#will begin posting the bust commissions i’ve been working on the last few months to help little jones get better
sonofirishseas · 2 years
   Hello mates,
  I know you’ve all grown quite used to me making little posts here and there about how I’m sorry for not being active and life has been hectic and thanking you for your patience while I try to get my shit together.
  Well...I think it’s fairly obvious I’ve been struggling to get my shit together, lol! I think this is the most inactive I’ve ever been on tumblr since I started in the rp community or even before then. I’m not sick of it or growing disinterested, I know this is a fear for many and for some it’s just reality. Interest change, people move on.
  The fact is I’ve been dealing with some really really heavy mental health stuff that has put me out of commission. Every time I’d crawl back up the hill and start to get somewhere stable, I’d be down again shortly. And the climb would begin all over again. I’ve been in therapy for ages but I’ve been working heavily in trauma therapy for maybe the last 6 months or so and getting into previously untouched on subjects. Like intense childhood trauma.
I’ve got so many layers of trauma, from the continued negative pull of my family until their deaths, dealing with that complicated grief, the trauma from birth complications with my kids, not to mention the fact that my last job was a non-stop trigger fest that had me desperately trying to numb out with every bad coping mechanism available. I developed a drinking problem, my self harm got as bad as it’s ever been, and I developed disordered eating habits. I’ve had to bust my ass to work past this shit, and I’m doing better with help of intense therapy. But fuck, I was dead inside. And I wanted to be dead outside too. Because it was just too fucking much.
Now that I’m dealing with the root of all the evil (childhood trauma) I’m going through a different kind of hell, but at least there’s light on the other side. I’ve had to face some really ugly UGLY facts about my family that I couldn’t admit until now. It’s knocked the wind out of me. I’m trying desperately to cope and process. I’m getting there. Just never as fast as I’ve wanted.
Healing is hard. Some days I’m not sure it’s worth it. Other days I’m certain it is.
I’m so sorry I’ve been away so long. I’m trying to get better so I can be back here doing the things I love. Interacting with the people I care about instead of pulling into myself. The worst part of all of this was the way it stole my words. I can’t tell you how many times I tried to sit down and write this. To explain. To reach out. And I just couldn’t.
The fact that I can do this at all, is major progress.
I love you guys.
It’s spooky season and I’m going to have a few prompts and starters out to try to get back into the swing of things.
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mmmairon · 2 years
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Only an honest death will cure you now.
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Kaiju Kebabs - Skinned, Skewered, and Seared
Bart kneeled down and flattened his chest to the floor, craning his neck sideways to check under his bed. He hummed lightly as he finally located his missing earbuds and tugged the jumbled wires out from under the metal bunk. He’d accidentally busted his other pair while he was training yesterday and didn’t want to be music-less on the transport to San Francisco. He wiped the cords free of dust bunnies using his sleeve and then pocketed them just as there was a knock on his door. “Come in!” He called, not bothering to look towards the doorway. He was already quite sure of who it was.
“Your ride just landed.” Max informed him, pushing open the door and stepping inside Bart’s tiny dorm room. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yup!” Bart replied, zipping up his duffle bag and rising to his feet. “Are you and Jay ready to miss me?” Max chuckled, the wrinkles around the corners of his eyes lifting in amusement.
“Miss what? Getting you out of bed in the morning when you sleep through your training sessions, or all the empty milk cartons that you leave lying around and never recycle? What’s there for us to miss?” Max said sarcastically. Bart smirked.
“Yeah, you’re definitely gonna miss me.” He replied, hoisting his bag onto his shoulder and making for the door. Max intercepted him in the doorway and pulled him in for a quick hug.
“Only a little.” The older man said, releasing him and stepping aside to let him through. Together, they made their way down the hall towards the docking bay and Bart’s transport out of Central City. “Just remember everything I taught you and you’ll do fine.” Max told him. Bart took a candy bar from his pocket, unwrapping it skillfully and tossing the wrapper into a nearby trash can as they passed.
