#with the hologram stuff.....hmmmmmm........
mikesoup · 2 years
when the professor was cackling about their indignation about getting the c dog question wrong he sounded like pam im not even shitting u
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bramblepaws · 5 years
the Last of the Candy....
the Vriska (Vriska) conversation was interesting but it also threw into sharp relief the fact that (Vriska) is still a literal teenager and just had sex with a literal middle-aged clown so, homestuck is fucking canceled actually, 
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oh word. also i really like Vriska’s typing quirk because she types like a millennial :/
also the vrisrezi content is .. good
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im gonna be that bitch but haha i found a typo
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im enjoying roxy telling john that he’s an idiot and she could fuck up her own life just fine, thanks very much, because mood. but im also glad to hear she likes it? im tired. but im glad roxy feels real again. but i still don’t know what the Fucke is going on
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THIS feels right. this feels good. he hasn’t, and it’s been weird that the epilogue has been treating john as “the main character.” he’s never been the main character! just the first one. 
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ugh but i hate that! i want life to make sense! i want there to be narrative beats that we can follow and fall into! i want to know what the fuck is going on so i can take the next step. why ISNT life like a video game, where the next quest is a bullet-point on the map and the parameters are outlined for you to follow. I want to be able to choose but I want to know where i’m going. you know? 
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hm. this is a good point and i am glad it’s gearing towards this. 
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i like this. also really enjoying the mulling she’s doing over gender. feels good feels organic.
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i want to take this to heart but i’m. Resisting. how does hussie know my age. is he among us? how does he know us so well............. Hussie If You’re Reading This--
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aw man now we’re in DaveJade land. i think the biggest thing i ache for with how they turned out in this timeline is that... their friendship.. just got crushed under the heel of whatever the romantic relationship is. they were so good as friends. i miss just seeing them interact as friends. 
oh shit i can’t believe Obama is a hope player
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aw man of all the people that have to worry about selves i wish dave wasn’t one of them. he’s done that enough. 
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first: i see it. i see the image of hologram obama doing this. hussie truly is a master of words. 
second: i know literally a BUNCH of the cast is bi already and this makes the most sense for Dave as a character, but i am still a bit... sad. disappointed? i wanted dave to be bi so, so badly. i wanted him to be bi and STILL be in love with Karkat and not be in love with Jade. i wanted him to not be in love with Jade because he wasn’t in love with jade and was actually in love with karkat, not because he doesn’t like women. blows air out my nose. i dunno. 
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holy shit
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m...mistew pwesident??
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DID DIRK AND MR OBAMA FUCK:?!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!
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oh okay so Rose was collapsing under the stresses of the ultimate self when we first started out, but she gave up her ultimate self when John chose candy. ok. 
also this feels like... God Tier Squared. also obama is there. 
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i do still very much enjoy aradia, though she has felt a tad “off” during this session as well. a parody of herself, almost? maybe? just like... Her Traits But.. from the past & repeated. maybe that’s just because she didn’t say very much up til now though
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hmmm okay so this is going to be something about the changing of the medium and the Narrative? also it is interesting to compare them, honestly, because when Not Jade says it, it becomes something... not UNTRUE, but LESS true. when the objective narrative says something, it is 100% factual. i think it’s going to be interesting to go from candy to meat... since from my skim-through of meat there’s a lot of narrative that ISN’T objective, it’s still being told by the characters. but if it’s being told by a character, that DOES change the level of truth... to something. LESS true. 
also Not Jade’s right, i haven’t been paying attention to the differences until she asked us to. generally i think my personal subconscious understanding of the differences would be.... the characters are telling me things that i have to sift through and lift meaning of, and the narrator is telling me The Meaning as well as the objective truth of events that are happening. characters slant it. the narrative slants it in a way that’s more purposeful? but no, that doesn’t even make sense, because of course the narrative is implied to be “in charge” of the characters speaking as well. so both have a similar PURPOSE. it’s just in how we sift the meaning out. hmmm. i have to think on this more. 
