#why not go the i wouldn't be the man i am today without him route
gh-0-stcup · 7 months
That CBGB story was wonderful and I loved it. But Dean...did John raise you right? Did he??? Because you have about 7 million different issues and like 90% of them are John freaking Winchester-related.
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aquagirl1978 · 7 months
Uuummm hi , 👋😊. I was wondering if U make like stories on ikemen prince . If u do , can u pls pls pls pls make one on Gilbert being a father🤞🤞.I NEED IT 😩😫 plssssss . Ofc you are not force to . TYsm ❤️👑💋
Thank you @alfonssylvaticasbitch for this very lovely ask - as his route is releasing in EN in just a few hours, I thought it would be fitting to post this today.
Anti-Hero - Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N #1: This is now the third Gilbert as a dad fic I've written and also the third fic I've titled after a Taylor Swift song (I promise I am not a Swiftie!) - make of this what you will.
A/N #2: Happy Route Release Day Gilbert - congratulations, now all your secrets will soon be known.
Pairing: Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader
Prompt: Gilbert as a dad
Word Count: 680
Tags: fluff, no spoilers (other than an appearance by Walter who is just "some guy" in this fic), Gilbert has a daughter
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“Here,” the little girl said, placing a toy dragon into Roderich’s hands, “you get to be the dragon today.”
The man wearing a dark hood covering his face stared down at the toy. “Why am I always the dragon?” he muttered.
“Would you rather be the troll?” Walter asked, eyeing the very ugly toy in his hand. “Just go along with it, you don’t want to make him angry.”
Roderich turned his head to see Gilbert seated on a large stone, his little rabbit not far from him. 
“Why isn’t he ever the dragon?” Roderich mumbled under his breath. He turned his attention back to the game at hand and moved his dragon to the entrance of the play-castle. 
He made loud roaring sounds; the little girl smiled and shrieked, happy to see her friend play along.
“Papa, Papa ! Help me!!!!” she called out frantically. Her arms flailing, she flopped over onto her side, the doll in her hand falling from her fingers. “The dragon…” she gasped, “is coming to get me!”
“Rawr!” Roderich shouted as he moved the dragon closer to the little girl’s doll. He watched as she clutched her heart, sighing dramatically – something her father had done on more than one occasion.
“Papa!” she cried breathlessly. “I need you,” she gasped, “I need my hero to save me!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at your daughter’s theatrics – while she inherited your hair and eyes, she inherited her melodramatics from Gilbert.
“Go,” you urged, “she needs you.”
Gilbert looked at his daughter and then back at you. “I’m not a hero,” he said. “Anti-hero, maybe. But I’m the villain…”
His voice trailed off as his focus turned to his daughter. Sprawled out on the floor, she lay still as the mean and scary dragon approached the princess. 
You tugged gently on Gilbert’s sleeve, his gaze returning to you. “In her eyes, you are her papa. A great and wonderful man who adores her. In her world, she only knows the good you have done.”
“I have done bad things. Terrible things.” He tilted his head, sadness washing over his face. “And I might do them again.”
“You won't," you replied softly, to which Gilbert huffed a puff of air.
“And you, little rabbit, how do you see me?”
“I see a man with a good heart who loves his family and his country.”
His expression softened, the way he looked at you was so gentle; he couldn't argue with you – there was not a lie in your voice. His rose-red eye wavered as he pulled you into an embrace, his arms circling your waist, squeezing you so tight.
“I wouldn’t survive without you,” he whispered into a kiss placed upon the crown of your hair.
You pressed your cheek into the dark fabric covering his chest, humming your acknowledgment. 
“That’s why I’ll never let you leave my side.”
You pulled away, needing to look into his eye when you spoke. “I wouldn't want it any other way.”
He pressed his lips against yours in a rare sign of affection in front of others. Cool against warmth, it was over before it could go any further.
You ran your palms slowly down his arms, your hands slipping into his. “Now go, be her hero.” You let go of his hands, and watched him walk away.
He took a seat on the ground next to his daughter; once she was calmed, Gilbert turned to you. He held out his hands, his fingers curving into a heart as he smiled at you.
Your heart filled with warmth as Gilbert picked up the toy knight and played the part of the hero, slaying the mean dragon and saving the princess. Nothing could have made you happier than when you saw the smile on your daughter’s face.
“Thank you for saving me, papa,” she squealed as he lifted her in the air. “I love you!”
“I love you, too,” you whispered, giving your husband and child a moment together, their laughter so loud and infectious you couldn't help but join in their joy.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381 @judejazza @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia @ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @lunaaka @portrait-ninja @sh0jun
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zoeykallus · 11 months
Okay so
What if smuggler s/o runs into IMPERIAL!Hunter on the job?
Like s/o smuggler is just minding her own business on the job when she is forced to stop for the moment by some imperial punk only to realize that it was Hunter but… notice the change in him probably?
And yes, let there be smut…
Okay, that's an interesting take. Just so we understand each other, this is an imperial Hunter, not the 'nice guy' Hunter we know 👀😁
Imperial Hunter x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Little Smuggler
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Warnings: Tension/Angst/Imperial Hunter/Strong Language/Smut/Dub-Con!!!/Nothing Fluffy Here/Menacing Hunter/Hair Pulling/Knife Play (No actual cutting)/18+
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
>Master List<
Well, I am writing this one-shot, however, I have a fundamental problem with the scenario, in a way.
In my opinion, or in my imagination, the chips do not make the clones evil per se, but obedient, just stoically obedient. Carrying out commands, a bit like a machine, without caring about the possible consequences. Almost without any real will of their own.
And there's the hang-up; If Hunter is now with the Imperials, I can't blame that on the chip, not entirely, not in this scenario. Hunter would strictly follow rules, follow orders. He certainly wouldn't flirt or engage in hanky-panky.
So this must be an alternate asshole Hunter, or an entirely different form of control Hunter is under.
Because without the chip, Hunter would never voluntarily join the Empire, and with the chip, Hunter would be an obedient soldier machine, not a sexy half-villain. Does that make sense? I have no idea how to express this thought, my brain has gone to sleep without me at some point. 😂
Well, it's fan fiction, and I like the idea so... let's gooo
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Until now, this route had always been safe for smugglers, which is why you took it. But times seem to have changed. Two scout shuttles of the Empire appeared as soon as your shuttle left hyperspace. One of them told you to let it dock, otherwise they would destroy your shuttle by bombardment. You are alone on your smuggler route today, so combat is out of the question, you have no gunner and your old shuttle is too slow against the new scout shuttles of the Empire. So you agreed and are waiting for the Imperial Scout to finally come through the airlock, he's already docked. You hate this guy already. He takes extra time to make you nervous, a simple but mostly effective tactic you've wittnessed it before. "Move it, Imp," you grumble quietly to yourself. You go over in your head where your goods are hidden, whether everything is well secured. The average Imp certainly wouldn't find it. But when the hatch opens, you hold your breath for a moment. The man climbing into your shuttle is no ordinary Imp. You blink several times, as if sure that your eyes are playing a trick on you.
You know this armor, the physique, the way this man moves. This can only be one particular person. You stare at him in disbelief. You can't see his face because of the helmet, but you're sure he's looking right at you, you can feel his gaze. "Hunter?" you ask, perplexed. The voice under the helmet sounds a bit distorted by the modulator, but unmistakable as he answers, "The one and only" You haven't thought about him in a long time, but now that he's standing in front of you so unexpectedly, you don't quite know what to feel. Finally, he takes off his helmet and you see a familiar face. Your first impulse is to smile in relief, but a feeling deep in your guts stops you. The way he looks at you seems anything but friendly, and not at all like the Hunter you knew from before. You two used to have a thing, for quite a while even, secretly, not even his brothers knew about it. But at some point you parted ways through work and then Order 66 happened and the Empire took over the reins. It's been quite a while since you two have seen each other. You think about the chips Rex told you about and wonder if Hunter has one, a chip that modulates his behavior, his obedience. "You're scouting for the Empire now?" you ask coolly.
Hunter slides his gloved fingers over a panel behind which some of your contraband is hidden, and you realize Hunter knows all your hiding places from before, if he remembers them. He hits it gently with his fist and the panel slides down, exposing some of the contraband. "And you're still smuggling, I see". Your heart suddenly races, his voice, the way he talks is anything but friendly, calm to be sure, but clearly the way a superior predator would speak to his prey. "Old habits," you say quietly and swallow. He takes his comm and says to the other scout shuttle, "Got everything under control, I'll take care of things here, you can move on" "Alright, I'll meet you back at the station later". "Roger that" You look at him, surprised, for a moment you are almost relieved. "Thanks" you say softly. Hunter snorts, his smile almost snide.
"Just because I sent the colleague away? That doesn't mean you're off the hook, not at all. It's like I said, I just have everything under control here, I can handle you on my own." You get hot and cold, cold sweat breaks out, and you automatically take a step back towards your cockpit. One of your blasters is hidden there. Hunter has drawn his blaster so quickly and points it at you that you hastily hold still and even hold your breath for a moment. "You're not going to get your blaster out of the cockpit, are you?" he asks teasingly. You shake your head as he comes closer. He gets so close you're almost touching, and you recoil against the back of the pilot's seat. "I just wanted to get the cargo papers," you say, so softly it's almost a whisper. Hunter smiles, and it seems anything but friendly. "Don't bother, I know the papers are fake, I know how you work". He puts the blaster away and pulls out his vibro knife, twirling it deftly between his fingers. You used to watch him do this sometimes, for a brief moment you feel something like nostalgia welling up inside you, but then your eyes meet again. You sigh softly, take a deep breath and collect yourself. You are already aware that this will not be a joyful reunion. That's not your Hunter in front of you.
You lean back against the back of the pilot's seat, fold your arms in front of your chest, and adopt a less tense posture. You don't want him to think you're afraid of him. "What happened to you, Hunter? What happened to you that made you join that filthy club?" He smirks and actually looks amused. "I got my priorities straight. I could go on and on and explain everything to you now, but honestly, I don't see the point." He's still playing around with his knife, his gaze keeps wandering along your body, the skin-tight flightsuit you're wearing seems to please his eye. You blink, feeling your pulse quicken. One thing hasn't changed, that covetous look he gives you, you know it, and it still gets under your skin, tingles every fiber of your body and gradually releases pulses in your system. The smile he shows you sends a shiver down your spine. "Your pulse is pretty fast, isn't it?" he asks with amusement, putting the knife away again, leaning towards you and taking a deep breath, "Hmm, hormones. You smell incredibly delicious when you get sexually aroused. Nice to know I still have that effect on you."
You don't know what to say, a defiant reaction is on the tip of your tongue, but you swallow it. You can't really predict this new Hunter, but you know you'd lose a fight against him in any case. It's probably smarter not to piss him off. However, he is right, for some reason he still has the same effect on you, his intense eyes, the striking face, his posture, his voice. You sigh softly, deciding not to say anything for now and wait to see what he's up to. "Still a little smuggler," he says with a chuckle. You shrug your shoulders. "So?" "Smuggling has become especially dangerous since the Empire has been in charge of the balance of power." Feeling braver than you are, you say to Hunter, "Get to the point, you're starting to bore me." He laughs and says, "Just as bold as I remember you." Hunter comes even closer to you, so close that his chest armor touches your chest. You suddenly feel the flat side of his knife under your chin, the cool metal, and hold perfectly still. "You're so quiet all of a sudden," he teases you, "What's wrong?" You stare at him and growl softly, "You know damn well" "The knife?" he asks, playing innocent.
He takes the knife from your chin pulls back a few inches to reach for the fabric of your flight suit and cuts it open with the knife, slowly, carefully, so as not to hurt you. You ask, "What's this going to be when it's done?"
You are not really afraid, but you don't feel too confident either. This situation feels strangely surreal. There is a part of you that wishes, or longs for him in a way, but for the old Hunter, the one you actually had a crush on. But this wasn't him. Not really. Hunter smiles, unperturbed, and cuts the suit wide open, so he can pull it completely off your body, leaving you standing there in just your underwear. "I think you already know that," he says calmly, "As I said, smuggling has become dangerous, and you should always have a way to bribe at the ready." You say dryly, "The suit would have had a zipper too". Hunter grins, "I know, but that's boring". His hand grabs the back of your neck, he turns the pilot seat around and pushes you in. He doesn't bother taking off your panties, he puts the knife away and rips the fabric apart with both hands, eliciting a small startled noise from you. Before he can destroy the bra as well, you hastily pull it off yourself. "Good girl," Hunter says with satisfaction.
His eyes wander along your body, you feel his gaze glide over your skin, hot and demanding. A hand grips your chin, he bends over you, his lips crash onto yours, his tongue forces your mouth open and begins to hunt for yours, to dominate it. Each velvety collision is a firework in your neural pathways. Hunter lets go of your lips, takes a deep breath, shakily expels it, his pupils already dilated to the point where his eyes seem almost black. "Been a while since I smelled that." He thrusts his knee between yours, pushes your thighs apart and squats in front of you, the chair, your pussy right up at the level of his face. Hunter takes another deep breath, shortly after a growl is heard, deep from his chest. You guess what's coming, he liked to do that before, taste you. There's already a pulse between your legs, your folds are wet. He pulls you down in the chair some more, closer to him, closer to the edge of the seat. Hunter wastes no time in hinting, or teasing, his mouth immediately descends on you, eliciting a surprised exclamation. "Fuck!"
His tongue, hot, fast and deft, twitches through your wet folds, finds your expectant, sensitive hole and thrusts greedily into it, swirling around inside. You've almost forgotten how good it feels. He moans and growls, you know how much his senses are singing from the scent of your pussy and your arousal, the taste of you. His hands reach into the back of your knees to hold your legs further up and apart. His nose nudges your swollen clit again and again as he licks you greedily, thrusting his tongue into you again and again, but never long enough to bring on an orgasm. He sucks on your folds, thrusting his tongue into you again, over and over. You can see him melting the taste of you on his tongue, gleefully thrusting into your pussy again and again. And the sight is sexier than you remembered. He lets go of you very briefly to look into your face, his eyes dark with desire and greed. You see a brief smirk, then his tongue flicks over your clit, and a hoarse moan crosses your lips, your hands reaching up, behind you, clawing into the back of the seat.
His tongue glides over the little bud, faster and faster. Your whole abdomen trembles with sexual tension. You know he wants to make you cum, so he can taste and smell even more of you, he liked to do that in the past. His lips enclose your clit while his tongue dances wildly on it, flicking that little bud again and again, in rapid fashion. You feel his stubble on the sensitive skin in your private parts and on the insides of your thighs, but you don't mind it. The play of his tongue is so intense that everything inside you tenses and tingles. Your moans grow louder, faster, the intensity increases, the pressure in your abdomen, dissolves in a sudden surge of tingling heat, pulses tickling through your most intimate regions, down to your curling toes. Your legs tremble in his grip, and you try to catch your breath, after you held it for a long moment of intensity. Hunter doesn't give you time to enjoy the ebbing orgasm. You let out a startled little cry as his tongue thrusts greedily into your wet, dripping opening again. You flinch every time his nose touches your oversensitive clit, but he keeps you with an iron grip where he wants you, on the edge of your seat.
He licks, tongues, sucks on you, unabashedly smacking, moaning, as if you are a feast. His face is full of your juice. At the same moment you wonder how he even breathes, he lets go of you and takes a deep inhale. He laughs, grinning at you. "I missed the taste" Things run through your head, words you want to say, but you can't sort them out right now, and he doesn't give you time to either. He stands up, grabs you by the neck, pulls you up out of the chair, turns you around and demands, "Get on your knees in the seat." When you don't immediately comply with the request, he gives you a slap on your bare bottom. "Go on, be a good little smuggler". Finally, you comply with the request. You hear Hunter take off his codpiece and drop it to the floor. You hear the sound of it clattering to the metal floor of the cockpit.
You know what's coming next. Hunter doesn't dally for long, his tip nudges you, he guides his hard cock to your entrance and pushes your folds apart, shoving it into your pussy. He is impatient, penetrates quite fast. Your pussy is so wet, his hard length between your slick walls makes a loud squelching noise. You feel the stretch, Hunter is well endowed, but it doesn't hurt. His hands grab your hips hard, hard enough to be leaving marks. He instantly starts thrusting you, pushing your abdomen towards his thrusts. Slowly at first, but he gets fast, faster and faster. You hear him gasp and growl. "Fuck, that feels good," he presses out. He fucks you hard and fast. He has no interest in doing you any good, Hunter is just looking for his fun, his relief. When he brought you to orgasm with his tongue and lips, it was only so he could taste and smell you more intensely, and so your pussy would be relaxed enough to receive his cock. All just a means to an end.
It used to be different. But actually you don't expect anything from him at the moment, the whole situation is so strange. His pelvis bounces loudly on your butt again and again, with every thrust. Naked skin meets naked skin, the sound pairs with the wet smacking of his cock in your wet pussy, his gasps and the soft creaking that the pilot seat gives with each thrust, in protest. Hunter takes you pretty fast, but suddenly his thrusts become irregular, you feel the tension in his body, the slight trembling of his thighs. You hear a half-swallowed moan from him, then he presses himself deep inside you, his pelvis pressed against your ass, his fingers digging into your hips. You feel his cock pulsing inside you, his warm seed filling your pussy. He continues to pulse for quite a while, holding you in this pose, deep inside you. Suddenly you hear him laugh softly, "That wasn't so bad as a bribe".
He leaves your body, dresses again. You suddenly feel strangely empty between your thighs, feeling his cum and your juice drip out of you and mess up your seat.
You wince in shock as Hunter gives you another slap on the ass. He reaches into your hair and pulls your head backwards, toward him. You draw in a sharp breath as you feel a slight sting from the tug on your hair. His mouth comes up to your ear, you can smell yourself on him. "Clean yourself up, little smuggler, you can move on. But always have a good bribe ready, maybe we'll meet again". He lets go of you again, and you almost fall off the chair, but just manage to grab the back of it. You look over your shoulder and see him leaving the cockpit and going back to the hatch. He disappears into his own shuttle without looking back.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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obsessedwhim · 1 year
Weird One
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Ichigo stormed his way through the Soul Society with a goal set in his eyes, glancing down each side of the street he moved in the right direction with a nod of his head. Ikkaku and Yumichika passed with a wave but the pair only received a curt reply in turn, the ginger to focused to realise this political move of slander. The squad members glanced at each other before throwing themselves over the shoulders of their friend.
"Oh hello there, Ichigo" The baldie grinned with an arm around the stiffening Kurosaki who soon cocked a brow in confusion while Yumichika leaned against his shoulder "So sorry, we didn't see you pass us and we thought we'd apologise"
"But.. I said hello" The squashed Reaper croaked as they began pulling him along, away from his desired route. Glancing between the two Ichigo knew Ikkaku was only seconds away from asking his favourite question.
Any moment now, the third seat would release his Zanpakuto and demand that Ichigo become his latest sparing partner but then a window opened, grabbing the male's attention quickly while the two bickered between themselves on what to do as a group.
Two bamboo panels swung open, and a pair of hands retracted from their finished task to slap together in satisfaction "Ahhh, much better" you hummed, it was far too nice of a day to work with closed windows you thought, turning back into the dark office you moved towards another closed window "Honestly Third Seat Yasochika, how do you work in such darkness" you asked a man sitting at his desk with many, probably important papers scattered across the counter's face, his glass covered stare raised to meet your eyes. Holding the man's strange gaze for a moment before he spoke with a finger twitching his glasses frame "I prefer working in the dark" he mentioned simply before diving back into the writing but you could only sigh at his answer "Well, today I'm bringing the light!" you cheered, opening another shadow bringer with a smile- hiding a short chuckle behind your hand as the Third Seat groaned at more rays of bright sun.
Ichigo could hear you nearby but didn't know what to do, with Ikkaku and Yumichika basically biofouling his shoulders, there would be no way to steal a moment alone with you if these two weirdos were around.
How was he going to ask you to out to lunch now?
Though it seemed Yumikicha's observational skills had already read the nonexistent room, the infamous Fifth Seat coiled a smirk before smacking a hand on the Substitute's shoulder with a proud aura "Ichigo you little scoundrel!" he giggled as the Ichigo in question began growing a bright red at the wordless accusation, Ikkaku interrupting the explosion of embarrassment crudely "Scoundrel? Well I wouldn't say he isn't a scoundrel..." he shrugged without much thought but with one nudge from his companion and a leading stare, Third Seat Madarame soon spotted a Squad Four member who happily chatted to a higher ranked officer "What? What's going on, why am I staring at this weakling?" Ikkaku questioned, his squad member groaned with fingers rubbing his temple "Idiot, they're not just a weakling now they're..." Yumichika sighed dramatically as he held a hand out to a frozen fruit "The current interest of this one"
"HAH?!" Ikkaku screeched, snapping Ichigo from his strained stature the substitute waved a hand at the two "Wow, it was so good to see you two but I.. have somewhere to be..!" the ginger flash stepped away without a second thought, well- there were maybe a few but he couldn't stay there a minuet longer! What if they tried something, what if they tried to help?? It would've been a D I S A S T E R!
Good thing he got out of there before something seriously cringe inducing happened, yep. A very good thing he left.
"Sooo, tell me about yourself" Yumichika leaned into your office with a pretty smile, which you found very strange "Me? Now why on earth would a Squad Eleven member want to know about me?" You flickered through a clipboard of notes, notes which need to be sent to Lieutenant Kotetsu.
"Well, let's say I know a.. interested party and I would... oh let's say, like... to help" he picked his words slowly to gain your interest, of course, the idea of a possible crush would be too much for anyone to pass up!
"Oh really? Be sure to tell them to send in a request form for a date since I'm busy" You read the first few lines as you passed the Yumichika-filled window and left through the door, where Ikkaku stood waiting for you with an impossible glare, staring down upon you like a God seeing imperfection for the very first time. His Hōzukimaru slanted over angled shoulders with his hands resting from the bamboo spear making him appear wider than usual, the red-eyed Seated officer leaned closer with a thoughtful hum "Really? You? Hmmmm..." Ikkaku then leaned back with a glance at Yukichika who appeared behind him "I don't get it, what's the appeal?"
"I'm at a loss myself really" the feathered beauty sighed as you glanced between them "Okaaaay, I'm... leaving now" you mentioned stiffly as you passed by the pair who still watched you with every step.
"They're cute... I guess" Yumichika offered but Ikkaku wasn't convinced "They must be incredibly powerful" he was certain about his answer but Yumichika could only counter with another loose breath "I don't think we'll ever understand that Ichigo Kurosaki"
Ikkaku nodded as they both sauntered into the sunset "He's definitely a weird one"
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I'm totally still willing to request for your young!tony with fem!reader. I like to live in a place where tony's parents are alive and they're the best parents in the world 'cause tony deserves all the happiness in the world. So, my request is for college tony totally in love with his colleague/parter and he's nervous about asking her out and he asks his parents for some advices, they gladly help him. And then he asks her out, the date is a success, they start officially dating and tony introduces her as his girlfriend to his parents, and they absolutely love her, thanks ❤️
The love of my life
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PAIRING | College student!Tony Stark x College Student!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Tony has been in love with you for as long as he can remember, but he is afraid to ask you out. Every time he attempts, the two of you get interrupted or he gets so nervous he can't think straight and the words tumble out of his mouth. When he finally decides to ask his parents for help, they come up with an absolutely foolproof plan.
WARNING(S) | None.
A/N | Thank you so much for this sweet request, Nonnie, I love the idea of Tony’s parents being there for him in this way! I hope you enjoy the route I took with this 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💚
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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"I can't believe you still haven't asked her out, man!" Bruce said to his best friend, Tony. "Everyone can see you're head over heels for her, and it wouldn't surprise me if she does, too, at this point."
But Tony hasn't asked you out for a reason - a good one if he says so himself. He can barely talk with you when you're working on an assignment together; how will he ask you out without embarrassing himself with these nerves?!
Deep down, he knows he should ask you out. That there is nothing to be afraid of. But you're so beautiful that he can't get the words out. Not that he hasn't tried, however.
Each time he tried, the two of you either got interrupted, he changed his mind at the last second, or he stumbled his words so much you couldn't even make out a single word he said, so he gave up asking you out. He is perfectly content with admiring you from a distance.
"I'm fine, Bruce. I don't need to ask her out. She's probably not going to say yes anyway," Tony sighed, resting his head on his fist, his elbow leaning on the table. Bruce doesn't need to look at him to know where Tony's line of sight will lead.
"You know, you could ask her to the spring dance; I believe she has yet to be asked. It's the "is all Bruce can say.
"Can you not just shut up about it for once?!" Tony says as he raises his voice, his hand slapping the table, making everyone look at them, including you.
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"Do you have a date to the spring dance yet, Y/N?" Your friend Natasha asks you when you are walking to class.
"I don't, but if it's going to take too long, I am going to have to ask someone myself," you sigh, adjusting your backpack just to give yourself some distraction from your thoughts.
"Why don't you ask Tony? He's a nice guy, and the two of you are already partners for acting class, so why not?" Wanda chimes in.
"I don't know. Sure, he's a nice guy and all, but I just find him a bit… odd," you say, and you shrug. "He always seems embarrassed to work with me," you say, blushing a little.
"He's not embarrassed; he likes you! I heard from someone he's been trying to ask you out a couple of times, but he doesn't know how," Wanda says. Nat nods in agreement.
"No, you must be wrong. There's no way someone like him would ask me out!" You say as you're finally walking into the classroom.
"All we're saying is that you should give him a chance. It's the least you can do," Natasha says before sitting down at a table with Wanda, her acting partner.
You walk over to an empty seat so you and Tony can sit together, but to your surprise, he doesn't attend today's class.
When the class is done, you head back to your dorm room, so you can just do your homework in peace and not think about why Tony suddenly decided not to show up.
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Tony doesn't go home to New York often, but he decided it might be time to do that this weekend, mainly because he wanted to talk about something with his parents.
"Tony, hi! What a nice surprise!" Maria says as she walks out of the kitchen, wondering who opened the door.
"Hi, Mom, I'm sorry for showing up unannounced, but I need a weekend with you and Dad for once," Tony smiled, and his mom pulled him in for a hug.
"Well, I'm glad you did, and you know you're always welcome back home," she says.
"Thanks, Mom. I have to do some homework now, but I'll be back in time for dinner," Tony says, walking up the stairs to his old bedroom.
He lets himself fall back on the bed with a deep sigh, his eyes closed while his mind wanders to you. God, all he can think about is you.
He lays like that for a while and just lets his thoughts wander. He thinks about what it would be like to dance with you, what it would feel like to hug you, how your hands would fit perfectly together, how your lips would slot together like they were made for each other.
You. There's nothing else he can think about, but you and his mom are starting to notice something is up.
"Tony? Can I come in?" She asks after she knocks at the door, pulling him from his thoughts.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry," he says as he sits up, watching the door swing open.
"Is everything okay? I called your name a few times, but it would appear you were lost in your own thoughts. What has my perfect son thinking about, lying like that?" She asks, sitting down next to her son.
"I don't want to talk about it yet; maybe when Dad's home. I need your advice," he says as his head leans on her shoulder. It's good to be home again, he thinks to himself.
"Alright, I love you. But I was calling you because dinner is almost ready," she says.
"Thank you, I'll be down soon," he says, and with that, his mom stands up to go back to preparing dinner.
