#wizardmon headcannons
lopmonappreciation · 2 years
Steven universe Digimon headcannons: the crystal gems evo lines
Amethyst and impmon
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Fresh: kiimon
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In training: yaamon
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Rookie: impmon
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Champion: wizardmon
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Ultimate: baalmon
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Mega: beelzemon
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keezree · 7 years
wizardmon domestic headcannons because I dunno if anyone else loves him in the way I do but i keep thinking about life with him and i i also don’t know how to do a read more so im sorry for long ass post - He cooks meals for you most evenings because you come home from work tired and he wants you to relax after such a strenuous day. -he will insist you needn’t cook for him but when you do he really appreciates it and will want to pay you back for it in some way but you won’t let him because he deserves it and he just gets embarrassed and sorta feels bad about you doing things for him but hes always doing things for you so shut up wizz i love you - holding HIS HAND -his hat and cloak hung up on an old fashioned hat rack in the corner of your room you got for him, he only ever take them off when you two are alone together or at home alone. - if you have cats they always sit on his lap when he is reading - books! - books and scrolls everywhere, hes studying and teaches you charms from time to time. also candles!!! -he gives you a safety or protection charm/amulet/ring he enchanted to keep you safe if ever he reads that something bad happened on the news in the world today - he teases you lightly, nothing that would upset you but just like, if you try to grow plants and brag about a green thumb and then all your plants die “a green thumb eh? heh heh. you’ll have to teach me your skills. I’ve never seen an african violet wilt so fast.” -he will sometimes walk you to work or meet up with you at work when your shift is over “What? No, don’t be foolish, I wan’t worried I just happened to be in the area. I needed a break from my studies.” He would be flustered and of course he would be there on purpose.  -you come home one night from a stargazing date when it started pissing down rain, you both got soaked but he insisted that you have a shower to warm up and get clean first. He subsequently gets sick or a chill and you tease him as you make him some corn soup/ corn potage (his favourite soup) to warm him up -he likes tea and is pleasantly surprised when you have a large stash of teas. You either bought a bunch because your’e a tea hoarder or you bought a bunch and they weren’t to your taste however he always has a warm cup. -he dislikes coffee but will go with you to cafes or coffee shops early in the morning on your walks to watch the sun rise. -he always has interesting theories on magic and different types of spells and how humans have  different sort of magic within them than digimon and how humans can’t really see it as well as digimon can but he’s observed humans for quite some time now and in comparison to the magic he knows versus the magic that most human witches and wizards know is similar in this way and different in that way and this can go on for hours but you can’t help but listen as this cute wizard fellow goes on at length about his ideas and discoveries -he brings you fresh flowers all the time, sometimes he buys them from a shop but most of the time he gathers them as he’s out looking for herbs and observing nature when he goes on walks -”Hey! Y/N Look at this stone I found outside, I believe it contains a chunk of corundum! That’s a stone that can be cut into either ruby or sapphire, it reminded me of you. It is sleeping potential, a diamond in the rough so to speak. I want to give it to you in hopes that it’s potential to be so many things inspires you.  -he’s shy and isn’t sure how to show his love sometimes and so hell show you things like flowers or stones he has found that he thought was beautiful and “This flower suits you.” “ I heard this lovely song on the radio and I wanted to share it with you, I think you may like it.” (it’s totally a sappy romantic song about undying love and forever promises) you also watch romantic movies together and he will totally quote some of the lines to you and it might be dorky but he means it completely truthfully and he just is so cute -he writes you cute little letters and love notes because he can’t say it to your face HHHHHHHHH -” I’ve seen beautiful rings of gold and emerald, rare and precious stones that should adorn a kings crown, however, of all the greatest treasures that exist in the world, the most precious treasure I have seen sits at the table in the mornings with a cup of coffee, smiling at me and saying good morning.” - if ever you got married THE RING WOULD BE A SILVER ON E WITH A MOONSTONE IN THE SHAPE OF A CRESCENT MOON AND  -you’d cuddle a lot. He’d want to be close to you all the time and wouldn’t want to seem too clingy and so he’d make an excuse like, “The lighting in this room is perfect for reading, may I sit with you?” “Wizz, it’s really dark in here though.” “Oh, no I think its just fine.” He spends the rest of the evening squinting at the same page for hours trying to read in the dark, or at least he does until you light  a candle for him. -his stitched kisses! the feeling of his stitches against your lips. You’d have to be the first to kiss him because hes a shy mon. His kisses are short and sweet at first. shy little pecks but then you give him a more sensual kiss and he’s like “ I think I’m having a spiritual experience right now.”  I have so many more but thats all for now and I need coffeee If you have any headcannons about wizardmon as a boyfriend/husband/etc. or even just in a domestic setting BLEASE TELL ME I NEED IT TO LIVE.
