#windsor rental homes
maximum-property · 11 months
Maximum Property Solutions
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Maximum Property Solutions, a full service property management company that likes to answer most any question with "Yes! we can do that!". We provide property management services to Landlords, Tenants and Financial Institutions. Whether you are looking for great long term tenants or need to sell you vacant property quickly - we can help! From cleanups and repairs, regular inspections, exterior maintenance, we can manage your property cost effectively! Call us today to start the conversation!
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About Harry's comment that he was "literally" cut off financially -
This is just my speculation, but like you, I also assume that Harry still gets some sort of annual allowance from Charles and that he absolutely lied in the Oprah interview.
What I think he meant is that-
1. Part of their salary, their allowance from the Duchy of Lancaster (at the time, under the Queen) was stopped. Obviously, because they stopped working for The Crown.
2. Their salary from the Duchy of Cornwall (at the under Charles) stopped. Read somewhere that this was in the range of 3 to 4 mil.
3. Their official expenses for their staff, likely being covered separately by the Duchy/BP stopped.
4. Their upkeep expenses like travel, housing etc, being covered by the Duchy/BP stopped.
5. Their official security, being covered by the govt, stopped.
6. Whatever perks their diplomatic status afforded them, stopped. I'm assuming this is what Canada/Trudeau said he won't be covering post March 2020. And so they fled to USA.
7. Private expenses - household, lifestyle etc, being covered privately by Charles via the Duchy stopped. I'm assuming this included clothing allowances, holidays that weren't comped by friends, rentals or lease for homes anywhere other than crown property, like their Cotswold home.
Like you said, I do think Charles privately funds Harry. Either via a trustfund that may have been set up ages ago, and so Harry takes that for granted and it doesn't count in Harry's mind. Or, Charles gives them an annual lump sum.
Of course, he may very well be spending his inheritance from Diana or the Queen mother as well. But both harry and meghan live their life like they don't much care about where their money comes from. They also doy seem to much effort into their Netflix, Spotify deals. We know they don't have any brand deals. So the money must come from somewhere.
And Harry keeps going over the UK every year around the same time each year. It can't be as simple as just a layover enroute to Invictus. My personal conspiracy theory (I have no rational explanation for it) is that he goes to UK, and stays at Windsor, to sign whatever documentation in person, so he can recieve this money from Charles.
Maybe part of the deal is that he comes and sign for it in person. And staying at Windsor makes it easier to meet with the lawyers or staff that handles this for him. He usually comes around April or May. His megxit trial separation review was March 2021. In my mind atleast, his annual trips in April or May along with that review date.
Another thing is that it was around this same time last year, in 2023, that negotiations for Harry's coronation appearance were happening. The result of which was that Meghan was absent (disinvited?) and Harry, quietly, weekly, came and went and did not create much of fuss for the way he was completely excluded from the coronation pomp. I think he may have got some money back then as well, and likely, got a bonus due his dad's promotion.
Old ask from June 2nd
I suspect Harry was given some money around the coronation too, and I feel like there might’ve been a condition that required Meghan to be radio silent for the whole weekend.
We talked about it at the time, but it was *very* strange, and very noticeable, that she completely disappeared for Coronation Weekend, considering that her usual MO is to smother us in PR any time the BRF steps out as a family - like trooping, Remembrance Day, post-summer holidays, the Platinum Jubilee, The Queen’s funeral. (Yes, she papwalked the first second she could, during the coronation concert, but by then most of the official festivities were over and no one really cared.)
I suspect maybe Meghan had gotten some kind of money for the coronation too. Probably a “half now, half after if you cooperate” kind of deal as I think that’s the only way Meghan would agree to anything. Or maybe Charles’s letters she leaked about just before the coronation (the ones where she claimed Charles names the racist royals) actually worked and they paid her for her silence. 🤷‍♀️
But anon picked up something I hadn’t — Harry really does have a pattern of going to the UK in the spring and what if it actually is tied to him getting the allowance from Charles?
Let’s review:
March 2020 - Sussex “farewell” tour
April 2021 - Philip’s funeral
April 2022 - secret Windsor visit on the way to The Hague Invictus Games that Meghan leaked because no one actually saw them. They reportedly wanted a meeting with The Queen, but she required them to meet with Charles and Camilla first. Supposedly they were late and never got to meet The Queen. I think this is the visit where Harry claimed he was making sure The Queen was protected and had good people around her.
June 2022 - Platinum Jubilee visit
September 2022 - Sussex “revenge” tour, overshadowed by The Queen’s illness and passing, royal mourning, and the funeral.
May 2023 - Harry returns for the coronation
June 2023 - Harry returns for lawsuit hearing/trial. Conveniently he’s in the country the same time that Charles is traveling and named Harry as a Counsellor of State.
February 2024 - Harry returns to see Charles after cancer diagnosis. He tries to see Kate but William blocks him.
May 2024 - Harry returns for 10th anniversary Invictus Games service. He doesn’t see Charles because Charles didn’t read Harry’s mind that he wanted to be personally invited by him despite an offer being made through staff. He tries to see Kate again but William blocks him.
