#wish me luck guys ahhhhhhhhhhhh
allfortheaesthetic · 3 years
so now i’m going to post my reactions while watching jatp for the first time. enjoy (keep in mind i know a lot that happens because i got so spoiled because the internet)
“hollywood 1995” AHHHHHHHHHHHH i’m gonna cry
“sunset curve showcase sold out” MY SONS
“one two three” ALEX
i’m in public. don’t cry.
“we ain’t searching for tomorrow” “tomoRROW”
you gotta appreciate them giving it their all for sound check
luke is an adorable puppy
so’s alex
bobby “terrible flirting activated”
i mean he really tried the vegetarian
i relate tho because i also cannot flirt
“size beautiful” all y’all suck at flirting.
tho she got a free shirt so good for her.
i’m taking way too long to watch it because i keep pausing it to freak out. stupid second hand embarrassment
luke you did bobby dirty...i’d do it too.
yall i may be stupid but i would never eat hotdogs out of a CAR
“that’s a new flavor” “chill, man, street dogs haven’t killed us yet” wow. yall stupid stupid.
okay. i know it’s sad. and i’m really upset about it. but the cut from the eating to the ambulance made me laugh so hard.
“hey underachiever” “hey disappointment” wow. that’s accurate best-friend representation. also damn flashbacks to my parents.
ight so carrie may be... bitchy. but damn she’s got style.
matter of fact so does julie. and flynn. damn they’re all just better than me huh.
i love how the teacher says “take your time” like i know how it talks about how she said it was julie’s last chance but her being kind about it makes my anxiety ridden self wish my teachers were like that.
i love ray.
also the old instruments. i’m dying on the hill that bobby gave the house to rose and asked her to keep them.
poor julie was just vibing and then they show up 😂😂 also i love her slippers.
the crucifix!!
luke “that’s definitely not my six string” “can you give me a second? just one second!”
“maybes she’s a witch” god i love reggie
alex saying he’s got a softer touch and then loudly saying “why are you in our studio” these himbos
“it was gonna change our lives” “i’m pretty sure it did” i love these boys
“i’ve been crying for 25 years! how is that possible?!” “well you’re a very emotional person” “i am nOt”
“i-im luke by the way and this is” “reggie. i’m reggie. hey” “alex how’s it going” “ba-da” i love these boys so much it’s unreal.
they just hopped through that front door so cheerily.
luke really just wanting to play music where no one can see them 😂😂
she’s so good. i stg it’s not fair. i wish i had that talent.
i love flynn an unreal amount yall. and julie. and their friendship #doubletrouble
their clothes are still there?????? bobby???
reggie and luke crying because of ray
“guess that vegetarian lucked out” EXCUSE ME. MY MANS HAD THREE OF HIS BEST FRIENDS DIE AND HE “lucked out”
honestly i love the casual way it handles alex being gay. like it’s not a huge thing. he’s just gay and that’s how it deserves to be.
i’m gonna cry this is so cute.
the way luke ruined that sandwich for her by bringing up the hotdogs
damn. say what you will but dirty candy gets me hyped.
luke hurt about reggie saying julie should be the lead singers is the embodiment of this emoji 🥺
“i’m actually i think you’re joking her band” FLYNN IS MY QUEEN
the high school musical vibes tho
“one of us isn’t there. we had a blowout in 2031. my moneys in alex. he’s just so sensitive”
oh no. oh no. oh nonononono. they’re about to find out about bobby and the songs. i’ve got a who lot of feelings about this but i’m not about to go into a whole rant about that so.
okay. calebs a bad guy i know. but the other side of hollywood is a BOP
and willie was looking nice!
but i feel bad for julie
and honestly is getting back at bobby worth all this?
honestly if i was julie and i had to partner up with my crush i would simply pass away. that would be it.
honestly reggie. fixing an amp in the rain???
their little sorry song is so cute.
i’m gonna cry. the way he’s sitting on that counter so sad and his parents setting out a cake. ahhhhhh 😭😭
okay i love tia victoria
reggie. i love you. your hearts in the right place but i don’t think this is going to end well.
i love ray
and i love reggie and ray’s, one sided, relationship
“and don’t you look shArp” the way he says sharp. i can’t y’all. 😂😂
poor nick getting called luke
luke’s hair oh my god!!!!
willie and alex! i’m gonna cry!
“girls am i right?” “no❤️”
willie! 😫 my poor son
yall. watching them get ready to go is depressing. like reggie saying “i’m gonna miss them” but oh my god unsaid emily
poor julie. her life’s going good and then BAM caleb. she even rejected nick?!?!
tho that artwork is good
and the poor guys.
yall it says panic at the disco! no exclamation point tho.
“i’d do anything for you” WHEN I TELL YOU I DROPPED MY PHONE I MEAN IT
“only love baby”
fucking caleb.
julie looks so nice!!!!
his look that he gives carrie when she says, “been here before”
bobby looks so sad! those are his boys!!!
you know bobby probably think “wtf is up with luke’s hair”
julies gonna make me cry i stg
damn poor nick.
tho caleb be looking stylish and steampunky
aaaaaand now i’m gonna put the soundtrack on repeat. deuces yall ✌🏼
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libralita · 4 years
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Title: Dawnshard
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Summary:  Dawnshard follows the story of Rysn, the Thaylen merchant whom we've seen before in the Interludes of the first three books of the Stormlight Archive series.
Rating: ★★★★★
I feel Rysn’s pain. I too find stuff most unimaginably boring interesting.
Oh no, something is wrong with Chiri-Chiri.
“A few anxietyspren, like twisting black cross shapes, appeared around Rysn.”
Huh, interesting.
“She’d already sent a request via spanreed to someone she thought could help with Chiri-Chiri.”
*Narrows eyes* Who?
“her eyebrow jewelry tinkling softly”
Roshar is so weird. (Edit: Understatement of the goddamn decade)
“The king wants to meet this Dalinar Kholin and see these Knights Radiant for himself.”
Man I should have reread these books. Oh well. Goodluck Dalinar.
It’s very interesting that now Navani is Queen of Urithiru. So Dalinar is King? WAIT WE’RE IN URITHIRU! AHHHH!
“She was an intimidating woman with her Alethi height, her black and grey hair done in intricate braids atop her head and woven with glowing sapphires.”
Nah, she’s a mom. I wouldn’t be surprised if she tries to mother you.
Rysn Ftori. Did we know her last name?
“Finally the queen stopped, focused on the chair at the rear of the room, then pulled her chair over and sat before Rysn. It was a small gesture, but appreciated. Rysn didn’t mind when people remained standing in her presence, but there was a certain thoughtfulness in the way Navani situated herself so they could discuss at eye level with one another.”
As stated, Navani is a mom.
Oh, I think we read about this in Oathbringer.
The Prince of Liafor???
