#why is this the first time i saw this song play to his death scene? it's kinda on the nose right?
whiskeyghoul · 2 days
With a stranger's kiss || [The worst!Logan x Reader]
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A/N: Okay so this needed to be written. I am obsessed with the new song released by one of my favorite bands. I heard it and this idea for a the worst!logan fanfic just filled my head. So please enjoy the hurt and a little comfort. My first time writing Logan too so I am quite excited, though it might mean it is a little ooc.
Recommended listening: Hotel flamingo - Kelsy Karter and the heroines, Tangerine - led zeppelin
WC: 3,4K
Tags: angst, fluff, hurt comfort, logan, soft logan, the worst!logan, alternate timeline angst, strangers to lovers, wolverine x reader, maybe a bit ooc.
Warnings: mentions of death
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Your pov.
You were sitting at the bar on a Saturday night. Music was loud, people were chattering carefree. It smelled like beer, fruity mixed drinks and mingled perfumes. There was a highball glass in front of you, condensation on the outside dripped down. The wet stain on the napkin grew ever bigger as you stirred the drink with the straw. You leaned your head on your hand, absentmindedly staring into space. There to heal a broken heart that had left you feeling empty the past few months. Needing a distraction and willing to give it a try tonight.
You had known before going into a relationship with Logan that it would end in tragedy. He was much older, rougher, beaten down by the world around him. The first weeks of knowing him he was angry. Angry at the hand life had dealt him. It was attractive in a way, you wanted to see why this man was so bitter. See if he was able to warm up. He managed to open up to you eventually, your constant prodding and incessant need to be close to him. It weakened his defenses. It turns out he was kind too, flirty, funny at times. You remember the late nights together with him, listening to his heartbeat as you laid together. Silent, needing nothing more than each others company. His hand trailing absentminded patterns on your skin. How he’d kiss your temple, murmuring sweet nicknames and affectionate compliments. Which you gladly returned. Running your hands through his hair, kissing his jaw as you whispered into the intimacy of the night. He was everything to you. And then you lost him.
Wade had tracked you down afterwards, wanting more information on your late lover, to track him down as he said. Which at first had caused you much distress. Angry at Wade for even bringing up the idea. Logan wouldn’t do that to you. Not ever. You remember how the emotions ran its course, grief running its course again. How hot tears rolled down your cheeks as your throat closed. That was a few days ago. You had calmed down again but needed a change of scene. Your apartment was filled with memories of the past. The bar was close to Wade’s place, it was one of the few that played the classic rock songs you loved so much. You had asked Wade to come out but he never had responded. Probably on some weird mission that deserved all his attention. Though you hoped he would show up, so you wouldn’t be alone. Drinking your sadness away, pretending to be fine when in reality you don’t know if you ever could be fine again.
The ice in your tequila sunrise clinked as you raised the cup of the bar. Taking a few big sips, downing the drink in one go with a sigh. Placing the glass back down with a thunk. “You always put away drinks like that, sweetheart?” A familiar, deep voice spoke up maybe 2 seats away from you. You looked over, a familiar face, younger than you last saw him. His hair wasn’t enveloped by the salt and pepper yet, with those little peeks you had only seen in old pictures of Logan. Kitty ears, as you had called them. His arms flexed under a flannel shirt. A cigar, unlit, held between the fingers of his left hand as his right held a glass of whiskey. Logan. Maybe it was the alcohol, or you were dead and this was heaven. Maybe it was a cruel joke played by the universe. But it was him.
No. no. This wasn’t real. This was a delusion. A grief filled hallucination conjured up by the worst parts of your brain. A liquor filled haze that would have you end up in the bathrooms in 10 minutes if it went south. Though this was just your second drink, and your vision was crystal clear. “Only when I have a reason to drink.” your voice was a little choked as you answered him. Feeling that if you kept staring, with no answer, he would think you were crazy. Locking eyes with the man across from you there was a sadness, a loneliness in his eyes. This wasn’t Logan, but he looked a hell of a lot like him, sounded like him. “What’s the reason today?” His voice didn’t carry too much over the music but you were so tuned in to him you could hear him perfectly. As if your body moved on its own you stood up from the high seat. Taking two steps closer. You watched his eyes flicker over you, a moment of something else in those hazel eyes, his lips part as if he was about to say something else before closing them. Swallowing away whatever he had almost confessed. “Life has never been this hard.” You answered as you sat on the chair next to him. Offering a wry smile to him which he returned with a somber nod.
“Even for the prettiest girl in the bar?” His words were sincere, not the empty compliments that you had heard from men before. His eyes held yours with intent, like he was searching for something. Maybe you were looking for something in him too. You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, before using that movement to take the whiskey glass from his grip. “Even for her.” you answered as you took a sip, letting the familiar taste shock your senses for a moment. The burn, the warmth, the smell, it was all a memory of him. “What about you, does the most handsome man always drink by himself on a Friday night?” You asked as you placed his drink back for him, your lipstick stain adorning the rim. Though your fingers loosely stayed around the cold glass. “Not just Fridays.” His answer was short as he picked up the glass. Fingers barely brushing yours as he took it. Calloused, large, but gentle. He wasn’t a hallucination, he was physical, real. Following his movement you watched as he put the lipstick stain to his lips, sipping from the same spot. An indirect kiss.
There was a moment of electricity, a connection between the both of you. Two strangers who were so familiar to one another. “Well then, please let me hold you company.” You waved to the waiter, motioning for another round of drinks for the both of you.“I won’t mind that.” He said placing his now empty glass on the bar. It was only a few moments before the new drinks were placed in front of you on the bar. Taking the cold glass in your hands you raised it, “To two people drinking alone, together.” you said with a soft smile. He returned your smile, just the barest uptick of the corner of his lips. “I will cheers to that, sweetheart.” The way he said it, sweetheart, it made your heart ache. The roll of the r, the lilt in his voice as it dipped slightly lower. You heard it so many times, yet you never got your fill. Quickly, you took a sip of your drink, hoping the cold would bury the feelings of sadness under them. Like a layer of snow covering the ground, preventing sprouts until the time was right.
“Someone used to call me that a lot. Sweetheart.” You confessed to him, a morose chuckle leaving your lips. Not knowing why the words bubbled up. They left your lips before you could think them through. “That why you drinking alone?” He asked, as he leaned a little closer. A waft of his cologne crashing into your senses. Like a wave enveloping you, leaving you under the surface, weightless. “One of the reasons.” Another sip of your drinks as you held eye contact. His stare was heavy, he wetted his lips with his tongue before he spoke. “We must be in a similar boat then.” He shifted in his seat, ever so slightly closer. “I moved away because I lost a lot of people. You remind me of the girl I used to call that all the time.” That confession caused another ache to shoot through your heart. He was a little broken, like you, losing the person you loved most. His eyes drifted away from you and to the cigar in his hand. “I’m heading out for a smoke. Join me.” he nodded his head towards the door. Shifting and standing up, you took your drink in your left hand ready to follow him out through the crowd of bodies that separated the bar seats from the door. You felt his hand take yours, chilled finger tips from his drink, looking up to see the cigar already between his teeth, the whiskey glass in his right hand. You thought he winked before quickly turning. An image that would be forever burned on to your brain. He was pulling you through the mass of people, and out into the night.
The outside air was cold compared to the inside of the bar. The smell of weather turning in the air, like at any moment the clouds could break and rain could soak you through. The moon peeked through the clouds every so often. The music is still audible though ever so slightly muffled. Your drinks were placed on the table near the bouncer. There were other people outside, leaning against the brick wall as they talked and smoked. The neon flamingo sign lit the surroundings in a pink hue. Standing with your back against the brick you watched him pull out a lighter, taking a flame to the end of the cigar and inhaling the smoke. Breathing out you watched as the tendrils faded into the night sky. Eyes lingering on his lips, wondering if they would feel the same. Your body was yearning for the touch of Logan, months without it, grieving the loss of him, it had been torturous. And now, a vision of the past that stood in front of you, close enough to reach out. He took another drag of the cigar, holding in the smoke for a moment before breathing out again. Tapping off the ash he held it out to you, quirking a brow up inquisitively. “I don’t smoke.” You said, a shrug of your shoulders as you wrapped your arms around your torso, it was colder out than you had thought. “What do you have to lose?” He urged with a smirk, looking down at you. The pink light casting shadows on the side of his face. Making him look more like the man you lost. You reached out, gently taking the cigar from his hand, fingers lingering a second too long.
You brought the cigar to your lips, breathing in, holding it a second and letting the smoke settle in your system. Your eyes fluttering close. It was just like when you used to kiss Logan, smoke and tinge of sweetness. Though he used to take great care not to kiss you immediately after taking a smoke. Because you would scrunch your nose, feign disgust, because you had been disgusted the first few times. Before getting used to the taste that was uniquely him. Opening your eyes again after a few seconds you blinked away the tear threatening to form. You exhaled, watching those wispy tendrils leave your own mouth. Your gaze locked on him, his expression was weirdly soft as he took you in, like he was burning your image into his memory. Or perhaps he was transported back to the past, to the girl he used to call sweetheart. Holding out the cigar for him you smiled softly, “Yeah, not for me.” you tilted your head, smile fading as you pressed your lips together. Holding back from letting sadness take over. He took the cigar back, eyes glancing at the lipstick stain left behind on the butt, “S’alright. It’s not for everyone.” his voice was barely above a whisper, but you heard the slight quiver in the tone. Emotion taking over. Watching as his Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed away the feelings.
He took another drag, lips pressed where you had left a mark for the second time that night. When his lips left the cigar you saw the tinge of red on his lips. Like how it would have looked when you had kissed Logan, it used to be his favorite shade on you. Instinctively you reached out, overwhelmed, “Sorry, you have something here.” your thumb connected with his bottom lip. As the rest of your fingers splayed out over his cheek, feeling the scratch of his beard against your skin. You wiped at the lipstick stain until he caught your wrist in his free hand. It was surprising, yet his hold was so gentle. His eyes bore into yours, “That’s okay, sweetheart, I don’t mind.” He said before moving your hand, pressing a kiss just below your thumb. It was tender, a fleeting moment, a living reflection of the past. His lips left just as soon as they had connected with your skin. Still, his grip on your wrist didn’t loosen, he lowered your arms together, to hang between you. As if a bridge connecting two islands. “Was that too far?” He asked. You shook your head no, though it was barely a shake. If he hadn’t been staring you down he might not have even noticed it. “Not at all.” You said softly. He nodded his head, as if to say ‘good.’ before taking the last drag of his cigar. Letting the small stub fall to the ground. Stepping on it to put it out.
The music changed inside. An all too familiar melody started playing. Tangerine. You let out a choked laugh, the irony not lost on you. “You like this song?” he asked. You slipped your hand down, where he had been holding your wrist you were now holding his hand. “I think it’s pretty. Sad, melancholic but so filled with love.” Your fingers found their way between his. Running your thumb along the skin of the back of his hand almost absentmindedly. It was something you used to do quite often, not just a comforting gesture for Logan. It was almost self soothing, to feel his warmth at your fingertips. He hummed in agreement with your sentiment. Something about the scene in front of you made you think back to when you last heard this song, when you had danced together with Logan in the living room. Old songs playing in the background. You had leaned your head against his chest as he had held you close. His heartbeat mingled with the soft acoustics, the rumble of his voice whispering along to the song. Now that his mirror image stood there in the pink neon light, you couldn’t help yourself.
Pushing yourself off of the wall you stood closer, tugging on his hand to force him closer. He let you, a little too easy, so you looked up and stood nose to nose. “Dance with me?” You asked, peering in those hazel eyes, seeing the shift in his demeanor. How his eyes softened as he breathed in. “Anything for you.” His response was quick, easy, like he had said it a thousand times before. His left hand found its perch on your hip so effortlessly, his thumb stroking over the velvety fabric of your dress so carefully, like he had done so a million times before. You let go of his right hand, it quickly went down to your hip. You were letting both of your hands slip up his chest to his shoulders. Feeling the heartbeat under his skin for a moment before latching your fingers together behind his neck. Feeling the brush of the hair at his nape. He started to sway softly, as you stood almost chest to chest, the warmth radiating between the two of you. A coil formed around your heart, tightening with every sway, every small step you made together. Everything around you was falling away. All you could hear was the music. The only thing you saw was him. The only thing you could feel was his touch as the second verse set in.
Thinking how it used to be.
Does she still remember times like these?
To think of us again.
And I do.
Breathing in sync, he leaned slightly closer, his nose nudging yours. There was an edge of hesitation. His eyes searching yours for something he couldn’t seem to find. A brief second, before he sighed and created a little more distance, looking almost defeated. You wanted him to kiss you, even if it was just to see if his lips felt the same. If he kissed with the same hunger. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, leaning his forehead against yours, “I can’t. ‘Cause you aren’t her. Even though you are just like her.” You closed your eyes, taking in the words you knew were true for the both of you, leaning into his touch. “I know, Lo…” the name slipped from your lips like it was nothing. Because every neuron, every fiber in your body was saying it was him.
