#will forever be pissed at the wasted potential of so many of the characters in this game
anonzentimes · 2 months
*guy who loves talking about despair disease voice* wait can we talk more about despair disease. i have so many thoughts on despair disease and esp how it pertains to nagito
i feel like when a lot of people first play/watch the games they see nagito as someone who lies to manipulate people, which while i can’t super blame them for thinking that way bc of how hajime tries to reconcile his conflicting feelings over nagito, i get SO frustrated when ppl call nagito a liar bc no!!! no he’s not!!! you’re falling for other characters’ perceptions of him!!! nagito almost never lies and when he does he’s either really bad at it (cough cough final FTE. “i got it all from a book” you are not slick buddy) or comes clean as soon as he’s achieved his desired outcome- it’s more bluffing than actual deception, and one thing he’s especially sincere in is his beliefs and admiration for the people around him. and the despair disease PROVES this without a doubt!!
ok. i know in-text the despair disease is described as “reversing people’s personalities,” but i’ve always interpreted it a little differently. ibuki isn’t the opposite of gullible, akane isn’t the opposite of a coward, and nagito isn’t the opposite of a liar. to me, it’s always seemed like the despair disease gives its host the trait they’d most hate to have— whatever trait would instill in them the deepest despair. ibuki hates conformity- stick her with a disease that makes her blindly follow whatever she’s told. akane hates showing weakness- force her into a state of constant crying. nagito hates the idea of deceiving his classmates- make him incapable of being sincere. this interpretation makes mikan’s disease make a little more sense too imo, since remembering her brainwashing isn’t exactly reversing her personality but instead literally filling her to the brim with despair. ANYWAYS.
nagito Actively Despises not being able to tell the truth. he hates the despair disease, he sees it as a complete waste. in the ult. luck and hope and despair mangas, we actually get to see some of his internal monologue right before he passes out, and he is In Hell. he’s pissed that he can’t serve as a proper stepping stone in his state, he thinks the whole disease is stupid, and he gets so frustrated about not being able to properly encourage the group that he Literally Starts Foaming At The Mouth ????? like if you EVER wanted undeniable proof that nagito is sincere look at the despair disease. it’s basically a roundabout truth serum for him and that’s a huge part of why it’s one of my favorite motives
sidenote i feel like the despair disease has a shit ton of analysis potential in general just bc of how it turns characters into what they hate the most!! i loveeee brainstorming what symptoms certain characters would have gotten were they to get infected. hajime especially. maybe he’d get a fawning disease where he starts praising everyone nagito-style (this would highlight their bystander parallels and also make hajime feel MISERABLE bc he fucking hates when nagito points out how similar they are lmao). or maybe he’d get an apathy disease that’d essentially izuru-fy him (wonderful foreshadowing potential there, not to imagine the incredible angst of izuru being the thing hajime would hate to be most in the world.) alas i am not a fanfic author so i will sit with my concepts but it is a wonderful daydream with any dangan characters i’d highly recommend it :]
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!!! I SCREAM IN UNISON WITH YOU I LOOOVEEE THE DESAIR DISEASE!!!!! MAN… I’M SO OBSESSED WITH HOW YOU INTERPRET AND ARTICULATED THE DESPAIR DISEASE💗💗💗 The Despair Disease is genuinely so good for analyzing I really do believe Danganronpa 2 Chapter 3 is the best Chapter 3 out of the franchise. I think the reserving of their personalities truly meaning the traits they would hate to have is soo good I’m eating up, sealing it in my heart, and using it forever such a delightful way to explain it. The interpretations on what disease Hajime would get is so fun, I’ve seen some people interpret him getting the honesty disease which is fun in concept but I don’t think it works as well as other ideas could, y’know? Your ideas for a potential apathy or fawning disease are really fun to me, I like the idea of the fawning disease tapping into how much of a realist he is and giving him the opposite attitude Lol. Thank you so much for sending this it’s so fun I’ll be thinking about this forever, I wish I was a fanfic writer aha! I really want to become a fanfic writer, soon with time I suppose. Thank you again for sharing your daydreams with me, you’re very right it does have a lot of analysis potential! :D
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stanleyl · 3 months
Uncharted 2 and SM4 before any new projects, he's sick😭😭😭.
In all seriousness, Twitter Tom fans are pissed, rightfully so because what happened to Fred Astaire? I hate loyalty in that industry. He needs to break free from Sony. He's a walking money machine for them. I think he thinks he's young forever and that there aren't other young actors who are working their hardest to get to his position and doing interesting projects. He reminds me of Will Smith doing Wild West instead of doing the Matrix. Poor decisons at what cost?
Him doing this play was meant for new projects. Amy wants him to feed her lineage doing soulless sequels. Unless he picks the director and rewrites the script, this is a chop for his career. I'm not sad if those Twitter boys do better than him now because this is a stupid choice.
Need that upcoming gq or Esquire interview soon cause I need to read his words to understand this thinking.
You have a great point, especially about the loyalty part, because I really really really don't like the news.
As someone who enjoyed Uncharted, I can't bring myself to be excited for a sequel. It feels like the executives are pushing the narrative that a second movie is happening, even though I get the impression that Tom isn't fully on board. This gives me a bad feeling, especially because he was very aware of the reception from critics and fans for the first one. But If he's doing it, it's definitely just for the money. It's really annoying that we aren't getting actual casting news—exciting stuff like new movies with new characters. Instead, we're getting more Sony blockbusters, which feels like a bad déjà vu.
As much as some people love to call us names, so many fans feel the same way. The fact that the one exciting project he's currently involved in is something most of us can't watch is really disappointing too. These new updates aren't helping either, it's not what we want to hear, let's be real. It feels like he's wasting his youth and potential by spending so much time making blockbusters that don't do justice to his acting skills.
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casasupernovas · 1 year
i feel the need to explain something.
i think if you read my blog, you wouldn't really know why i ship ten and martha since i engage with so many others shippers. if you're in that space, you don't really feel the need to explain when you're all on the same boat. if you are a fellow shipper feel free to add why you ship them also.
but here is my reason.
honestly, despite my dislike of how much of how the duo is handled within canon, i actually like the meaness and downright unfairness. not because i'm a pyscho, but because it feels real. sure some concepts are fun, like the idea of john falling for martha, but it's just wishful thinking in my opinion. i've long since thought many people do not like this series because it feels a little too real. you don't want the doctor to act this way, you want clarity and self awareness and kindess but something that's just not the way the world works. it's why so many fans have such a hard time accepting that he was in the wrong this series. because if you do, you have to fully accept just how badly he treated martha. and that's not fun to watch. it feels unfair to see him be so kind and encouraging to donna when he was so cold to martha. but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.
how. ever.
i ship them because i think there is something so raw, mature and electric about the duo. sexual tension aside, i think ten and martha have so much potential. have them unpick why exactly the doctor behaved that way. 'he was sad over rose' just doesn't cut it fully for me. i headcannon the idea that the doctor was indeed attracted to martha and was pretty damn pissed about it. scared of it. perhaps resentful. so he strikes it down, and chooses to dwell in a previous heartbreak instead, driving away his chance at happiness again.
i've always read that scene at the end of smith and jones as a guilty conscience, he's talking more to himself than her with that suddenly hostile 'only trip' nonsense. completely forgetting the original reason he had got her in the first place. no wonder he got so testy, because martha plainly read his actions back to him, and not only was it indeed flirty, it also sounds like...welll...he's moving on. imagine someone following you to your family member's party hours after they kissed you and bridal carried you and you have apparently said goodbye forever, only for them to tell you they're not interested. lol. then what are you doing here? i feel that the doctor purposely stalled his attraction to martha that series. so imma give him a chance. it's a much more interesting read of his character that series, especially when you see when he just can't help it and flirts with her despite it all anyway
for martha, i like the idea that she is in love with the alien she's not quite sure where she stands with sometimes, but she'll run until she's out of breath. she respects herself enough to leave so she doesn't waste her life, but i think there's enough room for the idea of them trying again. if at first you don't succeed. i mean, the doctor found out she was engaged, moving on and turned around and asked her to travel with him again!
i ship them because the doctor and martha to me have the potential to be a beacon of new beginnings, growth, self reflection, character development. but also a way to really prod into the darker nature of the doctor. not all of it is palatable but it's a part of him.
i feel like martha forced the doctor to recognise some home truths about himself in a way others did not. she brings out a very interesting side to him. it's criminal we only got one series.
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piduai · 5 months
I saw that you tagged sugi with "character assassination of the decade" and i couldn't agree more, crazy how shogun ass arc felt like the absolute peak of gntm and especially sugi's character and then everything afterward fell completely flat thanks to that nonsensical uts*ro twist. it's not even that i hate the idea of shoyo being evil before becoming a schoolteacher (in fact i think most ppl predicted he was connected to the naraku back in 2k13 lol), but why say "akshually he's alive all along" the literal arc after you reveal his dramatic death?? so much wasted potential because of that failure of a final boss and so many characters suffered as a result bc they weren't allowed further character development - i'm particularly pissed as a fan of zura, nobume, kagura (why is she still stuck to ginsan's side by the end instead of following her dream of being a space hunter) and the kiheitai
honestly i still remember reading the end of shogun ass arc when it came out, and i think bansai says "shinsuke's eyes were firmly focused on something" and how much hope it gave me... like the potential of zura + sugi working together to put the final nail in the coffin for the bakufu (zura by aiming for a legitimate place in a new govt and sugi with more underhanded methods lmao.. i still think kiheitai should've become high-grade bounty hunters at the end of the series), or the reveal of a bond btwn nobume and sugi since sasaki was working so closely with him. but instead that godawful "everyone vs aliens + dead guy who's actually alive" shonen cliche final battle happened. in fact i think it actively undermines the themes of the series bc until then i thought the true enemy isn't necessarily the amanto but the corruption and greed that existed in the so-called samurai country long before the amanto even arrived, and the goal was to figure out how to adapt to this new world and change yourself along the way.... but i guess the actual message was just "foreigners bad" which is way more reactionary than i expected lol. the gintaman in my head ended around ch 525, maybe ch 540 at the latest, after that it's all my delusions
yeah it definitely peaked there, chapter 519 to be specific. after that it started steadily going downhill until it decided to sprint just to land in shounen hell. excruciatingly long-winded spiritual successor to beelzebub. utsuro as a whole was very messy and nonsensical, and yeah as you said that reveal being IMMEDIATELY after it was established that hacking his sorry head off ruined the trio's lives and relationships with each other was just... umm... okay... it's also funny that shoyo was like a separate identity from utsuro altogether he was able to summon and suppress so when the guys met the evil guy with the same face as their angstily and unwillingly murdered teacher they were like Well there's aliens at play. not our guy not buying it. bye. dude??? that thang has put you to sleep once, man up and be sad about it. but god forbid there's any kind of actually complex conflict or anyone is ever guilty of anything. tbh i don't remember shit after shogun assassination i just remember this whole thing being structurally underwhelming and feeling cheap.