“You sound worried, Max!” He teased, taking a huge bite. “Are you actually fretting over little old me?” Other cadets waved at them as they went on their way through the training facility. Some called goodbye to Bart, wishing him luck.
“Someone has to. And I’m not fretting. I know you’ll do fine. Just remember your training and watch out for your new partner. It’s up to you to keep each other safe.”
“Hey, I’ve been trained by the best Rangers on this side of the Mississippi! Doesn’t get much safer than that!” Bart quipped, shoving the rest of the bar into his mouth. He was making light of the situation, but he knew the real reason Max was acting anxious. Bart’s grandfather Barry and his cousin Wally, an uncle and nephew team and two of the most well-seasoned Jaeger Rangers in history, had gone down in battle with a Kaiju two years ago. Like Bart, both Barry and Wally had been trained by Max and his partner Jay as well. In fact, the two had taken on Max and Jay’s own Jaeger; Mercury Tempo, after the two older rangers had decided to retire. Between the two Ranger teams, Mercury had successfully defended Coast City a total of 8 times during it’s commission. It was practically a legacy at this point, as their record was only outmatched by the Ranger teams of Gotham Midnight, a Jaeger based out of Seattle. Unfortunately for Bart, there would be no physical legacy for him to inherit as Mercury Tempo had been destroyed along with its Rangers. Still, the Allen name was well-known in the history of the Jaeger program, and Bart was more than aware of the responsibility that now weighed on his shoulders.
“Flattery aside, I'm very serious, Bart. Your partner is your greatest asset in the field. You're new to this, but your partner won't be. It's imperative that you get to know each other and build a solid foundation of trust.” Max went on. “It could save your life out there.”
Bart nodded. None of this information was new to him, of course. However, he still felt a little anxious at the prospect of putting his life in the hands of a stranger. He was excited to launch his career with a bang and become a hero, just like Max, Jay, Barry and Wally before him. The only possible hitch in this plan was his partner, whom Bart had never met. Like most cadets in the Jaeger program, Bart had taken a drift-compatibility test and his results had been matched with all other active rangers and cadets in the database. Most of the time the closest match a person got was someone they already knew intimately, like a relative or a significant other. However, on rare occasions some people were matched with someone that they had never met, which was the case with Bart and his new partner. This hadn’t come as a shock to Bart. After all, he’d never had any siblings and his closest family members and friends were either deceased or retired. Naturally, he’d expected to be matched with someone he didn’t know. Even so, this particular match had quickly become the talk of the entire program. When he arrived in San Fransisco, Bart was to meet Jason Todd, his new partner, and begin combat training immediately in their new Jaeger, which the engineers had dubbed 'Quantum Trigger.' In all honesty, Bart was more excited about the Jaeger than he was about Jason, but not without good reason. Jason Todd had been one of the Rangers of Outlaw Bravo, a Jaeger out of Star City. He and his partner, Roy Harper, had both nearly lost their lives defending the coastline from an enormous category 3 Kaiju last fall. Their Jaeger had sustained heavy damage, but instead of pulling out and waiting for backup as ordered, they’d chosen to stay. In the end they’d been able to fatally wound the damn thing, but their Jaeger was half-sunk and both Rangers had been critically injured. The media had said that Roy Harper hadn’t been able to make a full recovery due to his injuries. A few months afterward, the Jaeger Program had quietly announced that Jason Todd would be recommissioned as a Ranger and would be seeking a new partner. It was a subject of great dispute. Some people in the program had argued against it, saying that Todd should be decommissioned for life because he'd disobeyed a direct order and ended up getting his partner half-paralyzed. Others argued that both Jason and Roy were heroes, electing to remain at their post and defend the city instead of retreating. Bart was one of the latter. If he’d been in either of their shoes he would have done the same thing. He’d seen the official log of events that day. If Jason and Roy hadn’t stayed to defend it, Star City might have been wiped right off the map! At the time, Outlaw Bravo had been the only operational Jaeger in Star City and it would have taken any backup team at least an hour to get there, by which time the Kaiju would’ve already breached the mainland. But of course these facts mattered very little to the politicians and the other critics of the Jaeger program.
