#with bucky and sam eventually being introduced to the story bc i love them
just-fandomthings · 2 years
touch telepath au? im v curious abt that!!!
Ahhh thank you, Abby!! 💜 admittedly, I wrote a little idea for this au back in August…and then completely forgot it existed 😅 but this idea has so much potential for an angsty fic…
uhh so I initially only had a few paragraphs of notes jotted down for this au idea, but as I was transferring them here, an actual story began to take shape in my mind?? I may or may not have an actual outline for this now (thank you so much, Abby, the credit for inspiring me absolutely goes to you 💜) 
So, here’s a little something I wrote:
Tony is a touch telepath--
This leaves him touch-starved, for how can he touch anyone when doing so will mean knowing what they’re thinking/feeling? His touch telepathy is his greatest secret, has been ever since Howard and Maria realized when he was three. He grows up keeping to himself, making a show but never letting people close--
And then there’s Rhodey. Rhodey is safe. 
Tony has felt safe before - in his mother’s arms, when he was with Jarvis and Ana. Whenever Aunt Peggy came for a visit. To a somewhat lesser extent, with Obie, whenever he came over when Tony was growing up. But Rhodey...
Rhodey is safe. He is the first person Tony chooses to tell; for a long time, he is the only person Tony tells. 
Then there’s Sunset, who used him for technological advancements for her own gain. And Tiberius, who used their friendship against him, getting the media to see him as a playboy alcoholic and nothing else. 
It’s not the first time Tony heard someone’s thoughts while they were hurting him (every kidnapping let him know exactly what his captors had planned for him, which, while did help him escape, did also let him know exactly what his captors had planned for him) but it’s the first of many betrayals. 
He learns the pain of remembering is worse when the ghost of their touch to his skin brings back the force of their cruel intent.
Sex is... well. It’s easier to just have one-night stands, where people care more about how good he is in bed, than about him himself. It hurts less, in the long run. 
Or so he tells himself. 
At least it prevents him from getting betrayed again. 
And then comes Pepper. 
Pepper, he slowly comes to realize, is safe. So is Happy. 
Afghanistan is...
The phantom touch of Yinsen’s hand will haunt him every time he allows himself to shake someone’s hand for the rest of his life. Even in Afghanistan, even at their first conscious encounter, after everything Yinsen knew he was responsible for, Yinsen had cared for him when they’d shook hands. 
Rhodey is the only one he allows to treat him on the plane ride home. 
Everything else about Afghanistan is better unsaid.
Obie touches him only twice when he takes the reactor from his chest. Once, on the back of his head, as he gently guides his head to the backrest of the sofa. It’s a painfully tender gesture; the final bow. 
The second is an iron-clad grip to his chin that forces him to meet his eyes. 
That’s when he realizes Obie never cared about him at all. 
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gwenpendragns · 4 years
Are any of your Marvel OCs gonna appear in WandaVision or TFAWS? If they are what are some basic ideas you have?
EEK Im so glad you asked, this is going to be under the cut bc there’s a few and probably some spoilers!
So let’s start with OCs you all know and love:
Gabriela de Leon
Gab’s story actually ends in Endgame because it’s canon divergent and I make it a happy-ish ending
However I may do a series of one-shots depicting what it would be like if Gab was in tfatws
I don’t have a lot of ideas bc obviously we don’t know what happens but what I do know is it would be so fucking chaotic w/ Sam and Gab and Bucky would be horrified at the fact that Gab is Steve incarnate
Also Gab would simp after Sharon Carter the entire time and Sam would be a jealous sob
Marisol Gonzalez
So I briefly mentioned this to Joey a while ago but I’ve toyed with the idea of doing an au-verse of Marisol
Marisol’s story is a complete au of the canonverse so this would just be canon lmao
But basically Tony Stark caught her hacking into his system and recruited her for SHIELD and then eventually SWORD
Here’s the biggest twist though, in this she would have never met Bucky and it would not be a Bucky fic
Her love interest? Darcy Lewis
She gets brought onto base and her and Darcy team up and fall in love the end
Melanie Stark-Falcone
So I’m not 100% on this one yet bc technically Melanie’s story would be done but the series she’s a part of continues 
This is really dependent on how Wandavision ends and how Wanda ends up doing Westview
But basically Melanie will be one of the ones being held hostage - I have yet to decide if the kids will also be there but I think Mel would have gone to check on Wanda alone and would have been caught in the crossfire
Okay and now for new ocs that are part of Melanie’s universe but I haven’t talked about or introduced yet:
Claire Strange (& Milo Sommer)
So Claire is a master of the mystic arts like her brother but unlike Stephen she works as a liaison between SHIELD/SWORD and Kamar-Taj
Milo will be briefly introduced at the temple when Stephen and Claire are there but he decides to leave because it’s not for him however he and Claire stay in touch
Milo ends up working for SWORD during the blip and him and Claire talk sometimes. When Wandavision happens he calls in a favour with Claire and she comes down to help as a consultant
A lot of badass power stuff we love to see
Luisa Peters
This is my Loki/OC who will only appear as a secondary character in Claire’s and Zara’s stories
She’s a SWORD (previously SHIELD) agent and a biologist. She is also geokinetic.  She’s dealing with Loki’s death at this point and hears of what Wanda’s done and comes to help them
When Wanda comes out of the hex she drags Luisa through “to help her”
and finally, Zara Orlov
She was originally going to be a Wanda oc but I changed by mind
Zara was subject to HYDRA expiriments and was rescued post-AoU by Cap and Wanda and the rest of the Avengers
She has aerokinesis 
She works for SWORD now because SHIELD no longer exists
Her love interest is Darcy
and she spends the whole show hating Director Hayward and threatening to kill them all if they lay a hand on Wanda
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lowkeysebastianstan · 5 years
let’s talk about basic screenwriting rules and a little thing called chekov’s gun, or planting and payoff.
