#will is the ginger & lucil is the blond
calyptramoths · 2 years
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire in Follow the Fleet (Mark Sandrich, 1936)
Cast: Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Randolph Scott, Harriet Nelson, Astrid Allwyn, Betty Grable, Harry Beresford, Russell Hicks, Brooks Benedict, Ray Meyer, Lucille Ball. Screenplay: Dwight Taylor, Allan Scott, based on a play by Hubert Osborne. Cinematography: David Abel. Art direction: Van Nest Polglase. Film editing: Henry Berman. Music: Max Steiner; songs by Irving Berlin.
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers of course spark real heat when they're dancing together: As the remark attributed to Katharine Hepburn about the team says, she made him sexy and he made her classy. But I don't find them terribly convincing as a romantic pair when they're not singing and dancing together, and this criticism was not uncommon even in their heyday. Which may be why RKO decided to try to spice things up by creating a parallel romantic team in Follow the Fleet, casting Randolph Scott and Harriet Nelson (billed as Harriet Hilliard) as the lovers whose problems echo those of Astaire and Rogers. The trouble is, Scott and Nelso generate much less chemistry than the lead couple. Scott had always been a sort of second-string Gary Cooper, but without Cooper's charm or acting ability, and Nelson was best known as a singer with her husband Ozzie's band when she was signed for this film, her first feature. She sings, rather ineffectively, two of the lesser-known of the seven Irving Berlin songs in the score, "Get Thee Behind Me, Satan" and "But Where Are You?" Follow the Fleet did nothing for her film career. It wasn't until she teamed with Ozzie for the radio series The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet in 1944, and later with their two sons, David and Ricky, for the long-running TV series of the same name, that she became really famous. Fame was in store, however, for several other members of the cast: Betty Grable and a blond Lucille Ball have small parts in the film, and Tony Martin, one of the sailors backing up Astaire, would later star in Hit the Deck (Roy Rowland, 1955), the original title of the play by Hubert Osborne on which Follow the Fleet was based. As for Astaire and Rogers, Follow the Fleet contains two of their most memorable numbers. They do a slapstick dance routine to "I'm Putting All My Eggs in One Basket" that shows Rogers's great gift for physical comedy to full advantage. And then there's  "Let's Face the Music and Dance," which is one of their most balletic routines. Astaire does some remarkable footwork and Rogers is clad in an amazing dress that, thanks to weights in the sleeves and hem, swirls around her hypnotically. Once or twice, to be sure, you can see Astaire try to avoid getting swacked by her sleeves. (The designer credited with "gowns" is Bernard Newman.) At the end of this sublime routine, Astaire and Rogers slowly make their way off-stage and then suddenly exit with a breathtakingly unanticipated strut.
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ophelia-jones · 1 year
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Negan was having a bad day. He would much rather be at the tables playing a hand of five-card stud with Kate, but instead, he had to deal with the shitstorm the god-damned Dixons had started. He should have shut that shit down after they robbed the first stagecoach. Or at least when they did it in his fucking county. Make no mistake about it, this was HIS county.
Rick the prick and his little shadow Shane might like to think they were the ones who kept order in this little corner of heaven but it was 100% Negan. No one did anything without him knowing about it, and reacting accordingly. Punishment was, as it should be, swift and brutal.
Now here they were, Shane and the ginger giant of a US Marshall. Poking their noses into Negan's business, and asking too many fucking questions.
They stood outside his house, and no matter how hard he pushed, he couldn't seem to get it through to the Marshall that he wasn't scared of his fucking tin star. The feds could fuck right off - the territories were as far separated from the Eastern states as the US was from England these days.
He heard a horse approaching from around the other side of the house, and the feeling in his gut told him shit was about to go fucking sideways. He wasn't wrong.
It was hard to say who was more shocked when Daryl and Willow rounded the corner on that big black stallion and saw the Marshall. For a moment, Negan thought they would run, and if Daryl had been alone on the horse he probably would have. There was no outrunning the lawmen on their fresh horses with his horse worn out from carrying the two of them for the last two days with barely a break. Besides, the risk to Willow was too high for his conscience.
Negan sighed and rubbed his eyes. If the Dixon brothers weren't so god-damned hard to scare, he'd have no use for them at all. Daryl in particular was a thorn in his side. The only power Negan had ever held over him was his loyalty to Merle.
"Daryl, you have the worst fucking timing of any fucking fucker I have ever fucking known," Negan told him as Abraham drew his pistol and ordered the two of them to dismount and put their hands up.
They were doing as he said, and Abraham never knew what hit him as Negan drew Lucille and put a bullet in his temple. The giant of a man stumbled sideways three feet before falling to his knees.
"Damn! Look at you! I am impressed, I have to fucking admit," Negan said as he slowly approached the man, taking his pistol from him. His fingers could no longer grip it to pull the trigger anyway.
"How are you still breathing? Wow!" Negan exclaimed, bending at the knees and leaning way back to grin down at the wounded man.
"I mean WOW! You are one stubborn son of a bitch, aren't you?" he walked around the dying man in a circle and looked up at the others, sharing his amusement with them.
Daryl and Shane each stared at him with little to no reaction to the situation. They knew Negan well enough to guard their emotions. Negan's power over people came from manipulating their feelings almost as much as it came from his political and financial power.
Willow's hands were over her mouth, tears in her eyes. Negan grinned at her.
"Bring back some memories?" he asked, wrinkling his nose happily at her. It was almost in the exact spot where he had shot her father eight years ago, the day he had come to take ownership of this ranch. He approached the woman, leaning dramatically to one side so he could stay at eye level with her.
"Seems like every time you get involved in my business, someone ends up fucking dead!" he declared, still grinning. "Maybe you should learn to stop resisting and let me help you. You know, I've made you two VERY generous offers. I'm not likely to make many more," he told her, reaching out to gently stroke Willows's soft cheek. He pushed a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear as she glared at him through her tears.
"Leave her alone!" Daryl snarled, taking a step toward Negan, who didn't turn away from her but pointed at Daryl threateningly.
"Stop right fucking there if you don't want anyone else to die here today," Negan snarled back. He was not afraid of Daryl - though he was impressed with how hard it was to scare the man. His only weakness was his concern for other people.
Daryl stopped and glowered at him. He looked like a wolf ready to strike.
Willow's chest ached and her stomach twisted at the memory of that day. Her father had challenged Negan to a duel after Negan had come to evict them from their home - which her father had lost to Negan in a card game the week before. He had tried to reason with the man, but the more he had argued the more cruelty Negan had gotten. When Negan had offered to keep Willow here as his whore her father had been unable to let it go.
"You could've just stayed here, slept in your own bed all these years. You wouldn't have lost a god-damned thing! I am a stand-up guy, when I promise to take care of a woman, I do it!" Negan told her now. Willow trembled with rage and fear as he smiled down at her, still touching her hair and staring at her intently.
"Hell, I even made you a SECOND offer! And you chose to deny it for THAT!" Negan reminded her, pointing to Daryl. Negan shook his head in disappointment. "Some people just do not know what's good for them," he concluded.
"What the monkey-fuck…?" Abraham managed to form a few sensible words, and everyone turned to look at him, his face covered in his blood. He was trying to stand now, despite the bullet in his brain.
"Holy SHIT! Look at YOU!" Negan laughed. "I'm almost sorry to do this!" he said before lifting Lucille and shooting the man again. Willow flinched and cried out, closing her eyes.
"How the fuck am I supposed to explain this?" Shane asked, running his hands over his face anxiously and beginning to pace. Shane owed Negan more money than Merle Dixon ever had, but Negan liked having him under his thumb. It was better than wearing a badge himself; he had control of Shane like a puppet and no one was the wiser.
"You came across the outlaws by surprise and got in a fucking shootout. Maybe I should shoot you in the fucking leg to make it more fucking believable," Negan replied, aiming Lucille in Shane's direction now.
"Wait, wait, man what the hell do you think will happen if every god damned lawman in the county gets fucking shot?" Shane exclaimed. Negan lifted Lucille to the sky as he seemed to carefully consider Shane's argument, his expressive face almost comical.
"Fair point. Simon, count that money for me while I beat the ever-loving shit out of Shane." Negan ordered his second in command as he picked up a shotgun by its barrel and wielded it like a club.
Rick sat outside the jail, his arm in a sling to keep the bullet wound from reopening. The posse he had managed to round up had been unsuccessful in locating the fugitives, and it was now Friday night. The odds of the locals getting shit-faced and deciding to take justice into their own hands were getting higher by the second. The last thing he needed was a lynch mob in his hands.
"Any word from Abraham and Shane?" Jess asked, stepping out of the jailhouse to join Rick. She couldn't handle listening to Merle berate her any longer. The man was so full of hate and anger it spewed out of him like water from a fire hose.
"No," Rick replied with a shake of his head. It didn't take much to recognize the fact that this man was bearing a heavy burden, it was written all over his face. It was declared in the tension in his shoulders, the way he clenched his jaw and his one good fist. His blue eyes were like stormy skies.
"How about volunteer deputies?" She asked, knowing full well that they'd had no one show up to help in the search party.
"Jerry will be here soon," Rick sighed. Jerry was an affable, good-humored man with one hell of a good heart but he doubted his ability in the sort of scenario he was preparing for.
He turned to look at Jess. He had been surprised when he arrived at the jail earlier that day - she was a transformed woman from the one he had been introduced to the day of the bank robbery. She'd ditched the traveling dress which had covered her from chin to ankle and which restricted her movement. Now she donned a pair of riding pants, high boots, a white linen shirt, and a black duster jacket. She still stuck out because of the high quality and new condition of her clothing but at least now she could move freely and ride a horse. It was a start.
She still kept her brown hair pinned up tightly and she wore only one pistol on her hip. She was a handsome woman, whose upper-class status was written all over. It was in her eyes beneath the long, thick lashes and the way she looked down her nose at everyone. It was in her bearing and the way she spoke.
She may as well have painted a giant red target on her forehead; everything she represented was the things the men who had come west were trying to get away from. Society, wealth disparity, upper-class righteousness. He worried that she would not last a week in this place.
As he studied her profile, he saw her eyebrows draw together, then she shaded her eyes with one hand.
"I think that's them. Or their horses, at least," she said with a concerned frown. Rick followed her gaze to see Abrahams horse, apparently empty, tied to Shanes. Shane was slumped in his saddle, and Rick's heart began to pound. He wanted to ride out to them, but his horse was in the stable, and he couldn't mount up with one arm anyway.
As they drew closer, every eye in the street turned to stare, and Rick's sense of dread grew by the second. Abraham's body was draped over his horse's back, his blood staining the animals coat. Shane's face was a bloody, swollen mess.
When he reached the jail, he dismounted weakly. He looked half dead, his arm wrapped around his bruised ribs and his face a mask of pain.
"Shane, what happened, brother?" Rick asked, wrapping his good arm around his oldest friend and supporting him as Shane had done for Rick just days ago.
"We were on our way out to Negan's to ask him those questions Abraham had, and we came across a campsite. We were taking a look for tracks and they got the jump on us, Rick. They got the jump on us…" he replied weakly. Rick helped Shane to the chair at the desk and looked him over.
"Why didn't they shoot you?" Jess asked, looking down at Shane where he sat. They were all doing their best to ignore Merle's laughter at the sight of the bloodied deputy.
