mikethemiraculousmerc · 5 months
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polenball · 2 months
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A wikibox for Sinnoh that I made, per my personal headcanons and random theorising. If anyone's interested, I will do my best to answer any questions. Flag, seal, and map all by /u/jw15n on Reddit.
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enderexplorer1212 · 1 year
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A teaser for something I've been working on for a while
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anarcho-occultism · 2 years
Susan Calvin
Susan Calvin (December 2, 1982-April 6, 2064) was an American engineer and psychologist best known for pioneering the field of robopsychology. Calvin was born Susan Derkins in Empire Bay, Massachusetts, where she spent much of her early childhood. Calvin—surprisingly given her later life–was a rather hotheaded child and prone to getting into conflict with neighboring kids, in particular a young Calvin Durden, whom would go on later in life to form Project Mayhem. In 1988, Calvin’s father Andrew Derkins passed away and her mother would remarry James Calvin in 1990, with the young Susan taking his surname. The Calvins would end up leaving Empire Bay in 1991 in favor of the Pacific Northwest, taking up residence in Arcadia Bay. Calvin cites the isolation she felt at being so thoroughly uprooted as a crucial component in her own upbringing and developing a fascination with various sciences, especially engineering and psychology. Her impressive high school grades allowed her to be offered admission to Columbia University at the age of 17, which she accepted and began attending in 1999.
As a student at Columbia University, Calvin initially focused on studying psychology. Unusually for a Columbia University psychology student, Calvin held a disdainful view of the field of parapsychology despite the roles of former Columbia professors John Montague and Peter Venkman in pioneering that field. Calvin instead was drawn to the ideas of noted skeptic Richard Strand, who held that most paranormal phenomena was illusory or scientific phenomena not properly explained yet. Calvin was interested in the psychology of violence and crime, attending both lectures given by FBI profiler Clarice Starling and initially planning to write her thesis on Johan Liebert. However, Calvin’s interests would shift towards robotics and cybernetics. She had always had a passing interest in the topic–even writing a peer-reviewed article at age 16 about the practical aspects of robotics–but she soon came to center this topic in her area of interest. One factor shaping this was the 1999 MegaTech incident where a number of robots whom had been used to replace teachers in high-crime school districts reverted to a militaristic programming that claimed hundreds of lives nationwide. Calvin was thus drawn to the idea of what the proper limits of robotics ought to be. She ended up writing as her thesis ‘Integration of Ethics in Artificial Intelligence’, where she cited the WOPR and Colossus incidents of 1983 and the 2001 Discovery 1 disaster to argue that as AI advances, it will become increasingly necessary to construct programming that binds them to a code of ethics, especially as it merges with the field of robotics.
In her last two years at Columbia, Calvin pursued both psychology and engineering degrees. She would intern briefly at Cyberdyne in 2001 before leaving owing to the belief that management was unwilling to consider the questions of what limits should be placed on robots. Calvin would pursue a graduate degree in cybernetics and psychology at Miskatonic University, completing her thesis which coined the term ‘robopsychology’ under Professor Velma Dinkley. She was subsequently hired by US Robotics and Mechanical Men, Incorporated, which was intrigued by her ideas of robopsychology. Despite her later reputation, it is worth noting that Dr. Calvin was largely considered a fringe figure among artificial intelligence researchers and robotics engineers in this era. Figures like Nathan Bateman and Robert Ford belittled Calvin’s view that these constraints were necessary, instead arguing no machine could fully match a human mind and that, as mechanical devices, they would always remain under human control. At this time, these concerns were still considered largely theoretical as robotics and AI proved slower to integrate into wider human life compared to the expectations of earlier eras.