In that moment he stood just a little straighter, his touch on your forehead left. You opened your eyes. His were intense, on you, filled with devotion. Your name sounded from his mouth. It lay heavy between you. 
Tangerine, tangerine. 
Living reflection from a dream.
I was her love, she was my queen.
But now a thousand years in-between.
The hands behind his neck unclasped each other, your fingers raking through the soft, short locks at his nape. Realization dawned. A tear escaping your eye, just the singular one as a sad smile was on his lips. “You’re not really him, are you?” you didn’t want to ask, but you had to know for sure. Wanting to live in this moment where you were back together, just a glimpse of what was. “I am. Just not yours, just like you aren’t mine.” Logan’s right hand cradled your face, thumb wiping away the tear that had rolled down your cheek. A similar soothing motion you had done just moments prior. Leaning into his touch your eyes stayed on him, catching every expression, every little look and emotion. “I wasn’t gonna look for you, didn’t think I could handle seeing you.” He said softly, “But when I saw you, with pain in your eyes, I couldn’t help myself. I never could help myself around you.” He continued, stroking your cheek continuously. Soft motions, keeping you grounded, his grip on your hip tightening ever so slightly. A barely there twitch you wouldn’t have noticed if it wasn’t for the fact you were completely engulfed by him. Like he was afraid you weren’t real. Like you could slip away at any moment. Just like you couldn’t fathom him being there.
The pain you felt when you saw him for the first time soothed with the knowledge it was Logan. Not yours, like he had said. But a version of him that had loved a version of you. You had both lost each other, and for some inexplicable reason, had found each other again. A little more broken. A little more weathered. But a little lighter too.
“In this moment, you could kill me if you wanted to. I would be happy, just to have been able to see you again. Something I never thought would happen.” You spoke up, “In fact, for a moment, I thought this was heaven.” Logan let out a soft chuckle at that. The idea of a bar, filled with drunk people chattering, being heaven was a strange thought. But it felt like heaven. And so did being outside in the cold of the night. “I thought I saw an angel, too.” There was a slight humor in his tone. His smile is a little lighter, a little sweeter. It was infectious. Biting the inside of your lip, holding back the smile. “Would I be a terrible person if I asked to kiss you anyways?” You asked, knowing he had pulled away before. His gaze softened as he searched your eyes again. “You could kill me if you wanted to.” he echoed your words, your sentiment. 
The moment felt weightless as he leaned in. Hand moving from your cheek to the back of your head. Tilting your head gently. Your eyes shut automatically. The soft press of his lips against yours followed. It was so gentle. Sweet and smokey. Filled with regret, pain, loss, passion, love. Your hands slid to the front of his shirt. Holding on to the soft fabric. His left hand squeezed your hip just a little more. You pulled away for a moment, a smile spreading as you watched him. “Nice to meet you, Logan.”  He laughed, short, but genuine. A melodic sound that made your heart skip. “Nice to meet you too, sweetheart.” He said before his lips found yours again. Letting yourself melt into the feeling. There was a lot that needed to be figured out. Or explained. But you could do that later. When you would both be getting to know each other again like it was the first time.
A fresh start with a familiar stranger’s kiss.
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irritablepoe · 11 months
..... I didn't think anything of it. Why would I? I was just opening tiktok, right? Then I saw it was a Fyodor edit. Nothing unusual, right? I realise it's his death scene. I get sad. I listen to the song.... *Helikopter 117 plays* ....My will to live dies. Rip.
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okay so TENATIVE predictions for season 4: it looks like they're going to be playing into the mandela effect. half the universe remembers the umbrella timeline, half the universe remembers the sparrow timeline, and the ONLY thing both groups remember is Ben.
I've been praying since day one that Ben will have memories of both lives in his head, and judging by the fact he appears to be Going Through It in the trailer I assume that'll be the case.
since Ben is at the center of the conspiracy, I almost want to say he's who they're supposed to be rescuing? like, maybe instead of One Ben Two Lives, it's Two Bens One Cup. I don't think they'll do that, though. They're probably trying to rescue Jennifer. HOWEVER I do think it would be really sexy if Nick Offerman and Megahn Mullally weren't playing a couple but were instead playing the same person from different universes (hence being named Gene and Jean), and they somehow found each other and that's why they're leading this conspiracy.
Mystery Jennifer is stressing me out. obviously by the glowing she's got something going on. I'm thinking there's a possibility she was erased from the family's memories after Ben's death- the trailer makes it seem like Reginald made Allison rumor them after the fact. there's probably a decent chance they all knew her, she lost control of her powers, Ben died, Reginald locked her away and erased all traces of her. maybe in the sparrow timeline she died instead, or maybe she was always locked up there and Ben was drawing her from memories that were already starting to leak through from the og timeline, but either way probably in trying to uncover how Ben died they figure out they have to save her. idk!
also, six is like. a random number of years I'm sorry. why wouldn't they just say five years later? maybe another thing to do with Ben bc umbrella Ben was number six? I'm probably reading too much into that one.
I'm truly SO scared they're gonna reveal none of them have spoken during the time skip. Five doesn't deserve that 😭😭. in my perfect world him and Viktor have an apartment but the show writers 100% forgot they said those two were best friends when they were kids judging by the rest of the series rip. when the Gene and Jean characters were first announced I thought maybe Five got stuck in the foster system and they took him in, and that could still be the case (maybe that's how they noticed the universe is a lie in the first place, the boy loves to Yap) but I think it's less likely now idk
if Diego and Lila's daughter isn't named Gracie....what was this all for. what was this all building towards. what's the point. LMFAO I know the popular fanon one is Anita (personally in my head I've been calling her Poppy and I Don't Know Why) but like Gracie is the only name that makes sense, Diego is Too Much of a mama's boy to accept anything else.
this one isn't a prediction it's just a demand- I DEMAND a white violin icon moment set to extraordinary girl by green day. they can 100% get away with just doing an instrumental version since Viktor's not a girl lmfao, but it literally Haunts Me that they didn't do that at the end of season 1 (or at LEAST play the opening of letterbomb when Viktor was in the basement hallucinating) so they NEED to make up for that. it's the last season. play the fucking song oh my God.
there might be too much going on to bring the sparrows back in any meaningful way, but like! I liked them! I especially wanted more Marcus last season, he and Viktor had good chemistry. and Fei was an icon. Why Are We Hiding Sloane Tho. I considered maybe they were rescuing Sloane, but like, Luther just seems a little too happy for that to be the case? that's why I also think Diego and Lila's kid isn't the one being rescued like I saw some theories suggest- Diego is so excited and Lila's grinning in the car scene. can't imagine their 5 year old is missing.
Five is absolutely gonna die. like I'm sorry since episode 1 there's never been a believable outcome where everything's okay and he lives. HOWEVER I think there's a very strong chance the series could end with the timeline is finally saved and set right, and grandpa Five died- but then right at the end 2002 baby Five shows up and gets stuck in the safe timeline. Five has been a walking paradox the whole series. it'd be bittersweet to lose the Five we love, but know that he's still technically getting a happy ending because he doesn't have to live through the apocalypse and become an assassin. I think that's like the best outcome we can hope for.
I think it'd be EXTREMELY funny if Reginald is just super nice now that Abigail is back. like the entire excuse for 30 years of insane behavior was that he missed his wife. bestie there are better ways to cope than abusing superpowered kids </3 but lmao I'm intrigued by him and Viktor being together in both trailers! I've always gotten the feeling that Viktor is one of his 'favorites' (to the best of his ability anyway), and from the brief childhood flashbacks we see that he had baby V acting as an assistant for him, so I'd like to see their relationship expanded a little bit. honestly I just want a lot about Reginald cleared up- he does give off the distinct impression that he actually cares about his kids, even though he's abusive. I'm assuming the explanation will be something along the lines of 'well I always planned to bring you back and safe in the New Universe', that he was approaching it as a 'they have to suffer now to save the universe, and then they can be happy' mindset. that would be interesting. but I'm also a little worried they'll wave his behavior off with 'oh he's an alien he just can't understand how he affected them', which, would suck writing-wise.
I'm worried about Allison- I'm sure they're gonna want her to have a full redemption by the end of the series, but what she did to Viktor and Luther last season...like I just don't know that they'll pull off a meaningful redemption, to where it's believable that they forgive her (other than the fact they're both softies and push overs). not with the shorter season, anyway! I *think* the person Viktor was punching in the trailer was Allison. but I'm worried that instead of actually fixing the issue the writers will just have her do a sacrifice play. especially since, bless her, she's the least sacrificial person in the family, so I could see the argument that it'll be a meaningful character growth moment, but like...if they don't actually have her believably fix her mistakes it'll just feel like a lazy writing move. also, I love her and I don't want any of them to die. as I said, the only death I'm willing to accept is Five's WITH the promise of baby Five getting a happy ending.
I want the Handler to come back, even if it's only for one scene. sorry, I think her absence was one of the low points of season 3.
I think if Grace appears in this season at all it won't be the robot version we're used to, but an older version of her human self that Diego met in the 60s. could be very bittersweet. I just don't think the robot exists in this universe bc honestly if my husband revived me from the dead but then I found out he's been living without me just fine, but made a robot copy of a pretty young fling he had after my death and seemingly can't live without her. I'd be a little pissed! sorry! lmao that said I also have personally been headcannoning that Grace is actually a cyborg and not a robot this whole time, the kids just don't know because of all the insane protocols Reginald set up, so if they do something with that instead I'll be really excited.
Diego and Lila's daughter deserves powers<3
alright I think that's all I got for now. but I wanna hear more theories!!
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automaticheartcrusade · 3 months
Tom Houston, they could never make me hate you Tom Houston. I’m his #1 defender and fan, cause for some reason people genuinely don’t like him and I’ve even seen some people call him bad and I just….how?
What I like about Tom is that when you meet him in Black Friday, at first glance he’s an asshole. He seems very closed off and inconsiderate of other’s people’s feelings. You feel for Emma cause she’s just trying to mend things with her brother in law and you feel for Tim cause he feels left out. But the minute “What Tim Wants”- plays, you immediately see Tom as a whole. He loves his son to death. He loves his wife. He hates himself. He thinks he ruined his families life and that’s why he pushes Emma, the only other family he has left, away. Nick Lang said on Twitter that he also thinks he doesn’t deserve happiness due to this. He’s grappled with so much grief and self loathing, which is probably why Jane’s spirit in Nightmare Time is so gaslighty because he believes he deserves to be treated this way. Not only that but Tom is good with kids. He cares about Tim, he cares about Lex and Hannah. Tom might be a little full of it at times but he’s genuinely a good guy. Also he’s freaking hilarious, Dylan Saunders performance and line reads never fail to crack me up. But with how people speak of Tom, you’d think they never fully watched Black Friday or listened to his songs. He’s such a complex and emotionally distraught character, no one even talks about the fact that he has PTSD from the war AND the crash.
I also saw Hathetfeild fans on my twitter timeline not like Tom Houston anymore because of the car incident. Unpopular opinion but I feel like people take that scene wayyy too seriously. It’s supposed to be so absurd and over the top, a moment to laugh at. On a character perspective, Tom still clearly loves Becky, but we know that he’s constantly tackled with the guilt of what happened to Jane that he’s willing to do anything for her, deep down he still loves her, even if she’s gaslighting him constantly. So yeah Tom Houston get behind me cause they don’t understand you like I do.🤺🤺🤺
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ripeteeth · 3 months
Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, feel free to pass on to five other writers to spread the love. 💗"
Thanks, @danpuff-ao3! You’re always a treat to see on the dash and I hope you’ve been having a lovely break <3.
I’m always a bit awkward with these, both from an itching sort of discomfort with staring my own artwork in the face, and I think from a lifetime habit of denying compliments out of a feeling of guilt or fear. So! I’ve had a glass of wine (and an edible) and I’m going to try to kinder to myself. I might be in the mood to talk right now. (Honestly, that’s a good sign. One of the big elements of my recent writer’s block has been an inability to express myself in any written way, even tumblr posts and comments. Maybe this is why I hit twitter so hard.)
My five favorite fics. Not my five best fics. Not my five most popular fics. My favorites. Hmm.
5. blood, bones, and butter | MDZS/The Untamed] SongXueXiao | E, 12,443
“A relationship, deconstructed. Served three ways.”