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You, Nat, and Wanda are having a girl's night with movies, face masks, and gossip at your dorm. Lots and lots of gossip. The most burning piece, though? You and Tony.
You have told them countless times nothing is going on between you and that you are just partners in acting class; they won't drop it.
"I seriously think he will ask you to be his date for the spring dance!" Wanda said as she got another bag of microwave popcorn out of the microwave. She pours it into the bowl that's on the counter before turning and walking back to the couch.
"Well, what if he doesn't? I'm not going alone and won't ask anyone, either. So if no one asks me, I'm not going," you shrug, trying to act like you don't care. But you do care, more than you'd ever like to admit.
It's not like you didn't want to be asked; you like Tony a lot. But you're not the kind of person who would ask someone out, not after all the rejection and heartbreak you've received over the years.
Little did you know, however, that Tony was working on a plan to ask you out after the countless times he has been unsuccessful at that task.
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"So, your Mom told me you wanted advice about something?" Howard said as he put some of the dinner Maria had prepared onto his plate.
"Yeah, I do actually need your advice about how to ask out a girl. Well, not just any girl, but Y/N. We're partners in acting class, and I really like her a lot, but every time I want to ask her to go on a date with me, I get so nervous I can't seem to get the words out; I just become a stumbling mess," he confesses as his cheeks grow more and more red with every word.
"That's sweet, Tony! I'm honestly glad you came to us for help because we would love to help you," Maria says, and Howard nods in response.
"Did you have a specific date planned for the two of you?" Howard asks, and Tony nods slowly.
"Well, I am either thinking of asking her out to dinner or to the spring dance that's coming up soon," he says, his mind secretly wandering to you in a gorgeous dress on his arm as the two of you walk into the party.
"Oh, the spring dance is the perfect opportunity to go for a date; the two of you can dance, talk, have fun, and let go for an evening. I think you should ask her to the dance," Maria said with too much enthusiasm for Tony's liking, but he knew she was right.
And with that, the rest of the evening is spent planning ways to ask you to the spring dance. When all three finally agree on the perfect way to ask, Tony lets out a sigh of relief. He knew coming home was the best thing to do.
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The following week it is finally time for Tony to ask you to the dance, especially since it is only 3 weeks away now. And as luck would have it, you have to prepare a scene together for an acting class.
Tony invited you to his dorm room, and you gladly accepted, eager to get every bit of attention he would give you. Little did you know what would await you on the other side of the door when you arrived.
The weather is nice today, so you opted for a light and airy outfit, which frames your body perfectly, your hair hanging loose around your shoulders.
When you knock on his door, Tony says it is open, and when it swings open, you softly gasp at the sight in front of you.
In the middle of the room stands Tony with a small bouquet of red roses, ready to ask you on that date like he and his parents discussed. Nothing over the top, just the two of you, absolute perfection.
"Hi, Y/N. I, uh, I have been wondering about something for a while now, and uh… Would you, maybe - you can say no if you want - willyougotothespringdancewithme?" he asks in a single breath.
"Excuse me?" You say with a slight giggle; you find it adorable how he suddenly gets so shy and nervous, especially since he's always the most outspoken and loudest person in the class.
"I'm sorry, I-I'm just nervous because I have been trying to ask you multiple times, and it never worked. But would you like to go to the spring dance with me?" He asks, his cheeks and neck turning almost as red as his face.
"I thought you'd never ask," you say, walking towards him, taking the roses from his hands. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for a hug; his arms happily wrap around your waist to pull you closer.
"How many times exactly have you tried to ask me out?" You ask, and Tony turns even more red now, his complexion sporting a deep crimson color.
"About 7 times…?" He says it's a question, and your jaw drops to the floor.
"7 times?! How have I not noticed that before…?" You say, wondering to yourself, but you decide to let it slide. You text the girls that he finally did it and say yes before sitting next to Tony to work together on your scene.
You scooted a little closer to him, and your shoulders were touching while you worked. It had never felt more right to be in his presence than it does right now.
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Ever since Tony asked you to be his date to the dance, the two of you have been spending more time together. Where you usually didn't see each other besides classes and assignments, the two of you now gravitated toward one another outside those moments.
Nat and Wanda have picked up on this and are now trying to get every bit of information out of you that they can possibly get.
"How did he ask you?" Wanda asks as she's rummaging through the dresses.
"We were going to work on an assignment together, and he invited me to his dorm room. So when I walked in, he was standing there with a small bouquet of red roses, and that's when he asked me," you said with a big smile and flushed cheeks.
"Oh my god, that's so romantic! And did you kiss him?!" Wanda asks now that you have her full attention.
"No, we didn't kiss Wanda, but we did cuddle a little, so I guess that's something. But no, we haven't kissed - yet," you say softly.
"Did you just say yet? You're planning on kissing him, aren't you?!" Nat said as she grabbed your shoulders.
"That's not-"
"Oh my god, you totally are planning on kissing him! This is so cute!" Nat almost shrieks out, and suddenly a few people are looking in your direction.
"Can we just drop it and go on the hunt for a dress? I told him I'd let him know what color it is, so he can dress accordingly," you say as you wiggle out of her grasp.
"Fine, but this is definitely worth talking about later!" Nat says, and she goes back to looking at the dresses.
When an electric blue dress suddenly catches your eye, you immediately walk over to it and grab it off the rack to look at it.
It has a normal neckline in the front but a deep cutout in the back, which is the perfect moment for you to show off your back tattoo.
"I'm going to try this one on; I'll be right back," you tell Nat and Wanda before heading to the dressing rooms.
You step into the dress, and when it's on, you turn around to look at yourself in the full-length mirrors. It fits perfectly, and every curve is accentuated beautifully just the way you like, and you go to show the girls.
"Nat? Wanda? Where are you?" You call for them, but they don't answer; you assume they're too far away to hear you. When you're about to turn back, you hear a soft 'wow.'
Your head turns towards the sound, and you suddenly see Tony standing outside the store, looking at you through the big window. You smile at him and wave before returning to the dressing rooms; now you know this is the dress.
When you've changed, you find Nat and Wanda again, letting them know you found your perfect dress. They reacted similarly to Tony when they saw it, saying a soft "wow" when you show it.
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The night of the dance is here, and you're ready to go; only waiting for Tony to pick you up now. You're seated at your desk, reading your book.
It doesn't take long for him to arrive, and he softly knocks on your door, a smile appearing on your face instantly. When you open the door, you find Tony in a deep black suit, a tie that perfectly matches your dress, and his hair perfectly styled.
When he smiles, the look is complete, and he takes your hand and kisses it softly. "You look gorgeous tonight," he says. He twirls you around a few times to take you in from head to toe before twirling you into his arms and kissing your temple softly.
You feel the butterflies in your stomach go crazy when he holds you, and you secretly wish he would never let you go so that you can stay in his arms for all eternity.
"You look gorgeous right now," Tony sighs as he untwists you. He's gotten a bit bolder with his affection towards you for the last week and a half, and you are reveling in the attention he's giving you.
"You look nothing short of amazing yourself," you tell him, and the flush that appears makes your insides melt a little.
The two of you walk to the gym together, and when you arrive, Tony leads you in by putting his hand on the small of your back, right above the fabric of your dress.
You immediately spot Nat and Wanda in their beautiful dresses, accompanied by Bruce and Clint, their dates. "You look beautiful, Y/N, and I'm glad he finally listened to me," Bruce says, which makes you laugh.
"Well, I'm glad he finally did. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here right now to enjoy this evening with all of you," you say, all six heading towards the main party.
After many drinks, dancing, laughter, and talking, it is time for a few slower songs.
"May I have this dance?" Tony asks as he extends his hand to you. You gladly take it as he leads you onto the dance floor, finding a spot where the two of you can dance without bumping into anyone.
"I'm glad you asked me to be your date tonight; I'm having a lot of fun," you tell him, and you move to rest your head against his cheek, giving him a soft peck before pressing your cheek to his.
"I'm glad I finally dared to do it, but I was thinking of a way to make this night unforgettable," he says as one of his hands leaves your hips and finds its new place on your cheek.
Your eyes meet his, and he gives you a soft, reassuring smile; your eyes flutter shut as you see him leaning in, and his lips brush softly over yours before capturing yours in a breathtaking kiss.
The around you seems to slow down, and fireworks appear to go off around you as you get completely lost in each other. You don't notice the song is over, and more upbeat music is playing again, but suddenly you hear Nat, Wanda, Bruce, and Clint cheering as they see both of you kiss.
When you pull apart, you get a shy smile on your face, your cheeks are flushed, and you're looking at Tony with nothing but love and adoration in your eyes. He has that same look on his, and he takes you off the dance floor to sit down for a little bit.
"You guys are so cute together? Wait, are the two of you together?" Nat and Wanda ask, and you look at Tony, who gives you a reassuring smile.
"We are," you tell them, and they couldn't be happier when he holds your hand, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb.
The rest of the night went by in a blur, and when Tony dropped you off at your dorm room again, you parted after a long, sweet kiss. No one was there to interrupt the two of you, and the moment was perfect.
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"I can't help it that I'm nervous; it's not every day I meet my boyfriend's parents," you say as you squeeze Tony's hand. He just turned into the driveway at his parent's house, and you are invited for a summer barbecue.
"They're going to love you, so there's no need to be worried," he said as he leaned over the center console to give you a soft, sweet kiss.
You get out of the car and fix your dress before taking Tony's hand as he leads you towards the garden at the side of the house.
"Tony, Y/N, welcome!" Maria says as she walks over to both of you. "It's so nice to finally meet you; Tony has told me a lot about you. I'm Maria," she says as she envelops you in a big, bone-crushing hug.
"It's good to meet you, Mrs. Stark," you say as you let go of Tony's hand and hug her back.
"Please, no need for formalities here. You can call me Maria and-" She's looking for Howard, but he appears nowhere in sight.
"Ah, Y/N, you're even more beautiful than Tony described you to be," Howard suddenly says as he walks out of the house towards you.
"Howard Stark, it's an absolute pleasure to finally have the chance to meet you," he says with an outstretched hand, and you gladly take it.
"It's great to finally meet you, too; Tony has also told me a lot about the two of you. Nothing but good things, of course," you say, and you and Howard both let out a burst of laughter.
When the introductions are done, Tony leads you to a bench after getting you a drink, and the two of you sit down. His arm is lying across your shoulders, and you're snuggled into his side.
"Thank you for taking me here; it's great to finally have met your family. They're even greater than you described them to be," you say.
"I'm glad you decided to come with me today. I love you so much, and I can't wait to have many more days like this," he says, and he softly kisses your lips.
"I love you too, Tony. More than you'll ever know."
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scorchieart · 2 years
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Characters: Clavis Lelouch x F!Reader
POV: 1st person Genre: Fluff
Prompt #9: “Why would I be worried? I’m with you.”
Wordcount: 1648
A/N: And here's that 2nd part of @venulus's request, as narrated by Clavis. Thanks for being patient with it, I went over the word limit because this is a bonus, so it doesn't apply by the rules of the challenge, the rules that I made up myself so they're completely arbitrary, I don't have to explain myself, I own a Clavis in a bottle and I'm not afraid to use him, here's the first part with the reader's POV, okay bye... 
Warning: ***Spoilers for Clavis Romantic route end***
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“Tell me, Cyran. Do they miss me back in Ye Olde Rhodolite?”
I slipped my arms through wide, snowy sleeves to join the rest of the robes on my body. This piece came from the hands of a renowned seamstress in the south of Jade, known for her nimble hands and elegant embroidery. The pearlescent details reflected nicely against the white canvas underneath, and I softly ran my fingers over the stitchwork as I waited for the answer.
“Unquestionably so,” Cyran called. “Not a day goes by without someone mourning the loss of their beloved third prince. I hear the gardeners are in a fit about lack of exercise, what with no trap-laying miscreants to chase out of trees and no spontaneous holes to fill.” 
“How delightful,” I said. Though I was wearing more clothes than I did even in the deepest depths of winter, I had never felt so light. I thought of Yves and his amusing philosophy on the application of dress to not only cover but express one’s ambition to the world; a sword and a shield. And in my many years as a mediator and envoy for peoples across the continent, this was how I wanted to present myself today. Each layer I donned was a memento of all the places I have been. The places that made me the man I am today. Rhodolite, Benitoite, Jade, even Obsidian; those and more conquests under my belt. A universal love letter to those I’ve met along my journey.
“No,” said Cyran simply when I exited the closet.
“Why not?” I protested as he began removing my outer layers. It hurt that my attempt at symbolism was overlooked, but doubly so by my first conquest. “Do they not make me look illustrious and venerable? A flawless masterpiece to be shared with the world? Righteous and chaste and virtuous? The most distinguished gentleman of our time?”
“You got that last part right,” grumbled Cyran, moving to unbuckle my belts. I hoped he wouldn't open the pouches I’d attached to them, otherwise he’d be met with a facefull of Lelouch Trap Series galore. I harrumphed and turned to the bed.
“And what do you think, my dear?”
She sat with her legs outstretched, surrounded by piles of leaflets and documents, her eyes glued to a paper in her hands. “Rhodolite must go to bed every night with tears in her eyes knowing her most enthusiastic wakeup call is miles away,” she said.
“Ah, not that, darling. Though you are correct. No, I am referring to my extraordinarily extravagant ensemble!” I said, spreading my arms as much as Cyran would allow. Goodness, he worked fast.
“You look great,” she said.
“You didn’t even look at me,” I frowned.
She tore her gaze away from her paper and looked at me unamused. Too late. Cyran had stripped me entirely of my perfectly-crafted symbolic attire and left me in a pitiful base layer. 
“You look great,” she said.
“He does now,” said Cyran, stepping into the closet, a mountain of heavy discarded robes overflowing from his arms. I ran my hand through my hair to avoid his peevish glare as I approached the bed.
“What ever could be so important that you’d miss my grand entrance, my love?” I said. 
“Your real grand entrance,” she said, pushing the document she had been reviewing toward me. “The courtyard can only hold about five-thousand people maximum. I think we miscalculated.”
I took the sheet without looking at it, folded it, and set it on the stack with the others. “There is no mistake.” None that she has to know about, anyway.
“No mistake? Clavis, that document says we sent out ten-thousand invitations!” she said, reaching for the sheet again. I grabbed her hand and threaded my fingers through it. Her palms grew sweatier by the second.
“No mistake,” I repeated. “We can have two identical ceremonies if needed, so the latecomers can catch the second.”
She closed her eyes and let out a long nasally breath. “And did you account for the possibility that they all decided to attend the first?”
“The more the merrier, then!” I said, smiling as widely as I could to hide my dishonesty. It was only a little white lie, a publicity stunt. I don’t even know ten-thousand people. But I do know Chevalier’s coronation had five-thousand. 
And she glowered in a way I knew meant she could tell I was hiding something.
“Now, don’t give me that look, my sweet,” I crooned. “Does the idea of so many people at our doorstep frighten you? No need to worry, your charming Clavis will be by your side the entire—”
“The idea that we won’t be able to accommodate them all worries me, Clavis!” she yelled, pulling out of my grasp. “How will it look when we have to tell half our guests they’ll be sleeping on the floor?”
“You worry too much. I’m sure it will all work out, because what fun we’ll have today,” I said, reaching under her arms and lifting her into the air. This time she grabbed on to me, holding my shoulders as I spun us around in the buttercream light from the windows.
“Cakes and cookies and music and suits and gowns and dancing and lights and roses…” 
I twirled faster and faster, listing the first things that popped into my head, hoping she’d latch on to one of them and forget everything else. 
“....And magic and joy and ladies and gentlemen and friends and family and—”
“What would your family say if they saw you mess up this badly today?” she cried, and everything stopped. Dizziness caught up to me as we stared at each other, and though I could see three of her floating around my view, I knew all of them had unlocked me. 
Cyran only “Ahem!”ed whenever I pulled a prank in front of his eyes. Or did something he disapproved of. This one sounded like both.
“We’re running late. I’ll head downstairs to greet our guests. Please help him finish getting ready, my lady,” he said, shooting me a sharp look that sobered my vision instantly. He shut the door and I was left holding my beloved in the most guilty position I could imagine.
As soon as her feet touched the ground again, I embraced her, burying my face in her hair. Today of all days, I did not want her to see me fall apart.
“They’ll be here. All of them,” she said. “As if they could stay away.” 
She patted my back gently, and against her palms I could feel how erratic my heart was beating. How did she unravel me as simply as she took in breath? How did she manage to stand by my side without giving up like all the others? How did she know the person I wanted most in attendance today was the only one who stayed away? 
“And what if they think it’s all a big joke?” I croaked, forcing my jaw to stop trembling. “How could you choose me as king? Me?”
“If they thought it was a joke, they wouldn’t have bothered sending their RSVPs,” she said, cupping my cheeks and forcing our eyes to meet. “And what an honor to attend the coronation of the first king of Lelouch. The illustrious and venerable. The righteous, chaste, and virtuous King Clavis.”
I coughed out a laugh and pressed our foreheads together. She lightly rubbed the tip of her nose against mine, whispering more compliments in the tiny space between us. And how did she always know how to best cheer me up?
When I could breathe normally again, I gave her a final squeeze and pulled back. She courteously left me to finish composing myself as I turned toward the window. The cheery sun blinded me, and I rubbed my puffy eyes until I could make out the steady stream of horses and carriages arriving at the gates. I’m sure my mother would scold me for such an unseemly display, her little gentleman bawling on the morn of his coronation, but like my love she would hold me close and not let go until I was alright. I suppose that was the unspoken territory that came with family, and it thrilled me more than receiving the crown to add one more member to call my own. Even if it came at the cost of moving away from the rest.
Movement outside caught my attention, and I saw two horses trotting along awkwardly through the courtyard, their riders engaged in what looked like a heated argument. Cyran rushed out from the main doors just as one rider, a young man in the frilliest pink cloak, nearly slipped off his horse in his attempt to grab the tail of the second rider’s, his snickering silver-haired brother, flowing coat. More familiar faces entered view, each one looking more jovial than the last under the glittering sun, ending with a final stoic face quieting the scene. 
“Look look! It’s Chevalier!” I gasped, unable to restrain myself from jumping up and down. “And Leon and Jin and the others! Darling, they came! They actually came!”
“Does that mean you’re not worried anymore?” my darling said, reappearing at my side with my ceremonial sword, desperately trying to catch my last belt to fasten it to. Yet again I was reminded of my mother and her countless attempts to contain my unbridled glee in my youth. Is there a rule that a king cannot celebrate like a child when he experiences pure, unadulterated joy?
“Worried?” I said, stopping to let her complete her task. As badly as I wanted to run down the stairs to greet my brothers, I wouldn’t mind staying right here until the ceremony began. “Why would I be worried? I’m with you.”
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This is the second time I've written 1st POV Clavis. Both times he was crying. If we follow Chevalier's accounts, he did that a lot as a kid, and you know it's not like adults are immune to having a good cry, too.
Tagging:@atelieredux @queengiuliettafirstlady @violettduchess @venulus @thewitchofbooks @leonscape @rhodolitesrose @venti-tangents @dear-sciaphilia @ikesenwritings @myonlyjknight @ladyofcrowsx
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otomelavenderhaze · 1 year
All my thoughts on the honeymoon episode (17) of mclll with Rayan.
Get 👏 yourself 👏 a 👏 fictional 👏 man 👏 who 👏 would 👏 face 👏 a 👏 tiger 👏 for 👏 you 👏 then 👏 ruin 👏 his 👏 plans 👏 and 👏 save 👏 his 👏 ass 👏 instead 👏
That's it. That's the review. Y'all welcome. I know I know very insightful, you don't need to thank me for it.
But no, while the episode was fun, chaotic, full of replayability, some cute and hot moments, I have good and bad things to talk about it and I have a lot of thoughts about certain scenes that I cannot simply move on with my life without talking about them at least once.
So let's do this, maybe my last review ever about any mcl related episode.
I will always welcome an episode that makes me remember why I fell in love for the set up, for the story and for the character (Li) in the first place and that honeymoon episode was that. It was the most fun I ever had since, buff, I don't know, I think University Life? Because I wouldn't have called Love Life a funny haha ride all the way through and I cannot remember the last time was giddy with the game like I was today.
The episode was short, very much what I was expecting... and very much gave me a misplaced vibe, it didn't feel like the last episode the big farewell that the wedding episode felt like. It actually felt like a spin-off half cooked, it very much felt like just a travel, not really a honeymoon (not that I had much of those in real life but well) and it felt goofy which y'know, mcl is known for.
And I am talking about the cave conversation.
I would say that the episode would be fun for replayability if you have NO ISSUE in spending around 4.000 aps for it, if not then you go ahead and have a good ride like I did, but I will not pretend it's very rewarding or even mandatory. It's not.
You gonna take some giggles and get ONE moment in the episode that's really worth it.
For Rayan depending in which alternative you picked you could've: learnt more about Chloé's and Rayan's relationship and how he feels about her death now that he married Candy, about Rayan's father that he never EVER talked about before or a very cute moment when he talks about how he felt when he first met Candy and how he struggled with his feelings.
I am a sucker for any piece of new information I get about him, so I had a blast with it.
It was a JOY finding out that every alternative would give me a new whole dialogue to explore and read, it felt like a bonus and it was the best thing about the episode, besides the tiger moment.
Which was wild, see Rayan telling Candy in a firm voice that "she never heard before him using" to not move and help with all yelling at the tiger to scare it off was WILD, my nerd bookworm man went alpha mode on that tiger and it was HOT. Hot damn. It was hotter than any sex scene. Yes, Daddy, protect us, you go off king, you can punch a tiger for sure, BIG DICK ENERGY IF EVER SAW ONE.
But I will tell you, make Candy actually take away the tiger's attention towards Rayan and try to attract it alone was hella cool too, Candy was BRAVE, even though when he got mad at her after she cried of stress and fear and then he comforts her and calls her his hero, IT WAS A SUCH NICE MOMENT. One of the beauties of having a lot of aps, free time and grief towards a route that is gonna be replaced in the next months.
So good.
Let's talk about what I didn't like then.
I don't like how the ilus can only be obtain if you get all the right answers but the game gives you too little of information about which answers are right and which are wrongs, it was very punishing, I don't get it.
I don't like how the ilus was locked away behind a sex scene at the end of the episode, there was no special moment of their first night as a married couple, it was no different from any other generic sex scene - I will admit, it's a pretty ilus, but at this point, feels like the same of all the ones I already got, there was no sexy lighting, no extra gloss over it no care for what it would be THE LAST ILUS OF THE GAME.
Felt lazy, there I said it. The episode being so out of place from the whole trio of Proposal Episode, Getting married Episode and then the Honeymoon Episode is ODD and off putting, it feels wrong, it feels like they didn't plan that shit properly and if that's the case it doesn't surprise me cuz I have been getting this for MONTHS now.
THEY GAVE UP. The new game is more important now. Screw us I guess.
And screw them too honestly. I hope the new game gets a better treatment from the bottom of my heart, but I doubt it strongly after so many years and GAMES of this and of this lazy shit they do, so probably it won't be any better...... I wouldn't know, cuz I am not gonna play it.
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Nice episode, despite it faults and everything else, I liked it.
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On the way home
Fandoms: Avengers, Spider-Man, Iron Man
Rating: R
Warnings: Blood, Injury, Spider Son and Iron Dad, OOC, Family, Comfort, Warm Relationship, Supporting, Bullying, AU, Secret Personality.
How tired I am. How many days without a good night's sleep? Five? Or six? Okay, that's enough for today. I'm so sore... everything. My head from lack of sleep and my body from two, no, three bullet wounds. And yesterday's stab wound still hurts. It's... 06:34, so I can go home to my aunt.
Message for you from Ned.
"Dude, you didn't forget we have a field trip today, did you? The bus leaves at 7:00. I hope you don't oversleep."
Shit. I didn't forget about it. I didn't know about it. What am I in for? I just don't have time to go home. Then it's straight to school. Maybe I'll get some sleep on the bus.
It took me about seven minutes to get to school. Mr. Harrington was surprised to see me so early, but had no problem with me being on the bus. I put some music on my headphones and went to bed.
A short while later.
I woke up to someone poking me in the side. The one with the hole in it. The sensation was fire. When I opened my eyes, I saw Ned. He was saying something, but I couldn't understand the words because of the headphones, so I just nodded. He seemed completely satisfied with that. I was still in a half-asleep state, so I was completely oblivious to the world around me and acted on complete autopilot. I heard no insults from Flash, no taunts from M.J., and no attempts to call me to order from Mr. Harrington. I was just walking toward the tower, because that was the route my body was used to. I didn't even realize that this was where we'd come for the tour.
Unfortunately, my brain wasn't working yet, so I didn't think about FRIDAY at all. I wasn't thinking about anything at all. There was a blissful silence in my head. Only some unobtrusive melody was playing in my headphones, but I didn't pay any attention to it either. And I knew about the "Nanny for a Spider" protocol. And I knew about the mandatory body scan for injuries when I entered the tower, too. And I knew, too, that if the results of the analysis are far from the norm, FRIDAY sends them to their creator. But I just waddled along with everyone else toward the entrance.
I didn't hear the excited gasps of my classmates, the even more furious cries of the Flash, or Ned's attempts to contradict him. I didn't pay attention to the tour guide's surprised exclamation at the sight of my access level, and I didn't hear the traditional FRIDAY  greeting. I felt sick and wanted to sleep. We had already gone several floors, and I could hardly see anything anymore because of the dark spots in front of my eyes. Blood loss is no joke.
And then I just saw my daddy and went to him. He gently put his arms around me and started to say something. Then an epiphany came over his face and he pulled my headphones out of my ears.
- Hey, kiddo. You okay? - He said it so softly that if it weren't for my improved hearing, I wouldn't have heard it.
- Dad, I'm tired.
That was enough for him. He didn't ask me anything, but simply led me to the elevator, supporting me by the shoulders. He could see my vitals and he knew that there was no point in saying anything. He had been in this condition more than once himself, so he knew I didn't need a lecture. He led me toward the medical unit. I didn't argue. I felt completely safe now, so I put control completely in the hands of the man I trusted more than myself.
Dad sat me down on the bed and gave me something to drink. Probably sleeping pills, because my eyes closed almost immediately. And why? I could fall asleep without it. In this state, the mere presence of a pillow would have been enough for me. Or a blanket. Or...
I didn't see Dad call the doctors, led by Dr. Cho. I didn't see him turn pale when he saw my wounds. Didn't see him sitting there holding my hand. I was finally at peace. I was home, my daddy was beside me, and I was asleep.
Yeah, then he'd give me a real head-scratcher, resent me, threaten to take away my suit, and more. He'll get all the vigilantes involved in the lecture, and maybe even Aunt May. But all that will come later. For now, I feel surprisingly good. For the first time this week.
No one remembered about the class, which was still standing downstairs. And that's right, because the most important thing in life is family.
And how can a parent think about anything else when their child is not well. That's right.
no way
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fosermi · 3 years
That's right! I'm back! And I bring to you CHAPTER 3 OF GUARDIAN MACAQUE AU
WHY?! Well because I couldn't sleep well and it's 5 am fuck my headache I give you content!! Fair warning: Macaque is a soft monkey especially to kids AND YOU CAN PRY THIS HC FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS ABDJFKCMCM
Some days, Biming would leave to sell the rice cultivated in their field to the neighbouring village. An oddity, Hóu realised. Why sell to another village? He didn't understand… After all, there were other houses in their village. 