I’m going to have to remember this theory next spring to check if the pattern continues.
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otter1962crystalball · 3 months
Experiencing Narcissism 101 - Part 3
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June 24th, 2024
Here we are nearing the end of Pride Month. I’ve challenged myself to write everyday and I’ve found it very useful in examining my past and realizing that I am actually very resilient. Yesterday I wrote about events leading up to the point of coming back from a trip with John. Today, the story continues.
I put my plan into action and began taking steroids above and beyond what I needed for Testosterone Replacement Therapy. I was taking injections because my testosterone was low due to my HIV medications. I supplemented with street testosterone as did John. In the course of my doing so, I put on more than 25 pounds and ended up at 250 pounds at my maximum. I continued abusing them up until 2013 when I moved to Nova Scotia with John.
John convinced me that I should be reducing the amount of time that I worked. At that time, I was a full-time teacher, a group fitness leader at a community centre and also a mentor for a master’s program at a university. The only real solution he suggested was to move from British Columbia to Nova Scotia. The reason was due to other cities didn’t seem inviting for either of us. I did suggest Montreal, but John didn’t speak French and thought it wasn’t a good idea. That summer, we jumped on a plane and took a quick trip to Nova Scotia. We explored a place called Annapolis Valley, which is fertile area of the province. We even looked at homes, but didn’t find anything that we liked. We returned home and made our decision.
We decided we would move to Windsor, Nova Scotia in October 2013. We also got married as it seemed the right thing to do. I resigned from the school board and put the house up for sale. It sold while we were enroute. We climbed into my truck with two dogs and a cat, travelling across Canada to Nova Scotia. During the trip, we argued a lot. The shouting continued and I decided that it was just part of my new life and bit my tongue. John did berate me for being quiet, which in my mind was better than screaming back at him. We found an apartment - literally on the fly - as we went across Canada. The hardest part was finding a rental unit that accepted dogs.
We lucked out and stayed in a place in Windsor until early 2015 when we found a house on the South Shore - which later became known as Otter Cottage. During the time in Nova Scotia, John had problems finding a job. I was accepted as a substitute and started working. He didn’t and that left him open to do other things. In fact, I caught him cheating on me several times. So, we negotiated an open relationship where we would explore together to fulfill everyone’s needs.
During our time there in Windsor, I got a phone call from my doctor. She told me to go to the hospital immediately because my bloodwork indicated that I had had a heart attack. We went to emergency immediately and I discovered that I had an enlarged heart due to the large amount of steroids. I spent four days in the hospital while they did tests. John visited everyday, but complained constantly about having to drive into the city. With supervision, I weaned myself off the steroids and reduced my testosterone to the appropriate level and quit the street steroids. It was clear that I had almost killed myself. I began kicking myself for having been so stupid to abuse steroids that much to satisfy the wishes of another person.
Once into Otter Cottage, I got a job in the Halifax and ended up with a permanent position teaching French Immersion. John then decided to become a real estate agent. So, I paid for his education. During the time of moving to the South Shore, our relationship was really strained. John was constantly getting angry at just about everyone - of course, including me. He constantly seemed frustrated and I did everything I could including buying antiques for him and giving him a room to decorate. That didn’t help and we argued constantly. Several times, I told him that I had had enough. Suddenly, John would turn back to a charmer and everything was great - for a few short weeks or month.
John finished his real estate school and managed to sell at least three properties, using a car that I had bought for him. At the same time, I discovered that he was still cheating on me. In late 2016, John mentioned that his former employer in Montreal had suggested offering him a job. I had had enough of all the nonsense. When I heard that, I told John that I wanted him to take the job and be out of the house by next week. So, he packed the car with everything he could and then moved everything he thought belonged to him into the antique room he had decorated. He went to Montreal and suddenly I felt a real relief - until the divorce proceedings started.
In the six years we were together, John paid rent three months in the time we were in my house in Vancouver. He bought groceries maybe twice. In Nova Scotia, he paid for nothing. I didn’t see any of the profits from the sales of the properties he had sold. I got a lawyer and proceeded with the divorce. We had to live apart for at least a year before we could legally divorce. That year was a year from hell for me.
John, now in Montreal, would contact me and screamed at me for not moving the stuff he wanted to Montreal. I told him that the lawyer told me to do that until we had settled the divorce.  His request was half of everything. I provided all my receipts for everything, showing that John had paid little. He never paid for heating, mortgage payments, gym fees, and much more. During that time, John began a classic narcissistic pattern - he tried to show me how he was a victim. He sent me pictures of him in the hospital. He sent me pictures of his empty fridge. He called me constantly asking for money. I had to continue to say no. He turned several local friends against me saying I was withholding his belongings. I told those local friends that they didn’t know what was really going on. Needless to say, I didn’t continue those friendships.
