i can make a whole essay unpacking all lily's bs
People (and by people I mean cunts) get stuck on the fact that Mayrik was Rey's ride to Jakku, but it was Rey's Parents and Niima the Hutt who made her a slave. Not Mayrik.
Doesn't make it better really. She still did it. She trafficked a child to slavery, where she could be force to work to death, killed or r*ped. And Mayrik. Did. Nothing. So why is she good and sympathetic in that scenario, and, say, Luke, who hesitated to kill his own nephew just because there's some chance of him becoming evil, isn't? Because she's black/woman/sith and by extension oppressed? Wasn't her lover a wealthy senator of dantooine who could give her money lmao???
The story ends with a war to end the Hutt Cartel on the horizon, and Aliana already killed Rey's parents.
That's the problem Lily. ALIANA kills her parents. It's not Rey's decision, she (if i remember correctly) doesn't even MEET them, let alone talk. if i was rey, ngl, I'd be seriously PISSED OFF. because those are MY parents, regardless of how horrible they are. also who tf is Aliana to make that decision?? a child of rey's trafficker? a girlfriend at best! She has no right to choose their fate for rey you moron
also thanks for using the c*nt slur (you've admitted that it's a slur) against women that disagrees with you. TERF, c*nt, b*tch, what next "witch"?…… oh wait :)
oh god there's more of this nonsense!
One thing people forget is that this was originally going to be a fight between Alie and Rey, but it was a fight where Rey was clearly unreasonable. And we scrapped it because it was needless cruelty.
....... umm it's not other people's problem that you can't write a conflict without making it cruel... says a lot about you honestly. also "unreasonable" lily seriously?? it's unreasonable to be angry at someone who lied to you about very important thing, technically earned her money from YOU being sent to slavery and glorifying your abuser??
Alie was 10 and no idea why Rey was even on the ship and didn't even recognize her 14 years later when she landed on Jakku. There was nothing she could do, and Rey taking that anger out on her, especially after realizing she's already been far too unfair to Aliana already, would be out of character for her. Her anger would have to be with Tahleea, who is already dead in part because of the safe decision making that led to her brining Rey to Jakku in the first place.
are we going to forget that rey still forgive Mayrik 2 min after meeting her ghost? are we going to ignore Aliana woodifying her mom every 5 seconds? and it's not like mayrik's death was some kind of poetic justice btw in two loving mothers she seemed HAPPY having such a great mother figure... jesus just change aliana to a white guy and you'd have a fucking hysteria by that point
Ultimately Tahleea's crimes are miniscule. If it hadn't been her, it would have been someone else.
.... lily, it's like saying "wELL SOMEONE had to drive those jews to concentration camps! if it wasn't Heinrich it would've been Ulrich!!". she's a SLAVE trafficker, what miniscule crimes are you talking about?? do you fucking hear yourself right now??
And Aliana has already had the time to process her mother's mistakes. It's why she doesn't try to reason with power. It's why she's not a peaceful person. It's why she doesn't try to be acceptable to the Republic.
it's why she kills random people she thinks are bad, it's why she electrocutes an old woman that shows Aliana that she's wrong, it's why she supports tyrany. a hero of your time yall
Her mother was all of those things. The quintessential "One of the good ones" of the Sith. They killed her anyway.