yeah takasugi's eye was focused on something. it was focused on gintoki 😋 everything needs to be focused on gintoki all the time. takasugi's long-winded angst and anger need to shift focus from his love towards sensei to his bond with gintoki. zura's entire deal whatever it was needed to center gintoki and his interests. shinpachi and kagura needed to forfeit all of their initial plans and embrace arrested development forever because yorozuya means family means they need to blow the power of friendship up gintoki's ass 24/7. every single female of any species needs to have a cute little crush on gintoki and he needs to be the main character for every rando he meets, changing their lives forever through his imposing presence. other characters can not have any conflict or development or agenda that doesn't center or at least heavily involve gintoki. and also nobody is allowed to have any rapport with each other independently of gintoki. never forget about the specialest little boy in the universe, if he doesn't get to give at least 5 boring pompous speeches per chapter or have a few epic one-liners everyone working on this franchise will need to immediately kill themselves (specified in their employment contracts in bold). also if you have anything less than enthusiastic to say about this you're a cretin who is too dumb to understand that any story that doesn't revolve around its main character always with no breaks is worthless and that doing exactly that is the epitome of genius writing btw.
takasugi's character assassination felt particularly asinine because for 80% of the story he's being menacing without much screen time and his personal drama is mostly hinted at, then he gets lots of focus in shogun assassination and it culminates in the plot twist flashback, after which he dedicates all his efforts to being overtly sad for gintoki and suffering more than jesus, and then he's killed off without any resolution. AND THEN HE'S REBORN AS SOME UGLY ASS BABY. like he can't get any dignity or integrity even in death lmao but it's ok i still love him bc as mentioned above gintama ended on chapter 519...
yeah i still think it might be not that deep but like it starts off as foreigners are the enemy and they came here to destroy our beautiful country so we have to stay resilient against their harassment. then it transcends to this country has always had its own rot and we the righteous and lovable riff-raffs will bring justice to it in the name of the moon, the country itself doesn't matter, we just want to protect our loved ones against anything that threatens them. and then it goes back to foreigners are evil and we'll actually go and kick their asses on their own territory even. to protect this country. alright!
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scarlettroubles · 2 years
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Mewuwa UwU
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Why isn't Nightwing a bigger deal? He has all of Batman's skills and Superman's faith in humanity and is arguably the most beloved hero in the DCU, but most people seem to know him either as the leader of the N̶o̶t̶ ̶J̶L̶ Teen Ttians or just Robin.
Thank you for asking me about Nightwing, I've been wanting to write a piece about him for a while now. The short version is that everyone who claims Dick becoming Nightwing was him "moving out of Batman's shadow and becoming his own man" is completely wrong.
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Dick Grayson is a fantastic character, someone who saved Bruce Wayne in-universe both by forcing Batman to grow up a bit, and the countless times he saved Batman's life as his partner whether as Robin or Nightwing. Dick saved Batman in the real world as well, hard to believe but Batman was actually in danger of being cancelled due to poor sales early on. Enter Robin, a young daredevil audience stand in the creators hoped would get kids interested in reading Batman. And it worked! Sales on Batman doubled once Robin showed up which is crazy to think about, but Dick Grayson has always been a popular character. Cartoons like Teen Titans, Batman: The Animated Series, and The Batman only helped grow his audience.
Character-wise, Dick Grayson really does fill a number of crucial roles in the DCU. For Batman, Dick is proof that Batman is a positive force. Meeting Batman helped change Dick for the better, helped him heal after his parents died. With Dick, Batman can take comfort in knowing that yes, he has made a difference in the world for at least one orphan boy, which is all he wanted when he lost his parents himself. To the wider DCU, Dick is a friendly face who convinces others that Batman is competent and not a complete asshole. He took this kid in, trained him to be one of the best heroes the DCU has seen, and did it all out of the kindness of his heart. That someone like Dick can confront the evils of Gotham and not break means there's still hope for that city. As Robin, Dick has led the Titans and is an icon in his own right as The Sidekick, the original, the one every other Robin is built around copying or contrasting. The one all other superhero sidekicks are drawing on as a basis. As Robin Dick Grayson is very much on Batman's level.
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Just not as Nightwing. As Nightwing, Dick has been a second rate Daredevil which means he's a third rate Batman (fully prepared to get hate for this but I've read and enjoyed the Miller and Bendis DD runs so I feel entitled to my opinion). A typical Nightwing run tends to go like this: Moving to Bludhaven (which is Gotham... but WORSE!), Dick Grayson usually enrolls in a pointless job we don't care about in order to provide some meaningless soap opera drama that doesn't go anywhere. Patrolling the city as Nightwing, he fights a variety of bad guys who are usually rather lame and unthreatening, with his big bad being a Kingpin knockoff called Blockbuster. Villains are fought, long running plotlines are set up, then everything is abandoned because it's Batfamily event time, and Dick has to run back to Gotham in order to play sidekick again. Usually his involvement is completely superfluous and it would've been better if the writer had gotten to opt out. By the time we finally get back to Nightwing's solo plotlines, the audience has usually ceased to care and the run gets cut short.
That's how Nightwing has been since the New 52 at least. Anyone who thinks that's "becoming their own man" is out of their mind. Dick is so thoroughly in Batman's shadow that he got shot in the head and spent a longer time as "Ric" which everyone fucking hated and sold like shit, than he did as Agent Grayson which was extremely well-received. Reiterating: Ric went on longer than Grayson because of a fucking Batman plotpoint Tom King wanted where Bruce was sad and cut off from the Batfamily because of Dick getting shot. Not just calling out King either, how many times was Kyle Higgins Nightwing run derailed because of Scott Snyder's crossovers? Or how about that entire run getting dumped to the side because Johns wanted to out Dick during Forever Evil, a Justice League/Lex Luthor story? DC has repeatedly made their contempt for Nightwing clear, he's Batman's sidekick still in their eyes, and he serves whatever story role the Batman writer wants.
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Hell his best stories tend to have been the ones where he's not Nightwing. He was Robin in a good chunk of the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans run. Morrison really showcased his depth as a character when they wrote him as Batman, their time with Dick under the cowl was actually one of the first Batman runs I ever read, and no Nightwing run has ever matched it in terms of quality in my humble opinion. Scott Snyder's work with DickBats also was a high point for the character, showing Dick as competent and examining his relationship with Gotham and the Gordons. King and Seeley gave him one of the best comic runs with Grayson, a series where he wasn't even a "superhero" technically! When it comes to actual pre-New 52 Nightwing runs that are highly recommended where he *is* Nightwing, there's Chuck Dixon and uhhhhhhh... Tomasi's brief run before Dick became Batman? It's not exactly an overwhelming list.
Look there has been good work done with Nightwing, I'm not claiming there hasn't been. Tim Seeley wrote a great run with Nightwing Rebirth. Seeley fleshed out Dick's Rogues Gallery with cool new ones like Raptor, he brought back old foes like Dr. Hurt (why oh why couldn't you have brought back Flamingo too?), he gave Dick's world some character it solely needed. Bludhaven under Seeley is pretty much the only time I've really felt like it lived up to being Dick's city.
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The problem with fictional cities is you have to put in the work to give them the character of real cities. You have to make the cities feel like characters in their own right. Gotham is the best example of this, it's a character all it's own, one that tells you a lot about Batman and his cast. In contrast Bludhaven is usually one of the worst. Any place that wants to claim to be worse than the city that is built over the gate to hell and gets wrecked every other month by the Arkham freaks has to really put in the work to compete. Simply put, Bludhaven typically fails utterly. There's nothing about it that makes you really buy it's worse than Gotham, I mean does anyone really think Nightwing's Rogues wouldn't get their lunches eaten by Batman's? No, no one genuinely buys that. When Bludhaven claims to be worse, it just comes across as tryhard, an attribute that does end up telling you about Nightwing in unintentional ways.
So Seeley didn't do that. Instead he created a city built for a hero like Dick Grayson. Someone who is bright and flashy, but does have an element of darkness to him. Someone who loves the spotlight, but often uses it to obscure. Seeley turned Bludhaven into Las Vegas, and that was the fucking best concept for Bludhaven I have ever seen, it makes so much sense. Las Vegas is the "Entertainment Capital of the World" and isn't that the perfect city for a hero who got their start working in the circus? Isn't the aesthetics of the gleaming casinos, the glamorous sex appeal of the performers, and the spectacle of the shows, all being used to cover up the seediness of mob bosses meeting backstage perfect for Nightwing? It's so utterly unlike New York City, yet Las Vegas is still dangerous, it's got a crime culture all it's own. Seeley used it to great effect, as did Humphries during his brief run, and I will always be pissed that DC didn't continue to use it. That should have stuck around and been the definitive look for Bludhaven.
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How Seeley's take on Bludhaven was treated feels like a small scale version of how Nightwing in general gets treated. Whenever creators pitched ideas for him, if editorial thought there was potential to break big, they asked for those ideas to be repurposed for Batman instead. Anything big or good gets repurposed for Batman or tossed to the side so Nightwing can go back to his default: having irrelevant adventures in a city that is supposedly worse than Gotham but can't live up to it. Just like how Nightwing is supposedly better than Batman but never gets to show it. Goddamn it's so frustrating seeing his potential get wasted like that.
The Nightwing book should be one of DC's most ambitious books in terms of storytelling. You can go from traditional superhero stories, to romantic soap opera, to spy stories, to crime noir, to horror, to cosmic adventures, and ALL of them would fit because Nightwing is someone who has a foot in both Gotham and Metropolis. He's got friends everywhere on every team, and has been a hero longer than most Leaguers have at this point. No reason DC should still be afraid to let him loose and insisting on hewing close to what Dixon established almost over 30 years ago is only holding him back. At the very least get him some better Rogues, why the hell didn't he get to keep Professor Pyg? That's Dick's villain not Bruce's! Bullshit that they didn't let Dick keep him. Hopefully Flamingo comes back, with a slight revamp I think he'd make a great reoccurring Nightwing Rogue.
Luckily it does look somewhat like Nightwing fans have reason to be optimistic. While Taylor isn't to my taste, DC clearly views him as a "big" writer, and that they put him on Nightwing says a lot. Taylor has been selling well so far, so hopefully he gets to tell his story, hilarious that even he lampshaded having to write Dick running over to Gotham for another tie-in after Taylor's big opening arc was all about Dick committing himself and his money to Bludhaven. Scott Snyder is apparently working on a Black Label Nightwing book which will explore how he's a different detective than Bruce. The Gotham Knights video game has him as one of the main stars, and while Titans is... controversial, it's one of the most popular streaming shows and Dick is the main character. There's a lot of content coming that features him in the starring role, and that will only help his star rise further.
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For the first time in, well, ever it feels like DC may be serious about elevating him. Time will tell if it pays off, but I for one choose to be optimistic that the 2020s will be a turning point for Dick Grayson where Nightwing becomes hugely popular in his own right. Not just as Batman's sidekick.