“There he is!” A familiar voice called from up ahead. Bart and Max had reached the docking bay now and he could see Jay waving to him next to a sleek black military-grade helicopter. He'd apparently been chatting with the pilot, who now turned to face the newcomers. Bart recognized her immediately as Barbara Gordon, the Director of Operations at the San Francisco Shatterdome Base. Years ago she'd been one of the first rangers aboard Gotham Midnight. Many people accredited the success of the Jaeger program to her personally, as she and her partner Richard Grayson had successfully defended Seattle from every single Kaiju attack it had faced during their commission together. She was a legend and a hero to every Ranger and cadet in the program. Bart almost stopped dead in his tracks in shock, but Max prodded him forward with a subtle nudge between his shoulder blades. When they reached the helicopter, Jay pulled Bart into a hug. “We're gonna miss you, kiddo!” He said, clapping Bart on the shoulder before turning to introduce him. “Bart, this is Barbara Gordon, the Ops Director at San Francisco.”
“I've heard a lot about you, Mr. Allen.” Barbara stuck her hand out for Bart to shake, and he took it after a beat, still a bit starstruck. “Jay says your reflexes in the training simulator exceed even the highest marks we have on record. That's quite impressive.”
“I uh, I play a lot of video games.” Bart replied, gathering his wits again. Barbara laughed.
“Well, I can assure you that San Francisco will be 100% reality-based.” She said, “We'll all be interested to see how your skills stack up.”
“I won't let you down, Ma'am.” He promised.
“I'm counting on that, Ranger.” She said, smiling warmly and holding her hand out to take his duffle bag. “If you'll give me your bag, I'll let you say your goodbyes and then we should get going.” Bart thanked her and did as he was told. “Max, Jay- always a pleasure. Don't be strangers, alright? If you two ever get bored here in Central, our training center at San Fran would be honored to have you.”
“We'll be sure to keep that in mind.” Max replied with a small smile. Jay chuckled, waving cordially at Barbara as she turned and boarded the helicopter. As she climbed up into the cargo bay, Bart heard a metallic clink and his eyes were drawn to her feet, both of which he now saw ended in elegantly swooped prosthetics that poked out the bottoms of her pant legs. The way she moved suggested that they continued up to her knees. He hadn't noticed it before due to the long Captain's coat she'd been wearing.
“You're lucky. They don't always send the Ops Director to pick up new recruits.” Jay said, “Barb is one of the best Rangers I've ever worked with, and certainly the most competent Ops Directer that San Francisco has ever had. She's smart, a born leader, and an absolute devil at poker. You'll be in good hands with her in the Comm Center.” He said, drawing Bart in for another hug. “We're so proud of you, son. Go show them what you're made of.” Bart felt his heart pang a little at Jay's words. He was excited to get to San Francisco, but he was definitely going to miss Central. Maybe he'd be able to visit them sometimes if his new schedule allowed. He hoped so.
“That's the plan!” He replied cheerfully, hugging Max too one last time. “If you ever miss me, just turn on the news, alright?” He joked, stepping towards the helicopter and turning to wave at them. He heard Jay laugh and he thought he saw Max roll his eyes a little, but they both waved back as he climbed into the passenger seat.
The helicopter took off and the training facility soon shrank out of his view. Bart sat back in his seat and watched the world pass by underneath their feet, pondering with eager anticipation what the future would have in store for him.
