#without needing to do it himself & then put pressure on his daughter to give him some do-over grandkids who would make better apprentices
you know what i don’t think ensign temple has ever met another miraluka, before lyde. i don’t know that she’s ever heard of a miraluka. miss born on dromund kaas, raised an imperial fugitive and then gone to work for the chiss for ages. it certainly adds another, funnier dimension to all the dialogue where she’s like “sir pwease don’t tell anybody i’m force-senstive q-q” while lyde is looking at her like. Babe Don’t You Even Worry About It. Solidarity
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suugarbabe · 1 year
You are SO amazing love, never let anyone tell you any different. I WILL fight them 😤
Tysm for considering wolfstar!daughter, i think youd enjoy the current fics that are currently out for it. Most of them are x fred or george and it just reminds me of you everytime.
Sorry, this is probs going to be long 😬
For the prompt though, i imagine they came about reader when remus found her on a full moon as a toddler werewolf, abandond in the forest (last yr hogwarts or graduated doesnt matter, whatever you decide) and when Sirius finally finds Remus the next morning he's shocked, confused, and then melts. Big, tall, broard Remus has this small bundle of cuteness wrapped in his sweater trying to cuddle into him.
Whether youd like to continue on from there or do reader growing up or a time skip is up to you. Same as if James dies or not, whatever your brilliant mind decides 🧡 but if it helps this is how i see the family dynamic:
I think Sirius would be the overprotective kind of dad, never failing with that wonderful sense of dramatics!
While Remus is the calm voice of reason that talks himself down when he feels like he might be going a little overboard.
Of course we're Uncle Reggies little star, he will be mean to another child if they hurt you. He and James are constantly arguing over who's the better uncle.
James is the uncle that gives you alcohol illegally and doesnt adhere to a curfew.
So skip to hogwarts in some of the last years (im a ravenclaw so i always imagine reader as a ravenclaw but anyhouse would be fun to explore) and reader makes it official with Theo or Enzo. Harry's a tattle tale and tells his dad who then brags to Reggie, who the apparats him self the Sirius' to demand answers because "who was this vile thing that dared touch his star?? Boyfriend?!?! Fucking over his dead body!!" Fully expecting Sirius to agree with him. But he doesnt, he just sighs because at least they made it til 6th/7th yr before boys started, he'll give the poor boy a chance first. And then Remus bursts in and has a full meltdown. Thats his little wolf; his baby. She can have a boyfriend. A BOYFRIEND!?! He might puke. No this isnt allowed. Boys are gross. And nasty. And theyre going to hurt her. But not before he hurts them!! He's going to put the fear of godric into this boy! RIGHT NOW!! Wheres his wand? He needs to go to Hogwarts.
Its so unexpected that both Black brothers are frozen. Until Remus starts searching for his wand and Sirius has to calm him down while Regulus goads him on. And through all of it, reader and Enzo/Theo were standing at the door to 'meet the parents'.
And then however you want it to go from there love! So sorry that was soo long and rambely. Of couese no pressure to write it and take whatever creative liberties youd like!!
Thank you love x
The group had made an agreement that the girls would all get a flat together, as would the boys. So naturally Sirius, James and Remus planned and found one for themselves that was 'absolutely perfect' as Sirius put it since it back right up to a large patch of woods; 'Perfect for you, Moony'.
In the moment Remus had rolled his eyes, but truly he was thankful. By the last full moon of school, Remus had managed to transform back to himself without completely passing out. After the fourth full moon in the flat, Remus was able to still decently function after his transformations.
What neither Sirius nor James expected happened and they didn't know how to react initially. Sirius and James had lost sight of Remus toward the end of the night, now both transformed back to themselves looking for him.
When Sirius found him, he didn't expect the scene he walked upon. Remus shoulders were hunched over, and at first Sirius thought he was crying. But the closer he got, he realized it was not Remus making those noises, but...a child?
"Moony...what the bloody hell is that," Sirius voice was cautious, he was still convinced he might be hallucinating.
Remus turned around slowly, "She's like me, Pads. She...she was a tiny little wolf, I swear it." Sirius was skeptical, but the way Remus was looking down at you, every doubt was melting away. The way your tiny hands gripped on to Remus's sweater.
When Sirius got close enough, you reached out for him, and he was done for. When James caught up with the pair he had the same initial reaction. But like Sirius, one look at you and he was also convinced.
It had taken the girls no time to swoon after you, and the boys were forever grateful. While Remus declared himself your father (Sirius demanding his was Dad number 2). James became your fun uncle (funcle as he called himself, Lily rolling her eyes each time).
To say it had taken a village was not just a cliché, but reality. Sirius was every over protective father, having a flair for the dramatics any time anything happened, good or bad. Remus was more calm, essentially the voice of reason when Sirius was talking circles. You eventually became the perfect mix of the two, which they both loved.
When you got your Hogwarts letter Sirius threw a party, Remus thinking it was a little over the top but Sirius insisted, "Our little star got her letter, we're celebrating Moony." Regulus had brought you off to the side, insisting you owl him if anyone is mean to you, he'll come and fix it, "Even if it's another little twat kid, you let me know, okay Star?"
After fourth year, James let you try his beer for the first time. Sirius lost his mind, Remus reminded Sirius how much worse he was at your age and that if James was letting her try it that it was a better situation than he used to get in to.
What you didn't expect was the commotion that ensued during Christmas holiday seventh year. It was tradition for you and your dads to throw a party on Christmas Eve. You were putting the final touches on the Christmas biscuits you usually made when a loud pop sounded in the living room.
"SIRIUS GET YOUR ARSE IN HERE NOW!" The voice of Regulus rang throughout your house and you instantly froze. Sirius sauntered in, not bothered by his younger brothers tone, "Seriously, with the shouting Reg, what is it now?"
Regulus looked over Sirius shoulder at you in the kitchen before turning back to his brother, "How could you let her, huh? How could you let her do this, with a Slytherin no less? My little star? Who is this vile snake you've let touch our little girl, a boyfriend, Sirius, really?"
You held your breath, fully expecting your dad to lose it, go full on dramatics, but instead he just pinched the bridge of his nose, "Honestly, Reg, calm down. I'm surprised it took us till seventh year for her to finally decide to get a boyfriend, don't get me wrong, I'm thankful," he turned pointing at you, "but I trust her, Reg. And you should too. She's not like us. Really though, darling, a Slytherin?"
Sirius turned to face you and all you could muster was a shrug of your shoulders before your father burst in. "WHAT did I just hear? My wolf has a WHAT? With a WHO? Darling are you mad, who is this boy? A boyfriend? Oh my Godric, I think I'm going to be sick. Who is he, star? Who, tell me now. I'm getting my wand. Sirius, my wand now."
Remus held out his hand expectantly, but nothing happened. Both Regulus and Sirius stood frozen, mouths agape at Remus's reaction before a sly smirk crawled its way onto Sirius's features, "Oh my my, Moony, this is a sight."
At that moment the Potter's all appeared, the air obviously thick with tension. James looked between his friends, "Oi, what did we miss?"
When you saw Harry you were instantly enraged, your inherant traits from Sirius coming in to play, "You little fucking rat, you weasel, you knew I was going to tell them over break, how could you tell Reggie before I could tell my parents, I'll hex you Potter, I swear it!"
You started after Harry, only for James's strong arms to lift you up by the waist and hold you tight, "Woah there, mini Sirius, calm down. I think this might be my fault. Harry told me out of concern and I might have boasted about your feats to Reggie."
You went slump in your Uncle's grasp, "Uncle Jamie...how could you." You were pouting as he sat you down, giving you a tight hug, "I'm sorry, star, I was just so dang proud of you."
You looked over at your parents, Sirius now rubbing Remus's back who was pinching the bridge of his nose. There was a knock on the door, causing everyone's attention to switch towards the distrubance.
Walking towards the door, you looked back with your hand on the handle, "Be nice." The marauders and Harry held up their hands in defense, Regulus crossed his, "No promises."
When you opened the door, Enzo stood there, cheeks slightly pink. "Erm, are you sure it's okay for me to be here?" You laughed slightly out of embarrassment, "How much did you hear exactly?"
"Enough to know I'm more afraid of Professor Lupin than Sirius," he whispered as he followed you through the door.
"Dad, Father, this is Enzo. My boyfriend," You gestured toward Enzo who gave a shy wave.
Remus placed his hand on his own chest, "Oh thank god it's Berkshire. I was really worried, star dear. Really worried. Thought maybe it was going to be the Nott boy."
This caused both you and Enzo to laugh, Enzo speaking up finally, "Merlin, no, sir. Nott's afraid of Y/n actually. So you've done a good job."
"Don't start kissing ass just yet, Berkshire," Regulus stuck a finger out at the boy.
"Uncle Reggie. Behave," you scolded him like a child, he looked down at the floor like one, too.
Sirius stepped forward, extending his hand, "So sorry, my boy. I'm Sirius, Y/n's father. You've met Moony, erm, Professor Lupin, her dad. He's sorry for anything you may have heard through the door."
Enzo grabbed his hand, shaking it firmly, "It's alright, sir. It's a pleasure to meet the men who've raised such a strong woman." Enzo smiled at you affectionately, causing you to blush in front of your family.
"Look at that, Moons. Our little star is growing up," Sirius wiped a faked fear, while Remus was holding back real ones.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose like your dad had done earlier, "Alright, who's hungry, hmm? Shall we eat?" You led Enzo towards the large table. Everyone followed suit, both Regulus and Remus grumbling slightly.
As you sat down, Enzo gave your thigh a squeeze. He leaned over and whispered in your ear, "Star, huh? That's cute." You side-eyed him, giving him a slight glare, "You tell anyone, you're a dead man."
Enzo grinned to himself, "It'd be an honor to die by your hands, love."
Across the table, Sirius gave Remus's thigh a squeeze, "She's growing up, Moons. Our little star." Remus nodded, pouring himself some brandy, "That she is, Pads. Our little wolf is a woman now." Sirius scoffed, "She still needs us though right?" Remus nodded, smiling, "We'll always be there for her."
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pocoyo-yo · 2 years
SUMMARY: when toji anime concept art dropped millions of panties dropped around the globe
WARNINGS: smut, fem!bodied reader, slight daddy kink, praise kink, degradtion, breeding kink, slight breath play/slight choking, fingering, mating press (pos.), unprotected sex, creampie, slight lactation, mentions of preganacy, sorta.. kinda baby trapping, petnames (baby, ma, pretty girl, daddy) toji is a toxic, manipulitive baby daddy ngl
BABY-DADDY TOJI who knows you can't live without him. who knows he's the only one who can keep you satisfied.
you complain about him and yet you let him in. everytime he uses the same excuse as to why he's there 'just wanna see the baby, nothing more'.
he finds himself playing with the one year old daughter you two shared, catching you giving him glances here or there. you may not have even known it yet, but he could tell you were needy. your breathing pattern, the fact you had your thighs pressed so tightly together, it was so obvious you wanted him to fuck another baby in to you.
"megumi 'nd tsumiki miss you," he tells you while playing patty-cake with his baby girl. it wasn't a lie either, the two did prefer you compared to toji's previous girlfriends (if you could call them that)— shit, tsumiki preferred you over her own mother. "they keep askin' about lyric.. they wanna spend time with their lil sister.."
you attempted to make a point, "they can see her when it's your days," you added. "but i do miss them too.. they're very sweet kids, nothin' like you."
toji scoffed, "yeah? but i still made megumi just like i made lyric.. they're somethin' like me, and besides,"
he held up lyric and placed her face next to his own.. a smug smirk on his scarred lips.
"doesn't she look just like daddy.."
BABY-DADDY TOJI who sloppily makes-out with you on the couch after you put the baby for a nap. one hand squeezing your jaw and the other cupping your pussy while he thrusts two thick fingers inside of your weeping hole.
"talk to me, ma," his fingers curled, pressing firmly into that spongey spot within your walls while rubbing your clit with his thumb. "talk to me.." he huffed in between kisses.
your hips jumped as you rolled yourself on his fingers, trying to apply more pressure to that spot.
"feels s'good toj'.." you whimpered and dug your heels into his shoulder blades. he forced your face back from his, making sure you could lock eyes with him. those same emerald eyes your daughter had inherited.
"mhm i know, pretty girl," his strong hands squeezed your cheeks together, your lips were swollen from the kissing, and tears clung to your lashes. you were just too fuckin cute. "nobody can please this spoiled lil pussy like i can, yeah? .. not even you, ma.." he chuckled as your eyes flicked back in your head, his movements had become faster and his fingers pushed deeper than before.
your hips bucked erratically, trying to chase your approaching high. you babbled on moans as your arousal rolled down his knuckles. your pathetically wet pussy was all you could hear besides your own whimpers.
"nobody," you cried. "nobody but you daddy.."
you bit down on your bottom lip, trying to supress your moans and not wake the baby while you squirmed from the overwhelming pleasure.
"did ya miss me as much as i missed ya? fuck.. how bad was it─ not bein' able to make yourself cum like i do─ like daddy does?" he asked, groaning at the sight of your puffy pussy growing bruised from how hard he was fingering you.
"soo bad.. so so bad," you moaned, his grip on your face loosening. "you reach so fuckin' deep.. make me feel so good, toji.. missed you so much.."
your voice quivered, "toji.. i need it bad.."
"need what, ma?" he asked you.
"need," you sniffled. "need your dick, toj'.."
he scoffed, "i know but i gotta prep you," he chewed on his inner cheek as you slid your hand under your tanktop and began playing with your sensitive tits. "just cum on my fingers and i'll give it to you.. i know how needy you've been without me, ma. my poor baby's been sufferin without this dick, yeah?"
you whined, "that's it..?"
"that's it," he kissed your nose. "that's all daddy wants.."
BABY-DADDY TOJI who has you so cock drunk that he had to cover your mouth 'cause at that point you didn't even consider the fact you'd wake the baby.
but he couldn't blame you.
it had been about five months since he fucked you and right now it seemed like, even with prep, he was splitting your lil cunt in two.
it was a sloppy mess down there, you had forgotten how many times you had creamed around his cock.. but it was enough that it made each thrust make a wet, gushy squech-like noise.
only he had you like this.. so pathetic and desperate for a man's dick.
but it wasn't just that alone, of course he was blessed with a big ass dick, but toji actually knew how to fuck. he knew where to touch, what to tease, how fast or how slow he should go to get the ideal reaction from you.
"so fuckin messy," he grinned, a thin layer of sweat coating his skin as his heavy balls slapped repeatedly against your ass. toji found himself slipping out of you and he rubbed the tip of his cock over your clit. ".. so fuckin sensitive.."
you whined and bucked your hips against him til he finally pushed his cock back into the warmth of your gummy walls.
"you love this dick don't you, ma?" toji grunted, pulling his hand down so that you could speak.
his tip kissed your cervix and you gasped, "love it so much, toji!"
"ya can't live without this dick, can ya? just gotta fuckin' have it like a lil addict," toji chuckles, his thrusts grew harsher and more precise by the second. "what? you addicted to this dick, baby?"
you sobbed, "m─ mhm!"
"at that point then," his hand snaked around your throat. your thighs were now pressed firmly against your leaking breasts.. your pussy spread open and getting fucked 'til it was turning red. "might as well call this my fuckin cunt.. 'cause you can't please it properly without me.." toji huffed, squeezing your throat just a bit.
"it's," you whimpered. "it's your cunt, toji.. only yours!"
you could feel yourself coming to another orgasm.. your entire body was feeling it─ feeling him. that was his effect. every nerve, fiber, and ounce of your being could feel him when he fucked you. shit, even when he wasn't fucking you. lyric was an perfect example of the fact that toji was never going to be out of your life for good.
"missed you so much.. oh m'gonna cum! m'gonna cum again toji.." you warned him, clawing at his chest as your tits bounced with the newfound speed of his thrusts.
"fuck, just wait a sec, ma.." he rasped.
"can't," you whined. "gotta cum now.. please!"
he squeezed your throat tightly and groaned, "listen to me," you gasped for air as tears rolled down your hot cheeks. "do ya love me, baby?"
you blinked tears away as air filled your lungs once again..
"y.. yes, I love you too much toji.." you admitted.
"love ya too, ma," he smirked. "let me cum inside this pussy, yeah? let me make sure every man who looks at you knows i've been inside this pretty pussy.."
you let out one final gasp as you gushed around toji's cock for maybe the fourth time already, and in response to your cunt spasming around him he buried his cock deep inside you, shuddering as he let his jaw hang low and thick ropes of cum painted your inner walls.
toji kissed your calves while kneading your bare tits as you tried to collect your thoughts.
but only one echoed throughout your mind
everything hurts.
BABY-DADDY TOJI who laid next to you in your bed, letting you rest on his chest. his lips pressed into your forehead while holding you close, softened cock nestled in your walls.
"toji.." you mumbled, voice hoarse.
"yeah, ma?"
"i'm not on bc.." you confessed shyly.
BABY-DADDY TOJI who fucks you to sleep raw after hearing those words, making sure he claimed you on on every surface of your apartment before your daughter finally sturrs awake. he mumbles something about you resting.. and that he'll take care of her til you wake.
that familiar smug look on his face as he watches globs of his cum drip from your hole.
he knows good and well that he finally had you.. he finally caught you with your gaurd down..
now you were for sure stuck with him 'cause after all that, baby number two was definitely guaranteed.
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personwhowrites · 2 years
Okay. Last one!
(I just need this fluff for my heart)
S/o who admits to Price, ghost, Alejandro and Rudy that they see them as a father Figure and that they feel save and protected around them. (since they grew up without a dad)
I am so sorry it’s taken me forever to do your request! I loved making this, it warmed my heart since I know how it feels to grow up without a dad. Anyways! Lots of love for your patience Anon!- E <3
Father Figure
John Captain Price
He has seen your behavior in the past months how you become more closed and open to him.
It wasn’t a shocker to him when you admit that you see him as a father figure. He does smile at it and brings you into the bear hug.
He does tease you around the other men. Bragging about to them, slightly embarrassing you at times.
When you accidentally call him dad at a time in front of others he was dying of happiness, while you were dying of embarrassment.
He does have some daughter and father bonding training with you. Sometimes going easy on you make you feel more wanted and comfortable around him.
He accidentally keys it slip by calling you their kid while introducing you to other people.
“Dad! Hey can you get me that soda?” You say looking at your book. “Ple—“
“Dad?” Soap says looking at you then you realize the words you said.. “Woah that’s new y/n.”