"What?" Shane asked, gawking up at her as if she had just asked him the meaning of life or some other unanswerable question.
"Abraham has been shot in the head, no sign I can see that he's been beaten. Why did they shoot him and not you?" she asked coolly. Shane stared up at her, his mouth agape as if offended beyond words.
"He was mounted when they shot him," he finally said, "I was on foot. I took cover and they wasted a lot of ammo - I finally got close enough to take one of their guns. The second one ran and I tried to take the other into custody but …" Shane lifted his arms and looked down at himself by way of explanation. "He got away."
"Where's his gun?" Jess pressed.
"If you disarmed him, where's his firearm, I'd like to see it," she told him with a shrug that clearly said she considered this a perfectly reasonable request.
"He picked it back up when he fled," Shane replied dryly.
"But he didn't use it to finish you off?" she asked, one slender brown brow arched over her hazel eyes.
"He was out of ammo, like I said," Shane replied crossly. "What the hell is this? I get attacked by them and now I get attacked again by you?"
"Calm down now, brother. She's just trying to understand what happened," Rick told Shane before frowning up at Jess. "It's not the right time for questions." he told her firmly.
"It's always best to ask right after an incident," Jess argued. "When it is fresh, before the memory gets corrupted. Before there's time to imagine details."
"You calling me a liar?" Shane asked, standing and stalking toward Jess, stopping inches from her and glaring down into her eyes.
"I didn't say that," Jess replied evenly, no sign of fear in her voice. She'd never even taken a step backwards as the far bigger man had advanced upon her so threateningly. She never so much as batted an eye.
"It's good to see you regaining your strength," she said. She didn't have to phrase the words as an accusation that he'd been exaggerating his injuries, her tone did that well enough.
Shane's lips pursed into a thin line and his jaw tightened as he glared at her. Rick stepped in between them
"Hey, let's just take a step back here. Shane, have a seat. Jess, why don't you go get the undertaker, and see if you can find Isadora to help Shane tend to his injuries." It wasn't a request, it was an order and each of them did as they were told.
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papermoonloveslucy · 2 years
Lucy’s Plants, Flowers, and other Botanical Delights
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Plants and flowers bloomed and grew as fast as Lucille Ball’s career!  Here are a few moments that feature our botanical world.
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One of (blonde) Ball’s first roles in Hollywood was as flower store clerk in Top Hat (1935) selling flowers to Fred Astaire to send to Ginger Rogers.
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In real life, Lucille Ball loved plants and flowers and grew them in gardens in all her homes. 
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Her favorite flowers were peonies and lilacs which grew quite well in the East where she was raised.
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Lucille Ball at home watering the houseplants in her rose pattern dress. 
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“Mother-in-Law” (1949) ~ George's allergic mother comes to visit. Liz hopes to drive her out by spreading ragweed and other allergy-inducing plants around the house. Katie the maid is angry because Mother Cooper has burst into her room to confiscate her roses.  Liz reminds her that Mother Cooper is allergic to roses. 
KATIE: “Four Roses?”  
Katie is inferring that Mrs. Cooper has an affinity for whiskey. 
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"We have real furniture, real plumbing, and a real kitchen where we serve real food. Even the plants are really growing; they're not phony." ~ Desi Arnaz, about the ‘I Love Lucy’ set
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Some glimpses of plants and flowers on the set of “I Love Lucy.” 
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“The Black Eye” (1953) ~ In order to patch things up between Lucy and Ricky (who he believes are feuding) Fred orders Lucy some flowers from Ricky with the help of Pete the florist (Bennett Green). Before shutting the box of roses and hastily scribbling the card, Fred tells Pete to put in some gladiolas, too. 
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When Lucy later opens the box of flowers, however, the gladdies are nowhere to be seen! We discover that Fred has accidentally signed his own name to the card, instead of Ricky’s. 
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The episode opens with Lucy reading a thriller novel with a large houseplant behind the sofa. 
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“Ethel’s Hometown” (1954) 
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TV Guide - July 1953. The home in question was The Long, Long Trailer. 
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“Hollywood at Last!” (1955) 
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“Lucy Raises Tulips” (1957) 
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Lucy competes with Betty Ramsey (Mary Jane Croft) for Westport Garden Club’s ‘Best Garden,’ a title that Betty has held for three years running. 
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Both women are growing tulips. We are told that Lucy’s are pink, and Betty’s are yellow. It’s a shame this episode is not in color! 
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When Lucy takes charge of the rider mower, the landscape changes for the worse... including the garden! The replacement plastic tulips wilt in the summer sun!
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“Lucy Makes Room for Daddy” (1958) ~ When subletting their home to the Williams’ Lucy worries they won’t take care of her houseplants. When Ricky finds out she's been secretly caring for them against his wishes, she physically demonstrates how badly wilted they'd become.
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“Lucy Takes a Cruise To Havana” (1958) ~ Lucy and Katie (Ann Sothern) drop flower pots off their hotel balcony, which leads them to serving time in a Havana jail! 
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TV Guide - September 1962
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“No More Double Dates” (1963) ~ Background performer Bess Flowers sits in front of a centerpiece of flowers while Lucy and Harry stand in front of a spray of fresh flowers.
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“Ethel Merman and the Boy Scout Show” (1964) ~ Merman sing “Everything’s Coming Up Roses” surrounded by roses! 
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“Lucy Saves Milton Berle” (1965) ~ To track down the star, Lucy disguises herself as a poor but humble flower seller, much in the manner of Eliza Doolittle. 
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“Lucy and the Soap Opera” (1966) ~ To spy on the writer of her favorite show, Lucy disquises herself as a gardener, spraying insecticide on his plants and flowers. 
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“Lucy Gets Trapped” (1967) ~ Lucy's plan to skip work to go shopping backfires when she becomes the 10-millionth customer. She’s draped in roses like a winning racehorse!
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“Lucy the Fight Manager” (1967) ~ Lucy helps a washed-up boxer (Don Rickles) get in shape to win a bout so he can open a flower shop.  
EDDIE: “This plant has a bad case of root rot!” LUCY: “We’ll root out the root rot later!”
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“Lucy's Mystery Guest” (1967) ~ Lucy Carmichael is plant-sitting for a neighbor when her health nut Aunt (Mary Wickes) sprays the plant for bugs, and it promptly wilts.
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“Lucy Gets Mooney Fired” (1967) ~ To make Mr. Cheever believe he’s overworked to the point of delusions, Lucy makes his potted palm grow like a beanstalk! 
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“Lucy Protects Her Job” (1969) ~ Harry gives Lucy roses, despite saying he was allergic to them in “Lucy and Harry's Tonsils”. He says they cost $12.50 a dozen.
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“Lucy and Mannix are Held Hostage” (1971) ~ Lucy Carter suddenly starts naming and talking to her plants. Their names are Ruthie, Hugo, and Priscilla. Ruthie meets an untimely end when she is tossed out a window in an attempt to stop a robbery.  
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“Lucy’s Vacation” (1971) ~ Lucy water the boss instead of the plant!
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“Lucy and Donny Osmond” (1972) ~ Flowers for Kim!
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“Lucy and Her Prince Charming” (1972) ~ To marry off Lucy to a handsome prince (Ricardo Montalban), Harry has the house bedecked in an explosion of flowers for the ceremony. 
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“Lucy and Eva Gabor are Hospital Roomies” (1972) ~ Harry brings flowers to the hospital. Lucy mistakenly believes they are for her!  
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“Lucy and the Chinese Curse” (1972) ~ When Lucy saves the life of a laundry owner (Keye Luke), he first shows his gratitude with a bouquet of flowers. 
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“Lucy Goes To Prison” (1973) ~ Lucy’s cellmate Mumsie (Elsa Lanchester) calls the scrawny potted plants on her cell windowsill her 'family' and has named them Cynthia and Heathcliff. She hopes that by putting them side by side they will give her grandchildren!  
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“Lucy and Danny Thomas” (1973) ~ An eccentric artist paints Lucy with a bouquet of flowers - and very little else. 
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“Tipsy Through the Tulips” (1973) ~ Although the tulips of the title were nowhere to be seen, Lucy’s home was decorated with plants and flowers for the visit of a famous author (Foster Brooks) with a propensity for drink.  
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“Mary Jane’s Boyfriend” (1974) ~ Mary Jane has a new boyfriend (Walter Butley) – who happens to fall for Lucy. He brings her a big bunch of flowers - while Mary Jane gets just a few blooms. Note: This looks like the same flowers used in “Lucy and the Chinese Curse” two years earlier! 
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“Lucy’s Green Thumb” (1987) ~ In this unaired episode of “Life With Lucy”, Lucy Barker raises plants that grow at a rapid pace. She names them Melvin, Agnes, and Helga. 
LUCY (To Melvin) “The free ride is over!  You either get growin' or get goin'!”  
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The very first time Lucille Ball was seen on “Life With Lucy” she was moving into her daughter’s home carrying a potted plant (a schefflera). Lucy was afraid it had spider mites.
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The plants grow so quickly they threaten to take over the hardware shop, much in the style of Little Shop of Horrors. Coincidentally, Lucy is mentioned in the lyrics of the song “Somewhere That’s Green” from the musical. 
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In 1991, a hybrid tea rose was christened the Lucille Ball Rose, doubtless because it’s distinctive apricot color is reminiscent of Lucille Ball’s hair!  
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3 (for Lu), 8 (for El) and 12 for both
(Lucille) Describe their hair: natural color, current color, length, style, thick or thin?
Technically by the way I headcanonned it the color should be strawberry blonde (platinum with a hint of ginger) - but the gifs never match and I'm too lazy to make a point of it. So the color is anything blonde. It's probably shoulder-blades long. Curly waves. The hair itself is thin but the waves give volume. If you catch her with soaking wet hair it will be sad darker streaks.
She wears it loose or bunched up in a loose bun (the latter esp in the hunted verse - the loose would catch the bookstore dust too easily)
(El) Are there scars that they really dislike, or some that they’re actually pretty fond of? Tell us about them.
Since most of his scars come from actual abuse (either early home or later Billy's bullying) I'd guess there are none he would "like". I think some of them got hidden beneath his arms tattoos. But there's a chance a situation happened where he got shot but is still fond of the scar - because the story is hilarious somehow (probably very dark too - you can't be lighthearted in his position, lbh) - nothing specific atm, but food for thought.
(Both) Describe their torso: lean, muscled, round, thin, innie, outie?
El - MUSCLED. He grew into working out from very long and lean (high school time) and since then he makes sure to give the right impression - you think twice before attacking this lump of muscles.
Lucille - thin with small breasts. If she stretches you can easily count her ribs (esp in the hunted verse where her daily routine means lots of calories lost and not enough gained) - bonus: pale skin with freckles if her skin catches any sun in the summer <3
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 years
Did the actresses in Crimson Peak wear wigs/hair extensions or was that their actual hair?
Jessica Chastain is a natural redhead and wears wigs for most of her non-ginger roles (interestingly, so is Hiddles, but he dyed his actual hair for the part). Mia Wasikowska, though she goes blonde a lot, naturally has brown hair. And the reason they didn't both just dye their hair is probably the same reason 99% of actresses in period dramas use wigs and hairpieces.
Namely, western women pre-1920s usually had much longer hair than their modern counterparts.