Calvin’s application of psychology to robotics was not her only contribution to the former field, however. In 2008, following the debut of the synthetic blood substitute TruBlood, the world’s vampire population revealed their existence. Immediately, opinions were polarized-many human supremacist groups found themselves in uneasy alliances with organizations dedicated to controlling the supernatural like the Watcher’s Council and Hellsing claiming they were a danger to humanity but vampires themselves and a number of human sympathizers argued, diet aside, they were no different from humanity and deserved the same rights. Calvin approached vampires with an impressive level of objectivity, seeking to understand the psychology of vampires. She interviewed over 200 vampires in the process of compiling her 2011 paper The Psychology of Undeath: Inside the Minds of Vampires. Calvin broke vampire frames of mind into multiple categories. On one extreme, she identified what she called the reluctant. This category of vampires viewed what they were naturally predisposed to be with revulsion and sought to make up for it. She cited Vladimir Tod, Louis de Pointe du Lac and the Cullen family as examples of this category, seeking to stave off their hunger or satiate it in other ways even pre-TruBlood. On the other extreme she identified the ‘monster mindset’, which views vampirism as a gift and the predation on humanity as a feature rather than a bug. These vampires, Calvin said, would likely try to feed even with TruBlood being available. Most vampires, she argued, fell in between-the likes of Klaus Mikaelson, Laszlo Cravensworth and Michael Morbius having some degree of ethics and morality tempered, but not wholly eliminated by, the need to feed. Calvin dismissed claims that vampires were inherently soulless monsters as superstition but did acknowledge that most vampires have significantly reduced empathy compared to the average human-but argued at the closing such a thing was ‘a byproduct of natural selection for what is, at the end of the day, a predator of humanity by nature now given an off-ramp.’
Calvin’s work on vampire psychology thus concluded, she would resume a focus on robotics. She would work with Tak Mashido to design models of robots capable of engaging in boxing, which would nearly eliminate the industry altogether after one of their robots bested boxing champion Adonis Creed in a 2019 match. Calvin also helped develop blueprints for the Jaegers used by the Pan-Pacific Defense Corps, modeling them on the Japanese EVA units deployed against the ‘angels’ attacking Japan at the same time. Calvin would move to California in 2015 to pursue further consulting jobs. In addition to her ongoing robotics work, Calvin was paid by tech billionaire Peter Gregory to come up with a method for uploading a human brain into cyberspace as a way of achieving immortality and was one of the first members of Amaya’s quantum computer team and contributed heavily to the engineering behind their primary project. Calvin viewed these projects with interest, but was never especially passionate about most of her work, pursuing it with a clinical interest. It is likely for this reason her one romantic entanglement in this time was with the similarly clinical Paul Redeker, a political consultant infamous for past work for the apartheid regime in South Africa whom had subsequently worked for the US government to aid in postwar reconstruction of Iraq, Adjikastsn and Afghanistan. The relationship did not last long, as Redeker and Calvin lacked significant shared interests, but has been viewed as indicative of Calvin’s normal disposition. Calvin is also known as one of the leading critics of the creation of ‘Replicants,’ arguing their purpose could equally be filled by robots with the ability to ensure perfect programming being more possible on a machine than a human brain. Calvin was criticized by some for the clinical detachment involved in this criticism, which also included citing the actions of the Rossum Corporation and their failures as an argument against Replicants, though it is generally accepted Calvin couched her criticism this was as part of a broader belief expressing the depth of her true emotions on the topic would be useless.
One of Calvin’s most important consulting jobs, however, involved her work on the MULTIVAC network embedded in a wide range of technology, but notably a key part in voting machines launched starting in the 2012 election. This network not only would ultimately gain sentience, but was a key element leading to Calvin becoming a political target. During the 2020 presidential election, Republican nominee David Jefferson Adams claimed the MULTIVAC network would be used to rig the vote in favor of his Democratic opponent Jonathan Lincoln Duncan. After Duncan’s victory, Adams’ supporters continued to denounce this network and after the President’s Day Massacre of 2022, Adams’ Attorney General Michael Seaver would announce the designers of MULTIVAC, including Calvin, would be charged with electoral interference and treason. As the Adams administration was actively restricting and rolling back rights, Calvin was only allowed to use the legal services of Jimmy McGill, himself an inmate in New Mexico who was notorious for his role aiding various drug kingpins. However, in a blow to Seaver and Adams, McGill proved an adroit defense attorney and managed to help Calvin escape imprisonment. After getting off, Calvin was involved in anti-Adams activities, participating in protests against the disqualification of Democratic nominee Georgina Hobart from the 2024 election due to allegations of treason and using her professional network to help sabotage technology used in the Adams administration’s efforts to suppress the Gabriel Bell riots and Equisapiens attacks on facilities operated by the Adams aligned WorryFree corporation.