The Rock of Secrets. I see Brandon wasn’t trying too hard with this name.
“As the months had passed, Rysn had begun to truly grasp the strategic importance of Stormlight as a fuel both for fabrials and for the Knights Radiant. Beyond that, the enemy had creatures—known as Fused— who used the Void’s own Light. Chiri-Chiri fed on that just as eagerly as Stormlight.”
…………………I kind of ship Lopen and Talik. I don’t know how to feel about this. Brandon is creating some very odd ships this year. (If you haven’t read the RoW previews, trust me, there’s a weird one)
““It’s politics. The annoying kind.”
“There’s another kind?”
“She owned it. She commanded it. But at least according to maritime tradition, it was not hers”
This reminds me of how Navani sees herself as not an artifabian (I’m not even going to bother look up the correct spelling for this)
“Radiant the Lopen”
““Lopen,” Rushu said as she worked, “you should not be tormenting Brightness Rysn with your prattling.””
Rushu! How dare you question the Lopen!!
““Brightness Rysn shouldn’t have to crack jokes at her own expense in order to make other people comfortable with their personal insecurities.”
“Yup, true,” the Lopen said. “She shouldn’t have to.””
“Two halves of a ruby, containing two halves of the same spren, can be made to move in tandem with one another”
I’m assuming that if you can get a ship to move fast enough then a spanreed will work. Much like Brandon has said that time bubbles can work at a certain speed. Plus y’know, Roshar is constantly moving, we just don’t feel it.
“It’s why the motion and curve of the planet don’t influence spanreeds.”
Or y’know, I’ll just be fucking WRONG.
“That  .  .  . didn’t make much sense to Rysn.”
I’m guessing that Nikli is a worldhopper. From where though? I don’t really trust Nikli right now though. Hmmm.
From the dustjacket of Way of Kings:
“The last is the highprince, a warlord whose eyes have opened to the past as his thirst for battle wanes.
The world can change. Surgebinding and Shardwielding can return; the magics of ancient days can become ours again. These four people are key.
One of them may redeem us.
And one of them will destroy us.”
So Dalinar will Destroy the Sleepless.
“Plus, Yelamaiszin said, we should have compassion for those we must cull. It is good you like the humans.
Must we cull them though? Nikli replied.”
Oh, the Sleepless gotta cull humans. Fucking great. AHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Is it just required that every single novella is going to have these fuckers in them?
“When the swarm that had become Nikli had been Separated, it had already contained hordelings evolved for this subterfuge. Nikli had further evolved them, and was now certain that the body didn’t need the tattoos to cover the seams in its skin”
Also who’s Arclomedarian? Now I need to go reread Edgedancer to see who that guy was. Oh? Who are the true traitors? It’s probably Hoid.
“where they would either fall to the winds or enter the realm of the Sleepless.”
Man, if I was on that ship, I’d take drowning over finding that. Let’s notttttt.
“This was sent to another vote, and Nikli’s bodies— the distant ones, not on the ship—all vibrated with anticipation.”
“Can block a Shardblade, Rua tells me, if it’s thick enough. They get it from Soulcasting, though only a few can make it, so it’s pretty rare”
Y…you can soulcast aluminium? Holy fuck.
No Lopen! You belong with Talik. He can capture that Tsundere heart.
As someone who has read Mistborn, you don’t want a dramatic end of the world. It causes essential crisis.
“More spren than animal, they were somehow able to magnify peace and confidence.”
““No,” several voices said from the crowd—but she couldn’t see who. “That’s bad luck!””
“Storms. It was as if . . . as if the body had been made up of cremlings.”
“no more real than things like the gloomdancer or sea hags from Thaylen mythology”
Well, I’m sure these things don’t exist.
“Hmmm? Oh, no I was napping during that.”
I do love Rushu.
So…Huio…created…flying machines. Motherfucker.
I can’t believe Roshar has hove chair before cars. Also HOVER BRIDGES LET’S GOOOOOOOOO.
Nikli…what are you doing?
Rushu is a soulcaster! Wild.
“Regardless, I demanded that Navani send me with either a Shardblade or a Soulcaster to get through.”
You fucking what mate?
“Strange, to think how optimistic she’d been only a short time ago.”
That tends to happen with Brando Sando books. One moment the characters are on top of the world and next everything is crashing down.
The sun being shattered into pieces? Well that can’t be good.
“She counted the shards in her mind, over and over, feeling a reverence to the number.”
Ten or sixteen?
“It looked vaguely like an enormous grub with a wicked beak of a face. It had spindly arms running all the way along its body, and had reared up so it was mostly vertical, using its pointed limbs like spears to try to skewer the sailors beneath.”
Again. Roshar. Fuck off.
“The Mother of Machines,”
Thirty emerald broams says the back of the book has something about the Mother of Machines on it.
“I . . . have no idea what any of that means,”
Me reading half of this book.
“And in truth, those treaties were made with other gods. I had hoped the Gods Who Sleep Not would be similarly bound, but now I am not certain.”
“We wish to avoid losing control of a force that could destroy the cosmere.”
Odium? Just don’t let any love struck teenagers near it and you’ll be fine.
“As I and my kind are not native to this planet, we prefer the term ‘hordelings.’”
W…Where are you from?
This reminds me of Skyward.
I am sure that Rysn will not be able to employ it. How many books do we have left?
“And then eventually, they were used to undo Adonalsium itself. . . .”
Rysn, you’re going to get a visit from an asshole. Be prepared and good luck.
I can’t for Arc 2 where we get so BIG CHIRI-CHIRI.
Interesting so Rysn will never become a Radiant.
“Regrettably, there has been a conflict on the beach with some of our more  .  .  . specialized hordelings,”
“You have Remade yourself.”
Remade? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Oh no. Lopen noooooooooooooo.
“Was it . . . brighter than usual? Why did the colors in her room look so exceptionally vivid all of a sudden?”
Idos Domi! What heightening are you?
I was not expecting this. My thoughts are currently just on the floor, screaming. Brandon, you cannot just drop lore on me like this.
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kiwijaguar · 7 years
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What a killer concert! I had a lot of fun seeing K.A.R.D live and would see them again in a heart beat. I had the Hi-Touch perk and HOOLYYYY SHIIIITTT was I nervous when I walked/dashed to them. I looked J.seph in the eyes then immediately looked down cause I felt unworthy lol. At least I thanked them for coming to Vancouver heh... 
Those of you who were at the front: You were so lucky to be that close to them! 
And to those who had their phone taken by the members for photos and videos: HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS LIKE WHAT LUCK!! I’m so jealous! I wish I decided to upgrade my ticket T_T (Also whoever got BM’s ring just know I’m also jealous of you XD)
The whole event just had really good vibes and all the fans were super hyped and sang along and just aHHHHHHHHhhhh K.A.R.D was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G and the fans were amazing
Good job to K.A.R.D for being this popular and having a tour already before even debuting and to the fans that made them popular enough to hold a tour!
