#willas tyrelion
fycourtera · 12 years
{libation: chapter one/4} arthur, mitchell, willas, leah
Mitchell: *with a hood covering most of his face, he peered around a house towards the market, making sure there were no guards about the town, either Sheriff's or Damocles. After making sure there was none, he looked back at Arthur, and grinned wide* Our fans are waiting. *He took the bag of food off his shoulders and opened it, inside there being small individually wrapped parcels for them to hand out.*
Arthur: Eager, ain't they? *He chuckled, for despite the milling towns folk, they'd been spotted already the moment the bag opened. A half-second ago he'd been asking Mitch to remind him again why they were giving their limited food again. As he saw the delight on a kid's face -- one of Hettie's brood -- though he thought to himself what a fine idea this was.* There you go mate. Help you grow big and strong. *The little boy's eyes were wide up at him as hot-hands covered the parcel and he nodded shyly. Tickled, Arthur gestured sideways to Mitchell as he added,* Even bigger than my friend here. 
Ben: *giggles, though he holds the parcel close to his chest and shakes his head.* You're Mitchell Stone. *There's awe in his voice, exhaled through a smile.*
Arthur: Aw-oi, hey? *He gestured to himself in exaggeration of hurt. It made Ben giggle again.* 
Mitchell: *passing another parcel to a few other people as they came up, turning back to look at Arthur and Ben as he was mentioned, grinning wide and nodding* Yeah, I am. *He knelt down to Ben's height* And you're Ben right? *He briefly recalled Esther saying something about him, but honestly Esther and his mum spoke about all of their students* You look strong already, Ben!
Ben: *His wide-eyed gaze looked over Mitchell's arms as he knelt down, beaming that he knew him already.* Yah! *He nodded repeatedly.* Your sister is nice.  
Arthur: *he snorts, rubbing his upper arm.* Not to me. *It was muttered under his breath good-natured, chuckling as he pulled another parcel free.* 
Ben: *He pointed at the parcel in his hand, looking between them, holding himself up properly to say carefully,* Thank you very much. 
Arthur: *he chuckles again and nods, leaning over to ruffle his hair* Ah, it's nothing mate. Just doing what's right. *If improper, but he wasn't thinking about that.* 
Ben: *Eyes still wide he nodded at Arthur before he looked back to Mitchell, honest as only children could be.* Can you really shoot three arrows at once in one bulls'ye?
Mitchell: *he chuckles, unable to help but agree with Arthur about Esther but he didn't say that out loud; didn't wanna scare the little tyke away from school.* You're very welcome! *he grinned, reaching behind him to hand another parcel out with a soft "cheers, mate" before turning back to Ben. Laughing a little at the question* Sure I can! *With a little help from magic but, details* It's why I'm the leader. Arthur's always been jealous. 
Ben: *He smiled wide, mouth wide open* Can you show me?
Arthur: Oi, jealous? Oh, p--*He paused, remembering very suddenly how young Ben was and cut himself off with a breath by forcibly rubbing his hand over his lips. Oh. Smelled like the chicken. Delicious. He dropped the hand, looking back at Ben instead.* Hey Ben. Why don't you ask him about when Leah knocked him out cold for a half hour?
Ben: *blinks in confusion, but he's still grinning* Leah?
Arthur: *Hand going over his heart* While I, was ultimately unharmed. *Because he went up the tree. But details.* 
Mitchell: After we're done handing out all of the food, sure. *grinning in amusement as Arthur cuts himself off, after it was Mitchell's turn to protest*Oi! Don't tarnish my reputation. *He rolled his eyes, passed another parcel before looking back at Ben* Leah, she's- *hmm he couldn't say part of the gang because you never knew, and she certainly more than his friend, an argument could be made that she was always more than that*-- she's my girl. But really, the one at fault ere is Arthur- he ran up a tree! And you know the most important rule about friends? *he paused for effect* You never leave a friend behind.
Ben: Really? *Mouthing 'wow' under his breath he tried to draw himself up taller with the honor.*
Arthur: *He winked. He meant to wink at Mitchell, but now honestly he had to admit that he'd seen Annemarie over Mitchell's shoulder, in her usual state of exasperation. And oh, she was walking near Luce. He waved at her too until she waved back, her grin sheepish.* 
Ben: Your girl? *The repeat was one of confusion, but as Mitchell continued he just started nodding in agreement.* I don't! *earnest* I swear.
Arthur: Oi, I didn't leave 'im behin--*he turns back, rolling his eyes. Only then he sees just past Annemarie a very familiar back.* All right, Ben. *nodding, he leaned over to give him a high five* Tell your Mum I miss her, all right?
Ben: *Had leaped up to hit his hand, and then turned shyly back to Mitchell, holding his hand up to high five his too before scampering off, holding the food tight.*
Arthur: I didn't leave you! Came right back down. Soon as I made sure Leah wasn't gonna hit me too. Whut good would I have been to you knocked out beside you? *promptly smacks the back of Mitchell's head with a grin* And oi, come on leader, might want to go this way instead. Bastard hanging around...noon? *Eh, he wasn't the best with the clock.* Near the butchers. Where Lucy is right now. 
Mitchell: *he high fived Ben too, scruffing up his hair before the lad dashed off. Cute kid, he had to admit it. Standing up again and turning to Arthur as he started his yapping.* It's the principle of the thing, Arth- Oi! *he rubs his head where Arthur hit it, muttering something under his breath before he stood up straighter, his eyes narrowing, knowing who it was before he saw him* I can get an arrow in between his eyes right now. *But, he wouldn't. For many reasons that weighed heavily on his mind, no matter how much he wanted to, Mitch couldn't do it. Damn.* Let's walk around then, try to finish the deliveries first. *he closed the bag again and heaved it over his shoulders*
Arthur: Principle of the thing, yeh, a'right. *He snorted, pointing out easily,* cause we're such men of principles. *Scooting sideways to follow Mitchell after narrowing his eyes as he saw him, he snorted and couldn't help but mutter,* Whut's stopping you? *Oh he knew what was, wrinkling his nose and rubbing under it as they slipped down a different alley. A grin reappeared, hearing a 'God bless you!' called at their backs.* We're like heroes now, huh? Course, what I wanna know is why I give the kid the food and it's still you he goes to. Like I'm chopped liver, innit? 
