schmerz-jaeger · 2 years
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Nächsten Freitag ist es soweit. Ich darf einen #vortrag bei der @die_pflegenahversorgerin halten zum Thema #Selbstständig #Schmerzfrei Utopie oder reale Option. #Neunkirchen #Ternitz #wimpassing #gloggnitz (hier: Stefan Jäger - Wege aus dem Schmerz) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-pYtMs7nh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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It's a crime that Nick forced the Rise crew to ret-con Cassandra as Rise's Casey Jones, but like...I have to applaud them on how seamlessly they fit in Casey Jr.
He never feels like the token 'invented for the movie' character. His interactions with the fam feel so organic, genuine. Every fic or comic where he's living with the turtles after the movie, it feels like he belongs there. Like he's always been there.
He's a piece of their family they never even realized was missing, and his inclusion only adds to their completeness.
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dateamonster · 7 months
Satsuki apparently isn’t even in sports she just goes home and plays games. New theory the death seers are actually like. Superman clones or smth
im pretty sure its just from running and doing crazy shit all the time like girl is never not in a hurry or climbing a building or kicking down a door or whatever
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
Bakugo wont own up and say he doesn't want to watch scary movies but afterwards he insists on leaving every single light on in the house.
"Shut up I'm testing the electricity." "Sure thing babe, and you're paying the bill for it too. wimpass"
This is SO cute he must be protected at all costs. He clings a little tighter to you that night, claims it’s to protect you but really he just needs the comfort to nod off😫😭
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tylorhateclub · 19 days
IKR what does he even do?? stupid ass cunt …
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queencryo · 5 months
@anon trying to scaremonger about some art account: go fuck yourself, i dont care. put your name on your wimpass callout shit next time so i know who I'm blocking.
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ayano-kirigir1 · 1 year
Okay I just realized you want a full image of orochi give me some time to draw him with my stupid wimpass artstyle
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Lmao roman fucking wimpass
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gasthausnostalgie · 2 months
Old Vienna
Anno 1904
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Ein Dachpanorama- Richtung Minoritenkirche, vom Haus Naglergasse 6 aufgenommen
Die Minoritenkirche ...
ist eine römisch-katholische Hallenkirche am Minoritenplatz im 1. Wiener Gemeindebezirk Innere Stadt.
Die Minoriten oder Minderbrüder (fratres minores) waren Franziskaner. Sie wurden 1224 von Herzog Leopold VI. gerufen und gründeten das Wiener Minoritenkloster. Nach dem Stadtbrand von 1275 wurde von Ottokar Přemysl der Grundstein für die neue Kirche gelegt. Sie war eine der ersten gotischen Kirchen im ostösterreichischen Raum.
Nach Ottokars Tod in der Schlacht auf dem Marchfeld wurde er hier dreißig Wochen aufgebahrt.
Bedeutende Veränderungen gab es unter den ersten Habsburgern. Blanche von Frankreich (1282–1305), die Gattin Herzog Rudolfs III. von Österreich, ließ eine Kapelle für ihren Großvater, dem Heiligen Ludwig von Frankreich, an die Nordseite des Langhauses anbauen, die 1328 vollendet wurde. Sie hatte einen separaten Eingang und keine Verbindung zum Langhaus. Dies wurde ab etwa 1340 verändert, als die Ludwigskapelle mit dem bis dahin zweischiffigen Langhaus zu einem nunmehr dreischiffigen Kirchenraum mit zwei Chören vereinigt wurde. Im Langhaus wurden neue Bündelpfeiler eingezogen und im Westen wurde ein zusätzliches Joch sowie ein neues Portal angebaut. Der ganze Bau folgt dem Schema französischer Kathedralarchitektur.
Die Baumeister sind unbekannt, man nimmt aber an, dass Jacobus Parisiensis, der Beichtvater Herzog Albrechts II. führend beteiligt war.
Auch das Portal folgt einem französischen Schema, wie es in Österreich eher selten ist. Das Tympanon ist durch Zirkelschläge in drei Felder unterteilt, wobei im mittleren Feld Christus auf einem Astkreuz dargestellt ist. Links sieht man Maria mit Maria Magdalena und anderen weiblichen Figuren, rechts Johannes den Evangelisten, den Hauptmann Longinus und andere männliche Figuren. Die jeweils äußerste männliche und weibliche Figur könnten Herzog Albrecht II. und seine Gemahlin Johanna von Pfirt darstellen, zumal die männliche Figur einen Herzogshut zu tragen scheint. Die Figuren sind sehr elegant und feingliedrig dargestellt – wohl ein französischer Einfluss und zugleich wichtiges Stilmerkmal der Minoritenwerkstatt, die bis etwa 1360 nachweisbar ist.
Insgesamt repräsentiert die Kirche also eher einen höfisch beeinflussten Stil als die typische Bettelordensarchitektur, was auch dadurch zum Ausdruck kommt, dass sie einen Turm besitzt.
In den folgenden Jahrhunderten blieb die Kirche größtenteils unverändert, nur dass in verschiedenen Kriegen und Belagerungen immer wieder der Turm in Mitleidenschaft gezogen wurde. Während der ersten Türkenbelagerung 1529 wurde die Spitze erstmals zerstört, um 1633 aber wieder aufgebaut. Der Zweiten Türkenbelagerung 1683 fiel die Turmspitze erneut zum Opfer.
