the clock it's already 5pm, you hear Miss Romanoff calling you into her office.
"You called me, Miss Romanoff?" You stand halfway at the door.
"Yes, come in and close the door." You do what she says and stay standing in front of her desk, you just hope you didn't do anything wrong. You feel nervous remembering that everyone must be leaving by now. Well you don't think you'd done anything wrong.
"I want to talk to you about something, Y/N," you gulp "sit down."
"Yes, Miss Romanoff." You do what she says and sit with your legs crossed.
"Don't be afraid, you didn't do anything wrong. I called you so we can talk about the contract, payment, schedules, and I need some confirmations from you." She grabs one of the two folders in front of her and hands it to you.
You open it and the first thing you see is my salary, you don't know if you're dreaming or if you're seeing things wrong but here it says 120k, you didn't even think that the assistants earned that much, you expected 60k at the most.
"Miss Romanoff?"
"Yes, Y/N." you look at her
"Is this amount serious?"
"Yes, do you prefer monthly or fortnightly?" oh god I can't believe it.
"Monthly? I thought it was yearly," you whispered under your breath, "Monthly is fine, Miss Romanoff." She noted something in her folder, which you guess must have the same documents as your.
"Okay then, go to page three," You turn to the page and read, your schedules Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm, lunch break one hour, any time you choose. "Are your schedules okay with you?"
"Yes, Miss Romanoff."
"Perfect, we already have the basics confirmed. I need you to tell me if you are willing to go on business trips, go to events, meetings and all this kind of thing. Everything is detailed on page 5 onwards, you don't have to answer me now, tomorrow you can bring me the signed folder with what you can do and what not. You will also have a card in your name for expenses that we make on trips and for the clothes that I ask you to wear, is that clear?"
"Yes, Miss Romanoff, all clear"
"You can go, Y/N." You got up from the chair, grab the folder and go to your office, find your handbag, put on your beige coat and walk to your apartment.
You arrived and left everything on the table in front of the couch, You went to your room to take off your clothes, take a shower and put on your pyjamas, the black short silk with lace edges, you love it, it is very confy.
There is nothing you like more than a relaxing shower, leaving there smelling like vanilla, how nice. You go back to the kitchen. It's 8:45 p.m. dinner time. You open the fridge but you find it empty, you must've forgot to do the groceries again, well, pizza will be. You order and while you wait for the delivery you go to pour yourself a glass of white wine. You receive the pizza, pay and go to the couch and find Lena in a super adorable position, picture worthy, she's very cute.
While you eat, you read the contract, it seems like a very good offer, obviously you're going to take it.
Passport. Yes
Travel in the country. Yes
Travel abroad. Yes
You keep reading and you find everything reasonable, you ended up marking everything 'yes' and you send Kate if you have a work trip if she can take care of Lena.
Kate ☕
Of course I'm going to take care of that adorable little kitten
Great, one less thing to worry about.
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astarasstuff · 1 year
welcome arms- gojo satoru, geto suguru
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suguru and satoru have been there for you since you first met them in highschool. that includes comforting you when your asshole boyfriend treats you like shit. when your boyfriend ends up cheating on you, they take a much different approach to comforting you this time...
word count: i cant be bothered right now LOL
contents: fem!reader, cheating (on reader by ex), like very light angst(breakups) fluffy!!! smut, soft dom! gojo and geto, multiple orgasms(r! receiving) fingering, pet names (pretty girl, pretty, love, sweetheart, princess, angel) eiffel tower (i think?) oral (geto receiving), creampie, unprotected sex (wrap before u tap as always!) aftercare! implied polyamory! i think that’s everything but if i missed something let me know! 18+ please, mdni!!!!
notes: holy shit first fanfic ever! im so nervous AH (this is code for give me some grace if its bad and DONT BE MEAN😣) anyways these two are always constantly on my mind 4ever.
to say that satoru and suguru were upset when you knocked on their dorm door, tears streaming down that pretty little face of yours, wouldn't be quite the truth. it was about 2 o'clock in the morning, when satorus phone started ringing on his nightstand, the contact 'pretty girl' illuminating his screen. you'd given him shit for that name, detailing how your shithead boyfriend would freak if he saw it- satoru didn't budge. his brow furrows, and he picks up the phone, wondering why on earth you were calling him at such an hour.
"y' alright, sweetness?" satoru asks, voice groggy from being awoken. a frown quickly filled his then sleepy face, when the sound of your little hiccups and sniffles left the phones speaker. "you couldn’t get as much as word out between your sobs, and satoru immediately shoots up in his bed, and makes his way to sugurus room. "angel, what happened?" alarm filling his voice. he starts to hear your sobs calm down enough for to talk. "I didn't know who else to call- I'm sorry for waking you, 'toru, ill jus-" satoru immediately cuts you off, sensing that you were about to apologise for interrupting his sleep. "don't do that, don't apologise. I'm glad you did, pretty girl, y'know i'd always be here, no matter the time." he pads down the hall and knocks on sugurus door with urgency. as you attempt to gather your words, satoru hears suguru groan and walk over to the door. "what on earth do you want at his hour" suguru complains, evidently pissed he’d been woken up so abruptly. however, the anger immediately leaves his body as satoru holds a finger up to his lips, signaling suguru to listen. its then that he here smalls sobs coming from satorus phone.
'its y/n' satoru mouths to him, and suguru feels anxiety flood his veins. sugurus about to ask why you're crying, (and why on earth your still on the phone to satoru and not at their dorm yet, in their arm) when he hears your voice, nasally and small with shame. "he- he cheated-" you manage to produce between sobs. oh fuck no. your asshole boyfriend? cheat on you? satoru immediatly instructs you to come to theirs, and after multiple refusals on your end, they finally convince you. as they waited for your arrival, satoru still being on the phone with you, they wondered how your -now ex- boyfriend even had the audacity to cheat on you. for starters, they could argue he was barely even a boyfriend to you, forgetting anniversaries, dates, never giving you flowers. he would blatantly check out other girls, (which the two men in question could ever comprehend; how he could ever have his eyes anywhere other than on you). and to top it all off, you were way out of his league.
so yeah. to say they were upset wouldn't be the full truth, because although they hated the thought of you being upset, wetting those pretty cheeks with your tears, you were finally, finally, out of the clutches of that piece of trash ex. and they could finally be the ones give you what you deserve, what you need.
it was no surprise to anyone who knew them that they were into you, that they were whipped- anyone but you. these two insanely attractive men, whos looks could undoubtedly lead them to the cover of vogue, who had women lining up and begging for them to fuck them. who had women hanging of them at party, never having to do so much as lift a finger when they wanted to get their dicks wet, never had their minds on anyone but you. whenever satoru was balls deep in some chick who he hadn't even bothered to remember the name of, he imagined your skin in his hands, your hips in his hands, your nails in his back, your lips on his neck, your cunt wrapped around his dick. and whenever suguru had his lips round some girls clit, he wished it was your thighs clenched round his head, your hands pulling on his hair, your slick dribbling down his chin. wishing it was your pussy making a mess on his face.
both men were well aware of each others desire for you, and both men were more than happy to share. and despite their desires for you taking up their every waking thought, they never wanted to push you. they could tell that you wanted them, with all your lip bites and lingering stares, your face filling with heat whenever satoru was back from the gym in his tight, frankly slutty black gym shirt, so tight that it revealed the ridges of his abs. or when suguru took off his shirts as he walked towards the bathroom to take a shower, his back muscles flexing as he pulled it over his head. they knew, yet they waited, until you were ready, and when you would be they would welcome you with open arms. little did they know, that it would come sooner that they had thought
as you made your way over to satoru and sugurus dorm, and as their voices calmed your retching sobs down to small sniffles, determination filled your mind. you would do whatever you needed to get over that jerkface of an ex, and as soon as possible. now, in hindsight, fucking them wasn't what you thought you would do- fuck someone, yes, but you thought it would be a hookup with someone you wouldn't even catch the name of, and definitely not the same night you caught your boyfriend cheating, and most definitely not with the two men you had the most debilitating crushes on. yeah, you knew it was pretty bad to have not one but two crushes whilst literally dating someone, and that potentially it was a little hypocritical to be so mad at your ex cheating (but you never even acted on those crushes! aside from indulging in the frequent occasional stares when they looked just too irresistible), and in all fairness, you tried everything to squash these crushes that had lasted since fucking highschool- and dating your now ex was one of your more desperate attempts at getting over them. it worked to a degree, you had (unfortunately) caught feelings for someone else, feeling somewhat fulfilled, and you stuck around with your asshole ex purely because you weren't sure if you could cope with the feelings you felt for both satoru and suguru if you weren't in a committed relationship in which you could put most of your focus into. and now, you were screwed. you felt used and cheap, and when you were so close to finally leaving those feelings for satoru and suguru behind (you’re really kidding yourself) everything just fell apart. so you were not only feeling the common feelings of a breakup, let alone caused by cheating at that, you were also feeling completely and utterly dissapointed.
when the door opened to reveal that sugurus handsome, chiseled face (god- that jawline) was twisted into a frown, watching the remnants of your tears fall, you collapsed into his arms. and all of the previous emotion that had been buried down was now bubbling over to the surface as you sobbed into his chest. "s'alright, princess, let it out" he whispered into your hair, hand coming up to pet your hair. he lead you into the living room where satoru was, evidently setting it up for your arrival. they set you down on their couch, wrap you up in one of satoru's expensive sweaters that most definitely cost more than a month of your rent, and stick on one of your favourite movies on their tv. they sit either side of you, your head resting on satorus shoulder, and sugurus arm wrapped around you waist. after you had calmed down, one and a half movies later, the reality of the situation had set in, and they hear your voice rise up in anger, talking about how you can't believe he was such a dick, and how you didn't think he could ever stoop so low. satoru couldn't help but feel a smirk form on his lips, hearing you finally realize how shitty your ex was. but after the anger, came the doubt. the smirk was wiped right off satorus face when he heard your voice turn small and uncertain again, a frown taking place on those pretty lips of yours, asking them whether they thought it was because you weren't enough for him.
"god no, princess, he wasn't enough for you." sugurus tone was filled with disbelief, he couldn't even comprehend how you ever could ask that question, when you were so so sweet to that undeserving ass. baking him his favourite treats, buying him thoughtful presents on special days, showering him in your affections. the fact that he had not only treated you like shit but cheated? incomprehensible. not with how pretty you were. your pretty face, plush soft kissable lips, delicate hands much smaller than his, the pretty swell of your tits, just about noticeable under satorus sweater. the fat of your ass and your thighs, christ, you were to die for. what he would've given to be in your ex's position, to have you under him every night, to treasure you, please you in every way conceivable. on his face, sitting on his dick, legs on his shoulders, in his bed, on the couch, in the shower, on his countertops-
"trust me, sweetness, it's his loss." satoru's smooth voice pulls suguru out of his daydream, and he quickly hums in agreement. "i mean, god, what we would've done to be the ones to have you, baby, and not him" the words leave satorus mouth before he can even think about it, too tired to kick in his (usually ineffective, to be fair) filter. the pair stiffens either side of you as the words hang in the air, and you look at him with confusion written all over your pretty little features. satoru knows he should probably backtrack, and twist his words into something he doesn’t mean so as not to risk your friendship, but he finds that doesn't want to. he wants you to finally know how much they both need you, how badly you affect them, how much they both love you. "toru?" you question, waiting for him to elaborate. he doesn't, and so you turn to suguru, and are met with more silence, which only emphasises the earlier statement. "your- you guys aren't messing with me, right?" at that, satoru tosses you an incredulous, almost offended look. "what?" he questions, and the look he gives you puts you on edge "i mean- like- your not just saying that because.. of, y'know, the current circumstances?" you stumble over your words, and satoru doesn't think you can be any dumber than you are in this current moment. "honey, he meant every word." sugurus voice is low and seductive, and you're sure he's much closer than he was a minuet ago, his breath hitting your ear. you feel heat prickle up your neck and onto your face. "yeah, pretty girl, i do. how about i show you?" and before you can even register it, satorus lips are on yours, and shit, they're so soft and so much better than you had imagined. he leaves you quicker than you hoped, and you find yourself chasing after his kiss, causing him to give a low chuckle that got you way too hot and bothered. as you open your eyes, you're a little surprised when your met with sincerity on satoru's face.
"are you sure this is okay, pretty? we don't want to rush you." warmth fills your chest at this, and right now you're so mad at yourself for kidding yourself that you could ever get over them. "yes toru, please, want you both so bad, waited so long" and both satoru and suguru almost cum in their pants hearing your voice whine like that. then all of a sudden you’ve all shifted, you being pulled into sugurus lap with your chest to his back, and satoru pulls you in for another kiss, but this time it’s heated, desperate and has you panting into his mouth. you keen when you feel suguru’s lips on your necks, at first fluttering small kisses, which turn deeper as he progresses down your neck, leaving hickies in his wake. he sucks hard at the part where your shoulder meets your neck, and you let out the hottest little moan they’ve ever heard, and it causes satoru to still. you look up at him, you’re brows furrowing as his lips disconnect from yours. you watch as his eyes flitter around you face as he breaths heavy, lips swollen, and suguru turns his eyes in curiosity to satoru, still busy working on your neck. “god, pretty, that was the hottest thing i’ve ever heard. need more” he pants, and then he swoops in to give you the most dizzying kiss you’ve ever received in your entire life, and you feel his hand sneak under his sweater and your night shirt to palm your tits. you whine, and suguru moves his hands just beneath your pyjama bottoms, rubbing circles on you hips with his thumbs. your whines get louder as you feel satoru pinch your nipple between his fingers, arching your back to push your chest more into his hands. satoru pulls back at this, his head dizzy as he asks you ‘can i take this off you, sweetness?’ tugging at his sweater, and before you can even finish nodding you feels him shuck up the sweater and your t-shirt, suguru manoeuvring your body to help ease them off your torso. you feel you nipples harden as the cool air hits your chest, and both men let out heated groans at the sight of them. “damn, princess, these are even prettier than i had imagined” sugurus honeyed voice fills your ears and your preening at the praise has both his hands come up to palm them from behind. you begin to tilt your head back at the touch, but satorus hands come up to cradle your face and pull you back in for a kiss. at this point, it’s sloppy, the both of you fallen into debauchery. you feel sugurus hands begin to trial south and you whine at the loss of contact, so satoru’s hands leave your face and find their place back on your tits again, tweaking and pulling. you let out a small gasp as you feel sugurus hand breach past you shorts and your now soaked panties, teasingly rubbing the skin of you pelvis, and so, so close to your needy pussy. satoru then takes the liberty to trail kisses down you neck and then your sternum, then latching onto your nipple.
“ahhh- suguru please don’t tease, need you please” you pant, and you feel satoru smile against your skin. “need me where, baby?” and you pant as satoru unlatches from you nipple and moves to the next one, tweaking the other with his fingers. “c’mon sugu, you know where” you whine, and he chuckles “i’m afraid i don’t, princess. i need words” you let out what was a mix of a noise of frustration and a moan, thanks to satori’s ministrations on your tits, and you finally relent. “need you- ah- need you in my pussy- please!” you feel dirty letting such lewd words leave your mouth but god you don’t care because it feels too fucking good to have them both on you. suguru damn near creams his pants at your voice, and decides he can’t wait any longer and than he needs to feel your soaking cunt on his skin. he stops rubbing circles on your pelvis and takes his hands out of your pants, and before you can complain he pulling them down and your lifting your hips to make it easier for him. satorus now sucking hickies anywhere his lips can find, your neck, your chest, and one of his hands leaves your body to help you spread your legs, palm finding your thigh and pushing. “that’s it, be a good girl for suguru, 'kay?” he pants and doesn’t waste a minute to latch his lips back into your body. sugurus fingers find your pussy and god you swear you’ve never felt any pleasure like it. they run down your slit to collect your slick, then he proceeds to find your clit and rub tight, sticky circles on it. the sounds of him rubbing your pussy is obcene, an audible schlick filling the room each time he circles your clit. "yesyes- god, you feel so good-" you moan, you're not sure if it's the years of unresolved tension between the three of you but every part of you feels on fire, and you feel the best you ever have in your damn life. "yeah, that's it, good girl. bet this little clits been so neglected, huh? bet your ex never knew how to pleasure this pretty pussy, right?" he all but moans, and you nodding and repeating yesyesyes and suguru resolves that this isn't enough, and that he needs to dip his finger into you and feel just how tight you little cunt is. you feel them both move in tandem, and its as if they're communicating telepathically, because as soon as sugurus fingers leave your clit satorus replace them, not leaving you without pleasure for even a second. you feel one of sugurus thick finger prod at your entrance and your begging for him to just put it in. you arch into satoru as you feel sugurus finger fill you up, and oh my god his fingers feel so much better than yours, longer and thicker, and you begin letting out small moans and he slowly thrusts it up into you, and he curling it, as if he's searching for something and-
"oh fuuuuck!" you moan, as sugurus fingers find that spongy spot inside you. "found it." he chuckles, and then proceeds to enter a second finger. he speeds up, finger fucking your tight cunt and hitting that spot over and over and over again. "there you go, pretty girl, that's it, just like that" satoru groans and god he swears he's never seen a prettier sight. you, with your lips swollen from his kiss, you neck and chest now blooming with both his and sugurus hickies, your tits shiny with his spit, your back arched into his chest and your pussy drooling over his and sugurus fingers. "oh fuck! sugur- suguru I'm gonna-!" you squeal, sugurus unrelenting finger ramming into your g-spot so good and satorus fingers rubbing firm circles on your clit. "let go princess, cum all over my fingers." and you do, letting out the most pornographic moan you ever have in your entire life. sugurus fingers slow down and let you rid out your orgasm, and satoru pulls away from your sticky clit. you fall back against sugurus chest, as he coos into your ear, whispering sweet nothings.
as your breaths finally begin to even out, sugurus hand is grabbing your chin and pulling your face to meet his in a sloppy kiss, and you grind down on his lap and the bulge in his sweats, and then your hand creeps forwards to palm satoru through his shorts. "shit, pretty girl, not enough for you yet?" satoru coos, thrusting into your hand. "no- no not enough, 'toru. need you in me too" satorus hands that were planted at your waist being to trail down, when you grab his wrist. "need you cock, 'toru, please?" you coo and he swears you know what you're doing because he's never been harder in his life. your letting them manhandle you, taking off their shirts in the process and you start drooling at the sight of their abs, thick biceps and strong back muscles. you’re on your hand and knees, facing suguru with your ass pressed against satorus boxers, and he's teasing you by letting you feel him only through the thin fabric. you fumble with sugurus sweats and boxers, and you pull out his cock and his bigger and thicker than you'd imagined. "sure you can take it, love? bet it's so much bigger than your ex's, huh?" suguru asks teasingly with a smirk, that’s promptly wiped off when you press light kisses to his weeping tip. "god, princess. need your mouth on me" and you don't even hesitate, despite his size, and you’re swallowing him down as deep as you can. satorus cock is now freed from his boxers and is teasing your clit with his tip, sliding it up and down your sloppy cunt. "shit, you look so pretty, even from behind, angel" satoru coos and he lines up his cock with your pussy. "y'ready for me, pretty?" but he doesn't even give you time to answer before he pushes into your tight pussy to the hilt, and lets out the sluttiest whine you've ever heard from a man. "shiiiitttt- god- you're so- ah! dont clench like that- fuck-" he strains out "god you're so tight" he hisses, and sugurus not fairing much better as he feels you hum around his cock, because you're so messy with it, licking and sucking and spitting and chocking. "godd- sloppy girl, huh?" suguru breaths and you smile up at him as best you can with your mouth full of cock.
"fuck, I've wanted this for so long, angel." satoru moans as his thrusts speed up and his hips angle to meet you sweet spot. "can't believe you- shit- gave that asshole this sweet cunt of yours. bet it didn't feel as good as this though, yeah? bet he wasn't hitting that sweet spot of yours over and over again, huh sweetheart?" he emphasises with two hard thrusts, and his arm snakes around your body as his fingers find purchase on your clit again. you pop off of sugrus cock for a breather. "yesyesyesyes! n'vr made me feel as good as you do 'toru!" is all you can manage before you're taking sugurus cock back into your mouth and sucking hard. your thighs start twitching and your pussy spasms and clenches and satoru knows you're about to cum. "aw, 'bout to cum on my cock, pretty girl? c'mon, give it to me. wan' it so bad, baby, be a good girl and cum for me, yeah?" sugurus groans alongside satorus dirty words are almost enough to tip you over the edge, and suguru seals the deal with how filthy his tone is, "god, didn't know you were so good at sucking cock, jesus. know how to use that mouth of yours, huh princess?" and your moaning and slobbering on his cock "go on, love, cum all over 'toru’s big cock, feels so good, hm?" and your gone, pulling off sugrus dick to let out the whiniest, most desperate moan of the evening as you convulse around satorus cock. "fuck yeah, that's it, pretty. been wanting to make you cum on this dick for so long." and his thrusts get rapid as he nears his own high, and you latch onto sugrurs cock again, determined to get him to finish soon too. "w-where d'ya want it, angel?" satoru whines, his thursts now sloppy and frantic, the lewd pap! pap! pap! of his now cum slicked balls slapping against your ass. "want it inside, 'toru, please-" before the words even leave your mouth he's cumming, and its a lot. he's never came so hard in his life. it was all too hot, watching you slobber and choke all over sugrus cock as you grinded back onto his own dick to meet his thrusts. you shiver and convulse as you feel his warm, thick load fill you up, moaning on sugurus cock. suguru want too far behind, those moans being the tipping point as he grabs onto you hair and cums down your throat, and he swears he cums a little more when he watches you swallow without hesitation. you pop off his cock and practically collapse into the couch, all three of you huffing to catch your breaths after the most mind-numbing orgasms of your life.
"shit, that was the hardest i’ve ever came in my life" you breathe out, and they both can't help but agree with you. suguru slides down the couch and pulls you into his chest, as satoru gets up from the couch to clean you up with a warm towel, but not before admiring the way his cum seeps out of your cunt. you're absolutely spent and the next minutes are a blur as you recover and they dress you again in their clothes. you feel satorus expensive mattress beneath you and his (equally as expensive) soft sheets wrap around your body. you’re the pulled into one of their chests (you were too delirious to clock whos) as the other nuzzles their face into the fack of your neck, arms wrapping around you from behind.
"princess?" you hear from above you (so it was sugurus chest). you hum in response, too tired to respond with words. "this wasn't just a quick fuck for us, you know that right?” and you smile into his chest because you know what he means, and he’s cleared all the doubts from your mind before they could even begin to properly form. you simply hum again and you feel satoru smile against the skin of your neck. as you blissfully drfited off into sleep, you're phone was busy buzzing on the couch, desperate texts from a number that would soon be blocked, and satoru could finally keep your contact as ‘pretty girl’ without you fearing that you’re shitty ex would care.
jesus christ im pretty sure that took like, five hours without editing LMAO. they say go big or go home I guess! also i need to get proper dividers but i don’t have any yet and it’s literally midnight where i am right now so i cba to get them!!! this post will be made prettier in the future when i get my bearing around actually posting in a tumblr blog instead of just reading other peoples 😭😭😭
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lilibrownlabonita · 2 years
Nicotine-Xavier Thorpe x reader
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Summary: Nicotine tastes bitter, is addictive and very toxic, just like Xavier Thorpe.
Warning: Smut, daddy kink, yandere, bondage, p in v, and also a little angst.
Rating: +18
Work count: 7,900 k
A/n: This content is for adults, whenever there is * it means that clicking on a link adult content will open.