Lucille's hair is actually floor-length, though it's difficult to tell because you only see it down for a hot second and at least part of it is usually blocked from view. But her braid is almost down to her knees- and braiding takes up a significant amount of length.
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(From a deleted scene. Lack of chemise notwithstanding...Very Yes.)
Edith's hair is slightly less Rapunzel-ish, but still at least to her waist:
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For two actresses in modern Hollywood to both have such long hair- and unlayered, too -would be very unlikely. I imagine that's why they, like most women acting in period pieces, wore wigs
Jessica Chastain actually talks a bit about her "down" wig, which was apparently pretty uncomfortable, in this interview (caution: slight inaccuracies in a discussion of Elizabeth Bathory, though I wouldn't expect her to know better since everyone believes the "bathing in blood" myth).
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employee645-a · 2 years
BWAH! well thank you E for answering all those questions. A little thinky thought, who else could you see portray Carol Aird on the big screen? It can be an actress from any era. Gena Rowlands maybe?
You ask loaded questions, @syneidisi. I focus on the old stuff, so here they go, complete with Wiki links. No particular order.
Yays: Lauren Bacall Carole Lombard Barbara Stanwyck Katharine Hepburn Greta Garbo Deborah Kerr Alida Valli Lana Turner Gena Rowlands Simone Signoret Grace Kelly Joan Fontaine Marlene Dietrich Gloria Grahame Norma Shearer
Nays: Jean Harlow Judy Garland Loretta Young Jean Arthur Hedy Lamarr Claudette Colbert Vivien Leigh Bette Davis Joan Crawford Ingrid Bergman Lucille Ball Margaret Sullavan Judy Holliday Shirley MacLaine Marilyn Monroe Olivia de Havilland Doris Day Veronica Lake Janet Leigh Celia Johnson
I mean, yeah, there are wigs and all, but have you seen Judy Garland as a ginger? Vivien Leigh as a blonde? [Yeah, it's a black-and-white film, but still... unholy.] Nope.
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issychatter · 4 years
Genetics of Lucille Tracy
I’ve wanted to do a post about this for a while and I’m bored during my music lesson so here it is. I’ve always seen a variety of ideas of what Lucille Tracy looked like so I thought I’d use science to show what she most likely looked like.
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This is a Punnett Square: people use if with genetics to see what their children will most likely look like. Here’s one for my parents: My mum has brown hair which is a dominant gene which means it’s more powerful than other hair colours so it’s represented by a big “B”. My dad has red hair with is THE MOST recessive hair colour gene you can have to it’s represented by a little “r”. 100% of genes my parents can make are “Br” which means all their children will have brown hair (as it’s dominant) but will carry the red hair gene which means they could pass it on to their own children (as it’s recessive).
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Now, onto the Tracy’s: We can assume Jeff has brown hair as Asher mistakes Scott for him in SOS Part 1 and we’ll start with an example where Lucille also has brown hair but with Jeff and Lucy having one red and blond recessive gene each making their genes look like this: 
Jeff = Br (brown, red)
Lucy = Bb (brown, blond) (little “b” means blond as it is also recessive to brown but dominant over red). 
If we were to put that into a Punnett Square it would look like this:
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This set of genes doesn’t work as while Jeff and Lucy could have brunette and blond children (good for Scott, Virgil, Gorgon and Alan) but they couldn’t have ginger children (poor John…). So we scrap that one and try again.
PS. Though, blond and red are both represented by little letters, blond is more dominant than red so “br” means a blond child with a recessive red gene.
Changing Lucille’s genes again, we’ll try giving her red hair as I’ve seen a bit of fan art with her with ginger hair so now their genes look like:
Jeff = Bb (brown, blond)
Lucille = rr (red, red)
(Lucille has to have 2 red recessive genes because if you have red hair you can ONLY have red hair genes a they’re so recessive and other hair colour gene would take over which means Jeff has the blond genes now).
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They now have a 50% chance of having blond children and brunette children but still no red (John’s giving me the right run around) so it’s back to the drawing board again.
I’m now trying Lucille with blond hair and I’m making both Jeff and Lucille’s recessive gene red as the ONLY way red hair would show up in a child of theirs is if they could make the genes “rr” which – as Jeff has brown hair – could only show up in his recessive genes and has to be Lucille’s recessive gene as if it was her dominant gene as Lucy have red hair and no blond hair would show up in their gene pairs. So, now the setup is this:
Jeff = Br (brown, red)
Lucille = br (blond, red)
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And finally, we have success! Jeff’s brunette genes mean they have a 50% chance of having a child with brown hair (also means Scott and Virgil may have either a blond or red recessive gene to possibly have a blond or ginger child), a 25% chance of a blond child (and Gordon and Alan DEFINITELY have a red recessive to maybe have a red-haired child) and 25% of having a red-haired child (100% red genes for John, not shocking).
(This also suggests that Lucille and Jeff’s parents have to have the red-haired gene too so they could have red hair or a recessive red gene).
We can also work this out for eye colour as well. Brown eyes are the most dominant eye colour, then it’s blue and green is the most recessive. Jeff definitely has blue eyes (kind of grey, but I’d still call them blue) so if blue is his dominant gene and we have the same issue with green eyes that we had with red hair (need “gg” to make green eyes making Jeff’s recessive gene green) we have to assume Lucille has either green eyes (which she can’t have as then none of their children would have brown eyes) or her recessive gene is green and dominant one is brown making a Punnett Square that looks like this:
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So, 50% of Jeff and Lucille’s children have brown eyes (with the possibility of a green-eyed or blue-eyed kid maybe), 25% have blue eyes (with a green-eyed recessive gene) and 25% will have green eyes.
So now we know, Lucille Tracy must have blond hair and brown eyes, Jeff Tracy has brown hair and blue eyes and both of them have the recessive genes for red hair and green eyes. And, as a bonus point, John’s eye colour and hair colour has each had a 25% chance of coming out in him as has Alan’s hair and eye colour meaning Alan and John’s genetics have the exact same level of rarity, which I thought was quite interesting.
As a bonus, I thought I’d also take a look at what each of the boys genes would look with Kayo’s as I know a lot of people ship her with them (I ship her with John and I know at least @gumnut-logic​ ships her with Virgil). Kayo’s eyes are green so here genes would be “gg” and working under the likelihood of both her parents having dark hair (as most Asian people do) her hair genes would most likely be “BB” so here’s what their children would look like:
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For her hair, you could change out Kayo’s second recessive gene for any other hair colour which would give her a 25% chance of a blond or ginger child with Scott and Virgil (depending on their recessive gene) or 25% change of a blond child or 50% chance of a ginger child if she had a baby with John (I personally like the idea of her having a ginger kid with John so I give her a recessive red gene).
This took me actually forever so I’m going to @ a bunch of Thunderbirds accounts so people see it because if they don’t I may cry:
@eos-in-orbit​ @ak47stylegirl​ @gumnut-logic​ @sonatanotwo​ @soniabigcheese​ @flyboytracy​ @godsliltippy​ @gordoncoopertracy​ @galentaliel​ @1bluesilvertracy​ @willow-salix​
Can’t think of any more to tag, already concerned I’m going to look needy by doing this...
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Wrote a little story for the birthday girl!! Happy birthday @lenle-g 🥳🎂💌, hope I made you a little more happier!!
(I promise I'm not trying to kill you on your birthday)
Growing up with four brothers in Kansas was always hard for the teen aged ginger haired boy. 
 Starting with either his older or younger brothers fighting over the most random things possible, or his two blond brothers playing with his telescope, or ending with puppy eyed Lucille wanting to dress him with one of her pink dresses as if he's the daughter she's always wanted.
 This time, totally wanting to read Stars and Planets by: Ian Ridpath and Will Tirion alone, in a quiet place, away from everyone's irritation.
 The only place he had after their backyard had been occupied by a mini pool with two delightfully happy, but annoying blond children playing in it. 
Not willing to bother them, or even being disturbed while reading, he took permission from his mother and went to the nearby park with a little bag of snacks to consume while he's reading. 
 Shortly, after arriving at the park, it was surprisingly quiet and peaceful for this time in the morning.
 It was almost autumn, his birthday a couple of days away, yet it was still slightly hot for this time of the year, no wonder why Gordon and Alan chose to swim today.
 Taking a seat at his usual place, under the coolness and shades of the extremely large Quercus alba tree, made it much better for the young ginger haired teenager. 
 He starts reading the book, completely admiring the clear and engaging writing of the detailed Moon maps, the descriptions of the main lunar features, the notes on all bright stars and other objects, and the tips on choosing and using telescopes. It was an amazing book, one of the best books he has ever read in his life.
"What a great book!!" Eyes locked on one of the pages that had really good information about telescopes "I have to show it to dad when he comes back from work." Saying in a low, quiet voice, not wanting to catch anyone's attention.
 Two hours of reading in the cool, autumn weather he started stretching, trying to prevent back pain and keeping his muscles flexible.
 He continued reading after stretching, having in mind three pages to read then head back home, but out of nowhere, a little acorn fell on his head.
"Oww!!" John, having absolutely no idea where it might have fallen, started searching everywhere. The way the little acorn fell on his head made him feel like he was Isaac Newton, except gravity is already discovered, and it was an acorn that fell on him, not an apple. 
Just by thinking about it, the corners of his mouth started rising in a big grin, looking above him, he found the answer he has been searching for.
"Hahaha," his eyes crinkled as he laughed victoriously "gotcha little buddy." It was a little squirrel, his mouth full with a bunch of acorns, the one that fell might have been from John's new rodent friend.
"Hey," Coming softly quiet out of the teenager's lips, trying so hard not to scare his new little friend "I promise I won't hurt you." He says while extending his hands up trying to reach the squirrel.
His moving hands towards the little squirrel might have scared him, because he left to hide inside of a hole that was in the tree.
"Aww man!" His big grin faded the second his new friend left, feeling completely helpless, he turned back to his book, trying to continue it as he had in mind.
This time, reading the book wasn't as exciting as it used to be before his little new rodent friend came. His eyes were down, not having his full attention on the book, thinking that this might be a good time to leave the park.
While grabbing all his stuff, he saw in the corners of his eyes, something small moving fast. Without hesitation or thinking, he went in the same direction, yet this time he was careful not to move so fast.
To his surprise, it was his little friend again, this time, John's grin returned so fast and bigger this time, his eyes were wide open out of happiness.
Having no idea how to approach his rodent friend without scaring him was difficult, since all what he reads about is space, nothing else. 
Having no time to regret not reading about animals, he remembers packing some peanuts in his bag, he ran quickly to grab it, put some on his hand and extended it, he waited patiently for his little friend to notice him.
Taking the squirrel quite some time to notice the teenager's extended hand, slowly and cautiously the little rodent started approaching him, until he reached his hand, trying to check if it was not a random trick, it was something that made the teenager giggle. 
The teenager was surprised by how many peanuts his friend had stashed inside his little mouth, it was the most adorable thing he had encountered in his life.
This time, after the little squirrel took his booty of peanuts and left, John didn't have gazing-down eyes, he had one of the largest smiles, feeling proud and happy that he got a chance to feed a squirrel.
Returning back to his house, finding his two younger siblings covered in towels, he quickly ran to his mother, telling her what happened in the park, not missing a single detail.