well good riddance https://youtu.be/zLyk_AIZGkw?t=136
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f1nalboys · 3 years
this is my ‘the collector’ live post i’m gonna edit it as i go and post it once i’m done so i don’t bombard y’all
-the mfs in the beginning deserve to die bc who walks around in their pitch black house 🙄
-ew these opening credits….. maybe i just don’t like the music choice but i’m like 😡
-ok so arkin knows the family i guess? idk
-he’s so sexy i want him so bad y’all…… i would FUCK him so god damn hard y’all wouldn’t believe it
-jill shut the actual fuck up PLEASE
-arkin why don’t you come in my box 😝😝 if u get what i’m saying babe
-his wife is kinda sexy hehe
-milf and dilf powercouple
-arkinnnnnn ur a little thief but ur sexy so it’s fine
-the collecter walks like a fruit i know that bc i walk the same
-waiting for the sexy sexy scene of arkin when he gets his face grabbed by asa and he looks breedable
-damnnnn he’s fucking michael up 😭 asa ur a lil monster fr
-15-24-7 everyone remember that ok
-most fucked uo thing asas done so far is breathe in that lady’s face bc i just know his breath is rank as fuck
-not arkin searching through all of the drawers like mf he SAID the bottom one. ur wasting time
-ngl to yall id get the rock and just fuck off there’s no way i’d even try to help these folks 😐 does that make me evil….it’s just like,,,, i can’t help! at all! i’d try but id lowkey just look for a way out 😭 i’d die regardless i guess
-ok maybe id try to help instead of just leaving but idk 🙄
-this yalls man fr 🤔
-arkin yelling at the lady while she’s getting tortured LMFAO
-jill avoiding all the traps cuz she’s horny JFJSJDJ
-there’s sm nipple in this movie
-asa is such a weird little freak LMAO
-THE BEAR TRAPS??? what is wrong w him omg
-arkin just leave babe y’all could not fucking catch me here any longer than that lol
-arkin is too good i don’t give a fuck abt that little girl tbh
-not them electrocuting the wrong guy
-also how tf is asa unable to locate or kill the little girl??? mf how many people have u tortured and kidnapped at this point???????
-r these noises fucking asa screaming??
-personally i think asa has too much time in hands like how long do y’all think it took to set up all those traps??? my man needs a hobby i think
-he only takes one fr
-sorry it happened to be u sexy arkin lover babe
-asa furry confirmed????
-i think there r nicer ways to wake him up rather than cutting his forehead asa
-no ass on him that’s why he’s a serial killer
-is he digging out his teeth w the chisel???
-i like the effects on asas eyes
-the way arkin had to be homophobic to get asa to come back and beat him up sir that’s the por calling the kettle black ain’t it
-i mean if asa rlly wanted to fuck him up he could’ve just killed the girl
-or try to get bugs to eat through his stomach, that works to i guess
-asas evil little dogs damn
-arkin let me fix u up babe plssss i’ll take care of u hehehe
-the random noises they put over asa is so weird like what is he doing
-is the dog gotta eat this little girl 😭
-arkin hurry up bitch let’s GO
-this is why i’m a cat person
-the stuffed fake dog was rlly something tho
-isn’t there 2 open windows upstairs? why don’t they go through those???
-HAHAHA he got stabbed by the knife chandelier 😝
-wonder what happened to arkin a daughter and gf ex lady
-the added the scream from asa like he’s in the fire or something
-also this little girl has GOT to have extreme ptsd from this
-THE AMBULANCE???? also damn arkin was strapped in tight tryna save the emt
-asa is so extra taking arkin w him like man u could’ve just killed him then and there 🙄
-how tf did he survive the knife thing tho 🤔 if it was anyone else they’d be deadzo…. anyways time to go watch the collection hehe
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noitsbecky127 · 3 years
rebecca watches tos: for the world is hollow and i have touched the sky
beginning on red alert once again I see
they’re in a space battle
they won the space battle
oh wait ok those were just missiles
hello bones, cranky as always I see
what the fuck is xenopolycythemia
one year is not a long time
how tf are they gonna get him out of this one, I mean obviously he’s not actually gonna die
an immediate replacement? he does still have a year
that’s a big fucking asteroid. i think. i don’t actually know how big is big for asteroids
it’s an asteroid with missiles?
a ship disguised as an asteroid? that’s actually not a bad idea
wonder what happened to the people aboard
you should probably make sure this thing doesn’t crash onto daran five
bones has decided to accompany them. sir you are dying
otoh if he’s dying may as well see an asteroid ship before he goes
looks like a planet
that’s a really old ship!
yay terrible fight scene
ooh pretty lady
bones isn’t doing great
bad and naughty starfleet officers get brought down The Tube
these outfits are so goddamn weird
they don’t even know they’re on a ship
but why not?