Das zerstörte Helmdach wurde durch ein Flachdach ersetzt. Eine entscheidende Zäsur kam 1782, als die Minoriten im Zuge der Religionspolitik Josephs II. abgesiedelt wurden. Die Kirche wurde am 3. Juni 1784 Eigentum der Italienischen Kongregation und somit zur italienischen Nationalkirche erklärt und Maria Schnee (Santa Maria Maggiore) geweiht – dieses Patrozinium besteht heute noch. Im Zuge ihrer Aussiedlung brachten die Minoriten das mit einem Christusbild versehene Kreuz über dem Hochaltar nach Wimpassing, so dass es, als es einige Jahrzehnte später zurück nach Wien kam, Wimpassinger Kreuz genannt wurde.
Eine Kopie davon hängt heute im Stephansdom. Im Zuge der Neuwidmung wurden auch zahlreiche Umbauten von Johann Ferdinand Hetzendorf von Hohenberg vorgenommen, die vor allem auf die Beseitigung barockerZutaten im Inneren abzielten. Trotzdem war es im Endeffekt keine „Regotisierung“, wie dies öfter genannt wurde, da auch Teile des gotischen Kirchenbaus beseitigt wurden – namentlich der Langchor.
Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts kam auch eine Mosaikkopie von Leonardo da Vincis Letztem Abendmahl in die Kirche. Sie war von Napoleonin Auftrag gegeben worden, wurde aber wie einige andere Kunstwerke erst nach seinem Sturz beendet und musste von seinem Schwiegervater Kaiser Franz I. gekauft werden. Für seinen ursprünglich vorgesehenen Aufstellungsort im Belvedere erwies sie sich als zu groß, so dass sie letztlich in diese Kirche kam.
Um 1900 fanden die letzten Veränderungen statt, insbesondere der Anbau des chorähnlichen Sakramentshäuschens.
Im Zuge des U-Bahn-Baus in den späten 1980er Jahren wurden die Grundmauern der Ludwigskapelle gefunden, die jetzt auf dem Platz nachgezeichnet sind.
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wildraum · 5 years
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#austria🇦🇹 #wimpassing #wildraum #wildräume #wilderness #nature #stadtwildnis #biophilia #wildnis #stadturwald #wildestadt #stadtdschungel #wildernessearth (hier: Wimpassing, Niederösterreich, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0gRZXBI1mF/?igshid=afyp7hs9t4vc
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schmerz-jaeger · 2 years
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Nächsten Freitag ist es soweit. Ich darf einen #vortrag bei der @die_pflegenahversorgerin halten zum Thema #Selbstständig #Schmerzfrei Utopie oder reale Option. #Neunkirchen #Ternitz #wimpassing #gloggnitz (hier: Stefan Jäger - Wege aus dem Schmerz) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-pYtMs7nh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vinylhazza · 5 years
Timid Touching (E.D)
Summary: After a particularly rough day at work, y/n stumbles upon her bestfriend naked and tugging one out on the couch, he woos her into staying to enjoy the fun and maybe do something she never has before. 
Word Count: 6.2k
Warning: just dirty ass smut
Dedication: @dolandolll thank you for being you! love you bubs xoxo  
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It was unexpected on such an annoying and brutal day of relentless complaining at work, spilling hot coffee all over her shirt, and getting stuck in endless traffic that she would walk in and she was she is seeing now. 
She was pulling up to the house in a cursing rage, so fed up with the blabbering dumbfucks at her work that she wanted nothing more than to take a bath, put on a facemask, watch a movie, and go to sleep to start the weekend off right. It was an added bonus that she recently moved in with her two bestfriends Ethan and Grayson - after months and months of begging from both twins and the promise of smiles and amazing avocado toast daily. 
It had been a dream so far, getting to wake up with relaxing vibes and getting to hang out with the men that made her the happiest (one already having her heart but she does her best to ignore that in fear of rejection). It’s your sappy teen movie, a bestfriend swooning over someone that she presumes sees her as only that: a friend. 
She shook the thoughts from her head when she slammed the door to her car, making sure she heard the beep indicating it was in fact locked before she began to stomp up to the front door with her bag slung across her front. She had parked right behind Ethan’s Jeep, noticing for a split second that Grayson’s car was nowhere to be found. It was odd for the time of evening that it was, the sun sinking below the horizon, leaving California in a cool windy evening that was about to get even more interesting, even if she wasn't aware. 
She wasn’t too concerned about Grayson being gone, simply a bit nervous that she would be left alone with Ethan for God knows how long, with his infectious beautiful smile and his sinfully sexy body that drove her insane. It was just a bad night for her to be both pissed off and horny and swooning over her bestfriend. 
She huffs out an irritated breath when the keypad clicks the lock open and she swings the door wide with her hand, stepping into the dark entryway of the house and setting her purse onto the hook at the right side of her head. Grayson had kindly installed it for her convenience, laughing every time she would have to set it on the “dirty” floor. Out of the kindness of his heart he caved and ended his fun by giving her a hook to make her life easier. She liked being able to just grab it on her way out the door, and he knew that. 
Y/n noticed Ethan’s shoes placed neatly on the mat, meaning he was relaxing somewhere and not planning on leaving. 
“E?” she called out through the house, not loud enough to be considered a yell, just louder than her normal speaking voice. But nothing came after. Only the reverberation of her voice against the walls. 
She nudged her shoes off her own feet, setting them next to her bestfriends, speaking once more in hopes he was actually close by and was just too distracted to answer, “work was absolute shit.” But still no answer followed. 
She had been too caught up in her thoughts to actually notice the flashing of the tv coming from down the hall and the peculiar noise bouncing from the walls and to her curious ears. Her eyebrows are furrowed down into a pout as she shuffles down the hallway to the living room, her plan to pester Ethan about ignoring her for the TV cut short when she enters the spacious room. 
You know what they say: curiosity killed the kitty. And she was pretty sure she was going to die of a heart attack when she entered the room - stopping dead in her tracks. 