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Those doe eyes were on you again, stalking and watching your every move, it wasn't curiosity or disdain, it was desire.
It didn't matter where you were, Xavier thorpe would be there too, it was funny at first, he would look in your direction and you would smile at him kindly, hoping to get a good conversation going, but it never happened, he never left the place he was standing to talk to you or introduce himself.
Your roommate Enid, heard Ajax say that Xavier had a dark side, and the curiosity filled your body, to the point that it disturbed your sleep every night, because the only thing that was on your mind was the doubt of what he was hiding, you wanted to discover the more sinister side of Xavier thorpe.
Convinced to unveil all of Xavier's facets, at three o'clock in the morning you left for the shed, where you found many drawings, and some of them called more attention, these drawings were about you, in several positions with and without clothes, but one in specific would never leave your mind, it was a painting where your legs were tied so that they were open and both hands were bound by handcuffs.
A noise startles you and you quickly hide behind some painting, sounds of footsteps get louder and closer, internally a small prayer goes through your head, "please don't let it be him" you think.
"How did you get in here?."
Your voice is a little hoarse, but you can still recognize the owner of it, Xavier was angry.
"This is the last time I will ask, how did you get in here?."
Without the courage to answer, fear and cowardice flood his body, what was he going to do?
"All right, let's pretend I don't know you're there, y/n."
Shit, he knows it's you.
"I'm going to count to three, and you can hide somewhere else."
Damn it.
You slowly crawl under a small bed, while his eyes are closed.
His hand covers his mouth, hoping to cover any sounds coming from his desperation.
"I'm not going to hurt you, I just don't understand why and how you got in here, if you tell me I will let you go."
Her body refuses to move.
"All right then."
With steady steps Xavier comes toward you, he crouches down and wraps his hand around your leg pulling you away from the bed. Even as you struggled the weight of his body held you down.
"So, pretty girl, did you like my drawings?"
"Xavier, I just wanted to talk to you."
"Bullshit, why would you talk to me at this hour, how did you get in?"
Defeated, you admit to finding a spare key hidden near the shed.
"Clever girl, but it's not nice to pry into other people's things, did you like the drawings?"
"I think so yes"
"Do you want me to make you look the same as you are in that painting?"
Xavier says as he looks at the painting where you were tied up, his gaze returns to you, he smiles, waiting for your response.
"Xavier, I need to get back to Nevermore."
"I doubt they will miss us, it is still four twenty-six in the morning, and you have not answered my question, yes or no, pretty girl?."
Silence fills the whole place, the smile on Xavier's face falls, and you catch a small glimpse of his watery eyes.
"Why not, don't you find me attractive?"
"Xavier, I don't mean to be rude, but it would be weird to fuck someone who does erotic paintings of me"
"Alright, you win, but can I at least explain myself?"
Nodding his head yes, he starts to explain himself, even if he has no justification for this whole situation, but still, a part of you like this whole mess, it's not every day you have an admirer as erotic as Xavier.
"I tried, several times, to talk to you, but there was always someone around taking your attention away from me, or I gave up thinking it would be weird to talk to the guy who stares at you all the time. And the paintings , I spend a lot of time here and sometimes my mind takes me to strange places, and you are the only thing that distracts me, so I spend my time thinking about you and painting your body on canvas."
Once again silence settles in the shed, Xavier admitted that he was attracted to you, but what would be you reaction to that?
"What do you want from me?"
"I want a kiss, pretty girl"
A part of you wanted to kiss him too, but the other part was screaming that this was crazy, it's not normal to kiss the guy who stalks you and draws you naked.
"You don't have to if you don't want to"
He makes it sound like it's his choice, but deep down you both know it's not, he could easily steal a kiss from you, or not, that's his choice. Now you are sure of two thing, it was a bad choice to be here, and surely trying to get to know the dark side of Xavier Thorpe was not a good idea.
It was now almost five in the morning, Xavier was on top of you, kissing your lips desperately, while one hand grabbed your wrists the other hand slid into your panties, two fingers wet themselves with your wetness and began to fuck your pussy.
In, out, in, out, slowly you began to feel a tingling in your pussy grow, it was delicious to feel their fingers in you.
"Are you going to cum, girl?"
Desperately nodding yes, lightly your legs begin to tremble, your cum spreads over Xavier's fingers and you watch him grunt as you take them into your mouth to suck on.
Stretching to reach a box that was beside the small bed, he pulls out a handcuff and two large ropes, it's as if he had planned this from the beginning, but there's no way he could have planned this situation, is there?
Pulling you out of your thoughts, he whispers.
"Don't be afraid."
It was now twenty past six in the morning, your legs were tied to the bed separately keeping them spread, the wrists were cuffed and bound to the headboard, her wet pussy was *being sucked by Xavier who seemed hungry, his tongue alternating between circling clit and thrusting into her pussy as deep as possible.
With a mischievous grin, he stops and pulls away before her second orgasm, positions himself between your legs,*and sucks on breasts leaving some hickey marks on them.
"You can't imagine how much I've waited for this, how long I've thought about fucking you like this, especially when you wear those shorts to bed, I tried to control myself but I couldn't, confess I went to your room to watch you sleep."
You feel revulsion, but your pussy gets even wetter, the moment stop suckling your breasts he kisses you again.
His eyes are fixed on your face as he grabs *his cock and rubs it against your pussy in back and forth motions, he smiles as he sees that your eyebrows are frowning, and tired of teasing you he shoves the tip of his cock in.
"Ask nicely, pretty girl"
"Please, Xavier"
"No, say 'please, Daddy'."
Feeling his cock enter you a little more, your impulsive brain responds for you.
"Please daddy, fuck me"
With a strong thrust, Xavier enters you completely, his strokes are fast and a little aggressive, moans and the sounds of skin slapping against skin are the only noises in the room.
"Good girl, you are such a smart girl, such a good girl, so hot and wet, I want to fuck you forever, do you want that?"
As if your life depended on it, you nod yes repeatedly, your body is engulfed in a wave pleasure, rationality and logic gone, leaving only Xavier fucking you on a small bed with his hand wrapped around your neck.
"Fuck girl, your pussy is crushing me, want more don't you?, so greedy!"
As tears form in your eyes, unable to think of anything other than Xavier's cock inside your pussy, you are so full of cock, it is almost unbearable all this horniness and pleasure, but if it to end you feel you might die.
"Dumb girl, so dumb, you like having a big stick in you, don't you?, and can't even think straight, can you count what two plus two is?, I bet it doesn't."
He was right, your dumb mind couldn't do even the simplest math. Looking down, you notice a bulge in your belly appearing whenever Xavier thrusts deep inside you, this is enough to make you feel that tingle grow, and the moans become more needy,*while his cock goes in and out the wet dirty sound makes you crazy .
"That's it baby, I'm going to cum, you want that don't you. You want me to come inside your pussy, say yes please baby."
Without answering the only thing you do is moan louder, tears start to flow from your eyes as his cock hits that sponge place inside you, giving slaps in your ass and thigh, with groggy voice, he starts whispering in your ear.
"God, I love you so much, you look so beautiful when you cry, I'm going to cum in your pussy, I'm going to give her what she wants."
The strokes are clumsy, Xavier was almost delirious with pleasure,*with a grunt and gripping your hip tightly he pours his load as deep inside you as possible. Your body will have many bruises on your legs, wrists, groin and hip to cover tomorrow.
"I could leave you like this, so beautifully tied up and filled with my cum."
Too frank to answer, feeling your eyes too heavy now, you allow yourself to rest.
It was late now, you didn't have an exact time, but judging by the darkness coming through the window you deduced it was very late, Xavier was beside you sleeping peacefully, he had let go of your body completely, slowly and quietly you got up and searched for your clothes, the pain in your body hindered your progress, but the fear of him waking up and seeing you "running away" motivated you to get out as quickly as possible.
You weren't afraid of him, you were afraid to accept that you had sex with the guy who liked to paint you naked and watch you sleep, you were afraid to admit that you enjoyed every moment of it.
The other day after a shower and a good sleep, in break, feeling that look again, you looked back, Xavier was hurt by your leaving the shed while he slept, and as you both stared at each other, you were sure that this would not be the last time together, he was not a healthy person, Xavier was toxic, bitter and addictive, he was your nicotine, and you wanted more.
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oniikabuto · 1 year
hiii! could i request some eric cartman and Jimmy head canons with a super motherly reader? i love ur writing
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synopsis: reader is such a mom friend,,......
characters: eric cartman, jimmy valmer
a/n: oh man i am not a mom friend i hope i did u justice
notes: gender neutral reader who acts kinda sweet and motherly but also a lil protective 😭
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— ⛧ e. cartman
he talks a lot. all the time. about everything.
and you listen patiently about everything
he chatters on and on
and you're always listening about his shenanigans
"you did what? that isn't safe, eric!"
once you found out he didn't know how to do math
like at ALL
you helped him, to his disdain
"no, don't you get it? i can just copy tolkien's papers!"
"well, what're you gonna do if tolkien isn't in your class anymore? or if they put you in the front of the classroom? here, i'll show you."
patiently explaining polynomials over and over, never getting short with him
it goes over his head
but he just enjoys being in the library with you tbh
also the way you keep snacks in your backpack and let him go through it
he loves you, man
and he loves his cheesy poofs
"y/n, i'm hungry!"
"smallest pocket on the outside of my backpack", you say, not looking up from your homework.
"fuck yeah."
"don't say that"
"fuck yeah!"
he's so vulgar. like yeah you swear sometimes when it matters but like?? in public?? all the time???
you've learned to read his face
whenever you feel he might say something stupid in class, you look over at him and give him a disapproving face
he glances over, looks away,
its so hard for him but he doesnt say it. he cant just look at your face and then blurt it out...
the whole class silently thanks you for that
keeping cartman tame is like. the best thing anyone could ask for
he loves you so mucj
— ⛧ j. valmer
you're always the first person he goes to when he wants to tell a new joke.
he pulls out a list and reads them out
and you laugh at all of them!
it makes him so so happy to have you listen to them
even if some of the jokes are really really stupid
you always walk him to his classes and wait by his locker after the bell rings so that you can walk to the bus with him
he lost his pencil again?? no problem
you pull out a perfectly sharpened one with a brand-new eraser.
you're such a lifesaver
whenever he gets a papercut, you've got a band aid in the blink of an eye.
sometimes he likes to text you in the middle of the night about random shit like
j: y/n
j: guess what i just found out?
j: the "why did the chicken cross the road" joke is like... the chicken died. the "other side" is heaven
you: jim it's like two in the morning
you: go to sleep, you're going to have to get up early tomorrow. plus we have a quiz in history
you: goodnight jimmy sleep well!
genuinely worries you when he's up at ass o'clock in the morning like??? are you okay???
he assures you it's no big deal but you still want to make sure he's getting enough sleep ofc
he really loves the way you take such good care of him though
like??? the way you'll give up your jacket in the slushy chunks of snow when the bus is late and he starts shivering
and how you always have a phone charger in your backpack for him
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My Boss: Chapter 7
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Chapter Summary: Joel let's everyone know of a surprise weekend off. Y/N gets more than she bargained for in the shed and a promise for later in the evening.
Joel Miller x f!reader. Smut warning.
Your arm laid across the spot in the bed where Joel had been. It was past midnight and you couldn't sleep. The countless what-ifs danced around in your twenty-two year old mind like flames on a candle. With each thought, the heat grew stronger until you quite literally felt like your head would explode.
What would the morning meeting be like? Unless Joel paired you together again you would have anxiety, even though he always bounced around from place to place and never paired with you more often than anyone else.
You chewed several of the fingernails on your right hand down so far they were starting to hurt. When you turned on your side to try to get some sleep, all you could envision was Joel laying there beside you. His hand on your face, eyes fixed on yours, foot tucked between your beneath the covers
I'm not getting any sleep tonight, you concluded.
Your heart pounded. Beside you, your friends Molly and Viv chatted without a care in the world like they did every morning at the pavilion. Would you tell them? You weren't sure yet.
The clock neared seven o'clock and Joel hadn't arrived yet. He was always early and ready to go. What was different about this morning? Why wasn't he here yet?
"Any idea where Joel is?" You finally asked Molly beside you when you couldn't take it anymore.
"Maybe we'll all get the day off," she joked with a shrug.
"If we do I'm hitting that bar down the road," Viv added. "There was a sign up last month with the happy hour prices." She wiggled her eyebrows and you finally managed a genuine chuckle. It made you realize how bad you needed girl time.
"Hey, hey," a friendly, familiar voice filled the room and every hair on the back of your neck stood up. Joel. You almost couldn't hide your physical reaction to seeing him. Your stomach did a flip and you squeezed your legs together under the picnic table where you sat.
In place of his friendly tone you imagined the raspy, dirty nothings he whispered into your ear and against your lips the night before. It was a vast contrast to the way he addressed the group now, flashing boxes of Dunkin Donuts as Angela, his assistant, toted two boxes of Joe. For the first time you felt a spark of jealousy when the two of them entered together.
"What's going on?" Evan, another coworker, asked from the table over.
"I forgot to mention," Joel brushed his hair back and placed one foot up on the bench at the table in front. His eyes landed on yours and for a second or two he paused.
Angela cleared her throat at his seemingly unnatural pause and Joel snapped out of the momentary daze and continued on.
"Todays guests are expected to be checked out by ten." He gently put his hands together and leaned his elbow on the knee that was perched up. "So after we clean out all the family cabins you'll have the rest of the day off."
"No shit?" Evan asked.
Joel smirked and nodded. "No shit."
The group cheered and high-fived at the last minute time off.
"Oh, and.." Joel looked back to Angela who gave the second wave of good news as she removed a sprinkle donut from the box.
"You also get Saturday and Sunday off.. aside from some minor touch up cleaning."
"I called it!" Viv exclaimed when everyone grew excited again.
"No, I did," Molly argued.
"Come get some donuts and coffee," Joel urged. "Then we'll make sure our guests had a good time before taking a much needed mid-summer break on this eighty degrees and sunny afternoon."
You were thrilled about the little break, but it didn't compare to all you had been feeling since bedding your boss. When you rose to your feet and trailed your friends to the donut table, you saw Joel glance at you from your peripheral vision.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. You didn't know how to address him or approach him. But, damn, he looked so good in his baseball hat, snug T-shirt and shorts. Even his mid-calf "dad socks" were doing something for you a little extra that morning.
You took a bite out of a glazed donut and finally found the courage to glance in Joel's direction, half expecting him to turn away but he didn't.
"Are we allowed to leave for the night?" Viv asked. "Or like a few hours."
"You can do whatever you want once the bunks are clean," Joel explained. "How about if we decide to be ready to prep for Monday at one o'clock Sunday afternoon. Between now and then you're all free to do what you want." His eyes met yours again, "You're all adults."
That was definitely a double-meaning. Joel still wanted you, and in the moment that's all you needed to know.
"Would it make sense for all of us to kind of just clean up the stations we were responsible for yesterday?" Molly asked. "Like Jim and I did the painting station. We could put away the paints, wipe down the countertops, whatever else."
A lightbulb went off in Joel's head and he smiled, motioning to Molly. "Great idea."
"I guess that leaves (Y/N) stuck with the boss again," Joel teased, motioning to you.
"Oo ouch, my bad," Molly said with a laugh.
You smiled and looked down sheepishly and then back up.
"I think you need a second donut for that," Angela chimed in, sliding a jelly in your direction.
"Oh come on, I'm not that bad," Joel grinned and flashed you the subtlest of winks. A harsh blush formed on your cheeks and you smiled.
"Better than most," you added awkwardly to the conversation.
Joel's face twisted in amusement as he looked at you more playfully now. "Than most?"
"Okay, all." What were you two talking about? His management abilities or how amazing he was in bed?
"Don't feed his ego," Angela joked again, sipping on a coffee.
"Alright, alright," Joel waved his hands casually, still smiling, "Eat up and then get to work."
"You want to go to Stubby's later with us?" Viv asked eagerly. "That's the happy hour place."
Joel leaned an extra attentive ear to the conversation. You could tell he had been about to walk out but stopped to see what your answer would be.
"Probably." You nodded and left it at that. You didn't want to make any official commitments one way or another. Any other day of the week would have been an automatic yes. Today, however, you were ready to drop everything if it meant another encounter with Joel.
The answer was enough to satisfy your friends and everyone made their way to tend to their own duties.
When Joel didn't immediately follow you down to the shed at the lake you felt a giant wave of disappointment. Every single thought as you wiped down the kayaks included your boss in some way. It was hard to keep him from your mind when a soreness lingered between your legs, a reminder of all that transpired the night before. The ache made you want him that much more.
You sighed to yourself and blew a piece of hair to the side that had snuck out of your ponytail and hung in your face. The shed was sticky from the dense summer heat and you felt the first lair of sweat begin to glisten along your arms as you leaned forward and continued to clean out the vessels.
When a pair of hands touched down gently on your hips from behind you let out a scream. Immediately, you relaxed when you recognized Joel's shushing sound, that he hissed out with a laugh.
"Shh," he put his lips to your ear from behind. "You'll draw everyone down here, and I'm not supposed to be fraternizing with the staff."
You smiled wide and your body burned with desire. It was the immediate reaction to his touch. You slowly spun around to face him and draped your arms around the back of his neck.
"I won't tell," you said quietly, encouraging the kiss Joel had already begun to initiate before the words left your mouth.
It was feral the way you indulged in each other. Everything felt so explosive and exciting. You had never felt this way when kissing anyone else. Making out with Joel secretly like the hottest thing to ever happen to you - aside from the mind blowing sex the night before.
"Am I just better than most?" Joel teased, though you sensed there was something genuine about the question.
He pushed up at your work t-shirt with the name of the campground printed in the corner and exposed one of your breasts so he could take your nipple into his mouth.
You cupped the back of his head and moaned quietly before giving an answer. "The best I've ever had."
"You're just saying that," he choked out in between the gentle flicks of his tongue as his lips tightened around the center of your breast.
"Mmm.. I mean it." You let out a loud sigh when he stopped, but your eyes pressed shut when he kissed you hard again. "No one.. has ever given me.. an orgasm.." you managed to tell him honestly, "Until last night."
You felt Joel smile against your lips and you made out some more. His cock pushed against the front of his shorts and you decided to take the lead this time and make a move.
When you pushed back, breaking the kiss, Joel opened his eyes and his eyebrows pressed together in confusion. A second later you crouched down in front of him and undid the buckle on his belt. You had been dying to do this for some time.
Joel visibly swallowed hard and he began to toy with your hair as you undid his pants and shoved them down to his ankles along with his boxers. Your eyes hit him from your place on dirt ground before you took his thick manhood in your mouth for the first time.
He moaned the second he felt the warmth of your oral cavity engulf him. It was already a challenge. His girth alone left you with a concern for lockjaw as you explored every inch of him fully.
Watching him immediately twitch and squirm with pleasure left your panties saturated again. Joel whispered your name amidst the pumping of your hand against him and the attempts you made to deep throat his thick shaft.
Joel leaned back against the wall, spreading his feet a bit wider and gripped a fistful of your ponytail. "That's it, baby girl," he choked out.
Baby girl. Oh, this man did something new to you every day. You wanted nothing more than to be Joel's baby girl. You'd be his anything.
Your jaw was already feeling tight in the corners but you didn't stop. He was a challenge to get down your throat but you knew what you were doing was effective from Joel's reactions.
"Can I cum in your mouth?" He whispered, beginning to thrust his hips forward.
You nodded, not stopping as a tear squeaked out of the duct of your eye. His cock was a lot to take in and now that he thrusted into your mouth you were struggling - willingly at that.
"I'm gunna cum," Joel warned.
It wasn't longer than a second or two later that his body tensed and he held you firmly by the back of the head. You closed your eyes and felt the warm, sticky liquid coat your throat and alert your taste buds to the taste of saline as Joel shot his load into your mouth.
He grunted and groaned, saying your name in the midst of it all again, and impaling you in the process as he finished himself off completely.
You finally managed a breath as Joel's heavy member fell from your mouth and back safely into his own hand.
"Fuck," he breathed out the word and stroked himself once or twice to alleviate a final drop before pulling his shorts back up.
You rose to your feet, thumbing your swollen bottom lip and swallowed what was left in your mouth.
Joel leaned back against the wall again and reached a hand out to dry the area beneath your eyes. He tipped him mouth up to smile partway. "Was I too rough?"
You wanted to smile but you were too caught up in your own lust to smile. "No," you answered honestly. The tiniest grin managed to creep onto your face and Joel rested a hand on your cheek again.
"You going out to that bar later?" He asked, point blank.
His eyes owned you. *He* owned you.
"No," you said to him, hoping that was what he wanted to hear.
Joel smirked again and continued to let his thumb dance in circles beneath your eye. "I think I owe you one after this," he claimed, "Or more than one."
You wanted one.. or more than one. All in all, you just wanted to breathe the same air as Joel Miller. Where ever he was going that night was where you wanted to be.
"I'm free," you informed him, closing the gap even more between you.
Joel hooked his fingers in the belt loops on your jean shorts and pulled you all the way to him. He kissed you once on the lips.
"Go to cabin thirteen once everyone leaves," he said quietly against your lips. "I'll send you a text."
"Okay," you obeyed. Your hands rested on his broad chest and he still had his fingers hooked on your shorts.
Joel's eyes studied yours and you couldn't help but kiss him again. This was everything you had wanted for so long; but, fuck, you were already caught up.
His eyes lifted toward a small window, and you looked over your shoulder at someone coming through the path.
You pushed away from him and grabbed the rag you had been using to clean the kayak before scuttling to the opposite side of the shed.
Evan wandered in momentarily and motioned to Joel, who fumbled with his walkie talkie.
"Hey boss, uh, Angela was trying to call you on the radio but you didn't answer so she sent me down here to get you. A few families want to rebook for the same week next summer and she just needs your help with that."
"Damn thing." Joel slapped the radio against his thigh and turned the knob. He then spoke into the receiver, letting Angela know he'd be on his way to lend a hand.
"Coming out with us later, (Y/N)?" Evan asked. "First beer's on me."
Joel looked in your direction. Was there a twinge of jealousy in his eyes?
"No fraternizing with the staff," he playfully scolded Evan.
"Oh, never. Never." Evan chuckled and you told him you had a headache but would think about it. That satisfied Joel to the point of smirking to himself.
"You okay to handle this job on your own?" He asked you.
"I can handle it." You nodded and wiped your mouth again as Evan made his alway outside. The fact that he had no idea what you and Joel had just done just minutes before made you all the more hot and bothered.
Joel gave a wink and then headed out of the shed like nothing happened. This left you alone again with just your thoughts and a pair of wet panties.
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yoontteokki · 2 years
Hi, can you write something about Sope where Hoseok secretly over feeds Yoongi and he notices only when he is all squishy and chubby how much he gained? :(
how exciting, my first request! i hope i do this idea justice because it's just so adorable <3
♡ blissfully unaware ♡
It starts innocently enough with a pair of shorts.
Yoongi stands in front of the mirror, defeated. He's just spent nearly five minutes trying to wiggle his way into the old pair of black gym shorts, and now that they're finally over his thighs and around his hips, they're so tight that he's afraid to twist his body in case they tear. Huh. He cautiously turns around to examine what they look like from the back and frowns. They're tiny on him, and they're only a size medium. They were even a little loose on him when he'd first bought them. Come to think about it, this shirt feels a little snug on him too, even though he'd purposefully bought an oversized one. Yoongi sighs and tugs on the drawstrings of his shorts. He should really teach Hoseok how to use their dryer properly, because it seems like he's been fucking his clothes up ever since he started helping with the laundry.