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Marketing Health care Advertising Versus Solid Competition
In this particular post, I'll go into a summary of what Relationship Advertising is actually, and what you can do NOW to thrive in these brand new economic opportunities. Through functioning greedily or even through dismissing the demands as well as assumptions of clients and also service partners, not merely are they lessening their capability to function efficiently, but they are likewise hiring new members for a quite singing group who look at multi level marketing as well as multi-level advertising in a very damaging illumination. We offer content for several items like e-newsletters, web content advertising, website, weblogs, magazines, social media sites etc You will after that look into the incorporated advertising interaction tactics and the advertising communication interfere purchase to understand exactly how the communication method happens as in combination of approaches, content as well as network. To begin with, network marketing is a company design wherein a provider industries products and/or solutions through individual salesmen, likewise phoned distributors. This specific part of creating will be actually telling us a few of the advertising and marketing tips as well as techniques in order to start our very own company of a relocating business! The digital advertising and marketing training program consists of fundamental understanding from advertising and marketing principles and also essential knowledge of statistical and also analytical tools. The prime focus of the advertising and marketing concept is to recognize and please the necessities of the customers. You will certainly consider the influence from digital media and the net on advertising and marketing strategy, consisting of the ways consumers have the capacity to correspond along with others interactively, just how electronic technologies are actually ending up being included right into products, and also brand-new phrases including blog writing, podcasting, as well as vocal over web procedure (VOIP). By doing this you are a lot better able to earn the count on of others thereby leading to an improvement in your advertising efficiency which aids raise purchases. There are often times evaluated marketing tactics that are going to assist complete this purpose as well as work in any type of environment possible but the factor is actually enhancing exposure is actually where you begin! These kinds of advertising and marketing methods have actually worked with a number of individuals, however they are in fact extremely nerve-racking as well as frantic. You'll begin through evaluating critical tools for advertising tactic meaning featuring segmentation, targeting and also positioning. You can easily utilize affordable marketing gifts in direct-mail advertising marking campaigns to encourage brand-new consumers, or even as thanks gifts to existing clients. That appears each week a new chances appears in the Mlm Business, not all are actually produced identical however. You view, the unfortunate fact is just this: You (the amateur) come in along with quite limited expertise of running an effective marketing campaign that wont bust you flat just before you're ready to observe a return. This is actually why plenty of providers are actually utilizing marketing items as aspect of their marketing program and this is why your firm ought to be actually making use of promo products as aspect of your marketing plan too. This will definitely permit you to produce a composed marketing technique making use of devices as well as procedures to collect the details had to establish your general advertising technique and also usage metrics along the way. These are very important concerns due to the fact that every one is visiting considerably transform the way you view your advertising and marketing. Digital Advertising is actually building a solid advertising setting, where the expanded functionalities from firms unleash barriers and covert methods from switching their potential in to consumers. In advertising thesaurus, standard is actually determined as the requirement where all items from comparable attribute could be contrasted or even evaluated. They have to be certain that they may do their jobs with little or no oversight. You will evaluate actual company concerns as well as acquire an understanding from the market method, customer practices, the profitable business-to-business environment, electronic and also typical marketing procedures and worldwide advertising and marketing. This is actually certainly not regularly the situation nevertheless since specific marketing tactics are often the groundwork whereupon these brand-new approaches are based! Long Life to Market research: A Postmodern Sight, European Journal from Marketing, Vol. By generating and also applying a well balanced advertising strategy, making use of both temporary and long-lasting approaches, you will certainly own a constant flow of targeted web traffic to your website. Yet take note, it will certainly count months or even times to develop an enhancing profession in network marketing. End results and feed back have to be collected monthly and compared to the advertising and marketing program. For more in regards to yellow pages uk jobs (mouse click the next page) look into our webpage. You will definitely be presented to company