“Here you go kiddo..” Price says handing you a soda. “We didn’t have grape.”
Simon Ghost Riley
He also noticed your strange admiration for him. Sometimes he would distance himself from you, knowing it hurt.
After you let it slip that you see him as a father figure he panics. He doesn’t know how to take in the news, he never expected that from you. Mostly he thought you saw price more as a father figure but instead you see him more as that.
It takes a long long times for him to finally accept the truth he’s a father figure to you.
It takes some times for him to feel comfortable around you. Knowing the fact you idolize him now, puts slightly more pressure on keeping you safe.
He does act like a dad when you two are alone. Teaching you everything he knows, making sure you can protect yourself if something happens to him.
The others do take note of this but don’t dare ask. They don’t want to ruin the value that ghost has for you.
“Now, steady.. breathe.” Ghost says helping you aim. “Look through the scope kid..”
“Right..” You mumble taking a small breath then take the shot. “Hell ya!”
“Nice.” Ghost says patting your back. “Real nice kid.”
Alejandro Vergas
It didn’t come to shocker to him. He could tell from the moment he met you. How you choose to leave Task Force 141 for his team. How your eyes shine the moment you joined them officially.
He even treated as one of his own kids. Blood or not you were his kid like or not.
The moment you let it slipped you see him as a father figure he was happy. Even throwing a party in your honor for finally being his kid. No one really question it.
He does also train you, wanting you to always be safe if one day things get bad with the Cartel and he doesn’t come back. Like Ghost he acts more of a father figure in private.
He does big you a lot of hugs, ruffles your hair every time he sees you. Slightly brags to your old team, just not too much since he knows they miss you deeply.
He does take a lot of photo of you and gives you the biggest praises for the smallest things.
“And… done!” You say placing the gun down. “All clean and put back together!”
“Vamos!” Alejandro yells giving you a hug. “Tu eres lo mejor!!” (Let���s go!, you are the best!)
Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
He was slightly surprised when you ask to stay with them. Leaving the Task Force 141 for them was a big deal, sure you have long talks about with him but he never actually thought you would go through it.
He always saw how you would admire Alejandro, slowing connecting every he thought you father figured Alejandro. Yet you let it slip when you’re drunk, how you seem like a father you wish you had as a kid.
Alejandro is slight sour about it, but seen Rodolfo happy and lets it go. After that drunk confession he never lets you out of your sight and stays near you 24/7. Need to talk to someone about a problem? Boom! His right there waiting to be talked to.
He doesn’t care about showing father figure in public. The others in the team notice and bring it up to Alejandro who tells them to leave it.
Like Price he gives you bear hugs, knowing you live them secretly. He loves it when you call him Papa, or pa. It brings a warming touch in his heart.
“Pa!” You say running over to him with a small goat. “Can we please keep it!”
“Ay..Y/n.. que voy hacer contigo..” Rodolfo says shaking his head and tossing his head in laughter. (Ah.. y/n what im I gonna do with you…)
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thesparklingwriter · 2 years
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@venexus | 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔
tags: fem!reader, newborn baby, zhongli is getting bullied by his wife and infant daughter, xiao gets a cameo, fluff, fluff, and more (you guessed it) fluff
word count: 1080
an: i have tried to post this five times and tumblr keeps deleting it and i am on the verge of tears and i can’t take it anymore the spacing won’t stop being weird and
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Zhongli knocks on the front door a couple of times, holding the warm bundle of joy you’re bringing home close to his chest. He hasn’t relinquished the baby since you woke up from your nap, arguing that you deserved your rest, and as much as you’d like to argue against that, it’s true. You’re exhausted.
“You can just give her to me, you know.”
Zhongli shakes his head. “There’s no need for you to be putting unnecessary pressure on your body. You need to rest, and if I have to force you to do it, so be it.” The baby whines softly, pressing her face into her father’s chest. “See? She’s more than happy here. You should rest.”
You sigh, about to complain some more, when your door is slowly pulled open. Zhongli, being the cautious man he is, suggested that you both stay somewhere closer to doctor Baizhu should something happen during the birth of your child, and hence you found yourself away from home for almost two weeks. You’d come to miss home, even though you were slightly anxious about the doctor not being a few minutes away.
“You’ve returned,” Xiao mutters. He wasn’t entirely overjoyed to be stuck on the detail of house and dog-sitting, but you’d been kind to him, and he figured returning the favour was the very least he could do. “I’m glad you’re well.” he says to you. Despite the fact his voice is somewhat monotone, you know he’s sincere.
“Thank you,” you smile gratefully. “And thank you for keeping an eye on Amber for us.” Xiao seems to become uncomfortable with the earnestness in the air, unsure of what to say, so he nods carefully, excusing himself as you crouch down to pet your dog. She wags her tail excitedly, following you as you try to track your husband down.
Sometimes, you end up missing your baby. Zhongli’s so insistent on making sure you don’t strain yourself that you really only end up holding her if you’re sitting down. Which, you suppose you’re doing a lot since he’s handling pretty much everything else.
You find him in the bedroom, putting her down for a nap. He’s singing softly under his breath—as lullaby he often sings to her that seems to hail from centuries before you.
“You never told me what the lyrics of that lullaby mean,” You say to him, wrapping an arm around his waist as you watch over your baby. He reciprocates, lifting an arm to stroke your hair as he kisses your forehead.
“I’m not sure about the direct translation.” He says carefully. “Something along the lines of growing up strong and annihilating all your enemies.”
“How sentimental.” You sigh.
“How are you feeling?” Zhongli asks you the same question every day, more than once. If it weren’t for the fact that you knew he had reason to be worried, you’d be complaining right now.
You contemplate for a couple of seconds, humming lightly to yourself. “I’m hungry.”
“That’s not what I’m asking.”
“I feel perfectly fine. Amazing even. So now you can let me hold my own baby without being worried I’m going to keel over.”
Zhongli laughs at that. The baby smiles too, something in her dreams bringing fond memories to light.
“See, it’s a sign.” You grin, leaning forward to stroke her cheek. “You should stop being so paranoid, you know. I’m not going to die, I promise.”
“I am not concerned about your death. I am simply concerned about you over-exerting yourself before you have the strength to do so.” He says. “I suppose you have a point though.”
Having a baby at home is vastly different to what you expected it to be. You expected it to be pure chaos, nappies everywhere, laundry piling up to the ceiling, the house trashed from every corner. In reality, it wasn’t that extreme. Yes, maybe you ran the laundry twice as many times than usual, and yes, sometimes little Jingmei would manage to leak through her clothes. But as she got older and you all fell into the swing of things, if anything, having her around was less stressful than life was before her.
“What do you want for dinnner?” Zhongli asks you. Jingmei, old enough now to have the slightest inkling of a personality, babbles thoughtfully in response. Amber hops onto the sofa beside you both, and Jingmei’s babbles become more passionate. “Jingmei, my love,”Zhongli smiles. “Can you please enunciate your words? I can’t understand you.”
You scowl at Zhongli. “She’s trying her best. I can understand her perfectly fine. She’s saying she wants to go to Wanmin restaurant and eat so much she empties your wallet.” You grin at her, pressing your nose to hers. “Aren’t you, baby? We can even go say hello to Tao Tao, can’t we?” Jingmei giggles, the sound of her excitement even making Amber jump up in anticipation. You turn to look at Zhongli with a mischievous smile on your face. “You can’t say no now, Li. Even Amber’s excited.”
“I wasn’t going to.” He chuckles. “I had accepted the proposal the second you said it.”
“Lies.” You smile, standing up to face him head on. “Jingmei and I both know you’re lying.”
“The fact that you’re using a child who can barely speak to further your point lessens its validity. You are aware of that right?”
“You are just one big party pooper. You know that, right?” You hand Jingmei, who has been relentlessly making grabby hands at her father, to him, turning on you heel to go upstairs. “I’m going to get ready. Do not, under any circumstances, tell her any more stories about you thrashing your enemies in the Archon war please. She keeps trying to reenact them with me.”
“I’m training her in the ways of the world. She finds the stories entertaining. That’s all that counts.”
“I don’t find her pulling my hair out entertaining. If you’re going to tell her stories, can you please tell her age-appropriate ones? Like about princesses befriending dragons and becoming doctors.”
“I’m glad you have grand plans for our daughter.” He scoffs. “Ignore your mother.” He says to Jingmei, and she giggles at the mere thought of disregarding your words. “I’m going to regale you with the tale of the time I cleared Liyue of pests.”
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severalforraelee · 1 year
The Girls Part 12: Charles Leclerc x Reader
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Photo credit to LAT Images
Word count: 3,446
Written by raelee / Posted August 15
Formula 1 Masterlist
The Girls Masterlist
“They can’t FaceTime for very long, they have a doctor’s appointment early tomorrow morning so they need to go to bed early tonight,” I warn Charles as soon as I accept the call.
“What’s going on, are they okay?” He instantly questions.
“They’re fine, it’s just a checkup. Girls, come say hi to your dad.”
Ada and Lucy run over at the mention of their father. It surprised me how quickly they’ve welcomed him into their lives and normalized him being in it. That’s definitely an advantage of him coming back while the girls are so young, they’re not aware of the entire situation so they don’t have any conflicting emotions about their father’s absence, they just know the love and admiration they feel for him and that he feels for them. And growing up, they won’t really have any memories from before he entered their lives.
“Hi dad,” Ada grins widely, showing off her growing teeth.
“Where are you?” Lucy inquires.
“I’m in Singapore right now,” he tells them. “I can see the ocean. Look, see the water?”
He flips his camera to show the view from his hotel room, palm trees lined up neatly before it cuts off at the sandy beach.
“Ocean,” Ada cheers.
“I’ll take you girls to see the ocean someday, I promise.”
They chat some more, Charles having to ask them what they’re saying a couple of times to fully understand, but then immediately responding with enthusiasm. He takes genuine interest in what they’re saying, even if it’s arguing over who found a bigger leaf at the park today. The way his hazel eyes gleam at the two toddlers through the screen says it all- he loves those girls with his entire heart.
The conversation wraps up after about twenty minutes, the tiredness becoming apparent in Ada and Lucy.
“I love you girls. I know I’m not the best at times, but I try my hardest to be there for you to support you through everything,” Charles’ words are said to Ada and Lucy, but I know they’re really directed at me.
He’s trying to apologize to me without actually apologizing to me. By explaining his actions without saying sorry for how they made me feel, it’s apparent that he feels bad for attempting to pressure me into moving but doesn’t feel bad enough, or maybe he just feels too scared to say the words ‘I’m sorry’ directly. Plus, it’s a little off-putting to give a message to me through our daughters.
“Mommy, I’m going to play with Barbie,” Lucy announces, taking off to her bedroom to play with the new doll Lando sent her.
“Me too,” Ada follows her to play with the similar Barbie that Lando sent her.
“What?” Charles questions as I give him an annoyed look through the screen.
“If you’re apologetic for your actions, just say it. Don’t do this round-a-bout thing where you tell the girls how hard you try to support them. They know that, although they can’t understand it yet, they can feel your love and support. By indirectly apologizing and not actually using those words, though, you’re not supporting them in emotional growth by showing that it’s okay to be apologetic and that it’s okay to show your emotions,” I inform him.
He blinks at me, clearly processing the speech that I just gave.
“Yeah,” he starts, “Yeah, you’re right. To be honest, I feel like I’m not there to help with the girls as much as I should be and then I feel guilty about it, so I thought the solution would be to move in together so that it would be easier. And I thought I was already compromising because we would be moving in together in London instead of in Monaco-””Monaco, Charles? You wanted us to move to Monaco?” I can’t help but interrupt him.
“I did, for a brief second, before I remembered that you have a support system and school in London,” he defends himself, “Anyways, I guess I also wanted you to move in to something more… up to my standards. But I should’ve asked you about it before making such a big decision by myself. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you for your apology and the explanation. Now that I’m aware of this, I’m sorry for not hearing you out on why you wanted to move in to a bigger apartment and for not recognizing your emotions sooner.”
“Thank you for your apology,” he says. It’s quiet, but his smile slowly grows.
“What? Why are you smiling?”
“You snapped at me,” a laugh accompanies his words.
“Did I? Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so hostile,” I frown, thinking back on my tone. “No, it’s great, it’s always nice to be reminded of where Lucy gets her fire from.”
I roll my eyes, but my heart flutters in my chest at his admiration.
As soon as I set my phone down on the coffee table after the call has ended, it starts to buzz. I peer at it curiously, wondering if the call is from Charles trying to contact me to tell me something that he forgot. It isn’t. It’s from my sister, Flo.
I watch as it buzzes and buzzes. I adore Flo- besides Lando, she’s been the only one to treat me semi-normally since having my daughters. She sends me requests for pictures of the girls every once in a while, she’ll call me to hear about their adventures of the week, and she’ll like all of my posts on social media, even just the stories.
But… I can’t help but feel some resentment towards her. Maybe it’s because she’s the one who encouraged me to attend the race, just to inform me that the whole family bailed, or because she never defended me in front of our family. I just can’t shake the negative feelings no matter how much I know that this situation that I’m in is not her fault. This has grown a very apparent distance in our relationship.
So I watch as her contact picture disappears from the screen, showing that I missed a call from her.
“And lights out, and away we go,” the announcer cheers as the race in Singapore begins.
My eyes flicker to Ada and Lucy who are sitting in front of the TV, dolls laying on the floor in front of them but their eyes are attached to the screen where the fast cars zoom past.
It’s so interesting to see their love for Formula 1 at such a young age. It’s subtle- they don’t pick out orange McClaren hats gifted from Lando or red Ferrari shirts from Charles to wear.
But they’ll put their Barbies in the miniature Alpine cars from Pierre. And they’ll perk up at the sound of the Formula 1 theme song.
“Daddy,” Lucy cheers, pointing as the camera focuses on the red car. Ada looks on in awe.
Truthfully, I can’t tell if it’s Charles or Carlos, it’s always been difficult for me to tell the difference between two drivers in the same car, but I nod.
“Yeah, there’s daddy,” I agree softly.
My heart starts to yearn at the sight of him, which I confirm it is once I see the number on the side of the car, even if he is covered in a helmet and a race suit. I quickly push the feeling down, trying my best to focus on the screen in front of me.
I can’t start feeling romantic feelings for Charles, we just started getting along again. Developing romantic feelings for him would complicate everything. With two toddlers in the picture, what they need right now is stability, not for their mom deciding to ‘go for it.’
So I take a deep breath, watching as the Singapore grand prix goes on and on.
“Let me take a picture to send to daddy, first,” I request of the girls.
They stare at me warily, melting ice cream cones in their hands.
“It’ll be real quick, I promise,” I reassure them. “Smile!”
They smile as I quickly snap the photo, digging into their ice cream messily as I set my phone down. After it buzzes for the third time, I pick it up curiously, knowing that it’s not just Charles responding to the photos because he already informed me that he would be doing media all day for Ferrari.
My eyebrows raise in shock when I see three missed texts from my brother, Oliver.
Oliver: Hey, haven’t heard from you in a while, wondering if you’d be up for a chat later.
Oliver: Flo just told me that she called you the other day and you didn’t answer or call her back. Is everything okay?
Oliver: Here if you need anything
I sigh at the texts. I thought Flo wouldn't really notice or care that I didn’t respond to her call, but she must have if she’s getting Oliver involved. I click on the bubble to text, watching as it blinks.
Truthfully, I don’t know what to say. I don’t want to commit to a phone call with Oliver because I don’t want to talk about what’s wrong. I always talk about what’s wrong- sometimes, I just want space to think about how valid my feelings are without having to talk about them and get them validated by other people.
And the issues with my family are a sensitive topic with Oliver, since he is involved in the situation.
“Uh oh,” Ada’s words snap my focus to her and I see chocolate ice cream dripping out of the cone and onto her tiny fingers.
“Here, let’s wipe it off,” I tell her, locking my phone and reaching in my bag for a wet wipe.
The texts remain forgotten and not responded to.
I think I like Charles Leclerc. I mean like like- like I fancy him.
I haven’t seen him in person in almost three weeks because of him needing to be at the factory and then back to back race weekends, which I think makes seeing him through the screen all the more special. He grins widely on the podium, spraying the champagne at Max Verstappen and Sergio Perez.
Of course this season it’s not rare to see him up on the podium, but everytime it happens sparks erupt in my stomach in pride of how much success he’s having and how proud he must be of himself.
I like seeing that gleam in his eye and that cheeky smile that he only reserves for the camera.
I can’t help but smile myself.
My phone vibrates on the couch next to me and I glance over at it, frowning as Lando’s contact picture pops up.
I know I should answer. I’ve already left Flo’s call and Oliver’s texts unresponded to, and with Lando being my favorite sibling, I should have a soft enough spot to respond to him.
He’s probably confused on why I haven’t been as talkative as I usually am with him lately. Usually before races, I send him a text wishing him luck, but I haven’t done that for this race or last race. And I know I should answer to congratulate him on his P10- a great result for this year's McClaren, but I’m unsure of how the rest of the conversation will go.
I’m sure Oliver and Flo have already told him about how unresponsive I’ve been to them, he’ll probably press me for answers of why that is. But… Lando is the last person I would want to talk about these problems with.
And truthfully, between having to readjust to being a single mom again for these past three weeks and recognizing and dealing with my feelings for Charles, I don’t want to add my baggage with my family onto the stack of things for me to deal with.
So I leave my phone to buzz.
“Go play in your room,” I encourage the girls, watching them run into their bedroom.
My attention returns to my phone screen where Charles’ smile from seeing his two daughters has slowly faded.
“What’s up?” I question, sensing a slightly bothered vibe from his end.
“I can’t be home by tomorrow night anymore,” he informs me, “They told me that if I went from the race straight to the factory for a couple of days, I could have more time off, which means more time to spend with my family.”
I try to take in his words, I truly do, but my brain pauses at two parts. 
My family.
We’re his home, we’re his family.
But once his words process, my heart starts to break. Mainly for Ada and Lucy, who have been so excited to see their dad since he left. Although they see him in the car and understand that it’s his job to race, they don’t understand why he’s gone so long and often, and it breaks my heart to have to explain it to them before every race weekend.
Tears start to pool in their eyes and their noses scrunch up, sniffling. Every. Single. Time.
“Oh, it’s okay, I understand,” I tell him. I can’t hide the shake in my voice, showing that although I might understand, I’m still upset by it.