wtf is that voice and where did it come from
they got electrocuted
and now spock knows about bones’s whole deal
are either of them gonna tell bones spock knows
ok they did
bones is surprisingly chill about jim telling spock after being explicitly told not to tell anyone
who’s this person
alright he’s providing medicine of a sort
is he ok?
hey a title drop!!!!
rip random mountain climbing dude
so why can’t they know they’re on a ship?
do people who say that things aren’t as they seem just spontaneously die
bones is gonna get some action I see, good for him
they’re very good hostesses
ah they’re gonna fix bones somehow
he’s not looking good
“we are strangers to each other” “is that not the nature of men and women?” it is definitely not, that’s so dumb
poor bones :(
yeahhh bones get some!
fabrini? guess that’s what these people are
so this ship was launched bc their planet was being destroyed, but it’s taking a long fucking time to get there
idek what kirk and spock are looking for rn
more information ig
oh god natira wants to keep bones
also everyone except her can’t choose their own mates? little messed up
aaand they’ve been electrocuted again
bones pulling the “for me” card
honestly if I were him I’d stay too, mans only has a year to live (though he’ll live somehow ofc, but he doesn’t know that)
alriiight the “for me” card worked!
man you can tell this is just killing jim :(
idk what an “instrument of obedience” is but I don’t like it and I don’t think bones should be getting one put inside him
and now he and natira are married
meanwhile back on the enterprise they’re being told to leave
kirk does not want to leave
he was ordered to but this man has never followed orders in his life
ooh bones has information!
oh god the thing he got is what the other guy had, and what apparently they all have
guess the oracle likes to control everything
that red glow is definitely bad
and spock has removed it
natira is learning the truth, always a good thing
natira please believe him
does the oracle WANT everyone to die
removing the thing is ridiculously easy
and now the oracle’s gonna cook them alive
down to the wire as always
what is this place
ah the controls
bones has decided he’ll find a cure for himself, ofc it won’t be necessary since this will be resolved within the next two minutes
ahhh the records have medical knowledge, and it’ll fix bones
and bones is fixed!
good episode
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angeltrapz · 3 years
oosdkk dude im sorry ur mood dropped too.. i hope u feel better soon <3 but like i wld love 2 hear more abt ur thoughts on Art in general bc Boy Is He Interesting, and also a lil more abt Daniel coming out as nonbinary to his dad (whether he knows Eric is trans or not at that moment skjdfhdskf)! + if ur feelin it just more abt Mallick in general ESP cuz we agree that Brit doesn't make it thru V
djhfjdks thank u sm <3
okay Art first. I genuinely wonder abt him so much, something in specific I think abt is that aside frm Amanda (+ Eric, obviously, but talkin abt disciples) Art is one of the only trap victims EVER 2 be tested twice and it’s like... what’s that abt? Why? as u’ve said b4 it rly depends on how you personally view his character: whether he’s a disciple or not. fr me, both options are equally plausible, n honestly I don’t rly confine myself to either; it sorta depends on what I’m feeling/writing. if we’re talking abt art being a disciple, then the Spinecutter not going off (one of my BIGGEST questions) makes total sense, as Hoffman’s side of the trap was never set up to work either, + Jigsaw disciples have a history (aside from Lawrence) of appearing as victims in other tests/traps. if he were not just another pawn and was in fact a disciple himself, then the Spinecutter was never meant to go off - it was there just to make Eric think it COULD go off/make it look convincing to outsiders. which brings me to ANOTHER question: what does Art know abt Eric? does he know anything? what does he think of Eric?
(lil side note: if Art is a disciple, then I kinda wonder if it’s a lil bit of a Hoffman + Lawrence situation where Hoffman didn’t know abt Art either? just bc he looks so shocked when he sees Art’s face fully fr the first time... that could’ve just been acting on Hoffman’s part but IDK. food fr thought)
personally, I feel like Art probably does know a lil bit abt Eric - at the very least, he’d know tht Eric had been previously tested + failed by John’s rules, but then I feel that he wld also know Eric didn’t rly have a chance in his second test. that is why Art trying so fucking hard to keep Eric alive is interesting 2 me: what is his motivation 2 do that? like he’s been told Eric’s basically just there to get Rigg to participate, he doesn’t have any personal obligation or anything like that. sure, the aim is to keep Eric alive + see if Rigg can pass his “test,” but nobody said anything about grabbing a man you barely know around his ankles to keep him frm hanging himself w a noose made of chains. nobody said anything abt speaking to him so softly, not even raising your voice beyond saying “hey,” and asking him do you understand? when you tell him to keep still and prevent him frm killing his counterpart (which, if Art is a disciple, he knows it won’t, but he still speaks to Eric so softly, so compassionately, doesn’t he?)