Calvin would rise to increased prominence following the Inauguration Day bombings and subsequent outbreak of the Second American Civil War. She was in California at the time, a region which quickly devolved into chaos as the conflict ignited. Originally, the state government under Governor Hobart declared itself independent. However, Hobart was ousted from power in a coup organized by a number of corporate leaders operating in Silicon Valley, led by the billionaire tech moguls Steve Lift and Peter Isherwall, who installed Zach Morris as Governor. The group’s goal was to bring California into the fold of the Allied States of America, a corporate-driven regime purged of the fundamentalism of Adam’s more fanatical backers. However, shortly after the ASA was formed, its attempt to strike the Greater Korean Republic, who it framed for the bombings, led to the GKR invading the West Coast, occupying a large swath of California. Moreover, the AI Skynet would unleash an army of Terminator units on the state, massacring thousands and imprisoning some in simulations intended to harvest their body heat to power itself. California’s resistance to the ASA, GKR and Skynet organized under the leadership of John Connor, who made Calvin a key member of his inner circle. Calvin helped develop a number of computer viruses that enabled the breakdown of Skynet’s ‘Matrix’ system and helped prevent a GKR advance to the Rocky Mountains. Connor’s Californian resistance group received aid from many other North American factions fighting the Second American Civil War, including the NAN, the United Canadian and American States (a coalition formed in Columbus by the leading claimant to the mantle of the old US and Canada’s government after losing Quebec, British Columbia and Alberta to secessionists) and even the theocratic Republic of Gilead that occupied much of the Deep South.
This unlikely coalition, aimed at the existential threat of Skynet and the GKR as well as the traitors heading the ASA, likely is what made the ceasefire and formation of the Organization of North American Nations in 2028 possible. Calvin, following this, would become a figure in the independent Californian government, working for President Connor as his leading technology advisor. Calvin helped negotiate terms for Japan to send a large amount of the technology dubbed the ‘Japanese Miracle’ to the badly-battered California, enabling rapid reconstruction of devastated cities in the state. Calvin also, in this capacity, developed a series of protocols all sentient machines manufactured in California were obligated to follow: the Three Laws of Robotics, which prevented robots from harming humans or allowing humans to come to harm, ordered preservation of human life except in conflict with the First Law and ordered robot self-preservation save for in instances conflicting with the first two laws. While eventually hailed as a groundbreaking framework, many technology firms scoffed at Calvin’s protocols. The ONAN’s Congress blocked an attempt by ONAN President Lisa Simpson to mandate the Three Laws in the whole ONAN and when Senator Andrew Steele Jarrett, an acolyte of Gilead’s Prophet Steve Jordan, won the 2032 ONAN election, he outright targeted Calvin both for these laws and her public scorn for the politics of Gilead Jarrett made an attempt to enforce nationally. When protests and riots forced Jarrett out in 2035 (sparked by a mix of his heavyhanded push for continent-wide theocracy and his poor handling of the Green Flu pandemic that ravaged his native Gilead and sparked the regime’s collapse to a large-scale revolt a few years later), his successor Elizabeth Winters halted efforts to target Calvin, but continued to resist making the Three Laws mandatory owing to her own efforts to weaponize robots. Opinion on the Three Laws, however, would turn drastically following the CyberLife android revolt in Detroit in 2038 and the rise of the city-state of Zero One in Qumar two years later. In the 2040 ONAN election, the independent ex-Republican Robert McAlistair, who ultimately won, openly endorsed the mandating of Three Laws compliance in all sentient machines, which came into effect in his first year as President.