She realizes quickly what the sounds were, widening her eyes at the TV on a stand that Grayson built, bright as can be in the dim living room, a clip of two girls touching each other flashing across the screen while they moaned loudly into each others mouths. She nearly faints at the sight, so shocked what she thought was an innocent movie was actually lesbian porn. 
“Y/n,” Ethan says casually, startling her just enough that her eyes are ripped from the TV to land right on his bare body on the couch, dick slapped hard against his stomach, leaking precum, “why so sad? work a little rough today?” 
His voice is light and silky, a couple octaves lower than normal, making it even more difficult for her to look him in the eye. 
Was he seriously trying to have a normal conversation right now?  Was he teasing her? Was he mocking her for catching him in such a...interesting situation? 
Her mouth is dry as sandpaper at this point, stuttering out a quick “yeah” sheepishly, not really sure where she should be looking, at Ethan? At the TV? The ground? So she settles for her bare feet, suddenly very interested in her purple nail polish covering them and the ankle bracelet that hangs around the ankle with a little turtle charm. She starts to wish she had stayed a little longer at work, not knowing in the slightest how to navigate this predicament she found herself in. 
She’s seen both of the twins naked before yeah, on accident with each one of them. She wasn’t used to having to knock, so there had been a few times where she found herself walking in on one of them changing - quickly squeaking out an apology and slamming the door closed. But she’d never seen them with a hard on or anything remotely close, not that she could tell at least. This was completely out of the blue for her. 
“Has anyone ever told you it’s rude to not look at someone when they’re talking to you bubs?” His teasing voice cuts through the thickening air. He says it like he wasn't just vigorously jerking off only moments ago, like he isn’t sitting butt ass naked in front of his bestfriend watching two girls eat each other’s pussies sloppily. 
She knows he’s challenging her to look. So look she does, shooting her head up from her feet to land right on his hazel eyes that stare back at her. She makes a mental note to not let her eyes wander anywhere else on his body, especially not down to where her eyes had been glued when she first walked into the room. That’s for sure a sight she won’t forget. 
She decides that instead of standing there with her blushing cheeks and twiddling thumbs embarrassing herself, she was going to politely exit the room and just pretend like this never happened. Even though she would never be able to get the image of his massive leaking cock out of her mind even if she tried to. He was fucking gorgeous and she couldn’t deny it. 
Yeah of course she wanted to fuck the shit out of him, she’s always wanted to, but now that she’s standing here totally off guard and caught watching him red handed she is embarrassed beyond belief. She always imagined that if they did take that step in their relationship it would be more...romantic and not dirty and sudden after a shitty day at work. 
“I think I’m just gonna go take a bath-” She turns her back to the room, fully prepared to sprint down the hall if she had to, not wanting to embarrass herself any longer. She wanted to sink into a hot bath, ease her stress and sleep this horrendous day off. And she hoped to God he didn't bring this up again. But before she can walk back down the hallway Ethan’ talking again in that fucking tone that has her insides stirring. 
“Sweet innocent little Y/n scared of a little porn huh?” he grins at her, quirking a dark defined eyebrow. Little shit knew he was getting to her. 
“Not scared,” she mutters, “I just don't watch it that’s all.” She’s embarrassed to even be having this conversation with him. She wishes for a moment that the floor would just open up beneath her and swallow her whole to save her from having to answer anymore of his questions. 
“Bullshit. Everyone does. How else do you get that little pussy of yours to cum the fastest?” he continues on, staring her down intensely. She couldn't believe how easily he was talking about her the way that he was and saying all of the things he was saying. He’d never been as open as he was being right now. Sure he flirted with her all the time, but he had never used that kind of language with her. I guess now was as good a time as ever to shoot his shot. 
“I don't Ethan,” it's not an answer he’s expecting obviously because his eyes widen and his mouth open some more in mock horror, a shocked little scoff escaping his lips. 
“No? You’re telling me you don't rub that little cunt in the middle of the night when you get all hot and bothered?” his presses on. 
“Yep pretty much what I’m saying,” she mumbles out. 
Please dear fuck Ethan let it go and let me take my damn bath, she pleaded to the heavens, her head falling back to stare at the ceiling with a sigh. She must be dreaming because there is no way in heaven or hell that Ethan Dolan, her best friend, was sitting her saying things to her right now. It seems the moans coming from the speakers only get louder to her ears. 
It’s almost as if the small flame she had in her stomach when she was with him was spreading because she started to feel heat shoot from her middle and down all the way to her toes. She played it off as being anxious but she noticed that her panties were starting to get a bit wet. Rubbing her thighs together is what she settled on until she could take her bath and forget that this night happened unless he brought it up again. 
“Look I’m just gonna go so you can finish whatever you need to,” she tries to dismiss herself once again, twisting on her heel to exit the room and let him get back to watching the two pretty brunettes on the screen scissor each other senseless. As she takes a step she’s stopped once again. 
“Wimpass,” Ethan mutters slyly, deliberately looking away when she turns to stare at him with a raised eyebrow. Did he just call her a wimp? For what reason? 
“E-excuse me?” she squeaks, not believing this is real life. She swears to God she must be asleep on her bed or something because Ethan would never be this bold in front of her. Or would he? 
“You’re a wimpass,” he says once again, more clear. A sneaky little smile makes its way to his face, eyebrow still raised as the girls switch positions, one on top one on bottom while one sucks on the others pussy and fingers her at the same time. Her heart is pounding at this point. 
“I’m not a wimp Ethan stop,” her cheeks are on fire because she knows he’s going to challenge her once more. 