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{{ Been thinking of a few new headcannons for Impmon's other levels/forms. So in no particular order here's some headcannons
• Long tangled mess of hair when not in a braid. Really likes it when someone it trusts brushes and braids its hair
• Can still preform ice spell, but they haven't improved like its fire spells have
• Its staff also amplifies fire spells, but can't/won't allow its ice magic to channel through it
• Super difficult for Impmon to digivolve to without the aid of a holy ring
• Similar to Wizardmon, can still cast fire spell, but only ice spell got an improvement
• Same with the staff, Can only channel and amplify ice magic
• Can only digivolve from Sorcermon, and kept the shorter hair from that form
• can send out strings and puppeteer others
• but its only strong enough to effectively do that to Champions or lower, and beings around that strength level
• Trying that on too strong of an opponent can end up with Puppetmon getting dragged around by the strings
• It looks to be somewhere in between Virtue and Vice form
• As such it is neither a Vaccine or Virus type as Cherubimon. It's a Data type
Beelzemon and BeelStarmon
• Can slide digivole between these two
• Mostly done if it prefers one look over the other in that moment, or if it prefers one gun type right then. (Shotguns for Beelzemon, Pistols for Beelstarmon)
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go-lookaway · 5 years
I’ve commented before on how Walter White’s corruption influenced what I’m doing here with Davis. Truth be told, I had always kind of disliked how suddenly he was exposed, right as he was about to retire and get away with everything. This chapter takes it a step further. Obtuse as it was, theoretically WW could have guessed the the writing in the book was evidence against him and hidden it better or destroyed it. Davis here... could not possibly have had any idea Wizardmon was showing up... and yet, I couldn’t imagine her exposure going any other way. The ghost just cannonically knew things he shouldn’t have been able to know. Maybe he saw Myotismon possess Owikawa and followed them after that, but how did he know what the Golden Radiance was? If he ever got a chance to show himself to the digidestined, Davis’s goose was cooked.
Of course, he didn’t necessarily have to get that chance.... more on that latter.
TK’s scene here was the last to be finished, on the same night as the Davis one. I had a minor stickup deciding what to have June cook for TK. This chapter was released on thanksgiving on fanfiction.net, because that holiday gave me the answer. I figured a turkey dinner would be thematic for the plurality of readers who would see the chapter that day. Unfortunately, I rushed through editing the chapter to get it released then, resulting in a couple of major mistakes. The first, pertaining to the TK scene, I’ve decided isn’t so bad after-all. TK was originally intended to have a “Wow, Matt is better than I remember him!” moment to parallel Tai’s perception of Davis as Kari. That scene is meant to occur at the same time as the the cannon scene where Matt trolls TK with rotten hyper-spicy food, the contrast to the fancy dinner June is making being deliberate. Of course, TK doesn’t know about that in this continuity, and, given the family reunion that’s happening, he’s probably going to be extremely happy with “Matt” no matter what. I briefly considered retconing the scene after I posted it, but I decided against it.
One retcon decided to go forward with pertains to the other scene. That Upamon and Poromon did not digivole when they cannonically did is deliberate; they are meant to be put at ease by the champion level “Gatomon” volunteering to do it for them. That they would not digivolve at all in that scene, as they did in the original fanfiction.net release, I have decided is problematic. It’s hard to argue that a body stealer isn’t at least as dangerous as a ghost, and danger is the trigger for champion and lower digivolution. More importantly, once Veemon defeats Pegasusmon he otherwise has control of the room, making the decision to flee to the Digital World make a lot less sense. The AO3 release, which should be out within a few hours of this tumblr post, will will have them digivolve to rookie right before Pegususmon is defeated and armor digivolve right after. The fanfiction.net version will be retconed to match this immediately after the AO3 release.
On the subject of mistakes, there are three major ones I regret for the story as a whole.The first two pertain to June. The spelling of her name is the first one. I’ve said before that the dub names are meant to be nicknames for the characters in this continuity, and that elongating “Jun” to “June” doesn’t make sense as a nickname, so I ignored the dub name for her despite using dub names for everyone else. I realized the problem with that during the writing of this chapter. For some reason, I had thought that Joe’s Japanese name was “Jounouchi” as with Joey Wheeler in Yu-Gi-Oh. Reading his wiki article, however, it turns out his original named is just... “Jo.” That does not work as “Joe” for the same reason “June” doesn’t. If I had known that starting the fanfic, I would have either used dub names for everyone or made a similar exception for Jo. As it stand, I’m kind of embarrassed. For what it’s worth, I did get a decent meta joke out of it for Jun’s guesses about his name and nickname.