He forgets about his shrunken clothes dilemma pretty quickly when lunch rolls around. Hoseok's left him a bento box and a few snacks to keep him going until he gets home - a fluffy helping of egg-fried rice, neatly cut strips of katsu chicken and a dozen or so sashimi rolls are waiting for him when he opens the box, as well as a packet of potato chips and a blueberry muffin, one of the huge ones they typically pick up from Costco. Yoongi loves those. He wastes no time busting out a pair of chopsticks and the TV remote, flicking over to Netflix to watch some Ace Attorney as he tucks in.
It honestly shocks him how quickly he polishes everything off. He had breakfast no more than two hours ago, yet when he shakes the last of the potato chips into his mouth, he doesn't feel full at all. He palms his stomach a little as he lies back on the couch. It's a little firm, and - oh.
Yoongi's eyes practically pop out of his head when he looks down. His stomach is big. Like, really big. His shirt has rode all the way up, exposing a smooth, pale tummy that he'd been blissfully unaware of until now. His cheeks instantly flare with heat, and suddenly he feels stupid. When the hell did that happen? How didn't he notice? It's no wonder his clothes feel so tight. He's grown out of them completely. He hoists himself up as quickly as he can and waddles to the bedroom to further investigate in the mirror. As it turns out, it's not just his eyes playing tricks on him. He really does look chubbier.
Every part of his body looks softer when he inspects himself in the mirror. There's obviously his stomach, but besides that his thighs look doughy and thick, and his cheeks are a lot chubbier than they used to be. He's always had somewhat round cheeks, but never like this. Yoongi has to double check when he looks down and catches a hint of a double chin. God, what is Hoseok going to think? Surely he's noticed by now. Why didn't he say anything? Shit, why didn't Yoongi notice he was outgrowing his own clothes? This is noticeable weight gain, not just a few extra pounds he can shift with one trip to the gym. Not that he was going much in the first place, but the point still stands.
Just as he's despairing over whether or not to confront Hoseok about this, he hears keys turning, and a second later the front door clicks open.
"Yoonie, baby?" Hoseok's voice rings out. "You home?"
How is he home already? Yoongi glances over at his alarm clock and gulps when he sees it's nearly four o'clock. How late did he sleep in this morning? Fuck, he feels like he's losing his mind.
"Yoongi hyung?"
"In the bedroom!" Yoongi calls out, his voice unnaturally high. Before he can pull his shirt down to hide his bloated stomach, Hoseok comes bounding in, arms outstretched.
"Hey, baby," He coos, sweeping Yoongi up into a hug. He presses a kiss to Yoongi's soft cheek. "Missed you today. What've you been up to?"
He can't think of a response good enough to deflect from the fact he's currently panicking. Hoseok seems to pick up on this, because his face instantly drops.
"Is everything okay? What's wrong?"
"Um, nothing, I'm alright," Yoongi stutters out. He pats his stomach affirmatively and decides that keeping this to himself isn't doing anyone any favours. "Actually, I - um. This is really embarrassing."
Hoseok gently guides Yoongi over to their bed and motions for him to sit. Coaxingly, he strokes his back and lets Yoongi melt into his touch. "Hey, whatever it is you can tell me. That's what I'm here for, yeah? You don't have to be embarrassed about anything."
Yoongi nods and bites his bottom lip. He guesses his boyfriend is right.
"It's just, um, my clothes have felt a little tight recently." Hoseok instantly blushes. "I just assumed you'd accidentally shrunk them in the dryer or something, but I was eating lunch today and I realised that, uh. I've gotten pretty chubby." He lowers his voice and looks Hoseok in the eye. "It's a lot of weight, Hoba. There's no way you haven't noticed."
Hoseok swallows thickly. For a minute, Yoongi prepares himself for the worst. Hoseok is a dance instructor and has always been disappointed when Yoongi hasn't joined him on his quarterly fitness kicks, so he's sort of expecting him to lecture him about the importance of a balanced diet and exercise and give him an ultimatum about getting into shape or kissing their relationship goodbye. But he's pleasantly surprised when Hoseok's hand drifts down to the curve of his stomach and starts to stroke it softly, smiling. It's squishy and pillowy now, much different to how it felt before. It even jiggles under Hoseok's fingers.
"Ah, so we're talking about this today." Hoseok removes his hand and shuffles a little closer towards Yoongi. "I don't want you to be embarrassed about your weight, Yoonie. I love you no matter how big or small you are. Your weight has absolutely no bearing on that. But I do think you look extra cute like this, just for the record."
"You- what? Really?"
Hoseok nods. "Yeah, baby. You look adorable. So soft and sweet and well cared for." He plays with Yoongi's belly again, this time with both hands, and remarkably, Yoongi finds himself loving the way his hands feel on his belly. "Like a little cherub. But I definitely owe it to you to let you know that I, uh, sort of have a big part to play in this."
Yoongi quirks an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
Hoseok presses his lips into a thin line, hesitating for a moment. "You remember when I began teaching more classes and started leaving you lunches, yeah?" Yoongi nods. "Well, a few months ago I woke up super early to make your bento box and I wasn't thinking straight, and I packed like double the amount of food into there than usual. I swear that one time was accidental, but you ate everything anyway. I really loved seeing you so well fed, Yoonie, so I just... kept feeding you more, I guess. You seemed to love it. You do enjoy the food, right?"
"Of course I do," Yoongi assures him.
"If you don't like it, we can diet together and you can tag along with me to the gym, I won't blame you," Hoseok says hastily.
"No, no, Hoseokie. Stop right there." Hoseok instantly shuts up. "I... I actually kind of like it. I love to eat. This new weight might take a lot of getting used to, but I don't really want to lose it. There's no way you're dragging me to a gym, anyway."
Hoseok laughs delightedly and presses a kiss to Yoongi's lips. "I'm so glad to hear that, babe. I brought home takeout from that Thai place down the street you like. I saw your empty bento box in the kitchen, so if you're full and don't want any, I can save you some for tomorrow-"
"Shut up and get me some chopsticks."
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anaid-queen · 10 months
My Man Is a Mean Man (Loustat playlist thoughts)
ok but how, genuinely HOW is there no Loustat fanvid set to My Man Is a Mean Man yet.
it's literally so perfect
i mean
"I swear to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth." <- opening line already perfect for the 2022 (or beyond) setting, no notes
"Loving him ain't easy, he's bad bad news, yeah." (need i really say more)
"Mama said 'Use your head, you don't need him. Look at all the shit he put you through.' Papa curses, 'Babygirl if you don't leave him, there's nothing I can do for you, there's nothing I can do.'" sure you'd have to swap the family members around a bit, but come on. don't tell me it wouldn't work.
"He's a mean man, but he's my man. My man alone." [followed by variations thereof] <- self-explanatory
"He likes to mess around. He's always in the mess." you can't tell me there aren't a million clips for this
"He likes to have a drink or two before he gets down to rest, yeah." he sure does... (again, clipfinding shouldn't be hard)
"Knock knock, 6 o'clock in the morning, 'Baby I've been missing you.'" <;- we're all thinking the same scene. (and the best thing is - it probably was smth like 6AM, even though for quite different reasons :'D)
"He comes and goes without a warning, doing what he do." now this could be utilized in two different ways - either Lestat's mystique early in their relationship, or his solo hunting later. (or, of course, Antoinette, but personally I wouldn't bring her up more than necessary)
[refrain repeated]
"He lies and he cheats, he loves and he leaves, but that's just the way it goes." aaand we're at the necessary bit :'D he can lie to and cheat other humans, but at least one brief shot with Antoinette just belongs here
"But I do what I can, and I stand by my man. I think he loves me. I think he knows..." &lt;;- so much joy derived from these lines alone. every instance of Louis defending Lestat! of defying society with him!! and of course, the love... always the love. and i think he knows (i love him to). gonna WEEP
[refrain repeated, but with overlayed chorus] "He's a mean man, but he's my man. My man alone. (And he knows that.)" this is said in such a sensual, self-assured manner, i will never get over it ever. literally just,,, smug.png . give me smugly self-assured Louis utterly sure in his relationship (and the knowledge he's got Lestat wrapped around his damn pinkie) declaring that Lestat is his, and he knows it. like he's in charge. (which, lbr, he totally is. he just needs to realize it. and he could!!)
and that's the bliss this song is about <3
it's like, take the (MUCH) more affectionate memories/retelling Louis presents of their relationship in 2022, and dial that UP.
yes Lestat is terrible. yes he fucking loves him. "these aren't red flags these are fun little facts about him" energy. but like, not in a naive way, in a "he's like a cat that needs to be domesticated but i like him better feral" way.
something something alternate universe in which they'd communicated just a bit better, in which Louis had embraced vampirism a bit sooner, in which they had never grown apart, just stronger together. (or a happy future setting in which they're reconciled for good, and Louis is telling their story one more time, of course, absolutely love those too make no mistake.)
what i'm saying is the song works super well for them, them minus the the toxic downward spiral specifically.
like, if no one makes a vid set to this song for them, this of all things might just be the final push for me to restart my extremely brief fanvid-making career. it just must be made.
explanation for why literally every lyric works below the cut:
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borathae · 3 years
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↳ Index [Chapter 01 - Waking Up]
Genre: Angst, Smut 
Warnings: consumption of alcohol, suicidal thoughts, excessive sex, dom!Jungkook, Jungkook is a mess in this chapter 
Wordcount: 5.2k
a/n: It begins! I am so excited omgmgmg!! 🥳💜
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Jungkook wakes up and he hates it. His head pounds. His eyes burn. His heart aches. He brings his terribly heavy arms to his face to shield the morning sun.
He hates being woken up by sunlight, hence why he always closes his blinds. 
He didn’t close them last night, because he thought he wouldn’t need them anymore. 
He turns his head and finally opens his eyes. The dark pill bottle lies open on the mattress beside him. The bottle of whiskey had fallen over, brown liquid soaks the mattress. 
He knew two pills wouldn’t be enough. 
Jungkook moves his head back into its previous position, closing his eyes and placing his arm over them.
His stomach aches. He should go throw up. But does he want to? No. Of course not. 
His bladder protests too, almost painfully even. He should go pee. But then again, he really doesn’t want to. 
He really thought that it would work this time. What did he do wrong? Were it the wrong pills? The wrong booze? Perhaps he shouldn’t have eaten that stupid burger beforehand. 
He will have to try it tonight. He won’t eat anything. Take three instead of two. Wash them down with more liquid. Perhaps this plan will finally work. 
Jungkook turns his head again, staring at the pill bottle.
He could go down to the pharmacy, it is just down by the block ten minutes from here. But does he want to? No. He really doesn’t. 
Guess he will take a short break from his experiments.
He sighs, looking back at the ceiling. His ceiling fan casts shadows on the white paint. It makes him dizzy. His stomach aches so bad. His head is killing him. 
The stomach aches become unbearable. He feels how saliva collects in his mouth. 
"Fuck, not again."
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Jungkook throws up in his potted palm tree. His legs weren’t quick enough to reach his bathroom. It tastes like acid and burger. He hates it. It makes him throw up a second time. 
He lies down on the floor afterwards, pressing his hands to his stomach and staring at the palm tree. He feels sorry for it. It is not its fault that he can’t hold his liquor. 
Jungkook ignores the cold sweat running down his skin and closes his eyes. 
His stomach still aches, but at least it isn’t cramping anymore. 
He pulls his legs to his stomach and hugs them. It's so cold down here. He is shivering so much. At least his bed was warm. His marble floor, which cost way too much, is always far too cold. 
Then his phone rings. Jungkook startles at the sound. He ignores it. He should answer it. But he can’t. He physically can’t get up. 
It rings a second time. It doesn’t startle him anymore. It just annoys him. His head hurts so much. 
It stops. 
Jungkook sighs and sits up. He needs to throw up again. It burns and hurts, his stomach is cramping so much. Jungkook sobs and gags, clutching the pot tightly. Why can’t he fucking stop throwing up? 
The phone rings again. Jungkook barely hears it. 
It stops. His stomach finally isn’t cramping anymore. 
Jungkook wipes his mouth and lies back down. Why is breathing so hard? Every breath he takes feels like too much work. 
It rings again. Jungkook raises his head. He can see it glowing on the floor right next to the bed. He would just have to crawl over to get it. 
It stops then rings again. 
Jungkook drags himself over the floor, skin burning from way too much friction. 
He fishes for his phone and picks it up on the last ring. 
"Hello?" his voice sounds ruined from the stomach acid. 
"Mister Jeon, finally you are picking up. I am just calling you to remind you of your one o'clock meeting with Misses Yang and her team", his assistant tells him.
"Is that today?" 
"Yes, sir. Today in an hour." 
"I see. Thank you for reminding me. I'll be punctual." 
He ends the phone call before his assistant could speak again. Then he drops the phone on the floor and pulls himself to his feet with the help of his sheets. 
He wobbles. His head turns and aches. His stomach is so close to emptying itself again. He gags and forces it down again, hand pressed to his tummy. He can’t throw up now. 
Duty calls. 
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Jungkook doesn’t take a shower, hoping that his deodorant does the job. He doesn’t wash his hair either, although his sink would be big enough to do it, instead he styles his already greasy hair with even more grease. Like that everyone will think the grease is there on purpose. Jungkook doesn’t wash his face except his mouth. The rest he rubs off with a towel. 
Jungkook stares into his bloodshot eyes and dark circles underneath. His cheekbones have fallen in. Interesting, that's new. He touches them and sighs. Whatever. It's probably nothing.
Jungkook grabs his concealer and makeup brush. He covers up every blemish on his face until only his bloodshot eyes are indicator of his thoughts. He covers them up with golden lenses. They make his eyes look pretty, especially now that the concealer brings out their glow. 
Then he changes into a suit. Tailored for his body and tight enough that he automatically has to stand up straighter. He looks strong in it. Like a man. A successful, hardworking man. Jungkook fixes his tie and eats two pieces of gum. Now the meeting can start. 
He leaves his apartment afterwards, dragging his feet down the hallways. 
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“Good day Sir”, his driver greets him downstairs in front of the building.
Jungkook can barely see him, squinting his eyes in the bright sunlight. Fuck. His head is going to kill him.
“Good day Mister Park”, he says, waiting for his driver to open the backseat door. He crawls inside the terribly expensive Mercedes Benz, thanking the windows for being tinted black. Like this he can lean against them and sleep without anyone seeing him.
The door to the driver’s seat closes. It sounds like a gunshot in his ears. Fuck. His head hurts so bad.
“Where shall I take you today Sir?” his driver asks.
“My office”, Jungkook answers him.
“Very well Sir”, and with that he closes the little window which separates the two of them.
Jungkook lets out a loud sigh and finally closes his eyes. Fuck. His head feels like someone is using a jackhammer to break through his skull.
And then he feels the car drive off. Quiet and without much shaking. It’s expected from a car that costs way too much.
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Jungkook meets one of his employees in the elevator. Ryujin. Pretty woman, five years younger than him, started here half a year ago after finishing college and he is pretty sure she is crushing on him.
"Hello Mister Jeon!" she calls out enthusiastically, bowing deeply at him before she makes space for him.
"Hello, I see you are working hard today", Jungkook greets her with a bright smile, stepping into the elevator.
She presses the button for the uppermost floor, knowing very well that he must be going there.
She was wrong. The twenty sixth floor. That’s where he needs to go today. He could change her mistake, but doesn’t. Way too much energy.
The elevator starts moving. Jungkook closes his eyes for a second. His head is killing him. Ryujin turns to him then, excited eyes laced onto his features.
"I have finished the plans you wanted me to go over. They are on your desk”, she tells him.
Jungkook opens his eyes and smiles at her. It makes her blush. Jungkook could watch it happen.
"Thank you, great work. As expected from you Miss Shin." 
She giggles and dismisses him with a wave of her hand. The elevator dings then.
“Twentieth Floor”, the robotic voice tells them.
“That’s my stop”, she says and pouts for only a second and then she smiles at him, “see you later Mister Jeon!” she tells him with an excited wave and a little bounce.
Jungkook watches how the movement makes her tits bounce. He scoffs silently and looks away.
“See you later Miss Shin”, he tells her.
“See you”, she giggles and then leaves the elevator to continue her way to the break room. 
The elevator doors close just as Jungkook's eyes do.
He should have eaten something. He is so hungry that his stomach cramps.
The elevator begins moving again.
Jungkook stays silent, listening to the little jingle from the speakers. It is so goddamn loud in here. His head hurts so bad. He has some migraine pills in his office. He could get them. So Ryujin’s mistake wasn’t a mistake.
The elevator stops.
“Uppermost Floor.”
The elevator doors open.
Jungkook pushes himself off the wall and begins walking.
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He was right about the pills. A whole package of them. He kept them in his lowest drawer next to the bottle of Bacardi. There was some rum in it too once, but he finished it last week. Jungkook takes both the bottle and the pills. The glass is still on his desk. Dirty. The rim is covered in prints of his lips and the body is greased up from his fingertips. He has other glasses too. Clean and expensive ones. They are right behind him in that little wall cabinet with the crazy expensive backlighting. He could stand up and get one. But does he want to? No.
He already has a glass. It’s more convenient that way. Jungkook prepares two pills and pours a little Bacardi into the glass to wash them down. It burns on his tongue at first. Jungkook shudders.
“Fucking hate Bacardi”, he chokes out, coughing.
Whatever. He needed some sort of liquid to wash down the pills. The sink is too far away. The Bacardi was closer. Less work that way.
 Jungkook leaves the office afterwards and walks back to the elevator. He still has a meeting to attend.
The twenty sixth floor is a lot busier than his floor. People greet him left and right and he greets them with a bright smile, strutting past them confidently.
He hates it here. 
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"Good day Sir. You are looking well rested today", his assistant greets him, opening the door for him. 
"Do I? I slept very well", Jungkook explains, hurrying down the corridor to the meeting room in big steps. 
"I see, one can see that Sir. Your eyes are so bright and full of life today." 
"Thank you", Jungkook says and smiles.
He fucking hates it here. 
Then the door to the meeting room opens. His assistant opened it. 
Jungkook steps through the threshold, greeted by fifteen pairs of expecting eyes. 
"Hello everyone! I hope you had a lovely lunch break and that you are fit for our meeting", he greets them, clapping into his hands, "I sure know I am."
That earns him a choir of laughter and Jungkook laughs right with them.
He truly fucking hates it here.
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It is already late when Jungkook moves in his chair. He had been sitting before. Doing nothing and hoping that his heart would just randomly stop beating. A knock on the door called his attention. He turns his head slowly and stares at the wood.
“What?” he says.
The door opens.
“Hello Mister Jeon”, Shin Ryujin steps into the room. She shouldn’t be here, his employees only work till eight. 
“What do you want?”
“I saw light burning inside and so I thought that maybe I could check up on you.”
“Why? Is there something you want?”
“I do actually…”
He watches her strut to him. The silence annoys him. Either she will talk or she can leave. He isn’t in the mood for games. She rounds the table and sits down on the edge in front of him.
Jungkook quirks up his right brow. What’s her problem?
“You look lonely, Mister Jeon.”
Jungkook clenches his jaw. His heart stings in his chest.
“I look lonely?”
“Yes. You always work so much and stay in your office late and all alone. It must be lonely.”
She must be the rudest girl he has ever seen.
“Do you want company?”
She nods her head and pushes herself off the table. She sits down on his lap. Jungkook lets her without saying anything. Now he understands. She wants sex. 
“I could make you feel less lonely Sir”, she whispers against his neck.
“You think so?”
Jungkook knows that she couldn’t, but his cock is already hardening and he is not going to deny a pretty girl like that.
“Yes, I think I could”, she rasps, kissing his neck.
“Fine”, he gives in and rolls them closer to his table.
He opens the uppermost drawer of his desk and pulls out a package of lube and a condom.
“You have lube and condoms in your drawer Sir?” she gasps.
“You think you’re the first one to come here Miss Shin?” he challenges.
“Do you do that often?”
Jungkook clenches his jaw. The condoms and lube were from a different time in his life. When she still came over to visit him. A time where he was still happy and felt good in his own body.
“Not anymore no.”
“So I can be your new girl then”, she decides with a giggle and reaches for the lube and condom, “relax Sir, I’ll take care of everything.”
Jungkook relaxes back and lets her do everything. He lets her pull his cock free and jerk it off until it is hard and he moans while doing so because he knows that she would like that. He lets her put the condom on and he praises her while doing so because he knows that she would like that. He lets her pour the lube all over his cock and then moans when she sinks down on him with her skirt still on and her panties pushed to the side.
“Oh god Sir, you are so big”, she mewls, burying her face in his shoulder. Then she begins bouncing up and down on him, moaning with her voice pitched.
“Fuck babydoll, your pussy is amazing”, he praises her, keeping his eyes closed because he didn’t really want to look at her face. He quite frankly didn’t want to look at anything.
Jungkook didn’t always hate waking up. There was a time where he loved waking up. He loved the early morning air and the sunrise, he loved the taste of coffee and the sweetness of a breakfast donut. He loved working out before going to his office and he loved eating way too much for lunch and dinner.
When Jungkook thinks back to those times it feels like he is thinking of another life. That was so long ago. These days he can’t remember the last time he actually felt happy waking up, let alone felt happy in the first place.
Why would he when he can’t even call the one person he always called in the morning? He can’t hear her voice anymore or listen to her scold him for being way too horny in the morning. He can’t do that anymore because she cut him loose. She wanted to be there for her husband, make time for this asshole and make him happy.
But what about Jungkook? How can she be so selfish for the sake of her stupid husband. Why does he have to suffer while that asshole gets all of her amazing attention?
Jungkook clenches his jaw. He felt his cock throb in reaction to Ryujin clenching around him. It distracted him enough to give her ass a rough squeeze instead of thinking of her.
“Keep going babydoll, you are doing amazing”, he praises her, holding her round ass between his hands 
“Sir you’re so good”, Ryujin whimpers, squeezing his thighs with her own. She is shaking above him so cutely.
Jungkook doesn’t just blame her however. He blames her mostly, but he knows that his hatred for his life started even long before she made the finishing blow by breaking his heart. He knows that he wanted to die even before his only happiness ended. Back then he didn’t know of course, but realised as those hopes of never waking up again became more and more and the silly little thoughts of “what if I crash my car into this tree? Would the water kill me if I jumped off the bridge? Is it dangerous to take more than one sleeping pill?” turned from a silly thought to an actual need, that her breaking his heart wasn’t the only reason for why everything hurts so much these days.
“Fuck, keep clenching like that”, he moans, bucking his hips up to encourage his employee.
“Sir”, she sobs, twisting his hair.
He doesn’t know when it started, but he knows that it started way before she broke his heart. He also doesn’t know why it started. It just did.
“Oh god Sir, this feels so good.”
“Yeah? You’re gonna make me cum babydoll.”
Jungkook meets her movements. He wants this fuck to be over with. He just needs to make himself cum, fill the condom with visual proof of his high and then he can finally go back to drinking his Bacardi. He has been eyeing it for the past ten minutes and it is getting more and more impossible to withstand the need.
She bounces on her cock with more vigour, forcing a guttural growl out of him. He has to hold her tight as to make sure that she doesn’t fall off of him.
“That’s it babydoll. So good for me.”
He has to give it to her. She is one hell of a good fuck. He’s been fucking countless people ever since she broke his heart and Ryujin is one of the good ones.
“Fuck babydoll, I’m so close.”
He will have fun with her. She will be a good distraction. At least for a few hours. And it’s less work too then going to a dirty club each night and trying to find someone willing to fuck him.
“I’m gonna cum.”
“Please fill me up Sir”, she begs.