Ah, Yi City, that deliciously painful Shakespearean tragedy echoing Wangxian’s romance. The specific notes of obsession, revenge, love, and grief that run through these three make me completely unhinged. I love the quiet service and stoic devotion of Song Lan, the otherworldliness and power of Xiao Xingchen, the unchecked brilliance and cruelty that fill up Xue Yang. The Yi City fandom is easily one of the most incredible fandoms I’ve ever been a part of, full of uniquely talented and deranged writers and artists who love to really explore the dark edges and nitty-gritty of these character and let them be their fucked-up selves. The appeal of SongXueXiao isn’t to make it better for them, it’s to see how much you can make it worse.
It’s two pretty classic tropes: a first time after meeting at a bar, and also a story told from alternating POVs. I really wanted to focus on trying to carve out distinctive interiorities, like their motivations, their assumptions, their fears, their memories, and allow the reader to draw their own conclusions without spelling these all out outright. I’d recently rewatched Rashomon, and I love how the understanding of an event can be so differently shaped by each person’s POV and I wanted to show their first night together in that way, moving the lens over the night a few times, before it gets clear. It was a really fun process to focus on and I think it’s one of my best pieces of recent writing.
4. in search of the wind | Good Omens | Crowley/Aziraphale | E, 27,112
After the World Doesn't End, Aziraphale is not returned to his body. Crowley tries to find a way to get to Heaven's fast-shut gates. Aziraphale tries to find his way back from the sky (and back in time).
I remember writing this almost immediately after the show aired, in that heady summer of 2019, when I feel head over sweaty heels for that charming demon and his delicious epicure of an angel. This is essentially how I saw canon going on, this is the headcanon of my soul. Maybe that’s why I haven’t seen season 2 yet? It was a pleasure to write, almost like knitting together different scenes, different pieces of history, like an extended version of the s1s3 cold open. It’s Aziraphale without a body, unmoored in time, turning up at different points along his and Crowley’s history, and realizing that his friend is in love with him. That his friend is heartrendingly in love with him. I love stories that play with structure, striking different chords each time.
I couldn’t write this kind of story again. This belongs to a very specific time.
3. White Light, White Heat | Harry Potter | Snape/Harry | E, 32,107
“In 1347, Benedictine monk and scholar Severus Snape goes to fetch a young man joining the abbey. In 1347, rumors come of a strange and unrelenting plague from the east.”
An AU set in a fourteenth-century Benedictine monastery in Britain during the period of the Black Death where the two men develop a bond through a special sort of crucible. Snape, as always, falls in love with all the grace of a cat being given a bath. As dark as the material is, this was a pleasure to write. I had so much fun describing the setting, peppering fun little facts like a Pop Up Video of Medieval History. I wrote this in a fever-fueled three weeks, absolutely obsessed with getting it down exactly as it was in my head. I loved writing the monster theme and using it as almost a leitmotif for Snape. There’s probably a literary term for that. Is there? Anyway.
2. the body as anagram | The Terror | Crozier/Fitzjames, Crozier/Ross] | E, 3090
“In the dark, it doesn't matter which James is in his bed. As long as Ross doesn't speak, the illusion holds true.”
I took the title from a passage on J.G. Ballard’s Crash by Baudrillard in Simulacra and Simulation: “Technology is never grasped except in the (automobile) accident, that is to say in the violence done to technology itself and in the violence done to the body. It is the same: any shock, any blow, any impact, all the metallurgy of the accident can be read in the semiurgy of the body — neither an anatomy nor a physiology, but a semiurgy of contusions, scars, mutilations, wounds that are so many new sexual organs opened on the body. In this way, gathering the body as labor in the order of production is opposed to the dispersion of the body as anagram in the order of mutilation.”
There’s something a bit haunting about the parallels of the two men who held the intimacy of Francis Crozier’s friendship. The name. The confidence. The bravery. The charming manner and handsome face. I love the idea of a Francis who sails out pining for one man and returns home loving another, switching between true love and placeholder. And I’m notoriously a slut for both proxyfucking and Gremlin!Francis, who just can’t stop pressing on the wound of his grief. It’s not the drink but it may as well be, for all this is good for either he or Ross, but Francis is a fool in love with a dead man and he does what he does to get by.
Something about this came together, from concept to finish, in a way I’m quite happy with. It was fun to play with concepts and free associate from them, focusing less on plot, but more on the vast empty grief in Francis’ chest. Everyone here knows this is a bad idea. No one is having a good time.
1. Revachol Calling | Disco Elysium | Karry/Kim | E, 35,321 [WIP]
“Somewhere in Jamrock, a church burns. A study in Kim Kitsuragi.”
Sometimes you just feel the next part of the story in your bones. When I first played Disco Elysium in 2021 it hit me in an incredibly familiar, emotional way. There’s something somber and hopeful about it. The writing is sardonic, dark and humorous. It’s nearly cynical but it’s cynical with a sad old smile, because cynicism is born through disappointment, and through not quite being ready to give up. I think we can all find ourselves in it, in one way or another and, like many, I’m hopelessly in love with Kim Kitsuragi, a wild creature who’s built himself within thousands of rules. I can’t play the game without craving his side of the story, his interiority, his history, so I grab at the little crystals of information, such as his secret love of Speedfreaks FM and his past with Eyes, and I try to imagine it might go. This is my sequel to the game and, more than anything, this is my love song to Revachol, a character of a city, and one that echoes vastly in all those of post-Communist country and family.
For some reason, this fic is extremely visual for me and usually in a Wong Kar-Wai sort of fashion. Think the saturated aquamarines of a neon diner sign. Think a studio apartment with cheap wallpaper and the yellow-orange flicker of sodium lights. It comes alive at night, when Kim is left alone with his thoughts, running out of rules to keep him safely in. I love that Disco Elysium has such a vast world to explore. It’s an endless playbox.
And this is also, in a way, a bit of an elegy to a belief I’d once held in a motherland, and do not anymore.
I’m almost done with Chapter 8, so hopefully it will be up soon <3
Tagging! @jaggededges123 @soft-october-night @wildcard47 @rcmclachlan @brawlite @zaxal @pearwaldorf @kiingbooooo @darcylindbergh @et-in-arkadia @itsevidentvery @iodhadh @iamwestiec @mia-ugly @laurashapiro-noreally @pinehutch and anyone else who wishes to!
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novelmonger · 8 months
Continuing to watch through the Writer/Director commentary of LotR (with Peter Jackson, Philippa Boyens, and Fran Walsh) and jotting down any new-to-me information I come across. Here's what I gleaned from TTT:
When they got the New Line logo to put on the movies, it was very old and scratched, so PJ gave it to Weta to touch it up. They joked about how they should bill New Line for it XD
Originally, the studio wanted TTT to start off with a prologue too, with Cate Blanchett narrating what sounds like it was basically going to be a "Previously on..." spiel, even though they didn't like the idea of the prologue in the first one. Thankfully, these three ignored the studio's advice both times XD
The Uruk who says "Manflesh" is also the guy in Sauron's armor in the prologue!
In the scene where the Rohirrim find Theodred, it's not actually raining! They used rain towers for the close-ups, but any wide shots just have CG rain. I would never have guessed!
Andy Serkis did the voices for the Uruk-Hai who says the "maggoty bread" line, and the orc who says, "Yeah, why can't we have some meat?" (The actor in the suit for the latter is, of course, Jed Brophy, who went on to play Nori in the Hobbit movies.)
Somehow it never registered for me that Orlando Bloom has brown eyes, and so he had to wear blue contacts when he played Legolas ^^' But sometimes he wasn't able to wear the contacts (or forgot), so there are some scenes where they had to fix it in post.
PJ called the Treebeard from the animated Bakshi movie "a walking carrot" XD He also said that Treebeard is his favorite character!
The scene with Smeagol killing Deagol was originally going to be a flashback right after Frodo says his name, and then the Nazgul shriek would pull the audience out of the flashback. They decided not to do that for pacing reasons and because we haven't spent much time with Gollum yet, so that's why they put it at the beginning of RotK instead.
Bernard Hill had his son with him on the shoot and would play with him in his downtime on the Edoras set. Puts things into perspective when you hear that he was the one who came up with the line "No parent should have to bury their child."
They were originally looking at Bernard Hill for Gandalf! (I feel like I've probably heard this before, but anyway.)
They filmed a flashback to Aragorn and Arwen's first meeting?! Viggo shaved to make himself look younger, and it was a scene of the two of them "frolicking about the forest." It was originally going to be put in the Lothlorien sequence, but they cut it out in favor of that scene between Aragorn and Boromir, because they decided it was more important to earn Boromir's death scene than to remind the audience of the romance. I agree with that decision, but it would be cool to see that footage! (I say as someone who prefers to skip the TTT Aragorn/Arwen scene entirely XD)
Originally, the warg battle was going to happen at Edoras itself. It was going to be at night, everything was going to be on fire, and ultimately that was going to be the reason everyone evacuated and went to Helm's Deep. Also, a warg was going to be set on fire and end up dragging Aragorn through the streets, and that was going to be how Aragorn would be left for dead. Ultimately, the reason they did it the way they did was because the studio wasn't sure Weta could do a flaming warg (something all three of them laughed about, considering everything Weta did manage to do with flying colors), and because it would have been a nightmare to light the Edoras set at night, because that location was so remote and so windy. Which is why every scene in Edoras takes place in the daytime!
In the scene where Faramir talks about his dream where he saw Boromir in the boat, you can see a sort of pinkish color in the water around Boromir's body. That's because the dye from his shirt (surcoat? idk) was leaking out into the water! XD
When Andy Serkis did ADR for the Forbidden Pool scene, he couldn't manage to sing the song off-key, so they had to use the audio from the motion capture footage XD
They shot some additional footage of Aragorn unconscious on Brego's back, riding past an orc encampment, that they never ended up using.
Theoden was originally going to give a speech to the soldiers in the armory, but Bernard Hill's performance was so inspiring that it defused most of the tension they were trying to build up before the battle, so they took it out. Would love to see that footage!
So the boy Aragorn encourages before the battle ("There is always hope.") was Philippa Boyens' son, who was 13 when they filmed the scene. But by the time they went to do ADR, his voice had broken, so they had to get a different child actor to say his lines.
Aww, the extra who was missing an eye said he always felt self-conscious about his missing eye, so he always wore an eyepatch. But then after they gave him a close-up and the guy saw the movie, he said he felt much better about his appearance! :')
Treebeard's line "I always like going south; it feels like going downhill" was ad-libbed!
When Saruman turns and reacts to all the water pouring in and washing his machinery away, that shot was actually a reaction shot to Wormtongue on top of the tower from the RotK movie that they repurposed for this scene instead, since they hadn't shot any reactions to the flood.
At least at the time of the recording of this audio commentary, the final shot of Gollum, where he's arguing with himself and ultimately decides to lead Frodo and Sam to Shelob, was the longest CG shot in any movie. (I tried to google what the current record is, but couldn't find anything, so if anyone knows, I'd love to hear about it!)
Fran Walsh: "All cinema storytelling, to a degree, is shallow. That's the nature of the medium. You've got two or three hours to present a world and a dense story with a hundred themes and a ton of backstory, in this instance, and 22 characters...so you can only really have the veneer of depth. You really can't have anything that comes close to the depth of the books, or the experience of the books. So I think what we attempted to do was to use the language of the books where we could and to certainly invoke them, the iconic images, where we could, but to keep the storytelling very much...to modernize it, if you like, in terms of cinema language. So we didn't, for example, use the style of storytelling that was in the books between these different after-the-fact storytelling, of Sam and Frodo and then a chunk of the Aragorn story. We completely undercut it. That was a far more immediate and engaging way to connect it to the audience. You can't really hope to satisfy people who adore this book, with the movie. You can only ever give them the sense of what might have been. That's all a film can do. I think, in that sense, films...I mean, they're entertainments. They're just not going to give you the pleasure that a book can give you."
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swlyf-24 · 2 months
My garden still remembers your roots
"No, no, no. No, no, wake up. Please. Wake up, or hold onto my hands, please just give me a sign that you're still awake. Please…" Logan broke off into a sob, his fingers clumsily grasping at Oscar's fingers. It felt cold, colder than it should be. Tears cascaded down as he interlocked the limp hand against his. Blood stained Oscar's helmet, brandishing it in its iconic ruby red instead of that striking orange. "Please Oscar, would you just wake up?" Logan begged. He would fight tooth and nail, he would die for Oscar to wake up again. For Oscar to pursue the dream that they have been whispering to each other since young. The marshals came running over, trying ,without force, to pry Logan's fingers out of Oscar's. 
"Please cooperate Mr Sargeant, we ensure that Mr Piastri is in safe hands. Please let go." Let go. Let go? Sobs wracked Logan's body once more, corrupting his mind into those actions of toddlers, stumbling and crying. The paddock was silent. The drivers only stared at the scene on the screen, holding in their breaths. Logan sat on the gravel, his blood stained gloves buried under the pile of rocks. His heart sung out a melody, a song yearning for the hand to hold his once more, to feel the warmth against his skin. Oscar was the one that usually ran hot, so why was his embrace cold? 