Ever since that time, John has made a habit to get a bag of peanuts every time he goes to the park, in case if he sees a squirrel while reading.
Hope I did write it right :)
Again, happy birthday Len!! Hope next year I can make something better.
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
The Tale of Scotty-Bear
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Scott Tracy, John Tracy, Virgil Tracy, Gordon Tracy, Alan Tracy
And another fic for @gumnut-logic‘s #irrelief!  The prompt used here is “Any aged bro – The missing Teddy Bear.” from @fictivekaleidoscope 
When Lee Taylor bought a bog-standard teddy bear for his best friend’s baby, he probably didn’t expect it to be quite so popular.
He was, rather unimaginatively, named Scott.  That was all Lee Taylor, the man who after much debate and hair-pulling over what, exactly was an appropriate toy for a new born baby (a build-it-yourself rocket was vetoed by Lucille before he could even suggest it), had appeared with a bog-standard fluffy teddy bear and presented it to a two hour old Scott Tracy.
You didn’t need two new names to remember, he reasoned.  Scott the boy, and Scott the bear.  Simple.
(It would have been more convincing if he hadn’t started calling the baby ‘Sam’ the next time he saw him).
Why no-one ever changed the name before baby Scott was old enough to recognise that his favourite teddy shared his name, no-one ever knew.  Perhaps it just never occurred to them that they didn’t have to go along with Lee’s idiosyncrasies, or maybe they couldn’t pick a better one.  Whatever the reason, his name was Scott, and Scott it stayed.
Scott the bear, eventually nicknamed Scotty-bear after one too many occasions of a too smart toddler with an attitude ignoring his parents because “I thought you meant him!” despite knowing perfectly well that the scolding for scribbling on the wall was for him, became the heart of one brotherly tradition as the Tracy clan began to grow.
Scott the boy was four when he realised Scotty-bear wasn’t in his bed.  Lucille promised that she hadn’t moved him while he’d been out at kindergarden, making friends and already showing his future colours as a leader, but the fact remained that Scotty-bear was missing.
A thorough search of the house ensued, Scott running up and down the stairs with reckless abandon during his search and about ready to scream at Jeff when he walked in through the front door.  Luckily for Jeff, he didn’t return home from work to an irate Scott with accusations of bear-napping after a suspicious search into his younger brother’s room revealed an unlikely culprit.
Two year old John was curled up in his bed, taking a nap.  Around him were various stuffed toys, as usual, but in his arms Scotty-bear was tightly clutched.  Scott was furious, waking up his younger brother with a shove that almost knocked him off the bed and wrestling him for control of the bear until Lucille stepped in to stop him.
“Why did you take Scotty-bear?” she asked her sobbing ginger son gently, holding Scott at bay as she gathered him into his arms.  “You know it’s not nice to take things that aren’t yours.”
“Scott not here,” was the hiccupped reply.  “Wanted Scott.”
Scott stared at his brother before walking out of the room, and that was how Scotty-bear changed hands for the first time.
At this point, the tale of Scotty-bear is probably already clear.  With a toy passing down from the elder to the younger, it was a given that the pattern would continue for as long as there were more youngers.
Virgil’s acquisition had occurred with less temper tantrums, but that was probably more to do with the milder dispositions of both boys involved, as opposed to their eldest brother and his fiery temper.
At four years old himself, John was no less willing to part with the bear than Scott had been, but Virgil was enamoured with his biggest brother, and found it highly unfair that John had a bear called Scott and he didn’t.
“There can’t be two Scotty-bears,” John said bluntly when Virgil declared he would get his own. “This is Scotty-bear, and he’s the only Scotty-bear.”
Scott himself, now six, was away at school and didn’t hear the exchange.  Jeff was largely ignorant to the events that had transpired for the original handover, barring the fact that however it had happened, Scotty-bear now lived in John’s bed, but Lucille saw the signs and gave a subtle prompt to her second son.
“You can share Scotty-bear with Virgil, can’t you, John?” she asked, gently.  John thought about it, defensively holding the teddy close with a frown on his face.  In front of him, Virgil employed large brown puppy dog eyes and a quivering lip.
Just as Scott before him, John caved, and thus Scotty-bear once again changed beds.
Virgil held Scotty-bear for the longest time yet, a larger age gap between him and the eventual next younger sibling giving him plenty of time to drag the little bear everywhere with him, and drag him around he did.  Virgil and Scott-bear were inseparable, to the point that Scott himself began to sulk that he’d been replaced by a ‘stupid stuffed toy’ when Virgil had tried to give Scotty-bear the last sweet from the packet rather than his actual brother.
Lucille had to intervene more than once when Scott’s temper started to flair, convincing Virgil that Scotty-bear would be just fine without his attention for a few minutes and “Mommy will look after him, so why don’t you play with your brother for a bit?”
However, all things must come to an and, and so did Virgil’s time with Scotty-bear.
Gordon was a monster. Loud, inquisitive, and determined to follow Virgil around like a limpet as soon as he could crawl, there was nowhere for the dark haired brother to escape from his blond shadow.  Attempts to palm him off onto John were met with a raised eyebrow – John had learnt that one young – and Scott was reaching the age where he was always busy with friends, and rarely in the house for any length of time.
It was an act of despair, Virgil determined to shake the nuisance once and for all, that he turned to the stuffed toy equivalent of his elder brother.  Scott might be too busy to play with little Gordon, but Scotty-bear had no such restrictions.  Two years older than either of his brothers had been when they had surrendered the toy, and markedly less selfish than either to boot, it was a more mature boy who hugged Scotty-bear goodbye and quietly snuck him onto the blond menace’s bed during one of the toddler’s naps.
Gordon stopped following him around immediately, the cut-off so abrupt that the thought crossed Virgil’s mind that, somehow, the bear was all Gordon had wanted.  Lucille was quick to comfort him as the idea upset the kind-hearted boy, assuring him that Gordon was just distracted by a new toy and would still want to play with his brother.
As always, mothers knew best.  After a week of insistently playing with Scotty-bear (to the amusement of John and Scott, who both shared amused ‘join the club’ looks with Virgil), Gordon decided that actually his brothers were cooler than a stuffed toy who by that point had seen better days, and started to trail behind them all again.
Still, Scotty-bear was never relegated from Gordon’s bed, and was found once or twice stuffed inside a swimming bag smelling of chlorine and in need of a wash.  Lucille swore the toy had never needed so many washes in the hands of his other three brothers combined.
The fourth handover, Gordon to toddler Alan, was a far more sombre affair.  Despite his penchant for sneaking the toy with him wherever he went, amid claims that Scotty-bear was no more special than any other toy – transparent claims that no-one believed but no-one called him out on, either – when the time came, it was without any hesitation at all.
Alan was crying.
Mommy was gone, Daddy was somewhere off planet, Scott was trying to get the microwave to work with help from Virgil after John hurt his hand with water from the kettle, and Alan was crying.  Gordon wasn’t allowed to pick Alan up until he was bigger – Mommy had said so, and Gordon was going to be a good boy for Mommy in case that would help her come back – so he did the next best thing.
The appearance of a teddy bear seemingly from nowhere had Alan pausing mid wail, staring at the coveted, tatty bear Gordon made dance towards him.  Alan knew the bear – of course he did, the stories of hand-me-downs had been recounted several times and even young as he was, he’d known that meant that one day it would be his.
He’d been scheming to steal it with Mommy just last week.  Now, Gordon was holding it in front of him with a sad smile, and Alan wanted that bear.  He snatched it, and Gordon let him.
Scotty-bear was Alan’s faithful companion for many years.  Kids laughed at the threadbare toy when it was found in his school bag, and harder when they found out it was named after his biggest brother.  Alan refused to be dissuaded – Scotty-bear was special and if they didn’t understand that then that was their problem. Known troublemaker and big brother Gordon stepped in from time to time when Alan’s classmates got too raucous, and word quickly spread that it wasn’t worth picking on the teddy bear.
With no younger brother to pass Scotty-bear down to, Alan believed that Scotty-bear would be his forever. First the death of his Mommy, and then the world-shattering loss of Dad had him clinging tightly to the toy.  His brothers doing the same thing Dad had been doing when he’d disappeared terrified him, and Scotty-bear was the keeper of his fears as he listened dutifully with fabric ears to Alan’s confessions in the middle of the night when he was the only one home.
It was only once he joined their ranks that Scotty-bear was set aside, a childhood toy not suitable for the launches into space and beyond, and the well-loved old toy ended up in the bottom of his closet, out of sight and, eventually, out of mind.
But that was not the end of Scotty-bear’s travels.  For the cycle of brother-to-brother to complete, there was one more transition to make.
Scott, a young man who had owned the bear for all of two years and barely remembered that it had ever been his past stories and photos, found Scotty-bear in Alan’s closet one day in the weeks leading up to the launch of the Zero-XL.  A fine layer of dust had settled over his fur, adding to the illusion of age, but Scott made no move to clean him.
Life was stressful, with the piles of responsibilities on his shoulders growing ever heavier, and the realisation that soon they would be chasing after Dad, to whatever end that might lead, just another one to add to the pile.  He was a fully grown man, and had no need for childhood comforts, but Scotty-bear looked at him with chipped beads for eyes and almost without realising it, Scott took the toy back to his own room.
John noticed, because of course he did, but it wasn’t until Dad was home and safe and recalling, amongst many other things, Alan and his favourite bear, that Alan discovered Scotty-bear’s disappearance.
Before it could get too out of hand, Alan threatening to tear the villa apart for the sake of a teddy bear he hadn’t looked at in years, John pointed the finger and stopped all arguments in their tracks.
“He was always Scott’s. We just borrowed him.”
Scott wasn’t the only one dumbfounded at the admission, but it didn’t take three devious younger brothers long to agree that of course the old-age teddy belonged to the old-age brother, and why didn’t they see it before?
Jeff watched with delight as four sons (John declared guilty by association) found themselves thrown into a pool by an older brother trying and failing to feign offence, who himself ended up dragged in when he didn’t back away from the edge fast enough.  It was good to be home.
(If Scotty-bear ended up back in Scott’s bed again that night, no-one commented.)
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jmcolt · 4 years
— ocs + biographies!
tagged by @honesthearts and @rebelfatebinder.
tagging whoever else wants to do this because i’m late!
The Basics
Full Name: Dolores Lucille Grant
Codename or Nickname: Lola, Lucy (family/friends back home), Lu (a privilege to use; Arnie’s nickname of choice 🙄), Slim ( @queennymeria‘s Ginger!!)
Birth Date: November 3rd, 1921
Birth Place: Savannah, Georgia
Nationality: American
Organisation/Group: LAPD
Former Affiliates: WAC (1943 - 1945)
Family + Friends
Father: George Grant
Mother: Carla Grant 
Siblings: Henry Grant (b. 1913), Eugene Grant (b. 1917), and Joseph Grant (b. 1919)
Other Relatives: Gilbert Grant (uncle)
Spouses: Cole Phelps 
Children: Madeline Phelps (b. 1948), Gwyneth Phelps (b. 1952), and Gilbert Phelps (b. 1956)
Height: 5′0″ (5′3″ in heels)
Hair Colour: blonde
Eye Colour: blue
Skin Colour: fair
Any Scars: a very small one right behind her left ear thats hard to notice
Any Tattoos: N/A
Any Piercings: her ears 
Other Notable Features: her freckles; keeps her hair cut above her shoulders; red lips... 😳
Random Facts: has a basic knowledge of first aid bc her detectives are STUPID and think they’re too good for a hospital... 