He sighs. “Y/N-””Really, Charles, I get it,” I try my best to stabilize my voice. “Go rest, you must have a long day tomorrow. Have a nice sleep.”
I hang up before he can respond, not wanting to hear whatever he has to say. I know that whatever he has to say will pull at my heart, which will strengthen my feelings for him even more.
And I can’t have my feelings for him strengthened. I need those feelings to dissolve.
My phone buzzes with a text, and then another one. I think it’s from the same person, but when I check my phone I’m surprised that it’s not.
Charles: I’ll be there as soon as I can, I promise.
Cisca: Oliver, Lando, and Flo told me that you’re avoiding their calls and texts. At least let us know that you’re alright.
I inhale a deep, shaky breath, trying to stabilize my emotions so that I don’t break down. 
I respond to one of those texts.
Y/N: I know, Charles.
I snap a picture of the two toddlers resting their hands against the glass, staring up at the sea creatures passing above them in awe. After tagging the aquarium’s location, I post it to my private story, locking the phone and sliding it back into my pocket.
“You see that one, girls?” I kneel next to them, pointing at a whale above our heads. “That’s a beluga whale. They can live up to 50 years old.”
“Scary,” Ada comments, watching it swim past the glass.
“No, no, they’re only scary if you’re mean to them,” I reassure the girls. “Come on, let’s go look at the starfish.”
The girls go to sleep easy and fast that night, exhausted from the day at the aquarium. I’ve curled myself up in a blanket on the couch, some crappy reality TV on in the background when I get the chance to open Instagram again.
A message from Alex Albon is waiting in my DMs. He had responded to my story of the girls at the aquarium.
Alex: They’re so cute! Did they have a nice time? I haven’t been to an aquarium in ages.
Y/N: They had a great time! Next time you’re in town we’ll go 🙂
To my surprise, he responds almost instantly.
Alex: I’d love that. Or you could bring them to see the aquarium in Monaco 😉 
I giggle at the message.
Y/N: You’ve been talking to Charles too much
Alex: I have. I’d love to talk to you, Ada, and Lucy more. You should come to Monaco so that we can have a conversation
Y/N: Nice try, Albon
I feel happy about the conversation that I just had with Alex. I was really close to him and a few other drivers when I was a constant presence on the grid, and when I became pregnant and left, I severed all of those connections so that I could hide my secret from Charles more easily.
Now that my secret’s been revealed and I’ll be even more of a presence in the paddock, because I have Ada and Lucy with me now, I’d love to fix those connections. I don’t know where to start, but small conversations like this help, I guess.
My finger taps on the discover page, scrolling through casually. I freeze at a familiar image, tapping on it.
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Spill_the_f1_tea: More information has been revealed about Charles Leclerc and Y/N Norris’ supposed twin daughters! An unofficial source has confirmed that they are the Ferrari driver’s children, Lucy on the second slide and Ada on the third slide. The first photo is taken from Y/N’s Instagram story today. The source close to the pair is unable to provide photos of the toddlers faces at this moment. What do you think about this reveal?
My finger swipes between the three photos in disbelief. Who would do such a thing? I know from what I’ve been telling everyone and what Charles has been telling everyone, we’ve wanted to keep this situation as on the down low as possible so that we could figure out how to co-parent before announcing the news and going public with it over winter break.
Tears start to well up in my eyes at the lack of respect towards my children’s privacy. I can’t stop reading the line The source close to the pair is unable to provide photos of the toddlers faces at this moment.
How can a person genuinely type that out and think that it’s an appropriate thing to post? If the parents aren’t posting pictures of the children’s faces, or of the children in general, why would a random person do that?
I sniffle, opening the viewers from my Instagram story that I posted today and taking screenshots so that I can hopefully connect the dots. But I have no clue when those other photos were taken, or where, or by who.
Heck, it could’ve been me who took the photos and posted them two months ago and I’ve just forgotten about it. And now I have no record of who viewed it or screenshotted those photos.
“Hello?” I answer the incoming phone call from Charles, my voice cracking.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asks softly.
“A gossip blog just made a post about the girls. It’s information from an unofficial source, Charles, I have no clue who it could be,” I admit, choking on a sob. My chest hurts at the utter betrayal from a friend or family member close to me.
“What account?” Charles asks.
I tell him and it’s quiet as he looks at the post.
“I’m so sorry, Charles.”
“Hey, it’s not your fault,” he reassures me, “You trusted the people closest to you, the fact that they turned around and stabbed you in the back is not on you, it’s on them and reflects poorly on them as a person. We will find out who sent those photos in, okay?”
I nod, then remember that he can’t see me. “Okay.”
“Are you okay if I make a post? Just to confirm that I am the father of the twins. That’s all I say, I won’t confirm their names or show their faces. I just want to stop the speculation of paternity so that we can hopefully have less prying eyes in the future,” he requests.
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay with that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Just… don’t reveal all of them to the whole world, yet. Let them make that decision.”
“Of course,” he immediately agrees, “At least this unofficial source didn’t send in pictures showing their faces.”
“Yeah,” I agree.
The phone call ends and I’m left to just sit back, twiddling my fingers and watch Kim hit Kourtney with her purse until Charles does whatever he wants to do for damage control.
My phone pings with a notification of being tagged in a post on Instagram.
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charles_leclerc: Hi everyone, Y/N and I share wonderful twin daughters together. Out of respect for their privacy and our own, that is all the information that we are willing to share at this point in time. Please respect that and treat everyone, including the amazing mother of my children, with kindness. Thank you.
Tears begin to escape my eyes again. But they’re not anxious tears, they’re not sad tears, they’re happy tears. I’m happy because of Charles.
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diazsdimples · 8 months
James' Fic Master List
(In order of favourites)
Play me like a fiddle (Explicit, 34k | Buddie)
Eddie plays the French Horn for the Los Angeles Philharmonic and is told about the wonderful new cello soloist playing with them for this concert. He sounds like a pretentious asshole and Eddie vows not to like him. In walks Evan Buckley, cellist from New York and soloist for this concert. Eddie quickly realises he's in trouble as the man immediately casts a spell on him, turning Eddie into a blushing mess. Can he put aside his feelings for Buck long enough to remain a professional and get through this week without making any poor decisions? (Spoiler Alert: he cannot)
In a drought I'll give you water (Explicit, 8.2k | Buddie)
Eddie’s hanging out the washing when he notices it. Just for the record, it’s not like he regularly inspects Buck’s underwear, thank you very much, but he’d felt something tacky on the inside of the flimsy fabric when he’d been about to peg it up, and had investigated like any sane person would do. Eddie’s initial thought is “fucking washing machine, can’t even wash out the laundry powder”, mostly because there’s a white residue under where his thumb was placed moments earlier and there’s been occasions when their black shirts have had clumps of laundry powder still on them despite the tossing about they’ve received in the washer. Or: Eddie finds come on Buck's underwear and panics
You've got me whipped (Explicit, 10k | Buddie)
“Make me,” Buck whispers, and although the words might sound like a challenge, Eddie can so clearly hear what Buck isn’t saying. The implicit make me, because I can’t make myself, and then, Eddie gets it. Buck needs him to be in control right now, to make Buck surrender himself to Eddie’s mercy so Buck doesn’t have to do anything, to feel anything more than he already is. Eddie reaches out a hand and runs it up Buck’s jaw, noting with satisfaction the way Buck shudders and leans into his touch. He traces his fingertips over Buck’s cheekbones, runs the pad of his thumb over Buck’s birthmark, before bringing his hand to rest in Buck’s blond curls. He curls his fist, pulling lightly on the strands of hair that slip between his fingers, then leans forward so his lips are brushing Buck’s ear as he exerts a minute amount of pressure to the top of Buck’s head. “I said,” he whispers into Buck’s ear, “on your knees.” OR Buck has a bad call and acts out afterwards in front of their colleagues, and Eddie punishes him when they get home.
For the rest of my life (for the rest of yours) (General, 10.6k | Buddie)
“Hey Buck! Are you doing anything today?” Christopher’s voice is a little tinny through his phone’s speaker, cracking a little. Buck hums, pretending to think. “Hmmmm, my diary looks pretty booked. Says right here that I’ve got to watch three episodes of crappy reality tv and then eat loads of fried chicken. I’m swamped.” “Buck,” Christopher says flatly and Buck laughs, loud and ringing through the loft. “I’m only kidding. What’s up, kid?” “The baby hippo has finally born at the zoo and we have to go see her! Can you come over today, please?” OR Buck, Eddie and Christopher go to the zoo to see the baby hippo and Eddie gets all up in his feels about it.
Buck's Baby (By Accident) (General, 119k | Buddie)
Buck's life is turned upside down when a newborn baby is placed on his doorstep, with allegations that it is his child. Buck quickly steps into his new role of "dad", with the help from his family and friends. Follow Buck, Aidan, Eddie and Christopher as they navigate new babies, blossoming relationships, illnesses, injuries and making their own little family.
Sweet child of mine (General, 3.4k | Bucktommy)
Buck and Tommy bring their daughter home from the hospital and enjoy their first few hours alone with a newborn baby.
Kilty Pleasures (Explicit, 8k | Buddie)
“What the hell are these?” Eddie asks with a quirked eyebrow, poking suspiciously at the tartan with his forefinger. Buck flops himself into the chair beside Eddie and steals a sip from his coffee cup. “Kilts!” he says with a grin and he drags one off the table and holds it up to show Eddie. It’s long, and dark, and made out of what looks suspiciously like faux leather, and almost certainly purchased from a sex shop. “I thought we could wear them to the festival tomorrow!” If Buck had a tail, it would be wagging so hard right now. Or, Buck and Eddie discover they have kilt kinks.
With you I'm home (Teen, 20k | Buddie) WIP
Buck and Eddie have settled into their life with 2-year-old Aidan and 13 (nearly 14) year old Christopher. They've been married for a new months and family life is good. Aidan seems determined to send his dads to an early grave, being described by a friend as "Buck on steroids" and Christopher is beginning to display the typical characteristics of a sullen teenager, much to Eddie's distress. Buck and Eddie are starting to think about adding another little member to their family but struggle to think of an appropriate egg donor or surrogate. Trying for a baby always seemed so much easier in theory! This is the sequel to "Buck's Baby (By Accident)"
Fucking Finally (Finally Fucking) (Explicit, 3.9k | Buddie)
“God you look so hot” Eddie growled as he took in Buck’s appearance, his hair messy from Eddie’s hands, his hips swollen from the force of their kiss and the bulge in his pants as plain as day as his erection strained against the fabric. Buck’s eyes raked up and down Eddie, finding his boyfriend in a similar state of arousal. “Not too bad yourself, Mr. Diaz” he smirked, wrapping a hand around Eddie’s waist and pulling them together once again, capturing him in another brain-melting kiss. They were interrupted by the comical “ding” of the elevator as it reached their floor and Eddie wasted no time pulling Buck out, dragging him down the hallway to their room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buck and Eddie stay at a hotel after their first date and finally get some time to themselves without crying kids
Burning with Need (Explicit, 3.8k | Buddie)
“Buck, what is going on?” he asked, sitting upright. “You’re fidgeting so much”. Buck looked up quickly, peering at Eddie through one open eye. “Nothing, nothing I’m fine” he replied, his cheeks flushing slightly. “That’s a lie and we both know it” Eddie rolled his eyes and reached over to prod the skin where Buck’s hand had been resting, eliciting a hiss from the younger man. “Okay, fine, I’m busting. I gotta pee so bad”. Buck’s words ignited a fire inside Eddie that he’d almost forgotten about. Or, Eddie remembers he has a piss kink and Buck's desperation on a hike is a test of his control
In sickness and in health (but mostly in sickness) (General, 3.7k | Buddie)
Eddie wakes up with a bad case of the flu and Buck is there to nurse him back to health. Buck realises he might be falling for Eddie.
Your Hands on My Body (Explicit, 1.9k | Evan Buckley)
Buck finds himself jerking off in the shower after having a dream about Eddie. The worst part is, it's Eddie's shower he's jerking off in and Eddie isn't even in it. Or Buck is desperately in love with Eddie and doesn't know how to tell him.
First Words (General, 2k | Buddie)
Buck and Eddie's 10 month old daughter says her first words. Her dads are over the moon. Cue domestic fluff
66 notes · View notes
ravensliterature · 2 years
Poisoned Arrow
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A/N: I know it’s been a minute and I am sorry. I really had a blast writing this one and I hope you like it!
Part II
pairing: Thranduil x Reader
warnings: Mentions of blood, poison, fluff, 
w/c: 1924 (Yeah she is a little long)
Prompt: The reader is Thranduil’s wife and a part of the company. While leaving through the barrels without her husband’s knowledge she get’s hit by the poison arrow. Thranduil is trying to save his wife before it is too late. 
She had been shot. His queen had been hit with an arrow. Thranduil could see her falling from the sky, slowly descending through the fading blue and bright stars of the last night. Her lights died as she fell to the ground with a yelp. The arrow had pierced her leg after she tried to open the gate. His heart seized tightly hearing her cries as he attempted to run to her side, cutting down any orc in his way. However, he didn't make it in time, as she had jumped into a barrel following her father down the river.
Y/N was the daughter of Thorin, but her heritage was elven. When young, Thorin found an elf girl and raised her while living in Erebor. She grew into a beautiful woman and was betrothed to Thranduil for the alliance at a young age by King Thrór. However, when the dragon attacked, it was all put on pause, and Thorin and his family fled to the Blue Mountains.
Thranduil would not give up on her as he fell in love with her the moment he laid eyes on her at their announced betrothal. He journeyed himself to find his distant love until seeing her again in the Blue Mountains. He never imagined he’d ever have another chance to meet his beloved again, but when he did... everything changed. Thranduil asked her to marry him again, hoping he wasn't alone in his feelings. Apparently, she had loved him as well and agreed, but things weren't how they should be. Thorin's hatred for elves had increased and never approved of the betrothal.
The argument with Thorin and Y/N spiraled until she left with Thranduil without saying goodbye. A year later, the wedding came around, and Thorin refused to see his daughter marry that elf. He insisted she live in the Blue Mountains, a place far away where dangers were less likely to come and away from elf-kind. Shortly, Legolas was born and grew into a handsome man. Their lives were peaceful until years later when Gandalf knocked on their door.
Gandalf told her that he was building a company in the hopes of reclaiming her childhood home. It had been decided that Y/N would join the company and take part in their quest. She wanted nothing more than to go back to Erebor, return her home, and connect with her father like she once had. So, she took her chance and left. Thranduil hated her putting herself in danger, but who was he to rob her of that connection she missed so dearly?
"Y/N!" Thorin yelled as he ran to his daughter's side.
Y/N's barrel washed up on shore as she used her upper body to crawl to more solid ground, trying not to put too much pressure on her leg.
"I'm here," she breathed as she looked up at Thorin. The dwarf prince scooped her into his arms, holding her close as if afraid someone was going to try something else. Worry and fear were etched over his face, and he saw the pain in his daughter's eyes.
"Oin," Thorin exclaimed, "Please look at the leg. The arrow is cut, but there still may be fragments inside."
The healer kneeled down next to Y/N, looking at her leg. His brow furrowed with concern before he turned back to his friend. "She should be fine, but we need to get her to a town with proper equipment. I'm concerned about it getting infected," he spoke softly. Thorin nodded, helping his daughter stand on her own two feet. She slowly began to walk until she found an arrow pointed at her head.
Thranduil glared the orc down as Legolas held a knife to its neck. He wanted to know what it was doing in his kingdom and why it dared to hurt his wife. It couldn't be allowed to live, but he needed to know.
"In time, all foul things come forth," he said as he circled the orc with a sword in his hand. Legolas continued to hold the blade to its neck, "You were tracking the company of thirteen dwarves and an elf. Why?"
Malice and distaste were in his voice, knowing his father's fears and what it had done to his mother. This thing was not a creature but a monster sent to destroy them. Its intentions are unknown for all to know. The orc cackled, "Not thirteen, not anymore. The elf, we stuck her with a Morgul shaft. The poisons in her blood. She'll be choking on it soon."
Legolas' grip tightened on the knife, causing it to tremble. He needed the orc dead, or he'd kill it himself. A threat against his parents' safety was enough to make him want to do it. Thranduil's breath left him in a gasp. As anger bubbled in his chest, he felt like he was trying to find air. His son's gaze remained on the orc. It knew exactly what it was talking about, the poison that poisoned the elf.
"You like killing this orc?" Thranduil said lowly, almost too calmly, "You like death? Then let me give it to you!" he yelled as he pulled out his swords. Legolas watched as his father charged toward the orc. Before he could blink, the blade made contact with the orc's skull. Blood poured from the wound, but instead of retreating, it rushed forward like a tidal wave. "Legolas, come with me. We must save your mother."
Y/N was breathing heavily as she leaned against the wall of Bard's house. Her father forced her to stay behind because of her leg. Of course, he was concerned for his daughter, but she felt robbed. She wished to help reclaim her home like the rest of the company. Her cousins, Fili, and Kili, opted to stay behind and help take care of her until she was ready to go to the mountain. Oin stayed behind as well, as did Bofur, but he just missed the boat.
However, the pain had gotten worse, and she could tell something was wrong. The leg wound wasn't healing as it should, and she could see the fear in Oin's eyes each time he examined it, even if he didn't tell her. Y/N was worried. The arrow hadn't hit anything vital, yet it could still become infected and kill her. She chuckled to herself softly. Maybe it was best she stayed at home after all.
Her breath was ragged, and her head was light. Her vision swayed slightly as she tried to stay upright, leaning against the wall. She was losing consciousness, but she knew that the battle was not over yet. The pain was becoming unbearable, and she closed her eyes, taking in a few deep breaths. Finally, her body gave way, and she collapsed. "Y/N!" the dwarves yelled as they helped her up. Y/N was writhing in pain as she felt the poison all over her body. She could feel the heat of the flames searing her flesh, and it felt like it was consuming her whole body.
"Put her on the table," Bard said in a frantic tone. They set her gently on the table as she continued to convulse.
"We need something to put her head on so she doesn't hit the table!" Oin shouted. The others quickly searched for anything that could possibly stop the venomous poison. They found only herbs that had been used long ago, and they were useless. The poison was spreading through her veins faster than anyone had realized, and it was eating away at her life. Oin examined the wound more closely. It had turned a black color, and it could be seen going through her veins. This wasn't a normal poison.