"We'll become drivers in the top teams, and we'll race against each other. We'll both win at least a WDC and we'll be together to celebrate it. Promise?" Oscar used to whisper as if it was a secret of the government. He held out his pinky, awaiting for a response. "Promise." Logan hooked their fingers together. Like a tree amidst a garden, its roots initiated an eternal dance with the soil. 
That tree was soon uprooted, its roots ripped away from the soil leaving a gap. A gap that no roots could ever fill. "I'm sorry Mr Sargeant, your friend did not make it. I-" the doctor was dressed too pristine. Why wasn't his white coat stained with blood? Did they even attempt to save Oscar? Or was it by first glance that they could tell that he died on impact? Death is a cruel word. 5 letters couldn't contain the weight it carried. People using it as they wish, uncaring of the grief that it held from everyone. 
If Logan could plant that seed into the soil once more, caring it with more love, then perhaps it would flourish. 
The brown locks strung Logans heart like a guitar. It sung out for the boy in the kart, hoping to lure it near. "Hey!" An Australian accented voice shouted out, a hand tugging onto Logan's sleeve. "Oscar?" he muttered out, his mind working overtime. "How'd you know my name…Nevermind that. What's your name?" Perhaps he could replant the tree, shielding it from the horrors of the pouring rain and weather. 
"No, no, no. No, no, wake up. Please. Wake up, or hold onto my hands, please just give me a sign that you're still awake. Please…" Logan broke off into a sob, his fingers clumsily grasping at Oscar's fingers. It felt cold, colder than it should be. It happened again. A loop. Logan knew how it was going to play out, the moment etched into his mind. He died from impact, and all he was holding onto was a lifeless body of a promise that they made. "Did you give up on that promise already?" Logan laughed out, the striking difference from the quiet paddock. "I tried to save you, you know? I tried that if I was in Mclaren this time as your teammate, you would be alive."
Logan was on that track once more. Oscar took a step out of the kart as a glint coated his brown eyes. Logan had a pocketful of the seeds, he could always replant them. 
So Logan tried. He tried every loop to save Oscar's life. But it always ended up the same way it did. The soil was dying, sick and tired of waiting for the tree to be replanted over and over.
Oscar stepped out of the kart, his eyes glancing everywhere in search for someone. When he saw Logan, his eyes lit up, bright enough to light up a skyscraper. He jumped across the asphalt, ready to pounce onto the blonde boy. But he walked away, the moment he saw Oscar walking towards him. The boy had walked away.
It worked. The race where Oscar was supposed to meet his end, it didn't happen. Even if it was at the expense of Oscar ever meeting Logan, Logan didn't mind if it meant Oscar was alive. He didn't mind.
He didn't mind when he saw Oscar getting closer and closer to Lando instead, leaving him behind in the dust. Leaving him behind in the karting track, nudging his sole against the asphalt as he awaited for a boy to talk to him again. Perhaps it wasn't the tree's fault, perhaps it was the soil. The whispered promises gone, filled with a promise of forever being team mates instead.
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tiredthespian · 2 months
I don’t normally post negativity about things that I like because honestly it can be exhausting (and I barely post at all as-is lol), but I just need to get my thoughts about TUA off my chest after that finale…
I honestly just don’t know what to think about season 4… watching it after rewatching 1-3 was an Experience for sure. My grounding thought through my rewatch was how strong the theme of “we are better for having loved, even if it all ends” was—even throughout some of the things I didn’t like about season 3, that theme was always there. It’s always the Hargreeves family. It’s all love. So when I saw the trailer for season 4, I got really emotional because to me it seemed like finally confronting the truth and grief of Ben’s death was going to be the key to everything, but honestly having finished season 4 I feel like his story got kind of brushed over even if it was the whole cause of the apocalypse this time…. Like I feel like they didn’t really give him a proper ending even after all that, and Jennifer just felt like a plot device even though I really wanted to love her. She just felt like a generic MacGuffin.
I don’t know what ending I would have preferred, and I understand that after everything just giving all the characters what they wanted wouldn’t necessarily be any better writing than what we got, but idk SOMETHING could have been different. Ray and Sloane were just brushed over completely, and Dave and Sissy weren’t even mentioned, even though they were all such vital characters to the growth of Allison, Luther, Klaus, and Viktor, respectively. And no, I wasn’t expecting everyone to be together in the end. Part of the bittersweetness of their stories is that their time together was only temporary—that’s a facet of TUA’s storytelling. But another facet of the previous seasons is that those losses are FELT. Dave’s loss drove Klaus in season 2, Ray and Claire’s loss drove Allison in season 3, Sissy’s loss and finding Harlan again drove Viktor in season 3. So why didn’t Sloane’s completely unexplained disappearance seem to have much effect on Luther in season 4??? Why don’t we know why Ray left???
Also playing “I Think We’re Alone Now” over the final scene was so uncalled for. It could have been the perfect song for the final scene if the final scene wasn’t that. Now, a song we associate with the Hargreeves siblings being free is associated with them being gone. Free from the endless apocalypses, sure, but also literally never having existed, never having loved or been loved, which again, is the Whole Point of the show in my opinion. At least Hazel and Agnes get to still be in love ffs.
Also self-sacrificing moves that don’t feel consistent with character growth just don’t jive with me. I’m getting Magicians flashbacks.
Anyway, I’m just tired now. I was vibing with the first couple episodes even though they felt different than previous seasons, but then it all sort of fell off. I wish they’d done more with the subway and the Five diner, given the siblings stronger individual arcs, and had more of those classic TUA fight scenes to fun music.
On the bright side, I can always just rewatch seasons 1-2 lol.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
i don’t think i’ll ever be done talking about armand songs but for now i only have one left that i need to talk about and that is how much of a loumand song “Starring Role” by Marina is
like first of all “You’re hard to hug, tough to talk to, and I never fall asleep, when you’re in my bed, all you give me is a heartbeat” is so very Dubai loumand and in particular the scene of them alone in their bedroom and how detached it felt, the chaste kiss, Armand’s longing, pleading looks. He’s getting nothing from this.
Then, “I’ve turned into a statue, and it makes me feel depressed, cause the only time you open up in when we get undressed” is both very Armand-as-Rashid with the feeling that he is less of a person and more a servant in the eyes of both Louis and Daniel, and is upset by it. The getting undressed part is interesting because it’s both carrying on from this servant act, fitting in regards to Daniel’s “rent boy” comment, he’s not really a person unless he’s having sex with someone (which oh my god just SO Armand) but ALSO his relationship with Louis outside of the Rashid act- he doesn’t feel like their relationship is anything more than a sexual relationship anyway.
Leading into “You don’t love me, big fucking deal, I’ll never tell you how I feel, You don’t love me, Not a big deal, I’ll never tell you how I feel” Louis doesn’t love him. Not since before the trial at least, its all for spite. He wants Lestat, Armand knows this, and knows he’s only with him for misplaced spite. (“It almost feels like a joke to play a part, when you are not the starring role in someone else’s heart”) But I feel like Armand staying is proof that he does love Louis, even in a twisted way. He can accept it being unreciprocated as long as he has safety and security, even if he’s miserable and will never tell Louis how he feels.
The lines “You know I’d rather walk alone, than play a supporting role, if I can’t get the starring role” I think are an oddly brilliant summary of why Armand chooses to betray Louis in Paris even if it means his death. Armand’s insecurities mean he would rather be alone and self-sabotage than be with someone that he loves that he knows would sideline him for the ghost of his ex (who is also HIS ex)
“Sometimes I ignore you, So I feel in control, Cause really I adore you and I can’t leave you alone” is very reminiscent of Armand’s emotional abuse of Louis to get what he wants (again stemming from a deep insecurity and desperation to not be alone) He can’t be without Louis, so he makes him dependant on him in several ways, then emotionally withdraws for the control it brings.
“You’re like my dad, you’d get on well, I send my best regards from Hell” is a final nail in the coffin, Armand projecting his relationship with Marius onto Louis due to his need to be in that dynamic because its all he knows and recognises as love, even if its self-destructive. Louis goes along with it far too easily, which I think triggers Armand a lot more than he consciously realises. This behaviour is deeply hurting him but he can’t realise or understand why, but has a resentment for Louis come with it even if he loves him and wants him to do it. The mention of Hell is interesting as well, with the connotations. Armand putting himself in Hell as if he was a demon, even though his “father” always called him and angel, heavenly.
“I never sang for love, I never had a heart to mend, Because before the start began, I always saw the end, Yeah, I wait for you to open up, to give yourself to me, But nothing's ever gonna give, I'll never set you free, Yeah, I'll never set you free” This entire bridge just sums up their dynamic terribly well I fear. Armand’s eternal brokenhearted-ness, his “half blank half apocalyptic” looks, doomed from the start, wishing for Louis to be the one to be with him and save him, though not letting him go even if he knows those goals are unachievable.
Marina Lambrini Diamandis somehow you wrote the PERFECT loumand song in 2012 Godbless.
WOOOOOOOOWWW THIS IS PERFECT OMG!!!! This made me stim lol, I love Mariana sm and this is amazing analysis, AHHH YESSSS!!!! Adding to my Armand playlist ASAP. The youd get on well with my dad lyrics goes CRAZY in this context ur mind is incredible.
(Since we r on the subject lol hermit the frog by Mariana is very Amadeo era Armand to me hehe)
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cedarxwing · 4 months
What was the most romantic scene in Hannibal for you?
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The end sequence of Antipasto, hands down. Just everything about it. It makes me tear up every time.
The way Hannibal, heartbroken at Bedelia's rejection and betrayal, sits alone on the train en route to Palermo with Antony Dimmond's corpse in his trunk, recalling his last dinner with Abel Gideon while Ravel's Pavane plays.
The way even Gideon, who was always the Ripper's biggest fan, now finds Hannibal banal and tiresome, calling him pathetic and lonely to his face. The way Hannibal is disgusted by Gideon's poor manners, but puts up with him because he's that desperate for connection.
HANNIBAL: Why do you think I'm allowing this? GIDEON: Snails aren't the only creatures who prefer eating with company. If only that company could be Will Graham.
The way Hannibal is speechless at that. Not only does Gideon call out his obsession with Will, but he compares Hannibal, Mr. Firefly himself, to a snail. That's what Will's reduced him to.
Side note: LOVE how Gideon becomes a prophetic figure as he approaches death, "becoming brighter" as Hannibal puts it. Remember, this exchange takes place before S2b, sometime between Futamono and Yakimono.
Gideon can see how Hannibal longs for the kind of cannibal date night Will gives him at the end of Naka Choko, but refuses, out of sheer pettiness, to be his perfect dinner partner, snarfing down those snails with the utmost incivility. Love him. <3
"I'm just fascinated to know how you will feel when all this... happens to you." <- referencing how Mason will try to eat Hannibal, but on a deeper level how Hannibal's heart will be eaten as in the first sonnet of Dante's La Vita Nuova (which he quotes earlier in the episode):
Joyous love seemed to me, the while he held My heart within his hands, and in his arms My lady lay asleep wrapped in a veil. He woke her then. Trembling and obedient, She ate that burning heart out of his hand; Weeping I saw him then depart from me.
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The way Hannibal looks SO SAD as he folds the Vitruvian Man into an origami heart, obviously still thinking about La Vita Nuova and how Will's eaten his heart. The way he extends the heart metaphor into the Three of Swords tarot presentation in the Norman Chapel to signify betrayal. The way the soundtrack swells with violins and the solemn heartbeat of a drum over beautiful close ups of Dimmond's skinned carcass.
Side note 2: I have searched high and low for the track that plays during the Vitruvian Man folding, but it doesn't seem to have been published anywhere. Tunefind says that it was adapted from Hayley Westenra's Never Say Goodbye (which is sooo romantic lol), but it doesn't sound anything like that song to me.
Finally, this is the most insight we, the audience, get into the conception of any Ripper tableau and it's a valentine for Will. Oughhhh. I'm going to cry just thinking about it.
[The Naka Choko dinner scene is a close second tho! The audacity they had to score it with Mahler's Adagietto... And the end of TWOTL would be my third pick.]
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kasagia · 2 years
Hello, can I ask for a one-shot where Cami is jealous of y/n because all the men she meets are always talking about her, but for her it gets worse when in her therapies with Klaus, he doesn't stop talking about y/n because he is in love/obsessed with her, he even shows her the drawings he made of y/n, and she in a jealous rage tells him that she loves him and that y/n is not as special as she thinks, which surprises klaus because of cami's attitude, and then rejects her because her heart only belongs to y/n.
What makes her so special?