Mitchell: *snorts, wishing there was nothing stopping him to tell the truth. He always suspected Tyrelion's involvement, but after Arthur's capture, he knew that beyond a doubt. He couldn't focus on that right now, he would surely do something foolish that would damage the good progress they had made. Grinning a little at Arthur's question, he wiggled his eyebrows at his friend* Because I'm the bowman prodigy. Do something of note and maybe your name will be remembered. *he heads to an alley between two houses and puts down the bag again* Were going to have to give these personally, hide in the crowd. You up for it?
Arthur: *repeating incredulous with a wide grin* The bowman prodigy? You and your nephew, both of yer- *he laughs* sorry, the legendary born-of-dragon - geesh, impossible. *He laughed at Mitchell's question, utterly ignoring the fact that he doubted very much his name wasn't known by now. After...nope, he was ignoring it. Smirk wide, he nodded, gesturing Mitchell should toss him the parcels and catching them with ease. Well, he might have juggled them a bit. Sue him for having fun.* Up for it- *he snorted. Hooking his hands around a post, he fluttered his hood back up, crouched like a frog on a barrel.* Live for it. 
Willas: Optimistic of you. *The words were dry through a smirk, black leather-clad arms folded on his chest. He had even given the woman who called after them a copper - he was being generous, pleased to have some idea of where they were in the town. God bless them indeed.* 
Arthur: *A truly ugly look passed through his smirk to see him, but only for an instant. Breath hot, knuckles white on the rim of his barrel.* You know there's a circle of hell reserved for those who interrupt with good Samaritins like us.
Willas: *That was rich.* Should have gotten away, you know. *He shrugged. Shouldn't be surprised they stuck around -- even, he had heard, had the town cheering his name, instead of being smart. Made his job easier, certainly. The glare he wore was one he reserved for Stone. He wasn't alone, and it wasn't like they could go anywhere: he could have some fun.* King of the Mules now though, aren't you?
Mitchell: *Turning immediately as he heard that ugly, crawling, slimy voice behind them, his resultant glare was immediate. He might have even casted a spell if he weren't for the countless of people just ten feet away who had no idea about the existence of magic. They had just reclaimed good standing, he wouldn't lose it by practicing magic in public and forever being referred to as the son of the devil.* Better than being the Sheriff's errand boy, Tyrelion. Don't worry though, I'm sure they'll let you sit at the grown up table soon. *he glanced sideways at Arthur, making sure to catch his eye before looking at the parcels of food in their hands. They had a brief chance to create the distraction and then run for it, through the middle of town, so Tyrelion and his pack or dogs would be forced to not use magic as well* I'll even invite you to my table: as the main course.
Arthur: *He chuckles the moment Mitchell spoke, more so to keep his smirk lifted than in actual amusement. Though really, Mitch, that was a good one.* Probably not that soon. *He countered with a shrug, clenching his back teeth and half-spitting out,* Have to stop wetting your bed first.
Willas: *Charming, weren't they? He took another step forward, shaking his head back and forth over his crossed arms before looking back up. His smirk unmoved, he held a finger up.* Keep making jokes, Stone. *His eyes were still on his, hardly looking to Bridges. Evenly, his smirk tightened only a tad as he continued.* Amuse yourself, you have to be used to that for -- Leah's sitting with me. 
Arthur: *Keeping a hand lifted, the parcels were balanced atop his knee as he nodded, seemingly in accord to his remark as he whistled,* Phew. Knew you were crazy, but mentioning her...*He tossed the parcels up to show he understood Mitchell juggling: one, two, three.* 
Mitchell: *Arrow in between his eyes. Mitchell could picture it even then, as easily as he saw everything else. Smirking still, though his glare hardened, he shifted his weight onto foot and the tilted his head* Huh, and she manages to keep her food down near such a disgusting sight? Oh! Of course, she doesn't eat around you, just keeps sipping that wine. Personally, I'd need something a lot stronger to ignore your repulsive self. *As he talked he made sure to move the parcels in his hand to a better position. He had to distract the other two guards as well though* How about them? Are they invited to these illustrious dinners? *he raises an eyebrow* Or do they help you afterwards? Who holds the bollocks and who wipes his arse, fellas?
Willas: *He knew he should focus on where Stone was walking, what his hands were doing -- so uncivilized a way of fighting, honestly, yet part of him was distracted. Leah actually had accepted his invitations for an evening drink more readily. But she spent dinner with her comrades, when not on patrol...Stone was just spewing words now, jealous. It would serve him better to say nothing, Stone's words were not worth his time. He scowled.*
Arthur: *He cupped his ear, smirk dropping open.* Eh? What was that? Mitchell, I think you've stumped him. Maybe smaller words?
Willas: *He clenched his teeth, finally looking at Bridges and forcing his words to be light still.* Tell me, how is your sister?
Arthur: *He whistled again, letting out a laugh.* Well, she'll be a lot better when I bring her your head. 
Willas: *Scowl deepening, he didn't look to the guards who had joined them as his frustration finally just burst out, and he yelled,* Take them!  
Arthur: *Sizing up the two guards with a look he realized he recognized one as the man who had brought him whiskey in the cell. He should return the favor then.* Mates! *And he hopped off the barrel with force to kick it over, wood crashing into the stone, sea of scarlet pouring out. There was a pause, for he had to savor the image of wine drenching that fine and fancy outfit of Willas', before he scampered. He darted, zipping into the crowd, leaping over stalls, behind racks of spices that made his mouth water even at high speed, through one person's sheet he was nearly tangled in and at one point up against the back of Bertha. It was a decent hiding place until her frying pan came out and he ducked again. Arrows were whizzing over his shoulder, but Arthur kept his self focused, stopping dead cold in front of Lucy again.* Hello, luv. *Seeing now who she stood beside -- well, who had actually grabbed her waist to pull her in protectively -- Arthur just laughed, tipped his head at Rick as if he was tipping a hat, and pushed one of his parcels into Lucy's hands.*
Lucy: Arthur Daniel Brid--
Arthur: *He was off again before she'd had time to finish, though he heard over his shoulder 'Look out!' and was much obliged. Bertha's frying pan was preferable to Gregor if he saw Arthur tumble into Alice.*
Mitchell: *Tyrelion's way of taunting was such a cowardly play. Stabbing at the point that hurt them the most- oh how very clever. What that bastard didn't realize was that a reminder of Karyn to Arthur, or of Leah to him, wasn't a distraction, it was a focus point. But seeing as how Tyrelion had no one in his life, he wouldn't understand. Oh, he almost said that out loud too. But the time was getting near, any second now...any second now...aha! He threw the parcels of food at their groins with a little help from magic of course, and picked up the bag of food, swinging it around to knock them away before hurrying off, making sure to keep Arthur in his sights. He threw the food up in the air, towards the children, the women, the shopkeepers, random passerbyers, his mother- his mother?!*
Arleen: Mitchell!!