Calvin continued to work as a psychologist of both humans and robots despite her general fame. In 2029, Calvin made her first visit offworld to Hyper Base, a facility set up on an asteroid by the ONAN military. At various times, Calvin was called in to evaluate US Robotics and Mechanical Men-manufactured robots experiencing malfunction, but also was consulted by a number of other companies and figures as well. The Kwan Do family, who ran Mars’ third largest settlement, hired her to evaluate their drones’ effectiveness and verify their compliance with the Three Laws. Calvin was also contacted by Metaverse Enterprise Solutions to investigate if a simulated character they had created had actually been deleted from existence or not. Calvin’s findings were officially inconclusive but rumors persist that she verified the character did in fact survive, but refused to disclose this information to her creators. The billionaire Cosmo Spacely hired Calvin to help design his ‘Levittowers’ that began cropping up in the 2050’s and 2060’s. Calvin was a prominent opponent of the ONAN’s adoption of the ‘Precrime’ system of predicting crimes before they happened and warned that it coupled with the rise of the ‘street judge’ system would end in the total elimination of civil liberties. Calvin’s role in the public eye would conclude in 2058, with her retirement. After giving a final interview covering thoughts on current events and technology, Calvin would remain a recluse until her death of natural causes in 2064. Calvin would leave a long-lasting legacy, as robotics manufacturing remained heavily influenced by her, though the lead-up to the Great War increased the number of Three Laws-violating robots in existence greatly.
Asimov’s Robots Series, Calvin and Hobbes, Fight Club, Life is Strange, Haunting of Hill House, Ghostbusters, Silence of the Lambs, Monster, Class of 1999, WarGames, Colossus: The Forbin Project, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Terminator, Cthulhu Mythos, Scooby Doo, Ex Machina, Westworld, True Blood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Hellsing, Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, Interview With a Vampire, Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, What We Do in the Shadows, Marvel Comics, Real Steel, Rocky, Pacific Rim, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Silicon Valley, Devs, World War Z, SOCOM: US Navy SEALS, Blade Runner, Dollhouse, Franchise, Shattered Union, The President is Missing, Growing Pains, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Politician, Star Trek, Sorry to Bother You, Jericho, Don’t Look Up, Saved by the Bell, Homefront, The Matrix, Shadowrun, The Handmaid’s Tale, Infinite Jest, Ghost in the Shell, The Simpsons, Parable of the Talents, Christian Nation, Left 4 Dead, Vanquish, Detroit: Become Human, The Animatrix, Jack and Bobby, Empire Earth, Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!, The Jetsons, Minority Report, Judge Dredd, Fallout
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mintysystem · 13 days
" This alter is" pride wikiboxes
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scumsuckart · 1 year
Site-wide updates:
May 15th, 2023
Ollie n Basile gallery has been separated into a regular gallery, and an AU gallery. Both pages have been reformatted to fit my site theme, as well as the NSFW gallery.
Lil Ronnie's character page has been cleaned up. It now has annotations in the code to explain what things are. There is also an end note welcoming viewers to copy the code. And I've added my character list in a wikibox on the bottom.
The pet page has been updated with a portrait of Randy, and his backstory.
Just Gorly Thingz comic page has its code cleaned up as well, and a new background image.
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reiternomica · 2 years
maybe I'll start posting stuff here related to one of the worlds I've been focusing on in context of worldbuilding, even though I don't have much besides a few wikiboxes without any pictures
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myspace-dot-com · 2 years
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why did I make this
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infizero-draws · 5 years
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multistream is an Experience
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After I finished my wikibox of my AU’s Lin Beifong @wisdomsfromeast asked if I could create a canon LoK one for Izumi. Well here it is. Because there is so little information on her I had to fill in the blanks with my headcanons.
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krinsbez · 6 years
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Wikiboxes for the  GI Joe: Remixed versions of  America’s Daring, Highly Trained Special Mission Force, and the Enemy, a Ruthless Terrorist Organization Determined To Rule the World, generously made for us by Wolfram of alternatehistory.com
(note that we’ve modified a few things a bit since these were made. But they’re still super-mega-awesome)
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brackfish · 7 years
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The Sygyzy Contention (also known as Veldanura’s Folly, or Veldanurist Rebellion) was a civil war between two scions of House Nosferath, Ketrill and Veldanura, for the throne of the Dusk Imperium.