“If you don’t stay you're a wimpass,” he reiterates. He knows she hates to be bullied into something, but at this point he’s so eager and hungry to see her finally get herself off next to him he’s sputtering out whatever dirty thing he can to get her to stay. 
He would always call her a wimp when she was scared of something, usually causing her to shoot him a glare and prove him wrong. He hopes this is the same. And with the scrunch of her eyebrows and firm line on her lips he can tell he got to her in the way he wanted. 
“We aren't 4 Ethan,” she huffs out a shaky breath, frustrated that she looks so flustered in front of him. She always wanted to look sort of confident and strong for him, thought he liked that. But she has no clue that her cluelessness is making him want to bust a load untouched on their couch. 
She stands still, fingers playing with the end of her shirt and tries hard to ignore the moans filling the room. 
“Oh I know that, we are actually adults,” he pauses, looking at her with that same smirk, “so if you don’t stay I guess that means you’re a 4 year old wimpass right?” 
He opens his arms in a challenging manner, daring her to take the bait and stay.
So with a heavy sigh and several scorching glares thrown in Ethan’s direction, she timidly makes her way over to the couch just a few steps away, her heart already thumping dangerously fast in her chest. She sits on the opposite side of him, trying not to look, keeping her eyes on the wall in front of her. She doesn’t know why she actually chose to stay because Ethan would never force her into something she didn’t want to do and they both know that. He might tease and mock her but it’s ultimately her decision. 
“I’m not a wimp. And I’m only staying for a bit, my bath is calling my name. And I’m not touching myself so get that out of your head right now,” she’s talking fast and stern, not wanting to be interrupted. She decided she was only going to stay for 5 minutes...that’s long enough right? It’s long enough to her and that’s all she cares about. 
Her cheeks are on fire when he starts to scooch his naked body across the couch and sit uncomfortably close to her considering all the empty space. Was there something wrong with his previous spot? No. Did he want her to see exactly what he was doing up close and personal? Yes. 
“Suit yourself,” he sing songs to her with a dazzling smile, pausing the porn on the screen with the TV remote in between their bodies. It looked so natural and easy with him, his relaxed body that looked so content and comfortable doing this in front of her. It had her mind racing and her eyes following his every move hoping he wouldn't notice, “here let’s change this to something that,” he glances to her stiff frame, “you might enjoy,” he ends with a smirk - dropping a wink. 
He flicks and scrolls through many titles, all ending in “XXX” , sending a shiver running down her spine. He finally lands on a video of a muscular man with many tattoos and a pretty brunette. The scene starts with the two in a bedroom, already naked and on the king sized bed, the mans lips trailing over her dewy skin. It started off slowly, just simple kissing and some whimpers here and there, nothing she hadn’t seen before. She wonders for a minute why he would pick something so vanilla, but she is mistaken when the scene speeds up. 
Ethan palming and stroking his own dick catches her attention from the corner of her curious eyes. His own are fixed on the two on the screen as the anticipation grows. Her eyes widen and her legs cross over themselves when the tattooed mans lips travel down to the woman’s pussy, smacking loudly against her skin. Her cheeks are flushing crimson at the sight of his tongue flicking to collect her juices. 
I’m not getting turned on, I’m not getting turned on, I’m not getting turned on she repeats to herself, trying to stop the already wet pooling that’s happening in her white lace panties. But it was so hard with Ethan’s fit body, knowing he’s sitting next to her stroking his massive dick, knowing he wanted her to stay, and the moans and actions from the two pornstars on the screen. This can’t be happening. She can’t get horny in front of her bestfriend. But that’s easier said than done when the mans lips finally latch onto the woman’s clit, swirling his tongue down to her entrance and back up, repeating the action over and over with labored breathing. She gulped hard, trying to keep herself in check. 
The man proceeds to full on tongue fuck the girl, his tongue flicking inside her cunt over and over again, mouth fully resting on her. Jaw slack and sloshing against her folds.  
She squeezes her legs together when she feels the warmth, thinking it was innocent enough that Ethan wouldn’t notice the small action. She hoped he was too focused on getting himself off to notice she was even there. She hoped. 
“I see that yeknow,” Ethan comments casually, hand wrapped snug around his dick but not moving. Fuck. She was caught. 
“See what...” her face is burning with embarrassment, hating this with everything she had in her. How does one get themselves in this kind of situation?
“I see you squeezing your thighs together, but I promise if you give up this little act and rub that pretty pussy of yours it’ll feel much better.” 
He begins to move his hand up and down again, slowly stroking his aching cock in front of her, rubbing his thumb over the tip and jerking a little at how good it feels. He really can’t believe his own luck that she walked in right as he was just starting to think of her face he wishes he could fuck. There she came, stumbling in on him with those rosy cheeks and fidgeting fingers, so pretty. 
But she’d never gotten herself off before, her posh mother always telling her it was shameful and taboo. So no matter how horny she got, she just wouldn’t let herself fix the situation. Of course she’d had sex before. Had it been great? No. Had it been what she’d expected? Nope. Was it only for the guys benefit and that’s it? Yep. It was the description of her sex life, her needs were tossed to the side and she was left hanging. She just figured that’s how things worked. That’s why she always excused herself when it came to sexual conversations with twins, she didn’t want to be awkward when they asked her questions and seem like she was an inexperienced snob. 
But Ethan was making it seem so...normal, to touch yourself and like it. She was actually naïve enough to think that it wasn’t something everyone did? Fuck he wanted nothing more than the ram himself into that hot body sitting next to him. With that thought alone he grips himself harder to tug and tug and tug, throwing his head back some and looking at her through his eyelashes discretely. 