The calls continued along with emails, texts until I had to block him. He even called my school during a lesson and interrupted. He called me at the gym as well, asking an attendant to find me. I put a stop to all of that. At the end of the year apart, I made him an offer and let him know that he would get nothing more. He begrudgingly accepted it and immediately demanded his things sent. I had packed them into a pod as I was sick of seeing the pile of things in the living room. In typical fashion, he demanded that I allow one of his friends to sit and watch the pod be repacked so that his belongings would be safe. Ironically, the movers told me that I had done an amazing job and that repacking wasn’t necessary! At this point, I didn’t care; he had to pay for the moving costs.
Even after the papers were signed and we were officially divorced he continued to harass me with phone calls and texts on anonymous lines. I was so tired of it that I went to the local RCMP and lodged a complaint and asked the calls, texts and emails stop. The Sûreté du Québec (the provincial police in Quebec) paid him a visit and told him that if he contacted me again, he would be arrested. That was the last time I ever heard from him. In that year and a half, he contacted me more than 668 times by various methods.
In 2018 I was officially free of John. Otter Cottage was in my name, the car payments for John’s car were now his responsibility and I began my new life as a divorced gay man. As a side note, that fall as I was cleaning the gardens, I found a pile of broken mugs, coasters and John’s medication all thrown into the bushes. It seemed that whenever he was angry, he would throw things off the verandah - just like when he used to go out and scream at the top of his lungs at the people he hated.
So what was it like to live with a narcissist? Looking at the 9 points of Special Me, I saw countless examples of all 9 points and more from him. He always though he was the most important person at all times. He felt entitled to everything without having to work for it. He was exploitative, arrogant, lacked empathy and always showed off so that others could admire him. He also was easily able to play the victim and everything that he did was turned back on my so that it was all my fault. Anyone who didn’t agree with him immediately became the enemy - me included.
I saw a counsellor and learned to deal with the aftermath of living six years with John. The counsellor suggested I buy a book called “Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder.” All what was discussed in the book, I found in John. The only thing the book didn’t help me with was getting along with him and thankfully I never wanted to do so. In the end, I believe he was also obsessive compulsive as well.
During my counselling time, I came to acknowledge my part in those six years. I had been codependent and allowed him to do all of those things. I also discovered that I had to learn to love myself, always take care of myself first before helping others and learning how a narcissist latches onto a caregiver such as myself. I forgave myself for almost killing myself on steroids to please John. I watched my health and have not abused them since.
At that point, I was really sure that I knew what the signs were and vowed to never get involved with a narcissist. Did I succeed? I’ll leave that to tomorrow’s blog… For Pride, I am celebrating my inner self and my self love. Now that I have worked on myself, someone like John would never be able to pry their way into my life. 
Carpe diem, everyone.
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pers-books · 7 months
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Returning to Original Theatre Online from Friday 23 February
Original Theatre are delighted to announces that Barnes' People by Peter Barnes is returning to Original Online.
Four exquisitely crafted monologues from writer Peter Barnes (The Ruling Class) performed by four of our leading actors - Jon Culshaw, Matthew Kelly, Jemma Redgrave and Adrian Scarborough - filmed on stage at the Theatre Royal Windsor in 2021.
Each of these wonderful solo performances presents and explores a different character, with Barnes' unique wit and humanity throughout, bringing them to life for a unique glimpse into the complexities of the human experience.
"Barnes' Stormers... these mini dramas pack a big punch" - Daily Mail
"Beautiful and compelling anthology collection" - The Reviews Hub
"Barnes' mordant observation and exquisitely turned phrasing feel as beguiling as ever" - The Arts Desk
Original Online Members get exclusive access this weekend, from Friday 23 February at 5pm - become a member today from £8.99/month* to watch sooner, along with all the other benefits of a membership.
Returning to Original Theatre Online from Friday 23 February
Dear Raymond,
I am delighted to announce that our production of Barnes' People is returning to Original Online.
Four exquisitely crafted monologues from writer Peter Barnes (The Ruling Class) performed by four of our leading actors - Jon Culshaw, Matthew Kelly, Jemma Redgrave and Adrian Scarborough - filmed on stage at the Theatre Royal Windsor in 2021.
Each of these wonderful solo performances presents and explores a different character, with Barnes' unique wit and humanity throughout, bringing them to life for a unique glimpse into the complexities of the human experience.
"Barnes' Stormers... these mini dramas pack a big punch" - Daily Mail
"Beautiful and compelling anthology collection" - The Reviews Hub
"Barnes' mordant observation and exquisitely turned phrasing feel as beguiling as ever" - The Arts Desk
Original Online Members get exclusive access this weekend, from Friday 23 February at 5pm - become a member today from £8.99/mo* to watch sooner, along with all the other benefits of a membership.
General release, including rental, is from Monday 26 February at 5pm.
The monologues, and the stars involved, in the order they appear are detailed below:
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A True Born Englishman Starring Adrian Scarborough
Leslie has been a footman at Buckingham palace for thirty years.  A life of service, a life of discretion... and lifetime of secrets. Originally banned from broadcast by the BBC and never seen before, this world premiere takes you behind the scenes of the most famous of royal palaces.