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“almost like one of your own thoughts speaking to you” implies something along the lines of... the narrative has more ability to get through our natural safeguards against some level of influence? because if a character is saying something, we’re going to interpret the meaning and the intent through the lens of how we feel about the character. like i have some animosity towards not-jade, but i feel she is presented as being wise and generally well-intentioned, so i’m open to hearing this. i ALSO feel as though she’s being used as a voice for the narrative at the moment, so i’m taking her words at face value. 
with gamzee, on the other hand, and with all of his “redemption arc” stuff, there was a VERY different interpretation. because the things about redemption were coming through him, i interpreted the narrative as using him to be facetious about redemption arcs in general. gamzee was portrayed as an absurd character both in the canon and in the epilogue, and that paired with the emptiness of his words about redemption led to... me not taking his literal words as a message of the narrative. it was a joke, which meant that the Redemption Arc is something that the narrative thinks gamzee doesn’t deserve, and possibly something that the narrative thinks is impractical and empty. 
so. not-jade might be making a point about how the narrative uses characters to communicate aspects of itself in different ways? and how the narrative itself is a step outside of that, and we just take what it says at face value. at least, more at face value than any of the character dialogue. 
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hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... so now ... we are talking about the choice to make homestuck a mostly character-voice-based medium? 
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yes..... this is good and interesting. and interesting in that it paints a clear picture of the fact that even the narrative has an agenda, we’re just.. not conscious of it in the same way. 
(also if you can’t tell im REALLY enjoying this section, i love theoretical meta bullshit like this)
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yeah exactly! but then pointing this out makes you want to look over the whole thing and wonder what the intent was. Hussie, what was your intent?
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are the two timelines going to converge? i actually don’t even kno if dirk is like alive by the end of the other one but i gotta ASSUME he is. since i’ve seen people talking about him being The Big Bad. also it’s interesting that.. the post-scratch kids are. the ones that are like The Villains. why not Jade? why not Rose? does it have something to do with how late in the game we met them, or is it more that they’re the ones that still had hugely open-ended character arcs? rose and jade got their chances to be evil? it’s been too long since i read homestuck, i don’t even remember where any of them were by the end. 
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transboygenius · 5 years
SE4SON: Chapter 19
[*Back in medieval, in the afternoon*]
Jimmy and Nick were getting ready for their dinner with the king. Jimmy was putting on his cloak and hat, while Nick was slipping into his suit of armor. They even used the "cologne" Benson lend them.
"You don't have to wear the helmet, you know." Said Jimmy. "Eh. I feel more comfortable with my face hidden." Replied Nick.
Sally, sitting on a stack of hay, glowed by Nick's comment. That's exactly what the Silver Knight would say. The knight never shown his face. It could have something to do with his fear of facing reality, or how he's too shy to let anyone see him express facial emotions. Nothing will ever convince her that these two young gents aren't the heroic saviors from the past. Jimmy is wise, calm, and holds the same physical features as the Wise Wizard, described in the diary. Aside from the obvious armor, Nick is sassy yet sweet, just like the Silver Knight. Also to add, he is much taller compared to his partner. The way she has watched them, they seem to prefer standing by each other's side, as well as feeling comfortable together. They also sleep in the same barn. The wizard and knight may have lost their memories, but the way they feel for each other hasn't changed. Two gentlemen unwinding in a hot spring five feet apart cuz they're platonic comrades.
"So, Mr. Jimmy Wizard..." Asked Sally. "That's not my full name, and please don't call me that again." Replied Jimmy. "...I know you're incapable of doing magic, with your memory gone and all, but I'm sure you still possess the brains. How smart are you still?" "'How smart are you still?' That's improper use of grammar. I'm not 'still smart,' I'm 'always smart!' And FYI, I'm more smarter than you can bet on! Ask me anything!" "O-kay? Why is the sky blue?" "Appropriate answer from an eight-year old. Blue light is scattered in all directions by the minuscule molecules of air in Earth's atmosphere! Blue is scattered more than other colors because it peregrinates as shorter, more minute waves! Therefore, we optically discern an azure most of the time!" "Yep! You'd definitely have to be a super smart artist to sum up words I've never even heard of or understand." "Ask me another one if you please!" "How do you plan to turn the king's bargain against him?" "I was expecting either a science or history type question." "Like, are you gonna lure him into a pit of spikes?" "What? No! Where are we gonna find a spiky pit?" "You have a point there, very impractical. Hmmmmmm. Maybe you could poison his drink!" "Even though this is the medieval century, I'm not entirely sure poison is legalized in this town, given all the strict rules." "And all his pretty boys there will be watching us like hawks." Nick added. "Why not just have Diana step on him?"
Jimmy and Nick both looked at her in cringed expressions.
"You know, squash him like a cockroach? SPLAT! She's already big enough!"
The two boys were then relieved, but they still disagreed with her notion.