She sees him watching her, but tries to keep her eyes on the TV, noticing how hard his breathing had become when he ran his fingers up and down his length repeatedly. She’s just staring at him jerking off now, eyes soft and curious. She’s immediately clenching around nothing, just wondering and daydreaming about what he would feel like up inside of her. His smirk grows when he eyes her watching his hand on himself, “like what you see mama?”
“No shut up,” she mumbles, shaking her head and looking away ashamed. She switches her attention back to the girl on the screen, moaning and writing against the bed at the mans touch. The man has now entered the girl, gripping her hips tightly. He’s ramming into her with an unbelievable force, face red and determined. Her mouth is in a large O shape, eyes squeezed shut, entire body jolting forward with every harsh thrust into her pussy. She couldn’t help but imagine Ethan doing the same to her, absolutely wrecking her with speed and uncontrollable moans and grunts. She couldn’t help but imagine his eyes looking at her like he hates her, but showing her much different. Shit she wanted it. Bad.
She nearly jumps off the dark grey couch when her legs are ripped apart and opened wide by none other than Ethan. He has stopped stroking himself completely to reach for her hand and place it right over the crotch of her pants, feeling how hot she was beneath and loving it. 
“Fucking rub already Y/n,” his tone his dominant and frustrated, clearly done with watching her suffer in her own head right next to him and doing nothing to help relieve the built up pressure in her stomach. She stares at him, shocked and frozen. She wasn't expecting that at all, more shocked at the electric flare she felt in her entire body when he had her hand in his own. She’s never been this worked up over anyone in her entire life and she almost blanks on what to do.
“You are obviously sexually frustrated. I can feel it so fucking much and it’s driving me crazy so rub.” His stare is near cold, wanting to fix your situation himself but waiting for the right moment. 
It’s in this moment that she gets a strange feeling to make him...proud? And prove to him she’s not a total inexperienced prude that’s useless. She wants to say something anything in return but he’s already looked away from her and continued to rub himself like nothing happened. It takes her about three seconds to obey his order and turn back to watch the screen and start to gently rub herself over her pants. This continues for a few moments, slowly increasing the pressure until it finally becomes too much and she starts to wiggle next to him, needing something more than a little touching over fabric. 
With a shaky breath she makes a bold move and slips her hand inside her pants, beginning to rub herself over her underwear, the lace causing extra friction. She lets out a quiet whimper at her movements, slipping the underwear aside to rub against her clit in slow motions, finally deciding to dip a finger inside. But that’s where she gets stuck, finger just resting inside of her and not moving. She’s never done this before so how was she supposed to know? She hears a chuckle next to her and turns her head to the side to see her best friend gazing at her with dark eyes, “stuck kitten?” amused and not even bothering to hide it. This is the hottest shit he’s ever seen. 
All of these pet names are driving her mad, slipping out so easily that she doesn't even question it. Kitten had really done her in, cheeks set ablaze while she mutters a soft “I don’t...” not even getting to finish her sentence when he lets out a sigh, yanking her onto his lap and tugging her pants and underwear off quickly. It was so fast she didn’t even have a chance to think or react to what he was doing, just resting against him with wide eyes and a hammering heart. She thinks about just getting up and walking out because she’s mortifyingly turned on and she knows he can feel it right now considering her soaked cunt is sitting right against his tattooed thigh. He smirks at the yelp she lets out when he places his warm palm right on her pussy, rubbing it up and down between her folds, agonizingly slow. His fingers are warm from being wrapped around himself for a good period of time, feeling like fire against her. 
“Relax baby I promise it will feel good,” he whispers huskily in her ear, sucking her lobe for a second only to kiss at her neck a second after. Baby. Fuck she’s gonna die. She wants him to call her that always. She’d gladly be his baby. 
“Keep those pretty eyes on the screen,” he urges, noticing with a rapid heartrate that she had been looking down at his hand that rubbed against her. He adds more pressure to her clit, circling it and pressing on it in figure eight motions to get her wiggling on him again. Feeling her sliding against his fingers is almost too much to handle. 
“Look at how he’s pumping in and out of her,” his voice sends waves of electric arousal crashing through her all at once, “think of all of that pressure...all that pleasure.” His touch is gentle and his voice is quiet, speaking right into her ear, eyes latched onto the side of her face to notice her every expression, notice every quiver of her lip and eyeroll. Loved that it was all because of him. 
She is overwhelmed, moaning and squirming on his lap. She could feel his dick pressed into her back and felt unholy at the thoughts that were racing through her head about the man she never thought she had a chance with. It’s all so mind boggling. Her eyes threaten to flutter shut, body falling back further to rest fully against his chest, but she keeps them open, keeps watching the man ram himself into the petite girl underneath him. She’s already come twice in the video and that alone has her walls clenching around nothing, seeing all of the pleasure and receiving pleasure all at once. And then she finally hears that beautiful moan from the beautiful man she secretly adores and it’s all because her legs are shaking and vibrating lightly from the fire threatening to rip through her. 
“You are unreal mama,” he rasps when his dick twitches again the smooth skin of her back, “you have no idea how sexy this is...touching you like this,” he pauses to kiss her neck once more and suck a love bite into the skin, “while we watch these strangers fuck each other senseless...looks fun doesn’t it baby? Does that look fun?” He pinches her clit lightly, rolling it between his fingers for a moment and grinning at the response she gives him. For someone so seemingly shy and innocent she is more responsive than he thought. He feels high on her, getting everything he can get until he can’t stand it anymore. He almost cums untouched when he sees her answer his question with a nod. 
When he pinches her clit again, her hand shoots down to rest against his own, sensitive and not expecting such a feeling just from him pinching her down there. With the previous boys there had never been any of this foreplay, but just using her as a hole and ditching her. 
