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lets-go-every-witchway · 2 days ago
I feel like I don't see enough house guardian discourse, maybe it just hasn't reached my dash yet... I have two - my house itself, and separate entity with its own "body" (who is more of a door guardian I guess...). I talk to them every day, and my house is the most comforting sanctuary 🥰
This idea of "over-sterilising / over-cleansing" makes so much sense to me. Look after your house guardians, and they'll look after you!
The way my brain works is constant overlapping thoughts and frequent cross-contamination. I've currently got a small cut on my finger, and trying to wash my hands without getting the bandaid wet, I was thinking about how if I had to explain germ theory to somebody from a pre-modern historical era, it really would be easier to explain them as invisible spirits that inhabit all physical things and sometimes cause disease, than to confuse them further by talking about how there's teeny tiny bugs on your skin and then get distracted into talking about atoms and physics.
And simultaneously on another tab there was another monologue going about how there is also good bacteria on your skin, and apparently some poor misguided teens on TikTok have been convinced that all bacteria on your skin is bad, and are absolutely wrecking their natural skin flora by regularly using antibacterial soap for routine everyday washing.
Then the thought cross contamination jump happened, and a third hybrid thought spontaneously manifested: What if supernatural entities work like bacteria, and doing excessive evil spirit banishing will also get rid of your good spirits that you need to be balanced and healthy? Like you don't have a demon problem because you're not burning enough sage, the problem is that you're doing too many cleanses and purifications, essentially scrubbing your home raw and so sterile that your house guardian decided that it's uninhabitable and fucked off.
And that's why you've got evil spirits in your house. You scrubbed off all the ones that are good for you.
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dionysianivy · 2 days ago
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Blessed third day of Anthesteria everyone 🍇🏺💀🐅🌸
Today marks the third and final day of this sacred festival, known as Chytroi, a day dedicated to honoring the spirits of the dead. On this day, we also hobor Lord Hermes Chthonios, who guides the souls to the Underworld. Today is a time to remember and honor our loved ones who have passed. 🕯
I plan to offer food and libations to Lord Dionysus and Lord Hermes, as well as honor my beloved pets who have crossed over. ♡🌼 May this day be meaningful, and may the past three days of Anthesteria have brought joy and peace to you all. Blessings to everyone and Kala Anthesteria ♡🍷🍇🐅
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tarotwithavi · 23 hours ago
Astro observations pt idk ✨
People who have rahu in 7th house can attract people who are already in a relationship.
Sun in 12th house can make a person extremely sexual.
Moon in Capricorn people can have a strict mother or your relationship with her can feel more like a boss-employee type.
people with ketu in 1st are really detahed from reality from time to time, like they may even forget if they locked their door or not and may go all the back to check.
People with Venus & Ketu conjunction may face some kind of separation with their spouse or loved ones.
Venus in the 2nd or 12th house can give you weak eyesight.
Having saturn in cancer can mean that you're meant to break generational problems in your family.
pisces mercury - communicating through vibes not words
mars in 3rd house people cant handle slow walkers.
Scorpio moons are real life lie detectors.
rahu in 10th house? meant for success.
want to get your chores finished in minutes? get someone with mars in 6th house or virgo.
Taurus placements are obsesssed with food.
people with moon in 3rd house or gemini often talk about their feelings without realising it.
aquarius placements are the trend setters.
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777rare · 3 days ago
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Also, trigger warning, I have mentioned s**ual harr**ment. You can skip the 6th point in this post if you are sensitive to these things.
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• Taurus mercury natives have such elegant voices. My bestfriend has this placement too and my god, her voice is just so feminine and sweet you know, like it has a feminine touch, so soft and relaxing to listen to. Oh, these natives also sing beautifully, it just comes so naturally to them.🤌🥴
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• Moon in 5th house individuals get into a lot of relationships in a lifetime. Most of them are unsteady and shortlived. This also makes the native end up in a lot of situationships. One of my friend has this and she faced this a lot too.😕
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• My male friend has moon in 4rth house and he values his mother like a 100%.🤯 He always values her opinion on the decisions he makes. He really loves her. The same effect takes place with all men having moon in the 4rth house.😊
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• This is just an observation of mine, just a reminder so if this does not relate with you, I apologise.🙏 I have observed that people whose ascendant falls on the 12th house don't really get seen by people as their ascendant. Rather they are seen first as the sign overlaying the 1st house.