Mitchell: Can't talk mum *he blew her a kiss and kept flinging the food behind him, throwing the bag behind him too towards the guards. Swerving around, he pulled three arrows from his quiver.* This one's for you, Ben! *pulling them back, he aims the three arrows at one of the carts and release. The three arrows hit the wedge keeping a cabinet like door open, sending piles of beads and jewelry scattering, making one of the guards slip and fall* I'll pay for that next time! *He slipped the bow over his back again and darted, but not quick enough. Pain ripped up his arm, causing him to stumble as he ran, catching himself before he fell. Turning to look, he cursed as he saw an arrow sticking out of his arm. Ripping it off with another yell, he threw the arrow on the ground furiously and ignoring the bleeding, ran to Arthur, grabbing the man's shirt* Let's go! 
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter twenty-eight: 9} leah & willas.
Willas: Milady Weston!
Leah: *Oh, how she hated that name. Stopping dead in the corridor, she wrinkled her nose. Not a part of it was hers - the title inaccurate, for she had been knighted, and the surname belonged to a father she didn’t know or consider such. Irritation coupled with fear struck her lips in a frown. It had been too much to hope for that she could just have gotten to the forest, clearly. She’d thought that perhaps, as the court was still in such disarray, the town a mess, her father had been conspicuously silent…but no, that was apparently just a sign she had pushed her luck too far. Hearing the footsteps slowing, she straightened, insistently. She knew his proclivity to creeping up behind her, and it was for that reason alone she forced herself to smile and spin around, words bright and false,* I thought I told you.
Willas: *He frowns, stopping dead - but not far enough away for Leah’s liking. As an eyebrow arches slowly with his obvious suspicion, she cuts him off,*
Leah: It’s Leah. Just Leah. *She drops her hands behind her back, cuffing her wrist as she looks at him. How he could not see behind her smile, she did not know: it was false and as sickened as the Sheriff’s show had been. Yet it must have worked, for he smiled himself, oddly honest. Her gut twisted.*
Willas: Ah, yes. Leah. Forgive me, it’s just -
Leah: Forgiven. *Then she cut herself off, mentally chiding: Impatience will just jeopardize all you’ve worked for.*
Willas: *Brows furrowing, but he nods slightly, taking another step closer,* I only wanted to see you were all right.
Leah: *drily* I’m fine. 
Willas: You ran so quickly…
Leah: *Yes, she thinks, to run from you. But she cannot say this, so she looks over his shoulder instead, biting her lip.* 
Willas: *Another step.* The midday’s events…they seemed to have upset you.
Leah: Willas, please. *She takes a step back from him, breath fluttery, relieved to see that stops him.* It is very kind of you to come after me, but I just wish to be alone, truly. You’re right, I am distressed. A man was killed for the crime of aiding his son. I am distressed to think - when I know how far my father would go to save me - 
Willas: Ah. *His lips curl in the corners, in what she assumes is meant to be a reassuring smile but fails miserably.* Leah, I assure you, your father is not in danger.
Leah: *Her wide eyes narrow at that and she stops looking over his shoulder, ceases planning her route of escape. It was the closest thing to admittance of knowledge behind these groups that she had yet heard, and her eyebrow rose slowly, asking in what she hoped was a softer sounding plea despite the flare of anger in her heart,* How can you be sure?
Willas: *Smile flicks up again and he takes another step.* Because, assuming the esteemed Lord Brackner has ever any need, which I already doubt - considering both his standing, prowess with a sword and views- I’ll protect him.
Leah: *So distracted, for a moment she doesn’t realize his step.* His views?  *When she does realize it, her gut twists to realize she cannot back up again - cannot make him further suspicious.* How could those protect him?
Willas: *considers for a moment how to put it*
Leah: *He wants more to put her at ease than to be careful - she can see it, so though it churns her stomach, she lets him take her hand and drops her gaze to that instead. It was easier to look there, to feign pleading that way,* Willas, if you know something, please…
Willas: *Her tiny plead seems to break something in his jaw and he nods, saying instantly* Your father opposes the abomination of a law change, Leah -
Leah: *She flinches honestly, disliking legitimately every word in his sentence and wanting to slap him, not hold his hand.*
Willas: - He is hardly a target.
Leah: A target? *She lifts her eyes to his, now hoping the curiosity in her eyes will hide the disgust and suspicion: they were already damn sure Willas was part of the group, since Arthur informed her it was he who offered the ‘deal.’ She needed more; evidence, for Willas to lead her to the others…she was certain she could get it. Words slipped free, while she thought determinedly of a sunny lake, of strawberries, of Mitchell.* A target for whom? Isn’t he in danger from the muggleborns then? 
Willas: *Squeezing her hand, he shakes his head.* As I said, in the unthinkable instance that he could not defend himself - I would.
Leah: *She breathed out. In, and out. * Thank you, m’lor—
Willas: Willas, please dear.
Leah: *Thinking of a sunny lake, with strawberries, and Mitchell.* Thank you, Willas. But…he is not a target for who, then?
Willas: Never you mind. *He shakes his head simply, same twisted smile in place.* I have everything under control. Please — I want to take care of you, Leah.
Leah: *Lake, strawberries, Mitchell - and he was topless. That made her smile honest.* I I— am flattered, Willas.
Willas: *tiniest frown* Flattered.