“My sensitive girl,” he hums with a proud smile, smacking her hand away and moving his fingers down to circle at your entrance, dipping a finger in and then shortly adding another, moaning, “fuck you’re dripping,” he breathes out. She grabs his hand once more when he curls his fingers in her up to that spot that has her seeing stars. 
“That feels so good e,” she whines, finally becoming more vocal. It had him humming into her neck with a nod, he knows what he’s doing to her - but it’s still nice to hear from her. She has both hands down holding the top of his that fucks into her, adding that extra pressure herself. It gives her some sense of control and lets him know that she’s loving it and she wants him to keep going. 
“Can you play with those beautiful tits for me baby?” never stopping his movements with his fingers, he just wants her to feel as good as she possibly can, plus wants to see her pleasing herself, “just play with your nipples...wanna see you play with yourself,” he continues, fully expecting her to shrink into him with heated cheeks. But she merely raises her shirt above her head and un clips her bra to squeeze and massage her breasts together, following his order and squeezing on her own nipples, rolling and pinching them. She lets out the loudest moan yet when he rubs over the side of her leg lovingly, still fingering her to the heavens. It was such a...soft touch that had her turning to look at him, noticing how close she was to his lips and if she really wanted to she could lean in to kiss him. She’s simply observing the way his eyes watch her, dark and beautiful just skimming over her glorious body like he adores her...which he does. He wishes she knew. 
But then she decides to be bold, taking her hands away from her body to cup his scruffy cheeks, eyes flicking up to meet hers before she plants a kiss right upon his mouth. His breath hitches in his throat at the feeling he’s longed to feel for so long. Her hands are cradling his face, kissing him with a passionate force, sighing when he finally starts to kiss her back with the same urgency. Of course they are being intimate right now, but somehow this has a different meaning to both of them - they put all of their feelings and thoughts into this kiss, floating on clouds together. 
“I’d like to fuck you like that,” he breathes when they break apart to catch their breath. His fingers dip into her faster and harder than before, trying to convince her. Little does he know she doesn’t need convincing, “you want that mama? Wanna feel me all up in your guts? Fuck I’d ruin this little pussy..” She’s watching the man on the screen plunge his dick into the woman aggressively, the moans echoing around the living room. 
“Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you, anything for you kitten,” and you can tell he means it, turning her head to plant another soft kiss on her lips. 
“E-ethan do something - I need more” breath being knocked from her chest as the pleasure increased. 
“What do you want?” he urges. When he doesn’t get any other answer other than a whiny “please” he rams his fingers into her harder than ever, making her cry out. “Fucking answer me Y/n or I’ll stop,” he threatens. 
“Fuck me please e,” she moans out, grinding into his hand, hips swiveling against him. 
“Beg for it,” he growls, just waiting for the word so he can flip her on her back to slam himself into her tight fuckhole, he just knows it’s worth the wait. 
“Please Ethan fuck me please I promise I’ll be good please just wanna be good for you please!” Oh my God he wasn’t expecting that. He wasn’t expecting it to have such an effect on her, but she’s totally gone, euphoria fueling her. 
That’s it. That’s all he needed to tug her off of his lap and slam her onto the couch, hovering over her, admiring the way her hair fans out like a halo...beautiful, breathtaking, ethereal, ravishing, lovely...fuck he’s really whipped. It’s like he’s seeing her in a new light, like he has refused to accept the feelings he’s always had and now that she’s here he wants to. It almost makes him panic that the way she’s grinning up at him right now is making his heart flip and flutter. But he merely takes a deep breath before leaning down and kissing her again slowly, nibbling on her bottom lip. 
“You’re about to feel so fucking good baby,” he is so damn cocky and it makes her even more soaked if that’s possible. He rubs his reddened tip between her slick folds before entering the tip into her, even with just the tip in he can feel how tight she really is. He can tell it's been a while, and that makes it feel all the more special. 
When he sinks further into her he leans down to rest his head against her chest, overwhelmed. 
“Thought you were an angel, turns out you're a dirty little slut,” he whispers when he takes one of her nipples between his lips. On the word “slut” he bottoms out, balls deep inside of his babygirl. He promises that after this things will change between them, he has to make her his officially. But right in this moment his top priority is getting her to cum the hardest she ever has (judging by the fact she’s only cum once before it shouldn’t be too hard but he doesn’t know that). 
Her fingertips push against the curve of his back, pulling him closer to her. She can feel him pulsing inside of her, so so deep. With every thrust, every push and pull her boobs are bouncing against his chest. He raises himself on one steady arm, muscles bulging, looking like fucking work of art above her while he continues to speed up, slamming into her over and over again, one hand squeezing her hip. She knows she’s probably going to be sore after this but she doesn't mind. It will just be a reminder of this amazing moment that she hopes will happen again. 
“Faster yes yes yes just like that right there keep - fuuuuu” her voice is hoarse at this point, moaning loud and occasionally screaming out when he hits a spot so deep she thinks she might pass out. She can’t believe all of his length could actually fit inside of her. None of the men she’s ever been with have been this big. He has every right to have that cocky look he’s giving her. 
“So pretty kitten gonna make me cum,” he groans while looking down to where he disappears inside her, plunging deeper and deeper. Her legs are shaking once more, warm ball growing in her tummy, threatening to explode at any moment if he keeps thrusting so hard and fast. He’s panting, red in the face, light blanket of sweat covering his sun-kissed skin. 
“Wait wait I can’t- fuck it’s too - ohhhh” she’s threatening to let go, grinding her hips up to meet his thrusts, fucking herself up on him. Such a dirty girl in disguise. 
He gritted his teeth, feeling it coming like a freight train. 