The second Jun based regret is that I don’t feel I adequately explored her relationship with Tai. In chapters 5 and 6 she is shown to hold him in contempt, implicitly out jealousy for the better relationship he has with Davis. I wish I had done something else with it that between then and now. Chapter 8 would have been a great place for it with Jun staying in Tai’s house as Kari, but it just didn’t fit in with the way I was structuring that chapter. I wish I had made it work, or found somewhere else to explore it. This jealousy is meant to play into her sibling rivalry with Davis, ala her chapter 6 line “Am I not good enough of an older sibling for you?”
Technically, the last big mistake also involves June, but it goes well beyond her. I wish I had handled pronouns with our gender bent people differently. Matt and Kari, I mostly have no regrets with. Despite being gender bent, they still identfity as a boy and a girl receptively. There is a potential complication with how they refer to the digimon though. Renamon said, in Tamers, that digimon are not divided into gender, despite that season using gendered pronouns to refer to digimon. Fusion also latter has digimon reproduce sexually. The latter could be justified by just saying its a different continuity, but there is still the former problem. To reconcile of this, my headcannon is that digimon do possess physical sex, but they do not possess gender identity and just use pronouns matching their sex for convenience. This makes sense to me, especially in the context of gender bender, because it seems like the transformations they go through digivolving ought to enduse more body dysphoria than changing sex would. Taking the Gatomon line as an example, it seems like there dramatically more difference between a puppy, a cat, an angel and a dragon than there is between a man and woman. If digimon experience body dysphoria the way humans do, they would go insane, ergo they don’t experience gender identity as we do either. This is why Veemon is willing to trade up to Gatomon’s body despite the sex difference; he doesn’t care about that one way or the other. Gatomon doesn’t care about being male either, though the many draw backs of a DemiVeemon’s body and this DemiVeemon’s life are more than enough to make her despise being in it anyway. That leads us into Jun and Davis; I had imagined them as having an attitude on gender akin to that of the digimon. I have heard irl people claim to have it, and it gave them the willingness to trade up between the sexes as Veemon. Matt and Kari, on the other hand, are experiencing gender dysphoria in their new bodies to go along with their other troubles.
Unfortunately, none of that is really reflected in how the characters refer to each other... other than Matt and Kari’s dsyphoira anyway. Theoretically, this logic should make for Davis, Jun, and the digimon referring to people by the pronouns of their bodies, but none of them do this. Davis does post-menarche; the symbolism of “becoming a woman” with the first period was to tempting to resist, but honestly that just makes things inconsistent rather than fix them in my mind... I did things the way I did up until then because I feared having my villains renounce their birth gender while their victims cling to it could be seen as transphobic... The more I think on that, though, the less I agree with it, the more ways I can think that I could have addressed it in-universe, and the more problems of that nature that I see with Davis “becoming a woman” as shown.
I’m considering a major retool to address these problems, though I doubt I will do it. I know I’ve said that before about the Chapter 1 retcon, but this would be much more substantial. If nothing else, I won’t touch them tonight.
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keezree · 7 years
okay here i am with more wizardmon head cannons because why the hell not amirite?some are NSFW ish?? but tame enough i guess?
-Wizardmon canonically can preform simple sleight of hand tricks (rabbit out of a hat, paper into doves etc.) So he sometimes will approach you at random with a cough to get your attention then he’ll do a fucking BOW, FLIP OFF HIS HAT WITH FLAIR AND THEN PULL OUT A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS FOR YOU HOLY SHIT! -(he will always pull out your favourite flowers, he asked you a while back but you forgot and to this day you still think he just magically knows what sorts of flowers you like. he insists it IS just magic) - he WILL say “ta-dah!” The goof. -he will also do card tricks with you amongst other magic tricks. Some of them are actual magic because there’s no way he could have hidden that coin in your pocket. he was nowhere near you, he didn’t even touch you gosh! -He believes that this sort of “show” magic is just as important as magicky magic -He has a bit of a prankster side to him according to the wiki so he’ll do little pranks and things, nothing dangerous but just really silly things that he knows he can get away with. he doesn’t want to upset you and knows you wouldn’t get upset with him really but he wouldn’t want to risk it.  -you wake up one day and open your fridge and all the words on the packaging of things has been charmed to read “Hello there :D” -if he draws or writes the :D face then it always has little stitches on it somehow even if he types it electronically. 