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Rosa Starring Jemma Redgrave
Dr Rosa Hamilton is tired. After twenty years of battling the system, drowning in paperwork and watching patients fade away in care homes- she’s tired, she’s angry - and she really wants a drink. Especially as she’s about to dictate the most important letter of her life.
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Billy & Me Starring Jon Culshaw
For Michael Jennings the only way to fight the voices in his head is to bring them life. In fact he’s made a career from it. Now seemingly alone on an empty stage, Billy, his stage partner of 25 years keeps interrupting him. Which would be fine, except that Billy is a puppet. 
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Losing Myself Starring Matthew Kelly
Adams used to have everything with the world at his feet. Now he’s lost his faith… and his rocking horse. On a solitary bench within the hallowed confines of one of London’s forgotten churchyards Adams sits on a bench for his final conversation with an old friend. 
More details, reviews and preview videos can be found on the Original Theatre website.
*brb squeeing and flailing*
And THIS is why I didn't cancel the Original Theatre newsletter subscription!
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shane wright trade scenarios
hi everyone!!! i am wanting to cover this more potentially on the pod next week, but i did want to make a post in advance breaking some stuff down.
obviously, we all know that the kraken do not intend to send shane wright down at the moment, but i think the likelihood of him being sent down after wjc is probable. the ohl trade deadline is in mid-january and with all the movement that's happened recently, the chances of him being in the ohl again is VERY HIGH. likely though, it won't be with kingston. the fronts are likely going to tank the rest of this year if they receive the memorial cup bid to have a good team next year. with the current improvements within their conference, i say that's the most likely outcome.
so...who in the ohl is MOST likely to get shane wright?
let's start in the eastern conference, based on standings
ottawa 67s
unlikely. they are looking for continual, sustained success after last year's rebuilding year. it's also not a place he'd likely WANT to go.
2. north bay battallion
nope. they just acquired josh bloom from the saginaw spirit and are going all in this year, but they've found their guy
3. mississauga steelheads
i'd honestly love to see it. it makes sense strategically. they don't have a 100% number one centre, a game breaking star. but they're deep enough to support shane, and this is really their last year to do it all before they fall back to mediocrity. it's also close to home, so that would be a good confidence booster for shane. i think it would cost mississauga the moon and more to get him, but i think they have what it takes to get it done.
4. peterborough petes
it'd be fun to see him with otter again, but it's unlikely. while the petes don't have a true #1 centre, they do have an overager in that spot already. also petes are just rising from their rebuilding years, they won't want to spend the draft capital
5. kingston frontenacs
no he's not staying.
6. barrie colts
no, they're middling and will sell off to rebuild at the deadline.
7. hamilton bulldogs
no, they're rebuilding, just after their mem cup year
8. sudbury wolves
thought they'd be better and contending this year, but likely not until next year so...no
9. oshawa generals
no, they're also mid rebuild
10. niagara icedogs
haha nice joke
and now the west!!!
windsor spitfires
absolutely yes. it'd be out of conference, which is likely what the fronts want AND the spitfires have enough depth to make it through multiple playoff rounds. they've also lost wyatt johnston, meaning a trade for a high-end top centreman is probably in the cards for their trade deadline
2. saginaw spirit
they're doing well, but with the bloom trade, it's clear they view this year as not their year. likely, they're wanting to extend their window to the end of michael misa's tenure there, a year longer than the typical mem cup window. if shane was more than a rental? yes. but he's not
3. owen sound attack
absolutely. this is the first time the attack have been relevant in a LONG time. they must know that this year is their year to go for it, no matter what. 100% they are the most likely team that is willing to lay it all down to get wright. it's just that he would never accept a trade there
4. flint firebirds
just sold off their captain, so they likely know that they're middling and will not be contending this year.
5. sarnia sting
just got sasha pastujov but they're also middling due to their goaltending. it could happen, but i highly doubt it. they aren't true contenders this year anyways
6. london knights
one of their first rebuild years in a while, so yeah, no.
7. erie otters
on the upswing, but their true contending years will be when their young stars reach their peak
8. soo greyhounds
rebuilding, NEXT
9. kitchener rangers
huge sellers at the deadline, 100% not going to try to contend this year with their situation
10. guelph storm
underrated crasher from this year. they missed their window HARD.
anyways hopefully that was helpful!!!! if anyone has anymore questions pls send them to me, but be prepared for askbox purgatory. even if i'm trying my best to answer!
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richmondpm · 17 hours
Expert Home Rent Management Services in Windsor by Richmond
Richmond Property Management offers exceptional Home Rent Management services in Windsor. Our dedicated team specializes in finding reliable tenants, managing rental agreements, and overseeing property maintenance. We aim to simplify the rental process for homeowners, ensuring timely rent collection and maintaining your property's value for optimal returns.
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shop-korea · 5 days
KIKI'S DELIVERY SERVICE | Official English Trailer
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lavelled · 12 days
homage to the mates.
Quick news: The Princess Kate cancer video, twirly amongst nature, is false, fake, and a lie. Musk wrote the impregnation tweet to deflect from September 11 because it was Harry. We don’t know why Muzzled Meg is with microphones galore—both consensually horrible?