>This happens as the native grows up. As children they behaved very much like their ascendant sign but mostly due to being taunted, commented on and so on, they began to hide this part of themselves (which explains the ascendant lying in the 12th house) and then they begin wearing the 1st house sign as a shield that hides what they actually are on the inside.😔😒
>The 12th house represents mainly what is hidden from everyone, mostly because of underlying fear of judgement and not meeting the expectations of others. So the ascendant overlaying here really explains a lot to us.
>For example:
✓ a few of my friends have this in their chart and they've told me how they behaved as kids but changed due to the reasons I mentioned above. The 5th house🤰does give us a picture of how our childhood was but this played a role too.
✓ Like one of my friend has her sagittarius ascendant in the 12th house. As a kid she was always jumping, could not sit still in one place, always laughed and so on but as she grew up, due to the negative commentary of many, she showed her capricorn 1st house side more to others and people began calling her boring or too intimidating to hang out with. She is a silent person now but when you get to know her better and become close enough for her to trust you, this sagittarius side of her naturally comes out and she's very playful with me.🤭🤠
✓ Even my other friend who has leo ascendant in the 12th house told me she was confident and very playful as a kid, quite headstrong when it came to her toys and the ones she played with too but growing up she faced harsh situations and now people see her as this extremely quite, soft and delicate person due to her cancer 1st house, but when she becomes comfortable with you, she shows this bright and creative side of hers. No one recognises how creative she is as well and those who are close with her always call her this ray of sunshine while those who are not, see her as this shy walking creature. We often even compare her to the sun saying she's like the sun in a dark room.🌻🌞
This can mostly resonate with those whose placidus chart resonates well with them because I have seen this more on placidus charts than whole sign charts.
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• True node ☌ (conjunct) Uranus natives are extremely free- spirited people who will destroy anything or anyone who tries to take away their freedom, even if it's family.
(by destroy, I don't necessarily mean physical violence. I mean go against them and disturb their peace of mind and many a times even verbally wound them or just cut them off from their life)
They don't want to live by rules and norms of society often questioning it. They desire a life away from all the constraints that society has imposed upon humanity. They believe very much in the laws of nature and dislike the way humans restrict free-spirits like them.
They believe that they've come on Earth to fulfill their soul purpose alone and not to be entirely bound or tied down by the toxic desires desires and wishes of others, especially when it's control them. Now, these people are not savages or rouges. They are in fact very non-judgmental and offer you free space to be yourself.
They are the aliens in a world full of human beings. They have this very strong gut feeling that they have come on Earth to make a massive change. They are also usually lost in this world where everything changes in the blink of an eye, where the world evolves faster as the years pass by. They are also very good with technology I must say, they are very quick learners too, mostly with only what really grabs their attention because they cannot focus entirely on one thing.
They are curious souls longing for answers to their mind boggling questions. They are hard to figure out, hence I call them the Aliens on Earth and their minds/thoughts are UFOs. They can never settle, either physically or mentally or even both.
The depth of their mind and it's inner adventures are massive and eccentric in nature. They are amazing adventurers. Most of the time they really want to separate themselves from humanity and go to another planet.
They are also very very loyal and devoted lovers when they are 100% assured by their partner that their partner will be theirs no matter what. They do have a tendency to get flighty when they're afraid to invest completely only to be betrayed and cheated by their partner. This is all because of The impact of AQUARIUS features. ♒
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• Natives with Black Moon Lilith (or any Lilith for that matter) ☌ (conjunct) Vertex can face significant fated events that target the darkest parts of themselves that they dont heal within themselves and are ashamed of.
These are the kind of events that can bring out or resurface shame and the unaccepted sides of themselves. There is also heavy risks of explicit exposure, se*ual harr**ment, being exploitated by both genders,etc. (how you are exploited can be mentally, physically, emotionally, etc and depends upon which house lilith sits in).
These individuals should be very careful about having their explicit stuff exposed to the public. There will also be an event that will completely change the native and push them to give 0 fucks about what society thinks of them, because all they've ever done was be kind, been taken advantage of in so many ways and no one stood up for them and even pretended to.
You must be careful wherever Lilith sits because this exposure and/or events will take place in those areas of your life.
Ex: 6TH HOUSE = colleagues, workplace, acquaintances, hidden enemies, innocence. When Lilith sits here be careful of those whom you are kind with and who are kind with you because in secret they may spread false rumours about you and even stalk you in order to expose you in some way. Your acquaintances may even blackmail you for various reasons so as to get you to do what they want you to do. These events can impact your health greatly.
I have this too and I have been through such shameful situations that I'm still working on healing.😮‍💨
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• I have observed that once a fixed sign Mars (♉♒♌♏) native is done with you, they are DONE. If you do them dirty in any way, no matter how minor it is, they will never look at you the same way they did before ever again and they'll never apologise when they believe they've done nothing wrong.