Leah: Willas, please. *She tugs her hand free, hoping she looks softer.* This is not the day.  A man was killed, my family disgraced—
Willas: Of course. *His expression cleared, holding a hand up and then - cupping her cheek* I apologize. It would be inappropriate. Please forgive me. 
Leah: *If he didn’t remove his hand soon, he was being forgiven with a sword in his stomach. But she forced a fluttery smile across her lips and nodded,* There’s nothing to forgive. It is always lovely to hear one cares for another, Willas. Yet if you truly care for my well-being - *She reaches for his wrist to gently take his hand off, trying to ignore how rough his fingers were stroking her jawline,* - please, I wish to be alone for the evening.
Willas: *He lets her go at once, stepping back conciliatory, looking all together too pleased with himself in her opinion.* Of course, dear.
Leah: *Lord almighty, she missed ‘Milady Weston.’* Thank you, Willas. You are most kind. *Sick. She was making herself sick.*
Willas: Soon? *He could not seem to help himself from asking.*
Leah: *Nodding once, she felt her stomach fall out. No, no she did not want to discuss this with him at all — not ever. So she said nothing; it was a lie of omission, she thought, but she couldn’t bring herself to lie any more than that when every fiber of her being was restraining from killing him at this moment. He would deserve it, the bastard, and she’d let him touch her — but! She tried to focus on the brighter side; his infatuation finally was proving useful, he had the information she was looking for…and he’d admitted it. She smiled easier now only as she stepped away from him, breathing returned now that she was not preoccupied thinking of slamming the scabbard into his stomach, or at least slap that smarmy grin off his face. Willas was the reason at the very least Daniel was dead - and she’d bet her life responsible for more. Actually, that was exactly what she was doing: betting her life, and she knew flatly she’d do it every day until justice was found. 
But now, as she rounded the corner, pressed her necklace into her palm and disapparated - she could think only of Mitchell, how much she loved him, and how much she needed him.*  
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter twenty-four: 7} arthur, willas
“Annemarie?” Smack! Of course it would earn that. Arthur only laughed, a bitter sound in the echoing stone chamber. “Ah, it is Annemarie! Luv, I’m sorry I haven’t been by, swear it isn’t my fault this time! Honest, I’ve been all tied up…” Raw wrists scraped against metal as he shifted, but he would not wince. It took more effort anyway, showing pain and discomfort required movement. Smirk lighting itself on his lips, he twisted his head slowly to look at the man who had hissed in his ear, hot and disgusting. It awoke him from an all too pleasant dream. That little flower dress she had, blue - no, she would correct him, indigo, as if that wasn’t a shade of blue - haunted his mind’s eye. “You think you are so funny, don’t you Arthur?” He snorted, eyes rolling to the sky. Well, he thought it was the sky. It looked a bit more like the stone ceiling, grimy and dirty, but he thought the gesture counted. It was a prayer, desperate and silent. God, what had he done to deserve this? Maybe God didn’t answer prayers delivered to stone ceilings, maybe it was an only-open-air-policy. “I’m hilarious.” Arthur bit back bitter, letting his eyes shut. She’d had ribbons in her hair, loose for once, like it had been that day, dancing around the May Pole. “Not my fault you ain’t got a sense of humor.” Had Arthur’s eyes been opened, the sudden smirk on Tyrelion’s lips would have turned his stomach. Straightening against the pole, twisting and scratching his hands at the wood behind him, he knocked dirty hair back into it. Did the bastard have to stand so close? Lord, he’d heard of kinks before, but this was a whole new level of twisted. The ability to say so aloud was stolen with his air, as he heard what Willas whispered in his ear, “Now, is that anyway to treat someone who’s here to help you?” Deal time, then. Excellent. That magic door thing in the wall the heir had left was calling to him, hunger twisting his stomach. Granted he’d have to find a way to hold on to the appetite after the punishment for refusing their deal, but he thought he could manage. Hunger was a hard beast to slay. “You, help me.” Arthur echoed, tilting his head away from the sneering lips. Then he laughed. “Ah see, you had to go prove me wrong didn’t you?! Nice one, hilarious really…” The smack expected, Arthur reflected his sister might have had a point when she said he was masochistic. Leather sticking to his skin as Willas grabbed, his gloved hands pressed into his sallow cheeks and gripped his throat. The man leaned in, breath foul as it struck his nose. There lips were hardly three inches apart. Now that just wasn’t right. “Funny. Always so funny, always so clever…that’s why Stone keeps you around, isn’t it?” Arthur’s eyes narrowed, tempted to spit. “Why does the sheriff keep you? Your sunshine personality?” The black leather sunk harder into his throat, crushing the wind pipe. Man couldn’t take a jibe. He’d been right, no sense of humor, none. If he gave a damn, Arthur might even have shed a tear at the terrible shame for his miserable life. But his wrists hurt. Blood chased down his forearm, adding more to the floor he’d been personally helping to paint. Wasn’t he a good Samaritan? Free of charge even! “Now as I recall,” Willas’ lips twisted in a smirk unpleasant, “You were telling me how you were just an innocent bystander, the last time.” The last time he’d chained him to this godforsaken pole, Willas meant. Arthur bristled at the tone, casual like one would discuss tea time or the weather. Sure, tea time with blood in their little porcelain cups and flakes of his skin for crumpet seasoning. Charming, weren’t nobles? “That’s right.” He answered proudly, “Innocent bystander. My crime, as you call it, happens to be existing.” Willas tutted, “That isn’t fair.” That surprised Arthur. Thrown a moment, his eyes fluttered, breathy. “Didn’t anyone tell you life ain’t fair, noble?” Bastard. It was for him, obviously, Willas had probably been handed everything his life. “Innocent bystander, while your friend Stone tells you to rob and pillage, the reward being a cold bed on the ground with rocks for pillows?” Better than this hell, Arthur thought. His eyes said it, wary of where Willas went with this. “Not fair. Why should you be burdened with his crimes? Why should you fall on the sword?” Arthur lifted his chin. “I’m proud to.” There was a squeak of hinges, and his inspired retort was cut short as he saw who was dragged in the room, discarded on the floor. Arthur blanched, the burden of his bruises suddenly meaningless as he struggled to yank free of the pole. He had expected another slap, maybe a poke from that fire-rod thing into his gut, a brand or mark, some humiliation or attempts at jibes. He had not expected his father. “Dad — ” The gasp that left