Harry’s eponymous Catturd Twitter account represents family pedophilia. Google the identity, king-wise. Harry posts unwitty far-right extremism like curricula for monsters. Harry Windsor—cause of school shootings, school fires, stabbings, and suicides—is a fanboy right-winger with zero political views writing slop on the Internet to lighten the mood from kidnapping that upsets your teenagers. Kids know how he’s a swaddled coward in the UK, getting paid to theorize about my rape.
He has fun outside of wedlock. Dril or wint or cunty, the online account with a Jack Nicholson picture from the film, Something’s Gotta Give. This is Harry. In 2014, he wrote: i am selling six beautfiul, extremely ill, white horses. they no longer recognize me as their father, and are the Burden of my life.
google iitz.
In non-eloquent terms, a literary pedometer about his papa enslaving little girls and threatening the actor who was their actual pen pal. In case South Sudan needs a civil rights guest speaker.
A Netflix deal for a hired ventriloquist who, for six years, has deliberately helped a California-enemy sex trafficking violator. To dire results. Could nothing be worse?
As a briefcase model, in brassy copper orange, she opened suitcase Number 11 to reveal 5 dollars inside which the video titled, Meghan Markle Has the Case Deal or No Deal Game Show Network on YouTube details, years before she accompanied her playbook bunkmate to the ESPYs as he accepted an award honoring a fallen 9/11 hero.
She was cast in a wedding day prank, procreated with the contract holder, and deceived youths with the intentional spread of inaccurate information about race, gender inequality, and cyber bullying that she’s never been subjected to. H & Birthmark: You’re a psycho and she’s nowhere near a Cleopatra Malala Yousafzai.
Meanwhile, my female rights are gone and her captor husband says he wants to live in my attic. A reference I’ve learned is not about a cathedral roof hideaway, but the anatomy of a persecuted 15-year-old girl.
Grieving parents deserve more than implementing Flip and Frogmore Cottage as Mad Hatter tea techniques to denote that she’s the wrong milady.
Kids feel bad for someone. Guess who?
In Harry code, Rachel means: Rape-U-1st.
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, at 9:02 am, in a Ryder rental truck, bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, killing 168 people because of Royal Pedophilia, Incorporated.
Tyler Hilinski—Quarterback at Washington State University was found with a gunshot wound to the head and a suicide note. 21-years-old. Four months before their wedding.
Jason Hairston—NFL player; founder and CEO of Kuiu, a hunting gear company. He was Department of the Interior liaison for hunting groups during the Trump administration. He killed himself at his home in Dixon, California. Four months after their wedding.
Jonathan Cantwell—Australian professional road bicycle racer; won a stage of the Herald Sun Tour and two stages of the Tour de Taiwan. He killed himself six months after their wedding.
Morgan Rodgers—lacrosse player at Duke University. Her mom, Dona, said she suffered a dream-shattering knee injury and on July 11, 2019, Morgan died by suicide. At 22.
Pavle Jovanovic—Olympian on the USA Bobsled team. He became a welder and hung himself in his metal shop on May 3, 2020.
Dieter Brummer—Australian actor on the soap operas, Home and Away and Neighbours. He killed himself in Glenhaven, New South Wales. July 24, 2021.
Terrence Butler—basketball star at Drexel University, studying Engineering. The 6-foot-7 forward from Prince George’s County, Maryland died by suicide on August 2, 2023.
Alec Musser—model and actor; played the role of Del Henry on All My Children. He died by self-inflicted gunshot wound in his Del Mar, California home on January 12, 2024.
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farinakhan · 3 months
Richest Neighbourhoods in LA in 2024
Exploring the richest neighbourhoods in LA can be both exciting and full of curiosity. So, whether you dream of living in a sprawling mansion overlooking the ocean or a chic apartment in the heart of the city, Los Angeles has a neighbourhood that will suit your tastes and aspirations. Some of the richest neighbourhoods in LA include Bel-Air, Pacific Palisades, Beverly Hills, Malibu, Beverly Crest, Windsor Square, Brentwood, University Park, Holmby Hills, Hollywood Hills, Hancock Park, and Encino. While many of these neighbourhoods are known for their luxury homes and high-end living, there are also more affordable housing options available, particularly in West Hollywood and certain parts of Beverly Hills. These may include apartments, shared housing, and rental units that cater to students and young professionals. Try reaching out to Fly Homes for a fantastic experience in your student accommodation search in the USA. Public transportation options in Los Angeles, including buses and metro lines, serve most neighbourhoods, but accessibility can vary. Richest neighbourhoods in LA like Beverly Hills and Bel Air may have fewer public transportation options compared to more urban areas like West Hollywood. For more details, refer to our blog 5 Richest Neighbourhoods in LA in 2024.
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maximum-property · 11 months
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Local Expertise: Our team of experienced real estate professionals has an in-depth understanding of the Windsor rental market. We can provide valuable insights into various neighbourhoods, local amenities, and schools, helping you make an informed decision.