“Cum for me e, come on give me that cum,” she whispers seductively in his ear, rubbing a manicured fingernail down the side of his neck, twirling a little piece of hair in the back. That did it for him. 
He lets go at the same time she does, screaming her name and stilling in her to spill all that he has into her pussy, grinding slowly to milk himself dry, spurts of warm thick cum seeping out of him and into her cunt that just keeps quivering around him. Wave after wave of pleasure washes through them both, the unexpected situation making everything even more arousing. She’s so warm he almost doesn’t want to move. He likes the feeling of being buried inside of her. She obviously feels the same way by the look on her face because she is reaching up and tugging him down, hugging him while he peppers sweet tender kisses into her neck, nails scratching over his back. His chest rises and falls at a steady pace now, so tired after their previous actions that sleep threatens to take over. 
He doesn’t think he’s every came that hard in his life, and he was happy about the fucked out look on Y/n’s face, and her limp body. He did his job well. 
His beautiful hazel eyes are fluttering closed, eyelashes tickling her neck. He loves this feeling and never wants to let it go. 
“Thank you,” she whispers to him shakily, legs entangled with his on the soft plush couch. 
She knows they should move to the bedroom in case Grayson comes home, but she is so unbelievably comfortable right now and the feeling of him loving on her feels so good she can’t bring it in herself to force him to move his exhausted body across the house. 
“For what sweetness?” he mumbles with a mumbled voice, making a dreamy smile appear on her face. 
“For helping me...” she’s shy and he can tell, but he’s never letting her go after this. He will make it his personal goal to make her feel as beautiful as he knows and sees that she is. She feels like something has changed between them, something has finally been unlocked, like it was just a matter of time before they ended up together. 
“Anything for my girl,” he assures her with another peck to her skin, meaning it with his entire person, “let’s get some sleep and maybe we can...take a shower yeah? If you don’t want to it’s okay I just think maybe the modesty thing between us is practically diminished but if you’re not comfo-” he blabbers on in his sleepy voice, anxiousness creeping in. 
“That sounds great e, quit your blubbering and go to sleep,” she assures him, kissing the top of his head and receiving a chuckle in response. Her nails still scratch at his scalp, lazily trailing through his hair. She’s still not fully convinced it’s real, but prays when she wakes up he’s still going to be smushing her with his heavy ass body. She knows she won’t be sleeping in her own bed, she’s already addicted to the feeling of being wrapped up in his arms. He wouldn’t have it any other way. 
They don’t realize it in this moment, but this is the start of an incredible journey that they both deserve, and to think all it took was a little bit of timid touching. 
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metalheadtilimdead · 3 years
Holidays make me nauseated. The memories I still have intact of holidays before, really have made the dark hole I’m currently in, even deeper—darker.
I never gave it much thought until recently, probably less than a year ago. Now when I give it a little thought I realize how alone I’ve literally been my whole life. I have zero memories of my mom or dad playing with me, like ever. Tears start building behind my eyes, lump in my throat...
I’m so deeply sad for the past me. No wonder I was a “fuckup” as they always said. It’s just all too clear now...
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After revisiting these suddenly clear memories of my childhood—into adult life—I’ve realized my whole life was shit,
no one gave a shit
and I was always a “piece of shit”.
All this has impacted my mental health tremendously, in all negative ways possible.
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I’m not, nor will I ever go looking for pity! So save it, I just can’t keep bottling up these real traumas, psychological issues and series of unfortunate events.
Its killing me, slowly. I can feel my mind-soul-spirit inching closer & closer to a complete malfunction or worse.
There’s a few
lingering memories that keep haunting me though. In these particular ones, I’m scolded time and time again, sometimes even with force, for being me. For being honest. For being kind. For wanting too much of my parents TIME. Every time I’d see my dad I would see his face go to disgusted instantly.
After decades of constant psychological abuse no wonder I’m lost.
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I needed more of you guys growing up. I needed help building
strong & solid
walls around my
heart & soul
preparing me for a bright future right?
** I feel like such a loser. After seeing this ‘wimpass’ post still sitting in my drafts, its remarkable how I switch from one mindset to one completely opposite. As crazy as it may sound, this post has most likely stayed only a draft because that,
“oh, poor pitiful me”,
who left this post unpublished
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Left it that way knowing it wasn’t authentic to who I truly was and was destined to be.
The one who will forever be thankful to have had parents at all.
Thankful that I was always fed, bathed, clothed.. didn’t go without a damn thing.
I imagine my parents did their bests and for that I am
forever grateful.
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furby-organist · 4 years
// in case someone wanna get big mad: whenever alastor says “I do x like a man” he doesn’t mean like, as opposed to a woman. he means like, as opposed to a boy. a child. a wimpass. what women are up to or not up to doesn’t live rent free in his head.
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sodrippy · 7 years
ohmygod the authority figure thing!!! like I have this thing where I need them to approve of me/to like me and if they don't I literally DIE even if I don't care for them or like genuinely dislike them they HAVE TO LIKE ME/be proud of me/happy with my work
BIGGEST MF MOOD!!!!!!!! literally same though dude i basically live and die by the approval of authority figures like, it doesnt even have to be my boss it can be like, my doctor, or some random person whos in authority for one singular time but like.....i gotta be Good....