nobody said anything abt grabbing him around the waist and steadying him again after being punched by said man. but Art does that. he stabilizes Eric’s feet on the ice as best he can and he keeps his hips straight and he basically says “look, we’re all stuck here, you need to keep it together ‘til that clock counts down if you want us to live, but I’m giving you a choice,” and he presses the gun w the single bullet into Eric’s hands and tells him it’s up to him. nobody said Art had to care but he does, I think, and it’s just like. he really didn’t have to keep Eric alive over the course of Rigg’s test. he didn’t. but he did and I just,, where does it come from? why does he care? this is even going beyond the fact that we’ve talked abt them being together after their test in a scenario where they both survive - I just think that Art at his core is a very stubborn but very compassionate person, whether he wants 2 be or not. like he HAS to know that kind of involvement cld prove to be extremely detrimental but he cares. I feel like that says a lot abt him (even if he does call Eric an asshole a couple times while doing it,,).
plus I also just. I think his reason for being tested (as it seems to be in most cases) is extremely flimsy. he was doing his job. he’s a LAWYER. often times it has nothing 2 do w personal feelings; they’re there to do their job and sometimes, unfortunately, that is defending possibly reprehensible people (in cases like Rex’s & Ivan’s). + John was already upset w him regarding their argument abt the urban renewal group so like it just feels So Very Petty, y’know?? even in the scenario where he IS a disciple, testing him twice seems entirely like John having a personal vendetta against him. Amanda is the only other person to be tested twice aside from Eric, so like. what. is that abt Mr. Kramer.
like I’ve said b4 in dms one could argue that Art is grey morally, bc we never rly see anything of him outside of flashbacks + acting as a test controller in IV, esp given that he... rly doesn’t seem too bothered abt it all? which is fair. but I also feel like the concern he shows towards Eric is smth to be considered as well.
+ YESS NONBINARY DANIEL I know I’ve mentioned it b4 but for reference, I read Daniel as masc nonbinary (he/they)! so I feel like Daniel wld b pretty comfortable w his identity, he’s never rly had a reason not to be (it’s rly anyone’s guess here tho bc we never see Eric + Daniel + Kate... as a family unit, for obvious reasons), so I feel like he’s vry chill abt it? and in the scenario where Eric survives n is dating Adam, I feel like Daniel wld talk 2 him abt it first (Adam is an adult they quickly come to trust + he’s vocal abt being trans himself so there’s that added layer of understanding - other than his mom maybe Adam might b the first person they come out 2). they’re just kinda like “so I wanna tell my dad I’m nonbinary but like I’ve literally never thought abt coming out what do I do” and Adam’s just like. Aha. bc he knows Eric is Also Trans so like, he doesn’t tell Daniel that bc it’s not his info to share, but he’s definitely like “oh it’ll totally be fine. trust me you have no reason to worry” so Daniel’s just like Okay. I Got This
+ I know I mentioned this in dms but Daniel wld absolutely wear those floral ripped hem skirts over jeans, so I feel like on one of his visits to his dad’s, he just. wears that combined w a completely random niche graphic tee he bought when shopping w Adam (I adore this hc n I am Holding Onto It) n is just like. not super open abt it bc he doesn’t know what to expect? he just kinda waits fr Eric to comment on it but when he doesn’t, Daniel gets nervous n is like “do I look okay?” and Eric’s rly chill abt it, like “yeah! it looks vry cool, vry alternative.” n like Daniel is relieved, of course, but also he’s just like God Pls Say Something so he just comes out w it like “okay this is not working. I’m nonbinary.”