"How 'bout we lure him into a pit?" Asked Rodent Girl, who's in the barn with them for unknown reason. "We've already discussed this." Exclaimed Jimmy. "Ah, you did, but instead of spikes, which we don't have access to, King Jason falls into some scalding, melted cheese! And I have plenty of gouda, provolone, and mozzarella to spare! That would make his death slowfully painful. Not to mention, delicious! Mwahahahahahahaha."
Silence filled the barn, and everyone looked at Rodent Girl awkwardly, even the animals. Such a weird idea coming from a weird girl. All this silence started to make her nervous. Pretending as though she said nothing, she decided to go about her business, drinking from the cow's udder. Of course, that didn't make things less weird. Benson suddenly pokes his head through the barn door. It's obvious he's been eavesdropping again.
"May I suggest loosening the joints and screws on his throne so that he falls over and breaks his neck? The old fart did mentioned in the editorials that he would rather die there than on a deathbed. Mwahahahahahahaha." "Were you there this whole time?" Asked Nick. "Oh. Heavens no! I was just dropping by to... ...get Miss Oona! She must freshen up before she's ready to meet the king!"
Benson then separated the teen from the cow, and dragged her out of the barn. Jimmy, Nick, and Sally followed.
"Now, young lady, you go ahead inside and brush your teeth this instant! We've got a royal dinner to attend very soon!" Said Benson, handing Rodent Girl a toothbrush. "'Brush my teeth?' What's wrong with the smell of organic milk?" Replied Rodent Girl. "Come here!"
Benson then picked up Rodent Girl, and tried to brush her teeth by force. Jimmy and Nick decided to return the cologne bottle inside. As always, Sally followed behind them. The boys were surprised to see Mitzi, back from work early. She looked very upset, resting both of her elbows on the table. Nick took off his helmet to look less suspicious, despite still standing in full armor. Diana was comforting her. Her pupils shifted to Jimmy and Nick for a short moment, and then back into blank space. She was too pissed to question their silly "dress-up game." Out of curiosity, Jimmy quietly asked Diana what the problem was.
"Mitzi got fired from her job. The blacksmith industry recently hired a new man." Said Diana. "That's right, a man! One not very smart. One who absolutely has no qualified skills. One to only write 'Plz gimme a job :)' on his resume! Bloody King Jason and his bloody male dominated, privilege system!" Mitzi screamed.
She got so mad, she banged on the table, knocking off a bowl of fruit. Mitzi was the only one to have a job, and now she lost it. That was the only job left available in the village. If she had been a man, she would've have kept that job. She has been in blacksmith for 12 years, and now replaced with an inexperienced gentlemen. Diana can steal stuff, but she can't always find what they need, such as condiments, medicine, and toiletries. Also, the animals might die without food. This job was much more important to the Faithful Five than you think. Nick didn't want this to happen to his friends. Nick walked right up to Mitzi, reached into his pocket, then pulled out a bunch of coins. Mitzi was very intrigued. There were even six silver coins and a gold one.
"Take every single penny. And just to be clear; it's not you I'm helping, it's me and Jimmy's friends. So, spend this wisely." Exclaimed Nick. "Where did you get those?" Asked Jimmy. "Snatched them from the green hoods' campsite during our smoke bomb loot." "Why didn't you tell me about this before?" "Hey, I thought these would be worth more in our time than in this time. I was gonna split it with you, btw."
Mitzi looked at the coins in front of her. Demons never gave gifts to fool their victims, they only relied on manipulation. In their cases, children are the easiest to lure in. They never cared for money, and was only interested in robbing the youth from their childhoods. They keep shiny and valuable things to themselves. Demons would never spare change to a poor man. These creatures were merciless and sadistic. None of Jimmy and Nick's friendly gestures ever moved her, but this is one trait Mitzi is new to. Nick just gave away everything he had in his pocket, all to make sure her family stays healthy. A true demon would never make sacrifices. Despite that, she still feels she's not ready to fully trust the boys yet. Her entire life imprisoned, and tormented, by the demons for fourteen years. Mitzi accepted the coins, but didn't give out a "thank you," which is what Nick had expected. She then got up so she could fetch her basket for grocery shopping.
Jimmy climbed up Diana to whisper in her ear, letting her know that it's time to hit the road. Nick put his helmet back on, Diana combed Butterscotch's mane real quick, and Benson helped Rodent Girl rinse. Also, she spitted in his face afterwards. Jimmy, Nick, and Sally rode on Butterscotch, while Rodent Girl hitched a piggyback ride on Diana. Luckily, she was light as grapes to her. After the seven of them journeyed off, Sally had just remember that she forgot to introduce herself to Mitzi. Speaking of Mitzi, when she returned to the living room with her basket, everyone was suddenly gone. Not a single peep of sound heard. Something's not right.