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson xO'Connell reader Summary: You have a gift of attracting any man to you. Everyone who meets you loves you. But the cup of bitterness is overflowing when, in front of Cami's eyes, Klaus begins to fall in love with you. And you do not remain indifferent to the courtship of your sister's handsome friend for long. The question is, can the two of you confess your true feelings to each other before jealous Cami messes things up between you and Klaus? Warning(s): Cami is a jealous backstabber, Klaus can't trust people, swearing is the order of the day, de@th mentioned but nothing terrible Word count: 4,8k
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Camille O'Connell was trying not to regret anything she had done in her life.
It came out with better or worse successes, but this time an inner feeling of grief festering within her kept her from forgetting the biggest mistake she had made and regretted with all her heart.
Camille O'Connell regretted introducing Klaus Mikaelson to Y/N O'Connell.
Yes. Her younger, prettier, smarter, and more talented little sister.
It wasn't that Cami didn't like her own sister. She loved her, even though Y/N had become cold and distant to her family since their brother's death, although she never left Cami to her fate—she was always there when the blonde needed her.
But there was something about Y/N that drew men to her. Any guy who wouldn't stand in her way within five minutes was starting to fall in love with her.
And Cami hated that.
So she had no idea why she had the stupid idea of taking Klaus to the theater in New Orleans. I mean, she knew that, as his therapist, she wanted to "break the fear of the place where he lost everything." Clear the bad memory Mikael left behind. (She actually wanted to go on some sort of date with him, but hush huh.)
Thinking about it like that, she was really stupid to assume that Y/N wouldn't be in the play. She loved The Greatest Showman and would do anything to play a role in her favorite musical. Of course, with her talent and charm, she didn't have to try so hard. Cami should have anticipated this.
Just like how Klaus will take an interest in you as soon as he reads your last name.
"Y/N O'Connell, any family of yours?"
"My younger sister. She is an actress."
"Well, all the more reason for me to stay here and watch this bloody play, right?"
When Y/N took the stage, Klaus showed only a little of his interest. Beautiful, pretty face. He had seen many of them in his long life. But the next time he saw her, in a long white dress, she was in the middle of the stage with a soft smile. Then she has his full attention. And when she started singing in her angelic voice one of the most captivating songs he had ever heard? The guy was gone and never wanted to free himself from her spell.
And Camille saw that. Another loving gaze throwning by a man in your direction.
She felt jealous. Again.
Fortunately, as soon as Y/N disappeared from the scene, Klaus focused his attention on her.
Cami hoped it was just a fleeting fascination on Klaus' part.
But it wasn't.
As soon as the play was over, Klaus insisted she take him to her sister's so they could get to know each other properly.
Cami should have refused and gone home. But she agreed and took the hybrid backstage to Y/N's dressing room.
And that's how they met.
"Y/N? Are you there?" the woman asked, entering the room first and checking if they could come in. Her sister came out of the bathroom, changed into her usual everyday clothes.
"Oh! Hi, Cam. I didn't think you'd come here." hearing that captivating voice again made Klaus push past Cami and join the conversation with the most charming smile he has.
"It's my fault. Camille and I were watching a play and I couldn't just walk away without meeting her talented sister. Klaus Mikaelson. Camille's friend."
"Y/N. Her sister. Nice to meet you." Y/N politely held out her hand in greeting.
"Believe me, love, the pleasure is all mine." he said, never breaking eye contact with her as he kissed the back of her hand.
The blooming blush on her sister's cheeks and Klaus' widening smug smirk only fueled Cami's fire of jealousy even more.
But Y/N wasn't that easy to get. She refused to be charmed by his tricks and kept a certain distance between herself and the hybrid until the end of the conversation. Much to Klaus' displeasure and Cami's delight.
What Cami didn't realize was that her troubles with Y/N were only just beginning.
Leaving the theater, she hoped your frigidity had put Klaus off. But Cami should have known better and foreseen that your lack of interest will only attract the original hybrid more.
It started innocently. Y/N used to come to the pub where Cami worked from time to time and made extra money by singing on stage. Usually her show would last an hour or two, she'd order one tequila from her, they'd talk for a while, and then they'd both go back to their lives. It was a good routine between them and the only form of contact they had.
But there was a real snitch in the pub that day. Cami and her colleague on shift couldn't keep up with serving drinks. So Y/N went behind the bar at their boss's request and helped as much as she could.
And that's how Klaus found her.
Cami noticed him as soon as he entered the bar, just as he noticed her sister. He immediately turned to her, his trademark seductive smirk on his face. What Cami would give for him to look at her the way he looked at your unaware figure...
She tried to get as close to you two as possible to eavesdrop on your conversation.
"I come here every night, and I haven't seen you here before... are you stalking me, love?"
"I'm sorry, but I'm not attracted to alcoholics. Besides, I dare say I've worked here longer than you've even lived here."
"Believe me on my word: you are wrong. So? What are your other hidden talents, woman of many abilities?"
"Deterring intrusive men. Although lately I don't seem to be very good at it. Are you ordering something, or are you just here to vent your sorrows to the bartender?"
"Your best bourbon, love." he said, placing two hundred dollars on the table. Y/N took one bill, turning it over in her hands and eyeing it suspiciously. "Something wrong, love? You're not accusing me of counterfeiting money, are you?"
"So a rich alcoholic? Man, you must either have a good liver or you must be incredibly lucky in your stupidity."
"Now, now, your assumptions are hurting me. Just because I'm here often doesn't mean I drink alcohol every time. Like you."
"Well, if you say so." she poured him a drink, smiling as Klaus drank it down like orange juice. "But only the battle-hardened are able to swallow this damn thing without flinching. Your actions speak against you, Mr. Mikaelson."
"I plead guilty to a little lie. But trust me love, I'm not as easy to read as you think."
"And who said I want to read you?"
"Your sparkling curiosity in those delightfully beautiful eyes."
"A few compliments and smirks are not something particularly worthy of interest. Now excuse me, I'm working."
Cami was so proud of you. You didn't fall for his sweet words. However, her joy was short-lived, as the night progressed and the pub filled up even more, Klaus somehow ended up as your sidekick.
Klaus Mikaelson, the original hybrid, the slayer of vampires, witches, and werewolves, a guy who probably in his long, 1000-year life has not soiled his hands with any work not related to maintaining his reputation, flew around the bar and collected empty glasses, just to stay longer in your presence.
Cami was shocked. You, on the other hand, looked like you were slowly warming up to him.
Cami was getting used to sharing Klaus' attention with you.
When he came to talk to her in the pub, it was often during the hours when you had your performance. He would wave to you, causing you minor reactions (turning your eyes, gently shaking your head in disapproval that he disrupts your concentration, and on good days you put a small dormitory towards him, which he loved).
After the performance, you would join them at the bar and thus stole all the interest of the hybrid. Cami couldn't blame you. You tried awkwardly to float Klaus and talk to her, but the hybrid did not give it easily. That is why there was a quiet compromise between you. You would sit a moment after the performance at the table occupied by Klaus, drank his bourbon with him, and joined Cami for a while to say goodbye to her.
The blonde hated this terrible feeling of jealousy, which was created every time you laughed at Klaus' jokes in the farthest corner of the pub, underestimating the loving look he gave you.
How much she would give to have a gift like her sister! Everyone adored her, she could easily charm anyone with whom she changed a few words. And this time Y/N was taking from her Klaus slowly.
And as long as Klaus stayed her friend, Cami would be fine with this. Really. But one session at the Mikaelson House completely changed the dynamics of Klaus' relationship with O'Connell's sisters.
"Rebekah told me you are making progress. You haven't tried to use a dagger on any of them for two months. Congratulations!" she praised him, walking around his studio and looking at his latest works (with relief that he had not yet painted Y/N.)
"It's easy to refrain when they don't want to reveal me at every opportunity." he muttered from his sketchbook.
Camille watched him with interest. Lately, he's been carrying it everywhere with him. Every time he came to the pub, he would sit in the corner in his usual place and persistently sketch something. In his free time, that is, whenever they had sessions together, he also held it on his lap, persistently drawing something in it.
He's been happier lately, too. He didn't look like the grumpy, paranoid one who had forced her to write his life story. It seemed to change over time. Maybe it was the time he spent with his little daughter that affected him so much?
Cami decided not to bring up the subject of Hope for now and ask something more delicate. For example, the contents of his sketchbook.
"What are you drawing there?"
"You should know better than to ask about an artist's work when he hasn't finished his yet, but I would like to hear your opinion about this one."
Cami's heart fluttered involuntarily. It was the first time since his meeting with Y/N that he really focused on her instead of her sister (and she was glad that her opinion mattered to him more than Y/N's). She smiled as she accepted the sketchbook from him, only for it to collapse as she saw the exact portrait of the one person she hoped not to hear about from him in today's session.
Y/N. Y/N in her fucking white dress and singing on stage. He drew the moment when Cami completely lost any chance of being with Klaus. And her sister looked even more perfect than usual.
"And what do you think about it? I wanted to give it to her with some small gift for our first official date. It took her a week to admit that our trips out of town and meetings crossed the line of friendship. You have no idea how long it took me to convince her. At one point, Rebekah was so annoyed by my pleas for help that she was willing to go to Y/N herself and invite her on my behalf. I almost broke her neck trying to talk her out of it. But still, she's my sister, and she helped me set everything up for tonight, it'll be perfect. Y/N will love..."
"Okay, that's enough!" Cami couldn't help but scream at him in anger. "I get it. You're so blinded by her damn charm that you can't see the world outside of her. All right. But I'm not going to listen to this crap about how great and wonderful she is and how she deserves the best because, believe me... she doesn't. I'm not even sure she deserves a scrap of your attention, let alone your adoration! You may think Y/N is an angel, but that's just a facade, Klaus. She's a mean, cruel manipulator, and she's definitely not worth anything you want to give her."
"How can you say that about her?"
"Because I know her! She's not the special muse you think she is or some saintly person. She's a mean, heartless bitch who changes her boyfriend every week. Do you think her feelings for you are real?! That she could love you like I do?!"
"I won't listen to these..." the man stopped, processing his therapist's words in pure surprise. "You love me?"
"Yes. Yes, I love you. And I can't watch you entangle yourself in her web like other men and women before you. She is incapable of any affection, Klaus, not for her own family and certainly not for a stranger. You deserve someone better than her."
"Like who? You?" he asked mockingly, pacing the room angrily.
"I know you're hurt, Klaus, but you have to face the truth. Y/N will never accept your past. She won't take it well that you're a thousand-year-old werewolf/vampire hybrid. She won't handle as many skeletons as you have in your closet. She will not face all your enemies. She won't love you like I do."
"Camille." hope rose in the woman as the original rubbed closer to her. However, he did so only to grab her by the neck and pin her against the wall, cutting off most of her air. She had seen his angry, crazy look many times. But it was never directed at her. She was terrified. "Get. Out. Of. Here. Before I do something terrible and ruin all my chances of being with Y/N. Get out of here before I tear out that miserable, jealous heart beating in your chest for trying to make me feel any doubt about the sincerity of my relationship with your sister. Get out of here while I can still control myself." he growled into her face, releasing her and walking away from her with his fists clenched in anger. Cami looked at him, scared, like a deer at a wolf, trying to assess what she could say or do before she left the room. She took one hesitant step toward the door when Klaus' cold, furious voice stopped her in place. "And Camille! If I hear such slander about Y/N one more time, I will make sure that your supposed love for me disappears with you from the face of the earth. Do we understand each other?"
"You don't know everything about her. Like why we're so cold for each other. Did she ever tell you what she did when our uncle Kieran was dying? Do you remember that day? When you helped me and him get through this, she did everything in her power to make him suffer in his last hours. You know, what was her last word to him? You made yourself that bed. Have a nice nap. She didn't care either about him or me. She left the funeral on my head and didn't even bother to come. If you don't believe me, ask her is that true. You'll know then, why I'm warning you about her."
"I don't need to test the one that holds my heart. Apparently, she must have had some reason to hate your uncle."
"Of course, but maybe you should test her. Despite the weeks you've spent clinging to your hips, you don't really know her." they looked at each other with hard, wounded eyes. Klaus couldn't believe that his friend was capable of such an act of jealousy, and Cami couldn't believe that after so many months spent together, he would just throw her out of his life.
"Goodbye, Camille. As you can guess, you're not welcome here anymore. I wish you happy."
"Me too, to you. You could find it with me." she replied bitterly, leaving the room after giving him one last disappointed, hurt look.
But Cami wasn't about to grieve or let Klaus go yet.
Because if Cami knew something, it was how to make Klaus doubt the pure, good intentions of others. Honestly, he didn't need much pushing. He was completely capable of doing it himself. Especially to distrust in his loved ones, and that was what her sister hated the most. It was only a matter of time before these two would get into a big argument and, for good, lose interest in each other.
Klaus will be hers. She will make sure of it.
Even if it means hurting her own sister.