Personalized Service: At Maximum Property Solutions, we understand that each client has unique requirements. We take the time to listen to your needs and preferences, tailoring our property recommendations accordingly. Your satisfaction is our top priority.
Streamlined Rental Process: We make the rental process as straightforward as possible. From property viewings to lease agreements and move-in inspections, we are with you every step of the way. We aim to save you time and effort, ensuring a hassle-free rental experience.
24/7 Support: We know that questions and concerns can arise anytime. That's why we offer 24/7 customer support to address your inquiries promptly and efficiently. You can count on us for assistance throughout your tenancy.
How to Get Started Finding the perfect Windsor rental home with Maximum Property Solutions is a straightforward process:
Contact Us: Contact our team through our website or phone to discuss your rental needs. Property Search: We'll list suitable rental properties based on your criteria. Property Viewing: Schedule viewings of the properties that interest you and explore them in person. Application Process: Once you've found your dream rental, our team will guide you through the application and lease agreement process. Move-In Assistance: On your move-in day, we'll conduct an inspection and ensure a smooth transition into your new home.
Unlock the Door to Your Dream Windsor Rental Home Maximum Property Solutions is here to make your journey to finding the perfect Windsor rental home a breeze. With our extensive listings, local expertise, personalized service, and 24/7 support, we are the ideal partner to guide you through this important decision. Please don't settle for less regarding your next rental home. Trust Maximum Property Solutions to help you unlock the door to your dream rental property in the charming city of Windsor.
In your search for Windsor rental homes, Maximum Property Solutions is your key to success. Contact us today to start your journey toward finding the perfect place to call home in Windsor.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 8 months
It was reported at one point that Charles did offer Harry and Meghan a house in Wales I believe? It was was supposed to be like a country escape for them for that privacy they're always screaming about. So Charles did try to set them up the way the late queen set her children up with homes. I guess the posh set wasn't hanging around there and it was more difficult to set up pap walks out there or something Harry and Meghan weren't interested.
According to the web, Charles offered Harry and Meghan a farm in Gloucestershire as a wedding gift. The farm is part of the Highgrove Estate, which is the King's private residence. The farm is said to have stables, a swimming pool, and a tennis court. However, Harry and Meghan declined the offer and moved to Frogmore Cottage.
Yep, all true. The offers were rejected for three reasons.
1. Meghan wanted to be able to mingle with celebs. No one was going to trek out to Wales or Gloucester to see her. That’s why they spent Summer 2018 at the Cotswold rental near SoHo Farmhouse - so they could have access to everyone visiting SoHo Farmhouse and the Beckhams were nearby too.
2. Meghan hates nature and the country. She is city through and through, and like Diana, tolerated country long enough to get the family’s and friends’ approval. Unlike Diana, Meghan didn’t understand that she needed to keep up appearances to play the long game.
3. They didn’t want a house from Charles. They wanted exactly the same thing William and Kate received, a house personally gifted to them from The Queen on The Queen’s private estate. Or, if they couldn’t get equal to William and Kate, they wanted better — an actual castle or palace. So they made a bid for Windsor Castle and got offered the graveyard instead.
(That Meghan wanted a castle/palace was confirmed in 2022 by Katie Nicholl in her book. Katie is a problematic reporter - she coined “Waity Katie” and also led the charge against Kate but refuses to take accountability for anything she did/said - but she does have impeccable sources, including one of the Queen’s cousins, who gave her the info about Meghan’s Windsor ambitions.)
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myshoppingadventures · 3 months
My Shopping Addiction
I know I haven’t done much of anything with this blog. But my shopping adventures has been really a roll coaster of emotions. In the last three years I developed a shopping habit to the point of recurring debt.
I never thought I would fall into the credit card trap but now I am in a hole. A hole that depleted my savings & left me at square one again. Especially during a time where the economy has triple everything. And my dream of owning my first property seems even further away.
It’s actually started during my last job. Five years ago I was in a good place with my job, my relationship (well at least I hoped) & my finances were stellar. Not anywhere over middle class but not broke either. But I had a budget, I was occupied being happy & when I did shop it wasn’t out of control. If I didn’t need it, I knew how to walk away. For travel & special occasions I saved then spent. Also I was in an balanced economic & situation where I could save & spend.
Then in 2020 I got fired because my job was laying off people & putting all the work on the rest of us & I couldn’t come into work without the look of pure unhappiness. So three strikes of mistakes & they wanted me to quit & give them two weeks but I told them to fire me instead.
Next month my ex girlfriend broke up with me, officially anyways. And it devastated me. I was so in love with her. I was disrespectful to her at the wrong time but she didn’t really love me to begin with either. So during that wrong time I lashed out. I should have left her after our first lease was over. After the first break up. #Lesbiandrama
When all that happened back to back, Covid was still present & annoying; I decided to fuck off a lot of things. I had a nice saving & decided to live in my car. I didn’t want another boss. I was fed up with corporate America. So fed up with having face to face with management & corporations that could care less about you. Our lease was also ending & I didn’t want to pay rent for nobody else. I didn’t want another relationship. I was tired of falling for someone that didn’t never love me in return. It was a waste of my time & I don’t want to feel heartbroken ever again.