"Hóu?" Ai's soft voice called for the demon. Oddly enough, it wasn't her usual tone that came through her call. 
Immediately detecting the shift from her usual beat, the black monkey jumped down from his position on the plum tree that grew in the back garden of the couple's home. The tree upon which the monkey would spend most of his free time on whenever he could. "You called, Mrs. Ai?" 
"Oh! Yes, dear…" her voice dripped with worry - fear even. In her arms a red cloak, outstretched as if allowing him to take it. "Could you please accompany Biming to the town today…?" Her eyes glimmering under the morning sun with worry, begged the black monkey to take on her request. 
Hóu, with an immediate nod, complied as he gently took the cloak from Ai's grasp. Hesitantly, the black monkey built up enough courage to ask the kind lady, her worry affecting his own. 
"Mrs. Ai… is everything alright…?" His hand reached out to Ai’s in an attempt to comfort her as his eyes locked with hers, taking notes of the high level of worry embedded deep within her honey-brown eyes.
Seeing the concern in Hóu's golden eyes, Ai's tense shoulders fell as she let out a shaky breath. "Ling Fa… he warned us that demons moved in close to the rout Biming takes to the other village…" 
Ling Fa… yes…
He was the family's guardian spirit… it was his duty to protect the family, right? Of course he would warn the kind couple.
By late morning, Biming and Hóu had headed out on the road on the small mule-pulled cart with their cargo safely secured. Ling Fa had stayed behind to ensure Ai's safety as he would not have been much help with manual labor. 
Hóu rode on the back of the cart as his mind drifted off to the thoughts of the strange family guardian. They had previously met a couple of times. Ling Fa wasn't a concerning figure, in fact Hóu believed he was incapable of fighting due to his pacifistic tendencies. 
Throughout the journey, Biming and Hóu held up a small lighthearted conversation, a conversation that seemed to have only lasted a couple of minutes was in fact just two hours. 
Soon the duo were at town close to noon, Hóu couldn't believe how lively everything was! Carts and vendors and buyers were everywhere! If he was being honest, Hóu's entire world seemed to start spinning due to the overload of his senses. 
"Welcome to the market, Hóu!" Biming said with a bright smile as he handed Hóu some earplugs. "They might not completely drown out all the new senses but its something at least… if you ever need a breath at all, then tell me and we can go to a more tame part of the town were we can rest for a bit"
Hóu's reply came in the form of a nod. However, even though his senses are over exerting himself, Hóu knew that he had to allow Biming to sell their crops so they could earn the money needed. So, the black monkey decided to sit right behind the cart after putting on the earplugs, mostly hidden from the front view as she observed how Biming bargained and sold his crops. 
Eventually, daylight started diminishing as the sun was starting to head down the horizon, turning the shy a nice shade that reminded the monkey of orange peaches… something about the sunset seems to have upset the demon and he felt a pang of pain in his chest. 
Upon noticing the sadness embedded on the monkey’s face, Biming decided that it was time to head home. "Hóu, let's go home." Came the familiar voice of the young man that got Hóu moving onto the back of the cart, and once again head off back home. "We should be back home just after sunset" Said Biming in an attempt to comfort his companion, which seemed to have worked somewhat. 
The ride back didn't have many complications, it was a smooth ride back with a few conversations every now and again. Once home, Biming and Hóu carried their goods into the home as they announced their return, only to be greeted by the smell of Ai's amazing cooking as they sat down by the table to eat. 
Biming was telling Ai how well Hóu had taken to the city and how well behaved he was. He kept on flattering the black monkey demon which got Hóu to stutter every now and again when he decided to speak up. Soon enough, it was time to head to bed after it was decided that from then on, Hóu would accompany Biming to the market. 
His days spent here in the small farm house by the valley with Ai and Biming went by faster than he expected. And soon, they would have a new addition to their family in the form of a child between the couple. 
The couple at first didn't know how Hóu would react to children, as throughout Ai's pregnancy, he had done his best to avoid her as much as possible without angering her. He however instead spent his time with Biming learning how to trade and sell as well as bargain and buy goods. 
When their daughter was born, the couple found something they never had expected to see. That night they had awoken to the sound of soft cries coming from the adjacent room that Hóu had offered the baby to stay in with him so he could make sure that their daughter was safe from all harm. Surprisingly, Hóu had also swore it as his duty out of the blue one night before she was even born. 
What surprised them however, was what they saw in the room that night. They had found Hóu gently cradling their small daughter in his arms. Biming most of all was surprised at how Hóu could be so delicate with such a small fragile being and yet possess strength strong enough to carry the entire cart filled with supplies. 
Hóu looked over at the couple with worry laced all very his face. "S-sorry… she won't stop crying… she must be hungry!" It surprised Ai how well he knew how to manage a baby and how he could tell what was wrong. She stood there for a moment as she smiled at the panicked monkey before taking her daughter to feed her in the other room, leaving Biming and Hóu together in the room. 
Biming sat down next to Hóu on the bed who seemed a bit anxious. "Is something the matter Hóu?" Came the concerned question from Biming. 
Hóu's tail flicked anxiously like an irritated cat, he lowered his head and talked in barely a whisper "she's just so small Biming… will she really survive?" 
With a comforting hand on Hóu's shoulder, a smile found its way onto Biming's face "with you worrying about her like this… I know she'll be perfectly fine Hóu…" and with that, Ai came back in, carrying their sleeping daughter in her arms. 
Without a second to lose, Hóu was up on his feet to give the bed to the sleeping baby. But instead, Ai gave him the small bundle of joy with a smile. Something within him clicked that night, and for the first time he remembered something from his past. 
A conversation? 
"Hey, [~~~] why so stiff?" 
"Because! They're so small! So defenseless! How can they survive?!" A chuckle rang out throughout what seemed like a cave as the sound echoed. 
"They're children! Of course, they're small! But hey! They seem to like you!" 
"I… I guess they do…" 
"You know… if you're really worried about them so much why not take care of them?" 
"Don't you already do that?" 
"Well, technically, yes? But what I meant was you could watch over the little ones and make sure they're safe?" 
"... alright, I'll do it!" 
Hóu held the small child close to his chest, a stifled sob escaped him as a few tears flowed down his face and onto the blankets that wrapped around the baby. This concerned the couple as they barely see Hóu cry, in fact. This is only the second time they've seen him cry ever since finding him that fateful day. 
Just before they could react, Hóu faced them. Face stained with tears but his eyes held a strong determination. "No matter what, I'll make sure she becomes big and strong. I swear on my life" 
With his sudden declaration, the couple found a sense of peace and comfort. Ever since then, Hóu had appointed himself their daughter's caretaker and would help Ai and Biming with their daughter in whatever way he could. There had been countless times when Ai or Biming would search for their daughter only to find her asleep on Hóu who had her safely asleep on or under his favorite tree in their garden, sometimes asleep himself. 
Such were the peaceful times, the days he wouldn't have to worry about much except for their family's safety. Nothing could happen to them, he used to think. Not until the incident. 
Golden eyes fluttered open as he heard a faint sound of someone calling out to him. "I'm heading off to work dad!! Text you later!!" Followed by a door slamming shut and a soft ringing of a bell. 
With a sigh, the black monkey sat up and combed through his messy black hair before getting up and heading to the bathroom to freshen up. Mi Hóu looked at the mirror and examined himself only to be taken back to see a human face before remembering that his life with Ai, Biming, and their daughter Chu-Hua had ended a couple of hundred years ago. 
He had remembered everything since that time, and his true name is Liu er Mihóu otherwise known as the Six Eared Macaque. And he remembered that at this current time, he has a son. A son that he had to look out for in a world of hidden demons. But here's the catch, he can't let his son know that he himself is a demon even though he already knows about demons. Which is why he uses a human disguise. 
"Another regular day of work I guess…" he mumbled as he heard the ringing of the bell hung at the door indicating that someone had entered their home, or to be more specific, his clinic. Little did he know that this day would be the end of his daily routine of curing demons and teaching at a dojo. 
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eijie-cavies · 3 years
Wen Kexing and the great divide.
So as we all know Episode 32 and 33 has left us with a plethora of questions and the fans are divided in terms of their view on Wen Kexing's plan. Tbh that is to be expected if you look at it. It was an asshole move to hide everything from A-Xu and leave him to find his soulmate's dead body only to find holy shit this motherfucker is alive still what the hell. And so a lot of the fans sided with the argument that Wen Kexing never learned and was acting like a selfish lone wolf. But today i am here to try to analyze the plan between Scorpion king, Wen Kexing and Ye bai Ye.
Please keep in mind i haven't watched the entirety of the show yet and so some theories here might not fit in with the rest of Kexing's explanation for the next episode.
Also thid will contain spoilers so please be warned.
Alright let's start. I will be dividing this analysis into parts. 1st part is the show's script and budgeting and why they chose the route that the went with.
2nd part is my theories on the heroes conference and why it was rushed as well as the timeline.
And lastly Wen Kexing's POV and the analysis for his plan and why he did what he did keeping A-Xu in mind as well.
A few extra bonuses is the romeo and juliet plot and why i think it had to be in the plot somehow.
So lets start, sit down and grab a drink for this you will need it.
1st part.
Scriptwriting and budgeting.
This show was supposed to have 45 episode and so the plot would have had more time to marinate and kick in if it weren't for the shortening of the epsiode.
With this in mind the scriptwriter had originally planned for this 45 episode and sadly we won't probably know what was supposed to happen if it weren't cut to 36 episode. But we do have Wolong nuts to thank for giving the drama sponsorship and making the drama into 36 rather than 32. If we had only 32 episodes in this drama everything would have felt too rushed and fast paced. And so to have to cut 9 episodes worth of plot the screewriter was put in a tight spot on how to cram three different events. Namely the kidnapping, the exposing of Zhao Jing and of course the wedding plot as well.
Thus the Romeo and Juliet plot was born. We will be discussing this plot in depth later on in the analysis. Nonetheless if they have had all the freedom and budget it would have been nice to see a plot of Zhou Zishu, Wen Kexing and The Scorpion King all work together to bring Zhao Jing down. For now let us work on the plot given to us.
2.) Timeline.
The heroes conference is a huge deal, this is where EVERYONE of big sects and names gather in the martial arts world, its the equivalent of the whole world witnessing everything. This event is a big part of the plan that the three accomplices had, if they didn't act right away Wen Kexing and Xie'er (Scorpion King) wouldn't have had the chance to expose Zhao Jing in the future, because like what the beauty ghost relayed, once the heroes conference is over Zhao Jing planned on killing Xie'er and eradicating the ghost valley. There would have been no other time to take him down, no time to wait for another heroes conference as Zhao Jing would have risen in power already, they would have been too powerful to stop and the merits he would have gained by then would be multiplies, the people wouldnt see him as evil anymore. Therefore it was crucial to strike at the time where they are most vulnerable and the seed of doubt was still fresh, if they had waited, everyone would have disregarded Wen Kexing as a mad man and praised Zhao Jing for saving them from the purges of the ghost valley.
And scorpion king? Who would believe him if he was the only one to take a stand? His Godfather no doubt would have acted as if he didnt know what Scorpion was saying and act innocent. Even if he was spared Scorpion had no allies other than Wen Kexing who's allies was also born out of the same hatred they had for Zhao Jing. Everyone was forced to act swiftly, it was an all or none kind of situation. Now if we backtrack to the previous episodes, not two episode ago Zhou Zishu was heavily injured because of the kidnapping and was given no time to properly heal before everything needed to be set. As you can see in episode 31 Wen Kexing was in a hurry to meet Xie'er, don't you think it was iffy that he would leave A-Xu like that if he was still injured? The Wen Kexing that we all know would not have moved a single inch from Zhou Zishu's side if he were injured. And this is because of a lot of things which we will be getting to in the third part of the analysis.
Now on the subject of the plan and how Chengling had somehow gotten a hold of it. Simple, Ye bai Yi. He is free to roam around, sending messages and talking to people behind the scenes, we never really knew what he did after he left Wen kexing at four seasons manor and the reason why he had agreed on the rushed reopening of the heroes conference. but if you think about it it fits with the timeline. Zhao Jing wanted to reopen the heroes conference and Ye Bai Yi was sure that they were out to hunt down the chief of the ghost valley. If you remember the letter in episode 27 you will understand.
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Why did they get that letter in the first place when the four seasons manor wasnt even fully restored yet? The martial arts world didnt even know that Zishu was on the road to reopening it and yet he got an invitation. This is Ye Bai Yi's first clue and a nudge for Wen Kexing to take action. This leads us to part 3. Wen Kexing's plan.
3. Wen Kexing's plan.
Now the question is why didn't Wen Kexing think to tell Zhou Zishu his plan? Simple. He is heavily injured. Now i was stuck here as well because i would have thought, why couldnt he just trust Zishu of his plan? BUT you all have forgotten this.
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Wen Kexing has asked this two times, he wanted tell Chengling already so the kid could process it before he could stage his plan and possibly even tell Zhou Zishu on how he can use the heroes conference as an event where he can expose Zhao Jing. But Zhou Zishu was kidnapped, tortured and injured. There was no time to tell him of the plan without him having to stop Wen Kexing from doing it. At first i thought this didnt make sense, Wen should have trusted Zishu enough to carry on without distrubance right? Well a very nice person in Youtube provided some very interesting and eye opening points for me.
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And they are right, if i were Wen kexing i wouldn't want to burden Zishu of having to wait around thinking where i went off to, why do you think he told A-Xiang to take care of Zishu and promised to go back in one piece?
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A-Xiang was also kept in the dark of the plan, the only plan she knew was that Wen Kexing is planning to have an alliance with the scorpion king and thats it. He didnt fully disclose everything either.
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Wen Kexing's plan was simple, after he was regarded as "Dead" he probably would have went home to tell Zhou Zishu he was completely fine and it was all a ruse to trap Zhao Jing. BUT the problem was that Zishu set out to find him, Bei Yuan and Da Wu couldn't stop him either as they had no time to explain everything without Zishu panicking. Like i said this was all too rushed of a plan for Zishu to comprehend specially when he needed to heal as fast as possible.
What they could only do is give Zishu a medicine to ensure that if he ever did take out the nails he would still be okay. And that was the downfall of Kexing's plan. He didnt expect Zishu to have escaped his friends watchful eyes and go to the siege, ever wonder why Kexing said this when Zishu arrived?
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He was trying to convince Zishu to leave, make him believe that Wen Kexing is out for blood. But Zishu didn't fall for it, instead he stayed which was NOT a part of the plan at all. There was nothing Kexing could have done now, the siege was happening and he could only play along and move forward. And if you look closely again just as they were about to attack Kexing, Ye Ba Yi came to fight Kexing at the VERY right time, and who fought Zhou Zishu?
The three ghosts WuChang, his subordinate and Happy ghost. Why didn't anyone else go for Zishu? They could have had the scorpions attack him but they chose the Ghosts who are a part of Wen Kexing's valley, mind you these three ghosts were there when they rescued Zishu wouldn't it just sound stupid if they were fighting Zishu to kill him? No. What they tried to do is separate Zishu from Wen Kexing. Ye Bai ye could have eliminated Wen in 10 moves, he said this himself. But they had this complicated dance that somehow landed Wen Kexing at the edge of the cliff and left Chengling to do the rest.
And so he fell and Zishu followed. If you look closely even Ye Bai Yi was surprised that Zhishu jumped. NONE of it was part of the plan. From the moment Zishu entered to the moment he jumped no one planned for it.
And if you are upset of Zishu having to see Kexing's dead body and breaking his heart, this again was NOT A part of the plan. Beauty ghost was there to protect the corpse, if the corpse had not been burned it would have been presented to the martial art world and Kexing would come back as a different person and telling them "They got it wrong. That corpse is the chief of the ghost valley, i am Wen Kexing the disciple of four seasons manor" and it would have been more belieavable. But plans went south, Zishu found the corpse further solidfying that Kexing (in his mind) is dead and so he took out the nails. Ke xing couldn't show himself to stop Zishu either, there was so little time and he couldn't risk himself be seen.
Some others had been in the dark of the plan as well, not just Zishu, and the reason Wen Kexing didn't dare tell him was not because he didn't trust Zishu to stay away and let the plan carry out, instead he know EXACTLY what this will do to Zishu. Wen Kexing's plan was to HIDE Zishu away until the conference ended. Because with Da Wu and Bei Yuan, there would have been no news about Ke Xing dying that would have reached their place and Zishu would have had all the time to recover as Ke Xing took revenge and finally come back home as a new person.
He NEEDED Zishu to stay away from the fight to help himself heal just enough to get the nails out.
His revenge done and his new goal to be with Zishu for the rest of their lives. But unfortunate events happened, Zishu found out and there was other way to go but forward.
Ever wonder why Kexing had this look on his face on episode 33?
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He wanted so bad to explain everything but the spotlight was on him and this was the only time he will be given the chance to take a stand. This is now between him and the Zhao Jing. Like everything there was nothing to do but move forward.
Now for bonus part.
Romeo and Juliet plot.
Romeo and Juliet plot is basically person A percieved as "Dead" and person B endagering their life to the brink of death only to find person A was alive and well but Person B is for real dying.
Now tbh i wasn't a big fan of the Romeo and Juliet plot, this was the reason why fans became so divided and saying Kexing didn't learn his lesson therefore lossing their faith in Kexing and Zishu's relationship. He was pervieved as childish and selfish, And tbh they would have had so many plot devices that they can use to maximize full on plotting and bringing down Zhao Jing. But going back to my first point of the budgeting im guessing the scriptwriter had struggled to cram it all in. It was already episode 33 and they still had two more plots to cram in (the wedding and curing Zishu) so im not as upset as much. In the end the whole staff gave their best and poured their heart and soul into the drama. On an ending note i'll just let this nice person do the talking for me
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Thank you for reading! If you guys have your own theories feel free to discuss or voice them out.
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¿Te encanto?
Wrote this when I was fourteen, so it’s a little cringey. Forgive me for any Spanish errors, I was only in my second year of Spanish and I’ve been out of Spanish classes for too long to go back and correct it :(
(Translations are in parenthesis)
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Peter glanced at the classroom behind him from his front row seat.  He'd been placed there, right next to the teacher's desk, after he was caught too many times watching YouTube instead of conjugating Spanish verbs.  As he looked at his classmates' faces, looking at their phones participating in the review game, he noticed one girl in the back wasn't.  He peered around the boy slightly blocking his sight to see her, (H/C) (hair type) hair, spilling over the arms she was resting her chin on.
"Peter!" Profe Rojas called, Peter snapping his head back towards the front.
"Yes, Profe?"
"You haven't answered the past three questions, if you need this review for the test, I suggest you participate," the teacher snapped.
"Yes, Profe," Peter said quietly, even though he knew he normally got a hundred percent on his exams.
Peter answered a few more questions before Profe Rojas passed out the test and the class began to complete it.
Half an hour later with his completed test turned in, Peter sat at his desk twiddling with his thumbs, thinking of what might happen today. Unfortunately, the bell interrupted his thoughts of Spider-Man's adventures.  As he quickly gathered his papers and things, Peter looked to see if the girl was there, but she had already left.  Peter sighed and was about to leave, when his teacher caught him on his way out.
"Peter," Profe Rojas said, making Peter turn.
"Yes?" Peter grimaced, afraid of the lecture he was about to receive.
"Lo siento, I forgot that even though you can sometimes be a delinquent, o un estudiante muy perezoso, you are very good at Spanish." (I'm sorry,  I forgot that even though you can sometimes be a delinquent, or a very lazy student, you are very good at Spanish)
"Oh, than-"
"-try again," he interrupted.
"Lo siento. Muchas gracias Profe, estudié mucho." (Sorry.  Thank you very much Profe, I studied a lot)
"Bueno, hasta mañana Peter." (Good, see you tomorrow Peter)
"Adiós!" Peter called over his shoulder as he jogged out of class.
Rushing back to his locker Peter shoved his homework into his backpack, before racing out of the school doors and into the streets of Queens. Turning down an alleyway Peter dug through his backpack to pull out the Spider-Man suit that was hidden underneath all his books. Quickly changing behind a dumpster and then webbing his backpack to a wall, Peter was off, making his daily rounds.
The rest of the day went by without anything of much interest, retrieving a stolen purse, catching underage teens drinking beer, playing some kickball with some first-graders. Exhausted, Peter came home and easily went through his homework, before sitting down with May for dinner and then going out for his uneventful nightly rounds, before returning home for bed.
The next day couldn't have gone by any slower for Peter, who upon entering school caught a glimpse of the girl from the back of Spanish class. He didn't know what it was about her, but something about her was drawing him in. Each class drudged along, Peter watching the clock until fourth period. Finally, when the bell rang Peter breezed by a confused Ned on his quick-paced route to the A rooms. Despite his attempt, Peter had just walked in the door when the bell rang and was quickly ushered into his seat.
"¡Buenas tardes mis amigos y amigas! ¡Hoy es viernes, viernes, viernes!" Profe Rojas enthusiastically announced to the class, stretching the e in buenas and repeating 'viernes' like a sports announcer. (Good afternoon my friends!  Today is Friday, Friday, Friday!)
The class collectively rolled their eyes at Profe Rojas's attempt to seem cool, this was not the first and definitely not his last attempt.
"I've graded your exams, and to the majority of the class, muy bueno!  Ellos  estudiaron, correcto?" Profe asked with a smile as he began handing back the tests row by row. ( I've graded your exams, and to the majority of the class, very good!  You all studied, right?) 
"Unfortunately, some of you did not do as well as I hoped you would.  If you have a note written on your exam, please see me after class," Profe said, looking directly at Peter.
Peter started to sweat, he thought he did good on the test, he knew almost every answer, but maybe he didn't. Anxious, he began twiddling his fingers as Profe finally reached his desk, the last row.  He almost ripped the test when he grabbed it from Profe's hands.  To his relief and confusion, on the top of the test next to the name slot was "100% Muy Bueno Peter ¡Congratulaciones!" (100% Very good Peter Congratulations!)   Peter leaned back and let out a sigh as all of his fears quickly hit the floor.  Peter glanced at the girl in the back and noticed she had her head in her hands with her hood over her head.
"(Y/N), no veo tu cabeza," Profe said, which made the girl look up. ((Y/N), I can't see your head) 
She looked like she was thinking, for a moment, when Profe tapped his head where her hood was.  She slowly nodded, removing the hood.
"Sorry," she said softly, so quiet Peter wouldn't have heard if he wasn't paying attention.
"En español por favor," Profe corrected. (In Spanish please)
"Oh, uh, lo siento." (Oh, uh, I'm sorry)
"Bueno!" Profe called, but Peter didn't hear him because all he could think about was how he now knew the girl's name. 
Class went as usual, now learning demonstratives.  All throughout the lesson, Peter kept glancing back at (Y/N), as she seemed in a daze as she followed the lesson (much like Peter).  The bell ringing startled Peter, as it suddenly seemed to do that a lot recently.   Peter didn't know what he was going to say, but he knew that he wanted to introduce himself to (Y/N), as she had not left yet.  Furiously stuffing his backpack Peter was about to make his way over to her when Profe Rojas called him over yet again.  Peter sighed frustratedly as he tried to appear neutral to his teacher.
"Peter! Hablé con tu tía and she approved my proposal." (Peter!  I talked with your aunt and she approved my proposal)
Peter shifted from one leg to the other in discomfort as Profe Rojas continued.
"You see, some students are having a bit of trouble in class, no comprende los lecciones, y necesita asistencia para aprender".  (You see, some students are having a bit of trouble in class, they don't understand the lessons, and need help to learn.)
"Okay, I don't understand, I have an A in this class..." Peter said.
"Sí, sí. Estas correcto.  Your aunt told me you'd be available to tutor those students who aren't doing so well, and she thinks it'll be a better use of your time than what she says you already do."
Peter shifted again, slightly nervous about his 'mysterious whereabouts' with Aunt May.
"Then I don't have much of a choice, do I."
Profe laughed slightly at Peter's reply, "Not really, no."
"Alright then, who will I be tutoring?"
Peter whirled around to see (Y/N) there, glancing from the floor to Peter and to the floor again. She awkwardly clung to the straps of her backpack and slighting rolling on the balls of her feet.
"(Y/N), isn't doing so well, I was hoping you'd be able to help her understand the lessons better," Profe said.
"Yeah yeah, sure, uh, when would this start?" Peter asked, suddenly anxious.
"You free today? Like right after school?" (Y/N) asked, staring at Peter's shoes.
"Uh..." Peter thought for a moment.
He wanted to make his daily rounds right after school, but he also wanted to meet with (Y/N).
"Yes, I am," Peter stated.
"¡Excelente!" Profe cheered, "Escribo permisos para ustedes".  (Excellent!  I'll write passes for you both)
Peter and (Y/N) stood next to each other, awkwardly waiting for Profe Rojas to fill out the passes, one for the library after school and one for them to get to their next class on time, as the passing period was almost over and students were already filling the previously empty desks.  They kept stealing glances at each other, quickly looking away once they made accidental eye contact.
"Bueno!  Now hurry to class, don't misuse those passes," Profe said, and as Peter and (Y/N) exited the classroom they could hear a faint "Excelente! Buenas tardes mis amigos y amigas! Hoy es vierrrrrrrrrrrrnes!"  (Great! Now hurry to class, don't misuse those passes//Excellent!  Good afternoon my friends!  Today is Fridaaaaaaaaaaay!)
"Sorry about this," (Y/N) said, motioning to everything with her hands.
"It's er- totally cool," Peter replied, trying to figure out what to do with his arms.
"You sure?  I mean my failing grade is now a burden to you, and your probably secret girlfriend," (Y/N) said casually.
"My- my what?" Peter stammered, caught off guard by (Y/N)'s statement.
"Your aunt thinks tutoring will be a better use of your time, and you're not in any sports, and a dorky guy like you probably doesn't have much of a social life, no offense, of course, so probably no scandalous parties or the like.  Which means you're probably sneaking off to do stuff, which means you have a girlfriend that you're hiding from your aunt, or y'know you could secretly be that Spider-Man dude or something," (Y/N) said, laughing at her joke, which received an awkward forced laugh from Peter.
"You caught me, I'm sneaking off, but I don't have a girlfriend."
"Really?" (Y/N) responded, genuinely surprised.
"Yes really, why is that so shocking?" Peter questioned, secretly hoping (Y/N) didn't have to turn down a hallway to get to her next class soon.
"I didn't think you swung that way," (Y/N) replied, Peter turning embarrassingly red.
"I'm not gay I swear, Ned's my best friend that's it!"
"Woah there, didn't mean to touch a nerve," (Y/N) taunted slightly smirking, "Anyways, c'mon dude, you're pretty much at the top of every class, and I wouldn't be surprised if at least one person found you cute or something, hopefully a girl for your sake," she said breaking into a grin at her humor.
Peter blushed when she said someone could find him cute, but calmed himself down.
"No, still no girlfriend, but there is one girl I've got my eye on," Peter said, mind wandering to Liz.
"Ooooooooh, spill," (Y/N) said, elbowing him in the ribs.
"D-don't you think that's kind of personal? I mean no offense but I barely know you," Peter said, clutching his backpack straps, leaning away from (Y/N)'s elbowing with a red face.
"Isn't that the point of strangers, we spill our secrets to them because they can't mock us since they'll never see us again," (Y/N) replied, eyebrows raised.