I've been waiting on the bridge for 15 minutes. I was starting to get a little nervous that Nik had changed his mind or had a car accident (he was driving like a madman, not caring for his life at all). However, I decided to hold back my paranoid black thoughts and wait five more minutes for him before it officially became clear that he had stood me up.
As I was about to leave, my phone buzzed. I glanced at the notification. A text from Cami. Strange. She has never texted me since THAT day. Before I could open the message, however, a familiar voice distracted me from the device.
"Hello love."
"Hi there! I thought you weren't coming, which would be weird since you wanted to go on a date with me so badly that you were able to... Okay, what happened? You look terrible. Are you okay, Nik?" I asked as I turned to him and noticed the obvious worry on his face.
"Not a very nice way to greet your date, love. By the way, you look beautiful too."
"Don't even joke; something is wrong. I see it. What happened? Do you want to go somewhere and talk about it? We can reschedule this date for another day if you're not feeling well."
"No. God knows when you will accept it again."
"You can joke around and pretend to be confident all you want, but I can see you're tense and nervous."
"Where does such a deduction come from, my personal Sherlock?"
"Very funny, Watson. First of all, you ran your hand through your hair too many times, so now they look messier than usual. You forgot to take your leather jacket, which is like a second skin for you, so you must be hurrying, which means that something happened if you forgot about our meeting or you were so lost in thought that you forgot to look at your watch and you were rushing here like crazy without even glancing at the mirror."
"What made you think I hadn't looked in the mirror?" I smiled, stepping closer to him, causing him even more consternation. I slowly brought my thumb to my lips and licked my fingertip to wipe a large blue stain from his cheek.
"Because most of your face and part of your hair are covered in all of the colors of paint." I burst out laughing, watching his eyes widen in disbelief and a faint shade of red creep into his cheeks. Aww... he gets ashamed. "But do not worry. I think you look cute."
"I'm not cute." he muttered, wrinkling his nose like an offended little child. I snorted, wrapping my arm around his and guiding him towards my apartment. I don't think either of us wanted a big date right now.
"Of course. You are a huge, dangerous puppy."
"Are we at the stage of making up nicknames for ourselves? You must be really obsessed with me by now."
"Are you trying to get out of the conversation about what happened by using that ineffective way to flirt?"
"I don't know, love. Am I? Besides, are you trying to kidnap me or…"
"We're going to my home. And no, I'm not gonna drag you to my bedroom, couch, shower, or wherever your dirty mind wanted."
"Aside from your explicit suggestion of my indecency, I should be offended that you think that my dirty mind needs such a thing as a bed or couch."
"Honestly, I'm not even a bit surprised." I sighed, smiling slightly as his soft chuckle reached my ears.
"Which just proves how well you know me and care about every little detail that concerns me. Just admit that you love me."
"You first, sweetheart."
My mischievous smirk didn't go unanswered. The hybrid gave me an equally defiant, teasing look, staring at me silently. I shook my head, laughing, as I opened the door to the stairwell and let him go through them first.
"Last chance to back out before I know where you live."
"Well, you stalk me anyway." he snorted, leaning against the wall near my apartment door and looking around my floor.
"Any nosy neighbors who will gossip about you bringing the boy home?"
"You've been watching too many romantic comedies. Answering your question, no. One apartment has been empty for a year, and one couple is away on honeymoon. You can scream for help and no one will hear you. The closest neighbors are deaf retirees."
"Then I seriously doubt if it is safe for me to enter this house."
"Don't be such a jerk and come in before I change my mind."
"After such an invitation? With pleasure, love." he sneered, with that goofy smirk of his, walking inside like he owned this place.
"Once you've looked around, you can use the bathroom. First door on the left. And don't you dare go through my stuff!"
"Who do you think I am, darling?" I raised an eyebrow questioningly. I took a breath to give him a full answer, but he beat me to it. "All right. Don't answer this question. I'll be right back."
I was grining like a fool to myself as I prepared some snacks and drinks for movie night. The prospect of cuddling up to a man while watching some stupid film seemed like a nice end to the day. With any luck, he might have admitted what had so disturbed him earlier.
That was until I remembered the unread text from Cami.
Klaus is the original (first ever) hybrid of vampire and werewolf; watch out for him and do not invite him home under any circumstances. We had a fight a while ago, and I don't want you to get hurt because of me. Call me as soon as you can, Cami.
I stared blankly at the message. Of course, the first guy I really liked had to be a fucking vampire—one of the creatures that caused my brother's death.
"Are you okay, love?" I turned to him. He somehow managed to wash off all the paint, leaving only the wet ends of his curly hair. He still looked cute with that caring look of his on me. Stop. I couldn't fall for a vampire. Never. Not after what they did to my family.
"You know, Cami texted me." his suddenly tense, flustered demeanor told me all I needed to know. "Is there something you wanted to tell me?"
"Y/N..." he tried to take a step towards me, but I moved away from him so that we were separated by the couch.
"No! Stay right there!" I shouted, raising my hand in protection to knock any stupid idea out of his head. His disappointed, sad face made me feel unfounded guilt. "Listen, I don't want to know what's going on between you and my sister..."
"There's nothing. She was my therapist, but after today…"
"I don't care! Just let me and her stay out of this supernatural world, please. I lost one sibling because of your stupid war with witches, in which my uncle was involved. I don't want to lose another member of my family, because some vampires don't like that they don't have enough power in this town, Klaus. So please just leave me alone before it would be too hard for both of us to forget about each other."
"That's it? You want to put an end to whatever is going on between us before it even begins?"
"What exactly are the odds that an immortal vampire and a mortal who hates supernatural creatures of any kind will make a good match?"
"Somehow it didn't matter until now. And it wouldn't have if you hadn't found out about it like this."
'"The fact that you say something like that only proves that I'm right. I'm not going to change my beliefs and risk my life and my sister's life just because you're annoyingly handsome. Whatever could be between us, it's doomed to failure."'
"Why? Why are you so afraid of being with me? And why would I ever hurt you or Camille?"
"Cami didn't tell you? Since you were so close to her, you probably know what happened to our brother and how my dear uncle, witches, and vampires contributed to it. Or maybe you forced her to be your therapist, you're not really friends at all, and you were just using her all this time? Am I right?"
"Partly." I snorted, shaking my head in disbelief. How could I have been so stupid? "No! Y/N, just give me ten minutes! That's all. Ten minutes and you can tell me to go to hell, and I will obey your every order."
"It won't change anything anyway."
"I think I've proven many times that I can change your mind. Just give me a chance."
"Why do you even want to keep me around? I'm just an ordinary human; I don't have any special powers or anything else you might find useful. Why would you go through so much trouble?"
"You're everything but ordinary. You caught my attention the first time I saw you, and when I heard how you sang, I knew I fell for you instantly like a foolish teenager. But when I talked to you for the first time, I knew you were the one for me. I gave you my heart on that day, and with every passing hour near you, it only confirmed my belief that it will always belong to you." he walked around the couch, standing in front of me and staring at me with those mesmerizing eyes of his, filled with sincere, deep devotion. How in the bloody hell was I supposed to resist him?
"Hush, huh. I still have 6 minutes, love. You're special to me and I love..."
"I'm not perfect, Klaus. I've done a lot of stupid, horrible things in my life that you have no idea about. You can't just stand here and say you love me when you don't know me at all."
"I don't care who you used to be or what you did in the past. What matters is what is here and now. And right now..." he grabbed my hand, bringing it close to his chest and the frantically beating heart that was probably beating as fast as mine. "I know that there is no other person that I want to be with more than you. There is no other person on this earth who can understand me and bring me such comfort as I find in your arms whenever I come to you. Despite our differences, we all belong to each other. And I know that you can feel it as I do. I throw the power. I don't want to rule New Orleans if that means I'm going to lose you. I just… I just want you to be okay."
I looked at him carefully, trying to detect any hint of falsehood in his words, but I couldn't find anything against him in his eyes or in his determined facial expression. If he was desperate enough to keep me by his side, even at the cost of abandoning his rule of New Orleans, then maybe he really cared about me?
"Is that another way of saying you love me?"
"Is that another way of saying I changed your mind?"
"I will never become a vampire. You know about it?"
"You didn't want anything to do with me 10 minutes ago. I think you can still change your mind."
"As confident as always." I murmured, pulling him into our first, long-awaited kiss. And I hoped, the first of many more.
He was right. There were no other arms, no other lips, and no other touch that I wanted to feel than his. And as much as I feared and how wrong it was to get involved with a vampire after my brother died in the crossfire of this city's power war, I felt there was no place in the world other than his arms where I could feel so right, like I always belonged there.
And I think we both knew I'd end up being a vampire anyway. He would do anything to convince me. And it probably wouldn't take him that long. After all, he was very special.
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saleintothe90s · 6 months
495. I watched Ghostbusters II, and I have questions
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Hot take: I loved it.
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When they fell on hard times in those five years, it made them more interesting to me. Although, it was never revealed what Winston did in those five years other than appearing at kids birthday parties with Ray. I know Red Letter Media didn't understand why Ray and Winston dances to the Ray Parker Jr. Ghostbusters theme, but I totally get it. My theory is that in the Ghostbusters universe, that song was totally a novelty song that only played on NYC radio stations. My theory is proven more after I saw Frozen Empire and Paul Rudd's character references it.
I do, however wonder why the kids wished He-Man was at their party instead .. I thought that Masters of the Universe/He-Man was more of a mid 80s craze?
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I wanna know who Sigourney Weaver had 'dat baby with! Was it the guy who was jealous of Peter in the original film when he waited for Dana outside of orchestra practice? I bet it was him.
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Egon wanting to do a gynecological exam on Dana as part of the investigation. Egon totally did it with that slime.
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No more smoking! I kinda miss the smoking. I loved in the original that the boys pretty much welcome Winston in by lighting up a cigarette for him in the basement while they discuss Twinkies.
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Peter MacNichol! I didn't even realize it was him until I was like forty minutes in. I love him, the only shining light from Ally McBeal! Did I miss why Dana was restoring paintings now instead of being in the orchestra? I guess it was because it was a day job so she could be with baby Oscar at night? I know at one point she tells Janosz that she'll be leaving soon since the baby is getting older?
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They are cute as buttons in their suits fighting those death row ghosts in court.
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Speaking of cute as buttons, Janine's glam makeover! She got that "return of Ghostbusters" paychecks now.
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It's weird that New Years Eve is brought up, and is a giant part of the plot, but other than them wearing the Santa hats in the montage, and the aluminum tree in Peter's awesome apartment, that's all the Christmas we get. Did the entire movie take part in that week between Christmas and New Years? This video tries to figure it out.
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Ooo the green dress. Winston saw it in a deleted scene, and said "[Peter's] not coming". Was that dress in the suitcase Peter brings over from Dana's apartment?
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Speaking of the suitcase, that apartment scene before their dinner date, that scene felt like it was ten minutes long! I like Peter's apartment, so I'll let it slide.
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Winston being scared of the ghost train is one of the best most overacted scenes ever. What was up with all the beheaded heads at the old Subway track?
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Why did that scene involving Louis and Janine at Peter's apartment awake something in me? I do have a thing for guys like Louis. I need to put those feelings back away. Y'all know I gave up on dating!
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I mean THIS?! With the earmuffs?! I need a minute. Even if Louis thought he had to save the Ghostbusters, I think him and Janine did some things first.
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When that cop said "the Titanic just arrived", I felt the emotion in that line. He said it like it was real deal this really happened breaking news. Better Late Than Never.
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Bobby Brown's sad cameo where he just opens the door at Gracie Mansion and asks the boys where he can get some ghostbusters stuff for his brother. Yes his song "On Our Own" (which I LOVE) is playing in the background.
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I don't care about the Vigo stuff too much, the baby's acting makes the scene bearable however. Those twins who played Oscar were really good baby actors!
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Them controlling the Statue of Liberty with the positive slime and the big flat Nintendo controller is silly as heck, and I am here for it.
Now, I know the movie got a cool reception when it came out in June of 1989, especially since it came out the weekend before the biggest movie of the year, Batman. Ghostbusters II made the biggest three day box office record at the time -- but Batman beat it the following weekend. I wanted to read some critic's initial reactions to the movie.
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Vincent Camby of The New York Times almost gives away the entire movie's plot! I agree with most of his points, except for him saying the original was "overproduced and sloppy" the effects were made in 1984, what do you expect? On Christmas of 1988, NYT almost gives away the plot again in an article about the behind the scenes process of the film. (gift article)
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I think Al meant a "junky" effect when he was referring to the Statue of Liberty walking around instead of a "junkie" effect, but I get what he's saying, even if I loved the scene for its silliness.