"I need kingsfoil! Where is it?" Oin exclaimed to Bard. The Fili, Kili, and Bofur looked around in confusion at the mention of a plant, but they didn't have any of it. Only Oin owned the plants. "Kingsfoil? It's a weed. We feed it to the pigs!" Bard replied in confusion. "Pigs, I got it!" was heard as Bofur zoomed out the door. Y/N struggled for air. Every breath hurt her throat as she coughed painfully. The poison in her body was beginning to eat away at her life. She was dying. That was the last thought that went through her mind before another wave of pain hit her.
Suddenly everything except for Y/N went quiet as footsteps could be heard on the roof. The roof broke, and a dark figure jumped down from above, landing right next to Bard's daughter and stabbing the orc in reaction. The young girl grabbed the orc and then fled as more fell through the ceiling. Fighting ensued as they tried to defend the girls and a table-ridden Y/N.
Thranduil and Legolas ran through the town of Dale in the hopes of finding Y/N and the dwarves. However, they stopped in their tracks when they saw orcs running on the ceilings above the water town. They both knew immediately where they were going. Thranduil ordered Legolas to stay behind while he went to search for his mother, "Stay safe my child, leave none alive."
With that being said, Thranduil continued to run at his pace faster than before. Thranduil continued to run until he heard fighting in one of the homes. With his guard up and weapons, he approached it in the hope that his wife was still alive. Upon approaching the door, he noticed the familiar scent of blood. His heart sunk in his chest, realizing she might be... He opened the door to find three orcs surrounding her, the dwarves, and the humans as they were struggling to defend themselves. One of the orcs was about to strike Y/N when Thranduil shot his bow, sending the arrow right into its skull. He then drew his sword, slashing at any orc in sight.Thranduil rushed to her side and caressed her cheek, hoping to see the spark of life in her eyes. "My darling Y/N, open your eyes," he whispered.She weakly shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Nin Meleth..." she murmured."Do not speak, my love," he said softly, brushing some hair away from her sweaty forehead.Just then, Bofur burst through the door, panting and holding a bunch of kingsfoil. Thranduil took the leaves from him and quickly began to prepare them. "She needs elvish medicine. If we don't heal her leg soon... She doesn't have much time left."Thranduil soaked the leaves and pressed them onto her wound, chanting an elvish incantation that sounded almost like a prayer. As he administered the treatment, he watched her face relax, the furrows in her brow smoothing out as the poison receded.Y/N looked up at him with those beautiful eyes that had always filled his heart with love. He could see the pain fading, and with it, the poison from her body. He bandaged the wound and held her hand, tears escaping his eyes as she smiled up at him. His heart swelled with joy as he leaned closer and kissed her. It was a kiss filled with relief, love, and the promise of healing."Father," came a soft voice, breaking the tender moment. Thranduil and Y/N turned to see Legolas standing at the doorway, a gentle smile on his face.Their foreheads rested together, and a small chuckle passed through Thranduil. "Oh, no. We've been caught by our own son."
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writersundersiege · 8 months
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New Girl in Town Part 3
Rafe Cameron x F! Reader
a/n: Hello, everybody, so this is my first time making an authors' note. I want to place one on this one since I’m new to posting, and also, this chapter took me two days to write, considering I did try to go in and add more depth to my characters. I want my reader (aka you) to have a broader sense of the world. As you can tell, she knows a lot about stuff most people don’t learn, has been to places many of us haven’t had the opportunity to visit and has experienced things I can only hope as a writer is not something you have experienced. But for the margin of you who have experienced any of these warnings below, If you need any resources, please reach out. I will work on putting resources on my account later on or anyone to talk to; my messages are always open to you all as readers of my work. Feel free to ask me questions, give me criticism, or suggest things to the story. I want to continue this for as long as you enjoy it. Thank you for supporting my work, and I hope you enjoy the new chapter
To read any other parts of this series, click here:
The New Girl In Town - Masterlist
Summary: Rafe accepts the request from your father to fill your place at the clothes drive. When he gets there, he bumps into an unlikely but friendly face, your brother Jason. During the setup for the event, Rafe gets the chance to talk to your brother and find out more about you. What if he finds out your story goes deeper than he thought? Also, what will he do when he discovers more information about your friend who mysteriously pops into town
Warning: Grief of losing family and loved ones, fears of self-harm, peer pressure, allowing someone to binge drink, mentions of potential assault, swearing, self-doubt
As Rafe pulls up to the front of the country club, he parks and throws his bike helmet off immediately. He hurriedly starts walking, hand ghosting over his pockets, double checking for his wallet, keys, and phone and that they’re all still with him. As Rafe walks to the front, his palms are getting sweaty. Rafe never gets nervous. Usually, he’s the one controlling the situation, but with you, your family, it is so different it’s like you will slip out of his fingers the moment you make contact, like handfuls of sand slipping through every time you pick it up.
Rafe stops looking into the country club one last time, taking a deep breath. Rafe has never felt as though he deserves good things. Ward has always rewarded Sarah; the town continuously believes he’s either causing trouble or breaking someone’s daughter's heart; he’s aggressive, psychotic, and a loose cannon when it comes to you, you’re like a ghost to him; no matter where he goes, the image of you haunts him. He wants one thing to go well, one thing to go his way this time, and that’s the things with you.
Straighten up, he clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair as he begins the walk back into the country club; his phone pings with a message. He quickly pulls out his phone while still making his way inside
Unknown number: Thank you so much again, Rafe! I don’t know what I’d do without you, and I owe you one! 🫡💕
Rafe: you can always count on me, angel, always. Also, I’ll never turn down a good favor 😉
He watches as three bubbles appear like you’re about to answer when he runs smack into someone, sending him flying back and stumbling a bit; this has Rafe looking up, starting to say, “Watch where—“ and he cuts himself off because standing in front of him smiling from ear to ear is Jason holding a box of clothes while some still laid on the ground from the collision.
“Rafe, right? he says, smiling with a chuckle. “Seems like I can’t escape you, man if I’m hearing about you or seeing you, I'm nearly trying to knock you on your ass,” he leans down, picking up a shirt from the ground. “Are you here to help with the clothes drive?” Your brother turns to look at him, eyes big and bright like yours are but also kind in a way that makes Rafe want to spill his guts to the guy and tell him his life story; your brother has a soft smirk on his face, not one that is intimidating or meant to be mischievous but one that shows humility like he knows it’s not how Rafe would prefer to spend a random Thursday in June.
They were finally coming to full height, looking at each other. Jason looked to Rafe like an old friend waiting for him to tell them all the things they’d missed in the years past. Smile lines prominently shown on his cheeks, and his eyes creased on the corner just like your whole family has; it made Rafe wonder how often you all smiled to have such prominent and similar facial marks that show happiness and this aura that looks like the dude is being basked in the sun in the middle of a June evening in Kilandre.
Rafe, who at this point has bent down to pick up the last shirt to return to the box, having tucked his phone in his pocket, long forgotten is your response left unread and unanswered.
Rafe decides it’s now or never; he has to play some moves right for a bit, with no snarky attitude or outbursts; he must get this right with your family and you. Show them just how much of a lovely gentleman he can be.
Smiling back and placing the shirt in the box, he looks up to meet your brother's eye, channeling the irritation and pent-up anger from earlier into charm and charisma; both aren’t so far from each other; all depends on lines and delivery.
“ I am here to help. I was not expecting it, but I’m happy to be here. Also, don’t worry about bumping into me. I should have watched where I was going.” Smiling and shaking his head, he motioned with his head inside. “Well, get in there, man. Moms about to give out-groups.” walking down the steps and to your blue Jeep of all things, he turns back to Rafe, calling out, “Also, you’ll have to try and nab us a spot with some of the girls, few in there are our age and they are pretty girls,” you brother says with an awarding smile on his face and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, spinning on heels jogging over to the back of your Jeep.
Rafe shakes his head, looking down, knowing there isn’t a single girl in the whole country club, hell, on the entire island, perhaps even this planet that compares to you. All the more, he’ll help your brother out. What better way to get close than becoming your brother's best friend? A smirk evolves on his face now that right there is a plan and a good one.
Rafe walks through the entrance down the hall to the ballroom area where they usually hold parties and events; there are tons of different Kooks from Figure 8 here to help; he sees a few of the women Rose gossips with after pilates on Wednesdays, a few of the single kook dads who you can tell their sole purpose of helping was your mother who they are ogling, as well as a few of the islands Kook kids Sarah and Topper stand near Ally and Kayla two girls they all went to school with and a boy who he can’t see with his back to Rafe.
Scanning the room more, Kiara is sitting crisscross on the ground, folding baby clothes and watching as your mom describes the night Kiara’s parents are seated at a table behind your mom, quietly talking and writing on papers. Suddenly, Rafes broke from his search of the crowd as your mom's voice rang in his ears, making a beeline for him. “Rafe, you came?” she said this with so much joy, not like she expected him to fail or disappoint her; then, before he knew it, she was wrapping her arms around Rafe's large frame, his arms limp at his sides, patting her back where he could reach but smiling and laying his head on your moms saying “Of course, I’m here Andy, where do you need me I’m ready to help however I can.”
Your mom pulls back, showing her glittering smile, stilling, holding Rafe by the shoulders and gently reaching up to pat his cheek. “You are a good boy, Rafe.” she moves her hand, turning him to look at the crowd. “your sister, I believe she is here. You can stand with her. I’ll put you in a good group, don’t you worry,” she gives Rafe a wink and chuckles, walking off back to the table where Kiara’s parents sit and kneeling in front of the table, looking at the papers they were writing on.
Once again, he eyes the crowd, scoffing when he watches a few of the single dads congregating and staring at your mom's behind, kneeling until one the guy he believes to be Mr. Chusing, who owns a law firm here in Kilandre. he watches as Mr.Chusing kneels right next to your mom and put his hand on her lower back. Your mom stands immediately and politely puts her ring finger on her chest, prominently showing the man her ring. Rafe smiles, shaking his head, knowing your family is a good set of people.
Rafe looks around again at the group standing with his sister; Sarah and Topper are focused on a guy who looks his age; he notices the guy talking animatedly, which makes everyone laugh. Sarah was laughing so hard she had to wipe tears from her eyes. He walks toward the group when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns to find your brother; he looks at him, and he shakes his head as if saying “No” and then shakes his head to the other side, where Kiara sits folding, and he follows him.
“Trust me, you do not even want to go over there, no matter how much fun they look like they are having; that kid is a rat,” Rafe frowns, looking over at the group again as he sits next to Jason, not too far from Kiara folding sock’s together.
He looks at the group, inspecting the boy; he is pretty tall around Rafe's height but not much muscle in his upper body, a thinner build, his hair is a sandy blonde color and curly, kind of like he just got a perm, he turns and sees the guys face he’s pretty tan with a set of perfect white teeth just like your family and even from here Rafe sits he sees the green of his eyes were like sea algae growing on his iris.
Rafe looks at your brother, who is already scowling in the boy's direction. “What did he do?” Jason harshly folds a pair of jeans, looking down on them, not meeting Rafe's eyes once. “He has no respect, loyalty, grace, love, compassion, empathy. I don’t know humanity,” shrugging his shoulders and slamming the pants in the box sitting next to him
Kiara looks up from the baby clothes she sits with, eyebrows arching at Jason. “You good?” she asks like she’s confused. Jason shakes his head, looking down at his hand, shaking and flexing his fingers a few times. Rafe and Kiara look at each other, and she stands to move closer and kneel by your brother. They look back down on the newly bright boy, who seems to be slowly withering in front of them.
“What’s up, bro?” Rafe reaches his hand over to your brother's shoulder with uncertainty; when he makes contact, Jason’s head drops down, hands coming to his face. “You know I was supposed to be with him- them. When they went out there, I was supposed to go with Luca and Cameron on that fishing trip, and I wasn’t because of a damn Stats test. I couldn’t break my honor roll; I couldn’t stop..” Jason’s words are muffled and broken off at the end because he’s looking down with his hands over his eyes, the energy to finally let go of what he’s been holding in dwindling before it’s even sparked.
Rafe knows immediately where this is going for them. He saw it on your face when he asked, and he’s seeing it all over again: a family that seems so picture perfect having a moment where it looks like the world shatters, but for just a moment, you’ll never let them see it too long, but why? Maybe it’s the same reason Rafe is known as the aggressor because of the sentiment he thinks of repeatedly when he’s alone; if people knew the truth, would they still like you? or would they hate it just as much as you do?
What broke Rafes thought was your brother looking up, eyes tinged pink with the welled tears created from the silence, and him looking at the boy across the room leaning into Sarah’s ear to whisper something that made Topper look like he was about to pop his lid. “I may hate myself every day for not being there with them. But I thank god every day for keeping me here and sending me home when Luca was pronounced dead every day to catch that sick son of a bitch over there” Rafe and Kiara both turn to look at Jason with a questioning look he can already feel anger bubbling within him knowing something happened.
“When my sister found out Luca was gone, she was a mess for weeks. Honestly, it would have been months if it weren’t for Luca’s best man, best mate since birth, Ethan; he spent every day with (F/N) and took her to the beach to be near Luca, the aquarium where they had their first date, it was great for months he was the only one who could get her to sleep and eat, but it all went downhill on the six month anniversary and a certain area that struck me as strange one not but basically there is this hiking trail in the neighborhood we lived in back in Malibu that goes up to the cliffs it’s gorgeous and super secluded it was only a place Luca knew and took (F/N)” Jason paused looking down grabbing more clothes to fold
“Cameron told me that that was Luca and (F/N)’s spot..” He trails off, not waiting to discuss this part, but it’s intentional for the story. On the other hand, Kiara gets it immediately, knowing this must be hard for him to talk about on a typical day, but more so for two boys; he called his family and is now gone. Rafe completely misses the hint and frowns at Kiara, giving her eyes like, ‘wtf.’ She looks at him and says, “Sorry for this, Jason, Rafe; it was the first place she was intimate with someone. Get it now.” Rafe's eyes go wide, and he feels his heart drop to the pit of his stomach, but the story can’t wait for him to recover
Jason looks up with the tiniest chuckle. “Don’t worry, dude, it took Cam a while to tell me, too. I played dumb. I didn’t want to know what it was my baby sister was up to in that way anyway; on the six-month anniversary of Luca and Cam's death (F/N), she was distraught; she still had hope he was coming home, but by nearly half a year without him, the light for her simmered out. Everyone was over at our house here and there all day, and nothing. None of her friends, our extended family, or even Luca’s mother could get her out to accept a plate. Eventually, we let her be; we didn’t want to overwhelm the hurt she felt already because none of us knew exactly what she felt.” he looked down, shaking his head. Rafe brings his hand back to his shoulder, squeezing it. At the same time, Kiara says, “ Jason, you don’t have to tell us if it’s something that makes you uncomfortable.” this makes the older boy in front of them shake his head more. “ no, I’ve kept this on my chest too long, and every time I bring it up, everybody else shuts it down cause he’s family in their eyes if he said nothing happened they believe him. I need somebody else to listen and hear me out.”
Kiara looks around to see if anyone has moved since the start of this conversation, and Rafe settles back, one eye on Jason, the other on this new kid he doesn’t like in his peripheral. Kiara turns to Jason, letting him know no one’s listening and he’s good, indicating they haven’t moved a muscle or a manicured nail yet. Jason clears his throat and says, “That night, by ten thirty, I had enough. I hadn’t seen my sister in over 24 hours at that point, and I was scared. They were special to me; I mean, Cameron was my best friend since I was born. I didn’t care if she wanted to scream at me or have me hold her and cry with her. I just wanted to see my sister was okay, so I snuck to her room and knocked slightly, opening the door to check on her, and when I opened the door, she was gone.” he looked down at his hand, ringing them together back and forth like a wet rag eventually he looks up like he saw a ghost in front of him “I’ve never been more scared in my life than running to her bed and feeling that her sheets were cold she hadn't been there for at least an hour.”
Kiara put her hands on his to stop him from rubbing his skin raw. “ immediately, I went to find my friends to see if there was anything; when I checked her location, she was at her spot, but what I couldn’t understand was why she would go someplace so desolate, so lonely by herself first I was screaming waking up my parents I thought she was doing something horrible until I thought a little deeper and the only person we didn’t see all day long who didn’t come to help the family as well as Ethan.”
At this point in the story, Rafe is already seething with anger thinking about you being taken somewhere so dangerous at such a late hour; Rafe turns to laughter looking at the boy, staring at the boy across the room with a vicious look, and Jason, scowling at the boy, for whom he feels so much anger as well. Kiara, in some act of comfort, holds Jason’s hand, rubbing her hand over his knuckles, trying to calm him down. Jason clears his throat once more. “When I got there, she was so drunk she couldn’t even tell me her name; she doesn’t remember that night. He swears up and down nothing happened, but it seems like ever since that day, he will not leave her alone. It’s like he believes what belonged to Luca now belongs to him, and I can’t take it; every time I see him, I want to kill him.”
Rafe turns for a moment to look at your brother's face for the first time since he met your family; he sees the slightest glimmer of darkness behind his eye, the same kind Rafe has; the same one so many people in this town warn others about with Rafe, and then just like the sun on a rainy day it’s there and gone before you believe you saw it. His eyes only showed the cloud of grief and hurt.
Rafe pats his back again and says, “You’re in the Outerbanks now, bro, and your sister is safe; the people out here, our people, we’ll have her back.” Kiara gives Rafe a look like you can’t be serious about telling this boy he can trust any kook; the only trustworthy people on this island were the pogues and, more specifically, her group of friends.
Like always, though, with rich boys, they band together, not even acknowledging the look on Kiara's face. Jason looks up and says, “Thank you, Rafe. I appreciate you hearing me out, and my sister was right about you, that’s for sure.” Rafe's eyes blow out, and his neck turns red as he shakes his head and says, “Your sister is something else.”
To further this thread of thoughts in Rafe's mind, he feels his phone ping twice and pulls it from his back pocket
(F/N)🌊💕: Angel huh? I like that one, and yes, Rafe, I now owe you A favor that means only one. Don’t think I’m out here doing favors for anyone!
sent at 6:15 pm
(F/N)🌊💕: We should hang out sometime, maybe catch some waves tomorrow??
sent at 7:00 pm
(F/N)🌊💕: I’m heading to bed; let me know :) Thank you again, and see you around Reef 🪸🐠
sent at 7:30
Scanning these messages, Rafe starts to type a response before he’s even finished reading but immediately deletes it, thinking it better to let you sleep since something made you sick. Turning to your brother and pondering just what did make you head out? He asks, “Hey, what ma—“ but before he could finish, your mom was calling groups
“Okay, everyone, we will split into groups to make distributions easy. Take a little of each kind of clothing, men to babies, with you. The spot I give you is where you will be sitting at a distribution table, which my wonderful daughter (F/N) and her friend Ethan helped set up.” Ethan smiled and waved around at the people who were looking for you “ (F/N) who is unfortunately very sick and has to raincheck on being here was the mind of this event, and she was overwhelmed and overjoyed of the community outreach here; it shouldn’t take us more than 45 minutes to get rid of these items and help some families in need.” Everyone starts to clap. Jason stands and lends a hand out to Kiara and helps her stand as Rafe stands and moves to make sure he has a good line of sight on the pretty boy with no manners.
