cuties-in-codices · 8 months
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the wild woman ruel carrying wigalois
illustration from a copy of wirnt von grafenberg's arthurian romance "wigalois", alsace, c. 1420
source: Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibl., Cod. Donaueschingen 71, fol. 125r
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queer-ragnelle · 1 month
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Wigalois by Wirnt von Grafenberg | More quotes at Arthuriana Daily
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gawrkin · 5 months
Has anyone here ever discussed the magic belts associated with Guinever in the German Arthuriana?
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yiddishknights · 1 year
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Full-page illumination from the Leiden manuscript of Wigalois. The top half of the page depicts Japhite and her ladies, while the bottom half depicts Wigalois’ (left) fight with Roaz (right).
Source: Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden, LTK 537, fol. 79r
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aeide-thea · 1 year
beautiful & also terrible to have the sort of brain where you find yrself at 4:30 AM looking up intersections between jewishness & arthuriana. like. fucking amazing rabbit hole but. why am i not asleep. my head hurts and my eyes are sandy.
however. some cool things (that probably some of you knew abt already, but i did not!):
King Artus – "a 'Hebrew Arthurian Romance of 1279… Judaized and transformed.' […] Although the story in 'King Artus' is fairly straightforwardly Arthur’s as we know it today, there are little touches that tie it to Jewish literature. When, for example, Arthur’s mother, the Duchess, learns that her husband is dead and she has been deceived by the shape-shifting Uther Pendragon, she tries to figure out how that could be possible. 'No sooner had he gone more than a bow-shot’s distance away from the castle than the messenger came straight to my chamber.' That bow-shot’s distance comes not from Arthurian legend but from the story of Hagar, who sits a bow-shot’s distance away from her son Ishmael when Abraham casts them out and she does not want to see her son die."
Bovo-Bukh – "a chivalric romance adapted in 1507 by Elye Bokher (Elijah Baḥur *Levita) into 650 ottava rima stanzas in Yiddish from a Tuscan version (Buovo d'Antona) of the early 14th-century Anglo-Norman original, Boeuve de Haumton. This tale of the heroic adventures of the noble Bovo, exiled from his homeland by the machinations of his murderous mother, his wanderings through the world (as far as Babylon), and the love story of Bovo and Druzyana, their separation, his triumphant return home, and the final reunion with Druzyana and their two sons, proved to be one of the most beloved tales in the Yiddish literary tradition over the course of more than two centuries."
Vidvilt – "anonymous 15th–16th-century Yiddish epic. This Arthurian romance of the chivalric adventures of Sir Vidvilt (and his father Gawain), based on Wirnt von Gravenberg's 13th-century Middle High German Wigalois, proved to be one of the most enduringly popular secular narratives in Yiddish literary history, with numerous manuscript recensions, printings (the first in an extensively expanded version by Joseph b. Alexander Witzenhausen, Amsterdam 1671), and reprintings, in rhymed couplets, ottava rima (Prague 1671–79), and prose, over the course of three and a half centuries. The anonymous poet of the earliest Yiddish version composed more than 2,100 rhymed couplets (probably in northern Italy), following Wirnt's plot rather closely through the first three-quarters of the narrative (abbreviating much and generally eliminating specific Christian reference), before offering quite a different conclusion."
Sir Gabein – "from 1788-89, a tale in which the Arthurian knight Gabein does not return to Camelot but – via Russia and Sardinia – reaches China and ultimately ascends to the Chinese imperial throne as the new emperor." slow blink.
also this is getting beyond arthuriana into just epic poetry generally but. literally all of this sounds fascinating.
anyway. literary scholar manqué.e hrs as always here at k dot tumblr dot edu obviously! however. my ear is open like a greedy shark, &c.
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gringolet · 4 years
compilation of guinevere and gawain being friends!!
because their friendship is important to me!!
--le morte d’arthur book xviii chapter 3: Guinevere goes out of her way to get fruit for Gawain because she knows he likes it :)
“the queen for to please Sir Gawaine; she let purvey for him all manner of fruit”
--the byelorussian tristan: isolde and guinevere have a beauty contest which guinevere loses, so she immeiately goes to gawain and asks him to fight tristan. he swiftly gets his ass kicked but he tries <3
Queen Zhenibra (Guinevere) was very angry with the judges because of this,  but could do nothing about it, and so she was thinking how she could disgrace Tristan. She asked Gavaon (Gawain), the nephew of king Artiush (Arthur): “Knight, compete with Tristan;”
--die wrake van ragisel. gawain finds some dogs and steals one for guinevere.
Then he came upon little white dogs, that seemed exceedingly small (cut some lines of descrip) Sir Walewein thought immediately that he would like to catch one of them to give to the queen. He caught one right away
--lancelot and the hart with the white foot: they hang out together without arthur
--wigalois: some dude gives guinevere a belt and shes like stressed so she goes to ask gawain to help and advise her
“The queen sent word that Gawain be brought to the hall, left the arbor, and went down to sit at her palace. She asked all of the ladies to be seated. Sir Gawain came as soon as she commanded. He was a man who feared nothing and had been the death of many.