I can’t wait until they officially debut so I can get my grubby little hands on some K.A.R.D merch ;)
Thanks to @sebootylord for seeing them with me!
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maybe-gaybean · 7 years
don't have me, but answer 1-200 :]
Oh boy here goes nothing! 
All my answers are beneath the cut bc I’m sure y’all don’t wanna see all of that :P
200: My crush’s name is: My poly heart is so stressed by this question. Kalvin and Kat199: I was born in: 1998198: I am really: tired lol197: My cellphone company is: AT&T196: My eye color is: Blue195: My shoe size is: 9 1/2194: My ring size is: somewhere between a 7 and 8? 193: My height is: 5′7192: I am allergic to: just a couple of medicines 191: My 1st car was: A 2010 Nissan Altima that I bought from my mum 190: My 1st job was: I’ve been a soccer referee since I was 12, if that counts189: Last book you read: Ahhhh um I read most of Landry Park the other day188: My bed is: my favorite 187: My pet: My lovely cat 186: My best friend: @ebsharon​185: My favorite shampoo is: I don’t care. Something that will protect my hair dye I guess 184: Xbox or ps3: Xbox183: Piggy banks are: Good for saving 182: In my pockets: Nothing currently 181: On my calendar: I’m leaving campus on Thursday at noon180: Marriage is: goals179: Spongebob can: fuck off 178: My mom: is stressful177: The last three songs I bought were? I bought two albums last. Both were Tonight Alive 176: Last YouTube video watched: I was watching jacksepticeye play Outlast175: How many cousins do you have? 5174: Do you have any siblings? One and I love her more than anything 173: Are your parents divorced? Nah172: Are you taller than your mom? Nope171: Do you play an instrument? Nah170: What did you do yesterday? Ummm I shopped for a while with my friends @ifyouonlyknewthehalfofit​ and @marcy665​ and we ordered pizza and just chilled.[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: To a degree 168: Luck: Sure167: Fate: Yes166: Yourself: No.165: Aliens: Yes164: Heaven: No163: Hell: No 162: God: Yes, actually 161: Horoscopes: To a degree 160: Soul mates: In a way 159: Ghosts: YES 158: Gay Marriage: Of course!157: War: In a way156: Orbs: Sure155: Magic: Sure [ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs!153: Drunk or High: Drunk, I guess 152: Phone or Online: Online151: Red heads or Black haired: Black haired150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes 149: Hot or cold: Hot 148: Summer or winter: Summer!147: Autumn or Spring: Either, they’re both amazing. I guess tho autumn bc the colors are nice. @justkeepdancingonmyown​ -- You asked this too!
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla145: Night or Day: Night!144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges 143: Curly or Straight hair: On me? Straight. Others? I don’t care142: McDonalds or Burger King: McD’s141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Neither 140: Mac or PC: depends on what I’m using it for 139: Flip flops or high heals: I hate them both138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and poor, I guess? 137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke136: Hillary or Obama: Obama135: Buried or cremated: Cremated 134: Singing or Dancing: Singing 133: Coach or Chanel: I don’t care at all
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: I don’t know D:131: Small town or Big city: Big City130: Wal-Mart or Target:Target129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam I guess 128: Manicure or Pedicure: Neither. Not about that life 127: East Coast or West Coast: East Coast (Florida, specifically)126: Your Birthday or Christmas: They’re like a week apart so I generally celebrate them both at the same time, tbh125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: DISNEY123: Yankees or Red Sox: Don’t care[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: I wish there was some way that it could be avoided, but the way that history has shaped us, it is inevitable 121: George Bush: Fuck you. 120: Gay Marriage: Thank god it’s legal now jesus christ 119: The presidential election: What kind of bullshit was that? Why is America like this? Electoral college? irrelevant 118: Abortion: Your body is your body and you have my unconditional support in whatever is best for you117: MySpace: I actually never used MySpace (1000% honesty)116: Reality TV: I like paranormal TV shows like Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters and all that. Anything else is okay, but I get annoyed with it quickly 115: Parents: We have a very very complex relationship. They don’t respect my gender and have a horrible habit of snooping through my things, both like things and my online life (lit). and they can be controlling and all that. But I really want to believe all of the things they’re doing is done with my best interest at heart. They could be so much worse, I suppose. Plus they gave me my sister so that’s great 114: Back stabbers: Why. Please don’t. 113: Ebay: My dude, if I’m desperate enough, I’ll go anywhere for a good price. Or if I need quick money for obscure items 112: Facebook: Annoying as fuck omg111: Work: I hate sonic!!!110: My Neighbors: I have never met them before in my life. If they were standing near me in a crowd, I’d never know109: Gas Prices: They’re very high, but honestly, I get gas as little as possible, so I save enough to make sure that I can get a full tank every time 108: Designer Clothes: If you got the money, go for it 107: College: Why did I do this to myself :/106: Sports: I love sports!!!!!105: My family: My sister is my everything. I love her more than life itself. Everyone else can fuck off tbh.104: The future: Everytime I think about the future I kinda want to die [ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Like an hour ago I hugged my friend Olive when I gave her a present 102: Last time you ate: I’m eating a brownie as I type this 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Ummmm I met an old friend for Mexican a few months ago. I hadn’t seen her in years 100: Cried in front of someone: I cried watching a phan video with Ash and Sarah the other day. A real cry? I have no idea 99: Went to a movie theater: I visited Sharon at work a couple weeks ago.98: Took a vacation: Ahhhh last summer 97: Swam in a pool: Last summer 96: Changed a diaper: Never 95: Got my nails done: Years ago. I have no concept of time94: Went to a wedding: When I was extremely young93: Broke a bone: A couple years ago92: Got a peircing: Ummm I only have my ears pierced but I started gauging my ears a few weeks ago!91: Broke the law: I got really fucking high Friday night 90: Texted: like 2 minutes ago[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: Either Sharon or Sarah 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: @ebsharon  @littlest-hellspawn ,my sister & my cat87: The last movie I saw: I saw Perks of Being a Wallflower a few days ago kinda 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: I want to start T