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toytulini · 4 years
Previous post
So the convent Suki ran away from was like uhh not great and framed it to the rest of the nuns as Suki got Kidnapped/Taken by a demon and Suki had a friend there, another nun, her name was Roslyn. Roslyn was very close to Suki, loved her a lot,* and refused to give up on her. Believing that Suki was taken by a demon, Bytte leaves the convent and (this is time period dependent, im still not sure when) ends up becoming a Witchhunter/Finder bc, well, witches work w demons, and she's trying to find a demon. Instead she finds a Lot of false accusations and similar horrible things, and very few Actual witches, and at this point whenever she does find a real witch, she doesnt tell anyone, and in fact helps their cover and assures theyre innocence and simply asks for their help. She manages, somehow, to track down Bytte? Who she recognizes from the time she disguised herself as a nun in her convent. Bytte was going to just ignore her and leave but she cant help but be intrigued and instead ends up discussing and bantering with Roslyn. She at some point calls Roslyn a Christian witch, and Roslyn is Offended but then Bytte pushes it and Roslyn realizes. She's not wrong...
Along the way Roslyn finds a malnourished vampire (Alasdair) wasting away in the daylit street and (not knowing what he is) offers for him to stay at her house. She doesnt understand when he refuses food and drink but then he tells her what he is, and that when night comes he won't be so weak, and he'll go out and hunt. And that he has no problem killing ppl. Roslyn, is, altruistic to a fault, and asks if she offers her own blood if it would save someone else. And he's like. I mean yea i guess it would, like, tonight. And she's like cool thats better than not saving anyone I'll take it! And he bites her and drinks her blood, and then, (Idk how, im still working on the lore logistics for this as well!) Demons can kind of keep tabs on their favorite humans, not super specific or anything but if, say, one you decided you liked and youre minorly invested in her staying alive, and you happen to notice that she's in pain and rapidly losing life, (Bytte. Bytte is mildly keeping tabs on Roslyn bc she likes her Spunk). And Bytte appears in her house to find a wimpass vampire b!tch draining Roslyn's blood with full intent to just kill her and is, pissed, so she slaps him off of her and was luckily just in time. Roslyn lost a lot of blood, and more than is healthy, and will need some time and rest and Fluids to recover, but she will recover. Alasdair is annoyed bc Roslyn straight up offered, so like, what the fuck. Then he recognizes Bytte, bc she has some level of Notoriety, as a semi famous vicious warlord (not sure warlord is the right term? Feels close tho) spartan warrior who was a high ranking scary soldier despite being a woman bc she was just That Terrifying, and was known for Removing People's Heads (Bytte the Beheader) who never actually died in a way that anyone witnessed she just kinda...disappeared, and she's known in the immortal/magic world. It's fairly known that shes mellowed out since her time, but its also known that shes still Terrifying. (Roslyn doesn't actually know all this about her, just that she's a bit morally corrupt and vicious and scary.) So Alasdair is annoyed, but. He's not going to fight Bytte. Bytte, is like. What the fuck. Why are you biting my human. Roslyn, weakly, from the couch/bed wherever shes laying, is like, what do you mean "my human"??? Bytte ignores this bc shes busy staring Alasdair down and being a menace. Alasdair is like well i didnt see your name on her and she literally fucking expressedly agreed to let me drink her blood so whats your excuse?? And Bytte is just like. Go get different blood, I dont want her dead and if you kill her Ill make sure you suffer. And then Roslyn protests, bc the whole entire reason she agreed to let him have her blood was so he wouldnt kill anyone else that night. And Alasdair is like. Well. What the fuck do you want from me. And Bytte, frustrated, not particularly caring for Alasdair, but recognizing that 1) for some reason, Roslyn gives a shit about him and doesnt want him dead so Bytte cant kill him herself without upsetting her 2) Roslyn doesnt want anyone else to die, and if Bytte lets that happen Roslyn will clearly be upset 3) Alasdair needs at least a little more human blood.
So she summons Headloose and has him bring human blood for Alasdair to drink that was collected without killing any humans, and Alasdair grumbles, bc its not super fresh and he has to drink it from like a bottle or smth instead of. A person. But he drinks it. And Roslyn ends up becoming his symbiont, which basically means she gives him a little blood over time to sustain him instead of all at once, and vampires with symbionts tend to have Multiple, bc the point is that its an alternative to killing humans for blood. So he has to get his shit together and find more symbionts so that Roslyn doesnt get mad at him.
Being a Symbiont makes Roslyn effectively immortal, and when she finally finds Suki again, it is..a bit awkward. its well past either of their natural lifespans, and theyve both changed and grown quite a bit, and neither ever expected to see the other again, but theyre very glad they do, and they remain good friends, each proud of the other and how theyve grown.
Bytte also remains quite fond of Roslyn, tho she'll barely admit it and shes REAL MAD about it bc Roslyn, as previously mentioned, is altruistic to a fucking Fault, with a tendencyto self-sacrifice, and seems to have very little self preservation, if any. Bytte frequently swoops in to save her ass which...Roslyn always thanks her and appreciates. But also they often argue about Bytte's...methods. Roslyn also cares greatly about Bytte, even though shes vicious and morally corrupt and crass and rude and frequently creates ethical headaches for her. But little does she realize that she too is a good influence on Bytte, contributing greatly to her mellowing out and being less likely to immediately resort to violent extremes.
*Note: That is not code for "they were in love/romantic/secret dating", i know Irl it can be/often is, especially for historical relationships, but we all love queer ocs here (and if you dont love queer ocs.....you shouldnt be following this blog lmao?) so i have no reason to use ~codes~ like "they were Very Good Friends! Wink". If they are gay lovers im just going to tell you. This is important to me to specify bc i want to recognize the significance of their relationship but i dont want the significance being mistaken for romance bc Im A Tired Aro(tm) and i also dont want to devalue their dynamic in my attempts to clarify by saying "theyre JUST friends not lovers" bc the fact that they are friends and not lovers is not JUST anything, its not lesser. This got way too long. Anyway.
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