Jungkook cums with a guttural growl, squeezing her hips and feeling his seed shoot into the condom. She is mewling the entire time, clenching around him like crazy.
“Fuck babydoll”, he pants and lifts her off of him, sitting her down on his lap. She looks at him, cheeks tinted pink and eyes glassy. Her fingers are still resting on his shoulders.
“Did you cum?” he asks.
“Be honest.”
Her eyes flit down.
“No”, she whispers, shaking her head.
Jungkook sighs and stands up with her in his arms. It makes her squeal and clutch onto him. Jungkook doesn’t like it, but won’t say anything.
“Sir, what are you doing? Sir?”
“Making you cum”, he explains dryly, lying her down on his desk. He gets to his knees and spreads her legs with his hands, connecting his mouth with her cunt.
She tastes sweet. A little like latex too. Her pussy is soft on his tongue. Warm and so swollen. Jungkook listens to her high-pitched whimpers, caressing her shaking legs. He hopes it isn’t long anymore to her orgasm. He is so fucking thirsty. All he wants is a glass of Bacardi to moisturize his throat.
She comes undone with a muffled squeak, hands thrown over her face and legs almost smothering him if he hadn’t forced them open with his hands. She cums hard. Jungkook makes sure to swallow everything she lets go, doing so with his cold eyes glued to her tits. They look good in this position, soft and moving with every gasp he forces out of her.
“No, no more please. Sir it hurts.”
Jungkook pulls off of her and stands up. He gets rid of the condom, tying a knot at the end and throwing it into the bin. Then he stuffs his cock back into his slacks and closes the fly.
“How are you feeling?” he asks her, helping her sit up.
“I, I never came that hard b-before”, she stutters, face burning up in embarrassment.
“Mhm, I’m glad you liked it”, he gives her a smile, “do you want something to drink? A snack maybe?”
“No, uhm…” she throws her hands over her mouth and giggles, “…can I get a kiss?” she whispers.
Jungkook hopes that she can’t see the grinding of his teeth. Fuck. He just wants her to leave so he can drink something. And she is asking for a kiss. Fucking hell, that’s annoying.
He steps closer and cups her cheek. Her hands are on his chest in an instant, big eyes gazing at him in awe. He smiles, caressing her cheekbone.
“You are a secret romantic, aren’t you Miss Shin?” he whispers with a soft voice and then he kisses her.
She gasps, Jungkook can feel how her fingers twist his shirt. She tastes of her lipstick. Synthetic coconut. He hates that taste.
“That…that was so nice”, she whispers, the awe in her eyes had grown.
“Yes, I agree. It was fun”, he says, stepping back, “now can I offer you something else?”
She jumps off the table and fixes her clothes.
“No, uhm I don’t want to keep you any longer Sir”, she lowers her head, “I feel like I have already taken up too much of your time. I promise you, next time I will try to orgasm with you.”
Jungkook hurts at her words. He doesn’t want her to feel shit. That’s his job to do.
“Please don’t think that way. It is not your fault for taking a little longer and I don’t mind that you do”, he assures her and he means it. The last thing he ever wants to do is make someone feel like shit.
She sighs at that. Jungkook could watch how she relaxes. She giggles, hiding her face behind  her hands.
“Perhaps I’ll take that drink then”, she whispers shyly.
Jungkook doesn’t like that, but he doesn’t deny her.
“Of course, I’ll make us one each. Go on, sit down by the window and relax a little”, he tells her.
The moment she had turned around and skipped to the leather sofa happily, he closes his eyes and sighs in annoyance.
Fuck. He should have never offered her that drink.
There is not enough Bacardi left for two. He didn’t want to share that.
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It was a Wednesday and Jungkook should be at home, but he isn’t. He is in a club again. It smells like throw-up and spilled alcohol in here. Jungkook hates it, but doesn’t leave. The alcohol is strong here. It’s expensive but it’s strong. He doesn’t care about the prize as long as it is strong. Which it is.
Jungkook touches his own forehead.
He feels like he is thinking the same thing over and over again. The alcohol is strong. The alcohol is strong. The alcohol is strong.
It’s getting so annoying to think and so he takes another sip.
The alcohol burns. Good, that means it is strong.
He sighs and sets the glass down on the counter.
He did it again. He thought the same thing.
He takes another sip.
He turns and orders another round. They bring it to him after a moment.
“That’ll be fifty please.”
Jungkook slides the money over and turns back to the crowd, holding his two drinks and alternating between them.
"Don't you think you should be going slower?" his friend asks him. 
Jungkook turns his head, looking at his eyes. He forgot that he wasn’t here alone. 
"Mind your own business", he spits.
"Geez what's with you? I am just worried." 
"Yeah? Well worry about someone else." 
"Kook", his friend's voice was laced with annoyance, "don't be a dick to me. It's not my fault Taehyung married your secret fuck and quite frankly you guys being pissy at me just for being friends with the other is getting annoying." 
Jungkook turns away from Jimin and clenches his jaw. 
"I told you not to mention them, didn’t I?" 
"Sorry not sorry, you need to hear it. I am not Taehyung so stop being an ass to me." 
"And yet you still continue being friends with him." 
Jimin sighs.
"We grew up together, he is like a brother to me. Besides he is a good person and an amazing friend, just cause you are childishly beefing with him does not make it okay for you to drag me into this.
Jungkook mocks him silently, rolling his eyes. Jimin watched it happening clenching his jaw. 
"Very well, it seems like you wanna be an asshole again", he grumbles and goes to place his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, "I'm gonna go look for a girl to take home. Want to come with me?"
Jungkook eyes his friend. He shakes his head. 
"You go dance, I’m ordering another drink."
Jimin looks at him in distaste but doesn’t say anything because he knows that it won’t change anything. 
"Fine, I’ll be on the dance floor if you need me. See you sometime again." 
And with that his friend disappears in the crowd for the rest of the night and Jungkook is left alone.
He orders two more drinks, sipping on them as he watches the crowd. His friend is already forgotten. Jungkook didn’t want to meet him anyways. It was Jimin who called him, not Jungkook. At least like this he can finally concentrate on the booze.
So many drunk people are here. Most of them are too drunk for him. He can’t be bothered with the possibility of having to take care of them. That is far too much work. He doesn’t pay them any mind, looking past them in search for anyone who doesn’t seem close to blacking out. He just wants a quick fuck. Just something that will make him feel things for a few minutes. It doesn’t even have to be good. It hasn’t been truly good in ages anyways. Jungkook is already happy with a warm, wet cunt to stick his dick in, no matter how long it will last or if he will cum. He just needs some sort of warmth around him.
“Hey there stranger.”
Jungkook turns to his left.
A woman. A short, blonde bob which was greased back and with her tits barely covered in black fabric. She seems sober and interested in him.
She is hot. Jungkook likes her face and tits. So he turns to her, spreading his legs cockily.
“Hey there sexy”, he tells her.
“You look like you are looking for someone.”
He laughs.
“I think I just found her.”
She laughs and draws closer, placing her long nail on his pec before she drags it up his chest to play with his tie instead.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you are flirting with me.”
Jungkook smirks.
“Well, you aren’t?”
She shrugs her shoulders.
“I’m open for interpretation.”
“Well I think you’re flirting with me.”
She laughs and Jungkook thinks it was a really sexy laugh. And also that her neck looks amazing. Je wanted to choke it and watch it bruise.
“Can I get you something?” he asks her.
"How about a dance?" 
Jungkook smirks and gets off his barstool. He downs the rest of his drinks and takes her hand. She follows him with a seductive smile, hooking her arms behind his head once they are on the dance floor.
Jungkook is holding her hips and presses his crotch into her. He is a gentleman on normal days and he likes giving women their space, but in a club like this he doesn’t care about manners. He was interested in getting his dick hard on her body and her cunt wet in the process. He knows that he is allowed to do that because she is pulling him closer until her lips are resting against the shell of his ear. 
"I watched you for a while", she rasps. 
"You did?" 
"I watched you look at the crowd. Way too many drunk people, aren’t there?" 
Jungkook scoffs and laughs. 
"Drunk chicks fuck terrible. They think they're great but they aren’t." 
She chuckles, lifting her head to look into his eyes. 
"And yet you are drunk." 
"Oh trust me, drunk men fuck even worse. They think they’re amazing when most of them aren’t even good sober." 
She laughs, pressing her hips into him. Jungkook moans at the friction on his cock. 
"And you think you’re good?"
"Why don’t we get out of here and find out?" 
“No thank you, I’m here for business.”
She smiles and steps back. 
“Have you ever heard of Paradis?”
“Paradis?” he furrows his brows, “what’s that?”
“What the name says. Paradise.”
Jungkook isn’t superstitious or believes in the supernatural, but maybe she is an angel of death here to finally take him. He wouldn’t be opposed if that was the case. He’d go willingly.
To his dismay she only pulls out a black business card from her purse and hands it to him.
Jungkook twists and turns it in his fingers. The ink was black, just slightly darker than the card and barely readable unless he tilts the card a specific way.
“What’s that?”
He looks at her. She is smiling at him.
“You look like someone, who is visiting clubs after clubs in search for a good fuck.”
He straightens up and clears his throat.
“Do I now?”
She nods her head.
“Come to Paradis and you won’t have to look anymore. And it’s safe, sane, consensual and discreet on top of that.”
Jungkook scoffs.
“You’re a prostitute aren’t you?”
“I’d like to call it kinkster with a job, but yes you could call me a prostitute.”
Jungkook looks at the card again, twisting it between his fingers a few times.
“And that’s your club?”
She nods her head.
“Where is it?”
“It says so on the back of the card.”
Jungkook squints his eyes and tries to read it. He can’t read it in the shitty light of the club, but acts like he could.
“Okay, got it”, he looks at her, “why me?”
“Honey, I know a desperate soul when I see one.”
Jungkook scoffs and lets the card disappear in his chest pocket.
“What? Not convinced yet?”
He shrugs his shoulders and looks back into the crowd.
She lingers beside him, placing her hand on his arm.
“Fine, follow me.”
“Why?” he laughs.
“Because I’d like to make exceptions for handsome faces like you and also because I am craving a good fuck and you look like the only decent man here.”
Jungkook scoffs and chuckles in disbelief.
“Why? You’re not down for it?” she challenges.
“No, I’m down”, he says and grabs her hand, “fine, I’ll come with you. Show me how good you fuck and maybe then I’ll consider paying your club a visit.
That night the unknown woman fucks him so good behind the dumpsters of the club that Jungkook has to muffle his screams in her shoulder and sit down for two hours afterwards.
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vinnieswife · 3 years
Can you do one where vinnie gets jealous over y/n and then punished her but goes to rough and y/n has to use a safe word and vinnie feels bad afterwards- <3
Please I want Vinnie to punish me for being a brat😎
Vinnie Hacker x reader
Words: 3982
Warnings: spanking, daddy kink ofc, smut, dom!Vinnie x sub!reader, face fucking, mouth spitting, choking!Kink,rough sex in general.
Another morning at the Hype House, Thomas had decided to have a party with the Sway house, despite the fact that Bryce and he did not get along very well, the situation between the two of them had improved a lot, now they were shaking hands and could have a normal conversation not like before they hit each other.
The party would be at night and in this case it would be at the Sway House not at the Hype House like the last times, Bryce promised to behave and not do anything crazy at the party, Vinnie and you would go together with which you would only take a car ( akka Vinnie's car)
It was still 7 o'clock and the party would be at 8 o'clock with which you started to get ready, you got into the shower while Vinnie was talking with Thomas and Michael about any stupidity of theirs, when you finished you wrapped the towel around your body drying it, Then you put on a set of black lingerie that Vinnie had given you last week, debuting it next to a tight black dress, which perfectly marked the correct places on your body, making the fabric conform to your shape, when you were about to apply mascara on your long lashes Vinnie opened the door.
"Hey Y / n have you seen my- wow" he stared at you in the mirror reflection, his eyes roaming you up and down repeatedly, blinking in amazement.
"Hell, you're Gorgeous, I-I..., god"
You turned around looking at him smiling, "Thanks Vin, you don't look bad either"
He supported you on the bathroom sink, your butt against the marble surface, he placed his arms on either side of you, slowly approaching you, making the difference in height noticeable, Vinnie grabbed your chin with his index finger and thumb, forcing you to maintain eye contact with him.
"Hey" he says in a whisper.
“Hi” you answer back smiling, his hand flying to your waist.
“What if we skip the party and stay here in my room doing some ... wild activities? Huh? How does that sound love? "
"As much as I enjoy that ... wild activities I actually want to go to that party, I miss my girls"
“Oh cmon you see them another day, please?” He begs hiding his face in the crock of your neck, leaving some kisses there.
“Vin, we are going to be late” you say grabbing his cheeks, pulling him close to leave a soft kiss on his red lips.
“I just do this because I love you” he kisses you back but with more passion.
“I love you too Vin”
You both got into the car, the trip was not very long, about 15 minutes at most, Vinnie's hand was always on your thigh, given gentle caresses and light squeezes, when Vinnie arrived, he parked the car, along with all the expensive cars of the other guests, Vinnie got out first and walked around the car to open the door for you.
"Oh, such a gentleman"
"Only for you madam" you giggle grabbing his arm to hold him close, "are you nervous?" "No whaaatt? Pufff no "
"Oh god, yes you are" "just a little"
"It's all of our friends you don't need to be nervous, everything it's going to be okay, I promise" "okay" "good" he smiles and starts walking with again to the inside of the house.
~time skip 1 hour~
You started to feel really needy, so you go to Vinnie asking him to go to a bathroom and do something, but, to your surprise he said no, you stood there with a surprised face asking him why,he just shrug his shoulders and keep talking with the people around.
When “into it by Chase Atlantic” began to sound, you took Vinnie to the dance floor, bringing him closer to you,he followed you, it started like an innocent dance, everything was perfect, and there your plan was put into motion, when the song reached the chorus you get closer to him a lot more, sliding your hands down his chest, taking them over the fabric that covered his abs, hooking your fingers in his belt, “what do you thing you are doing huh?” He grabs your hands turning you around, to have a beautiful sight of your butt, grabbing your hips hardly he puts your butt against his covered cock, moving his hips a little just to make you more flustered, “Vin pleas-“ “no” you turn around to look at him in the eyes. Then you feel how he looses his touch on you, just walking away, not before giving a good squeeze to your ass, making you moan in his neck.
He goes to talk with Bryce and Noah again, so you just search for Ness,Maddy and Nai (NAILEA MY LOVE)
“Omg hiii Y/n” all of them say to you
“Hey gurrllsss, how are y’all been?”
The girls start to compliment you con lo cual tú también hiciste lo mismo con ellas.
“Hey Y/n that dude on the bar table is staring at you” Ness tells you
“Huh? Who?” “The one with the red shirt”
You looked again noticing how the dude still have his eyes on you, you smile politely at him and he smiles back at you.
Your head starts to think in a way to make Vinnie fuck you senseless or at least to give you a little time of pleasure, you smirk at your idea, Nailea look at you knowing what do you think “Y/n if you do that, you are not going to walk in a week” she says.
“God Nai that’s exactly what I want, but he has just been teasing me all the party” you say with a sigh.
Ness and Maddy hype you up to do it and Nai just start laughing.
You start walking to the guy in the bar table,he smiles at you again, you two start talking a little and you discover his name was Zach, and he was an old Bryce’s friend, you two were talking about likeness when you noticed Vinnie’s gaze on you, giving the dude death looks, he takes his phone and send you a text.
-What do you think you are doing pup?
•Just talking with a friend? Why?
You give him a inocent look and he looks back at you clenching his jaw.
-Don play with fire if you don’t wanna get burn princess.
•Maybe I want to get burn.
You put your phone into your pocket and go back talking with Zach,then you think, -what if I just flirt with him to see Vinnie’s reaction?- so you did it, you start to touch his arm, knowing how Vinnie hates when you do that to someone who it isn’t him. You lean a little to get close to Zach’s ear whispering something when your phone buzz again.
“Oh, I’m sorry give me a sec”
You looked at your texts noticing a message from Vinnie.
-You better stop doing what you are doing pup, or I’m going to make you.
You ignored the text and keep the flirting with the guy, he grabs your waist pulling you closer to him, and you smile at him, feeling Vinnie’s intense look in you, your phone buzz again.
-come here. Now.
-You know what? I’m coming to you.
Then you feel a hand on your waist,grabbing you pulling you close to a toned chest, oh lord,you know you messed this.
“Sorry for the interruption dude but my girlfriend is a little too friendly when she’s drunk, I’m sorry again”
When the dude grabs Vinnie’s wrist “I saw her first dude, don’t play the -she’s my girlfriend- with me”
“Excuse me? Oh god you are going to-“ “hey let’s go home okay? Vin, please” he looks at you, and with that look you know he is mad,really mad, you have been acting like a brat all day, talking back, teasing him, flirting with others to make him jealous.
“Leave us alone, right sweetheart?” The dude asks
“No, he’s my boyfriend and I just use you to make him jealous so, no”
Vinnie grabs your wrist roughly but not to hard to hurt you, he makes signs to Thomas and scream a “we’re leaving” with a smirk on his face.
You both got into te car, the ride was silence until Vinnie puts his hand on your thigh again, you look at him opening your mouth to ask him for forgiveness when he cuts you off “ don’t you dare to try to explain it, I know perfectly what you were doing, and when we get home I’m going to fuck the shit out of you, got it? I’m going to edge you for hours, tide your wrists to the headboard, spank you ‘till you cry, then I’m going to eat you out and overstimulate you ‘till you can’t cum anymore,and even there I will fuck you senseless, because you are going to take everything I will give you, got it?”
“Yes I got it” you say with a whispers
“You got it who?”
“Yes I got it daddy”
When you arrived at the Hype House, it was empty since everyone was at the party and because of how they were they would not arrive until dawn, with which Vinnie had all night to make you pay for what you had done, and that was not very pleasant for you. As soon as you enter the door Vinnie guide you to his room, entering it, he blocked the door and hit you against the door,
"If you act like a whore, you'll get treated like one"
He began to kiss you roughly, his kisses descended rapidly towards your neck, marking your hot skin with his lips, from time to time he left a small bite at the base of your neck, descending towards your clavicle, leaving hickeys in the area.
"Jump" he said in your demanding tone.
You obeyed and jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist, his hands traveled to your butt, giving it a good grip as he kissed you again in a desperate and demanding way, his tongue entered your mouth without warning, dancing with your tongue, at a slow speed, both of your lips red from the intensity of the kiss.
He sat on the edge of the bed, untying his belt, your eyes widened, you stared at the belt. "Come here" you swallowed and approached staying in front of him, he got up from the bed, taking your wrists, wrapping the belt around your wrists in such a way that it was hooked.
He sat back on the bed, motioning for you to get into his lap.
You looked at his hands, and as his rings were still on each finger, you waited a few seconds praying that he would remove the rings, but that moment never came, this time he would leave them on, which would be more painful.
You lay on his legs, your butt between his thighs and your body on the bed.
His hands caressed your butt on the fabric of the dress, he lifted the dress up to your hips, leaving you exposed, he hooked his fingers in the waistband of your thong, lowering it, passing it over your legs letting it fall on the floor.
"You act like a brat all night ..."
"I don't act like a brat-" he leaves a hard smack on your ass cheek making you whimper.
"Are you talking back little slut?" He asks in a fake innocent tone.
"No daddy"
"That's what I thought" he start caressing your butt cheeks.
And then he laid the first smack into your left cheek "o-one" you let out a whimper. He laids another one into your right cheek, you moan and he leaves another smack "I said count" he said in a rougher tone "Two and three, I'm sorr-" another smack "f-uck, four" at this point tears fall from your eyes, falling into the sheets. The smacks laid on your butt in a fast pace, "cmon baby three more" "th-three?" "Do you want them to be five?" "N-no!" "Then count!" "Thirte-en" the cries leaving your mouth between sobs, "Did that hurt puppy? Good, it's supposed to", "f-four-te-en" you say in a whisper, and the smack "five teen!" You scream because the last one was harder than the others.
The three smacks laid on you butt making you moan and scream at the pain in your butt, Vinnie caress your cheeks covered in his handprints.
"You are such a good slut for me, don't you?" I have smirks caressing your back.
"Stand up" he helps you to get up, his hands grabbing your waist, his hands travel to your back, grabbing the zipper of the dress and tugging it down, he slid the straps of the dress down your shoulders, letting the piece of fabric fell to the ground remaining on your ankles, you stepped outside the fabric, you were completely exposed to it, the only garment that covered your body was your bra.
You whimper in response, he could feel the arousal between you legs, but he never been this helpless to relieve the pressure. You squirmed, your hips bucking in desesperation. Vinnie chuckled, gently brushing the hair out of your face, “that’s what I thought”.
“Please, please...”
“Please?” Vinnie mocked, making you start to sob in frustration.
“You know you have to do better that that”
You gasped “Daddy, put your hands on me.Touch me,or fuck me I don’t care”. Tears run down your face.
“Please just use me”
“Touch me please, I can’t take it anymore...”
Your legs were spread open by Vinnie’s hands, your hands chained to the headboard with his belt.
Vinnie had done anything but tease you, touching your thighs lightly, brushing his hand against your nipples or pinching them.
“And what if I don’t?...”
He softened a bit with the tears.
“Good” he murmured, positioning himself between your legs.
At the simple touch of his hand on your heat, your entire body convulsed with pleasure. Vinnie smirked “Now, that wasn’t to difficult, was it?”
The moment when you were about to cum. Your eyes roll back , your shoulder pushed off of the bed as you tremble and shiver in Vinnie’s arms. A high pitched whine resounding in the room before you started mumbling and begging for Vinnie to touch you again. And he just smirks, the thrusts with his fingers stopped as he smiles devilishly and kisses you.
“Dad-ddy please, more” you mumble pulling the belt.
“What baby? You want more? You are begging for me so well. But are not allowed to come,not now. You can cum only when I say it okay baby?” He said with a fake caring tone.
He grabbed you by the hips, getting you out of bed, placing you on his lap, his hand slowly lowered over your abdomen, his fingers brushing your hips, he put his hand in your pussy,cupping it, his fingers quickly found your clit, playing with it lightly, just making pressure, making you moan with pleasure, then he start fingering you while you are sitting on his lap, you started feeling so embarrassed, you just hide your face in the crook of Vinnie's neck. He eventually grabs your jaw roughly and he makes you look at him, telling you to hold eye contact or else you won't get to cum "open your eyes and look at me whore"
His fingers start pumping in a fast pace making your head fall backwards,you bite your lip to not make a sound, he curls his fingers to reach that spot inside of you.
"Stay nice and quiet, if I hear a moan slip I'll fuck your throat raw, understood?"
The pace goes faster again, you try so hard to contain your moans and whimpers,little tears running down your face, he brings up his hand cleaning and drying your cheeks with his thumb,"oh cmon slut you can moan now"
You let out loud moans as your walls clench around Vinnie's fingers,he grabs your throat kissing you roughly while you moan in his mouth, this one is your first orgasm because Vinnie denied all the ones before,then he pulls you close to whisper in your ear "shut up and take it princess, do it for daddy" you nod your head biting your lip again, has he goes rougher, leaving kisses and more hickeys on your neck, you try harder to be quiet until you can't take it and you moan his name and cum all over his fingers.
He starts laughing at how pathetic you are, groaning in your ear "good fucking girl" he grabs you putting you into the bed laying on your back, he kisses your lips, biting harder at your lower lip making you moan, his kisses traveled down again, leaving more hikers on your breasts and abdomen, his lips leaving ghost touches on your skin.
His mouth reach your hips making they way down to your clit, he starts playing with the little bud, kissing it softly before biting it, making you scream in pleasure.