soon85: The thing im not looking forward to: Telling my parents that I’m going to start T and that they will either respect that or leave 84: People call me: Like nicknames? Trash, Meme Lord, Sammy83: The most difficult thing to do is: Exist82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: once 81: My zodiac sign is: Capricorn80: The first person i talked to today was: @littlest-hellspawn79: First time you had a crush: I have no idea at all. Elementary school I guess?78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Mmmm I think I can fool anyone if I wanted to 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: @ifyouonlyknewthehalfofit and I say the same joke at the same time constantly it’s horrifiying 76: Right now I am talking to: Sarah and Ash75: What are you going to do when you grow up: AHHHHHHHHHHHH I want to be a novelist!74: I have/will get a job: at sonic73: Tomorrow: So much shit to do!!!!72: Today: Sleep71: Next Summer: Definitely moving out 70: Next Weekend: Work69: I have these pets: I have a cat, my sister has a cat, and my parents have 2 dogs68: The worst sound in the world: Anything that’s loud and unexpected 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Oh god. I’m don’t cry alot, so no one I guess? 66: People that make you happy: @ebsharon @eldershadow13 @littlest-hellspawn @ifyouonlyknewthehalfofit @marcy665 @prince-of-wind @buckeyewarr1or2 @serenitymasogni @insert-my-clever-url-here and so many other people :)65: Last time I cried: Oh god. Like a real cry? I don’t remember to be honest. Within the last few weeks 64: My friends are: wonderful63: My computer is: slow62: My School: is stressful61: My Car: is doing her best60: I lose all respect for people who: won’t own up to their mistakes. Try to ruin relationships. Use their mental illness to justify abuse or manipulation.59: The movie I cried at was: I cried like a child the first time I watched Big Hero Six 58: Your hair color is: black57: TV shows you watch: Gravity Falls, Hannibal, Dexter, Criminal Minds, SVU, Soul Eater, Inuyasha, Ghost Adventures, and so many more ahhhhhhh56: Favorite web site: probably ao355: Your dream vacation:Disney World, or the beach 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: When I was a sophomore I tore a muscle in my back. That was lit 53: How do you like your steak cooked: I’m a vegetarian :)52: My room is: depends on my state of mind tbh51: My favorite celebrity is: Dan and Phil currently 50: Where would you like to be: Disney World 49: Do you want children: Maybe idk48: Ever been in love: Yes47: Who’s your best friend: @ebsharon obviously46: More guy friends or girl friends: Girls I guess. 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: praise for my writing 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: @ebsharon43: Do you have a 5 year plan: I have vague goals. Nothing specific 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Kinda of. Not officially41: Have you pre-named your children: Yes 40: Last person I got mad at: Probably an ex of mine 39: I would like to move to: Florida 38: I wish I was a professional: writer [ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Dark chocolate36: Vehicle: Don’t have one35: President: Obama 34: State visited: Florida 33: Cellphone provider: AT&T32: Athlete: Abby Womback31: Actor: I dunno maybe Mads Mikkelson?30: Actress: Jeez ummmm no answer 29: Singer: Brendan Urie28: Band: Twenty One Pilots27: Clothing store: Hot Topic or Forever 21 26: Grocery store: Target25: TV show: Gravity Falls!24: Movie: Lilo & Stitch23: Website: not tumblr 22: Animal: I love all animals 21: Theme park: Disney World lmao20: Holiday: New Years 19: Sport to watch: Football or Soccer 18: Sport to play: SOCCER 17: Magazine: None 16: Book: SO MANY WHY 15: Day of the week: Friday14: Beach: Tybee Island!13: Concert attended: Hannah Montana but I was extremely young and haven’t been to a concert in many years 12: Thing to cook: COOKIES FUCK YOU SARAH 11: Food: French fries 10: Restaurant: Olive Garden or Panera Bread 9: Radio station: None 8: Yankee candle scent: I have no idea at all7: Perfume: I use Old Spice Fiji cologne6: Flower: Dogwood flowers (I have a dogwood flower tattoo!)5: Color: PURPLE4: Talk show host: ????No clue????3: Comedian: Brandon Calvillo (does that count?)2: Dog breed: Pit Bull1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yep
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blissful-reveries · 8 years
I CANT BELIEVE I GOT TO SEE MY KINGS AGAIN TT IM SO EMOTIONAL EVEN THOUGH ITS BEEN 2 DAYS SINCE THE CONCERT - EVERY TIME I THINK ABOUT IT I JUST GET ALL GIDDY AND EXCITED AGAIN :D Here is my post on my experience at exo’rdium last night (fyi I wrote this on the night when i came back at like 2am LOL) its HECKA long post.... without further ado, here is MY EXPERIENCE AT EXORDIUM ^^
EXO’RDIUM 02.11.17
TODAY WAS FKING EXO’RDIUM HK AHHHHHHHHHHHH IM SO SHOOK HOLY I CAN NOT EVEN. WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN OMFG I- I can barely wrap my head around the fact that (YET AGAIN) EXO was in the same building as me, less than 10m away, LIVING, BREATHING IN THE FLESH EXO. LIKE THEY’RE REAL. NOT JUST PIXELS ON MY LAPTOP SCREEN- I JUST CANT. I STILL CANT. okok so to start, for this EXO concert, I wasn’t able to get standing tickets like I did for EXO’LUXION (when i was lucky enough to have FRONT ROW JEAAAASUUSS), but I was HUGELY and pleasantly surprised that our seats (Block 5, Row 6) WAS ACTUALLY SO CLOSE TO THE STAGE. LIKE I COULD SEE THE ENTIRE STAGE + EXTENDED STAGE, AND IF I USED MY CAMERA TO FILM, I COULD SEE THEIR FACES. So that was a huge plus as soon as we got into the arena. When the concert started, a VCR was shown - about how EXO was the saviours of the world (when are they not tho tbvh HAHA) from danger and etc. the screaming was seriously unreal - like when every member came up on the VCR… #impressed. Then, they started the concert with MAMA and can we just- MAJOR THROWBACK TO FETUS EXO DAYS??? LIKE THIS SONG TRIGGERS SO MANY MEMORIES IM NOT EVEN OKAY RN. also can we just - can SM please release the remix version of MAMA CUZ I WOULD GET IT IN A HEARTBEAT <3 Then without giving our poor hearts a second to rest, they jumped right into mONSTER!!!! IM WAS NOT READY FOR IT AND THEY JUST THREW IT AT ME WHAT. It was amazing as expected, the choreo and everything omfg.. it was LEGIT like copy and paste… AND CAN WE TAKE A MOMENTbc JONGDAE FREAKING BLEW THAT HIGH NOTE AWAY. wait where was that high note? BLEW AWAY BY JONGDAE’S GORGEOUS VOCALS THATS WHERE.
THEN yet another throwback, they performed wolf :’) it been so long since they performed it and omg It was beautiful. The tree added with projections, and it was a remix version which meant DANCE BREAK!!!!! Seriously it was SO SO GOOD like they added projections so that it seemed like they were entering and exiting the tree behind (LOOK IDK IF THAT MAKES SENSE BUT THATS WHAT HAPPENED OK). and it was just so perfect… perfect way to bring back the song.