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hazardsoflove · 2 years
sorry i’m still upset about #that in v2 so lil rant under the cut <3
the duffers are such fucking cowards. like why are you hyping v2 up so much and teasing all these deaths when you don’t even have the fucking balls to kill off any of your main cast. this szn literally followed the same formula as all their other ones and fuck the whole “the deaths aren’t predictable” thing they said because yeah they were lol. like i didn’t want eddie to die obviously and i rly thought he wouldn’t but given the fact that they always kill a new character and there were so many signs etc etc but he was probably the stupidest character to kill off. like sorry but i’m pissed he died while the two fucking russian guys who are never going to be seen again and did nothing get to live. and i like argyle but i’m still mad he got to stay over eddie i just don’t see him having any agency if hes in s5. like you’re gonna waste all that talent and potential and chemistry and TIME you spent on developing his character and wardrobe and go to great lengths to market him and promote his actor and then kill him?
and don’t even fucking get me started on the fact that he’s still a villain in the eyes of hawkins. that is the ONE thing i didn’t want them to do. i would’ve been more okay with him dying if the town got to see that he’s actually innocent but the fact that he will forever be seen as a ritualistic satanic cult murderer to hawkins just devestates me. it feels like a slap in the face to his character too like. he literally did not need to die. he played the hero by leading the bats away from the creel house he should’ve just fucking left with dustin but instead they had to fucking kill him for basically no reason and have him die IN DUSTINS ARMS effectively traumatizing him and then do some fucking two days later bullshit where NO ONE except dustin seems to be affected that eddie died. like didn’t even tell mike??? where was the scene of lucas and erica finding out??? robin steve and nancy??? like sorry but i’m sick to my stomach over the fact that they had to leave him there. he was treated like shit at the end and it just hurts me so much it makes me so fucking SAD
and dustin. god when he talks to eddie’s uncle?? that scene make me wanna kms so fucking bad because dustin loved eddie so much he looked up to him and having to tell his uncle that he died that he always knew he was innocent and that despite what the town thinks he died a hero? he died a hero and it doesn’t even matter. like sorry for getting so worked up over a fictional character and tv show but his death ruined the rest of the ep for me. like i was just sitting there like 🧍🏼‍♀️ and i’m so glad max didn’t die bc i love her!! but it’s like. there were no stakes. none of the mcs died. they built up all this hype for like five weeks and for what. and also??? how the fuck can el do that what did she even do. since WHEN can she do that. i would literally sacrifice murray and jonathan in a heartbeat for eddie. i’m just fucking glad jason got bisected
anyway i’m developing insane theories abt how eddie can still win bc they said the upside down being stuck in 1983 is important for s5 so fuck it they’re time traveling somehow. joe quinn i will avenge you
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SEBASTIAN, kirei, gilgamesh, the darkling, alina, zoya, genya, nikolai, rhysand, feyre. this will keep you busy i am sorry. but i had to add the last two for the suffering
I already did Sebastian!
Fate Characters
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I love him! No notes. I’ve said this before but watching Zero with no context was really funny because he’s introduced in a fairly low key way but it’s immediately like “WHAT is wrong with this man?” simply because of the (english dub and original) voice actor choices.
Frankly he’s got to be the main highlight of the series for me. He’s this very fun combination of fun!horrible, gross, and miserable. I love the wildly different bullshit he gets up to depending on the Stay Night route. I do wish he was slightly more present sometimes but Heavens Feel III was really awesome about giving him some very fun scenes.
I do wish we got some more Emiya Gohan style fluff content featuring him? Or something focusing on the post Zero, pre Stay Night days. But that doesn’t have much to do with the story proper lol.
My main main critique of Stay Night is lack of focus on his relationship with Rin, though that ties into my general “Stay Night should be about Rin” complaint tbh! But yeah we never see her react at all to his various villain reveals? Like in UBW he kidnaps her, or in Stay Night (Saber route) he fucking stabs her. She generally seems really unfazed by any of it! If she expected him to be that evil all along, I want to see more of why! If she didn’t, then I’d like his reveal to have any impact?
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Gilgamesh is SO interesting! His lore is a little harder for me to follow because the majority seems to be in FGO and/or Strange Fake and I have less familiarity with either. (I still do not understand how the fuck FGO works)
But just the differences between Archer and Caster Gilgamesh are so wild. And also simply from a craft perspective, I don’t often see a character who’s allowed to run such a wild gamut between unambiguous villain and protagonist. So just seeing that big of a range is very cool.
Grishaverse Characters
The Darkling:
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I love him so much. He’s so fucking awful and petty and stupid. I’m forever pissed off that the fandom does NOT appreciate him for the mess that he is, and instead see him as this boring woobie who’s never done anything wrong in his life. The sheer wasted potential in terms of fandom content is so sad because he’s so popular! But no one’s actually bothering to engage with the character.
In terms of “wasted potential” and “done dirty by the creator” I just think that KoS was. uh. garbage. I actually liked his RoW shenanigans a lot. But choosing to bring him back via bee goddess was stupid, sorry. Also I think there was a lot of wasted potential in TGT wrt how one note his role was. LB “killed him off” at the end of each book and then at the start of the next one he’s always like “nvm I’m back! and more insane!” which on one level is iconic af. But also I think she could’ve done more interesting things with him.
Also I’ve said this before I think but I would’ve loved to see more focus on what he actually does once he’s briefly in power. He *is* ruling the country for the first time, after wanting to for who knows how many centuries. I would’ve loved to see what he even attempted to do, if anything. And if he did literally nothing and only focused on hunting down Alina? Then that itself would’ve been a fairly powerful point to focus on, because it highlights how all his noble talk of bettering the country and saving people is utter bullshit.
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I love her! She deserved so much better! It’s really frustrating how KoS completely sidelined her and then brought back the Darkling to undercut her arc and all her sacrifices.
On the one hand, I kind of respect the sentiment of like “let her rest.” But hardcore not for this series when the R&R feels like it’s forcibly shoving her back in the kitchen and admonishing her for ever wanting anything else :/
Idk the misogyny inherent to Alina’s storyline just makes me really sad for her!
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I love her a lot but she’s just so unevenly written rip. Also like I don’t really appreciate the retconned race swapping for brownie points. I understand and respect LB wanting to make the series more diverse but the way this was done leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I feel like KoS just pivoted her character into such a completely different direction and then turned around and insisted that actually she’s always been like that lol. Making her Alina 2.0 Girlboss Version just did not work for me, I already really liked Zoya for Zoya.
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Genya had the single most interesting in S&B but then I feel like she got hardcore sidelined as the story progressed. She just never was as dynamic after that, and I feel like that was LB struggling to balance too many plot threads. I just wish she had more going on and more to do as the story progressed.
Also it really creeps me out how people in the fandom talk about her. Particularly Darkling stans. But ugh.
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Love him! Hate his duology!
He’s a character that, while always delightful to read about, is also most interesting to me conceptually. I just wish LB had done more with him.
Especially with KoS, like I was really disappointed with the utter lack of engagement with post monster trauma.
ACOTAR Characters:
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Rhysand pisses me off so bad because he had SO MUCH potential. He’s so fucking interesting in ACOTAR. And then literally everything in ACOMAF onwards happens.
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Idk did she even really have a personality? Especially as the series progresses she’s just reduced to a caricature that knows nothing but judging other people and being horny for Rhysand.
Send me a character and I’ll do a bingo board for them!
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The Crown Found in Rose Thorns - fic
Characters: Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Talia al Ghul, Jon Kent, Cassandra Cain, Bruce Wayne Pairing: jondami Summary: “My name is Jonathan Kent, of the Kingdom of Krypton. And I’m here to marry Prince Damian of the Kingdom of Gotham.” A/N: I told @berryfartsart some medieval jondami headcanons inspired by the DKOS announcement and they cyberbullied me into writing the AU for it. (Kidding, of course.) Anyway get ready for some old fashion slow burns and smoopy goopy love~ (but like...eventually, this won’t be fast updated haha)
Damian huffed, crossing his arms, wincing as the Cassandra pulled the brush through his curls once more.
“This is a farce.” He droned. “A complete jester act.”
Talia chuckled, but didn’t look back at her son. Continued brushing her own hair.
“It’s going to be the same as the past three days.” Damian warned. “They’re all simpletons not worthy of my time, or anyone else’s.”
“Then I would at least like to remind you, my dear precious boy.” Talia hummed, effortlessly twirling her hair into a braid. “That I am not asking you to marry today. I am asking you to explore what traits might appeal to you, what kingdoms you trust, or don’t.”
Damian winced as his sister tugged gently at his hair, and scoffed. “It shouldn’t be up to me. My marriage is unimportant.” He mumbled. “You should be focusing on the heir’s marriage.”
Talia sighed, dropping her brush onto her vanity and standing. She stared into the mirror for a moment before leaning over and plucking Damian’s crown off its stand. She turned and slowly walked across the room, staring warmly down at Damian as she approached him.
“Richard does not have a threat hanging over his life.” She murmured, pushing his bangs back before carefully placing the crown on his head. “Richard does not need all the protection he can get.”
“And our brother already has a suitor.” Cassandra chimed in with a giggle. “That warrior princess from the Tamaranean lands.”
“Indeed.” Talia agreed. “So even if he needed any protection from something he could not handle himself, it appears he already has it.”
“Jason then.” Damian tried. He twisted to look at Cassandra. “Or you.” He sat up. “You’re already betrothed to that bard woman!” He turned back to his mother. “Why can’t we make a big deal about her nuptials instead!”
“Because her grandfather is not threatening to steal her away and hold her prisoner and eventually murder her for power.” Talia laughed, holding Damian’s face with a hand on his cheek. “And I am not above a political marriage if that means you have two kingdoms protecting you instead of just ours.”
Damian pursed his lips, ignored the heat rising through his face. “…And if I pick no one to attempt a courtship?”
“Like I said, my beloved.” Talia leaned down and kissed his forehead. “I am not above political marriage to protect you.” She smiled, eyes darting between his. “Even if you forever hate me for it.”
She stood back up, adjusted his crown, then Cassandra’s, then her own, and turned to glide out of the room.
The throne room was abuzz with citizens of the town, and even visitors who had come to try their luck and win Prince Damian’s hand.
Damian sighed as he followed Richard onto their altar. Scanning the room, he could already see no one of merit, and no one of interest. So it was going to be another boring, pointless, wasted day.
“This should be for you.” Damian mumbled again.
Richard snorted, plopping into his seat. “Sorry I found love on my own, little one. Without Mother and Father’s help.” He smirked. “Besides, you should be nice to me. I don’t have to sit here with you all day. I’m just here out of the goodness of my heart, and fondness for my poor, sorrowful, lonely little brother.”
“Piss off. You’re here to amuse yourself at my expense.” Damian rolled his eyes, sitting more politely in the throne next to him. “And so you can go cackle at my misfortune with our brothers later.”
“Nonsense. We cackle at your misfortune on a normal day too.” Richard promised with a wink. “How’s that growth spurt treating you anyway?”
Damian frowned, tugging at his sleeves. “…I have requested a new fitting with Alfred after today’s…festivities.”
Dick smiled again, running his fingers through Damian’s neatly combed curls. “Your clothes will fit for longer than a week one day soon, kiddo.” He let his fingers fall from Damian’s hair to his cheek. “…I’m not just here to keep you company, you know.”
“Mhm.” Richard nodded. Damian watched as his blue eyes darted around the room. “I’m here to vet your potential suitors. Make sure they are good enough for you, strong enough to protect you-”
“I can protect myself, thank you.”
“-and this is the fourth day of the festivities. No doubt your grandfather has heard of them by now. Someone has to make sure no undesirables have snuck in, or attempt to make a move.”