The conflict began soon after Dusk Sovereign Bemalon the Dragonslayer acceeded to the Evernight Realms during the Centauric Sygyzy of 2410. Though Bemalon had ruled with unquestioned authority, the heir-apparent he had appointed, his son Bloodroyal Ketrill, was deeply unpopular amongst the Vampyr nobility for what many perceived to be his egalitarian sympathies. In particular, Ketrill was widely suspected of harboring a distasteful affinity towards the lowly Humans, the erstwhile rulers of old Terra before the Culling, who still teemed under Vampyric domination.
Upon receiving the news of Bemalon’s death, his sister Bloodroyal Veldanura roused herself from her seat on Dragul's Demesne and announced her intention to succeed her late brother. Gathering around her a cabal of great noble houses, she proclaimed her nephew a race traitor and and apostate, sentencing him to death in absentia.
Though the new Sovereign-elect had control of the Dusken state apparatus, early defections among the Dusk Household Armada seriously compromised the strength of Ketrill's position. The defections included almost all of House Nosferath's cruisers and battleships. Only the extraordinarily bloody intervention of Bloodroyal Jesslura, Ketrill's sister, abroad the titanic Nosferath flagship Nightbringer prevented it from falling into Veldanurist hands as well.
Deprived of the large capital ships that dominated Dusken space doctrine, Bloodroyal Jesslura, now Warmistress of House Nosferath, had to resort to more novel tactics. Instead of using corvettes to screen and support capital ships, she massed them in a swarm to fall upon capital ships with lightning strikes, employing the corvettes' maneuverability to evade the large weapons of the capital ships.
Over the next couple of years, Jesslura's corvette focus met with astonishing success, overwhelming the navies of Houses Vailon, Argenau and Tzimisces in separate battles. At the news of this string of defeats, the aristocratic coalition under Veldanura resolved to deal the Ketrilists a death blow while the coalition still held the advantage of superior firepower. The plan was to gather together the military strength of the noble houses to stage a bold offensive into the heart of Nosferath space and take old Terra itself. Without Terra, it was hoped, Ketrill's legitimacy would crumble and the houses still allied to Ketrill would desert his cause.
The grand offensive was not to be. The ever-aggressive Jesslura went for the jugular first. Abandoning all pretense of a defense, Ketrill and Jesslura threw the entire loyalist fleet at Draugul while the coalition were still massing their strength.
The battle itself was hard-fought. Lacking a defensive screen of corvettes, the loyalist capital ships took the brunt of the damage. Veldanura's flagship, the Impaler more than lived up to its dread reputation, single-handedly destroying the only two loyalist battleships and disabling the Nightbringer before Bloodroyal Vladimir, Ketrill's son, rammed his cruiser into the Impaler's unprotected flank, sacrificing his own life to save his father's.
Here again, Jesslura's corvettes proved decisive, inflicting heavy casualties among the Veldanurist capital ships, who had no answer for this revolutionary new style of interstellar combat. By the third day, it became clear that the battle was lost, and the Veldanurist fleet broke, scattering in every direction.
Bloodroyal Veldanura and her consort Lady Vetala managed to escape the destruction of her flagship, fleeing onto the surface of Dragul's Demesne to organize a defense. The oldest and wealthiest of the Vampyr colonies, Dragul's Demesne bristled with impressive fortifications designed to withstand ground assault. From there she prepared for a last stand, for she would not surrender the crown jewel of the empire to her nephew without a stiff resistance.
With the rebel fleet scattered, Ketrill was finally offically crowned Dusk Sovereign in a spartan ceremony abroad the Nightbringer. For all his earlier reputation as a soft prince, Ketrill proved himself a true Vampyr of the blackest iron, for the beginning of his reign was consecrated in fire and ash. Over the following year, Dragul's Demesne was blockaded and mercilessly bombarded. Four billion souls (and some twelve billion chattel) were systematically eradicated in atomic fire - Salted - as an object lesson to the rest of the Imperium.
The Salting of Dragul’s Demesne was only the beginning for the new Sovereign. Next Ketrill turned his wrath on the noble houses that had opposed him or remained neutral in the Contention, in what has been euphemistically referred to as the Harrowing of the Houses. Every surviving member of the Great Houses Hattusa, Vetala, Haakon, Argenau, Malkav, Tzimisces, Vailon, Tremere and Polidori, along with their vassal houses and retainers, were rounded up, flayed alive and impaled en masse on the Carpathian plain on old Terra. It is recorded in the Book of Vespers that the flayed skin of the victims were draped in so many layers around the Red Citadel that the capital festered with corruption for a decade.