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(My local paper ran this review too, so that's why you don't see one from my paper. ) I saw Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire the other day, and I feel like this was finally Ernie Hudson's chance to shine after being just the fourth Ghostbuster so so long. To me, each Ghostbuster has their own movie now: the original was Ray's, Ghostbusters II was Peter's, Ghostbusters: Afterlife was (ghost) Egon's, and Frozen Empire was Winston's.
I even found a newsgroup review from June of 1989. That is baby internet! Here is the archive, because I just feel like google groups is going to shut down the old newsgroup archives any day now. Wait, I just found another one (archive).
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Here is an article about the press tour held at the newly renovated Plaza hotel in New York City. The press was already clamoring for a third movie. Of course, we wouldn't get that until 2020, 2021, of course.
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In closing, never forget the Hardees promotion, with the noisemakers that were recalled almost immediately because lil kids ate the batteries. I remember being about six? and was terrified that my parents were going to take away my Ghostbusters noisemaker.
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kusagrasskusa · 11 months
Jeff the Killer X Reader
Ecstasy :)
Based off Ecstasy by Suicidal Idol-
TW- this song contained abuse so that's gonna be pretty prevalent in this oneshot. Like pretty extreme abuse. As well as drugs. We like to keep things dark here on this blog sometimes :)
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I just wanna be your sweetheart
She said as she took his hand, caressing his leathery face with her innocent little smile. The look of despair in her face as she said
Fucking come here, give me your heart
Her disillusioned eyes squinted as she held up her sweet smile. He could feel her heart pulse heavily in her chest as she breathed out slowly, her air warm against his lips as he said
Just you and me, to infinity
It started when they met in school after he moved. She invited him over, they kissed, they grew close. When he came back from the hospital after the "incident," she invited him over again. Something special had happened that he needed to see.
I can't fucking breathe, too much ecstasy
He thought as he saw her. The first time he ever felt a sense of bloodlust as he saw her surrounded by the bloody corpses of her parents. It gave him an idea that changed his life forever.
Kiss me on the lips, choke me on the floor
A match made in heaven- or hell, one might say. They shared sensual love and feelings when they finished their families and left town together. Truly best friends.
She didn't want to just fucking stay friends though. They spent too many nights together to just be friends. Why didn't she just speak up?
Drag me around, and push me right against your door
It was because he couldn't stay nice. He changed. She'd cry out as he tossed her around the room. She'd stare at her scarred in the mirror after every night they'd spend together. Her face of terror when she'd look in mirror: she felt like a punching bag that only got worse as they grew older, and he grew stronger and larger.
I'm your little doll, come and play with me
Why didn't she leave? Why did she stay? She could have ran away after letting him use some of the coke she found off a random fucker she stabbed to death. He was so worn out from grabbing her by the hair and throwing her around that he just passed out on the couch in the place they "borrowed."
Dying all my hair, we could be in the scene
Moving across the world, living the edge of reality, it seemed. He'd hurt her so much more along the way. Simply killing his victims wasn't enough for him anymore. The drinks and drugs didn't satiate him. She'd begin to steal clothes from the women she'd kill to try to appease him, make him value her body a little more. Give him special nights. But he never stopped.
Lights out, you don't tap out
Another episode: he'd freak out, high off his fucking mind as he'd toss her around. She'd scream, barely able to recognize him anymore. Begging all the while trying to hold him, calm him, love him. His crazed expression as he slit her throat, licking the blood off before locking her tears. What was that feeling in her chest and thought in her mind as she feared for her life?
You're so crazy, manipulate me
Hug him once more as he returned to normal, then to kiss him. Tell him to go to sleep with her. That's what she did after every episode.
His annoyed face but loving arms was enough to make her forgive and forget once again. Her smaller form curled up against his larger, muscular form was the greatest feeling in the world. He could be so sweet at times ❤️
Fucking chase me, fucking break me
Then he'd get more deadly each time. Holding her down, beating her for messing up their strategy of breaking into a new house. Fuck, her body just got up and started to run on its own; something she never did before. Something she knew she could never get away with.
You're my everything, please just r- me
His words and fists felt more brutal than anything else she had ever experienced. He'd drag her throughout each room, make her beg for her fucking life. All she wanted to be loved Jeff, but he never loved her for anything more than her body and what she could do for him. He knew she wouldn't even protest if he took advantage of her fearful state; even after how badly he hurt her this time.
I just wanna be your sweetheart
She whispered as she weakly kissed him. The girl sat there, straddled on top of him as she weakly breathed out, her dilated eyes revealing the high she was experiencing. Her lip was busted and eyes dark from bruising he caused her just a little earlier. But he wasn't surprised to her so in love with him still.
Fucking come here, give me your heart
And this time, for the first time, he said back that he loved her.
Just you and me to infinity
Her giggles were always the sweetest thing. She melted into him; kissing him and hugging him tightly. Maybe it was possible that a place had been moved in his cold heart for her. Maybe that disgust for his love of her was why he hurt her.
I can't fucking breathe, too much ecstasy
But he still did it. And she still loved him for it.
Piercing on your lip, it's perfect
Like always, she'd dress in something new and pretty by the time he'd come back. She'd always be ready to see him with food, although nothing special, since it's always small things she'd take after murdering a family.
Never seen another girl this perfect
Like a fucking slave, he'd think.
Sticking out your tongue for the picture
Yet, since the day they met, she'd be so happy and obsessed to the point that she didn't care. He can think however he wants and she'd be happy; every photo, video, and every live moment was evident. She was always so happy.
You're so pretty, you're so popular
The night came to where he'd finally call her his girl. She cried hard that day into his freshly cleaned hoodie, cuddled up against him as he'd hold her close. He really did feel grateful for her, although he never showed it. She showed him what it was like to kill and enjoy substances, and she kept him clean, fed, and safe.
I just wanna be your sweetheart
She'd sing for a moment, her usual obsession shining through in any moment he was on her mind. And he was always on her mind. Sometimes, it annoyed him, though, and small annoyances always went a long way.
Fucking come here, give me your heart
She'd cry out as he'd throw her across the room, leaving her in pain and in tears. Extending her arms for help as he's turn to walk away.
Just you and me to infinity
But she always had her way. He'd always come back to her, ready to love on her after getting the rest of his rage out. The same cycle they'd been doing since nearly a decade ago, when they were 15 and ran away from home.
I can't fucking breathe, too much ecstasy (ecstasy, ecstasy...)
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idothingsandstuffs · 11 months
I've talk about the Kirby right back at ya reboot I've made in my head, that was inconsistent af.
Here are some more things that I've created in my head that happened in it.
(And if a reboot or a new anime happens and some of this happens, that is not a coincidence I have future vision that is just pretty inconsistent\jk)
•It is called "Kirby right back at ya:deluxe"
•Everyone is a like 5-7 years older compare to the original.
•All the waddle dees were raised by dedede and escargoon therefore bandee start off as a jerk but gets character development.
•One of the waddle dees fakes their own death to join meta's crew as sailor dee.
•Meta knight is a wanted criminal.
•Kirby was raised by sir Arthur before he was send to popstar.
•Kirby is also fullent in Spanish but doesn't have an accent.
•Kirby can talk but still says poyo as a tick.
•Adeline is Ado's younger sister.
•Adeline and Ado live in the castle because Dedede declared both of them royal painters because he doesn't wanna admit he adopted two children.
•Giving children a job in the castle is Dedede's way of adoption.
•That one "how can I help you king Dedede" part from the intro would be change every episode to fit what is going to happen in the episode.
•Marx was also raised by sir Arthur with Kirby and Kirby saw him as a big brother, and milky way wishes messed Kirby up.
•Marx and meta knight are demon beasts.
•The reason sir Arthur raised Marx and Kirby was to keep a close eye on them.
•The reason why Arthur wanted to keep a close eye on them is because the last demon beast that they trusted became a war criminal and Kirby has has the potential to become full on void or zero if they felt a lot of negative feelings.
•Oh and also Kirby is the positive reancarnetion of void.
•If Ado tries draws a copy of someone the copy becomes how that person should be like, while when Adeline Tris to do it, it becomes how she sees this person.
•Adeline tries to turn a blind eye to dedede's bad action while Ado tries to justify them until a point where they can't keep doing it because he started to use them in his plans.
•It is a musical.
•King dedede would have a whole song about how great he is.
•Gooey feels weird around Kirby because he senses an energy that is so unfamiliar and familiar at the same time.
•Gooey is tramutized from zero.
•A song that dark matter sing that happens in dedede's head when he possessed him. In the song he shape shift into everyone who dedede cared about and hurt and sings about how much he sucks, and the worst part is king dedede can't deny any of them because he knows all of them is true.
•A scene where king dedede losses everyone who respected him (waddle dees, Ado and Adeline stopped flowing his orders and escargoon left) and he realizes there is no one to blame but himself.
•Romk arc takes place after the dm arc and is the first time Kirby meets meta knight
•Sailor dee drowns and dies. This event traumitizes meta knight.
•A scene where king Dedede has a mental breakdown because he can't understand why Kirby is so kind to him and doesn't hate his guts like everyone else in the kingdom because he should hate him the most and even begs Kirby to just hate him. Kirby refuses and gives him a hug.
•Meta knight, after trying to take king dedede's throne, goes to king dedede's castle (dedede doesn't know yet) the only people who know what meta tried to do is his crew, Kirby, knuckle Joe (he was helping Kirby) and that girl with a gun that I can't remember the name of.
•Meta and Dedede were friends before dedede became king and he didn't know he was dethrone an old friend.
•The kids were going to tell dedede but when Kirby realized how happy he was to found an old friend. That leaved Kirby in a deilema state where he could tell dedede the truth and ruin his happiness and confirm his belief that everyone hates him in kings eyes or let them play pretend until somebody losses their head.
•When dedede founds out about what meta tried to did he takes him to the forest and fights him. They still hang out after it but they are pretty cold to eachother.
•Susie sounds like a vocaloid.
•Susie talks in a different language but has an auto translator that most of the time doesn't work probably
•A detective arc about what happened to the former ruler of dreamland and if dedede killed them or not.
•Don't worry everyone gets along in the end.
(I can add more by rebloging)
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
ok here are some of the one part melbourne hpcc play highlights (part one only because i need to make two seperate posts… they’re too long together) in an attempted chronological order:
part one
first off, why so many dilfs? like not to be like this person about a family friendly play but seriously harry? draco? RON? RON RON RON OH MY GOD 🧎‍♀️ michael whalley please one chance
ron’s voice was very… mhmm. it was good.
harry got more attractive as he got more depressed too..
and also draco’s buttons and cuffs were sparkling and he had many silver rings on his fingers. ill leave it at that
anyways if we were to talk about actual content: the first train carriage scene was so gold omg. right before it started - karl sat down in scorpius’s carriage, seemed to realise who he was sitting with and then immediately this look of horror crossed over his face and he BOLTED away 😭😭 he ended up sitting with james sirius and craig loll
yann and polly were in a carriage together the cuties
also polly was in bicycle shorts the whole time. it was like a cloak and then just black bicycle shorts fr. idk if the actress just didnt have her pants or sum because i found out later that she was a cover (which is CRAZY because she played myrtle and polly so extremely well, she literally sounded exactly like myrtle im not kidding, aisha aidara has so much talent fr)
rose hostile side eye at scorpius when him and albus are talking for the first time i swearrrr shes so funny she was literally like this the entire time
rose looked so pleased with herself when she said “the rumour is that hes voldemort’s son! ☺️☺️” then she realises that both scorp and al are extremely uncomfortable and goes “😧😧😧well its not like its true! 😰 you clearly have a nose 😝” shes so funny bro
when albus was sorted into slytherin craig seemed to be the only one (besides scorpius) excited about it but then composed himself when he saw everyone else’s reactions
in wand dance (which is still the funkiest song of the whole score)— albus’s movement with his cloak wasnt as graceful as everyone else’s transitions in the dance, like he was messing up even that. he was more flinging it then twirling it around and his expression was one of a constant state of annoyance, like he’s aware he’s always messing up but he can’t change it because he doesn’t know how to. its why im grateful for sitting so close to the stage because i don’t think i would’ve recognised this (and other later acting i’ll talk about)
in between the first and second year with draco and harry mirroring each other was not gone unnoticed but was funny asf still.
like here’s harry trying to talk to his kid when karl runs up with his whole belly out wanting an autograph
and then you have draco who yann walks by once and he’s immediately glaring this boy down. like yann literally started ZOOMING AWAY 🏃‍♂️💨 bc draco’s intimidation tactics are so intense
scorpius sniffs rose twice whilst trying to flirt with her. w rizz.
the scene with amos, harry and albus was just ungh *chef’s kiss*
you can literally see the plan forming in albus’s head as he listens to them and his anger at his dad as he’s listening to them, harry’s discomfort at lying to amos whilst also being put to blame for cedric’s death yet again and amos’ bumbling confused pain. like idk george henare plays amos so well it was literally painful to watch
delphi’s eye makeup was so slay. tbh everything about her character was amazing
idk why i just noticed it but delphi literally acts like scorpius when her and albus first meet. awkward, unassuming, clumsy and nonthreatening and seemingly very sweet and funny. hmm.