“Do you truly think he would be so brash?” Damian questioned. “Besides, this whole thing was Mother’s doing. So, I thought that was why Father keeps attending, to keep watch.”
“He is. But like I said, this is the fourth day. Enough time to get word and move to strike. And forgive me if I’d rather be safe than sorry.” Richard smiled apologetically. “So Father and I are in here, Jason and Cassandra are running the perimeter and Timothy is monitoring the guard towers.”
Damian sighed, staring out into the crowd once more. A few of the guests were glancing their way now. Giggling and falling back into their whispers. Some of the less modest ones outright stared, giving Damian as flirty a smile as they could.
“…Well, as much as I appreciate your concern, I’m afraid it will all be for naught.” Damian drooped in his chair and crossed his arms. “If today is anything like the past three, it will be the most boring day of your life, and nothing will come to fruition.”
“Never say never, little one.” Richard offered dreamily. “Love strikes when you least expect it.”
“Love.” Damian scoffed, glancing over as Bruce and Talia entered the room, hands clasped between them. “Who said any of this was for love?”
“Well.” Richard hummed. “It is because we love you.” He offered. “And we’re hoping not to make this an arranged affair. That we can find you happiness in a partner as well as protection. That’s why we want you to choose.”
“And if I never choose anyone?”
Richard blinked, then offered a smile. But it was sad, almost pitying.
Damian crossed his arms tighter, glancing towards their parents as the King and Queen sat next to them.
“As I keep telling you all, I can protect myself.” Damian mumbled. “And I’m content being alone.”
Richard kept his sad smile. Damian refused to look at him anymore.
Damian wanted to rip his hair out.
As he had predicted many times that day, it was just more of the same.
A blacksmith offering the best weapons, and the safest house on the continent.
A nomad promising a life of adventure and delicious foods.
A group of sisters offering as many heirs as they could carry, and their father as the sole brave knight to protect them all.
A witch and a wizard together, offering magic as protection and endless fertility to continue the kingdom’s bloodline.
A princess offering the best clothes and parties.
A duke who…wasn’t even sure why he was there. He was sent by his father, and didn’t even know Damian’s name.
A young woman who merely offered her humor and loyalty. She could make him laugh, and made it clear that was all she had.
Damian almost agreed to meet with her, if only because he appreciated her honesty.
The sun was dipping in the sky outside the western window, and Damian could feel his stomach starting to growl. He glanced to his brother, who had sat all but stock-still all day, doing exactly as he’d said he would. Watching the room, vetting the visitors. Making sure these potential suitors were good enough for his littlest brother.
“…How many more do you think Mother will have stroll through here?” Damian whispered. “I don’t think I can take much more of this mind-numbing torture.”
Richard chuckled. “I’ll give her four more, then push for a recess. Alright?”
“Thank you.” Damian breathed in relief, glancing out towards the room. The crowd had thinned slightly, with some parties departing when their candidate was politely rejected. Others were just the local townsfolk, remaining purely to stick their noses in royal business.
Talia called for the next suitor to step up, and on the far side of the room, Damian saw three people stepping forward. But before they could make it even a yard, one of the large doors across from the thrones groaned open.
“Am I late?” A male voice called. A wave of chuckles swam around the room, and even Damian found himself smirking.
“Depends on what you’re looking for, son.” Bruce called. Despite the normal nature of the interruption, Damian could already see both his father and brother had put their hands on the hilt of their swords.
“Apologies, Your Highnesses,” Alfred appeared behind the man. He sent a glare over his shoulder as he passed by him. “I had asked him to wait a few moments, but he clearly refused. I do hope we aren’t interrupting.”
“No.” Bruce waved to three people apologetically, who nodded and disappeared back into the crowd. “If he is here for Damian, then we can hear him out.”
“I am!” The stranger called. When he moved, the sound of armor clanked around him. “Um, yes. I mean. I am. I am here for Prince Damian.”
“…Though tardiness is not a good first impression, I must say.” Talia scolded quietly. Bruce gave her a gentle smile and patted her hand. “Bring him forward.”
“Great!” The man – young, by the sound of it, probably closer to a boy – called, leaping past Alfred. “I mean, uh, thank you, Your Highness. For the opportunity.”
Damian watched the man as he walked the long carpet forward, and he felt his eyes narrowing in curiosity. He had dark hair that seemed permanently windblown framing his face, and an awkward smile that almost seemed like it was about to burst from his face.
What really struck Damian’s interest, however, were his eyes. They were a sharp violet, a color Damian didn’t recall ever seeing on a human being before. They were fascinating. Beautiful, even, if he really had to describe them.
As he approached, Damian realized the man – boy, he truly was a boy – was around his age. Seventeen like himself at most, but more likely a year or two younger. What surprised him about that, though, was the armour he wore. While a sparkling silver and recently cleaned, Damian could see nicks and dents in it, even a few shadows that could easily be blood stains, if he got close enough to look.
Barely seventeen and already a battle-worn war veteran?
Attached to the shoulder plate of his armour was a brooch that fastened his bright red cloak together around his neck. It was gold, shaped like a freshly cut diamond, with a large S painted blue on the inside.
Damian didn’t recognize the coat of arms. And Damian knew all the coat of arms of every kingdom and town on the continent.
That was suspicious.
He glanced to his side again. Richard had not taken his hand off his sword.
The boy had reached their feet now, that large smile still adorning his face.
“Hello.” He said plainly. “My name is Jonathan Kent, of the Kingdom of Krypton.”
Talia huffed, raising her head. “And what are you here for, Sir Jonathan?”
Jonathan’s smile, impossibly, seemed to widen.
“Well, Your Highness.” He started, turning his head to stare directly at Damian. Damian found himself flinching under the intense gaze. “I’m here to marry Prince Damian of the Kingdom of Gotham.”
A wave of gasps rolled through the room, followed by an almost deathly silence. While they were all here to propose a courtship and future with the prince, no one had dared to be so forward! Just as no one should have. It was presumptuous and out of place. Everyone knew that. Everyone.
Bruce and Talia glanced at each other, and Richard had the gall to stifle a laugh in his fist.
But Damian.
He was tired, he was annoyed. He was fed up with this charade that had not only taken up almost a week of his life, but one he did not want to partake in, in the first place. He was fed up with people looking at him. Fed up with being treated like a thing, a prize.
So as his parents glanced at each other, and the court calmed themselves over the offense, Damian stood, moving to the front of the altar.
“I beg your pardon?” He spat, brushing off Richard’s fingers as he tried to grab him. “How dare you think I’d want to marry a nameless peasant such as yourself.”
“Well, past experience says you wouldn’t be that against it.” Jonathan shrugged, armor clanking. “But that also is a moot point, because I’m not a peasant. I’m Jonathan, from the Kingdom of Krypto-”
“I’ve never heard of it.” Damian declared. “And I know every kingdom here to the coasts. Which makes you a liar, dear knight.”
The moniker was all but sneered, but Jonathan just let his smile grow a little wider, a little…fonder.
Suddenly Jonathan glanced over Damian’s shoulder. “My father’s name is Clark Kent, but he also sometimes goes by Kal. You’ve fought at his side before, King Bruce.”
Damian whirled around to find his father nodding. “Indeed I have.” Bruce frowned. “I don’t recall him being from any kingdom though. He called himself a traveler.”
“A…recent development.” Jonathan admitted. “One we are still getting used to. But Krypton is his – our – home, and once the truth was discovered, they welcomed us back with open arms.”
“Your father is king?” Jonathan nodded. “Quite the…development, as you said.” Bruce murmured. He glanced at Dick, who shook his head. “He never mentioned a son.”
“He has two. Myself and my older brother, Connor.” A nervous chuckle. “He was…very protective of us as we traveled. Hid us in forests and with witches when he and mother had dealings in towns and villages. Apparently whatever ousted him from Krypton all those years ago, he was afraid we would be its next target.”
“None of this is relevant to today.” Damian cut in, whirling back around to face the suitor. “How long have you been under the title of prince?”
“A few years.”
“And in a few years you did not learn any manners?” Damian scolded, crossing his arms. “You do not enter another’s kingdom and demand someone’s hand in marriage.”
“I did not demand.” Jonathan countered. “I promised.”
Damian felt heat rise to his cheeks. “And who said I would choose you? How do you know I have not chosen anyone to court yet?”
“Past experience.”
“Past experience with who?”
The room’s silence grew tense. Damian’s hands balled into fists.
“I have never met you for a second in my life.”
Jonathan lowered his voice. “Are you so sure?”
Damian narrowed his eyes, and opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by his mother.
“Damian.” She hummed. “…What do you think of this…gentleman? Are you interested in him?”
“I think he’s a complete buffoon.” Damian answered instantly. Jonathan chuckled to himself. “An arrogant, deceptive moron.”
Jonathan merely blinked. “Your Highness, that doesn’t answer her question.”
Damian felt a blush blossoming on his face. “You-”
“And if we’re going to marry within the year, perhaps you should answer quickly, so we can begin our courtship.”
“Again, who said I would ever want to marry you?” Damian demanded.
Jonathan shrugged again. “Well, so far, you haven’t said you don’t.”
Damian felt his jaw go rigid. This idiot. This disrespectful, uneducated boy who claims he fell into power. So sure of himself, so narcissistic. And he already thought Damian belonged to him? That Damian was already his?
That smile was still plastered to his face. It was mischievous, and held a secret.
Held a challenge.
Say no, it said. I dare you. Let me embarrass you in front of your court and walk away with your tail between your legs. I dare you.
Damian never could turn down a dare. A test. And if it was a challenge Jonathan Kent of Krypton wanted, it was a challenge he would get.
He wanted to court Damian? Fine. Let him court Damian. Damian would eat him alive. Emotionally tear him limb from limb. Send him crawling back to Krypton wondering why he ever even bothered with the youngest Prince of Gotham.
After a moment, Damian returned the smile, slowly walked down the altar steps, and moved towards the knight. Stopped only inches away, and stared up into those mystical purple eyes.
There was something in those eyes, Damian noted. Something just out of reach. Purposefully hidden. Hidden from everyone? Or just Damian?
This close, and Damian was reminded once more of the marks on his armor. The red shadows he’d noticed before, he could now confirm were blood. Old and flaking, and much more of it than he first realized. Not his own, Damian decided, based on their locations. Blood from others.
Mischievous…and dangerous.
(And beautiful!, his brain supplied. But he ignored that part. Stayed focused on the challenge at hand.)
He glanced down between them when he noticed Jonathan’s fingers twitch, like he wanted to reach out. Want to touch him. Damian let his gaze rise. Smirked, and reveled in the scene of Jonathan biting his lip, just slightly.
“Yes, Mother.” He whispered. But his voice was heard through the whole room. “I think I am interested.”
Jonathan kept his gaze. Whispered back, “I knew you would be.”
“Your arrogance will be the death of you, Traveler.” Damian hummed, turning away. He began back up the steps, was almost to the top, when he heard the quietest words ever spoken.
“No, I do believe only you will be, love.”
Damian spun back around at the tender sound, his face heating up. Jonathan was still staring, but now his gaze was softer, more adoring. Like he’d known Damian for years.
Like he really was here just to profess his eternal love and marry him on the spot.
Suddenly, a hand was on Damian’s shoulder, and he turned to find Richard above him, watching Jonathan as he tugged Damian back to his seat.