"Oh god Daddy please" you whimper.
His tongue start moving in a fast pace between your folds, playing around your hole, his tongue moving in and out at a torturing slowly pace, his tongue giving your hole little strokes, he goes up again at your clit, sucking on it harshly.
You started to feel the tight sensation in your stomach, getting more closer to your release Vinnie's tongue doesn't slow down for a second, in fact it just speed up 'till you cum all over his mouth and chin, you expect him to stop,but he shoves his fingers into your hole and attaches his mouth to your clit, sucking on it harshly, making you scream again, "Thank me" he growls, pushing his fingers further into your hole. "Thank me for the orgasm I just let you have" you moan loudly, shaking with the force of Vinnie's fingers moving in and out. "Fuck, tha-ank you"
Vinnie smirks at you and you cry out as you feel his fingers twist and his tongue drops down to play with your clit in slow motions.
It was so much pleasure for you to handle, you start to move back from Vinnie's mouth, just to hear a groan from his throat and to feel his hands grabbing your thighs harder to pull your pussy closer to him. "No,no,no. Get back here I'm not done with you "
He goes back at pumping his fingers inside of you all the overstimulation making your chest raise up and down at a erratic pace, your orgasm start to build up again, your moans loud and your hand gripping at the sheets, your third orgasm explodes, "Aww, look the poor thing accidentally came" this time Vinnie stops, cleaning your mess with his tongue, lapping every drop of your cum.
"You taste fantastic slut, now get on your knees"
You make up from the bed, your legs feeling numb for the hard orgasms, you gent on your knees, your hands moving to take off his trousers, sliding them down to his ankles, then your hands reach his underwear, caressing him through the fabric of his boxers. "Take them off" you slide them down his ankles too, his cock already hard pressing against his lower abdomen, leaking with pre-cum, you grab it with your hand, liking the pre-cum in his tip, making him groan in pleasure, you take him in your mouth, but Vinnie has other plans for you, he grabs your hair pushing himself deeper into your throat making you gag, he start at a fast pace, making you gag every-time he hits the back you your throat, you separated from his cock, breathing hard, "vinnie" you said with a ragged breath, he put his cock back in your mouth, "shut up and take it" he proceeds to fuck your mouth again. "Aah just like that, taking all my cock like the slut you are" he groans, tears start running down your face, Vinnie grabs your hair tightly making you moan against his cock, you allow your cheeks to make force on his cock, "aah shit, I'm going to cum" his seed explodes in your mouth, you swallowed all of it, some of his cum falls to your chin so you grab it with your finger pulling it back in your mouth.
"Get up" he grabs your hand to help you to stand up, he makes his way with you to the bed, again, he grabs you and puts you into the bed, laying on your back, he approaches you, positioning himself on top of you, he doesn't waist time, pulling his cock inside of you, you moan, again tears running down your face for the overstimulation you where receiving, Vinnie's strokes are deep and hard, making your head spin, the line between pain and pleasure was invisible now, the pain in your legs was more than the pleasure, you try to push Vinnie out of you, but he grabs your wrists pinning them to the bed, "V-Vinnie..."
He just moans in you neck, 'till you start moving to much, you want him to stop, you need him to stop, so you just scream it.
"Book!, Vinnie book!"
He stops instantly, pulling out of you,grabbing your face, strolling your cheeks. "Oh lord Y/n I'm so sorry, I shouldn't push you that far, I'm so sorry love"
"It's okay, I say it because I don't feel pleasure anymore"
"Shh, love you don't have to say sorry, if you ever want me to stop just say it and I will stop"
"Cmon let's get cleaned okay?" You hummed a “Mhm” agains his shoulder "I'm so sorry baby" he whispers against your hair.
He gets up, leaving you in bed,the puts the sheets over your body, he puts his boxers, and walk to the bathroom, the las time you heard was the water running into the bathtub.
While you where sleeping in the bed Vinnie prepares a bath, with warm water to help your sore body, some slow music,a red bathbomb making the water look red, a couple of candles on the sink and bubbles, a lot of bubbles.
He makes sure everything was perfect for you, the goes to the dorm again, caressing you cheek waking you up. "Hey love" "Hey" you say in a sleepy tone, "let's get you cleaned up, how does that sound?"
"Mhmm perfect" he kiss your forehead and carry you in bridal style to the bath tub, both of you get inside the warm water, Vinnie grabs a sponge and puts some soap in it, massaging your shoulders and washing your arms, chest and back, when he finish he cleans the soap with water, giving little kisses on your shoulders and nape. "I'm so sorry..." he mumbles against your back "I'm truly sorry, I would never hurt you in that way, and I'm sorry that a make you say the safe word" "Vin I promise that it's okay, when I say the word you stopped and help me, you take care of me and give me all your attention, I promise that it's okay" you smile at him, leaning back on his chest,moving head to look at him,he looks back at you making eye contact, "I love you so much Y/n" "I love you too Vin" he leans down and give you a little kiss on your forehead, another on your left cheek and the last one on your lips,that one a little longer than the others.
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seokiie · 4 years
𝙸𝚜 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝙰𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚍? 𝙸𝙸
+ 𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨, 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥. 𝘖𝘧 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦, 𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘧𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨.
+𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 4.1𝘬
+ 𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨/𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
+ 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘪-𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤 𝘴𝘦𝘹, 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘢 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘬, 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘦, 𝘤𝘢𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘹, 𝘤𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘴, 𝘮𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘪𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘴𝘮𝘴, 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘌𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩, (𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 !! 𝘛𝘢𝘦'𝘴 𝘩𝘶𝘨𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘤𝘬 !!)
On AO3 || part one
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"Are you working a double today?" Your friend says with her jacket in hand and bag around her shoulder.
"No. No, I think I'm gonna head back to my dorm today." You sigh from behind the counter, untying your apron and folding it in your hands.
You felt kind of dumb. For the past month and a half you've been staying late at work, working doubles just in case a certain someone decided to show up. Just your luck, he never did. It was almost taunting, working extra hours almost every day just to go home alone. He never texted you and, well, to be fair you never texted him either. You felt like you had a pass, though, because you didn't know when he'd be back in America. What was the point of texting first if you didn't know that one crucial fact?
While the extra money was nice, you couldn't afford to work late anymore. Midterms were just around the corner and you really needed to get back to your dorm and study.
As you're gathering your things to leave and locking up, the whole situation seems to hit you. You and Taehyung are from completely different worlds. Taehyung's apart of a worldwide Korean pop group and you're a broke college student who works part-time at an urban cafe. You mentally facepalm at the fact that you thought Taehyung would ever come back to you. He probably has so many options in Korea, not even. He has options all over the world, for god's sake.
You're letting out another groan of self-pity when you're phone chimes with a new text. Almost a little too eagerly, you unlock your phone and-
It's a text from your roommate.
You coming back tonight or are u working late??
You let out another groan. You're roommate only asked that if she was planning on bringing a guy back to the dorm, which wasn't allowed but you're no snitch.
"Lucky me, looks like I'm spending the night at the library." You roll your eyes at no one but yourself, turning off the main light and stepping out of the cafe. The air outside is a lot colder compared to this morning. You kind of regret not bringing a jacket as goosebumps start to rise on your bare arms and thighs. On top of that, you have to walk all the way to the library. It really was your lucky day, huh. You close the front doors, locking them then shoving the keys into your bag.
It wasn't too late, it was maybe seven or eight o'clock yet it was still cloudy and sullen. Walking somewhere as far as the campus library while it was this dark didn't sit right with you but you didn't have anywhere else to go or any other way to get there. Ah, at least the library had heaters and those comfy beanbag chairs-
"Hey." Just as you're starting to comfort yourself with the promise of a gigantic physics textbook, long fingers are wrapping around your arm and gripping you with a force that has you stumbling backward. Are you being kidnapped? You always saw posts about watching out for sex traffickers but you never thought it'd happen to you. You're too young, you have a future!
"Who-who are you?! Don't kill-" You're practically begging for your life, nearly screaming in hopes that someone walking by will see something wrong until... until you actually look up and meet the eyes of this ominous stranger.
"T-Taehyung?" You finally stop your struggle when you notice the black mask, black hoodie, and blond curls. Did he get taller compared to the last time you saw him?
Is that all he had to say? He kind of just stands there with his fingers still wrapped around your arm. His eyes are squinty and you can tell he's smiling despite the mask. He was clearly happy to see you but you weren't one hundred percent sure you felt the same way.
"Hi? Seriously?" You raise an eyebrow and scoff, trying to pull your arm out of his hold a second time but his grip is still too tight. You can see the moment his smile falters and you'd feel guilty if it weren't for his nails digging into your arm right now. Seriously, does he have any idea how strong he is?
"You not happy to see me?" You can hear the pout in his voice and his hold on you finally loosens. You let your arm fall to your side and you rub the area with your other hand, trying to make some of the pain go away.
"I- I'm- you can't-" You sputter. Okay, you were happy to see him, you have to admit, but that doesn't mean you weren't a little frustrated with him.
"Aw, just as shy as I remember." Taehyung's eyes get squinty again and he brings his hand up to pat the top of your head. You don't know whether to feel embarrassed or exhilarated at the gesture.
"Wanted to see you for while. Did you... miss me?" You watch the way Taehyung's eyes trail down your body and you feel your skin heat up at the simple action. Despite half his face being hidden, you could practically taste the lust in his eyes.
"I... It doesn't matter if I missed you. I didn't think you'd ever come back..." You cross your arms and turn away. You don't want him to notice how flustered he'd made you with just a couple of words.
"Why would you think that? You think the coffee shop was it? You think I don't want more?" Taehyung brings his hand up to your face and rubs his thumb over your cheek gently. It seemed like a comforting gesture but you could tell there was much more to it.
"As I was on the plane, my mind... it went to you. I don't know why. All I can think is how good you'll taste..." Taehyung's eyes visibly darken as his hand moves down your body from your cheek to your waist, his fingers pressing against your back slightly as he pulls you closer.
"Fuck, I could barely wait. You'll let me have you, right? You'll let me fuck you properly this time?" He suddenly tugs you forward and to avoid tripping into him, you place both of your hands on the plain of his chest, hard and muscular and fuck. He must've done that on purpose. You could sense his smirk through his mask.
"Wait... Shit, Taehyung, someone's gonna- someone's gonna see us." Your hold on Taehyung's shirt tightens when you feel big hands drifting slowly from your waist to your ass. Honestly, you really did miss him, you missed having his hands on you like this, and now that he's finally touching you your frustration is starting to melt away.
"Let's go somewhere." It's only been a month or so and his English had improved so much from when you last saw him. He seemed to speak more naturally now. If anything was certain it was that Taehyung took studying way more seriously than you did.
"Where..?" Your mind is kind of a mess right now but you try to remind yourself that this is Taehyung. Worldwide superstar Taehyung whose apart of the biggest boy band in the world. If anyone saw you two together or even thought to take a picture of you two together everything would be ruined.
"Somewhere. C'mon."
Your mom had told you many times growing up, never talk to strangers. She especially told you to never ever get into cars with strangers. As you're sitting in the passenger seat of Taehyungs car, you wonder if your mom's shpeal applies to a moment like this. Well, Taehyung wasn't exactly a stranger. And with the way he made you cum you don't think you'd ever let him become a stranger.
"What you are thinking?" A warm hand on your thigh snaps you out of your thoughts. He probably thought something was wrong since you were looking out the window with your arms crossed. To be fair, there was no way you could be relaxed in this situation. The big hand that covers the vast majority of your thigh definitely helps though.
"Nothing." You say quietly. To be completely honest, you can't really remember what you were thinking about, the simple gesture of putting a comforting hand on you having wiped your memory entirely.
"Nothing?" You can hear the way Taehyung's voice drops an octave, turning it into some kind of seductive murmur. His hand drifts a little higher and he gives a light squeeze, his fingers pressing into your inner thigh delectably. Fuck sake, can this man give you a break?
"Ye-yeah... nothing." You stutter. Were you really touch starved to the point where a mere hand on your thigh had you salivating? You guess so.
"Really nothing?" His hand rests there for a little while before moving under your skirt. Your breath hitches and your legs open the tiniest bit as if on instinct. That seems to grab Taehyung's attention because, for the first time during the car ride, his eyes flicker towards you then back to the road. He inhales deeply then lets out a slow exhale.
"Taehyung..." You meant to say his name as a warning but it comes out as more of a breathy moan. A pair of fingers press against you through the thin material of your panties. You only wore them because you wanted to feel pretty but it looks like they came in handy.
Before you can bask in the feeling of Taehyungs fingers rubbing against you, he pulls away and puts both hands back on the wheel. A couple of curse words you don't understand stumble from his mouth and suddenly he's pulling over.
"Backseat. Now." Taehyung parks the car and everything starts to make sense when you see him unbuckle his seatbelt haphazardly.
"We're doing this here?" Surprise is evident in your tone and okay, yeah, maybe car sex has been on your bucket list for a while now, and maybe doing it with Taehyung in the back of his expensive GV80 wasn't such a bad idea.
"Was gonna take you to our hotel but too far. Can't wait anymore. Get in the backseat right now." Taehyung licks his lips and when you meet his eyes you finally notice how dark they are. You quickly unbuckle your own seatbelt and crawl over the armrest console into the comfy leather seats. You could honestly fall asleep here.
"You look fucking delicious." Taehyung slowly pushes you down until your laying on your back and he's looking down at you. The glint in his eyes is something ominous and hungry. He was looking at you as if you were his next meal. No guy has ever looked at you with this much lust in their eyes.
"Touch me, please." You don't want to sound needy but holy shit all you've been able to think about these past few weeks is Taehyung fucking the life out of you. By the looks of it, you're not the only one.
"Soon." Is all he says before pressing soft lips against yours. The kiss starts off slow, the two of you learning the other's motions almost like you were dancing. When you let out a breathless pant, he slips his tongue in your mouth, and all of a sudden things aren't moving as slow anymore. You bring your hand up and slide your fingers into Taehyung's silky hair easily, inadvertently making him kiss you harder.
"I hope- I hope you didn't replace me..." Taehyung pulls away for a second only to press light pecks down your jaw, all the way down to your neck. "... while I was gone."
"I didn't. Promise. I waited for you. Please..." Taehyung sucks dark hickeys into your neck, sucking until you hissed in pain. You always had a sensitive neck and the man above you was truly making the most of it.
"Good. Don't want one- anyone in this hole beside me. This pussy is mine." As if to emphasize his point, he grinds his hips down against yours and fuck, there's no way he's that hard already.
"Ah, Tae-" You moan at the feeling of him rubbing against you. Even with the layers and layers of clothes in the way, you could feel perfectly just how thick and long he was. Not to mention the clear possession in his voice.
He already had you wrapped around his finger.
"Ah, jinjja, I can't believe this. You forget what I said last time?" Taehyung pulls away to unbuckle his belt and the action alone has your brain buffering.
"Eyes are up here, jagiya." He uses a singular finger to tilt your chin up and his voice is doing that thing again. That thing where it's deep and smooth like butter and you can practically taste the flirtation in his tone.
"Answer me. You forgot, hm? Call me oppa." As soon as his pants are off, he's sliding down your body and flipping up your short, pleated skirt. You're not exactly sure what he's about to do until he leans in close to your lower abdomen, bites the thin waistband of your panties, and pulls them down your thighs slowly with his mouth.
"I'm waiting." He mumbles, letting go of the panties and letting the waistband snap against your thighs. He spreads your legs apart as far as they can go with them bounded together by your expensive underwear. Then he's flicking his tongue across your clit, purposely teasing.
"Oh- oppa, fuck!" You throw your head back when he finally drags the flat of his tongue up your slick folds, giving it a few more slow licks.
"Wanted to taste you for so long-" The words stumble out his mouth quickly and he doesn't take his lips off you for a second.
Taehyung's focus shifts back to your clit, spurred on by your airy moans. Your fingers are itching to knot themselves in his hair again - you just want to pull him closer, grind your hips into him. It's too much and not enough at the same time.
"Oh my god, oh my..." Taehyung swallows and looks up at you with dark eyes, his cheeks and ears a light shade of red as he licked his lips. Your wetness was all over his chin and the corners of his mouth and you've seriously never seen a guy enjoy giving oral so much. For god's sake, he looked like he was about to ascend.
"It's wet." He moans. The words were so simple and obvious but the way he said it, god, you want it on repeat.
A big hand drifts up your thigh slowly as his mouth wraps around your clit again. While the hand on your thigh kneads the skin there gently, his other hand is inching between your legs. Nothing can prepare you for the feeling of two long fingers pressing into you.
"Ah, ah- wait-" The fingers slide in easily with how wet you are. It seems he hasn't forgotten where your sweet spot is if the way he curls his fingers directly into that bundle of nerves indicates anything.
"You like it, hm? It's just fingers but you're going crazy. It feel that good?" Taehyung growls, sucking on your sensitive bud lightly as he thrusted his fingers inside you, curling them each time and making you see stars.
"Answer me, jagiya." He says around your clit. If he kept this up you'd be coming embarrassingly fast.
"Mnnhh, I like it. I like- I like it a lot." You try your best to speak a coherent sentence but you end up cutting yourself off with your own stuttered moans.
"Tae, close. So close..." You try to warn him but he ignores you entirely. Instead, he continues sucking and opening you up with his fingers, even as your orgasm flows through your whole body, making you spasm a little.
"Mashisoyo," Taehyung says it quietly like he's talking to himself. He removes his two fingers from inside you and admires the way your cum seeps out of you. He prides himself on his work but he wasn't near close to being done.
"Wait- wait, what're..." You barely get a second to calm down before Taehyungs mouth is back on you. He spreads your thighs apart farther using both hands and swipes his tongue up your folds, collecting every drop of your cum on his tongue and swallowing it down with a satisfied 'mmm'.
"Fuck sake, are you real? How can you taste so good?" He sighs against you before pressing his tongue inside your hole. You writhe under him, sensitive and overstimulated.
"Hard. So hard right now. I need it inside you." Taehyung sits up and when your vision unblurs, you can clearly see the way his cock strains against his designer boxers.
Designer boxers?
"Let me?" At this moment, you can't help thinking that Taehyung looks cute here. He's sitting up, rutting helplessly against his hand. Rosy cheeks, parted lips, and an aching cock. An aching cock he needed you to fix.
"Of course." As soon as the confirmation exits your mouth, he's freeing himself from his boxers and sliding the restricting material down his thighs. He tosses the underwear somewhere in the car. He'd deal with it later.
"Woah, I forgot... how big you were..." Suddenly recollections from your last sexual encounter with the idol flood your memory. The way the tip of his cock brushed against your cervix, the way it hurt but it felt so good. The same fear that he wouldn't fit still grazed your skin as last time but you weren't any less determined to take him. Lord knows you needed him just as much as he needed you right now.
"Ah, don't say a thing like that... embarrassing." He tries to turn away to hide his embarrassment but you can see the smile curling on his lips. How was it possible for a guy with a dick this big to be so humble? It was insane.
"I'll insert now." He says, slotting his hips between yours.
"Insert?" You repeat, confused. You've never heard someone use the term 'insert' while having sex.
"Did I say it right? It means put in, you know?" You really can't help laughing at that. That laugh quickly turns into a groan of pleasure when you feel the thick head of his cock press against your folds, threatening to split you open.
"Fuck, it's hot." Taehyung has to stop himself before he can fully get his tip inside because the last time he had sex was a month and a half ago and holy shit, he might actually cum prematurely.
"You-you're stretching me open, oppa." Hearing you call him 'oppa' seems to awaken something inside him. You bite your lip hard in an attempt to suppress your whimpers as he gradually slides in deeper.
"Ahh, it's hugging me." Taehyung closes his eyes tightly as he buries himself inside you to the hilt. Somehow, being so deep inside you made him feel at home.
Slowly, very slowly, he starts building a rhythm, grinding into you with careful and precise thrusts. You're not completely sure if he's moving gently for you or himself but you're very grateful.
You part your lips slightly to let out a moan as Taehyung's cock drags along your walls. Before you can properly let a sound out, he's pressing his lips against yours again. Unlike before, he's immediately licking into your mouth, almost as if he can't get enough of you, like he needs to taste you to survive.
"Perfect. Perfect for me. Perfect and tight just for me." As you both adjust to the beautifully familiar feeling of each other, he starts to move faster. He pulls away from your lips and presses them back against your neck. For some reason, getting fucked in Taehyung's expensive car was ten times as luxurious as any other one night stands you've ever had.
"Tae, it feels-" You never considered you to be extremely vocal in bed but somehow this man managed to drag every sound, every moan from the back of your throat like it was nothing.
"Feel good? I feel good." He groans against your neck. He's been holding back this whole time but the longer he's inside you, the harder it gets to control himself.
"You don't- fuck, I'm not made of glass, you can go harder." You slip your hands under his shirt and glide them over the expanse of his back. His skin was a bit damp from how hot the car had gotten.
"Really?" You feel him smirk against your neck before his lips brush over the shell of your ear.
"So, more? I don't know, little girl, what if I break you?" He enunciates the word 'break' with a particularly rough thrust that has you seeing literal stars. That along with the way he's whispering and lightly biting your ear has you shivering under him with need. You need more.
"Mm- ah, break me! I don't care." You whine loudly. At first, you were happy he was letting you adjust but right now you needed his thick cock fucking you into these leather seats.
His objective seems to change after that. Instead of teasing you relentlessly, his hips start moving at an ungodly rate, the head of cock nudging at your cervix as if it was trying to get its attention. It was a dangerous feeling and you know what could happen if you got injured up there, but it felt so good. The way he filled you up so perfectly, rubbing against that bundle of nerves even when he pulled out just to thrust back in was just too addicting.
He growls something in Korean and if you could use half of your brainpower right now, you'd try and figure out what but you could literally feel Taehyung in your guts and it's hard to focus on anything else.
"Naekkeo..." His breathing gets heavier and his thrusts are starting to get sloppier. You barely notice, though, with your second orgasm already rearing around the corner.
"Who does this belong to, hm?" He says between breaths. The sound of skin slapping skin was so loud in the car and you wonder if the vehicle was shaking with how hard Taehyung was pounding into you. There's no way it wasn't.
"Who does this fucking pussy belong to?" He reiterates and the clear dominance behind his words has you keening. You wonder if you could cum just from him speaking to you like that.
"Y- ya- you! Belong- belongs to- you!" You clench hard around him when you feel your orgasm ripple through you in waves, one after the other till your head was thrown back and you were calling out Taehyung's name like a mantra.
"Tight, nnha, it's fucking... tight..." Taehyung's restraint was quickly deteriorating and before he can even form a cognitive thought he's coming inside you. His hips buck wantonly as you practically milk him dry with how hard you're clenching around him. The feeling of his warm cum pumping inside you nearly makes your eyes roll back. You truly missed that feeling.
"I shouldn't have- ah, I came inside..." Taehyung raises his eyebrows in a shocked, worried expression and slaps a hand over his mouth. It takes you a moment to come back to reality but when you do, the first thing you see is an anxious Taehyung. It makes your blood run cold.
"What happened? Was it bad?" You sit up, your initial reaction being to comfort him. He pulls out carefully and you feel his cum oozing out of you, seeping onto the fancy leather seats. Oh.
"No, no. So good. But this could be bad." He gives a nervous chuckle and looks down where you're practically leaking. You bite your lip at the sight. It was kinda hot.
"I'm on the pill and I'm clean, so don't worry." You giggle at your forward-thinking. After the promise of a second time with Taehyung, there was no way you were letting him pull out again. You had a bit of a breeding kink but there was no way you were getting pregnant. Thank god for birth control
"Pill? What pill?" He tilts his head, clearly confused but his lips turn up in a smile after seeing you giggle.