Arthur’s throat lost all forms of bitter mirth. In it’s place was a desperation. He jabbed his elbow back, and now he did spit at Willas. “You monster- let him go! He’s done nothing!” Daniel Bridges was tied with rope, not metal, but his visage was worse than his son, weary with age. Tear tracks were streamed in the dirt on his cheek, as he pulled himself to his knees and shook his head at Arthur, telling him stiffly not to listen - not to do anything - but as Willas leaned to whisper in his ear, how could he not listen? “Don’t fret, Arthur. Your father’s just…insurance. We’ll keep him safe for you, that guest room over there, charmed just like yours. He’ll be set free, just as I’m setting you free.” No way he had heard that right, Arthur thought even as he heard the distinct slide of a key into the cuff at his wrist. One chain came free, hand falling forward, arm made heavy with exhaustion. He stiffened his bottom lip, saying nothing, eyes on his father. Charmed just like yours…he knew what that meant too. The cell could not be opened by keys alone— it required magic. And there were wards preventing magic use by anyone not of the Faye bloodline in the whole of the dungeon. “Your door will remain open after I leave, there’s only one guard outside. Knock him out, set yourself free.” His father was shaking his head at him, and he let out a quiet, “Dad…” It was the only whimper he could allow himself. ” Of course, if you choose to leave us without…returning our favor, your father will hang for his treason in a day’s time at noon.” But that wasn’t what stopped Arthur’s heart. He’d expected that from the word “insurance,” they couldn’t get Karyn, so they were using his father. Bleeding monsters, the lot of them, but what did he expect? The whisper next hissed into his ear, breath tickling and caressing his cheek, turned his blood cold. “You can save him, Arthur. And all you have to do…is kill Mitchell Stone.”
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter fourteen: 10} willas & leah
Leah: --and it was pouring rain, so Katharine was of course furious with Charles and Jane as her dress was absolutely ruined, but. *Her eyes were narrowed despite her otherwise carefree attitude. With a shoulder shrug, a high laugh and a smile, she finished,* All was forgiven that night, of course, when there were chocolates involved. It's hard to stay mad at them for long, of course. Siblings and friends...well, you know how it goes, I'm sure. *Her hand flapped, and she pretended to take another sip of her glass, instead muttering a charm to vanish the wine. This he didn't hear. But of course he did not: she was still nursing her first glass, and he was well through his fourth. With eyes stuck on her lips, she knew he was only half listening and was merely glad his gaze did not move lower.* 
Willas: *The story was amusing (at least what he had heard of it; her free hand was twisting through her hair, and when she laughed she exposed a pink, soft tantalizing throat)--something about Katharine being lured out by her siblings pretending to be her fiancee ages ago. That wasn't the point. Her laugh caused him to laugh, but at the question he shook his head without caring; his suspicion of their game of questions long passed after questions had included favorite color, their most boring class in Hogwarts, and her chatting for ages about what going to India might be like.* I am afraid I do not. I have no siblings, milady. 
Leah: *It was hard to repress a sudden, triumphal grin at that, forcing surprise to her face: her eyes only went wide because she wanted them to.* Oh, I know that, but friends--surely...
Willas: *Almost abashed all of a sudden (he looked down, biting his bottom lip, thinking again he wished it was not so easy for her to disarm him, make him feel inadequate), he shrugged a shoulder.* I suppose.
Leah: *Blinking a few times, she asked off-hand, purposefully ignoring her real interest in his answer.* You suppose? Well, who is your best friend, my lord?
Willas: *Her question surprised him. He fell silent, a frown crossing his lips as he considered--but when he met her hopeful expression again, he sighed and shrugged once more.* I don't believe I think of it that way.
Leah: *Unhelpful. Trying again, she added with a convincing disbelieving chuckle,* What?! Oh, everyone has a best friend, Willas. *Her hand went to lay on his arm.* Please?
Willas: *He laughed at her apparent disbelief, amused with it, charmed into responding* I suppose Joffrey and I have known each other a long time.
Leah: Joffrey Cox? *Her eyes went over his shoulder (and her hand lowered) immediately. Watching Joffrey & his wife dance for a moment, she bit her lip, and now took a real sip. Finally, they were getting somewhere. Her face was hurting with the forced, faked smiles.* 
Willas: *Had only 'mhmed' in response, his gaze still on her hand on his arm, until she lowered it, and then he caught her hand.* 
Leah: *stiffening naturally as he took her hand, she tried to dispel her internal revulsion with a swallow and met his eyes again, saying through her fluttery breath--oh please, please let him think the flutters were because of nerves and not disgust* You must let me hang out with you both, my lord. I would love to be around your friends.
Willas: *His brows furrowed; he was not so far gone on watered-down wine to ignore the potential danger with that, but surely there was a way he could honor her request without placing them all at risk...* Perhaps another time. Now, I must insist-
Leah: *He had made his questions for her 'may i have this dance' at least four times by now, and she knew by his frown she was not going to get another helpful answer out of him. Goddammit. No more putting this off, then. She accepted his invitation to dance, but as she spun around the floor with him--she had made eyes over his shoulder at George as much as possible, until he had gotten the hint and cut in, sweeping her off for an actually enjoyable dance as he had since she was six. Honestly glad to relax and dance with him for the brief break, she allowed herself to genuinely finish the glass of wine, but all along she thought of the seemingly worthless information: Joffrey & Willas were best friends, were they?* 
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter thirteen: 9} the party (leah & willas)
Leah: *Wine was her best friend, she had quickly decided. Sure, they had their difficulties over the last year, some things had been said she hadn't meant (such as swearing off of it for the sake of keeping her head clear at events such as these), and all in all she thought the fault lay in both of them. She graciously had decided to forgive it. Wishing she could be wearing her armor or at least her sword, she was comforted by the three hidden knives, her wand, and the wine clasped tight in hand.*
Willas: *He had clapped as he was meant to, but his eyes never left the woman beside him; trailing over the low-cut sky-blue dress in appreciation before she met his gaze once more.* May I extend my sincere appreciation for your acceptance tonight?