"Maybe, but I'm seeing you again, today, exactly."
"Fair point," (Y/N) said, retreating.
They walked a few more feet in a comfortable silence for (Y/N), but an awkward one for Peter.
"What class you heading to?" Peter asked, attempting to fill the silence of the empty hallways, save for their footsteps.
"Honors chem, but I might drop it.  Not willingly, of course.  My Spanish grade is making my parents think I should take regular classes until I'm back on track," (Y/N) answered shrugging.
"How bad is it anyway, to know what I'm getting myself into?"
"D+, 68% exactly.  I studied so hard for that test, I don't even know what I did wrong," (Y/N) responded, retracting into herself and frowning at the floor.
"Sorry, didn't mean to upset you," Peter said with concern.
(Y/N) sighed, "It's fine, I had to bring it up eventually.  Anyways, sorry to cut this short but Mrs. Hahn's room is this way," she said pointing up the staircase.
"Alright, my class is down that hall over there.  See you later, right?"
"Yeah, nice talking to you Peter," (Y/N) said smiling sweetly.
"You too," Peter said, waving before watching (Y/N) flip up her hood and begin walking up the stairs and then he walked his own way.  (Y/N) smiled to herself as she walked up that stairs, very content with herself for holding a pleasant conversation for that long with Peter.  Peter himself now couldn't wait for the end of the day more than usual, unable to wipe the grin from his face.
"What's got you so happy?" Ned asked, leaning forward on his elbows.
"What do you mean?" Peter answering Ned's question with a question.
"You haven't mentioned Liz's haircut all lunch, what're you thinking about?"
"Apparently I'm tutoring some girl from my Spanish class after school," Peter said casually.
"A girl!  Peter you ladies man!" Ned exclaimed, slapping Peter on the back, "give me details!"
"It's nothing big, she's got a D+ in Spanish and Aunt May told my teacher I'd be more useful tutoring than running around for uh-" Peter glanced around, "for the 'Stark internship.'"
"What's her name?  What's she look like?  How'd it happen?  Have you guys talked yet? Is she cute?"
Peter blushed at Ned's last question and shrugged him off.
"Her name is (Y/N) and Profe introduced us to each other and then we walked to class."
"Oh my GOD she's cute, isn't she?  (Y/N)?  (Y/N) who?  Has she said anything to you yet?  What kind of girl is she, like a nerd, athlete, goth, skater, emo?"
"Ned I would love to answer your questions but all I know is that her name is (Y/N) and we had a nice conversation on our way to our next classes."
"Gimme the rundown, what was the conversation about?"
"Well, I think it started with her apologizing for being a burden and 'taking me away from my secret girlfriend.'  Then I guess she complimented me?  And then it was a bi-"
"Wait, what?  Dude, did she ask you if you had a girlfriend?"
"Well, not directly, she was-"
"Did she?!"
"I guess kind of?"
"Dude!  She totally likes you!"
"Ned please, that's- that's not true."
"She was trying to see if you were available!"
"No, no way."
"He's right," Michelle spoke up from down the table.
The boys snapped their heads towards the unexpected input.
"This- this is a private conversation!" Peter sputtered.
"I know," Michelle stated before picking up her tray and walking to throw away her trash.
"Duuuuuuuuude," Ned said, eyes wide and smiling from ear to ear.
Peter rolled his eyes, nonchalantly checking his watch every two minutes.
When the bell rang at the end of the day Peter all but walked to the library, only to find (Y/N) already standing outside the doors, pass in hand, looking in the glass walls.  She heard Peter's footsteps and turned around, face visibly brightening at the sight of Peter.
"Hey, I thought it'd be best to go in together," (Y/N) said smiling.
"Yeah, good thinking," Peter replied, with the same smile on his face as well.
The duo walked into the library, handing the lady working the desk their passes to be in the library after school hours. She signed them and sent them to a "study room" which was really just a table in between three bookshelves to create makeshift walls.
"So, what do you need the most help with?" Peter asked, setting his bag down in a chair before sitting in the one next to it.
"Everything," (Y/N) sighed, before sitting in the chair next to Peter and pulling it closer to him while hooking her backpack strap over the back of her chair.
Peter tensed when she moved her chair, Ned's words from lunch echoed in his ears as he told himself Ned was wrong.
"Could- could I look at your test from today?" Peter asked, his voice an octave higher.
"Yeah sure," (Y/N) replied, pulling the slightly dog-eared packet out of her backpack.
(Y/N) handed the test to Peter, and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with how much (Y/N) didn't understand.  She'd missed nearly every question, but some of it was just unfair grading, like she'd missed an entire question for having an unnecessary accent.
"I'm not stupid," (Y/N) said from her chair, peering over the edge of the paper reading Peter's reaction, "Just so you know."
Peter immediately put down the paper, "No, no, I didn't say I think you are!"
"I know, but I got a 31% on this test, you're bound to think I'm a little... slow, I guess."
"You're not slow, it just seems- do you pay attention in class?" Peter asked, afraid she'd take offense to his question.
"I mean I try," (Y/N) said, shaking her head, "but Profe talks so fast and mostly in Spanish and everything just goes over my head."
"So you have issues understanding the words?"
"I guess so..."
"Well, let's start there then.  We'll start with you learning the vocabulary, and then how to construct sentences.  They won't have to be correct and all in Spanish, but it will help you start to understand how to use the words and article adjectives and the conjugation and stuff."
"Alright, okay.  You sure this doesn't make me sound dumb?"
"I'm sure, besides, it's okay to be smart in most classes but not understand other classes."
"Psssh, says you, Mr. Perfect!" (Y/N) snickered, lightly pushing Peter's arm.
Thoughts ran through Peter's mind, is (Y/N) flirting?  She just called me perfect...  She's still laughing.... (Y/N) has a nice laugh... Peter cleared his mind and laughed along with her.
"Hey, I'm not perfect, I mess up on things, big things," Peter said, remembering heroic acts gone wrong he'd done.
"Like what?" (Y/N) was staring at Peter, sincerely interested in what he'd thought he'd messed up on.
"Aren't you supposed to be studying?" Peter asked, wanting to divert the conversation.
"Aren't you supposed to be tutoring me?" (Y/N) replied, smirking before letting out a hearty laugh.
It was just a simple laugh, but that didn't stop Peter's breath from catching in his throat and his cheeks to turn a shade redder. His grin doubled in size as he pulled his binder out of his backpack ready to begin.
"Touché," he said, unclipping his vocab packet from the binder rings, "Alright, I'm just going to go down the list and see what you already know. If you don't know it, we'll highlight it, okay?"
"Yep, sounds good," her smile faltered for a moment before continuing, "But y'know I'm not very good at it."
"That's alright, you have to start somewhere. Ready?"
(Y/N) gave a weak smile, "Ready."
"Okay, aburir," Peter said.
"Uh- to bore."
"I only remember it because when we went over the definitions I said 'me.'"
"Doesn't matter, still correct. Aprender."
"To learn."
"To assist?"
"Kind of? That's a translation but the one we're using in class is to attend."
"That's so misleading."
"Yeah, I guess. Okay, asistir is highlighted. What about bucear?"
"No clue."
"To scuba dive."
"When- when would I ever use that?" She asked in pure confusion.
"Obviously when you're going scuba diving."
The sentence wasn't meant to be a joke, but it wasn't to make fun of (Y/N) either. Neither of it mattered, because (Y/N) giggled at it anyway. Peter's hands fidgeted and then he kept going down the list of verbs. Moments turned to minutes which turned to hours and before they knew it two and a half hours had gone by and (Y/N) and Peter were still working. They had moved on from translations and moved to conjugation, which Peter found (Y/N) completely understood and was even quicker at conjugations than he was. Now Peter was asking (Y/N) questions in Spanish and (Y/N) was replying in complete sentences using as little English words as possible.
"Okay okay, quién es tu tutor de español?" (Okay, okay, who is your Spanish tutor?)
(Y/N) smiled, "Tu, Peter es mi tutor de español." (You, Peter is my Spanish tutor)
"Muy bueno, qué color es la camiseta de tu?" (Very good, what color is your shirt?)
"Uh- colors colors colors... la camiseta de mi es... the feminine form of red?" (Uh- colors colors colors... my shirt is... the feminine form of red?)
"It starts with an r," Peter hinted.
"Rrrrrr-red?" (Y/N) said, giving him a lopsided smile.
Peter laughed, "R-O."
"Roja!  I knew that!"
"Good job," Peter snickered.
The pair had become very comfortable with one another in the past hours, not afraid to crack a joke or say something dumb. Peter's confidence was growing, as was (Y/N)'s. However, Peter took notice that (Y/N) laughed at all his jokes no matter how dumb, and again Ned's words echoed through his head. Peter was starting to get this major crush on (Y/N), but he didn't know if she felt the same.
"What are you staring at, Peter?" (Y/N) asked, noticing he'd been looking at her a while.
"S-sorry, you just have an eyelash," he lied.
"Oh, where?" She asked, rubbing her fingers under her eyes.
"Here let- let me get it," Peter said, a faint blush on his cheeks as he leaned forward and cupped your cheek as he ran his thumb under your eye.
He pretended to brush it on the ground removing his hand from your face before murmuring, "Got it."
"Thanks, Peter," you smiled at him, cheeks the faintest shade of pink.
"So- uh- more questions then?" Peter squeaked.
"Quien te gusta?" (Who do you like?)
(Y/N) hesitated a moment before answering, "Me gustan mi familia y my amiga mejor." (I like my family and my best friend)
"Quien te encanta?" (Who do you like (romanically)?)
Peter held his breath.  (Y/N) looked at Peter in his eyes, unable to read his expression.
"Me- me encantan mi familia y mis amigos." (I- I love my family and friends)
"No tienes un novio o una novia?" (You don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend?)
"N-no, no lo tengo." (N-no, I don't have one)
(Y/N)'s heart was beating rapidly and Peter was taking shaky breaths.
"Quieres un novio?" (Do you want a boyfriend?)
"Lo depen- depende." (It depen- depends)
"Quieres a mi estoy te novio?" (Do you want me to be your boyfriend?)
Peter bit his lips with the sudden rush of anxiety.  (Y/N) just stared at him, increasing the feeling of knots in his stomach.  After what seemed like an eternity of the two just staring at each other, (Y/N)'s voice, soft and barely a whisper, made itself clear.
"Yeah," (Y/N) began nodding her head quickly while grinning ear to ear.
"Oh okay, um, when are you free? I'm pretty busy myself, but I'm sure I can clear some stuff. Not that I'm trying to make it sound like you don't deserve my time, because you totally do, I just, with all these AP and honors classes I'm pretty booked, not to mention my internship, which is draining as well, but-"
"I'm free Friday, if that works for you. Pick me up at seven? There's this new spy movie I wanna go see, if that works for you," (Y/N) interrupted.
"Yes, yes that- that works out perfectly, yes."
"Great," (Y/N) smiled, picking up her stuff.
"Well, I was supposed to leave an hour ago but if I tell my mom the tutoring ran late I won't be in any trouble. See you tomorrow, Peter."
"Yeah, see you," Peter replied, giving a small wave.
He watched her as she walked out the doors of the library, then the doors of the school which we across the hall before returning to his own stuff and picking it up. He couldn't believe it. He had a date with the cute girl from his Spanish class!
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: 🥱🥱 Jimmy: Afternoon Janis: Piss off Janis: it's the crack of dawn Janis: bet the boy ain't even woke up yet to 👀 the decs Jimmy: it's a lie in for me Janis: before you handicapped me, I was getting up pretty early too 🐕🏃 Jimmy: @ Helena and her 💊s Jimmy: that there's the handicap Janis: her back ain't that bad Janis: anyway 💊s aren't gonna make me jolly Jimmy: go on then Jimmy: what do you need, baby? Janis: 😏 Janis: Is that any way for an elf to talk? Jimmy: depends what you 🖋 in your letter to 🎅 Jimmy: might be dead on Janis: You reckon that's top of my list? Jimmy: know what you're like with 👴💕 Janis: 🥇 or nowt Janis: makes Lucas look 🥉 for sure Jimmy: writing lines in detention ain't gonna come close Janis: Only just started this holiday Janis: you need cheering up too 🌧 Jimmy: don't sound like me, that Janis: ☀️ Janis: not much chance of that today ☃️ Jimmy: you not coming then? Janis: You really are on form this AM Janis: very quotable Jimmy: won't be long til 💀👑's getting out her 🛁 of 🩸 for a new day of torture Jimmy: have to sleep when we're ⚰ Janis: grind never sleeps 💪 Janis: so glad she only has 😍 for one 👴 though Jimmy: they've had years to perfect that roleplay Jimmy: must be 🥇 Janis: 🤢🤢 nah Janis: not gonna be able to face breakfast now Janis: 💔 that's why she can't either, awh Jimmy: stop finding common ground, it's 💔 me Janis: Baby Janis: sure if you asked really nicely, they'd let you work a double shift Jimmy: funny Janis: You walked right into that one Jimmy: there'd be nowt 💔😭🎻 for me about walking our kid to you and pissing off to work if you want some alone time with your real boyfriend 🎅 Janis: yeah right Janis: be all good until he starts 💔😭🎻 and I'd have to come find you Jimmy: I get it, you're off the 🎪🤹🤡 clock Janis: just don't reckon I know enough sign language to win him over Jimmy: reckon you could leave it to 🎅 Jimmy: seems like he'd be a traditional kind of #lad, chuffed for you to be 🤐 and just bake the mince pies Janis: 🤤 what can't he do Jimmy: probably wouldn't have got 💀👑's cooking down him any easier than we did Janis: I didn't mind the excuse to go to the bathroom Jimmy: SUCH a 💊head, you Janis: 🙄 Janis: don't judge me, babes Jimmy: just her decor Jimmy: best that bathroom's ever gonna have looked with your giant head blocking out them ugly tiles Janis: should've dashed yours into 'em Jimmy: 🤤🤤🤤 Janis: gutted we didn't get to sleepover Janis: would've had plenty of time to redecorate 🩸 Jimmy: hang on, I'll set one up Jimmy: liven up the group chat Janis: 😂 Janis: you are SUCH a peacekeeper it's SOOOOOOOOOOO cute I can't 😻 Janis: run out of sleeps before 🎅 pays 'em all a visit Jimmy: 💰 on Asia getting into a #scandal thinking if she rubs the coal he gave her on her face she'll have a charcoal face mask ready to go Janis: Can't wait to #cancel her for good Jimmy: just better not have the sleepover here, that kind of casual racism could have her in the running for my new step ma Janis: imagine the unfortunate children Janis: massive heads and bigger teeth Janis: christ Jimmy: don't Jimmy: I'm basically illiterate, they'd be thick as shit Janis: the work would truly NEVER end Janis: you leave her in charge of 'em... 🍄💉🧱🧨🪓🔥 Jimmy: however many 👶 they churned out, she's one more on top of Janis: can't let that happen to you Jimmy: but near worth it for the #goals 👰🤵 pics obvs Janis: you wouldn't even be the cutest page boy Janis: tragic 💔 Jimmy: long as you keep faking your 😍 mate, don't matter Janis: I think I'll manage Janis: 🏆 at stake Jimmy: gotta take at least one job seriously, I'm doing your other Janis: 1. stop any time and let me 2. and your sister when you can't be arsed Jimmy: my sister when I've gotta be audience to your gingerbread masterpiece, more like Jimmy: can't have you going without 👏 Janis: don't throw down the gauntlet if you don't want me to show you how it's done Jimmy: when a lass begs me for a challenge, she gets one Jimmy: just that dickhead Janis: If I was gonna beg, you'd know about it Jimmy: you did and I did Jimmy: stop flirting with me, I've got a kid to shake away Jimmy: *awake Janis: yeah piss off and be useful Janis: 👋 in a few Jimmy: you got that hint then? Know what your room reading skills are like Janis: 'course you do Janis: got to have something to aspire to Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt don't mean cracking on with the second bit, case you need that spelling out an' all Janis: you're the one that's thick Janis: in your own words, spellchecked, I assume Jimmy: and I've still got better social skills, Julie 💔 for you Janis: if I got paid by the hour, I might bother as well 😘 Jimmy: Oi that's a point Jimmy: never left a tip in my jar, you Janis: you mean the one time I came in? Jimmy: you'd have preferred some festive bollocks off the menu, yeah? Jimmy: I'll sort that for next time 🤶 Janis: maybe I preferred another barista boy, and I know how tip jars work, make you share it out all equally 👎 Jimmy: alright but do you know how pockets work? I've got a few of them to slip 💰 in Jimmy: you can have that tip to slide into your new boyfriend's DMs with 😘 Janis: you aren't strippers Janis: if you want to go the hooter route, you're gonna need to make those aprons shorter Jimmy: there's a few 👴👵 who ain't had that memo Jimmy: I'll @ my manager with your 🥇💡 though, see if he'll get it done for this afternoon shift Janis: you're welcome Janis: you'll be cold but swimming in 💰 so who cares Jimmy: northerns don't feel the cold, bit like strippers Jimmy: *northerners Janis: you didn't totally wimp out on the school trip Janis: or the park Jimmy: 💪🏆 me Jimmy: Ian'll be dead proud Janis: yeah Janis: shame about the complexion Janis: leave it out and you can brag and bond Jimmy: 🍻 Janis: heartwarming Jimmy: hang on, this'll have you 💀💀💀 inside again Jimmy: [Bobby's reaction vid to these decs] Janis: Awh Janis: bless him Jimmy: we did alright Janis: you happy too? Janis: no video needed Jimmy: [a pic like 😁👍] Janis: 🤓 Jimmy: *😎🚬 Janis: 👌 honey Janis: does look good Jimmy: he's doing a letter to say tah to Santa, might need you to spellcheck it for us Janis: He's well cute Janis: doubt I'll get mine to do it but her penmanship is shite so he'll look 🥇 in comparison Jimmy: wait til he 👀s mine Jimmy: I'll have to tell him it ain't just a squiggle but actually says tah for the missus and that, mate Janis: 🎅💔 Jimmy: *🎅🥊 Janis: 😂 Janis: long as the kids are distracted by the shit gifts they'll get Jimmy: do you want your shit 🎨🎁 now or in a bit? Janis: give it to me when they get theirs or I'll 🥺 Janis: love ruining christmas, me Jimmy: don't sound like you, that Jimmy: 🥇🎄 work Janis: don't forget the gingerbread house Janis: as I crave that 👏 Jimmy: I'll knock you up a tinfoil 🏆 to go with your 👑 Janis: what you gonna cover your no carb low fat tofurkey with?!!!!? 😱😱😱 Jimmy: you're more important, girl Janis: taste better, is the honest truth Janis: don't need to be a 🧛 to know Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: I'll stick that in the group chat Janis: you can say it but they're not gonna find out for themselves Jimmy: as constructive criticism goes it ain't bad but no need to take it as an instruction, lasses Janis: 🤢🤢 Janis: stop making me feel ill Janis: I've got to go break the ✨ surprise and get all the 🏆👑 Jimmy: piss off then Janis: TTFN Jimmy: 💕 Janis: [actually skip forward now] Janis: where do you wanna meet? we're ready Jimmy: We'll walk over, get the intros out the way before 🎅 can stick his oar in Janis: 👍 Janis: she's pretty good at pronunciation for a kid but you might have to step in if she gets too chatty Jimmy: keep her on the nice list, I get it Janis: Don't worry, she's not a dick like my sister or anything Jimmy: I weren't Jimmy: you wouldn't have invited her if she were owt like Gracie Janis: Good Janis: we'll be outside ☃️☃️ Jimmy: 👍 Janis: not got any 🚬🕶 going so can't make it in your likeness this time soz Jimmy: long as you get the 👂 and eyebrows sorted you can still tag me Janis: 🪒 Jimmy: 😍 Janis: you deserve a treat too, like Jimmy: I'm just pleased to see you, soz Jimmy: 🚫🔪🔨🔧🪓 Janis: don't worry, santa is coming through for me later Janis: 🤞 for ☣️ Janis: 🥴🤤🤮💀👻 Jimmy: 💰 on your man having a flask of socially acceptable poison Janis: yeah, give him the rosy red cheeks that complete the lewk Janis: nose that looks like a 🍓 Jimmy: that there's the only treat I need 🤤 Janis: 😂 Jimmy: [show up so these bubs can meet and start a lifelong friendship] Janis: [Libi just like bonjour, what are you going to ask Santa for, I'm gonna ask for this and this] Jimmy: [we know Bobby wants art supplies and a camera and we know why lol cue an eye roll from Jimothy as if he isn't buzzing to be loved] Janis: [no pretending that's not adorable, like, just like WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR CRAYON] Jimmy: [okay but imagine him taking a crayon from behind his ear where jimothy keeps 🚬] Janis: [imagine, Janis just 😏 above their heads like not encouraging bad habits or nothing] Jimmy: [jimmy just looking to see if it's black like his soul or blood red and tutting when it obvs isn't either of those] Janis: [shakes head like what have you been teaching him tbh, Libi saying hers is that bluey silver colour like her mum's hair and we oop] Jimmy: [Bobby just like I don't have a mum anymore cos kids don't give a fuck and Jimmy just like so glad I get to sign this] Janis: [just literally like gurl same! 'cos neither of you can tell a child to shut the fuck up lmao 'my mummy and daddy are dead, what happened to your mum?'] Jimmy: [Bobby just like 'she went away' because we truly know not] Janis: [just like fantastic, so glad we came, bet he's thrilled he invited us now, 'cos we're not even looking, just walking in total silence, meanwhile Libi like oh okay 'If she comes back, I can see her' and then moving on chatting about our dog and what we're getting her for Christmas] Jimmy: [Bobby just like 'my dad's about but you wouldn't want to meet him' and doing an impression of Ian's angry face and then telling her all about Twix because dogs 5ever, making Jimothy give him his phone to show Libi pics of this pup] Janis: ['my granddad could fight him' when you're like Libi shh that's not nice but at least that is amusing as a prospect, also clearly doing a phone swap 'cos you'd have that Killer queen content on yours, Libi being like 'Janis knows loads about dogs and has taught her loads of tricks because she used to be a naughty girl and wee everywhere and eat everyone's shoes' and loling] Jimmy: [Bobby just dangerously close to outting Jimmy's secrets by telling her that he fights Ian sometimes so casual so nbd and then telling her about how Cass did that dog walk the other day and going on and on about how naughty Twix is and all the things she's done] Janis: [JJ y'all gotta pick them up and run so you can shove breakfast in their gobs like nooooooooo 'you're so lucky you've got a brother AND a sister, even though your brother's old too' looking at Jimmy and shaking her head in disdain because that's the age of her aunties and stuff and kids have no concept of age they treat you like you're ancient but at least that's a joke we've had so Janis managing to look at Jimmy like lol, she knows your secret] Jimmy: [the most half hearted 😏 but we're a bit more amused when Bobby starts dragging Cass by doing an impression of how angry she is and stomping about etc as if she's worse than Ian] Janis: [she's cackling in that way babby's do 'you're funny, you're my new friend'] Jimmy: [Bobby is buzzing and we're using Jimothy's phone to have a selfie sesh but also take artsy pics of our new bff as we go along] Janis: [run along you innocent children, like you've not just revealed so much, god bless] Jimmy: [JJ just awkwardly af walking in silence now thanks kids] Janis: [going to apologize like several times but you can't even, where would you begin lmao, pretend it's chill] Jimmy: [chuck some snow at her or like shake a tree branch full of it onto her or something, any distraction will do] Janis: [fall into the safety of that] Jimmy: [if nothing else he's good at that when things are awkward] Janis: [likewise, when we sit down for this breakfast, you can do all the posting thus far] Jimmy: [cheers to the fans for that distraction, meanwhile Jimmy and Bobby can teach Libi some easy signing since we're BFFs and gonna be seeing more of you undoubtedly baby hen] Janis: [lucky for you gal, perks of being but a child, she'd love that 'cos mini nerd and she'll be able to pick it up as most nurseries now do makaton so it's a way into learning it] Jimmy: [at least the bubs are having a lovely time until Santa breaks Bobby's heart by not knowing any] Janis: [truly, a day of drama and stress when you're just trying to do something nice, if that don't sum up xmas] Jimmy: [the tea honey, at least that'll be easy to smooth over like the people I work with are dickheads as well boy, that ain't the real Santa's fault] Janis: [it happens a lot 'cos the shopping centre ones freak kids out rightly so, Libi just blowing raspberries at him like understand this loser 'cos we're a baby bad bitch] Jimmy: [I stan Libi and the way she'll protect him and make him less shy, cos you know we're doing it too after she has and didn't get shouted at lol] Janis: [you've got your prezzies kids, fuck him up, just tugging on Jimmy's sleeve and loudly being like 'What's sign for poopoo head?' 