#with the floofiest hair ever i want to pet pet pet him
carpisuns · 5 years
soft ladynoir headcanons
When ladybug is fighting by herself before chat gets there she’s kind of tense and nervous but the second he shows up she feels a wave of relief, like “oh, good. he’s here. everything is fine. we got this.”
Even though chat is reckless ladybug admires his courage and she recognizes that he is a quick thinker and is actually a lot smarter than he lets on sometimes
If someone asked ladybug who her favorite superhero was she would say chat noir without even having to think about it
Ladybug is so focused on the task of capturing the akuma that she doesn’t have time/space to explore her feelings for chat but deep down they are most definitely there and sometimes she feels them flicker...
Like whenever he says “I love you” in a sincere, non-flirty way it always gets to her and she has to Take A Second
Every time he calls her milady it pulls her heartstrings a little and if she ever heard him call anyone else that she would def get jealous
She resists the nickname “bugaboo” out of habit but secretly she’s grown really fond of it and if he stopped she’d be disappointed. she just keeps objecting to it bc she doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he won that battle.
His dorky grin makes her melt
She actually finds his jokes funny when the time is right but she just gets annoyed when he doesn’t appear to be taking a high-pressure situation seriously
Sometimes she finds herself wondering about his civilian life but she always pulls herself out of it because “I’m not supposed to know anyway”
Sometimes she also finds herself thinking about him in a very soft and more-than-partners-more-than-friends way when she’s off duty and she thinks, “if adrien weren’t there...” but then she immediately shuts down that thought process in her brain
Sometimes chat begs ladybug to tell him one tiny thing about herself so they share a random detail about their personal lives, like “I hate asparagus” or “one time when I was five I got a bead stuck up my nose and had to go to the hospital to get it out” or “I’ve always wanted to visit New York”
When they’re on patrol they often play i spy or have races or have a pun-off
Sometimes ladybug wishes they could hang out and do other normal friend things like go to the movies and get ice cream and play board games but she knows it could never really work that way and it makes her kinda sad
After mister bug she was like “wow.......his eyes actually are green and they are really beautiful” so sometimes when she looks at his chat eyes she tries to remember what they look like for real and imagine him like that
She loves giving him chin scratches
His hair is the floofiest and softest ever and she always wants to pet it but she has to be Professional
The ritual fist bump is the best part of ladybug’s day
Even though she’s used to it by now she still feels like she doesn’t deserve the attention and devotion he gives her
She vividly remembers every single time he has sacrificed himself for her during an akuma attack and she keeps a record of it in her diary so that she never forgets
She hate hate hates breaking his heart and she wishes for his sake that she could give him what he wants but she can’t
Sometimes she sees him looking at her really softly when he thinks she’s not looking and it simultaneously makes her heart rise and break
She’s worried that he’s gonna catch her one day looking as just as softly at him and then she won’t be able to deny it
Deep down she’s scared at how much she cares for him because she knows if anything happened to him she would immediately give up her miraculous if it meant he’d be OK
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