They'll never beg you for forgiveness or run behind you when you stop giving them attention. They prioritize self-respect and don't feel the need to waste time with people or situations that cannot improve. Most of my friends have this and I've seen this in every single one of them.
"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist". This is what they believe very much when it comes to dealing with people. If there is no reciprocation of respect, they will put their foot down, No doubt.
They are also very stern when it comes to making decisions. Very headstrong and you cannot convince these people easily. You will need a lot of evidence, proof and assurance to convince these natives about anything.🧐🥲
Like for example, if any or both of your parents have a fixed Mars, when you ask their permission to go out to a place with friends or ask them if you can go to that birthday party, or anything that requires their permission and consent, they will ask you so so many questions and even go the extra mile to make sure you are safe and that you are telling them the truth.😮‍💨 It is very hard to convince these natives when it comes to absolutely anything folks, you'll need an hour or two at least and even years at most lol.😭😂
My mom and sister, both, have a Taurus Mars and my god, they are so so hard to convince. They also are very stern decision makers and they value respect and boundaries which if messed with in any way, they will cut that person out so easily. 😶
Both of them are extremely overprotective of their loved ones and even very very possessive of the ones they love. This trait can be seen in the fixed sign Mars natives in general. They are so overprotective and possessive that it can become quite unbearable for the person experiencing it because the fixed sign Mars natives begin to check in on everything the person does.
celebrity examples:
•An actor named Ajay Devgn has his Mars in scorpio and his ex, Tabu, explained how Ajay's overprotectiveness and extreme possessiveness of her scared her and she left him because of it.
•Tom Cruise has his Mars in Taurus and his ex wives have told, the reason they left him was mainly due to his overhearing nature and how possessive he was of them so he would control what they wore and so on.
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Thats all for today guys! I really hope you enjoyed reading this and I pray you have a bright day ahead❤️🌻
Thankyou for tuning in!
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astra-ravana · 2 days ago
War Water
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War Water (also called Iron Water) is a powerful tool in witchcraft used for protection, hexing, banishing, and warding off enemies. It originates from Hoodoo, Appalachian folk magic, and other mystical traditions.
Uses of War Water:
• Protection – Sprinkle around your home to create a spiritual barrier.
• Banishing – Throw it where unwanted people have walked to remove their influence.
• Cursing – Toss onto an enemy’s property to bring discord and bad luck.
• Warding Off Negativity – Add to floor washes or sprinkle near entrances.
• In Spellwork - Use in rituals for breaking curses, creating wards, or calling upon warrior spirits.
• Rusty nails (or iron shavings or railroad spikes)
• Water (preferably storm or river water for extra potency)
• Salt (black salt for cursing, sea salt for protection)
• Cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes (for aggression and strength)
• Vinegar – Used to sour relationships in cursing spells.
• Mugwort or Rue – For added spiritual power.
Place the rusty nails or iron in a jar. If your nails aren’t rusty, leave them in water for a few weeks to oxidize. Fill the jar with water. Use stormwater for aggressive energy, river water for powerful flow, or tap water if necessary. Add salt and herbs and let it sit for at least a week. The longer it sits, the stronger it becomes. Some witches let it develop for months. Shake or stir when using, the rust, herbs, and salt should be well mixed before application.