Leah: You've already said, my lord. *Her words were gracious and polite: there was no trace of her innate exasperation. Of course, at this moment, the wine was not her friend for it's calming effects. She was working. Every major family was represented here tonight, alongside their would-be targets, if she could figure out who the traitorous, murderous bastards were. So the wine served to loosen other's tongues, while she held the same goblet and pretended to drink it down.* The pleasure is mine, I assure you. *For the cover you provide.*
Willas: *Taking a sip of his own goblet, his gaze flicked over her shoulder a moment only as he spotted the nod, and then stayed locked on Leah. Whatever else tonight was--and it was an important night by all accounts--he intended to be right by her side through it. Warmed by her words, he tilted his head slowly* I admit I had almost given up hope, milady. 
Leah: *Oh, that you would. No, wait, she couldn't say that out loud. Her lips flicked into an honest smile as she said lightly* There was no need for worry. It may have taken unpleasant circumstances to open my eyes, Willas, but I appreciate the view they have given me of those I previously scorned. It is I who should apologize...
Willas: There is no need for that. *immediate; gracious, after another sip of his goblet* 
Leah: I believe there is. *simply* For I am afraid, I still do not quite understand all of the latest events and would crave further explanations. 
Willas: *his brows merely furrow* As would we all; there is no explanation for their depravity.
Leah: *an eyebrow arches* Depravity. Hmm. Yes, on that we agree. 
Willas: I would hope we agree on further than that, Leah.
Leah: *bristling internally simply because he said her name, but she smiles sweetly* Then you shall have to inquire further, my lord. Ask me anything.  
Willas: *lips flick up* Anything?
Leah: *nods, with a sweet, calculated laugh to make her eyelids flutter* If you permit me to ask the same of you.
Willas: *hesitating*
Leah: *with a sway* Is it not only fair, Willas?
Willas: *a reluctant, sheepish smile crosses his lips and he chuckles under his breath and only nods* And I believe ladies first.
Leah: *Allowing a triumphant smile to cross her lips, she fakes another sip to get him to drink more of his own. The more he drank, the more she could ask, she knew. God, though. This was almost too easy. Men, sometimes.* 
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fycourtera · 13 years
{chapter ten: 2} leah/damocles/willas
Willas: —but sire—
Damocles: Lord Tyrelion. *dropping a hand and resting it on the chair* Just—let me first make sure I understand you properly. Mitchell Stone broke into your house.
Leah: *is standing behind Willas, her hands curled around the chair in the council room, and at the tone in her uncles voice she has her eyes cast down at the floor, lips pressed very tightly together*
Damocles: He did not hurt anyone, just took some of your possessions. *nodding* The goal seeming to be handing out the gains to his family and others in need in town. You faced him, but he got away. And now you come to me expecting I can do…what?
Willas: *jawline tight* With all due respect, my lord, he continues to flout your laws—
Leah: *under her breath* To feed his family.
Willas: *not hearing her* —disrupt the peace, steal from your loyal subjects—
Damocles: *had heard Leah, and shot her a look, only half listening to Willas now*
Willas: —he’s a public menace!
Damocles: *pressing his lips together at that and his gaze goes back to Willas* …I am not unsympathetic to your losses here, Willas. *nodding and saying firmly* I am aware of the clear security risks.
Leah: *drily, still under her breath, eyes casting up to Willas* Perhaps if you did not hire drunks. *saying helpfully with a little wry smile*
Willas: *looking at her with incredulous anger* You’re suggesting this is my fault?
Leah: No. *immediately* Merely suggesting that if you’re missing alcohol, my lord, perhaps you should check with your guards.
Damocles: *forced to turn away to hide his instant smile, saying pointedly and only after a moment* Thank you, Leah.
Leah: *shrugs a shoulder, looking back at the ground with a small smile*
Willas: My lord—
Damocles: *exasperated sigh* What do you wish me to do? I already have men looking for him, and his accomplices. I want him found perhaps more than you do.
Willas: *his eyes narrowing* Lord Faye. This man has—
Damocles: *his own jaw in a hard line* I am aware of the allegations.
Willas: Allegations?!—
Damocles: And I must admit it is hard to reconcile that man with one whose recent crimes seem more focused on charity than revenge.
Leah: *muttered in sarcastic distaste* Crimes.
Damocles: *eyes dart at her again*
Willas: *over it, not noticing Leah’s remark again* He is laughing in your face.
Damocles: Actually it seemed he was laughing at yours.
Willas: My lord-*incredulous face of anger*-
Damocles: I apologize—that was uncalled for. *exhales* I merely don’t know what it is you’re looking for me to do. If you have information about where I can find him, that I am happy to hear. Otherwise…
Willas: *tensely* If you would authorize—
Damocles: No. *firmly, all traces of good humor gone* I will not. Whatever his crimes, he will stand trial for them, I won’t hear otherwise.
Leah: Willas, I was in town earlier. *as he turns to look at her; her words are polite and clearly meant to calm him down* I believe a few of the traders passing through today have your lost property—you can recover most of it.
Willas: *his head comes up as he regards her with a half-frown*
Damocles: *mouthed a ‘thank you’ at his niece before turning back to the window, still frowning to himself—he knew perfectly well what Willas had been about to suggest, and the use of such force would not be tolerated. He wanted Mitchell to stand trial, not be killed in the capture—more than that, he knew he wanted to believe Mitchell was innocent, even if he did reluctantly agree this wasn’t helping things.*
Willas: *is still frowning at Leah* That is hardly the point—
Leah: *nodding* I know. I merely sought to help.
Willas: I do not need placating.
Leah: *lips flick, as she swallows a remark back and looks back down with her hands behind her* I didn’t say you did—I merely dislike seeing you upset, my lord.
Damocles: *stifles a snort, still looking determinedly out the window*
Willas: *nodding after a second, and then saying ‘graciously’* I apologize, Leah. My attitude was unkind.
Leah: *looking back up with a little smile crossing her lips* It’s all right, I understand. Mitchell got away. *suppressing a smile*
Willas: He was lucky—
Leah: *looking convincingly sympathetic now* Are you hurt?