'cos the age hen] Jimmy: [obvs we're showing her and we're not sorry, Jimothy is a bad bitch too okay] Janis: [we're just calling everyone a poopoo head all day now, which I imagine is quite visually obvious because the swears etc usually are] Jimmy: [that has cheered everyone greatly thanks Libi] Janis: [you are a funny egg, at least, hence we can't be mad at you/ignore you because what is that achieving, 'tis not your fault Edie is dead luv] Jimmy: [and Edie wouldn't want that like you can be anti Ruster having her because she wouldn't want that obvs] Janis: [make that the hill and we lowkey ignore everyone else rn, at least in comparison to how everything was before, so it's fine lol, think we are gonna get y'all presents that don't suck and I think you should get pups and name them] Jimmy: [keeping them forever, you cannot destroy them Twix or Killer thank you] Janis: [keep 'em safe, lads, I think you should call yours Star, 'cos huskies are that silvery grey colour too and the names work well together because obviously your dogs are BFFs too] Jimmy: [aw Snow & Star 4ever] Janis: [making Janis make the dogs do little tricks for y'all and then cackling again when she makes 'em poo on Libi's head] Jimmy: [love this so much, also can't forget Jimmy giving Janis the 🎨 which can be when the bubs have their real 🎁 cos fuck you Santa] Janis: [we know she genuinely appreciates them honey, we're always excited to see what he's done] Jimmy: [god knows because he blatantly did it last night after she left/early this morning even before this convo started because never sleep well so] Janis: [you know Libi is gonna be all over that hun like SHOW ME and then being like draw me draw me to Jimmy and Bobby] Jimmy: [they shall honey because we love an art sesh] Janis: [the confidence of a child, just posing here with the dogs] Jimmy: [never change gal never lose it] Janis: [we're clearly making Janis too, then shouting out increasingly complicated things, like, make the dogs pull us on a sleigh, make us flying, like gal, your dreams lol] Jimmy: [Jimothy will never back down from a challenge, he's got you bub] Janis: [don't stress out poor Bobby though, at least you not a rude ass bitch so you wouldn't shade his attempt] Jimmy: [it'd be a cute attempt, BFF status cemented] Janis: [can put up these pics for extra cuteness, hoes will DIE] Jimmy: [I wish we actually had some but alas] Janis: [never be as good as our imagination anyway] Jimmy: [true, is there anything else we wanna have them do before he has to go back to work?] Jimmy: [could go to the park maybe because it's right by his house and thus mcvickers] Janis: [that's a good way to end this day for you kiddos, could also get the dogs which would make them lowkey hysterical with happiness so pop off] Jimmy: [love that cos we know Cass has probably walked the other dogs while they've been out for that cash so no time to take Twix] Janis: [live ya life, get ya things, but now you gotta go to work and we gotta] Janis: Thanks for today, reckon they both enjoyed themselves 👍✔ Jimmy: you're alright, were going any road and I reckon he had a better time with her about Janis: they were cute Janis: and she lives at my nan and granddads so if he wants to hang more, easy done Jimmy: 👍✔ Janis: Yeah Janis: well she doesn't always talk about her dead mum and dad so it shouldn't be a big thing Janis: sorry Jimmy: it weren't a big thing to him Jimmy: nowt for you to be sorry for Janis: It weirds plenty of kids out Janis: I could've warned you, I guess Jimmy: loads of kids reckon he's weird Jimmy: Asia's sister included Janis: some front when you look like your ma fucked a cheese grater Jimmy: her dad weren't at the nativity, might be 'cause he were stuck in a drawer, yeah Janis: dunno if she's got one any more Janis: 💀👑 flex Jimmy: what, like she fucked and ate him? Janis: 🐰🥕 Jimmy: #fated Janis: 💔 they didn't think so Jimmy: 💔 I can't change the station to Classic FM for them 🎻s Janis: Perils of 🎅🎄🎁☃️ Jimmy: ❌🎅 that shithead's 💀💀💀 to us Janis: yeah Janis: and his tunes are shit Jimmy: don't even care how fit that 🍓 were looking Jimmy: SO over him and his 👃 babes Janis: better off without him Janis: you can do SO much better Jimmy: 🖋 us a joke about him being a ho ho HOE Janis: I'll hit up the group chat Janis: their level of humour Jimmy: 🥇💡 Janis: and one of them has always just been dumped so they'll comiserate with you Jimmy: tah huns Janis: nothing if not the BEST friends to have Jimmy: DUH! Only time I'll accept 🥈 Janis: charming that is 😏 Jimmy: I get it 🎅 were a right let down, you need some 💕 Janis: just a bit rude that you're so gracious with them Jimmy: Baby Janis: Such a pisstake Jimmy: their BFF status, yeah Janis: you Jimmy: why me? Janis: you just are Jimmy: you can take it Janis: true Jimmy: I know, that'll be why I said it Janis: we're alright, yeah? Janis: I don't think shit needs to be weird just 'cos 2 kids have got no filter Jimmy: don't it feel like we're alright to you? Janis: it was a bit awkward Janis: but I'm over it if you are Jimmy: nowt to be over from where I'm serving overpriced ☕ Jimmy: just the unpaid translator earlier, me, none of my business what they were going on about Jimmy: if you wanna tell me something, up to you, that Janis: alright Janis: works for me Jimmy: she's world class at signing, won't need me after a bit, any road Janis: bit of a third-wheel Janis: cramp his style with your 🤓 Jimmy: *😎 Jimmy: but alright 🖍 are cooler than 🚬 give him that Janis: gonna usurp you in every way, for sure Jimmy: go on then, what's your fave colour 🖍 ? Janis: the important questions Janis: don't know why it's taken you so long Jimmy: tell me Jimmy: edge of the seat I ain't allowed to put my arse near til my next break Janis: 🎻😞 Janis: goldenrod or inchworm obvs Jimmy: gonna do your next 🎨 in them so 🤞 you took it serious Janis: it's 💛💚 so I'm gonna look like a keylime pie Jimmy: never said I were drawing you, bighead Janis: you will be though Jimmy: not gonna now for the sake of Janis: 1. I know you're tired, grumpy 2. How will they know it's goals??? Jimmy: 1. Bollocks 2. everything I touch turns to #goals, nowt I could do wrong Janis: 1. s'fair, you've been an unpaid translator, an artiste, santa and now barista boy who can't sit down 2. alright, if you want to add Midas to the CV but might be a bit much Jimmy: now I've got your permission I'll draw some eyes on 😎 and grab a quick kip 👍 tah for that, Jillian Jimmy: ❌ that off the CV though, noted Janis: it's fair but life and working a minimum wage job for your living ain't Janis: keep 💭 though and I'll let you focus on it and the overpriced ☕ Jimmy: where's your focus going? Janis: need to get another minimum wage job I can do sitting down so you don't take it over/ban me Jimmy: you were hopping round less today, that just for the kid's benefit or were you 💭 about keeping me out of pocket with a full recovery, like? Janis: 💭 about keeping you out the loop and pretending it's permanent Janis: have you munchausened me or am I munchausening you Janis: real question #2 Jimmy: well done on telling me that plan then Janis: Yeah, you know Janis: when you've pissed off who's gonna carry me about Jimmy: 🎅 Jimmy: you're heavy but not sack of 🎁 heavy Janis: true Janis: he's 💪 Janis: oh well, problem sorted then 👋 Jimmy: Lucas is a poor man's version an' all he'd be alright for a few lifts Jimmy: I'll race back for the funeral, obvs Janis: don't Janis: he actually offered me a lift once after a match and it was very awkward Janis: definitely not meant to do that, but he's a maverick, you know Jimmy: did you offer to take a lit match to his car or what? Janis: I'm not as witty as Libi Janis: but I did get detention for a week, which is funny as, like what you saying for? 'cos I didn't wanna get sexually assaulted and dumped in a ditch? Janis: 💩💩🧠 Jimmy: Stockholm syndrome only works for dickheads like me on dickheads like you 💔 for him Janis: 'scuse me? Jimmy: can't ⛓ you to a desk nowhere but in his dreams Jimmy: could've childlocked you into his motor but his lack of 🥇🗨 pissed on that Janis: If there was anything in his plan for me, might've worked Janis: but I'm not arsed about straight As Janis: 🤞 he tried Mia next Jimmy: she does look like she just crawled out a ditch Jimmy: dunno if we can score him any credit for that though Janis: just the #aesthetic babes Janis: try and look a bit buzzing when they come in, 'cos they will Janis: no need to 💔 them about 🎅 when you can act like it was the best time ever Jimmy: 😒 just my face, nowt personal, Mia Janis: NOT pleased to see her 🔧🔨🧨🪓🔪 Jimmy: I'll fake it if she fakes not being a Scrooge Janis: no need to go that far Jimmy: if you can't be a slag for tips at christmas, when can you, eh? Janis: 🙄😏 Jimmy: Oi, dead serious question, that Janis: I don't do your schedule Janis: though maybe I'll pop a CV in Janis: better or worse than step-mum nightmares? 🤔 Jimmy: Depends Janis: on? Jimmy: you gonna leave the ☕🎨 to me or are we making 🎄🍆 happen? Janis: 1. the #goals answer is the cup ain't big enough to do it justice, alright 2. if you were as good a teacher as Lucas, I might be better but most importantly 3. gonna be your manager, I'll never be there let alone ever make ☕s Jimmy: got it all figured out, you Jimmy: be piss easy for you to answer my next dead serious question Janis: yeah, aside for my total lack of experience for the role, well in Janis: so go on Jimmy: I were just thinking are we too 👰💍🤵? 👵💕👴 ain't #goals unless we're chatting my personal Janis: too domestic, you mean? Jimmy: we've done 👶🐕 if there ain't a christmas eve eve party I'll lose the 🤏 of faith I had in paddy teen humanity Janis: there's always parties Janis: it probably is time to hit another one up Jimmy: nowt to do with Ian clocking off for 🎄 and TOTALLY to do with me being chuffed to bits to give the fans what they're after Janis: 🙌 Janis: worth celebrating, I get it Jimmy: 🍾 Janis: as much as it pains me, I can't say I can't make it Janis: so sure, put in an appearance Jimmy: I get it 💔 you can't dance Jimmy: 🦶🎻🎻 Janis: at least I have an excuse Jimmy: me an' all, it's being a white northern lad Janis: 😂 Janis: I meant an excuse not to be ground on by randomers but yeah Jimmy: still works Janis: 💔💔 Jimmy: don't worry, I'll do my 😭 for pity tips, nowt you need to see Janis: if you're going that kind of party Janis: don't need to invite me Jimmy: I'll tell Doris to chuck her cardi on 💕 she'll love a bit of that Janis: unsurprised Janis: dirty bitch Jimmy: 😍😍 Janis: 🤢 Jimmy: green is right Janis: ha Janis: obviously Jimmy: whatever party we're going to, I will need a slaggy 🤶 ootd Janis: Penneys will have one you can pick up Jimmy: owt you want? Janis: not a fake beard Janis: ❌🎅 Jimmy: already got one of them in me Janis: fuck off Jimmy: in a bit then, Ellen Janis: you aren't funny Jimmy: still working on the 🤹 me Jimmy: ☕☕☕☕☕ Janis: keep at it Jimmy: they're here, should I invite 'em to this party or what? Janis: depends Jimmy: ? Janis: do you want an actual night off or do you wanna have to do #goals shit Jimmy: you heard, can do goals shit without trying Jimmy: do you want a night off? Janis: I asked you first Jimmy: so answer me first Janis: 🙄 Janis: I've had enough time off Janis: my ankle is better Jimmy: alright Janis: so answer Jimmy: I did Janis: Bitch, where Jimmy: I said alright Jimmy: I can do it Janis: no need to tax yourself Jimmy: piss off Janis: I'll go home and decorate mine Jimmy: 👌 Janis: don't invite them and you can actually have a decent time Jimmy: where? it's still a shit party full of dickheads Janis: it's your night off Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: you can't think of a single fun thing to do? Jimmy: if I ain't on your clock I'm on another Jimmy: 👶🐕 Janis: you said your dad was off Janis: is that not the entire point Jimmy: the entire point were I don't wanna be there, not that I don't have to be Jimmy: nowt #goals about pissing about for the sake of Jimmy: if you don't need me to be 🏆 they do Janis: if you don't wanna be there, then don't Janis: it doesn't make any odds if we're being #goals or not Janis: like your dad is really invested Jimmy: nowt I do is for that prick's benefit, didn't reckon that needed spelling out an' all Janis: that's my point Janis: do it for yourself Janis: don't need to pretend you're doing me a massive favour to warrant it Jimmy: what's it doing for me if I ain't? Janis: I don't know Janis: some peace and quiet Janis: time to fucking breathe Jimmy: you heard me, where? Jimmy: tisn't the season, mate Janis: for fuck's sake Janis: I never said I had all the answers for you Jimmy: don't have a go at me just 'cause I ain't chuffed at the prospect of becoming a ⛄ walking the streets of this shithole taking deep breaths or some bollocks Janis: you stop having a go at me first and we'll be quits Janis: sorry I don't have any top ideas of what you can do Janis: if I did we wouldn't need to bother with this bullshit Jimmy: 👍 Janis: whatever Jimmy: tah for that Janis: just piss off and do some work Jimmy: going against your night off stance but alright Jimmy: not the hill you wanna 💀💀💀 on Janis: whatever you're gonna do, you're still on the 🕡 right now Jimmy: weren't reckoning I had this apron on 'cause it makes me look even more fit and mysterious Jimmy: just a bonus, that Janis: funny Jimmy: come to the party with me, dickhead Janis: you're so frustrating Jimmy: how else you gonna prove to me your ankle is better and get your 🐕🏃💰 back? Jimmy: come on Janis: alright Jimmy: alright Janis: I thought you wanted to go alone Jimmy: what for? Janis: be off my 🕡 Jimmy: this is the easiest job I've got Jimmy: and before you start, NOT saying you are Janis: I'm not starting nothing Janis: it just pisses me off when you act like it's all my idea, or I wanna do it Janis: it's mutually beneficial, that's the point Janis: and the rest of them are the ones 👀 & 💬 Janis: not me Jimmy: it were my idea, I ain't forgotten that or why it's a 🥇 Jimmy: I'm a mardy prick, can't fake that I ain't all the time Janis: I'll survive Jimmy: I'll make it up to you Janis: don't need to Jimmy: but we both need Ian's stash more than him Janis: not gonna argue with that Jimmy: mutually beneficial, I heard you Janis: he can enjoy some sober family fun Janis: I'm not going to enjoy any party if I'm not at least a bit buzzed Jimmy: you can be pissed as 💀#2 were by round 2 of that game if you want, used to carrying you by now Janis: considering how much we've eat today Janis: literally impossible Jimmy: 💔 I can't accept that challenge 'cause I ain't no lightweight Jimmy: feels wrong turning one down Janis: what else is a party for Janis: be loads of others to 🥇 Jimmy: quick, give me one I can do now before I vanish 👻👋 Janis: 🤔🤔 hmm Janis: I don't know much about this ☕😍 life Janis: but how many non-dairy orders can you 🐄 up before any of 'em notice and complain Janis: trusting you not to bullshit, dickhead Jimmy: I swear on our kid's fake 🐕 Janis: hope the real one ain't savaged poor snow Janis: will be all your fault, obvs Jimmy: sounds like her, that Jimmy: and me getting the blame'd be about right an' all Jimmy: 🤞🤞 Janis: Poor baby Jimmy: you better mean me Janis: 'course I mean you Jimmy: know what you're like 🐕💕 Janis: didn't even buy myself one, firstly Janis: and secondly, you know you're 🥇 don't be jealous Jimmy: I'd have nicked you one but 👀 and 👂 already got our sticking a 🖍 behind his Jimmy: no need to turn 'em into baby Bonnie and Clyde Janis: thank god he's cute Janis: or it'd be baby borstal Janis: use the disability card and there's nothing he can't do 😎🖍 Jimmy: and then it'd be baby 👻 'cause he'd never hack that Janis: 🥺 Janis: got that from you and all Jimmy: how much bollocks were yours 🗨? Janis: I know you're gutted she got your number Janis: 👴 Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: is there owt you can do for our real 🐕 or what? Janis: Oh Janis: well, yeah Janis: that's the side hussle 'cos the rich cunts who cba to walk their own dogs also cba to train 'em, oddly enough Jimmy: it's too 💰💰💰 for us poor lads then Janis: not necessarily Janis: need the funds myself so we can do 💰 and a favour Jimmy: if you're 💭 mates rates he weren't 🗨 bollocks about how 😈🐕 it is Janis: it can't be worse than that thing was Janis: Killer ain't a funny nickname 'cos it was so 😇 Jimmy: might have to be a big favour, all I'm saying Janis: if you can't afford it Jimmy: made 2 🐄☕ with no 🤬 or 💩 already, be alright Janis: 🤞 Jimmy: 🤝? Janis: you don't want to hear what favour I might want? Janis: brave Janis: but a deal Jimmy: I ain't scared of giving you owt you might want, Jules Janis: Good Jimmy: 👍 Janis: be a really boring party otherwise Jimmy: can't have that Janis: would be gutted Janis: and I do owe you for all the kid time today Jimmy: #notallsantas Jimmy: you'll get no 💔 off me Janis: not what I want Janis: but I did miss being alone with you Janis: I know she's a lot Jimmy: she's alright Janis: she's just a kid Janis: she don't know no better Jimmy: 🥈 to 😎🖍 obvs but I rate her as kids go Janis: duh, that 💕🥇 is mutual Jimmy: he's got no mates here yet, it were a 🏆 day for him Janis: I'm glad Janis: she liked him too Janis: wouldn't shut up Jimmy: he's probs still going on to my sister an' all Janis: gonna owe her something now Janis: probably a bit better than a cuddly 🐕 Jimmy: she's done alright out of the 🐕🏃💰 she'll live Janis: she don't need to re-cripple me for the gig Janis: plenty of 🐕🏃💰 to go 'round, don't need to be 14 for that Jimmy: she'll be 💔 you don't wanna 🥊 but yeah Jimmy: she can't be arsed to do ours but I don't blame her when it's Ian's 💰 Janis: I don't make it a habit 👶🍭 Jimmy: brb gotta @ her that fighting 🗨 Janis: such a shit-stirrer Janis: it's alright, not tryna be your new step-mum, don't need to parent-trap me Jimmy: it's called making coffee when it's my 9-5, babe Janis: 😂 get him some chalk he's had an 💭💡 Jimmy: can do my 🐄☕ tally an' all Janis: make your least fave colleague clean the bogs today Jimmy: whoever the lad is you said you liked ✔ Janis: 😨 Jimmy: 😏 Janis: trying to turn everyone against me, I 👀 Janis: only going to have to make it up to him, think on Jimmy: not if I do first 😘 Janis: 🐍 Jimmy: bit of editing that's a 🍆📏 compliment Janis: UGH Janis: bastard Jimmy: 😂 Janis: you always go on about just the tip so Janis: can't confirm nor deny ladies 💁🙊 Jimmy: one way to get me to do nudes Janis: Eurgh, don't Janis: I'll hype you up in the tweets, fine Jimmy: go on then Janis: alright Janis: [least subtle posts ever 'cos a challenge] Jimmy: [cue a flirting via socials sesh because love that for you two always] Janis: [always a mood] Janis: so goals Jimmy: Where do you reckon 💀👑 is on the scale? Janis: 😠 Janis: but if she does come to this party Janis: 🤬 potential Jimmy: but you ain't factored in she can see my 😍 IRL Jimmy: have another go Janis: 😡 Janis: so festive of her Janis: #2 bringing the 🤢 Jimmy: proud of you Janis: Babe 😊😌 Janis: are they all there? Jimmy: yeah Janis: wow ✨ miracles never cease 🙄 Jimmy: 👀 🛍 about to go ask if there's owt for us Janis: real 🎅 right there Jimmy: gonna pretend I can't understand her answer Jimmy: if that other dickhead can get away with it Janis: 😏 Jimmy: Where's Libi when I need her? Janis: she could rinse them Jimmy: I'd dip into the tip jar to see it Janis: too bad she's probably having her tea right now Janis: downsides of being 4 Jimmy: can't promise her owt better off this menu Janis: sounds like too much excitement for one day Janis: my nan'll be fuming Jimmy: I'll be round to make it up to her in a bit 🦷🌹🦷 Janis: no tah, Romeo Jimmy: spoilsport Janis: you wanted an outfit, I'm out 👀 🛍 Jimmy: watch your 🦶 in the stampede Janis: it's mental Janis: 🥊 for the bargains Jimmy: do you a 🥊 alongside my 🐄☕ Jimmy: high scores over here Janis: you're on Jimmy: 🖋👂 til my next break Janis: cute Jimmy: Bill's 👻 on at me to write you a sonnet Janis: how many did he crack out? Janis: so many hoes Jimmy: I'd ask but he's flirting now Jimmy: never takes a break, him Janis: Oh Bill Janis: the slutty friend in this sitcom Jimmy: *romcom Janis: so soz Jimmy: 😘 Janis: can't believe how cliche this shit is and we're still getting new fans Jimmy: just that good Janis: thanks, I am Jimmy: said it before Jimmy: as a muse, you're 🥇 Janis: you're not so bad yourself Jimmy: I'll aim my 😳 at their table, tah for the MASSIVE compliment Janis: I could do better but Jimmy: ? Janis: maybe it'll make me 😳 Jimmy: you're in hell, there's your excuse Jimmy: *🥵 Janis: I already know what we're gonna do at this party and honestly, I would've come even if you didn't want me to Janis: 'til you you did Jimmy: will you come here? Janis: yes Jimmy: 🚫🏃 Janis: okay Janis: but now, yeah? Jimmy: what kind of question is that? Janis: One I want you to answer Jimmy: one you know the answer to Jimmy: 'course now Janis: 👍 Janis: hold on Jimmy: I don't care if they're still here, that's not why Janis: No? Jimmy: I'll still want you here when they've pissed off Janis: I know Janis: I wanna be there Janis: you know, with you Jimmy: I know it gets a bit Jimmy: what I mean and don't Jimmy: what's for them and what's for you Janis: headfuck Janis: but we both knew that Jimmy: yeah Janis: I can handle it Jimmy: I wouldn't have picked you if I didn't reckon you could Janis: not a total bastard Jimmy: just 🤏 Janis: I like it Jimmy: obvs, your type is 🎅 Janis: 💩heads? Janis: maybe Jimmy: works for me Janis: [show up gal] Jimmy: [have an epic makeout sesh in front of all these shoppers going past and the gals inside 👀🍿 through the huge windows] Janis: [you've earnt it] Jimmy: [and Mia always deserves to be fuming] Janis: [very true honey, we know you and Pablo is all but over now] Jimmy: [he won't have bought you any goals gifts, what are you gonna do buy them yourself and imply they are from him? awkward] Janis: [didn't come to your friendmas even though you told him to, he's not serving his purpose hen] Jimmy: [notp in every sense] Janis: [we been knew, bye gals, we aren't remotely thinking about you rn] Jimmy: [lowkey never are, you're a flimsy excuse at most huns] Janis: [one we don't need currently] Jimmy: [are you coming in when his break is over or are you off again gal?] Janis: [we're coming in 'cos he asked you to stay] Jimmy: [we'll make you food you actually wanna eat, it's been ages since breakfast] Janis: [just try and find somewhere to perch and chill] Jimmy: [we'll do you the favour of saying Mia made the gals storm past you mid makeout or whatever so you don't have to sit with them] Janis: [lmao imagine, bring your festive spirit down more than the kids chatting up a storm earlier lmao] Jimmy: [that's the last thing we need, he'd get in trouble by letting you sit in the staff area before he made you share their table lol] Janis: [should do that, you know his managers long gone for xmas lol] Jimmy: [honestly go ahead gal we haven't done any of the getting in trouble stuff yet so his record is spotless rn] Janis: [us 😈 lmao] Jimmy: 👍? Janis: 👍 Janis: like what you've done with the place Jimmy: it were a bit more 🎄 but some dickhead nicked loads of it Janis: shocking Janis: some people have no shame Jimmy: if you reckon that's bad, you'll never get your head round how some people spend their 🚬 breaks, Judith Jimmy: enough to make you 😳 Janis: The people with holes and ink all over their body have bad habits? 😱 Janis: will not hear of it Jimmy: SO pure 😇 Janis: you had a costume change of 💘? Jimmy: that one's gotta be yours, Tiny Tim, for seeing the good in everyone's 💘 Janis: cheers for not calling me a 🐷 anymore, I guess Jimmy: you're welcome 🐸 Janis: 😏 Janis: don't fancy eating flies though Jimmy: Dunno if I could keep faking 😍 for you and your new diet Janis: it is a big ask Janis: wonder if I can convince the gals it's the new thing though Jimmy: nowt more #goals than a lad who'll pick flies out of his 🦷🦷 for you Jimmy: they'll FINALLY know their 💕 is real Janis: Beautiful, truly Jimmy: I'll pass it on to Bill's 👻 Janis: bit rude that he's not solely focused on our story Jimmy: *I'll 👻🥊 Janis: hot Jimmy: that's the ☕ I'm 🤹 Janis: I couldn't actually work here Jimmy: I couldn't actually have you work here Janis: fight for the tips too real Janis: I get it Jimmy: that'll do for why Janis: go on Jimmy: what? Janis: give me the bulletpoints Jimmy: you're alright 🤓 Janis: tah, babe Jimmy: and I'm alright for not 🖋 you a naughty list Jimmy: which you know were what I meant Janis: you're 🤹 Janis: I know Janis: can't blame me for trying Jimmy: you heard me #notallsantas Jimmy: don't wanna watch you sleep either, tah Janis: I appreciate you saying that Janis: don't sound at all like you're gonna Jimmy: 👀 Janis: thank god the sleepover didn't happen Janis: you and 💀👑 meet over my corpse Jimmy: I'll sort a new one since you're 💔 Janis: with who? Jimmy: I'm just the 💪🏆 Jimmy: up to you, that Janis: 🎅👴😎☕ Janis: party Jimmy: and what, we all chuck our 🔑s in a bowl? Jimmy: or just pass you around Janis: UM Janis: how dare you, we do face masks and watch movies Jimmy: 🥱😴 Janis: 😱😱 BABES Janis: 😭 Jimmy: SOZ Janis: you are SO uninvited from the gangbang now Jimmy: 😭😭😭 Janis: it's me who's a 🍆 down Janis: you're so selfish Jimmy: if you've still got that 🪒 it's easily sorted Janis: bit rapey Janis: 😎☕ is basically an open invitation in this place Jimmy: no need to just castrate me with your 🗨 Jimmy: there's my consent Janis: you aren't bleeding out yet Janis: sorry Jimmy: I'll stop it with the steam wand Janis: ooh Janis: resourceful Jimmy: Oi, don't sound so surprised, dickhead Janis: I didn't expect you to have really considered castration that much, tbh Janis: but yes 💪🧠 Jimmy: never gonna unlock all my kinks with that attitude Janis: 😂 Janis: you're keeping the list 🔒 Jimmy: when you're ready for it, I'll give you the bulletpoints Janis: How am I not ready for it? Jimmy: you're here for a start Jimmy: what are we gonna do get a wet floor sign out and stick a 🧹 through the door handle? Janis: are we going to do that? Jimmy: that on your list? Janis: Well, it is now Jimmy: good, 'cause we ain't gonna have time to do more than the one ✔ before Doris is kicking off for her ☕ or invite Janis: She can wait Janis: I don't want to share you right now Jimmy: [showing up for 😈 antics because his manager ain't here and we don't care what our co-workers think] Janis: [live your best lives guys there is no reason not to] Jimmy: [Pete if you're here ILY and you would do the exact same with your gf so but fuck the rest of y'all truly] Janis: [maybe not exactly the same if you're a little less extra but yes, we aren't interested] Jimmy: [you're a bit older and chiller but you know] Janis: [soz you aren't living a romcom lmao god bless] Jimmy: [JJ out here doing the most and living their dreams from day 1] Janis: [we just skirting around our trauma and trying to live and be young and I love that for you] Jimmy: [literally imagine just having to go back to work like 👋 in a bit as if that didn't just happen I always die thinking about stuff like this] Janis: [lol your life, hence I think you should go back out shopping for a bit girl 'til he's ready to leave] Jimmy: [thank god you're both shameless because even though nobody would've heard anything with the christmas tunes and how busy it is, everyone totally knows] Janis: [y'all aren't subtle, enjoy the #bants and/or disgust from your coworkers Jimothy soz] Jimmy: [making friends everywhere he goes, you're welcome for the fact you're gonna get sacked from here because you're not leaving Dublin in a hot sec like you think you are] Janis: [you're all teens/young adults, y'all be getting messy in all the ways, don't judge lol] Jimmy: [mhmm and we know the kinda hipster peeps who be working there ain't it so shhh] Janis: that girl with the pink hair and neck tat gave me the biggest evils Jimmy: it's just her face Jimmy: 😒 part of our uniform Jimmy: and her hair's rose gold, very festive of her, get it right Janis: roots down to her eyebrows and all Janis: tell your girlfriend she's safe it's #fake Jimmy: oh Ashleeeee Jimmy: I'll tell her to get down the salon Janis: or stick a santa hat on Janis: problem solved if she covers her face with it too Jimmy: she'd probably make a better ☕ blind an' all Janis: you're 🥇 are you? Jimmy: you're asking questions you know the answer to again Janis: I don't drink it, I can't comment Jimmy: it weren't a #humblebrag she's a 🎄 temp, can't do fuck all but 😒 and gone before her roots'll reach her chin Janis: makes sense Janis: least you can blame the 🐄☕ on her Jimmy: except 💀👑 and co's, reckon they'll know that were me, if they ever know Janis: none of them are asking for no 🐄 'cos it makes them shit their brains out Janis: but that extra 1/8 lbs will give it away 😣 😖 😫 😩 🥺 😢 😭 😤 😠 😡 🤬 🤯 Jimmy: if it made 'em 💩 they'd ask for it, hoard the laxatives for another day, I get it Janis: True Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: soz if you find any 💩 in the changing rooms though, mate Jimmy: 🐄☕ well into double figures Janis: that's just any other day for Penney's Janis: but I'll sign your name if you like Jimmy: Tah Janis: gold sharpie Janis: make it festive Jimmy: just like that, going from muse to artist, you Janis: A ⭐ is born Janis: don't ruin it for me when I get my grammy and you're an alcoholic Jimmy: nowt fake about their 💕 Jimmy: if you don't go that hard for me when my missus, Ashlee is front row, you ain't having that oscar Janis: 😏 Janis: only to catch her 😒 on camera Jimmy: bollocks, in it for the 👏👏🌹👏 you Janis: you're just in it to be serenaded so don't @ me mate Jimmy: not denying it Janis: 😍 x1000 Jimmy: owt to give me a break from these fucking 🎄🎵 Janis: reckon the staff here have gone full zombie Janis: 💀 in the 👀 and 🧠 Jimmy: bit rude of you not to leave me for 💀💀💀 back there Jimmy: could be us rotting but you're playing 💔 Janis: Rosie was gonna passive-aggressively ask me to buy something or leave if I didn't Jimmy: taking orders from her'll do nowt for them gay rumours Jimmy: need a #LAD to tell you what to do, duh Jimmy: I'll give you a shout when I find one Janis: Shut up, s'why I left before she could say fuck all Janis: and how are there gonna be any gay rumours when the reason she's pissed off is 'cos she's jealous Jimmy: depends who she's jealous of Janis: if she's gay that's her problem Janis: but she's jealous of me, FYI Janis: take the compliment Jimmy: don't sound like me, that Jimmy: you're the 👏👏🌹👏 chaser Janis: 1. rude 2. bollocks Jimmy: 1. ain't much of a compliment if she fancies me 2. I'll have you know my head's genetically this big Janis: you know what you look like and you're well 😏 about it Janis: not saying you're wrong Jimmy: I know what she looks like an' all Janis: not like she's the only one 😍 is it Jimmy: my inbox is as full as yours Janis: yeah Jimmy: so you've got nowt to be jealous of Janis: I'm not jealous Jimmy: what then? Janis: I'm just saying she is Janis: fuck sake big head, don't get it twisted Jimmy: don't get a mard on Janis: I'm not, idiot Jimmy: 👌 Janis: Are you? Jimmy: ? Janis: in a mood? Jimmy: why would I be? Janis: I don't know Janis: why would I be, like Jimmy: 😒 ain't in your job description Janis: I'm not Janis: I only left so you could actually get some work done Janis: that's all Jimmy: alright Janis: don't actually care what your coworkers reckon but you do have to work with them Janis: least for a while longer Jimmy: I'll live Janis: it's about making shit easier Janis: not harder, yeah Jimmy: you did Jimmy: not saying I'm 😁👍 or nowt but Janis: not even a little? Janis: shit review, that Jimmy: you can have one of the dead eyed ones 😀 or 😃 Janis: I'd rather 😒 Jimmy: [a 😒 selfie like there you go ILY] Janis: tah Jimmy: I rate you, you know I do Janis: shh Jimmy: not gonna sing it but Janis: if we've got to be a romcom Janis: not being one with a musical number Jimmy: won't argue 🤐 Jimmy: #notallnortherners 🎭🩰🎤 Janis: you're warning me how embarrassing you're gonna be at this party Janis: I get it Jimmy: can't say you ain't been now Jimmy: #notalldaddys an' all Jimmy: dickhead dad if I'm owt Janis: however goals that may be Janis: I'd sooner grate my face off Jimmy: you always know EXACTLY what to say Jimmy: really fulfil my nursing kink, that will Janis: how great would you look if you stayed with me Janis: my only positive, gone Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: be even more mysterious to make up for losing how fit you are Janis: 😶😶😶 Janis: what is she thinking Jimmy: 🤯🤯🤯 Janis: do you if you like Janis: #muteandcute Jimmy: the couple who self harms together are obvs gonna stay together Janis: 💀💀 means forever 😃😃 Jimmy: long as it don't backfire when everyone reckons I've been cracking onto Asia's dad 💋 Janis: reunite 'em for the holidays Janis: ✨💕 Jimmy: you're really earning that 😇 costume for tonight Janis: you'll still steal the show, babe Jimmy: you ARE the show, babe 👀🍿🔪 Jimmy: Ashleeeeeee's got nowt on 💀👑 Jimmy: or my long lens Janis: 😂 Janis: dope Jimmy: promise not to do you like princess di, know you'd hate everyone going on about you for that long Janis: what good is 👏👏🌹👏 if I can't 👂 Janis: obvs Jimmy: 👻 perks Jimmy: get to be a right nosy dickhead forever Janis: suits you Janis: no 🧛 perks except the taste Jimmy: 🦷🦷 suit you Jimmy: what about 💪🏆🏃🥇? Janis: that's just me Jimmy: SUCH an athlete Jimmy: I've heard Janis: I'll show you if you ever stop fussing and nursing Jimmy: BUT 🥺 Janis: I know Janis: but I need a redemption arc Jimmy: nowt wrong with 😈 Janis: falling on my arse though Janis: 👎 Jimmy: 👍 for me Jimmy: but I get it, you wanna impress me Janis: if I wanted to impress you, I just would Janis: it's easy Jimmy: 🗨 is Janis: you'll 👀 Jimmy: *📷 Janis: if you can catch me Jimmy: challenge accepted Janis: 💪 Jimmy: tah very much, compliment accepted an' all Janis: when you out? Jimmy: [a time which I hope isn't forever away because work sucks enough without your co-workers gossiping about your love life] Janis: 👍 Janis: might compliment you then Jimmy: you find a party? Janis: [a selection of, 'cos these teens are extra] Jimmy: we gonna #bless the one or do a tour? Janis: a tour is actually a good idea Janis: fuck it up Janis: go before it's really shit Jimmy: there you go again sounding 😱😱 that I've had a 🥇💡 Janis: like I'm meant to reckon every 💭 you have is golden Jimmy: glad we're on the same 📖 FINALLY Janis: 🙄 Janis: I'm on a whole new book, babes Jimmy: alright, give us a chance Jimmy: basically illiterate Janis: awh Janis: keep practising on those coffee cups hun Jimmy: good job I nicked our kid's 🖍 Janis: long as it weren't a swap Jimmy: @ nspcc Janis: you're alright Janis: this country is infamous for not giving a shit about kids Jimmy: that'll be why Ian brought us here Janis: if he tries to give you to some nuns, run Jimmy: into their arms #kinkunlocked Janis: sure that's another costume Janis: want an outfit change? Jimmy: not very festive though, is it? Jimmy: if I were the baby Jesus, that's one thing, but his groupies Janis: well you can't go as baby Jesus Janis: that's obscene Janis: and where am I getting a loincloth as this hour, thank you Jimmy: such a letdown, you Jimmy: seen you piss about and craft a 🐑 for fuck's sake, it's ALMOST like you DON'T WANT to make this happen for me Janis: it's almost like you're a complete exhibitionist Jimmy: Lucas would support me, knew I should've picked him Janis: no one's stopping you Jimmy: UGH and now you're not even gonna fight for me 😭😭 Janis: you'll come crawling back when he's trying to pick up more 12 year olds again Jimmy: less of a rom com more of a crimewatch reconstruction Janis: you, the clueless wife who had NO idea Janis: sure, Sharon Janis: turning a blind eye so you didn't have to fuck him Jimmy: chuffed he's pissing off out so I can watch telly without his loud breathing doing my head in Janis: You're an Emmerdale fan, definitely Janis: neighbours and home and away in the afternoons Jimmy: Doctors is my top pic though obvs Janis: your only friends are the characters in your stories Janis: sad, honestly Jimmy: Oi don't forget the 🐩 I'm starting to look like Jimmy: it hates me, obvs, so I get why you didn't 💭 Janis: it doesn't want you to baby it but it's all you wanted it for Jimmy: he won't put a 👶 in me and that's 💔 but OMG it's just like one of my fave plots #conflicted Janis: Sharon, you're barren Janis: you need to come to terms with it Jimmy: DUN DUN DUN Jimmy: but it's me doing my own piss poor drum roll Janis: 😂 meanwhile, casual serial killer b plot with your mans Jimmy: Sharon, you're having a mental breakdown Jimmy: this is a REAL doctor's office Janis: not you trying to seduce your fave doctor and it's actually your GP and he's gonna call the psych ward Jimmy: 🚨🚨🚨 Jimmy: your man is gonna pin his crimes on you, hun Janis: omg Janis: when the truth outs, you're gonna be fully gone Janis: maybe in a cheeky coma Jimmy: bit of amnesia so I reckon I did do it an' all Janis: oh god Janis: so like a woman Janis: just lethal inject me 'cos I'm a monster who can't even have kids Jimmy: Oh Sharon Janis: Lucas will keep getting away with it for 4 more seasons Janis: then your ghost will pop up and it'll all get sorted in an ep Jimmy: I'll work with the 👻s of his victims, grab a spin off out of it Janis: full circle, you watching your show from your armchair in your dark, depressing lounge Jimmy: 🎨 Janis: welcome for the A on your next art project Jimmy: IOU Janis: not bothered about credit Jimmy: alright, what do you want? Janis: 🤔 Jimmy: go on Janis: I need to think of an idea right now? Jimmy: 🚫⏲ Jimmy: just no need to hold back if you've already got one Janis: I'll take my time Janis: no point saying something now, thinking of something I want more later Jimmy: won't have you 🖋🩸 it's alright Jimmy: if you change your mind, just tell me that Janis: you're bad at business Jimmy: that'll be why I ain't the manager Janis: 💔 babe Janis: the free time you'd have 🤯🤯 Jimmy: could train my own 🐕 Janis: hey now Janis: that's my 💰 Jimmy: real 💔 Janis: in it for the 👏👏🌹👏💰💰 Jimmy: I got that Janis: 👍 Jimmy: 👍 Janis: hush Janis: got outfits to buy and christmas tunes to hear for the 42nd time today Jimmy: I won't serenade you then Janis: if you can get a christmas 🥇 then I will 👰💍🤵 for the royalties Jimmy: alright, piss off I need to crack on with that and you've got a 👰💍🤵 to plan Janis: 👋😘 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: [party time] Jimmy: [obvs we just want them to have a nice time but have you got anything specific in mind?] Janis: [hmm, obvs the main party is tomorrow, so we can be more chill, but we can also make drama if we want 'cos yolo] Jimmy: [I was thinking at one of the parties they hit they should see Mia cheating again cos Pablo is on the outs and also she just would anyway] Jimmy: [but that could be today or tomorrow like] Janis: [we should do today 'cos you ain't the focus tomorrow remotely hun, and it's just fun] Jimmy: [agreed, the focus tomorrow is being festive af as always, as much fluff as I can clutch with my grabby hands] Janis: [so if anything, get drama that isn't them, aka flat whites etc out tonight] Jimmy: [love it because Mia would think she was being so sneaky but we see you hen] Janis: [merry christmas beech] Jimmy: [gather that blackmail lads, you'll want it when she gets him sacked by being a Karen] Janis: [yep thanks for not before xmas at least] Jimmy: [I'm sure she's wishing she could rn] Janis: [too bad you walked out in disgust lmao it got so much worse] Jimmy: [sucks to suck gals] Janis: [what drama can we do with y'all hmm] Jimmy: [unrelated but can we say they're drunk in love enough that he stays at mcvickers because Ian sucks and we don't need that in our lives] Janis: [yes, just know the Libi is gonna come in in the AM to wake you up and out you lol] Jimmy: [ngl LOVE that even if you two won't] Janis: [in my mind if she ain't snuck in Janis' bed before she's even home, she comes in well early as kids do so LOL] Jimmy: [he's used to that with Bobby cos that boy is always sleeping with him we know] Janis: [and I alluded to it in a previous convo so go us, anyway, yes, that can totally happen, it wouldn't be far if he had to run so makes sense] Jimmy: [it's beyond obvious that you both never wanna leave each other so] Janis: [let's not lie to ourselves lads except lowkey we do lol] Jimmy: [tbf this is the first time you've had a chance to get drunk together since fake dating started cos we didn't have enough booze on the school trip and unlike the flatwhites you aren't lightweights who got drunk during that friendmas game sesh] Janis: [hohohohohoh the potential] Jimmy: [evil laugh x 3 because Winnie is too] Janis: [let's hit up this first shit party, idk if she genuinely got you a costume to put on or what, Imma say yeah but idk if I have anything particularly festive for you so I'll have to look] Jimmy: [I hope she did, what's more festive than crossdressing] Janis: [get it boy, you'll look hot and no one can deny] Jimmy: [she should be an angel like in Hazel's book even if we can't document the lewk] Janis: [I'm sure I'll be able to find that content somehow] Jimmy: [I'm not even gonna try because I know I won't, Ezra Miller and Harry Styles can only do so much and I don't think they've been festive lol] Janis: [yeah, I'm trying to think of like a movie or something where it was a thing hmm] Janis: [oh, the try guys do it, maybe eugene?] Jimmy: [body shots have to happen at one of these shit parties because #mood] Janis: [very easily done with your lewks lol] Jimmy: [that's what I was thinking, just think of all the love bites there would actually be too though what a statement] Janis: [turns up to your function in no clothes, excuse me, y'all are already on one today, there will be no chill we know it] Jimmy: [tipsy before we get there as well tah Ian] Janis: [thank you for nothing but that dickhead] Jimmy: [and actually being there for once so he can stay at mcvickers and be a carefree teen] Janis: [I mean yes but you are those kids dad not jimothy so I will not applaud you] Jimmy: [doing the least and we hate you so much] Janis: [I think Mia should be at the first party and we can catch her whilst we're still a bit sober lol] Jimmy: [yeah definitely one of the earlier ones, it makes sense for that reason and because the parties would obvs start out more basic and get wilder as the night goes on cos most people aren't throwing a rager on christmas eve eve] Janis: [yeah, and if she's at some party that's trying to be sophisticated and lowkey and then they show up 1. LOL 2. she would be caught unawares] Jimmy: [ooh what if she's just gone out with Ella and not the others so it's double tea because that's not in the friendmas spirit] Janis: [I really imagined a date and I was like lovely haha, but totally a vibe, pretending they're busy if the other gals are at another party or whatever] Jimmy: [I might fuck around and give Jimothy an injury of some sort for christmas cos tis the season and Ian is 100% that bitch] Janis: [yeah, he is, a vibe, but not, so rude] Jimmy: [it's gonna have to be christmas eve or day cos they are going to Skerries for boxing day so note to self] Janis: [what if what if that's why she goes to see him xmas day, ultimate rudeness Ian] Jimmy: [yeah because we did say they must] Janis: [dunno where you're huffing off to ian but uninterested, we must] Jimmy: [and then it makes even more sense why they go to Skerries/don't try very hard to come back when they get snowed in, not desperate to spend time with you sir ] Janis: [it all makes sense, also remember the ice bath we can make you a snow pack] Jimmy: [so yeah after whatever they're doing christmas eve, remind me he's gotta go home alone so that can kick off] Jimmy: [also if people have been stupid enough to leave presents under their trees they should steal some] Janis: [noteddd, that's so grinchy and why you don't have xmas parties but with friends people, you deserve it lol, also if we wanna do some messaging, they could lose Mia and have to split up to find her rn, could be amusing] Jimmy: [not all the gifts thank you lads but at least one from every party that it's an option as a memento, ooh good idea boo] Janis: report back, scooby Janis: I'm in the bogs, no sign 😱 Jimmy: leave your 🐕 fetish out of it and concentrate Jimmy: she ain't outside ⛄ Janis: alright, you wanna be daphne Janis: full bimbo now Jimmy: piss off do I wanna be a ginger Jimmy: have a word with yourself Janis: omg VELMA 🤓 Jimmy: how am I not Fred dressed like this? Janis: he was so fashionable Janis: I wanna be Fred though so fuck you Jimmy: UGH fine Jimmy: I know you're 🤓 and I'm him but crack on lying to yourself Janis: that's rude Janis: don't make me your #2 Jimmy: if the glasses fit, girl Janis: 😡 Janis: i'm going kitchen Janis: it's a long shot but i'm getting drink for me and none for you Jimmy: smash some glasses and plates, you'll calm down Jimmy: or you know, make me a 🥪 Janis: knuckle sandwich Jimmy: 😍😍 Janis: so distracting Jimmy: you Janis: nah Janis: we're on a mission focus your 😍😍 Jimmy: [sending her pics of #bants things like I've found her, oh no wait] Janis: [have a lil game, nerds] Jimmy: [obvs you're gonna have to find her eventually I doubt there's that many places she could be so be silly while you can] Janis: Jim I've found her Janis: omg Janis: come here Jimmy: [does even though he's expecting a pisstake] Janis: [hopefully this house isn't that big because you did not tell him anything there lmao, also be quiet or she'll see and you'll ruin it] Jimmy: [she said she was heading to the kitchen so likewise and we'll cross paths lol] Jimmy: 😱😱😱 Janis: [you're so conspicuous rn god bless, but keep an eye on her best you can until you can get dirt] Janis: be 😎 nerd Jimmy: keep your head down 🦒 Janis: i'd say make me but you'll just be 😍😍 Jimmy: [a LOOK that's meant to be pisstakey like what am I like but it's just shamelessly a LOOK lol] Janis: [you know when bitches always kiss in movies when they need to hide, doing that, as if there is a need okay] Jimmy: [love that for you] Janis: [oh the tropes, at least you won't seem arsed by Mia remotely so she'll let her guard down lol] Jimmy: [we're just a lad getting covered in silver, you can relax Mia] Jimmy: [will style that into a 🎅 beard because he's an art hoe] Janis: [what a lewk you two can share] Jimmy: [doing a semi decent job of lip reading Mia even though he's not deaf and whispering to her what he's worked out, doesn't technically need to whisper but the excuse is we're being inconspicuous] Janis: [doing the most to pretend he's being scandalous in ya ear but we listening for real obvs and making our 😳🤤 responses make sense 'do you think there's a free room going?' like do you reckon we'll catch her at it, again] Jimmy: [telling her about all the places he found that you could fuck when he was searching for her, which is lowkey suggestive af boy especially because Mia isn't as shameless as you pair and wouldn't hook up in some of these places] Janis: [telling him which you wanna do first but it's actually where you reckon she might if she's gonna] Jimmy: [agreeing because you agree that it's likely and you're on the same page here] Janis: 🕡 Jimmy: *⏲ Janis: same diff Janis: can't lose 👀 on her Janis: what do we do to kill time without being too distracted Jimmy: 🍻? Janis: [goes to get drink like okay] Jimmy: [is 👀ing you Mia] Janis: gonna suggest this to the gals next time I see em Jimmy: they already follow her about Janis: clealy ain't as good at it as us Janis: but no Janis: the face paint Janis: if you kissed anyone else i'd know instantly Jimmy: bit rude to call me a slag for how I'm dressed but Janis: is it though Jimmy: I just happen to be a slag, alright? Jimmy: nowt to do with any of this Jimmy: [gestures to the lewk] Janis: [looks at him for ages like we forgot what we're doing] Janis: alright Jimmy: are you? Jimmy: [😏 af] Janis: [🖕 which can at least look bantsy to the fans] Jimmy: [a lol soz if that's not inconspicuous hun but the bae is funny] Janis: [bring him a drink back, after taking a massive swig from his like ha ha] Jimmy: [taking pics of her because an angel being 😈] Jimmy: [likewise have forgotten what we're supposed to be doing here for a sec] Janis: [casual photoshoot, be a shame to waste your outfits] Jimmy: [Mia's got no game lbr, you've got time] Janis: [god knows the state of this lad by the time she's ready lol] Jimmy: [another good reason it's an earlier party don't be having a Buster and Chloe rapey situation Mia] Janis: [at least you truly would be as gone, that's the vibe not that] Jimmy: [if your father could see you now hun] Janis: [#disappointeddaddy] Jimmy: [I wish they could call him like come get your daughter but we need this hook up to happen first] Janis: [they should genuinely then bounce though lmao she would actually be so fuming] Jimmy: [don't do it yourself though Jimothy the accent is a dead giveaway, get the bae on it] Janis: [seriously, do some voice work hen, at least a party helps that he'll barely be able to hear, use the house phone] Jimmy: [merry christmas bitch, enjoy the trouble you'll be in] Janis: [hohaha, ANYWAYS, we know you can't stop looking at him gal, how you manage this at all is lowkey impressive lol] Jimmy: [when you get to the second party/on the way there haha you can be as extra as you want, that mission is done and dusted] Janis: [we're so buzzing with ourselves at the prospect of ruining her xmas, practically skip there lmao] Jimmy: [don't you twist you ankle boy as hilarious as that would be] Janis: [we can't have more injuries, and you'd make a right mess of yourself if you fell, it's freezing and you've got no clothes on lol] Jimmy: [yeah that's not festive or goals so be careful please] Janis: [what do we wanna do at this next party then] Jimmy: [just have a nice time tbh lads] Janis: [just partay] Jimmy: [do them body shots and other drinking games cos we're having a messy one and we're competitive af] Janis: [get crunkalunk honey, we can skip to when he's left in the AM now if we wanna] Janis: [after Libi has come in and is like WHERE'S BOBBY as if they also have him tucked up in the bed] Jimmy: [unless there's anything that gets said or done when they're drunk af that we need to know, we know the vibes] Jimmy: [Oh Libi I love you so much but they should facetime him on Cass' phone cos she'll be THRILLED cos you know he's sleeping there and nobody sleeps in that house except Ian] Janis: [ooh, good point actually, we'll do that] Janis: [but yes, poor Jimothy like come sign bitch we gotta talk about santa] Jimmy: [god bless, when you just wanna sleep and snuggle your bae but you got so many jobs] Janis: [being like YOU GOT YOUR COOKIES YOU GOT YOUR MILK AND CARROTS like a checklist 'cos I remember how exciting xmas eve was you were lowkey hysterical all day] Jimmy: [plotting how you're gonna stay awake and peep Santa with those gifts] Janis: [just looking at Jimmy like you ain't gonna get no sleep lol] Jimmy: [mouthing at her to kill you away from the lip reading expert's gaze cos you can't do a dramatic death scene rn the kids are chatting a mile a minute] Janis: [pew pew at his head, also mcvickers gonna be fuming lad] Jimmy: [at least you can leave without having to see them cos that staircase] Janis: [chase you away lmao] Jimmy: [hold in the wee that you clearly will need, your house isn't far] Janis: [run boy run, but we'll throw it back to the end of your partying now] Jimmy: [we should start it as a 🚬 break because that's always good for feels and closeness when it's cold and you're half naked even if we're drunk enough not to feel it] Janis: [just drunkenly telling him about crayon colours we looked up lol] Jimmy: [guessing the colours based on their weird names unless it's obvs and then we're just pisstaking] Janis: [there's some wild ones hun, we're probably making up loads too] Jimmy: [likewise but writing them on her so she has to try and work it out when we could just say it] Janis: [we know where this is devolving and fast, wherever you are not being suitable so you're like hmpf] Jimmy: [on some random person's garden furniture that they should've brought in for the winter but have not] Janis: [you're both gonna start shivering before long so walk in the direction of the houses tah] Jimmy: [handholding and doing the little swinging thing because you've been spending all this time with the bubs] Janis: [loling at him] Jimmy: [playfully nudge her like excuse you but don't push her over because of that drunk and slippy combo please] Janis: ['you're such a nerd, you know'] Jimmy: ['Piss off' but the tone is less fuck off and more yeah I know but so are you] Janis: ['fine' and goes to walk off but likewise is joking so doesn't really] Jimmy: [nevertheless pulling her back and close into you as if she's really going because don't] Janis: ['you want me to stay?' even though you know 'cos how close you are rn] Jimmy: ['don't you want to?' even though she clearly do] Janis: [thinking he's making a point about asking stupid questions like 😏 fine] Jimmy: [just softly touching that 😏 face looking at her like no tell me you want to because we're drunk enough to have been genuinely asking and wanting an answer] Janis: ['I just want you to tell me' shrugs 'no confusion'] Jimmy: ['I just want you' because true] Janis: ['go on then' like it's a challenge but you say it so soft so like it's not] Jimmy: [the most intense kiss ever not even because it's a challenge but because the emotions are just that high okay] Janis: [no time to even talk just taking him by the hand back to yours aka mcvickers not all that way lol] Jimmy: [for a million reasons I hope whatever house you were at isn't far from there but the main one being all the kissing pauses there will be along the way regardless because that's the mood we're in] Janis: [we ain't even gon make it home energy] Jimmy: [100% support that always] Janis: [but you do, and frankly, I don't condone ladder climbing in this state so like be quiet and go in the real way] Jimmy: [that'll be a #mood in itself so] Janis: [getting him out of that santa outfit folornly like you are devvo lol] Jimmy: [gal if you're doing a pouty lip in any way you know what's gonna happen] Janis: [but of course 'why don't you care what people think?' once you can get words out again] Jimmy: ['I care what you think' because we're drunk so we can answer a question and answer it honestly] Janis: ['really?' and a confusion face] Jimmy: [😍 af about her cute expression so we lowkey forget about the question] Janis: [nudge] Jimmy: [a look like ?] Janis: ['why do you care?'] Jimmy: ['about you?' when you were only talking about what she thinks but we're drunk and we've gone deeper with it] Janis: [nods like sure, as you brought it up] Jimmy: ['it's less shit being here 'cause of you, if nowt else you should have the same back off me'] Janis: [when you can't help smile at that 'I don't want you to leave Dublin'] Jimmy: ['I'll stay' like it's that simple remotely but it is when you're drunk af] Janis: ['but you hate it here' and a look like same, obvs] Jimmy: ['I hate it everywhere' because again true] Janis: ['me too' not even trying to be banty like literally yeah same] Jimmy: [a little snugg because we don't want the bae to be sad] Janis: [snugging and sighing 'this is so weird'] Jimmy: [an even bigger sigh because it is and you don't want it to be and just saying sorry in the quietest softest voice like did you even actually say that or no] Janis: [at least it's that quiet 'cos you're meant to be that you would hear and you're shaking your head like no no 'not now, specifically or...it's not your fault, you know' 'cos you mean this whole situation for you 'cos you've never and you're like how did this happen so fast and when did we get here] Jimmy: [a shrug because he thinks everything is his fault always thanks Ian so it's like I don't know/believe that actually but we also don't think the bae is full of shit like we think a lot of people are so it's a confusing and conflicting tangle of thoughts up in here as well cos likewise has also never felt like this or expected any of this when he suggested it lol] Janis: ['I mean it' and properly looking at him but not really driving the point home harder than that right now/yet 'it's okay though, isn't it?'] Jimmy: [a nod that encompasses all the things 'are you?' cos if she's okay that's all that matters bye] Janis: ['is it a dealbreaker?' trying to make light of the fact it's like not really no] Jimmy: ['only if you're breaking our deal' like it's not okay if you don't wanna do this anymore even though it's a headfuck because ILY and I will die] Janis: ['I don't want to'] Jimmy: ['what do you want?' as if we don't know sir] Janis: [poke him in the chest] Jimmy: [just resting his hand over hers like okay I accept that and will turn it into a soft gesture] Janis: [when that lowkey says so much about the dynamic and we can't handle it 'let's just-' and kissing him] Jimmy: [kissing will always be easier so I'll allow it kids] Janis: [do that and more 'til you pass out probably 'cos honestly] Jimmy: [gonna let you say her name during at least once if you want boy because we're both not remembering this and we know it'll hit different sober anyway] Janis: [andioop soz you're trashed huns] Jimmy: [but not because it gives us freedom to do things y'all ain't ready for yet] Jimmy: [but soz that Libi will be waking you up early af]
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soopersara · 5 years
Day 6: Found
Read it on FFN | AO3
When Sokka comes up with an idea to get rid of Joo Dee, Katara finds herself in the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se with a tea server she did not expect to meet.