With the aristocracy largely eradicated and their vast estates and wealth confiscated, Ketrill issued an edict abolishing the Dusk Compact, that had guranteed the privileges of the great pre-Culling Vampyr houses in return for their support in subjugating the Human nations on Terra. Conveniently, the Great Houses that had supported him, principally Houses Strigoym and Ruthven, had suffered disproportionate casualties at Dragul's Rest and were in no position to object. They voluntarily renounced their rights and privileges, pledging themselves as servants of the Sovereign.
So began the rule of Ketrill Ashbringer of House Nosferath, Absolute Sovereign of the Dusk Imperium. Long may His Dread Majesty reign.
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classicdecadence · 3 years
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keylethwasleft · 5 years
what’s penny’s scientifically assigned kin? ( loud warning! )
original video from SnapsCube on twitch, jackbox party pack 6 with caitlyn, ryan, chase, and marble!
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anarcho-occultism · 2 years
Alexander Luthor
Alexander ‘Lex’ Luthor (April 23, 1919-January 20, 1993) was an American scientist, businessman, politician and criminal. Luthor was born in the small Kansas town of Smallville to Lionel and Arlene Luthor. Lionel Lurhor was a businessman and a rather strict, cold parent to Lex and most accounts agree that the relationship between the two was frosty. Lex was closer to his mother but put off by Arlene’s extreme religious views (as she was a native of Moralton). Lex also had an uncle named Alexei Luthor, who was a supercriminal who clashed with the likes of Doc Savage and the Shadow in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. Lex was named in his honor but growing up generally despised the man for his criminal acts (though the younger Lex did once spend time trying to emulate his uncle by carrying out petty crimes, most famously stealing 50 cakes from a local bakery). When the superhero Superboy made his debut in Smallville, Luthor was originally a fan and supporter, unlike his father. However, when he suffered an accident that rendered him bald while carrying out an experiment that Superboy failed to prevent, Luthor would turn on the young hero and developed following this a deep, abiding cynicism towards vigilante heroes in general. Luthor would, on reaching adulthood, be offered a scholarship to study engineering at Miskatonic University, which he attended and graduated from in 1942.
During the Second World War, Luthor would not see much action. Lionel’s company LuthorCorp was involved in arms production to support the Allies and to protect his son and heir from the draft, Lex was put in charge of factory administration in Metropolis. FBI Director Henry Lux would interview Luthor on several occasions as part of investigations to verify the company was not supporting his uncle’s criminal enterprises, which had opportunistically thrown its lot in with the Axis Powers. Luthor generally played coy with the FBI, but had few qualms about airing his father’s sympathies towards fascism (Lionel had been a supporter of the Corpo regime and while he had thrown his lot in with the New Underground in the regime’s final days, this is believed to be primarily owed to loyalty to Windrip in particular). Lex’s administration of LuthorCorp’s manufacturing during the war was praised for its efficiency and a few pieces of wartime propaganda used LuthorCorp’s factory as an example of the ideal standard for the US. In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, the rift between Lionel and Lex would widen as Lionel became paranoid about Lex seizing his company. Things came to a head when Lex tipped off FBI Agent Dick Tracy about Lionel’s intentions to join the Galtist strike of 1946. As the action was considered a violation of federal law, the FBI would subsequently move to arrest Lionel Luthor, leaving his company ready to fall into the hands of the ambitious Lex. Lionel Luthor would remain in prison for a decade, leaving in 1956 and subsequently vanishing. It is believed he ended up participating in the creation of the underwater city-state of Rapture and likely ended up a casualty of that project. Lex, meanwhile, continued to focus on his father’s business empire.