[*Meanwhile, in the twenty first century*]
The whole search party was camping outside of the Neutron household, waiting for their Cbae order to arrive. Hugh was role-playing family with his plastic ducks. Libby was listening to her playlist on shuffle. Carl was practicing magic again. Sheen had Goddard project more holograms while speaking into the voice module microphone, just so he could hear his acquaintances/rivals say what he wants to hear. And finally, Judy was showing Mrs. Dean some pictures of Jimmy through the photo album.
"Why is your son wearing a dress in this-"
Judy slammed the album closed.
"Okay! What say I get us some more snacks? Just notify me when the delivery truck arrives!" Said Judy. "No need for that, Mrs. Neutron! I have a box of Bossete's Intergalactic Twinkles™!" Replied Sheen, holding up his Ultralord themed snack. "Sheen, I love you, honey, but the cream filling of those twinkles taste like dish soap." Said Libby. "They do not! Dish soap is more light and tangy. Carl likes them!" "Actually, I only like eating the outside sponge cake. That's the most edible part of the snack." Spoke Carl.
Judy decided to just head inside and fetch those snacks. But before she was about to step inside, she suddenly heard a truck slowly roll in, and then come to a stop. It's here.
"Mrs. Neutron! The delivery truck is here!" Shouted Carl, Sheen, and Libby. "Sugar Booger! The nice, friendly delivery man has arrived!" Also shouted Hugh.
Judy ran up to the truck in excitement. The delivery man steps out of the driving compartment with his notepad.
"Delivery for, username 'bigmommyftw?'" Asked the delivery man. "That's me, young man!" Replied Judy. "Please sign right here, madam."
The delivery man then handed Judy his notepad, where she began to write out her signature. After that, he went into his truck to give her the item she ordered online. The man came out with a big, heavy box. Judy relieved the man of his pain by taking the box from him, and to his surprise, she was much stronger than she looked. He headed back into his truck and drove. After he left, Judy immediately cranked the box open with a crowbar. Instead of finding the machine in there, bits and pieces spilled out. They are suppose to build the time machine themselves. Judy searched among the pieces to look for the instructions. She found them, but with rotten luck, they were written in Korean. No matter how hard she looked through the pamphlet, all was in Korean. She tried to look for another instructional pamphlet buried in the machine parts, but the second one was written in Chinese.
"Anybody here speak Korean? Or at least Chinese?" Asked Judy.
Everyone said no, until Sheen had an idea.
"Wait! You don't have to worry, Mrs. Neutron! Luckily, I recently have installed this cultural translator app!"
Sheen grabbed the pamphlet from Judy, and then typed out the instructions onto his phone. Unfortunately, the translation came out wrong. Very wrong.
"'Apply extra lube before inserting the r.b. Johnson deep into the main combustion valve. Rock back and fourth to push in further, until it reaches that spot.' What kind of app did I even download!?"
Sheen uninstalled his app, went straight to the app store, then filed a very negative review, with a one star rating.
"Your app stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinks! 😡😡😡😡😡😡👎👎👎 How do you sleep at night?!!1!!! Don't download, y'all!"
"Hold on, everyone! I once dated a Korean man, who was the owner of this 4 star Korean barbecue! He taught me a few words in his native language, so maybe I can make something out in those instructions!" Said Mrs. Dean.
Sheen handed her the pamphlet. She carefully scanned her eyes through the instructions on each page. Everyone looked at her eagerly.
"Okay, I know that this word means 'please.' This one means 'screw.' And this, I think, is suppose to mean 'nose.'" Mrs. Dean explained. "That's it?" Asked Judy. "Well, I never paid much attention to him. I only dated that man for free meats." "I think I know just the person to help!" Spoke Libby. "Who?" Everyone questioned. "Cindy! She studied about 50 different foreign languages! One of them includes Korean! Hang tight! I'll be right back!"
Libby then ran across the street to the Vortex house. She just hopes she can catch Cindy in her good mood.
