#why does torino hate ice dance
raininyourblackeyes · 2 years
The only thing ice dance events this GPF did were remind me of this, also in Torino but 16 years ago
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tutuandscoot · 11 months
Ice Dance Falls, Fails and Flubs
Part 1
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1. “Stationary Lift BASE?! “😱🫠
Classic HD fuck up 1.0
By now y’all know my distain for HD, not that I have any love lost for Bock either.. or WeaPo.. or gilorier.. so basically this is me missing VM at 4CC and HOLLERING at the cocky ness HD display for a rushed, messy, careless program with a travelling stationary lift guys come on what are you doing sitting there pep-rallying for +5’s.. you look like idiots. Btw. who tf is this lady on the right ↗️??
Also feat. Evan ‘employee of the month at Taco Bell’ Bates
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2. Belbin/Agosto blow it in the Compulsory Dance
They came to these world champs in 2008 expected to win, with the Russians D/S out with injury. But down Tanith goes on a twizzle in the CD.. the point of CD’s is that you are in hold basically the whole time therefore it’s extremely unlikely to fall bc your partner holds you. This put them 6th after the CD, 5th in the OD, rising to 4th after the FD.. they would never win a worlds or Olympics despite being an incredible team* (for the time.. )
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3. FP/M- Torino addition
Maybe the funniest thing ever in Ice dance. This happened after at least 3 teams had already had serious falls (including Marie and Patch which I won’t be talking about bc of the seriousness of it- that was not funny) this on the other hand is HILARIOUS. Firstly: the costumes. WHAT? WHY? Maritzio looking like a pimp. Even before the fall this performance reminds me of your cringe aunt and uncle getting up to dance at a wedding. They had not competed since SLC 2002.. we won’t discuss that bc How and WHY- what sport was ID in 2002 where this team wins a medal over Bourne & Kraatz?????
Then.. the fall.. yes BESP uncles.. it was the too much outside edge that did it, that’s where the problems started, never mind mags’ shithouse skating skills.
My favourite part is when she just *reverse Homer Simpson’s out of a hedge* towards him and he does that *nod* as if to say “hey that was pretty damn good” seriously, what a flop, even in the K&c it continues to be hilarious him just man spreading looking at the scores while she looks like she’s gonna kill herself (and him), he’s looking as if ‘yeah that’s not bad’ well you wouldn’t know bro there’s been a new system introduced since you seemingly last stepped on an ice rink.
Just omg.. iconic. all I can think about is god forbid this ever happened to vm and the polar opposite their reaction would be (except S never dropped T and S actually had skating skills)
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4. The piece of shit that is Didier Gailhauget
(Thankyou to @iluvausten for finding this for me)
I don’t need to translate this right y’all get it..
This tweet and subsequent result is the reason the acronym LMFAO was invented. Guess the Russian mob didn’t feel like helping out on this one sorry boo 🥲
(And/Or the bby angels were just too damn good)
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5. Bourne/Kraatz 2002
This is kinda a sad one..
But what I love is the contrast between B/K reaction and FP/M..
No blame, no hate, no making a scene.
They were in 4th place going into the FD with a good chance of capturing bronze, but fell in the last 5 seconds.
It was so unfortunate but you know what: you skate to MJ you should expect karma..
They finished 4th- same as they had in 1998- a fixed event
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6. Classic HD fuck up 2.0, Worlds 2017
I don’t want to talk about this to point where I’m gonna get hate for it and I also don’t want to be that person who says ‘I don’t talk bout what I don’t know’ and then talk about what I don’t know but since this post has a bit of a ‘blunt and direct humour about it’, why do I get the feeling that the whole ‘we don’t have faith in ourselves’ thing was a bit of an act with these two and training with the goats gave them this false sense that they were better than they were and took that cocky confidence too far to the point where (he especially) couldn’t stay on his damn feet?? The whole ‘Gabrois podium sweep’ thing they were going for at these worlds and olys gives me side eye..
Ok. That’s part 1, part 2 coming soon
Reminder this is all in good humour, every team that competes at this level is highly skilled in some respect and then others are just a$$holes🥰
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part #1
Dear you -
staying together despite the hurricanes exceeded my expectations for a perfect summer.
I got on one knee at 11,23 pm, on a cloudless summer night, on a bare rooftop with a view of the city. With my back to the Basilica du Sacré-Coeur and the Eiffel Tower, leaving – as usual – the best view for her to enjoy. My previous attempts to pop the question in Montmartre and on the Pont de Bir-Hakeim had miserably failed. Knowing she’d call me crazy for proposing so soon – six months and fifty thousand miles into the relationship - I had equipped myself with a mont blanc, overfilled with whipped cream. “That’s not crazy… this is crazy!” - I shouted– as I smashed the pastry on my face - rising frantically from the depths of my helplessness. The mess had been made – I got up and kissed her to buy her some time.
We have had such different appreciations of the world before the universe (some call it God; others call it Michael) made our paths cross. My experience on Earth, or perhaps the nature of my soul, my karmic bonds, have put me in conflict with conformity for as long as I can remember. Pursuing consciousness and pure experience, and a burning need and desire to give and receive love have and have had me behave in ways that may look unconventional to most. I am aware that dealing with that alone requires patience.