Willas: *tight* I am fine-
Leah: I’m glad. Then perhaps my uncle can get back to work?
Willas: *he frowns and then after a few moments he just nods and looks back at Damocles, saying firmly—and clearly challengingly* I will trust you to defend us, my lord.
Damocles: *eyes narrow and says snappishly* I am well aware of what I am defending, Willas. *waiting until he leaves and then turns back to his niece, shaking his head* Leah.
Leah: *looks back around* Did I say anything incorrect?
Damocles: You were—*exhales* …smug. Are, smug.
Leah: Smug? *her head lifts up* I can apologize for that and cease doing it at once. *now shaking her head* Mitchell is still being accused of—
Damocles: *exhales* Leah—
Leah: *frowns* But of course, you don’t want to argue.
Damocles: I’d rather not, no. *exhales*
Leah: *waits a moment and says softly* …were you serious?
Damocles: Serious about what?
Leah: You want him found more so that—
Damocles: I haven’t lied about that, Leah. *honestly still looking at her* I want a trial-
Leah: You want him to be innocent.
Damocles: *he looks at her for a long, long time and then just barely, his head shakes into a nod*
Leah: *smiles softly* …he’s Rowland’s brother.
Damocles: *nods again, and he turns back to the window, his smile sad and distant*
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fycourtera · 13 years
{chapter six: 2} willas & leah
Leah: *Exiting her uncle’s study, she’s breathing difficultly and rubbing her forehead: a hundred and one different thoughts running across her mind. After leaving Mitchell (reluctantly, very reluctantly) she had done precisely as he asked. She had gone to his sister and told her his words of comfort verbatim (with her own simple addition of saying she believed in him too); she had gone to Arthur’s father and sister, to Kenneth’s entire family, repeating the messages they gave her to give them as much peace as she could. Of course Karyn had proceeded to bend her ear for details about where they were—how she could find them, questions Leah didn’t answer, for luckily the one real brilliant thing about the spell on her necklace meant she had no idea where they were. But she could always find them. She had gotten away from Karyn with the simple promise: that she intended on going straight to her uncle and informing him of his folly. Except by the time she left the Bridges, she had realized how late it was: that Jane could only have feasibly covered for her for so long, and reluctantly gone home.
At this precise moment, Leah thought sternly—put politely, she thought, considering how she might truly think it—she and her father were…no longer on speaking terms.
Damocles had not received her yet that morning. Shunted from adviser to adviser, all she was told repeatedly was polite (and wary, for almost everyone seemed at least a bit frightened of her) explanations of how busy he was with “preparations,” how invested he was in solving this case and bringing the “monsters responsible to justice.” It sickened her when she realized the plural—that overnight the disappearance of Arthur and Kenneth seemed to have condemned them as well. Pacing outside her uncle’s study, she was thirty seconds away from demanding entry when she heard a gruff and surprised voice make her turn*
Willas: Milady? *dressed in his usual black, his brows are furrowed as he takes in her harried and angry demeanor—which seems to fall on noticing him (he noted that pleased, if confused)*
Leah: *despite being less than thrilled to hear his voice, she looked around at the title and thought she successfully rearranged her face into some semblance of a calm expression. That would have to do for now. She could summon up anything to make her look pleased. Biting her bottom lip, she said quietly-hesitantly.* Willas. *tiny pause, seeming to remember* My lord. *inclines her head as an after thought, rather shallow, and then says complacently* If you were looking for an audience with my uncle, he is apparently indisposed.
Willas: *his brows had furrowed as she half-fumbled her way through the display of courtesy, he didn’t find anything strange about it. Leah was hardly usually the picture of etiquette, and he (unfortunately) was perfectly aware of why she might be upset that morning. He speaks in a voice of concern,* Ah—well, I would not wish to intrude upon him then, not if you need to speak with him first.
Leah: *she waits a moment, uncomfortable by the courtesy, not buying that he would do so simply “for her sake”—as she rather knew Willas didn’t do anything that would not benefit him. Of course, if he thought the benefit was her goodwill—well, that was just never going to be his. Yet a smile crosses her lips effortlessly.* Thank you. *sweetly, innocently* I do wish to speak with him. 
Willas: *nodded, taking a step closer to her, not noticing how she stiffens* If he is so busy…*he bites his lips, near fumbling a moment* Perhaps I might listen? If you would permit me, I might help instead.
Leah: *her brow flicks up once, finding the statement odd; she lifts one hand to rest against her chest, partially to silence her heart, partially to rest atop the hidden necklace* That is very kind of you, Willas. I am afraid it is a matter my uncle must hear regardless.
Willas: *an eyebrow arch* Yet if it troubles you…
Leah: Quite a bit troubles me at the moment. *unable to help herself; scowling* It has for many weeks and then yesterday…*her nose screws up*
Willas: *another step closer; seems to wrestle with himself a moment* The events of yesterday were…
Leah: *cutting him off* There is no word strong enough for the atrocity, Willas. Do not trouble yourself attempting to find one.
Willas: I would like to find a way to put your mind at ease.
Leah: For that, a home would need to still be standing. *snapped* Wyatt and Brianna would need to be alive. *toying with the top of her dress with a tiny bitter laugh, then says a bit gentler* I would apologize for the harsh tone of my words, my lord—but I think my ire is understandable.
Willas: *slowly* It is. *he tilts his head, now leaning against the wall near her* Leah, I am aware you have not…accepted the depth of my interest in getting acquainted with you-
Leah: *both eyebrows arch in unison, looking up at him, frankly appalled* Willas, please-now is—
Willas: -nor my genuine desire for your well-being.
Leah: *wrinkles her nose; feeling a bit as though there’s an arrow in her heart all of a sudden, bothered by it*
Willas: *he presses his lips together, looking at her, but when she doesn’t interject he continues a bit more hopeful* But I do know more than I believe you are aware.
Leah: *eyes now narrow*
Willas: *earnestly* I know this must be upsetting for you. If you permit me, I truly would like to help.
Leah: What is you think you know, my lord? *quietly, politely; he misses the obvious challenge in her eyes*
Willas: You were there. *calmly* I cannot imagine what it was like to view—
Leah: *sweet* No, you cannot, for you did not go with my uncle and the knights when the alarm called.