Talia began speaking to Jonathan, Bruce adding a word or two, as Richard and Damian sat back down. That look was gone from Jonathan’s face now, back to business as the queen set a time for him to return the next day to spend time with her son.
“…First impression?” Damian murmured to his brother. He felt himself twitching every so often, when Jonathan would glance his way.
“Honestly? Suspicious.” Richard returned. “I’ll need to look deeper into this history he’s claiming. See if Father and I can get a hold of Clark. Find out about the status of Krypton.” Richard paused, then looked over at him. “Are you honestly interested in him?”
Damian shrugged. “If not for love, then for my personal entertainment.”
“That’s cruel, if he’s genuine.”
“Do you think he is?”
Richard looked back. The knight was bowing to their parents now. Stood, and turned to the two of them to bow again. When he stood upright once more, he gave Damian a wink, then turned to walk back down the aisle and out of the room.
Richard clicked his tongue as Jonathan disappeared out the large door. Glanced at Damian with a sly smile. “…Ask me again after your first date tomorrow.”
Damian groaned and slumped in his throne.
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g-on-ef · 3 years
Hey I was wondering if you're still a fan of Helluva Boss and what you thought of the latest episode?
@megashadowdragon asked: have you watched helluva boss episode 6 which came out today ( if you were unaware) what are your thoughts
It warms my heart to know you guys ask for my opinion ^^ now let's get down to business
To answer both questions yes I still watch Helluva Boss however after their latest episode I think I will just stick to writing fanfiction about Blitz and Striker as well as stick to whatever content the fandom creates.
This episode if Imma be honest with you guys was not worth the wait, hell I was literally tempted to leave the episode as it just didn’t have my attention as the others.
The episode had some decent moments where I was chuckling a little but other than that I wasn’t that into it, to be honest the bad out weigh the good. 
Also I wanna add that a while ago I wrote how Vivzipop and her crew did not know how to handle complex characters or complex scenes and I was right, this show and their crew do not know how to handle mature topics without reducing them into a joke but we are getting ahead of ourselves so let’s start with the pros, the cons, and everything in between.
Let’s start of with the pros,
Loona knowing when Blitz was being serious was a nice touch, it showed that even if Loona acts like she doesn’t care about Blitz she actually pays attention to him and knows when he is being serious and when he is joking around.
Moxxie was the true MVP his interaction with the agents had me smiling as well enjoying his moments.
Blitz protecting Moxxie
STRIKER !!!! I am a simp for this imp and I’ll take whatever crumbs I can get to see him ^^
Verosika, Fitzorallia, love them, love them 
And that’s it...to be honest that’s it...like other than that that’s basically all that I like from that episode...
Now let’s get into the rest of this episode...
Okay was anyone other than me confused as to why they decided now was a good time to introduce the agents so late in the game?
Like at this point I am convinced that Vivizie and her crew are just winging it.
The agents were literally thrown in the show and it felt outta the blue, like I said it feels like Vivizie and her crew don’t know what they are doing and are just throwing things together like they could’ve given us hints that the agents were watching them, or give us a hint that they were being spied on, it didn’t even have to be big it could have just been small.
An example would be from my favorite book series Cirque Du Freak, in the first book Mr. Crepsely (a main character in the book) mentions something small that will become huge in later books, it was small but allowed the reader to be curious it gave the reader that something big was coming and we should be prepared.
Like I said it was a small hint but I left me curious and wanting to read more to find out more about what is going on.
Helluva boss didn’t do that it just threw this new idea and new characters without giving the others to grow.
If they gave us a hint that they were being watched it wouldn’t have felt like that idea came outta nowhere.
Also was I the only one that was uncomfortable with the way Blitz kept making jokes about the agent’s dead mom? I’m sorry but that was just wrong on soooo many levels.
Also with the truth serum thing...why did they use it if they weren’t even gonna get answers like again this came outta nowhere because the truth serum was supposed to make them speak the truth not look like they were tripping on acid. On less I missed something please let me now if I did.
Also to be honest the whole confession thing was once again treated like a joke, especially when Blitz asked Moxxie why he let Millie peg him, ummm...an emotional scene like that shouldn’t have jokes of any kind surrounding it, especially when it was supposed to be a heartfull moment.
Now Blitz ... okay Blitz and his vision was a little decent but I also didn’t like it.  A lot of people had their speculation especially with the Stolas scene but the more I look at it the more I see it as a bittersweet moment.
Revealing that he was afraid of intamacy wasn’t that big of a surprised since we already knew that like it was nice for conformation.
Okay now onto the Sto*itz moment in the song ... like I said this was bittersweet moment,
People interpet the scene as how Blitz is afraid to love Stolas others saw it as Blitz was still chained to Stolas and would only be free if he and Stolas talk it out and another mentioned how he was forever chained to Stolas and how toxic the relationship between the two is.
Honestly I viewed it as how Blitz will be forever trapped in situations like this were he is to afraid to love someone or love himself and unless he comes to terms with his own demons he’ll forever be trapped in an endless cycle of pain and misery.
Now onto why I think that that Vivizie and her crew can’t handle mature themes.
Two characters have just had a revelation about their relationship with one another and instead of being honest with each other it gets turned into a joke...again...
Moxxie told Blitz what he felt and Blitz told him he treats him like shit cause its tough love...da freak ??? You just had a moment where you realized you pushed everyone away because you were afraid to be alone so you rather push everyone away so you have an excuse to let them leave and instead of admitting to that you just tell Moxxie it was all tough love.
Not to mentioned that you’re giving compliments and than tell him your done because your out of compliments...again you had a huge revelation and instead of giving the characters time to digest what they went through you just toss it to the side. 
Another thing that pissed me off was how right after a huge moment you throw in a fight scene...I...why...just why ???
You had an emotional scene (that had no build up) but than throw it to the side for a fight scene that shouldn’t have been added at all.
Like the minute Millie and Loona saved them they should’ve opened up a portal and take them away not waste time on fighting only for them to get caught in the end.
Like I literally feel like they wasted all that time on animation than on writing and planning what they wanted from this.
Like again they had an emotional connection/scene and threw it to the side for some fight scenes which was a disappointment because had Loona and Millie saved them  and take them home Blitz could’ve had some major character development and the four of them could have a heartfelt scene admitting everything that bothers them and help them get closer. 
Nope, they decided to just throw a fight scene why I don’t know but it bothers me how they just tossed an emotional scene for some action scenes.
So yeah I am not happy with how that was handle at all.
Let’s also get to the Loona and Millie scenes...Millie crying for Moxxie once again made no sense as we never seen Millie care for Moxxie, hell she cares more for Blitz than Moxxie which is fucked up.
Hell when Moxxie was being critizied by her parents she didn’t do much to defend him hell Sally Mae was more honest with him than Millie.
Honestly Millie feels like she is being written by twenty different people who don’t know what they want from her.
And Loona, Loona could seriously be written outta the episode and nothing would changed.
Also they truly refused to let their characters grow seriously Moxxie was still treated like shit by Blitz in the end so yeah no character growth at all.
And now onto the last scene with Stolas and Blitz ... holy shit man Imma be honest with you guys Stolas asking for sex after saving them feels fucked up, to me it felt like the only reasons he saved the imps is so that he doesn’t get in trouble and for Blitz to reward him for saving them.
Again they could’ve had Stolas saving them and they could have had a heart to heart moment nope we had to toss all that emotional build up (if one can call it that) and toss it to the side for cheap jokes and a horny owl.
needless to say I was beyond disappointed with this episode and with the way they handle the “saddest” scene in the episode I am scared to see how they will handle the other scenes.
AGAIN I honestly don’t see why this episode took so long and I feel like Vivzie and her crew are more focus on the animation than anything else which sucks because this show has so much potential and it is being thrown to the side for pretty designs and shipping moments. 
Anywhore that’s my thought on this show let me know what you guys think ^^
~GoNEF out ^^
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softkuea · 2 years
BL ~ Drama Asks
I was tagged by @wanderlust-in-my-soul !!! thank you sm for this... it's been a long time... but i'm back! happy to be here and share my thoughts ✩
If you had to watch one drama forever what would it be?
I have three series in mind! I Told Sunset About You, Light On Me and Gaya Sa Pelikula. However, i'm choosing the latter one because i cried many times with it and that show gives me a nostalgic/warm vibe, i feel at home watching it. Also... such a good soundtrack, i have many of the songs they used in my playlist <3
2. If you could change the ending of a drama which one would it be?
Lovely Writer: i remember being so pissed with that ending, especially with what they did to Aoey. The potential of that character so wasted, Aoey for me was so complex.... they humanized one second and then, in a blink of an eye, they made him a villain. Anyways, i can rant forever about this, there's still some posts about it in my blog if u search for it so yeah...
3. Name your favorite drama and tell who your favorite character was.
Light On Me: i wanted to say itsay but- yeah, i have more of a connection with LOM. My favorite character... of course is the main protagonist Taekyung! he really represents me and i adore him to death fr.
4. Name a drama you dropped within the first few episodes ~ we all have at least one!
Usually i don't drop dramas, and when I do, I barely remember them. Kissable Lips, My Oxygen and That's My Candy (i want to watch this one tho, for KimCop only)
5. Name a popular drama you've never watched and why?
SOTUS: eh, i'm not a big fan of the actors. TharnType (no need for explanation) and Love By Chance. Personally, i think both these series have some content i would not be able to handle.
6. Name a drama you regret watching.
Theory of Love: I think this is controversial, nothing wrong with liking the show, but for me, it was pure torture. It felt like watching the most toxic relationship ever in a constant cycle of despair... the side couples didn't make it any better.
7. Name a drama you thought you’d never watch but did and did you end up liking it?
Gen Y: it's crazy how this series made me laugh and i enjoyed every second. It wasn't perfect in any way, but bc i didn't take it so seriously, i was surprised... light romance (kimcop my beloved), pure comedy, sometimes being truly absurd, but yep! i loved it!
8. Name a pairing you want to see?
Mmmm, this one is hard but i guess ToddBlack? come on... they deserved each other, it was meant to be!! lol
9. Name a pairing you didn’t think had chemistry?
Bohn and Duen from My Enginner... even the side couples were better, wayyyy better.
10. Name a pairing you have seen in another drama that you like?
Mmmm i don't understand this question well but.... KimCop in Gen Y and in Close Friend 2(?). Also... I'm hoping for more Zeenunew series <3 so i want to see them in other dramas (i'm begging here)
Welp! that's it! Idk who to tag? @loveable-sea-lemon @fatal-journey @nevermiind @khunvegas @chordassinationtechnique
Feel free to ignore... it seems a lot of people here has changed their @'s so It's a bit hard to recognize everyone TT, but consider yourself tagged if u want to do it!
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ihopesocomic · 3 years
Kyoga/Karabi anon - thank you for explaining! I didn't cotton on to Kyoga's being closeted so much as I assumed the relationship was secret purely because of Kyoga's betrothal. Yeah, that's especially inappropriate with the baggage of Kyoga being in the closet. (Though idk if her being closeted was even intended. I remember Kyoga's reasoning as a rather threadbare "I have to do this", and it's really hard to tell how much fear for her safety Kyoga was intended to have)
That's no problem anon, we're always happy to expand upon our points if they come across as unclear or w/e. c: Yeah, even though homophobia isn't supposed to be a thing by this point in the series timeline, it's clear that she's concerned about the repercussions of coming out based on the expectations and duty expected of her. I mean, what happened when she absconded with Karabi? War broke out. It seems likely that Kyoga knew that this was going to happen and so many lives hinged on her marrying Lite.