- When he learns about april fools day he loses it and now it’s his favourite day besides halloween because you’re SUPPOSED TO PRANK PEOPLE WHAT A CONCEPT!
- He also canonically can read minds and so when you’re together or you look at him and a lewd thought crosses your mind he sort of just turns to you with this awful smug grin with this “really?” look in his eyes. - He will tease you about these things by feigning intimacy. he’ll pretend like he’s going to caress your leg or butt but then he’ll go to grab something else, a book behind you perhaps? (reaching towards your posterior) “well now, here’s something i’d love to get my hands on...This pencil, luckily it was right there behind you!” he sometimes magically makes an item behind you, sometimes impossibly large, how was that giant tome behind you??? it wasn’t there before? He’s doing on purpose! the goof! -when it comes to actual intimacy he’s such a shy mon! he’s interested but he gets so flustered!  -Is unaware what intercourse is for humans and so you have to explain it and you get flustered and OH! You little goof ball you know what it is you’re just trying to tease me again! His grin is too big to hide.  - You ask one day to hold his ungloved hand and it’s probably the most intimate thing he’ll do without being too shy.  -Digimon supposedly have no reproductive organs however Wizardmon can learn transformation magic so he could give himself bits! Or perhaps because of Wizardmons unique nature he may have them already? Or this is an alternate universe where they do have genitals and ??? I don’t know i just like the idea of Wizardong being able to be a thing! -Never in a million years call it wizardong because he will either completely lose it laughing or he will never want to expose it again because he’ll never get the word out of his head. -He finds it hilarious if you call them bits because that is a currency in the digital world. -Despite how hard he tries it still has stitches on it ( if he uses magic to form genitals) -You have to take it sloooow with him. You must woo this mon with romance and candles and maybe incense and soft pillows.  -Treat him gentle! soft kisses! cuddles! praise and hugs! He’s nervous and shy and he never, NEVER shows himself to anybody but he cares for you and wants to be close to you in any way and every way and wants to be a part of you so much but goodness! He so shy it’s so adorable. -He trusts you completely, you’d never hurt him or take advantage of him and that makes him love you all the more. -He’s not really the type to pussyfoot around things. if he has to say something he will. Like if someone is a cruel being or if he notices that there’s something wrong and you need help but good grief this guy has the hardest time saying sweet things to you.  -The day he says “i love you” is such a big moment and he’s maybe shaking a little? though not enough for you to see, he grips his staff tightly to hide his hands trembling. he either looks anywhere but your face or looks directly into your eyes because if he chooses neither of these things to focus on he knows that the words won’t escape his mouth.  -It has taken him weeks to work up the courage to say it because it feels so FINAL and he’s worried perhaps you’ll go seperate ways one day? (you won’t) and what if he’s only a crush to you? (he’s not) and all of these things whirl around inside his head but damn it if the world is going to end one day and he has found you in this lifetime then that MEANS something and he’s going to ACT on those feelings. enough is enough. he’s done arguing with himself. -The day he does say it seems all planned out. you know something is up but you’re not quite sure what. You trust that if he needs to say something or if he’s doing something then it’s probably best just to play along.  -He knows you know, or maybe it’s just his nerves. Now he HAS to say it, there’s no backing out. -when you say it back there’s this huge weight lifted off his shoulders and that’s that. you say it to each other almost every morning and every night now. but in whispers. No one else hears because he wants only your ears to hear it. (help my heart! fuck what am i doing to myself) -he really likes onesies, like adult onesies that can be animal forms with hoods or high collars on them because they are like his suit but some of them are fleece? and you buy one for him one day when he gets uncomfortable being outside his suit when it’s being washed and he LOVES IT AND ITS SO SOFT AND NOW MAYBE HE WON’T TAKE IT OFF AND WEAR THIS INSTEAD OF HIS SUIT! GOSH DANG IT!  -It has stars or moons or both and he ?????? It’s bLUEEE?? He can change it’s colour too if he wants woah!!!  -He charms the moons and stars to shift around sometimes just for fun or practice or to see if you notice and when you do you’re enthralled and he’s happy he was able to make you smile gosh! DANG IT GOSH! -It’s so soft on him and you want to hug him all the time now. Well you did before but now he’s extra cuddly. -He is so smooool. he’s officially 4′9′’ I believe? -you can pick him up -you do pick him up! -He hates it, how embarrassing! -He loves it, you can carry him bridal style and he SHY??? -”Do you really have to keep picking me up? sigh... Well I suppose I’m in no position to stop you. If this is what you want.” he tilts his hats brim down to hide his smile -He can heal himself by stitching himself up? -If you know how to sew you will help him with places he can’t reach well, like his back.  -He’s a bit embarrassed that you want to help him and if he has to take off any part of his suit to let you then he demands a blanket or uses his cape to cover himself. Even if you have been intimate or have seen his bare form before he will still always cover up.  -He will never go swimming with you because he can’t. however if you take him to the beach and you’re in your swimwear he is completely torn between being unable to look away while at the same time he’s frustrated with himself that he’s ogling you. “Get it together mon! Geez! they’re not some piece of meat to be stared down hungrily. but...their butt is really nic-NO STOP!”  -If and only if you were ever somehow alone swimming, maybe perhaps might maybe perchance he would TRY swimming but. BUT.  he.would.wear.FLOATIES! those arm floaties that go around your biceps and he’d be a wretch about it the whole time, staring at them. no, glaring at them but you can’t help but think it’s cute and he KNOWS you think its cute and he’s “okay no that’s it I’m getting out of the water now. I’m perfectly fine over here on the towel.” -he gets back in because you’re there and jeez help your little heart he’s so fricken cute.  -He needs five towels to dry off because he absorbed some of the water because he is made of fabric poor thing. Lord help him if he ever spills any sort of dark pigmented liquid on himself. -luckily he can use his magic to remove the stains. he’s had practice taking care of his plush doll body. -you want to call him nicknames and sweet endearing names but the only one you can think of is DOLL AND IS THAT VERY APPROPRIATE MAYBE JUST STICK WITH WIZZ??? he might get MAD or worse SAAAD! oh no! AHHH that’s it for now i need to go eat food and I have so many more but this is it for the second episode of mel rambles about plush wizard boy. tune in next time for another exciting episode of god damn it help my little heart this stitched little wizard fella gives me such complex feelings that it hurts but i love it anywaaaay okay byeeeee i love you  and SEND ME YOUR HEAD CANNONS IF YOU HAVE ANY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! i need to hear about him all the time forever this is so unhealthy but i don’t caaaare he is my fuel that keeps my spirits fire ignited! He is like the night skyyyyy every time you look up at the stars each night it’s almost like you’re seeing it for the first time no matter how many times you look at it, it always feels new and magical and he gives me that exact same feeeeeling! hELP ME!  i would use that line on him! For real i would nd i would WIN HIS HEART...CORE???YeAH! stop it mel fuck ok bye  
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keezree · 7 years
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i was sitting there and this idea just kinda came into my head and yeah he uses DETERGENT AND FABRIC SOFTENER INSTEAD OF SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER AUGH pardon the self insert I just want to be with him in some way :v :v :v
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{{ I've been thinking a few facts related to Impmon I've yet to outright say and put them into a list.
◇ After digivolving to Wizardmon/Sorcermon for the first time, it will frequently lose its balance and fall
◇ If emotions start getting out of control Impmon and its surrounding's temperatures will alter
◇ ◇ Fear causes temperatures to plummet
◇ ◇ Rage will spike the temperature
◇ Can, though very rarely will, be quadrupedal
◇ ◇ Mostly reserved for when there is a profound need to travel a great distance in a short amount of time
◇ Has a fondness for shiny and nice looking trinkets
◇ Often has had to move around and start over from scratch
◇ ◇ This has made Impmon resourceful and competent in building shelter, but leaves it with next to no personal posessions
◇ While Impmon can be not hungry, ever since becoming a rookie it has never been full to the point it can't eat more
◇ ◇ Impmon also has zero clue as to why
◇ Impmon is extremely touch starved and craves physical affection
◇ ◇ At the same time Impmon is clueless and reserved with boundaries and doesn't want to come across as invading other's personal space
◇ Holding onto and hugging something in its sleep helps it sleep better
◇ No mater what form/stage it is, gentle scratches behind the ear help relax Impmon a great deal
◇ Has a slight personal preference to ice spells over fire, due to its reoccurring nightmare involving a ravenous wildfire
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keezree · 7 years
Hey send me your wizardmons and
And ill...
Just send me your wizardmons
Just do it.
Ginmie your pictures, your theories, your headcannons. Just
Just do it
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