THEN they finally took a break and did their first ment. can i just pause for a sec and mention how much i freaking love their black blouses? like the ones with the cuts. THEY’RE GORGEOUS AND THEY WEAR THEM SO WELL TT… Kyungsoo, suho and baek all mentioned that they’re going to comeback soon so to give them lots and lots of support (YES BC EXOLS PULL THRU). Sehun and his mandarin came through as expected HAHA and it was so cute - cuz he kept saying things like “are you enjoying yourselves?” “Did you miss us?” my hubby you go! Yixing greeted us in cantonese and it was so cute XD his voice when he speaks canto is the cUTEST THING EVER. i wanna wrap him up and bring him back home.. he started talking in canto about wanting us to support his film, but then paused  to think - then after like 5 seconds, gave up and spoke in mandarin instead AHAHA XINGXING YOU CUTIE OMG. SPEAKING OF YIXING THO — Originally I didn’t know if he was going to attend this concert or not, because he’s been away for filming at guangzhou for the past couple of weeks, there’s hardly been any news of him so i wasn’t sure… BUT I WAS SO FLIPPIN HAPPY WHEN I SAW HIM COME OUT. FIRST THOUGHTS: DAMN SON YOU SLAY EVERYTHING. SECOND THOUGHT: his hair was really long HAHAHAH XD STILL SLAYING THE HANDSOME GAME THO. Suho kept mentioning that coming to HK always leaves good memories for him, and mentioned the EXO daesang win during MAMA AND THE CROWD WENT WILD ;D You know how much we support y’all.
Afterwards, they performed WHITE NOISE AND I WAS SO SURPRISED BC I HAD NO IDEA THEY WERE GONNA DO THIS SONG — i made myself not watch any prior concert vids bc i wanted this to be complete surprise and HECK YEAH I WAS SURPRISED. It was a new dance and everything it was so fresh :’))) there were some body rolls here and there, and overall it was a lot more toned down than artificial love oH GOD ARTIFICIAL LOVE JUST WAIT HOLY. Middle of white noise they went to the centre hexagon and danced, but then out of nowhere WATER START POURING FROM THE TOP DOWN LIKE WHATTTTT THEN THEY STARTED DANCING IN THE POURING WATER LIKE ALL WET AND EVERYTHING X_X i was so so so happy bc sehun was always on my side of the stage so i was able to see and film him well <3 his dancing is en pointe as usual heh #proudwifey
THEN JESUS SAVE ME THEY PERFORMED THUNDER <3 <3 <3 AND SEHUN OWNED THAT STAGE LIKE IT WAS NOBODY’S BUSINESS He was on the center extended part, and damn like the stage should have been called FIRE, CUZ IT WAS LIT. Yixing and Jongin as always slayed the game too and the VOCALS FOR THIS WAS SO GREAT OMG LIKE IT WAS LIKE PERFECT :’)) also. jongin was being a huge TEASE bc he kept smirking and smiling while dancing :((( HAHA but it was lovely and made my heart thump <3
then they did playboy. rmb when playboy used to be the most sexual dance in their concert? YEAH NO JUST WATCH ARTIFICIAL LOVE HOLY i need to cleanse my eyes…. ANYWAY BEFORE THAT— this time playboy was done a bit differently, sekai wasn’t paired tgt, as pcy and osh were tgt, and kai had his own rising stage fanncaayy B) OH AND SIDE NOTE: I LOVE their laced up pants too..its very pretty and... its very tight LMAO gives me pirate vibes lol. i loved it bc the boys were all just having a TON of fun - like they came in yesterday night, and performed today thats just amazing if i compare that to the amount of energy they had today. THEY WERE LIKE HIGH OR SMTH SO CRAZY XD AND HYPER <3 but it was like a giant party so WOO!! Suho and chen went out to the farthest extended stage which meant I could see their features and OMG PRINCE SUHO ATTACKS AGAIN BC HE NEVER FAILS TO FAZE ME AT HOW BEAUTIFUL HE IS IRL. He’s like a LEGIT god descending from heaven…. <3 Chanyeol went to the hexagonal extended stage and did a solo dance there - it was beautiful :’) and YIXING was in the center extended just having a blast body rolling, pelvis thrusting JEEEEZ i need holy water.
JESUS NO ITS HERE. I CANT. IT WAS ARTIFICIAL LOVE NOW. omg i can’t even bare to talk about it I WAS SO….AHHHHH I CANT EXPLAIN OMG. i felt strange LMAO ok so right after playboy WHICH WAS ALREADY MILDY SEXY, they grabbed the canes from the side of the stage and as soon as the music came up i was like UH OH HERE IT COMES… and KAI WAS ON THE HEXAGONAL STAGE (yes im referring to him as kAI BECAUSE BABY NINI WOULD NEVER DO THAT)- AND OH JESUS IT WAS SUCH A SHOCKING MOMENT WHEN HE… UM.. GRINDED ON THE CANE?? GOSH EVEN TYPING IT MAKES ME FEEL DIRTY LMFAO I couldn’t even bring myself to film it bc i jUST CANT???? then, when switched positions, baekhyun was now where kai was, and another chorus came along which meant another grinding session (pls save me). When I watched baekhyun’s one i was ready to keep my eyes closed bc puppy baek grinding? it would destroy my image of him forever… BUT!! he was actually very reserved HAHAH XD i think it was just yixing, and kai who like 150% WENT FOR IT. ground like there was no tomorrow LMAO. so yeah long song short, KAI’S SEX APPEAL BROKE THE ROOF, and baekhyun was still a cutie BAHAHA XDD and then it was KAIXING duet dance break during artificial love with the BLINDFOLDS OMG SO SEXY HOLYY my poor heart :((
OMG AND UNFAIR!!!! I love the stage for unfair its so cute and unique, squishy kyungsoo popped out of a tv and a chair (oh i wish that were reality), just the entire performance aspect of it was top notch and so cute. After unfair, it was a short ment where exo all sat on the steps of the stage, and yixing and pcy sat on both ends holding guitars. WHICH MEANT ACOUSTIC MEDLEY TIME!!!! Yixing gave a short introduction about the medley (it was so nice to hear his voice after such a long time not hearing it) and then demo-ed the guitar by playing a little impromptu melody — reminds me of just how much of a genius zhang yixing is *heart eyes*. Chanyeol also did a quick demo and same thing goes for him.. how do they self learn things so well :((the first song that they sang in the acoustic medley was My Lady and I FLIPPED OUT BC IT WAS KYUNGSOO AND IT WAS R&B MY TWO FAV COMBOS <3 It was so nice to just sit and listen to their live vocals - and this really goes to show how much talent there is in exo. whoever disagrees should sit in one concert and just LISTEN TO THEIR FLAWLESS VOCALS. like seriously, there was no out of pitch moments (- wAIT AHHA THIS REMINDS ME OF SOMETHING FUNNY PCY DID). OKOK SO BASICALLY near the end of the medley, (I CANT RMB WHICH ACOUSTIC IT WAS RN BUT-) it was supposed to be baekhyun’s line but kyungsoo held his mic towards Chanyeol’s mouth (he was preoccupied with guitar playing) to prompt him to sing. PCY did sing baek’s line, but his voice cracked BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH XD AND THE FUNNIEST THING WAS: HE MADE THIS REALLY CUTE SHOCKED FACE WHEN IT HAPPENED AND TOUCHED HIS THROAT THEN SHOOK HIS HEAD. NAWWWWWWW <3 adorbs… in the acoustic, they covered so many songs - CMB (WHICH JONGIN SANG BEAUTIFULLY OMG), My turn to cry, lady luck… just some i could rmb off the top of my head rn at 2:17 am HAHA.. then at the very end, yixing sang an acoustic version of Monodrama - and the lyrics were on the screen so the entire crowd sang along-it was beautiful <3 <3 <3 - at the end, yixing looked really sheepish, and grabbed the mic saying, “i’m so sorry, i sang the demo version’s lyrics so I didn’t sing the right words heh” and then pcy BEING THE MEDIATOR HE IS, was like “eyyyyy they probably didn’t even hear the difference- did you guys hear the difference???” and obvs we screamed NO!!!! and then that made xingxing look even more sheepish SO SO CUTE X) the entire thing just sounded and felt like a warm campfire get together with exo ls and exo <3 it was heartwarming and beautiful and I’m so glad that they added this segment.