"Birth control. It prevents pregnancies." You explain it simply. He makes a sound of understanding and nods before throwing his arms around you and pulling you into his lap. Now it's your turn to be confused.
"Let's hug like this for a while then I take you back to the hotel. Couple minutes away." His arms are wrapped around your waist and he's pressing his nose against your neck, just breathing you in.
"I thought you said it was too far of a drive." A smirk graces your features.
"I just couldn't wait."
[© seokiie]
[I do not allow any translating, editing, reposting, or use of any my work!!]
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house-of-no-regrets · 3 years
No Regrets [in the wee hours]
Took a bit longer than expected, but I’ve finished the next little story! Hopefully I’ll be able to keep a decent pace on these. No overarching plot, just little stories in the same universe with the same characters. Warning for ~*murder*~ in this one!
I've been all-too-easy to wake up since I was a child; I'd often needed to go from dead asleep to functional, if groggy, as soon as I heard my father demanding action or attention. While I no longer need that reaction time, the old man long since locked up to rot, my brain is set in its ways and very convinced that I need to be able to bolt out of bed and fight God if a dust bunny moves too quickly in my vicinity.
Which is how I found myself waking up in the middle of the night, the sudden shift in the atmosphere bringing on consciousness with all the subtlety of a foghorn.
My room was silent, still, but I knew without opening my eyes that there was a spirit somewhere, and I didn't even give them a chance to speak before I pointed at the sign posted on my wall, barely shifting from my comfortable snuggle in my blanket and not even opening my eyes. Yes, this happens more often than I care to admit. No, I do not enjoy it. At all.
"Resurrection hours are noon to eight. I'm still alive and still need sleep to function."
There was silence, but the presence didn't leave, so I groaned and raised my head, finally opening my eyes to see the translucent, vaguely glowing, and unfortunately blurry spirit at the foot of my bed.
It did finally speak in a bewildered voice.
"Um, I'm being murdered."
Ah, fuck.
I grabbed my glasses from the bedside table and put them on. The spirit at the foot of my bed was tallish -- I've always been bad at estimating height, maybe half a foot shorter than Yvette? Five-nine... ish? -- and seemed to be in his twenties. There was a considerable dark stain on his chest and belly; likely blood, and the cause of his death. The newly-dead tend to show things like that, as they haven't had the time to get used to modifying their form.
I really hate it when brand new ones find me. I'm not sure how it started, but it seems like more and more often, now, the dead are drawn to No Regrets before they even realize they're dead, at least if they're the type to need my help. Wish I wasn't the one who had to break it to him. I'm not great with people.
"Sorry, bro, but I'm afraid they succeeded. Where was it? I'll get the police over there."
"Uhh... my house. I think. It's a little..."
I sighed. Right.
"You're probably a little out of it still... fresh dead usually are. C'mon, I'll take you around until things look familiar."
Climbing out of bed, I headed over to grab my hoodie from the back of the chair. I learned the hard way that sleeping is not a tits out sort of occasion when you're liable to get the dead dropping in at all hours of the night, so I sleep in pajama pants and a tank top. Little too chilly for tank tops outside, though. I shoved my phone in my hoodie and my feet into loafers, then started heading out of my room and down the hall.
"You remember your name?" I asked, trying to make conversation and learn what I could.
"Uh, Davis. Craig? Craig Davis."
"Well, Craig Davis, I'm sorry to hear about your passing. You're gonna need to possess me for this little adventure, by the way, but I'll walk you through it once we're outside."
"I- what?"
Considering how often I find myself lost in normal conversations, dealing with confused new spirits is especially difficult. Still shaking off my body's angry demands for More Sleep was not helping matters in the slightest, either.
"Possession. I'll explain it in just a minute." I rubbed an eye and yawned as I stopped in the foyer to pull a set of keys off one of the hooks on the wall.
Usually, I've got a driver. Not for vanity reasons, but after three or four near-misses caused by Sudden Spirits appearing in the car with me, I elected to hire someone to drive me into and around town as needed. But it was Fuck-This-Shit O'Clock in the morning, and Graves deserved their rest. The dead don't need to sleep, but they can if they so choose -- and it does, after all, conserve energy. The same goes for Yvette and Ashby; it was too early in the morning for most people to be out and searching for a necromancer to kill, so I wasn't gonna disturb them. I could handle a simple spirit chauffeur and 911 call on my own.
The keys were to the motor scooter; it was the better choice in this situation, allowing for more mobility and no passenger seat for any extra ghosts to drop into. That did, though, mean that Craig would need to ride shotgun in my body.
When I got out to the green scooter in the driveway, I paused and looked over at Craig.
"Hey, I know you're probably still a little out of it, so Possession 101." Script time. At least having this stuff memorized made it easier to do while dozy. "Our bodies need to take up the same space, so c'mere." I beckoned Craig over.
"So like… step into you?" He asked. Good, seemed like his head was clearing up some.
"Yeah, that's part 1."
He nodded and complied, crossing the space between us and settling in the same location, the two of us clipped into each other like bugged NPCs. It always felt so weird, those moments before a spirit actually possesses you. A sort of wobbly, in-and-out feeling like physics is trying to crush you and the spirit together, or, failing that, just kick your ass to the ground so you're not both in the same place at the same time.
"A'ight, now turn around and face the direction I’m facing, and overlay your hands onto mine as best you can." It was just a moment for him to obey, and I continued. "I'm not resisting, so you're gonna start feeling like you're being pulled in and pushed out at the same time. Space is trying to equalize. Let yourself be pulled in. It's gonna feel a bit like-"
The whirlpool effect kicked in before I could finish, the sudden snap and release of tension as Craig's spirit sank into my body. I wobbled a bit and grabbed the handlebar in front of me, then shivered at the sudden chill and dizziness. I'm pretty good at taking on passengers like this, but that didn't make it any more pleasant.
"You in there, buddy?" I asked out loud. Especially with new spirits, trying to think at each other was more trouble than it was worth. My lips moved to answer, though it wasn't my voice coming out.
"Uh- yeah. Yeah I'm here."
I grabbed the helmet hanging on the other handlebar and snapped it on, kicking the stand up and plopping heavily onto the seat.
"Great. Let's go."
"Wait, why am I not in control?" came Craig's confused voice. He felt almost frustrated, an undercurrent of emotion that wasn't mine despite being in my mind and body.
"Because this is my body, and I let you in willingly. Easier to keep control when you're letting someone in. Plus," I gave a little snort. "You just died, dude. I've been letting spirits possess me since middle school."
I felt his frustration turn to grumpiness, and then the pressure in my head, like a storm rolling in, that I knew from experience was him trying to take control. I froze and let out an irritated huff.
"You stop that. I'm not dealing with you doing some dumb shit with my body. Either chill out or get out."
"Oh- uh. Just wanted to see if I could…"
"Uh-huh. Anyhow, now that you're together enough to try joyriding, do you remember much about where you were before you were killed?"
I started up the scooter as emotions rolled through my mind, detached and distant, almost like the muffled dissociation I was used to mid-shutdown. Possessing spirits' emotions always felt weird like that, both mine and not mine, held at arm's length. Craig's was especially turbulent for a new death, but given that he had been murdered… I didn't fault him for being a little confused and angry. Even if it did put me a little on edge. 
"Uh- South Pine Street, Dogwood Acres housing development."
"Baller. That's not far from here. Once we get close to your body, you should be able to feel where it is, so I'll have a house number for the police. Don't want to have them scream in all blue lights and loud sirens and have your killer go to ground before they know which house, y'know?"
The muffled flare of anger that I felt was definitely not my own. I took a deep breath, hoped that the killer had panicked and tried to clean up instead of get rid of the body first, and puttered off towards Dogwood.
The housing development was quiet, lines upon lines of identical suburban boxes lit by flickering street lights that cast the sidewalks and yards in harsh white light. The occasional house had the glow of yellow within, but most of them were dormant. Weaving my way through the maze of streets, each one absolutely indistinguishable from the one before and the one to come, I felt terribly exposed -- and alone despite the spirit currently hitching along in my body.
I turned onto South Pine and brought my scooter to a puttering stop, stabilizing it with both feet on the ground. I couldn't help but bounce my legs to replace the vibration of driving; the sudden lack of sensation would ratchet my anxiety up even if I wasn't currently letting a frustrated dead man hang out in my head to catch his murderer.
...I should be more than a little anxious, really, but half-asleep Tabby once again wrote a check that more-awake Tabby is having to cash, and more-awake Tabby is very used to having to deal with the consequences of her idiot decisions. It occurred to me that normal peoples' consequences didn't usually involve murder, but when you live with the dead, you're bound to meet a few killers.
Two houses down, I could feel- not a tug so much as a presence, an echo of Craig's spirit reacting to his body. It was the only one on the street with its lights on and its garage, while not lit, was open. There was a car in the garage, another in the driveway, and a pickup at the curb in front.
"258?" I asked Craig, though I knew the answer already. His anger flared and I felt the oncoming storm again. I snapped at him. "That's two strikes, Craig. I'm sorry for your death, but if you end up driving my body into a crime scene or, god forbid, getting me killed next, I will kick your ass to whatever afterlife you're headed for and stay there to keep kicking it for eternity."
Big words for a short fat lady, but this is, in fact, my body on the line right now. I probably wouldn't be able to follow through on any ass-kicking, but dammit, I would try.
Craig was silent, and I could feel him steaming, petulant like a child denied a toy but with the power of a grown man behind it. With my stomach tying itself in knots and my hands starting to tremble, I dialed 911, hoping it would help quell the rising panic.
"258 South Pine Street. I think there's been a murder. I don't know the state of the crime scene or if the perp is still there, but you might be able to catch them if you hurry. The victim is Craig Davis, white adult male, either shot or stabbed in the chest, likely multiple times-"
"Wait, is this Tabby? The necro girl?"
Oh god I hope that isn't what the operators call me regularly-- I know I'm a bit of a 911 cryptid, since the usual intruder calls are to the non-emergency line, but if I get known as the necro girl I might have to move to a different state.
"Yeah, uh, necromancer, yeah-" I couldn't help but stumble over my words, now, with my train of thought derailed by the interruption. "-uh, murder?"
"Right! I'll send someone."
I murmured a thanks and hung up before she could ask me to stay on the line. I already had to stay around for the cops so Craig could give a statement, and making small talk with the 911 operator was not in the spoons tonight.
I don't like cops much, but in my line of work, they're kind of a necessity. I need to stay on the police force's good side because I need them to remove attempted murderers from my property on the regular. ...and also because graverobbing is still technically illegal, even if I do have the body owner's permission to dig them up.
At least most of the locals who know of me and my employees are chill about it. It took a bit of effort to get to that point, but now at least people don't run screaming from the less-presentable of my employees…
The blue lights of the police showed up fairly quickly, followed almost immediately by the red flashing of EMS. I puttered up slowly and parked my scooter just out of range as the officers set to work surrounding the house, then hung my helmet on a handlebar and walked up the rest of the way to watch the impending train wreck. I could feel Craig's anger boiling higher and tried my best to ignore it; Craig himself seemed to have fallen silent and sullen after I called him out.
I was standing just off to the side of the ambulance when someone stepped up behind me and called my name, making me jump and cringe.
"Oh- oh dear, I'm sorry, Tabs. I thought I heard you were the one who called this in!"
I straightened up immediately, face burning. I recognized that voice, bright and smooth and kind and--
"J-Jenna!" My voice was barely a squeak as I turned to face her, looking up at the round, dark face of one of the EMTs. She was a good six feet tall, maybe more, towering above me even in her uniform flats, with a brilliant smile and full lips and gorgeous natural hair pulled through the back of her uniform cap, the streetlight illuminating her from behind like a halogen angel.
Jenna had shown up to one of my early calls for assistance at No Regrets, and then she kept turning up, not every time I was in a situation where I'd be around EMTs, but often.
Concern showed on her face as she leaned to look me over.
"Are you okay? Did you see it happen, or-"
I shook my head, buying time to sort out words by tapping my temple with a finger.
"N-no, I uh- the victim woke me up, he's in here, uh, in case the cops need somethin' from him."
"Oh… are you getting enough sleep, dear? You sound exhausted. Do you want to sit in the back of the truck?"
It took me a second or two to recover from the way she called me dear, my face burning bright red. I couldn't make eye contact even for the second or two I can usually manage so that people don't immediately think I'm being dishonest.
"I- uh- um- w-well, it's, uh, it is like 4am--" I stammered, trying desperately to find words. "I-I guess 'm sleepin' okay, uh, how're… you doing??"
I have never been a great orator and the list of why that is gets a bit longer with every um and stutter.
Jenna's face bloomed into a gorgeous, open grin.
"I'm on 12-hour overnights right now, so I'm basically at least 60 percent Red Bull at any given time. Everyone okay up there at the House? Last I heard y'all were digging up half the lawn.”
I nodded, unable to keep from grinning. At least this was a subject I could talk to her about without making an absolute ass of myself--
"Yeah! The new girl, Chris, she's gotten Daryl and Roy to help her get the vegetable garden going! It's plenty big enough to take care of all of us, and I worked out a deal with the soup kitchen so that they get any of our excess, once things are running smoothly, and I can use their account to buy from that bulk food program that's usually only open to chari- oop-!" I bit my tongue and cringed. Right. I'm pretty sure that's technically fraud and I just admitted to it in front of-
There was a commotion from the house that snapped me back to attention, and the cops were leading a man out in handcuffs. He looked pale and shaken, spattered in blood, and not quite… present, like he had just checked out of reality for his own good. That… was a familiar look. I furrowed my brow. He certainly didn't look like a maniacal killer-
"He caught me with his wife," I said. Well. Craig said. I jumped. Jenna jumped. I flushed and covered my mouth reflexively.
"N-no that was him! The victim!" I squeaked. Jenna laughed, a hearty belly laugh, and covered her own mouth, though she was doing a terrible job of hiding her grin.
"I figured! If he caught you with his wife, it would be an upgrade!"
At this point, you could probably fry an egg on my face. Hell, my glasses were starting to fog up-- I stammered for a few moments, trying desperately to find something to say, and it was Craig who saved me, if you could call it that. I was too caught up in my embarrassment and awkwardness to realize how much anger and frustration he was radiating.
"Motherfucker told me he'd have my job! Son of a bitch thinks he can get away with doing this to me, he's gonna fucking pay--"
The oncoming storm crashed over me before I could get a grip on it, and all of a sudden I was lumbering forward, snarling words that weren't my own, and dragging a gardening pickaxe out of my truck -- Craig's truck -- on my way to the man and the cops--
I let out a shriek, in my own voice, feeling the sound cutting my throat raw. I wrested control of my body back with a lurch, falling on my ass in the yard with the force of it while the silvery-blue form of Craig was ejected from my body, screaming obscenities.
I threw my hand forward, fighting for whatever thoughts and words I could find to fix this. I saw Craig right himself and move back towards me, and the first incantation -- if you could call it that -- that my brain grasped left my lips in a single desperate breath, with a dizzying rush of power--
The force of the hurried exorcism rushed outward like a sonic boom, strong enough for even the mundanes around me to feel, and Craig's spirit let out a yowl of rage for a brief second before twisting around itself and collapsing in with a sickening crunch, crushing smaller and smaller until it was gone.
I winced -- not my best exorcism. At all.
As the flare of adrenaline dropped almost immediately and I came back to myself properly, I realized -- blurrily, as my glasses had gotten thrown off somewhere -- at least two officers had their weapons half-drawn at me, though they were looking over at where Craig's spirit had disappeared.
I collapsed the rest of the way onto the grass, shaking, and covered my face with my hands, trying with everything within me not to start crying. I should have realized he'd try something like that, why hadn't I been paying attention- I could have been attacked, I could have been arrested, I could have had to watch myself beat a man to death and I- fuck--
The sob that came out was squeaky and pained, and I pressed my hands harder against my face, like that would stop anything else from going wrong. I should have brought someone-- I shouldn't have let him possess me-- I should have been paying more attention--
Warm tears ran from the corners of my eyes, down my cheeks, to pool in my ears, making my already-trembling body shiver harder with the unpleasant sensation. I'd let myself get complacent, hadn't lost control of a possession like that in years, and- I'd almost- fuck--
"Honey, honey, sit up for me. Tabby? C'mon, let's get you up--"
Numbly, I let Jenna help me into a sitting position, where she wrapped a blanket around me and pressed an open bottle of water into my hands.
"Take slow sips. Are you okay? Just shaken?"
I nodded, some part of me grateful that I couldn't quite see her face properly without my glasses, because I didn't want to see what she thought about me after that. She sighed, though, and sounded relieved when she murmured "Good."
My whole body felt like jelly, trembling so hard I could feel the water in the bottle sloshing around, and I kept flashing from too hot to too cold to too hot again, and I couldn't even sort out my thoughts--
Jenna sat down beside me and rubbed my back. If I wasn't having a complete breakdown, I might have enjoyed it.
I don't know how long it took for me to calm down and clear my head, but the car with the other man had left, and the other EMTs had loaded Craig's body into the ambulance while Jenna sat next to me and made sure I was doing okay.
After a while, though, I blinked and shifted my torso, then opened the blanket more and cursed at the bloom of red on my hoodie.
I heard Jenna curse as well as she stood up, but I grabbed her pants leg.
"N-no, 'm okay," I mumbled, and instead of trying to speak more, I reached to pull my hoodie and tank up my stomach to show bruised, but completely unbroken skin, covered in blood, rivulets following my stretch marks and making it look even worse despite my being otherwise completely uninjured. "See, 'm okay." This was not the first time I've had a possession lead to the dead's cause of death showing on my own body. It wasn't even the bloodiest.
Jenna sat back down, and I could see her leaning in a bit.
"Well damn. Magic ghost stuff, huh?"
I nodded.
"Magic ghost stuff."
I could see the flash of white against dark skin as she grinned.
"So that exorcism… Artemis or Usagi?"
It took me a moment to parse her.question, but all of a sudden I was completely back to myself, just in time to absolutely die of embarrassment.
"L-listen, I- y-you can exorcise i-in anyone's name, i-it's the power and conviction that counts--!!"
"Usagi, then." I could hear the laughter in her voice, laughter that bubbled out moments later. I wanted to crawl in a hole in embarrassment, but- it didn't feel like condescending laughter. I knew what that felt like. She seemed just genuinely amused. "I grew up with Sailor Moon, too."
I couldn't stop the squeak that eaked out, and I covered my face again.
"G-god I hope word about this doesn't get out, people already think I-I'm weird enough, and to- to fall back on anime for magic i-in a pinch is just--"
"Cute," Jenna finished.
I squeaked.
Jenna moved away for a moment, and then she settled my glasses on my nose. I couldn't make eye contact, but I did glance over at her and sheepishly murmur my thanks.
"The officers still want a statement from you, since you made the call and tried to go after the perp, but I don't think they're looking at any charges, given…" Jenna trailed off and looked over at where Craig had disappeared. "...yeah."
I nodded, slowly, and then found myself yawning, the adrenaline drop setting in especially hard.
"...d'you think it can wait 'til tomorrow… 've kinda had a rough night."
"I think they'll be okay with that."
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parkers-gal · 4 years
why T.H.
wc: 6k (angst)
jerk!tom makes an appearance
You were angry, that was for sure. Tom knew why, it was his fault after all, but he'd never admit it. He would never 'man up' to you and just apologize like he should. At least, not when he should, but he would later, when the damage was already done and set in.
Truth be told, you were furious. How could he do that when he promised not to? You were more hurt than angry, if you were being honest. You didn't want to be the 'mother' but quite frankly, you were disappointed too.
It was your dream to own a bakery, but a bakery in London was something to get your hopes up. Dreaming big never ended well for you in the past, but after years of working your ass off, you had managed to achieve something you had wanted since you were young.
Your bakery, Flour Before Frosting, also happened to be where you met Tom, your boyfriend of almost 18 months. He had walked in one day, charming with a dashing smile, and asked for "your best made velvets, frosted with your number." You remember that day vividly, for it was one of the many times Tom would drop by before eventually taking you out and officially making you his girlfriend. Eight months and 17 days later, you moved out of your crappy flat and into his house (though it really just made things easier because you were already over every night).
You were in your shared bedroom, writing down new plans for how to decorate your bakery for the holidays.
"Hey, babe!" Tom called.
"In here, Tom," you yelled back.
"Oh- hey, luv. Got an old friend visiting next week, so I won't be by for our Wednesday lunch plans," he informed you.
"Oh, okay. Do you want some cupcakes and tea? Gonna have a new batch on Tuesday, fresh with new tea that Jackson just got. I think he made it- anyways, he gave me a sample a few weeks and I absolutely loved it. I think you'll like it too, it's just right for you." You rambled, and Tom laughed and shook his head at you.
"Yeah, darling. I'd love some cupcakes for my guest, gonna have to show off your amazing skills, aren't I?"
You blushed, waving your hand in the air as a hint for him to leave so he would stop flustering you. He ran over to kiss your cheek, leaving a Hershey kiss on your desk before yelling out that he'd be at the gym with Harrison for the next two hours.
Wednesday had come by, and you were on a lunch break, leaving Jackson in charge before heading to your favorite café for coffee and some light reading, and maybe even more planning. Heading in, you ordered and sat down in a booth. The door chime rung, making you look up from your papers and notebooks you had spread out to start your organizing. Tom, and what must've been his friend, walked in. You smiled as they went to the side of the restaurant with the small library of old, vintage books. They were facing away from you, sitting side by side in the angled lounge chairs. You were about to go over to and say 'hi' but your waitress came by with your coffee, so you stayed seated and went back to your work.
You saw Tom with the Tupperware box you gave him, enclosed with the small lunch note you always wrote him. He opened the box, giving a cupcake to the man talking to him (you were right in earshot), before reaching in for his, and the note. Before he got the chance to even look at it, his friend spoke up, frosting on his upper lip.
"You said these were made by a friend? This is fucking disgusting. Is it chocolate or..? Damn, ew, is this frosting healthy?" he laughed.
Tom nodded along, "I, uh, honestly couldn't uhm.." he trailed off, his friend looking at him with a confused expression, expectantly thinking for Tom to agree with him. "Yeah, man, I don't really fucking know."
His friend took another small nibble before playfully gagging, and looking at Tom while he bit into it for the first time. Tom reacted in the same way, 'gagging', to agree with his friend, before putting it on the table with his friend's cupcake.
"Who made that? Certainly wasn't Gordon Ramsey."
At this, Tom laughed. Whether he thought it was funny, or if he was just trying to ease the tension, you couldn't tell. You were too busy blinking tears away.
"You said you had tea?" he questioned Tom. Tom nodded. "Good, need something to wash away that disgusting thing people call a cupcake."
You cringed, turning your head to the side with squinted eyes because you truly couldn't sit there and listen to what someone thought was wrong with your life's work.
Tom didn't reply, just getting the tea in the thermoses in his bag, handing one to his friend while opening his. You were contemplating on if his lack of response was a good thing. On one hand, he wasn't completely encouraging the hate you were getting, but on the other hand, he didn't stick up for you either. Right now, that was all you could think about. But then, everything slipped your mind when both boys tried the tea you had specially made (early, for it wasn't to be sold in your shop for about another month) just for them.
Tom opened his thermos, smiling when he took a sniff at it, because you were right. It smelt like something he would love. His friend, however, would not agree. Taking one sip, he was just as rude about it as he was with the cupcake, going as far as spitting it back into the thermos.
He got up, taking both cupcakes with him, and dumped the thermos out in the trash can, the cupcakes following not long after. He sat down next to Tom, shaking his head with a coy grin before speaking.