Everything is muffled as he stands examining the boy who’s most likely 20 feet across the ballroom from him, trying to catch a slip of any kind and the fun demeanor he’s been portraying all evening. Still, he seems respectful and well-mannered. Rafe watches, knowing under the stone image of a nice guy is a monster clawing its way back out.
Rafe hearing his name is what diverts his attention. “Rafe, would you mind leading the last group?” he looks to your mother, smiling; he shakes his head, dying inside but smiling, saying, “Would be happy to Andy.” This being out, Rafe sees for the first time in the evening; the boys' eyes snap, and it is immediately like the pin pulled from a grenade getting ready to blow.
Rafe sees Ethan’s eye lock with his; you would think Rafe has lit his house on fire and spit in his face with the disgusting face he throws his way. Rafe stares back, the usual dark look in his eye, a smirk on his face, knowing now this kid knows the monster has met its match. Looking at Ethan but saying to your mother, “Where would you like us?”
Rafe is walking outside to your jeep with your brother in hot pursuit, with no emotions, as he carries boxes to be loaded in the back. His group comprises Jason, Kiara, Sarah, Topper, the girls, and the goon. They all agreed to take separate cars, Kayla and Ally with Kiara in her vehicle; Topper and Sarah were so kind as to offer to take Ethan, leaving Jason to drive Rafe in your jeep. As they loaded the back with their few boxes, Jason turned to Rafe with an almost incredulous look. “I know what I told you is a lot to believe—“ Rafe stops him by simply saying, “I see it; in his eyes, he’s done something, and he doesn’t like me 'cause she does.” They had an entire moment of understanding between the young men he had done something that night, and now they both knew, and they will know what happened eventually.
This has both boys rounding the car and hopping in. Jason turns on the car, but before turning off the country club driveway with his hand on the wheel, he turns to Rafe again. “Just don’t let him provoke you, bro; he can be complicated. I told you the kid likes to be a bit of—“ Rafe looks at him with literally no emotion on his face saying, “a bitch.”
Jason laughs, throwing his head back against the headrest for the first time since he greeted him; he sees brightness return to Jason’s face; he lays his head there a moment, laughter dying back slowly. He shakes his head, bringing it forward. “Ethan is a crude bastard, and he’s not afraid to say what he thinks even if it's stupid, but he also likes to pick a good fight.” This has Jason looking at Rafe dead in the eyes, more serious than he’s seen or heard anyone in your family this far.
He says, “Don’t let him provoke you.” Rafe frowns, but Jason looks at him like a kid whose parents picked him up during a fight at school, and they’re waiting for him to say what he knows and won’t. Rafe starts to get a little pissed. “What makes you think he’ll—“Jason eyes him again, turning to drive as Rafe sits back silently for a moment. “I won’t. I’m here for her, and she wouldn’t, so I won’t,” Jason chuckles. “She’s got you wrapped around her finger already, huh? Yeah, she has that effect.”
Jason smiles, looking forward to driving them to the Heywards Shop to set up a pickup for clothes. Rafe stares out the window, watching the yellow streetlights mix with the blue-green hue of the evening sky and looking out at the hint of the stars he can see shining in the night sky. He thinks of you and how fast his heart beats when you smile and how warm he feels when you are next to him. You make him feel and think so differently in a way that makes him want to explore and experience things as you do; he wants to see things from a positive and enthusiastic perspective.
Against his better judgment, he pulls his phone from his pocket and pulls up the contact he’s already saved for you and the messages you’ve already shared.
Rafe: I'd take any favors you’d give, and also, I’d love for you to tell me where, and I’ll be there; sweet dreams, angel. ❤️
All rights belong to the owners of Netflix and the Outer Banks. I do not own any characters except OC characters. The fiction is simply for fun. All copyrights belong to the original owners.
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littlesparklight · 3 months
Do you prefer if Iphigenia was killed or rescued by Artemis?
Short answer: rescued.
Longer one: Those two options aren't incompatible with each other!
The thing with the deer-substitution variant isn't a question of "is Iphigenia killed or not?" but "do the mortals who kill her believe she is dead?"
Agamemnon dies upon coming home, killed by his wife and her lover - this is an absolute point in the tradition, and isn't going to be subverted (unlike Iphigenia's potential survival). Now, Agamemnon being killed by Klytaimnestra and Aegisthos doesn't actually necessarily mean she kills him for Iphigenia's sake, but that does seem to be the mainstream reason. (With no real variant giving an alternate reason without also being coupled with Iphigenia's death, as far as I'm aware? Not sure there is any other motive given her but I'm not plugged into this part as well as others of the myths around the war.)
So the next potential absolute point in tradition is a sacrifice of a girl/Agamemnon's daughter at Aulis.
And for the deer substitution, the texts that touch on this do not actually say anyone saw her be exchanged, and saw the deer put/sacrificed in Iphigenia's place.
The Kypria, our oldest surviving source, is fragmentary; we know from summary that Artemis saves her in some manner, but not how, and not what the Achaeans saw. The Bibliotheke mentions the deer substitution, but in addition to this part being a summary of an already compressed/summarising work, it doesn't detail the specifics of the substitution, how it happened or what the Achaeans saw. And the Catalogue of Women, too, mentions the rescue, but again, that is as much information we get from it. Not how/why/what anyone sees or knows.
Do the Achaeans see the deer? Do they know they're killing a deer, not Iphigenia?
The gods can create eidolons and show only what they want to be seen; we don't actually know if the Achaeans are written as seeing anything but Iphigenia.
Because, in the end, the important thing isn't whether Iphigenia dies at the altar in Aulis, but whether everyone else thinks she does. That is what Agamemnon's punishment springs from; the (apparent) death of his daughter, and, after the war, being killed for it.
Not whether Iphigenia actually survived, which, as we know when her stay with the Tauroi are involved and Orestes and Pylades come there, she is presumably still believed to have died.
Or at the very least, Klytaimnestra must believe she was indeed sacrificed. If Klytaimnestra is present at Aulis in any deer-substitution version of the story, and everyone only sees "Iphigenia", then her motives remain exactly as we're familiar with them from surviving tragedies. If she isn't present, then it's still the same.
In the case of a deer-substitution variant where everyone sees the deer, Klytaimnestra's motives might remain exactly the same if she remains in Mycenae, and thus simply do not believe the story that Iphigenia was rescued - it's not as if Iphigenia herself is available to be given back to her mother! On the other hand, even here you can actually keep Klytaimnestra's motives somewhat the same, for even if she's present to see the deer in a version where they all know there is a deer instead of a girl... Agamemnon was still willing/let himself be pressured into killing his daughter. He didn't know she would be rescued! And it's not as if Artemis hands Iphigenia back to her parents; whether a deer or not, whether said deer is seen for what it is or not, Iphigenia herself is as "dead" to her parents either way. Klytaimnestra could well kill Agamemnon on these points alone, the difference to an actual dead (or believed to be dead) Iphigenia minimal.
Iphigenia's sacrifice is important narratively, but the girl herself doesn't actually need to die for it to still "happen" and have that importance, so.
That's why I lean on "she was rescued, but no one knows that for all they saw was 'Iphigenia' being sacrificed".
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thestrongestmen · 1 year
➺ Character: Levi Ackerman.
➺ Reader: afab!reader
➺ Words: 8 316
➺ Summary: Levi Ackerman. Duke Ackerman. A mysterious, stern man who never strays from the straight and narrow, whether by choice or because of his hectic schedule, no one knows and no one wants to know, because this social season, they say, he's planning to take a wife. To your best parade ladies, the most coveted bachelor is finally available…
➺ Warning: Misogyny. Women are seen as reproducers. It's not a smut, but it's tendentious.
➺ A/n: I've watched so much Queen Charlotte and Bridgertone that I wanted to write something in that kind of historical universe. Haha… that ties in with my love of historical manhwa. English is not my first language. Sorry for the mistakes.
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"Are you ready for the new social season, Ackerman?
Slumped against the comfortable back of the imposing office chair, the principal concerned didn't even bother to look up from his documents. Not out of concentration but to avoid being confronted with the irritating sight of that shit-eating, mocking smile on his friend's lips. His hand, holding a quill, continued to scratch the paper, drowning the sheet under the jet-haired man's beautiful cursive handwriting. He was doing all he could to divert his attention from the noisy, annoying ramblings of this over-talkative individual who doesn't know when to stop talking. The social season was far from his first and he hoped it would be his last. To take a respectable wife and finally be rid of the target that all the carnivorous mothers were staring at behind his back.
"Levi Ackerman. The most coveted bachelor since Duke Smith was taken off the marital market. Smith has found himself a charming little wife who fills him with happiness. And who will you find to warm your cold heart and sour mood? Will you have a sweet little loving wife? Maybe you'll have a carbon copy of yourself, which I wouldn't wish on any of the servants in your homes. Putting up with you alone is enough, so a woman like you…" "Hange, if you've got nothing better to do, get the hell out of my house." "Aw Ackerman, you're so rude! I'm sick to my stomach."
Levi looked up briefly from his documents to shoot a bored glance at the person in front of his desk who was feigning a deep wound in his heart. He snorted in disdain before diving back into his urgent business, all the while continuing to ignore Hange's mocking and playful monologue. He didn't need to be reminded of the social seasons. He still remembered perfectly how many people gathered around him at every ball he had the misfortune to attend. At the time, Erwin Smith was also single, which eased some of the pressure from mothers eager to find a good match for their daughters. But now he was married, forcing Levi to face the demons alone in the elegant clothes of a noblewoman called mother. Worst of all, rumour had it that he was planning to take a wife. It wasn't a lie; he intended to declare his intentions and take the hand of a young woman who would meet his standards, which he was forced to lower in the hope of finding someone. However, this rumour would fuel the ambition of these mothers. He could already see himself in a ballroom, unable to take a single step without being interrupted by one of them. Levi could bet his hand that the person behind the rumour was standing right in front of him.
"Erwin was lucky to find someone who makes his heart beat. If I don't rule out love, it's the last thing that's going to enter into my calculations. I need a duchess. A woman who can host and organise receptions and welcome foreign dignitaries. I need someone who can manage high society and the heritage of our estates while giving birth to my children. She must have the shoulders and spirit to handle the duties of a duchess. She must have the dignity and poise that comes with the title." "You are demanding." Hange sighed, in a melancholy breath. "I have to be. I can't accept just anyone as Duchess and you know that. Erwin was very lucky. One in a million. Who knows if I could be so lucky as to find in the most capable of women the one I would love." "Good. You're so serious about this that I can't not lend you a hand." "Please. I don't need your help which is too often useless and catastrophic. Not to mention shitty." "Trust me! The Queen has already chosen her diamond, the girl who shines above the rest. I happen to know her personally." "Don't say it like it's some revolutionary idea. There was nothing more predictable than being interested in the diamond of the season. A girl who is all too often chosen for her beauty rather than her skills. A factor I have no interest in." "You're depressing Ackerman." Hange complains, her upper body slumped over the paper-free part of the desk.
Levi clicks his tongue against his palate, now having to endure the sighs and complaints of this individual lounging on his wooden desk that is surely worth more than a small estate in the heart of the capital. He makes a mental note to himself to thoroughly clean the wooden surface to remove any germs that Hange might leave on his wonderful desk.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
"Lady [Name]. Miss [Name]. What a pleasure it is to welcome you to our land. I hope British soil suits your tastes." "It is an honour, Your Majesty. We thank you for your hospitality." "Isn't there someone missing? Don't you have two daughters?" Asks the Queen, one eyebrow arched. "My apologies, Your Majesty, my sister could not bear the journey on the ship. She was forced to stay in bed while her illness subsided." You say.
Along with your mother, you bow to Her Majesty the Queen of England. There is no doubt that this woman is of a completely different class to the ladies of the nobility. The Queen is the most noble. The one to whom all eyes naturally turn. You can't help but let your eyes take in the sumptuous details of the lace covering Her Majesty the Queen's dress. A puffed-up dress that breaks with the current trend for empire dresses. Why didn't she follow the current fashion? Wasn't it a silent obligation of society not to step out of line at the risk of being singled out for criticism and harsh words by other nobles? You have abandoned the clothes of your native country to blend in with current British fashion, but you feel a touch of admiration before Her Majesty the Queen. Perhaps you could persuade your mother to let you proudly wear the dresses of your homeland?
"Come, come, come! We have so much to talk about. We'll soon be one big, beautiful family." "I hope so too, Your Majesty." Your mother affirms, with a discreet, unruffled smile.
With that, you follow in the Queen's rapid and ample footsteps. How can she be so comfortable in clothes that seem so uncomfortable? It's probably a question of habit. A few steps behind her, you try to keep up with the rapid pace through the magnificent corridors decorated with gilding and sculptures that you know are worth more than anything the less fortunate could dream of. On the walls hang paintings depicting the royal couple's life together. When they are young, then soon joined by a multitude of toddlers until these children take on the appearance of young adults. A chronological frieze that tells the story of a hidden family history.
There's nothing like that in your family. There's just a register that takes into account the many members of your clan. Only the hard core share the ancestral domain, while the others are invited every year for a week to maintain a certain union between all the members of your clan. And you… you're the chief's goddaughter. Daughter of the chief's sister. After the chief's daughter, you are the most noble thing in your country. The purest. If your cousin is promised to the prince of your kingdom, you… Are you going to join the jewels of the British Empire? That is a perfectly acceptable future. But are you prepared to give up your family? Your country? The life you've built there? To leave to start a new life with a man whose company you're not sure you'd enjoy?
For a moment, this sumptuous palace looks like a cage. Your future cage.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
"Miss [Name], what's your country like? I'm genuinely curious about the different regions." The princess's voice snaps you out of your thoughts. "At the risk of committing an act of treason on your soil, I admit that our landscapes have nothing to envy to those of British soil. I would even go so far as to say that they are splendid. I think you'd like it very much."
The princess lets a soft laugh slip from her lips, which she hastens to hide behind her fan. You squint your eyes in delight. The princess doesn't seem to be offended by this little joke; she seems to be enjoying it. You take a sip of the tea you were served a few minutes ago.
Several days have passed since your arrival. You still haven't met the prince who may become your fiancé, but you won't regret not having met him yet. You dread this moment. If you do meet him, it will all become too real for you. These imaginary chains of commitment will be physically represented by a sumptuous ring on your left ring finger. The very thought makes your stomach boil with palpable discomfort. Fortunately, you've been lucky enough to meet a charming princess your own age. Historia Reiss. A soul so sweet and pure that you could swear you'd want to protect her just so she wouldn't encounter any unpleasantness in her life. You could almost find comfort in her presence should you end up marrying one of the princes.
"The first ball of the season will be held at Lord and Lady Yeager's house. Would you be comfortable? I don't know how different the culture of your country is from here." "Don't worry, your highness. I used to attend quite a few balls in my country, along with my cousins. We never missed an opportunity to socialise. We were an inseparable trio…" "You seem very close to your family." "I grew up with them. I can't conceive of a life without them in my life." "With so many brothers and sisters, I can only understand you. Sometimes they're unbearable but in the end, I wouldn't give them up for anything in the world."
The atmosphere becomes heavy with nostalgia. Memories of numerous family events come back to haunt you and add to the weight on your shoulders. The same dilemma seems to be facing the princess, who is also due to marry in the not too distant future. She too will have to leave her family, perhaps even her homeland, to marry a powerful nobleman from another nation in order to forge ties. Because that's what women are for: to produce heirs and to act as bargaining chips in the political game. Knowing and accepting are two different things. You know your destiny, but can you accept it? Are you even being asked to accept it? No. You are asked to suffer and endure.
The princess coughed in a feeble attempt to lighten the almost ceremonial mood.
"If you wish, I can teach you a few things for your first ball here. I don't doubt your social skills, far from it! But the culture here must still be foreign to you…" "Thank you, Your Highness, it is with pleasure that I accept your kind offer."
A smile curves your lips. The afternoon is spent talking about the little subtleties of the English court, which you find so lacking. Little protocols, little messages coded behind the tilt of your fan. The language of the fan is different from that of your country. She also teaches you the latest rumours so that you don't feel too out of place, even if you don't really know the protagonists portrayed in her rumours. It would seem, however, that this kingdom is particularly fond of such gossip. Time passed at an alarming rate and before you knew it it was time to part. The sun was about to set. You both had to get ready for the dinner that was about to begin.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The evening of the first ball of the season has finally arrived. As expected, as soon as Duke Ackerman arrived, all the mothers with ambition presented themselves to him, their daughters in tow. He didn't hear any family names, all he heard was the roar of lionesses hungry for prestige or the pecking of hens. He almost cursed Erwin for abandoning him to indulge in his newlywed life. While he was genuinely happy for his friend, Levi couldn't help but curse him in this situation. A duke still single…a real dawn to behold. He excused himself briefly with a shake of his head, ignoring the sighs of disappointment, and extricated himself from the flock of ladies to join Hange, who was standing in the company of Erwin and his young wife.
He almost regretted having come to keep them company when he was forced to listen to Hange's mocking laughter, which seemed to find the Duke's distress satisfying in every way. If looks could kill, Hange would already be six feet under rotting and being eaten by worms. Too bad that's not possible.
"I can't wait to find someone nice so I can get away from all this excitement for good." Levi grumbled, his lips against the rim of his champagne glass. "You talk more than you act. If you keep running away, you won't know any of these girls and you'll end up another season on your own. A real vicious circle." Hange scoffs. "I'm not running away. I'm running away from this savage horde." Retorts the man concerned. "She's not wrong. You'll never find anyone at this rate." Erwin agrees, shaking his head. "Even Smith says so." Hange boasts. "Oh…I always thought you two would end up married. You're always together…" Lady Smith intervenes in a timid voice, unsure whether to say the words or not.