and then they did lady luck again- this time not acoustic, but the dance and song version and kyungsoo. just. his voice. like. it melted the entire arena down. his projections were all so stable it sounded like the studio recorded version :’))) they danced on rising stages and everything was just so aesthetically perfect.. If i’m being completely honest, this time around, I was putting my focus deliberately more on sehun because i remember last year during exoluxion when i was front row, i could only really focus on whoever was in front of my area of the stage, which meant i missed a lot of sehun when he performed :( so i made the decision to FEED MY EYES AND HEART fully of sehun this time as last time, i was kyungsoo came to the front a lot and i kyungsoo’s vocals and dance fed me fully hehe (ohhh good times :’)) so yeah i wanted to say that kyungsoo’s vocals blew me away here because his LIVES ARE ACTUALLY PERFECT???how. haha bc his voice is made of honey chocolate <3
they performed TENDER LOVE next and I got shook all together again because THEY ALL INTERACTED WITH THE FANS THROUGH THE LIGHTSTICK :’D THEY each grabbed a lightstick and as soon as the song started baekhyun yelled “PUT YOUR HANDS UP!” :D yixing walked to the center extended stage and the next thing i knew, the STAGE WAS RISING UP LIKE A RAMP AND MY QUOTED WORDS AT THAT TIME CAUGHT ON VIDEO WAS “WOAH LOOK AT THAT STAGE” i was so surprised IT LOOKED LIKE A COMPLETE FUN HOUSE :DD All the members were just having a ton of silly fun during the song by just jumping :D during the chorus they would direct the crowd into little movements sequences we could do with the lightsticks and it was so nice bc it was like a little dance party - and they all looked so proud haha like we were all together - WE ARE ONE!! hehe Sehun came up to the farthest extended stage and danced on the stage closer to my side which was AMAZING <3 which meant that he was directing my block in the light stick moves ^^ i just thought it was super nice that they were able to interact with all of us in that way, include us all in that way it was very heartwarming <3
then LMR came up!! a lot earlier than last year’s one actually. fun and quirky as usual, BAEK’S VOCALS YES. they all danced so energetically and so hyped up, it was so so so AMAZING TO SEE THAT <3 esp sehun bc he’s usually the type that dances to the extent that is enough to show that he’s doing the moves, but this time he added so many more little side moves of his that spiced things up a lot hehe..
During One and Only, i think someone that stood out the most for me was def jongin. his vocals during the song was just something straight from all things good in the world. it was so good :’))) I’m so impressed by how much he has improved his vocal abilities over the years and is truly developing his own distinctive voice <3 OH AND the official HK exo fan club organized an event where during performance of One and Only, representatives in the crowd would hold up letters that spelt “EXO You Are My One and Only”.
omg and possibly my favorite part of the concert….. kai x sehun x lay WATER DANCE WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I am not at all exagerating when i say that every millisecond of what i saw looked like something out of a painting. IT WAS GORGEOUS AND BEAUTIFUL (how many times have i said beautiful omg). they were all so in sync, and everyone gave it their all and it shows <3 THEN CAME THE MOMENT THE WATER STARTED FILLING THE GROND AND WHERE ALL 3 OF THEM JUST DROPPED TO THE GROUND (how do they not break their knees is my question) IT WAS SO SO *fight the urge to say beauti—* BEAUTIFUL <3 I’m sorry there are no other words to describe how amazingly godlike the entire performance was.. then when the water started pouring from the top OH DAMN THAT WAS THE CLIMAX. so they danced in the water with water pouring all over their heads and bodies and THE EFFECT LOOKED SO ETHEREAL like aM I EVEN ALIVE? HAVE I GONE TO HEAVEN? BC THIS IS WHAT I THINK HEAVEN WILL LOOK LIKE TBH. 3 DANCING WATER ANGELS <3 ahHAHA so yeah and when it ended, they 3 were kneeling in the water, and jongin had to be all extra and stuff and run his hand through his hair, gazing dangerously sexily into the audience.. yep THERE GOES MY OVARIES BOOM. THANK YOU OSH, KAI AND YIXING.