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maximthejewitch · 3 days ago
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tarotbyjam24 · 17 hours ago
Your 1st time with them in bedroom 18+
Minors dni
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Likes , reblogs and feedbacks are very much appreciated 💗
Thankyou for stopping by let's dive in ☄️ Choose the pile you feel most drawn to 🧸
Masterlist \pick a cards
Disclaimer: this is general reading . It may or may not resonate . If reading doesn't resonate let it fly and choose another pile or simply there were no messages for you through this reading 😊 Take the reading lightly as nothing's set in stone until you believe so 🕊️
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Pile 1 Pile 2
Pile 1
Hi pile 1 your first time with them could be due to wanting some benefits from them . It could also be due to you feeling like a outcast and you just got indulged in this activity with them because all people around you were sleeping in beds and you also had desire to do so because you were feeling like a lonely fish in a big sea that got caught by a fisherman in a small cup not even a bucket . Your first time with them can also lead to you having some new ideas or they acting like a support you need while taking actions in your life sectors . Getting engaged in s*x with them could lead you finally ending your lonely life and finally having a person to rely on who will be there for you in every season and in your highs and lows . Also you guys gonna like each other's n**ed body so much . I also feel this connection was divinely guided or probably a old person did this setting for you . I also feel there could be a chance of you liking deep penêtr@tion and going in multiple rounds with intense passionate fires 🔥. That's all pile 1 I hope you enjoyed reading , blessing you with an amazing love life 🤭
Pile 2
Hi pile 2 your first time with them is gonna be in balanced manner both of you gonna pour in each other in a balanced way not pouring it out at all and crossing boundaries to keep the fires still going on .I feel most of you gonna like to do it in bathroom rather than in bedroom or near like water bodies or where there's source of water . I also feel you guys could be in blindfold play and involving chains\ sharp objects . I also feel your first time will be due the heated argument you guys got involved in and it leading you to having s*x with them . A makeup s*x after fights . I also feel it could be in the house where there're other people also living in probably your parents or other nosy people so that leading you to doing it in bathroom . If that's not the case heres another case your first time will be all planned up like you dressing in lingeries , hairs done , makeup done , jwellery put up, perfume\pheromones sprayed up , slow stream music playing in background, bed all set up for the vibe and you're just waiting for your spouse to devour you all night . I'm also feeling your first time could be on your honeymoon . That's all pile 2 I hope you enjoyed reading , blessing you with an amazing love life 🤭
I hope you liked the reading . Thank you so much for letting me read for you . Wishing you best ahead . 🎀Bless you and have a nice day 🐣
Loads of love , jam\gem 🩷
Exchanges : open , collabs for paps : open
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violetflamesx · 3 days ago
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sapphic-nature-witch · 2 days ago
🔮💖Witchy Aesthetic💖🔮
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8thhousepriestess · 7 hours ago
Hey lone your blog!
I heard that 8th and 12 house are related to dark things. Can you like tell the placements or communications in people who can see things, ghosts, etc.
Thank you
I know, I know 👻 …
the 8th & 12th houses can come off scary or “dark”, but I promise they really aren’t! If you have placements in these houses it’s truly a gift. To feel so deeply, to be so sensitive, the capability to see beyond the veil, be a channel & healing source for others, to reach rock bottom only to rise up from the ashes like a fucking phoenix over & over again. I believe ppl born with these placements are here to serve a very special purpose & to awaken the collective to a higher love, a higher perspective.
Yes 8th house transits can indicate physical death but ALSO the death of the ego which follows a complete transformation & rebirth of the soul! Enlightenment ✨.
Once you learn how to work with your gifts, hone them, come into your power, spiritually protect & set boundaries you will realize you were born with very special cosmic imprints.
Ok here we go 👁️ …
• 4th, 8th & 12th houses of the natal chart in water signs.
• Grand Water Trine aspect pattern in the natal chart.
• Moon in Cancer… natural intuition.
• Pluto in the 4th, 8th or 12th house of natal chart [ bonus points if in water sign ]… Individuals with strong Pluto in their chart may have an innate connection to spirits, ancestral wisdom, or an interest in the occult. The transit of Pluto through these houses can also trigger occult interest &/or a traumatic life events which can lead to a spiritual awakening. Spiritual awakenings often lead to discovering your psychic gifts.
• Pluto conjunct, trine or sextile Neptune… can indicate enhanced ability to access other dimensions.
• Pluto aspects to Moon or Mercury… can indicate strong intuitive & mediumship abilities. Sensitivity to spirits, entities, those that have passed over, “ghosts”, etc. [ esp. Pluto conjunct Moon ]
• Neptune in the 1st, 8th or 12th house of the natal chart &/OR transiting… can indicate an individual very sensitive to energy, psychic perception, seeing beyond the veil.
✨SHORT PERSONAL EXPERIENCE…  [ Neptune started its transit through my Pisces 8th house in 2011/12 👉🏻 my grandmother passed away in 2013 👉🏻 triggered a huge spiritual awakening for me. My North Node is also in my 8th house at 3° so Neptune right there on my NN officially kicked off my purpose/spiritual path. We are approaching the end of Neptune through Pisces & I can honestly say that through out this entire transit I’ve been on a rollercoaster of EVERYTHING spiritual, occult, taboo, esoteric, etc related. Lots of life changes at the same time occurred for me. 2011/12 is also the year i met & entered into a relationship with my current sig. other whom I now have 2 children with 💜 ]
• Neptune conjunct, trine or sextile to Moon, Sun, or Mercury… can indicate enhanced psychic perception , telepathy & mediumship abilities.
• Neptune aspects to Pluto or Uranus… can indicate spontaneous psychic visions, precognition, or contact with spirits.