if you take into account that she was in the background during the 9 3/4 scenes and have the opinion that she was planning on meeting albus for years, and observing him and his family the entire time, then she probably also purposefully tried to mimic the only person albus was known for getting along with, which was scorpius. HMMMM.
when delphi first meets harry she was smiling at him and looking at him with these wide eyes that can be mistaken for awe but as soon as she and amos were out of his line of sight and were leaving the stage she stopped smiling immediately but continued to look at him. the focus lights were off her and the scene was already changing but I NOTICED and it was fucking ominous
i could see how some of the effects worked when sitting up close. for instance i know that the incendio flames and the consequent fire were from tubes that were set into the pillars of st jeromes church. i could see some of the strings when things were flying around. bane’s two-body centaur was more noticeable and less smooth. when ron got kissed by the dementor i thought he was kissing back because he was discreetly holding the dementor by the waist 😭😭 then i realised he was hooking himself onto the dementor to be carried off
BUT there were some tricks that even i literally couldn’t explain and the one that comes to mind is when harry and ginny appeared in the bed during the post-nightmare bedroom scene. like how tf did that happen?? how????? i literally cannot think of anything besides the the actor and actress hiding in the mattress and then emerging BECAUSE LITERALLY HOW ELSE
ginny and harry slandering dumbledore in the bedroom scene 🫶🫶
draco looking at the audience like he’s ryan in the office every time harry says something. especially during the scene in the ministry meeting where harry says his scar is hurting. bro was so done with him.
when albus and scorpius were escaping the hogwarts express scorpius attempted to climb out onto the train’s roof first and he was sticking his leg out and pulling back in, and then sticking his leg out and pulling back in and then he turns to albus like 😧🫴 “i have never done this before bro” look on his face so albus pushes him away and just yanks himself out 💀
“my son is missing” “SO IS MINE” so good, the line delivery was perf
you know i’ve heard lots of people go on and on about how nyx calder plays the perfect scorpius and i totally get the hype now. even the way he stands is accurate to how i envision scorpius. and he’s always fidgeting with his hands, giving this impression of a cute little dorky german boy. his posture is always super straight and his hands are usually clasped which makes him look proper but awkward and very sweet, i love him, very superb acting through body language
speaking of which when amos was roasting the shit out of albus, scorpius looked so terrified. he was gripping albus’s robes and trying to pull him away 😭
“go to your room” being the first thing out of scorpius’s mouth to albus as soon as he’s polyjuiced as harry 💀
ron/albus tried to hide with scorp and delphi when hermione and harry were coming and they pushed him out of the office forcibly 😭😭
albus/ron was the number one instigator that whole scene was fucking funny and it was the first time i could watch it without cringing
when ron blocked the door from hermione he squatted and started t-posing in front of the door and went “im 🕺not🕺blocking🕺anything.” this whole scene was probably the funniest part of the play especially the “I WANT ANOTHER BABY OR A HOLIDAY AND I WILL INSIST ON IT”
also the line where hermione is like “there better not be another stink pellet in there” to ron/albus is replaced by “there better not be another romantic firework display in there” i love them sm
when ron/albus said to hermione that she married ron because of his “puckish sense of fun,” he was saying it a little flatly with this big awkward smile on his face and he was double thumbs-upping her. it looked so fourteen year old core lmfaooo
scorpius started hyperventilating on the ground when delphi and albus got swallowed by the book case and literally started crawling on all fours like *pat pat pat* cmon scorpius *pat* think!! *pat pat*
scorpius standing in between both albus and delphi talking… farther off in the forbidden forest as they were laughing. he looked so defensive like his hands were clenched and his whole body was tense, and when delphi said “wizzo” it seemed to snap scorpius out of whatever he was thinking and he went up to them and said (very sharply, mind you) “what’s wizzo?” like that’s HIS catchphrase. bro was jealoussssss heheeehehe
and when albus quizzed delphi instead of scorpius like usual, scorpius looked like he had been slapped
then when delphi said “im flattered but do you honestly think i can pass as a student” to albus scorpius started shaking his head aggressively and not so inconspicuously doing the cut-it-out hand gesture to albus 😭😭
when delphi kissed albus, scorpius flinched… and then slowly put his own cheek out and delphi literally was like “mmm no” 😭
scorpius said “you look sweaty and red” to albus after the kiss, it didnt sound light-hearted like the other times it did when i saw the play, but accusatory. hmm. interesting.
scorpius also said “sweaty and red” instead of “pale and red” like the script and i might be biased and reading too much into it, but i was thinking about why they might change something so minuscule. maybe because “sweaty” gives a grosser connotation then “pale,” and i genuinely think in this revised version of the play albus isn’t supposed to have a crush on delphi
when scorpius and albus are alone together looking at the school, and talking about how beautiful it is and how they each view their lives at present, scorpius was looking out at the view the whole time but halfway through the scene albus stops looking at the view and starts looking at scorpius instead!!! um!!! with this very soft look on his face as well, until they’re interrupted by hearing their parents come. guys. im not kidding. its so gay usually but up close the play is even worse my jaw was dropping.
albus’s “ZORRY HERZMIONE I ZINK HE HAZ GOZZEN YOU MIZZED WIZZ ZUMUN ELZZZE” in bad german accents and scorpius’s very manly, very loud “YEZZZZ 👹💪” 
when albus and scorpius got caught by harry and co. albus went “hi dad 😙” and his voice was so high, bro was scared 😭😭
i have to think about whether i miss gryffindor albus or not. maybe. i think i kinda do bc it shows how albus being a loser isn’t dependent on his house (and neither is his connection to scorpius). but yeah that whole plotline was scrapped and albus just remained in slytherin in this timeline.
when harry told albus to stay away from scorpius, harry tried to leave it at that and leave but albus started to chase harry out of the hospital because bro was that desperate. his feet were literally bare (im pretty sure this is in the script too but seeing it live is so… god.)
the seperate scene where ron and hermione meet each other in private at the top of the staircase is merged with the scene where albus meets the new not-funny ron. and they both meet on top of the staircase with the light spotlighting them, and its very clear that they are in love with each other
hermione is about to walk off when ron calls her back and she immediately turns around and goes right back to him, her face is so happy 😭
and its so sad because this whole scene mirrors scorpius and albus so exactly in the staircase ballet. like if not in love, why mirroring ron and hermione throughout the play? (even in dark world, which i’ll get into later…)
anyways, staircase ballet: scorpius and albus stare at each other total of three times. and when i mean stare, i mean the light reflects off of them and they are frozen in prolonged silence (longing). once when the staircases meet, another when albus is on the ground and scorpius is at the top of the staircase, unreachable from him. last time is when the staircases stop at a cross section, and they’re standing, looking at each other. and from my angle i could see albus’s face the best, and i feel like it could be interpreted by either seeming apologetic or desperate, either way there was this very pleading look on his face.
they both froze when the saw each other and still look on the verge of moving to one another and then the staircases move off as soon as scorpius starts walking towards him.
albus looks so disappointed because HE WANTED SCORP TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE because he’s too scared to do it himself. he ends up just sitting on the staircase and dropping his bag beside him in defeat, and looking away. scorpius still stands and watches albus go off. yah its as queer as i remember it. glad this wasnt cut.
draco was fixing and adjusting the furniture whilst duelling harry. idk if the furniture just wasnt on the mark on stage but it was fucking adorable. he kept fixing the chairs up and then patting it nervously ☹️ idc if it wasn’t intentional it seemed in character to me for him to just be a total busybody even in the midst of a duel
ginny’s micro-expressions at draco when he talks about how lonely he felt at school were amazing. harry looked a little uncomfortable when he was speaking but ginny looked really sympathetic to him, and draco notices this and thats why he speaks on “i know you must feel the same ginny” and shes like “i do” which immediately changes harry’s discomfort to shock, then i feel like he starts taking draco seriously
seen the play three times and during the fight scene with scorpius and albus, scorpius has acted differently each time. first time, scorpius was literally sobbing when talking to him, second time he was literally screaming at him in anger, third time he was just disappointed asf in him. i think this time was the best for his characterisation but god it hurt each time
mcgonagall’s “if i didn’t see you, then i didn’t see you” and she does this big over-exaggerated shrug and starts creeping away like a cartoon character to insinuate to albus and scorpius that shes leaving. i love her 😭
also when albus and scorpius were talking about their next plan i realised their bags are so different: albus has this raggedy big ass brown messenger bag and scorpius has this shiny, small, flashy, zesty little pouch. there are two types of gays.
myrtle was literally hitting on scorpius lmfao scorpius was just like 😨 the entire time
and of course myrtle’s “hello draco 😏 heloooooo harryyy 😻” nah because i get her
craig is such a fucking busy body he was trying to manage harry, ginny, draco AND mcgonagall and only stopped when draco pushed him away and death glared him 😭
erm why was umbridge hot asf. idfk the dark world looks really good on her guys
here’s part two
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calamitaswrath · 3 months
Cal Lucia plays Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: Chapter 8
Just two stray thoughts before I get to the actual chapter - one, for as much as I enjoy the game overall thus far, I have to say that music isn't really all that remarkable. The track that plays on certain maps when they are almost cleared is nice, but it's the only song I really enjoy (which is probably not surprising given that it also made it into Smash). The track that plays when Daein generals like Petrine are on screen meanwhile is just. . . silly.
Not to constantly compare the game to the modern FEs, but with Greil in particular, I feel there's def a comparison to be made with Jeralt in Three Houses. To be more precise, I just feel that Greil's death has more weight to it since the first seven chapters (plus prologue) of the game really took their time to not only set him up, but also his connection to the mercenaries, and how they play off of him. Jeralt, by contrast. . . he doesn't really interact that much with anybody, and since Byleth is functionally mute in 3H, the impact of his death solely hinges on the connection the player forms with him. It really works just better in PoR, and not just because Ike isn't mute.
Ouh, case in point! A flashback (that seems to take place in the exact spote where Greil got killed), a CG illustration of Ike and Mist at the tombstone. . . that's the good stuff.
Ahhhhh and Titania putting her own grief aside the moment she notices Ike showing up! Ike apologizing to her and Soren, thanking them for sticking with him!
And exit Shinon and Gatrie. Shinon was just about expected, but I am lowkey surprised that Gatrie left with him. From a gameplay perspective I can understand it, since he also was a pre-promote, but from his writing, he always seemed more onboard with Ike than Shinon did. But then again, given the 🏳️‍🌈 vibes between them. . .
Oh, the way Ike assumes responsibility. . . it definitely reminds me of Chrom taking over as exalt in Awakening. And, given that Ike doesn't have to share the protag status with two other characters, I hope that unlike Awakening, this gets properly resolved and developed
Soren is pretty humble here, huh? That's some of the basis for their chemistry then, I take it
Ahh, finally stuff like the convoy, buying items and supports get introduced. . . really rather late for my liking, but at least it neatly ties into the story here
Only got one support unlocked so far, which is the C support between Ike and Oscar. Good found family content in that one, though! And lol @ Mist's cooking.
"Info". . .? Not quite sure what to make of that menu point. But Aimee and Muston! I've definitely seen Aimee before, in one of those "Ike doesn't care about affection from women" posts. I'll gladly take her affection though
Jorge and Daniel. I have no comment. ...No, literally. They don't stand out enough in any way
Huh. . . the more I look at it. . . is this "Info" point just little bonus scenes? Just saw Titania's. . . woof. That's good content.
Ahh, bonus experience! I've heard a bit about that gameplay mechanic. . . and also already learned that I missed out on a lot on that escape map when I had Ike escape first. I hope that future chapters actually tell you what these bonus objectives are. . .
I levelled up Mia once with this and she got stats on everything except for resistence???
Well, doesn't that just look like another defend map!
Mist's medallion is glowing again. How unimportant.
Why, an enemy unit who's a cute girl and not the boss? She's definitely not important.
Three clear chokepoints, and enemies that just approach you one after another. Pretty doable. The cleric with the fire jewel tried to escape, but I managed to track him down with Titania and get the thing.
Mist talking about wanting to die alongside Ike?? Holy shit, that's dark
Oh my. Big buff cat man Mordecai. . . I remember a post about somebody wanting to fuck him, and then needing to clarify that they didn't mean a cartoon bird by the same name
Lethe! Honestly surprised that it took this long for them to introduce a catgirl. And she doesn't immediately trust Ike and the others. . . that's neat.
Ah. Soren does a racism. I did wonder why he's more divisive among some people, so I guess that'd do it
You know, for how antagonist Lethe was just a moment ago, she did calm down very quickly here, mission or not
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