That's a terrific amount of pressure placed on her shoulders and to have her girlfriend say she's essentially a coward for trying to bear it? Ouch. Mega ouch.
Not only that but the lyrics in the series theme, Once In a Dream, ("Once in a dream, I thought I could keep you safe forever") implies that Kyoga may have known that Karabi would be in danger had she made her relationship with her public. We're talking warring kingdoms here so yeah, I think she saw things coming from a mile away. If you are to believe those lyrics are referring to Kyoga, which I feel it is.
Kyoga cared about Karabi a TON. She worried for her safety as much as her own and her kingdom's. Her trivialising Lite's slaughter of her family in a bid to save his life pissed me off because she was such an endearing character for me up until that point. Probably close to being my all-time favourite in the show.
Also, her VA did an amazing job and is a super sweet person and I feel that's something worth mentioning. lolol
Sorry to ramble but Kyoga's wasted potential just depresses the hell out of me. I liked her and emphasised with her plight a lot and I really wish she had been handled better and shown a lot more le sigh. :< - RJ
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jojosbabe · 3 years
Ok *cracks knuckles* time for y'all to understand keicho.
Tbh i know this may sound mean to some
But honestly if you are a single child. Don't have siblings. Or are not an older sibling.
I don't really think you can capture keicho nijimuras character.
Its not that you couldn't write him. Its i dont expect these people to get it done well.
It kinda hurts me when people don't do siblings well.
But that aside. I know people have different feels. And thats ok. But the nijimuras are close to me. And i wont stand for slander on any of em.
The nijimura brothers arch hit me close. As i completely understand keicho's character. And the shit he had to go through. What its like to kinda lose that feeling of being the fun big brother to having to help take care of family. Granted mine wasn't as oof. But it still is a sombering feeling. That you grow up to damn quick.
And now you look back and ask. Where did the time go? I went through a lot of shit tbh as a kid. But my personal experiences aside. Keicho's i absolutely understood where he came from. What he smart bout it? Nah. He did deserve that ass whoppin from josuke. But he got it. And lost. But he isn't bad and he hesitated and thought about giving the bow n arrow. But his pride got in the way. And didn't know how to atone and repent. But probably he didn't have anyone approach him in that way before. He probably didn't have many friends or people to talk to. As many people cant see stands and well you get the point. Akira otoishi seemed to be friends or someone he knew. Thats why that scene seemed so weird and sudden. I wanna know more what happened before that. It sounded like they had history. So i hc they were friends and the only person that cho felt like he understood and he understood him. And he could be his happy self around other than his brother okuyasu. He didn't trust easy. Like i have a whole big story in mind.
And not to mention their father who is practically disabled. Keicho seeing him go through that. He admitted he hated seeing his father suffer. Their family suffer unnecessarily. And there isn't anything to do about it. That feeling of having to be strong for his bro during the abuse they suffered. And now having to feel helpless. Like its just awful. The amount of shit he took the brunt of for oku.
Alao people forget the cultural differences too. That doesn't help. Japanese family dynamics are different than us. Sorry people it is.
But anyways. Keicho isn't a bad guy. Just a product of hurt and dios bullshit. And his fathers mistakes.
But mr.nijimura isn't all bad either. He was desperate. He lost his wife. Lost his business. It was tough.
Like the whole thing still gets me. But many people dont wanna go deep or take it at such shallow face value. And so much slander and overshadowing keicho.
Look i looooove okuyasu with all my heart. But keicho nijimura. How they did him. It feels like a waste. And wasted potential. And how the fans sideline him. All because his lil bro is the "nice symptoms" of ptsd and all that shit they went through.
Okuyasu suffered too and hated how he felt helpless to protect his bro not just from other stand users but himself. And you guys let this fly over your heads.
Okuyasu nijimura loved his big brother and his father. Unconditional love. The good the bad and the ugly of it. We dont deserve this bean
Keicho also loved his brother. He had an overprotective complex. And if you were a big sibling you would understand that feel.
You want them to be strong and resilient to the world. Because not everyone is gonna be your friend. But at the same time. While it made him blind to the fact you can love too. And its ok to ask for help and a shoulder to lean on.
I could go on forever.
But you get the idea.
It just hurts me that that arch had the potential to be the most realest damn thing in the series.
It hit home too much. Thats why it both made me pissed when keicho nijimura was killed off. But was sad af too.
We dont really see the aftermath. And that sucks ass.
Sure yeah anime plot. But still. Oof.
I may have to write more keicho nijimura stuff because nobody can get him well enough for me. At least the complexity of it all.
Thats enough venting for now.
Im not here to jab at anyone. I just have a lot of feels and opinions about this character personally because they hit home to me personally.
I don't expect everyone to understand or agree. But i needed to say something about it.
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365days365movies · 4 years
February 19, 2021: The Phantom of the Opera (2004) (Part 1)
I love musicals.
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Hands down, when talking cinematic adaptations of musicals, my favorite is Little Shop of Horrors. I’ve seen it MANY times, and will see it many, MANY more. And I’m not the only one. I mean, obviously, but in this case, I’m referring to my girlfriend. She’s chosen to represent herself with a GIF from her favorite musical, Hairspray. So, here she is:
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Ravishing. Now, because it’s currently our anniversary, I let her pick today’s movie from my list. And so, she chose a musical that neither she nor I have seen: 2004′s The Phantom of the Opera. And some of you may now be saying, “What, this guy said he liked movie musicals, and he hasn’t seen TPotS? That’s like saying you haven’t seen Grease, or Singin’’ in the Rain, or, PFFT, West Side Story!”
...About that...
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Yeah, yeah, I know! It’s insane, and I’m a hypocrite. I’ll be getting to the rest of those eventually, and one of them’ll be coming in the next couple of days, I promise. You can probably guess which one. Anyway, fact of the matter is that we’re gonna watch it tonight, and I’m looking forward to it. 
However, there’s another factor to this, and that’s the fact that this film...doesn’t have the best reputation amongst fans of the original musical. And, yeah, this should ideally be the Michael Crawford version, but the Butler version is the one I have access to, so we’re going for it. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/2)
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Paris, 1919, back when the whole city was in black-and-white for a year. They lost the budget for color after World War I. Anyway, at an old opera house, an auction is taking place, and items found within the theater are for sale. One of these is a music box with a monkey on it, an item which sponsors a bidding war between an older woman, and an older man in a wheelchair. I’m sure we’ll find out who they are eventually.
Anyway, a broken chandelier is also up for option, and was involved in the mysterious disaster of the “Phantom of the Opera” fiasco. They turn it on with electric light, and as they raise it to the ceiling, the organist goes fuckin’ NUTS. The song’s so loud that it REVERSES TIME, and we’re now in color, in the year 1870 at the same opera house.
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The theatre, managed by the soon-to-retire Monsieur Lefèvre (James Fleet), has just been purchased by Richard Firmin (Ciaran Hinds) and Gilles André (Simon Callow), who are there to observe. On stage, a rehearsal for the opera Hannibal is taking place, and the costume’s are already...like, a LOT, not gonna lie. The headliner for the show is soprano (and drama queen supreme) Carlotta Giudicelli (Minnie Driver), and is being funded by patron Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny (Patrick Wilson). 
The background dancers are instructed by Madame Giry (Miranda Richardson), and include her daughter, Meg (Jennifer Ellison), and her adopted daughter, Christine Daaé (Emmy Rossum). As the rehearsal takes place, an accident happens on stage, almost injuring Carlotta. Enraged, she leaves, and refuses to perform.
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Meanwhile, Madame Giry finds a letter from the Phantom, who demands his normal monthly salary of 20,000 francs, as for Box 5 to be left open. While the new owners think that this is ridiculous, they also note that it’s pointless without a lead singer for their show. 
However, Christine is volunteered, and shows that she is indeed a talented singer. The show goes on, and Christine is a smash, much to Carlotta’s dismay. At this point, Raoul also discovers that this is his long lost childhood friend (and possibly long lost love) Christine, which she also noticed earlier.
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But this is because of a mysterious teacher, who sings to her from the walls of the theatre. Meg comes in to congratulate her (through song), and asks who her tutor is. Meg responds...in song (”Angel of Music”).
Afterwards, Madame Giry also congratulates her, and tells her that the Phantom is pleased with her. Right after, Raoul also pays her a visit, and the two reconnect on shared memories of times in an attic in the summer. She tells Raoul that she is visited by an Angel of Music, and cannot go to the dinner that night with him. And the Phantom agrees, as he locks Christine in her room. YIKES. 
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And as literally every person in the theatre except Christine leaves, the Phantom serenades her, angered by Raoul’s presence, and Christine’s potential dalliance with him (”Mirror”). And through the mirror, he takes her to a mysterious crypt beneath the theatre. And as they sing their strange duet in the form of the title song (”The Phantom of the Opera”)...I try to resist talking about Gerard Butler until later. And it’s hard. It’s SO hard, guys.
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But, OK, he takes her away on a...sewer horse...how the FUCK did he get that horse down there? And wait, WAIT, does he put her on that horse to walk her, like, 20 feet to the gondola? Like...WHY DO YOU HAVE THE HORSE? That is...monumentally wasteful. Where do you keep the horse? Does he feed the horse? How much? How often? With what? Does the horse eat the sewer rats? Is there naturally growing sewer hay? Does the Phantom’s salary go towards buying food for the horse, or buying new horses when the original ones DIE OF STARVATION - WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THIS HORSE?!?!? WHOMSTVE THE FUCK
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And yes, I love this fuckin’ song (not the singers, but we’ll get there), but this is distracting me alongside the statues of naked men in the sewer, because...well, Joel Schumacher. What can I say, it’s kind of his aesthetic. Anyway, we get officially introduced to the Phantom of the Opera (Gerard Butler), a very handsome-looking man who likes wearing a half-mask.
I say handsome, because the Phantom in this movie, looks...fine. HE LOOKS OK. HE LOOKS LIKE A DUDE WEARING A MASK. What, did somebody throw a hot candle at his face once, and he freaked out over it and ran into the sewers forever...WITH A HORSE? NOT OVER THE HORSE SHIT.
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Look, the Phantom is supposed to be HIDEOUSLY scarred. Famously, in one of the film adaptations of Phantom, actor Lon Chaney Jr. purposely distorted his own face using adhesive face in order to play the role of the hideously disfigured character. Now, other versions have just given him severe, and I mean SEVERE burn scars. But behind the mask, Butler looks...fine. HE LOOKS FINE GODDAMMIT. He looks like he’s wearing the mask because it looks edgy and shit.
But OK, what’s happening in the movie? Oh, right, more serenading (”Music of the Night”), with another song that I like quite a bit. This and the previous song were songs Id heard before, and that I’d already had on my playlist. They’re great, what can I say? Now is Butler doing it justice? Ehhhhhhh, we’ll talk about that in the Review.