The lady asked him to sit down beside her. She knew well that he always did as she wanted, and liked him the more for it.“
--le chevalier de deus espees: gawain gets seriously injured and decides to hide in his room sending everyone away and telling them to tell guinevere and arthur that hes fine. they dont believe him and guinevere is very upset :((
“it is impossible to describe The sorrow that the queen showed, Who tore and pulled out her hair. She almost killed herself out of grief.”
--gliglois: i dont have a quote for this one bc its only in french and been summarized to me in great detail by rey but gawain gets rejected and immediately runs to guinevere to ask her to help snd to complain and cry and she just makes fun of him lovingly
--this is in a lot, like sir gawain and the green knight, but at feasts gawain is almost always sitting next to guinevere, i cant think of a single time he isnt actually. like they just hang out too like in the hart with the white foot or walewein and keye or the vulgate they just hang out all the time. i like them.
--the vulgate morte d’arthur (this also occurs in le morte d’arthur book xx chapters vii and viii) arthur sentences guinevere to burn at the stake despite gawains argument in her defense. unable to sway arthur, he renounces all loyalty and kinship with him and leaves the round table and camelot
his grief would never allow him to see the death of the lady who had paid him the greatest honour of any in the world. Then Sir Gawain went up to the king and said:
“My lord, I return to you whatever fiefs I hold from you, and I shall never again serve you in all my life if you tolerate this treachery.”
The king did not say a word in reply... and Sir Gawain straight away left the court... lamenting as much as if he saw everyone dead before him.
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teacupsinspace · 4 years
get to know the blogger
i was tagged by @floralprintshark. thank you <3
Top 4 Ships: kurogane and fay have stuck with me the longest, beau and jester make my heart warm and fuzzy, andrew and neil are my go-to in bad moods, quentin and eliot deserved better (this answer will change every 20 minutes and youll just have to live with that)
Last song I listened to: people by agust d
Currently reading: wigalois for my course on medieval lit, wagners nibelungen for my course on german lit, mrs dalloway for my course on london in lit, too many academic texts, feel good fanfics
Last Movie: howl’s moving castle with soda and jenji
Currently Craving: more peace and less quiet
as usual i am not tagging, but as usual you should totally do it and let me take a look :D
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ryu4711 · 7 years
Doing research for a BA thesis
I’m studying German medieval literature and am recently working at my BA thesis. It will be about descriptions and depictions of the Devil in German medieval literature.
I was searching for a journal article called ‘Dark Figures and Eschatological Image in Wirnt von Grafenberg’s <Wigalois>’ (thus of course it’s dealing with the Devil etc); but of course no results could be found... What I found instead:
Evidence for a major role of antisense RNAs in cyanobacterial gene regulation. In: Molecular Systems Biology.
Circulating tumour cells escape from EpCAM-based detection due to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. In: BMC cancer.
Russulaceae and Thelephoraceae form Ectomycorrhizas with Members of the Nyctaginaceae (Caryophyllales) in the Tropical Mountain Rain Forest of Southern Ecuador. In: New Phytologist.
Colocalization of ANCA-antigens and fibrinoid necrosis in ANCA-associated vasculitis.
“Ordinary” People with “Normal” Lives? a Longitudinal Study of Ecstasy and other Drug use among Norwegian Youth.
Dictionary of Minor Planet Names.
Images in the dark : an encyclopedia of gay and lesbian film and video.
Singlehanded sailing : the experiences and techniques of the lone voyagers.
Architekten sind auch nur Künstler = Architects are only artists.
And I’m wondering why I’m not progressing after all at the moment...
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queer-ragnelle · 2 months
Beginner’s Guide to Medieval Arthuriana
Just starting out at a loss for where to begin?
Here’s a guide for introductory Medieval texts and informational resources ordered from most newbie friendly to complex. Guidebooks and encyclopedias are listed last.
All PDFs link to my Google drive and can be found on my blog. This post will be updated as needed.
Pre-Existing Resources
Hi-Lo Arthuriana
♡ Loathly Lady Master Post ♡
Medieval Literature by Language
Retellings by Date
Films by Date
TV Shows by Date
Documentaries by Date
Arthurian Preservation Project
The Camelot Project
If this guide was helpful for you, please consider supporting me on Ko-Fi!