and he’s COMPLETELY SHOCKED when Eric is just like “oh why didn’t u say so? do u have a different name u wanna go by? is Daniel still okay?” bc he wasn’t sure how much Eric knew, so he’s just like “uh no Daniel is still good, he/they pronouns though” and Eric’s just like alright cool but internally Daniel’s just like ??????
n THAT is when Eric asks him 2 come sit out on th front steps w him n is just like. “I don’t think I ever told u this but I’m trans. I transitioned during training in my early 20s” n Daniel is nodding while internally he’s like Adam I’m gonna throttle u. he worked himself up fr NOTHING. he just kinda laughs abt it and Eric is like “are u good?” ‘cause he’s a lil worried but then Daniel just smiles and is like “yeah I’m fine! just realizing I had nothing 2 be worried abt” and it’s a rly good moment fr them. they sit out there together talking abt their experiences for quite a while n at some point Adam steps outside 2 find them deep in conversation + he just smiles n goes back inside bc he cares abt them both so much and seeing them talk like that makes him so 💞💞 (Eric is SO PROUD u can see it on his face)
ohhh gosh Mallick,,, I spend a lot of time thinking abt him actually. he’s just one of those characters I feel vry connected to (me 🤝 Mallick: Ambiguous Disorder 💕) n one I got surprisingly attached to? hello (he IS one of my f/os)
I feel like Mallick is a very lonely person at his core. the way he sort of clings to Brit (w out the whole like. adrenaline of being in very very real danger w ppl trying to kill u SEVERAL TIMES) somewhat confirms this fr me. this is someone who has no reason to look out fr him, no reason to keep protecting him when their fellow captives hit him over th head w a club or attempt to push him into a bathtub to ELECTROCUTE him, but she keeps doing it and he’s just. in awe of it a little bit? ‘cause she could just let Charles knock him tf out or let Luba push him in but she fights for him, some1 she has no obligation to n met fr the first time literally when they woke up.
the moment they share b4 they stick their arms into the saws to activate the 10 Pints of Sacrifice is so very vulnerable and maybe even a little tender. yes he calls her a monster, yes she calls him one back, neither of them deny it. it’s an admission and an acceptance. they’re monsters, sure, fine, okay. but they are monsters and they are in this together. Brit tells Mallick it’s okay when he says he can’t do this alone. she says okay, okay, it’s okay, we’ll go together. and they help each other secure their tourniquets and they stick their hands in together bc it’s the two of them, literally hand in hand, fighting for their lives n for each other n they’re in so so much pain but they are doing it TOGETHER. I lose it thinking abt it!!! they even have a head bonk moment!!! I very much feel like it has some cinematic parallels to Adam & Lawrence’s moment in SAW 2004!!!!
+ as u mentioned, we both share the thought that Brit likely died since she wasn’t present at Bobby’s meetings, and. I want to touch on how fucking despondent and lost Mallick looks when we see him again in 3D. lights on but no one’s home. I feel like for Mallick, losing Brit was losing the first chance at a real connection he’s had in god knows how long - and for him, that’s just very shattering. he’s been thru hell, he’s watched three people die right in front of him, he sawed his ARM IN HALF, n the person he went through all of that with didn’t make it. but he did. and I feel like for Mallick that’s just like... he doesn’t understand it. but he feels even lonelier than he ever has b4 because the One Person who was there w him thru it all, the one person who could ever possibly understand what happened that night, is gone.
the Mallick we see in V would NEVER sit down n willingly listen to Bobby Dagen’s bullshit abt loving yr scars n taking pride in the fact u survived. he wld hate that man with a passion n I am very much sure of this. the fact that he’s sitting in that chair looking numb and glassy-eyed and silent? Mallick is trying to find some1 to connect to, find a place where maybe he belongs. trying to fill that hole that losing Brit made. why else wld he be sitting there, listening to someone he would ordinarily tell to shove his self-love bullshit up his ass? he’s lost. he’s just trying to keep his head above water and find a way to shore even though everything in him is fighting not to. he’s adrift without her.