• Uranus in 8th or 12th house or transiting… can indicate an individual that gets whip lashed by sudden/spontaneous psychic downloads. [ reminds me of “That’s So Raven” 🤪 ]
• Mercury in 8th or 12th house &/or transiting… can indicate strong connection to the spirit realm, paranormal experiences & mediumship abilities. [ bonus points if the 8th & 12th are in water signs.. extra bonus points if Mercury is here with the moon.. super bonus points if Uranus, Neptune &/or Pluto are also here with Mercury & Moon ]
• Chiron in the 8th house or transiting… can indicate mediumship abilities, a connection to spirits, or healing gifts related to death, transformation, & the occult.
• Chiron in the 12th house or transiting… can indicate a deep karmic wound related to spirituality, isolation, or the unseen, which can manifest as psychic sensitivity, prophetic dreams, or a connection to spirits.
• Chiron conjunct, trine or sextile Neptune… can indicate strong intuition, potential for psychic healing [ like Reiki ], & the ability to channel spiritual energy.
• Chiron conjunct, trine or sextile the Moon… can indicate wounds tied to intuition which could manifest as psychic dreams or clairsentience [ clear feeling ].
• Asteroid Pallas.. individuals with strong Pallas in the chart may have a gift for decoding symbols, reading energy, & understanding complex spiritual systems.
— Pallas in Pisces… Enhances mystical wisdom, intuitive pattern recognition, & ability to read between the lines in dreams, symbols, or energy.
— Pallas in Scorpio… indicates an instinctive understanding of hidden truths, the occult, and deep psychological insight.
— Pallas in the 8th house or transiting… indicates natural ability to detect hidden energies, work with the subconscious, & understand the mysteries of life & death.
— Pallas in the 12th house or transiting… indicates strong visionary gifts, the ability to see the “big picture” of the universe, & access to unconscious or spiritual knowledge.
— Pallas conjunct, trine or sextile to Neptune… Enhances clairvoyance, spiritual wisdom, & ability to perceive unseen energies.
— Pallas conjunct, trine or sextile Pluto… indicates a strategic approach to occult or esoteric knowledge; may indicate an interest in astrology, tarot, or spiritual warfare.
This is just a short list, there are SO many more. If anyone wants to add, drop a comment so we can learn from each other! 🤗 For more placements related to this question you can check out a similar post I wrote about angel, spirit guide & communication indicators in the natal chart.
Thank you so much for writing to me & for the kind words 🥰😍! -STEPH🤍🫶🏻
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lavendermoonlove · 3 days ago
Imposter syndrome in witchcraft - A discussion
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I often feel like my practice is not good enough. Or that I am not actually a witch and just faking it, or playing pretend. This feeling stems from me not being born in a family of witches or from “only” practicing for a year. From barely having any otherworldly experiences. For not being able to see or talk to spirits, for not being able to astral travel, for not actively practicing every single day. I tend to feel bad about myself and compare my path to that of others. Not only that, but I also feel like I will never be at the level I want to be, because I keep doubting myself due to this comparison.
I have to remind myself however, that these creators or witchcraft influencers we see online also had their own journeys and didn’t start at where they are now. I have to remind myself that progress isn’t linear and that all will come in due time. I have to remind myself I have a life outside of witchcraft and that witchcraft is here to enhance my life not hinder it. Whenever I start to feel this way, I tend to step out of the online witchcraft community for a while. This helps me align myself again with my own path and rationalise things. Especially since the online community can tend to be overwhelming, especially over on social media. It is what feeds the imposter syndrome for me. Seeing all those extravagant rituals, or people talking about their amazing experiences with x deity, or people being a witch since the day they were born can make me feel like a less of a witch.
But in reality I am not less of a witch because I don’t do spells every single day. I am not less of a witch because I haven’t been practicing for that long. I am not less of a witch because I haven’t worked with spirits yet. I am not less of a witch because I missed a full moon. I am not less of a witch because I haven’t read all these books.
And in times when I need to be reminded of it, I opt out and go through my book of shadows and look at the growth I have made as a witch and at the path that lies before me.
I hope that for those who also struggle with imposter syndrome like me, this post can help you put things in perspective. I am very curious what everyone’s thoughts are on the subject and how you deal with the feeling. Thank you for reading my little thought ramble!
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dogmalilith · 1 day ago
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Pomegranates Are a Sapphic Jewish Icon
I've never felt more like a Jewess who loves other women than when I'm gently carving open a pomegranate and coaxing out its seeds.