AND THEN IT WAS VOCAL LINE TIME TO SHINE!!! Stronger was performed, and it was all i could ask for to have all four of them, kyungsoo, baek, chen, and suho sing this song… esp during stressful times THANK YOU <3 also the vocals were just off the charts at 200% today like they even said themselves that they’re feeling great today WHICH MAKES ME SO DAMN HAPPY :’’)))) oMG THEN THEY PLAYED THE REALLY CUTE VCR OF EXO AS NOMES (??) HAHA dancing and stuff, then they came out of the back wearing the cute af pointy hats and elf shoes XDDD CUTENESS OVERLOAD!! they sang HEAVEN as they came out and it was SO CUTE and also the way that kyungsoo wears his pointy hat, OVER HIS FOREHEAD AND TOUCHING HIS EYES IS SO DAMN SQUISHY OF HIM AHHH :3 he’s so adorable CAN I TAKE HIM HOME PLS along with the rest of exo!!!!! Then they took off their costumes to sing Girl x Friend and it was honestly so great.. xingxing was dancing and pointing out to the audience to guide them in singing the song, sehun came out again to the middle to just enjoy the stage, and kyungsoo was sining happily waving a nightstick around ^^ WAIT OMG ALMOST FORGOT — SEHUN WAS WEARING SPECS DURING THIS AHAHAH HE LOOKED SO DAMN HOT I CANNOT EVEN. SEHUN IN SPECS MAKES ME REEVALUATE MY LIFE. <3 hot hubby hehe
Then 3.5.6 WAS LITTTTTTT haha everyone was dancing and as EXPECTED!!! they did the weird “ooh ooh” sounds in between the 3.6.5 chorus lines xDD HAH now it sounds weird to listen to the studio version one cuz it doesn’t have those sounds LMAO. THEN EXO BECAME A BUNCH OF MEANIES BC THEY FINISHED THE SONG AND as soon as the lights turned up, they were like, “okay, bye! Thank you for coming!” “See you tomorrow” (BISH LIKE WE HAVE MONEY TO SEE U 2 CONSECUTIVE DAYS IN A ROW ALTHOUGH ID VERY MUCH LOVE TO), and the entire crowd AWW’ed and whined like NO! you can’t leave us like this :((( they were so mean…
BUT THEN THEY CAME OUT WEARING THOSE COPPERY COLORED JACKETS and performed TRANSFORMER like in MAMA but EVEN BETTER <3 <3 <3 I really love the part where they all come together and do the roboty like thing. i think i have a new found love for transformer OOPS x) it was so cool like the choreo too!! it was so sharp and just overall. ANNND THEN THEY DID LIGHTSABER~~~ everything was lit. DANCE WAS LIT, SONG WAS LIT, RAP WAS LIT, ALLLSO there was a special dance part near the end where everyone got ‘lightsabers’ and STARTED SWINGING THE CRAP OUT OF IT HAHAHA. and as to no surprise. MORE WATER!! haha water started pouring again (honestly I’ve lost count HAHA) they’re so obsessed with water… or they just want the wet clothes to stICK TO THEIR ABS? x_X
then they took a break and did another ment - which was good cuz i needed that break HAHAHA xD sehun, pcy, yixing and minseok went backstage first to change out of their wet clothes, while baek, suho, kai, chen, kyungsoo, stayed behind to talk. They talked about how nice it was that Jongin was muscular bc he was good at exercising which made nini really embarrassed HAHA.. then joonmyeon turned to kyungsoo and was like, “what about you?” and squishy soo didn’t say anything and just bowed. NAW ITS OK PENGUIN SOO I LIKE IT BETTER WHEN YOU DONT HAVE RIPPED MUSCLES :D Then, Baekhyun said in the ment that, “During One and Only you guys held some letters up, but I couldn’t really see them as I was dancing, what did it say again? Could you raise it again so I could read?” so the representatives in the crowd did, and Baekhyun, Chanyeol read it out. THEN HAHA WHATS FUNNY IS baekhyun then said, “oh! i see now. But you know it’s not because we don’t know how to read english, we do- its because you guys held one letter upside down so we couldn’t read” UHMM SAVAGE BAEK ???!?!!? HAHAHA BUT IT WAS SUPER FUNNY XD. Then joonmyeon pitched in and said he thought that the M and Y were going to spell MYEON, which made him suspect that “oh? maybe they’re preparing something for my birthday……?” HAHAH NEXT TIME JOONMYEON NEXT TIME WE PROMISE <3 such a cutie.
AHAH ANOTHER FUNNY PART!! Baekhyun wanted us all to be quiet for a bit bc he wanted to say something but the crowd didn’t stay quiet for long, so he kept shushing us, like “sh! sh! SHHH!” and then he started saying SH in a really fast and abrupt way, IT SOUNDED LIKE HE SWORE AND SAID SH*T XD AND EVERYONE STARTED LAUGHING HAHAHAHAH don’t think he noticed but oh well baaha cute. baek went on to say how hard they’ve been preparing for their new album, so requested for us to show it lots of love when it comes out (OF COURSE!!! ITS A GIVEN1!!)
AHH ok so those 5 went backstage to change and now pcy, sehun, yixing, minseok came out to ment. During the ment, minseok said that he felt sorry because he messed up during the lightsaber perf. He said that it wasn’t because he forgot the moves, but because the water was pouring into his shirt, and it was so cold that he momentarily forgot what he was supposed to do (poor baby… please don’t get sick any of you :\\). Then PCY started going “沒關係” which is “no problem” in cantonese and got the entire crowd to repeat over and over until minseok told us to stop HAHA :3 then sehun decided to ment next, and he told a “funny” story - which really wasnt funny at all HAHA srsly no one understood what he was trying to say HAHAH or the purpose of the story he was telling - anyway at the end when he realized that no one understood what he was saying, he said, “i’m just trying to lighten up the mood from the sorry atmosphere minseok hyung set up just now..” then PCY again did the “no problem” chant and got the entire crowd in on it again x). Then to compensate, sehun asked us to all give a collective fake laugh AHHA AT HIS FAILED JOKE XD i can’t this boy is everything. then yixing went around giving a cantonese lesson for the other 3 boys, teaching them how to say thank you, hello, my name is___ except the fact that he forgot how to say the members names in canto xD
After the ment, yixing went back and pcy x sehun x minseok did a rap song that i believe is only exclusive to the concerts? its called “같이해” which means “do it together”. THIS. SONG. WAS. FREAKING. LIT. SEHUN FREAKING OWNED THAT STAGE LIKE IT WAS HIS AND NO ONE ELSES B) HE WAS IN CENTER STAGE MOST THE TIME, AND WENT ON THE RISING RAMP WHICH WAS SUUUUPER COOL. He was so full of charisma on stage i couldn’t take my eyes off him for even a second. he demanded attention in everything he did HAHAH THATS MY BOO then this lit rap transitioned into DROP THAT when all members joined them on stage, and IT WAS AS LIT AS IT WAS LAST YEAR WOO so so nice. “we say e-x, you say o! , e-x-“ “O!” so nice *sparkling eyes* OMG ALSO CHANYEOL DID AN ELECTRIC GUITAR COVER OF GROWL AND IT WAS FREAKING COOL AF
ooooohhhh then next they did the cool little Let Out the Beast remix starting with the lightstick part. It was a bit of a shame that they did not organize this concert to have the bluetooth setting so it lost a wow factor there, but STILL THE REMIX SONG WAS GREAT AND THEY DID A DANCE REMIX IT WAS SO EFFING COOL AND OLD SCHOOL I LOVE IT SO MUCH <3
Following that, they performed Lucky, where everyone LEGIT WENT CRAZY HYPER HAHA THEY DID RANDOM DANCES AND EVERYTHING speaking of random dances, CHANYEOL DABBED LIKE AT LEAST 10 TIMES HERE JEEEAASUS and did juju on the beat hAHAHA I WAS SHOOK lmao THEN they did RUN and yixing was near the part where i was at so I had a very clear view of him going CRAZYYY like actually CRAZY!! he was doing all sorts of random running moves, and just having a ton of fun :’)) this was so impactful on me because i rmb last year, they flew in to hk really early and at the same day they had to perform so lay was really really tired that day. but to see him so hyper and energetic was so refreshing and it made me really hyped up too :’) little xing bunny jumping for joy haha
GROWL MY FAV SONG came out and everything was SO PERFECT haha this time the members freely walked around first and interacted with fans. then park chanyeol. okay so um. this boy has a problem with chronic DABBING AND JUJU-ING. he DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO STOP LITERALLY DOES NOT STOP. HE DABBED LIKE AVERAGE EVERY 5 SECONDS NOT EXAGGERATING. And then baekhyun learned from him and started to dab and juju uncontrollably too ._. not you too baek AHAH but in all honesty it was so funny to watch XD pcy did so many dabs that sehun had to almost flying kick him to get him back to his regular mind haha. THEY WERE CRAZILY HYPER today and i LOVE IT SO MUCH  <3 AHAH AND THEN YIXING WAS SO CUTE CUZ during the beginning of growl when everyone walked everywhere, he walked to the furthest extended stage, but during the bridge he was supposed to get back to the middle to do the dance part. He only remembered when the music turned and had to RUN FOR HIS LIFE back to the centre aND IT WAS SO CUTE CUZ I SAW THE LOOK ON HIS FACE WHEN HE REMEMBERED XD PRICELESS.