The other three turned to her. Erwin gently shook his head and calmly explained the situation. Hange couldn't help laughing as if she'd just heard the most hilarious joke, while Levi frowned, not holding back the visible disgust he felt at the very idea of having to share his life more than he already did with this individual. A friendly relationship could be tolerated, but more? Ah, God save him from this dark fate!
"My apologies! I always thought…" "Don't worry, my dear." Erwin said to soothe her. "It's common knowledge in the various circles of high society. Your relationship is a trending topic at every turn." Informs Lady Smith, a nervous smile on her lips. "Please don't say another word about it." Begs Levi, who swears a glass of champagne isn't strong enough to hear that kind of story about him. He needs stronger alcohol.
Fortunately for the Duke, the music ends, replaced immediately by the powerful melody of trumpets, a harbinger of the arrival of the one everyone is waiting for: Her Majesty the Queen of England. The big doors open, revealing the royal figure in her sublime gown of thick ivory with a few touches of blue. The guard at the door announced the Queen's arrival in a firm voice. Then other names were called: that of Princess Historia Reiss. Then the Countess [Name] and her daughter.
All bowed to Her Majesty the Queen, before rising to gaze at the two newcomers to the British court: mother and daughter [Name]. Two foreigners whose features stand out from the rest of the nobility. A refined exoticism that is sure to catch the eye of even the most self-righteous duke. Recognising beauty in the unknown is right up his street. But perhaps his gaze lingered a little too long on the young miss descending the stairs, as Hange tapped him on the side of the elbow. A single glance was enough for him to see the mischievous gleam in her eyes.
"Don't think about it, four eyes."
Hange shrugged, before pushing him forward, encouraging him to take a step towards the quartet who had finally set foot on the ballroom floor. Levi stumbled on his feet, managing to catch himself in time before hitting the floor. A movement that didn't seem to go unnoticed, on the contrary. He felt the weight of Her Majesty The Queen's gaze, which had just spotted him in the crowd. He refrains from swearing between his teeth, cursing the day Hange was born. With a perfect bow, he presented himself to Her Majesty, without bothering to smile. No one has ever seen him smile, he is thought to be incapable of it.
"Duke Ackerman, what a pleasure it is to honour us with your presence." The Queen begins. "The pleasure is mine, Your Majesty." "Have you already met our guests, Lady [Name] and Miss [Name]?" "I have not had that honour before today."
The Duke analysed the curve of the Queen's smile, then followed the discreet movement of her eyes towards the young miss in silent command. Levi wrinkled his nose briefly, so as not to break his legendary impassivity and reveal his displeasure at his situation. But perhaps he could have picked a worse partner than a young miss who had just arrived on English soil and who certainly didn't know the latest gossip. He walked around The Queen, his strides guiding him to a respectable distance from the foreign miss, his hand outstretched towards her. His steely eyes gazed into hers, taking in the minute details in her irises. The brilliance of the crystals on the ballroom chandelier was reflected in her eyes, as if a whole galaxy had taken refuge in her.
"Miss [Name], would you do me the honour of a dance?"
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
You smooth down the silk of your dress, which covers your body in a beautifully crafted adornment. You feel uncomfortable in this dress, not so much from the corset as from the layers of this empire dress. You weren't sure whether there was too much fabric or not enough. Your breasts, contoured by the corset, bulge out for all to see. Your eyes can't take your eyes off this display of flesh, which now seemed so unseemly just a few seconds before your entrance. A gentle pressure on your arm rouses you from your obvious discomfort. The princess stands beside you in a pleasant attempt to help you overcome the demons of anxiety. You offer her a gentle smile, thanking her for her kindness.
The double doors open to reveal the bright lights coming from the candles, especially the giant chandelier suspended above the couples of motionless dancers, facing you. All this attention is directed at you. Suddenly, all that nervousness evaporates like snow in the sun. The feeling of being the eye-catching jewel takes you back to the wonderful days when you and your two cousins dominated your country's high society. Your body remembers the small, graceful gestures and discreet, charming smiles of a noble lady. Why were you nervous again? You couldn't remember, but the delight of returning to balls and luxury made you feel like a fish in water.
Behind the Queen, you watch the Duke's silhouette approach you. A very handsome man, the orange glow of the candles emphasising the chiselled, severe features of his face. He doesn't stand out for his height, but the way his expensive suit clings to his muscles, the shadows discreetly emphasise the contours of his sculpted body. You hold your breath as he approaches you. Blimey, you've completely forgotten to follow the discussion that's just taken place. Has he caught you looking at him in the most shameful way possible? To your surprise, he invites you to join him in a dance. You slip your hand into his, a pleasant shiver caressing your spine as he traps your hand between his fingers, drawing you onto the dance floor. You feel his second hand slide down your side to rest on your hip, the perfect place to keep from being indecent. His warmth embraces you with a gentle sensation. It's so different to when you're being held by your cousin for a dance, it's different…because you're in the presence of a man and not a family member you grew up with. A breath slips from your lips as you feel his fingers tighten their grip on your hip. That simple touch electrifies your nerves. Your eyes gaze into his, searching for his soul for a brief moment. Perhaps it's simply because he's a man… the first man to hold you. Maybe it's because you can feel the firmness of his muscles under his suit.
The music begins, echoing throughout the room. You dance together, following the silent instructions of his body against yours. Around you other couples join in, but in all honesty you're not really paying attention.
"So…you're the most coveted bachelor of the season?" You ask to start a conversation with your dance partner. "I see you've been made aware of the latest rumours." The Duke resigns himself, his features hardened by the despair of his situation.
You can't help but let a laugh escape you at your dance partner's visible dissatisfaction. It would seem that this is a subject that puts him in an uncomfortable situation.
"The princess seemed well to inform me of the latest intriguing news at court so that I should not find myself out of place." "Do you intend to stay until the end of the season or will you be staying on British soil?" "It's a huge upheaval to change countries for good. But I'm beginning to discover the attractions of the British Empire." You reply, your gaze firmly anchored in his.
He opens his lips briefly, like a fish out of water. Then he turns in on himself, becoming once again the cold, stern duke, inflexible in his expressions if only for the tiny expressions that make him human and not a marble statue.
"The princess is a charming person who never fails to brighten my days. Her ladies-in-waiting, though I don't really know them, seem to me to be perfectly benevolent ladies."
The drawing music threatened to end the song. Soon you will have to part with this man whose surname and title you know only. A beauty like that won't struggle to find a wife before the season is over.
"I want to know you more, Your Grace."
No sooner do these words leave your lips than the music stops. The surprised expression on your dance partner's face reflects your own surprise. Tact has never been your strong point according to your twin sister, and today you have just confirmed what you have denied all your life. Are you really going to…propose getting to know another man? When you may end up betrothed to a prince if the discussions between your mother and the Queen come to an agreement.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
Levi didn't know what to expect when he asked her to dance, or what the queen might be thinking. This damsel had not crossed oceans to come here with the intention of seeing some scenery. Everyone could sense that a royal wedding was approaching. The union between two great and powerful families that would make every nobleman in their homeland tremble. Yet he had to restrain his hand from slipping lower on her hip to feel the curves under her dress that must remain inaccessible to him forever. It wasn't love at first sight, he didn't believe in it and the very concept seemed delirious and implausible. Nevertheless, he recognised the principle of attraction. And the young woman in front of him was one of the few to arouse in him the first shivers of desire. But she was out of reach. She would soon be joining the crown jewels. He was not going to jeopardise this young woman's fine future plans, just as he was not going to ruin the excellent reputation he had built up by staying away from brothels and opera singers looking for stability and finance in the arms of rich men.
The conversation was very casual, nothing interesting, just banal politeness. Despite the tingling in his fingers when his ears were graced by her laughter. He hated the fact that this stupid rumour, although true, was brought to the attention of his dance partner. But unlike the many other suitors, she had no intention of putting a target on his back, as a better partner was presenting herself. She could be a breath of fresh air, if only for a moment. Was it wrong to enjoy this dance? To enjoy this company even for a few minutes? One dance before returning to their respective worlds. Or so he thought, until the words left her lips.
"I want to know you more, Your Grace."
Like a mirror, their surprise was reflected in each other's faces. Those words shouldn't have been spoken, not to a stranger and not to someone you know. Those words imply a lot of things, especially with a woman who was perhaps going to join the crown. He shouldn't accept, he couldn't accept. Perhaps his answer, his refusal, was visible in his eyes, for he needed no words to make her more embarrassed than she already was. Under his hands, he could feel the heat radiating from this body that wanted to bend over and disappear six feet under to save herself the embarrassment. He could feel the movement of her muscles, he could feel her holding back from rushing away and abandoning him on the dance floor, causing a scandal. She held back to avoid causing trouble for him as much as for herself. In the shame of rejection, she knew how to behave and curb her urges to save face. A quality… if it could be described that way.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I beg you to forget what just happened."
She bowed in a curtsy, signalling the end of their dance. He returned the courtesy. And before he knew it, he was with his friends, a glass in his hand to quench his thirst. His gaze lost in the sparkling bubbles of the alcoholic beverage.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Why did fate seem so set against you? The ball was only a day old and yet you bumped into the man you swore you'd never see again for the sake of your pride. He also seemed taken aback, your eyes unable to tear themselves away from each other. You look away and concentrate on the young woman standing beside Lord Ackerman. She seems to be beaming with delight, ready to pounce on you for questioning or…examination. You feel the need to cover yourself with more than a dress and a thin shawl against the breeze.
"Oh, look at the sun; already so low in the sky. I'll be off, Ackerman! It's every gentleman's duty to keep such a charming damsel as the young miss company!"
Left in utter bewilderment, you bat your eyelashes at the spectacle, unsure of how to deal with the hasty departure of the brown-haired woman already far away from you both. Silently, you arch an eyebrow at Levi, as if to confirm that what has just happened really did happen.
"You…you're in the queen's gardens." "I am." Levi retorts.
This is so uncomfortable, even for you. You decide to take your leave. A meticulously and swiftly executed curtsy, then you make your way back to the palace and hide under the covers of your bed to forget this second shame. You need to regain your composure. Shame doesn't kill, you've faced worse than this in your country! A man a little more handsome than the average is not going to make you forget your means. As you try to convince yourself mentally, you are slow to notice the footsteps at your back, until a hand wraps around your wrist. A gasp escapes your lips, and your body quickly turns towards the person who dares to touch you. You come face to face with the Duke. So close. Almost as close as when you were dancing. You blink, fighting against the honour you would lose if you were caught alone this close to a man, or the desire to feel that hand slide up your arm and lodge itself in the hollow of your neck.
"Your Grace…" You whisper. "I beg you to let me go. This is unseemly." You manage to stay firm on your feet, pushing deep into your mind that strange feeling that runs through you every time this man lays a finger on you. "I apologise. No matter how many times I called you, you didn't seem to be able to hear me."
With that, he releases your wrist, taking several steps away from you. A perfectly respectable distance. Your wrist still seemed to be burning from the Duke's touch. An exquisite warmth. Before you can sink any deeper into your thoughts, his voice brings you back to reality.
"I am also on my way to the palace. Allow me to accompany you."
Even now you're wondering what went through your head to accept the proposal of a man you can neither know nor approach for the sake of your mother's discussions. No… It was only a courtesy, there was no implication. It's ridiculous to worry so much about a man you only met a day ago. It's because he's so beautiful that you lose your nerve! It's only attraction, nothing more can come from this beauty. The journey continues in silence. Honestly, you don't know whether you prefer silence or a conversation filled with banality to fill the void. On reflection, however, the Duke seems to revel in the quiet, preferring words when absolutely necessary. In this respect, he reminds you of your twin sister, who thrives on silence and useful conversation. A smile lights up your face, shy and as light as the cherry blossoms that fall from their tree when the season ends.
"Was that Miss Zoe?" You ask, annoyed at more silence. "Your ability to learn all the latest society gossip both fascinates and frightens me. you'll make a fine lady of British society." Levi sighed, admitting defeat at your ability to inform yourself on such matters just days after arriving on the soil of the Kingdom of England. "You flatter me, Your Grace. But I am not. Your person intrigues every person in this company. Almost every rumour revolves around you." "I intrigue you too, it would seem." "Don't give yourself too much credit, Your Grace." You reply with a hint of mischief in your voice. Teasing your interlocutor. "You are the prologue to a great book called High Society in the British Empire." "Oh, but it's when you read the prologue that you decide to continue reading a book. Are you going to continue reading this book, miss?" He snarls, his steely eyes darting into yours in defiance. "I don't know. I haven't read the whole prologue to be able to decide." You reply with a satisfied smile.
Your smile widens as you hear the Duke chuckle. If you didn't listen carefully, it would be easy to miss his laughter. A soft warmth spreads through your chest, satisfied that for a moment you have been able to break the cold, unruffled expression. Once outside the glass doors leading to one of the palace's too many halls, your companion stops in his tracks. This is it. The time has come for you to part. There's no need to exchange any more words, just a glance at each other and you already know that you mustn't stay together any longer than that. So you do what your mind tells you rather than the tug of disappointment of interrupting a beautiful discussion. You go your separate ways until fate allows you to see each other again.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The weeks went by. Invitations to the ball, invitations to tea, days spent with Princess Historia and sometimes, exceptionally, you have the honour of sharing a conversation with the Queen. You never got even a glimpse of the prince who might become part of your future. Nothing was official yet, but wasn't it the least you could do to come and see one of the women who was going to share his life? The Prince shone through his absence from the palace, but rumours spread quickly, even among a young miss who was still new to British society. You've heard the rumours: the Prince favours an opera singer. He flaunts her publicly with no regard for his honour. Historia was trying to protect you, but at the same time she refused to hide her brother's imperfections from you, especially if you were to marry him. This is how you discovered that he had fathered two little bastards whom he was trying to have recognised by his mother so that they could become princes with a right of succession.
Was this the future fate that awaited you? Waiting for your twin sister? Sharing a life with a man who shows the world his mistress? Unable to do so discreetly like most other nobles.
That should be your main concern, yet you can't help thinking of the duke who shares a few conversations with you when you find yourselves at the same ball. You always shared a dance under your mother's watchful eye. She said nothing, did nothing to prevent you from getting involved with other men. Perhaps she thought, as you did, that it was just a friendly relationship that was developing? Perhaps you were the only one to convince yourself of this lie when you wanted to feel the Duke's hands on your hips. Were you alone in feeling that desire boiling in your chest? Yet here you were, once again, sharing a fleeting moment of happiness that was to end as soon as the ball was over. On the balcony of the manor house, surrounded by a few souls looking for refreshment, you were chatting with the Duke. Lost in your admiration of the thin smile that lit up the Duke's stern face, at this moment he looked divinely peaceful.
"Come now, Your Grace, these are not noble words to say in public, and not in front of a woman either." You murmur, stifling your mirth behind your fan. "Are you the best person to speak of noble words? I remember the last ball…" He replies, teasing you. "Your Grace, you promised never to speak of that again!" You react immediately, urging him with a wave of your hand to lower the volume of his voice in the hope that no one will hear him. "I didn't…I simply mentioned the last ball. Where have I sinned?" "You are impertinent." "Oh, Miss [Name], impertinence is a sin."
You roll your eyes as your lips make contact with your glass of champagne, taking light sips to avoid repeating the same mistakes you made at the previous ball. Even now you regret drinking a little too quickly with so little food in your stomach, the result wasn't bad enough to damage your reputation in the eyes of society but… The Duke witnessed a lot of…freedom on your part.
"Your Grace." A woman's voice breaks the comfortable silence that has just settled.
You both turn towards the woman who has come forward with three daughters on her arms. Ah… A mother has just spotted him, causing the other mothers to come to him with that simple word. You offer a compassionate smile mixed with a touch of mockery as you leave him in the hungry hands of the mothers and daughters. Swallowing the bitter taste of frustration at the very idea that a woman will have the honour of becoming Lady Ackerman. The wife of such a good and kind man… while you…
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
When you return to the quarters you have been given for the time of your stay here, your mother is standing on the sofa in the bedroom. She closes the book and puts it down again in a terribly slow gesture. You lick your lips, suddenly nervous about what she might be telling you. There was always that imperturbable smile on your mother's face, but you knew her better than anyone. The slight wrinkle of her nose could only mean one thing: she wasn't satisfied with something. Did the discussions between her and Her Majesty The Queen go badly? You can only imagine the worst.
You take your place at your mother's side, your hands gripping hers in an attempt to comfort her or yourself. You're not sure. The impatience was going to kill you, yet she continued to remain silent. She seemed almost about to give up on telling you.
"Mother, what's the matter?" "[Your name]…I must say I should be pleased, yet I can't seem to rejoice."
You swallow your saliva with difficulty. Your fingers tighten around your mother's hands. Her fingers caress the backs of your hands in a circular motion, a gentle massage to try and soothe your raw nerves. But it brings no comfort.
"They agree to the marriage…" It wasn't a question. You let the phrase leave your lips in a silent breath. "Yes. They accept the union between our two families." "I see…" You fail to express more than those two words. "They did not specify the name. If a man caught your eye…" "No, no one caught my eye, I would marry the prince." "Are you sure, my dear child?" "Quite sure." "You still have a few weeks to think about it."
Your mother places a kiss on your forehead, leaving you alone in your room to consider the implications further. It's no longer just about you and your selfish desires. It's about the future of your family.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
"Miss [Name], it is an honour to meet you." "The pleasure is mine, your royal highness."
Those words stick in your throat, barely holding back the bitterness of disgust as the prince's lips brush the back of your hand. Lips that have whispered words of love to another. That have kissed the lips of another. And unlike other men, he never hid the fact that he had a mistress. Why do women have to be pure and chaste until they get married, while men do unspeakable things to 'enjoy' their youth before they tie the noose around their own necks? Why does she have to put up with the shame of a future husband who is incapable of controlling himself? Why does she have to put up with the way the prince looks at her?
For the family.
For your family, you will smile politely at the Prince, get to know him and pretend not to be repulsed by his touch. You will turn a blind eye to his actions and accept that he defiles your body with his sinful touch. For the sake of your family. For the sake of your twin sister, you will endure and accept this marriage. You know that your sister is in no state to put up with such a situation for years to come. But are you?
That tea to get to know you was as dull and miserable as the Prince's personality. He didn't want this marriage either, and he showed it shamelessly by hinting at his relationship with this opera singer. You couldn't dislike this woman. She is looking to survive, a prince is an excellent match and a protection against the harshness of everyday life for the less fortunate. You hated the prince. He is the one who initiated this relationship and who brings shame on Her Majesty The Queen and the entire royal family.