The Basics
Full Name: Giulianna Ricci
Codename or Nickname: Gia (everyone)
Birth Date: March 24th, 1925
Birth Place: Empire Bay, New York
Nationality: American
Organisation/Group: Italian Mob
Former Affiliates: N/A
Family + Friends
Father: Luciano Ricci
Mother: Isabel Ricci
Siblings: Gloria Ricci (b. 1918), Bernard Ricci (b. 1918), Angelo Ricci (b. 1920), Lorenzo Ricci (b. 1924), Mabel Ricci (b. 1927)
Other Relatives: N/A
Spouses: Vito Scaletta
Children: Luciano Scaletta (b. 1945), Antonia Scaletta (b. 1951), Bambi Scaletta (b. 1961), Josephine Scaletta (b. 1964)
Height: 5′7″
Hair Colour: dark brown
Eye Colour: brown
Skin Colour: olive
Any Scars: N/A
Any Tattoos: N/A
Any Piercings: her ears
Other Notable Features: dimples!!! her smile is gorgeous.
Random Facts: interested in poisonous plants... belladonna is her favorite!!! 
The Basics
Full Name: Dylan Evangeline Caine
Codename or Nickname: Dyl, Dyl Pickle (Sharky and @himbopike‘s Jack), Eve (Joseph 🙄)
Birth Date: August 28th, 1991
Birth Place: Point Pleasant, New Jersey
Nationality: American
Organisation/Group: Hope County Resistance
Former Affiliates: N/A
Family + Friends
Father: Drew Caine
Mother: Beverly Caine
Siblings: August Caine (b. 1983), Layla Caine (twin; b. 1991)
Other Relatives: N/A
Spouses: Jack Palmer
Children: Merida Palmer (b. 2019)
Height: 5′4
Hair Colour: red
Eye Colour: hazel
Skin Colour: tan
Any Scars: lots of little ones
Any Tattoos: a Lot, but uhhhh, important ones: apple blossoms and snake on her left arm; flowers on both her shoulders; warth on her chest (good job JONATHAN; eventually covers it up with more flowers and depending on verse leaves the war part jakslfd edgelord)
Any Piercings: her ears (multiple times) and tongue
Other Notable Features: tons of freckles WHAT a shocker
Random Facts: graduated from Princeton with an architecture degree; was on the swim team in high school, but developed a debilitating fear of drowning/deep water when she was fifteen because REASONS; runs a puppy rescue with Jack in no cult
The Basics
Full Name: Rhea Parada
Codename or Nickname: Rey (Chris only)
Birth Date: September 16th, 2220
Birth Place: Vigo, Spain
Nationality: American
Organisation/Group: Starfleet
Former Affiliates: N/A
Family + Friends
Father: Nicolau Parada
Mother: Alondra Parada
Siblings: Anton Parada (b. 2213), Rafael Parada (b. 2218)
Other Relatives: Trinidad Marin (cousin)
Spouses: Christopher Pike
Children: Fauna Pike (b. 2258), Juno Pike (b. 2260), unnamed adopted kid asgdjk
Height: 5′3
Hair Colour: dark brown
Eye Colour: dark brown
Skin Colour: fair
Any Scars: long scar on her arm from where something bit her
Any Tattoos: N/A
Any Piercings: her ears 
Other Notable Features: has grey streaks in her hair (started greying at 35); freckles. all my ocs have freckles.
Random Facts: favorite specimen (see: pet) on board the ship is a blue lizard with paralyzing saliva named jingles jr (jingles sr was basically an alien velociraptor; nobody would let her keep her which is totally unfair because you snuck a miniature horse on board christopher why can’t she have a velociraptor??? look shes sad you made the baby sad). he has his own uniform jacket in gold. she made it HERSELF. also... she has a clipping of the plant from talos iv. she shouldn’t. 
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire in Roberta (William A. Seiter, 1935) Cast: Irene Dunne, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Randolph Scott, Helen Westley, Claire Dodd, Victor Varconi, Luis Alberni, Ferdinand Munier, Torben Meyer, Adrian Rosley, Bodil Rosing. Screenplay: Jane Murfin, Sam Mintz, Allan Scott, Glenn Tryon, based on a play by Otto A. Harbach and a novel by Alice Duer Miller. Cinematography: Edward Cronjager. Art direction: Van Nest Polglase, Carroll Clark. Film editing: William Hamilton. Music: Jerome Kern, Max Steiner. If Roberta is less well-known than most of the Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers movies, it's partly because it was out of circulation for a long time after 1945, when MGM bought up the rights to the film and the Broadway musical on which it was based, planning to remake it in Technicolor as a vehicle for Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra. That plan fell through, and the actual remake, Lovely to Look At (Mervyn LeRoy, 1952) with Kathryn Grayson, Howard Keel, Red Skelton, and Marge and Gower Champion, is nothing special. But MGM's hold on the property meant that, unlike the other Astaire-Rogers films, it didn't show up on television until the 1970s. But it was also a kind of throwback to the first of their movies, Flying Down to Rio (Thornton Freeland, 1933), in that they weren't the top-billed stars of Roberta, and their plot is secondary to that of the star, Irene Dunne, and her leading man, Randolph Scott. It doesn't matter much: What we remember from the film are the great Astaire-Rogers dance numbers, "I'll Be Hard to Handle," "I Won't Dance," and the reprises of "Lovely to Look At" and "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes." Scott's inability to sing resulted in the big number for his character in the Broadway version, "You're Devastating," being cut from the song score of the movie. "I Won't Dance" was brought in from another Jerome Kern musical, and Kern and Jimmy McHugh composed that fashion-show/beauty-pageant classic "Lovely to Look At," with lyrics by Dorothy Fields, for the film, earning Roberta its only Oscar nomination. Except when Astaire and Rogers are doing their magic, the film is a little draggy, and Dunne and Scott strike no sparks. Look for a blond Lucille Ball, draped in a feathery wrap, as one of the models in the fashion show.
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batboyblog · 5 years
Second Generation Titans ideas.
SO! I’ve had a few OC ideas for a Gen2 (or 3) Teen Titans/tiny Titans/little League type thing, credit to @drawing-cookie who’s talk about Damian’s little friends inspired me to write up some friends for Damian, also @otter-the-author who’s own version of the Tiny Titans got me thinking about this in the first place, my Connor may owe something to his.
some of these are pure OCs that I totally came up with on my own, some are characters I saw an image or name of else where and changed and expanded etc, and some are mostly canon with one or two things I changed.
Lucy Quinzel (AKA Colombina)
Appearance: Aged 11, Lucy is a blonde with blue eyes of average hight. Her costumes is a take off from the Colombina stalk character from the Commedia dell'arte; a large puffy skirt with a Harlequin pattern in light blue and bubblegum pink, the ends of her pig tales are also dyed those colors. She often times has a comically oversized hammer back story and personality: Lucille Quinzel is the daughter of the villains Harley Quinn and The Joker. Born in secret her existence hidden from the Joker and Batman (at least Harley thought) Lucy was raised by Harley’s sister Delia as her own daughter. Harley remained in semi-regular contact sending gifts and appearing as aunt Harley when not in prison. Lucy has a life long love of pranks and off-beat and whimsical humor. When Harley is exposed as the supervillain Harley Quinn to Lucy (and arrested) she quickly puts together her own developing superpowers together with Harley and realizes her true parentage. Lucy refuses to believe her beloved aunt/mom is a bad person and decides to set out to prove it and redeem the Quinzel name. While a hero Lucy is not trusted by heroes like Robin (Damian) or Batman, but her upbeat attitude, quirky humor and practical jokes have won over lots of her teammates Powers and abilities: Like her mother Lucy has low level superhuman strength, enhanced endurance, agility, flexibility, and reflexes, as well as a sped up healing factor and a higher pain threshold. She likes to us gag weapons such as her own version of Harley’s hammer and other non-deadly Harley Quinn and Joker weapons and tricks. 
JJ Grayson (AKA Robin VI/Bluebird)
Appearance: Aged 11, JJ is small for his age, with ginger red hair, pale skin and freckles, he has green eyes. He wears a costume based off the Tim Drake Robin suit, however it has a more streamlined futuristic armor look. back story and personality: John James Grayson is the son of Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon. About a year after marrying Dick and Babs have a son however at the moment of his birth Earth is attacked, unbeknownst to it’s heroes, by a time controlling villain. The Temporal Master forces earth into a speeded up time zone, so in a matter of minutes in real time 11 years pass on earth. JJ grows up the adored baby of the extended Bat family particularly his big half-sister Mar’i. Shy and not naturally outgoing around friends he’s easy to laugh and an great problem solver. Thanks to the timing of his birth JJ has long noticed the Temporal Saster from the corners of his eyes. Soon after becoming Robin JJ starts exploring the possible meaning of his life long visions. He stops the Temporal Master, snapping time back into it’s normal pattern. The 11 years of JJ’s life are erased, but he’s still here surrounded by a family who doesn’t know who he is. JJ is shy and withdrawn, very much in his shell after the trauma of losing his world. He’s slightly more outgoing with Mar’i, and has bounded with Tim Drake over computers. JJ is often frustrated by tech that is to him 11 years out of date. Powers and abilities: JJ is trained in a number of fighting skills, and can keep up with any Bat. Top level detective and problem solver. He wears an armored suit outfitted with cutting edge tech from 11 years into the future. It can deflect most bullets and do a wide ranch of first aid automatically. JJ is also very skilled at hacking. 
Victoria Logan (AKA Fantasmagoria)
Appearance: Aged 14, tall and thin for her age, unnaturally pale skin, black hair with dark purple highlights, done in an undercut with hair falling over her right eye. Purple eyes. She doesn’t wear a costume but tends to wear black jeans, goth band t-shirt and leather jacket, sliver nose ring.  back story and personality: Victoria is the daughter of Garfield Logan and Rachel Roth. Her godfather is Victor Stone. Very emo and goth, big into candles and dark poetry, much to her long suffering father’s annoyance. She generally doesn’t admit to liking people but has a deep big sister affection for Garfield Stone and is very protective of him. She’s generally very cynical and jaded about hero work. Powers and abilities: She has the power to transform herself into any fictional animal (she particularly likes dragons) like her father her animal versions are always the same color, a dark, almost black Purple. There’s some signs that she may have other, deeper spirt powers related to her mother that she can’t control or even fully excess and might not even be aware of. 
Garfield Stone (AKA Cy-bor)
Appearance: Aged 13, on the short side, he appears to have sliver dreadlocks down to about midway down his back. On closer inspection they are braided together wires and cables growing out of his head. Likewise his skin on closer inspection is a complex pattern of circuit boards. His eyes are clearly robotic with glowing red irises.  back story and personality: Garfield is the son of Victor Stone, and the godson of Garfield Logan. During a mission Vic became trapped and nearly died. In response his circuits tried to build a new him as an last ditch escape. When saved by the Titans Vic discovered a partly constructed body, with all of his memories up to age 5 built by nanobots from his own body. Vic raised the robotic boy as his own son. Garfield is upbeat and friendly, quick to make friends, and hard to offend. Often naive and too sweet for his own good. Sees the good in everyone and wants to help everyone. Particularly close to Victoria, he’s the only one who can get her to laugh, likewise JJ. Powers and abilities: Garfield is superhumanly strong and difficult to damage. Being a machine he doesn’t need to eat, drink, breath, or sleep and rarely becomes tired. He’s able to rebuild from nearly any damage. Garfield can transform his body into a number of shapes including weapons. He can extend wires from his body that allow him to hack and control nearly anything electronic. He can send his mind through electronic pathways allowing him to spy miles away but he has to leave his body to do this and runs the risk of not being able to get back. 