Lucky One was next, and similarly it was free-dance and walk around which was nice and chill for them ^^ but jongdae did not give up on the dance and still did it throughout ahah #dedication. near the end, suho was the only one dancing and pcy and sehun were both doing weird af gestures behind him LOL .. and then it was time for the last ment D: I’m sad just thinking about it again….
So at the start of the ment, when pcy was talking, jongin bent over and looked really tired, which is expected since he danced with so much energy during the entirety of the concert - but he suddenly ran off stage, and no one knew what was going on- i started to get really nervous because i didn’t know what happened, if he was sick or hurting and i felt really sad :( my heart hurt. But then when it got around to about fixing’s turn to ment, jongin finally came back and all the members were like, “kai-sshi where did you disappear off to just now?” and HAHA HE SAID, “i had to go to the bathroom really urgently i was very very urgent” HAHAHAHA XD NOT WHAT ANYONE OF US WERE EXPECTING LMAO IM DECEASED XDD Then the members teased him and were like, “Kai-sshi is your stomach not feeling well (aka do u have a stomach ache/diarrhoea)?” and he immediately denied it and said, “nO! I just went to the toilet to pee hahah i was so urgent.” Then he said, “You know, after coming back from the toilet, my mood is so much more relieved” BAHAHHAHAHA “RELIEVED?!?!” IM DEAD AGAIN.. then PCY started saying, “so did you go to the toilet to … number 2?” HAHAH and jongin said, “NO! I WENT TO DO A NUMBER 1” IT WAS SO FUNNY MY ABS HURT AHAHAHA THEY WERE ARGUING ABOUT THE TOILET ON STAGE I CANT WITH THESE BOYS.. XD
Channel kept dabbing and juju-ing still, which triggered baekhyun to do the same, AND I KID YOU NOT, they DID NOT STOP DOING THAT UNTIL THE ENTIRE MENT WAS OVER FOR EVERYONE XD THESE TWO PUPS.. baekhyun’s ment consisted of him teaching us how to dab LMAO he was like “i’ll teach you the easy one (the dab), bc the other one (the juju) is more complex” LOL THANKS TEACHER BAEK. so yeah long story short, he got the entire arena to dab. yup. EVERYONE. us all dabbing only exacerbated chanyeol’s chronic dabbing syndrome and he continued to do it, with baekhyun responding to him every single time. #CHANBAEK OTP FTW. throughout all the dabbing sehun was just judging and like “ai these hinges…” but then eventually he caved and also did dabs AHHAHA, yixing,  chen were laughing so hard. the thing is, suho is trying to give his ment properly, and there you have chanyeol on one end, baekhyun on the other DABBING TOWARDS EACH OTHER OK LIKE THESE BOYS ARE NOT OK. WHAT DID THEY EAT BEFORE COMING OUT HERE?? Eventually suho gave up AHAH and dabbed too (…….) WHAT IS WITH ALL THIS DABBING….?!!??! also . baekhyun couldn’t help it and decided to teach us the juju too so. LMAO. AND THEN BAEK SAID, “the dab move i taught you! when we sing Angel for the last song, I want you to dab throughout the song!” THIS IS HOW OBSESSED THEY ARE OK. IM BEING HONEST, PCY AND BAEK added tgt for the entire concert prob dabbed and juju-ed like 50 times each . NOT. AN EXAGGERATION. Haha so yeah, fun times..
During Angel, fans threw stuff toys and animal hats on stage, and exo went around playing with them. Baekhyun found a pikachiu hat and chanyeol found a stuffed pokeball = chanyeol smashing the pokeball at poor baekhyun who ended up rolling on the stage xD. Sehun found a dinosaur hat and a snake that he wrapped around his neck (how exotic LOL), then he found a small stuffed white puppy that looked like Vivi. and he carried it all the way back to the stage where he said in chinese, “Vivi says, ‘see you tomorrow!’” (CAN HE GET ANY CUTER???). AND THEN omg the sweetest part was how yixing liteally went to every corner and crevice of the stage to bow and say goodbye and thankyou to the fans :’(((( IM CRYING HE’S LITERALLY THE SWEETEST BUNNY TT he was the last to return to the back part of the stage where baekhyun said they wanted to take a photo with all of us dabbing in the background (LMAO). it was so sad to see them all disappear behind the closing screens, how did time pass so quickly? it felt like we just came in to sit down..
it was an INSANE night. SO MUCH HYPE, SO LIT, SO FUN AND TRUELY showed the talents and nature of exo :’) they really had so much fun and as an EXO-L that is all I can ask for. Im so glad that they were able to get a nights rest before the concert this time unlike last year, because they were so much more awake and aware of the concert. they were all so into it and so CRAZY HYPER HAHA. Interestingly, baekhyun, suho both talked about how this Exo’rdium in HK was the VERY FIRST concert they held in the new year of 2017. WHICH WAS SUCH A HUGE THING!! they were all so energetic and excited about the concert that they asked for everyone in the crowd to dab while they took a group photo with us in the background - I AM OFFICIALLY SIGNING OFF. THEY ASKED US TO DAB FOR A PHOTO IM DONE. LMAO IM DOOONNEEE
So yeah…. that was a LONG ASS POST but it was worth staying up to 4am to write about <3 the best part was that when we looked at the time it was 10:32pm. we started at 7pm SHARP. which meant this concert went on for 3 and a half hours. 3 AND A HALF HOURS. THATS AMAZING AND GENEROUSLY LONG <3 This beautiful memory will stay with me forever and motivate me to do well in upcoming mocks and exams ^^ EXO SARANGHAJA!!!!! <3 WOOOOOO
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