let me begin by saying that i do not object to sam being captain america, i do think he was the better choice, it’s a big step for representation and both sam and mackie deserve both that and more (crossing my fingers they actually do him justice, but whatever.) with that out of the way, let’s talk screenwriting. 
okay. so christopher markus and stephen mcfeely have graced us with the scripts for all the movies which feature bucky, and sam for that matter. if we disregard post-credit scenes and cameos, those films are ca: tfa, ca: tws, ca: cw, a: iw and a: eg. (in addition does sam feature in a: ou, but tbh i’ve not seen that in so long i cannot really remember how much he’s in it. it doesn’t really matter, let’s move on.)
now, when telling a coherent story, it’s important to keep track of all plot threads, to make them weave in and out, and to focus on what helps you tell the story
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there are many ways to do this, but cinema, as an extremely contained type of media is particularly dependant on using every prop or setpiece consciously, and there are some guidelines or rules that make it easier
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that helps the screenwriters and the directors to decide what to include in any given scene, what to emphasise, what to steer the audience’s attention towards
this specific rule is called chekov’s gun, or planting and payoff
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it’s named for anton chekov, a russian playwright and short-story writer, who is considered to be among the greatest writers of short fiction in history
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who said: “If, in the first chapter, you say there is a gun hanging on the wall, you should make quite sure that it is going to be used further on in the story." 
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so it’s a rule where information, in form of clues or objects, are given early on, then brought back later. this is also known as foreshadowing
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the way it works is that you introduce an object, a word, an image, something that later in the story will be of significance   
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then, depending on the amount of time that passes, you either need a reminder
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or you don’t
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but either way it will give the story a thread that can be followed, sometimes discreetly, sometimes obvious, but that (almost) always results in a natural and rewarding conclusion
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it’s the most common way to avoid a “deus ex machina”, aka, a contrived plot device, where the outcome seems unearned and to come out of nowhere��(yes, i know sam becomes cap in the comics, that will be addressed further down)
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now, again, i have to repeat, i totally agree with the decision to make sam captain america, that is not the point
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the point is neither that “ooohhh some of those are from a trailer and a deleted scene, and besides it doesn’t matter bc bucky didn’t pick up the shield in endgame anyway, so”
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the point is, however, that the mcu is a contained story that culminated with avengers endgame in 2019. the part of this story that involves captain america, is 100% written, and 80% directed by the same creators, markus and mcfeely, and the russo brothers.
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and so one might ask then, when the same people have been in complete control of a cohesive franchise, when they apparently are experienced and celebrated in their field, when they have proven, on occasion, that they are capable in their craft, or, at the very least, not likely to make such a basic mistake as to plant and remind again and again, that one character will pick up the mantle and then at the last second give it to the other.
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when they write a character to be tortured and abused, that have never done anything villainous when in control of their own mind, and then claim
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“Both of them have picked up [the shield] in the comics; Bucky and Sam. But, when you look back at “The First Avenger” and realize why he was chosen to be the first super soldier, it’s about a certain purity at heart and a certain inner heroism. It’s pretty hard to give it to Bucky. As much as we love him, he is on the dark path and is recovering from that. Sam really is a truly stand up guy. It wasn’t a wildly difficult choice, certainly. I think Bucky has a lot more story as Bucky and as someone headed on a path of atonement. And Sam has ascended into this new role.“
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so yeah. it was never about whether or not sam deserves it, that he’s in any way the lesser choice. it’s about how the creators of this franchise had an outlined story, had character arcs decided and then saw that they had, inadvertently or not, created a story with connotations they didn’t dare pursue. so instead of actually following through on their own premise, they pulled away at the end to avert attention from their mistake and seemingly forgot what story they had begun to tell. 
to plant an idea so blatantly as they did when it came to bucky and the shield, knowing that, even if not all, a lot of fans would know about bucky taking the mantle in the comics and then give it to sam, who, even though he also gets it in the comics, hasn’t been set up in that way at all in the mcu. 
again, and i cannot stress this enough lest y’all pull out your pitchforks and have at me, this is not about sam. this is only about markus, mcfeely and joe and anthony russo being bad storytellers that cannot keep to one of the most basic principles in movie making 101 and because of that delivered a crap product. in many more ways than this, but since i felt like wasting a couple of hours, this is what i used as an example. 
as a last note, not only does sam deserve it and is the better choice both in-universe and out, mackie deserves it, no doubt about that. it’s comic canon, just as much as bucky, (although bucky gets it first, just sayin), and it’s a very important stride towards more diversity and representation in the mcu. i support it 100%.
even so, i have to admit, that not only did sebastian also deserve it, but that he’s been kinda screwed over by marvel, the plants weren’t only for bucky, but also for him.
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“They sure like to dangle a cheese in front of my nose a lot,” Sebastian Stan said during the Winter Soldier press tour. “They're like 'Oh yeah, that's where you pick up the shield,' and I'm like, 'Yeah, I've heard that one before. There it is again.'” 
In 2016, Stan told Nerdist: “You know, I was sitting there in a room with [Marvel] and basically they were saying to me that this is what’s gonna happen: He’s gonna be the Winter Soldier, and then eventually he’s gonna become Captain America.
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imsebastianstan "Excuse me...where's the restroom?" A big thank you and shout out to Casey McBroom shield_labs for making this for me. Will come in handy... #wintersoldier #marvel 
Nov. 28 2016.
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