Willas: *missing the slight* And I know that you and Stone…*pause*…are well-acquainted with one another.
Leah: *brow arches higher*
Willas: I know you must be feeling…very betrayed, to learn that he is capable of this…to learn who he really is.
Leah: *mouth drops open, frankly about a heartbeat from snapping that Mitchell is innocent, when it occurs to her she has no idea how he knew she was Mitchell’s…friend (the word bothered her, but every label bothered her; this wasn’t important right now). While it wasn’t as though it was a perfectly kept secret—she did after all go visit him frequently on trips in town, see him publicly at functions on occasion, and at least her sisters and his entire family—not to mention Arthur, his family, and Rhett knew of their friendship. Yet she had kept it out of court gossip, never let it be more than a rumor in town and something her sisters bothered her about: her brother did not know, her father certainly didn’t know. What was more, the look on Willas’ face as he waited for a response was bewildering. She tried to think what it was: inquisitive? Wary? As if he suspected her? So she shut her mouth once more, thinking another few seconds. It was as though he was testing her, she thought.* Whatever such close acquaintance existed, *her words are nearly cold,* it certainly has ceased to exist now. I do not make a habit of befriending murderers, Willas.
Willas: *nodding, pleased* Of course. I meant only to offer my sympathy. And to say I am sure it was not your fault.
Leah: *It was the right answer, she thought aggravated. Willas wanted to hear she would have nothing more to do with Mitchell; she saw no reason to trouble him with the truth. Quite the opposite. If she was to help Mitchell discover who was really behind this, she needed people at court—she realized—to think of her as on their side, to trust her.* That I might have been tricked into being his friend? *If this is war, she thinks, Then he needs to believe I am an ally, mistakenly. She exhales, saying complacently, watching him quite closely* He is muggleborn, Willas. I am sure he had me hoodwinked.
Willas: *with a bit of surprise—though an undeniably smug look* I was under the impression you supported Lord Faye’s new legislation, milady. You have been…very vehement in it’s defense.
Leah: *That’s my big mouth, she thought annoyed, but said simply* Insofar as I believe you should respect your sovereign, my lord. And besides, that was before I suffered this betrayal at the hands of one. 
Willas: *now with a clear—and she knew, undeniably delighted smirk* Of course. Understandable.
Leah: *mms* Of course, *looks at him calmly* I would prefer not to think about him, nor discuss him. *eyes narrow slightly* At least until he is on trial.
Willas: If he gets there. *muttered it*
Leah: *eyes narrow, snapping* But of course he will. The process of law cannot be ignored, or we will lose all sense of being a civilized society. He must have a trial; surely we will not lose our humanity because of the alleged actions of one man?
Willas: Alleged?
Leah: It must be a fair trial. *without hesitation*
Willas: But when we are dealing with—
Leah: *not bearing to hearing insults that aren’t coming from her own lips, where she knows they’re sarcastic and lies* Or we prove ourselves the hypocritical, barbaric monsters don’t we?
Willas: I suppose. *is looking at her confused again* Still—I will rest easier, Leah, when he is captured then—when you and others, but in particular you, are no longer at risk from him.
Leah: *Glaring can hardly be mistaken for a gesture of good intent, Leah thinks calmly, the words her uncle had taught her all those years ago. But a smile…* Please do not fret, Willas. I will find out all the details—all of them (pointedly) of what happened, and I will insure justice is upheld. *a tiny smile crosses her lips* 
Willas: *a bit of unease crosses his mind, but nothing shows on his face before taking a step back from her; he nods*
Leah: Now if you’ll excuse me…I think my uncle may see me now. Willas. *tinier head nod and she leaves*
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courtera · 13 years
BECAUSE I LOVE THEM TOO MUCH OKAY?! Dear Ama, I worked overtime to only use clips of things you've seen. There are like, two, scenes that you haven't seen in the show but I'd giffed so, you know, I just left the context out and all you see is what you saw in the .gif/graphic. And there's only one quote from a future episode BUT all it was, was them quoting each other again so, you know, I think it's fair: it's nothing new!! # this is how much i love you xD
#I guess I'll just HAVE to make another video for them when you've seen it all!!
#you'll twist my arm, i know it. ahem. XD
#probably to the original song that i swapped after hearing this one and realizing how viddable it is. plus the other song makes me emotional. ahem.
There's no story yet, cause we don't really know enough of their to come drama besides Willas, and the bare bones of him becoming an outlaw, so, you know, the story is basically: THESE TWO ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER. FOR ALWAYS. They're just stubborn as hell and like hitting each other, teasing each other, and telling each other to shut up; Leah gets jealous of you know, basically every woman Mitchell walks by and looks at for longer than two seconds; Mitchell blames the universe (*waves*) for Willas' existence; they refuse to call each other anything but best friends, except they happen to snog all. the. time (every single scene!);  And to Mitchell's "One of these days she's gonna meet a lord, he won't be a buffoon, they'll get along, he'll win her over, they'll get married, and have lots of noble babies that hate embroidery and can sword fight./It can happen. Love happens." , in the beautiful words of Esther: IT ALREADY HAS HAPPENED YOU DIMWIT. *headshake* You two have successfully ruined the opposite gender for each other. And you don't even know it. WE WILL FIND A WAY FOR THEM TO BE TOGETHER! #end story. CAST: Mitchell Stone- Jonas Armstrong Leah Weston - Lucy Griffiths QUOTES: Leah: Thank you. I do not know how to thank you. Mitchell: You'll think of something. Mitchell: Everything we do is a choice. Mitchell: Yes, my love? Leah: GET ME DOWN! Mitchell: I have never lied to you. Leah: We have never once spoken the truth to one another. Mitchell: Because we should be together! Mitchell: No, just, for once, just listen to me! Leah: I have to go back! Mitchell: I can't protect you- Leah: Two minutes ago I thought you were dead and I would have given anything for another chance to be with you- Mitchell: Well then take that chance! Leah: Inside us we both know we belong together. Mitchell: England needs me- Leah: Yes! England needs us. Mitchell: And I need you.
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courtera · 13 years
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{part one. because their faces in this scene are too precious}
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