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During this song he kinda seduces her, or attempts to, and also shows her a wedding dress. She sees herself in it and IMMEDIATELY faints, Jesus!  Curtain falls on Christine while she’s in a bed, and we go back to her room, where Meg is looking for her. She finds the mirror, and is about to go back there, but her mother finds and stops her.
Meanwhile, stagehand Joseph Buquet (Kevin McNally) tells the chorus girls of the legend of the Phantom, and describes a physical description that doesn’t match him...even a little. We cut back to Christine, who wakes up in what my girlfriend refers to as a “bomb-ass HQ.” Which is fair, let’s be honest. Anyway, she heads over and tries to unmask her new masked lover (?).
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He’s not the biggest fan of this, and he emos all over the screen (”Stranger Than You Dreamt It”). And then, as he puts his mask on, we suddenly (and I mean suddenly) jump to 1919, where the old woman, Madame Giry, bids farewell to...wait, that’s Raoul? HOW DOES HE LOOK SO MUCH OLDER THAN HER, WHAT???
Back in the past, inexplicably, the theatre owners and manager sing about the theatre and the Phantom’s demands ("Notes..."), and are soon joined by Raoul, who brings them a separate note, saying not to look for Christina any further. THEN, Carlotta joins them, delivering a letter of her own from the Phantom, warning her not to return to the theatre.
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In his letters, he details how his theatre is to be run, threatening a disaster if Christine is not cast in the lead role, and if Carlotta is not cast in a silent role. However, the theatre owners and Carlotta refuse to obey, and Carlotta is cast in the role, as the owners try to appease her (”Prima Donna”).
That night, during a performance of Il Muto, Carlotta’s singing the lead role. Additionally, Box Five is full, and the Phantom is PISSED. So, like a Phantom do, it’s time for some good old fashioned petty revenge! He switches her throat spray, causing her to lose her voice on stage, and causing the audience to laugh when the show ends abruptly. They quickly and publicly recast the role, giving it to Christine instead. Well, mission accomplished by the Phantom! Guess we’re good without retribution. And then he hangs the stagehand.
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Well...fuck, man. Realizing that the Phantom is EXTREMELY dangerous, Christine goes to save Raoul, who she...is in a relationship with now? Wait...wait, hold up, the fuck did I miss? I mean, yeah, he probably is gonna kill Raoul, but there is, like, NO lead-up to their connection before this point.
Anyway, as Christine explains that there is a Phantom when Raoul says he doesn’t exist...wait, WHAT? MOTHER FUCKER BUQUET JUST NOT MURDERED IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY WHAT IN THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN????? YOU LITERALLY HEARD THE...you know what? Break. BREAK. This is...this one’s tough.
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See you in Part 2!
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
The Originals 30 Day Challenge, Done in 1 day.
I love all of these 30 day challenge pics/posts/quests but I never have the patience to do it over 30 whole days, so instead I do them in one sitting, one go. 
Feel free to comment your own opinions about The Vampire Diaries spin-off The Originals, whether it’s your favorite show within the TVDverse like myself or whether you just love it as much as I also love the other two shows TVD and Legacies, Legacies will have its own 30 day challenge soon enough too...
Feel free to answer these too, copy, paste it, like I have and do it for yourself...
1 - If you follow this post, or read any of my TO fanfiction it will come as no surprise to anyone that I’m in love with and very obssesed with Klaus Mikaelson, he will always be my king.
2 - Rebekah Mikaelson, she’s so badass yet has this softness that makes her so compelling at the same time, I worship this queen and often wonder what this show would have looked like if she remained a main star for all of its five season run.
3 - Making me choose between the love of my life Klaus, and the icon that is Rebekah is hard...so hard but I have to go with Rebekah on the grounds that when he hurts Rebekah in any way I’m always mad like no, not my Rebekah, whereas when its the other way around I’m normally like yeah he deserved that from her...Rebekah is the fictional bestfriend of my life and Klaus is the husband, and friends always come before men - side not this very answer will later be used on record when I find myself in an asylum one day lol
4 - I’d have to go with either Marcellus or Inadu, although Marcel is beyond irritating to me throughout most of his run I can’t argue his reasons for being annoying are somewhat justifiable especially after Davina’s death in season 3 :( so I’d say I hated Inadu the most, purely because the character in itself was so wasted, so stale, and a dud to be honest...I was hoping for more with the hollow arc but I’ll get to that later on no doubt.
5 - Season 1 Episode 16, Farewell to Storyville, Season 1 in general was one of the strongest debut seasons for any shows I’ve ever watched, if not the strongest! I loved Rebekah and Klaus’ bond most out of the siblings and although Klaus spends most of the episode trying to kill her and it involves Rebekah leaving as a main character...this has got to be the juiciest exploration of their relationship - also side note young Elijah should have left young Rebekah kill Mikael, just saying...
6 - I could put the entirety of Season 5 in here, minus all the epicness of all the Klaroline scenes and Hayley’s badass death...but to pick one episode out it would have to be the finale “When the saints go marching in” because it just felt like they had spent that season killing off characters who were least likely to appear in Legacies (which pissed me off), also I wanted Klaroline to be endgame and Julie Plec’s response to not doing that because of Steroline, a ship that always felt like Caroline was second place and that queen should be always be 1st. 
I did not like that Klaus and Elijah died, which reminded me visually of that Avengers scene, which made no sense as we have seen originals die before and not once did it go down like that!
And even if I could forgive them for that I was rather pissed we saw no after life, even a Elijah and Hayley dance in the afterlife would have been appreciated...
I’m also always a little bittersweet when folk from the pilot don’t show up in the last episode, would have loved to seen more of Davina in general over seasons 4 and 5.  (Rant over)
7 - Try not to pick a Klaroline scene...never mind, when Caroline first appears, pinning Klaus up against the wall and saying something along the lines of try picking on someone your own size, or the swoony moment in Mystic Falls where she tells him he was never the villain in his story, or again the swoony moment when their road tripping and trying to find Hope... but non Klaroline scenes which were epic, Davina going up against Klaus with the harvest power inside of her, Lucien going upgraded original and taking them all on, Dahlia’s entire arc, the finales of 1,2, 3, and 4 and last but definitely not least kid Hope’s entire arc, what a magnificent actress Summer Fontana is, a star in the making *
8 - “ We are the strongest creatures in the world, and yet we're damaged beyond repair. We lived without hope, but we will never die. We are the definition of cursed, always and forever.” said by Rebekah Mikaelson, all of the Mikaelson’s had epic quotes, this show, and it’s predecessor TVD have so many amazing quotes <3
9 - Klaus handing baby Hope over to Rebekah, trusting her above all others, and any scenes where Klaus, Hayley, Rebekah, Elijah and Kol have with baby Hope as well as kid hope - broody moments lol
10 - Josh’s death, I had feared his death every goddamn season especially knowing Julie Plec wanted him killed in the very first season :( however after being made a regular in the finale season I had hopes for him making it out alive and perhaps showing up in Legacies in a more prominent role as a teacher for the vamp kids or something...but no that woman just had to finish off her hit...nothing breaks me more than his death! Although, reuniting with Aiden in the afterlife gives me small comfort, Aiden’s was another’s death that was so sad!
11 - Kid Hope putting people in their place like Marcel, and even Davina (who I worship), I just loved this little badass kid going about like a little queen from the get go...Danielle Rose Russell had and still has very big shoes to fill IMO
12 - Freya and Elijah condemning Davina to the ancestors, or Elijah who was supposed to love Marcel like a son ripping out Marcel’s heart. A lot of season 4 Elijah annoyed me tbh, 50% of Hayley scenes ticked me off too and Marcel was a solid 90% throughout the entire run.
13 - Hmmm....Klaus meeting his real father then killing him in order to protect Hope as he just could not risk trusting his father :( that broke me, other shocking moments when Gia died, Hayley’s first and second death...
14 - Friendship as in friends but not family? friendship within family would be Rebekah and Klaus always, friendship outside of family bonds I would definitely say either Davina and Josh or Rebekah and Hayley.
15 - Klaroline, although I put myself out here considering they only kissed once in this show...I never shipped Haylijah but never hated it, I despised Camille and the Klamille ship and always will, I enjoyed Elijah and Gia but doubt it run its course well I think, I always thought Rebekah deserved more than Marcel and still do...so I’m going with Kolvina, even though Kol killed Davina, thanks to those damn ancestors, their romance was super sweet, I loved how Kol loved her and their marriage, though briefly seen, was everything! We should have got a flashback of their wedding god damn it! But I’ll settle for them being two of the few who got happy endings...and could appear in Legacies ;) fingers crossed!
16 - I loved Marcel singing How You Like Me Now, I wish Charles Michael Davis had a few more musical numbers within this show, he’s a really talented actor, singer, director...
17 - Joseph Morgan hands down, loved him from his first scene in TVD and loved his other work in Hex and Brave New World, to name a few...
18 - Claire Holt, she’s just wonderful as Rebekah and the actress herself, she seems like such a genuine sweetheart in real life and you can really see her love for the character of Rebekah too, I also liked her other work in A Violent Separation, 47 Meters Down and no I’ve never seen H20...yet
19 - The Originals hands down, although so far TVD is in second place, with Legacies in third place but with Legacies still going I have high hopes for that climbing...all are fabulous shows in their own rights <3
20 - Okay I wouldn’t be me if I did not answer this future episode question without a link to a fanfic season 6 of mines... Origins of Magic and my alternative season 5 Bad Blood
21 - Off the top of my head? Davina and Kol teaching at Salvatore Boarding School, giving Hope some family connections that she severely lacks in Legacies and how awesome would they be as teachers? I’d also like to see a cousin whether it be Freya and Keelin’s son Nik or Rebekah and Marcel adopt a child (creature) that also ends up in Legacies. Side note - may put this in my possible fanfic ideas board...
22 - I don’t think I could claim to be most like any one individual, I’d say I was definitely a little dorky like Josh but nowhere near as adorable, I have a lot of hurt inside of me like Davina and protect my friends as much as I can, I’ve definitely got a bit of paranoia like Klaus from being screwed over many times like him and also like them it was mostly by family members, I’m definitely as curious and of a quiz like nature as Camille, love a little too easy like Rebekah and get my hear broken too often like her too, can be a little bit twistedly playful like Kol although I’ve not killed half as many people ; I’d love to one day be as elegant as Elijah, or as brave as Hayley and who would not want to be a Tribrid like Hope?
23 - How is this any different to 4? Although I’ll just answer Inadu purely because of the waste of potential and how not one single time did I give a damn about her, although I despised that vampire bitch who killed Hayley!!!
24 - I definitely relate to Klaus, Rebekah, Josh and Davina the most which is why they are my favorites no doubt.
25 - Klaus Mikaelson, any day, any time, anywhere, unless of course him and Caroline make it work I love their love more than I love my love for Klaus so I’d be happy just watching them being happy as a stalker lurking in the bushes within the back garden of their marital home - side not another statement that could be put on record for my eventful visit to the asylum..
26 - The family bonds, I love how it’s not all about romances like it is in TVD and so far Legacies, but still has romances at the same time. I love the complicated bonds between Klaus and his siblings Rebekah, Elijah, and Kol (in that order) and I love the little homemade family of Marcel with Davina and Josh (also in that order) and Marcel’s complicated father/son relationship with Klaus.