Medieval Literature
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Page (No Knowledge Required)
The Vulgate Cycle | Navigation Guide | Vulgate Reader
Culhwch and Olwen
The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle
The Marriage of Sir Gawain
Sir Gawain and The Green Knight
The Welsh Triads
Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory
Squire (Base Knowledge Recommended)
The Mabinogion
Four Arthurian Romances by Chrétien de Troyes
King Artus | scan by @jewishlancelot
Knight (Extensive Knowledge Recommended)
The History of The King's of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth
Alliterative Morte
Here Be Dragons (Weird or Arthurian Adjacent)
The Crop-Eared Dog
Perceforest | A Perceforest Reader | PDF courtesy of @sickfreaksirkay
Wigalois | Vidvilt
Guingamor, Lanval, Tyolet, & Bisclarevet by Marie of France
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
Grail Quest
Peredur (The Mabinogion)
The Story of the Grail + 4 Continuations by Chrétien de Troyes
Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach
The Crown by Heinrich von dem Türlin (Diu Crône)
The High Book of The Grail (Perlesvaus)
The History of The Holy Grail (Vulgate)
The Quest for The Holy Grail Part I (Post-Vulgate)
The Quest for The Holy Grail Part II (Post-Vulgate)
Merlin and The Grail by Robert de Boron
The Legend of The Grail | PDF courtesy of @sickfreaksirkay
Lancelot Texts
Knight of The Cart by Chretien de Troyes
Lanzelet by Ulrich von Zatzikhoven
Spanish Lancelot Ballads
Gawain Texts
Sir Gawain and The Green Knight
The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle
The Marriage of Sir Gawain
Sir Gawain and The Lady of Lys
The Knight of The Two Swords
The Turk and Sir Gawain
Perilous Graveyard | scan by @jewishlancelot
Tristan/Isolde Texts
Béroul & Les Folies
Prose Tristan (The Camelot Project)
Tristan and The Round Table (La Tavola Ritonda) | Italian Name Guide
The Romance of Tristan
Tristan and Iseult by Gottfried von Strassburg
Byelorussian Tristan
Educational/Informational Resources
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Encyclopedias & Handbooks
Warriors of Arthur by John Matthews, Bob Stewart, & Richard Hook
The Arthurian Companion by Phyllis Ann Karr
The New Arthurian Encyclopedia by Norris J. Lacy
The Arthurian Handbook by Norris J. Lacy & Geoffrey Ashe
The Arthurian Name Dictionary by Christopher W. Bruce
Essays & Guides
A Companion to Chrétien de Troyes edited by Joan Tasker & Norris J. Lacy
A Companion to Malory edited by Elizabeth Archibald
A Companion to The Lancelot-Grail Cycle edited by Carol Dover
Arthur in Welsh Medieval Literature by O. J. Padel
Diu Crône and The Medieval Arthurian Cycle by Neil Thomas
Wirnt von Gravenberg's Wigalois: Intertextuality & Interpretation by Neil Thomas
The Legend of Sir Lancelot du Lac by Jessie Weston
The Legend of Sir Gawain by Jessie Weston
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gawrkin · 4 months
Queen Guinevere and the Magic Belt (Wigalois)
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Link to Diu Crone's version: [.]
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yiddishknights · 1 year
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Wigalois fights with the Muslim knight Karrioz. From the Leiden manuscript of Wigalois, an Arthurian romance written in Middle High German in the early thirteenth century.
Source: Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden, LTK 537, fol. 72v
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gringolet · 4 years
hey hey!! i wanted to scan a text so of those listed below, which do yall wanna read? reply, reblog, dm, send an ask, give me prophetic visions, whatever
--the grail quest vulgate section --vulgate lancelot part five (leadup to the grail quest, galahads birth, various adventures) --wigalois (german romance about gingalain) --diu krone (gawain grail hero)
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yiddishknights · 2 years
Obsessed with the fact that Wigalois leaves home in search of his father (Gawain), comes to King Arthur’s court, trains as a knight under Gawain for years, and somehow never realizes that Gawain his father and Gawain of the Round Table are the same person. This has to be pointed out to him by another random guy with no connection to the situation.
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yiddishknights · 1 year
So funny seeing you all talk about Gawain being a terrible father because he’s actually a pretty good dad in the Yiddish stories. The Jews clearly didn’t approve of the whole deadbeat dad thing.
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yiddishknights · 11 months
If it's not too much trouble, I would love to know about Old Yiddish Arthuriana! I had literally no idea that was a thing but it sounds so amazing
I'm always happy to answer questions about Old Yiddish! I wrote my M.A. thesis about Vidvilt, an Arthurian epic written sometime around the 15th century. It was written in Old Yiddish and adapted from an earlier German epic called Wigalois. It in turn established a small but enduring Arthurian tradition in Yiddish: two other Arthurian works, usually known as Artushof and Gabein, were adapted from Vidvilt in the 17th-18th centuries. Artushof was especially popular; it was printed in more than a dozen different editions over the course of about a century, one of which I wrote about in this post.
Someone else on here already did a good little overview of medieval and early modern Jewish knight stories here!
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queer-ragnelle · 26 days
Still fighting with the html to adjust lettering sizes but the Medieval Literature list is now two pages long :^)
I've added an updated Parzival, Iwein, Erec, Iban, Wigalois, Wigamur, Jaufre, Tristano Riccardiano, an additional translation of The Mabinogion by Sinoed Davies, & more!
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