Luthor quickly became focused on making LuthorCorp a pioneer of technological advancement. He took a great deal of inspiration from the ‘wonder weapons’ of the Second World War–Cliff Secord’s jetpack, the power armor used by Hynkel in one of his last battles and even begrudgingly the various super-serums used on all sides of the conflict–and was interested in developing tools of his own. Opportunities for Luthor to make progress on this would come quickly. The immediate postwar era’s surge in alien activity was an opportunity for Luthor. Having already established himself as a skeptic of metahumans and aliens thanks to his attacks on Superman, Luthor was one of the first to warn of the potential dangers of the Kanamits and claimed vindication when they proved dangerous. Luthor obtained a government contract to reverse-engineer Kanamit technology, which while never fully being successful did have enough partial success that Luthor provided the bulk of armaments used against various kaiju of the 1950’s in the United States and helped design specialty flamethrowers that enabled the final defeat of the Triffid invasion of the early 1960’s. Of course, this positive publicity was part of what enabled Luthor to carry out numerous acts of supervillainy. Luthor’s vitriol towards Superman drove him to sponsor major criminal organizations in the city as part of a bid to discredit the hero, even on occasion personally carrying out petty crimes such as robbery to aid in his propaganda campaign against Superman. Luthor dedicated entire departments of LuthorCorp to developing weapons to use specifically on Superman as well as his key allies in the Justice League and Avengers teams-he even bought out OsCorp after the arrest of Norman Osborne in 1966 in the hopes of using the technology Osborne invented against superheroes. Luthor was a personal rival of Tony Stark, owing to both competition for government weapons contracts and due to Stark’s work with other superheroes. He also would form a group dubbed the Legion of Doom to oppose the Justice League’s members. At various times this included many enemies of the League’s members with Luthor often serving as the core financier of the Legion’s activities though he did his best to keep their operations out of the public eye to maintain his reputation.
Luthor made his first foray into politics in 1970 when he ran for Mayor of Metropolis on a technocratic, business-friendly platform. Luthor likely would have won had the Watergate scandal not enveloped the Monckton administration at the time. While Luthor was not especially close to the President, Monckton has sent Vice President Gilligrass to campaign for him, which likely doomed his campaign. Even then it proved quite close. A few years later, following Ferris Fremont’s victory over President Douglass Dilman, Luthor would be tapped as Secretary of Commerce. Luthor, in this position, worked to boost American technological output by pumping subsidies into Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems, Stark International, and many other corporations. LuthorCorp notably was excluded as Luthor divested assets from the company and left it in the hands of an underling by the name of Alexander Cullen. Luthor was, surprisingly, not directly involved in the Secret Empire scandal that led to Fremont’s dramatic suicide. However, the surrounding scandal and allegations of his own genuine misdeeds (such as a rumored scheme to trigger large-scale earthquakes by detonating a nuclear missile along the San Andreas Fault as part of a bid to destroy Superman) led to him resigning before the new President Henry MacNeil could fire him.
To escape the shadow of this scandal coupled with an investigation into him being launched by Attorney General Archie Hall based on his historic supervillainy and possible links to Hydra, Luthor would fake his own death in 1979. Using material acquired in the immediate wake of Fremont’s death, Luthor discovered the hiding place of several Hydra scientists led by Dieter Vogel who had been attempting to clone Adenoid Hynkel and had for a time revived Hynkel’s brain. Luthor compelled them to clone a younger body and move his brain to it by threatening to have his associates share Vogel’s hideout with Mossad as well as reveal Eva Braun’s survival and work with Hydra to create a Fourth Reich in the US to the FBI. Luthor, after being moved, would pose as his own son, Alexander Luthor, Jr., whom he convinced the public should not be blamed for the crimes of his father. This allowed Luthor to return to business ventures. Throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s Luthor sought to invest in advanced technology. Using his ‘inherited’ wealth, he poured money into Aperture Science, Nova Laboratories and Biosyn, helping each company get off the ground. Luthor also was a financial backer of Buddy Pine’s efforts, hoping the younger supervillain would prove capable of creating technology to use against Superman, though this failed after Pine perished in his clash with the Parr family.