So I made the leap to be single & houselessness in my car. I didn’t want to go back to my mother’s in my home state. I still had to pay my car note & insurance & didn’t want to leave Atlanta. Even though I wanted to travel. I thought I just travel in my car. But I ended up taking money from my 401k & saw all that money all at once in my checking account & I went crazy shopping. Emotional shopping.
I took a lot out to pay off my car note. But I decided to stay up North at the time & I needed to get a check to pay my car note in the amount of more than $5000. But I ended up buying food, shopping at Windsor & bought mostly ever summer dress they had on the rack. I just went on a spending spree like I had just won the lottery.
I tried to rationalize with myself that I can make the money back once I got a job I liked. I told myself the dream of getting a rental property was over. I was with my old company for five years & it disgusted me that I had to start all over again. To get any kind of home loan you have to be on the job at least two years. I said welp. I am not ready for a job right now. So I spent my savings.
Then I reopened my credit card. I started for one reason, I needed my car’s tire changed. I got a blowout. At this time I didn’t have the money & I lived in my car so I justified it as I needed the work done to live in my car. Then I used it for a rental car because I didn’t want to put miles on my car to Florida because at this point I have been constantly driving for Amazon.
I didn’t remember how fast money goes. I developed a habit/high of walking into a Marshalls or TJMaxx everyday because either I was bored in my car or didn’t want any people to see me in my car or I didn’t know where to go. I created a daily shopping habit for months. And it adds up, $20 here, $80 there, sometimes over $200. It was bad.
Since then I finally gotten a position of employment I enjoy. But it came too late. I depleted my savings. Still hadn’t paid off my car & I have two huge credit card debt. And now I am paying rent which I avoided for two years & went shopping instead. In fact I used that excuse. I said to myself “Well this money would have went to rent anyways”.
Living in my car didn’t have me save for anything. It’s one of those harsh life lessons that I wish I could go back & change. I definitely have to start from rock bottom again. Now with debt.
One would think to be smarter or doing better. But addiction mean addiction. I don’t need a therapist, I just have to believe & change my behavior. I have to want to save & build up my finances!
But, at the same time, I never saw the point of working just to pay bills. I can get me a little, tiny, make-myself-feel-good-present budget & also put into savings what I spend. But the rising cost of rent, food & gas & credit card bills makes me fucking upset. You would think the restraints of those factors should help curve my spending. It doesn’t. I still get carried away & don’t save. But honestly, I can do better. I just need to do the best I can & push myself to be better.
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arjnikproperty · 7 months
Optimizing Returns: Landlord Property Management Windsor
Effective property management is crucial for landlords in Windsor seeking to maximize returns on their investments. Windsor, with its vibrant real estate market and growing rental demand, presents ample opportunities for property owners. However, to capitalize on these opportunities and ensure long-term profitability, landlords must employ strategic management practices tailored to the unique characteristics of the Windsor market. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore key strategies and best practices for optimizing returns through landlord property management Windsor.
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Understanding the Windsor Market
Before delving into specific management strategies, it's essential for landlords to gain a deep understanding of the Windsor market dynamics. Windsor, situated in a prime location with proximity to major cities and economic hubs, enjoys steady demand for rental properties. Factors such as employment growth, population trends, and infrastructure development contribute to the resilience and attractiveness of the Windsor rental market.
Additionally, Windsor's diverse neighborhoods offer a range of housing options, from historic homes in Walkerville to modern condominiums in downtown Windsor. Landlords must conduct thorough market research to identify areas with high rental demand, competitive rental rates, and potential for appreciation. By aligning their investment strategies with market trends, landlords can position themselves for success in the Windsor rental market.
Effective Tenant Screening
Tenant selection plays a pivotal role in property management and directly impacts long-term returns. In Windsor's competitive rental market, landlords must implement robust tenant screening processes to identify reliable tenants who will pay rent on time, maintain the property, and adhere to lease terms. Comprehensive tenant screening may include credit checks, employment verification, rental history reviews, and criminal background checks.
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Furthermore, establishing clear rental criteria and communicating expectations with prospective tenants can help mitigate risks and minimize disputes down the line. By investing time and effort in tenant screening, landlords can safeguard their investments and foster positive landlord-tenant relationships conducive to long-term profitability.
Strategic Pricing and Marketing
Effective pricing and marketing strategies are essential for maximizing rental income and minimizing vacancies. In Windsor's dynamic rental market, landlords must stay attuned to local rental trends, competitor pricing, and seasonal fluctuations to determine optimal rental rates. Pricing properties competitively can attract a larger pool of prospective tenants and reduce vacancy periods, ultimately maximizing rental income.
Additionally, leveraging digital marketing channels such as online listing platforms, social media, and property management websites can enhance property visibility and reach a broader audience of potential tenants. High-quality photographs, detailed property descriptions, and virtual tours can showcase the property's unique features and amenities, enticing prospective tenants to inquire and schedule viewings.