+ ALTERNATIVELY, bc the reality of that is just. crushing n maybe not where I needed 2 go, in the scenario where Brit survived + just doesn’t want to put up w Bobby’s bullshit, I imagine them to actually move in together after a lil bit of time getting 2 know each other better w out the pressure of “oh god we’re gonna die.” she kinda helps him build up a sense of self-worth bc GOD it’s practically non-existent n thinking abt possible reasons why makes me sad. she’s definitely just like “no, you do deserve to be cared for and you deserve help when you need it, you deserve good things n to be happy.” she just kinds shuts it down while still making sure to talk 2 him abt WHY he feels that way (she’s not dismissing, but she’s trying to nip it in th bud) n Mallick is just like. huh. bc no one’s really done that fr him before. but it rly does end up helping in the long run, even if it is a very slow pace toward actually getting 2 a place where he recognizes his own worth + realizes he deserves all the things he wants Brit 2 have too. they’re there for each other thru thick n thin and if they made it thru their game, they can make it thru anything.
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snortinglaughter · 6 years
21 questions
Tagged by the wife @nifflers-n-nargles whomst i loveth so mucheth and @violetclarity
Nickname: Gigi (lol y'all thought that was my real name? 😂) Highschool friends called me Ranna (which means Frog) just because it rhymes with my real name and I mean yeah it's lame but they literally still call me that whenever they see me.
Last movie I saw: Burn the Stage lololol
Last thing I googled: The legend of the Smeraldo flower and bitch that shit is SAD sad
Favorite musician: I think y'all know I'm BTS obsessed at the moment, but other than that I also very much like a bunch of hispanic artists that you guys may not know so let's just leave it at BTS lmao
Other blogs: Nope
Do I get asks: Every once in a while, yes
Following: 776 (thank you for staying with me even though I've written jackshit lately I love every single one of you 💜)
Amount of sleep: You could say I get enough, but no, there's never enough sleep
Lucky number: Listen there's not a single number that's given me luck so I'll just pass
What I'm wearing: Sweatpants and sweater because I'm a lazy hoe
Dream job: Professional dildo tester
Dream trip: Oh boy I would travel the world if I could, tasting all the different traditional dishes from everywhere I visited, attending concerts and museums (someone make me a gofundme and pls donate I'm broke)
Favorite food: Whatever my mom cooks 😭💜
Play any instruments: I used to go to piano classes when I was around 8 but even though I was one if the best in class I hated tbh. It's funny how when you learn a new skill, no matter how good you are at it, if you don't like it you forget how to do it properly. So what I'm trying to say is I can't even play Mary Had a Little Lamb to save my life
Languages: Spanish is my native language, somewhat fluid in English, a tiny itsy bit of Portuguese, and currently learning Korean
Favorite song: Are you fucking kidding me rn?
Random fact: Once when I was 9, we were bathing my french poodle "Pelusa" in the garden, so there was this hole in the ground right beside us. That day I learned that the electricity line ran underground. So there we were, applying shampoo to my doggo and then...she fell in the hole. One of the electricity cables was a little worn out I guess and she started screaming (and I with her, that shit was scary) because she was getting fucking electrocuted okay, so in Pelusa's efforts to get the fuck out of there, she bit my leg right before my mom pulled Pelusa out (how? You might ask, to which I will respond: TF SHOULD I KNOW I WAS LITTLE OKAY?) As a result my leg was bleeding and also shaking because Pelusa passed electricity to me and I freaked out because I thought I was gonna DIE. Everyone brushed it off as me being overly dramatic (for some reason nobody ever believed me when I said I was physically hurting) but it hurt like HELL. Fortunately Pelusa survived and I did too. (Serious question: should I create a blog of "Stupid but yet frightening shit that's happened to me in the span of 30 years"? Because bitch I can't understand how I'm still alive)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: The edge of a forest with tall, leafy trees in a warm spring day, but if you're careful, if you pay enough attention, you can see a little bit darkness beyond the bright exterior
Not tagging 21 people bc let's be honest I'm not popular, so I'll go ahead and tag @xx-thedarklord-xx @unicornsandphoenix @secretlycrazyhummingbird @rockmarina @slashfoxes @hogwartsfirebolt
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