Luthor would end up politically isolated during the 1980’s. While a committed capitalist, he was dismissive of the religious bent of the Cyclops and Tresch administrations. He also was hostile to the alien Visitors whom were embraced by many of his compatriots, with Luthor claiming vindication when they turned out to be infiltrating the planet. During World War III, Luthor would be involved in the Crisis on Infinite Earths alongside his old enemy Superman. Luthor would return to discover Metropolis badly damaged by Soviet air strikes, although a nuclear attack on the city had been successfully detected and eliminated by some of his own company’s drones. This provided an opportunity for Luthor, who heavily invested in reconstruction not only in Metropolis, but Zenith, New York, Miami and New Boudreaux as well. This was not motivated by pure altruism, however, as Luthor saw an opportunity to break through in politics. Luthor would run for Mayor of Metropolis in 1987, winning in a landslide. Luthor would embark on an ambitious program of urban renewal and education investment, though critics held that he was corrupt (contracting with his old partner Cullen’s real estate company to build more public housing was seen as evidence of this) and questioned his use of robotics technology in the city. Luthor partnered with MegaTech, headed by an old business partner Newton Sanders, to use androids in law enforcement and teaching positions. While effective, in hindsight this has been blamed for the 1999 crisis where MegaTech robots massacred students.
Luthor ultimately viewed the mayor’s office as a humble stepping stone, however. Despite his position, the public of both Metropolis and the world at large continued to admire Superman. This to Luthor threatens the human race with destruction and he viewed American readiness to combat alien threats in general as lacking after the quiet acceptance of the Tectonese into the country and the 1990 Predator incursion into Los Santos. Abroad the decline of communism almost simultaneously was met by the rise of the Augment ideology espoused by the likes of Khan Noonien Singh and Wu Qinghua. Luthor was aware that the Augments enjoyed support from Ra’s Al Ghul, head of the League of Shadows and father of his successor as LuthorCorp’s CEO Talia Head. Luthor thus publicly opposed growing trends towards globalization viewing it as a security threat. Luthor also was concerned about impending ecological crisis after an encounter with a time traveler named Henry DeTemble who had arrived in front of Luthor on one of his jumps. Luthor viewed himself as the man best suited to avert this and in 1991 announced he would not pursue reelection as mayor (clearing the way for the victory of Mike Haggar) and that he would run for President as an independent in 1992.
Luthor’s campaign drew strong press interest and for an independent campaign seemed quite robust and with many endorsements. Luthor’s VP nominee was Chet Roosevelt, the former governor of California whom Luthor viewed as someone who could reach disaffected left-wing voters while being too naive and dim-witted to usurp him. His campaign manager was Jerry Bloom, whom had previously managed the independent campaign of Stephen Wendell and helped take it down after uncovering a corruption scandal within it. Luthor managed to grab endorsements from a number of prominent political figures. These included Democrats like Jack Tanner, Republicans like Robert Kelly and several prominent public figures in the worlds of business (such as Daniel Clamp and Gary Winston) and entertainment (such as Bob Roberts and Mary Flynn). Luthor managed to win nearly 30% of the popular vote against President Jack Ryan and Catawba Governor Jack Stanton, though he did not earn any electoral votes and Stanton ultimately won the White House. Luthor, undeterred, prepared for another campaign in 1996 but also sought to eliminate a hurdle to this goal: Superman. He sought to hunt down Braniac, another enemy of Superman to help him defeat the hero for good only for Braniac to forcibly take over Luthor’s body. Luthor would perish shortly after, bringing an end to his aspirations of global dominance. LuthorCorp would outlast him by only a few years with the firm going into bankruptcy in 1997 and its assets being split up by other companies including Masrani Global and the Hosaka Corporation.
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atombombtom · 3 years
so a little bit more about me is that i used to be BIG into editing wikipedia and wikias when i was younger and still to this day i love the... personality of wikiboxes. they were such a cute little thing to display on your profile, telling people a lil about yourself, giving them a Glance
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Like look at this! It's dripping in character. Is it good? No! But you best believe people now know that (Wendy's) This user eats at Wendy's [Wendy's]
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look how silly this is! it's delightful. tell them your favorite color or where you're from or tell them you can be a bit wild on Wikipedia.org!
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Hell yes I did! And i was serving cock & balls the entire time!!
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