administration, the key function from brand within the provider, the task of company within organisational approach, marketing strategy and also interaction technique. What this ingenious advertising planning entails is finding means to pull in clients that are in fact thinking about just what you have to supply. Since the dawn of the Internet, there have been actually a lot of brand-new evolutions to internet marketing. He analyzed for and also acquired the CIM's Professional Degree in Marketing by performing a coming together knowing training program on the internet and in four intense seminar times in his local city. An electronic marketing agency would certainly be actually an excellent option if you are actually looking for a person to organize out your entire advertising technique. Business Institution operates a Job Growth Full week for all Organisation University trainees to offer you an understanding into feasible profession choices. If you like possessing the freedom to select just what you study, at that point Advertising at Manchester may be the selection for you - pupils could pick from over 90 course units when selecting their components. You will certainly benefit from the knowledge as well as experience from each these regions as you discover advertising and marketing as well as how that connects to the apparel industry. Our lots of on the internet resources feature our Global Jobs Board, video library and also career webinar series. Advertising as all of us know is actually methods established through business, businesses to forecast and also entice folks to acquire their items. Healthcare Marketing versus Powerful Competitors Watch Your backdoor as well as hold on to your effective marketing professionals. So you should develop specific targets, allow your group in on all of them, make them part of the planning and its own results, as well as keep yourselves responsible for reaching them. Certainly not merely will fascinated individuals learn more about the most ideal business in the business, however they will certainly also help receive a sense from just what comprises a great system marketing company from the beginning. Carrying out online marketing by means of your very own website or even blog site is more affordable due to the fact that you don't need to purchase commissions to brokers, unlike when you industry your products with various other person's web site where you spend certain commission for every single item referred due to the web site manager as well as purchased due to the clients. I've taken advantage of servicing the promoter support program, getting the right methods in place to allow a record owned, personalised technique to our marketing. An additional come in that exact same path is Google.com's acquisition of DoubleClick, which includes the substantial on the internet partner marketing network Performics. In today's prompt removaling competitive organisation world assessing marketing efficiency is crucial to prepare future organisation targets, screen development, analyze effectiveness as well as straighten techniques and objectives.
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youngerdaniel · 7 years
Ritual — Now With Extra Loglines!
Writers are a superstitious kind. 
If we get on a roll writing something in a certain cafe, we keep going to that cafe. If there’s a specific song driving to the work, or a movie that particularly inspires—we loop that song or movie and don’t watch much else until the work’s done.
All of the above happened over the past 10-ish days. By the way, a lot has happened since the last time I checked in here.
 I wrote an animated series pilot; some sketch comedy that recently had its first read-through; more beat sheets than was healthy... 
There were workshops and constant reconstructing of ideas on my low-budg feature that brought it closer to the intent I had for it (thieves navigating a breakup was the general conceit). 
There was a lot of work, and a few missed loglines which I’ll now spit out:
STITCH - series
A medical student three months from her doctorate pays her student loans stitching wounds for the mob. But when her father winds up on her table, she begins to unravel a conspiracy that goes back generations.
A professional wing-woman starts to fall for her latest charge, the only problem is, he’s falling for her sister. 
When a light-rail commuter train gets stuck in an underground tunnel, five complete strangers must work together to find a way out—but the reason for their entrapment is worse than any of them can imagine.
Knights Incorporated - feature
In the wake of their parents’ deaths, two sister con artists take on the score of their lives—literally. The mark? Their uncle. The score is a few-million dollars. The complications when the truth comes out? Tremendous.
Phoebe - short (CURRENTLY WRITING)
Phoebe has decided to turn to a life of crime. Her bestie, Ash, decides to film it on her iPhone. A bank robbery turns into a shopping binge, and the authorities are hot on their trail—but a joyride in the wrong stranger’s car drags Phoebe and Ash into the worst side of crime.
SO, YEAH. Those are things that have come up. The summer break was spent writing the first draft of my feature, presently titled (in an ever-increasing game of “Maybe I Should Call It This...”) BUSHLEAGUES. 
It follows Cory and Hannah, thieves who meet and fall in love on the job. But when they move in together, things start to sour. 