Zachary Zatara 
Appearance: Aged 12, Zachary is skinny and of normal height, with black hair that gets into his his brown eyes. He wears a costume like his grandfathers a suit and tails with a top hat that doesn’t really fit well.  back story and personality: The son of Zatanna and John Constantine. Raised by his mother with no contact with his father. Zach has had an obsession with stage magic from an early age. While his mother has tried to stop him both from being a hero or a performer she hasn’t managed to stop him. Often times cocky and full of himself Zach is covering deep insecurity and a feeling that he doesn’t really belong on a hero team, that maybe he’s a joke.  Powers and abilities: Zach like his mother and grandfather has vast magical powers channeled through speaking backward. Sometimes to the annoyance of everyone he speaks backward for his day to day speech. He’s also a highly skilled slight of hand magician. Zach has shown signs of being drawn to the darker arts of magic like his father and secretly experiments with non-backward magic, which might endanger everyone and his very soul. 
Connor Queen-Lance (AKA Starling)
Appearance: Aged 10, Connor has a mop of curly blond hair and blue eyes, with freckles and a button nose. His costume is largely based on the Green Arrow, with a hood.  back story and personality: The son of Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance. Raised by both his parents to be a hero. often times grumpy or stubborn, he’s deeply loyal and principled. A natural leader he’s often the first with an idea or plan, and often times can get others to just go along with him. A natural double act with his sister and Lian.  Powers and abilities: armed with a bow and arrow Connor is a master marksman. He has a wide range of trick arrows like his father. Trained by his mother and father (as well as Roy Harper, Connor Hawk, and Ted Grant) Connor is an expert in hand to hand combat. From his mother Connor inherited the Canary Cry a super sonic vocalization. Connor, like his mother doesn’t like to rely on his super power. 
Dinah Queen (AKA Nightingale)
Appearance: Aged 17, Dinah Is the picture of her mother with blond hair in a loose brand down her back. Her left eye is blue, her right is robotic and glows red. Her costume is based on her mother’s but with loose black sleeves. back story and personality: The daughter of Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance from the alternate universe of Kingdom Come. Raised by her parents to be a hero Dinah took over as the 3rd Black Canary when her mother retired the role. When her parents become generals in Batman’s army Dinah joins them. When Earth-96 is destroyed in a cosmic event Dinah is among the handful of survivors  to escape to Earth-1. She’s worked on building a relationship with her now younger alternate reality parents and has bonded with her little brother and changed her name out of respect. Powers and abilities: An expert fighter trained by her parents. She’s armed with a wrist mounted mini-crossbow as well as a full sized crossbow, she is an expert marksman. Her right eye was replaced with a robotic one, which allows her to see past normal human range, with infrared, night vision, and other features. It also is a state of the art targeting system meaning she can’t miss. Like her mother she has the Canary Cry. She is also armed with a pair of jet powered wings allowing for short flight. 
Jai and Irey West (AKA The Tornado Twins, Impact and Jessie Quick)
I didn’t really change anything from canon with their story and appearance but I had some thoughts on powers Powers and abilities: Both the West twins have super human speed, however unlike other speedsters their powers are linked. The farther apart from each other they are the harder it is for them to access their powers, if their connection can be broken all together they become powerless. Jai is able to manipulate the friction shield all speedsters have that protects them from burning up at super speeds. When in motion Jai can become nearly invulnerable, he also is able to use it to give himself super human strength behind his punches. Irey is able to very easily pass through objects, as well as run on air, in effect allowing her to fly. 
Iris West II (AKA Kid Flash III)
Appearance: Aged 17, she looks the same as she did in Kingdom Come back story and personality: The daughter of Wally West, Iris comes from the Kingdom Come universe. At a young age a crisis in the speed force caused her father the semi-retired 3rd Flash to merge with Jay Garrick, Barry Allan and Bart Allan. The new Flash was no longer a physical being but a merger of the memories and personalities of the 4 flashes in a “body” of pure speed force energy. Iris’ life is scared by her father’s death/abandonment, she hopes to both get his attention and preserve Wally’s separate legacy by becoming Kid Flash. In the War between Superman and Batman she fights for Batman against her father. She is one of the survivors from Earth-96 to make it to Earth-1 along with The Flash who is able to open the portal. She has an awkward relationship with Earth-1 Wally who is trying to build a relationship. She has major conflict at first with Wally West II about his use of the Kid Flash name and costume.  Powers and abilities: Iris has the standard speedster powers, but she can also fly 
Bobby Long (AKA Achilles)
Appearance: Aged 12, with shoulder length curly ginger red hair and sea green eyes. freckles and quick to blush. He wears a modified version of the Darkstars costume, a red suit with a large white star covering most of the chest.  back story and personality: The son of Donna Troy and her ex-husband professor Terry Long. Bobby was largely raised by his father with little to no contact with his mother till his father’s unexpected death. His relationship with his mother and her close friends (his “aunts” and “uncles”) is awkward and tentative on both sides. Bobby feels conflicted about being a hero since it’s something his father wanted to avoid. Close with Mar’i and Damian.  Powers and abilities: Bobby has superhuman strength, endurance, and is nearly invulnerable. He can fly at super sonic speeds and has superhuman speed and reflexes. On top of standard amazon powers from his mother Bobby can fire gravity rays from his hands which can increase the density of an object crushing anything they hit down to subatomic size. 
Mar’i Grayson (AKA Nightstar)
you know what she looks like/powers back story and personality: The daughter of Dick Grayson and Koriand'r from their brief marriage when both were 19 in the New Teen Titans. Dick and Kory are largely successful and supportive co-parents. Mar’i now 12 has been the center of a large supportive family, with both Bats and Titans as a large group of adoptive aunts and uncles. She has a can do attitude, won’t take no for an answer, she was very excited to become a big sister with her father’s second marriage and hasn’t let time travel get in the way of big sistering. Close to Jon Kent and Lian Harper.
Luke O'Brian (AKA Offspring)
Just imagine Offspring as an annoying 13 year old boy, and thats it. 
Appearance: Aged 13, Cerdian has short white hair, with eyes softly glow shifting between green, blue and purple depending on his mood and what powers he’s using. His skin is covered in swirling changing tattoos that often times look like waves. He wears a blue scale armored costume that looks like his father’s rebirth outfit. back story and personality: Son of Garth and Dolphin. Very serious and often times ill at easy with social interactions. friendly and open with wildlife, particularly aquatic animals. Often times easily upset, quick to annoyance and anger. Deeply loyal and willing to put himself on the line for those he cares about. Close to Damian who he shares many character traits with.  Powers and abilities: Cerdian has the standard Aquaman powers, able to breath underwater, superhuman strength and resistance to injury, able to swim at super speeds and survive extreme pressures. He’s also able to communicate and control any underwater from of life. Also like his father Cerdian has water based magical abilities, able to control water, make it move wherever he wants, change it’s heat (anywhere from super heated steam to ice). He can see the future in water but has no real control over these visions. His magic makes him sensitive to whats going on with Zach and Victoria leading to distrust between them. 
Lian Harper (AKA Speedy)
Appearance: age 14, with shoulder length black hair and green eyes. She wears a red costume based off the Red Arrow costume, with a hood.  back story and personality: The Daughter of Roy Harper and the villain Jade Nguyen (Cheshire). Her mother was largely in prison through her childhood, Roy raised Lian by himself with a large group of loving adoptive aunts and uncles (the Titans). Lian has always known who her mother is and has a complex relationship with it, loving her mother, but also feeling that she needs to be in jail. Lian can be sassy and cutting, at times cynical and down beat, but also always keeps a wry sense of humor. Close to Mar’i and Victoria, she’s protective of her “uncle” Connor a nickname he hates.  Powers and abilities: A expert with most weapons, Lian carries a bow and arrow, largely rejecting the trick arrows of Green Arrow in favor of traditional weapons. An expert fighter she can go toe to toe with Robin in a fight.
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
August 2, 1905
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Myrna Loy was born Myrna Adele Williams in Radersburg (near Helena), Montana. When she was thirteen, Myrna's father died of influenza in the great flu pandemic of 1918, and the rest of the family moved to Los Angeles. She was educated in L.A. and the Westlake School for Girls where she caught the acting bug. She started at the age of 15 when she appeared in local stage productions in order to help support her family. Her first film was a small part in the production of What Price Beauty? (1925). Later, she appeared in Pretty Ladies (1925) along with Joan Crawford. She was one of the few stars that would start in the silent movies and make a successful transition into the sound era.
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Moving to MGM she got two meaty roles: One was in the The Prizefighter and the Lady (1933), and the other as Nora Charles in The Thin Man (1934) with William Powell. Myrna would appear in five more in the series.
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In 1946, she was seen in The Best Years of Our Lives, which went on to win 7 competitive Oscars, including Best Picture. Loy won Best Actress at the Brussels World Film Festival. “I Love Lucy” favorite Tennessee Ernie Ford appears in an uncredited role. “Lucy” extras who appeared include Harry Cheshire, James Conaty, Lawrence Dobkin, Harold Miller, and Bert Stevens. 
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When her father was travelling by train in early 1905, he went through a small station called 'Myrna' - he eventually named her after that station. Changing last name from Williams to Loy was suggested by legendary pulp writer Paul Cain (aka Peter Ruric). Lucille Ball also flirted with a stage name, going by Diane Belmont for several years. 
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Lucille Ball initially claimed to have been born in Montana, while Loy actually was! Both Loy and Ball’s fathers died of illness while they were young girls. Ball’s father succumbed to Typhoid in 1914, while Loy’s was a victim of the Flu pandemic of 1918. Like Lucy, once successful, Loy returned to her hometown, Radersburg, Montana (above), posing in front of her parents’ home.
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The only time Loy and Ball appeared in the same film was in Broadway Bill (1934), a Frank Capra film for Columbia. Broadway Bill was filmed between June 18 and August 16, 1934 at Columbia Studios in Hollywood, and on location at Tanforan Race Track in San Bruno, California. Lucille Ball was 23 years old at the time and was a blonde! 
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Lucille Ball played a telephone operator, uncredited. Also in the film were future “I Love Lucy” cast members Charles Lane, Irving Bacon, and Bess Flowers. 
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Lucy wasn’t the only star in Hollywood to be a redhead. Myrna Loy managed to show off her red tresses in the 1929 Warner Brothers musical, The Show of Shows, which contained Technicolor sequences, one of which still survives. 
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Loy was a big box-office draw. In 1936, she was named Queen of the Movies and Clark Gable the king in a nationwide poll of movie goers. Her popularity was at its zenith.  Lucille Ball, at the zenith of her television success, was dubbed the Queen of Comedy. 
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Both Loy and Ball (among many others) were considered for the role of Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind (1939).