The connection between Judaism and pomegranates is an easy one to make. Pomegranates have 613 seeds is often associated with the 613 mitzvot. As such, pomegranates are frequently used as ornaments to decorate Torah scrolls and make their way onto Judaica like dreidels, menorahs and mezuzot. Moreover, pomegranates are mentioned in multiple ancient Jewish texts. The Torah lists the pomegranate as one of ancient Israel’s seven species, as well as including the fruit in a few other parashot. Pomegranates are even featured in a story from the Talmud and the Song of Songs.
I’ve never felt more like a woman who loves other women than when I’m gently carving open a pomegranate and coaxing out its seeds. Sure, the fact that the interior of a pomegranate evokes yonic imagery and its juice menstrual blood is part of it. But not all lesbians have vaginas or periods. For me, the pomegranate’s truer sapphic nature is the sensuousness of it all. The feeling of pomegranate juice rolling down your chin and arms, staining your fingers magenta; the soft crunch of seeds meeting teeth and the pomegranates’ flesh giving way when pulled apart; the sweetness of the fruit which makes you purse your lips ever so slightly.
Of course, this kind of deep erotic sensuality can also exist between men and women. In the Song of Songs, the author (purportedly King Solomon) writes, “Your lips are like a crimson thread; your mouth is lovely. Your brow behind your veil [gleams] like a pomegranate split open.” But to me, this is the exception that makes the rule. My experience of love and sex with men has always felt like two waves crashing together. Which, to be clear, isn’t a bad thing. But my experience of love and sex with women and other queer people is ineffably softer, lusher and juicier. Like a pomegranate waiting to be plucked.
More broadly, fruit symbology just belongs to queer folk. Tracing its origins back to at least the 19th century, “fruit” or “fruity” have long been pejorative ways to describe gay people and particularly gay men. Now, in a moment where LGTBQ+ folks are reclaiming slurs for themselves, it just feels right to embrace the sapphic fruitiness of the pomegranate. Plus, show me a Jewish lesbian who doesn’t have or isn’t planning to get a pomegranate tattoo. I’ll wait.
No matter how long the trend lasts, pomegranates will always be a symbol for sapphic Jewesses and Jewex everywhere.
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dionysianivy · 1 day ago
Blessed Lupercalia everyone🐺💓🌿🐐 may these 3 days of celebration bring you only joy, abundance and love ♡
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What is Lupercalia?
Celebrated on February 13th - February 15th, Lupercalia was an ancient Roman holiday dedicated to the god Faunus, the wild horned spirit of nature, and the legendary founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. The festival is believed to have far more ancient origins than its association with these mythical figures, likely stemming from earlier fertility rites and purification ceremonies.
The name of the festival, Lupercalia, is derived from the Latin word lupus (wolf), tying it to the legend of the she-wolf who rescued and nursed Romulus and Remus in the cave known as the Lupercal. This cave, located on Palatine Hill, became the heart of the festival’s rituals, emphasizing the protective and nurturing symbolism of wolves.
At its core, Lupercalia celebrated the themes of fertility, purification, and the harmony of nature. It honored two deities: Faunus, the primordial spirit of wild nature and fertility, and Juno Februata, the aspect of Juno associated with purification and the passions of love. The name "February" itself originates from Februare (to cleanse) and Juno Februata, underscoring the month’s ties to this festival.
The festival began with sacrifices of goats, symbolizing fertility, and dogs, representing purification. These sacrifices were followed by ceremonial rituals performed by Faunus’ priests, known as the Luperci. After consuming the sacrificial meat, the Luperci smeared themselves with the blood of the animals and dressed in strips of goatskin, referred to as "Juno’s cloak." They then ran through the streets of the Palatine Hill, carrying whips made from goatskin called februa.
Women who wished to conceive strategically positioned themselves to be struck by the whips, believing this act would enhance fertility, ensure conception, and guarantee safe childbirth. This ritual also served as a broader purification rite for the community, cleansing it in preparation for the coming New Year, which in the Roman calendar began at the vernal equinox.
The nine days of Lupercalia, from February 13th to the 21st, were believed to be a liminal time when the souls of the dead wandered the earth. Offerings of food and drink were left for them, with the living honoring the spirits as part of the festival's traditions.
Over time, the festival's elements shifted and evolved, blending with other traditions. February 14th, now celebrated as Valentine’s Day, originally marked the first day of Lupercalia, dedicated to Juno Februata and Faunus, when women prayed for fertility and blessings.