I also love how we watch Hope from being in Hayley’s womb, to a baby, toddler, child and then teenager and the powers she shows even from as young as being a baby and stopping the car she was in with Cami (even if that did save Cami’s life for a little longer) sorry not sorry we all got to hate on somebody and I did compliment her in 22 sort of lol
27 - The fact that its finale season served more like a prequel to Legacies than a fitting ending to a show I had been invested in since before it even began airing, as most fans were, we have loved these characters since their inception in TVD and it did kind of feel like Julie kind of started the finale season with a hit list in mind killing off anyone she’d think would not cameo in Legacies at some stage which I guess is why there is so much ill will from TO fans for Legacies, which I did feel for a while.
I mean I still blame Hope for Klaus and Hayley’s deaths, also Elijah for Hayley’s death and Marcel for Josh’s but I do not blame the characters have as much as I blame Plec.
28 - Season 5 lol, Season 4 although at the time I did not want it to be its end, would have served as a better ending for TO and they could have still made Legacies work without any ill will of making TO’s finale season pitch Legacies.
29 - The Hollow turning out to be Henrik, or the original witch, or anything other than what is was, also the werewolf origins should’ve have been a bit more epic like the vampires origins were.
30 - I do love Joseph Morgan and Daniel Gillies in interviews, Daniel Gillies is one of the funniest actors behind the scenes and has great bromances with Joseph, Paul Wesley and many others within the TVD verse. I also love Claire Holt’s and Phoebe Tonkin’s friendship and how that’s been a thing since they starred in H20 together (which I want to watch purely because of those two)
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excorcismic · 4 years
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ALRIGHT SO HERE’S THE DEAL ; if misa is my first favorite death note character , this angy kid right here is my second - i adore mello to pieces and he’s very close to misa in terms of how much i love him , but ultimately does she remain queen . but ! the cool thing is that in the series they never actually interact ( the closest being mello spying on her for a brief period of time ) which means i could play my two blonde fashion icons and voila , here they are . so here’s the gist on mello in canon & alucard and most importantly the plots i am digging bc my muse for him rn ?? is off the charts . LESGO !
IN A CANON NUTSHELL ( HUGE DEATH NOTE SPOILERS ) : So Mello’s introduced during the latter half of Death Note ( or maybe it’s more the final third but either way there’s a part where it significantly breaks in two ) - or , the very end of the first half , takes center stage during the second . He’s from the original home of the detective L , an orphanage of gifted children known as Whammy’s House - and essentially , the goal of the children is to maybe one day live up to L , one person taking his place . Mello !! Is one of the candidates . But he has a permanent chip on his shoulder since Near - the other candidate - always managed to beat him at everything . So when Light Yagami gets his way & L dies , Near and Mello are told that L didn’t choose a successor between them . When the idea that they work together to do just that is brought up , Near ( who honestly really liked Mello ) is like ‘hey! let’s do it’ and Mello ( still angy that Near is always right in front of him ) is like ‘FUCK you I’m gonna catch Kira myself’ and leaves the orphanage . Five years later , he works with the mafia , even getting his hands on a Death Note & with the help of a shinigami ( that he scared the living piss out of ) concludes that a rule that states a human will die if they haven’t written in the notebook in thirteen days is fake . He also like , blackmails the president and orchestrates an explosion that Soichiro Yagami dies after but he gets a wicked ass scar afterwards so it’s okay . Now working with L’s third potential successor , Matt , he spies on Misa Amane and makes connections between the second L ( Light Yagami ) & Kira , deduces that Kiyomi Takada is an accomplice , and kidnaps her to try and expose Kira as Light Yagami - but . . . he dies in the process , and so does Matt . The cool thing is though his discoveries led to Near’s breakthrough in the Kira case ( as he and Near met one last time , where he gives Mello the photo he has here in Alucard ) and Mello kind of gets the last laugh post-mortem . And also a kind of neat thing , his last appearance is as the narrator in the Death Note prequel , the Los Angeles BB murder cases - I’m gonna quote the whole thing in my eventual intro but ! It’s an awesome book and Mello is an awesome narrator . ( dn spoilers end here tyvm )
IN AN ALUCARD NUTSHELL - So Mihael Keehl ( his real name in canon , mind you ) is a twenty year-old runaway from the foster system - also sometimes lived in an orphanage but when he wasn’t , the constant tossing around because of his rebellious tendencies wrecked him . He isn’t employed , not does he actually have an actual home - living in a beat down truck most of the time if he can’t get a motel / hotel room for a night or a few . He makes basic expenses and fills his basic needs by doing odd jobs in exchange for money or favors - stuff like ‘if I do this for you for x amount of days or I get this for you you’ll pay for my phone bill for the next two months’ and that stuff . Basic arrangements . And he knows he can like , maybe try to commit to a job or a home but he’s actually . . . way too fucking scared of being tied down or in a worse situation that’s somehow more stable so the nomad life is kind of what he sticks with . But he’s homeless & it’s not good for him . At all . He’ll never flat-out admit that though which is why he calls himself a drifter . His main reason for being on his own , and refusing any extensive help from anyone outside of these favors , is because he has a point to prove - because that inferiority complex kicks in because the other kids he grew up against are doing amazing things and he wants to do better , and not receive any large amount of help . He just ,,, doesn’t understand he’s not doin’ any good for himself .
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so the biggest connection in the sense that it’s the most open , i mentioned that mello mainly pays for his own expenses ( or more so , gets other people to pay for them ) by doing favors or small jobs in exchange for either money or other forms of payment . so obviously , people he has these arrangements with - they can range from anything , mello is extremely smart ( a thing that comes up is that he has a shit ton of wasted potential ) in the books , technology , the streets and has a bunch of small talents he’s picked up over the years of living on his own ( saving money , sewing and mending / caring for clothes how else is he gonna keep that amazing fashion , cooking with very little ingredients , cleaning with little tools , fixing the kinks / souping up automobiles , ahem sexual stuff , tutoring , sometimes even mild illegal shit , you name it . ) so he can offer these talents / skills / etc . to other people who could use them ( most of the time repeatedly ) and in exchange , the other muses will pay him in cash or by doing things like paying his phone bill , car insurance , health insurance , food / groceries , hotel/motel room for a few nights , or even just offering him a place to use the shower or bathroom or even a bed for certain days of the week . This can also lead to many of the other plots I have listed here in the sense it’s a start , and it can happen with anyone , anywhere , for any reason .
literally the thing w/ mel is that he knows no limits and will do anything for anyone and is hardheaded as fuck about it because he’s got a point to prove and things to do and he won’t waste time refusing but the moment you offer your help in exchange for nothing or you’re trying to hold his hand a little too much and he catches on , the arrangement’s over and you’ll be lucky to see him again .
okay so uh . in that sense ?? maybe ppl who kind of helped him out and he did like . one thing for them and once he got his payment for that one thing he kinda bounced n they never heard from him again for whatever reason . nothing against them but he rly isn’t gonna make a habit of staying in one place for too long . 
obviously , those people that really think he’s gotta give up the ghost of trying to survive like this bc it’s wearing on his health & he doesn’t wanna admit it . and he’s tried shaking them off but he won’t leave and sometimes he’s forced to give into the help they offer but tries making them take a payment back .
old peers that felt whatever way about him back then but feel pity for his wasted potential ( at the moment ) , bc this dude was like . . . a straight-a student and was rly good at a bunch of things and now he’s living the way he is . whatever they wanna do and however they felt about him and how he interacted with them back then Differs but . there’s kind of like ‘damn u live like this’ now . gimme some kids who had crushes on him , kids he was rivals with , kids he got into fights with and maybe socked in the jaw a few times , kids who always admired him , kids who hated his guts - it always comes down to what life is like now vs. what life was like then .
i’d like some friends who were formed from the favors - and maybe they’ve stopped whatever they had with him but they still regularly hang out or something , maybe offer a place to stay for the night . 
just in general ?? people who keep their home open for him and whether he takes them up on their offer on a rare basis .
pls some folks trick him into accepting their help like leave him basket of chocolate candy and trap him or something like just . make it ‘wait what’ deal bc they all know he’s stubborn .
also uh . he’s been arrested for minor offenses a few times so some ppl who’ve bailed him out pls and he’s tryna repay him back .
mentor figures . mentor figures pls he’s trying not to accept their mentor-y guidance from .
so maybe the hero  . . . maybe the one person who was like the l to mello of alucard ( maybe even the Man himself ) that he just . looked up to forever and probably still does .
. . . favor idea ?? maybe he’s a stand-in boyfriend or date for events or somethin’ like mello kinda has that bad boy reputation but maybe he dated them for show on their whim at some point or they have that kinda thing ‘pls pretend to my boyfriend and i’ll let u use my shower every weekend for the next month’ or so .
also , one night stands or friends with benefits he uses only for the bathroom / a place to sleep . folks he’s dated for a period bc he did feel something and therefore he had them as an outlet but then broke up with them ( most likely ?? he was the one who ended it bc he has never known love stability & got spooked on it ending and just - did it on his own accord before he could further get hurt BUT THAT NEVER WORKS and he has hella commitement issues ) and tried to shrug it off as ‘ just another fling ’ even tho he’s highkey sad over it . ppl he’s slept with and then disappears with only a ‘thank you’ note as the evidence he was there . and do they accept it ?? are they pissed over it ?? that is up to You but it’s probably gotten around that mihael keehl has never had a stable relationship and never , ever stays . 
lots of ppl he probs has the above two arrangements or scenarios with bc again , gotta get shit done somehow .
enemies . . . he has an endless grudge with for some reason like maybe they screwed him over , 
i want . . . folks he can eventually get soft with and maybe actually seek that comfort in even tho u gotta chip at the five thousand concrete walls to get to that stage . i want to see him become better and that’s an ultimate goal for him in alucard ( even though it’s gonna be a bit more difficult with his memories returning ) to get better , commit to something , accept stability and get his life on a better track .
and yes , that includes an eventual ship ! really it can build off of any of these dynamics just . give me sneaking in through windows late at night , soft words and gentle kisses and protective hugs and please stay i know you never stay but please stay with me and the thought that maybe he should leave but he doesn’t and they wake up with him after a night and he’s still there and maybe there’s a scare he left like he always does but he made chocolate chip pancakes and he feels safe & alright which is . . . a rare occasion in his messy ass life . maybe something like friends to lovers , fwb to lovers , an old flame , anything this could be fun to do !! end goal though , i’d like something on the softer side that’s healthy and loving because that’s really what he needs . 
( some notes tho bc he’s only twenty i’ll sayyyy max i’ll do the more romantic / spicier stuff with in that aspect is . . . 23 - 24 ?? bc he’s almost 21 like if we put the fact we’re in october into account and his birthday is december 13th that isn’t too far away so . That’s That . he’s also pan as fuck . )
BUT , yes . the main connections / plots there are what i can think of . ik a lot of these are so wordy and i’m sorry bt as always ! i will take literally anything i love plots and i think with what i have for mello there is so much potential in what we can do here .
and as always . give me other death note characters . near or matt specifically would fucking make me cry and i’m here for it .
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