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In 1938, Loy signed on to do print ads for Lucky Strike cigarettes. 15 years later, it was Lucy who was hawking tobacco, for Philip Morris, who also sponsored “I Love Lucy.”  The competition for smokers loyalty was so fierce that the word “lucky” was banned from “I Love Lucy” scripts, causing the ‘Lucky Buck’ competition to be re-named the ‘Bonus Buck’ contest! 
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Loy appeared in the film The Great Ziegfeld (1938), which won an Oscar, while Ball was featured in Ziegfeld Follies (1946). Loy, who received second billing for this film, does not actually appear on screen until 2 hours and 15 minutes into the movie. Coincidentally, Loy’s Thin Man co-star William Powell plays Ziegfeld in both films! This was the fourth of 14 films pairing William Powell and Myrna Loy. In real life, Lucille Ball was actually fired by Ziegfeld from his touring production of Rio Rita in the early 1930s.
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Myrna Loy, Fredric March and Lucille Ball took a stand against being accused of Communism when two radio broadcasts called “Hollywood Fights Back” protested the HUAC hearings in October and November 1947. 
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The 1936 film Libeled Lady starring Myrna Loy and Spencer Tracey was remade ten years later as Easy To Wed (1946) starring Lucille Ball and Van Johnson. In the remake, Ball did not play the character originated by Loy, which was taken by Esther Williams. Lucy played the role originated by Jean Harlowe. 
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A New York Times item mentioned a collaboration between Lucille Ball, Myrna Loy and Clark Gable in 1944.  The film never came to pass. Gable’s first film after his military service was MGM’s Adventure (1945) with Greer Garson and Joan Blondell. Ball did Without Love (1945), also for MGM.
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Forever Darling was originally entitled Guardian Angel and had been written as a vehicle for Myrna Loy and William Powell. The script had been languishing unfilmed at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer for several years. It was finally picked up and polished for Lucy and Desi. 
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Myrna Loy played the mother of 12 kids in Cheaper By The Dozen (1950). In 1968, Lucille Ball made a similar film titled Yours, Mine and Ours with Ball the mom of 18!  The two films have many common scenes: 
The kids line up for their week's ration of clean sheets and toothpaste;
The older daughters have troubles with unbashful beaus; 
The youngsters get in pillow fights; 
There is a suspected case of the flu; 
Jealousies grow between the two sets of children; 
There are four small visitors (all under 5 years of age) who invite themselves to their parents' wedding night and crawl under the covers. 
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Loy had ambitions to act on Broadway, and finally made her one and only appearance in a 1973 production of The Women. Lucille Ball also had Broadway aspirations. She finally made her one and only appearance in late 1960 in Wildcat. Both women had done regional stage productions that for one reason or another failed to transfer to Broadway. 
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In the opening shots of the 1978 film Grease, there's a white statue of a girl outside Rydell High – filmed at Venice High School, California, where Myrna Loy was a student. She posed for it when she was 16!  Lucie Arnaz was the studio’s original choice for promiscuous Betty Rizzo (a role that went to Stockard Channing), but Lucy refused to let her do a screen test!  The film featured Ball’s friend and Desilu star Eve Arden (”Our Miss Brooks”) as the principal. The film takes place in 1959/1960, when “I Love Lucy” was wrapping up its history-making run on television.    
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Loy wrote an autobiography, Myrna Loy: Being and Becoming, published in 1987. Lucille Ball’s autobiography Love, Lucille, was published posthumously in 1996. 
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Both Lucille Ball and Myrna Loy were honored at “The Kennedy Center Honors”; Lucy in 1986 and Loy in 1988. 
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In 1991, Loy was given an Honorary Oscar In recognition of her extraordinary qualities both on screen and off, with appreciation for a lifetime's worth of indelible performances. Loy was not present at the awards ceremony. She gave her acceptance speech live via satellite from her Manhattan apartment. This was her last appearance on TV. Similarly, Lucille Ball’s appearance as a presenter at the March 29, 1989 Oscar telecast was her last appearance on TV before her death on April 26, 1989. 
By the time Myrna Loy passed away, on December 14, 1993, at the age of 88, she had appeared in 129 motion pictures. 
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chiseler · 4 years
Gail Patrick: Malice Aforethought
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The ultimate in resting bitch face, Gail Patrick could do more with a slight malicious smile than most actors could with the nastiest lines of dialogue. She was always sizing people up on screen, looking at them as if she could spot every weakness in their character and every humiliation they had ever suffered. Patrick knew instantly where she could stick all her knives, but the funny thing about her is that she seemed too basically cool and sedentary to really do too much damage, like a cat who stretches out and just scratches a canary before going back to sleep in the sun.
A brainy Southern girl, Patrick was born Margaret LaVelle Fitzpatrick in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1911. She graduated from Howard College and did two years of law school at the University of Alabama, saying later that she thought about running for state governor. But in 1932, for what she termed “a lark,” Patrick entered a Paramount Pictures beauty and talent contest and got the fare to Hollywood. The winner of the contest would get to be the “Panther Woman” in the Universal picture Island of Lost Souls (1932), starring Charles Laughton, and surely Patrick would have put a scare into both Laughton and co-star Bela Lugosi, but she didn’t get that part, which went to Kathleen Burke. (“It kind of ruined a career for her because nobody would take her seriously after that,” Patrick offered.)
She was presented with a standard studio contract by Paramount, but the strong-minded Patrick wouldn’t sign until her salary was raised from $50 to $75 a week and part of the contract was taken out. “I also read the fine print and blacked out the clause saying I had to do cheesecake stills,” Patrick said. “In the back of my mind I had this idea I could never go home and practice law if such stills were floating around.” She was groomed and coached until she lost her Southern accent, and then Patrick was ready to steal any scene she was in.
She made her first impact in Mitchell Leisen’s Death Takes a Holiday (1934), where she was filmed in stylish gowns and wore blond hair. Patrick is a distinct screen presence because she cannot help that “bitch” quality of hers from rising to the surface, no matter how hard she smiles or how hard she tries to be appealing in Death Takes a Holiday (much like such sisters in 1930s movie bitchery as Verree Teasdale and Genevieve Tobin). There is always something strained in her attempts at good spirits, as if she were a wicked stepsister just waiting to make some vicious remark about everyone in the cast. “I really put my all into that one,” she said. “It gave me a big career boost.”
She was a rival to Joan Crawford in No More Ladies (1935), which showed that Patrick was ready to rattle the most intimidating figures, taking in Crawford as if she can see the former chorus girl in her from a mile away. She drunkenly confesses to a dalliance with Crawford’s husband Robert Montgomery in a manner that tries for rumpled girlish candor but inevitably reads, as always with Patrick, as sheer malice. “I was hired because I towered over Joan,” she said. “She didn’t get temperamental—she simply expected blind obedience from cast and crew.”
Patrick coolly observed the “nasty” fights on the set of Mississippi (1935) between Bing Crosby and W.C. Fields and did her time in programmers before coming to the part that really set her up, Cornelia Bullock, the big bad sister to Carole Lombard’s daffy socialite Irene in My Man Godfrey (1936). Cornelia is the rich bitch incarnate, flaunting her privilege and power like a spoiled child, but with a wide streak of womanly sadism to make many of her scenes deeply unpleasant. Yet Patrick said that she was so afraid of the camera and nervous that she never saw her own films until she showed a friend My Man Godfrey in 1979. “My fright emerged as haughtiness and I can see where I got my image as a snob, a meanie,” she said. “And it’s the movie that typed me and the one I’m still asked about.”
Gregory La Cava, the director of My Man Godfrey, told Patrick to “suck on lemons and beat up little children” to prepare for her role, and maybe she was just a skeptical, smart girl scared of being in the movies, but that’s finally a little hard to believe. You don’t play Cornelia Bullock in the scathing way Patrick does without at least knowing something about inherent meanness and it uses and effects. Then again, fear has often been known to make people behave badly, and shyness can be seen as unfriendliness. “She had to be bratty, mean, demanding, and no winks to show I wasn’t really like that,” Patrick said of Cornelia.
She followed up Cornelia with her finest bitch performance of all, Linda Shaw, erstwhile roommate to Ginger Rogers’s Jean Maitland in La Cava’s great Stage Door (1937), where she engages in wisecracking duels with Rogers so brutal that it comes as no surprise when Rogers’s Jean ends one of them with the line, “Well, so long, if you ever need a good pallbearer, remember I’m at your service.” Patrick enjoyed working with Rogers in Stage Door because she said they could try scenes different ways, whereas she sniped that with the “Great Kate” Hepburn every scene was done the same way. “She never took direction and always walked around with that haughty air,” Patrick said of Hepburn. “Ginge was everything Great Kate wasn’t. The crews loved her and hated Kate for the airs she put on.”
Patrick was only 26 when she made Stage Door, but she reads as a lot older and more experienced, and so it’s believable when Rogers, who was the same age as Patrick, seems to have youth and freshness on her side as she diffidently snags jaded Linda’s man, the theatrical producer Anthony Powell (Adolphe Menjou). Patrick goes as far with verbal bitchery as it is possible to go in Stage Door, and her snobbery is at its most cutting and armored, too, and yet there are a few moments here when we can see that Linda is just as subject to the vagaries of men and show business as the other girls at the theatrical boarding house she lives at. Linda has a freezing sort of dignity when she realizes that Jean is replacing her with Powell, for the time being, and she has the confidence and lack of illusions that can wait to get him back. This has nothing to do with lack of pride, for Linda has plenty of that where it counts, and then some. It has to do with understanding how the world works and how unfair it can be without ever feeling sorry for yourself.
There’s a brief scene in Stage Door where Patrick relaxes a little for once as Judy (Lucille Ball) talks about the moment when she first wanted to go into show business. Patrick smiles almost easily here, as if her guard is just slightly down briefly, and the effect is touching because there is no other moment on screen when she opens up just a little bit for us. In the end, Linda gets Powell back, and she probably has the guts to keep him until another new blond comes along, and when that game is all finished at least she’ll have the fur coats he bought her to keep her warm on the cold nights ahead. Whatever happens to her, Linda will be all right because she takes nothing seriously and never gets her emotions, if she has any left, involved. That’s one way of getting through life.
Patrick’s most notable role after that was as Cary Grant’s wife Bianca in My Favorite Wife (1940), where the frustration of “the other woman” does not really suit her brand of steely control backed up by a witchy talent for insults and vindictiveness. By the time of Claudia and David (1946), Patrick could see the writing on the wall. “One day, we were sitting around the set and dear, sweet Dorothy McGuire started chattering about her great pleasure in working with such veterans,” Patrick said. “Well, I was seven years her senior, and Mary Astor was only 40 at the time. Mary bristled, but I just kept on with my knitting.”
Patrick, who married four times, had a successful second career as a television producer, where as Gail Patrick Jackson (the last name of her third husband), she put her law background to use as executive producer on the Perry Mason series, which starred Raymond Burr and lasted from 1957-1966. She let her hair go white and was still a handsome and stylish figure around town in this period. Patrick died in 1980 at age 69 in her home in Hollywood, in the arms of her fourth husband. Whenever she turns up in a movie, I think of that old saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit next to me.”
by Dan Callahan
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asdfghjkl1x1 · 5 years
King of the Monsters | Grace, Kozue, Régine, Lucas
"Hey, Tako" greeted Grace, making the young man groan.