"Next time, let's get Chinese or something," he laughed, Tom nodding along with him before slipping both thermoses back into his bag, dropping your note in the process. Before he got to pick it up, his friend crumpled it up and threw it towards the trash can, laughing probably a little too loudly about it. You were certain he knew it was a note from Tom's girlfriend. 
You were still for five minutes, stunned. Ultimately, you decided to cut your lunch break short, packing up your stuff as quickly as possible, leaving a tip and rushing out, your back to the boys.
You had yet to bring anything up, though you weren't noticeably acting different around Tom. But when he mentioned the next week that his 'old friend' wanted to "eat dinner and get drunk" you were hesitant. You hoped this 'friend' was temporary, because the effects were already starting to show, and you didn't like what they were.
Tom didn't tell you when he'd be out with, Andrew, he said his name was? but you didn't think it would be the immediate week after the cupcake incident.
You were sitting on the kitchen stool, jotting down ideas for your shop when he came in.
"Oh, Y/N! Andrew and I decided to go out this Friday, said something about clubbing or shit. Anyways, he said don't expect me home early, but I might sneak away if he's drunk enough," he said, rather quickly, for while he was talking, he was filling a water bottle and grabbing some fruit.
"Wait, this Friday? I thought we-"
"Thanks, Y/N! Gotta head out," he was practically yelling, running to kiss you on the cheek before racing out and slamming the door shut.
Did he mean this Friday? His only day off for the rest of the month, the one where you two planned a film night, with take away and late night talks and star walks in the park?
It was only eight o'clock on a Wednesday morning, your late opening day, but you decided to head in early. Walking in, Jackson had already opened for you, being the gentleman he is, just setting up for the day, knowing you didn't want to walk in to a store full of customers without being there. He was sitting at a window table with his boyfriend, Jeremy, giggling and eating a muffin. When the door chime rung, he looked up, his boyfriend turning around to smile and wave while Jackson was coming towards you.
"Hey, Y/N! We're a little short on shortbread today," he laughed at his pun, "so I put in a new batch about 20 minutes ago. The chalk board is set up and the cappuccino machine is on-" he was about to turn away before he stopped abruptly. "Oh! And Tom stopped by while I was in the back. Jeremy said that he wanted you to know something about not eating cupcakes for this new diet? I don't know, he mentioned something about Anthony telling him about some diet that would help fo-"
"Andrew!" Jeremy cut in from behind, correcting him.
"Right, Andrew told him it would help for his job. So he said to stop making his weekly order."
"Oh," you weren't quite sure what you could say. Thank you? What the fuck? It was all jumbled into your brain too fast. "Thank you, J. Well, guess we should open shop for the day." With that, you worked until seven-thirty, an hour later than you usually would.
Arriving home, you walked in and set your bag down, heading for the kitchen to get water. Mid-drink, Tom walked in.
"Why are you home so late?"
You swallowed, placing the cup down, "I was working," you deadpanned, maneuvering around him so your shoulder wouldn't hit his on your way out. He followed you into the living room.
"It's almost 8!"
"Yeah? I don't know what you want me to say, Tommy. I'm sorry? I'll tell you what you want to hear, but that doesn't mean I mean it. "
He was silent for a second, laughing slightly, seemingly letting it go. You weren't joking, but you didn't want to argue, yet. "Right," he laughed again, "Sorry. I did want to talk to you though."
"We are talking."
"Smartass," he joked. You giggled slightly. "I've got to go back to press next week. I leave on Tuesday." You stopped laughing. 
"For how long?"
"I'm always gonna be away for the same amount of time, Y/N, you know that. I'll be back mid October." 
October? It was only the beginning of April.
"Well, I'll be back in London for a few days in July so you'll have that. Press ends around September, but I need to finish up Chaos Walking. I'll be here for Halloween though," he smiled encouragingly.
You nodded. "Okay.. do great things, Tommy," you always told him.
Friday rolled around, and you you were going to close the shop early for your night with Tom, but he was going out, so your plans were out the window. Instead, [your best friend] would be coming over at around eight. Tom would be gone by that time, right?
It didn't matter, because he wasn't even home when you got back from work. It was barely seven, you two usually had dinner together. Well, not this past week because he had plans with Harrison, and his brothers, and Andrew, and Tuwaine...and practically everyone else. Seeing as you had about an hour, you decided to shower, changing into some casual clothes. Tom was going clubbing... he wouldn't be back before 4 A.M., right? You didn't care, [your best friend] would spend the night anyways. You had a feeling it was going to be a long night.
You were wearing a cute tank, your favorite sleepwear, and some loose sweat pants. You were drying your hair with a towel when the doorbell rang. It rang again, so with the towel in your hand you ran down the stairs, yelling, "just a second," but it rang again. You swung the door open, confused, because [your best friend] always came in unannounced because you two were completely comfortable with each other. Instead, you were met with the boy from the cafe, Andrew. You looked around, and saw Tom's car parked by the curb, Tom waiting in the driver's seat while talking to someone in the back.
"Hey, Tom texted you or- whatever. We're going clubbing, can you get his stuff?"
"Uhm.. stuff?"
"Yeah.. he said you'd put his stuff inna backpack so he could get ready at my place," he answered confidently, as if you knew about this.
"I'm- uh, sorry? I don't have anything," you answered.
"What?" his eyes were wide with annoyance and disbelief.
The car honked, and Andrew turned around, shrugging his shoulder and mouthing something to Tom, before Tom came out and up to you.
"Didn't you get my text, Y/N? About the stuff sitting on my dresser?" he asked, straight up without so much as a 'hello' or 'how're you?'.
"No, I- no. No I didn't get your text, Tom."
"Well?" you interrupted.
"Thanks for, nothing I guess," he responded, moving past you and into the house to retrieve his things. Once again, you were left with Andrew on your porch, only this time he was eyeing you up and down, winking at you before yelling to Tom and going back to the car, Tom following not long after. This time, he didn't even bother saying goodbye on his way out. Just as they drove off, [your best friend] walked up.
"What the hell was that?" she shrieked.
"That whole, 'thanks for nothing' bullshit. What kind of boyfriend thinks he can say that to his girlfriend?!"
You started heading in, taking one of her bags with you as she followed you inside. Placing her things down, you turned around, giving her a bear hug which she gladly returned.
"It wasn't that bad. Besides, he's been worse this week," you explained.
She was silent for a moment, shaking her head before talking. "Okay, I see why you called for a girl's night on such short notice. C'mon, lets get changed into some pajamas and get the snacks ready. It's been far too long since we've had actual time with each other," she gave you a sentimental smile, soft and sweet. You nodded, already planning on what to get and where to make the fort of blankets you already knew she wanted.
About half an hour later, she was in comfortable clothes, and you were in the kitchen making hot chocolate, getting chips and dip and pretzels and candy and everything in between. You had both decided to use the guest bedroom, which was accompanied with it's own bathroom. The room was probably a little smaller than the master bedroom, which was normal, but the bathroom was more expensive than yours. Plus, this one was used when the boys came over, so the Xbox, all the video games, movies, and the music equipment was here. Even with all this expensive stuff, the room was still as big as ever, so putting a fort in front of the bed barely took up any space.
You had to make at least three trips for all the food and stuff you were bringing, and because this was a guest bedroom, it had a mini refrigerator. Both of you decided to keep it pg-13, no alcohol or rated-R movies. Tonight, it was a Disney marathon with hot cocoa. At around 11:30, you had just finished your third movie, Beauty and the Beast, when [your best friend] stopped the ending credits and turned to you.
"Before we watch anything else," she turned to you while you did the same, "let's talk. We can fall asleep watching Disney, but we can't fall asleep and keep talking," you interrupted her, laughing, before nodding away. "So.. what's going on? With Tom, I mean, because you mentioned that he was worse earlier this week than he was today, and tonight he was pretty nasty so I mean- yeah, what else has he done?"
You paused, looking down and sighing, giving in. "Well, it started with Andrew, some 'old friend' he wanted to catch up with. I gave Tom some cupcakes and tea from the shop to eat with him. I was on my lunch break when the boys came into the same cafe and started eating. They didn't like it and- well.. they sorta threw it out after gagging about it," you said. Her eyes went wide. "I don't know, [best friend's nickname], I mean at first I was stunned, hurt obviously because it seemed to be on purpose because Tom knows I always go to that cafe on my lunch break. Is it a coincidence that he came to the same cafe at the exact same time I have my lunch break?"
You went on to explain how Tom had cancelled two dinner dates and a movie night within the past two weeks, and that he was going clubbing without inviting you, cancelling his weekly cupcake order and calling you clingy after you texted him about making sure he ate dinner. Not to mention he only just mentioned him leaving next week on a press tour, and spending his only day off with Andrew even though you two had planned spending that day together for a month.
By the time you were done listing off all the reasons, you were sobbing into [your best friend's] chest, trying to catch your breath. It was too late though, because Tom wasn't here and the events leading up to an attack like this could have only been noticed by him, seeing as [your best friend] wasn't here to see them herself. You couldn't hear anything, your pounding heart being the only thing filling your ears. [Your best friend's] attempt to calm you down wasn't working, resorting to the breathing exercises which were slowly drowned out. You could't even get a breath in. The realization hit you: if you didn't take control, you would faint. You had never had an attack this intense in at least four months, so everything needed to help you would take too long to get.
You gripped her arm, unable to focus on anything except for the fact that you were going to faint.
"I'm here, Y/N, I'm right here. It's going to be okay, right? We're gonna work things out. Yeah? Everything's gonna be alright. We're gonna be alright. We'll be alright," she cooed.
You blacked out, only for about two minutes, but you did. When you woke, you sobbed again, finding a steady breath before completely crushing [your best friend] with a hug, gripping her tightly.
"Thank you," you whispered.
She got you settled, convincing you to snack lightly before brushing your teeth, making sure you drank water. The fort was ready, untouched since your movie marathon, so you both climbed in and fell asleep watching Disney.
Four hours later, it was four o'clock in the morning, and the front door slammed shut.
"Y/N!" Tom slurred, dragging out the last syllable of your name. "Y/N!" he repeated, the same way but louder. "Where the fu-! OH! OW!" he screamed.
You and [your best friend] were already starting to sit up, confusion spreading across your faces before she got up, following her directly after. She opened the bedroom the door, and you stepped out, making your way down the stairs and seeing Tom sitting on the ground, missing a shoe with a rip on his shirt sleeve.
"There you are! I wus at the club a-and Andrew and I were hanging out and he took home some girl- he said if he was getting laid that I should come home and get laid by my lame-ass girlfriend, so come here! Fuck me!" he slurred, talking too loudly for your liking.
"Did you just call her a lame-"
"Tom, you're drunk. Go to bed," you cut her off, knowing how protective she would get. Honestly, you wanted her to scream and shout and yell at him, and you wanted to join her. But if you were going to, you wanted him to be completely sober so the guilt would really sink in.
"No wonder you're a lame-ass," he muttered.
"What was that?" [your best friend] yelled.
"Nothing! I'm going up to bed, see?" He looked at both of you before running up the stairs like a kid.
You both stood there, a little hesitant, before going up the stairs, talking on your way.
"Y/N, I swear if you hit him, you better knock some sense into him because that boy is so ridiculously stupid and undeserving of your love."
You laughed, growing quiet because you were beginning to think she was right. 
The next morning, you and [your best friend] got up at nine to make pancakes and bacon, your usual sleepover breakfast. The speaker was playing One Direction, both of you singing and slightly dancing when Tom came downstairs, disheveled and hungover.
It was Saturday, his last Saturday with you, but it had taken him too long to get interested in hanging out with his girlfriend. "Hey, Y/N. Wanna do something today?" he asked.
[Your best friend] looked at you, but you had already made up your mind. "Sorry, Tom, [your best friend] and I are going shopping together. Next time, though,"  you said, before putting your dishes in the sink and slipping out of the room, [your best friend] following you out.
That night, you and your best friend departed ways, telling her you'd call and let her know when she could come over again. You got home, and decided to put your new things in the guest bedroom, because your clothes from last night were still there. The mess, luckily, was cleaned up thanks to [your best friend], who convinced you to help with the cleanup.
It was nearly ten-thirty by the time you got situated. You were in a new set of pajamas, sitting in front of the tele in the guest bedroom on the floor, looking at all the new things you bought. You found this super cute sweater, and a pair of jeans [your best friend] insisted on buying for you. You also found a pair of shoes to go with an outfit you had planned in your head; it was perfect. People say your looks shouldn't matter, but you felt good when you looked good, so you loved fashion. Overall, you and [your best friend] must have spent at least $800.
At around 11, you heard footsteps running around the house, before Tom came into the guest bedroom.
"What're you doing in here? Aren't you gonna sleep in our room?" he looked worried.
You lowered the shirt you were looking at, making eye contact. You hesitated, "I- yeah... Yeah I guess."
"You guess?"
You just shook your head, trying to be playful with it, but ending up avoiding his gaze all together and going back to looking at your new things.
You looked up, "Yeah?"
He looked --  surprised almost? There seemed to be a glint of hurt in his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked.
You nodded, getting up and setting the shirt back in its bag, "C'mon, lets just go to bed."
He mumbled an agreement, turning around and walking to your bedroom. You left the guest room, closing the door and going into your room. It was weird-- to even consider it your bedroom, because you hadn't slept in it for about three days. The last time you did, Tom wasn't with you. Was it normal? Did all couples go through things like this? You didn't have much time to dwell on the thought, because you were already under the covers, sleep consuming you before Tom got the chance to talk to you about anything.
It was almost noon when you woke up on Sunday. Rolling over, you felt Tom's side of the bed empty. The feeling of the cold sheets didn't come as a surprise to you, he was gone every time you woke up even though he didn't start filming until around 10 A.M. . It was different this time, because it was your last weekend together. He was always at home on the weekends he wasn't away filming. 
You pulled the covers off you, walking downstairs into the kitchen where you were met with Tom and Haz, quietly whispering things to each other. You didn't get to listen long, for both boys shot up and stood straighter, smiling to you. You just looked at them, slightly rolling your eyes before grabbing some juice and heading back into the guest bedroom.
When you came down ten minutes later for breakfast, both boys were talking normally again.
"Just talk to her, alright man?" Haz spoke.
"What am I supposed to say man? I can't just go up to my girlfriend and tell her I'm fucking pissed at how she's been ignoring me. Not gonna be rude like her-"
"Woah- woah woah, Tom. She's not that rude. Just have a civilized conversation with her. It's easy, you're just overthinking it."
"Okay.. okay, yeah- yeah," he stuttered, turning around on his heal but abruptly stopping when he saw you standing in the doorway. His jaw dropped, noticing your anger immediately.
"Maybe I should go-" Harrison started.
"No, no don't bother. I'll go, it's obvious you both want it."
You turned around, going up to Tom's bedroom and getting a change of clothes, immediately putting on your jeans and the rest of your outfit, before Tom came barging in.
"No- Y/N, I'm sorry. Please, let's talk," he begged.
You ignored him, getting some more clothes, enough to last you two days, before going into the bathroom for your makeup bag and some deodorant. Going back into the closet, you grabbed your work backpack, making sure all your notebooks and journals were in it, before shoving the things you had in to join them.
"Y/N, please. I-  listen to me, please. I'm sorry, let's just talk. Talk it through, yeah?" he asked.
You looked up, talking rather emotionless. "No. We can talk when we've both thought our shit through, although I thought it was only you who needed to get their shit together, but obviously I was wrong. I'll be back after work on Monday, if you're even here to notice." With that, you moved past him, grabbing your phone and texting [your best friend], picking up your keys from it's hook and heading for the door. Haz was standing in the living room, and when you passed him he gave you a sentimental look, but you payed no mind as you glared him down, opening the door and slamming it in Tom's face, for he was downstairs too late.
About 10 hours had passed since you left, and Tom had only thought about you for two of them. Andrew and 'the gang' had called him, insisting that him and Haz join them for some fun. Tom had reluctantly agreed, much to Harrison's dismay.
At around eleven o'clock, Tom had had enough 'fun'. The guilt in him was killing him, but his anger for you was killing him even more. Telling Haz he'd be heading out, he drove home, getting into bed and thinking about what you'd talk about when you got back.
Monday had passed, and you were doing better than you thought you would be. You opened shop about 30 minutes early that Monday morning, knowing it was better to keep yourself occupied. It was [your best friend's] week off, so she offered to come with you to work, and 'volunteer' almost. She had quite some experience in waitress-ing , so you gave her that job. Around noon, Tom came into the shop, and [your best friend] called out, "Incoming, [your nickname]."
You looked up from the cappuccino machine, turning around to face the door Tom had just entered. The minute you saw him coming towards you, you spoke. Luckily there weren't that many people around who didn't know you, so they didn't react when you yelled at Tom.
"Get out."
"I just wanted to-"
"Get OUT!" you yelled, louder when Tom didn't listen to you.
He moved forward, leaving a Hershey kiss near the cash register, looking to you for your reaction. You picked it up, and threw it to [your best friend], who unwrapped it and ate it herself. He left after she pointed towards the door.
When you closed shop, you decided to head home, seeing as he was leaving tomorrow and you had obviously thought a lot about what to do. The only option, really: talk it out.
Walking in, you placed your bag by the door and went to get some water in the kitchen. Tom was standing there, staring into space. He noticed you come in, and immediately stood up straighter, obviously becoming more aware of his surroundings.
"Are you- are we talking now?"
"I'm here, yeah. Let's talk," you answered setting your cup down.
"What's your problem?" he asked. You looked at him like he was crazy, so he went on. "I mean, these past few weeks, you've completely ignored me. And when you did acknowledge me, it was a rather rude encounter. "
"You think I'm rude?" he nodded, and you scoffed. "Well I'm sorry you think I'm rude. You wanna know what I think is rude?"
"Look, I'm sorry my being honest upset you. But nobody said the truth was nice," he interrupted.
"Tom, what the fuck?"
"I'm just saying! Out of the two of us, you're the one who has more problems!"
"What the hell does that mean?"
"It means that you are always the one who cries over shit, and gets upset at little things," he answered. You looked at him in disbelief. "What I'm saying is you're over-dramatic and too sensitive."
"Oh for fuck's sake," you started. "You just- you just don't know when to quit, do you?"
"You said to talk! I'm talking!"
"You're being completely unreasonable."
"Am I? Because all you've talked about is how you think I'm crazy. Do you even have anything to say?"
"Fine! You want me to talk? I'll talk. I've been rude to you because you are the one who let that man you call a fucking friend insult my life's work. You completely agreed with him, took in my hate and didn't even stand up for me!" You yelled. Tom didn't know you knew about that, and he was about to interject but you kept going, "And to make things worse, you kept seeing him! Every single fucking week, it was 'Andrew said this!' 'Andrew said that!'. You cancelled dates to see him! Call me over-dramatic, but when your boyfriend cancels a date on his only day off, I think most girls would be pretty fucking pissed," you walked out of the kitchen.
Tom was in the living room too, following you. "Yeah, well I'm sorry I cancelled our plans, but we live together. Don't you think we see enough of each other because of that?"
"Wha- what?"
"Think about it! We see each other all time because we live together," he reasoned.
"Yeah, I guess you're right,"
"If you were ever around, I would see you a lot. But you're never around, so no, Tom, we don't see each other a lot. I work too, remember!"
"Not like I do," he mumbled.
"What?" you yelled.
"No, Tommy. If you have something to say, you better fucking say it or so help me-"
"I said 'not like I do'!"
"What? Because I'm not some movie star with his head up his ass, I don't work hard?"
"My head's not in my ass, yours is! All I wanted to do was talk things out, not get fucking blamed for things that aren't my fault!"
"Yeah? Well all I wanted was someone better," you quipped back.
"You heard me."
"What have I done wrong! Please, enlighten me! All you've done is complain about the stupidest things!"
"So my feelings are stupid, now?"
"Did I fucking say they were?" he yelled, voice raising as he stepped closer.
"Sounded like it to me!" you yelled, raising your voice to meet his.
"Just tell me! Do you have anything else to say?"
"You- you really are stupid, Tom."
"No, Y/N. I'm not. You are, not even telling me why you're so fucking angry at me."
"I'm angry because I had my first attack in months because of you. You! The person who told me he'd always be there to help me through one, not cause one. I'm angry because you go out without even bothering to ask if I'd like to join you. A-And then you just throw it at me that you're leaving for, what? Seven months?!  Not to mention you completely stopped eating things from my shop because of a so-called diet? And you're off with that Andrew guy, who eyed me like a pervert even though he knows I'm taken. You know how uncomfortable I am with that! And don't you dare say you didn't know, when you're the one coming home drunk telling me he's picked up another girl and telling you that you should go home and get laid too. God knows you'd listen to him if he asked you to cheat on me. Not to mention how you called me fucking clingy because I was checking up on you. You want me to stop making sure you're okay? You want me to stop caring?" you screamed. "Because you say the words and I will fucking back off for good. "
He was silent for a second, only missing a beat, contemplating on if he should apologize or keep fighting. Because he didn't want you to be angry, but he wanted to win. He needed to win. "Yeah, I wish you would back the fuck off. You're always on me!" he screamed. "And I get wanting to be affectionate, but you're just fucking sickening. Too much love."
That made you stop. "You think I'm loving you too much?" you asked quietly, and Tom looked at you, really looked at you, after hearing the change in your voice. You were quiet, practically whispering now. It wavered slightly, your eyes were glossy and red.
"I- I didn't-" he started, but it was no use. The damage was done.
He knew better than anyone about your past, which had caused a massive buildup in insecurities that were inevitably killing you. When you met Tom, he had promised to discard each and every one of your insecurities until you loved yourself as much as he did.
"No, you did. And you fucking know it." You were walking upstairs, getting yet another bag ready to last you until Tom left for his press tour.
"No, no Y/N, I'm sorry. Listen to me, baby. I didn't mean it," he begged.
"You wouldn't have said it if you didn't mean it," you said, choosing a few shirts to shove into your backpack. "Your intentions were pretty clear, Tommy. I'll stop caring for you, stop putting in effort for this toxic relationship. I'll stop loving you, because right now, it seems like loving you is the one thing wrong with me," you said, finding some pants and your makeup bag.
You were making your way downstairs now, "Y/N, Y/N please. Please I need you. I can't leave us like this- not when I leave tomorrow."
"What 'us,' Tom? There is no 'us' anymore."
"What're you saying?" he asked, tears finally falling from his face.
"I'm saying it's time I move on from you. Moving on means not having you. So, we're done," you opened the front door.
Tom stood in the doorway while you gripped the handle. "So- we- we're.."
"I'll be out before you come in July," you filled in. With that you slammed the door, driving to [your best friend's] house, while Tom sobbed on the floor in what used to be a home of two people who loved each other.
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sunfire-forever · 4 years
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Punishment time
Pairing: The Boyz Juyeon x Reader
Word count: 2.4k
Tags: smut, dom!juyeon, sub!reader, oral (receiving + giving) , 18+ , bondage, swearing, teasing, just extremely filthy
Summary: Lee Juyeon, oh that troublemaker. He is your best friend's extremely hot roommate who acts like a nice guy during the day. But when the night appears, he takes the mask off, turning into a beast and leaving all girls who come in his room a whiny, screaming mess. This is the story of how you became one of those girls.
