#wilyredandgaleforcegold; sideswipe
princeofdarkmount · 5 years
Hey! I didn't die. So. We can scrap the plans of being me back as a zombie.
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For now anyways.
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dubious-signs · 4 years
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To: Cass
From: Sides
Message: BREAD! =D
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She’s gonna try some right now!!!
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heligooddeals · 5 years
“Sideswipe, you’re...
“You’re something really special. You know that, right? And I don’t mean that in any sarcastic or condescending way. I really mean that. You’re really special. And you’re special because you’re... so full of life. Like the war never even happened with you sometimes. Sure, you’ve got the Autobot badge on, but you don’t act like any other soldier I’ve known - Autobot or Decepticon. Although admittedly I know more ‘Cons than I do ‘Bots, but still.
“You’re happy; Like, genuinely happy and not fake happy, even though you’ve seen and done horrible slag and have the worst luck in the multiverse. You laugh and make jokes that aren’t about murder and death. You love Earth and humans and never talk about killing anybody, for any reason. You make the best of everything if and when you can, and fix whatever you can’t - or at least try to. You trust so easily too. Way too easily, but that’s more our fault than your’s. And you drive me up the wall sometimes, but I still love you.”
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“I... I’m really glad we became friends, Sideswipe. And I’m sorry I’ve caused you so much trouble. If there’s anything I can ever do to help with that please please tell me. Please. Because I would die if I found out you got in trouble over me. You don’t deserve that. And it isn’t right and it isn’t fair for you to get scrapped over my slag.
“I love you, mech. You drive me crazy sometimes but it’s a good kind of crazy. A fun, tiring, mundane, and regular kind of crazy. The kind of crazy I want to keep around for as long as I can. So please, be safe. Be smart. Know that in your spark you’re a good mech, even if someone else made you do bad things. Because if I’m still somehow a good mech then so are you. I refuse to believe you’re anything else.”
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anotherhumanpet · 5 years
There's a knock on the door.
What is his house? The undesignated party house or something?
Whatever. He’s answering it and working up the energy to grumble at whoever’s at the door. Hopefully they won’t be too frightened by the sight of a bruised face.
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divinethemeaning · 5 years
send me  🍸 for a moodboard of our muses
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sometimes you fall into a void lake and make friends with a being that lives outside space and time called Jan
image credits: ? | 2 | 3 | ? | 5 | ? | 7 | 8 | ?
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patternedwings · 6 years
Sides: "So why were you such a dick to Blackguard?" =I
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“If you’re referring to what I think you are, drop it. Neither of you understand the stakes of the situation, and I don’t care to explain them to the likes of you.”
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the-odd-job · 4 years
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@wily-red-and-galeforce-gold & @theredhellion. They finally did the kissy. I (friend)ship them so hard.
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howlingmoonaite · 4 years
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This took way too long to draw but I’m proud of it so...
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primuswhyme · 5 years
It is a very good thing...
TC is being left out of the loop here or he’d be diving into that lake after one wayward lambo.
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(Un)fortunately, while he excels at making highgrade, no one’s going to be developing science crushes on him any time soon.
All the chemistry bullslag is locked up in subprocessor #3.
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sidesizzle-blog · 7 years
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Heckin. I don’t know what I did to deserve this but I can die happy
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princeofdarkmount · 5 years
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wily-red-and-galeforce-gold replied to your post: “[x] | Anyone needs him, he’ll be in the training room going at it...”:
Та же шляпа.
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 Та же шляпа.
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dubious-signs · 5 years
SS Log: Visiting the ReVerse 3
[Part 1] / [Part 2] / [Part 4]
SIC’em - SG!Skywarp (written by @primuswhyme) ProgramThis - Kay (human oc written by @primuswhyme) SnipeHunt - Bluestreak (@speakeasysniper) wanderlvst - Dennis (@anotherhumanpet) SoothsayerTemp - Temperance (@divinethemeaning) Lt.010412 - Lieutenant (@unknownsoldiers)  Menage-a-Trois - SG!Starscream (written by @primuswhyme) Recklessinred - Sideswipe (@wily-red-and-galeforce-gold)
[Context: The aftermath and letting everyone know what happened...]
SIC’em (SG!Skwarp):   
Our apologies for causing so much worry. I would like to inform Kaylynne's and Cass's friends here that they are safe and not much worse for wear. There was an incident. It's been handled.
My thanks for your help in bringing them back safely.
ProgramThis (Kay): 
Yeah we're cool. Sorry for worrying you guys.
Kaylynne you are supposed to be RESTING.
Right, right. Just wanted to back you up, Sky. I'm headed to bed right now.