"How are you holding up, Grace-san?"
"Probably better than the ones who tried to kill me, how did you guys get here?"
"Irina. The comms were suspiciously cut off so she made a few guesses and here we are"
Grace smiled to herself. Thank you, Ina.
"The Reds are also here, as matter of fact they're right now fighting the other men"
"Jacques set me free and I went after you" said Kozue before hugging Grace.
The Welsh turned towards the area she was earlier, and indeed, the sound of gunshots and shouts got to where they were.
"Take us there. We have to help them. My cousin... William, he has been captured, I need to go there."
Meanwhile, in land, Régine and Jacques would shoot the captors back to back. There were close to 40 men attacking them. "Mon chére, don't kill them, we need them alive, because I surely have a good amount of questions for them" said the Frenchwoman, changing swiftly of targets until her gun got out of her hands. "I'm going after him" she ran right after a chubby guy.
"Régine, wait!" Jacques called on her, before giving the signal to his subordinates to cover them and clear the area.
"Jacques!" the man stopped when listening to Grace's voice. "Where's Régine?"
"She just went after some guy."
The Welsh looked at the direction he was looking, and remembered that was the same where her cousin was taken. "Stay on guard here. I'll go after her" she ran towards the path were William was taken. Kozue ran behind her.
Grace stopped in her steps at what was in front of her, her eyes went wide. A lavender circle... and a cabin. Her lip shook as she felt about to cry with the memories alone.
She felt steps, but it was late, both her and Kozue were hit on their legs and dragged towards the cabin.
The Welsh could feel how they were surrounding them, but this time they seemed in no hurry to tie them. That's when she saw a familiar pair of boots, and heard the sound of heavy yet calm steps, before looking up.
There he was, with a smile and a shotgun.
Grace couldn't believe it, she counted 5 men, and him "William, what are you doing?"
William took a deep breath "How's the lavender suiting you, dear cousin? You and your friend cannot call on your personal monsters to guard you now."
The Welsh was beyond even wanting to call on Marion, but she felt how she was away from her, each second out of her reach to call to defend them.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment"
Grace still refusing to believe her senses, asked "Where's Claudette, William?"
"Ah, I think by starting with my wife we could wrap up this better" he scratched his chin slowly and started "Since you write stories, let's make one for you. Once upon a time, there were three youngsters who were friends and supported each other high and low. Two lassies, one lad. Eventually as they grew up, they started to change, the ginger lass started to play Romeo for the blond one, by jumping to her balcony at nights to rescue her from her family. What she didn't know is that the lad had confessed days earlier to the blond girl, and had been courting her for some time without the ginger lass knowing.
Some time passed, and the act became reality, they had a secret relationship for a few days. As the lad wondered if this ginger heroine would ever come to his rescue, from the plans of his family of sending him away, from the constant family pressure of being better than others, waiting for this red heroine to say 'I'm also here for you'. While they made plans, he could foresee all their future falling because of the other girl, so he made a plan, he was going to unmask her, to show her true colours to the blonde and how her secret girlfriend wasn't a hero at all." William smirked and sighed "That's when I hired these guys."
Grace looked at them well, and yes, the mocking man who threw her off the cliff started to seem very familiar now, same for the others, they look like an older version of... She turned to William, with wide eyes, tearing up "No..."
"Yes" William took a breath "I hired these guys to hurt you and Claudette"
"William..." Grace's fists gripped the soil powerless.
"I didn't count that it would turned out the way it would turned out." William clapped "It turned out better than I expected. A werewolf. A beast. So, I insisted on my wife seeing you as a monster until she believed it, it was so easy to do after her shock of that night. And The Red Beast legend was born"
"Yes, I created that rumour of the Red Beast. And these guys returning to their senses after you put half of them into a coma, gave me the upper hand. I just had to be patient, and get to know everything you and Marion were, strengths, weaknesses. Then I showed myself as a good husband to my wife, and took care of everything as she went to med school, I encouraged her to keep going, that she could save you from that evil alter that wanted to damage your life. I offered myself to that time you went out of control, after all, who would suspect of Grace's favourite cousin?  
Then that thing with Lucy happened, I got to know that you were doing your efforts for her, and that this lady didn't have the smallest clue about it, and I just laughed at how good my luck was, now you were going to be emotionally unable to react to whatever everyone threw at you and no one would be there to protect you, because you also saw Marion as a monster, because you couldn't keep my wife's reaction out of your mind. Yes, I used your love for her to my advantage and kept feeding my wife's hate towards Marion.
However, you can't lie to someone forever, Claudette started to realize something wrong was going on, and I played the good counsellor role, I made her believe her ideas were out of her constant obsession to heal you, and I had the teacher card under my sleeve, so she believed me, until she confessed me she was still in love with you, and that she never loved me pass a friend, she just learned to see me as an extension of you since your mother wouldn't allow both of you to marry. That was the night when... well, I took her to bed."
Grace saw him with horror, her voice cracked at her question. "Please... tell me you didn't do that..."
William sighed "I did... and while it was annoying to hear her calling your name, it was quite a pleasure to know that she was feeling the same thing I felt those years ago: abandoned." He giggled "So, she proceeded studying you, without saying a thing, after all, she didn't have the full picture and now she was tied to me because of the baby." Then groaned "Still, she tried to lose her baby a few times. So, I fed her with your same medicine: lavender. Then she had the baby, but I took care of the girl for her to not escape. I told Aunt Adelaide that Claudette wasn't feeling well, and that she had something similar to post-partum depression, so your mother wouldn't let her approach either."
"But she still escaped, right?"
"She did. I don't know how, and days later you showed up at my place. While I thought it was a good chance, I didn't count with the wolves, especially with them becoming your friends, so I gathered these guys and we decided to go with your plan, help you until you got rid of the animals. And here we are. Also, I wouldn't count with solving this by escaping and calling the cops, I have your very weakness on watch"
"I have her well protected, you won't get very far with it" Grace's breath went heavy with anger "You won't get to Lucille, you hear me!"
William blinked and tilted his head "Who said I was after her? No, dear cousin, your true weakness is someone small and red."
Grace stood up enraged and tried to charged after William in realization "You fucking bastard!" but got hit on the back with a bat. "She's just a child, dammit!"
"You won't have time to worry anyway, this will probably end soon. Which is bad, I was warming up to that boy" William said getting ready to shoot.
Régine, where are you? Grace and Kozue are in trouble.
“Relax, chérie, they have Marion and Sadako on their side.”
I'm not joking! Something is happening where they are!
“What do you know?”
It's... oh, god... It's her cousin. Her cousin is doing this
"Irina, relax."
How can I fucking relax?! If she does something, he'll kill the girl.
"What girl?" Régine could hear Irina's difficult breathing
It's Nancy! He has Nancy! I-I-I'm going to activate the emergency protocol.
"Wait, Irina, that hasn't been tested."
Claudette did it for an emergency.
"How do we know we can trust her?"
I can't sit here knowing I can do something!
"What if that formula kills them both?" Régine could listen how Irina started to type fast, and then heard the system warning, and the lady reciting the password.
Reveal your face to me, guide me though the Stygian fields. Enthral my soul to Sepedet's beams to serve Your will.
Ready to launch.
William then noticed something, Kozue wasn't anymore next to Grace, and his 5 men were on the floor, hurting. "How did you...?"
"I'm immune to lavender" Kozue said with pride, then got dizzy, her body went to the sides, but came up immediately to her senses.
William took the advantage of Kozue's confusion to shoot her first, but thee was one problem, he no longer had his weapon, and a hand was choking him, he turned to see his cousin holding him, his fear shoot when he saw her eyes going dark. "M-Mons...ter...."
"I'll be back" a low voice came out of Grace's lips, then took William to the very same cliff she was before, her smirk grew wider as they got closer to the edge.
Communication activated.
"Let me go, monster..." William said before Grace held him in the air, at the edge of the cliff.
"Do you repent?"
"Grace... don't kill me... I'm your cousin. Family comes first, remember?"
"We do" then she let him go, and watched as he fell.
One jerk in the oven.
What are you doing?
Locked up now. Over and out. Good job.
"Thanks, Gretchen"
I'm one of your knights, King.
"Long live the King" she heard Sadako's voice behind her.
Marion hugged her gently "Are you okay?"
Sadako nodded "I am, also your... Grace's other knights took care of the 5 guys"
"They're here?"
"One of them told me your mom had a bad feeling and sent them after you, then they communicated with Irina and Régine."
"Isn't she a great mom?" Marion smiled.
They went all back Grace's home.  The Welsh's father was back as well and was the first to run to hug his daughter.
"Ugh, daddy, please, don't hug me that hard"
"I'm sorry, lassie" then he carried her inside the cabin.
Her mother was next who asked about Marion and her, then all her trip, so she told her everything. Both her parents were sad, they never expected William would do something like that. Then looked at the baby "What's going to happen to you?"
Florence spoke up "Ma'am, Claudette sent me an email yesterday, she will give up on the baby, so yes, I'm here to take her away to be adopted by a family, especially now that William will be taken to jail."
Adopted by another family? Grace got close to the baby and held her. What if...? Her hands started to shake and her mother held the baby for her before turning to her husband.
"Richard, let's keep the baby. Let's give her a good life, and let's have a second chance to do what with couldn't do with Grace, I think we deserve that." Grace teared up out of joy.
Richard approached and hugged his wife, before resting his big hand on his daughter's shoulder "How should we name her?"
Grace looked at the baby for a few seconds before smiling "Juniper. Juniper Margaret"
"Juniper Margaret Morgan, it is"
"I know what you're trying to do Grace, so I'm not going to admit that middle name. I'll make that the name of the woman who truly loved me: Rachel Morgan"
"What?" Grace's father was astonished.
"Oh, please, Richard. It was obvious. Why you think I grew fond of you so fast?"
"Because I'm good looking?" Richard joked.
Adelaide giggled "Because you reminded me of her. Grace, too. Especially that rebel phase she had when she was younger" she rolled her eyes.
Grace gasped "Mom, you rolled your eyes?"
"Dear, where are your manners?" Richard joked again and received a slap on his arm from his wife.
"Well, then is set" Florence said.  "I'll be in touch with you for the paper work." Then left.
"Mom? Would you help me with this hair? I can't go back like this"
Adelaide looked for the scissors and cut the hair of her daughter real short. "You look good" then looked at Kozue "You need a haircut too?"
"No, ma'am. Thank you, I think I'm going to enjoy this hair for a while, after all, it's not as long as Grace's"
After they all ate, Gretchen came in with news. "William is in jail" but her worried face didn't say it was good. "He said he had an insider, and that part of the plan was still going on, despite her wife's efforts for hiding the child. He also said that something somewhere else was going to blow."
Jacques came inside the cabin "Régine, you got to see this"
On the tracker, two things were showing, a man going to what it seemed a house, with two people inside a house. And, another going at full speed with a package in another direction.
"Ira is the insider"
"He's going to your place. Luckily, you're not there"
Régine's worse fears came true "Eva is there! I need to go. Let's split up, Grace, Kozue, go with Tako to Wales and get the kid. I'll go with Jacques to my house. Wallace, take Lucas home. We'll rendezvous at Grace's place in Surrey."
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