Toph was right about Ba Sing Se. This place was really the worst. It wasn't that Katara didn't enjoy having a soft bed and ample food and an allowance from the royal treasury-that was all nice. The cleanliness and manners that Toph railed so hard against didn't bother Katara either. But Ba Sing Se had Joo Dee. And Joo Dee was terrible.
No matter where they went, Joo Dee managed to be two steps behind them all the way, smiling that creepy, unflappable smile, and scaring away anyone they tried to speak to. It was bad enough when they approached that shady-looking ostrich horse dealer and he slammed the door in their faces. That made sense. He acted like he had something to hide even before he saw Joo Dee. But when a pastry shop turned them away at the sight of Joo Dee's unnaturally wide smile, they had all had enough.
It was Sokka's idea to turn it into a game. There were four of them and only one of Joo Dee-logically, if they were to split up, Joo Dee could only ruin the day for one of them.
Since Sokka was the only nonbender, they agreed to give him one advantage—while Katara, Aang, and Toph could use their bending however they saw fit ("Without getting arrested, guys," Katara cautioned them. "You lose if Joo Dee catches you or if you get arrested"), only Sokka was allowed to wear Earth Kingdom clothes. If Katara or Aang could conjure fog to hide in, and Toph could choose to hide underground, it was only fair that Sokka be able to blend into a crowd.
So when they left the house the next morning, Sokka wearing a nondescript green tunic and Toph in one of Katara's spare Water Tribe dresses, Joo Dee looked surprised—or as close to surprised as she could possibly look without breaking her smile. They let themselves be escorted as far as the first busy street before Sokka gave Katara, then Aang a pointed look and nudged Toph with his elbow.
"Remember, the game ends at sunset," he whispered. "Ready? On three. One—" he glanced back to make sure Joo Dee wasn't too close. "—two, three. Run!"
Katara summoned a dense fog from the nearest fountain and broke into a sprint. She didn't really know where she was going—Sokka had spent most of last night plotting routes through the city and strategizing, but she preferred to improvise. So she ran west, smirking when she heard Joo Dee calling after them. Not yelling, though. Joo Dee wouldn't yell, that would be undignified and unsuited to the refined atmosphere of the Upper Ring.
She ran until she could no longer hear Joo Dee's voice, shrill with agitation, then ran further, until her lungs protested and her knees felt wobbly. Slowing to a walk, she turned down a street lined with fancy shops. A whole day without Joo Dee. This would be nice. Of course, it would be more fun if she weren't alone, but a day without that creepy smile and those wide, expressionless eyes constantly hovering over her shoulder was more than worth it.
Katara wandered into a clothing shop, then a shop that seemed to specialize in utterly impractical silk slippers. The kind that Toph and her mother wore in Gaoling—the kind that were too delicate to be worn outside. Katara wrinkled her nose. She didn't hate shopping, but she didn't have Sokka's enthusiasm for it. Especially when she was alone.
She meandered down one quiet street after another, farther and farther from the center of the Upper Ring. The Middle Ring felt more comfortable to her—it always had. But today, she had no interest in stopping. She hadn't had much chance to explore the Lower Ring, and today, armed with her waterskins and unhindered by Joo Dee, seemed like the perfect opportunity.
It was nearly midday when Katara realized she was hungry. The taverns in the Lower Ring looked a little shady for her tastes—if Sokka were here, he'd scold her for even considering going in alone. Truthfully, he might scold her for coming to the Lower Ring in the first place, but that didn't bother her. The drunken shouts from inside the taverns were another matter entirely. Luckily, there was a tea shop on the corner—a sleepy little place, not exactly quaint or charming, but it seemed quiet. Quiet suited her today.
She chose a table in the corner where she could look out the window and settled in.
"Welcome to the Pao Family Tea House," a weary-sounding voice said. "My name is Lee, and—"
Katara looked at the server and froze. And he froze. And for what seemed like a very long time, she stared into the very surprised golden eyes of Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation.
He recovered from the surprise first and spun toward the kitchen. "Uncle!"
Jaw hanging open, Katara turned slowly, eyes trailing after Zuko as he retreated behind the counter. Sure enough, there was his uncle, round and pleasant-faced as ever. And Zuko. Prince Zuko. In a teashop. In the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se. In an apron. She wasn't sure what part of the image was strangest to her.
She pinched her arm, and it hurt. Not dreaming, then. Maybe this wasn't a dream, though. Maybe she had hit her head or something and it was a hallucination. Yeah. That made sense. Or at least more sense than—whatever this was.
Zuko was staring at her like she was a Foggy Swamp apparition as he whispered to his uncle in a voice that carried clear across the room. Katara snapped her gaping jaw shut. That was Zuko, all right. And spirits, he really needed to learn how to keep his voice down if he ever wanted to keep a secret. He was worse than Sokka, and that was saying a lot.
"What am I supposed to do?" Zuko hissed. His uncle mumbled something in reply. "No. No, Uncle. Absolutely not. No!" The old man glanced in Katara's direction and waggled his bushy gray eyebrows. "Uncle, I'm not serving her tea! For all we know, she's here to—" Zuko cut himself off and flushed a deep shade of red.
The old man clasped Zuko's shoulder and went off into a low, rumbling lecture that Katara couldn't understand from her seat. From time to time, Zuko glanced her direction, then turned back to his uncle, shamefaced. What was that about? It almost made Zuko seem—normal.
At last the lecture ended, and the old man patted Zuko's shoulder with an affectionate smile. Zuko made a show of throwing himself over the counter so his head thumped lightly against the wood and let out a prolonged groan. His uncle poked him in the side and offered an order pad. Zuko rolled his head to the side and glared up at his uncle for a second, then grumbled a string of wildly creative curses and snatched the order pad out of the old man's hand.
"Welcome to the Pao Family Tea House," Zuko began before he was even halfway to her table. The look on his face might have been an attempt at forcing a smile, but he just looked constipated. "My name is Lee—"
"You have to be kidding me," Katara interrupted.
Zuko's ears reddened. Or ear—it was difficult to see whether the scarred one changed color or not. "My name is Lee," he tried again, voice taut enough to crack. "And I will be your server today."
"What are you doing?"
His shoulders visibly tensed, and he held up his order pad as if it were a shield. "My job." He tried to smile and managed to look nauseated this time. Katara couldn't decide if that was better or worse than his constipated face. "Our special today is—"
She shook her head. "That's not what I meant. Why are you here?"
He threw his hands up. "I just am, okay?"
"And you work in a teashop?" Katara asked, still unable to fully wrap her mind around the concept.
"No, I just think the apron makes me look cool." He crossed his arms. "Are you going to order anything, or can I throw you out?"
Across the room, Zuko's uncle looked up. "Nephew," he warned.
Zuko stared up at the ceiling and gave a long sigh. "I mean," he said through clenched teeth, "What can I get for you today?"
A second of silence passed before Katara remembered why she had come in the first place. Lunch. Right. She was hungry. "Uh—do you have food here? Not just tea?"
"We have a small selection of fruit pastries." The reply came automatically, as if he'd repeated those exact words hundreds of times before. Zuko looked briefly startled by his own answer but settled back into an expression of annoyance.
"Okay." Fruit pastries weren't an ideal lunch, but it had to be better than braving the taverns. "I like everything but papaya."
"Papaya's all we have," Zuko snapped.
Okay, that response was far too quick. Katara glanced back toward Zuko's uncle.
"Nephew, I believe you misunderstood me earlier," the old man called across to them. "Papaya is the only thing we're out of."
Katara found herself smiling in triumph. "In that case, I would like a peach tart. Please. And a cup of tea."
Zuko grumbled, but he scribbled her order down—which probably wasn't necessary, considering the fact that the rest of the shop was empty—and stomped off to fetch her food.
He dropped the plate in front of her and thumped her teacup down. He folded his arms again. "Will there be anything else?"
Katara frowned up at him. "Actually, yes." She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. "I want to know the truth. What are you doing here?"
"I, uh—" He ran a hand through his hair. The motion made it stick out in several directions at once, but she had to admit that it still looked better than that stupid bald ponytail thing he used to have. "Excuse me, I have to get back to work."
"Take your time, Nephew," the old man said brightly as he bustled to clear the dishes and crumbs off the counter. "See? All cleaned up. And our busy time isn't for a few hours yet."
Zuko's mouth opened and closed a few times, and Katara smirked. "Sounds to me like you've got time to answer my question."
He glared at her.
"What are you doing in Ba Sing Se?"
"I—" He let out a puff of air. "I can't talk about it."
"Because—" He fidgeted with the edge of his apron. "People can't know where I'm from."
Her first impulse was to jump up and yell, Ha! I knew you were here to do something evil! But he didn't look like he was plotting anything. He just looked—embarrassed. And frustrated. And maybe a little bit frightened. And—it was stupid, but Katara wanted to hear what he had to say. She leaned back. "Well, there's nobody else here, and I already know where you're from. So your secret's out. I could go to the Dai Li right now and turn you in—"
His eyes widened, and the color drained from his face.
"Or," she continued, "I could stay here and eat my lunch while you tell me the truth."
He clenched his jaw and looked down. "What, so you can turn me in as soon as you leave?" Surprisingly, there wasn't any anger in his voice. Just weariness and defeat.
She shrugged. "Your chances are a lot better if you explain. Why are you here?"
Zuko rubbed the back of his neck. "My sister is insane. Next question."
"Are you just going to keep standing there? You're making me nervous."
With a sigh, Zuko glanced back at his uncle, but he pulled out the chair across from her and perched on the edge, ready to bolt out of his seat at any time. Okay, this really wasn't any better than his hovering. It should be impossible for a person to be that awkward.
"Happy now?" he asked.
Katara frowned. "Not really." She tore off a bit of the tart and popped it into her mouth. It tasted better than she'd expected. Actually, it was good. Really good. She tried not to let it show. "So—are you still looking for Aang?"
Zuko scrunched up his nose. "What's an Aang?"
She paused, mid-chew. "Seriously?"
"What? I've never heard of—" Realization washed over his face. "Oh. Is that—" He looked around and leaned forward to mouth the last few words, —the Avatar's name?
Katara flicked a few crumbs at him. "You have to be kidding."
"Hey!" He brushed the crumbs off of his apron, scowling. "Excuse me for having other things to worry about."
Rolling her eyes, Katara shook her head. "Yeah, well we had plenty to worry about too, and I still managed to learn your name." She took a sip of her tea. "Answer the question. Are you still hunting Aang or not?"
"I don't know." Zuko scratched at a stain on the tabletop. His good eyebrow crept downward, and his voice lowered. "I don't know if it even makes a difference anymore."
"What is that supposed to mean?" She crossed her arms. "It makes a difference to me if you're going to show up someday and try to kidnap my friend."
"No! I can't go home without the—without Aang, but I don't know if that would be enough anymore." He stared at the table. "My father sent my sister to bring me back, but I got the impression that she wasn't too concerned about keeping me in one piece for the trip. And she always does what my father expects of her, so—"
Katara almost shuddered at the memory of the fight back in that abandoned village. Azula was practically unstoppable. Maybe the fight would have gone differently if Katara's water supply hadn't been dangerously low, if they hadn't all been sleep-deprived, but she didn't savor the idea of meeting the princess again. "I'm glad you and your uncle are okay." Zuko looked up at her in surprise. "I mean—" she faltered. "He got hurt pretty badly, and I would have healed him. We never could have won that fight without the two of you. I would have helped if you'd let me."
His mouth hung open a fraction as he studied her, his golden eyes peering deep into hers, searching. For what, she wasn't certain. Katara felt her face heat and she hastily shoved a too-large piece of the tart into her mouth. She wasn't blushing. Zuko's lips parted a little wider—no. She wasn't looking at his mouth either. His awkwardness must just be contagious.
"Why are you here?" he asked after a pause. "You're travelling with—" He waved a hand, apparently unable to decide whether to say Aang or the Avatar. "Doesn't that basically put you in the Earth King's lap?"
"Gross." Katara wrinkled her nose.
"No, not like—" he sighed and rubbed his forehead with the heel of his hand. "Aren't you staying in the palace or something?"
She shook her head. "A house in the Upper Ring. We've been trying to get a meeting with the Earth King, but they won't let us anywhere near the palace." She stopped herself. She was dangerously close to revealing Sokka's plans for the eclipse. She shouldn't be telling Zuko things like this, but it was just too easy to keep talking.
"So why are you in the Lower Ring? I'm sure the teashops are a lot nicer where you live."
Okay, now she was blushing. "We were playing a game."
It was Zuko's turn to gape. "A game? What kind of game is it?"
"Ditch Joo Dee. It was my brother's idea."
He nodded slowly, looking as confused as ever. "And Joo Dee is?"
"The creepy lady who follows us around to make sure we don't cause trouble." Katara ran her finger around the rim of her teacup. "We split up so she couldn't ruin the day for all of us."
Zuko nodded as if he understood. He probably did, Katara realized. He was royalty. The Fire Nation might be different than Ba Sing Se, but if anyone there had to deal with overbearing glorified babysitters like Joo Dee, it was probably the crown prince. But before he could respond, his stomach growled loudly and he flushed, crossing his arms over his stomach.
"Impressive," Katara said, smiling.
Zuko scowled. "Shut up." He turned his face away, but not before she caught him glancing at her plate. He stared deliberately out the window and she saw him swallow.
"When was the last time you ate?" She didn't really mean to say it aloud, but now that she was paying attention, she couldn't help but notice how lean his face had become.
"This morning," he snapped.
From the corner of her eye, Katara saw the old man shake his head, and she raised an eyebrow at Zuko.
"Fine. Last night. I overslept this morning." His scowl remained fixed on his face and he turned his attention to the stain on the table again.
Or you deliberately slept in because there wasn't enough food for breakfast. She and Sokka had done the same a few times on their trip across the Earth Kingdom. They were older than Aang and Toph—it was their responsibility to take care of the younger kids. Most of the time, that meant the two of them doing most of the work to set up camp, Sokka hunting and fishing for their meals, and Katara doing the cooking and the washing. Toph rarely contributed more than her own earth tent, and Aang tried to help, he really did, but he had a tendency to wander off and play with Momo midway through chores. But there had been a few times when there was only enough rice left to feed Aang and only enough meat for Toph—it was just easier if she and Sokka pretended to sleep through breakfast so the other two could help themselves to the leftovers.
She frowned down at her plate. "You know—I think I'd like to try another kind of tart." She heard Zuko let out an irritated sigh. "Do you have anything with mango or cherry?"
He ran a hand down the side of his face as he stood. "Yes," he grumbled.
Katara smiled and Zuko's uncle gave her a curious look as she carefully cut off the untouched half of her peach tart. She tried to rearrange her expression into something like neutrality before Zuko returned with the second plate. She wasn't sure if she succeeded or not, but Zuko didn't seem to notice.
"Will that be all?" His voice was tight again and he refused to meet her eyes.
"Not quite." She sliced the second pastry in half and divided it so that she had the mostly-eaten half of the peach tart and half of the cherry tart on one plate and an untouched half of each on the other.
Zuko's brow furrowed. "What are you doing?"
Katara slid the second plate across the table and gave a crooked smile. "I said I wanted to try another kind. I didn't say I could eat all of this on my own."
A closed-off look came over his face. "Don't."
"Don't what?" She took a bite.
He ran a hand through his hair. "Don't—act like we're friends." He shifted uncomfortably.
Katara looked up, studying him. There was that defeat in his eyes again, though he was clearly trying to hide it. She rested her elbows on the table. "Why not?" The words came out almost as a challenge.
Zuko frowned, but his uncle cleared his throat. Zuko glanced back at the old man, then took a deep breath and eased back into the seat across from her.
It was strange, and for a while, Zuko sat stiff on the edge of his chair, answering in monosyllables. But one sarcastic remark made Katara smile, and Zuko relaxed a little. Talking to him was easy. And comfortable. And natural. And it was weird, but Zuko listened to her talk, unsmiling and gaze steady, and that felt nice too. Even if he didn't smile, even if that guarded look didn't quite disappear from this face, his eyes were warm.
She found herself wondering if she should ask again—Are you still chasing Aang? Can I trust you not to hurt him? Because she wanted to trust Zuko. It would be easy. If he had really given up on the idea, maybe she could stop acting like they were friends. Maybe they could be friends.
He said something that made her laugh—When did Zuko develop a sense of humor?—and a small smile flashed across his face. It was fleeting, gone as quickly as it had appeared, but for the instant it was there, his eyes lit up and Katara's stomach fluttered. Okay, so he had a nice smile. But Katara wasn't blushing, and a little stomach flip didn't mean anything. It was just—surprise, probably. Zuko smiled so seldom that a little surprise was only natural.
There was a commotion outside and they both started, turning toward the window.
A woman's voice, shrill and piercing, rang through the street, and Katara groaned. "That's Joo Dee." She dropped her face into her hands so that her elbows thumped on the table. "Sokka's never going to let me hear the end of this. I lost the game."
Zuko peered out through the blinds a second longer. "No, you didn't."
Katara raised her head enough to see him smile. A real, proper smile this time. Her stomach went wild with butterflies, and Zuko grabbed her by the hand.
"Come on," he whispered, pulling her out of her seat.
Trotting to keep up with his long stride, Katara hissed, "What are we doing?"
He led her back behind the counter, past his uncle, who shot them an amused smile, and pulled a serving cart out from under the counter. "Hiding." He pointed at the open space where the cart used to be.
Katara gave him a skeptical look, but then Joo Dee's voice came nearer and there were footsteps just outside the door. Taking a deep breath, she ducked under the counter and pulled her knees to her chest. Zuko crouched to make sure she was hidden, and the front door opened. Before Zuko could stand back up, his uncle shoved him out of sight and pushed the serving cart in front of their hiding place.
"Good afternoon my dear lady, and welcome to the Pao Family Tea House."
The loud greeting masked both Zuko's grunt and Katara's surprised squeak as his face collided with her shoulder. Zuko jerked back as quickly as possible, his head thumping against the counter in his haste. He winced, and Katara pressed a finger to her lips.
Sorry, he mouthed, face flushing scarlet. Bracing his hands against the sides of the little compartment, he pushed himself off to the side.
It's okay, she mouthed in reply and squeezed farther into the corner to make room for him.
"What may I do for you on this lovely day?" The old man clattered around over them, noisier than necessary, sounding pleased with himself. "We have an exquisite selection of teas from all regions of the Earth Kingdom—" He went on, chattering about a rare oolong that was rumored to be a favorite of the great King Bumi of Omashu.
Katara tried to ignore the heat gathering in her cheeks while Zuko's face hovered only inches away from hers. The space under the counter was scarcely large enough for both of them, and she could feel the gentle warmth radiating off him as he tried to twist himself around to sit. When he finally succeeded, she let out a small breath of relief. Their shoulders were wedged uncomfortably tight, and their hands were nearly touching, but at least now she could look away and pretend that her heart wasn't racing, that his piercing golden gaze wasn't making her stomach do strange fluttery things.
"Excuse me," Joo Dee interrupted. "I am sure that your shop is the pride of Ba Sing Se, but I have no time for tea. Four of the Earth King's young guests have gone missing. I believe that one of them may have come into your shop."
"Oh dear." The old man made a thoughtful noise.
"I believe either Lady Toph Beifong or Master Katara of the Water Tribe was seen heading this way," Joo Dee pressed.
"Mmmm." The old man stopped his clattering. "May I ask what these young ladies look like?"
Katara tensed. He couldn't. It would be bad enough losing the game, but being caught hiding under a teashop counter with Zuko would be downright humiliating, to say nothing of the danger for Zuko. She didn't want to see him caught. It felt strange, but she cared. If Katara was caught, it would be embarrassing. She would have to face teasing and questions from Sokka and the others, but Zuko—he could be arrested. Or worse. She started to squirm forward as Joo Dee described her and Toph.
Zuko's hand landed on her arm and he shook his head. Wait, he mouthed.
"I'm afraid I haven't seen any young ladies wearing blue today," the old man said. "Business has been very slow."
"Perhaps they changed their clothes?" Joo Dee demanded. There was a pause, then Joo Dee added, "If business has been slow, what is this?"
Oops. They'd left their plates at the table. Zuko's eyes widened, and Katara pressed her hands over her mouth.
"The scoundrel!" There was an edge of amusement in the old man's voice despite his apparent effort to sound serious. "I apologize, my good lady. It seems a customer left without paying."
"I shall alert the patrol on your behalf."
"Oh, don't trouble yourself," the old man answered jovially. "I know the young man well. Rest assured, I will have a very stern conversation with the boy's uncle."
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langdonbitchh · 6 years
Soulmate ( M.L. X Fem!reader ) pt.1
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Plot ; Y/N was walking down a dark alley around 1 am and bumps into none other the antichrist but she doesn't know that. She looked at the condition he was in helps him get cleaned up, michael is appreciative of this act of kindness towards him and he starts feeling something else when they start hanging around each other more..
( wow that was a long plot description )
Warnings; fluff, crying and yeah basically it oh wait some slight teasing towards the end.
( I'll make a mini series if y'all want me to )
I was walking home from a busy day at work. My feet were throbbing from being on them so much today. I didn't get a break or an actual lunch. All I had was 5 crackers then they needed me back to work.
I decided to take the short way home since it would be easier on my feet and get me home quicker. I turned the corner to the empty dark alley and walked with my purse hanging from my side swinging into my thigh. I looked around because usually I don't take this route because it creeps me out. Plus I honestly never wanted to find out what goes on in dark alley's at 1 in the morning. Good thing they pay for me to work overtime.
I heard faint foot steps coming from the opposite side of the alley. Luckily that I can see him in front of me so there will be no sneak attack if he tries. As we start to come closer to each other I notice that his jeans were mangled and so was his shirt. The poor man was covered in dirt and blood. I knew I had to help him. So I picked up speed to get to him faster.
"Shit are you alright? Do you need me to call anyone for you?" I said worried that he has been hurt or some sort but I can't pin point where the blood is coming from. He looked up at me and smiled weakly. "No, I dont have anyone to call. I'll be alright miss." He says quietly, looking at me with illuminating eyes. They were the color of the bright blue sky that you could get lost in. His hair was blonde mixed with dirt.
"Well, how about you come to my place and we can get you cleaned up? That sound okay to you?" I smile and wipe the tears away from his eyes. I don't know why he is crying but I can tell he needed someone. He looked me in the eyes and nodded. I linked arms with him and walked him home to my apartment.
"What's your name darling?" I said softly while cleaning his wound on his hand. I dipped the washcloth back in the bowl of soap.
"My name is Michael Langdon" he hissed when I put the washcloth back on his wound. I mumble a 'sorry'. Should I dare ask what had happen to him?
"May I ask what happened to you?" I pulled the cloth away and looked up at him. He looked full of sadness and anger. He took a deep breath and sighed. He looked up at my face and blankly said "Everyone left me so I took the pain and lashed out" I didn't expect him to say that. "I'm so sorry that they left you but taking the pain out on others is not the way to handle it. Maybe try doing stuff you like to take your mind off hurting people." I got up from my chair and smiled to him. He nodded but I knew from experience that maybe he won't listen to a word anyone says to help him.
"I'm going to draw your bath water, so do you like your water warm or hot?" I tilted my head slightly while waiting for a response. He mouthed hot to me and I nodded and made my way to my bathroom. I laid a towel on the floor so water won't get everywhere and laid a towel on the sink. I turned the hot water faucet on and then a little bit of cold. I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me. I looked back to see Michael leaning against the door frame. I stand straight up and smile while walking past him. I exited the bathroom so he could go in.
"Do you want me to cook something? Are you hungry?" I said looking at him when he took his shirt off. I couldn't help but notice he had cuts by his rib cage. I look down and waited for his answer. "Yes, if you don't mind. I don't think I've eaten in a few days.." My eyes widened and I knew i needed to make more food than normal.
After his bath and he was clean, I had already set up the plates and silverware and the food was on the table ready to eat. He came out with some sweatpants I let him have and my Pink Floyd shirt that I hardly ever wore anymore. He smiled and sat down at the table next to me. He bowed his head and said a prayer I couldn't quite make out. He finished up his prayers and we started eating.
"Why are you being nice to me?" He looked at me taking a bite of the waffles I made. I chuckled a bit. "I felt like it was the right thing to do. Plus you obviously had it rough so I thought why not be a good person and help him." I said taking a bite of my waffle. He smiled thankfully. "Thank you. That was really kind of you." He took another bite and like he realized something he said, "I don't know your name..what is it?" He said looking at me expectingly. I giggled and said quietly "My name is Y/N."
"That's a beautiful name.." Michael said while smiling down at his food. I blushed a bit because not many people complemented me before. He saw that I blushed and chuckled. "How old are you?" He said calmly looking me dead in the eye.
"20 years old and you?" I smile. It was nice having a conversation without someone insulting me all the time. "I'm 22." He took his last bite and leaned back into his chair. He yawned and rubbed his eyes so I knew I needed to make a bed on the couch for myself to sleep on.
Michael looked at me in a confused way. "What are you doing?" He said in a confused tone. "Making my bed for the night. You'll be sleeping in my room so you're comfy." I smiled bright at him but still dreading to sleep on the couch. He shook his head and now I was confused.
I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head, "Whats wrong?" I ask in a worried tone. "I don't want you sleeping on the couch. You can sleep with me so you are comfortable too." He looked at me in a wanting voice, like really wanted me too. "Okay, I will lay in bed with you. But fair warning I like to cuddle." I chuckled. He smiled and chuckled too. "Mind if I give a thank you present?" She said while smirking and I knew exactly what he was implying. "Um, actually I think cuddles will do just fine." I blushed a rosey red.
I walked back to my room and I hear him following me as expected. I put the blanket I was going to use back into the closet and when I turned back around i saw him shirtless and only in his briefs. I looked away really quick so he didn't realize I was staring at his body. "Liked what you saw" he chuckled at me and smirked. Well damn he saw me alright. I blushed for the 3rd time around him. I feel a pull between my thighs and I hurry in get into bedand covered myself. He pulled me close to him and hiked my leg over his waist thsn proceeded to kiss my forehead. Again I blushed because what girl wouldn't when theres a hot man in your bed cuddling you.
I laid my hand on his chest and I could feel him rubbing his hand up and down the back on my thigh. I noticed I was getting wet. I prayed to god that he doesn't notice. Then i feel him start making his way up my side and I realized I don't have bra on, just panties and my nightgown. I didn't think I would be in the same bed with him. He hiked his hand under my nightgown and I gasped when he started playing with my right nipple between his fingers. Then a involuntary moan slipped from my mouth. He was just laying there enjoying himself. I felt his clothed rock hard dick against my pussy but I didn't move. I just let him touch me. Soon he pull my panties off of me and he smiled at how wet they were. He kissed my neck and found my sweet spot instantly. I let out a raspy moan. He stopped all of a sudden and cuddled me. He got me all flustered and just stops. I don't know what took over me to let this stranger touch me the way nobody has before. He kisses my lips and it felt like I was in heaven. I laid my head on my pillow and then i was out cold. Naked in bed with a handsome stranger.