But for the sake of your family, you will turn a blind eye to this deplorable moment. You will smile at your mother's questions about your compatibility with the Prince.
"You are as beautiful as they say. Had I known sooner, I want you to know that I would have hastened from my royal duties to come and meet you." "You flatter me your royal highness. But I would be sad if you had to hasten your duties as prince to come and keep me company." You reply in the kindest tone you can muster. "You are right, after all, we could well spend the rest of our lives together."
A shiver of horror runs down your spine. Spend your life with him… for eternity. An infinitely long time. A life away from your land and your family to start one with this individual who is supposed to embody the best that the kingdom of England has to offer. But here again, you force a smile onto your face and offer a shy laugh like a sweet young damsel too modest to imagine making a life with a prince.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
How many days since this woman had approached him? She had expressed a desire to get to know him, she had persisted in talking to him despite her situation, and little by little she had dug into the abrupt façade he had built for himself as duke. And here she was, categorically refusing to stand in front of him or give him the slightest glance as she held her prince's hand and let him slide his hand lower than he should during a dance. He had always known how this story would end: badly. Despite all the warnings and dangers that his conversations with her continued to entail, Levi had found himself enjoying her company. Those moments of laughter when she momentarily forgot all about propriety. Those moments when the stars twinkled in her pupils and always fascinated him. Those moments of peace when even the most unhelpful discussions became distractions for him, even though he hates talking in vain.
This woman had forced her way into his life, only to leave as quickly as she had entered. He was angry with her. He blamed himself for having let her do it when he knew full well that a foreigner would not cross the oceans without the intention of marrying a prince.
Yet the sight of her unhappy eyes, of her thin, peaceful smile that can't deceive him… Levi hates having to be a mere witness to her fatal fate. A splendid woman with a mind and heart of gold married to a pathetic excuse for a prince. He hates how his chest boils with dull anger at the sight of this extraordinary woman trapped in invisible chains pulled by adults to gain power. For the sake of these two great families, she will sacrifice herself and accept a miserable marriage. A condemnation to torture for eternity.
But what business is it of the Duke's? None at all. He shouldn't interfere. He should be content to continue his search for a future duchess. Oh… But had he even begun his search? He didn't have the slightest recollection of having really been looking for anyone during this entire social season. For a moment, the face of that terribly annoying woman appeared in his mind. It was her again. Always her. Always [First name] [Last name].
He needed air. Immediately.
The wind hits his face as he sinks into the depths of his hosts' garden. Luckily for him, he's a man, so he's able to walk freely without his honour being called into question. And even if it wasn't, at the moment, he couldn't give a damn about his honour. His rational mind is fighting with his heart, which has decided to awaken a conscience of its own.
It's always that woman's fault.
If only she hadn't come into his life, everything would have been resolved by now. He'd already have a fiancée. He would have settled into a comfortable life far removed from the problems of being a single duke.
A creak drew him out of his thoughts. Someone was in the garden with him. Who would go this far into the gloom if it wasn't another man who was also trying to get away from greedy mothers? No… It wasn't another man, his breath catching in his throat as he laid eyes on the female figure who was the target of his internal battle.
"Miss [Name], are you unconscious? You mustn't be here alone, you're in big trouble." He tries to whisper despite his desire to scold her for such inconsiderate conduct. She was lucky to run into him and no one else, but no other noble soul should see them at the risk of causing a huge scandal.
Yet the harsh, reproving words he was about to say to her disappeared like snow in the sun. His eyes went wide as he witnessed the wet marks on the reddened cheeks of the young woman, who nevertheless had only a smile on her lips, true or false. She is crying. Alone. In the half-light of a garden. Breathing hieratically as if she has just escaped from something… or someone.
"Your Grace. Le…Levi."
A shiver caressed his body as his first name slipped from the miss’s moist lips. A name barely louder than a whisper, yet he could still hear it echoing in his mind. The sensation far surpassed his wildest thoughts. He didn't react until it was too late, when she let herself run straight into his arms. Buried against the hollow of his collarbone, she sobbed her pain, hoping for comfort. He could only guess. What was he supposed to do? Should he embrace her and risk being seen to sully the impeccable reputation of a future princess? Should he push her away and force her to go discreetly to a safer place where she would no longer fear anything? His hands clenched into a fist, he forced himself to stand still. He chose neither of the two options open to him. He couldn't go any further, just as he didn't have the strength to push her away.
"Miss [Name]. You shouldn't do that. It's dangerous." "I don't care!" "…You will soon be joining the crown jewels. I believe that soon your engagement will be announced. You must not risk ruining your future." "I have no future with such a man! You know that…you must have heard the rumours."
Who hasn't? Everyone had heard them. The prince had done everything he could to make sure the whole kingdom knew about his mistress and the two bastards he had fathered with her. He knew deep down that she would not have a bright future. But he also knew that this current situation, even if it didn't affect her, would inevitably lead her to a much more shameful and painful end than marrying an adulterous prince. At least she would have the luxury and comfort of a peaceful and secure life.
"Stand aside." He orders as firmly as he can. "Then do it." She provokes him. He knows she is trying to make a point. He orders her to step aside to perform a task he cannot. A frown bars the Duke's inexpressive face. "Miss…"
Only a whisper leaves the Duke's lips as he tilts his head to watch the miss against him embrace him as if her life depended on it. He can feel her breasts dancing against his, the layers of clothing separating them doing nothing to soften the sweet sensation of her breasts against his torso. His gaze wanders over the curve of her breasts, bulging from the corset. Enticing. Inviting. Terribly…irresistible.
"I have no future without you, Levi."
His name again. Again her bloody words to seduce him. To make him stray from the straight and narrow path he'd set for himself. He shouldn't destroy his whole life for one woman. He shouldn't…
Yet he surrendered to a kiss. He revels in the surprised moan of the woman who holds his heart in the palm of her hands. He savours with appetite and delight the faint contractions of her muscles against him, an honest and sincere body enjoying the heated kiss. He's going to engulf her. He feels he is capable of ravishing her essence and soul with this kiss, because he wants everything she has to offer. He wants to be able to caress the radiance she embodies with his fingertips.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
His lips glide down your neck, covering every inch of accessible skin with light, velvety kisses. These simple little touches electrify your raw nerves. Your hands grasp his shoulders, in the faint hope of supporting you as your legs buckle under your own weight. You feel his kisses linger on your sweet spot, a moan slips from your lips but you can't hold it in. The petticoats of your dress lift as the Duke's hands roam over your bare thighs to find your crotch clad in fabric so thin he can feel the moisture seeping through. You collapse under the weight of the new sensations of ecstasy. Pleasure seeps into every pore of your body.
His name has become an unholy prayer. A sacred mantra that keeps your mind from slipping into the depths of this new ecstasy. His fingers encircle this sensitive little bud, caressing you through the fabric, actively working to introduce you to a new world. His lips cover yours in an instant, silencing your unholy moans from echoing too loudly in the darkness of the garden.
"[First name]…you are the bane of my existence. You are my dearest sin."
Never mind if you get caught…right now, only the two of you matter.
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shoezuki · 2 months
Ok so, Bel9bog is matriarchal since all of the supreme Guardians we have canonically are women as well as Serval being pressured to being the heir and Natasha being the Wildfire leader. Women have the leading role with the sole exception being Gepard being a captain.
Now due to inferences to Their father being very controlling Id like to propose that family names are past down from mother to daughter and men marry in.
So, the Landau Matriarch is the head of the household and their father married in. Their father seems like a prideful man who puts influence on being a Landau. What if their mother does love her husband genuinely but the father was forced to marry in due to the landau legacy? He was a soldier making a name for himself while she was getting up to be captain when she started to court him. He did have intrest in her but then was pressured into marriage by his family then rumors started
All of his accomplishments where now direct at being her husband, he only got there because he slept to the top, he was nothing without her.
She genuinely loves him and is content with their relationship while he's tolerant of it since he can't divorce her without it looking like he was the worst and used her(yay class divide) .
They eventually have their kids and He takes it personally to raise them, pushing Srrval and Gepard hard so they earn their reputation (something people say he never did), that they are the best because they are Landau's (He only married in) and that they never give up (He had to give up his career after serval since their mother was a higher rank)
Then Serval defects to science and he subconsciously hates she gets a choice while pushing Gepard so he could do what his father couldn't.
Their mother was fairly busy which their father didn't mind as it ment less time pretending whi9their mother showered him with gifts while only occasionally interacting with her children
Then their mother got disabled and needs more care now in a wheelchair (the idea of a very tall woman in a wheelchair and her husband and it's not the husband who has the power imbalance is the whole point honestly) so now she's openly affectionate to him and acquaintances with her children while her husband is just tolerating their relationship and has a strained one with his children
Divorce would save them but the Landaus are too prestigious for it to not have consequences socially for them
oooo fuck ya yayayayayay hhggn. shit the complicated social norms n hierarchal struture of belobog is So intriguing n like. fuck ya how itd play into the landau dynamic. the father being domineering n harsh on the kids of out his own inferiority complex and the mother being distant with her kids and somewhat oblivious despite holding the social power.. .hhgbvf
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Don't Hurt Yourself part 4
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AN: We have reached the final stop on our train ride of angst. Let’s do it!
Synopsis: After finding out the truth behind Melanie's lies, the unexpected happens and Jack has no one to blame but himself. Will the love that you two have for each other be enough to overcome everything that’s happened?
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Read part 1 part 2 and part 3 first
Thank you to my loves @sinsandsuccubus​ @softtcurse​  @mortirolo​ and @jackharlowsthings​ for helping me 😘🥰
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
It was safe to say that after Melanie had orchestrated this elaborate lie in order to break the two of you up, you were just done.
You had always defended her against anyone who spoke bad of her and this is how she repays you?
There were about three more weeks to go before your due date and you had been on strict bedrest ever since the last Melanie incident all while deciding to tell Jack you were leaning towards being legally separated from him since when you mentioned divorce, you thought he was going to have a coronary right then and there.
Not that you should care because this literally was his fault. 
But, you knew that you needed him and knew deep down that you didn’t want to be away from him as much as he had put you through.
He was literally the love of your life and you didn’t want to do without him and really couldn’t see yourself without him ever since the two of you had met.
The fight with Melanie just about ended immediately once Jack had pulled you off of her. You admit that deciding to do that wasn’t the best idea but you had been so frustrated and so angry that you didn’t even think twice. 
It definitely wasn’t your best moment, but she had it coming.
Jack of course was having an entire meltdown and was trying to make you go to the hospital to get checked out to make sure that you and the baby were okay.
He wouldn’t take no for an answer. 
“Get in the car now!”
“I can drive myself, Jackman!”
“You aren’t going to be driving yourself anywhere after what you just did! Newsflash, but YOU’RE PREGNANT!”
“Get in the car, Y/N!” Jack said as he opened the passenger side door for you.
“No.” You replied as you closed the door that Jack had just opened and you could tell that his patience was wearing thin.
Extremely thin.
“Y/N, I’m only going to ask nicely one more time. You literally just scared the shit out of me with what you just did. So can you please get in the car so we can go to the hospital to make sure you and our daughter are okay?”
“Fine, but you’re buying me food after.”
“Not fast food with too much salt because you already have high blood pressure.”
“The only reason I have it is because of dumbass number one and dumbass number two.”
“The quicker we do this, the quicker you get your food.”
“And the quicker I go to sleep to get the hell away from everyone and everything.”
You were now in a patient room in the emergency department and shooting daggers at your husband.
“Mrs. Harlow, you need to understand that you have preeclampsia and it’s serious so you need to take being on bedrest seriously. We need to closely monitor you and the baby every few days to make sure we don’t have to deliver her early.”
“Wait, what?” Jack asked and it immediately sent him into overdrive. 
“As long as the baby is in her, she’s going to continue to have high blood pressure and it should resolve once she has it. However, if things start to get a little more complicated, it might be necessary for us to do a c section.”
“But she still has more than two months to go!”
“I know and that is why we need to take this seriously. Strict bedrest and only going to your doctor’s appointments. Understood?”
“Yes.” You muttered but rolled your eyes as soon as she had left the room.
“Everything else looks fine so I’ll get your discharge instructions together. Give me a few minutes.” 
You then looked over at your husband with pleading eyes. 
“You better not ask me for McDonald’s fries because the answer is no.”
Jack had taken it upon himself to come over as much as he could when he wasn’t working and if he was, he made sure to give things to Bianca to give to you. He always brought food that was healthy and he made sure that no one was sneaking you anything. He just about killed Urban when he caught him trying to give you a cheesesteak with extra cheese and a large order of fries.
“Jack is this…. Is this a fruit parfait?”
“I want grease.”
“No, absolutely not.”
“The baby wants it.”
“Just a piece of burger?”
“A piece of…. Y/N, cut the shit. No. Final answer.”
“Well at least it’s pretty. That’s about the only thing we got going good right now.”
“I thought you said that you had a few more days before you had to leave again?” You asked your husband, trying not to pout but failing miserably. These hormones were something else. Yesterday you cried because Jack put the wrong color socks on your feet.
You wanted pink ones, but Jack put on your lime green ones and it was all she wrote.
You cried for twenty minutes even after he had fixed his mistake. 
“I know, but a few things had to get moved around and there really wasn’t anything I could do about it.”
“Play the ‘my wife is pregnant card’”
“My wife might be pregnant, however, I need to keep a roof over her head. I’ll be back before you know it, okay?”
“Okay.” You answered while sniffling. 
“Shit…. Y/N… are you crying?”
“Why are you lying to me when I’m looking right at you?”
“Just hurry up and get here.”
“You said that you would be here an hour ago!” You exclaimed through the facetime call. It looked as if Jack was driving.
“I know, I promise I’m on my way now.”
“We can watch a movie when I get there. Go ahead and pick one out now.”
“Harry Potter, final answer. Now are you bringing me food?”
“Yes, I got you soup.”
“Soup? What the? Jack, I want to clog my arteries. Soup is not going to allow me to do that.”
“Keep going at the rate you’re going and you’ll end up with a 95% blockage. I am not getting you anything greasy and don’t ask me again. If you ask Urban, I’ll kill him too.”
“Uh, okay. First off, that was one time.”
“And that’ll be the last.”
It was now around 2 in the morning and you hadn't been getting a lot of sleep. For one, you were tired of being pregnant and also you hated to say it but you missed your husband.
You sat up and that literally just about took you ten minutes to do and you noticed that something didn’t feel quite right.
You made a motion to stand up and that was when a gush of liquid immediately hit the floor.
“Oh shit, oh shit, not now! You aren’t supposed to come for another three weeks! Fuck!”
You grabbed your phone and immediately called your husband who groggily answered.
“Y/N, are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“Oh fuck, okay just get dressed and I’m coming.”
And that was when you felt your first contraction.
“Oh my fucking shit, I…. oohhh this hurts so bad.”  You said as tears began to prick your eyes.
“Is anyone there with you?!”
“No, Bianca left a few hours ago when I told her that I would be fine and look what happened!”
“Okay, just breathe. I’m on my way now. Stay on the phone with me. Do you have your hospital bag?”
“Yes.” You went over to the closet and got it off one of the shelves and set it on your bed while you went to find some fresh clothes and to take a shower. You didn’t anticipate her coming any time soon and felt that you might be in labor for a few hours before she decided to make her appearance into the world.
“If I get quiet, I’m just taking a shower, but I won’t hang up, okay?” You told your husband as you began to slip off your clothes that you were wearing and place them in the hamper.
You honestly couldn’t believe that the next time you walked into your front door, you would have your daughter in your arms. 
“Okay, just be careful. I’m ten minutes away.”
“I will.”
Once you had gotten dressed and taken many breaks due to the contractions hitting you like a ton of bricks, you heard the front door open and Jack making his way up the steps.
He saw that you had a pout on your face and immediately asked you what was wrong.
“Y/N, you okay?”
“No. I can’t see my feet to put my shoes on.”
“I got you, mamas.” Jack responded bending down so that he could help you when he heard you let out a groan that immediately startled him.
“Just a contraction.” You responded trying to reassure him. At this point you didn’t know if you were trying to get Jack to calm down or yourself.
“Let’s get you in the car.” Jack said while helping you stand up. You would have lost your balance if it wasn’t for him holding you.
“Whoa, you okay?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
However, you were far from okay and it was only a matter of time before everything was happening at once.
“We need to deliver this baby and deliver her now.” You hadn’t even gotten completely settled in your hospital room when your doctor blurted that out at both you and Jack who were now looking absolutely terrified. The only thing that had happened was them taking your vital signs. 
“Wait, what?! My contractions aren’t even that close!” 
“Your high blood pressure. The longer we wait, the longer that it could cause more problems for you and your baby.”
“And she’s early!” Jack exclaimed while beginning to pace on the far side of the room. 
“One thing at a time. Let’s focus on having a safe delivery first. We’re going to give you something to help speed up your contractions in the hopes of us not having to do a c section.”
All you had was a blank look on your face as everything was being explained to you.
“Okay.” You responded as the nurses began to help you into a hospital gown and place an IV in your arm.
The only thing that was on Jack’s mind is the fact that this was his fault.
You weren’t diagnosed with high blood pressure until after the entire blow up with the Melanie situation.
He honestly didn’t know what to do with himself if something happened to either you or the baby.
You had to call him several times to get his attention as the nurses had finally gotten you settled and had left the room.
“Oh um, yes?”
“Are you okay? I think they need to give you something to calm you down too.”
“I just…. I’m fine. I just worry about the both of you. I’ve caused enough problems the entire time you’ve been pregnant and it seems like it’s one thing after another.”
“We’re not focusing on that now. She’s our priority and that’s it. One thing at a time.”
“I can’t lose you. Either of you.”
“And you won't, so stop talking like that.”
“You don’t know that!”
“Come here.” You told him as you moved over on the hospital bed so that he would have enough room to sit next to you.
“Listen to me and do not interrupt. You aren’t going to lose either of us, but if it comes down to it…”
“Jackman, stop. If it comes down to it, you better choose her over me.”
“No. Promise me. Promise me right now.”
“How can I promise that?! I don’t want to live without my wife!”
“I know, but please, just promise me.” You noticed that Jack’s eyes were beginning to water and you felt bad for laying such a huge thing on him in this moment, but it needed to be said.
“I promise.” You could tell that he definitely hesitated with his answer.