Three days after she kind of accepted/kind of declined my proposal, she could not help but noting, in front of my parents, how her sister’s engagement ring carried a one karat stone. Hers carried a mere 0.34, and had cost me a mere fifth of my annual income.
Degio’s trip to Seattle, the newly-found unity in our wolf-pack following Iosefa’s accident, my liaison amoureuse with Seattle – in the highlight reel of last summer, she is more of a mythological character – a faux ami at best - than a beloved protagonist. Brittany pointed out how most of my anecdotes from the past two seasons end with – “and then I went home, and Kim and I fought until four am over the most senseless crap.”
Blah, blah, blah – amore mio, there is a degree of irrationality that is always going to guide my every action and my every breath. That is where my lucky breaks and my blessings have always come from. Being in the place where I am right now, just as scared as you are and – despite the madness - addicted to the sound you make before you smile, has proved my instinct right.
She loved fart jokes. We bonded over fart jokes. She bonded with her forty-seven-year-old, Gabibbo-looking boss over fart jokes. He’s everything I am not. Wealthy, neo-liberal, overweight, bold, dominant. He fought in Operation Desert Storm, I am appalled by the military complex. She loved boats. We’d go on dates to Alki Beach,  just to get on the water taxi to West Seattle. Towards the end of summer, she became a regular at the Gabibbo’s boat parties. I hate baseball, but I’d happily go to Mariners games to make her happy. He’d buy her $500 Diamond Club tickets and promise her to introduce her to her favorite players.
In early September, as I was cleaning our room, I found a card shaped like a beach ball with a miserable attempt at profoundness inside “I like beach balls b/c they remind me of perspective. People see the same ball yet different colors at the same time.” I took a picture of it, sighed, and shook my head.
She was not scared, she was mindless.
I left roses on her windshield later in the afternoon.
This relationship for me is a constant choice of being with you as it is yours of being with me, but also of being where you are. Imagine me, trying to extend my every tissue trying to reach Seattle, Torino and New York at the same time. Constantly missing not only the people in each of the places but also the parts of me that are not where I physically am at that moment.
The more flaws I found in her, the more I wanted to give her all my life - she needed it more than I did.
Facebook Status:
“can’t remember a time when i didn’t have plans to leave - not to say i always craved having/making plans to leave. yet, now
any time i leave any where i wish  i didn't have to leave ever  again resorting to  hyperbolic juvenile poetics - eerie reminders that without you  i'm just  me”
Of all the times I have left home, leaving Seattle at the end of that summer must have been the hardest. I genuinely did not know that I could love someone as much as I loved her, and need someone’s presence in my life as much as I needed hers.
Flight DL244, SEA to JFK. Does wishing for the plane to crash make me suicidal? A terrorist? Both?
She loved fart jokes, I used to sign my letters to her “Fartfully yours.”
It’s in those moments that my love informs my every gesture and my every vision – seeing you wear a white dress, dancing merrily on a cliff looking down on the lagoon in Santorini, or fantasizing about chasing you, playfully yet with my heart pounding in my throat, in crowded streets, squares and alleys of Quito. Yet, of all the places where I could desire you, of all the exotic and remote corners of the universe, home is the one I constantly look forward most, where I envision cherishing you most. Nothing cast me as the king of the world as walking to Safeway to get you coffee on a Saturday morning. That is what being with you has been since day one - turning the ordinary into the extra-ordinary, which feeling at home is for me.
Early in the summer, as we were driving home from LA Fitness via 15th Avenue W, I told her I had never been happier in my life.
A healthy adult male can release between 40 million and 1.2 billion sperm cells in a single ejaculation. I can’t help but think of the patterns of Gabibbo’s loads on the Victoria’s Secrets floral nightgown I bought her last summer.
“I know it’s not an excuse, but I was really unhappy.” Then why are you using it as one?
One of the most triggering locations is the Baskin Robbins on Elliott Avenue - my memories there are from a night she was with him on his boat. I was with Lydia at Micheal's. Iosefa wasn't home. Lydia had picked me up from the King Street train station - I had been spending some time in Maple Valley with my host family early in the week. On our way to Michael’s apartment in Magnolia we made a quick pit stop at home and headed to Whole Foods. We got bacon and eggs, I got coconut milk yogurt, she paid for it. At Michael’s, I cooked some carbonara pasta, I rolled a joint with the weed we bought at the little shop in Queen Anne and we smoked it on the balcony overlooking the Interbay Golf Course and Smith Cove. The three of us messed around a bit and eventually watched a silly noir film with Ryan Gosling and Russel Crowe.
On the way home, Lydia and I stopped at Baskin Robbins. She got bubble gum ice cream and I cannot recall the other flavor - I wanted her to try coconut walnut caramel. Kim came home late, with beautiful frizzy hair and a guilty stare, she gave me a quick goodnight kiss in the hall then jumped in the shower. She said she had fun, she reassured me there were other people on the boat - older coworkers from the IT department. It was a beautiful night. Such a beautiful night. We fell asleep on our sides - a few micrometers and a million intentions apart. I am not sure I remember the ice-cream flavors correctly.
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