An angsty Cindy Vortex was slouching down in her beanbag, surrounding herself with comfort food and a two liter bottle of Purple Flurp. Humphrey was eating out of a bag of Corn Poofs. Cindy drank her tub of melted ice cream through a straw, while watching her new favorite reality TV show: Man Down. It's a show where women and teen girls get to take extreme measurements of revenge on their ex-boyfriends. She switched to this show after watching To Love Or Not To Love, a soap opera which aired an episode about a man promising to a woman that he will work hard to be a better person, and then begged for her forgiveness. Nothing seems to make her happy anymore. She's just too stubborn to swallow her pride.
"CINDY!" Libby burst through her bedroom door. "What?" Asked Cindy. "We need your help! We just ordered this new time machine online, don't question where we got the money, but we can't read the instructions! That's why I came to you!" "Well, it's not my fault Y'ALL forgot to read. (Everyone has gone stupid nowadays. Jimmy is the first)" "Huh- No no no no, we can't read the instructions cuz they're printed in another language! Please help us! Without that time machine, we may never be able to save Jimmy and Nick!" "What, did they get warped into another century by accident, or something?" "Yes! I have the security footage to prove it!" "Leave 'em. They deserve each other anyways." "Girl, could you stop thinking about yourself for once! All you've done is eat and behave sour at any human being in your contact! What did they ever do to you? I've had it with your depression over this breakup thing! This is a friend in danger! Not to mention, Mrs. Dean's only child!" "Excuse me? What did you say to me?" "We have to rescue a friend, plus a woman's only child who happens to be an acquaintance of ours!" "I wasn't asking about that!"
Cindy was so pissed, she crushed her potato crisps into dust. She got up from her beanbag and began to scold Libby, while making her walk backwards toward the door.
"You know, Libby, I thought you were very supportive of me! I thought you were one of the few good people in this world! But now, you reek of fink stink! You turned into them! For your information, I'm over the breakup! Neutron isn't my problem anymore, nor is he something to be dealt with! If I wanna sit on my butt all day eating comfort food, I can, cuz it's called self-respect! And I'm not sour! I was being confident! There's a difference!" "Cindy, I think you need hel-" "WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO TELL ME THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME?! If you care so much about finding Neutron, why don't you make him your new best friend?!"
As Libby was now outside of the room, Cindy slammed the door. She went back to her beanbag and slouched down in it. She just booted her best friend out. Her other half. Her trustful conscience. All because she refuses to listen to voice of reason. It's her inferiority complex that's keeping her from admitting to her flaws. She is always fighting to be that perfect woman, but always feels she's not good enough in the end. She's mad at Jimmy for ruining, what she thought they had, a beautiful relationship. And she's also mad at him for thinking he's smarter than her. She loves him, but at the same time she hates him. They seemed to have gotten along very decently when they were friends, but Cindy feels romance always comes first before friendship. And she can't help it that she has developed feelings for Jimmy. No matter how toxic they were together, Cindy just can't seem to let go. But the more she keeps holding on, the more pain it brings her. Sometimes it's very important to move on.
Cindy began to look at a couple of camera photos on her phone. They were of her, and her best friend Libby. She had been her best friend ever since first grade. Libby was the one who invited her for coloring when her friendship with Betty Quinlan died down. (Will be explained some time later in the future) While Cindy was obsessed with working hard and being the best, Libby showed her how to have fun like a normal girl for a change, yet she never tried to get in the way of her goals. Libby was a respectful friend, and a supportive one too. She was one of a kind. Now, after Cindy brushed her off like that, she may never speak to her again. Cindy was now alone. Worse, she's still too stubborn to fix this problem herself. She didn't even wanna make a simple call or text on her phone.
While walking across the street, Libby kept looking over her shoulder, in hopes to see if Cindy would walk out that front door and apologize. The poor girl is worse than she was before. She thinks the whole world has turned against her when it's really trying to help her. But nobody can help her now. She probably wouldn't even listen to her parents. This behavior was starting to frighten Libby, which means she should stay away from her for awhile. Cindy is on her own now. But how long will it be before she actually recovers? When Libby made it to the other side of the street, she broke the bad news to her squad.
"Sorry gang. Cindy can't help us. ...for personal reasons." Said Libby. "That's okay, deary! We'll just make-do with this!" Replied Judy.
Judy handed Libby the instruction pamphlet. Confused, Libby looked through it, and every word appeared to be in English.
"You found an English copy?" Asked Libby. "No. Goddard just ate the Korean pamphlet, and then printed a translated alternative! *Whispers* Please don't ask how." Replied Judy. "And he liked it, too!" Shouted Carl, who then fed Goddard the Chinese instructions. "Well, what are we waiting for, squad? We've got a time machine to build, and there's no time for breaks!"