It was just another day at your best friend's Eric place. You've known each other ever since he moved to LA and after 6 years of friendship you were sad to find out he'll move back to Korea. He was always so sweet and kind, you two knew everything about each other and you used to miss him a lot. Luckily, when you decided to move to Seoul to improve your Korean language skills, you were glad to see him again. You were besties and he was even like a brother to you. Yet the problem here was not Eric. It was his new roommate. His name is Lee Juyeon. Since you were learning Korean, you knew his name meant "main character". The name itself already gives a very bold statement, yet you would never have imagined it would be to this extent. Okay, let me put it this way: You know how in every university you will have these obvious looking attention whore fuckboys. The charming but dangerous ones? When you met Juyeon... He didn't seem like such a guy. Not until you got to know him better.
You remember the first time he appeared while you and Eric were making ramen for lunch. He actually looked like a very nice and polite guy. He wore an ironed Lacoste shirt and basic jeans - he actually looked like a guy with class. One time even his parents came to the apartment and he would act it all out like he was the most rule abiding, lawful son there is. So, what was the matter then? It is those secrets that you only found out because you were Eric's bestie. When the night came down, a new Lee Juyeon would be born.
Every night you spent watching a movie with Eric or just casually chatting, you would hear questionable sounds coming from the room next to you. You never had the courage to talk to Eric about it, but he also must have heard the intensely loud moans and screams coming out his room. The goodie two shoes Juyeon during the day became a sex monster during night. You never saw "the action" but you often met his one night stands with extremely messy hair, makeup smudged everywhere looking like they've just went through 10 orgasms. The truth is, they probably have.
To be honest, you always wanted to experience how it is. All these girls looking like that made you jealous. They made you envy what they had. You wanted to taste him. You wanted him to be the reason why your makeup is smudged as well. You wanted him to fuck the shit out of you and make you not be able to walk for days. Your sexual desire kept on increasing and increasing every day when you came to their place and you visited a lot. Did Eric know about this? Not that you were aware.. I mean you've never felt romantic feelings towards Eric but you were always the one to change the topic once he mentioned Juyeon. You were too embarrassed to reveal the true you to your best friend. At least before THAT happened.
It was just another morning at Sohn and Lee residency. It was a weekend and you slept over again on a couch. You expected to sleep a lot but then a very loud and irritating alarm woke you up. It was not your alarm, it was Juyeon's. It was 8am in the morning and you wondered who it can be. You looked at the phone and you saw "Mom is calling". You would not bother if you also haven't seen 20 other messages from her saying "Lee Juyeon!! It's an emergency, pick up". What could it be? You thought that you should hurry up and give him the phone. Yet you fogot all the other circumstances.
You thought he is still sleeping. It was 8am indeed. Yet, opening the door of the room, you didn't expect to see this view: It was Juyeon laying on the bed and not one but 2 of girls laying on top of him giving him a morning blowjob. You froze to death and dropped the phone. His mom was still on the phone, though.. The "loudspeaker" button turned on and you could hear Ms Lee calling him and asking if he is there while in the background you could still hear his moans reacting to the blowjob not being aware of the call because of the pleasure from those 2 sluts in his bed.
You just stood there at the entrance of the room not knowing how to react. You froze to the instance of seeing him naked, of seeing these girls as well - it looked like a porn movie live. Yet a milisecond later fear started to take over your body as you realized his mom is hearing her son's moans live and you fell on the floor starting to hang up the call. But oh, it was too late. His mom's voice became louder and he understood what was happening. Those two girls started screaming and his face turned red as if he's about to explode from anger and embarrassment.
You not being able to deal with the situation ran outside their apartment and took the first taxi home. How should you even react to this? How should you even explain the situation to Eric? You just wanted to give his phone to him so he can talk to his mom, you would have never expected for everything to turn out like this...
Many weeks have passed since the incident and that was the last time you went to their place. You met Eric of course, but it was always outside - in restaurants or parks. Eric was understanding, honesly the whole situation was extremely funny to him and he always teased you and laughed about it. Yet you were extremely embarrassed about it and avoided going to their place because you couldn't manage to see Juyeon again.
But then, a situation happened where you just needed to visit again. You finished your meeting with Eric at 8pm and went home from the restaurant. Yet on your way back home, you realised you left your phone charger with him, since you borrowed it to him during dinner. You immediately texted him and agreed for you stop by quickly at 10 o'clock for you to take it. He said you should just ring and he would know to open the door so you can avoid the possibility of meeting Juyeon. So right after you headed to his apartment and rang the bell. The door opened. It was not Eric Sohn in front of you.
"Um, is Eric here?" you asked, looking straight into Juyeon's dangerous eyes trying to act like everything is alright. He didn't answer but took your wrist and leaded you in the apartment. "Eric told me he will here at 10" - you said. "10am not pm, baby."
"Now you're all mine", Juyeon continued. Shivers went into your body. You didn't know how to react. Juyeon let your arm go and you wanted to open the door and run away again, yet the door was locked. And then you heard the click with which the lights turned off, the small night stand lamp being the only source of the light in the room.
"Is this what you are looking for?" - said Juyeon, holding the apartment key in his hands. You came closer trying to snatch the key from him. He hates you anyway, you just wanted to leave it all. On the other hand, the surroundings made you feel weak. Him swrling of keys with his enormous hands made you remember how long you've dreamt of those hands choking you. Him looking at you with the smirk made you remember how bad you wanted him to ruin you, just like those other girls you used to see every night.
And that day, you gave it in. Despite of everything, you could not resist how much you were actually attracted to this man. He was the source of your wet dreams, those dreams that you've always waited to come true. You decided to be brave and you took a few steps in front. You are a strong woman after all. He watched you surprisingly not even stating a word until you were only an inch away from his face. His daze was still as stroking and intense as before, but now you were so close to him you could feel his bulge getting harder and his breath getting faster and more delicate. "You were a very, very bad girl, y/n. You know that, right?" he said, his lips being literally a millimeter away from yours. You moved your gaze from his lips to his eyes, realizing he expects an answer from you. You just nodded slowly and tenderly.
At that very instant, it's like the past was forgotten. He dropped the key on the floor and used those hands to pull you in to the most delicate kiss you've ever had in your life. With every second, with every touch, you knew this guy was hella experienced. His lips were like made for yours. His kisses were desperate. They were angry and they wanted more. He licked your lower lip slowly looking you straight in the eyes, which was the most irotic scene you've ever experienced. "Do I have the permission to ruin you, kitten?" he asked. "Do whatever the fuck you want with me, Juyeon" you said in breaks from the burning hot makeout session.
He easily took you in his arms, just like you were made of feathers. Your lips did not split up to the moment he got you in his room and slammed the door behind him. He brought you to his bed and slowly paused. The room was in the complete darkness, but the streetlight from the outside was shining directly to his face while he was looking at you below him. He looked beautiful, he looked ethereal. Not breaking the eye contant, he started taking his belt off. Afterwards, instead of throwing it on the floor, he took your hands and used the belt to tie your hands to the poles around his bed.
"Punishment time starts, love", he said, while raising your skirt and literally ripping your underwear. From the gentle tone he started acting rougher and rougher and rougher. His fingers went into your core and he smirked after the realization of how wet you already were for him. But like literally how couldn't you - it was Lee fucking Juyeon! His fingers worked wonders and you were so sensitive to his touch. Simultaneously he also left kisses at every sensitive spot you had. The neck, around your earlobe, later moving to your nipples, sucking them mercilessly. His hands continued focusing and going around your clit. You were flabbergasted. As if he knew your body better than you. The moans and breaths filled the room while you drowned in pleasure. Not much later your body started uncontrollably shaking followed by the most powerful orgasm you felt in your entire life. You were sweating so much, laying below him on cloud 9 while Juyeon watched you feeling satisfied.
He still had all his clothes on, though. You felt like you owed him pleasure as well, but he was patient to wait. Because he didn't finish with you yet. He got closer to your face and when you expected him to touch your lips again, he started going around your lips, kissing everything except the lips themselves. He was such a tease, oh my goodness. These lips then continued lower to your body up to the point when his head was between your legs. He took both of them in his hands and started doing magic with his tongue. Still not completely recovered from the previous orgasm, another wave of pure, severe pleasure took over your body. Since your hands were tied up, you could not do anything except scream and swear his name, which he seemed to enjoy a lot. Soon your 2nd orgasm hit you and you were just a shaking, screaming and sweating mess.
"Juyeon, let my hands go", you bursted. "I need to touch you, please". You felt the urge of giving it back to him, the reciprocity law focing you to pay him back. After he let your arms free, the real game started. You've never felt so much chemistry with a person before. You stayed in his room until 5am and you two couldn't take your hands off of each other. After feeling him completely thoroughly inside you, it's like he left a spell on your body which made you addicted - to his touch, to his lips, to his cock, just to the way he made you feel. You did it on the bed, on the floor, in the bathroom as well. He knew extremely well how to lead you and you just went along. You made sure he felt good as well, deep throating the veiny monster he had, which made him whine and turn you on even more.
After your multihour long session ended, you had so many thoughts in your head. You felt filthy, you felt like you betrayed your dignity, but on the other hand oh damn it felt so good. You had no idea how you will explain this to Eric, but now you couldn't think about it. Juyeon took the blanket hugged you from the side holding your hand. He started massaging your knuckles and came closer to your ear. "How did it feel, babe?", he whispered. "Ah Juyeon, I don't know what to say", you answered, not knowing how to express your state of mind and body.
"I'm glad you could take it all you deserve.", he continued. "Next time, I'll allow Eric to join too. Now that we know that you're like us, you are ready to meet the other side of him, too."
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rhysismydaddy · 3 years
Casual Ruin Pt. 5 (Elriel)
Elain's part of the Damnation series.
Last part! I know I said this would be 6/7 parts, but I realized I have no idea what the fuck I had planned to write in those parts, so it's 5 instead hahah. didn't edit the ending whoops
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
It's three in the morning when I hear it.
We're laying in bed, and even though I should asleep like the man next to me, I can't stop thinking about how little time we have left.
How has the past month gone by so fast?
It feels like yesterday I was standing on my stoop, watching Azriel open up and tell me things he's since admitted he's never told another person.
It feels like yesterday since I decided that I care for him more than I care about what he does.
But it wasn't yesterday; it was a month ago.
A month that's been filled with dinner dates, soft smiles, laughter, and enough tender moments my heart feels full. He's a
The plane ticket hidden in the bottom of my purse is a constant reminder that this is just a summer fling, that it isn't supposed to mean anything. Two weeks from now, I'm supposed to get on that flight and never look back.
Except it feels impossible.
It broke my heart when I walked away from him a month ago, and that was before he told me the details of his life.
Now I know him.
I know about the way he smiles in the morning and how he shakes his head when he laughs, like he can't believe he's doing so. I've learned how ticklish his ribs are, how he likes his coffee, his favorite type of cigarettes.
I know about his family, how his mother died giving birth to him and his father resented him from the day it happened. I know about the first man he killed, how it made him sick. I know what his tattoos really mean.
And what I never could've expected is that everything I've learned, the good and the bad, have tied me to him in a way that feels permanent.
How am I supposed to just walk away from that?
The thought of never seeing his smile, never feeling his rough hands cup my face with a gentleness he doesn't show the world... it feels like missing a part of me.
And it worries me enough I haven't been able to sleep for the past two nights. Like I'm incapable of wasting a minute, I spend the nights watching him sleep.
Which is why I'm perfectly awake when he pulls me close in his sleep and whispers two words that ruin me.
Ti amo.
Tears well in my eyes as I stay perfectly still, replaying the moment over and over.
He loves me.
It's something I knew--something we both probably knew--ever since that day in the rain, but I think we both never said it because we knew our time is limited.
It's been in every touch, every kiss, every moment where we get caught up just staring at each other.
But I want to tell him, I have to tell him, because however good it makes me feel to hear that from him... I know he needs it more.
He's never been loved--never been anyone's first choice, but he's mine, and I want him to know. And I don't want to be just one more person that leaves him and makes him wondering if he'll ever be enough.
So I start to plan.
~A week later, Azriel~
Well, the worst has happened.
I love the fucking woman.
Now my biggest weakness now walks outside my body, with soft brown eyes and dirty blonde hair and bright smiles that light up the world.
And she's leaving in a week.
It scares the shit out of me.
She scares the shit out of me.
Honestly, I hadn't even realized I was in so deep until she said the words "We're done."
All I remember about that day is feeling I'd been stabbed in the chest and looking down to find the blade but not seeing anything but my own hands.
One moment I was convinced I was dying, the next I was in front of her on her stoop, telling her shit I've never told a living soul.
It wasn't then that I realized I love her, but that was when I realized something maybe even more important. I trust her.
Rule 3's been thrown out the window, and I don't even remember when it happened. Was it when she told me I'm not a monster? Or the first time I noticed the way her lips turn up every time I tell her she's beautiful?
Or maybe it was the first time I laid eyes on her as she stumbled into that opera booth, looking like everything I never knew I wanted.
Either way, I'm about a mile up shit's creek with no fucking paddle.
I trust her, love her, and I've only known her ten weeks. Which reminds me, she's leaving.
Which is irritating, because while the mere thought of watching her leave makes me want to level a building, she's currently acting like nothing's wrong.
She's in the bathroom, putting on red lipstick in a slow, taunting way that makes me want to mess it up. I'm sitting in the chair next to my bed, trying to stay calm.
She's watching me watch her in the mirror, and her eyes meet mine for a split second before she looks away, making me suspicious.
That look... I've seen that look before, more times than I can count.
But never from her.
It's a secret.
She looks like she's hiding something.
"Something you need to tell me?" I ask, putting a hand behind my head to prop it up.
Nodding, she comes to stand at the foot of the bed. "Yep."
I raise a brow. "What is it?"
"I'll tell you tonight if you meet me for dinner."
Suspicion and curiosity make me ask, "Where?"
"La Rosa," she responds casually, making me narrow my eyes. It's outside of the city a bit, a small place on the coast I've never had an interest in owning or visiting.
"I've never been there."
"New experiences are good for the soul," she quips, sliding on her sandals. "Just say you'll meet me."
There's a hint of nerves in her voice, so I say, "Of course, dolce mia."
She smiles, victorious. Then she's bounding over, taking my face between her palms, and pressing her mouth to mine.
Before I can ask what she's up to, she's out the door, calling over her shoulder, "Seven o'clock! I'll meet you there."
I get up and slide my jacket on, slipping my hand in the pocket and toying with the piece of metal I've been carrying around for a month.
Sighing, I take it out and throw it on the counter, knowing that if this life has taught me one thing, it's that it won't make a difference.
When seven o'clock rolls around, I'm seated at a table, frowning at my surroundings.
I've definitely never been here.
No man has, I'm willing to bet. At least not on his own volition.
There are flowers everywhere. Spilling out of vases, growing on the vines surrounding the open windows, lining the doors that are open to the patio out back.
Besides that, I guess the place isn't too bad, actually. The lights are soft, the weather's nice, and by the smells coming from tables around me, the food will be good.
Elain's running a few minutes late, but she called and told me to go ahead and order.
Apparently, she's come here before, because she told me what to order her. Odd.
A few minutes after I relay the information to the waitress, I spot her coming in the front door and wave her over.
She's a little flushed, her eyes are bright, and the smile on her face gives no doubt she's excited.
I stand up when she reaches me, kiss her, then ask, "What's going on?"
"Nothing," she says too quickly. "Did you order?"
"Yeah. Have you been here before or something?"
She nods, diverting her eyes down and to the right in the classic tell of a lie.
I sigh, frustration getting the better of me. "Elain, what are you hiding from me?"
Before she can answer, the food comes. Two plates of pasta are set in front of us, and I know instantly I was right about the food being good.
But no matter how good it looks, there's only one thing on my mind.
She waves a hand. "Just eat, Azriel. I promise I'll tell you in like five minutes."
"Why not just tell me now?"
"It's more dramatic this way," she explains, making me sigh again.
She's going to give me a fucking heart attack with her drama.
A little aggressively, I stab the fork in the pasta, taking a huge bite.
I feel her eyes on me, watching me eat, but I act like I don't notice, mentally counting down the seconds until five minutes is up.
I'm at 263 when she asks, "Do you like it?"
Rolling her eyes, she gestures to the plate in front of me. "Do you like it?"
"It's good," I reply honestly, a little surprised. I've lived here long enough to know the best places to eat, and I've never heard more than a decent review about this place.
"I'm glad," she says, full lips tilting up. "Since I made it."
I don't get it. Did she bring it with her? Is that why she was late?
Also, why did we come to a restaurant if she was going to cook?
"What? Why?"
She tilts her head, smile growing.
Right as my still-counting subconscious gets to five minutes, she explains, "Because I work here."
He stares at me, bite of pasta halfway between his mouth and the plate.
I've been almost bursting at the seems the past four days trying to keep the secret.
I mean, given what the man does for a living, I didn't think I'd make it more than an hour. And while he's definitely been suspicious, I made it.
"What?" he finally asks, dark brows furrowing as he leans in.
"I have a lot to say," I tell him. "So don't interrupt me."
His eyes narrow like they always do when I tell him what to do, but I ignore it and start listing off the different secrets I've been keeping.
I start with the most important.
"First, I love you."
The fork clangs against the plate as he drops it.
I smile, biting my lip and trying not to cry at the look on his face.
"I think I have since that first night when we danced in the bar. Or maybe when you took me to the beach. I don't know." Taking a deep breath, I say, "I tried to stop, when I found out... everything. But it was useless, because I was as in love with you then as I am now."
He shakes his head, almost like he's panicked, but I keep going.
"I love you, Azriel. I want to be with you more than I've ever wanted anything. And I can't bear the thought of leaving you. I don't want to."
Gesturing around us, I say, "I got a job here, and my landlord said she can draw up a lease. And before you say anything, I'm not giving anything up. The past months have felt like paradise, and I love it here. I liked my job in New York, but it wasn't anything I'll miss."
His eyes are so wide, it'd be a little funny if I wasn't so serious.
I take a sip of wine and try to puta brave face on. A lump forms in my throat, but I manage to say, "But we never talked about anything long term, so if this isn't what you want... I'll go. I promise. I just wanted you to know that you're... it for me. You're everything to me. I choose you."
He shudders, closing his eyes, and I take in how tight his jaw is, how close he seems to coming unraveled.
Is he freaking out? I definitely am.
After a few moments, I realize he's still waiting on me, so I laugh and say, "You can talk now."
He doesn't.
He just opens his eyes and stares at me, the shock in his gaze clear to read.
Nerves blossom. I was so sure he'd be happy, but maybe he isn't ready. Voice turning shaky, I ask, "Is this what you want?"
Slowly, he shakes his head, but before I can panic, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key, holding it out between us. "I want you to live with me, not at the townhouse."
All the nerves fly out the door, and I laugh, not quite able to believe it.
How long has he been carrying this around?
The tears finally spilling over as I take the key from him. "Okay."
He brushes my cheeks off with his thumb, looking at me like he's never seen anything more beautiful.
Azriel's quiet for a moment, and I give him time, knowing that whatever he wants to say is hard for him.
"Ti amo. Mi spaventa così tanto."
I love you. So much is scares me.
"You? Scared? I don't believe it."
I'm trying to joke and lighten the mood, but he's completely serious as he shakes his head, cupping my jaw with his hand. "You scare the shit out of me, Elain."
My heart clenches, and I fight a fresh wave of tears as I lean into his touch. "You scare me, too."
"But you're not leaving."
It's said like a hopeful promise, like something he needs to hear again and again to accept it's true.
I shake my head. "I'm not leaving," I whisper.
He finally smiles, that big smile I'm positive he only gives me, and leans over the table to kiss me softly. "Say it again."
"I love you."
He kisses me again, and I slide my hands in his hair and kiss him back, feeling like everything before now has led up to this. He's the grand finale, the one I didn't know I was waiting for.
I pull back a little, just far enough to see his reaction as I whisper, "Meet me in the bathroom."
His eyes flare and his mouth drops open, and I laugh as I get up from my seat and try to walk nonchalantly towards the back.
This hadn't been part of the plan, but I've told him I love him, and now... I want to prove it.
Plus, I don't know what it is about him, but he feeds the adventurous side of me like nothing else.
I can feel him watching me from the table as I make my way across the restaurant.
Thankfully, the place is busy tonight, so I don't think anyone notices when, as soon as I shut the bathroom door, he rises to follow me.
A moment later, he slips in with me, taking in the dim lights, closed stall, low music. He flips the lock, and it's like it snaps the thread between us, descending us into chaos.
He's on me in a second, arms wrapping around me and lifting me. My legs bracket his hips as he pushes me up against the wall and traps my hands above my head.
"Say it again," he demands breathlessly, eyes bright and full of heat.
I nip his lower lip, then kiss it softly. "I love you, Azriel."
His mouth crashes into mine, unrestrained and demanding and deep enough I lose myself in him.
My hands are in his hair, his are pushing up the hem of my dress.
There's a brief moment of adjusting, and then he's easing into me. His eyes are on me, his lips are parted, and as I tighten around him, he makes a deep rumbling sound. It's the hottest thing I've ever seen.
"You're mine," I tell him, tilting my hips to take him deeper. "And I'm yours."
He shudders, eyes going black. "You're mine."
His hips claim mine, then, pulling out and thrusting back in, moving me up the wall. I tighten my fingers in his hair as he hits a spot deep inside me, and he groans.
Moving his hands to my hips, he brings me down as he thrusts up, and I moan, then slap a hand over my mouth.
I work here, for God's sake.
"This is not very professional," I mutter, smiling when his lips twitch.
"No," he agrees, thrusting into me harder. "And it's definitely inappropriate."
I clamp my lips together, pressing my hand to my mouth again to stifle the involuntary whimper I let out.
Azriel grins, tugging on my earlobe with his teeth and whispering, "You might need to go to confessional again."
Rolling my eyes, I move my hands to his shoulders, then lean in to lick up the column of his neck. "Between the two of us, I'd say you're more likely to end up on your knees tonight."
He laughs, tugging my head back to kiss me again. His tongue meets mine in a wet, deep slide that makes me shiver. His hips brush mine. His hands hold me just right, keeping me against him.
Pulling back, he brushes his lips over mine and whispers, "I love you."
The easy, conversational pace is abandoned, and we're moving harder against each other, the only sounds our labored breathing and muffled moans.
He brings a hand to cover my mouth, and I cover his with mine, and we're in tandem, both of us lost in the other.
He comes when I do, driving deeply into me and stilling, his head buried in my neck.
We spend a while like that, and when I eventually slide down the wall, we take our time adjusting our clothes. He keeps stopping me to kiss my shoulder or brow, and I waste too much time just looking at him.
When we're both ready, he extends a hand and grins. "Let's go home."
I smile, unable to help it. "Let's go home."
Thank you for reading! This is the last part, although I might do an epilogue one day (don't hold your breath lol).
Send me asks if you have em :)
@elorcan-trash @sweetdaisybell @anyblinding @acreativelydifferentlove @loosingdreams @poisonous00 @januarystears @emikadreams @swankii-art-teacher @thedarkdemigod @full-tilt-diva @biggestwingspan-az @bookstantrash @mari-highladyof-feels @pilesofriles @bamchickawowow @teddytdr @perseusannabeth @shinya-hiiragi @cursebreaker29 @a-bit-of-a-cactus @elriel4life @girl-who-reads-the-books @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @live-the-fangirl-life @ireallyshouldsleeprn @highqueenofelfhame @autophobiax @rowaelinismyotp @nahthanks @ghostlyrose2 @lovemollywho @inardour @tillyrubes10 @claralady @tswaney17 @rowanisahunk @superspiritfestival @thegoddessofyou @awesomelena555 @booksofthemoon @greerlunna @jlinez @studyliketate @over300books @justgiu12 @maastrash @aesthetics-11 @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @musicmaam @hizqueen4life @maybekindasortaace
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