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la-appel-du-vide · 5 years
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After the cookie class, Kena and I went to grab some food. She took me to HuHot, which is one of her favorite Mongolian places. We started eating, and the food was actually really good! And that's when I got the scariest phone call of my life.
Whitnie was calling, and when I answered, I first thought that she was laughing. Everything that she was saying was incoherent, and I told her she needed to speak more clearly. That's when I realized she was not laughing, but actually crying. Basically all that I could make out from the conversation with her is, "Dad's hurt. Mom's crying. You need to come home."
From there, it's a bit of a blur. I remember trying to ask her what happened to Dad, but she had no information for me other than it was serious and my mom needed me home. We rushed out the restaurant and Kena drove me to my house to meet the family. I knew that Dad had been up at a Fathers and Sons camp-out for the stake, so my mind was racing wondering what could have happened. 
When I got home, there were a few visitors and mom was still on the phone. I started to learn a couple more details, like they were working to get a pulse and he wasn't breathing. Someone up at the campground with him told us they were life-flighting him to the hospital, and we should meet them there. It was a rush to collect our things and our emotions, and drive up to Ogden Regional Medical Center. We were met there by Heidi and Sean Brophy, President and Sister Jacobson, Isaac and one of Dad's coworkers Jay. It was a confusing time as we were hearing different pieces of the story, and waiting for Dad to get there. Mom had to go fill out some medical paperwork, and the rest of us sat in the waiting room. Once Dad arrived, they let my mom and siblings go see him. He was awake, but completely out of it. All he kept saying was, "Help me." It is so hard to see such a tough guy in that kind of state. Really shook me up. They'd cut all of his clothes off of him, and he was connected to all kinds of machines and wires. I'm not really sure he knew we were there, and he definitely didn't know what was going on. We stayed back there a few minutes, then went back to the waiting room while the staff worked to stabilize him. 
That's when President Hjorten showed up, and told us the story (I'm also adding some details we learned later from the two men that saved Dad's life.):
They had just finished a devotional, and Dad had helped pass around doughnuts as refreshments. Then he went and picked up his camp chair, and sat near a large fire-pit, with only a small fire going. Brother Brown, and his son Alex, and Brother Zimmerman, and his son Christian, had just come over to stand around the fire when they noticed my Dad's head suddenly drop, his phone fall out of his hand, and his body begin to slump. They tried to ask him if he was ok, but they got no response.  Brother Zimmerman pushed his body back up in the chair, and realized there was no pulse and that he wasn't breathing. He yelled at him and tried to get a response, but there was nothing. Luckily, Brother Brown happens to be a doctor. He instructed Zimmerman to get Dad on the ground and start CPR while he called the paramedics. They did CPR for nearly 30 minutes waiting for the ambulance to arrive, and the decision was made at some point during that time to send a life-flight helicopter in as it would be a faster route from the campground to the hospital. President Hjorten said that after 15 minutes of CPR, he was pretty sure they'd lost him. His eyes had rolled back into his head, his body was cold, and it was starting to turn blue. The doctor had the inspired idea to ask for an epipen. They could use the burst of adrenaline to help kick-start the heart. A nearby man happened to have one on him, so they quickly shot it into Dad's stomach. They said when they did this, Dad became semi-conscious for a minute and looked around and took a couple of breaths, but then went back into unconsciousness. They yelled out for another epipen, and after a couple of minutes, a kid came running with two. They used one more just a couple minutes later, and got the same kind of response. Finally, the ambulance arrived, and they were able to shock his heart back to life. He woke up and became kind of angry, they said, fighting the paramedics trying to strap him to the board so he could be placed in the helicopter. They had six or seven guys holding me down, because he is STRONG. Then they flew him to Ogden Regional, where we met him. 
They got him stabilized, and then moved him to the ICU. He was in and out of it, but the doctors were amazed at his condition, for 30 minutes of CPR and lack of oxygen. He never had to be intubated, and he was pretty alert. Confused, for sure, but alert. They put him through many tests to find out what happened, but learned that there really was no explanation for it. His CT scan and EKG came back normal, he was free of blood clots and blocked arteries, and he didn't have a heart attack. The random event is kind of scary, so they decided to keep him in the ICU where they could keep a close watch on him until they could implant a defibrillator, which basically monitors his heart rate 24/7, and shock it back into normal rhythm when needed to try and prevent a life-threatening situation from happening again. 
We were all at the hospital pretty late that night, but Aubrey, Isaac and I left for home about 3 AM to grab some stuff for Mom and Dad, who would be at the hospital for awhile. And Whit couldn't get herself to leave. We slept for a couple hours, and then headed back over there with all the needed stuff. 
Dad seemed to be more conscious on Saturday, but clearly had short-term memory problems. He asked the same questions over and over and over again: How did I get here? Where is my truck? I was supposed to cook breakfast at the camp-out this morning... Did anyone track down any stoves? Isaac and I had an appointment at the car dealership today - He should probably call and cancel. So we went over and over those details, but within 10 or 15 minutes, he'd ask them again. One funny side-note: Each time we told him that he had to be life-flighted to the hospital, he'd get a look of pure shock on his face, and go: "What!! That's going to cost like _______." And each time, his estimated cost went higher and higher. He started with $5,000. Then $10,000. Then $15,000. Then $30,000. Then $50,000. And by the end of the day, we got: "That's going to cost like, $100,000!" Hahaha every single time he began his response, we'd all look at each other in anticipation of what amount he was going to say, and try so hard not to laugh. 
He remembered very little from Saturday. He had all kinds of visitors, but by Sunday, he'd forgotten seeing anyone at all.
Saturday night, we all left (except mom who stayed with Dad the whole time) around midnight and went to get some Father's Day stuff ready for Dad. (Sad, right? Father's Day in the ICU?) It took us way longer than it should have, but it was fun to take Dad a candy poster and some presents to try and brighten his morning and celebrate him a little extra for sure. He seemed to like it, but apparently forgot all about it, because he never remembered opening his presents when he saw them all again at home later. I also made him a buttermilk pie for his Father's Day dessert, because they're his favorite.
It was a long few days in the hospital. So many drives back and forth, trying to keep the house cleaned and take care of Archie, but also be there for Mom and Dad, and bring everyone what they needed. We had mostly awesome nurses, but on Sunday, encountered one who wouldn't even let us all go sit with him at the same time. Not even on Father's Day. When most of the other nurses would even let non-relatives in to see him! Basically ridiculous. We were heated.
I was getting 2-3 hours of sleep a night, which is more I'm sure than my poor mom who was sleeping on a hospital floor, but I was still exhausted. By the time I rolled into work early Monday morning, I was physically and emotionally spent. I would cry at the smallest criticism, or sometimes at nothing at all, all day long. The hospital and the trauma really takes a toll on you. 
Dad got his defibrillator put in on Monday, and they said they'd monitor him for 24 hours, and then he could go home. We were relieved because no one was getting the rest they needed while at the hospital, and Dad was truly just miserable there. But after 15 attempts during the operation, the doctor was never able to get the wires in a place he was happy with. X-rays and ultrasounds afterward proved that. So he had to go back in on Tuesday, and get his incision re-cut open, so the doctor could try again. Depression really started to set in at this news. This time was easy, the doctor said. He didn't know why, but it only took him one try to get the wires in a place he was happy with. And because he was so confident, he allowed Dad to finally come home.
Dad's extremely sore from 2 broken ribs caused by the CPR, and complains about a lot of headaches, but he has a beating heart and we are so thankful. So many things lined up for him that night: it happened when people were around, instead of an hour later when he would have been sleeping alone in his truck; a doctor happened to be at the campground, and one of the only two men near dad when it happened; and they were able to use two epipens to help the resuscitation efforts. If this had happened at home, he may have already gone to bed for the night as he goes to sleep early, and we never would have known. It could have happened while he was driving, which would have been tragic no doubt. But it happened at the right place, at the right time. And he's made a truly miraculous recovery. His short-term memory has returned, and he never lost any long-term memory, which is a miracle because his brain was without oxygen for so long. 
We are so grateful to still have him with us, and for the reassurance that the implanted defibrillator gives us that this won't happen again.
Now he just needs a few weeks for the ribs to heal, and he is practically good as new.
We sure love our Dad.
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drinkupthesunrise · 7 years
I mean it wouldn't even even really be much of AU, but definitely here for Wedge/Mon Mothma, long distance relationship, because that pairing has definitely been in my head.
To, what I’m sure is absolutely no one’s surprise, this got a little out of hand. Properly AU, because the only other fic I could think of was the love letters on I really want to write one day, and I want to do that justice. So instead of that, have something that is really very id-ficcy and contains too many feelings about having the person you adore live far away from you. (to be ao3ed later, I’m sure. now on ao3!) Also! Tagging @sassysnowperson and @harusamemosuke as the other people I’ve dragged onto this ship somehow.
Theymeet in the comments section of a blog post about D H Karver’slatest romance novel.
Lookingback, it’scertainly an odd start to a relationship. The fact that it goesanywhere is something near a miracle.
Butsix months later, Wedge spends almost his entire day in contact withher. She’sthe first person he messages when he wakes up, and the last person hetalks to before he goes to sleep. His friends are all highly bemusedby the situation, wondering why Wedge is now almost surgicallyattached to his phone, wondering who the mystery woman is.
Wedgedoesn’t have an answer to that.
Hedoesn’t really know himself.
WedgeAntillesMorning,Mon. Sleep well?
MonShit.…I might have worked all night.
WedgeAntillesIt’sstill morning? :DThothat’s not good, what on earth were you doing? Something importantenough to justify you being up all night?
MonInsome ways.I’lllive Wedge, this is hardly the first time.
WedgeAntillesIknow, but doesn’t mean I like it. You should take better care ofyourself.
MonAsyou keep telling me.Toobad I don’t actually have you to look after me.
WedgeAntillesPhysicallydragging you to bed is beyond me, I’mafraid.Gohave something to eat and then try and get a nap, okay Mon?
MonCan’tmake any promises, but I’ll try.
Hestill doesn’tknow much about the particulars of her life, what she does for a job,what her last name is, what she looks like. None of it matters,because he also knows her as well as he knows anyone else in theworld. He tries to stop himself falling for her too hard, knowingthat he’s only got a limited picture of who she is. But thefeelings are there, no matter how hard he tries to stop them.
Itdoesn’tmatter what she looks like, or what she does. He knows the truth ofher, and that’s all he needs to know.
Hesent her a photo of himself, seven months in. It’s a candid one thatTycho snapped, of him at one of their community activism events. It’sreasonably flattering, though he only meant to send it so she had anidea of what he’d looked like.
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WhatI did today.
MonIsthat you, on the right?
WedgeAntillesYeah.… why?
MonYou’revery handsome.
Wedgeremembers blushing. He remembers trying to wave her off, but she’dbeen quietly insistent on the truth of it. He’d asked for one in return, but she’d never sent one back. 
WedgeAntillesSo.Look. No pressure, but my friends and I are coming to London in threeweeks for personal reasons, and I was just wondering – do you wantto have dinner?Iunderstand if you don’t, I know you’re busy.AndI’mjust some random guy off the internet.
Mon(Mothma? Unconvinced)Wedgeyou’rean important part of my life, not some random guy off the internet.Whenare you here? There might be something I can’tget out of, but I’ll try.
WedgeAntilles25thMay. It’s a Friday.Youprobably have better plans for a Friday than me.
Mon(Mothma? Unconvinced)Can’tthink of anything better than spending time with you, don’t putyourself down.I’llhave to check with my aide.AmI good to pick the restaurant? Where are you staying? What do youlike?
WedgeAntillesI’measy :D Surprise me.
Wedgetexts Mon throughout the day, though they are both busy, and thereplies are sporadic. As the day draws to a close, Wedge feels thebutterflies starting to form in his stomach.
He’snot nervous. Well, maybe a little, but it’s a thrill, not a deeprouted anxiety. He can’t quite believe he’ll finally get to meether.
Allhis friends know where he’sgoing. He leaves to his fair share of ribbing, but he really couldn’tcare. He makes his way down the escalators to the tube, cursing thelack of signal means he can’t text Mon, his usual strategy to dealwith his dislike of crowds and hustle and bustle.
Hedrums his fingers against the overhead rail as he waits for his stop.
Monhas picked a restaurant not far from the Palace of Westminster. Itmakes Wedge wonder whether he’sgot it right about her identity. He’s starting to think that it isn’ta coincidence she shares a name with the leader of the oppositionparty. He doesn’t really want to think about it that hard, hasn’tpressed because he doesn’t want to know. He’s trusted that she’lltell him what he needs to know.
Nowhe will find out anyway.  
Heclimbs up from the tube, around the corner, checks his phone. He hasa text from her confirming that she’sthere. He sent her a photo, a selfie snapped off earlier that day, soshe knows what he looks like. He hopes that she’ll spot him.
Hepushes the door open. It’s more rustic than he figured, closer to apub than a restaurant. He glances round, looking for a woman at atable on her own. He can’t see one clearly. He moves into the tables,trying to look in the crevices.
Ahand is at Wedge’selbow. It’s not a woman’s hand, it’s a man. He smiles warmly atWedge. “Yes?” Wedge replies.
“Mon’sthis way, if you’ll just follow me.” The man leads Wedge to atable behind a partition. There’s a woman sitting at the table. Awoman who is familiar.
Aclose crop of red hair sits atop a long, pale face. Her shirt – asalways – is white, with a single red and silver broach pinned to herchest the only spot of colour. Her mouth is pulled into a soft smile.She’sknown for her neutrality, her position as a figurehead, the unitingfront of her party. There are others who fight her battles for her.
“Youknow, you could have told me,” Wedge says, as he sits down. “Ihad my suspicions.”
Montucks a strand of hair behind her ears. She’snervous. “I didn’t want to scare you off,” she says. “Andthen… it just seemed easier to explain in person.” She smiles athim, and Wedge feels his stomach flip. Then she turns. “It’s okaySinjir. He’s clearly exactly who he says he is.”
Sinjir,the man who brought Wedge over casts an asparaging eye over Wedge. Hecrosses his arms. “Ifyou say so. He doesn’t look like a threat. Call me if you needanything.”
Heturns on his heels and leaves, and finally, Mon and Wedge are leftalone.
Fifteenminutes in, Wedge’sphone goes off.
“I’vegot to get this, sorry.” Wedge answers it, and lifts it to his ear,knowing that despite the caller ID saying Tycho, it could be any oneof his friends who’s decided to give him an out. If he doesn’tpick it up, they’ll all come down there. “Yes?”
“Hereis your fifteen-minute-emergency get out call, Hobbie is primed tomake up some Grade A bullshit if you need it.”
It’sWes. Of course it’s Wes. “Tell your boyfriend to stand down, I’mfine.” Wedge runs a hand back through his hair. “I’ll keep youguys posted on when I’ll be home, don’t do anything stupid whilstI’m gone.”
Wedgehangs up. He puts his phone back in his pocket. When he looks backup, Mon is giving him an odd look, one eyebrow raised. “Myfriends,” Wedge explains with a wave of his hand. “Promised tocall and give me a reason to get out of this if it wasn’t goingwell.” Mon’s eyebrow remains raised. “Their idea,” Wedge tagson. “I knew it would all be fine.”
“I’mglad you have friends who look out for you like that.” Mon’swords are soft. There’s an undercurrent that Wedge is familiarwith, having felt it many times himself. There’s only so much youcan do for someone who lives that many miles away from you. It’sreassuring to know that there are people in their corner, who can bethere for them when all you can offer is kind words down a line.
Wedgefights the urge to reach over and take her hand. “They’regood eggs. Pain in the backside too, but they’re good.” Wes,Tycho, Hobbie – they’re the best friends a guy could ask for,really. And then Wedge laughs to himself.
“What’sso funny?” Mon asks.
Wedgegets himself under control. “Youknow how we met? Talking about D H Karver’s novels?” Mon nods.“This is ridiculous, I’m warning you.”
“Goon.” Mon smiles again, and Wedge is determined to make her smile asmuch as he can that evening, because her smile is so delightful.
“So,it’s a pen name, we all know that. But no one knows who she is,she’s mysterious as fuck—” Mon laughs as Wedge swears without acare. “You know why? She’s actually my friend Hobbie.”
Monlooks at him for a moment, trying to decide if he’sserious. “Your friend Hobbie, the same one who took ten years torealise he was head over heels in love with his best friend, is famedromance novelist D H Karver?”
“Apparentlyso.” Wedge shrugs. “I only found out last week, when the guyswere interrogating me about you – sorry, I tried not to say toomuch – and Wes burst out into violent laughter when I told them howwe met.”
Monstares at him for another long moment, before her face crinkles upand she starts laughing. It’sjoyful and jubilant and Wedge can’t help but join in. He laughswith her, grateful that he’s with her in that moment, to see herreact and not to have to rely on the tools of text and emoji for herto convey her delight. “That’s amazing,” she says. “What acoincidence.”
Theyfinished eating long enough ago that they should probably be movingon. Dinner has been more delightful than Wedge ever even dreamed itwould be. At some point, he slipped over to Mon’sside of the booth to show her some pictures from his day, and henever left. He’s stayed by her side, the two of them brushingagainst each other constantly, sharing touch with ease.
Hewatches her. More than he probably should. He wants to remember her,the way her face lights up as she talks, so he can picture it later.If he looks long enough maybe he can commit her to memory.
Shepauses in the middle of her speech. “Sorry,I’m going off on one again.” She looks back over and Wedge iscaught staring.
Heducks his head, feeling as the heat covers his cheeks. “Sorry,”he mumbles. He doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Doesn’twant to be that guy, who can’t clamp down his feelings, who makesit weird.
“Youdon’t need to be embarrassed,” Mon says. She places a hand on hisknee, squeezing softly, and then runs her hand along the outside edgeof his thigh.
Wedgeis from a circle of touchy-feely friends, who live in each otherspockets and will fit four of them on a two-person sofa. But thisfeels different. It’snot some bullshit heteronormative nonsense, where it’s differentbetween a man and a woman, because Wedge is about as straight as awinding country road. It feels different because he wants Mon,because there is this connection between them, and Wedge hopes tohell and back he’s not misreading this.
Helooks back up at her. Her smile takes his breath away. He tries togather up the courage to say something, thinking if there is a momentwhere he could, it is now. But the words stick in his throat. Theuncertainty haunts him. He’drather things just stayed like this. He doesn’t know what to do ifshe disappeared out of his life.
“Wedge?”she enquires.
“It’sokay, carry on.” Wedge smiles back at her. He reaches for her hand,the one that’s on his leg, tangling her fingers in his. “I likehearing you talk.”
Theytalk a little while longer, and then Mon suggests a walk, around andalong the river. Wedge, who has no wish for this night to end, agreesreadily. Mon takes care of the check, despite Wedge’soffer to go half with her – she chose the place, she pays, that’swhat she says. He can pay next time.
Wedge’sheart jumps at the thought that there will be a next time.
Monmakes a striking figure in her long white coat. She’staller than him, and gains another inch or so from the low heels onher shoes. Wedge doesn’t mind that. He doesn’t have manypreferences when it comes to looks. Mon is an objectively lovelywoman – she’s not a classic beauty, but there’s something abouther features, her character, that makes people believe in her, towant to do anything for her. Wedge knows her better than that, andthe feeling only gets worse as you know the strength of her heart andconvictions.
(She’solder than him too. That doesn’t bother him either. His friendshave always says he’s an old soul.)
Theystep out, and there’sa chill in the air now that comes with the late evening. “You knowaround here better than I do,” Wedge says, looking at the way thewarm light from the streetlamps catches in her hair. “Lead theway.”
“Alright.”Mon offers her arm. It takes Wedge a moment to realise she’soffering it to him, and then he accepts it, linking his arm throughhers.
Theysettle into step easily. Mon points out relevant important landmarkswhen they pass them, but mostly they walk in quiet. She leads himround, and then down to Westminster Bridge. They stop halfway acrossit, pausing to watch the river.
“Idon’t like London much,” Wedge admits. Mon lives here, representsone of the many London constituencies, and he doesn’t know ifshe’ll take offence. “It’s too busy for me. But from here, Iguess I could.” It’s quiet, and he can see the stars above, andMon is by his side, and Wedge thinks that he’d like anywhere, ifonly she was with him.
“Theriver is one of my favourite places,” Mon says. Her hand rests inthe small of Wedge’s back. “Especially at this time of night. Icome out here sometimes, just to think. Spent a lot of time textingyou from this exact spot, actually.”
Wedgelifts his head up to the sky. “Irecognise the stars,” he says, finding the constellations the sameway he did in all the pictures she sent. He thinks of all those latenight messages, stray thoughts that crossed her mind, accompanied bya snapshot of her view. He turns his head to look at her, only tofind she’s already looking at him. “Thanks for sharing this withme.”
“I’vewanted to for a while.” Her fingers reach up, brushing Wedge’shair out of his face and behind his ear. As her hand pulls back, herfingers graze across the line of his jaw. Wedge wants to lean intoher touch, but it’s so fleeting, been and gone before he has timeto reach up and keep her hand here. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“WishI was here for more than an evening.”
“You’rewelcome to come back,” Mon suggests. “Or I could come and visityou. I’m sure I could find some excuses to be north of the border.”
“Notsure how welcome you might be, given how hard you campaigned for theunion.”
Monshoves him, playfully. “WedgeAntilles, don’t tell me you’re a nationalist.”
Wedgelaughs, leaning back into her. “Ifear politics may be a dangerous thread of discussion.” He shrugs.“Eh, I don’t have any stakes in that game. I’d like you tovisit. I’d like to spend any time with you I could. I’d certainlylike to see you more than once a year or so.”
“I’llmake it happen. Find a date. You’re really not that far away,really.”
“Scotlandmight as well be another country from London, honestly.” Wedgelaughs. “I’d take another date.” He pauses, when he realiseswhat he’s said.
Monmust catch his wariness. She reaches over, tangles her fingers inhis, and speaks before Wedge can backtrack. “Thiscan be a date, if you want it to be.” Her grip tightens. “I’dlike it to be,” she says, voice soft and sweet, and so utterlysincere.
“Oh.”Wedge gasps.
Shelikes him. She wants this. Wedge isn’tthe only one with a mess of feelings he doesn’t know what to dowith. This evening has been exactly what Wedge has wanted to think itwas.
“Iwant that.” The words are awkward, but Wedge reckons it’s ablessing that he gets them out at all. “I—” He forces himselfto look at her, to meet her eyes. “I like you. I’ve liked you fora while now. I just… I didn’t want to put that on you. But I’dlike to date you, very much.”
Thewords feel clumsy in his mouth. He hopes that he gets enough acrossthat she understands, the way she’salways understood him.
“Ilike the sound of that,” Mon says back.
She’ssmiling, and Wedge feels the tug of desire. He steps forward,bringing them closer. “Can I—” He inclines his head towardshers. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes,”Mon says, before closing the gap herself.
Theymeet and it’sall Wedge has dreamed of, in those quiet moments where hisimagination got away from him. There’s nothing inherentlyspectacular about it, but it feels like home. It feels like they’vekissed a thousand times before, but no less exciting for that fact.
Itends too soon. Wedge pulls back to look at her. Two bright spots ofred colour her cheeks. Her smile is bright, reaching right up to hereyes. She looks giddy with it all. As is Wedge. He’sso happy right now, happier than he ever remembers being, filled withan infectious joy.
Andso he kisses her again.
“Idon’t want to go.” Wedge scuffs his feet along the floor, knowingfull well that he should be responsible. It’s late. He’s tired.His friends are probably starting to wonder if he is coming home thatnight.
“Well,you don’t have to.” Mon cocks her head at him. “You couldalways come back to mine. My sofa’s free, if you want it, or I’vegot an empty half of a bed.” She blushes, looking away, a littleembarrassed. “If you don’t think that that’s moving too fast.”
“Youdid point out we’ve basically been dating for six months or so, wejust didn’t know it.” Wedge reaches in his pocket for his phone.“I’d love to, I just should probably check that my friends aren’twaiting up to interrogate me – which they will be – and let themknow I’m fine.”
“Youdo that.” Mon squeezes his hand as he steps away. He dials Luke,given that it’s Luke’s flat they’re all crashing in. Also, Lukeis unlikely to give him the full dose of grief. If he’s the one whoactually picks up his phone.
Wedgelistens to the line ringing, and prays that his exceptional run ofluck holds. Luckily, it does. Luke lets him go with minimal fuss,thanks him for calling, and ignores the way Wes and Hobbie areheckling in the background. It leaves Wedge to turn back to Mon, witha wide smile. “I’mall yours,” he says.
Wedgewakes the next morning, in a bed that isn’this own, a warm body along his side. He blinks his way toconsciousness slowly, stretching out.
Besidehim, Mon mumbles a noise of displeasure, and nestles closer to hisside. She throws a leg over his thigh and an arm round his waist,determined not to let him go. Wedge lets himself lie back into it fora moment, enjoying the physicality of her lying beside him, knowingthat its absence will haunt him later. He runs his hand over her arm,tucks his nose into her hair.
Theylie like that for a while. Wedge doesn’twant to ever get up, to leave the comfort of her arms. But he has atrain to catch. “Mon.” He pokes the soft flesh of her upper arm,as deliberately as he can muster. “Mon, darling, I’ve got to getup. I’m booked to get out of London by midday, because past me wasan idiot who didn’t think this through.”
Shegrumbles, clutching him even tighter. “No.I’ll book you on another train. A flight. Whatever.”
Wedgeallows himself to consider it for a moment. To stay with her, in thisbed, ignoring the world and their responsibilities. It would bebliss.
Butthey’donly buy themselves some scant hours. Wedge has a number of thingsfrom his event yesterday that need wrapping up, and a weekend’sworth of chores to do. Mon has – christ, Mon probably has goodnessknows how many things she needs to do.
“Ican’t,” Wedge murmurs back at her. “Next time.”
Monuntangles herself from him. She stares at him, her red hair rumpledand falling every which way over her head. She’slovely like this, Wedge thinks, unguarded and completely herself.“Next time,” she says. “I’m clearing three days of myschedule and we’re not leaving the bed.”
Wedgelaughs, and ducks into kiss her.
Wedgeends up dashing across Euston station for his train, to where Wes,Hobbie and Tycho are all waiting in the first carriage for him. Theytug him on a moment before the guard signals for the train to depart.“Surehope your lady friend was worth it, Wedge,” Wes teases, as theymake their way to their seats.
“She’sworth the entire world,” Wedge replies, not caring what amount ofshit he gets for waxing lyrical over her. As they sit down, Wedgepulls his phone out of his pocket. He’s got a text waiting.
MonMothmaMissyou already x
Wedgesmiles softly to himself, knowing he must look lovestruck.
WedgeAntillesMissyou too.Ilove you.
MonMothma…you couldn’t have said that when you were here????
WedgeAntilles… sorry?
MonMothmaIlove you too.Callme when you get home safe.
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