Lupercalia continued to be celebrated for centuries until it was officially abolished in 495 AD by Pope Gelasius I, who replaced it with a Christian feast day. Now, in modern times, even though Lupercalia is no longer a widely celebrated festival, it is often associated with modern Valentine’s Day or even a celebration of self-love. Today, it’s all about love, fertility, and connection. You can spend the three days of Lupercalia by offering yourself love and understanding, doing things that nurture your self-appreciation, and spending special time with your loved ones.
Magic Correspondences:
Colors: red, white, pink
Crystals: rose quartz, milky quartz, selenite, moonstone, ruby, garnet, lepidolite, green aventurine, emerald
Deities: Juno, Lupercus, Faunus, Venus, Aphrodite, Pan, Hera, Dionysus, Eros, Freyja, Cernunnos (deities associated with love, fertility, and abundance)
Animals: dog, goat, wolf, dove, swan, dolphin, ladybug, lovebirds, horse
Flowers: lavender, roses, snowdrops, hyacinths, tulips, orchids
Herbs: cinnamon, basil, jasmine, vanilla
Fruits: figs, cherries, grapes, bananas, strawberries, pomegranate, raspberries, apples
Symbols: phallus, hearts, wolves, whips, goat
Magick: fertility and abundance spells, self-love magick, sex magick, purification
Activities to do:
🐺 Take a relaxing long bath, and add some rose essential oil if you like
🐺 Spend time with your dog(s)
🐺 Watch some romance movies
🐺 Treat yourself to things that make you feel good, like lotions, perfume, or new clothes
🐺 Light red, pink, or white candles
🐺 Collect flowers and put them in your altar or room
🐺 Drink goat milk
🐺 Perform love, fertility, and purification spells
🐺 Give flowers to loved ones
🐺 Spend some time in your home, simply being naked because why not?
🐺 Bake heart-shaped cakes
🐺 Support dog shelters with a donation
🐺 Spend time with your lover
🐺 Listen to your favorite music
🐺 Show appreciation for your body
🐺 Take your health medicine
🐺 Decorate your space or altar with heart-shaped objects
🐺 Spend time and meditate in nature
🐺 Eat lots of chocolate
🐺 Practice yoga
🐺 Connect with deities associated with love, fertility, and purification
🐺 Drink some red wine
🐺 Dedicate a day to self-care, doing what feels healthy and good for you
Food and Drinks:
Drink red liquids like wine, cranberry or strawberry juice, consume goat dairy, cakes, muffins, chocolate, honey, cherries, champagne, grapes, hazelnuts, cinnamon rolls, cupcakes, any food with meat, apple pie, strawberries.
sources: Wicca: A Modern Guide To Witchcraft & Magick; Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Complete A-Z for the Entire Magical World by Judika Illes
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tarotwithavi · 24 hours ago
Guess who's back
I’m finally back after an unexpected (and quite painful) break. Somehow, I managed to dislocate my shoulder 😅 While this wasn’t part of my plans, it gave me a much needed reminder that sometimes, the universe forces us to slow down, whether we like it or not.
First and foremost, I want to thank you all for your patience, support, and understanding during my absence. I truly appreciate each and every one of you. I know many of you have been waiting for your readings, and I want to assure you that I am getting back to work! However, as my doctor has advised, I have to take things one step at a time to avoid further injury. So, I’ll be completing and delivering all pending readings gradually, making sure I maintain the quality and energy that each one deserves.
Regular posts will also be making a comeback!
Thank you again for your patience and for sticking with me through this little plot twist. I’m excited to be back, and I can’t wait to connect with you all!
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777rare · 2 days ago
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This post will only be about the studies I've done on the 12th house since that house fascinates me the most out of all the houses in astrology. When it comes to the 12th house, I will also be talking about Neptune and Pisces since they are deeply connected to this house. Even Jupiter is the lord of the 12th house but Neptune qualities are more at prominent with this house.
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🩸 In astrology the 12th house represents:
the bed
foreign lands
subconscious mind
jail, imprisonment
mental asylum
past lifetimes
past life karma
confined places
the feet
large animals like elephants
the unknown
lifespan and death
bed pleasures
the root chakra
unexpressed emotions
Fake names/identities formed to hide another
The need for Solitude or just solitude in general
Relief work/ how we help others
Some sort of Weapon used against us
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🩸Those who have 12th house and/or pisces placements and/or stellium are :
Mystical and mysterious
Dreamy or a dreamer
Always alert
Individuals with high levels of awareness
Merciful and soft-hearted
Prone to addictions
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🩸I have observed that the 12th house is like a bottomless pit. The 12th house is like a dream, no end and no beginning. Since even Jupiter is the ruler of this house, he enlarges the qualities of planets sitting in this house but because of Neptunes severe prominence, though everything is enlarged, everything is also lost in a heavy fog.