Libby should be happy at this moment, but it's hard to with Cindy on her mind. It would've been a true team experience to have everyone working together.
[*Elsewhere, in another time*]
The whole crew continued traveling down that path, catching awkward stares from random civilians they pass. Benson was clutching his purse tightly, sweating like a hog. He hasn't gone out in so long, he forgot how much he feared eye contact from strangers. Diana just casually smiled and waved, as if she were on a parade float. Rodent Girl had fallen asleep, which gave everyone the conclusion that Diana was carrying some human corpse. Jimmy and Nick seemed to be doing fine, as wellerr as Sally. Jimmy didn't look like he mind Nick holding onto his shoulders tightly. Sally watched from the back.
"Are you nervous?" Asked Nick. "A bit. Are you?" Jimmy asked back. "I know you can't tell by now from my helmet, but, yeah. A hella nervous." "Care to share that issue with me? After all, it is a genius's job to answer a lot of questions." "This other half of Jason's bargain, I'm a little anxious to know just what he wants from us. For all we know, he could be looking for blood, or a new heir. What if it's something that's impossible to find?" "Calm down, Nick. Please?" "*Sighs deeply* Alright, I'll cool it. ...for now. Though I'm pretty sure we don't have a plan." "C'mon, we have made it this far. Like, for example, you managed to pull the wool over the mine keeper's eyes, and then come home with some fresh, raw quartz. Bet that was really scary, huh?" "Very. And exhausting, too." "It's okay. Whatever task the king has in store for us, it probably won't be any more difficult now that you have me. And Diana. Perhaps Rodent Girl could make use to us, somehow."
Nick was highly flattered after Jimmy had mentioned "you have me." That was all the motivation he needed to calm down completely. Once again, Nick was blushing under his helmet. Sally grinned at the two. Their order of communication definitely sounds like the Wise Wizard and Silver Knight, from what she read in her dad's diary. After a long walk, they made it to the castle. The drawbridge was already opened, and King Jason was waiting for them right there, with some knights in his presence.
"Ah! I thought you'd never make it! Welcome, guests, to my humble abode!" Greeted Jason. "Even though some of us have already been here yesterday." Joked Nick. "*Snickers* I especially welcome you again, O Wise Wizard and Silver Knight!"
Diana, Jimmy, Nick, Benson, and even Butterscotch, were very awestruck by Jason's comment. Rodent Girl even woke up to say "What?!" Now the king? Jimmy and Nick turned their heads to Sally, who was giving them a smug expression. That annoyed them deeply.
"Uhhhhhhhhh, I'm afraid-" Benson was about to give his say, but then Jimmy cut him off. "H-he's afraid to setteth foot in thy stronghold, your greatness! He's an extremely shy type!" Jimmy explained. "Oh, your friend hast nothing to worry about. You can count on my guards to protect HER."
King Jason was really more horrible than Benson expected. Despite the obvious goatee beard showing, he called him a "her" just because he's wearing a frilly apron, holding a purse, and mentioned to have real humanly emotions. If it weren't for all those guards right there, and the fact that he is the king, Benson would give him "a man" by blowing five fingers to his face. Speaking of which, he wonders why Jimmy had cut him off. After Nick helped Jimmy off of Butterscotch, Benson grabbed him for a short, private, and quiet, conversation.
"What was the meaning of cutting me off like that?" Asked Benson. "Because, have a moment to think. If he knew we were just some commoner children instead of a couple of noble legends from the past, he's gonna give us all a field trip to the gallows." Replied Jimmy.
Benson thought, maybe Jimmy has a point there. That could clarify on why King Jason showed them mercy, even if they did break an entry and posed as an authority. To him, the Wise Wizard and Silver Knight are a gold mine. Everyone walked forward into the castle.
"Wait, you're bringing the horse inside?! *Points to Butterscotch*" Jason questioned. "Butterscotch is family! Wherever we go, he comes with us! Talk to the man, Jimmy!" Exclaimed Diana. "Well, he is an important part of the group." Said Jimmy, while shrugging. "Fffffff-fine. But I hold your friend in charge of cleaning up after it!" Scoffed Jason. "Houyhnhnm! (I'm house trained, you biased pompous!)" Whinnied an embarrassed Butterscotch.
While the king was guiding them to the dining room, they met a strange man in the halls, who was the new cook, chasing a white rabbit and bearing a cleaver in hand.
"Stuart! What is this mindless folly?!" Screamed the king "An ingredient is trying to get away!"
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