#wistriän clan
lovely-cherubs · 5 months
I found out something interesting about the word "Wistriän" yesterday. Although it's a word that I completely made up, it's actually a real word in Finnish & it means "of Wisteria". So the literal translation of the Wistriän Clan would be "Clan of the Wisteria".
What do you think? You think it's a coincidence that Haruka's clan is named after the same plant that's commonly found in Japan? 👀
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hetaestoniahq · 1 month
Hey there! I've created a clan for my Hunter x Hunter fanfic that is based on/inspired by the cultures and people of Armenia and Estonian. After doing more research, I discovered that the Estonians that the Wistriäns are inspired by/based on are the Setos, indigenous Finnic people that mostly live in Setomaa, a region south of Lake Peipus.
Is there any advice as to what to do and what not to do when portraying them since they are based on an actual group?
I am so sorry for such a late answer, I have not been on here for awhile- When it comes to the Setos one thing that immediately I must say is to be respectful of their identity. Who the Setos are can depend on opinion here, some think they are a dialect type of group while some think they count as their own entire people considering how different their language and culture can be - I'd say to just go at it with an open mind.
Another thing is to absolutely avoid relating them to Russians, no matter how long they've been living next to them or the fact that the Seto language (standing among the South Estonia dialects/languages such as Võro) has a touch of Russian influence, alongside being mostly Orthodox in religion with notable pagan influences still present (so don't just make them your typical religious guys)
I do not know too much about the Seto unfortunately, I've not found the time to look for and invest into books about them and the internet isn't always the easiest on finding information about them.
I do recommend checking out their traditional clothing, and do note that they're clothing worn during important events and shouldn't never be called "just some costume".
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lovely-cherubs · 4 months
HxH OC 1: Haruka Wistriän Kurta
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Art Credits: Images were found on Pinterest. Credit to the artists
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Name: Haruka Wistriän Kurta (Japanese: ハルカ・ウィストリア・クルタ)
Other Names: Haruka Utashima (adopted name) , Lilly Mystique (stage name)
DOB: February 2nd, 1981 (2/2/1981)
Age: 12 (Volume 0), 18 (Hunter Exam Arc), 19 (Yorknew City Arc), 20 (Dark Continent Arc)
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius ♒
Hair Color: Brown (natural/original), Black (dyed), Other Colors (dyed)
Eye Color: Silver (original), Blue (memory loss), Green (memory loss; 1999), Brown (contacts), Red (either at will or when agitated), Golden-Yellow (contacts)
Height: 5’8”, 5'9" (Yorknew Arc-Present)
Weight: 152
Blood Type: AB+
Personality: Blunt, Straightforward, Helpful, Opinionated, Daredevil, Stubborn, Skeptical, Rancorous, Argumentative, Mercurial, Sensitive, Machiavellian
Sexuality: Pansexual (attracted to a person regardless of their gender identity and/or sex)
Occupation: Blacklist Hunter, Glamour Model, Alternative Model, Fashion Designer, Vedette, Fetish Model, Burlesque Dancer
Affiliation: Nostrade Mansion, Yorknew Chronicles
Hobbies: Listening to music, drawing, designing, rollerblading, photography, cooking, practicing apothecary and aromatherapy.
Love Interest: Kurapika Kurta
Nen Type: Specialization
Relatives: Meliosa Godiva Wistriän (biological mother), Grayson Kurta (biological father), Kurta Elder (Grandfather), SunHee Utashima (adopted mother), Chanyeol Utashima (adopted father)
Disorders/Illnesses: ADHD Inattentive type, Bipolar Disorder 1, BPD (Quiet subtype), Social Anxiety, Depression, C-PTSD
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Some More facts About Haruka:
Haruka was a part of the Wistriän Clan and like all members of the clan, her eye color was silver, but due to a traumatic event, she lost her memories and as a result, her eyes changed to blue (green in the 1999 version)
Haruka's mother had ADHD and Bipolar Disorder, making it a possibility for how she herself got the conditions.
Haruka's BPD resulted in the abuse she faced at the hands of her father growing up.
Haruka is immune to poisons and venoms due to purposely injecting herself with them as a kid to see their reactions.
Haruka loves anime and manga, fashion, food, music, etc.
Aside from being a Hunter, Haruka is also a Glamour Model, Alternative Model, Fashion Designer, Vedette, Fetish Model, and Burlesque Dancer.
Haruka is a Mach (Machiavellian), meaning that she uses clever, but often dishonest methods that deceive people in order to achieve her goals. She has no qualms about deceiving or lying to others (something that Kurapika finds deeply unsettling about her) and will very often use her charm and flattery to her advantage. Due to being taken advantage of throughout her life, she sees no problem with what she does
Despite her Machiavellianism, Haruka is empathetic and isn't completely devoid of emotions contrary to what most people think of and believe Machs are.
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