The nurses explained that your blood pressure would be monitored every fifteen minutes to make sure that it wasn’t getting to the point where medicine would need to be given. Jack had called your parents as well as yours even though he was hesitant to do so since they were there and heard about him being unfaithful toward you. He also called Bianca and your sister and was actually surprised that they picked up the phone.
Everyone was now in the waiting room anticipating her arrival.
The contractions were getting closer and you knew it was only a matter of time before you would be able to meet her. As long as no other complications would arise. 
The only person that you actually wanted in the delivery room with you was your husband, simply because you knew if you had brought someone else at the moment that they would be shooting daggers at him the entire time and that was the last thing that you wanted.
“I feel like I have to push, can’t exactly explain why but I do.” You said to the nurse who was checking your vitals and she looked at you with wide eyes.
“Hold on! Don’t push yet!”
She raced out of the room and you assumed that she was trying to find your doctor, but it seemed like your daughter wasn’t waiting on anyone and she was ready to come out now.
“Oh shit.” You felt a weird sensation and simply reached down and felt your daughter’s head and looked at your husband with wide eyes.
“Umm….. I think I can pull her out.”
“What do you even mean?! You haven’t even pushed!”
“I know, but… looks like she was ready to come out.”
“Babe! Just wait.”
“She isn’t waiting for anyone clearly!” You said as you gave one small push to get her other shoulder out and there she was.
You quickly grabbed her and placed her on your chest while Jack was simply looking at you in awe and a little bit of shock.
You heard her first cry and was in amazement that you and Jack could have created something so perfect.
Ten fingers
Ten toes
And a head full of curly hair which resembled her fathers.
Just then your nurse came back into the room to see your daughter now placed on your chest.
“Well, it looks like she said I’m ready and I’m ready now.”
“She’s going to be just like her mother in that sense.”
“Do you have a name yet?”
“Amara Brielle Harlow.”
You had just finished feeding Amara and collapsed on the couch face down and groaned.
It had been awhile since you had gotten an adequate amount of sleep and was struggling to stay awake.
After she had been born, Jack had moved back in despite your protests because he told you that there was no way in the world that you would be doing this by yourself. It wasn’t the fact that you didn’t want him there, it was the fact that you were still hurt. Despite it being pushed in the back of your mind since you had your daughter to focus on, you knew that he was going to be a good father. To come back from what he did and be a good husband? You weren’t sure. 
“Go upstairs and lay down.”
“I will in a minute. As soon as I get enough energy to do so.”
It was quiet for a few seconds before you flipped yourself around and looked at your husband. It had been a little awkward since he moved back in and it was as if you didn’t know how to act around your husband anymore. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I… just… I wanted to ask you something.”
“Okay, I’m listening.” You responded and turned your body so that you were facing him.
“Are we… are we really separating?”
“Don’t you think we should?”
“Of course you would say that.” You responded and rolled your eyes. 
“Y/N, please. I know what I did almost ruined us but I literally cannot see myself without having you in my life.”
“Where do I even begin to learn how to trust you again? I’m just going to be walking around with high blood pressure all the time because I’m scared my husband is cheating on me again?”
“That’s not going to happen.”
“Well, I didn’t think that it would happen the first time but it did.”
“I was going to suggest we go to a marriage counselor.” You were quiet for a few seconds before you looked back up at him.
“I don’t see myself being with someone else…”
“But you were… you know… with someone else.”
“I… I know but…”
“Look, I’m going to be honest. I wanted to literally kill you when I had found out what you had done. But, I remember the night when my water broke and when I had been laying down. Before it had broken, I remember almost being in tears because I missed you so much.  I absolutely hated that feeling. I missed the person that you were before I had learned about what you did, we were happy then, at least I was and I thought that you were. And as much as I thought that I could live without you, I can’t and I am so mad at myself for that and mad at you for making that a reality for us.”
“Fuck, I hate this.” Jack muttered while running a hand through his curls.
“Like that feeling is probably never going to go away. The feeling of me being insecure wondering if I’m good enough for my husband.”
“But you are! More than enough!”
“If I was enough, there would have been no reason for you to cheat on me with her.”
“And there’s no excuse for that and I don’t even know why I did it. I know you want an answer, but I just don’t have one for you.”
You simply sighed while shifting on the couch to a more comfortable position.
“If we do this, Jack, my heart can’t take being broken a second time. You need to be all in.”
“I know and I don’t want to break your heart for a second time, the look on your face is something that’s ingrained in my mind and I never want you to look at me that way again. I’m all in, 100%. I’m not losing my wife if I can help it. I have another person to think about now and I want to be the best role model for her. She’s going to grow up seeing what a healthy relationship looks like and she’s going to know that she deserves the same thing. I will literally do everything I can for you to forgive me and build your trust again.”
You simply looked over at him before getting up and moving to sit on his lap.
“I’m willing to do this. You are literally the only person I want and I want her best for us as well as our daughter.”
“One more question then.”
“Go ahead.”
“I got your necklace fixed and I still have your ring….”
“Well, what are you waiting for? Help me put them on.”
If you try this shit again, you gonna lose your wife
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obsidiancreates · 8 months
Okay so here's how I would've done Yang 3
Let's say the Inarguable Concepts in the episode are 1) Yin dies, 2) Yang met Shawn when he was young, 3) Yang is the one who gets to kill her dad, and 4) we're drawing clear and explicit parallels between the Ying/Yang family and the Spencer family. All good points to jump off of conceptually.
First of I'm cutting Allison out, she's a strange and ill-fitting addition to this storyline and I get what they were going for... kind of... but I don't think it's Right. So she's gone.
Kick-off is Yin sending a message to the department: This is his last romp, and their last chance to serve him justice before he disappears forever. He hasn't killed anyone yet, he hasn't set up a puzzle- just sent a little notice. Puts everyone on edge.
A lot of the episode is built around a sense of Tension and Unease- they're all on a tightrope, and it's fraying. Yin is leaving little clues on how to find him, but he's escaping every time, and Shawn is getting more and more desperate and feeling more and more pressure the whole time. I think Jules's PTSD moments in the OG episode are great, so let's keep that and have it be one of Shawn's big drives to make sure they catch Yin this time- and also why he's doing most of it without telling anyone but Gus, because he doesn't want Jules having to deal with all of this so soon. Show the protectiveness, the serious side he's been burying even more than he used to since Jules and Abigail got kidnapped the last time, push him to his limits as a detective with the clues Yin gives him. He also finds that picture of him with Yang himself, which puts him into even more of a tailspin because we'll keep the element of him not remembering taking that photo.
And have this conclusion come about- chasing after Yin is never going to work. They need to bring Yin to them. Shawn and Gus visit Yang to get her help with it- and to ask about the picture, which Shawn has been avoiding even thinking about and Gus has been fixated on because Shawn doesn't forget stuff like that. So they come to Yang with an idea. They're going to set up a trap, just like Yin sets up for his victims, to lure him into the open and catch him.
And Yang refuses to help. She sits back and she pouts and she says she can't. Shawn is at a loss, until he has an idea and pulls out the picture and says "For old time's sake?" and her eyes lock onto it, and she finally agrees.
Shawn finally goes to everyone else and tells them he has a plan, they need to get Yang out for it and they need to be fast because the window is closing. They set something up- I'll admit this is all off-the-cuff so I don't have some clever elaborate trap to offer you wonderful readers at the moment, but I'm sure we can all imagine something cool and fitting as individuals. Yang helps, not only with the setup but with how to lure Yin in. I'm thinking they stage an escape for her, but given in the OG episode Yin considers her a traitor maybe not- maybe they pretend Yang has taken Shawn captive to make Yin angry that his game has been interrupted. Yes, that's it, they make Yin think the focus has been taken away from him and put onto his daughter- Yang reveals Yin is her father during the scene where Shawn and Gus convince her to help.
Yin shows up. He's characterized to be closer to Henry in this version, since there was some missed but intentional points of it in the OG episode- he criticizes Yang's work as sloppy, he says he trained her better, he tells her he's always having to come clean up her messes and screw-ups and cover for her. Maybe we use this as a catalyst for Henry- he hears some of his own words in Yin's beratements and realizes he's making the same mistakes over and over and he needs t reevaluate how he interacts with his son. Set up a character arc for Season 6 that makes Santabarbaratown hit even harder because we've just spent a whole season watching Henry and Shawn move past their dysfunctional dynamic into one that's a little healthier, a little clearer, a little better for them both, and then just when things finally don't have this constant underlying tension and resentment BAM! Henry gets shot.
But we've gotten off-topic. While Yang and the gang helped this requires Shawn to be the kind of Main brain behind this trap. Obviously Yang sort of leads him to it, as she does, but he's ultimately the one who comes up with most of this plan. They're beating Yin at his own game.
And Yin shows.
But things go wrong- Yin is able to predict some elements of the trap and he makes sure Lassie, Jules, The Chief, Henry, and whatever other backup can't get to him quite yet. It's Shawn and Gus and Yang alone, and none of them are sure what move to make now.
And Yin looks at Shawn and says "It's terrible for my apprentice, but very good for your first. I knew I saw something in you."
We establish the story behind the picture in this moment of Relative Calm through flashback, with Yin prompting Shawn's memory- Yang dropped the groceries she'd been getting out of the car and called out to ask Shawn for help as he rode by on his bike, and he stopped and helped her and Yin came out and commented on what a rare thing that is these days, a kid being willing to help out a stranger for no reward, could he take a picture of the little hero? It's Shawn, he loves attention and praise, he agrees, and Yin takes the picture and Shawn gets on his bike and then- nothing. Nothing until later when he wakes up on the ground somewhere else a couple hours later being told by a completely different concerned adult that it looks like he wrecked his bike, does he need help getting home?
He correctly concludes that Yang knocked him out, they kidnapped him- but Yang had a change of heart. Maybe Henry went around looking for his son, and Yang realized that for all their similarities (they'd been stalking him of course- Yin had planned to make Henry his next big targeted foe but Shawn proved to be intriguing and he decided to Wait) Shawn's father does love him, unlike hers. So she sneaks him out, stages a bike accident, and lets him be found.
That's why he didn't remember the picture- literal head trauma, maybe a drugging. Ties him and Yang closer together, gives a reason why Yin is also targeting him because that "Yang was obsessed, not me," stuff in the OG doesn't make sense, especially with Allison's lines about Yin praising Shawn to her.
And Yin praises Shawn again, openly, and says he's very impressed and very proud- Shawn really does have the makings of a great puppeteer, why, he barely realized this was a trap until the last minute! And sadly he'll never be able to see Shawn through to his best potential because he has to disappear now, but he'll be satisfied just knowing he put a little Crack in Shawn's life before he killed him.
That is when Yang overcomes her freeze from this confrontation and kills Yin, to protect Shawn- again, drawing parallels between her and him, with a protective rise-to-the-occassion nature. Shawn could have been her- but he had Gus, and for all Henry's faults and his (in my opinion Unforgivable) unintentional abuse he did love his son, and that made a difference.
Ends roughly the same otherwise- Yang is taken back to the care facility where she stays until The Musical, Shawn and Jules have a moment at the end that reveals their relationship to Lassie. Maybe there's an element in there of everyone else having heard Yin's little speech the whole entire time and kind of having to assure Shawn that Yin didn't know what he was talking about, Shawn could never have ended up like him or Yang, but it's clear none of them are blind to the similarities even if they're pretending to be for Shawn's sake.
And like with Mr. Yin Presents it's of course a catalyst for Shawn to disconnect from his intelligence and unpleasant emotions even more, so Season 6 continues in it's increased wackiness as before, but maybe with one or two instances of other characters pointing out that this is not a healthy way to deal with what Yin said about him- and Shawn promptly denying that's what's happening, of course.
What do y'all think? I think it ties everything up more cleanly and makes the themes and elements they were going for clearer.
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nd-of-a-manatee · 2 years
Brambles pt. 4
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“Was that your boyfriend?” Lili’s mom asks, not bothering to hide her approval.
“Yep,” her daughter answers, comforted. She’s left there with her parents, in the mess that used to be her garden. “Help me clean this up first, would you?”
Water rushes with a foamy hiss from a small spigot as it slowly fills the dented watering can. Lili’s parents move purposefully through what remains of the garden. Truman moves piles of weeds with yellow-green telekinesis as his ex-wife pulls up gnarled green roots with her bare hands.
“How are you doing that?” he wonders aloud.
“Calluses,” she says flatly.
The woman summons bright red fire from her hand to incinerate the roots. She lets the ashes fall to the ground as she watches her daughter fill the watering can.
Lili shuts off the faucet with a “squeak”. She absently tips the watering can and gives the corpse of a small flower patch a shower. Her mom is behind her, arms folded reservedly.
“How much did you hear?” Lili asks without looking up.
“Quite a bit. We came out right after you left, but we got pinned.” She pulls a thorny green burr from her hair as she talks.
Lili is busy reviving her flowers with herbaphony. Magenta energy surrounds the stems, and they burst with new life. Passion flowers.
“Lili, I’m so sorry,” her mother continues with more contrition. “I never meant to put so much pressure on you.”
“I know”.
The girl still doesn’t move. Her mother kneels down and turns her gently–but urgently–around by the shoulders. She stares into Lili’s eyes, and Lili finally meets them.
“Listen to me. No matter how either of us feel about your father, no matter what you do in life, I’m still your mother. And you should get to do what makes you happy. I just want to make sure that you won’t be alone when you do need us.”
Lili’s expression widens in understanding as she speaks.
“She won’t be,” Truman comes in behind them. Lili brightens by a few more degrees, but the mother sours. “If Lili wants to stay, I’ll be there for her. You can count on it.” He also kneels, putting a hand on her shoulder with an apologetic smile. “I should have said so sooner.” Lili returns it happily. Her mother remains thoroughly unenthused.
The trio make their way back through the forest to the Motherlobe. Lili lightly traverses the uneven terrain on her own as the adults hang back, walking with a marked distance between each other. Lili’s mother waits until her daughter is out of earshot to lean over at her ex with a sharp finger.
“I’m holding you to this, Truman. I’ll be checking in.”
“Perfectly reasonable.” He raises his arms submissively with culpable eyes.
She folds her arms again.
“And I think we should… talk more. In general,” she tacks on after a silence, facing forward.
“I never did thank you for looking after her. I’m amazed at how she’s turning out,” he murmurs stiffly.
She shrugs.
“Well, the righteous adventurer in her didn’t come from me.”
She turns her head to face him.
“Why didn’t you say something before?”
“I was afraid,” he admits.
The woman jolts in horror, and a hand flies to her chest.
“Of me?!” she demands.
Truman instantly becomes animated to correct himself.
“No! O-of facing what I did to you both.” He runs a hand through his hair as he dives into a rant. “Agh. I was so arrogant. I was so convinced that I could do anything and take on the whole world by myself with no consequence. And I managed to ruin the most important thing in my life. I thought the right thing to do was step back and accept that I’d failed.”
“Which you did,” she needles.
“I did.” His frame droops as he reaches the conclusion of his train of thought. “But I see now that leaving it at that was just cowardice. I left it all to you. I’m sorry, Aithne.”
Aithne can see the honesty in his eyes. It breaks the scowl she’s been holding over him the whole way back.
“I haven’t been much better,” she concedes, rubbing her lip. “Anyone can tell that you’re trying, Truman. I’ve just spent so long building walls between you and us… Looking at you and not seeing the troll I made in my head is humiliating. But that’s no excuse.”
The two of them reach the edge of the forest and step onto the floating platforms that lead back to the main building.
“Hm. A troll… I’ve been a goat before, but not a troll,” Truman babbles thoughtfully.
“You what?”
“A friend told me I was a goat in his mind once.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I hosted a game show.”
Aithne giggles, and they both then break into laughter.
“God, it’s so much easier to be mad than to have to talk about this,” Aithne observes tiredly, arms limp at her sides.
“I suppose it beats silence.” Truman stares plaintively at the moon with his hands in his pockets.
Lili is waiting at a side entrance with the door open. Rich yellow light spills out onto the grass from within.
“And if it’s for Lili,” Aithne concludes, “I guess we better suck it up.”
She takes Lili by one shoulder and heads in with her. Truman does the same.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
End ID]
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hypnotisedfireflies · 5 months
In The Legend of Charro, if Tess had gone through and sent Ellie to Black Creek. What would have Joel done? Drop everything and go find Tess? Will he have figured out that Isobel kept Tess’s letter from him?
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Oooh, this is a good ask, anon! I hadn't really thought about how that possibility might've worked out, so I'm going to freestyle it. So here's another Legend of Charro entry for the multiverse.
I think Ellie was probably about 18 months when Tess considered giving her up to Joel. (I think???) If she had gone through with the plan, Sarah would have been a wee babe in arms when the intermediaries delivered Ellie to Joel's door.
Tess would have paid those people not to tell Joel anything about her situation or where she was, but Joel would have paid them more to tell him everything they knew - and they would've had just enough information to scare the shit out of him. She was young, poor, desperate, alone.
This puts Joel in a situation. He has all these responsibilities to the town, to his own tiny daughter, and to his wife. Isobel doesn't want Ellie in the house and Joel has some sympathy for that when Sarah is so small, so Tommy and Maria take her. Joel is there all the time, spreading himself so thin between two households and two children and sheriff duties. But Isobel is acting stranger and stranger, and Joel begins to grow suspicious. When he puts a few innocent questions to her the whole lie completely unravels. He learns about the letter Tess wrote.
While all this is going on, the Judge starts sending more people back to Black Creek because they've heard a rumour about Ellie. Everyone denies that she's Tess's but that story is falling apart, too. The people who delivered Ellie wind up dead a few towns over, and in their separate worlds both Tess and Joel begin to feel the squeeze.
Black Creek comes under threat when Marlene comes to try and take Ellie, believing that removing her will exact the kind of pressure they need to draw Tess back out of hiding. This results in a big shoot-out, a lot of people are killed, but the townspeople ultimately win. Joel brings Ellie into his own household to be raised as his.
He can't go looking for Tess himself. He's being watched constantly, his letters monitored. But he does rely on Bill and Frank, and they quietly investigate, searching for Tess. Isobel and Sarah still die as they do in Legend of Charro canon.
Tess still turns to banditry but without Ellie to protect, she has less to fight for. She has only herself and she really doesn't care so much whether she lives or dies - she doesn't have that hope keeping her going like she does in the OG story to protect her daughter. She is eventually killed in a botched stagecoach robbery when Ellie is about seven or eight. Charro dies alongside her.
Word eventually filters back to Joel, and it completely destroys him.
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