Proactive Maintenance and Property Upkeep
Maintaining the condition and appeal of rental properties is critical for preserving asset value and attracting quality tenants. Proactive maintenance practices, such as regular inspections, timely repairs, and preventative maintenance measures, can help address minor issues before they escalate into costly repairs or safety hazards.
In Windsor's rental market, where tenants expect well-maintained properties and responsive landlords, investing in property upkeep can yield significant dividends in terms of tenant satisfaction, lease renewals, and property appreciation. Landlords should prioritize essential maintenance tasks such as HVAC servicing, plumbing repairs, landscaping, and exterior upkeep to enhance curb appeal and tenant comfort.
Moreover, implementing energy-efficient upgrades and eco-friendly initiatives can not only reduce operating costs but also appeal to environmentally conscious tenants seeking sustainable living options. By investing in property maintenance and upgrades, landlords can optimize property performance and enhance overall returns on investment.
Effective Lease Management and Compliance
Lease management and compliance are integral components of successful property management Windsor. Landlords must draft comprehensive lease agreements that outline rights, responsibilities, and expectations for both landlords and tenants. Clear lease terms regarding rent payments, maintenance responsibilities, pet policies, and lease renewal procedures can prevent misunderstandings and disputes during the tenancy.
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Furthermore, landlords must stay abreast of relevant laws, regulations, and local ordinances governing landlord-tenant relationships in Windsor. Compliance with rental housing laws, fair housing regulations, and property maintenance standards is non-negotiable and essential for avoiding legal liabilities and penalties. Landlords may consider consulting legal professionals or joining landlord associations in Windsor to stay informed about legal updates and best practices.
Effective Communication and Tenant Relations
Building positive relationships with tenants is paramount for successful property management in Windsor. Clear and open communication channels between landlords and tenants can foster trust, transparency, and mutual respect, leading to smoother lease transactions and tenant satisfaction. Landlords should promptly respond to tenant inquiries, address maintenance requests, and provide timely updates on property-related matters.
Moreover, proactive communication with tenants can help landlords identify potential issues early on and take corrective action to prevent escalation. Regular communication through email newsletters, tenant portals, or community events can also strengthen tenant engagement and retention, reducing turnover costs and vacancy rates.
Financial Management and Performance Analysis
Effective financial management is essential for tracking property performance, optimizing expenses, and maximizing returns on investment. Landlords in Windsor should maintain detailed financial records, including rental income, operating expenses, maintenance costs, and property taxes. Implementing accounting software or hiring professional property management services can streamline financial management processes and provide insights into property cash flow and profitability.
Furthermore, conducting regular performance analysis and benchmarking against industry standards can help landlords identify areas for improvement and implement strategic initiatives to enhance property performance. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as occupancy rates, rental yield, and return on investment (ROI) can provide valuable insights into the financial health and viability of rental properties in Windsor.
In conclusion, optimizing returns through effective landlord property management in Windsor requires a multifaceted approach encompassing market analysis, tenant screening, marketing strategies, maintenance practices, lease management, communication, and financial management. By employing strategic management practices tailored to the unique characteristics of the Windsor rental market, landlords can maximize rental income, minimize vacancies, and enhance overall returns on investment. With careful planning, proactive maintenance, and tenant-centric approach, landlords can unlock the full potential of their rental properties and achieve long-term success in the competitive Windsor rental market.
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richmondpm · 3 months
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Top-rated Rent Property Management Companies in Windsor
Richmond Property Management specializes in rent property management companies Windsor, offering top-tier services to streamline your rental experience. Our expertise ensures your Richmond homes for professionals are well-maintained and efficiently managed. Discover the benefits of partnering with us today and enhance your property's value and appeal. Contact Richmond Property Management now for unparalleled service and support.
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citywidehomesct · 9 months
Citywide Homes
Address: 128 Oak St. South Windsor, CT 06074
Phone: (860) 836-0297
Website: https://citywidehomesct.com
Business Email: [email protected]
Hours: Mon-Sun: 7am - 7pm
Payment: check, cash, credit card
Social: https://www.facebook.com/CitywidehomesConnecticut https://www.instagram.com/citywidehomesct/
Citywide Homes LLC is a residential home remodeling business located in central CT. Our main business is residential home remodeling for local clients, but we also are involved with real estate buying, selling, rehabbing, and rental holding. We are great at updating neglected homes and specialize in everything from small handyman tasks to large whole-home renovations. We are comfortable working on any style of home and at any price point.
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floridasbeaches · 9 months
Orlando FL Vacation House for Rent by Owner Near Disney World
Beach Vacation Rentals & Homes Disney Orlando FL Vacation Property Rental with Pool Bedrooms: 5 Baths: 4 Sleeps: up to 11 Price: $257 avg per night Source: VRBO >> BOOK HERE << Florida Vacation Home For Rent Close to Walt Disney World in Orlando. Welcome to our remarkable vacation house rental located in the prestigious Windsor Island Resort. Prepare to embark on a truly magical experience where…
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