🩸The 12th house is a place of complete darkness, like a black hole. Whatever goes into the black hole disappears in thin air, as if it never existed to begin with. Planets that sit here often have their effects go unrecognised by others in natives.
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🩸There is a lack of recognition of the subjects related to the planet in the 12th house, in a persons chart, by others.
•A native having mercury in the 12th house is smart, even if it's not in a geeky way, but others often assume them to be dumb.
•A native having moon in the 12th house or pisces are quite understanding people who do care about how others feel but this often goes unrecognised and people assume they care less about how others feel. These individuals are actually very emotional in private.
•A native having Venus in the 12th house actually love very very deeply once they begin loving someone and wish for the deepest intimacy possible with them but they are often termed as heartbreakers and flaky people (the zodiac matters too) who ghost their partners. I have this placement too and so many people have called me a heartbreaker even though I have actually never dated due to my fear of betrayal and have never had anyone confess their feelings for me.
Short story: I did fall in love with someone I was friends with for the first time and I loved that person so so much to the point I waited for 3 years to finally ask them to be mine but I was friendzoned, and then given insane amounts of mixed signals and then realised I was being played with cuz that person dated so many girls at one go and all of them were my friends. It took me 3 years to get over that person. I still think of them though but that's far from the point.
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•Natives having 12th house and/or Pisces stellium are the ones who feel everything, even that which cannot be seen, felt, or heard. They are the black sheep in the crowd and no matter how much they fit in with a group, they tend to feel left out or less significant.
These natives have their mind locked up with their demons so their minds are tortured and always overthinking the tiniest of things even though nothing bad is happening.
They often contemplate so much and have an infinite amount of questions when it comes to the truth of life, existence and all things universal. 12th house and/or pisces stellium natives are also the people who appear and disappear Outta nowhere...by this I don't mean just physically, I mean emotionally, mentally, spiritually, energetically and so on.
These natives tend to get lost very easily and often wander around, just admiring existence and nature. These natives love love loveee spending time alone with nature. You can't pin them down because they never touch the ground, they're always in the clouds, dreaming and living the pinterest life in their head.
They also quite dramatic in nature, like drama queens or kings, lol. No doubt, these individuals are spiritual and highly imaginative. These natives are also misunderstood and are emotionally and/or mentally isolated from the human race.
They often desire to leave Earth and fly away to space. This is a huge indicator of a starseed. These people are drawn to extra terrestrial beings and the unknown. Their curiosity runs as deep as the bottomless pit.
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•What a 12th house stellium, pisces stellium, and/or mercury retrograde would say when asked to explain their feelings:
"I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself" - Franz Kafka (giving credit)
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•How Venus in 12th house people love:
"In a language so old that even the Earth no longer remembers."
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•How a person with a 12th house stellium would label themselves:
"People label themselves with all sorts of adjectives. I can only pronounce myself as 'nauseatingly miserable beyond repair'." - Franz Kafka (giving credit)
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As a pisces venus (in the 12th house), It is not easy for us all pisces venus natives out there to fall in love and fall out of love with someone...we do find many attractive due to us admiring mostly anything around us but falling in love is a huge deal for us.
We don't just decide to fall in love with someone cuz we find something attractive in them, we value companionship and depth more than anything ( if you have earth sign placements mainly).
So falling in love is extremely soul crushing for us...and falling out of love? Nuh-uh, never happens...we never fall out of love with the person we fall in love with.
No matter how many years pass by, we will maybe accept fate and move forward in life but our heart has a special place for that person we once spoke with....for us, love is more of a painful tragedy that pushes us to sacrifice what we need the most and that weirdly makes us softer as we grow.
When you tell us to move on from someone or convince us that that person we love is not worth it, we wouldn't listen to you cuz when it comes to the matters of the heart, we never listen to anyone but ourselves...our inner voice.
To us love is never wasted because to us love does not rest on reciprocity. We will love with all our heart and no matter how hard our heart breaks, our heart heals back to a stronger one with an unwavering heartbeat that stops at nothing.
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The effects of 12th house and the 8th house placements are quite similar but very different at the same time. There is extreme intensity and depth with these houses but the 12th house is much deeper and darker than the 8th house.
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Anyways, Thankyou so much for turning in!
I hope you enjoyed this post about the 12th house😊 I will be posting a part 2 as well because I reached the word limit, but again thankyou for your time! ❤️🌻 I hope you all have a bright day ahead!
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