A messy breakup puts the thieves in a competition to learn who’s the better thief. 
But, when they steal from the wrong guy, they’re drawn into a doomed heist and a gang turf war—and their domestic issues turn deadly.
Today, about 11 working days later, that concept has been birthed into a first draft. It’s not my first first draft, nor my first feature, and definitely not my first story. But there’s always a feeling you get when you reach the end of trying to conjure a good yarn. 
You get satisfied. You feel like you’ve finished an insurmountable task. Congratulations, you’ve just spent an inordinate time living in your own head without healthy amounts of human contact. YOU ARE A WRITER. YOU HAVE WRITTEN.
I rant a lot about how nothing means a shit unless you finish it. But screw it, I’ll say it in a newer, ruder way: 
Whinge all you will. I just spat out a handful of them a few minutes ago—and I like to thing I’m on the lower-functioning side of the screenwriter spectrum.
I’ll admit to this: I write fast. Sure, most of it will be crap that I spend months re-writing, but it’s just the way I do it. Perhaps it’s a thing bleeding over from the novel-writing schedule and amount of words required, but I can churn out a draft quickly. 
It’s my belief that this is one of my few strengths as a writer. Industry requires you work quickly. Good is something you can get to quicker if you’ve got bad. I wish I could be more thoughtful and well-written on the first draft. Wish I could take my time, but I get caught up in it. I almost feel guilty for not thinking it through harder.
The rest of my observations from a month of actual writing and boundary-pushing are of the usual fodder. So point form, for ya:
- Writing is hard
- Beat sheets and outlines are essential -- but damned if the story doesn’t come out different on the page
- It’s good to change
- It’s not what I expected
- I love it
- Hate it.
Etc. It’s the usual fare for me at this particular moment. I’m happy I got the story down; I know I’ll have to change a lot. But it’s there. It lives. I’ve got something to really work with now. And there’s definitely a sense of accomplishment.
This is a script I dragged through development to the point that my instructor who workshopped it likes to bust on me about overthinking myself. It was months of retooling an idea, and getting down to the essence of the thing I wanted to pursue with it.
I’d done the heist before. Yee who read here often will remember the long stretch where all I’d do is talk about heist/con-artist stuff. Well, I got commissioned to do it again for a grade—and I needed to find a new aspect that could keep it fresh for me.
I found that by thinking about what relationships in the criminal world must be like, and how one might place a rom-com in there. It wound up being more of a drama, one of the more serious things I’ve written, and still with a few funny moments.
It’s done now. And so the ritual I’ve carried since my first drafts of stuff that shall never see the light of day. Writers are superstitious, and that applies to when you finish something. It is we of the ritual, and the ritual is so:
- Finish
- Think about it.
- Decide to be happy just for finishing
- Buy a nice meal
- Drink a bottle of wine
- Smoke a joint
Now I begin the process of letting the story out of my mind, then revisiting it as if the script had wound up on my desk. I have to turn in the first 25 pages of it Monday, but I can fast-track the process with other rituals that come from my novelling career.
I’m binge-reading. Binge-watching. Reloading. Now I have the added distraction of having homework and a spec episode of RICK & MORTY to write.
Yes, I’m getting graded on devising an episode of Rick and Morty. Be jealous. It’s great. That’s the next set of pages to produce. Meantime, I’ll finish off the tradition. 
It’s done. I celebrate. Not even because I’m a lush (although it definitely helps), but because it’s good to develop positive reward systems to the efforts you truly care about.
Okay, is getting a little drunk and high and reading the most positive? No. But I like it, and really, having a positive reward system only works if you enjoy the reward. So here we go. Yay for done things, and yay for ritual.
P.S. I’m now in term 3, the craziest and most work-heavy of the terms. So it’s likely—in fact, worth betting on—that I won’t be posting regularly around here.
But shit, when have I ever been regular around here? This blog needs some fucking All Bran.
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