ProgramThis has logged out 
SnipeHunt (speakeasysniper): 
I helped \o/
wanderlvst (anotherhumanpet): 
Is everyone okay
Fulltilt will need several surgeries to get his shoulder working smoothly again and Soundwave's optics will need some cosmetic replacing along with his visor, but Cass and Kaylynne are mostly just sore with minor bruising and Kaylynne's arm will need a new cast, but that is, to my knowledge, the worst of the injuries.
What happened to Fulltilt and Kaylynne
Does Cass have her phone
I've been trying to call and she didn't pick up which is normal given what happened but
They didn't take it from her did they
Or still have it 
Uhhh he got some bullets in him but nowhere super vital or he would have been dead WAY before we got there lol he'll be fine
SoothsayerTemp (Temperance/divinethemeaning): 
Cass is shaken but not seriously injured from what she said. We told her to get some rest so I don't think she'll be returning anymore calls or texts tonight. But she does still have her phone.
@SnipeHunt is correct. Fulltilt took a long range plasma shot to his rear bumper and a close range shot to his left shoulder joint. Hook informs me it wasn't fatal, but to discourage chase and to leave a message.
Sounds scarier than it is I guess
Kaylynne's arm was broken from a previous misjudged jump and unfortunately Goldbug's hospitality does not include being gentle with healing injuries.
Glad you guys and they're alright
Did Goldbug make it worse
It will need to be reset.
Tell Signs I'm sorry if I scared her with the transforming trick I was kind of in a hurry to get the hell out of dodge and I didn't want to drop her
I will inform her in the morning.
We will escort Cass to the space bridge in the morning @SoothsayerTemp
Thank you. Please let us know if there are any updates we should be aware of.
The next morning… 
Lt.010412 (Lieutenant/unknownsoldiers): 
Seems everyone is safe.
Menage-a-Trois (SG!Starscream):  
Yes. We're seeing off Cass in a little bit.
They slept in, but they needed it.
Humans run on such low battery as it is.
They require more recharge.
Well they did have a rough night.
We're glad they're okay.
They did. Good to know they are safe
Though Cass is still a bit shaken..
Recklessinred (Sideswipe/wily-red-and-galeforce-gold): 
it's good she's resting. Last night was uh not great
thanks for letting us pitch in
Again, thank you for your help Sideswipe.
anytime o7
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heligooddeals · 5 years
It’s hard to be honest and to speak your mind when there’s a hand at your throat and another pulling at your strings, metaphorically and literally speaking, but she tried anyway. In that brief moment where she was truly piloting herself again and could see how horribly wrong everything was she tried and uttered four simple words, hoping that it would be enough to save Sideswipe. Because if it wasn’t then the hands that were pulling at her strings would have made her grab a rotor off her hip and stab him while he was distracted, and that would have likely killed them both on the spot; One literal, the other emotional, and both devastating.
And thankfully it had been enough. It might not have panned out the way she intended but it worked and a dented mask, fractured visor, and busted face were well worth the price of Sideswipe’s safety in her book.
But god it (and everything else on her) hurt when she started to wake up.
Blackguard groaned and tried to move her hand to touch at her face, only to cause a flare up of pain in her shoulder as the joint protested against being moved when it was very much not in a position to be moved. Then she hissed at that and spat out a curse in basic speech, dropping the limb immediately and trying to reach out to it with the other hand when it brushed against something.
And for a brief second everything came to a standstill.
Then, she remembered what that tiny yet inexplicable heavy weight was on her chassis.
“Oh god, Sideswipe!” She cried out, shifting gears with her hand to grab a hold of him and press him down into her chassis, then hold him snugly there while she struggled through the motions of sitting up without any hands. It took a while but once she was upright Blackguard eased back on her grip on Sideswipe and guided him down into her lap, then took one look at him and felt her sparkpulse come to a halt.
His sweater might have been a mess of colors but she could still see the tattered seams, the splotches of her blood and his staining the threads, and the wounds that made those pink stains. “Oh god, Sideswipe.” She repeated through a distressed warble, shifting her hand to cup the side of his face as she hunched over to get a closer look at him. “God. Sideswipe. I-- Are you okay?”
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divinethemeaning · 5 years
Excuse him. He's still giggling about it. :::I-ha I- got all my rocks back.:::
It’s alright, that statement makes Chariot laugh as well. ::I got the piece of metal and cord back. Jan must’ve thought we’d be missing it all. Or maybe they just didn’t want more clutter.::
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patternedwings · 6 years
How is the precious- I mean wife =3c
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She’s fine, although Sideswipe might be fixated on changing that and making her upset all over again so we’ll see how long that lasts.
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