#why tf is his name carl oxford
fermeldahyde · 8 months
Carl Decapolice headcanon time because the brain rot is still bad
I know it has only been 2 days lol, bare with me.
Tw // Homophobia and transphobia from family members
He has a twin sister named Angelica. They are identical twins but they are not the same gender because:
Carl is transmasc!
He's also gay af! Whole ass fruit. Certified men enjoyer.
He's from British descent.
He has a weird mix between a British accent and an American accent.
His family owns a huge company so they are very wealthy.
His sister Angelica is a model and an unofficial spokes person of the Oxford family. She is extremely charismatic which earned her the nickname, "The Angel of the Oxford family." She's quite airheaded though.
His mother is the one that shows the most affection to Carl. However, she is quite oblivious to his inner turmoil.
He has conflict with his father he isn't really supportive of his son's queerness and only let him transition cause he wanted a man to be the heir of the company. This does not work since Carl wants to be a detective.
His father is also disappointed that, despite transitioning, Carl still "acts like a wimp" and that he "might as well stayed as a girl." Hearing this completely broke Carl.
This causes him to have doubts about his own gender, making him wonder if things would be easier if he didn't transition (This isn't true ofc, he's just in a dark mindset).
All of this conflict causes Carl to develop severe self-worth issues.
This leads to a massive jealousy problem (though he never talks about it) with the BPD as all of his colleagues are "more talented."
He's specifically jealous of Harvard, but his feelings towards him are complicated because they're friends and he has a crush on him.
He "dated" a girl in middle school because his parents thought they were "cute together."
He then proceeds to rebelliously date guys in highschool in secret. It did not end well though because his first bf was an asshole and by his second bf, his father found out.
His sister likes to tease him about potential crushes. Though she wasn't aware that Carl was gay and assumed he just liked girls at first. Now she teases him on what guys he likes.
He occasionally makes bets with Manimani (this is based on a fanfic I read).
He's bros with Mikey and Zhang. He goes on hangouts with them sometimes.
Carl had a phase where he wanted to become more "text savy" so he asked Zhang for help. However, he barely understood a thing Zhang said because he started talking about complex programming. Carl blanked out and gave up.
He asked Mikey one time if he could help him become "more manly" by gaining muscles, so they hit the gym. Spoilers: it did not end well.
Misae is very hard on him. Carl assumes that it's cause she hates him for being a "wimp" like his dad, but she's actually just trying to prepare him for the harsh reality of detective life and that he needs to be more confident in himself.
There's a specific story moment where he's the only one who's able to stop a criminal and he does this using his own skill in negotiation. He's successful and after this, Misae goes easier on him because she sees that he is starting to find his resolve.
Granger being the father figure ever, is the exact opposite. He reassures Carl of his own abilities and that he will become a great detective. Carl is quite confused by this and thinks Granger is just lying to make him feel better.
He doesn't know how to cook, but he started learning after he moved in with Harvard.
Carl's favorite alcoholic beverages are whiskey and beer.
He was initially a tea addict, but being around Harvard influenced him into drinking coffee a lot.
He can't drink black coffee, it has to have milk in it, specifically almond milk.
I might add more later, but this is all I have for now. I might either Carlvard, Zhang, or Manimani next.
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